The Woodpecker June 2019

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June 2019

Produced for the community, by the community

2 Degrees Cell Phone Tower in Pegasus PRGI Reports... On 10 May, the Pegasus Residents’ Group (PRGI) became aware of the

imminent installation of a cell phone tower on Motu Quay, Pegasus. PRGI contacted WDC for more information about this, as they were concerned about the proximity of the tower to the bridge and lake. Upon learning that the proposed site was within a few metres and in direct line of site of the Pegasus Lake swing bridge, PRGI began discussions with WDC planning staff and 2 Degrees staff to have the work halted and the location for the tower changed.

have taken place involving 2 Degrees, PRGI and WDC. PRGI appreciate that their concerns were taken seriously by both 2 Degrees and the Council and that they were kept fully informed throughout negotiations to find another site for the tower.

PRGI were not opposed to 2 Degrees or the tower itself, just the chosen location which they considered to be wholly inappropriate to the point of being offensive to Pegasus residents and the memory and legacy of Bob Robertson. They noted among their concerns that the Pegasus lake swing bridge would be one of the most photographed structures in our district. The proposed tower is 18.5 metres tall, which will dwarf the bridge and surrounding streetlamp posts.

At time of writing (23 May 2019) the process to find another site for the 2 Degrees tower continues. Meanwhile, it is important that 2 Degrees (who have already committed significant funds to the original location) be able to meet their contractual obligations. This means they will be installing a TEMPORARY cell phone tower at the site on Motu Quay to enable them to provide services to Pegasus residents until the permanent tower can be built at a new location. A photo of a temporary tower is shown.

Over the past 2 weeks, many discussions

Cont’d on page 2

Church Notices, Classifieds & Community Contacts from Page 37


Cont’d from front page PRGI thank 2 Degrees and WDC for their understanding once alerted to this issue. While PRGI are disappointed that the plan was given approval in the first place, they anticipate changes to be made in future to prevent a repeat of this situation. As the only nearby landowner, Todd Property gave their permission for the location to be used for the cell phone tower.

students brainstormed some ideas for how we can protect our local wetland eco-systems in and around Pegasus. Here are some of the great ideas they came up with which we’d like to share with the Pegasus community. - Plant more native plants in and around wetland habitats - Teach people about wetlands using signs, posters, letter drops, classes and games

The Council consents team were not required to publicly notify the application. Keep an eye on the PRGI Facebook page for updates on this issue; Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. PRGI will also continue to lobby for longer term protection and respect for the iconic structure that is ‘Bob’s Bridge’ and our bridge.

Tūhaitara Coastal Park Update As most are now aware, all walking, cycling, and horse tracks are now closed between Waikuku and Woodend. Please keep out of the park in this section at all times due to the active forestry operation. The harvest is expected to be completed by the end of July and you can check our Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Facebook page for updates. For this month’s update, we have enlisted the help of some inquisitive young minds from the Pegasus Bay School Science Academy. This group of students regularly visits the park and has been actively involved with our education programmes including the Biota Node Project. During their last visit, the topic we focused our learning on was wetlands and how to look after them. After collecting observations of aquatic invertebrate species and testing water clarity for a wetland survey, the Page 2 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

- Create places where people can view and learn about unique wetland wildlife species especially birds - Reduce plastic and other pollutants from entering wetland ecosystems; use bins or take rubbish away with you - If you walk your dog in wetland areas, keep it on a lead (many birds nest in wetlands) and always remember to pick up your dog’s poop! - Volunteer to set up a trapline to reduce animal pest species from negatively impacting native birdlife in wetlands These are just a few ideas that the students had, and many are simple steps that can be taken by anyone who lives near or visits wetlands. If you would like to be part of a wetland planting project, make sure you come along to our upcoming community event at Pines Beach Wetland on Saturday, the 8th of June. We’ll be

planting up to 1000 native species and would love your help. Meet at the corner of Achilles Parade and Batten Grove (Pines Beach/Kairaki Area) and bring a spade and gloves. Event will run from 10-2 and more information can be found on our Facebook page or by emailing tkot.enqurires@farmside. All are welcome- we hope to see you there!




MAYOR DAVID AYERS - CELL PHONE TOWER PEGASUS In the last couple of weeks, cell-phone tower placement has reared its not infrequent head, in these cases, in Ashley and Pegasus. The issues around each are a bit different and they have involved two different companies, but the common element is that people find them visually obtrusive. There is, of course, high usage of mobile phones across our community. Many people no longer have land-lines and with the advent of smart phones, most usage involves data rather voice - over the years, I have had a lot more complaints about poor coverage than I have had about towers on the landscape. Rising use means more towers, however, so as consumers we are, to an extent, part of the problem. The question of actual placement, however, is a different matter. The telecommunications companies (‘telcos’) want to get maximum coverage and that can limit their site choice in both built and open environments. They know that people don’t like the towers in residential areas, but in places like Waimakariri, just about everywhere is seen as ‘residential’ by the locals.


The law (specifically the National Environmental Standards under the Resource Management Act) operates in a way to encourage the roll-out of mobile communications with few obstructions and while the towers do require resource consent from the council, the council, under the law, does not have much discretion to refuse an application. I don’t have a smart solution (pun not intended!). These days we rely on the towers and we are going to have them. All that we can hope for is good antennae (sorry!) on the part of telcos, councils and residents when a proposal is in its early stages before the concrete is poured and it becomes a fait accompli. As I write this, I am not sure if a better site has been settled on for the Pegasus tower. I hope it has.

Pegasus Radio Sailing Club

celebrated the month of May by welcoming its 40th member. After only 10 months, membership has doubled from the 20 registered members who formally launched the Club last August. On Saturday 11 May, the Club ran a ‘Show and Tell’ Day on the foreshore of Lake Pegasus. The Club invited members who enjoy just sailing their yachts without necessarily racing, and new or interested members yet to buy,

build or design a radio yacht. Twenty seven radio yachts across eleven classes were on show: from a swing rig 10 Rater, going down in size to a Marblehead, a range of IOM designs, a few Canterbury Js (from J7 to J325), 2 Scale Zephyrs, a DF95, the club’s own swing rig Pegasus 880 to a DF65. An IOM was on show in its travel box and there was a Fairwind, a Laser RC and a trimaran on show. Missing were EC12s and an own-design wooden radio yacht.


PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – June 2019 PRGI AGM HELD ON 21 MAY 2019 ACTING PRESIDENT’S REPORT The Pegasus Residents Group has been in existence for 8 years and became an incorporated society nearly 6 years ago. This past year has been busy for us as we continue to advocate with our stakeholders and interact with our community for the betterment of the town. Because of the need to remain relevant with modern trends, we are introducing a social media secretary who remains responsible to the nominated secretary. In other words, because of the increasing size of the role it was necessary to split these duties. Given that this role remains under the authority of the Secretary, we believe the integrity of our constitution by virtue of clause 8.1 regarding secretarial duties is maintained. In the past year our achievements have included (but not limited too): • An improved level of maintenance of the greenspace from state highway 1 down to Infinity Drive from a road reserve contract to a Parks & Reserves contract without affecting rates. This has led to a much improved appearance for people to see as they enter/exit the town. We thank the Waimakariri District Council (WDC) most sincerely for agreeing to this and thank their contractor, Delta, for their standard of work. • We worked with WDC to secure the lease on the building (former doctor’s surgery) next to the community centre from owner, Todd Property and we are currently working with the council on fit out. It is anticipated these rooms will be ready for rental from 1 July. • We have recently submitted to the WDC’s annual plan to have a purpose built modern, contemporary community facility built by the lake within the next three to five years. We were afforded the opportunity to speak to our submission. Our goal was to have our request accepted by Council. At this stage we are Email: Page 8 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

seeking council approval to agree to our proposal to have a purpose-built facility to enable funding and consultation to begin. This will be a considerable undertaking for us and we will be seeking support from our local Woodend Sefton Community Board, going forward. Council deliberations on the annual plan are being held next week and we look forward to hearing the outcome of our request. • Other issues were submitted to the annual plan, for example, reducing the severity of the road bumps along Pegasus Main Street. • We continue to have regular exchanges of information and ideas with the Woodend Community Association to enable us to remain relevant with happenings in the wider area and collaborate on some issues, for example, roading. • Our volunteer security patrol team remains strong and the work of our volunteers is much appreciated. However new recruits are always welcome. Talk to John later if you are interested in joining. Our plans for the coming year include: • Working with stakeholders to begin the long journey necessary to obtain a purpose-built community centre by the lake • Work with WDC and other interested parties to ensure the upgrade work required around the emergency access to the town is appropriately completed and in a timely manner • Continue informing the community with relevant, factual information as appropriate, to ensure residents are kept up to date with what’s happening in our town • Revise and update the Pegasus Directory by October this year. • Update our website Of course, we would be unable to achieve any of our dreams and plans without the financial assistance of our members and local businesses for which we are most grateful. Pegasus – Living it – Loving it!

PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – June 2019 At the risk of leaving someone important out, we would like to thank: WDC Managers and staff with whom we have built a strong relationship over the years and attend many of our functions and events. They also provide us with prompt responses to our many enquiries. A very special thank you and a ‘well done good and faithful servant’ to our Mayor, David Ayers who, as you know, is not standing at the next local body elections. To the best of our recollection, David has attended all our Christmas events and all of our AGMs, as well as cutting the cake at the opening of the community centre. We would also like to thank Ian Lennie who joined us in January 2015 and was President from May that year until he resigned 31 December 2018 to pursue other interests. We wish Ian all the best with those endeavours. We also thank other committee members who left us during the year, namely, Graeme Wood, Bronwyn Hunter and Lynne Stewart. These members all contributed fully to our committee and we wish them well for the future. I will now introduce and thank most sincerely our remaining committee members who have worked tirelessly and willingly throughout the year and introduce one new member joining the committee tonight. This will give 13 committee members and we do not intend to seek further nominations from the floor tonight. Under clause 7.2 of our constitution the committee is able to co-opt further members throughout the year as deemed necessary. Please stand up when your name is called so people can see who you are: • Rhonda Mather, our Secretary for the past 6 years and wants to now focus on the Community Directory and Community Centre. Rhonda has done an outstanding job as secretary. She also administers the current community centre and is our representative on Email:

the Woodend Sefton Community Board where she also sits. Rhonda’s countless hours of work coupled with her attention to detail ensures functionality of our group. • Don Smith. A Committee member since the beginning in 2011 and has been treasurer since November 2014. Don is a details man and his skills in this role are very much appreciated • John Allin. Maintains the smooth running and overall maintenance of the security vehicle, including the weekly roster. • Sharon Divall who has taken over the role of membership co-ordinator from Lynne. • Ronel Stephens. Who is our community liaison representative and is also involved with numerous groups. Her monthly cuppa has been a hit and attracts around 50 residents each time. • Thea Kunkel. Secretary and also prepares our submissions on behalf of the group • Kathy Gutberlet. Is an accountant and supports Don as necessary and adds valuable input to our decision making • Simon Fitt. Is our website person and we will be working on updating this, in the coming year. • Joe & Rochelle Faimalo are both passionate about youth and the wellbeing of families in our town • Heidi Wood who has just joined us and will be our social media secretary • Rae Wakefield- Jones who is joining us tonight. Please be assured you have an active and strong committee who work collaboratively to ensure the best for Pegasus town. My thanks to all our 170 member households who have supported us. Without your support we would not exist. It is clear you are as passionate about this town as we are. Roger Rule, Acting President Contact us at for more info, or to become a member. Facebook: Pegasus – Living it – Loving it! THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019 Page 9

PRGI – Pegasus Info Page – June 2019 EMERGENCY ACCESS UPGRADE PRGI are delighted to see that upgrade of the emergency accessway at the southern end of Pegasus Main St has commenced (and may well be completed by the time you read this). This work has been done in response to suggestions from PRGI and we thank the Council for their positive response to this issue.




All Pegasus residents are welcome to come along to Ronel’s community cuppa on Wednesday 12th June from 10.45am at the Pegasus Community Centre. This is a fun, free, opportunity to meet some new people while enjoying a cuppa and whatever yummy treats Ronel has baked for us!! ☺ If you need help with transport, please phone 021 1080 634

Pegasus – Living it – Loving it!

STORAGE / WORKSHOP UNITS FOR LEASE Roller door one side, door and window the other side. Has power, automatic gate, part of yard area. Eastern side of Main North Road (between Pineacres and Woodend). 2km to Woodened, 2km to Kaiapoi. Long term parking also available. Perfect for trucks, boats, caravans. Price by negotiation.

Ph 027 248 4507 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019 Page 11



Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 8 Eders Road Woodend

Junes update is a bit of a snippet of the services we provide to our community Is Your Home Winter Fire Safe? Another Gentle reminder as winter brings a unique set of fire dangers that you need to be aware of. Follow these fire safety tips to help keep yourself and your family safe, no matter the season. Want to make sure your home fires safe? Here's a quick and easy checklist you can use to spot any risks or hazards that might cause a fire. Make sure you and everyone in your household follow the following safety advice:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Never ever leave cooking unattended. Most importantly, have an adequate number of suitable smoke alarms installed throughout your home and make sure that you test them regularly. Make sure you and all your family know two safe ways out of every room in your home. Have a written home escape plan in case of fire and practice it regularly. If you have a fireplace in your home make sure the chimney is clean, and its properly ventilated If you have a fireplace, always place a screen in front of it when in use. Check electric blankets for damage or frayed cords before placing on the bed. Take care to keep curtains, tablecloths and bedding away from portable heaters. Keep wet clothing at least 1 metre from heaters or fireplaces and never leave unattended. If you use a clothes dryer, make sure you clean the lint filter each time you use it. Only use one appliance per power point and switch off when not in use. Always extinguish candles or any other open flames before going to bed. Always handle candles or any other open flame with care. Store matches or lighters in a secure place not accessible to young children. Avoid the use of outdoor heating and cooking equipment inside your home. The use of this type of equipment indoors could lead to the build-up of Carbon Monoxide, which could be fatal.

To arrange a FREE HOME SAFETY CHECK Call: Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade 033127794 and leave a Message Page 14 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

Response to your Emergency Calls Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade turn out to a variety of calls -various fires, hazardous substances, motor vehicle accidents, animal rescues, gas leaks, flooding and other natural disasters to name a few. Emergency Medical Co-Response is a big part of our local emergency response, with St John, we respond to serious life-threatening medical emergencies to ensure patients receive quality first aid care as soon as possible. Our main objectives within the Woodend Emergency Response area is to : Reduce unwanted fires protect and preserve life, prevent or limit injury, and prevent or limit damage to property, land and the environment,

We aim to deliver outcomes for the Woodend Community in the following three areas: 1. Reduced likelihood of unwanted fires Our work helps prevent unwanted fires from occurring and managed fires from getting out of control. We do this through leading an aligned programme of research, education, community engagement, providing advice and ensuring compliance.

2. Reduced consequences from emergencies We are a trusted responder to incidents by leading or supporting others to minimise the impact of emergencies on people, property and the environment while keeping our people safe.

3. Increased community resilience We maintain a strong local presence throughout our community, supported by a national organisation. This will help our community have the capability to prevent and respond to emergencies.



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Pegasus Park Run ‘Move Your Butt’ Five Pegasus park runners have committed themselves to a fundraising effort during the month of June, in support of Bowel Cancer NZ and their ‘Move Your Butt; campaign. Forming the Pegarun team are Jackie Hancock, Angela Lamont, Geoff McMillan, Debbie Wilson and Mikaela Nolan. Pegasus parkrun have ‘donated’ their run of 1 June as their official run for

NORTH CANTERBURY Renting and Tenancy Seminar Citizens Advice Bureau North Canterbury invite the entire North Canterbury community to this seminar covering rights and responsibilities as a tenant or landlord and what to do when buying or selling property. Speakers at this seminar are Penny Arthur, from Tenants Protection Assn and Michael Begg, from Community Energy Action. The Seminar will be held at Mainpower Oval, Coldstream Road, Rangiora on Wednesday 19 June 2019 between 7pm and 9pm. Volunteer Week Where would we be without Volunteers!

this cause but the Pegarun team will be dedicating all of their individual runs for the whole month, to the cause.

Volunteer Week runs from 16 to 22 June 2019. The theme this year being ‘weaving the people together’, whiria te tangata.

There will be a donation bucket at the results table each Saturday morning until the end of June and everyone is invited and welcome to donate this way, or by going to the Move Your Butt donations page and selecting team Pegarun.

Volunteer Work involves putting your unpaid time, energy and skills to work for the greater good. Citizens Advice Bureau is an organisation whose service is delivered by volunteers. We help people to know and understand their rights.

This insidious, but preventable disease is killing - on average - 100 New Zealanders every month, that’s as much as breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.

Citizens Advice North Canterbury acknowledge and thank all our volunteers for providing a great service to our clients.

You can help reduce these numbers.


You are welcome to call in at the Trevor Inch Memorial Library 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, Monday to Friday from 9 am until 4.30 pm, Saturday 10 am – 1 pm

or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 – free phone 0800 367 222 or email us at

reward to use towards making their idea a reality. Liam was successful with his entry. Liam’s entry was to build a lizard sanctuary, which he is currently working on with Meredith one of the rangers from the Tuhaitara Trust.

Woodend School News - Snippet Around Tuhaitara Trust We have 10 students from Woodend School who have been going to the Tuhaitara Trust at Woodend Beach to observe and learn about the local area and its environment. They travel by the school van once every fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon for two hours. During this time, they walk or drive to their school’s Biotonode that was planted 9 years ago by previous students. They make observations on what birds and insects are present, weather conditions, test for water clarity and check traps for pests. This term unfortunately they cannot get access to their Biotonode due to local logging happening in the area, so they have visited and observed some other local schools Biotonode and been involved in some rubbish collecting down on the beach. This week the group planted seeds of Harakeke, Ake Ake, Kohuhu and Kowhai into small pots ready to plant out in a few months time into their Biotonode. The Ake Ake grows the quickest out of all these natives. Last term there was a competition for students to put forward ideas about how to help the environment with a $500

Last term they also planted Harakeke, Cabbage Trees and Juncus Grasses in and around their Biotonode. Each fortnight Adam, Liam, Amelia, Alice, Charlie, Lleyton, Finn, Nico, Matt and Michael work with Tuhaitara Rangers and Pip at our Biotanode.

PEGASUS Bringing Dental Services to North Canterbury General Dentistry Family Dentistry Facial Pain Minor Oral Surgery Tooth Whitening Hygienist Oral Medicine Specialist Super Gold Card Welcome Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm Late Night Tuesday 54 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus Phone 03 920 4003 Email:




Woodend Community Association WCA Committee Members We are seeking expressions of interest from all suburbs of Woodend for people with a ‘can do’ attitude and community minded spirit to join the Woodend Community Association Committee. A wide variety of skills are needed from managing social media, representative in a community group, general marketing skills, fundraising abilities with an interest on being well connected in the region. If you have the drive, ability to commit to tasks and commit to a committee, please contact us at with your details, interest and skill set. WCA Website

If you are new to Woodend, please visit our website to see information on our wonderful community. You can also sign up with us from the website. WCA Committee Meeting The WCA Committee’s next meeting will be held on 10 June 2019 at the Woodend Community Centre, 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend. President: Mark Paterson Secretary: Andrea Rigby Email: Woodend.Community. / Postal: P O Box 36, Woodend / Phone: 027 5349112

Woodend Bowling Club With a busy season now finished a final wrap-up of the last couple of months is in order. For the month of March every Wednesday evening we held our Community Bowls and had 14 teams of Triples competing (42 players). With loud music and a lot of hilarity fun was had by all. A wonderful team effort from our club members to make sure the players had a great experience of our game of bowls. Thanks to Kitchen, Bar, and green staff. Our generous sponsors for this event were The Good Home Pegasus and Butchers Mistress Rangiora. The final was challenging when the local Page 24 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

fire siren went off and 6 players raced out the gate!! Overall winners were the “Plough Ponies” and 24 players received prizes. Another highlight was our Champion Women Fours team winning the Canterbury Centre Champion of Champion competition in a very exciting game that was only won on the last end. The team was Joan Macfarlane (skip), Mary O’Brien, Pauline Bar, and Jenny Anderson. The team is off to Hamilton in July to play on artificial turf for the National title. Jenny also won the Champion of Champion Development Singles and Centre Development Singles - a fantastic achievement. Cont’d on page 25

Woodend Garden Club Annual General Meeting AND Monthly Meeting… was held in the Woodend Community Centre on 21 May 2019 at 11.30am There was a warm welcome from president Shirley Wheeler who reported that the club had a very successful year with many outings and interesting speakers. She proudly presented two new life members. Betty Thomas and Pauline Boyd with Life Member badges. This was followed by the Annual prize giving which was greeted with great enthusiasm. colourful Posy Bowls had been created by members which are to be delivered to Bloomfield Retirement Home. Two new members were elected to stand

on the committee. Committee - President Shirley Wheeler - Secretary Lynn Oliff - Treasure Pan Cleaver - Plus 6 General Members After a very tasty Finger food Luncheon the members had fun taking part in a Bric-a-Brac auction. Our next meeting will be held in the Woodend Community Centre on Monday at 1.30pm on the 17 June. Speakers will be Brent and Shirley Cairns – Subject Glass Art and the Kaiapoi Food Forest. You are welcome to join us for an enjoyable time. Contact Lynn - Ph 03 310 057 Shirley - Ph 03 327 3416 Pam - Ph 03 313 8120

Woodend Bowling Club

Cont’d from page 24 Rae Miller our retiring President was awarded Lifetime Achievement Award for Bowls at the Annual ‘Sports Canterbury’ dinner. Our Prize giving evening was enjoyed by all with a potluck dinner satisfying the palate. We have already welcomed some new members for the next season, so the club is in good heart. We look forward to our Friday night meals and Mid – Winter Xmas dinner in June. Our AGM is on 15 June 2019 at 2pm. THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019 Page 25

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Lions Club of pegasus town Charity fun mud run project Sunday 14 April saw the culmination of 6 months planning come into effect when 119 entrants took part in the first mud run organised by the club. Planning started on 6 August last year when a meeting with Greg Byrnes, General Manager of the Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust resulted in the trust giving permission for the run to be built through the wetlands bordering along the Eastern edge of Pegasus. A steering committee was set up, including members of the Lions Club of Rangiora. Applications to a number of Charitable Trusts and businesses saw most approaches turned down. However, we did obtain $2,250 in cash donations, a months’ advertising package worth $800 and donations of services, so we had to ensure a close watch was kept on expenses. The Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust arranged for the course to be set out and 5 mud pits were dug. An obstacle using 8 x 3-metre-long straw bales was also constructed. At 7.30am members of the club and Rangiora Lions arrived and set up marquees for use as changing areas. The Lions Club of Woodend brought their BBQ trailer to cook sausages to give away. One of our members, who owns the Flat White Café, sent her mobile coffee van. Members of the Waikuku Page 28 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

Surf Lifesaving Club arrived to act as course marshals and first aid personnel. Portable toilets arrived and we thought all was going well. Unfortunately, the low water table and lack of rain resulted in 3 of the mud pits being dry, rain on Friday and Saturday had drained away. Not to be beaten the Waikuku Volunteer Fire Brigade, who had organised water trucks for open air showers (decontamination units) went through and pumped water into the pits. Our financial sponsors were: Harcourts 4 Seasons Realty Limited, The Good Home, The Woodend-Sefton Community Board and Mainpower. Compass FM donated a month’s advertising package. The service providers were: Hellers who loaned their marquee and donated sausages, Taggart Earthmoving provided a water tanker, Rangiora Landscape & Garden Supplies provided the straw bales. Visit Waimakariri, The Waikuku Volunteer Fire Brigade, The Waikuku Surf Lifesaving Club, The Lions Club of Woodend and The North Canterbury News all gave assistance in various ways. The recipients of the proceeds will be: The Te Kohaka o Tuhaitara Trust $500 for tools, The Waikuku Volunteer

Fire Brigade $400 of equipment, The Waikuku Surflifesaving Club $400 towards a gazebo, The Lions Club of Woodend $100 towards the erection of the War Memorial and St. John $100 for equipment. A number of entrants asked if it was to be an annual event which we hope it will be. However, we are a club small in numbers and would like a few more fun loving and community minded people to join us. If you are interested, please contact The President: Amanda Smith on 0274 222 648 for more information. Darrell Daish - Convener

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62 Pegasus main st, Pegasus – 03 967 6891




This month with Harry... It was with interest I read Cuzzy Dawes take on street naming in the districtwe both share the same great great grandparents; namely William and Sarah Judson who settled in Woodend in 1860. Both early pioneers who have a road named after them but sadly both are now seriously dead. In the same year as the school centennial, 1874, the then County Council passed a resolution that the street names for the impending Woodend subdivisions be names after early settlers. The forward thinking of the day was that some of the history and heritage of the area would be preserved. For the most part this was achieved with the likes of Hewitt, Stanton, Gibbs etc. As a member of the Ashley- Eyre Advisory Board for some 19 years, I was charged with providing lists to be approved at our monthly meetings. These groups were the forerunner of the present Community Boards. However, unlike the present, we were elected volunteers who were not paid $7,000 per year from the suffering ratepayers’ tax for our monthly meetings. During those years we had capable and forthright chairmen such as Mike Kean, Duncan Lundy and Brian Spence. We also had some great staff members such as Simon Markham who advised us on policy, standing orders and presented council reports. About twelve months ago, Ann Jelfs, the then president of the Rangiora and Districts Early Records Society, and myself were invited to a special meeting of the local Community Board to discuss street names for the Ravenswood sub-division. This was held at Pegasus and we were assured we would have speaking rights. However, we were ignored and sat like a couple of spare guests at a funeral. The meeting was completely dominated by Page 32 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

the council staff representative who bullied the members into accepting some totally irrelevant names for Ravenswood.Why the chairperson of the day didn’t show a bit of guts and tell her to shut her trap I’ll never know. Our speaking rights never eventuated either. I have given up!! I no longer care!! Roll on Coronation, Sesame and Shortland!! Following last month’s saga that included a bit about John Hazelhurst, a couple of fans have asked about the Burnham children and their association with Woodend. So, we digress a little this month from barrelling up the main drag. The Burnham Industrial School was established by the Provincial Government in 1883. This was to cater for children in need of care i.e. orphans abandoned or neglected but also included a few bad little buggers who had run foul of the law. Prior to this establishment, youngsters had ended up in the Lyttleton orphanage. The B.I.S. was later turned into the military camp. Unfortunately, there is very little written information about this institution. The politician John A Lee, an ex ‘old boy’ gives a little insight in his biographical memoirs and there is a very good 1969 thesis ‘Children of the State’ by Jan Beagle. This is in the Canterbury University Library. In it she makes the following observations: ‘a high proportion of the boys were catholic, some 30% were illegitimate, most came from poverty-stricken homes (often with no father) and many parents were habitual drunkards, loafers, prostitutes and vagrants’. Children from the school were boarded out to foster parents all over Canterbury. It would appear from the

old school rolls that Woodend took in its fair share of these unfortunates with many taking whole families. For instance, Mrs Booth took the four Brown children in 1887, in 1885 Thomas and Ann Parker, the local storekeepers, fostered the four Luisetti children. When the Parkers both died within a few months of them arriving they went to John and Jenny Petrie, who having no children of their own, more or less adopted them. James Norman, a Woodend farmer, took in 4 members of the Hunt family. An allowance of 7/- (shillings) per child per week was paid to the foster parents. This was to cover food and clothing to replenish what they arrived with. In 1889 in a Government retrenchment the fee was cut to 6/- but this went back up when foster parent recruitment became harder.

LAWN MOWING, GARDENING, TRIMMING, WEED EATING, PRUNING, CHAINSAWING, SPRAYING, FERTILISING, GREEN WASTE REMOVAL (Quotes provided incl. WINZ) Whether you would like manicured lawns /gardens, a quick tidy up or on going lawn/garden maintenance we can help Ph Ron or Annette Ph: 03 310 0604 Mob: 027 271 7187

Each district had its honorary ‘local visitor’, a volunteer who was responsible for vetting suitable fostering applicants and placing the children. For many years Nina, Judge Gresson’s eldest daughter, was the local Woodend ‘visitor’ Whilst it could be said she had nothing much else to do, Nina did her job with great enthusiasm. Poor old Judge Greeson during his time at Waiora was constantly surrounded by a married wife, two unmarried daughters and two unmarried sisters-in-laws, none of whom worked. The work was done by another mob of females in the form of cooks and maids. An insight into the daily life and times of the Greeson’s of Waiora can be gained from a journal kept by Fanny Beatty, one of the sisters-in-law. In it she makes many references to Nina’s work with the B.I.S. children e.g. - 12 March 1883: Nina went motherhunting Cont’d on page 34 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019 Page 33

Woodend Friendship Club Turanga, the new ChCh. City Library was the outing in May. We were greeted by 3 librarians, one of whom told us of the design and how the NZ architects had worked with the Danish to reflect the colour, shapes and shadows of the Port Hills and the flax of the early ChCh swamps. The natural light, pale wood and ‘floating’ staircase made for a stunning place of welcome. Each librarian is part of a team and responsible for a certain floor. The 4th floor contains mainly fiction, biographies, foreign language, large print and mini collections. The 3rd floor is the quiet place with study rooms plus nonfiction and self-check-out stands. There is a recording studio and other unique places such as a 3D printing room. Level 1 is the Youth ‘imagination’ Station. Several members loved the Heritage Section of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Anyone can join programmes available at the library and / or can book a librarian to research their own heritage. Our visit passed quickly and was followed by a relaxing lunch at Baillies Bar. Our mini-speaker was very interesting with his tales of being a volunteer with the Coast Guard in Wales for some years. They were living in a small town on the South Wales coast and though in full time work, as an ex-sea farer he joined the Coast Guard as an auxiliary. There was a fulltime Coastguard Station here with 3 fulltime staff, 3 auxiliary’s and a 12-man Breeches Buoy Ship to Shore Rescue Team. We covered a 20 mile stretch of coast involving 100 to 200 feet cliffs. The Bristol Channel can be a dangerous area with the cliffs, sandbars and having the 2nd highest rise and fall of tides in the world. In 1970 they Page 34 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019

moved to Bristol and he transferred to the Coastguard Unit there. While still on the Bristol Channel the dangers were more and different. They were there for 9 years until he was transferred to Devon and so moved away from the sea. Great talk. WINZ staff from Rangiora and ChCh talked to us in May about Superannuation. The Rangiora Office has three staff, one fulltime and two part-time. It is essential people ring and make an appointment. NZ Super. is reasonably straightforward. You should go in before your 65th birthday as the payments cannot be backdated. It is not asset tested, we have a reciprocal agreement with a number of countries, but you do need to have had permanent residence in NZ for 10 years to get it. If you have a younger partner when you turn 65, they can be ‘piggy backed’. This is income related. There are a number of allowances such as the Disability, medical, hardship and accommodation allowances. If you are eligible for the Community Services card there are reductions. There is a very good booklet available at WNZ offices explaining all this and more. A very informative talk. Cont’d from page 33 - This Month with Harry - 17 March 1883: Nina about the villagemothering - 27 March 1883: Nina went to Churchonto Brockenhurst- then stayed in village about Burnham babies - 28 March 1883: there are homes for 9 Burnham babies- ‘a new industry’ To be continued.....

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CHURCH NOTICES St Barnabas Following on from our garden makeover, our wonderful congregation has continued the tidy up this month, the last of Autumn. The graveyard is looking great after a weekend of hard work; the Portacom now has a ramp; the vegetable garden is looking much tidier; and the inside of the hall has benefitted from a coat of paint. And let’s not forget the cleanout of the basement, to create a much-needed space for the young people as the weather gets colder and wetter.

Consigning the young people to the basement isn’t as archaic as it sounds, btw – it isn’t actually underground, it’s on the same level as the car park! Most of the work is completed for the time being, apart from one more session in the garden, planned for Queen’s Birthday weekend. We will be hoping for good weather that day. All our services and activities continue as normal, we’d love to see you at one (or more) of them. In the meantime, we hope you keep warm and healthy as Winter arrives.

CHURCH NOTICES Woodend Methodist Church EPIC MOVIE FUNDRAISER – On Saturday 15 June at 7 p.m. in the Woodend Methodist Church we will be screening an epic Academy Award winning masterpiece starring Clark Gable and Vivienne Leigh. This will be a fundraising evening with a $10 entry fee. All invited. Bring your own popcorn and jaffas. Movie – The next film will be on Wednesday 3 July and will be an American Comedy starring Robert de Niro and Anne Hathaway. (REMEMBER ALWAYS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH) Everyone welcome. Any queries phone Ruth 312 2094 or Evelyn 312 7740. Free entry. Gold coin donation for afternoon tea. Hi 10 – for families and children under 12 has begun in the Rangiora Church Lounge and Hall. The programme will run from 10 a.m. till 11.30am. Please encourage any children you know to come and take part. There are leaflets

at the Rangiora Church for you to take and give information. Any queries phone Margaret Woodcock 313 8413. The next Hi 10 is Sunday 9 June. Rangiora Methodist Church Opening Hours – From now on Rev Veitomoni will be in attendance at the church from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you need to see him on Thursday or Friday, please ring and make an appointment (313 3448) as these two days are his days for visiting parishioners. He is available to provide prayer, support and a welcome for anyone with any needs, or who wants to drop in for a chat. The church can be a place of sanctuary and quiet for people in their busy worlds. This includes anyone in the community so spread the word that Trinity has an Open Door. Church / Hall bookings – contact Evelyn 312 7740.



Judsons Road Early Learning Centre 312 2179 Email: Website: Gladstone Park Advisory Group Chairperson, Mark Paterson 312 7439 Lions Club of Pegasus President - Amanda Smith 027 422 2648 Secretary - Sue Mehrtens 021 077 7580 Lions Club of Woodend President Ian Lennie 920 1576 Youth Centre Co-ordinator, John Harris 313 7832 Nature’s Play Preschool - Pegasus 943 4935 Email: Website: Pegasus Community Centre Bookings and enquiries: 021 1080 634 Pegasus Residents Group Inc Email: Website: Facebook: Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc. Pegasus Woodend Women’s Institute Elaine 312 7963 Kathryn 327 6621 or 027 335 5771 Radio Sailing Club Ian McGregor 027 595 9000 Paul Johnson 021 295 2587 St Barnabas Church, Woodend Anglican Parish of Woodend-Pegasus Priest Rev. Felicity Whitcombe 021 133 1860 Email: Home Groups: Andrew Clark (men’s group) 021 073 5730 Amy Clark (women’s group) 021 234 4253 Mainly Music – Litia Maclean 313 8678 or email: 022 052 2674 Toy Library Tuahiwi Community Pre-School 313 2141 Email: Facebook: Tuahiwi Community Preschool Website: www.TuahiwiCommunityPreschool Woodend Sefton Community Board Chairperson, Shona Powell 021 0231 6152 Deputy Chairperson, Andrew Thompson Waikuku Beach Surf Life Saving Club Danelle Asher Woodend Badminton Club Paul Henderson 0274 925 936


Woodend Bowling Club President, Rae Miller 310 0202 Secretary, Jenny Anderson 312 9076 Woodend Boys’ Club John Harris 313 7832 Woodend Friendship Club President, Elaine Cole 327 9228 Secretary, Lynn Muir 312 2027 Woodend Community Association Inc President, Mark Paterson Secretary, Andrea Rigby Email: Woodend Community Centre Advisory Group Chairperson, Simon Kong 310 8900 Woodend Country Music Club Marilyn Johnston (President) 312 7589 or 021 136 2929 Don Smyth (VPres) 03 981 6407 or 021 217 2652 Woodend Cricket Club Robert Davey 021 762 963 Woodend Garden Club Shirley Wheeler, President 327 3416 Christine Sutherland, Secretary 310 7762 Woodend Golden Oldies Rugby & Netball President, Tony Hurley 312 7311 Woodend Gym Club Stephanie 312 2993 Woodend Indoor Bowling Club Phil Harris 327 6553 Gillian Small - Club President 313 0957 Woodend Junior Cricket Amy Hallmark 021 127 6711 Woodend Methodist Church Minister, Rev. Philomeno Kinera 313 1912 Hall Bookings, Evelyn 312 7740 Woodend Netball Club Caitlin Loose, President 312 2237 Rachael Paterson, Secretary 312 7439 Woodend Play Centre Phone: 027 353 2131 Email: Facebook: Woodend Preschool / Nursery Samantha Ford 312 7654 email: website: Woodend Rugby Club President, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Secretary, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Senior Club Captain, Phil Kennett 027 717 2569 Junior Club Captain, Wendy Giles 021 355 336 Club Room Bookings, Karen Giles 021 126 7917 Woodend Tennis Club Jim Bucknell 313 9405 Woodend Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer, Murray Lamb 312 7487 Woodend/Waikuku Plunket Clare Hewett 312 2640

CLASSIFIEDS AND COMMUNITY NOTICES Community Foot Care Clinics held monthly at the Pegasus Medical Centre, the Kaiapoi Working Men’s Club, and the Rangiora RSA. Come and get your toenails, corns, and calluses attended to for $30. Experienced Foot Care Specialist Heather will be happy to help. Phone 021 288 9618 for an appointment.

PEGASUS PLUS A social group for Pegasus residents plus surrounding areas. Our aim is for semi-retired and retired people to come along, socialise, meet new people in a friendly atmosphere while enjoying a variety of activities. Join us at the Pegasus Community Centre from 1.00-3.00pm on 26 June and every following Fourth Wednesday of the month through to November. Entry $2 to cover expenses. For further information contact Kay or David Mills on 03 920 0126 or see you at the next get together in June.

STEADY AS YOU GO (SAYGo) Exercise Classes Exercise Classes - Thursdays at 1.30pm at the Pegasus Community Centre. This class works to improve your balance, strength, general fitness and wellbeing. A mixture of seated and standing stretches and exercises. A fun, casual need to book...just come along. $2 - ALL WELCOME!

SUCCESS FACTOR - Event Developing Your Business Purpose Seminar Wednesday 5 June 6.00pm - 9.00pm The Good Home 62 Pegasus Main Street Pegasus $15 upon entry - Clarify what a Vision, Mission, Purpose and Core Values are - Developing these for your business OR revising the ones you have A GREAT networking opportunity!


Deadline for advertising and community articles is 25 June 2019 at 5.00pm Email: Cell: 021 863 877 THE WOODPECKER JUNE 2019 Page 39





We at PAWS Vets would like to wish Jayne the very best for the I am Nick Deane. Nick Deane. huge task becoming a new ave been a qualified vet of since 1992 and e myself. A vet since ’92 I have May I introduce myself. A vet ’92 I have Mum in ve always dreamed ofJune. setting upsince a small, of one day setting up a small had a dream of one day setting up a small rsonal and family owned vet clinic. What can I say about Jayne? amily owned veterinary clinic. veterinary clinic. Jayne left a great job in town to take on the challenge of being the I am pleased to announce that my PAWS Opening in January 2016.nurse nuary 2016. foundational in our little clinic with no existing clients, erinary Services clinic,and Woodend, is no stock no equipment, back Please pop in and say and Hi tohave Jaynea and have a in January 2016. She has since and say Hi to Jayne ening in January 2016. fantastic to our team, and going by ook aroundbecome our new aclinic. Weleader wouldand lovesupport to ur new clinic. We wouldcomments, love to a very well appreciated member of the the Facebook be of service to your furry family members. ase popfurry in and say “hi” toWe Jayne (our o your family members. community. wish Jayne and Mark all the best for this new stage rse) and have a look around our new clinic. in life and look forward to having Jayne return in a year. would love to be of service to you and ur furry family members.





PAWS Vets is Family owned PAWS Vets have full medical and surgical care onsite PAWS Vets look after registered clients 24hrs

CONTACTS: PHONE: 03 312 2669

EMAIL: ADDRESS: 71 Main North Road, Woodend (between vegetable and coffee shops) HOURS: 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm Wednesdays

312 2669



oodend (between vegetable and coffee shops)

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