The Talk #79 - December 2015 / January 2016

Page 82

Health - Tips

10 simple tricks for a better sleep There is no feeling worse than sleeplessness. In fact, no, they say that the Chinese believe that failing to fall asleep is one among the 3 most difficult things a human being can cope with. If you tend to to toss and turn every night, consider simple tips for better sleep. 1.Drink herbal tea can help you relax before bedtime. 2.Read a book: Meander your way through a favorite book to help power down from a hectic day. 3.Put away the iPad: the blue light from tech devices tricks your mind into thinking It’s day, so turn off gadgets 30 minutes before you need to go to sleep. 4.Have a snack: honey, nuts, and dairy all have something in common: they contain compounds that can induce sleep. 5.Stretch it out: stretching relieves aches, but it can also calm you and prep you for sleep.

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8.Avoid thinking: as you close your eyes, try to imagine a white board and focus on keeping it white. This trick works well for those who tend to overthink before sleep.

6.Meditate: clearing your mind allows you to drift off to sleep.

9.Take a warm shower: a warm bath can soothe muscles, it is also great if you are suffering from cold or allergies.

7.Hide the light: electronics, alarm clocks, street lamps – all of these can prevent sleep. Cover up anything that’s contributing to light pollution.

10.Find the right temperature: the best temperature for helping you get proper sleep is between 18 to 22 degrees Celsius.

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