2022 Summer | Wildcat Chronicle

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Westview adopts the Five Fly curriculum to support SocialEmotional Learning for students



How is autism different in girls


Westview Middle School prepares students for high school and beyond


Dr. Koch opens our Summer Westview Chronicle reflecting on the last year. 05






With great appreciation and admiration from her peers, Upper Elementary teacher Julie Gulliford received the Jane Stewart Award of Excellence.


Social-Emotional Learning gets an upgrade with the purchase of Fly Five Curriculum, thanks to the EANS Grant Program.


Westview welcomed families to campus this Spring to share and celebrate all the excellent learning of our students.



Friends and family of The Westview School gathered at River Oaks Country Club for the 2022 Fundraising Luncheon.

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Described as kind, beloved, and dedicated, Prekindergarten Assistant, Maria Garcia, received this year's Joel Stewart Award of Excellence.


The Westview event calendar made a comeback in Spring, welcoming families to campus, gathering students together, and enriching student experiences. 19


WestviewEDU returns to campus for the 2022-2023 school year with an informative and educational schedule of presenters.


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Westview Middle School has made numerous upgrades in the last three years in the ways they are preparing students for high school and beyond.


Westview celebrated twelve students who completed middle school and are off to high school in the spring.


Mimi Le, Psychotherapist at The Stewart Center, offers insight on the ways that autism may differ plus practical ways to overcome the challenges


New and familiar faces are ready to support our families with both group and individual therapies.



Cool professionalism, a calm demeanor, and love of Westview earned Support Specialist Michael McKee the Donna Marshall Award of Excellence this year.



From theater dreams to philanthropic hearts, two alumnae give a glimpse of their life journey after Westview.

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Our Westview alumni are doing amazing things!


Thank you to all our donors for supporting Westview during this past academic school year

TOGETHERWEGROWmessage from the head of school


The 2021-2022 school year held tremendous excitement and significant change With so much time spent indoors and behind masks, we looked forward to letting go of the restrictions of the past and moving ahead with positivity and enthusiasm.

We were eager to welcome families back on campus and show off our numerous accomplishments The spring semester was filled with events that showcased our students and their achievements. The annual Fundraising Luncheon, Talent Show, Spelling Bee, Commencement, and Celebration of Learning were a few of these opportunities Attendees were delighted to hear about and see the exceptional student work on display.

There are also plans underway for continued growth and improvements as we work through the priorities identified in our strategic plan. As these plans develop, it will be my pleasure to share them with you through our various communications and publications.

Even with the rapid development, one thing that has not changed is our commitment and belief in our mission and vision to provide a unique, specialized learning environment offering outstanding educational and social opportunities for children on the autism spectrum. Academic opportunities and social and emotional learning remain top priorities in our classrooms.

Our collaborative environment and family culture continue to be a strength of our community, and we are always looking for ways to better serve our students and their families One example of our outreach is our WestviewEDU series which features experts in the field of autism and provides a wealth of information on a variety of topics. I encourage you to check out the offerings for next school year and plan to attend a session or two of interest.

The past year was one of evolution, and we have much to look forward to as we continue to build pathways for our students to lead extraordinary lives. We know this does not happen without the support of our Westview community. It is all of us working together that keeps us moving forward In this spirit, we announce our theme for the 20222023 school year, Together We Grow. Whether you are a current, former, or prospective family of Westview, we sincerely hope that we can grow together.

Looking forward,

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JANESTEWART Award of Excellence Julie Gulliford

If you take a peek into Julie Gulliford's Upper Elementary classroom at any time during the school day, you will see precisely what you 'd expect... teaching. One Westview administrator said, "I am sometimes reluctant to walk in to observe Julie. She is always actively teaching, and I don't want to disturb the magic happening with her students."

Julie is a well-respected teacher at The Westview School and is described by her co-workers as being driven, passionate, and kind. "Julie is extremely dedicated and always willing to go the extra mile for students "

Julie began her career in education after receiving her bachelor's degree in elementary education K-6 from the University of North Florida (UNF). Special education wasn't part of the elementary teaching degree at UNF, so Julie didn't have any experience with special needs kids until her first year of teaching. Julie recalls working at a private school in Florida, where four of the 16 students in her kindergarten class had special needs.

"Working with those four students brought me a lot of joy, and I found that I really liked trying different strategies and figuring out how to help and reach each of those students," said Julie. "For the next few years, I found the students I always looked forward to the most in my class were the ones with special needs."

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After working in private education for three years, Julie decided to return to school to direct her focus more toward special education. At The University of Florida, Julie earned her master's degree in special education with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorder.

"When I started to look at moving to Houston, I began my job search, and Westview caught my eye," said Julie, "It was the first school I applied to." From the start, Julie was attracted to Westview because of the small class sizes and because it was a school specifically dedicated to helping students with autism

The nature of specialized education at Westview allows for differentiation within the classroom. Julie received much praise for how easy she makes this look. "Every student in Julie's classroom is actively engaged," one colleague commented, "Each kiddo is working at the ideal level for them every day."

Julie sees her Westview students as highly capable, and it is gratifying for Julie to watch her students accomplish something after working hard towards it. "Whether it is behavior success, academic success, or social success, I love seeing their faces and hearing their excitement when they can do something that they couldn't before," said Julie

Julie credits the team effort of the Westview community for her success. "I would not be the teacher I am without the support of my administrators, colleagues, parents, and the students themselves." But, it is her students that genuinely make her job worthwhile. "My students are pushed hard, and each one is given high goals they work to accomplish throughout the school year," said Julie. "Seeing my students push themselves, practice, fail and get back up again, succeed, and learn is what inspires me to learn and try new ideas, projects, and activities in the classroom."

Julie received numerous nominations and high praise from her colleagues for being incredibly talented as a teacher and committed to ensuring that students receive the best education possible.

Julie shares that her favorite thing about being a part of Westview is the support and collaboration between staff members, administrators, and families.

The Jane Stewart Award of Excellence is awarded yearly to a teacher who provides exemplary service to the students and the school. With great appreciation and admiration, we are delighted to award the 2021-2022 Jane Stewart Award of Excellence to Upper Elementary teacher, Julie Gulliford

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Everythingshedoesisto ensureherstudentsget thebesteducation possible.Herstudents alwayscomefirstin everythingshedoes.

Supporting the Whole Child


In the past ten years, there has been growing recognition supported by an extensive body of research that social and emotional curriculum is not only as important as the core curriculum but also an essential contributor to high academic engagement and success. With that recognition comes the understanding that the time given to teaching the social and emotional curriculum is a critical component of a high-quality education.

Every school has a mission statement that includes a statement of its intention to prepare students for citizenship and success in their everyday life

Social and emotional competence is vital for students to imagine and pursue a bright future for themselves and their community. This competence develops when students are provided the time to learn and practice developmentally appropriate skills that prepare them for citizenship and future success in everyday life.

Social learning focuses primarily on oneself in relationship to others, including demonstrating responsible citizenship and acting in ethical ways for the benefit of not just oneself but also for society.

Emotional learning focuses primarily on one's relationship with oneself, specifically one's responses to emotions, and includes learning to recognize and manage those emotions to stay on a trajectory that leads to the best and most desirable outcome.

Social and emotional competence prepares students to learn, play, work, and form friendships and relationships in school with people who are different from them and to learn to manage change more effectively. It enables students to be more cooperative and responsible, increasingly control their own behavior, and make good choices and decisions for themselves.

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022
AtTheWestviewSchool,webelieve thatwhenstudentsareeducatedin anurturingandsupportive environment,theylearn,grow,and developastrongsenseofselfand anappreciationforothers.

Cooperation is the ability to establish new relationships, maintain positive relationships and friendships, avoid social isolation, resolve conflicts, accept differences, and be a contributing member of the classroom and community in which one lives, works, learns, and plays.


Assertiveness is the ability to take initiative, stand up for one's ideas without hurting or negating others, seek help, persevere with a challenging task, and recognize one's individual self as separate from the environment or circumstances.


Responsibility is the ability to motivate oneself to act and follow through on expectations, define a problem, consider consequences, and choose a positive solution.


Empathy is the ability to recognize, appreciate, or understand another's state of mind or emotions, to be receptive to new ideas and perspectives, and to see, appreciate, and value differences and diversity in others.

Learning to Socialize

Through a generous grant from the EANS Program, The Westview School purchased the Fly Five Social Emotional Learning Curriculum to support students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 in their acquisition of academic, social, emotional, and behavioral skills.

The C A R E S Standards are based on the five social and emotional competencies that were identified through research conducted by the Center for Responsive Schools in 1985. The C.A.R.E.S. acronym comprises the traits of cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control.

Self-Control is being able to recognize and regulate one ’ s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to be successful in the moment and remain on a successful trajectory

As students prepare to go beyond the school walls, they will face the push and pull of societal dilemmas We hope that acquiring these skills will prepare them to be respectful, empathetic, and assertive. Mastering these social and emotional competencies will also enable them to be empowered citizens who exhibit prosocial behaviors and demonstrate respect for self, others, and property. Finally, our students will be prepared to manage adversity and meet challenges and difficult circumstances with hope, resilience, and a greater sense of efficacy to solve problems or successfully resolve conflicts

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A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022

Thebestpartofthe daywasseeingthe studentslightupas theysharedWestview withtheirfamilies.

Celebration of Learning was a wonderful new event held at Westview this year. It was an opportunity for students to celebrate all they had accomplished and learned throughout the year and share this with their families. In preparing for this event, it was important for students to feel ownership over their achievements and to have the celebration encompass all aspects of their school day In my class, students were encouraged to create a list of places and items specific to them that they wanted to share with their families. The idea was that students would lead their families around on event day and talk to them about each item on their list. It was a lively class discussion that resulted in the students coming up with quite the list of everything they could show their families. Some ideas shared among the class were the book fair, art projects, the classroom, music room, projects, and a portfolio of work they had done, plus the drama room. I encouraged students to have a minimum of six items on their list, but they could have more if they wanted.

Celebration of Learning

As families arrived for their child's Celebration of Learning, students were ready and very excited to welcome their family with their personalized and prepared list in hand The announcement was made for families to follow their child as they led them around the school. The halls and classrooms of Westview were filled with much laughter and engaging conversations between students and families. There was much joy on campus, as families could be found throughout our buildings exploring and learning more about their child's daily and weekly schedule.

The best part of the Celebration of Learning was seeing the students light up as they led their families from one area to the next, sharing Westview with their families - talking to them about the item, room, or learning that happened where they were. This event was one of my favorite celebrations this year, and I can't wait to see future classes share in the joy with their families that this event brings!

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Community Gathers Together


The 2022 Westview Fundraising Luncheon was a joyous and successful event as families and friends of The Westview School gathered on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at River Oaks Country Club to support our school. The event raised over $150,000 for The Westview School. From the thoughtful reflections of our Class of 2022 to the heartfelt speech from our parent speaker, Elizabeth Gretter, our event illustrated the tremendous impact a Westview education makes in a child's life.

It takes a village, and any successful event requires much coordination and teamwork. Our luncheon's success relied heavily on the generous underwriting provided by the Burch and Christopherson families.

Much appreciation goes to our Westview staff, who worked behind the scenes to coordinate and plan this year's luncheon. Roger Browning, our Director of Development, and Sarah Chauvin, our Director of Communications, worked tirelessly on every detail.

A memorable and lovely addition to this year's event was the participation of our Middle School Commencement Class of 2022. This part of our program was coordinated and supported by Westview teachers Kori Spurgers, Jared Dawkins, and Nelson Armstrong.

In the weeks leading up to the event, this team prepared our students to both speak and perform in front of our 250 luncheon guests. The table decorations gave a personal touch to the decor as our art teachers, Kaylee Bond and Angela Loftin, facilitated the painting of our beautiful vase centerpieces.

Yet, we know that it is because of our dear Westview friends and families who hosted a table, invited guests, and attended our luncheon in support that we can boast of our success. We feel fortunate to have been able to gather together this year. Our calendar is already marked for the next event, Wednesday, February 15, 2023. We hope that you save the date and join us in support of our great school.

experience feel-good shopping SHOP FOR A CAUSE

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Westview every time you checkout on Amazon. Visit smile.amazon.com on your web browser and select The Westview School as your charity of choice. Make sure to activate in the Amazon Shopping phone app too. A percentage of all qualifying purchases you make goes directly back to Westview, at no cost to you. So go ahead and fill your cart for some feel-good shopping.

Connect your Kroger Rewards account to The Westview School for an easy way to support our fundraising efforts. Log in to your Kroger account. Click on Community Rewards. Search for THE WESTVIEW SCHOOL (GU749) to enroll. Once enrolled, every time you shop at Kroger, simply swipe your registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number related to your account, and The Westview School will receive a small percentage of your purchase.

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022 Page-13 | Wildcat Chronicle

People often find The Westview School in unexpected ways. Maria Garcia first heard of Westview from her boyfriend, Hector. Hector is a long-time contract employee of The Westview School, managing all the landscaping and lawn maintenance for the school grounds. Maria remembers Hector telling her about Westview, "This is a very special place. I think it would be perfect for you."

Maria started substitute teaching at Westview, and after a year of subbing in an Upper Elementary class, an assistant teaching job in prekindergarten became available. Maria was offered the position, and "of course," she said, "Yes!" "Just like Hector predicted, it was 'perfect' for me," said Maria.

This coming school year marks Maria's sixth year as an instructional assistant at Westview Working with children has been a lifelong commitment for Maria As a young mother, Maria ran a daycare in her home. She babysat for children ages six weeks to five years old daily for about 3.5 years. "Kids have always been my thing," she said.

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Her education experience began working with special needs students in Alief ISD. "I was a receptionist for the alternative school in Alief ISD," said Maria, "because I was bilingual, I was often asked to sit in as an interpreter for ARDs."

Maria says she learned a lot sitting with families and helping them understand their children's education options. This led her to a position as an assistant in a special needs classroom. While in Alief, she worked with students with learning disabilities and emotionally disturbed students in a 1:1 setting It was a very fulfilling time for Maria; she felt like she was making a difference in her students' lives.

"I spent 14 years in Alief ISD, mainly with high school students," said Maria. "But my heart is with the littlest kids. They are just so sweet."

In August 2017, Maria began working full-time at The Westview School as an assistant teacher in prekindergarten. Aside from being a full-time prekindergarten assistant, Maria is also part of Westview's extended day program staff.

Maria is well-loved by her co-workers. One coworker said, "It is easy to see how Maria goes above and beyond to do her very best job in every task she takes on. Maria is committed to her own personal growth and development and is always looking for more ways to support the students and teachers."

Another co-worker calls Maria "an angel." "She is so dedicated to her job and extended day. She never fails to show up for you when needed and is always present and dedicated with the children."

Maria is also loved by the students with whom she works, and the feeling is mutual. "This is such a beautiful job for me," said Maria. "[My students] have such a special soul. They are innocent and pure, and Westview is such a happy place for them." You can tell the pride she takes in caring for her kids. "I love to see students arrive at school with a smile on their faces," said Maria, "And they are always excited to come back the next day, 'see you tomorrow!' they will say."

She'sarayofsunshine andtreatsallherstudents withkindness.

The Joel Stewart Award of Excellence is awarded each year to the teaching assistant who exemplifies the attributes of commitment, care, loyalty, and helpfulness. Westview feels tremendous gratitude for the exemplary service provided to Westview by Maria. Westview is delighted to have awarded Maria Garcia the 2021-2022 Joel Stewart Award of Excellence for Teacher Assistant of the Year.

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Fa ly F Day


POW sure knows how to throw a party! Family Fun Day, a longstanding Westview tradition, was back on campus in April 2022. Westview families enjoyed a beautiful Saturday connecting with families new and old. Our POW volunteers took the lead in organizing this amazing event, and even gave a nod to Westview's 40th anniversary. Family Fun Day is funded yearly by the POW Raffle, and this year, POW raised over $10,000. Teacher experiences were some of the bigticket raffle items again this year, and we are thankful to our staff for stepping up and donating their time to support our families. The money raised with the raffle will help fund all POW events for the upcoming school year. Thank you, POW, for this fantastic community event!

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Spring Pep Rally

Students had the chance to show their Wildcat Pride with an allschool pep rally that capped off our Spring Spirit Week. Largent Hall was L-O-U-D, and our Spirit Squad pumped up our students with some fun cheers Wiley the Wildcat made a surprise appearance, and Mr Armstrong led our school community with the Westview fight song - "We Are Westview!"

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A Look Back at



Camp Smile is a Westview tradition for students in the 1830 building. Upper Elementary and Middle School students attended Camp For All in Burton, TX, from morning to dawn for a full day of camp activities. Fishing, horseback riding, zip lining, and s ’ mores around the campfire - our students eked out all the fun they could find on a day at camp. (March)


Let the games begin. Field Day for our 1900 building students got an upgrade with the support of Special Olympics. Westview Special Olympics Future Stars Field Day was a full day of fun activities with our students running and racing, crawling, and hopping all over the Wildcat track. (May)


Westview moms are a big deal, and we were delighted to be able to welcome them to campus for Moms’ Day. Big hugs and smiling faces marked the day Our students were proud to share with mom some of the things they do during a school day at Westview. (May)


Westview hosted its Annual Spelling Bee for the 1830 Students. teen participants stood on stage, waited their turn, followed competition rules, and handled disappointment with poise d grace. We are so proud of these students, especially our ampion, Chris, from Middle School. (April)|

estview sure does have talen re just some of the performa ow was varied and unique, ju d t h th i t l t ith

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Executive Functioning by Natalie T. Montfort, PhD Montfort Psychology Associates


Teachable Moments: Ways to Build Learning into Everyday Play by Elisabeth Dawkins, M.S, LPC-Associate The Stewart Center


Supporting Your Child in Developing Academic Skills by Stacey Anderson, Educational Consultant Premier Academic Solutions


Mainstreaming 101 by Michael McKee, Ed.S., LSSP, NCSP Westview Support Specialist


Building Bridges: Between Home, School, and Medical Settings: Keys to Strong Partnerships by Sarah S. Mire, PhD, LP, LSSP, NCSP


Planning/Saving/Paying for Autism by Arlis Steel, Financial Advisor Edward Jones


Preparing Your Teen for Next Steps by Brandi Timmons, MEd, BCBA, LBA Education Director, Social Motion Skills


Cyber Safety and Autism: Creating an Internet Safety Plan for Your Child by Sue Hoyer, MEd Dean of Instructional Technology & Culinary Arts Gateway Academy


The Dream Team: Strategies to Support a Good Night's Sleep

We are excited to announce our Westview EDU lineup for the 2022-2023 academic school year. Westview EDU is our education series for parents and caregivers of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the end-of-year survey that helped us fill our presentation slots with topics and presenters our community most wanted to learn about. This year, Westview EDU is back on campus for all sessions Each presenter will be in-person in Largent Hall on the following Thursdays at 9:15 AM Presentations will last for one hour. ZOOM option will be offered. Visit our website for registration details.

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022

Essential Skills for Success

PreparingMiddleSchoolfortheFuture A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022 Page-20| Wildcat Chronicle

The Westview Middle School program was created in 2004 to fill a need for students aging out of the elementary program but still wishing to continue in an academic program that would provide the social and emotional support needed through Grade 8. Since its inception, the program has continued to expand and improve Last year, our program boasted over 36 students in five homeroom classes - an enrollment record for middle school In 2022, Westview had twelve students who successfully completed the Middle School Curriculum, all of whom will be beginning high school in the fall Ten of the twelve students completed all of their middle school years at Westview

In the last two years, Westview has made numerous upgrades to the middle school program to ensure that our students are prepared for life after Westview Kori Spurgers has been a part of Westview since 2016 as an instructional assistant and the lead teacher of Language Arts last year Kori shared her insight on the intentional ways Westview staff work to set our students up for success

HowdoesWestviewsupportstudents inbecomingmoreindependent?

Once students move to middle school, teachers immediately begin the work of building student independence. This includes developing time management skills and taking responsibility for managing their schedule and materials. Each middle school student has a unique schedule of classes. In the first weeks of school, middle schoolers learn to read their schedule and move between classes while allowing themselves enough time to gather materials needed for each class which may require a trip to their locker. This can sometimes be a challenge for our students, and early in the year, you will find middle school teachers in the hallways, answering questions, helping with the transition between classes, and reminding students entering class, "Do you have what you need?" Time management and personal responsibility for schedules and materials are essential skills as we prepare students for life after Westview.

Criticalthinkingandproblem-solvingare essentialskillsforfuturesuccess.Inwhat waysdoesthemiddleschoolprogram helpstudentsdeveloptheseskills?

It is essential for students to be able to think critically and solve problems on their own Supporting students as they attempt things on their own is a priority for us We want our students to be comfortable grappling with a problem, that is how they learn

Reflecting on their success or challenge is also important - this is what I tried, what did not work, and what I should try next being comfortable with failure and being able to reflect on something that didn't work and look at alternative solutions are some of the building blocks of critical thinking

HowisWestviewusingtechnologyinthe classroom?Howhashavingthis technologytransformedthemiddle schoolprogram?

Two years ago, Westview Middle School became a 1:1 campus where every student was issued a Chromebook Many of our students will say, "I am great at technology," but that may mean they are great at using an iPad or playing video games Students transitioning to middle school are supported in acquiring computer skills like logging into websites, using word processing programs, or remembering passwords These technology skills are usually picked up very quickly by our students

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022

Technology also plays a significant role in supporting collaborative work within our middle school classrooms. Our Middle School classrooms have started using Google Classroom for both inclass assignments and homework. This technology helps to support the collaborative learning piece. Students can easily connect with peers in the classroom on an assignment. They can work together, take advantage of peer editing, and ask for advice from peers before requesting help from a teacher.

Another positive of a more technology-rich classroom is the timeliness of teacher feedback For example, when a student turns in an assignment via Google Classroom, the teacher can immediately review, add a comment, and return it quickly back to the student The student receives immediate feedback on their work, which makes them more connected to the assignment

The use of Google Classroom gives parents insight into what is happening in the classroom - how and what kids are doing The above have been big wins in preparing students with the technology skills they will need in high school and beyond

WerecognizethatWestviewstudents learnatdifferentpacesandneed individualsupport.HowdoesWestview supporttheuniquelearningdifferencesfor studentsinmiddleschool?

Differentiation is the standard in Westview classrooms, and middle school is no different We take the skills necessary for learning at the chronological grade level and find ways to teach those skills that are more geared to the student's abilities and interests For example, poetry is a typical part of the seventh-grade curriculum While a public school may teach Emily Dickenson, our focus is for the student to learn the skill, so we may choose a poem by a different author on a topic that may be of interest to the student that will improve focus and attention on the subject There is a concerted effort to incorporate student interests into assignments to ensure they are learning the skills they need for their appropriate grade level while using materials that are engaging and accessible

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sociallychallengingforanychild.How doesWestviewsupportstudentsin buildingpositiverelationshipswithpeers?

Personalized schedules and switching between classes have been a huge boon for friendship building in middle school. We see that students can recognize and get to know a variety of students aside from just their academic peers. For example, one student may be on a sixth-grade level while another is in eighth grade, but now they cross paths in ancillary class. They get to know each other, interact, and realize they have much in common. We are giving students more opportunities to build friendships based on shared interests instead of just being in the same grade level.

Collaborative learning is another significant part of the middle school program. Working in a group helps improve student relationships and helps to teach perspective taking and learning to manage different personalities. Students began working in small groups and with partners, which can sometimes be challenging for many of our students. Sometimes there are communication issues between peers, and many students prefer to work independently –wanting the work done in a particular or preferred way. Collaborative learning provides an opportunity for students to practice flexibility and compromise.

When students are rigid on collaboration, we will sometimes discuss in a large group, having each student voice ideas before starting an assignment. Allowing everyone to share their opinions and thoughts ensures that individuals feel heard. As they transition into smaller groups for work, this translates into students becoming more comfortable speaking about their roles but learning to recognize the strengths of their peers. We want the students to work on communicating within their group about their role and responsibility and to start understanding their role in relation to someone else in the group. As students develop the skill of perspective-taking, this improves positive social relationships with peers.

Also, middle school presents numerous opportunities to put into practice all the social learning through the years. Social skills play a huge part in the Westview curriculum at all grade levels.

Typically, by the time a student transitions to middle school, they have spent a lot of time learning the skills and role-playing scenarios with teacher support. In Middle School, we encourage them to implement those learned social skills. Students learn quickly that sometimes things don't work as anticipated when it comes to real-life conflict. Seeing strategies fail can sometimes be just as important as success. Students may prefer one type of conflict resolution tactic, but inevitably there are times when the tried-and-true method doesn't work. It is important to learn that not every conflict will resolve the same way. Letting students have those experiences is critical to building their conflict resolution toolbox. Our middle school teachers support them in using the skills in their toolbox. One of the biggest challenges is students wanting to fall back on the teacher to resolve conflict, which is the easier path with less confrontation. But we want our students to get more comfortable handling conflict independently. Teachers are always at the ready to lend support and offer guidance or coaching.

Westview is proud of the program in place for middle school students. Our students are learning independence, critical thinking, problem-solving, and how to collaborate. Combined, these skills will serve them well in high school and beyond.


Westview Class of 2022 HATS OFF TO THE

It was quite the celebratory morning at The Westview School. Families of our twelve Middle School students who are completing The Westview School program gathered in Largent Hall for our Commencement Breakfast. Westview is proud of this group of vibrant, talented, generous, and kind young adults. We are proud of what they have accomplished during their years at Westview, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for them as they embark on their high school journey. They will be missed.

As part of our commencement festivities, Middle School teachers took the opportunity to recognize our students' social and academic achievements in heartfelt, humorous, and personal recognition speeches. They shared stories and praise, inspirational quotes, and words of wisdom that highlighted the growth and strengths of each student It was such a special moment for these Middle School students to be recognized by their teachers

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anastasia - 4 years

The first time I met Anastasia was at her brother's baseball game. I was walking around, lost, and a little girl from a distance said, "Xander's game is over there." Next time I saw her was at Westview, where she came up to me and said, "do you remember me?" I said, "Yeah, you're Xander's sister " To which she replied, "ok " She was often a student of few words

During middle school, we got to know each other pretty well We would talk anime and music and play jokes on each other. Stasia grew more confident during middle school. It makes me proud to see the young person she has become. She will be missed, and Westview will not be the same without her.

Anastasia will attend Lutheran High North for high school.

chris - 2 years

From day one, Chris was a great student and a perfect fit for Westview. As he became acclimated to Westview, he became more open, sharing his unique personality with his teachers and fellow students It was easy to see what an awesome and cool kid Chris was Chris may question, challenge, and sometimes attempt to talk his way out of things, but these characteristics help to define his character and will serve him well in his future as he continues to mature and grow into a young adult. I wish him the best in all his future endeavors.

Chris will attend The Banff School for high school.

Noah - 12 years

Noah has been a student at Westview for an astounding 12 years! What is so special about Noah is that his mind is constantly moving, thinking, evaluating, and creating. We have always dubbed Noah, "the professional student," and he does school really well. He is responsible and determined, like REALLY determined at times, but those qualities will serve him well as he embarks on his high school journey. We are going to miss him so much around the halls of Westview. Best of luck in the future!

Noah will attend Gateway Academy for high school.

julian - 10 years

What a joy it has been to watch Julian blossom this year I have watched him develop into a creative and social young man I am so proud of the person he is becoming and the student that gave his all throughout the school year. Seeing him come out of his shell, connect with other students, experiment with humor, and share his creative cartoon drawings has been so wonderful. In the words of Kermit the Frog: "Here's some simple advice: always be yourself. Never take yourself too seriously." I wish Julian the best of luck in high school!

Julian will attend Focus Academy for high school

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carter - 11 years

To quote Ellie in the Disney movie UP, "You don't talk very much… I like you." Carter is my favorite introvert, but if you get him on a preferred topic like Legos, his excitement will grow. He is kind and funny, and he was a joy to teach. Carter could always be counted on to get his work done in class. He was always willing to help a friend in need and would do it with a big smile. I am thankful for being a part of Carter's Middle School adventure, and I am excited to send him off to "explore the wilderness."

Carter will attend Gateway Academy for high school.

finley - 8 years

Finley has been such a great student during his eight years at Westview He has grown and matured so much during his years here. Finley is the student who always comes to school prepared. He knows exactly what to do, when to do it, and what to say. He will be missed at Westview, but I know that he has a bright future ahead of him.

Finley will attend Gateway Academy for high school.

jaden - 2 years

Jaden has some fantastic math skills and a knowledge of Pokémon that might surpass mine. He is, most importantly, an incredible friend; he constantly asks about things you care about or how your loved ones are doing, and he looks for ways to cheer you up if you are feeling down. Westview will seem a bit greyer without the light Jaden radiates daily, and we all will feel his absence. I’m excited to hear about his exploits as he starts on his next adventure. His new school and teachers are so lucky to have him

Jaden is moving with his family to Denver, Colorado.

avery - 5 years

I have known Avery since he was about six years old, and I knew that Westview's nurturing and warm environment was exactly what he needed to grow academically and socially. His academic growth at Westview has been truly impressive, but his personal and social development stands out. Avery is funny, kind, and impressively empathetic. He will be greatly missed at Westview, and I hope he is as proud of himself and his accomplishments as we are of the student and person he has become.

Avery will attend Xavier Academy for high school

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Benny - 3 Years

Benny and I connected over our mutual love of the Houston Astros and baseball. He has such a deep personal understanding of America's favorite pastime. He is not only a favorite student, but he also become a dear baseball friend. Benny talks about being a team player, and it is the perfect analogy for his time at Westview What a great teammate Benny has been As he hits the free agency market (aka high school), I hope he knows that no matter what new team he's on, when he comes to Westview as a visiting player, he will always be welcomed by his Westview home crowd.

Johnathan - 3 Years

Johnathan is a master at balancing hard work with fun and play I have thoroughly enjoyed learning science with him. He constantly relates what he learns in class to how it impacts the moving world around him. Keeping up with his curiosities beyond the textbook has made me a better teacher and a more informed human. As he continues to mature into a young adult, his responsible and innovative thinking will impact our world towards a bright future.

benjamin - 1 year

This was Benjamin's one and only year at Westview, and I wish we had more time with him. I really enjoyed learning about his personality Initially, he seemed a bit quiet, but I learned more about him as the year progressed Benjamin is a talented artist with outstanding nun chuck skills and a particular sense of humor. He quickly became one of my favorite students. I wish him all the best in his high school years. He will be missed at Westview.

Benjamin will be homeschooled for high school.

Brighton - 4 years

Brighton is not only an extremely gifted artist, but he is curious and eager to learn. He thinks outside of the box. He is unapologetically himself. He is an outstanding student across all subjects, kind to his teachers, supportive of his peers, and has an unexpectedly dry sense of humor. He can be shy, but as he has grown through his years at Westview, he has opened up and shared with us his delightful and eccentric personality. Whatever he does in this life, Westview will always be supporting and cheering him on.

Brighton will attend Gateway Academy for high school.

Benny will attend The HUB Houston for high school. Johnathan will attend Memorial Private School for high school
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What about the Girls?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is typically known as a male-associated disorder, with three to four times as many males diagnosed with the disorder than females. Researchers have found that females with ASD have specific struggles that differ from their male counterparts. Let's explore four areas where girls with ASD differ from boys with ASD and how to overcome them


Since there are more males diagnosed with ASD than females, we can clearly see in different settings such as school, social groups, play dates, and therapies that primarily males surround our ASD females. This leaves our girls with few female peers or older female ASD role models to look up to and socialize with regularly or at all.

However, having a close relationship with their mom, grandmothers, sisters, female cousins, female teachers, and other female influences add more to their lives than just female peers or role models ever could. This is because they genuinely know them and have their best interests in mind They are able to personalize their interactions with them and use every learning opportunity to teach them life lessons.

Also, the knowledge of having someone they can truly rely on, look up to, and confide in will give them the confidence they need to navigate daily situations to bigger adult challenges in life. Having female classmates, peers, or role models will only be a bonus and will give them a different perspective so take the chance when it does arise.

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022


Children on the autism spectrum differ from each other immensely when it comes to behavior. However, according to researchers, girls with ASD can camouflage or mimic neurotypical behaviors much more fluidly than boys with ASD, such as learning and noticing nonverbal communication, reducing stimming behavior, and preparing small talk or scripts beforehand. This may make the acceptance of a diagnosis of ASD more difficult for parents or cause delays in getting girls the resources they need sooner


Females with ASD may face sensory issues when dealing with puberty. Also, they hit puberty much sooner than other girls. Preparation far in advance can help overcome these challenges in girls as they mature. Talk to them about puberty and all the necessary tools and products as early as 6 or 7 years of age.


Parents are usually concerned and worried about their children’s reactions once they learn about their ASD diagnosis. However, the good news is that knowing their ASD diagnosis helps our girls. It’s a palpable relief when there is an actual explanation of why they are struggling in certain areas. It is best explained by a young female with ASD when she said, “I don’t feel any different. I am still the same me yesterday and five years before that. Now I know why, and maybe I can figure out how to work with it ”

The options for available social groups for girls in the community have varied greatly over the past four years. The Stewart Center is excited to finally be able to help fill that gap by offering a Girls’ Skill Building and Social Group here at The Westview School.

Page-29| Wildcat Chronicle Mypassionliesin supportingthewellbeingofourchildren andtheirfamilies.Iam happytoanswerany questionsorinquiries youmayhaveabout psychotherapy servicesat TheStewartCenter. mimi le Licensed Professional Counselor Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Visit The Stewart Center online at www stewartcenterhouston org for more information

the stewart center

TheStewartCenterhasafulllineupof bothindividualandgrouptherapyfor the2022-2023schoolyear Tolearn moreortoregisteryourchild,email TheStewartCenterat info@stewartcenterhoustonorg orcall at713-973-1842

sibling group

Group therapy for children with a sibling(s) with spec needs. This is a process group, and we will uti activities that promote support and understanding.

anxiety group

Group therapy sessions are categorized by appropriate age and level of ability. Sessions will work on broadening self-awareness around anxiety and learning how to better cope with anxiety.

caregiver group

Group sessions are for parents and guardians children with special needs. This is a process gr where we can learn, share, and evolve to support children and each other better

self care + mindfulness

Group sessions will be categorized by appropriate age and level of ability. We will learn and practice self-care and mindfulness in a group setting.


Groupsessionswillbecategorizedbyappropriateage level of ability. We will learn the triggers of stres situationsandhowandwhywereacttothem Wewilla practiceandbuildoncopingskills.

group therapy

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social skills group

GrouptherapysessionsinformedbytheSocialThinking® curriculum.Therapyisfocusedoncollaborativeplay,sharedspace, cooperationandnegotiation,emotionalmanagement,andexecutive functioning Groupsincludediscussion,role-playing,andengaging insocialactivitiessuchasconversation,playinggames,and perspective-taking

Speech, Language, AND Tabletop Games

Groupsessionsareledbyalicensedspeechtherapistandutilizea naturalapproachtoimproveconversationalskillsbetweenpeers usinggameplay Sessionsalsoworktoimprovesocialskills,nurture self-confidence,expandproblem-solvingabilities,andimprove lictresolution.

Lego Club: A Social Skills Group

Group sessions focus on social interaction and the development of age-appropriate peer relationships. By working together, participants experience collaboration, shared goals, joint accomplishment, social communication, and mutual respect


Groupsessionsforgirlstodevelopandpracticepositivesocial interactionstogether.Activitieswillbegearedtoward empowerment,buildingself-esteem,andself-awareness

"Ilookforwardtobeingapartofapositivetherapeutic andcollaborativeenvironmentthatnurturesstudents’ individualstrengths,"sharedCarlie."Iamexcitedtoget toknowtheWestviewcommunity!"

"I'mexcitedtobebackatWestviewinthisnewroleand surroundedbythepopulationthatledmedownthethera pathinthefirstplace,"saidElisabeth "Thebestpartofmy istheopportunitytohelpchildrenrealizehowcapablethey arewithouthavingtochangewhotheyare"

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DONNAMARSHALL Award of Excellence Michael McKee

ound The Westview School. He is known for his calm presence, positive attitude, quick wit, and calming demeanor... feel free to insert any additional positive descriptors here. Despite what some on campus may call a questionable baseball allegiance (he cheers for the Yankees in a sea of orange), Michael is a consummate positive presence at Westview

Michael has worked as a support specialist at The Westview School for six years. While no day at Westview follows a typical schedule for Michael, he can be found daily welcoming our students to campus during morning carpool, giving high-fives and fist bumps to start the day. Throughout the school day, Michael supports students, staff, and parents in need. As an integral part of the Westview administration team, Michael's additional job duties include creating schedules, developing training, setting up visits to see other programs (to help others with transition), or developing interventions.

His primary role as a support specialist does precisely what the name suggests, provides support. "This support includes assistance for students, staff, and parents in whatever capacity that needs to be, whether in the moment or proactively," he explains Michael says his simplified job description is "to reduce stress for all " Michael admits that working with kids is hard whether the child is neurotypical or neurodivergent.

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"If we can't alleviate some of that stress," said Michael. "Life gets harder for everyone staff, students, and parents."

This part of the job is where Michael shines. Multiple colleagues praised McKee (as he is called by many) for his calm and positive demeanor. He is described as being "unfailingly dependable," "a genuinely caring person," and being around him is "just another day in paradise."


Westviewneedsinitsmost difficultmoments.Heisthere wheneveryoneneedshim somehow.Heneedstohear thatheisourROCKSTAR!

"Michael brings a positive attitude and professionalism to every situation. He provides a wealth of resources, knowledge, and empathy to all of his interactions. His support of Westview's staff, students, and parents is incredible! I don't think we could do what we do without his help!"

One co-worker said, "Michael is a friend to all. He is calm in e en the most stressful situations and is

The upcoming school year marks the start of Michael's seventh year at The Westview School, and while Michael's official title on campus is Support Specialist, it comes with quite a few credentials behind his name – Michael McKee, Ed.S, LSSP, NCSP.

So, what does it all mean? Michael is a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP). Before Westview, he worked as a School Psychologist at Katy ISD. He holds his master's degree and education specialist (Ed.S.) from Middle Tennessee State University. His LSSP licensure allows him to practice psychology in schools in Texas, and the NCSP is a national certification that would help with state licensure outside of Texas Michael admits that Houston was initially a temporary idea for his family "We ultimately decided to stay here permanently," said Michael. "Westview was a BIG part of that decision."

Michael is essential to the Westview community, and his co-workers know it. One praised him, saying, "Michael is the backbone of Westview and always has an anecdote to brighten our day."

Another said, "He is the heart and soul of Westview. He is the person I feel I can completely depend on. He can turn your day around with a simple joke or phrase."

According to Michael, the feeling is mutual When asked about the most rewarding part of his job, Michael didn't hesitate, "the people," he said "I would not be here if it were not for the amazing group of folks I work with daily." He also sees the success stories of the kids as very rewarding. "Seeing the progress that our kiddos make," he shared. "It makes all the hard times worth every second."

The Donna Marshall Award of Excellence is awarded each year to a non-instructional staff member who makes tremendous contributions to the school. With an overwhelming consensus and effusive appreciation by all, we are delighted to award the 2021-2022 Donna Marshall Award of Excellence to Westview's very own "ROCKSTAR" Support Specialist, Michael McKee

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A World after Westview


Gorringe n happeni Westvie


y p nt and Pre

After Westview, Phoebe transitioned kindergarten and first grade at St. Eliz Seton Catholic School in NW Houston did great. What Phoebe did next was around-the-world ride

After two years of attending a private school in Houston, Phoebe's family ha opportunity to live overseas. Phoebe m India, where she attended The Americ School (AES) in New Delhi, India, for Kat shared that the family had so man amazing experiences while living in In rhino safaris in the jungles of India, a t Maldives, and just loving the general m living in a city like Delhi and the count Being at a school with kids from all ov was also a wonderful experience for a kid like Phoebe. Kat shared that there when you are living and learning in that world with kids from all different backgrounds, so Phoebe's learning differences were among many at school. The American Embassy School was very progressive, so there were many different modalities and means of learning so Phoebe excelled

After two years in India, Phoebe and her family again relocated. This time to Indonesia. Mom says that Jakarta was "insane," and again the Gorringes enjoyed all the fun perks of living and learning in an international environment - cool vacations on remote islands, attending an international school, etc Their family life in Indonesia was fun but fast, lasting only one year before they decided to bring the kids back to America.

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In 2019, Phoebe and family returned to America and settled stateside in Omaha, Nebraska. Phoebe will be entering 8th grade at St. Margaret Mary Catholic School. While in Omaha, Phoebe developed a passion for the theater Kat applauds the wonderful youth theater program in Omaha that Phoebe attends called The Rose Theater. Phoebe has been involved with their productions for the past couple of years Recently, she played Ms Hannigan in the musical Annie, and this summer, she participated in a Summer Fun showcase singing songs from Grease and the Beach Boys. This fall, she is excited to be part of the musical Frozen, and in the spring will try her first go at non-musical theater with a play called Big Bad. In addition to developing a love for the theater, Phoebe was also invited to participate in a model development program Suffice it to say; theater keeps Phoebe very busy!

Phoebe just turned 13, and Kat shared that "things are not all sunshine and roses."

"Raising a teenager with autism is not for the faint of heart," laughs Kat. Phoebe works with Boys Town in Omaha, which provides support. "Phoebe is doing so great thanks to the amazing foundation she received at Westview," shares Kat


Graduate Gives Back

Katelynn was a student at Westview from 2009-2011. She transitioned to public school in Fort Bend ISD for elementary and middle school This spring, she graduated Magna Cum Laude from Stephen F. Austin High School.

Early on, Katelynn was identified as gifted and talented and was part of the GT (Gifted and Talented) Program at Fort Bend ISD She won her school's Spelling Bee contest in 3rd grade and was the first student to beat a 5th grader in her school. Her hobbies include swimming and music. She plays both the violin and the piano and has been in the Philharmonic Orchestra since Middle School. She has a green belt in Taekwondo.

When she was in 7th grade, she took the ACT Test, and out of 62,000 students, she was recognized as one of the 250 students with high scores by the Duke University Talent Identification program. She received the Presidential Award of Excellence signed by then President Donald Trump in 2018.

In 2019, Katelynn was chosen to participate in the NASA High School Aerospace Scholars Program This experience propelled her interest in aerospace, dreaming of joining NASA in the future. In high school, she became involved in the Science National Honor Society, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, and was an inducted member of the National Honor Society.

When COVID became a pandemic, she was challenged to help the community, however small it may be. She created a Leadership Initiative Project: Helping Others. She asked for monetary donations from friends and relatives. She bought masks, hand sanitizers, alcohol wipes, and antibacterial wipes with the money collected These items were distributed to the Sugar Land Police and Fire Departments, Kidz are Stars Daycare Center, Denver Harbor Clinic for indigent patients, Star of Hope, Second Mile Mission, and The Westview School. She also volunteered at the Sugar Land Library, Wesley Community Center, Pearle Gustavo Outreach Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, and Houston Food Bank

Her experience at Westview strengthened her self-confidence and inspired her work toward being "the change you want to see in the world." She will be forever indebted to the staff and teachers at Westview She will never forget Ms. Jane Stewart, Ms. Elissa Marshall, Ms. Donna Marshall, Ms. Beth, Ms. Pilar, Ms. Candi, and Coach Bo.

This fall, she will begin her studies in Chemical Engineering at the University of Houston, where she has been accepted into the Honors Program and was awarded the Academic Excellence scholarship. Katelynn is very excited about her future and the opportunities awaiting her.

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Wonderful Westview




Isobel completed Westview Middle School in the Spring of 2019. She then transitioned to high school at Gateway Academy, where she is now entering her senior year. Isobel was a student at Westview for eleven years and recalled her teachers always made learning fun and were very nice to her Her favorite classes in high school are Art, English, and Greek History. The number one thing Westview taught Isobel was to read. “Westview taught me how to read, so I could learn about anything I wanted,” Isobel shared. She also encouraged students to stay positive "You got this!" Isobel said

Preston was a student at Westview for ten years. He completed our Middle School program in May 2019 and currently attends high school at The HUB. Preston’s favorite high school classes are woodworking and social studies. Preston remembers all his Westview teachers being very nice and that he learned a lot of academics while a student here. He also has good memories of Tae Kwon Do with Master Plumber When he is not in class, Preston has a job working with Jessie’s Bites making gourmet dog food. He enjoys making food and also the friendships he has made with his co-workers He encourages Westview students to work hard and to keep going. “You can accomplish anything,” Preston says.


Ryan was a student at Westview for all his middle school years This year he graduated from Tomball Memorial High School. Ryan loved his high school experience and was very active. During his senior year, he was voted Homecoming King and given the "Senior Superlative" of Social Butterfly. This summer, Ryan is attending camps and playing tennis with Special Olympics. Ryan said he learned to play tennis at Westview, and this past spring, he won a Gold medal in Men's Singles Tennis at Special Olympics. In the fall, he plans to attend HISD's Community Connections Academy part-time while studying Animation and Digital Art at Nonpareil Institute. He also has plans to attend the Life Path program at Lone Star College in Fall 2023. He currently works part-time at CVS and enjoys greeting customers and making his own money. He credits Westview with teaching him confidence, how to advocate for himself, and to make friends. He encourages Westview students to "have fun, make new friends, but to remember to make good grades, too." Ryan's future dreams include being a comic book artist, creating video games, and doing voiceover work.

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Frank was a Westview student for a total of seven years. After Westview, he attended middle school at Our Savior Lutheran and graduated high school from Jersey Village High School. He currently is part of The Monarch School and Institute Residential Program, where he lives and attends summer school. He is most interested academically in history and engineering and is planning to take some courses in the fall and spring of 2023 Frank had this to share about his time at Westview. "The Westview School was so supportive of me and would not let me give up on myself," said Frank. "The teachers were always calm and patient and had an enormous impact on me and my life. The teachers understood my social and educational needs. They gave me the space to grow at my own pace " Frank said that because of Westview's love and support, he could transition and be successful at Our Savior Lutheran and in high school. Frank encourages students to enjoy their time at Westview. "Listen to your teachers," he said. "And always try to be positive Don't worry about the small things "

Madison was a student at Westview from early childhood to first grade. She transitioned into public school after Westview. Madison graduated with honors from Seven Lakes High School in Katy this spring. She is currently enrolled in community college summer school and plans to transfer to a university to study psychology. Madison remembers having fun at Westview – playing with friends during class, recess, and in the indoor gym. She praises Westview for understanding who she is rather than forcing her to be like someone else. Her advice to current students is, “Enjoy what you are doing now and be grateful for the people who support you. ”

Joshua was a student at Westview from second to seventh grade. After Westview, he attended and graduated from Brehm Preparatory High School, a boarding school in Illinois that serves students with learning differences. Josh attends college at Western Kentucky University, where he studies Environmental Geology. This summer, he is participating in an internship with Bowling Green Parks and Recreation in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Josh remembers much of his time at Westview from beginning to end. From field trips to classes and even after-school activities like Dungeons and Dragons Club, Josh's time at Westview helped him develop social skills and engage more with new peers. Josh encourages students to "listen to your teachers and stay focused in school." He says, "You never know when you will need the things you are learning."

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Robert E. Duff

Gary and Leonna Gregg

Richard and Debra Grigsby

The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Foundation

Christopher and Anastasia Hogan

Houston Junior Woman's Club

Valerie Lankford

Marilyn and Louis Mogas

Ly and Christopher Newcome

Valerie Riback

THANK YOU for your support

It is with sincere gratitude that we thank you for your support of The Westview School over this past year Because of wonderful supporters like you, we can fulfill our mission and ensure our students have the opportunity to reach their full potential. With your monetary support, Westview will continue to provide the best learning environment for our students and teachers, and we look forward to the new academic school year On behalf of the Westview staff and Board of Directors, thank you for your continued support

Laura and Ryan Smith

Betty Snow and Jim Hazeldine

Doug and Kay Turner

Wilkinson Family Foundation



Alex's 5K/Bayou City Road Runners

Diana Brogdon

Diego and Alejandrina Fraga

Fred and Kem Frost

Matthew and Shannon Grigsby

Eric and Katie Hazeldine

Damon and Candice Hearn

Mr. Paul and Dr. Namieta Janss

Nina Jezic

Karl and Louise Rugaard



Stacy Anderson

Benjamin Berg

Susan Bettencourt

Robert and Janice Burnette

Melissa and Stephen Chen

Carly-Anne Clarke

Misty and Thomas Cornell

Judy and Robert Curran

Margaret Dickson

Seth and Emma Elsenbrook

Sherry Feldman

James and Deborah Gates

Sue D. Groth

Matthew Luke Hoeg

Charlcie Hopkins

Natasha and Cameron Hsu

Lindsay Kagan

Kody and Clea Kobza

Vicki Lange

George and Disa Lyon

Dr Steve and Susan Mahoney

Ann and Craig McDonald

Sara and Trevor McGinnis

Kathleen R. McLaurin

Leslie and Todd Mogil

Ruth and Charles Pulido

Mr. Gary and Judge Lee H. Rosenthal

Shirley and Danny Ross

Mark and Susan Sanders

Betty and Dennis Souza

Joey and Laura Stewart

Alan and Lisa Stewart

J i d J h T ll

A Place Where You Fit | Summer 2022
Sandra Serlin


Holly Anderson

Robert and Kelly Baker

Boone and Laura Baxter

Ryan Blum

Glennda Brevelle

Solon and Sherri Carver

Sarah and Dean Chauvin

Teresa and Roland Cortez

Nancy and Edward Goldsberry

Joel and Susan Hall

Donald and Elizabeth Henderson

Christine Hobson and Amy Girimonti

Jason and Kristy Holder

Joyce Janak

Charles and Lindsey Kalas

Jeffrey and Faith Kangieser

Elizabeth Lane

Tarryn and Ryan Lankford

Paula Lee

Shai Littlejohn

Christoph Lubenau

Michelle McGrath Neupert

Kyle and Taryn Mitchan

Bill and Cristina Moore

Lisa Okoh-Brown

O. Keith Owen, III

Roy Queener

Matt and Stefanie Rugaard

Leah Schultz

Manjunath and Priya Shetty

Jon and Teri Shipp

Elizabeth Snell

Dr Steven Stewart and Amy Douglas

Leshia Terhune

James and Stacey Thompson

Kaye Traweek

Cathy Tufts

Cynthia Vejnoska

Karen Ward

Dr Daniel Williamson


Noor Alam and Mohammed Khan

Lara Baker

Rhonda Barney

Mark Brown

Jim and Susan Carr

Taylor and Sophia deBarros

Janet Faulkner

Maia Felker

Elizabeth and Gavin Gretter

Joyce Gulliford

Teresa Harlow

Dorlee and Tom Henderson

Noah M Horwitz

Jennifer and Tim Kelley

Penny and Paul Khuri

Vernon Dale Lockett

Charlene Love

Chad and Diane Maness

Alexandra Medina

Gerald and Ann Melancon

Richard and Cheryl Mifflin

Jean E Modica

Beth Morrisset

Silky Patel

Alison Porter

Tom Ricker

Erica and Scott Sevigny

Pat and Frank Simons

Callie Smith

Paula Sutton

Margaret and Donald Trexler


Ricardo Duque Aguilar

Linda and Val Aldred

Sarah Alexander

KaNeesha Allen

Kristi Anders

Janette and Josh Babin

Consuelo Bonilla

Dr Biykem Bozkurt

Fran Brochstein

Gena Brown

Angela Brown

Bill and Wendy Bruckner

Betsy Buisson-Fusselman

Michael and Rita Burke

Oralia Burks

Charla Burleson

Robert and Jackie Casper

Laura Casper-Teague

Michelle Chapa

Bennett and Tanya Cook

Marla Davis

Jared Dawkins

Weleanora Denney

Dr and Mrs Gerald J DeSobe

Don Dewalch

Claudia Dilcher

Sarah Duckers and Mark Davidson

Deborah Duncan

Melissa Dunlap

Kim and Steve Ellis

Dayna Ellison

Chelsea Ellisor

Adarelly Ramirez Estrada

Gina Evans

Keirra Ewah

Dr and Mrs Harold Fields

Marie Fortenbach

Thomas Frank

Ralph Garcia

Ashley Gloriod

Hector Gonzalez

Nancy Good

Don Graff

Kendall Grundstrom

Esperanza Guerra

Barbara Gural

Adrea Harris

Carol Harrison

Mary Haydel

Victoria Hicks

Helga Hood

Crystal Irving

Thomas and Angela Jennings

Eryn Michelle Johnson

Josh and Lorena Johnson

Joy Johnson

John Keeton

Jan Knight

Ryan Koch

Cristina Kooker

Claudia LeBlanc

Brittany Lesoon

Karen Lewis

Robert Lin

Joyce and Sandy Lobliner

Quincy and Sharon Lucas

Allan MacInnes

Lee MacPherson

Carolyn Means

Brian Moeller and Rhonda Sherman

Jackie and Sylvester Neely

Jared Neely

Brian Neely

Rachel Nunez

Shannon Palmer

Trevie Pearlman

Anne Peters

Candi Pettit

Chelsea Pinnix

William Pohlchuck

Kristi Posey

Sherri Pye

Kim and Scott Ramsey

Melanie and George Reeser

Erica and Joshua Riback

Debbie and Dale Ross

Jessie and Marilyn Safarik, Jr

Lina Sanchez

Sharon and Bob Sartain

Mariah Alexandria Schaefer

Mathew G Schmidt

Loretta Settonni

Gayle Shadowens

Claudette Busby Singletary

Sarah Snook

Susan and A.L. Thompson

Laura Valdes

Jamie Walczak

Frederic Warner

Gretta Wolter

Thomas E. Zalewski

T C and Angie Zoboroski

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1900 Kersten Drive Houston, TX 77043



The Westview School

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