Mellow Magazine October 2007

Page 36

How to send an email from Hotmail. For the next few months we will be covering some basic “how to’s” of computing. This month it is emails. As there are so many different email service providers it is impossible to cover them all. However, the basics this article will cover apply to all of them. For your own email service follow the principles covered here but bear in mind the detail will be different. Emails (electronic mail) are documents that are created and transported on the internet. They can be simple documents or have other files (such as pictures or movies) attached to them. This article will not cover attachments. It will only cover sending a basic email by Hotmail. Hotmail is provided by MSN and is probably the most widely used email service in the world. You can obtain an email address, free, by visiting their website (www. If you have difficulty call into our shop in Poble Nou and we will assist you or set one up for you. Other free providers such as Yahoo and gmail (Google mail) are also available. When you want to send an email you have to visit the provider website and sign in. Once you have signed in, go to your inbox (a folder which contains all of you incoming mail, you can sort your mail after it arrives into folders of your own choosing) by clicking “My Messages”. It is worth doing this first to see if you have any emails that require urgent replies. Once you are in your inbox, you are presented with a list of emails you have received. Click on “New” to open a compose window to create your email. The basic screen has five boxes for you to complete (we will complete three of them). The first “To:” box is for you to enter the recipient’s email address. You can enter email addresses manually or by using the address book on the right hand side of the screen. Email addresses are of the format xxx@yyyyy.zzz (where xxx is the person’s specific address, after the @ symbol depends on the recipient’s email service) generally they are all in lower case Male/Female (small letters) but hotmail will convert if you Ostrich wanted forget this. If you want to send the email to (or both). more than one address, this is possible by separating the email addresses by semicolons (e.g. steve@sandscomputers; sue@ Please Call Now sandscomputers; etcetera; etcetera).



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Generally you will not need to complete the “CC:” or “BCC:” boxes. These are for Carbon Copies or Blind Carbon Copies respectively. If you send an email to someone as a “CC” you are telling them this is only really for

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