Ep.30 [Philosphy] Challenging Vicarious Atonement [Leviticus Rabbah]

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ןרהא ינבּ ינשׁ תוֹמ ירחא השׁמ־לא ה רבּדיו

וּתמיּו ה־ינפל םתברקבּ

:אניבא רבּ אבּא יבּר רמא

רפאל םירמ תתימ תשׁרפּ הכמסנ המ ינפּמ

רפּכמ הרפּה רפאשׁ םשׁכּשׁ דמּלמ אלּא ,הרפּ

.תרפּכמ םיקידּצּה תתימ כּ [...]

:אבּא רבּ איּח יבּר רמא ,ןרהא לשׁ וינבּ וּתמ ןסינבּ דחאבּ

?םירוּפּכּה םוֹיבּ ןתתימ ריכּזמ המּלו

כּ רפּכמ םירוּפּכּה םוֹיּשׁ םשׁכּשׁ דמּלמ אלּא

.תרפּכמ םיקידּצ לשׁ ןתתימ

?רפּכמ םירוּפּכּה םוֹיּשׁ ןינּמוּ

רפּכי הזּה םוֹיּב יכּ :(ל ,זט ארקיו) רמאנּשׁ ,םכתא רהטל םכילﬠ

?תרפּכמ םיקידּצ לשׁ ןתתימּשׁ ןינמוּ

תא וּרבּקיּו :(די ,אכ ב לאומש) ביתכדּ :(די ,אכ ב לאומש) ביתכוּ ,לוּאשׁ תוֹמצﬠ

.ןכ ירחא ץראל םיהלא רתﬠיּו


And the Lord spoke to Moshe after the death of the two sons of Aharon, when they came near before the Lord, and died; TANAKH


Rabbi Abba bar Avina said:

Why is the death of Miriam juxtaposed to the ashes of the heifer? It teaches that just as the ashes of the heifer atone, so the death of the righteous atones.


Rabbi Hiyya bar Abba said:

On the first of Nisan, Aaron’s sons died.

Why, then, does it mention their death on Yom Kippur?

It teaches that just as Yom Kippur atones, so, too, the death of the righteous atones.

From where is it derived that Yom Kippur atones?

As it is stated: “For on this day he shall atone for you, to purify you” (Leviticus 16:30).

From where is it derived that the death of the righteous atones?

As it is written: “They buried the bones of Saul” (II Samuel 21:14), and it is written: “and God acceded to the entreaty of the land thereafter” (II Samuel 21:14).

Abba bar Avina - אניבא רב אבא: Second Generation Amaora

Yudan-ןדוּי יבּר:

Hiyya bar Abba - אבּא רבּ איּח: Third-generation amoraic sage of the Land of Israel בי:כ


death of Miriam: Miriam's designation as 'righteous' despite her sin of lashon hara (Numbers 12:1-10) illustrates that righteousness can be achieved without dying or making sacrifices. Notably, Jewish tradition identifies four individuals Benjamin, Amram, Jesse, and Kilab who died sinless, solely due to the serpent's counsel (Bava Batra 17a).

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הבר ארקיו - Levitucus Rabbah 20:12

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