The Vine Magazine Bletchley June July 2013

Page 16

The Nutrition Coach

Beat The Bulge!

With the summer finally on the way many of us turn our attention to the holidays and our summer wardrobe! If you have decided that it is time to take action and get your eating habits back on track, then follow these easy and effective tips to help you get in shape.

Dare To Bare! We all know crash diets are a bad idea, but impending holidays cry out for a quick fix. If you need to lose a few pounds before jetting off to foreign climes, we offer a few helpful hints and tips that will have you feeling fabulous by the pool!

Eat five or six small meals rather than three big ones. This will keep your blood sugar level steady and reduce cravings. Write down what you eat. This will stop sneaky snacking. Eat slowly. Concentrate on enjoying your food. Watch your portion size. Use smaller plates so you feel like you’re eating more. Bulk up meals with vegetables. Raw vegetables are ideal because your body burns extra calories as it digests them. Limit the amount of potatoes, pasta and bread you eat. Avoid processed foods which can be high in fat, sugar and salt, all of which encourage fluid retention. Chewing sugar-free gum takes your mind off wanting something to eat. Remember drinks have calories too... Stick to water and use skimmed milk in tea and coffee. Green tea is rumoured to help your body burn fat. Investigate fat-burning supplements. Staff at a good health food shop will be able to advise you. Be more active. Aim to exercise for 30 minutes a day. And finally, get enough sleep. If you’re tired, you’re more likely to reach for a sugary snack.


Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels This will help sustain energy levels throughout the day and prevent cravings for sugary food. Follow the next few points to help with this. Eat regular healthy meals – including breakfast A healthy breakfast will set your day off to a good start and prevent those mid morning sugar cravings. Aim to have 3 small meals and 2 snacks a day, try and eat every 3 hours and ditch the sugary foods and drinks. Choose Whole-Wheat/Wholegrain Bread, Pasta, Rice These foods are known as complex carbohydrates which take longer for the body to break down into sugar. They contain more natural vitamins and minerals than their white counterparts. Eat Healthy Fats Healthy fats such as vegetable oils, olive oil and oily fish will actually help you lose weight. The fat in oily fish may increase the amount of calories you burn in a day. Chew Your Food Well And Eat Slowly Your body will recognise when you have had enough to eat sooner, as it takes twenty minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that you are full. Drink Plenty Of Fluids Aim to drink 1.5 litres of water a day to help you flush away toxins and keep you hydrated. Be aware that thirst can actually be mistaken for hunger pangs. Avoid Caffeine And Alcohol Caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating and can also contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Include a healthy protein source in every meal. Proteins can help you feel fuller for longer as they take longer to digest. Healthy protein foods include lean meats, dairy, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, peas and lentils. Use Smaller Plates A smaller plate can be a really effective way of reducing your food intake, without feeling like you have been short changed. Eat Your 5 A Day! Fruit and vegetables contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals and make a great healthy snack between meals, eat with nuts/seeds for extra blood sugar balancing.

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