Urban Fox - March 2020 Issue

Page 39




REVIVAL As modern life takes over, our free time is often lost in a perpetual list of 'things to do'. This spring we’re taking action and reclaiming the ritual of the weekend.

Here’s 13 ways to revive your weekend…


Don’t leave all your chores until the weekend. Instead spend half an hour a day cleaning one room in your house and by Saturday you’ll have free time to do something more exciting.


Prepare for Monday, on Friday. Think how much better you’ll feel when you arrive at work Monday morning. So clean out your inbox, make any urgent calls, and tie up any loose ends.


If you implement #2, you should avoid pulling a ‘workend’. If you really do have to work, limit it to two hours or one weekend a month. Otherwise it can quickly spiral out of control.


Avoid drinking too much alcohol. The next day you’ll likely spend lounging around or nursing a hangover and the weekend will pass without you having done anything.


Get up at the usual time. Too much sleep can have a negative

impact on your mood. Use the extra time for personal pursuits – go to the gym, bake, be creative.


week. Read a novel, listen to a TED Talk, watch a film you've been dying to see, or plan your summer holiday.

Strike a balance between planning ahead and going with the flow. Look forward to activities and have plans in place, but be flexible and don’t pack the weekend too tightly.


Take a break with a digital detox. You’ll be surprised at the impact switching your phone off even for 24 hours has on your ability to wind down. And trust us nothing will have changed.




Do something new. Research has linked learning to contentment, so it's no surprise that learning new skills or experiencing something different leads to a greater sense of fulfilment.


Spend time with the people you love. It’ll make you healthier and happier. Invite friends over for brunch or even a game night. It’s a great way to reconnect and have fun too.


Do relaxing or interesting things you don’t have time to do in the

Plan a mini break. Removing yourself from your usual environment even if only for a couple of days, creates separation and gives you space to feel more refreshed. Volunteer your time. It’s amazing how focusing your mind on issues like health, poverty and conservation can help to re-energise you. So get involved in local and community events.


Finally, stop thinking about Monday. Plan something special for Sunday afternoon or evening. Sunday lunch with your besties, film night, a safari supper. Whatever it takes!

Got it sussed? Tell us how you maximise your weekends. Head over to Facebook and #JointheConversation.


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