TTL Fall 2011 Magazine

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Ӫਮҧ፜ѓ၆ॎგ! Premium College Admission Package (PCAP)

ඪ‫ټ‬IJijԑ઻ӣᏰ ҧ፜Ӫਮ߳ᜌॎგŗŊő݈୛ ϚΣӪਮ߳ᜌӒ᚞ଝາġ

ᢊ!ୢ!୲!Ι ᒚၚϱৠ Ᏸҡ੫፴Ѕငᡛ৤౪ SAT, GPA, ፞Ѵࣀଢ଼ᐌᡝ၌‫ݙ‬ ᒵᐅӪਮЅᓃ‫ڥ‬ᐠ౥Ϸ‫ݙ‬ ЀᏰ๊౱ंଆЅೣგ ӨਮՌ༈Ϸ‫ݙ‬ Ռ༈๊౱ॎგЅ‫ׇ‬ԙ ௰ᙨ‫ڒ‬ᐌ౩Ѕ࡚ដ Өਮ७ၐ‫׬‬ѽ༈௲ Өਮҧ፜ߒቷਯ ЅሎӇ

Since 2002



ࠊໍᓻ፵τᏱ࢑Κ఩ࢌᅟߞέᖠٛ‫ޠ‬ၰȂ ࡇφሰ्Κထ๼ ऽყ໦ȂಡЗ೤დؑΚঐᕘ࿾Ȃ Р૗ጃߴᛨୋӵٗ‫ؑ׈‬ΚؐȄ

AIOP ࢑හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹ ଲȂᐍӬ‫ܛ‬ԥ ၦྜȂ‫ٸ‬ᐄؑ ঐࡇφ‫ܛ‬ሰϛ ӤȂ་ӓΩᆡ З೤დȃԥਞ ௢ᆔӓโࡿᏳ ‫ޠ‬ӓР՞Ёτ ᏱህᏳॏฬȄ



Ᏸ ॏდєࢃ;! ஠ཿ‫ܓ‬ӪขᡜȂᑺ፹ϸ‫ݚ‬ȂᏱཿຠզ І፟โᒶঔࡿᏳȄ 2ᄈ2ۢ៬ୱᒛၛȄ ೤დࡿᏳ‫ڟٯ‬ֆҨ፝ᓻ፵፟ѵࣁ୞Ȅ ӓР՞ЁτᏱࣻᜱ፟ཿІՄၑህᏳȄ ӫਯҨ፝є၇ॏฬ)QDBQ*




Since 2002

Your success begins here


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Since 2002


Ň?Ô‘ŕĄ™Ďƒŕ Žá–żŕ§´ŕź‰ÔŞâ€ŤÚ?‏ŕľ&#x;Č‚৴Ő?Ԥ༊Č‚৽Ďš௼‍ڧ‏๪ŕľ&#x;ྡྷӪČ„

ྡྷӪ á‹ĽáŒŁ

Palo Alto



Education Media

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ŕˇ„ŕ´žŕ° â€ŤŰ ŮŠâ€ŹŃ‘ ThinkTank Education Magazine

ŇŹá“ƒ 06. Consulting Department – History To Date 08. ŕˇ„ŕ´žá’›á ›áƒ§ŕťŚâ€ŤÝ˝Ţ â€ŹŕĽŻ

ŕˇ„ŕ´žŕ° â€Ťŕ¸śŮŠâ€ŹŐ˜!Published by ThinkTank Learning! 2011ŕ¤ŽŰ Ń‘!Fall Issue!ഝёܟ2007Ô’1ĐŁFirst issue is released in January,2007 Ń?‍!޲Ţ?‏Publisher ŕˇ„ŕ´žŕ° â€ŤŮŠâ€Źá ŚŕŹŠŰ Ń‘! ThinkTank Learning Education Media á–ƒáŒ˘á’Ż!Chief Editor T.K. Hu áŒ˘á’Ż0೪ŕĽ?!Executive Editor / Art

10. AIOP (All-in-One Program) 11. ๼ऽŕĽ?დ 12. Coaching and Much More for Chinese Students Looking to U.S. 14. Ó“Đ Őžáˆ…á?łĎœŕ­žá?ąŇ˘ŕť?Τŕ¤œŕ­žĎ„á?ą! ! 16. 10 Foods to boost your brainpower 17. ÎŤá†ŽŃ Đżá‰Šŕť?á€&#x;Ίâ€ŤŢ‘ŕĽśŢ â€Ź

Pauline Chan, Chris Pai Đ?Ô†ਯᄈ0ᙛណ!Proofread / Translation

18. ŕŹžÓ…।â€ŤŢ â€Źáƒąá“?ČˆŕŹžÓ…।ղϏሰŕĽ?áƒąá“?â€ŤŢ â€ŹŕŚŠÓą!!

Pauline Chan, Chris Pai ÓľÖŽ!Address

20. Do You know the Answers?!

4701 Patrick Henry Dr, #14, Santa Clara, CA 95054 á‚Źá ˜!Telephone No. 408.330.9300 ŕź‰ŕŞŽ!Fax No. 815.371.2411 ᆪ֎!WebsiteĎœŕ­žŕ˘’ážŁŕ¤ŒChina* Ň?ё‍ܛ‏ёĐ?áƒ¨Č‚â€ŤÜ›á ?Ţ?‏Լ/!չ޲Đ?ŕłąŐ?༓Ȃّá?¤Ď›Ń…ß“Ň?ё‍ޑ‏Ȅ

23.!ॊ‍ܓ‏ဗฯ 24. â€ŤÜ™â€Źŕąąâ€Ť×şâ€Źá Śß­ŕŹ‹SFJUtâ€Ť×şŢ â€Źá Śá?Ąŕ˝˝! 25. ŕˇ„ŕ´žŕ° â€ŤŮŠâ€ŹÓŠĎ¸ŕ¨Żŕ¤ŽŰ á?&#x;ŕš‚ß“


29. Instructors Introduction ŕˇ„ŕ´žâ€ŤŢ â€Źá“ťá?ľŕ° ৲ထ 32. ŕ ĽŐ¤Ď„á?ąŕ˝´Ň˘ŕ§šáž‚๞ུᆚ i-iii. ĎŠ੽á?ąŇ˘ŕŹźŕ¨?á–?44ŕž’Ôšá …ŕ° Đ‰Đľ


Consulting Department – History To Date the results. We let our work speak for itself and to date, our guarantee program has maintained an overall success rate of 83%.


2007 marked the introduction of our prediction model. Following the success of the guarantee program, we created the “Predictor� – a proprietary algorithm through which we were able to predict student application success. The Predictor has been a staple of ThinkTank’s College Consulting division, and it has allowed us to provide our clients with a level of detail unmatched in the industry.

ThinkTank Learning is pleased with the extent to which both our Academic and College Consulting divisions have been embraced since their launch nearly a decade ago. However, this is not to say that we’ve rested on our laurels. Our position at the vanguard of college consulting strategies has been accompanied by the drive to continually modify and improve both our products and our service. Our Premium College Admissions Program (PCAP) was launched in 2004. At a time when academics and test scores were considered the sole criteria for college admissions, the importance of crafting a unique and genuine personal statement was misunderstood. ThinkTank Learning worked tirelessly to develop a program that would both identify the unique qualities of the student as well as to illustrate these qualities in a compelling but coherent manner.


2005 was a testament to the successes of our services. Once the results of the class of ZHUH UHOHDVHG LW ZDV DQ DIÀUPDWLRQ that pioneering may entail great risks, but it also yields great rewards. We had proof that our methodologies were sound, and to further develop our services, we created an integral role: Essay Consultants – professional writers extensively trained in shepherding students through the college essay writing process.


The current generation of our consulting services truly began in 2008 when we introduced our PCAP Early Action program, which emphasized a long-neglected area of the college application: the personal SURĂ€OH 7KH HPSKDVLV RQ H[WUDFXUULFXODU activities was a new phenomenon in the college consulting community, and we at ThinkTank are proud that we stood at the forefront of such a movement.

ThinkTank introduced our Guaranteed PCAP program the following year. With the utmost faith in our abilities, the guarantee offered clients what they were most concerned with


2009 was the continuation of development, which expanded our staff and also introduced our proprietary software, the ThinkTank Database. The TTD has enabled us a platform to ensure the highest level RI FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH ZKLOH XWLOL]LQJ $UWLĂ€FLDO Intelligence to provide the best level of consultative services possible.

3. What universities and majors will we be applying to?

Our All-in-One-Program, or AIOP, came in 2010, and was the largest expansion thus far of our consultative services. Education, of course, does not begin and end with prep classes, tutoring, or the college application. It is the aggregate of years of academic and personal development. With this realization, we sought to provide the best service by including all that a student would need – reading and writing coursework, personalized tutoring, our premium college counseling service, and so forth. To date, we have had enrolled over 250 students, and have maintained a stellar customer satisfaction rating.

It is a ThinkTank’s philosophy that each student can excel, but each student’s path to excellence may be unique. Through each of ThinkTank’s services, particularly our PCAP program, we look forward to getting to know each of our students to provide the best experience, service, and results possible.

At ThinkTank Learning, we not only help families answer these questions, but with years of experience, our consultants strive to prepare all students for success in college and beyond.

It is perplexing why universities expect high school seniors to think and express themselves as adults when they are still teenagers! In the world of composition and writing, a personal statement can be best GHVFULEHG DV D UHĂ HFWLYH QDUUDWLYH something that is never taught or practiced in school, and which is certainly not instinctive.

7KLV EULQJV XV WR WKH SUHVHQW )RU WKH ÀUVW KDOI of the year, we have focused on a holistic improvement of our services, implementing more extensive staff training, better student/ parent interaction, and a re-energized focus on customer service. For the remaining year, our consulting department will deliver the most successful college application season in the company’s history. ThinkTank Learning is proud to announce the separation of our consulting group into two departments: our academic and college consulting teams. Each group will provide the highest level of service while holding detailed knowledge in LWV UHVSHFWLYH ÀHOG

A thorough understanding of self is essential to a successful personal statement and it is something that takes willingness, time, and talent to effectively express. ThinkTank consultants assist the student in their self-knowledge, as well as how to express this knowledge through the college application. Prior to the release of the 2012-2013 college application prompts, we are working with RXU ULVLQJ VHQLRUV RQ WKH 3HUVRQDO 5HĂ HFWLRQ Prompts, a three-level program designed to help students better understand themselves and their interests before beginning the college essay.


onsulting As the college application season is quickly approaching, it is time to begin planning for your child’s future. The questions below are what must be asked and understood before moving forward in the application process:

We are looking forward to what this year holds, as well as the many success stories our students will tell. And, who knows? One of these stories could be yours.

1. What do our student’s interests lie? 2. What are we planning for after high school and also after college?


ം౼ හാᒛၛყ໦‫ݽޠ‬९ Ӷ3118ԒȂහാఁ‫ॷي‬Ԫථ໡ຠզ‫ق‬ಜ‫ޠ‬ ८઴Ȅᆨ௦຀ߴᜍॏდ‫ޠ‬ԚѓȂ‫ש‬উ഻ആ яΚঐུ‫ޠ‬౱ࠣȂӫ࣐ȶӫਯҨ፝ຠզ‫ق‬ ಜȷ˕!ѻ࢑Κ৉஠ւ‫ޠ‬ᅌᆘ‫ق‬ಜȂѠп ਍‫ٿ‬ႲขᏱҢҨ፝τᏱ‫ޠ‬Ԛѓ౦ȄȶЁτ ᏱႲขঢ়ȷϑစԚ࣐Πහാఁ‫ي‬ЁτᏱᒛ ၛഌߟ‫ޠ‬М࢙Ȃңпණ‫שٽ‬উ‫ࡋޠ‬Йഷၐ ᅿ‫ޠ‬ၦଊȂ೼࢑ཿࣩ‫ڐ‬уᝰ‫޲ލ‬ณ‫ݳ‬୉‫ژ‬ ‫ޠ‬Ȅ


ԟӶΟԒࠊ഻ᒳߒ෉Ȃහാఁ‫ܛي‬ԚҴ‫ޠ‬ ፟ཿІЁτᏱ‫ޠ‬ᒛၛഌߟ൸ϑစц΢ᅗ ཏȄดՅ‫ש‬উ‫ٯ‬ϛӱԫᏽࡨϛࠊȂ࣐ٙӶ ЁτᏱᒛၛስ஀‫ޠ‬Ӓ៯Ȃ‫ש‬উᄈܼՍٙ‫ޠ‬ ౱ࠣᇅ݉ଡ଼‫ٸ‬ᙠϛ୅ӵ഻ུȃ‫ً׾‬пಓӬ ዙࢻ‫ޠ‬ሰؒȄ Ӷ3115ԒȂ‫ש‬উ௱яΠӫਯҨ፝є၇ॏდ )QDBQ*ȄӶ࿌ਣȂᏱཿІՄၑԚᕽᗚೞ࿌ ձτᏱᓄ‫ڦ‬ᏱҢ‫୳ޠ‬Κຠ໕ࡿዀȄτഌϸ ‫ޠ‬΢എϛ२ຝԄե‫ױ‬ϮಞՍϐ‫ޠ‬Нതቹூ ᇅಁϛӤ‫ٯ‬й઎አ୞΢Ȅහാఁ‫ي‬ӓЗӓ Ωึ৥я೼ঐॏდȂң‫׳ڐ‬яঐրᏱҢ‫ޠ‬ ੬፵Ȃ‫ٯ‬й਴ᐄؑঐᏱҢ‫ޠ‬ᑀ੬‫ܓ‬ђпє ၇ԚЖ΢‫ݨ‬ҭέচ៬ԥ఩౪‫ޠ‬НതȄ


Ӷ3116Ԓ‫ש‬উُᜍΠ഻ུ݉ଡ଼‫ޠ‬ԚѓȂ ȶ୉ΚঐӒ៯޲‫܂܂‬ཏ‫ک‬຀ᐋ྄॓τ‫ॴޠ‬ ᓏȂկηཽழ‫྄ٿ‬τ‫ޠ‬ԞᛧȄȷ࿌‫ש‬উࣽ ‫ژ‬16ԒԚ‫ݏ‬я‫ޠٿ‬ਣ঑൸࢑೼ᆎདញȂᜍ ݃Π‫ש‬উ‫ޠ‬Р‫࢑ݳ‬ᄈ‫ޠ‬Ȅ࣐Π‫ໍ؂‬Κؐึ ৥‫ש‬উ‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼Ȃ‫ש‬উ഻ആΠΚঐᐍӬ‫ޠܓ‬ ِՔ!˕!Κ଺‫ڨ‬ႇஞ໲ଌጜȂң‫ٿ‬ழስᏱ ҢኦቹЁτᏱ฼Н‫ޠ‬ቹձࡿᏳყ໦Ȅ

Ӷ3119ԒȂུΚх‫ޠ‬ᒛၛ݉ଡ଼౱ҢΠȂ ‫ש‬উᆏϟ࣐ණࠊྦറӫਯҨ፝є၇ॏდȂ ң‫ٿ‬஽።Κঐߞ෉ೞ‫܈‬ຝ‫ޠ‬ЁτᏱԹՔӵ ழȈঐ΢ၦਠᔭ਱Ȅ!ᄈܼЁτᏱᒛၛ݉ ଡ଼‫ٿ‬ᇴȂ஽።፟ࡤࣁ୞‫ޠ‬፵໕௢‫ښ‬ϑစԚ ࣐Κঐུ‫ޠ‬౫ຬȂහാఁ‫ي‬Ѡп࡟ᠯ༈ӵ ᇴ‫ש‬উ࢑યӶ೼‫ݱ‬੐ዙ‫ޠ‬ഷࠊᓟȄ

ܼ3117ԒȂහാఁ‫ي‬௱яΠߴᜍӫਯҨ፝ ॏდȂ‫ژ‬ҭࠊ࣐ЦȂ‫ש‬উᗚ࢑ᢋୣ୳Κණ ‫ٽ‬ณਞӓ᚟ଞ෢‫ޠ‬ఁ‫ي‬ᐡᄻȂ‫ש‬উᄈՍϐ ‫ޠ‬૗Ωᛅܳ຀྄τ‫߭ޠ‬ЗȂණ‫ٽ‬๞ঢ়ߞউ ഷᜱЗ‫!˕!ٲޠ‬Ҩ፝τᏱ‫ޠ‬Ԛ‫ݏ‬Ȅ!኶Ԇ ཽᇴၘȂ‫ژ‬ҭࠊ࣐ЦȂ೼ঐॏდ‫ޠ‬Ԛѓ౦ ାႁ94&Ȋ

Ӷ311:ԒȂහാఁ‫ٸي‬ᙠϛ୅ࡼ៊ӵึ ৥ȂଷΠӶ΢সα‫ޠ‬ᘘጢѵȂη௱яΠහ ാᑀঢ়ःึ‫ޠ‬೻ᡞ˕ȶහാၦਠ৳ȷȂᙐ ᆏUUE)UijolUbol!Ebubcbtf*ȂUUEණ‫ٽ‬


Ӷහാఁ‫ي‬Ȃ‫ש‬উϛ༊ᔔֆঢ়ߞউӲ๏೼ ‫ٳ‬ୱᚡȂစҦӼԒ‫ޠ‬စᡜತᑗȂ‫ש‬উ‫៬ޠ‬ ୱထࣦՎևΩஊᎵᏱҢ֊ԟ࣐τᏱпІτ Ᏹ౴ཿࡤ‫ޠ‬Ԛѓ୉ྦറȄ

Π‫ש‬উΚঐ҂ѯȂѠпၽңBJ΢Ϗහኌ џጃߴ‫ש‬উ‫ࡋޠ‬Йᒛၛ݉ଡ଼ᆱࡼӶഷାЬ ྦȄ Ӷ3121ԒȂහാఁ‫ي‬௱яΠΚ໷๗ӬᐤԒ ౱ࠣ๼๽‫ޠ‬ȶ๼ऽॏდȷȄఁ‫ي‬ϛѬ࢑Ӷ ܼྦറՄၑȂঢ়ఁ၅ಭȂ‫࢑ܗ‬Ҩ፝τᏱȂ Յ࢑ӼԒ‫ٿ‬΢ੀึ৥ᇅᏱಭԚ‫ޠݏ‬ᖃ๗Ȅ ԥΠ೼Κቺ‫ޠ‬ᡞਃȂ‫ש‬উ࿌ཽӓΩп॔Ȃ пഷᓻ፵‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼ණ‫ٽ‬ᏱҢ‫ܛ‬ሰȂєࢃණЁ Ꭸ᠟૗ΩᇅࡿᏳቹձ‫׭‬Ѿȃঐ΢፟ཿঢ়ఁ ህᏳȃЁτᏱᒛၛІ‫ڐ‬уࣻᜱ݉ଡ଼Ȅ‫ژ‬ҭ ࠊ࣐ЦȂ‫ש‬উϑစԥົႇ361ঐᏱҢ୥ђ Π೼ঐॏდȂՅ೼‫ٳ‬ᏱҢІঢ়ߞഎߩளᅗ ཏ‫ש‬উ‫ޠ‬ህᏳॏდȄ

හാఁ‫ޠي‬লᏱ࢑ؑঐᏱҢഎѠпົ຺Ս ‫ש‬Ȃկ࢑ؑঐᏱҢ‫ޠ‬Ԛѓϟၿഎ࢑ᑀΚณ Ρ‫ޠ‬Ȅഇႇє၇ॏდ‫ޠ‬ө໷݉ଡ଼Ȃ‫ש‬উ෉ గ૗஋Π၍ؑΚঐᏱҢȂп߰Ѡпӱ΢Յ ౵ӵණ‫ٽ‬ഷԂ‫ޠ‬စᡜȃ݉ଡ଼пІԚ‫ݏ‬ȂЏ ‫ש࢑ڐ‬উ‫ޠ‬ӫਯҨ፝є၇ॏდ੬ր຀Ꮟܼ ೼ᘉȄ ‫ܗ‬೩ղЗϜԥঐᅹඌȂ࣐ϨቅөτᏱ्ᄈ ೼‫ٳ‬ᗚѬ࢑ȶߨЎԒȷ‫ޠ‬ାήᏱҢ෉గࣦ ାȂ‫ו‬గуউ૗஋ԄӤԚ΢ૢӵࡧՄᇅߓ ႁՍ‫ש‬ȉ!ഇႇНԆ‫ޠ‬ጢᙒᇅಣӬȂϮಞ ചख़฼Н൸࢑Κ጖૗஋Ї࢏ঐ΢‫ٲࢉޠ‬Ȃ Ᏹਯ௄‫ٿ‬ϛཽఁղ೼ኻ‫ٲޠ‬௒Ȃ೼η๙ϛ ࢑᏶Ꭽ‫ޣ‬ញ൸ѠпቹூԂ‫ޠ‬Ȅ

Κၰٗ‫ٿ‬Ȃ‫ש‬উϛᘟӵःึུ‫ޠ‬໷ҭȇЏ ‫ڐ‬ᄈসϏІఁ৲ۢ෉‫ޠ‬ӶᙜଌጜȂ௄ґᚭ ᏽȇහാᄈܼᇅᏱҢȃঢ়ߞ‫ޠ‬Ϥ୞‫݉ࡋڸ‬ Р८ȂϛᒹᎸΩӵ‫׺‬Τ‫؂‬ӼЗ՗Ȃଡ଼ؒ‫ש‬ উ‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼ࠣ፵‫؂‬ᑹ‫׈‬जȄϭЉȂහാఁ‫ي‬ ‫؂‬ᠯ༈ӵҔԓࡈҁȂᒛၛ៬ୱყ໦஡ϸԚ Ᏹཿ៬ୱІЁτᏱ៬ୱ‫ڎ‬ঐഌߟȄуউ஡ ‫؂‬஠ЗयΩܼөՍ‫ޠ‬ስ஀Ȃණ‫؂ٽ‬ၐᄃ‫ޠ‬ ၦଊᇅ݉ଡ଼Ȅ

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Ӷ௦ί‫ޠٿ‬ංঐУȂҔঅ23Ԓ઼ӤᏱҨ፝ τᏱܽ۠Ȃහാఁ‫ي‬஡ཽΚԄႇ‫܂‬ӵȂණ ‫ٽ‬ഷദ઼݉ଡ଼ࠣ፵Ȃ஡ᏱҢউଛΤЩуউ ෉గ‫؂‬Ԃ‫ޠ‬Ᏹ‫ۻ‬ȂࣦՎΚࢻӫਯȄ

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AIOP (All-in-One Program) If you are not facing college applications this fall, appreciate the time you have to improve your student profile. We recommend you consider: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What What What What

are my long term goals? steps can I take to support my long term goals? did I do well last school year? can I do better now?

For the best college results, you must build upon your own unique combination of strengths and passions. Our consultants offer a comprehensive service to assist you in identifying goals, analyzing performance, and creating improvement plans. If you have a goal but are unsure of how to proceed, we encourage you to schedule a consulting appointment. Our aim is to help you better understand where you stand and how you can improve your chances to follow your dreams. AIOP is for those who are seeking an edge in an increasingly competitive college market while enjoying the support of an educational consultant. We offer a wide array of services designed for diverse students, including recent immigrants, students not performing to their potential, and top-ranked students looking to optimize their college standings. With AIOP, you gain: ‡ 3HDFH RI PLQG NQRZLQJ \RX ZLOO KDYH H[SHUW JXLGDQFH LQIRUPHG E\ FXUUHQW FROOHJH application trends. ‡ $FFHVV WR FRQVXOWDQWV ZKR VSHFLDOL]H LQ H[WUDFXUULFXODU DFWLYLWLHV FROOHJH DSSOLFDWLRQV and application essays. ‡ 8QOLPLWHG DFFHVV WR RXU VXFFHVVIXO KLJK VFKRRO SUHYLHZ FRXUVHV ‡ 6XPPHU SODQV WKDW VXSSRUW \RXU ORQJ WHUP JRDOV ‡ 6WUDWHJLHV WR GHYHORS DQG VKRZFDVH \RXU WDOHQWV VNLOOV DQG SDVVLRQV

LuShuang Xu, Aragon High Harvard - Class of 2015

Andrew Liao, Del Mar High Stanford - Class of 2015

Getting into a top-tier school used to be a distant dream for me. But with help from TTL’s wonderful staff and environment, that dream is now a reality.

ThinkTank Learning helped guide me in obtaining an internship at Stanford, which greatly enriched my VWXGLHV DV ZHOO DV VROLGLĂ€HG P\ LQWHUHVW in biology. Ӝࡄഞఠ‍ي‏á?ąŕŹ˛â€ŤŢ â€Źáˆ…Ö†ÎŻČ‚ॿá?łâ€Ť×Šâ€Źá•–ூӜTubogpseĎ„á?ąâ€ŤŢ â€Źá„ƒಭ á?Ąŕ˝˝Č‚ŕłźŕŚ?á?Ąŕ˝˝á™ľŕľłÎ â€ŤŢ ׊‏á?ąŕ˛­ĐżĐ†á€¤á„ƒÎ â€Ť×Šâ€Źá„ˆܟҢ‍ޑ‏á?ąâ€ŤŢ ‏ᑺ á?šČ„

ŕť?ΤಒΚ࢝â€ŤŢ â€ŹÓŤŕ¨Żá„ˆá‚‡Ń&#x;â€ŤŮż×ŠŢ â€Źá‡´ŕ˘‘áˆŽĎ›Ń Đ†â€ŤŢ â€Ź áƒłČ‚ŐŻŕ˘‘ÔĽŕˇ„ŕ´žŕ° â€ŤŮŠâ€Źá?ąŕŹ˛â€ŤŢ â€Źá“ťŮ‹ŕ§˛á Śá‡…á•˜áƒŤČ‚â€ŤŢ ׊‏ áƒłŕ˝’ํӜᥑԚΠํá„ƒČ„


ം౼ ๼ऽॏდ Ԅ‫்ݏ‬ᗚ‫ء‬ԥ्Ӷ೼ঐऎ۠Ᏹ෉Ҩ፝τᏱȂࣣ፝௕ਣ໣ȂӒ‫ױ‬Սϐ‫ޠ‬ঐ΢ᔭ਱୉ூ‫؂‬ԂȄ ‫ש‬উ࡛ឋ்ࡧՄΚίȂ 2/!‫෉ߞޠש‬ҭዀ࢑ࣦቅȉ 3/!‫्ש‬ңࣦቅР‫ٿݳ‬Мࡼ‫෉ߞޠש‬ҭዀȉ 4/!‫ש‬ӶαঐᏱԒӶ঻Р८ߓ౫ЩၷԂȉ 5/!‫ש‬౫Ӷ঻Р८ԥ‫ؐໍܛ‬ȉ དྷ्αЗҭϜഷ౪དྷ‫ޠ‬τᏱȉ்҇໹஡ዦ௒ᇅ੬ߞ‫׳‬я‫ٿ‬Ȃ࡛ҴକΚঐ឵ܼՍϐ‫ޠ‬ᑀ੬ҭዀȂ‫ש‬উ ‫៬ޠ‬ୱყ໦ཽණ‫ٽ‬ᆤӬ‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼‫ٿ‬ᔔֆ்ᇰఽҭዀȂϸ‫ߓݚ‬౫Ȃ‫ٯ‬йॐΚ৉ණЁՍ‫ޠש‬ॏდȄ Ԅ‫்ݏ‬ԥҭዀࠔϛఽ्ྀԄեႁԚȂ‫ש‬উ࡛ឋ்ၮ‫ש‬উ‫៬ޠ‬ୱङঐਣ໣Ȅᔔֆ்Π၍Սϐ‫ޠ‬ᓻȃӜ ༗ȂණЁ்ഃჳ‫ޠ‬ᐡ౦࢑‫ש‬উ‫ۡޠ‬ԠȄ ๼ऽॏდᡲ்᐀ԥᐍঐහാఁ‫ي‬ყ໦Ȃ‫ٵ‬ԥ‫׈‬ᐍ‫ޠ‬ᒛၛၦྜȂӶᝰ‫ލ‬Сઊᐮ੩‫ޠ‬ЁτᏱᕘძϜȂᔔ ்ᛨયᓻ༗‫ޠ‬ഷࠊᆓȄϛ፤்࢑ུಌҖȂᗚ࢑དྷ्‫؂‬αΚቺዃ‫ޠ‬ᓻ‫ؿ‬ᏱҢȂ‫ۧ࢑ܗ‬ґึදՍ‫ש‬૗Ω ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢȂᄈܼϛӤ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢȂ‫ש‬উණ‫ٽ‬Ӽϰঐ‫ܓ‬Ͼ‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼Ȃпᅗ٘‫ڐ‬ሰؒȄ ௄AIOPϜ்ཽᕖூȈ Ȇ!ӱ்Π၍හാఁ‫ي‬஡ཽ࣐ࡇφණ‫ٽ‬ӓР՞‫׈‬ᐍ‫ޠ‬஠ཿყ໦݉ଡ଼ȂӶᏱཿІґ‫ٿ‬ЁτᏱϟၰഋ !!!ϜȂ்Шሰ࣐ϛ‫ޤ‬ԄեᔔֆࡇφՅश඙Ȅ Ȇ!ณ፤Ӷ୥ђ፟ѵࣁ୞ȂྦറτᏱҨ፝ȂԄեኦቹഷԂ‫ޠ‬Ս༉๊​๊Ȃහാఁ‫៬ي‬ୱყ໦஡ཽӓΩМනȄ Ȇ!ณ४‫ښ‬ӵ୥ђ‫ש‬উԚѓ‫ޠ‬ାϜӒঔ፟โȄ Ȇ!ᔔࡇφ೤დԥཏဏ‫ޠ‬ස෉ࣁ୞Ȃᙵ൳ାϜҢీ‫ޠ‬፟ѵࣁ୞စᐤȄ Ȇ!ึ৥‫ٯ‬йߓ౫ࡇφϘ๽ȃ‫׭‬Ѿᇅዦ௒‫๋ޠ‬౲Ȅ


Coaching and Much More for Chinese Students Looking to U.S. By DAN LEVIN/Journalist of the New York Times/2011.5.30 Happily for Ms. Lu and for ThinkTank, the approach worked. She has just completed KHU ÀUVW \HDU DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD Capitalizing on the increasingly globalized education system, ThinkTank Learning has tapped into the market in the United States and China. The founder of the company is Steven Ma, 32, a former Wall Street analyst who started the company as a business for preparing students for college entrance tests in 2002 before expanding into application consulting in 2006, starting with seven students. In 2010, that number had risen to 300, including 75 from China. The company said it made about $7 million last year, with 50 percent from admission consulting.

Jim Wilson/The New York Times

BEIJING — In December 2009, a rejection letter from Columbia University found its way to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. It was addressed to Lu Jingyu, a top student and member of her school’s student government. As she read the disheartening words, Ms. Lu immediately began to panic. Where had she JRQH ZURQJ" +RZ FRXOG VKH À[ WKLV"

ThinkTank said it was able to distill the college admissions process into an exact science, which Mr. Ma compared with genetic engineering. “We make unnatural stuff happen,” he said. Students, whose parents often pay tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, are molded by ThinkTank into well-rounded, socially conscious overachievers through a regimen often beginning as early as the year before entering high school. The company designs extracurricular activities for the students; guides them in essay writing; tutors them for the SAT, the U.S. college admission exam; and helps them with meetand-greet sessions with alumni.

For answers, she turned to ThinkTank Learning, a college admission consulting company from &DOLIRUQLD WKDW KDG UHFHQWO\ RSHQHG DQ RIÀFH in Shenzhen, next door to Hong Kong. “I wanted American professionals to look at my application and shed some new light on how I could make it better,” she said. The price was steep: 100,000 renminbi, or $15,000. But it came with a 100 percent moneyback guarantee — if Ms. Lu was rejected from the nine selective U.S. universities to which she applied, her family would get a full refund.

“There’s a system built by colleges designed to pick out future stars and we are here to crack that system,” Mr. Ma said.

Ms. Lu brainstormed with a ThinkTank consultant on ways to redo her admissions essay, which had originally been about playing badminton. The new version she came up with focused on a cross-strait dialogue conference that Ms. Lu had organized with high schoolers in Taiwan.

LuShuang Xu provides an example of that approach. Ms. Xu, who was born and raised in China before emigrating to suburban California at age 9, had high hopes that she


only one has needed a refund, though two clients have been granted admission only if they pay full tuition.

ZRXOG EH WKH ÀUVW LQ KHU IDPLO\ WR JR WR college. But poor results on a practice SAT and a dearth of extracurricular activities convinced Ms. Xu, 17, that she needed a scholastic makeover if she were to make it into a school her parents could brag about to relatives.

Helping students from China clear the college entry hurdles has presented ThinkTank with a fresh set of challenges. Often they have poor English language skills and have done little with their free time beyond homework. Yet their parents often demand the Ivy League.

ThinkTank sent her to a public speaking camp, helped her improve her college essay and gave her the e-mail addresses of all the members of the Stanford University history department. At the company’s prompting, she found two internships with department professors. She also enrolled in ThinkTank’s college prep courses, which helped improve her SAT score 410 points to 2160 out of 2400. Next autumn, she will start at Harvard University.

“We really have to hold their hand and do everything along with them,â€? Mr. Ma said, including deliberately leaving spelling mistakes on college essays so they look authentic, training them for the Test of English as a Foreign Language and building extracurricular activities from the ground up. ThinkTank has founded Model United Nations groups, built a Web site for a Shanghai student’s photography project to get news media coverage and helped another obtain funding to build a hydroelectric generator. For ambitious Chinese parents, ThinkTank’s sales SLWFK LV GLIĂ€FXOW WR UHVLVW /L 0DQKRQJ D homemaker from Beijing, has planned for years to send her 17-year-old son to an American college, going so far as to enroll him in a private high school in Portland, Oregon, for the past two years to improve his English and his rĂŠsumĂŠ.

Shiho Fukada/The International Herald Tribune

ThinkTank’s success with students in California’s Asian-American community, which accounts for 90 percent of the company’s American clients, has drawn interest from wealthy parents LQ &KLQD 0U 0D RSHQHG DQ RIÀFH LQ 6KHQ]KHQ in 2009 and another in Beijing last year.

After learning about ThinkTank from a neighbor, Ms. Li persuaded her husband to sign a contract for 90,000 renminbi, which focuses on nine selective U.S. schools. ThinkTank will train her son for the SAT and help him pick internships and even college courses once he becomes a freshman. Ms. Li sees the cost as an investment in her son’s future.

The company entered China at a time when the college consulting industry on the mainland was booming, with numerous agencies promising to make Chinese student’s academic dreams come true, often through questionable practices.

“Whatever it takes to reach his maximum potential,� she said. “It’s worth it.�

Mr. Ma said that out of 110 mainland students,

<Extracts from The New York Times, International Herald Tribune>


ം౼ ӓР՞ህᏳϜ୾ᏱҢໍΤज୾τᏱ! !





By DAN LEVIN/ ઺ङਣൣ੬ङଅ޲/2011.5.30

ԃҭࠊϑစӶᇾԏτᏱ‫׈‬ԚΠτΚ‫ޠ‬ᏱཿȄᄈܼ ೼Κؐෙ࠸ਞȂᑌϊ‫ە‬ᇅහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲഎད‫ࣻژ‬࿌ ᠎‫ݡ‬Ȅ! ւңᇅС঎ቩ‫ޠ‬ӓ౩Ͼఁ‫قي‬ಜȂහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲϑ စԚѓ҉Τज୾ᇅϜ୾‫ޠ‬ҀൠȄ හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ഻ᒳ΢࢑ήΫΡྒ‫଼ޠ‬ਐᖏ ȲSteven MaȳӒҢȂϟࠊ࢑Κ՞๽ᅮຘ‫ޠ‬ϸ‫ݚ‬ ৲Ȅ೼ϵѨ௄3113Ԓ໡ۗӒ࢑ᔔֆᏱҢྦറτᏱ‫ޠ‬ ΤᏱՄၑȂ‫ژޣ‬3117Ԓᘘτ࣐ᐍᡞ‫ޠ‬ΤᏱᒛၛ݉ ଡ଼ȄഷߒѬԥΝӫᏱҢ‫ژ‬౫ӶϑစԥήԼӫᏱҢȂ ‫ڐ‬ϜԥΝΫϥӫ࢑‫ٿ‬ՍܼϜ୾Ȅ!හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲᇴ џԒ໸ւӵଛΠՎЎΚљ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢໍΤ౪དྷ‫ޠ‬τᏱȄ

Jim Wilson/The New York Times

හാఁ‫ي‬ᏱଲࡿяȂτᏱΤᏱҨ፝࢑૗஋ೞᙾϾ ԚΚߟᑀԥ‫ޠ‬ऌᏱȂ଼ӒҢ‫ٯ‬਍ஆӱϏโᏱ‫ٿ‬୉ ЩൖȄȶ‫ש‬উᡲႃनՍด‫ٲޠ‬௒ึҢȄȷуԄԫ ᇴၿȄ

Ȳі‫ٶ‬ଊȳܼ311:Ԓ23УȂΚࡍ௄঱ঘЩ‫ٴ‬τᏱึ я‫ޠ‬Ӳ๙߭ឞࢸႇ੖‫ژٿ‬Ϝ୾ࠓР‫౐ޠ‬ӴȄԞ߭޲ ࢑ᑌᓘ‫ॲ)׀‬ណ*ȂԃӶᏱਯ࢑ঐദԍ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢȂ‫ٯ‬й ᐋӉΠᏱҢՍ‫ޠཽݾ‬ཇഌȄ࿌ԃ᠟຀߭αц΢ЗԹ ཏտ‫ޠ‬НԆȂᑌϊ‫ޠە‬௒ᆲ଼α൸ฑኍକ‫ٿ‬Ȅԃ‫ف‬ ഥ঻၈୉ᓀȉԃ्Ԅեџ၅ఀ೼ΚϹȉ

හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲණ‫ٽ‬ΠΚ৉‫ق‬ಜȂ௄ᏱҢໍΤାϜ‫ޠ‬ ࠊΚԒ൸໡ۗȂуউ೤დᏱҢ‫ޠ‬፟ѵࣁ୞ȃЖᏳу উ‫ޠ‬ቹձ‫׭‬ѾȃህᏳуউྦറTBU)ज୾‫ޠ‬τᏱΤ Ᏹຠ໕Մၑ*Ȃ‫ٯ‬йᔔԋ௷ലяਯЅᇅуউُ८һ ࢻȄᏱҢᙥԫ‫ق‬ಜཽೞมᑒԚӶަཽαЩႲ෉Ԛ൸ ᗚτ‫ޠ‬΢ȂӱԫᏱҢঢ়ߞ‫܂܂‬᜺ཏϟМрα࿳ࣦՎ Ϋ኶࿳जߝ‫ޠ‬хቌȄ

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ȶτᏱࢆᒶ೼‫݃ٳ‬Сϟ࢒࢑ԥ‫قޠۢڿ‬ಜȂՅ‫ש‬উ ൸࢑஠ߟӶખ၍೼‫قٳ‬ಜȄȷ଼ӒҢᇴၿȄ ৹គ౞൸࢑ΚঐഷԂ‫پޠ‬φȄ!৹ϊ‫ە‬Οྒ‫ޠ‬ਣ঑ ௄Ϝ୾ಌҖ‫ژ‬ђԏ‫ॢޠ‬ୣȂ঩ҐᅗЗ෉గՍϐ૗Ԛ ࣐ঢ়ఋϜಒΚঐατᏱ‫ޠ‬΢Ȃկ࢑‫ٲ‬ᇅ᜺ႃȂTBU Ԛᕽϛ౪དྷђα፟ѵࣁ୞‫ુޠ‬нȂᡲ࿌ਣΫΝྒ‫ޠ‬ ৹ϊ‫ە‬ᇰ‫ژޤ‬ȂԄ‫ݏ‬ԃདྷ्αΚ‫ܛ‬૗ᡲЯҕᖜαӏ ீ‫ٯ‬й૗Ӷᒒ௞८ࠊ࣏᝻‫ޠ‬ӫਯȂԃሰ्Κ‫ٳ‬၅ఀ ௪ࢋȄ

೼ኻ‫ޠ‬хቌ‫ٯ‬ϛ߰ۤȂ्ቌΫ࿳΢ҖᄍȂࣻ࿌ܼΚ ࿳ϥξजߝȄ!ߤழ຀ณਞߴᜍӓ᚟ଞ෢‫݉ޠ‬ଡ଼!˕! Ԅ‫ݏ‬ᑌϊ‫ە‬ೞ‫ܛڐ‬ԥҨ፝‫ޠ‬Ο‫ܛ‬ज୾τᏱ‫ܣ‬๙ܼߟ ѵȂԃ‫ޠ‬Яҕ஡ཽூ‫ژ‬ӓ᚟‫ޠ‬ଞ෢Ȅ Ӷᑌϊ‫ە‬ᇅහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ‫ޠ‬ᒛၛ΢সဟΩᐮᕞϟ ίȂ஡‫ڐ‬ΤᏱҨ፝฼Н२ུ‫׾‬ቹȂ঩‫ޏޠٿ‬Ґ຀२ ܼԃ҉Ղ౩‫ޠ‬ᘉᘉᅏᅏȂུ‫ޏޠ‬Ґࠍ࢑຀Ꮟܼԃ෇ ᖓӬѯᢋᏱҢ೤დಣᙒΚൠ‫ۭڎ‬ϜᏱҢһࢻཽ‫ࢉޠ‬ ‫࣐ٲ‬лȄ

හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ࡛ឋԃџ୥ђϵಁ‫ޠ‬ᅌᗀःಭᕋȂᔔ ֆԃණЁቹձ‫׭‬ѾȂ‫ٯ‬й๞ϡԃ‫ܛ‬ԥѭϞդτᏱᐤ




ം౼ !



ѭᏱ‫ޠق‬ఁ௳ӫ൑ȄӶහാఁ‫ޠي‬࿝ߵίȂԃ໸ւ ‫ڎژ׳‬ঐӶ‫ق‬αఁ௳ٙᜟᄃಭ‫ޠ‬ᐡཽȄԃ‫ٯ‬йൣӫ ୥ђහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ‫ޠ‬τᏱᏱࠊ፟โȂ೼ᡲ ATՄၑԚ ᕽໍؐΠ521ϸႁ‫ژ‬3271ϸ)ᅗϸ࣐3511ϸ*Ȃ௦ί‫ٿ‬ ೼ঐऎЉȂԃ஡Ԛ࣐ࠥդτᏱ‫ུޠ‬ᘁ΢Ȅ හാఁ‫ي‬ᏱଲԚѓӵ҉ΤΠђԏ‫ٴޠ‬၃ఋထȂ೼‫ٳ‬ ‫ٴ‬၃ᏱҢխΠ၏൑՞‫ܛ‬ԥज୾ᏱҢ΢኶‫ޠ‬ԼϸϟΟ ΫȄ೼ኻ‫ޠ‬Ԛѓစᡜ֝ЖΠӶϜ୾൳ԥЯҕউ‫ޠ‬ҭ ӏȂ଼ӒҢ311:Ԓܼ౐Ӵ໡೪Πၯ੖ᐡᄻȂႥԒ‫؂‬ ೪ᘉܼі‫ٶ‬Ȅ හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ፾ΤϜ୾Ҁൠ‫ޠ‬ਣ঑ȂҔ࿌᜹ծ‫݉ޠ‬ ଡ଼ፁࠐᙉକϟርȂ೩Ӽ‫ޠ‬ᐡᄻഎᖑᆏ૗஋ᡲϜ୾Ᏹ Ң‫ޠ‬੖ѵ੽ᏱჳԚ઎ȂดՅ‫ڐ‬Кࢳ‫܂܂‬ц΢፵ᅹȄ

ࡺᓀԆԂᡲНതࣽକ‫ڏٿ‬ԥѠ࡚߭Ȃଌጜуউྦറ ԝᆌՄၑȂ‫ٯ‬й௄Ⴎ໡ۗழስуউ୥ᇅ፟ѵࣁ୞Ȅ හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ೪ҴΠȶዂጓᖓӬ୾ȷϊಣȂ๞Κ՞ α੖‫ޠ‬ᏱҢឹኈձࠣ೪ဋΠΚঐᆪયп‫ུڦލ‬ᆹ൭ ᡞᛋӏȂ‫ٯ‬йᔔֆѫΚঐᏱҢ༔ூ࢝೪ΚѯЬΩึ Ⴌᐡ‫ޠ‬ၦߝȄᄈܼగφԚᓹ‫ޠ‬Ϝ୾Яҕ‫ٿ‬ᇴȂහാ ‫ޠ‬՘᎜๋౲࢑ᜳпц΢‫ޠܣ׫‬ȄΚ՞і‫ޠٶ‬ঢ়৴л ஐ؄୦ै)ॲណ*Ȃϑစ᝱დӼԒདྷ्ଛуΫΝྒ‫ޠ‬ ‫ڌ‬φџज୾ατᏱȂࠍ࢑Ӓԋ௷‫ڐ‬φພьӶ༺୛۬ ԏ‫ݱ‬੬៍Ҁ‫ؾޠ‬ҴାϜ൸᠟‫ڎ‬ԒȂ࣐‫࢑ޠ‬ቩໍ‫ڐ‬ऽ Н૗Ωᇅᡲ‫ؒڐ‬Ᏹቻᐤ‫؂‬ԂȄ ௄᎒۩‫ޠ‬πϜ҉᠚‫ژ‬හാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ‫ޠ‬؄ϊ‫ە‬ᇴ݉ԃ ӒҢ᛬ίΠΚિΟ࿳΢Җᄍ‫ޠ‬ӬङଭᄈΟ‫ܛڐܛ‬ᒶ ᐆ‫ޠ‬ज୾τᏱȄහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ஡ཽଌጜԃ‫ڌޠ‬φྦ റTBUՄၑȂ‫ٯ‬йᔔֆу‫ڦލ‬ᄃಭ‫ޠ‬ᐡཽȂࣦՎህᏳ τΚུҢ‫ޠ‬ᒶ፟Ȅ!؄ϊ‫ە‬஡೼ঐ߇ຳຝ࣐ᄈу‫ڌ‬φ ґ‫׺ޠٿ‬ၦȄ ȶңᅿ‫ܛ‬ԥևΩпႁ‫ژ‬у‫ޠ‬ഷτ዗૗ȄȷԃᇴၿȂ ȶ೼ΚϹഎ࢑অூ‫ޠ‬Ȅȷ Ȯᄣᓄܼ઺ङਣൣ୾ር‫ޏ‬Joufsobujpobm!Ifsbme! !Usjcvofȯ

hiho Fukada/The International erald Tribune

଼ӒҢᇴȂӶуউ221ӫህᏳ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢϟϜȂѬԥΚ՞ ሰ्ଞ෢ȇดՅᗚԥ‫ڎ‬ঐࡋЙ࢑ೞ्ؒ҇໹Ӷр‫׈‬ ӓ᚟Ᏹຳ‫ޠ‬఩ӈϟίϘ૗ΤᏱȄ ᄈܼහാఁ‫ي‬Ᏹଲ‫ٿ‬ᇴȂᔔֆϜ୾ᏱҢఽଷ੽Ᏹሬ ᛥ࢑Κঐӓུ‫ࢆޠ‬᏾Ȃуউ‫ޠ‬ऽН૗Ω‫܂܂‬ϛ‫ٺ‬Ȃ ՅйӶ፟ѵࣁ୞Р८ߓ౫ᄈܼҨ፝‫ءٯ‬ԥЋτᔔ ֆȄดՅуউ‫ޠ‬Яҕ‫ו܂܂‬గ‫ڌ‬υѠпໍΤߞࢍ᛾ ᖓ࿘‫ޠ‬ӫਯ൸᠟Ȅ ȶ‫ש‬উ઎‫ޠ‬ሰ्τК‫ܝ‬ϊКӵழуউ୉ؑӈ‫ٲ‬௒Ȅ ȷ଼ӒҢᇴၿȄ!೼‫ڐ‬Ϝᗚє֥ΠӶΤᏱ฼НϜࢉཏ

10 Foods to boost your brainpower Increase your mental agility and improve your memory by choosing the right foods


1. Opt for wholegrain food


Vitamin C has long been thought to have the power to increase mental agility. One of the best sources of this vital vitamin is blackcurrants. Just a handful a day is all you need to get your recommended daily amount of zinc, vital for enhancing memory and thinking skills.

Walk into a room and forget why you’re there? Forget already what this article’s about? Make sure you’re eating a diet rich in a mix of wholegrain foods such as cereals, wheatbran, wheatgerm and wholewheat pasta. One study found that women who increased their folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 intake showed an improvement in recalling information compared to women who were not taking a supplement.

8. Bet on broccoli

A great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower.


Sage has long had a reputation for improving memory and although most studies focus on sage as an essential oil, it could be worth adding fresh sage to your diet, too.


The essential omega-3 fatty acids - found in RLO\ ÀVK DV ZHOO DV ÀVK RLO ZDOQXW RLO DQG à D[VHHGV OLQVHHGV DUH KLJK LQ '+$ IDWW\ acid crucial to the health of our nervous system. Low DHA levels have been linked to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss. Fish also contains iodine, which is known to improve mental clarity.

10. *R QXWV

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent poor memory. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables, seeds, eggs, brown rice and wholegrains.


Research from Tufts University in the United States and published in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests that blueberry extract can improve short term memory loss. Widely available, so there’s no excuse!


Two supplements are causing excitement ZLWKLQ WKH PHGLFDO ZRUOG 7KH ÀUVW (\H 4 D EOHQG RI KLJK JUDGH PDULQH ÀVK RLO DQG HYHQLQJ primrose oil, is thought to boost brainpower in children. A study by Durham County Council DQG 0DQVÀHOG &ROOHJH 2[IRUG FRQFOXGHG WKDW 40 per cent of the children sampled improved both their reading skills and attention spans when taking the supplements. The second is called Ethos Endymion, which contains L-Carnosine, a strong antioxidant which appears to have dramatic results for a number of conditions: cataracts, improving skin tone, speeding up wound healing, and protecting the brain from plaque formation that may lead to senility and Alzheimer’s. L-Carnosine is found in chicken and lean red meat so this powder supplement could be especially useful for veggies.


There is good evidence to suggest that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, could help protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s.


Folic acid and vitamin B12 help prevent homocysteine from building up in the body levels of which have been found to be higher in people who have Alzheimer’s. )RUWLÀHG FHUHDOV DUH D JUHDW VRXUFH RI % DQG also contain complex carbohydrates which release energy over a long period and will keep you more mentally alert throughout the day.



ം౼ ΫᆎѠпቩໍဟΩ‫ޑॶޠ‬ ᒶᄈॶ‫ޑ‬Ѡпђ‫ץ‬ղ‫ޠ‬ᓟဟЇᔗ‫ٯ‬йቩໍ ்‫ޠ‬ଅᏺΩȄ

7/!༄ђ‫)چ‬Blackcurrant* ༄ђ‫࢑چ‬ᆱу‫ڽ‬Cഷ‫ྜٿޠٺ‬Ȃᆱу‫ڽ‬Cೞᇰ࣐ Ѡпቩђࡧၰ‫ޠ‬᡺ఄ࡚Ȅ

2/!ӓബ‫)ޑॶޠ‬Wholegrain Food* ࿌ղٗໍΚঐ‫ܙ‬໣ࠔ‫נ‬Π࣐Ϩቅໍ‫ٿ‬ȉ ‫נ‬ΠҔӶᎨ᠟‫ޠ‬НതӶᗀࣦቅȉӼឹ‫ڦ‬ ֥ԥᆤӬጋ‫ޑॶޠޑ‬Ȃ჌࢑ԟᓢጋбȃ ബᏌȃϊബथ߄ȃӓബဏτւឩ๊Ȅ਴ ᐄः‫ف‬ൣ֚ࡿяȂቩђဩሗȃᆱу‫ڽ‬ C23-C7ឹ‫ڦ‬໕‫ޠ‬υ‫ܓ‬ӶଅᏺΩР८ԥ݃ ᡘ‫׾ޠ‬๢Ȅ

8/!ࠓҟφ)Pumpkin Seeds* Κ‫ࠓױ‬ҟφ൸Ѡпឹ‫٘ڦ‬஋‫ޠ‬᎚ΚЉ‫ܛ‬ሰ‫֥ޠ‬ ໕Ȃ᎚Ѡпቩ஽ଅᏺΩпІࡧՄ૗ΩȄ 9/!߇྅຋)Broccoli* ߇྅຋࢑ᆱу‫ڽ‬L‫ޠ‬२्‫ྜٿ‬Ȃᆱу‫ڽ‬LѠпᔔֆ ቩ஽ᇰ‫ޤ‬૗Ω‫ٯ‬й஽ϾဟΩȄ

3/!‫ݷ‬૎ᙵ൳‫ޠ‬ന᜹)Oily Fish* ‫ݷ‬૎ᙵ൳‫ޠ‬ന᜹֥ԥஆҐ‫ޠ‬Omega.4 ૎޻ሗ!)ന‫ݷ‬ȃਰੁ‫ݷ‬ȃ‫ٴ‬ഭϧ‫ݷ‬η֥ ԥ೼ঐԚϸ*‫ڏ‬ԥା֥໕‫ޠ‬DHAȄ૎޻ ሗྒܼઢစ‫ق‬ಜߩள‫ޠ‬२्Ȃߢ૮੖ᓷ ઀)ՃԒ࿕֓઀*‫ޠ‬ொ޲ӶDHA‫֥ڦឹޠ‬ ໕‫୒܂܂‬մпՎܼଅᏺ‫ࢻޠ‬ѷȄଷԫϟ ѵȂന᜹η֥ԥ࿩Ȃ࿩Ѡпᡲᓟဟ‫ఽ؂‬ ඿Ȅ

:/!Ⴤ‫׏‬૪)Sage* ߞεп‫ٿ‬Ⴤ‫׏‬૪൸ೞᇰ࣐࢑ቩ஽ଅᏺΩ‫ًޠޠ‬ РȂӶղ‫ޠ‬ᓢᘉϜђΚᘉུᘁ‫ޠ‬Ⴤ‫׏‬૪๙ᄈঅ ூȄ 21/!஁‫)ݏ‬Nuts* ज୾ࢻ՘੿Ᏹ෉ёϜ‫ޠ‬Κ጖ः‫ف‬ൣ࡛֚ឋӼӼឹ ‫ڦ‬ᆱу‫ڽ‬EѠᗘռଅᏺΩ૿ଞȇөᆎ஁‫ݏ‬ཧପᆧ Քဩ຋ȃᆎφȃᚙ೗ȃᕺԾ໼пІӓബᇨࠣ൸࢑ ᆱу‫ڽ‬Fഷ‫ྜٿޠٺ‬Ȅ

4/!ᙣೇ)Blueburries* ਴ᐄज୾TuftsτᏱӶᆡઢऌᏱ෉ёαึ ߓ‫ޠ‬፤НࡿяȂᙣధ๶‫ޑڦ‬Ѡп‫׾‬๢฼ ኸଅᏺࢻѷ‫ޠ‬௒‫ם‬Ȃᙣೇ‫ڦ‬ூৡܿȂߩ ளঅூლၑȄ

ဟΩᕋᎵ၅๞‫ޑ‬Ȉ Ӷഷߗ‫ޠ‬ᚃᏱࣩԥ‫ڎڎ‬ᆎᕋᎵ၅๞‫ޑ‬ആԚ࡟τ‫ޠ‬ ଠ៫Ȅ‫ڐ‬ϜϟΚѪ୉(\H 4ȂѠпቩໍࡇ่ဟΩ ‫يึޠ‬Ȃ‫ڐ‬Ԛϸ࢑‫ױ‬ᓻ፵‫౐ޠ‬੖ന‫ݷ‬ᇅУُ૪‫ݷ‬ )evening primrose oil*ђп።ᇨՅԚȄ!ऽ୾ гࢼ࿌ӵ‫ޠ‬ः‫ࡿف‬яȂӶ݉ң(\H 4ϟࡤȂԥԼ ϸϟѳΫ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢӶᎨ᠟૗ΩпІᏱಭ໲ϜΩ‫ޠ‬ਣ ໣ߞ࡚αഎԥ‫ؐໍܛ‬Ȅ ѫΚᆎᕋᎵ၅๞‫ޑ‬Ѫ୉Ethos EndymionȂ‫֥ڐ‬ ԥѿఌC)L-Carnosine*Ȃ!ѿఌC࢑Κᆎ஽Ω‫ޠ‬ ‫ੋ׫‬Ͼ‫ޑ‬Ȃ೾ளӶ‫ݾ‬ᕜҪϲሬȃ‫׾‬๢ጴ፵ȃђഁ །πᘿӬпІߴៗဟഌ౱ҢആԚဟഌՃϾᇅߢ૮ ੖ᓷ઀‫׌ޠ‬ഌර༶ȄดՅѿఌCл्࢑ចᙡӶᚙ Չ‫࢑ܗ‬ዶՉϜȂӱԫ೼ᆎᕋᎵ၅๞ࠣᄈܼષॶ޲ ‫ٿ‬ᇴࣻ࿌ᄃңȄ

5/!อष)Tomato* Ӽឹ‫ڦ‬อषηѠп෶ЎՃԒᛣ֓ȃߢ૮ ੖ᓷ઀‫ึޠ‬ձȂӱ࣐စႇᜍᄃȂอष‫ޠ‬ षकષ࢑Κᆎ஽Ω‫ੋ׫ޠ‬Ͼ‫ޑ‬ȂѠпᔔ ֆ‫ש‬উܱ‫׫‬Κ‫ٳ‬ՍҦஆᄈܼဟഌಡब‫ޠ‬ ખᚾȄ 6/!ᆱу‫)ڽ‬Vitamins* ဩሗ‫ڸ‬ᆱу‫ڽ‬B23Ѡпᗘռᡞϲᇨആ homocysteine)Ӥ࠯ᒳ્ሗ*Ȃ೼ᆎ ஆሗ೾ளӶߢ૮੖ᓷொ޲ٙข໕яၷ ା‫֥ޠ‬໕Ȅ ֥ԥ఻ђ‫ޠޑ‬ԟᓢጋб))RUWLÀHG cereals*‫ڏ‬ԥା፵໕‫ޠ‬ᆱу‫ڽ‬B23Ȃ‫ٯ‬ йᗚԥᆤӬᆈЬϾӬ‫ޑ‬Ȃ‫ܛ‬មܺя‫ޠ‬૗ ໕ѠпᡲղΚᐍЉഎߴࡼᓟဟఽᒻȄ



ം౼ ଞӅࡤ‫ޠ‬ჱᓏȈଞӅࡤղϬሰ्ჱᓏ‫ޠ‬঩ӱ ӶႇџȂჱᓏл्࢑ҦԒሇ‫ޠ‬ЯҕᗋຶȂп߰ึҢ ཏѵٙࢉਣ࣐‫ڐ‬ପୌ‫ڸ‬φυණ‫ٽ‬ଓଡ଼ߴሬȄϛ፤Ԓ ሇᇅ֐Ȃჱᓏഎ૗࣐ۧґᄻᑟτ໕ၦ౱‫ޠ‬΢഻࡛ ȶҴ֊‫ޠ‬ၦ౱ȷȄ


ղཽሰ्‫ߴޠ‬ᓏȄȷ Մኍ‫ٲ‬໷; ᓎ຀்‫ޠ‬ԒྒᅛቩȂᜱܼԄե೏౪౫ԥჱᓏߴ൑ ԥ೩ӼՄኍ‫ٲ‬໷‫ڸ‬ᒶᐆȄ΢উࣁூ‫؂‬εȄӶഷߗ စᔽϛෂ੊‫ݸޒޠ‬ίȂ‫ڐ‬уၦ౱ቌঅϑᡘ຀७ մȄӱԫȂᒹᡦᆌւᄈ்‫ޠ‬ঢ়΢Ѡ૗Ϭดߩள२ ्ȄՅй்‫ޠ‬ᒹ౱Ѡ૗ሰ्᚟ѵ‫ࢻޠ‬୞‫ܓ‬Ȅ

ϛႇȂ࣐ԇࣁ‫ޠ‬ঢ়΢ණ‫ٽ‬᚟ѵԞΤ‫ޠ‬ሰؒ‫ٯ‬ϛཽӱ ்ႁ‫ژ‬੬ۢԒឮՅಥЦȄ்‫ޠ‬φυѠ૗ϑ‫׈‬ԚτᏱ ᏱཿȂܱ‫ູܬ‬෢ηϑрఽȂկ࢑்‫ޠ‬ପୌѠ૗Ϭด ሰ्ଓଡ଼‫ڟ‬ֆϘ૗ᆱࡼҭࠊ‫ޠ‬ҢࣁРԓȄ

‫ٲ‬ᄃαȂჱᓏ૗஋пөᆎРԓ்࣐‫ޠ‬ଞӅҢీණ ‫ٽ‬ଓଡ଼ߴሬȄӱԫȂ்ᔗ၏ᆱࡼ౫ԥߴ൑᝸៊ԥ ਞȂ஡౫ԥߴ൑‫؂‬ඳ࣐ᄊུ‫ڸ‬ϛӤ‫ߴޠ‬൑Ȃ‫޲ܗ‬ ᗋຶ᚟ѵჱᓏȄ਴ᐄ்‫ޠ‬ঐ΢ሰؒȂ்Ѡпԥං ᆎᒶᐆȄ

፝ଅ՟ȈҦܼϭС‫ޠ‬҂ְჱ‫ڽ‬ᡑߞȂ்‫ޠ‬ପୌԥѠ ૗Ӷ்ٙࢉࡤϬԇࣁ31ԒȂࣦՎ41ԒȄӕ޲Ȃ઺ङ Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal஠ᆡ߭ଋІᒹ ౱‫ࡢޠ‬৲Sbmqi!FohfmࡿяȈȶ౫Ӷሰ्‫؂‬ӼၦҐ Ϙ૗౱ҢӤኻ‫ޠ‬ԞΤȂ‫ܛ‬пղѠ૗ሰ्ղ௄ґདྷႇ


ം౼ ॷӒȂᔯଇ்‫ޠ‬ᐍᡞ౪ଓ౫‫ޒ‬Ȃ‫ٯ‬Մኍ౫ԥ౪ଓॏ დ࢑֐ηᎍңܼґ‫ٿ‬Ȅჱᓏ࢑֐૗Ӷ்ٙࢉࡤ‫ڟ‬ֆ ঢ়΢‫ڦ‬х்‫ޠ‬౫ԥԞΤȂєࢃᖡЬȞԄ‫்ݏ‬ϬӶϏ ձȟ‫ܗ‬Ԓߝȉჱᓏ࢑֐૗‫ڟ‬ֆ்‫ޠ‬ঢ়΢ߴ੽ߩࢻ୞ ౱ȞԄϛ୞౱ȟՅϛሰ्࣐Π‫ڦ‬ூ्҇‫ޠ‬౫ߝೞय़ ᡑ፳೼‫ٳ‬ၦ౱ȉ

ᅗȂϭЉ‫෉ۢޠ‬ჱᓏ෉४૗஋‫ߞ۾‬Վߴ൑ࡼԥ΢ Ԓឮ‫ژ‬ႁΥΫӼྒȄ ϛႇȂस்Ⴒ෉ଓଡ଼ሰؒ஡ཽࡼ៊ΚҢȂ٦ቅ் Ѡ૗ሰ्ҘεჱᓏȄस࢑ԄԫȂEngel࡛ឋ்Щ ၷΚίᙾඳ౫ԥ‫෉ۢޠ‬ჱᓏ‫ڸ‬ᗋຶུ‫ޠ‬ჱᓏ‫ܛ‬ሰ ‫ޠ‬ຳңȄуࡿяȈȶԄ‫ݏ‬ղ‫ޠ‬ୋஷϑ૿ଞȂ஡ۢ ෉ჱᓏᙾඳ࣐ಥҢჱᓏѠ૗ၷԂȄԄ‫ݏ‬ղ‫ޠ‬ୋஷ ‫ًݸޒ‬ԂȂ٦ቅ֊‫ٻ‬ղαΠԒखȂᗋຶུ‫ߴޠ‬ᓏ Ѡ૗ၷԂȄղᔗ၏ࣂၛߴᓏ஠ঢ়ȂЩၷѠпւң ‫ޠ‬ᒶᐆȄ!)ί෉ࡠ៊*

Ԅ‫ޤ்ݏ‬ၿঢ়΢Ѡ૗ӱ࣐ϛ୞౱‫׺‬ၦ஡ᅗ෉‫ڨ࢑ܗ‬ ኮᎵঢ়឵ପୌႲ෉ӶංԒϲ௦‫ڨ‬ѽ᚟ᒹ౱Յϛሰ् ᚟ѵ౫ߝȂ٦ቅ࣐ԫ෉४ᗋຶུ‫෉ۢޠ‬ჱᓏߴ൑ᔗ ၏Ѡпᅗ٘ᖞਣሰؒȄۢ෉ჱᓏϛತᑗ౫ߝቌঅȂ ೾ளηϛ૗ณ४‫ུ؂‬Ȃկ࢑Ѡпң‫ٿ‬ᅗ٘฼෉ሰ ؒȄ೼ΚᘉӶ౫ϭЏ‫ڐ‬ԄԫȂӱ࣐ϛծԟ෉‫෉ۢޠ‬ ჱᓏ೾ளӶߴ൑ࡼԥ΢‫ޠ‬Ԓឮ‫ژ‬ႁ81‫ܗ‬86ྒਣ۪

3121!Nbttbdivtfuut!Nvuvbm!Mjgf!Jotvsbodf! Dpnqboz-!Tqsjohgjfme-!NB! DSO31231:.251135


o a u y k e o n h o t w D


r e s w s n

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 0DQLFXUH" (A) To care for one’s hands (B) To care for one’s feet (C) To care for one’s hair (D) To care for one’s face (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU &RQIHFWLRQ" (A) Small bits of colored paper (B) Disclosing one’s crimes (C) Tasteless drink (D) Sweet food item (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 3HGLFXUH" (A) Hand treatment (B) Foot treatment (C) Hair treatment (D) Facial treatment (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $WWLUH" (A) Wheel (B) Clothing (C) Sadness (D) Laziness (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 3DUDPHGLF" (A) Hospital patient (B) Drug dispenser (C) Disaster victim (D) Emergency responder (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 6DOXWDU\" (A) Promoting hand-waving (B) Promoting sugar (C) Promoting health (D) Promoting illness (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 0DODG\" (A)A bad condition (B) A strange condition (C) A wholesome condition (D) A normal condition (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU ,QRFXODWH" (A) to ignore (B) to protect (C) to hurt (D) to occupy (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $Ià LFWLRQ" (A) State of happiness (B) State of inebriation (C) State of confusion (D) State of suffering (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 2FXODU" (A) Of the extreme (B) Of the eye (C) Of the stomach (D) Of the circle (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RI WKH IROORZLQJ LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $LOPHQW" (A) Airplane wing (B) Medicine (C) Mild illness (D) Electric car (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 1HXURVLV" (A) New ideas (B) Mental oasis (C) Brain cells (D) Anxiety disorder (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 3DQDFHD" (A) Pervasive (B) Cure-all (C) Ailment (D) Ocean view (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 3V\FKRVLV" (A) Standing order (B) Severe disorder (C) Circular shape (D) Future ideas (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 6DOXEULRXV" (A) Unhealthy (B) Wholesome (C) Dangerous (D) Oily (E) I don’t know this word

:KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $XWRSV\" (A) To automatically do (B) To push above (C) To examine cause of death (D) To view a car (E) I don’t know this word

18 052004 04

ം๟ :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 3KLOWHU" (A) An item to sift (B) A magic potion (C) To separate out (D) To block access (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU +\SRFKRQGULDF" (A) Worried about money (B) Worried about health (C) Too much change (D) Too little water (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU &RQYDOHVFH" $ 7R UHà HFW (B) To acquit (C) To relapse (D) To recover (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 5HFXSHUDWH" (A) To echo (B) To hold (C) To sicken (D) To heal (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU (XWKDQDVLD" (A) Good feeling (B) Truly Asian

(C) Painless death (D) Numbed sensation (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $QHVWKHVLD" (A) Promotion of athletics (B) Prevention of esthetics (C) Promotion of health (D) Prevention of pain (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 6DOYH" (A) Artillery discharge (B) Something soothing (C) Possessive self (D) Small valve (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU 5HVXVFLWDWH" (A) To suspend (B) To die again (C) To wilt (D) To revive (E) I don’t know this word :KLFK RQH LV WKH FRUUHFW GHÀQLWLRQ IRU $SRWKHFDU\" (A) Religious apostle (B) Pharmacist (C) Sweet food ' 6FLHQWLÀF WKHRU\ (E) I don’t know this word * If you want to get the answers, please sign up our online courses.

ം౼ ࡩ‫ܓ‬ဗฯ



ဗฯ࢑СளҢࣁϜளُ‫ޠ‬౫ຬȂӼُܼϜՃԒ݊ ЅȄӶဗഌ੾ொϜȂЏ‫ܓࡩ࢑ڐ‬ဗ‫װ‬།ȂҦܼᝓ २‫ޠ‬઄ฯȂཽҴ֊‫ٻ‬Ϗձ୅ႴȂᄈСளҢࣁആԚ ࡟Ӽϛ߰Ȅ೼጖Нത஡֚ຨ்Ȃဗฯ‫ޠ‬ϸ᜹пІ ٪‫ݾ‬௪ۗȄளُ‫ܓࡩޠ‬ဗ‫װ‬།ԥίӗ ංᆎȈ Κ/ࡩ‫ܓ‬ဗՋ๑ጱ‫װ‬།೼ᆎ‫װ‬།ึҢӶՋՉѵቺ ‫ޠ‬ጱȂѪՋ๑ጱȂ൸࢑Сள‫ש‬উ‫ܛ‬ᇴ‫ޠ‬Ɇৰ੊ɇ ‫ܗ‬Ɇ଱ဗɇȄ೼ᆎဗฯ‫ޠ‬Κঐऐя੬ᘉ࢑Ȉ‫װ‬ဗ ਣ‫ء‬ཇ२ࣁȂη‫ء‬ԥቒ੩ࣁ୞Ȋ೩Ӽ੿΢‫ٿ‬൸ຩ ਣȂ൸ཽܳ࡫ᇴȈ‫ש‬ញூ‫ء‬ཀྵ२‫ޑ‬Ȃࡪቅ൸‫װ‬Π ֣ȉ‫ޠ‬ጃӼ኶੿΢ऐดဗฯȂ࢑ҦܼࣀᖜȂ᠊ ဗȂયҴȂࣦՎࠞმȃባᔅȃ҉ࠥХȃիᛆဗ๊ ୞ձЖକ‫ޠ‬ဗ།Ȅᖞ‫ט‬α೼ኻ‫੿ޠ‬΢Κঐऐя੬ ᘉ࢑Ȃဗ઄ฯѠέ‫׳‬ϛяΚঐጃۢ‫ޠ‬ฯᘉȂXӏ ‫܂܂‬ηึ౫ϛΠୱᚡȄ Ρ/ဗ໶ழ‫཭װ‬།Ӽُܼཀྵၽ२‫ޑ‬Ȃѵ།‫ܗ‬ѵΩ ኢᔟȄ੿΢དញ‫ޠ‬ဗฯЩᄃር‫཭ޠ‬།्ሇ‫ޠ‬Ӽȇ ᔇฯӼӶࡤनҔϜ‫ܗ‬౲୒ȇXӏұҔளȄ೼ᆎဗ ‫װ‬།Ȃ੿ӱ݃ጃȇ઄ฯᘉጃۢȄӶ፞ӼဗฯϜȂ ೼ᆎᏣ፵‫װܓ‬།ഷᝓ२ȂѠᖞ‫ߓט‬౫ࣻᄈഷሇȄ η൸࢑ৡܿആԚ୆ຬȂኈ៫Іਣ‫ݾ‬ᕜȄ ή/ဗෝ໣ϊᜱ࿾ᆤӬ઀೼࢑Ӷ‫ܛ‬ԥࡩ‫ܓ‬ဗฯ၈ ഷฯ‫ޠ‬ΚᆎȂဗฯึҢࡤȂ੿΢ߓ௒ΫϸฯशȂ ઄ฯංоᜳп‫ڨף‬Ȃංоϛ૗ԥӉեಌ୞Ȅᔇฯ ᘉӼӶဗ5.6‫ܗ‬2‫ޠ‬ෝਡȄᔇฯᘉၷ఼ȄYӏұϊ ᜱ࿾௷ӗϛᐍȄᖞ‫ט‬စᡜᡲ‫ש‬উΠ၍‫ژ‬Ȃϊᜱ࿾ ᆤӬ઀ொ޲Ȃ҂ਣဗ൸Ɇሗ೻ɇȂη࡟ৡܿઁ ഽȄདញαԂ჌ဗϜ‫ޠ‬໶ழഎᚭί‫ٿ‬ΠȂ೼ኻᜱ ࿾࡟ৡܿӶΚۢጓ൝ϲಌ՞Ȃಌ՞‫ޠ‬ϊᜱ࿾ϟ໣ Ԅ‫ݏ‬ԥ‫ڐ‬ѻ೻ಣᙒ߮ΤȂ൸ཽആԚ೼ኻ‫ޠ‬ᆤӬ ઀Ȅ ! ᄈܼࡩ‫ܓ‬ဗ‫װ‬།ഷԥਞ‫ݾޠ‬ᕜР‫ݳ‬ȂΚۢ࢑ᘉ‫ڗ‬ ܺ՗Ȅܺ՗ѠᒶᐆഷฯᘉȂηѠӶစ๝αȄள ೤ਞࢴࡤȂңᚃଲ‫ܛ‬ң‫ޠ‬٦ᆎ௵՗ଭȂᘉ‫ڗ‬2.4 ᘉȂࡤңЭᡭ֝я6.21ᅏ࿎՗Ȅ೼ᆎᕜ‫ݳ‬Ȃ૗‫ٻ‬ ‫ڨ‬།ᘉЬလȃ࿎՗੒ଷȂளѠп‫ץ‬ഁ‪ฯȂ࢑‫ݾ‬ ᕜဗฯ‫ॷޠ‬ᒶȄ࿌ّηѠп௵ң௱਍Ȃଭ‫๊ذ‬ህ

ֆᕜ‫ݳ‬Ȅሰ्ᇴ݃‫࢑ޠ‬Ȃαख़ಒήᆎဗฯȂη൸࢑ϊᜱ࿾ᆤ Ӭ઀ȂӼᒶңК‫ݾݳ‬ᕜȂ‫ٻ‬ϊᜱ࿾ඉ՞ȇ‫ܗ‬नᎭनᚭႼ‫ݳ‬Ȃ ‫ٻ‬೻ಣᙒᕼӲȄԄ‫ݏ‬೼‫ݾٳ‬ᕜϛ‫ݏ‬ȂӕՄኍ‫ڐ‬ѻᕜ‫ݳ‬Ȅᄈܼ ЇඉึҢ‫ޠ‬ဗฯȞԒϲึ୉ົႇ3ԪȟȂІဗෝ໣ϊᜱ࿾ᆤ Ӭ઀ொ޲ȂႲ٪࢑ഷ२्‫ޠ‬ȄӶႲ٪ୱᚡαȂᒶᐆ໾ॶȃϜ ᛿Іၽ୞എ࢑Ѡ՘‫ޠ‬Ȃ‫ڐ‬ϜϜ᛿Ⴒ٪࢑ഷϹᄃѠᎭ‫ޠ‬Ȅ‫ڐ‬ᄃ ဗෝ໣‫ޠ‬ଽᓟȂဗෝ໣‫ޠ‬ՋဖȂԥ఩ϛશ‫ޠ‬ഀӶΚକȂϛ࢑ ഽϛѠખ‫ޠ‬Ȃᓎ຀ਣ໣‫ޠ‬௱ಌȂ٦ᆎɆᒒஞณ໣ɇ‫ޠ‬๗Ӭཽ ౶ᚭȂ೼ኻӶ‫ڟ‬።ၽ୞αؐ።࡟ᜳΚयȂ೼࢑ࡩ‫ܓ‬ဗฯึҢ ‫ޠ‬਴Ґ঩ӱȄ


ം౼ ‫ܙ‬౱‫׺‬ၦ߭ଋREITs‫׺ޠ‬ၦᐡཽ! ձ޲ȈႫᆓቕ!Daniel LoyȂ!ђԏພь‫׺‬ၦ౪ଓ៬ୱ!519.43:.865:! ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱ΚӪ࢑๽΢ൊན‫׺ޠ‬ၦ໷ҭϟΚȂկຶዃ Ԟ઩‫ٯ‬ϛԄདྷ჌ϜሇᚭȂђα‫ޣ‬௦‫׺‬ၦ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱ሰ ्୞ңτ์ၦߝȂѬԥЎ໕ၦߝ‫׺ޠ‬ၦ޲ґ҇ Ѡп୥ᇅ೼‫׺ٳ‬ၦȄՅഷߗȂѫΚঐ຺ᗎ඾І‫ޠ‬ Р‫ݳ‬Ȃ࢑ഇႇ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱‫׺‬ၦ߭ଋȞɆREITsɇȟ‫׺‬ ၦ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱ȄREITs!л्‫׺‬ၦܼ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱໷ҭ‫ޠ‬໲ᡞ ‫׺‬ၦॏฬȄREITs࢑ഇႇึ՘޷ಊ‫ڨܗ‬ઊ᏶ᜍ༔ ໲‫׺‬ၦ޲‫ޠ‬ၦߝȂดࡤໍ՘‫ܙ‬ӵ౱‫ܙܗ‬ӵ౱ܱ‫ܬ‬ ູ෢‫׺‬ၦȂ‫ېٯ‬ଋ‫ܗ‬ဓ፝஠ཿᐡᄻ‫ڸ‬΢সᄃࢋ‫ڏ‬ ᡞ‫ޠ‬စᕋᆔ౪Ȅ඾೾‫׺‬ၦ޲ѠпӶߴࡼၦҐࢻ୞ ‫ޠ‬ӤਣȂ୥ᇅ঩Ґሰ्τ໕ၦߝ‫ܙޠ‬ӵ౱‫׺‬ၦȂ ᕖ‫ܙڦ‬ӵ౱‫׺‬ၦІစᕋԞઊȄREITs!ഇႇ᐀ԥІ ᆔ౪Ѡழ‫ٿ‬ԞΤ‫ܙޠ‬ӵ౱໷ҭȂ‫پ‬ԄȈϵ൴ȃ ᗋ‫ޑ‬ϜЗȃϏཿ౱ୣȃପଛϜЗȃା๊B઼ᒳϵ ዃȃτ࠯‫ޠ‬ഀᚈႮ୶‫ۺ‬᎝я઩ܼBest BuyȃWalMartȃWalgreenȃHome DepotȃLowesȃO IÀFH0D[ȃTargetȃCostco๊‫ڸ‬τ࠯‫ޠ‬ഀᚈ଩ ‫ۺ‬ཿ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱я઩ܼMarriottȃHilton๊Ȃਢၾാ ӵ‫׺ޠ‬ၦя઩єࢃΠਢၾύೆȃྥഢϜЗȃ࡚୆ ؇ȃାᅮЊ౩ൠпІၾအጇᓟ‫ޠ‬я઩ཿଡ଼๊​๊-! ᗚԥΚ‫ٳ‬௄‫ܼٲ‬୧ཿ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱ܱ‫ູܬ‬෢‫׺ޠ‬ၦȄ Ս௄2:71ԒӶज୾Ҕԓ೪Ҵ‫ޠ‬зࣩαಒΚ଺ ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱‫׺‬ၦ߭ଋϵѨȂREITsϑึ৥Πົႇ61 ԒȄREITs‫׺‬ၦᆔ౪‫ޠ‬஠ཿϾโ࡚ϛᘟණାȄᖄᢏ ज୾REITs‫ึޠ‬৥စᡜѠࣽяȂ‫׈‬๢‫࢑࡚ښࡢݳޠ‬ ߴᜍREITsୋஷึ৥‫ޠ‬२्఩ӈȄ࣐ߴៗ‫׺‬ၦ޲‫ޠ‬ ւઊϛ‫཭ڨ‬ড়Ȃज୾ᄈREITs‫ޠ‬೩ӼР८എԥᝓੀ ‫ޠ‬೤ۢȂл्єࢃȈӶԞઊϸପР८Ȃ्ؒ஡ؑ Ԓ๙τഌϸԞΤп౫ߝ޷ւ‫ޠ‬Рԓϸପ๞޷‫ݎ‬ȇ Ӷ޷᠍๗ᄻР८Ȃϛϱ೩ົτ޷‫ޠݎ‬ԇӶȇӶԞ Τ๗ᄻР८Ȃ्ؒSFJUt‫ޠ‬ԞΤл्‫ܙܼྜٿ‬ӵ ౱‫ޠ‬စᕋԞઊ‫ڸ‬3Ԓпα‫ܙޠ‬ӵ౱೏ဋԞઊȂ٪ ЦREITsᓝᖆ‫ޠ‬฼෉ᐈձȄ೼‫ٳ‬௪ࢋߴᜍΠREITs ‫ޠ‬೤ጓϾၽձȂ७մΠτ޷‫߮ݎ‬Ҝϊ޷‫ݎ‬ւઊ‫ޠ‬ ॴᓏȂ௄ՅჃᓿΠ‫؂‬Ӽ‫׺‬ၦ޲‫ޠ‬୥ᇅȄϵѨ्Ԛ ࣐ዀྦ‫ޠۢݳ‬REITs‫ၘޠ‬Ȃ҇໹‫ױ‬ഷЎ!:1&!‫ޠ‬ଷ ใࡤ౒ԞઊȂп޷ਁ‫ם‬ԓۢ෉ࣃึ๞‫׺‬ၦ޲Ȅᅗ ٘Κۢ఩ӈ‫ޠ‬SFJUtϛ໹һϵѨ‫ܛ‬ூใȂпᗘռ ᚗ२ใԞȂ௄ՅණାΠ‫׺‬ၦ޲ԞઊȄ!

ᇅ‫ޣ‬௦‫׺‬ၦ‫ޑ‬ཿࣻЩȂӶһܿ‫ܛ‬αҀ‫ޠ‬REITs᐀ԥ ၷା‫ࢻޠ‬೾‫׺)ܓ‬ၦ޲Ѡп჌ຶ፳޷ಊૢຶ፳REITsȄดՅȂREITs‫ޠ‬ቌੀѠ૗ཽၷၦ౱౒অя౫ ྗቌ‫׸ܗ‬ᡲȄ*Ȅ೼᜹ஆߝ࣐‫׺‬ၦ޲ණ‫ٽ‬ᐡཽȂ ᡲ‫׺‬ၦ޲Ш໹‫׺‬Ττ์ၦߝȂϑ૗‫׺‬ၦܼτ࠯‫ޠ‬ ‫ܙ‬ӵ౱໷ҭȄԫѵȂҦܼREITs‫׺ޠ‬ၦಣӬ᐀ԥ Ӥ઩ଡ଼Ԓ෉‫ڸ‬઩Й᜹ր‫ޑޠ‬ཿȂӱԫȂSFJUt!Ҽ ԥֆϸය‫ܙ‬ӵ౱໷ҭ‫׺‬ၦ‫ॴޠ‬ᓏȄ‫׺‬ၦ޲Ѡп೾ ႇϵ໡αҀ‫޷ޠ‬ಊ‫ڸ‬༇‫ޣڕ‬௦ໍ՘ຶ፳Ȅ!ηѠ п೾ႇѫѵ‫ޠ‬ΚᆎґαҀ‫߭ޠ‬ଋ!)Public NonTraded REITs*!пΚ޷Κ޷ຶ፳‫ޠ‬Рԓໍ՘‫׺‬ ၦȄѠпңIRA/Roth IRAଞӅவЙ‫ܗ‬඾೾வЙ༳ ቹҨ፝൑൸૗୥ђΠȄ࡚ؑ۠ԥᄈ፰൑ᐄ-!ηѠ αᆪࢦၛ፰൑ȄSFJUt௄Κۢโ࡚αᙵ൳Π‫׺‬ၦ ᆎ᜹Ȅ


Fall 2011 Class Schedule Palo Alto ...... 650.288.3710 English Intro to Writing & Literature

| 9/10 - 12/24

Vocabulary Foundation

| 9/6 - 12/20

Grammar & Essay Composition

| 9/10 - 12/24

Comprehending Critical Reading | 9/10 - 12/24 Intensive Vocabulary Mastery

| 9/7 - 12/21

Perfecting Grammar & Style

| 9/11 - 12/25

Advanced Critical Reading

| 9/11 - 12/25

English classes: Total 40 hours, 16 sessions.

SAT I Test Prep SAT Boot Camp

| 10/1 - 1/21

SAT Boot Camp

| 10/1 - 1/21

SAT Boot Camp

| 10/2 - 1/22

SAT Boot Camp

| 10/2 - 1/22

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

SAT Subject Test Prep SAT Math

| 9/24 - 10/30

SAT Math

| 11/6 – 1/22

SAT Physics

| 9/24 - 10/30

SAT Physics

| 11/5 - 1/21

SAT Biology

| 9/24 - 10/30

SAT Biology

| 11/5 - 1/21

SAT Chemistry

| 9/24 - 10/30

SAT Chemistry

| 11/6 - 1/22

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

Homework Helper Math & Science

| 8/22 - 12/7

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended. *No classes on 11/26/11 & 11/27/11. Schedule is subject to change without notice.


Please contact the center for discount info and detailed class schedule.

25 4131 El Camino Real #103, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Fall 2011 Class Schedule Plesanton ... 925.226.7930 English Intro to Writin Writing and Literature 2 Intro to Writ Writing and Literature 2

San Francisco ... .. 415.668.6686 English

| 10/3 – 12/14 | 9/10 – 1/28

Comprehe Comprehending Critical Reading | 10/3 – 12/14

Intro to Writing & Literature 2 Vocabulary Foundation Grammar & Essay Composition

Compreh Comprehending Critical Reading | 9/10 - 1/28

Comprehending Critical Reading | 9/21 - 11/30

Vocabulary Foundation Vocabu Vocab Vocabulary Foundation

| 10/4 - 12/15 | 9/10 - 1/28

Intensive Vocabulary Mastery

| 9/21 - 12/4

Perfecting Grammar & Style

| 9/20 - 11/30

Adva Advanced Critical Reading Adv Advanced Critical Reading

| 10/3 - 12/14 | 9/11 - 1/29

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20

In Intensive Vocabulary Mastery Intensive Vocabulary Mastery

| 10/4 - 12/15 | 9/11 - 1/29

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

Math & Science Honor Inter. Algebra Honor Pre-Calculus Honor Chemistry AP Biology

9/12 - 11/16 9/13 - 11/17 9/12 - 11/16 9/13 - 11/17

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

SAT I Test Prep SAT Boot Camp SAT Boot Camp

| 8/20 – 10/15 |10/22 – 12/17

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

SAT Training

Math Accel. Math 1H Geometry

| | | |

| 9/24 – 10/16

| 9/22 - 12/1 | 9/21 - 11/30 | 9/22 - 12/1

| 9/12 - 11/17 | 9/12 - 11/17

Math classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

SAT I Test Prep SAT Boot Camp

| 8/20 - 11/15

SAT Boot Camp SAT Boot Camp

| 10/1 - 11/19 | 10/22 - 12/17

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

Esssay Workshop

| 9/3 - 11/19

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Classperiod subscription includes 4 tests (14 hours)

SAT Subject Test Prep

SAT Subject Test Prep SAT Biology

| 10/15 - 11/20

SAT Chemistry

| 10/15 - 11/20


| 10/15 - 11/20

SAT History

| 10/15 - 11/20

Homework Helper Math & Science

SAT Math II SAT Biology SAT Chemistry SAT US History

| 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 10/2 - 11/20 | 10/2 - 11/20

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

Homework Helper | 8/22 - 12/22

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended. *No class on 11/21/11-11/24/11, 12/24/11, 12/31/11, 1/7/12, 1/14/12. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

Math & Science

| 8/15 - 12/15

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended. *No classes on 9/3/11 & 9/4/11. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

DISCOUNT Please contact the center for discount info and detailed class schedule. 915 Main Street Suite C,Pleasanton, CA 94566

2455 Taraval Street, San Francisco, CA 94116

Fall 2011 Class Schedule Millbrae ... 650.692.2838 English

San Mateo ... 650.312.8300 English

Introduction Writing & Literature 2 | 9/12 - 11/21 Vocabulary Foundation | 9/13 - 11/17 Grammar and Essay Composition | 9/12 - 11/21 Comprehending Critical Reading | 9/13 - 11/17 Intensive Vocabulary Mastery | 9/13 - 11/17 Perfecting Grammar & Style | 9/13 - 11/17 Advanced Critical Reading | 9/12 - 11/21

Math | 8/27 - 10/22 | 8/27 - 10/22 | 8/27 - 10/22 | 8/27 - 10/22 | 8/27 - 10/22

| 9/10 - 10/29 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 10/30 - 12/18 | | | |

9/3 - 9/25 10/1 - 10/23 10/29 - 11/20 11/26 - 12/18

9/10 9/10 9/10 9/10 9/10


10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29

| | | | |

| 9/19 -11/22


| 9/19 -12/1

SAT Boot Camp

| 9/10 - 10/29

SAT Boot Camp

| 11/5 - 1/21

SAT Math II 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30


12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18

|Year Around

| 9/10 - 10/29

SAT Biology

| 9/10 - 10/29

SAT US History

| 9/10 - 10/29


| 10/1 - 11/19

SAT Chemistry SAT Physics

| 10/1 - 11/19 | 10/1 - 11/19

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

AP | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29 | 9/10 - 10/29

Advanced Critical Reading

SAT Subject Test Prep

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

AP Biology AP Chemstry AP Physics AP History AP Statistics AP Government AP Macroeconomics

| 9/21 -12/1

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Class-period subscription includes 4 tests (14 hours)

SAT Subject Test Prep | | | | |

| 9/19 -11/22

Perfecting Grammar & Style

SAT Training

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Class-period subscription includes 4 tests (14 hours)

SAT Math II SAT Biology SAT Chemistry SAT Physics SAT History

Intensive Vocabulary Mastery

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

Training Training Training Training

| 9/19 -11/22

SAT I Test Prep


Vocabulary Foundation

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

| 10/23 - 12/11 | 10/23 - 12/11 | 10/23 - 12/11 | 10/23 - 12/11 | 10/23 - 12/11

Math classes: Total 30 hours, 15 sessions.

SAT Boot Camp SAT Boot Camp

| 9/19 -12/1

Grammar and Essay Composition | 9/21 -12/1

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

Algebra 1-2 Algebra 3-4 Geometry Pre-Calculus Calculus

Creative Writing

| 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18 | 10/30 - 12/18

Homework Helper Math & Science

| 8/22 - 12/21

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended.

AP classes: Total 30 hours.

Homework Helper Math & Science

| 8/16 - 12/21

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended. *No classes on 11/26/11 & 11/27/11. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

*No classes on 11/11/11, 11/24/11 -11/28/11, 12/22/11 - 1/9/12. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

DISCOUNT Please contact the center for discount info and detailed class schedule.


49A El Camino Real, Millbrae, CA 94030

2743 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94403

Fall 2011 Class Schedule Fremont ... 510.623.0800

Cupertino ... 408.253.8300 English

English Grammar Foundation Advanced Grammar Comprehending Critical Reading Advanced Critical Reading

| 9/26 - 12/7 | 9/26 - 12/7 | 9/25 - 2/26 | 9/25 - 2/26

Grammar and Essay Composition| Comprehending Critical Reading | Intensive Vocabulary Mastery | Perfecting Grammar & Style | Advanced Critical Reading | ESL | TOEFL |

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions.

Math & Science Algebra 2 Geometry Pre-Calculus Chemistry Honor Chemistry

| 9/6 - 12/13 | 9/5 - 12/12 | 9/6 - 12/13 | 9/13 - 12/13 | 9/13 - 12/13

English classes: Total 40 hours, 20 sessions. ESL & TOEFL Class: Total 30 hours.

Math & Science Honor Inter. Algebra Honor Pre-Calculas Honor Chemistry AP Biology

Math classes: Total 40.5 hours, 27 sessions.

SAT I Test Prep SAT Boot Camp

| 10/2 - 11/20 | 10/2 - 11/20

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Classperiod subscription includes 4 tests (14 hours)

SAT Boot Camp SAT Boot Camp SAT Training

SAT Subject Test Prep SAT SAT SAT SAT

Biology Biology Math II Math II

| | | |

12/7 12/8 12/6 12/5

| 10/1 - 11/19 | 10/1 - 11/19 | Starts on 8/15

SAT Subject Test Prep

| 9/12 - 10/26

| 9/24 - 12/17 | 9/10 - 12/17 | 9/25 - 12/18

AP classes: Total 60 hours, 12 sessions.

Homework Helper Science Math English


Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Classperiod subscription includes 4 tests (14 hours)

AP Test Prep AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics

8/24 8/25 8/23 8/22

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

8/7 - 9/25 10/2 - 11/20 8/7 - 9/25 10/2 - 11/20

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

SAT Chemistry

| | | |

SAT I Test Prep

SAT I classes: Total: 60 hours, 15 sessions

SAT Training

9/3 - 11/6 9/3 - 11/6 9/5 - 11/19 9/6 - 11/10 9/3 - 11/6 9/3 - 12/17 8/20 - 9/25

SAT Math SAT Math SAT Physics SAT Physics

| | | |

9/18 11/5 9/18 11/5


10/29 12/18 10/29 12/18

SAT Biology SAT Biology SAT Chemistry SAT Chemistry

| 9/18 | 11/5 | 9/18 | 11/5 -

10/29 12/18 10/29 12/18

SAT Subject classes: Total 30 hours.

Homework Helper

| 9/5 - 12/15 | 9/5 - 12/15 | 9/5 - 12/15

Math & Science

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended.

| 8/22 - 12/7

Homework Helper Monthly Membership: Membership fee is determined by the number of days attended.

*No classes from 11/21/11 - 11/27/11, 12/19/11 - 1/2/12. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

*No classes on 11/21/11 - 11/24/11. Schedule is subject to change without notice.

DISCOUNT Please contact the center for discount info and detailed class schedule.


1974 Driscoll Road, Fremont, CA 94539

10650 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014

Our Teachers හാ‫ޠ‬ᓻ፵ఁ৲ထ Jude Johnson


Jude R. Johnson recieved his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Savanna State University. He recieved his Masters in Middle Grades Education from Mercer University in Atlanta. He went on to teach middle grades math, Social Studies, and Language arts for the Atlanta Public School System. He was offered a full fellowship to pursue doctoral studies at Emory University. In 2002 he recieved his Ph.D. in Educational Studies. For the last 10 years he taught pedagogy and research courses as a tenured Associate Professor at Mercer University.

Dr. Johnson τᏱ౴ཿܼSavanna State University!лঔᐡఢϏโȄܼAtlanta‫ޠ‬ Mercer University‫׈‬Ԛఁ‫ي‬ᆉςᏱ՞Ȅᓎࡤ έܼ2002ԒӶEmory University!ᕖ‫ڦ‬ఁ‫ي‬ ീςᏱ՞Ȅႇџ10Ԓ࿌ϜȂу෇ܼMercer UniversityӉఁȄዦ௒ȃീᏱђα኶ԒఁᏱစ ᡜ‫ٻ‬уӶPleasantonϜЗԚ࣐ഷ‫ޠߕ᠎ڨ‬Ճ ৲ϟΚȄ

Jennifer Gaynor


Jennifer Gaynor is a native Californian and avid reader who graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a B.A. in French and International Relations. Her junior year of university was spent studying abroad at the Institute of Political Studies at the University of Grenoble in France. Jennifer later earned a J.D. from Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco. Jennifer has tutored children of all ages and backgrounds and believes that learning can be both fun and productive. At Think Tank Learning, Jennifer teaches numerous English courses in addition to tutoring both native and non-native English-speaking students. She works on understanding how each child learns in order to help him or her succeed. Jennifer is looking forward to helping your children on their road to success!


Jennifer GaynorяҢӶज୾ђւᆌѼ‫ٴ‬ԏȂ Ս҃ൊԂ᠟ਫȄ౴ཿܼђԏDavisτᏱ‫ݳ‬ᇮ‫ڸ‬ ୾ርᜱ߾஠ཿȄ෇ӶτᏱήԒ઼॔‫୾ݳ‬ੀ୛ᒜ ҁᅮτᏱ࢈‫ݳ‬Ᏹଲ੽ᏱȄ!KfoojgfsࡤӶђԏ ᙠߝύߝߟτᏱ‫ݳ‬Ᏹଲᕖூ‫ݳ‬౪ᏱീςȄ! JenniferߗංԒၗЗयΩܼऽᇮఁᏱϏձȂң ൴ఁܼ዆‫ޠ‬Р‫݉ݳ‬ଡ଼ܼϛӤԒឮቺ‫ޠ‬ᏱҢȄӶ හാఁ‫ي‬ᏱଲϏձ෉໣ȂΚ‫ܜޣ‬ᐋ຀ऽᇮມ ཋȂᇮ‫ݳ‬ቹձ‫ڸ‬Ꭸ᠟๊Ӽᆎऽᇮ፟โ‫ޠ‬२्ఁ ᏱӉଡ଼ȂӤਣᗚ࣐ज୾ᏱҢ‫ུڸ‬ಌҖᏱҢ୉ ΚᄈΚఁᏱህᏳȄ!JenniferӶංԒ‫ޠ‬዗Зఁ ᏱϜᑗತΠᙵ൳‫ޠ‬စᡜȂ௄ϸ‫ؑݚ‬ঐᏱҢ‫ܓޠ‬ ੀȂᏱಭ૗Ω‫ڸ‬ᏱಭಭᄜяึȂ࣐ᏱҢ໕ٙۢ ୉ϛӤ‫ޠ‬ఁᏱॏდȂ௄Յႁ‫ژ‬ऽᇮᏱಭ‫ޠ‬ഷಥ ҭ‫ޠ‬Ȅ!Jennifer෉ࡠ຀ᔔֆ‫؂‬ӼᏱҢȂឺК ଛܱԚѓ‫ۭ܅‬Ȅ

ŕ´‚ŕąź Our Teachers ŕˇ„ŕ´žâ€ŤŢ â€Źá“ťá?ľŕ° ৲ထ Karin McKie 0 ) $ 6DQ -RVH 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ &UHDWLYH :ULWLQJ

Karin McKie ( SAT English Instructor) is pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing at San JosÊ State University, with a focus in FUHDWLYH QRQÀFWLRQ GUDPDWLF ZULWLQJ DQG 6KDNHVSHDUH studies. She has been published in Today’s Chicago Woman, Perspective, Interiors and Sources, The Book: An Actor’s Guide to Chicago, and Chicagoplays; has been managing editor for Perspective and Reed magazines; and reviews theater online. She has lectured and taught at SJSU, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, North Park University, her alma mater James Madison University, plus Community Media Workshop, Arts Management Project, Fernwork Arts Incubator and at many youth organizations including the Chicago Park District.

Karin McKie Ň­ŕ ŠÓśSan JosĂŠ State University‍׿‏á &#x;MFA in Creative WritingČ‚ ‍Ú?‏á?ąŕł›ŕ¤ƒâ€ŤŮ ‏НŕĽ?Óśŕ´ťŕ´†â€ŤßŠÜ“â€ŹĎŠá‡´Č‚á”œá‰’á‰š Őąâ€ŤÚ¸â€Źŕ˛˝Ď‚ĐŠâ€ŤŮ´â€ŹČ„Ôƒâ€ŤŢ â€ŹĐ?തϑӜToday’s Chicago Woman, Perspective, Interiors and SourcesČ‚!‍ڸ‏The Book: An Actor’s Guide to Chicago, and Chicagoplaysιผß“Č‚Ôƒ Ӥਣ࢑Perspective and Reed magazines! â€ŤŢ â€Źá†”๪áŒ˘á’ŻČ„ÔƒÓśSJSU, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, North Park UniversityČ‚!ĐżĐ†Ôƒâ€ŤŢ â€ŹŇ•ਯá žâ€ŤŰ”â€Źŕś˝ŕ´ŹŕĽœáˆŒĎ„á?ąŕ´Žŕˇ‡ŕŽ‰ ŕ° Č„ÔŤŃľČ‚Ôƒâ€ŤŢ â€ŹĎ?ŐąáˆľŕŽ€á—šŕŠšĐ†ŢŚŕ­Łŕľ­áĄžĎ?Őą ֏Ȃᛝ೛ᆔ౪໷ҭČ‚Fernworká›ťŕł›áƒžĎžá?Łâ€ŤÚ¸â€ŹŕłŠ ӟߨÔ’ಣá™’Č‚Ń”ŕ˘ƒß Ń’঱ϵ༫ୣČ„


Jay grew up in Texas, and lived there until his sense of adventure brought him to Prague, Czech Republic. While he was living in Prague, Jay’s Czech students learned English and Jay learned that he loved teaching. After returning to the United States, Jay attended the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education where he received his M.S. in Secondary Education. Jay is a credentialed teacher in both Social Studies and English, and has taught middle and high school students. In his spare time he enjoys running, listening to music, reading history books, watching documentaries, and traveling.


JayӜ኉Ô?ßžĎ„Č‚Ń‰á…—ŕ „á“?á†ĄŕŞ˘â€ŤŢ â€ŹŃƒÓśĎ„á?ąŕą´ ཿĎ&#x;।Č‚â€ŤÚ˜â€ŹŕŻ§ŐťÓ”â€Ťŕ­žÚ¸â€Źŕ§ĽŕťĄŃƒâ€ŤŢ â€Źŕ° ৲ҢเȂӜ ௧՝ఠऽĐ?â€ŤŢ â€Źŕłźŕ˘łŕ¨ŁŕťŁČ‚ŕ°ƒผΠŃƒá„ˆÜźŕ° â€ŤŢ ŮŠâ€Ź ዌ௒Ȅ Ó˛â€ŤÚ˜â€Źŕ¤œŕ­žĎ&#x;।Č‚JayӜᇞÔ?Ď„á?ąŕą?ŕ´†ĎœŕšŠŕ° â€ŤŮŠâ€Ź ‍ڌٯ‏ூᆉςá?ąŐžČ„Jay‍Ú?‏Լތཽá?ąá‡…ऽĐ?â€ŤŢ â€Źŕ° ৲ᇰáœ?ȂႇŃ&#x;೼ࢳਣ໣Ńƒŕ´ŽӶ୾ାĎœఠ਍Č„໤ ཡĎ&#x;áŽ¸Č‚ŃƒŕľŠá Žŕť Ř?Čƒá š༲á‹†ČƒŕŠšá˜šá?¤Ń­ÔĽáœą â€ŤŢ â€Źŕ¨Ťá?łČƒá˘?á?­ŕ¤–ᓄйȂпІਢŐ˜Č„

Our Teachers ŕˇ„ŕ´žâ€ŤŢ â€Źá“ťá?ľŕ° ৲ထ Charlene de Leon M.A. UC Berkeley, Major in Education and Teaching &UHGHQWLDO (QJOLVK and Social-Science % $ 8& %HUNHOH\ 0DMRU LQ (QJOLVK 0LQRU LQ $VLDQ $PHULFDQ 6WXGLHV Charlene de Leon has been teaching and tutoring students of all ages for years. She was a Gates Millennium Scholar and earned her B.A. in English and minor in Asian-American Studies from the University of California- Berkeley. Although also accepted to Stanford and UCLA, she returned to her alma mater, UC Berkeley as a teaching fellow to earn her California Single Subject Teaching Credential in English and M.A. in Education from the top-ranked MUSE program. She currently holds a California Clear Credential in English and Social Science and has taught grades 6-12 in various Bay Area schools. She has been trained in best practices for English Language Learners and mainstreamed special needs students and has taught and tutored ELD and mainstreamed special needs students in a classroom and one-on-one tutoring setting. She is successful helping ELD VWXGHQWV GHYHORS WKHLU ZULWWHQ DQG RUDO Ă XHQF\ LQ DFDGHPLF English and is skilled in providing the scaffolding to support any student struggling with writing, reading comprehension, literary analysis, historical concepts, or critical thinking. She challenges even the high-achieving student to think critically, read actively, and write with greater clarity, thoughtfulness and depth. Her students have said that her greatest strengths as a teacher are how she makes curriculum accessible and interesting and helps students develop their oral and written communication skills. They appreciate how she teaches with professionalism and humor, maintaining a comfortable rapport that shows she cares about each of them and loves what she does. Charlene extends her passion for literature beyond the classroom by reading and writing in her spare time. She has three dogs and enjoys travel, dance, outdoor sports, and yoga.


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ം౼ ϜНлࢻ൭ᡞൣᏳහാఁ‫ي‬Ԅեᔔֆ৹គ౞Ҩ፝αࠥդτᏱ


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ಏġġ ᏰҡႄԁՂৱ໠Οᙉ

଻ਏᖎΙ‫ޢ‬ᇯ࣏Ȃఀ‫࢐ى‬ฒቋ ‫ޟ‬Ȃ೻ғ࢐т፽Σఀ‫ى‬౰ཾ‫ޟ‬ ᜰᗤȂтശདྷࣼ‫ڗ‬Ᏸҡ‫ᙽޟ‬ᡐ Ȃࣼ‫ڗ‬тঈ໌Σ౩དσᏰഠ៚ ‫ޟ‬ડ௑Ȅ ġġġġġġ ȴή෈࡟៉ȵ

Ⱨⰶ⎊‫ש‬ᢕ㄄ӓᅘ⊏ⳕӤ 2011.6.5.



Ⱨⰶ⎊‫ש‬ᢕ㄄ӓᅘ⊏ⳕӤ 2011.6.5.

ҏ෈ϱॲԤહघਢൢȃߨγཱིᆸᚕᇬȃжࣨРൢоЅ࢑৬РൢনМൢᏲȂཱ፜୤ᎧȊ Since 2002

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