2021 Tolton Magazine

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THE LIGHT THAT GUIDES THE FAITHFUL School commissions Fr. Tolton portrait to celebrate 10th anniversary. | PAGE 3


Tolton Catholic’s longest employees look back on the school’s history | PAGE 4-5


Congratulations to our 54 seniors. Learn where they’re heading next! | PAGE 12-13

Message from the President and Principal Dear Friends,

If we have not yet had the chance to meet, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Daniel Everett, and I am the new President/ DR. DANIEL EVERETT Principal of Fr. Tolton Catholic High President and Principal School. I am just finishing my first full year at Tolton, and I am happy to say that it was a very successful year on many levels. I am grateful for the generous welcome that I received this year, and I am looking forward to serving this great Tolton community for many years to come. First and foremost, we were blessed to be able to overcome the challenges of COVID and remain in-seat throughout the entire school year. This was no small feat! I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of our faculty and staff and for the flexibility and optimistic outlook of our students. Together, we were able to ensure another fruitful year for Tolton. We hit the ground running this year. The Vision 2020 committee was able to complete our strategic planning process in the fall. Our strategic plan creates a five-year roadmap to allow the school to continue to grow in a thoughtful and productive manner. If you are interested in the goals that have been set out for the next several years, I would encourage you to view the document; it can be found on our website at toltoncatholic.org/vision-2020-plan. In addition to this, we are also excited to celebrate the school’s 10th year anniversary. To commemorate this anniversary, we commissioned a painting from our own Lonnie Tapia which was unveiled at the celebration. The painting is on display in the Commons, and I hope all of you get a chance to see this incredible image of Fr. Tolton. Looking forward to the coming school year, we are very excited to be welcoming a full freshman class. Tolton’s student body will grow to just under 300 students, and we are all looking forward to another wonderful and blessed year together. No matter how you know Fr. Tolton Catholic High School, I hope that these pages help you find some way to feel connected to the great things that we are doing and to the wonderful environment that our students are able to experience on a daily basis. God bless, Dan Everett, Ed.D. President and Principal

MISSION STATEMENT Inspired by the life of the Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton, Fr. Tolton Catholic High School is committed to providing a college-preparatory education rooted in the Catholic faith and designed to develop each student in Spirit, Heart, Mind, and Body. Its diverse, Christ-centered community seeks to ensure that all students are encouraged to blaze a unique trail in service to God, the Church, and the world.

ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Dr. Daniel Everett | President and Principal Jill McIntosh | Vice President and Advancement Director Gary Link | Athletic Director Fr. Mike Coleman | Chaplain Fr. Paul Clark | Chaplain Rose Lloyd | Finance Director Tim Scherrer | Dean of Academics Laura Sasser | Admissions Director Joe Bradley | Communications Director Brenda Neuhaus | Admin. Asst. for Athletics & Activities Sheryl Partise | Exec. Assistant to the President/Principal

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fr. Chris Cordes, Chair | Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes Rev. Msgr. Robert A Kurwicki | Vicar General, Diocese of Jefferson City Fr. William Peckman | Pastor, Immaculate Conception Dr. Erin Vader | Superintendent, Diocese of Jefferson City Dr. Julie Stansfield | Lay Member Mr. Michael Kelly | Lay Member

SCHOOL CONTACT INFO Address: 3351 E. Gans Road Columbia MO, 65201 Phone: 573-445-7700 Fax: 573-445-7703

Website: www.toltoncatholic.org

@ToltonCatholic TOLTON is an official publication of Fr. Augustus Tolton Catholic High School (Diocese of Jefferson City). All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.


“The Light That Guides the Faithful”

Tolton Commissions Portrait of Fr. Tolton to Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary


n order to celebrate the school’s 10-year Anniversary in a meaningful way, Tolton’s administration wanted to commission a new portrait of Fr. Augustus Tolton to hang in the Commons. They didn’t have to look far to find the perfect artist for the job — Tolton’s art teacher Mr. Lonnie Tapia. The beautiful new portrait, titled “The Light That Guides the Faithful” was unveiled at a special event with Bishop McKnight on May 13 attended by many of Tolton’s long-time supporters. The event also included recognition of the school’s 10-year employees who were presented with custom-made busts of Fr. Tolton (see more on page 4), as well as a video recapping the school’s history (view at https:// vimeo.com/toltoncatholic). But the true highlight of the night was Mr. Tapia’s artwork, which garnered audible gasps and thunderous applause once seniors Grace Schieber and Dylan Seidt moved the blue curtain hiding the portrait. Next to the portrait hangs a bronze plaque that was purchased using contributions from the Class of 2021. The plaque indicates that the painting was commissioned to “serve as a daily reminder to

our Trailblazer community of Fr. Tolton’s charism and inspiration. We are proud to honor this brave man as our namesake as we strive to follow his example by living our faith in Spirit, Heart, Mind and Body.” The following day, a ceremony was held to dedicate and bless the new portrait. Our chaplains and members of the school’s Cultural Diversity Council gathered in the Commons for the event, which was also livestreamed to all students in their classrooms, as well as to the public. During the dedication ceremony, Mr. Tapia spoke of some of the symbolism behind the painting. Starting with the frame, the walnut wood comes from Northern Missouri, near Brush Creek, where Fr. Tolton lived in his early years. The frame is capped with zebra wood from East Africa to represent the converging of black and white. The dove in the top right represents the Holy Spirit inspiring Fr. Tolton. Mr. Tapia also intentionally included Tolton’s blue school colors, as well as the crucifix from our chapel. “The Light That Guides the Faithful” can be seen beaming through the window behind the crucifix. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 3 — SUMMER 2021

“You, us, our school, all of you, will be a part of this,” Mr. Tapia said. “Hopefully you’ll take pride in that and love him as much as I love Fr. Tolton, the man, Fr. Gus.” The boy on the left, representing Fr. Tolton as a child, can be seen standing in hay from a barn, which his family likely would have hid in as they escaped slavery. The wood floor Fr. Tolton is standing on would have been similar to the planks from St. Peter’s Church in Brush Creek, where Fr. Tolton was baptized. In his hand, Fr. Tolton carries a Bible as well as a piece of cloth from a sack he would have used as a child to carry food out into the fields to work, as a reminder of where he came from. He wears a faded, oversized cassock, as he would have mostly worn ill-fitting hand-me-downs. “Hopefully when you speak of Fr. Tolton, with that warm tone with which you speak of our school, you will think of this image of that man who represents us,” Mr. Tapia said. “Think about him and the day he was born. Think about his life, his trials and tribulations. And I do hope that he will become that moral compass for all of us.”

Tolton Recognizes 10-year Employees C

ertainly, a lot has changed since Tolton Catholic opened in 2011, but four true Trailblazers have remained constant: Chaplain Fr. Mike Coleman, History Teacher Pat Kelly, English Teacher Paulina Trammel, and Custodian Ron Comley. We caught up with some of these Trailblazers to ask them about their memories and hopes for the future of the school.

PAT KELLY For Mr. Kelly, the timing of the school opening seemed like divine intervention. He was set to graduate with his teaching degree in 2011 and had been working in the after-school program at OLLIS. As a K-12 Catholic school product himself, the opportunity to work in a Catholic school was exactly what he was looking for in his first teaching position. On the first day of school on the Columbia College campus, Mr. Kelly overestimated how early he should arrive, not wanting to be late his first day. “The result was me getting to the nursing building at about

6 a.m., nearly an hour before anyone else would arrive,” Mr. Kelly said. “The building was locked, so I sat on the front steps and watched one of the most amazing sunrises I have ever seen. I remember thinking, ‘well this is a good sign.’” Despite seeing two mice run by him on his first day in the new school building (what he called ‘a bad sign’), Mr. Kelly enjoyed the challenge of teaching his Government class out of the weight room before the rest of the classrooms were finished. “We had a remarkable group of students and teachers that first year,” Mr. Kelly said. “I remember being shocked at how nice everyone seemed to be to each other. That first year there was a ton of trial and error, and a ton of being flexible, but everyone rolled with the punches and kept a positive attitude throughout the year.” Mr. Kelly is proud of how far the school has come in multiple areas. A school that was barely able to field athletic teams was soon winning state championships. What started with one club, Mr. Kelly’s Aquarium TOLTON CATHOLIC — 4 — SUMMER 2021

Club, has grown to more than 10. Traditions have grown through the House program. Course offerings have increased. “I hope that 10 years from now as we celebrate 20 years, we still maintain the strong culture of faith that this school was built on and that has driven us to this point,” Mr. Kelly said. He also hopes to see alumni returning as teachers, our first alumni priest ordained, and alumni bringing their kids to summer camps and ultimately to enroll them as students. “During a homily in a Mass that first school year, I distinctly remember Fr. Mike telling everyone that the devil does not want this school to succeed and will work against us however possible,” Mr. Kelly said. “Ten years later, looking back on all of the successes of the building it is clear that the devil has lost and Christ has prevailed.”

FR. MIKE COLEMAN Tolton’s beloved chaplain was serving as the pastor of St. Pius X in Moberly when the school opened and started here

Fr. Mike, a constant presence on the sidelines, cheers on his beloved Trailblazers.

Mr. Kelly teaches out of the weight room in the school’s first year.

Mrs. Trammel leads a class discussion in the gym before her classroom was finished.

as a part-time volunteer. He said he made it known to Bishop Gaydos that he would enjoy the opportunity to be the chaplain at Tolton. “He told me he had never heard someone more excited to accept an assignment,” Fr. Mike said. He recalls that five students from St. Pius X would be attending the school, something he was really excited about. “There was school spirit before there was a school,” he said. One of Fr. Mike’s favorite memories from the first year was renting out an entire theater to take the student body to see the movie “The Mighty Macs.” He remembers celebrating the first all-school Mass in the gym on November 1 even before the school was officially dedicated on November 20. In year four he noticed that Tolton spirit wear started popping up all over town as the school began to grow. However, Fr. Mike notes that the enrollment growth hasn’t altered the small feel of the school. “We’ve managed to sustain our sense as a family even though our size has grown,” he said. “At 250-plus kids we’re still doing that and kids still say that’s what they love about the school.” Fr. Mike hopes that in the next ten years the school continues to grow with faith and family as a focus, adding that he

wants the school to be known for working for racial justice as well. “It’s gone by awful fast,” Fr. Mike said. “It seems like we just started.”

few students – many of whom she is still in touch with today. “What I remember most is just feeling the closeness between teachers and staff, as well as teachers and students,” she said. “We had such a strong faith community and the love of Christ was almost palpable in Mass. The sign of Peace was special and so were the retreats where students bonded with each other and really grew in the love of Christ.” Mrs. Trammel recalls just how excited everyone was to move from Columbia College classrooms into the new building. She taught her first English classes in one corner of the gym, with Chemistry classes taught in another corner. She thinks Tolton has made the greatest improvements in the area of curriculum and attributes much of the school’s success to the support parents have shown. Having previously taught for ten years at Quincy Notre Dame High School, Mrs. Trammel called it a true blessing to be able to serve at another Catholic high school. “The faculty/staff with whom I teach and have befriended, as well as the students who I have been fortunate to teach, and the amazing support of parents has left an indelible mark on me and my educational career,” she said.

RON COMLEY One of the true unsung heroes in Tolton Catholic’s history is Custodian Ron Comley. Mr. Comley has been making our building shine for the last 10 years, often arriving many, many hours before the building opens (and staying until the wee hours, if needed, after evening events) to ensure everything is ready to go. Especially during the pandemic, Mr. Comley’s work cleaning surfaces has been crucial to keeping our doors open for in-seat learning. At the end of the year, Mr. Comley will cruise off into a well-deserved retirement in his beloved camper as he looks forward to spending more time with his family, especially his grandkids. “I’ve loved every minute of my time here,” Mr. Comley said.

PAULINA TRAMMEL Mrs. Trammel fondly remembers the interactions she had with students in the first two years when there were so TOLTON CATHOLIC — 5 — SUMMER 2021


Top 10 Traditions at Tolton Catholic 1. House Activities — Whether it’s dodgeball, basketball, pumpkin carving, Christmas tree decorating, dance contests, arm wrestling, or tug of war, our students love competing for House points. Points are tracked throughout the school year with the House Cup awarded to the House that tallies the most points. The House program also puts on many of Tolton’s social events such as Homecoming, Courtwarming, and the Black Light Mixer, a popular dance among students after the first home football game.

Jaydin Clayton (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), Will Tindal (2014, 2015), Brock Mauller (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Jarrett Jacques (2017, 2018), Teague Travis (2018, 2019, 2020), and Brant Whitaker (2020, 2021).

8. Freshmen Election — Each November, this annual class project in Mr. Kelly’s Government class takes over the school’s hallways as the candidates purchase campaign posters using the “Kelly Dollars” they earn from campaign “donors” (i.e. teachers, and club and athletic team representatives). Supported by a team of campaign staff, candidates develop positions on various school issues, raise funds, debate other candidates, and even respond to “scandals” in the lead up to Election Day.

5. Giving Back — Tolton students have always been known for their willingness to give back to others. Not only does each student complete at least 20 service hours each year, but the students participate in bi-annual Blood Drives, a Day of Service, and several other collection drives throughout the year 2. All-School Mass — One of the things we such as diaper drives, canned food drives, 9. March for Life — Starting with five stumissed most dearly during the pandemic and supplies for veterans. dents in 2011, Tolton’s Pro-Life Club has sent was the ability to gather as an entire school students to the March for Life in Washington 6. Powderpuff Game — One of the highfor Mass. Over the years there have been D.C. every year until 2021 when the March lights of Homecoming Week is the annual many different configurations of the student was cancelled due to COVID. Mrs. Tramel Powderpuff football game which pits the jubody for Mass as class sizes continued to has chaperoned eight of the trips, which has nior girls versus the senior girls in a game of grow. Students continue to gather with their grown to more than 50 student attendees in flag football. The competition can be intense House for Mass in the chapel, but nothing recent years. as the team’s play for class pride. Senior girls can compare to the whole student body celehave won every game but one, losing to the 10. Door Decorations — While Mizzou brating Mass as one. We hope we can return juniors in 2019. may be known for its “House Decs” during to that soon! Homecoming, Tolton Catholic has found its 7. Senior Storytelling — Fr. Mike is truly a 3. Nicknames from Fr. Mike — From “The own unique way of spreading school spirit Tolton tradition in his own right, but one of Cobra” to “Slasher” to “Leaping Lizzie”, assignduring Homecoming and other holidays his most unique traditions is his annual “Seing nicknames for students comes naturally by decorating classroom doors. Each year a nior Storytelling.” What started as a homily to Fr. Mike who has been announcing Tolton theme is chosen for the Homecoming Door during a Senior Mass at the end of the year, athletic contests since the school opened. Decs and each homeroom of House plans evolved into its own event as the school grew. their decorations around that theme (i.e. TV 4. State Champion Wrestlers — With Brant Fr. Mike makes his way through the entire shows, Rock ‘n Roll music, etc.). The doors are Whitaker’s State Title this March, Tolton’s 10- senior class in alphabetical order, telling an then judged by faculty, staff, and even alumyear streak of State Champion wrestlers lived anecdote about each senior and how he sees ni who return for the football game. on. Former State Champions include: Jesus in them. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 6 — SUMMER 2021



Spotlight: Ashley Wilkerson Class of 2023 Why was it important to you to attend a Catholic high school? Going to a Catholic school is important to me because my faith has always been a priority in my life. It also allowed me to live out it, especially through service. Going to a Catholic school helped me be assured that I’d continue to build my faith while surrounded by others that believed the same things as me. What have you enjoyed most about being a part of the Tolton community? I’ve enjoyed a lot of things about being a part of the Tolton community, but one of the things that really sticks out to me is how we all support and help each other. It is amazing to see how when one person seems to be struggling we all come together to help them and see how they are doing. It reminds me of a family. Everyone knows everyone and we all help each other. What clubs and activities are you involved in at Tolton? The activities that I’m involved in at Tolton include: Key Club, Vice President of the Pro-Life Club, Cross Country, Volleyball, Blazer Athletic Running and Fitness, Girl’s Basketball manager, and Soccer What have been some of your favorite classes at Tolton and why? I’ve liked all of my classes at Tolton; however, my favorite would have to be my Chemistry class with Mrs. Baratta. She always knew how to keep it interesting and I learned so much through all the labs. It provided us with hands on learning that was very beneficial to our growth.

Seeing Jesus in Cancer Treatments


few months ago I was going through a rough time with my cancer treatments — seven weeks of chemotherapy (3 hours every Monday afternoon) and 30 consecutive treatments of radiation. About 2 weeks into the radiation treatments I had an unforgettable spiritual experience. I found the few minutes of radiation were either slightly uncomfortable or downright painful. I had to stretch out my arms above my head. For many years I have had degenerative arthritic discs from my neck to my lower back. On this particular day I was really hurting. Then my wonderful radiation nurse said very gently, “It’s over, relax your arms now.” I was taken aback when my eyes filled with tears. My radiation nurse (whom I knew well as she is the mother of one of our Tolton Catholic graduates) asked me if I was okay. I told her that when she told me to relax my arms it was over I began to think of Jesus on the Cross. I

responded that the angels and the Father probably whispered the same thing to Him on the Cross. It made me strongly feel the loving presence of Jesus at a very vulnerable moment in my life. As I explained this her eyes brimmed with tears as well. The other radiation nurses came into the room and gently asked if we were okay. As I explained it to them their eyes misted up as well. I would never be arrogant enough to think my suffering was anything close to Jesus. This experience reminded me of how Jesus enters our suffering with us. That’s the power of the Cross. Centuries ago the cross was a symbol of absolute horror. Jesus turned it into the greatest symbol of hope. The Cross reminds me of my favorite Scripture “Remember I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20 Praise you Lord Jesus for the great gift of the Cross. Fr. Mike Coleman School Chaplain



espite limitations on larger events in House this year due to COVID, students continued to compete with their classmates in a variety of competitions for points throughout the year. In the end, the House of Ethelbert, led by Mr. Henderson, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Quinn, came out on top. In addition to friendly competition, House is also a time for students to attend Mass, work on homework, attend various club House of Ethelbert - 2020-2021 House Cup Champions meetings, and meet students from across all grade levels that Place House Points they may not normally encounter throughout the day. 1st Ethelbert 6,050 points House also offers students opportunities to lead. Three se- 2nd Blaise 5,950 points niors from each House make up Maximilian 4,804 points Tolton’s Executive Council, which 3rd is in charge of brainstorming Gonzaga 4,750 points activities and events, as well as 4th running those activities in their Xavier 3,825 points homerooms. Juniors take over 5th these responsibilities during the 6th Sebastian 3,200 points 4th quarter of the year.

Students from the House of Maximillian decided on a “Fr. Mike” theme for their Christmas tree this year. The House also raised funds to buy Fr. Mike a new pair of Apple AirPods.

Executive Council meets with Mr. Kelly Christmas Songs Lip Sync Competition

Halloween Costume Contest

Heads or Tails Tournament

Aquarium Club fills up tanks during House


Dodgeball Tournament


Ellie Mallet (left), runs for a first down in the annual Junior vs. Senior Powderpuff Football Game.

Class of 2022 Mr. Kelly tells me you were really involved with the blood drive this year. Why do you feel called to serve in that way? I think it is so important that we find ways to help others in need. The blood drive was my way to give back to our community. As a Tolton student, I was taught to serve our greater community and I plan to continue to build upon that foundation. What other clubs and activities are you involved in at Tolton? I am involved in Journalism Club (Art Director), Key Club, Executive Council, Student Ambassadors, Volleyball, Track, Swimming, and Basketball (my freshman year).


olton Catholic once again held two blood drives this year and had record turnout. Between the drives we collected 274 units of blood, each of which can save three lives!

What have you enjoyed most about being a part of the Tolton community? Tolton’s community is a family. I have meet so many amazing people who I have learned so much from and admire them for mentoring me. My hope is that I can mentor our future Tolton generation to that level. What have been some of your favorite classes at Tolton and why? Some of my favorite Tolton classes have been Biology, Religion, and Art. Science at Tolton is exciting with the use of the lab. My religious education is important to me and I have been blessed to have great teachers. Art started my love for graphic design. Have you considered your next steps for after high school? My next steps after graduating in May 2022 are to pursue a degree in graphic design with a minor in marketing.


embers of the National Honor Society took part in a spring day of service, picking up trash along Scott Boulevard. In the winter, they held a Toys for Tots Drive, collecting more than 50 toys.


Spotlight: Ellie Mallet


Spotlight: Anthony Alcabasa Class of 2021


ue to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students and parents alike missed one of the most energetic aspects of a high school: attending athletic events. To give people the feeling of being at an event while still maintaining COVID-19 enforced rules, like social distancing and a limited capacity, Tolton Catholic started it’s very own livestream Facebook page for athletics titled Tolton Catholic Live. While many schools livestreamed games, Tolton took it a step further by utilizing student broadcasters, scoreboard graphics, halftime interviews, and several camera angles. The broadcast crew is made up of Tolton students who participate in the Journalism Club, primarily Seniors Drew Freeman, Elliot Bachrach, Max Brucks, Anthony Alcabasa, and Junior Garrett Wilmes. The team broadcasted 17 home basketball games this year - both boys and girls games, as well as Wrestling’s senior night. “I decided to join the broadcasting team when I heard about it through Journalism Club,” Bachrach said. “The idea of being able to call live games to an audience really excited me, and that’s all I really needed to know to decide to join the team.” Senior Madeline Fallis, an avid basketball livestream watcher, said “Their announcing is engaging and funny. It gives the Seniors the opportunity to not miss out on their last chance to watch the games.” Mr. Joe Bradley coordinates all of the livestreaming throughout Tolton. The school started using a software called Switcher Studio to livestream Mass when the school closed last spring. “It’s pretty cool software that allows us to connect several Apple devices to be used as different camera angles,” Mr. Bradley said. “I love that we have been able to get students involved in broadcasting the games. Our fans love them!” - By Mary-Rourke Boyd, Tolton Senior

What were some of your most challenging classes and how do you think they prepared you for college? I think my most challenging classes at Tolton were DC Stats and Honors Geometry. The teachers for both of those subjects respectively taught at a fast pace that will definitely have me prepared for the tempo of my college classes. Why did you get involved in Tolton Catholic Live and what did you enjoy about it? Within my circle of friends, I was always the one that could be counted on to capture the moment. Combined with my love for basketball, I saw recording for Tolton Catholic Live as the perfect opportunity to get involved in a year where there was limited seating. I enjoyed watching all the games from a court-side perspective and being able to provide a platform for all the fans and parents to watch from their homes. What were your other favorite activities? Although tennis was something I had never played until my freshman year, it was one of my favorite extracurricular activities because we made so many fun memories during our road matches and tournaments. I also enjoyed Key Club because it enabled me to breeze through my service hours. What did you enjoy most about your Tolton experience? For me, the best part of my Tolton experience was being able to stay around most of my friends from middle school as well as making new friends. I think there’s a special bond between the student body and the staff that creates a strong community and a supportive environment. What are your future plans? For now, my plan is to major in accounting at the University of Missouri. My primary goal is to travel to different countries around the world and experience all that life has to offer.



ormally when relocating a family halfway across the country trance to monitor students as they entered the building. for a new job, you would like to have a little time to settle in. • Students and staff wore masks throughout the day, except Maybe get a chance to check out local restaurants, unpack boxes, when eating. and ease into your new life. However, there was not much time • Lunch was served in individual to-go boxes. The seating in the for that when new President and Principal Dr. Dan Everett and his Commons was re-arranged to provide more spacing between family arrived in Columbia in late June. Dr. Everett had a month students, while upperclassmen ate in the Gym bleachers. and a half to figure out how the school could continue with in-seat • All-School Masses and House events were attended by smaller learning as well as extracurriculars, while minimizing risk of congroups and livestreamed to the rest of the school. tracting COVID-19. With the local public schools going virtual for • Floor stickers and signs (such as “Leave Room for Jesus”) were the start of the year, the pressure was on to demonstrate we were installed throughout the building to remind students to keep making the right decision to have students in-person. their distance in halls. Through a series of meetings with his administrative team, Dr. • Hand sanitizer was used when entering classrooms and desks Everett came up with a 15-page “Return to School” document, were sprayed down at the end of each period. released to families in early August, outlining all the steps Tolton • Attendance at athletic events was limited. planned to take to keep students safe. Here are just a few of the • Webcams and new speakers were installed in each classroom primary measures Tolton took this year: in order for quarantined students to attend class virtually. • In order to maintain social distancing in classrooms, we replaced our two-person table desks in the majority of classWe are so grateful for the support and cooperation from everyrooms, with single-person desks, on loan from Helias Catholic. one in the Tolton family to ensure we were able to stay in-seat this • A temperature screening camera was installed at the front en- year. We are optimistic that things will return to normal this fall! TOLTON CATHOLIC — 11 — SUMMER 2021


Tolton Able to Remain In-Seat Throughout 2020-21 School Year


Jarod Aholt Drury University

Anthony Alcabasa University of Missouri

Elizabeth Andriano University of Missouri

Elliot Bachrach Brandeis University

Meredith Baker Westminster College

Emma Barnes University of Missouri

Paige Bedsworth Drake University

Madeline Fallis University of Missouri

Grace Farnan Rockhurst University

Sidney Fessler William Jewell College

Drew Freeman Missouri State University

Ross Hagan Undecided

Lauren Hervey Illinois State University

Tess Holtmeyer University of Missouri

Abigail Mayhan University of Arkansas

Maggie McGuire Central Methodist University

Katy Mehan Fordham University

Caroline Neuner University of Missouri

Noah Nichols State Tech

Gabe Pfenenger University of Missouri

Samantha Poehlmann William Woods University

Grace Schieber Missouri State University

Dylan Seidt Missouri S&T

Jaclyn Sexauer Southeast Missouri State

Hayden Sleeth University of Missouri

Ren Steevens University of Missouri

Tyler Stevens University of Missouri

Erin Theede Missouri State University

Drew Vossler State Tech

Alex Weimer Missouri State University

Anna Wells Missouri State University

Brant Whitaker North Carolina State

Allie Widmer University of Missouri

Paul Wilson Sam Brown Barber School



Mary-Rourke Boyd Kansas State University

Max Brucks McPherson College

Chris Cameron University of Kansas

Khoi Do University of Missouri

Joel Eboreime DePaul University

Hanna Hulshof Oklahoma City University

Sarah Kiefer University of Missouri

Nathaniel Krebs University of Missouri

Leah Lutz Maryville University

Noah Manie U.S. Marines

Kennedy Martin University of Missouri

Ella Redford University of Missouri

Audrey Rege Columbia College

Jack Richards University of Missouri

Max Rodhouse University of Missouri

Kate Sasser University of Missouri

Gabriel Schelich MACC


KANSAS McPherson College Kansas State University University of Kansas

MISSOURI Central Methodist University Columbia College Drury University Maryville University Missouri State University (6) Missouri S&T Moberly Area Community College Rockhurst University (2) Sam Brown Barber School State Technical College of Missouri (2) Southeast Missouri State University University of Missouri (18) University of Missouri-Kansas City Westminster College William Jewell College William Woods University

MASSACHUSETTS Brandeis University

NEW YORK Fordham University

ARKANSAS University of Arkansas

Kelli Vogt UMKC

ILLINOIS Depaul University Illinois State University IOWA Drake University


NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina State University

Lizzy Wright Missouri State University

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City University



Jayden Berrey Rockhurst University



he 2020-21 academic and athletics-activities year will be one that was filled with many challenges, but also very special as well. Most importantly, we were able to have in-seat learning in our school from the first day to the last day — a very special thank you to everyone that helped make that possible. We were also able to compete in 20 GARY LINK sports and many activities and clubs Athletic and Activities in more than 315 varsity events. Director Every graduating senior received a least one varsity letter in a MSHSAA-sponsored activity. Our three core values in athletics and activities are respect, responsibility, and privilege. We are blessed with an outstanding coaching staff who help reinforce these values from the first day of practice to the final game or event of their season. We certainly had many exciting victories and a few tough losses. We experienced tears of joy and tears of sadness, but most importantly we all stayed together as a team and school and grew from all of these experiences. Highlights this year included four team state championships (shown on the right), as well as 2nd place for Girls Golf and 3rd place for Dance. We also had several individual state champions this year, including: Brant Whitaker (Wrestling), Christian Rischer (Boys Golf), our Boys 4x800 track relay (Jarod Aholt, Nathaniel Krebs, Drew Freeman, and Garrett Wilmes), as well as the 4x400 relay (Aholt, Krebs, Wilmes, and Braden Willmeth). I truly believe everyone involved in our athletic and activity programs grew in spirit, heart, mind, and body this year. I know I did too and I’m already looking forward to doing it again in the 2021-2022 school year. I hope you all have a fantastic summer and perhaps even take a minute or two to reflect back on all the challenges and positive experiences we shared together at Fr. Tolton Catholic High School the past school year. I know my grandmother is smiling down on all of us from above because she always taught me, “If someone gives you a bag of lemons, look them straight in the eye, thank them, put a smile on your face, add a little sugar and make the best lemonade you have ever had.” I think the “lemonade” we shared this year at Tolton Catholic was very special indeed. God Bless You All and GO BLAZERS! Gary Link, Athletics and Activities Director

BOYS CROSS COUNTRY: Class 2 Champions

CHEERLEADING: Class 2 - Large Champions

SOFTBALL: Class 2 Champions

BOYS TRACK: Class 2 Champions TOLTON CATHOLIC — 14 — SUMMER 2021


Spotlight: Christian Rischer Class of 2022


ur Varsity Scholar Bowl team outscored Christian High School 350 to 230 in the final round to win the District Championship! The team also won the AAA Conference Championship.

What have been your most memorable experiences on the Tolton Golf team? Winning State will always be memorable, but I think the most memorable moment for me was my very first tournament as a Freshman. I remember the team bus ride, playing, and then eating together afterwords. To me, when I think of Tolton Golf I will always think of the team my Freshman year. Golf is a sport where you miss quite a bit of school. How do you balance school with athletics? It’s a challenge because it is so easy to put off school work. I would say just scheduling a time in the day where you have to do homework helped me a lot. Also trying to pay attention in my classes so when tests came around I didn’t have to study as much.

What have been some of your favorite classes at Tolton and why? AP European History was my favorite class for sure. Mr. Henderson does a great job teaching it like a story which I really enjoyed. He is very engaging and I like history so it’s an easy choice. I also enjoyed AP Physics. Mrs. Baratta is so smart and I enjoyed the end of the year project where we built a trebuchet to launch a tennis ball. It was definitely the most hands on science class I have taken which I really liked. What are your plans for the future? I don’t know what the future holds and I just try to live day by day. That being said, I would like to play college golf and just keep on improving both academically and athletically.

ith the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. canceled this year due to COVID, Tolton’s Pro-Life Club opted to host a march of its own around the lake behind the school.


What do you enjoy most about Tolton? The thing I enjoy most about Tolton is the size. I feel like the classrooms are a great learning environment. It is small enough that you know almost everyone while still having good-sized classes.



he Blazer Band returned to the field and the court this year for halftime performances and participated in virtual competitions. The band took home first place in the Southern Boone marching band competition, and earned a “Superior” rating at the virtual Festival of Concert Bands, the highest rating possible.











4. BOYS SOCCER The Trailblazers finished the season 7-14, losing to Southern Boone in the district championship game. Tyler Stevens was named First-Team All-State.

7. GIRLS GOLF After breaking school records for best 9-hole and 18-hole team scores, the Girls Golf team took home their fifth straight District Title. They advanced four golfers to the State tournament where the team finished second. Freshman Audrey Rischer finished as the State runner up, and Seniors Jayden Berrey and Madeline Fallis made the All-State Team.

1. SOFTBALL Softball won their first State Championship with a 4-1 victory over Penney! The Blazers finished the season 23-3. Paige Bedsworth, Madison Uptegrove, and Bridget Bartlett were all First-Team AllState. Bedsworth set the Missouri career strikeouts record with 1,131. 2. FOOTBALL Due to COVID, injuries, and low numbers, Football was only able to play seven games this year. They finished 1-6, winning their only home game against Missouri Military Academy. 3. GIRLS TENNIS The Girls Tennis team set a school record for wins this year with five and advanced to District Semifinals with a 5-0 win over Fulton. Meg Duncan won the individual district title and Sarah Kiefer finished second.

5. DANCE Our Dance Team earned 2nd in Pom, 3rd in Jazz and 3rd overall in the Division 1 State Competition. The ENTIRE team made Academic All-State. The Blazer Girls also won the Farmington Invitational and took 1st in Pom at the AAA Conference Championships. 6. CROSS COUNTRY After winning their first District Championship, the Boys Cross Country team went on to win their first State Championship in Class 2. Both Garrett Wilmes and Drew Freeman finished in the Top 25 to make the All-State team. The Girls team finished second at districts to advance to state, where they finished 8th in Class 3. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 16 — SUMMER 2021

8. CHEER The Tolton Catholic Cheer team won the State Championship in Class 2 - Large for the third consecutive year, their fourth overall championship. Claire Thurnau, Erin Theede, Alex Weimer, Quincy Shepherd, Sydney Fisher and Carley Sapp made the All-State team. 9. VOLLEYBALL Volleyball finished the year with a 10-6 record and advanced to the District Championship for the first time in four years.










10. BOYS BASKETBALL Boys Basketball won the District Championship with a 66-57 win over Fulton. The Blazers advanced to the State Quarterfinals before losing to Westminster Christian Academy. They ended the season with a 14-8 record. Jevon Porter was named to the Class 4 All-State team.

13. GIRLS BASKETBALL Girls Basketball faced a difficult AAA schedule this year as well as several other larger schools and finished 5-18. The team won their District Quarterfinal matchup with New Bloomfield.

12. WRESTLING Tolton wrestler Brant Whitaker won his third consecutive State Title, winning the Class 1 170 lb. weight class. Whitaker finished the season a perfect 30-0 and will wrestle for North Carolina State next year. Justus Martin also qualified for state.

15. GIRLS SOCCER Girls Soccer finished the season with an impressive 15-5 record, earning the top seed in the district. They advanced to the District Championship, losing a heartbreaker to Oak Grove in penalty kicks. Samantha Poehlmann was named First-Team All-State. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 17 — SUMMER 2021

17. TRACK AND FIELD The Boys Track team won their first State Championship with first-place finishes in the 4x400 and 4x800, and 2nd place finishes in the long jump, 400m, and 800m. The Girls Track team advanced to state in four events: 4x400, 800m, 1600m, and 3200m. 18. BOYS TENNIS Boys Tennis had one of their most successful seasons yet, finishing 5-5 in matches. Landon Petri and Bill Powers finished second in Doubles at Districts and advanced to Sectionals.


11. SWIMMING Swimmers Lauren and Lindsey Hervey both qualified for State in the 200-yard and 500-yard freestyle. Lindsey placed second in both events and Lauren placed 3rd in the 500 and 4th in the 200.

14. BOYS GOLF The Boys Golf team advanced three golfers to the Class 3 State Tournament , including Christian Rischer who fired an even-par score of 144 over the two-day tournament to win by eight and become the second individual golf champion in school history.

16. BASEBALL Baseball won its first-ever District Championship with a 3-0 win over North Callaway. The Trailblazers advanced to the State Quarterfinals with a thrilling walk-off win in extra innings over Palmyra, before losing to Elsberry, 6-4.

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Gina Mauller

Notes from the Advancement Office




President ’s












assistance applications reached an all-time high in the fall of 2020 with many families facing, or recovering from, financial challenges related to the pandemic. The unwavering support of the extended Tolton community and local parishioners ensured that all Trailblazers were able to continue their in-person, faith-based learning without interruption; for that, we are unequivocally grateful. Logically, this record breaking productivity also resulted in a record year for 2020 Blazer Society membership, which we were blessed to celebrate in person at the annual Tolton Tribute event in April. (See list of Blazer Society qualifers and President’s Circle inductees below.)




The winning team from the 12th Annual Tolton Golf Classic, which benefits tuition assistance.



t this point, many of us have grown weary of the term “unprecedented” being associated with the 2020 calendar year. In our school’s case, however, I’m compelled to use that term for overwhelmingly positive reasons. Yes, our approach to the 2020-21 school year was unprecedented from many operational facets... but it was also unprecedented as it pertained to our advancement activities. Despite the overall economic challenges our society faced on a larger scale, 2020 was the highest grossing calendar year on record for Tolton fundraising. In fact, overall philanthropic support from our local community was up nearly 18%, which is absolutely remarkable. We recorded significant year-overyear growth in both unrestricted operations support (the lifeblood of any private/parochial school even during a “normal” year) and in scholarship giving. Not surprisingly, tuition



PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE 2020 QUALIFIERS Tim and Crystal Elliott Robert and Lucille Horne David and Jennifer Ries Anonymous Donors The President’s Circle recognizes cumulative “lifetime” giving of $25,000 or more to the Tolton community across all giving areas and programs.

Alan & Megan Anz David & Lori Atkins Bert & Sandra Bachrach Raymond Beck Anonymous Donor Tony & Betsy Bonderer Ginny Booker Boone Electric Cooperative Adam & Angelique Clapper

As we conclude the 10th Anniversary year since our school’s founding, we want to extend our sincere gratitude not only to our financial benefactors, but also to the many other constituencies who help our Tolton Catholic community thrive on a daily basis — our faculty and staff, our alumni and former families, our parent and grandparent volunteers, and local business partners. The dedication shown for our Trailblazer community is both humbling and inspiring; on behalf of Blazer Nation, I sincerely thank you. God Bless, Jill McIntosh

BLAZER SOCIETY 2020 QUALIFIERS Judy Davis Tim & Crystal Elliott Larry & Paulette Fick Dan Fischbach & Marge Skubic Msgr. Michael Flanagan Bo & Terry Fraser Joe & Kim Gorman The Harrison Agency, Inc. Robert & Lucille Horne Knights of Columbus Council 14414 Robert & Theresa Lober Jill McIntosh Charlie & Judy Nemmers

Orscheln Industries Foundation George & Joni Pfenenger Ronald & Myrna Powers Tom & Carolyn Reddin Chuck & Susie Register Patrick & Gwenn Roche Jim & Kathy Schauwecker Larry & Doris Schmidt Joanne Slama John & Susan Stolwyk Anonymous Donors John Gahl & Kate Trauth Carroll & Judy Wilkerson Gary Winter

The Blazer Society recognizes those who contribute $1,000 or more in a given calendar year to Tolton’s Trailblazer Fund. The Trailblazer (Annual) Fund supports general operations at Tolton Catholic. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 19 — SUMMER 2021

Each year, we are delighted to recognize the many individuals and businesses who have blessed our school with monetary gifts, event sponsorships and in-kind donations. Thanks to those who supported Tolton Catholic people and programs during the 2020 calendar year! Thanks to those who supported our General Operations in 2020 with gifts to Academics, Activities, and the Trailblazer Fund Dennis and Crystal Aholt George and Kay Ahrens Amazon Smile Foundation Richard and Jennifer Anderson Adam and Holly Andrews Todd and Michelle Ankenman Alan and Megan Anz Paul and Deborah Appling David and Julie Arment David and Lori Atkins Bert and Sandra Bachrach Bryan and Suzette Bacon Robert and Rebecca Baker Debbie Barnes Barbara Bauman Joe and Rosaline Baumann Raymond Beck Allen and Stacy Becvar John Best Big Hitters, LLC Matt and Donna Blauch Michael and Renee Block George and Ginny Bockwinkel Ed and Jewell Bode Ginny Booker Boone County Electric Cooperative David and Ashleigh Boyd Matthew and Carrie Broniec Triston and Angela Brownfield Melvin and Kimberly Brucks Brumfield Drywall Sandy Brumfield Bucket Media, Inc. Jason and Courtney Burchfield C & S Construction Stanley and Brenda Campbell Brian and Bridget Canaday Raul and Bibiana Castillo Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City Claud and Joyce Chastain Edward and Judith Chmielewski

Thomas and Susan Ciolino Adam and Angelique Clapper John and Heather Cleek Thomas Cleek William and Barbara Cocos Vita Collins Columbia Waterproofing, Inc. Columbia Orthopaedic Group Columbia Pet Center Fr. Chris Cordes Barry and Jacqueline Cox Curt Cunningham Jonathan and Lori Curtright Judy Davis Dentistry by Design - Drs. Jon & Valle Rischer Jeremy and Leanne Diener Lawrence and Margie Diggs Alan Dodds John and Ellen Drummond Stephen and Diane Dulle Drue and Liz Duncan Rita Edwards Tim and Crystal Elliott Mark and Monica Evans James and Debra Farnan Lawrence and Paulette Fick Geraldine Finley Dan Fischbach and Marjorie Skubic Msgr. Michael Flanagan Cameron Foss Bo and Terry Fraser Bonham and Sarah Freeman William and Lauren Fretwell John Gahl and Kathleen Trauth James and Jean Gately Bishop Emeritus John Gaydos Kyle and Rita Gibson Lainie Giovanini Nick Giovanini Sam and Mandie Goedrich Betty Gooding Joe and Kim Gorman The Graphic Edge Helen Griffin Jeff and Kim Guinn

Gary and Amy Gundy James and Kathleen Haaf Thomas and Elaine Hagan Brian and Kelly Harrison Theresa Harvey Bill and Barbara Henderson Martin and Gertrude Henke Robert and Donece Henke Mike and Jami Hentges Dan and Karen Hoernschemeyer Gary and Kimberli Holtmeyer Robert and Lucille Horne Robert and Holly House Karin and Alan Hulett Harold and Kathy Hull Kenny and Renee Hulshof Robert and Marie Hunter Jay and Diane Hunze Tim Imhoff Mike and Jean Jenner Cissy Jolley Cheri Jones William and Annette Jostes John and Beverly Kabrick Eugene and Virginia Kazmierczak Cheryl Kelly, State Farm Insurance Robert and Christine King Mary Klenklen Knights of Columbus Council #14414 Knights of Columbus Council #1529 Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Michael and Christine Konrad Kevin and Tammy Kormeier Stephen and Theresa Krebs Msgr. Robert Kurwicki, V.G. Jason “JR” and Rachel Lawless Marvin and Judith Lewis Rose Lloyd Robert and Theresa Lober MAC Appraisal Sandi Mackley Forrest & Laura Maisells Mary Marks Julia Marsh Brandon and Erin Martin Michael and Dana Martin Jeremy and Amanda McBee Diane McCain Jill McIntosh Kevin and Ellen McLain Eron McMenamy Craig and Christine Meyer Thomas and Lisa Meyer Patricia Miller Michael & Amy Mills


Randall and Julie Mobley Gwen Moe Renee Molner Robert and Lisa Monsees Mary Moore Jean Murray Charles and Judith Nemmers Gerald L. Nies Dan and Michelle Niles Sandra Ogle John O’Hara Joyce Ohmes Ericka Oliver Orscheln Industries Foundation Edward and Sheryl Orscheln William and Abbie O’Sullivan Pepsi Beverage Company George and Joni Pfenenger Ronald and Myrna Powers Marydeth Priesmeyer Scott and Stephanie Priesmeyer Glenn and Betty Rackers Ryan and Andrea Reddick Thomas and Carolyn Reddin Chuck and Susie Register Jason and Dana Reynolds Thomas Richards and Melissa Lawson Norbert and Donna Richardson Mark and Danette Robb Patrick and Gwenn Roche David and Holly Roseberg Tammy Rounsavall Terry and Julie Ryan Clifton and Jennifer Salmons Aaron Sander Mike and Marchea Sarrazin Jeff and Laura Sasser Sandra Sasser Aaron Saucier Jim and Kathy Schauwecker Larry and Judith Schepers Eugene Schmidtlein Kenneth and Elizabeth Schroeder Steve and Tracy Schultz Michael and Julie Seda Janet Selby Thomas and Regina Selva Simmons Bank Kathryn Sinquefield Joanne Slama Phillip Smith Joseph and Susan Soha Gordon and Joyce Spainhower Freddy and Jessica Spencer Tony and Aimee Spicci

Stansberry Capital Management Les and Esther Steinhoff Robert and Valerie Stevens Robert and Doris Stoecklein John and Susan Stolwyk Bill Suntrup - Suntrup Auto Family Dennis and Linda Sutherland Steve and Corie Taylor Garry and Kathryn Teeple Joe & Paula Thompson Matthew Thornburg and Susie Early Jason and Dawn Thurnau Tiger Towing Randy and Marion Timmerman David and Mary Tollenaar Mark and Brenda Travis Jonathan and Erin Tuller Al and Stephanie Vargesko Timothy Vargesko Bruce and Pamela Walker Richard and Missy Walls Fred and Betty Weisel Monique White and Joel Saeger Daniel and Juliana Wieberg Msgr. Michael Wilbers Robert and Barbara Wilhite Carroll and Judy Wilkerson David Wilkinson Scott and Paulette Wilkinson Matt and Carla Williams Robert and Carole Williams Jared and Rebecca Wilmes Steve and Kristie Wilson Gary Winter Jimmy Wright Thanks to our 2020 Advertising Sponsors American Family Insurance - Alan Beam American Family Insurance - Verlin Beam Bear Creek Family Dental - Dr. Kyle Shull Becvar Optometry - Drs. Allen and Stacy Becvar Central Missouri Orthodontics - Dr. Steve Taylor Cleek’s, Inc. Columbia Orthopaedic Group Doc and Norm Direct/Mo-X Edward Jones - Bill Fretwell Edward Jones - JR Lawless Edward Jones - Gina Mauller Hawthorn Bank of Columbia

Hulett Heating & Air Conditioning Hy-Vee Parker-Millard Funeral Service & Crematory Rogers Ehrhardt Attorneys at Law Rutter & Sleeth Law Offices Shelter Insurance - Mitch Theede Agency Simmons Bank State Farm Insurance - Cheryl Kelly State Farm Insurance - Brian Hazelrigg Wilkerson & Reynolds Wealth Management Spring 2020 Golf Classic Contributors Todd and Michelle Ankenman Atterberry Auction and Realty Company Ed Bartel Joe and Debbie Bellmer James and Deana Berrey Bessemer Trust-Hardymon Family Foundation Fred and Kelly Bietsch Bley & Evans, LLC Michael and Renee Block John and Holly Boyer Joe and Ellen Bradley Brumfield Drywall Mike and Kimberly Chappell John and Angela Claas John and Heather Cleek Cleek’s, Inc. Columbia Oral & Maxillofacial Services - Dr. J. Adam Andrews Dale and Martha Eberhard Edward Jones - JR Lawless Stephen and Tracy Evers Five Ball, LLC Bo and Terry Fraser John and Cindy Glennon Greg Golden Greg and Melissa Hagen Parker Hartman Hawthorn Bank of Columbia Brian Hazelrigg, State Farm Insurance Dan and Karen Hoernschemeyer Daniel Hubbard Michael and Stephanie Kleffner Rod and Valerie Massman John and Shannon Mertens Richard Miller Orscheln Farm and Home Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School Peak Sport and Spine

Michael Powers Professional Contractors & Engineers, Inc. Rogers Ehrhardt Attorneys at Law Terry and Julie Ryan Jeff and Laura Sasser SilverTree Companies, LLC Socket Robert and Bonnie Steinmetz Joey Stetser Steve and Corie Taylor Danny and Mickie Trim UPS Store #1428 - John Kadlec Timothy Vargesko Wagner Portrait Group, Chip Wagner Bruce and Pam Walker Danny Wells Keith Whitney Wilkerson & Reynolds Wealth Management Roy and Betty Youtsey Sean Zullo 2020 Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Fund Contributors Joel and Sherry Austin Bryan and Suzette Bacon Raymond Beck Robert and Peggy Collins Matt and Stephanie Forck Beverly Giangiacomo Gerard and Jane Grewe McGivney Catholic Education Fund Peabody PAC Steve and Betty Sapp Larry and Doris Schmidt Stephen and Mary Shifley Thanks to our 2020 Blaze of Glory Gala Contributors Sally Ambromovich Richard and Jennifer Anderson Adam and Holly Andrews Aaron Angel API Fitness - Michael Egnew & Jerrell Jackson David and Julie Arment David and Lori Atkins Atterberry Auction and Realty Company Bryan and Suzette Bacon Karri Ball, Health = Wealth Bank of Missouri Debbie Barnes Allen and Stacy Becvar Wayne and Linda Benoit


Matt and Donna Blauch Ginny Booker David and Ashleigh Boyd John and Holly Boyer Joe and Ellen Bradley Matthew and Carrie Broniec Gerald and Bonnie Brouder Melvin and Kimberly Brucks Kathleen Bruegenhemke Chris and Jessica Bruemmer Stephanie Bryant Bucket Media, Inc. Jason and Courtney Burchfield Dan and Amy Burks Brian and Bridget Canaday Raul and Bibiana Castillo Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City Central Bank of Boone County Central Missouri Countertops Mike and Kimberly Chappell Rob and Rosemary Christensen Adam and Angelique Clapper Fr. Paul Clark John and Heather Cleek The Clip Joint - Stacey Dexter Vita Collins Columbia Orthopaedic Group Columbia Oral & Maxillofacial Services - Dr. J. Adam Andrews Concannon Medical Spa Travis and Amber Condict Fr. Chris Cordes Shirley Corwin Brian and Stephanie Crane Judy Davis Ray and Ann Davis Fred DeMarco Dale Diener DogMaster Distillery, Van Hawxby Brian and Karen Douglas Linda Early David Eggen John and Marcie Elfrink Dave and Lilly Elliott Endovac Animal Health LLC - Steve Knorr David and Linda Evans Bennet and Kim Fallis Richard and Jane Falter James and Debra Farnan Dan Fischbach and Marjorie Skubic Don and Dolores Forck Bo and Terry Fraser Tim and Karen Freeman Tim and Melissa Freeman

Mrs. Christine Fuller John and Cindy Glennon James and Kathleen Haaf Greg and Melissa Hagen Larry and Pat Hamann Miriam Hankins Bruce and Kate Harry James and Raelene Head Jonathan and Elizabeth Heidt Mike and Jami Hentges Raymond and Marilyn Hentges High Spirits Farm - Allison Cantrell Thomas and Rebecca Highland Dan and Karen Hoernschemeyer Nancy Horn James and Lisa Howard Karin and Alan Hulett Kenny and Renee Hulshof Mike and Jean Jenner Jerry’s Instrument Repair Fred and Mary Lou Juettner Paul and Meta Kanago Michael and Cheryl Kelly Kelly Fields Boutique - Claire Kelly Daniel and Colleen Kliethermes Michael and Christine Konrad Norman W. Lampton Jason “JR” and Rachel Lawless Richard and Jeannie Lawless Les Bourgeois Winery Lighthouse Car Wash - Jeff Pfannenstiel Michael and Karen Litteken Rose Lloyd Stephen and Stephanie Long Sam and Mary Losapio Beth Luebbering Patrick and Eleanor Madigan Ronald and Marcy Markes Julia Marsh Collin and Erin McCarty Jill McIntosh Craig and Christine Meyer Richard Miller Stephen and Kristy Murphy The Music Suite - Pat Rybolt Nauser Beverage - Mike Chappell Kathy Lou Neale Charles and Judith Nemmers Brian and Candy Neuner John Neyens - Klingner & Associates, P.C. Carol Nierling Robert and Judy Nolke Joyce Ohmes

John and Debra Oliveras Mark Olsen and Deborah Quick Gerald and Sarah Orth Our Lady of Lourdes Interparish School Palen Music Center Brian Parks Peak Sport and Spine George and Joni Pfenenger Patrick and Teresa Pinhero Michael Powers Ronald and Myrna Powers Scott and Stephanie Priesmeyer Primaris - Rick Royer Professional Consulting Services, Inc. Red Weir Thomas and Kelly Redford Chuck and Susie Register Alex Register Theresa Reilly ReproTech, Ltd. - Brent Hazelrigg Thomas Richards and Melissa Lawson Matt and Vanessa Robe Rogers Ehrhardt Attorneys at Law Tammy Rounsavall Terry and Julie Ryan Nylene and David Sage Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Clifton and Jennifer Salmons Carl and Ann Schaeperkoetter Jim and Kathy Schauwecker Seth Schelich N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co. Jeanette Schirmer Steve and Tracy Schultz Ahmad and Marjorie Shouman Ramsey and Cari Shouman Simmons Bank The Southern Rose Freddy and Jessica Spencer Tony and Aimee Spicci St. Thomas More Newman Center John and Julie Stansfield State Farm Insurance - Cheryl Kelly Jeffery and Josephine Steevens Scott and Debbie Summers Bill Suntrup - Suntrup Auto Family Norbert and Martha Sutter Stephen and Connie Sutter Scott and Julie Swain Steve and Corie Taylor John and Susan Tharp Mitch and Jennifer Theede Matthew Thornburg and Susie Early Scott and Kristine Thrasher Jason and Dawn Thurnau

Randy and Marion Timmerman The Tin Roof-Nicole Morris Adam and Angie Tipton James and Megan Tipton Michael and Keri Tipton UPS Store #1428 - Attn: John Kadlec Al and Stephanie Vargesko Ronald and Carol Vossen Matt and Lisa Waterman Monique White and Joel Saeger Wilkerson & Reynolds Wealth Management Carroll and Judy Wilkerson Jared and Rebecca Wilmes John and Josie Wooldridge Michaela Wright

Jim and Kathy Schauwecker Tom and Sharon Schauwecker Delores Shirley Ann Struckhoff Norman and Rosemary Stuckenschneider Lynne Taylor Mary Thompson Robert and Judith Tobben Tim and Jenna Tobben Mary Tribble Terry and Donna Unnerstall Roger and Nancy Walkenhorst Rick and Monica West David and Casondra Winkles Terrie Young

Thank You to Those who made Memorial or Tribute Gifts in 2020 Joel and Sherry Austin Ernest Barbee Dennis and Christine Beck Raymond Beck Anthony and Betsy Bonderer Kathleen Bruegenhemke Clemson University - SC Crop Improvement Assoc. Wendy Eckelkamp Cordill Fred DeMarco John and Patricia Dowd LB and Bonnie Eckelkamp Marilyn Eckelkamp Robert and Sharon Fennell Edward and Helen Fick Sharon Fischer Noel and Betty Fischer Bo and Terry Fraser Frederick and Nancy Fritsch Greg Golden Zach and Madalyn Gramke Harlan Hackett Robert and Sheila Hogan William and Ellen Holtmeyer Leo and Carolyn Johnson Ruth Jurgensmeyer Kiwanis - Golden K Foundation Stephen and Theresa Meystrik Sydney and Patty Morrow Robert and Judy Nolke Jack and Sheryl Odle Peabody PAC Ronald and Myrna Powers Chuck and Susie Register Marvin Register Schaefer Door Company

Any omission or error is simply a slip of the pen, not a slip of the heart. Please alert us if our records require attention.


Note from the Admissions Director


t Tolton Catholic High School, our purpose is steadfast to provide our students with the best whole person education in the area. To be a Trailblazer is to be a part of a community of students, parents, faculty, and staff that supports each other to help students succeed. Students grow in spirit, heart, mind, and body while at our school. Students develop a professional relationship with the faculty and staff, which helps them be successful. We attract a variety of students and families, and we are a regional Catholic high school serving our parishes in Columbia, Boonville, Moberly, Mexico, Fulton, Martinsburg, Macon, and Glasgow. Students choose Tolton Catholic over closer-to-home options and when they arrive as a Trailblazer, they dive in head-first to all we have to offer. You will not find a closer community than Tolton Catholic or a more special family-focused environment. Whether it’s academics, athletics and student involvement, or spirituality, you will find something that brings you to Tolton Catholic High School. If you want to join our family of Trailblazers, contact me to setup a visit or tour. Call me anytime at 573.445.7700 to schedule a personal tour or email me at lsasser@toltoncatholic.org with any questions. Sincerely, Laura Sasser, Admissions Director

OPEN HOUSE October 20, 6-8 p.m.


Remembering Coach Salmons


amily and friends of former Assistant Girls Basketball Coach Earl Salmons, Jr. have come together to create a scholarship in his memory. Honoring his commitment to shaping the skills and character of young people in our community, this scholarship is intended to foster a diverse student body by making a Tolton Catholic education more accessible for students of color, or any student with significant financial need. For more information, visit toltoncatholic.org/financial-aid.

Senior Week Events


s we head into our second decade, traditions are especially poignant. To celebrate our Class of 2021, we intentionally wove a few new traditions in with the old - after all, one is silver, the other gold! We kicked off Senior Week 2021 with a Spirit Tunnel on their last day of classes. We also launched a new Senior Picnic and Yearbook Signing event that, without a doubt, will become an annual affair. And special thanks to both our Trailblazer Parent Association (TPA) and Tolton Empty Nesters (alumni parent, TEN) Club for hosting the inaugural Senior Pancake Breakfast! The seniors enjoyed a meal and time to hear Fr. Mike’s traditional “senior storytelling” before making their way to graduation rehearsal. Especially meaningful, the Class of 2021 also started a new tradition. Together, they brought to fruition the first Senior Class Legacy Gift, pooling their resources to purchase a lovely bronze biographical plaque to accompany the new Fr. Tolton painting displayed in our Commons. Thank you, Class of 2021!


Jack Parker | Blazer Alumni Achievement Award Winner


y the time Jack Parker graduated from Tolton Catholic in 2017, he was one of the most decorated athletes in the school’s history. It will be tough to top him too, as Jack won three individual golf State Championships in his four years. Jack went on to play golf at the University of Missouri, where he will exercise his fifth year of eligibility this coming school year. He plans to use the year to earn a Masters Degree in Economics. When friends attend Tolton athletic events, they will text Jack photos of his name hanging on a banner in the gym. “It reminds me of how big a role Tolton played in my upbringing and development as an athlete. It means a lot,” Jack said. “Three things really stand out to me [about Jack’s golf game]. I call them DDD,” Tolton Assistant Golf Coach Joe Bellmer said. “Number one he had serious determination. It was off the charts how determined he was. Second one was he had unbelievable desire to play his best golf. And the third one is he was extremely dedicated.” Jack was destined to be a great Trailblazer from his middle school days at OLLIS. A talented artist, Jack was part of the project that helped design the logo for the school, choosing the horse to represent the Trailblazers. However, Jack was chosen as the 2020 Blazer Alumni Achievement Award recipi-

ent for far more than his athletic and artistic talents — it was how he uses his talents to help others and how he treats everyone around him. “You will never, ever hear Jack say something negative about anybody,” Joe said. “He’s one of the most rare individuals I’ve met.” As part of the Mizzou Made initiative, Jack has enjoyed serving with other athletes at organizations such as the Food Bank and the VA. “He’s good at drawing, he’s good at painting, his conceptual ideas were always strong,” Art Teacher Mr. Tapia said. “But I want to talk about just how good of a person he was. He was kind, considerate. He was all

the things that I want to be when I grow up.” Jack has always been available to help mentor Tolton golfers (including 2021 State Champion Christian Rischer). He recently designed the “Rally for Big Red” logo — a caricature of Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid — which was printed on shirts and hats to sell for Special Olympics. He has even donated art pieces to sell at Tolton’s annual Gala. As part of a class project at Tolton, Jack and classmate Clayton Neuner, launched a clothing brand called “Vintage Huskey” which they continued operating in college. Mr. Tapia enjoys touching base with Jack and says Jack still owes him a game of golf where the student can become the teacher.

Tony Spicci| Fr. Augustus Tolton Service Award Winner


s the father of Sophie Spicci, a 2016 Tolton graduate, Tony Spicci was heavily involved with the school. From driving the Cheer team to competitions, to helping organize the annual raffle, Tony certainly has made an impact on our community. “I think the greatest benefit of being involved at Tolton is the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life,” Tony said. “These four years of high school represent potentially the last four years that you’ll have that intimate relationship with your child. By being involved in the school I was able to TOLTON CATHOLIC — 24 — SUMMER 2021

participate in many of her events, see her accomplishments and her milestones, and also be a part of an institution that was providing those things to her.” However, it’s all the things he did for the school outside his time as a Tolton parent that truly stood out and made Tony worthy of the Fr. Augustus Tolton Service Award. Even after Sophie graduated, Tony remained involved with the school, serving on the chain gang for football games, as well as serving lunch to students on Fridays. “I’ve always viewed Catholic education as a whole as a community,” Tony said. “We were one of the first families to come to Tolton so we were heavily involved for four years because our daughter was here. But

we recognize the importance of community, and the importance of giving back to an institution that gave so much to us.” Before the school opened, Tony helped raise money from families in Sophie’s class at Columbia Catholic School (now OLLIS) to go toward the school’s construction. He then served on the inaugural advisory committee. One of Tony’s favorite volunteer roles was coordinating the car raffle, which supported the school’s athletics and activities. He enjoyed getting to know new families through the process of loaning out the car for sales events. “We raised a lot of money and I got to drive around a mustang,” Tony said. “If there was a need, [Tony] found a way to fill that need and he found volunteers, and

he did it with a smile on his face,” said Tolton Finance Director Rose Lloyd. “He was so passionate about this school and he makes everybody else find that passion.” Outside of his volunteer roles with Tolton, Tony has served as president of his Rotary Club, volunteers with Missouri Task Force One, and was even inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame for his role on the chain gang at Mizzou football games. Tony and his wife Aimee currently help coordinate events for the TEN (Tolton Empty Nesters) Club. “The longterm goal of the TEN Club has always been to become a powerful force for helping the school, whether it’s through service or any type of project where we can lend a hand to offer support.”

Raymond Beck| Fr. Augustus Tolton Service Award Winner


urrent Tolton Advisory Council Chair Jay Burchfield once described the group of people Tolton had working to get the school opened as a “team of Michael Jordans.” Perhaps the MVP of that squad would be Raymond (Ray) Beck who was chosen to serve as the Project Manager. His role involved heading up the building subcommittee, which worked with architects, engineers and construction contractors and reviewed construction bids. Having spent 21 years as the Columbia’s City Manager and another 24 years supervising Public Works, Ray was the perfect man for the job. One of Ray’s biggest impacts on the project was his insistence that a third floor at least be shelled in until the school’s enrollment grew and additional funds could be raised to finish it. Sure enough, the third floor was completed in 2014 to make room for growing classes. “When I worked for the city, everything we had was designed to be expanded, either go up more or out more. I just never believed in tying to a maximum, I guess, so we changed the plans.” Another innovative idea was designing the chapel with a garage door in the back so that seating for All-School Masses could be

expanded out into the Commons area. Ray’s friend and Tolton alumni parent Jim Schauwecker points to Ray’s expertise of how to work through the city, county, and state as invaluable to the project. “We’re celebrating our 10th anniversary, but this project started 20 years ago,” Jim said. “It was started and stopped. But when Ray and Dee [Ray’s late wife] got ahold of the project, there was a will to make it happen.” Jim described Ray as a true servant leader, a wonderful neighbor, a wonderful human being with a deep faith foundation, and someone who leads by example. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 25 — SUMMER 2021

“I remember Ray Beck coming out of the office at Our Lady of Lourdes the day the steel was ordered,” Jim said. “The joy in his face and his voice was infectious. He said ‘a lot of people never though this would happen.’ Ray and Dee always did.” Ray and his wife Dee also purchased the refrigerator for the school’s kitchen and establish a scholarship for incoming 8th graders. “I thank the Diocese, Monsignor Higley, the Bishop, the committees in Jefferson City I met with, and the local people. It was just wonderful to get it done. I think it will be there a long time,” Ray said.

Paying it Forward... In a Big Way


ack in 2018, our team was surprised and delighted to hear from a couple from outside the Columbia community who had no personal connection to the school, but indicated simply that they “wanted to make a gift.” Gerard and Jane Grewe’s intentions were well thought-out and specific – they wanted to honor the legacy of their Columbia relatives, John and Dolly Kadlec, with a scholarship endowment. For those who don’t know, John Kadlec (also known as “Mr. Mizzou”) served as the color analyst on the Tiger Radio Network for 16 years. John played football for the Tigers under Don Faurot in the 1940s and worked two stints as an assistant football coach. He later directed the Tiger Scholarship Fund at Mizzou. In 1996, John was inducted into the MU Athletics Hall of Fame. John and “The Doll” were an inspiring example of love and commitment - to each other, their community, and the Church. Dolly passed away in 2011 at the age of 82, not long after the couple’s 60th wedding anniversary. John joined her in Heaven in 2014 at the age of 86. The Grewe’s attribute much of their early

relationship success to the Kadlec’s example, support and mentorship early in their marriage. The couple was aware of the role John, especially, had played in early fundraising efforts to help establish Fr. Tolton Catholic High School. The Grewe’s officially set up the endowment in late 2018, as intended, and were able to award four scholarships the inaugural year. Even more humbling, however — the Grewe’s have continued to grow the fund significantly over the last three years. The John and Dolly Kadlec Scholarship Endowment is now sufficient to fund twelve annual scholarship awards at Tolton Catholic, in perpetuity. Half of the annual awards are need-based and available to any new or returning student with demonstrated financial hardship. The remaining awards are merit-based, and are awarded to returning Tolton students only, based on grade point average, disciplinary record, and service hours. John and Dolly’s son, Johnny, is a former Tolton parent (daughter Katherine graduated from TCHS in 2017), and he continues as an active volunteer with the school. He was

John and Dolly Kadlec

touched to learn of the Grewe’s additional commitment. At the Grewe’s request, he’s been personally involved in the evaluation of applicant finalists who meet the criteria for the scholarship each year and couldn’t be more excited to expand the outreach and impact of these awards. The world needs more trailblazers like John and Dolly, and the generosity of the Grewe family is making that possible.

Putting Faith Into Practice


ames and Sharon Fischer devoted most of their married life to shaping the next generation — Jim within federal and higher education circles of influence, and Sharon as a religious educator. After Jim’s passing in June of 2020, his family hoped to continue their tradition of supporting Catholic education in a way that honored Jim’s legacy and their collective family values. Professionally, Jim was a recognized leader in renewable energy, and personally, Sharon served as a long-time advisor to Tolton’s Key Club service organization, so it’s quite fitting that the family chose to pay tribute to the pair’s respective endeavors by establishing a sustaining, perpetual fund for the purpose of “mul-

tiplying” the impact of student service activities. Specifically, the James and Sharon Fischer Family Fund supplements the budget for the Tolton House system to expand opportunities for Trailblazers to undertake House projects focusing on the greater good, feeding the poor, and caring for neighbors. The family views this as a teaching tool, to support students in conducting handson charitable works that directly and indirectly evangelize the faith and Catholic social justice principles. As the Tolton Catholic community works to shape new disciples through formative programming, this family’s partnership and generosity are a shining example of faith made manifest. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 26 — SUMMER 2021

James and Sharon Fischer


We want to give a special thank you to the volunteers from our Advisory Council and Trailblazer Parent Association for their service to the Tolton community!

ADVISORY COUNCIL Jay Burchfield | Chair Holly Bennett Tim Elliott Jeff Guinn Cheryl Kelly Theresa Krebs

JR Lawless Steve Long Avila Hendricks Nilon Matt Robe Connie Sutter

TRAILBLAZER PARENT ASSOCIATION LEADERS Lane Reddick (2014), Johnny Cleek (2014), and Orie Hemme (2014) Congratulations to these three 2014 graduates who each welcomed Little Blazers into their families! Montgomery Mills (2020) Montgomery received All American honors at the national wrestling invitational meet by placing third for Westminster. Brock Mauller (2018) Brock reached the semifinals of the NCAA wrestling championships with Mizzou and was named an All American. CONNECT WITH TOLTON ALUMNI ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

Group: Official Tolton Catholic Alumni @Tolton_Alumni


Matt Broniec | President David Steffes | President-Elect Connie Sutter | Treasurer Mimi Timmerman | Secretary Dawn Thurnau | Marketing/Social Media Chair Annette Jostes | Concession & Gate Committee Chair Gavin Brumfield | Apparel & Spirit Wear Committee Chair Kim Fallis | Community Development & Care Committee Chair Teri Pinhero | Team & Club Parent Committee Chair Chad Mallett | Welcoming Committee Chair

UPDATE ALUMNI MAILING ADDRESSES Attention former Tolton parents: Tired of receiving your adult son or daughter’s alumni mailings in your mailbox??? You can conveniently update their mailing address online! Visit: toltoncatholic.org/alumni-updates/

FACULTY & STAFF UPDATES RETIREMENTS After 10 years serving Tolton as the school’s custodian, Mr. Ron Comley will ride off into the sunset in his RV to enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Mr. Jeff Hagan also retired this year after a 30-plus year teaching career, including two years at Tolton teaching history. WELCOME BACK After four years away, Mr. Brian Parks returned to teach music at Tolton after a previous stint with the program from 2012-2016.

FUTURE TRAILBLAZERS Cora Jo Bradley Communications Director and Golf Coach Joe Bradley and his wife Ellen welcomed their first child, Cora, on August 15, 2020. TOLTON CATHOLIC — 27 — SUMMER 2021

Carsyn Frankie Chick Business Teacher and Baseball Coach Ehrich Chick and his wife Amber welcomed their second child, Carsyn Frankie Chick, on April 7, 2021.

Fr. Tolton Catholic High School


3351 E. Gans Road Columbia, MO 65201





Grandparents Day Event — September 24, 2021 Join us for the 3rd Annual Grandparents Day event at Tolton Catholic on September 24. The day will include Mass, school tours, and classroom visits. Tolton families - please be sure we have your grandparents’ contact information to invite them!

10th Annual Blaze of Glory Gala — November 6, 2021 For tickets, or to sponsor a table, contact Jill McIntosh at jmcintosh@ toltoncatholic.org or 573.445.7700 (ex. 2109).

Homecoming — October 8, 2021 Come watch the Trailblazers take on Hogan Prep! Our Homecoming Queen will be crowned at halftime. We want to extend a special invitation to our alumni to return home.

Golf Classic — May 2, 2022 Four-person scramble with a number of prizes at the Country Club of Missouri. Proceeds benefit the Tolton Catholic Tuition Assistance Fund. Contact Laura Sasser at lsasser@toltoncatholic.org for more information.

Open House — October 20, 2021, 6-8 p.m. Come meet with faculty and students at Tolton Catholic to learn about our academics, faith, community and activities!

@ToltonCatholic www.toltoncatholic.org



Graduation — May 15, 2022 More details will be available at a later date, but be sure to mark your calendars and notify out of town friends and relatives!GOLF CLASSIC

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