Issuu 59

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what’s on


eliza doolittle


Frightened rabbit

Director Hussain Shafique Editor Charlotte Grainger

14 findlay 20



one republic


you me at six



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Photography Aiden Marples Accounts Shazia Afzal Contributors lauren spencer jack greenwell adam pigott ina fischer sam barnett craig lomas chris neal

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whats appenin’ duck New Year’s Eve at Magna 31st December

7pm New Year’s Eve at the ex-steelworks will be a night to remember. See in the New Year with a delicious three course meal and an open bar. See how much you can drink before the dawn of 2014 is upon us and all our dreams are slashed, as we realise that this year will be the same as every other, disappointing and depressing. Let’s get drunk! At midnight (if you’re still standing, that is) you will be presented with a glass of bubbly to see in 2014 with a toast to the monotony of what lies ahead of us.

Sheffield Christmas Market

15th November - 24th December

City Centre Everybody knows Sheffield City Centre does not have an awful lot to offer, apart from the many pubs and takeaway shops. The Christmas Market draws everyone in with the smell of foreign cuisine, fragrances from objects you’ve probably never heard of but will buy anyway and the possible chance of a sugar overload from the planet sized pick ‘n’ mix stalls. Even if you spent your last £5 on that curry last night, the decorative stalls offer something exciting for everyone to look at and sample. And if you still believe, why not pay Santa a visit in his grotto?

Nearly New Years Party 29th - 30th December

Owlerton Greyhound Stadium Don’t want to be stuck in with the parents again? Or did you invite get lost in the post to that party you’veheard of? Pull your best outfit from the washing pile and enjoy a meal in the restaurant, guaranteed to satisfy you more than a Tesco ready meal. Grab yourself a race card or get comfy in an executive box (who would of thought eh?) and watch the Rihanna tribute, (sorry it’s not the real thing) then onto doing what you do best, drinking and dancing.

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Cargo Vs Ryad 31st December

10pm - 10am The Steel City sees a night with a top lineup and twelve solid hours of drinking, it can only be Cargo Vs Ryad. With a venue still to be announced (#WatchThisSpace) the lineup includes sets from the likes of Subb-An, Jack Wickham and Cargo and Ryad Residents. Jack Wickham’s style includes House, Deep House and Deep Techno, whilst Subb-An knows the Sheffield music scene better than any other lad around. There will also be a special set from Adam Shelton, a semi-regular guest of Ryas, who will be treating you to a very special back to back set to take you well into the new year..

MasqueRAVE at Fez 31st December

11pm Kollective presents MaqueRAVE at Fez Club this NYE! The night will include special sets from all the best DJs in Sheffield and beyond. Expect Electro, House and a whole lot more from the likes of Amp Jackers, Tom Frost and Myles Robinson, Wheres North, True Fiction, Five-O, Arshaw, Overt and Tetraplex. With more DJs still to be announced and the night almost sold out this is definitely one of the places to be in the Steel City to see in 2014!

Masquerade Snow Ball at Plug 31st December

10.30pm Welcome in 2014 with an intimate Masquerade Ball of say 1,500 of your closest friends. Plug is renowned for throwing some of the best NYE events that Sheffield has ever seen, which means tickets go pretty damn fast. This year the theme is ‘snow’, so expect beautiful snow-girls (and boys), ice angels and even some confetti. For those of your who get a little hungry on a night out (I know I do!) there will also be a hog roast and a whole lot of mulled wine to keep you going right into 2014.

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Eliza Doolittle I first heard an Eliza Doolittle (or Eliza Sophie Caird to be more specific) record a few years ago when she released the catchy “Pack Up”. Then I could have overlooked her, as many probably did, as your average one hit wonder. The song was absolutely everywhere for a few months and then...poof... it was gone; a sure sign of a fluke hit. A few songs later all went quiet from Miss Doolittle and that could have been it... Luckily, it wasn’t and this year the songstress made a comeback with “Big When I Was Little”, the first song from her new album “In Your Hands”. The Student Magazine caught up with Eliza to talk about being a woman in the music industry, writing music and, of course, singing. Hi Eliza, thanks for speaking to us. Oh, no problem. Thanks for having me! Obviously you’ve been in the public eye for some time now. Do you feel that since you’ve come into the music industry as a woman that you’ve been moulded or were you really able to express yourself through your music from the very start? I’m not elastic enough to be moulded. I’m too much of a strong person, in that way no one can tell me what to do. I’m too much of a control freak for that. But I definitely think that there are times when you might have to compromise a bit depending on what you’re looking at. With any business you have to think through different choices and maybe make slightly different choices to what you’d imagine. Things aren’t always exactly how you plan them. Yeah, because obviously you’ve got a lot of girls, and young girls, looking up to you and you’re not one of these semi-naked popstars, you’re a singer. Is that a choice you made from the start? Do you know what? I never really thought about it to be honest with you. I’m quite a free-spirited person. I don’t mind seeing people naked. When I’m on my own in my house I’m pretty much naked all the time. (Laughs.) There are just some things that I wouldn’t necessarily do and some I would. I think it’s just important to be yourself no matter whether you’re butt naked or fully clothed. Brilliant. What do you see yourself doing music wise in the future? Will you be touring again soon or just taking a breather for a while? I’m hoping that I’ll get some tour dates in in the next year. At the moment I’m just getting people to hear the record and trying to spread the word as much

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as I can, but I’m also working on new stuff. I always want to just keep the ball rolling. Are you quite a prolific writer then or do you write just as the mood takes you? I think it’s always got to be when the mood takes you, because if you’re not inspired then there’s no point writing. Also at the same time I try to write like a song a week just to keep my juices flowing, even if it’s not the best song. What’s your own favourite track on “In Your Hands”? I don’t know, because I wrote over a hundred songs for this able, so all of the ones that made it are my favourite. Definitely every song means a lot to me, but on every song there will be certain things and when I wrote them on that day they meant more to me. I think “In Your Hands” is quite a strong one for me, that’s partly why I named the album after it, because I was very vulnerable when I wrote it and I don’t feel like that hardly ever, so I think it’s important to remember that. It means a lot to me that one and remembering your low points, instead of your high points. And also “No Man Can” , that kind of represents how I want to live, so if I had to pick one it’d be “No Man Can”. You changed your mind during your answer then! The thing is with the album I’ve ended up loving every single song. Like I also love “Wasting Time” and “Walking on Water” is a love song, you know, it’s one of those love songs that just came straight from my heart and it’s also sad for different reasons. And then there’s also... you see I’m going to end up naming every single song. On this album there’s also a real battle between my optimistic side and my pessimistic side. There’s songs like “Team Player”, which is all about positivity and wanting to give love a chance and then songs like “Don’t Call it Love”, which is like “fuck this, I can’t do that any more”. There’s a real story within all of the songs and without one of the songs it might not tell the full story. What advice would you give to young people wanting to get into the music industry? It’s more about letting music get into you and have no other option but to be a musician and do what you’re doing. And if you’re writing all the time and gigging all the time people will eventually take notice and if you’re good they will take more notice.

Eliza Doolittle’s latest album “In Your Hands” is available now.

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How are you finding the tour so far? How was New York?

Which do you prefer Birmingham or Sheffield? Oh come on!! You can’t make me answer that! (Sheffield)

This US tour was really great. It was extremely long and quite exhausting and I certainly feel older for it but it was great fun. New York was incredible. Webster Hall is such a great venue and to play two nights there was really special.

What is your favourite book? Birdsong by Sebastien Faulks

What made you decide to embark on such an epic tour?

What’s your favourite poem? Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen

It was really just because the tour with The National came in at the same time as our own tour was planned. Also going to the US is not a cheap trip so you really have to make the most of it when you're there and this time we decided to hit every corner! There were a lot of places we hadn't been for a long time or hadn't been at all and we wanted to visit those places before it was too late.

What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? No idea! I try not to plan anything if the band are free because so often it ends up being an anticlimax. I will definitely have a cider in hand though! What can we expect from your Sheffield gig?

What inspires your lyrics?

Six sweaty bearded Scottish men playing their hearts out on stage. Again I think the most important thing any band can do live is to be themselves. We treat every single show the same and never ignore the fact that that people have chosen to see us over many other bands touring right now so we always want to give them the best show we can. We will also have confetti, backing dancers and inflatable props.

That's really a question for Scott but I can give some kind of answer! Initially the lyrics were very personal but with the last record Scott opened out his scope to include other people's lives and I think that really worked well considering the writing process for the music was more collaborative this time round. What are you aiming to do with your music? What's the message?

What makes you happy? Right now being at home makes me happy because it doesn’t happen very often and it means I get to see my nieces.

I don't think there's a message we're trying to convey but if there's anything people do take away from it, hopefully, it is that the music is very honest and we're not trying to be anything other than ourselves. That's an important thing for younger bands to remember. Holding on to your identity is really important and unfortunately these days that seems to be getting lost along the way with a lot of artists.

What makes you sad? Seeing other people who are sad. What will you be doing post-tour?

What is the best gig you've had so far in your career?

I plan on putting on my pyjamas and playing my PlayStation for two months. I also need to finish watching Breaking Bad so I’ll get that dealt with too.

My favourite gig is still one we played at Queen's Hall in Edinburgh at the festival a few years ago. It was one of those nights where everything just clicked and the crowd were incredible. It's a night I will never forget.

What are your plans for 2014? Album no 5.

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The Gap Ina Fischer We university students tend have a lot of things on our plate. Balancing our evenings between part-time jobs, all-nighters in the library and the occasional piss-up, and budgeting our limited funds can cause an undergraduate a lot of worries. But then there are the other kinds of issues, the pointless ones that seem to rise to great importance for no other reason than the fact that everyone seems to be talking about them. Things like ‘the gap’. The gap? What gap? Don’t you pretend you have no idea what I’m talking about... Yes, the infamous ‘thigh gap’ that gained popularity on Instagram and Tumblr and quickly became the unhealthy obsession of many young women. The thigh gap is a little inwards curve of the upper thigh, right before the bum starts. It most prominently features on the bodies of female models and the pictures of people with excellent Photoshop skills. What’s so special about it? That’s exactly what I would like to know. Upon discovering this new phenomenon, and in the name of journalistic research, I stripped down to my underwear when nobody was watching and – who would have thought – there it was.

Except nobody cares, least of all me. Or my boyfriend, who I’m pretty sure hasn’t ever noticed it. For the majority of the year, said gap is covered by various layers of clothing anyways, but even during the summer months it hardly attracts a lot of attention. The reason for that is simple: it has absolutely no relevance. We’re not even talking about the usual stereotypes of beauty, like large breasts, a firm butt or a beautiful smile. We’re talking about a tiny gap of a few centimetres maximum, between the thighs, right below the body parts that are a lot more important in my humble opinion. Facebook pages like “The Gap” have almost 300,000 followers and every picture posted racks up thousands of likes. All thanks to the gap? I think not. The women pictured are always semi-naked drop-dead gorgeous anyways, gap or no gap. Nevertheless, young girls all over the world seem to be obsessed with the idea of having a thigh gap. A dangerous obsession, especially considering that its biologically impossible for some women to have one, no matter how much they exercise or how little they eat. My advice? Let it go. There are far more important gaps we should be worrying about: the gap between platform and train we are constantly asked to mind, the gender pay gap, or the 10-minute gap between lectures that is long enough for a toilet break or a coffee run, but never for both.

Sheffield’s independent Film – Dead or Alive? Chris Neal It was a sad day in 2010 when it was announced that Sheffield Independent Film (SIF) had gone into liquidation. Being South Yorkshire’s only permanent film studio and an iconic part of Sheffield’s history, it hit us pretty hard. But, I am here to remind you that all is not lost - Sheffield is still the thriving heart of Yorkshire’s independent film scene. There are still several production companies working out of the Steel City, including Warp Films (the studio that produced Dead Man’s Shoes, This is England, and Four Lions) and Picture Palace North (known for Sharpe). In recent years, a branch of Warp Films (Warp X) was even responsible for a slate of low budget films designed to display the talent of new writers, producers and directors. Sheffield

also plays host to several film festivals across the year, such as Doc/Fest; which specialises in bringing together the entire world of documentary film makers, and is a great chance for networking within this section of the industry, and takes place in the summer. Sensoria is a film and music festival that takes place in September, which takes pride in innovation and risk taking. Screen Yorkshire is an organisation based in Leeds that grants funding to creative projects - they have an application process on their website, as well as the ‘Triangle’ scheme, which works to set up writer-producer-director teams, and guides them towards a finished feature film. So get to it Sheffield - whatever your creative passion, get out there and do it. If you need a bit of encouragement, just remember that when Mark Herbert of Warp Films produced Dead Man’s Shoes out of Warp Films’ ‘Sheffield Office’ - that office was the shed in his garden.

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How Christmas became Xmas… Lauren Spencer

With Christmas just around the corner you wake up everyday (once you’ve got the courage to step out into the cold) to see if it’s time for the only rational form of transport when snow hits…sledging. From your first day in this world, the days of needing help to go to the toilet (which you may still need today) to growing up today, kind of anyway, Christmas is always an exciting time for most. But apart from finding the biggest piece of paper possible in W H Smith to write your Christmas list, what does Christmas actually mean? I know the word “conspiracy” is a big word for any time of the day, but Micah described features of the Christmas Conspiracy as universality: all nations and people are a part of it, voluntarism: people willingly stream to it and morality: people want to be obedient to “God’s” law. Although perhaps quite hard to grasp, many other conspiracies are part of your life whether you knew or not. How often do you text or type “Xmas” rather than “Christmas” nowadays? To you this may be because you’re too busy or lazy for the written word, or maybe you just prefer the look of “Xmas”. But where did the “X” come from? There is a belief from some that the “Xmas” use came from a conspiracy to remove religion from the holiday, quite deep I know, and also a misconception. Infact, the “X” comes from the first letter for “Christ” in the Greek alphabet’s x-shaped chi. In school I’m sure you learnt about the facts/fiction of Jesus Christ and that he has something to do with Christmas, it being related to, but not actually his birthday. Surely a true celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday would be to have all the money in wealthy people’s

accounts to be transferred to the poor (which would surely help out a number of overdrafts). Also, anyone who is ill (excluding hangovers) would miraculously get cured. None of that happens now. What does happen is the re-vamping of Santa each and every year; you know the bushy beard and red rosy cheeks you see on the Coca-Cola van come Christmas time. Children (and adults) get giddy over presents and mince pies when they first see the advert on television. Santa was re-invented, (not only for those who still believe in him but for Christmas loving people everywhere) in the 20th Century as a “commercialisation of the holidays” manouver. They wanted Christmas to become a time of huge spending and to make people think it is there duty to do that (rather than the religious duties taught years ago). This puts more attention on Santa (and coca-cola) instead of Baby Jesus. Also in television, the animated show Futurama, set in the 31st Century, which im sure you’ve all watched when you take a 24/7 break from your work, uses “Xmas” as the official name for what was known as Christmas. In one episode called, “Xmas Story”, the actual original “Christmas” naming is said to have become an archaic (something very old or old-fashioned for those who don’t own a dictionary) pronunciation. The BBC (you know, the channel that brings you Eastenders) broadcast a meaning of Christmas: The time has come to separate the religious festival of Christmas from the trading season of “Xmas”. In other words; step outside the classroom and step into the shops (with a working bank card).

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The pouting 21 year old singer that is Findlay hails from over the Snake Pass in the depths of Manchester. She lists Beat poets as her influences, wears PVC crop-tops and writes her own songs. She speaks in a broad accent and digresses on occasion. She is many things that are indescribable here. She is an artist, these days, so we spoke to her about that. Hi Findlay, let me first ask what your musical influences are. How would you describe your sound? That’s a really hard question actually. I don’t know how to describe my sound because it’s such a mash up especially the last single, but it’s a kind of mash up of different sounds. Especially the Greasy Love track has RnB and rock and other weird stuff all blender into one. I don’t really know how to pinpoint what I would say. The stuff I was doing before was more like straight forward band stuff, which I love doing as well, but I’m trying to like push myself creatively to, you know, create a new sound, which has been fun up until this point. (Laughs) You’ve been gigging a lot recently. What do you enjoy about performing live? What goes through your head before you step on stage? Usually like “Why am I doing this to myself again? I’m so nervous, I’m gonna be sick.” I, honestly, I get really bad before and then as soon as I’m starting the first lines of the first song I get into it. So after a while do you relax into it and start to just really enjoy it? The more shows you do I think the easier becomes. If you’ve not done a show in ages and it’s packed full of people you’re like “Shiiiiit! What am I gonna do?”, but it does get easier. But then I still get as nervous now as when I was like fifteen. Is that how long you’ve been performing then? Since you were a teenager? Yeah well I used to play like open mic nights around Manchester. Just me and an acoustic guitar. And then I thought I don’t want to be one of those singer songwriters with an acoustic guitar because the markets saturated. So I went and wrote a load of songs that had a band sound and found a band and started playing with them. Do you write all of the songs for the band then? Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah and I’m doing co-writing as well with a few people. I really like doing collaborate things. I think you need the other person to get involved in your ideas. When you write by yourself you always end up being too hard on yourself. When you’re with another person they’re like “Actually, no, that is really good.” Yeah, I think it’s just good to have someone to bounce off sometimes. page #14

Yeah exactly, I think it’s more like enjoyable and a creative way of writing and making stuff. It’s just nice. I’m not really a lonely person. I’ve always got to be with someone. What advice would you give to anyone trying to make it? To young aspiring artists? Don’t read bad reviews. Don’t read YouTube comments. Don’t drink too much before a show. Be nice to people because you never know who’s going to want to help you out. I read that you’re a big fan of literature and poetry. What’s your favourite book? I think Portrait of Dorian Gray. It’s just a classic. It’s like, I love that book so much. For the time it was written as well, it has so much, all the morals within the story, you know. Tell us about your new EP. Th new EP, the “Greasy Love” EP that’s coming out this month, is much more... I’ve tried to push myself much more. It’s a bit different, a bit experimental. Before I put any songs on an album I want to experiment and see what people like. What can people expect from your live show? How do you come across live? My live gigs are getting a bit more crazy, I think, every show. We’re experimenting with different sounds as well. We’re getting this guy in, he’s going to trigger the bigger samples, the bigger drum beats. Just a bigger like more full sound. Findlay’s second EP “Greasy Love” is out now. page #15

in my music as well. As a writer, my main inspirations come from my own experiences and feelings. A lot of the topics I touch upon in my tracks are either from real situations that I have been in or am currently in, or a situation that people can easily relate to. Who filmed, edited etc. the Settle Down video?

It’s no rarity to find great musicians hailing from the Steel City, in fact there is a grand tradition of this city putting out artist after artist of high quality. Sheffield born and bread Conor Merrison, AKA Just Seppy, is latest in a very long list. His latest single “Settle Down” has already had over 4000 views on YouTube and his plans for 2014 are well underway. We caught up with Conor himself for a quick heart to heart. How long have you been making music? Since the age of 14! I got myself my 1st edition of FL Studio 3 and was hooked on making beats! Every day I’d come home from school and make a fresh beat, I’d then write lyrics and try and put them together! seven years later and here I am! What inspires your music and lyrics? My musical inspirations come from various artists that I like to listen to, my top producers being Timbaland, Pharrel Williams and Ryan Leslie, I love how their tracks are very percussive and melodic, it feels like they put a lot of thought into the process of making their tracks and as a producer I try to emulate that

My latest video Settle Down (search that on YouTube haha!) was filmed and edited by the media group “Fidzcam”. Three local lads from Sheffield who are doing really well for themselves filming artists. I sat down with them during the editing process and helped to put forward my ideas and influence and was blew away by the end product! Do you play anywhere in Sheffield? I have played a number of places yes, I’ve played at Plug, The Frog and Parrot, Replica. I’ve also played at bigger events at the O2 in Sheffield and also at the Tramlines Festival for a couple of years running. What is next for you musically? For me the next step is to bring out my next project some time in 2014 (date to be confirmed). The project which I’m calling “To Be Continued” will be my best work to date and will aim to be a true reflection of not just me as an artist, but the listener will also get an insight of me as a person as well. Can’t wait to bring it out! What is the big goal? If I could then I’d love to make a living from music, even if it was just to pay the bills and a little extra, it would be the best job in the world for me. I love being creative and making people feel good when they listen to my music and because I enjoy doing that so much I wouldn’t even consider it as being a job!

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Just Seppy

Who have you written music for in the past?

Singer Songwriter Helen Boulding is one of Sheffield’s many success stories. Starting her career in the Steel City as a teenager, Helen has worked with some of the best artists of our generation and herself contributed honest and powerful songs to the industry. We caught up with her.

Rick Wright from Pink Floyd, before he died. I’m just working with The Overtones at the moment. Mary-Jess Leaverland, who won the Chinese show “I want to sing to the stars”, she was at Sheffield Uni and in her second year they sent her to China because she was doing Music and Chinese. While she was in China she entered the competition and won it in front of 70 million people. Paul Van Dyk, I’ve got a track coming out with him.

When did you first start out as a singer? Well I always wanted to sing. I wanted to sing properly and have it grounded, but I think, obviously, listening to records is the best way. My dad was reading a magazine one day and he read about this guy who had Elton John and everybody. And so I wrote to him and he said he didn’t really take people who weren’t already in the industry, but I really badgered him and he said “well come down.” I was only fifteen... sixteen at the time and I just played him a song I’d written and he said when he heard the whole package he thought “ah, actually I’m going to give her a shot.”

That’s such a long list! What inspires you to write? Just experience. Just life experience really. I love music and I love melody and when I sit down at a piano I seem to get a melody and the lyrics, maybe I think about them a little bit more, by my melodies come very quickly. Tell us about your new single “Crooked Tooth”.

So where did you go first from there? Was there a lot of prep work?

I wrote that with Gavin Clark, who’s in Unkle. Well “Crooked Tooth” is one of my favourite songs on the album, but is that thing about you know when you really love someone warts and all and only they will do? It’s that kind of thing, like the imperfections are the perfections. It was a metaphor for the really.

There was loads of prep work, because what was happening was I kept doing demos and I was working with a load of different producers. I kind of ended up going round the houses quite a lot, before I actually got to release my first record. The hardest thing as an artist is to decide what you’re not as opposed to what you are.

The single “Crooked Tooth” is out this month! page #17

Christmas Shopping Lauren Spencer

It’s that time of year again when you need to swap your weekly vodka fund for Christmas presents for those family members you left at home to go off to University (and by presents, I don’t mean the big pile of washing you’ve got stored under your bed). Drag yourself out of bed,if you made it that far and didn’t pass out on the sofa, pull on the nearest (half clean) outfit you can find and head into the City Centre to see what’s on offer on your student budget. While shopping, your main mission is to avoid the hundreds of “sales” people patrolling the main centre. We find pretending to talk on your phone or walking the long (long) way around is the only way to avoid them, unless you want to find yourself with an adopted tiger. We all know Sheffield City Centre doesn’t offer the greatest amount of shops, but remember, if all fails there is a Primark. Not everyone is in the Christmas spirit, so expect

to be walked into, especially by those going to feed their hangovers or cravings in McDonalds. We know you must have better things to do than shop for your Mum, Dad, 3rd Cousin twice removed (i.e. sleeping or eating your leftover pizza) but try to avoid buying 12 pairs of Santa or Reindeer socks. Most shops do student discount (if you haven’t lost your card yet) so search the sales for those bargains, or settle for a gift voucher to avoid the fake, awkward “thanks I love it”, comments. Even if you do have two left feet for hands, you do have to wrap your chosen presents, the nicer the paper, the easier it is to distract away from your rubbish attempt. If you’re tired of the Christmas lights and warn out from what might feel like an actual days work, don’t worry, the pub is just a walk away.

FASHION Christmas Crisis or Christmas Couture? Lauren Spencer

We all know it can be hard to have your own individual style on a student budget, let alone keep what clothes you do have clean. Each year, you might of hated getting the knitted Christmas jumpers that smelt of old people and were either too tight or a sack on you. Nowadays, flaunting Santa or a giant Christmas pudding on your chest is the way to go as more colourful and (slightly) more fashionable jumpers are delivered to shops. You’re old enough and (maybe) wise enough to shop for yourself these days, so why not stick to the Sheffield heritage and pay a visit to Birds Yard and sample unique and one-off items from the UK’s Fashion Shop of the year. Celebrate your individuality this Christmas with the affordable and quirky designs from DazaRockz or the original patterns of Rita Manita.. COUTURE STYLE but walking around in a light up number is not

acceptable even on a good day…you are not trying to resemble a Christmas Tree bauble. CRISIS Snow is coming, we’ve all seen the updates while stalking Facebook 24/7. So vests and flip-flops will result in a trip to A&E (boys I mean you too). The single digit temperatures still haven’t stopped the hawaiin shorts and unecessary bearing of too much skin. CRISIS Take the plunge into vintage style for a pair of old school boots or a 1980’s fur coat, itis affordable and guaranteed you’ll find something nobody else has. Knuf, Ecclesall Road will have trendy people looking for items from their past favourite pop groups, enjoying each visit in the cosy atmosphere and taking in the eccentric decoration and layout, similar to that of Cow and Bang Bang, Sheffield City Centre. COUTURE

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Sheffield ‘Christmas Markets’ There is nothing quite like spending the days in the lead up to Christmas browsing Christmas Markets, eating over-priced chocolate covered strawberries and drinking mulled wine in a make-shift tavern. There is nothing quite like it in Sheffield, that is, because frankly the Christmas Markets here are a joke. You’ll have to forgive me, because I come from Birmingham and am used to a certain standard of Christmas Market. I get that Sheffield is a slightly smaller city and that, therefore, the markets are likely to be slightly smaller too. Slightly smaller doesn’t even begin to cover it though. Recently my boyfriend and I decided to spend a day looking round the Christmas Markets. In any other of the UK’s major cities this would have been a reasonable day out. Hell, in some of the cities you could entertain yourself for two days with the wonders of their markets. So, holding hands and skipping gleefully, we made our way down to Fargate, where the ‘markets’ had been set up. To our disappointment we found a handful of stalls, some of them in no way related to Christmas, and a rather shabby looking Santa’s Grotto. We spent about ten minutes looking at the stalls, none of which were particularly interesting, We then decided to take a tram to Meadowhall to be shoved around by hoards of shoppers, most of which had pushchairs to attack us with. What is it about Sheffield? Why can this city not do one single thing right? We are promised a Christmas Market and we get a shambles. As though its not bad enough that the city centre lacks most of the well known high street shop, Sheffield can’t even pull off a market properly.

Weirdly Wonderful: Peanut Hottie One day someone somewhere thought, “You know what this world needs? A peanut butter flavoured hot drink.” So they made it. They made it and they called it Peanut Hottie.... A little after this a jar of Peanut Hottie somehow ended up on The Student Magazine’s desk and so we tried it. Two of us tried it by mixing it into our coffee... that was an awful idea and we can confirm that Peanut Hottie and coffee is one of the worst things we have ever tasted in our lives. However, one sensible officey type person tried Peanut Hottie the way it was meant to be tried, with hot water. She said it tasted good and it smelt like M&m’s, which is probably a good thing. If you like Reece’s (anything) then you will very probably like this... If not, stick to the hot choc...

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The Cotton Wool Diet Mmm. I am hungry. Can’t wait to wrap my smackers round a nice fat ball of cotton wool... Wait what?!? Yes, it’s time for yet another stupid and potentially dangerous fad. To be fair this nonsense has been around for a while, but has recently been revived and hyped all over the USA... Girls eating cotton wool so as to replace food and lose weight... genius. Apparently these young, impressionable and, yes, stupid girls are copying supermodels (who as we all know are the best of all role models... it’s in the name really) and adding cotton wool to their diets. The thought of eating cotton wool literally makes me heave. Apparently the way to do it is to soak the cotton wool in juice before you swallow it (still gross). I shouldn’t really have to write this, but let’s pretend you’re likely to start eating cotton wool, don’t do it! Eating cotton wool is extremely dangerous. 1) You can choke. 2) The human body cannot digest cotton wool (shocker!) 3) If you eat cotton wool I will personally come and hit you in the face.

Hospital Food

A report put together by Sheffield Council’s health scrutiny committee found that the food in Sheffield’s hospital was of a good standard. The group tried a variety of different meals, all of which would be served within Sheffield’s hospitals and were satisfied that the standard was pretty damn good. However, the report said the hospitals could do better, perhaps by introducing better trolley systems, which would allow patients to choose meals from their beds. The report also said that more could be done to inform people about the services available to them. All in all, though, Sheffield’s hospital food is tasty good... good to know. page #21


So hospital food is meant to be rank. Well, apparently the food in Sheffield hospitals is “very impressive”, which is good news if you are accident prone.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug released 13th December As the second in the triolgy, people have high expectations from Jackson once again. The cringy singing and attempt to add in unnecessary humour in “The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey” did not go unnoticed by viewers. Although slow (very slow), still an epic creation. Having survived the beginning of their unexpected journey (only just), the Company continues East, facing along the way the skin-changer Beorn and a mass of giant Spiders (rather them than me), in the deceitful forest of Mirkwood. Biblo Baggins, Wizard Gandalf and thirteen Dwarves (unlucky for some, especially in this film) go on their quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. They must face a creature more terrifying than any other, no, not Golem, but the Dragon Smaug. If you happen to be a millionaire and can afford the 3D prices to wear smudged, ‘Where’s Wally’ type glasses, I’m sure ths film will not disapoint once again. Just make sure you have a bladder of steel and plenty snacks as you’ll need to get comfy for this two and a half hour film.

FILM page #22

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues released 20th December This film has been long awaited by younger (and older) viewers, each having uttered the words “I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party”. Every comedy fan enjoys a joke being taken too far, especially when it involves sex and silly moustaches. TV’s funny man Will Ferrel returns to the role of Ron Burgundy, joined by equally funny Steve Carell, Paul Rudd and Christina Applegate in this not for the boring, stern faced viewers out there. With the ‘70s over, Ron Burgundy returns to the newdesk, joined by the rest of the gang, to take New York’s first 24 hour news channel by storm. All Anchorman fans know this sequel has a lot to live up to, the magic from the first film has to be there once again. The laugh out loud and “I’m not sure if I laughed so hard I let out a little wee” type of magic has to occur. Come on everyone…“Don’t act like you’re not impressed”.

American Hustle released 13th December As Christian Bale takes a night off from saving the world as Batman and Bradley Cooper has finally got over his hangover, they go back in time to one of the most outrageous scandals to rock the nation. This tells the story of con man Irving Rosenfield (Christian Bale), who along with his seductive and devious partner Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) is forced to work for FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper). They are then thrown into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that’s as dangerous as it is enticing. Irving’s wife (Jennifer Lawrence) could be the one to bring the whole world smashing down. Not many are into Oscar-style acting or cinematic storytelling, but the trailer is worth a watch to at least try and grab even the most unimpressed’s attention. Even if you only watch to see Bradley Cooper wearing pink curlers and pulling off a suit (as always), but sorry girls (and guys), the only thing Christian Bale will be sporting is a beer gut and an old man’s combover. page #23

Colour Coded From the plain and simple to the extravagantly bold, we find and use colour in every single aspect of our everyday lives, and have done for the majority of the past century. It is something that in the modern day context we take very much for granted, especially as not an awful long time ago we didn’t have such a rich palette of colour to experience or to work with. Honouring the fantastic and surprising history of colour, the ‘Colour Coded’ exhibition (recently opened in June this year at Sheffield’s Weston Park) is a real celebration and appreciation of the continual human desire to capture and use colour in the most beautiful and intriguing ways possible. The exhibition is compiled from collections of Sheffield art, that take you on a historical and scientific journey through the chromatic ages, from the Victorians and their world famous flamboyant fashion pieces, to the present and uses of colour in contemporary pieces by the finest of abstract artists, such as Patrick Caulfield (whose bright and bold pieces capture exactly how colour can be so enchanting in everyday life). Also amongst the cluster of visual treats is the work of Royal College of Arts graduate Ella Robinson, a must see when visiting. She collates found objects in which she transforms into the most wonderful material sculptures out of many different rich and vibrant colours. Colour coded is on display at Weston Park until 26th of January, so make haste to pay a visit soon. The need for some of the bright, the bold and the exciting may be in short supply and high demand this winter! Jack Greenwell

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Guilty Pleasures

Adam Pigott I have a confession to make to my girlfriend; I’ve been in the throes of a passionate love affair behind her back. It’s my dad’s fault. He introduced me well over twenty years ago. It’s been going on for most of my life and will continue to do so, through thick and thin, for the rest of it. The name of my guilty pleasure? Sheffield Wednesday Football Club. The pride of Sheffield (ignoring for now the noisy neighbours from the other side of the city). So imagine my chagrin when I set off into town one day in search of the big game only to find bar after bar showing nothing but the Liverpool match. One pretty well known drinkery on Division Street must have had about twenty-five TV’s all showing the same thing! Now I understand that Liverpool are a big club in the Premiership, and the student population in Sheffield for whom most of these pubs cater for have possibly barely heard of Wednesday.

But where’s the local pride? What happened to supporting your local team? It took me about an hour to find it. One small TV tucked into a dusty corner of a pub just outside the city centre. The same thing happened about four months later at the start of the new season. Only this time, I was very pleasantly surprised, as I was in Bangkok. I was sat there in the balmy evening heat of Thailand, surrounded by palm trees, emerald Buddha statues and lady boys, watching the boys in blue battle to a draw with local rivals Leeds, all the while wondering how and why it took me the same amount of time to find the match in that glamorous locale, half way across the world, as it did in Sheffield city centre, a comparative stone’s throw away from the sacred ground that is Hillsborough. Globalisation of the beautiful game means it’s almost as easy to watch my team play in South-east Asia as it is at home in the city they are based. For better or worse?

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Hey Ryan! How’s the UK been treating you? Absolutely Incredible – it’s been a great 48 hours so far. Amazing time to come over though with your music doing so well. Yeah, we couldn’t have timed it better. We planned this three or four weeks ago so the timing of it is impeccable! To be here, and to be number one with ‘Counting Stars’ is awesome What’s been the most surreal moment during your time over here? The most surreal moment for me was when we got off the plane, I went to customs and didn’t have my work permit or anything. The customs lady says – that new song - I just can’t get it out of my head - and then she said - just go ahead go, through! No way… she just let you through without a work permit because she likes your song!? Yep, crazy! When we got to our hotel we dropped our bags and walked outside around the corner to a pub – it was like 9.30pm, we sit down with our beers and four guys walked past us and said ‘hey congratulations on being number 1!!’ (in a rubbish English accent)

The band that sing songs about drowning and simultaneously feeling alive. The band that have dominated the charts and airplay for the past month or so. The band that you just cannot get away from (no matter how much you may want to.) Capital FM’s Adam O’Neill interviewed the band:

One Republic.

That’s nice! I reckon guys usually think they are too cool to do stuff like that. I saw the picture of you all on twitter and you lot just looked like a hot extended band. Yeah two of the guys were from Manchester and they were at our last show. We played Manchester six months ago and they were at that show – and the others were from London. I’m not going to even try and do a Mancunian Accent! You’ve worked with and written for some incredible people… Leona Lewis, Adam Lambert, Kelly Clarkson, JLO… I wanna know what it was like to work with someone like Adele who you’ve also written with. Because she is one of the people in music that is so private, she separates work from her personal life. What is she like in the Studio? She is really down to earth – usually the first two hours are spent chatting about kids, life, restaurants, gossip – you name it. There is nothing pretentious about Adele. She has sold 30 million albums – she knows what she has done, knows what all the figures are but compartmentalises it and doesn’t dwell on it. She loves pop music too – whether it’s Bruno or Beyonce. She was one of the first people to congratulate me on Ellie Golding’s single burn (which he produced)

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Ok I’m going to ask you some random questions about Beyonce because I love her… What does she wear in the studio? She is still naturally gorgeous without make-up but chilled down. She doesn’t wear 9-inch stilettos! Still looks cool as but chilled out. Random and weird but what does she smell like? Doesn’t she own a perfume? I’m pretty sure that is what she smells like. You think she wears her own perfume? I would It’s a bit cringe though – a bit like making love to your own music. Have you ever done that? If one of our songs came on during that moment – my wife would start laughing and say ‘I can not proceed until you switch to another station!’ Thank you so much Ryan… see you next March when you’re back here on tour!

One Republic. page #27

Blue is the Warmest Color has been one of the most talked about films of this year. Refreshingly, this is not simply because its two lead characters are both women who fall in love with each other. Instead, the controversy has surrounded the fact that the prestigious Palme D’or at Cannes Film Festival was awarded not only to director Abdellatif Kechiche, but to the two leading actresses Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux; an unprecedented move, making them two of only three women ever to win the prize. The most highly controversial aspect of this film is the extremely long sex scene, which runs for approximately seven minutes. Once again it is not the fact that it’s two women which has been under scrutiny but rather that the scene is graphic and seemingly uncensored. In fact, it is so realistic that it has been suggested that the scenes were real, which has been strongly denied by everyone involved. That this scene has been at the forefront of discussion about this film is – in my mind at least – a bit of a shame, because other than highlighting the passionate nature of their relationship, there isn’t actually a great deal to say. With all this in mind, I thought there was no way I’d be able to watch this film objectively,

without all my preconceived ideas taking over. Thankfully this couldn’t have been further from the case and as soon as the film started I was immediately swept away by this beautifully shot story of love, loss and obsession. Kechiche’s up-close shots of Adele immediately make us feel closer to her and almost a part of her experience. The chemistry between Adele and Emma is electric and when they’re apart the loss feels palpable and real. The ambiguous ending is not as frustrating as most ambiguous endings tend to be, and is instead truly open to interpretation. This film does not prescribe or dictate: it simply presents a portrait of a relationship, stripped bare and broken down. It is very beautiful, very sad and very rare. What I love about Blue is the Warmest Color is not just that it’s a brilliant film about being gay, celebrated in the gay community and by awards handed out specifically in this area, but that it’s a brilliant film about being in love, celebrated by a much wider audience and by prestigious awards and that it just happens that the two leads are women. This is a film with lesbians in, not a ‘lesbian film’, and that distinction is hugely important.

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Top 5 Unscripted Lines In Films Paul Haddock

Taxi Driver


Martin Scorsese’ s Taxi Driver is the stage for the infam ous ‘You talkin’ to me?’ line in wh ich Robert De Ni ro explores the ps ychotic persona of this crazed Vietn am veteran Trav is Bickle. De Niro was told to talk into the mirror but the dialogue its elf was completely improvised. Scor sese heaps all the pr aise on De Niro for this as it’s argua bly one of the m ost iconic moments in film history. It doesn’t get much more intimidati ng, and eery than when Travis loo ks directly into th e mirror and the audience experie nces a contain ed angst at his unsta ble mental state.


arr The ior Hill conclu s ’s d i n ‘Th mee g ting e W scen e i to s a n W ettle of two rriors’ of a lo a disp street show alter u scen ca l gan s th te a non e starts ganglan bout t gs eag e h e c fairg halantl with Th d mes e killin r s y ar e the round oun Rogue iah. Th g l c d beg ar stop ooking the a s drivin e ins f s g o r t band a n t out to p o reson d the i he War oned one lay’. nfam ate. rior T o s line f the m o this ‘Warrio ous lin , s us d ed i ost hau ay it w rs, com e n ci nem nting i ill rem e a mpr a. ovis in ed

d b An m u D ber Dum

And ‘Dumb loyd thers L o ( r B Carrey e arrelly The F ’ allows Jim his sublim . r e e s b good e Dum as) to u h t e m ls for Christ ational skil Sound In Th e d g vis a o in r m y p no im this ost An d, and en The ‘M as unscripte enuine. Wh ’ g er ’w World e that more And Dumb n e b art c p s m u ‘D the the r likely ink of you th more than ou, maybe fo y as h is h it it is w e th ed yb or ma as stay that h ry reasons d e s u to c a defam n you as a fo o grown



Bill Mu rray’s st ory he himself creates wh for flowers o ilst striking d o n the clu bhouse la wn the of the fu wn is on nn e I’ve seen iest improvised set piece o s considere n screen. To th is d genius m one of Murra day it’s y’s man oments. y Murray Caddysh ac th and crea e chance to be k gave ted a sp otlight fo himself, to shine r Murra in y proved w , and since the n he ha hat he is s capable of.

Good Will Hunting

Sean tween therapist In this scene be ath m d an s) am illi W Maguire (Robin att Damon), (M g in nt Hu ill genius W ices that comed Williams prov st be e th e giv ually minded actors us es. ad libbed scen about Maguire’s The entire story the was made up on se ou sp flatulent rt of pa a t no d an s spot by William t.. the original scrip

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Kid Acne in Winter Group Show This month sees the opening of the Winter Group Show at B&B gallery. The show marks the end of the gallery’s first year in South Yorks and is a chance for you to catch some of the best art around right here in the Steel City. Art will range from sculptures to photography to illustration to animation. Notably you will be able to catch some work from the rather brilliant Kid Acne, the artist behind the new animation mini-series, Zebra Face, which is currently having the finishing touches put to it. The mini-series has been in production for months and is expected to be aired at some point within the new year.

Kid Acne’s art is renowned for its strong imagery, often depicting women and bizarre figures, which can be seen not only on the streets of Sheffield but in graffiti worldwide. You can see some of Kid Acne’s work for yourself in the Winter Group Show. Other artists to take part in the exhibit include James Green, Faunagraphic, Giro Day, Nug, Ged Wells and Emilie Taylor. The show will be exhibited from 12th December until 18th January at B&B gallery, Sheffield. Opening hours are on Saturdays 12-6pm, or book a private viewing during the week. For more information visit: http://www.

‘Man Creche’ Meadowhall opens ‘Man Crèche’ – because obviously men are comparable to babies

The Krispy Kreme café played host to this poorly judged idea and was subsequently kitted out with all the things men love, i.e. tasty doughnuts and LEGO to keep their baby-like minds occupied. As if that wasn’t enough the shopping centre management had yet another trick up its sleeve. As we all know too well men love sport, this is their main interest aside from women and beer, which is precisely why Meadowhall staff lovingly arranged for The Sheffield Steelers to come visit their captives and allow them a glimpse of the world outside of their crèchelike prison.

Charlotte Grainger “Meadowhall enjoys being at the forefront of trends and giving our customers what they need.” says Alex Caley, Meadowhall Event Manager. And apparently what Meadowhall’s customers needed this year was blatant gender stereotyping and segregation. On Thursday 5th December Meadowhall Shopping Centre pushed the boundaries of sexism by opening, for one day only, a ‘Man Crèche’, a place where girlfriends and wives could drop off their men whilst they got on with what they do best, shopping, obviously.

I’d just like to leave you on this note... If Meadowhall (or any other establishment for that matter) had opened a crèche for women so that their men could go off and get on with more important stuff there would have been absolute uproar. People would be up in arms about how sexist that is and rightly so. How is it that we defend women to the death, yet will allow sexism when it targets men? Perhaps because sexism against women has been rife for years, whilst men have been somewhat privileged. But come on guys... a ‘Man Crèche’? Really?

Whilst the women were now free to fulfil their gender ideals and ‘shop till they drop’ (preferably for new cooking gadgets, so that they can cook a three course meal for their men once at home), the men were banished to a ‘crèche’ so that they wouldn’t be able trouble the women with their moans and groans at how dull shopping is and how they’d rather be at home doing manly things like watching sport or porn. page #37

Napoleon dynamite This festive season escape the stress of cooking for the family and join Napoleons’ award winning restaurant for a night of dining excellence. Napoleons restaurant is an award winning dining experience and this year the specialist chefs have created a menu of pure brilliance. The ‘Dine in style’ package offers customers the chance to enjoy a drink on arrival, followed by a sumptuous three course meal and then a £5 gaming chip to play in the casino. This is a great way to escape the Christmas rush on the Sheffield streets and enjoy some you time, whilst maybe even winning yourself a bit of new year spending money. To get your taste-buds tingling the appetisers range an apt warm Yorkshire pudding to delicious salted pistachios to toasted garlic ciabatta and even mini poppadoms and Asian dips, if you’re feeling like you need a little spice in your life. Starters include seared smoked salmon served with potato and beetroot, and chicken and chorizo terrine. The main courses are a whole lot more festive offering the traditional dish of roast turkey with all the festive trimmings and cranberry sauce or Napoleons’ chicken wellington. Make sure you save room for the best of all courses, though, since on the desserts menu you will find such treats as a traditional Christmas pudding, dark chocolate and raspberry brownie or even a selection of cheese, celery and biscuits. This year Napoleons have a special Christmas present for you in the form of their Christmas sale. This year you can enjoy a rather festive two course meal and a glass of wine for just £13.95. The Christmas sale menu is available on Friday 27th December, Saturday 28th December, Sunday 29th December, Monday 30th December and Thursday 2nd January. Book ahead to avoid disappointment! For more info visit: page #38

Ruby’s With New Year’s Eve just around the corner and 2014 looming over us in all it’s futuristic glory, it’s time to have a rethink. This coming year do you just want to look the same as last year? Of course you don’t! You want a fresh start, a new you and a new look.

Shellac and Gelish. You can treat yourself to a Shellac manicure (nail file and paint) for just £11, which would usually cost you £14, or a Gelish manicure (nail file and paint) for just £12. If your nails are a bit on the short side, you can even treat yourself to nail extensions for just £22.

What you need is a makeover and, luckily for you, you can have one at a pinch of the price if you take advantage of Rubys January sale. Yes, this January Rubys, on Campo Lane, are having a huge beauty sale which will last from 2nd January for three weeks!

Once your nails are sorted, let’s move onto your body. You can have a spray tan during the January sale at Rubys for just £10 and you can pick from either Crazy Angel Tan or Sienna-X Tan. Lastly, let’s focus on your lashes. If your lashes lack lustre, then you can opt for a beautiful pair of Express Eyelashes by Lash FX, which last for around two weeks. This will set you back just £25, offering a huge discount.

If your hands are looking a little worse for wear and they need a little TLC, then why not treat yourself to a manicure. Rubys offer two of the major brands when it comes to manicures, page #39

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You Me At Six

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The Surrey favourites, “You Me At Six”, release their 4th album, whilst still in their teens they continue to cement themselves as a leading UK band and get comfortable touring with 30 Seconds to Mars. Chic talks to lead guitarist Chris Miller about their success over the past 10 years. So, you guys have been together for nearly 10 years now, is this where you thought you would be when you started? Erm, no. I think we’re really happy we’ve been together for so long, it’s spiralled really fast. We’ve actually been together about 7 years, we started when we were like 15/16 and it all kicked off from there. I think when we started we never imagined we would be going this long and I still think there’s a lot of time left in it. How would you say the band has evolved since the beginning? I think we’ve evolved as musicians and songwriters and come leaps and bounds since we first started. I think you can really tell with all the albums and I think as people we evolve really quick aswell. You have to grow up really fast, being on tour and being away from your family for weeks at a time. You are all avide users of Instagram, Facebook and other social media, do you think that has had an impact on the relationship with your fans? Yeah I think social media is a huge thing for fans these days. The way I’ve always looked at it, imagine if you were in a band in the 70’s or 80’s, there was no Facebook or Twitter or anything like that so to advertise you would have billboards and posters. Whereas now you can log onto the site and depending on how many people follow you; like with our band including the 5 members there must be 1 million people. So with a click of button you can tell the million people that you’re playing here. It’s very important and it’s great for the fans aswell because we can connect with them anytime. With that, do you think you’ve got any groupies? I don’t know, not really (laughs). I just think it’s really helpful being in contact with people. One day…? Yeah maybe, we’ll see (laughs) At the minute, can you pick out a highlight of your career so far? Or is there too many? I think for us we all have our own individual ones, but for me, it would probably be headlining Wembley last year. It’s the one we all set our sights on for the past few years, so it was a huge highlight and I think over the next few years I will always have that at the back of my mind. You’re touring Europe and the UK with 30 Seconds to Mars, are you big fans of them? Yeah! We’ve all been listening to that band for the last few years and how good they are at what they do and how cool their lifestyles are. How would you say your new album “Cavalier Youth” is different from your last studio albums? The main difference is it sounds absolutley amazing. We all think it’s the best our band has ever sounded. In terms of songs and the style of songs, we think we’ve really found our own sound this time and we think this it’s really unique to us. In general, a big step up and a step in the right direction for our band. Who are your favourite bands or artists around at the minute? For me, I’ve been listening to a lot of bands like 1975, I’m into that sort of stuff at the minute. I know a few of your bandmates own clothing ranges to express themselves through “other ways than music” as they say, can you see yourself taking up a project in the future? I don’t think I would do anything with clothing, for me I’d like to progress into the world of stuff to do with guitar. So if I ever had the chance I would definitley do something like that.

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Asking for it This is my first Christmas at Uni and my flatmates have come up with loads of Christmas activities that they making us do together because it’s so much fun. These include a christmas dinner, a christmas film night, ice skating, basically anything that’s possible to instagram. The absolute worst though, is Secret Santa. I’ve got someone who I can’t stand and I seriously resent having to spend my money on her as well as on a dinner I don’t want and trips that are boring. How can I get out of this and just stay in my room with the door locked?

I am absolutely dreading going home this Christmas, it’s the first Christmas I’ve been home since my girlfriend broke up with me. Our families are friends so I know I’m going to have to see her and she always manages to come round at a time when I’m either in my Christmas onesie or my work uniform (poundland). How can I make her see what she’s missing? James, 21, UOS

Sarah, 22, SHU

Well at the moment she’s only missing whining isn’t she James? What is it about you that she should be missing so much? You’ve got to make yourself desirable again and stop being so pathetic! Swap that Christmas Onesie for a sexy santa suit. Own that Poundland uniform! Who can get cut price, slightly out of date weetos? You can James! If you believe you’re a catch then you’re a catch, but if you’re really that worried then obviously run up to your room and hide when she comes in, silly.

Oh Sarah, lovely, angry Sarah, you are my favourite person who has ever asked for my help in all my time of advice giving. Christmas is a time for Scroogery, resentment, avoidance and passive aggressiveness. Truly my favourite time of the year. Your flatmates sound like terrible people, you should buy your Secret Santa a book about the real meaning of Christmas (I can’t remember what it’s called but it’s a bestseller so you should be able to find it on Amazon) and then shake your head at her until she feels shamed. Sack it all off, lie in bed and eat mince pies until you’re sick. Merry Christmas!

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We still cant think of a name for this page, but we quite enjoy just drawing the gadgets instead now

Touchscreen Gloves £24.99 It’s happened to all of us, too cold to take your gloves off but desperate to reply on your phone. Whoever invented basic gloves obviously had no friends to talk to and didn’t think about this for all us normal people. Do you want to be able to tell someone you have a bad case of “the Mondays” and not suffer an autocorrect fail of “manboobs”? Now you can reply to the 1 friend you do have or check yourself into the Candy Crush rehibilitation centre whilst keeping your hands toasty.

Ugly Jumper Cookie Kit £12.99 How many itchy, smelly and down right embarrassing Christmas jumpers have you collected over the years? Running out of space to hide them all? If again you don’t think you can pull off, or just refuse to wear one of the festive numbers, why not bake one instead with the Ugly Jumper Cookie Kit. In this kit you have 12 chances to decorate each jumper as horrendous and unflattering as possible, just like the real thing can be. You have the chance to get rid of the thing you hate most this season, but the tasty and tacky way instead.

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Rainbow Cocktail Layering Tool £19.99 Have you always thought the picturesque and colourful cocktails you see on TV had to be fake because when you ask for one all you get is a bit of vodka and coke and a broken umbrella stick? Well you can aid your alcohol shakes and cravings with this effortless tool. If you have the will power to mix the alcohol, syrup and juices to create a masterpiece before drinking it all, this is for you. Make sure you Instagram it though right? No filter required!

StickNFind £49.99 Are you on your 4th phone or 7th set of house keys? I’m sure you’re running out of excuses when your mum asks where you put the CD you borrowed 6 months ago. Life is now complete these tech-filled stickers which will buzz and flash when you search for the item your missing. Your heart will forever beat normally as there will no longer be the panic of where you left or have lost your lucky pants.

Heart of Gold Metallic Plush £24.99 This is the perfect gift for the hero in your life. No not a perfectly coloured in red soppy heart you draw all over your notebook, but the realistically shaped organ with a not so realistic demented face. The huggable and soft golden muscle has only love to give. It will not play games with you or turn to stone and pretty much impossible to break, unless the dog gets hold of it. Please note: it is not made of real gold (sorry to disappoint).

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As ev er with a yone know s the b glass least of w est fo of you ur or five h ine and a m thing abou t Chris r fam o assive u r s . Afte ily a tma To there is sim nd extende r about tw blerone, an s is curling ply no d fam up, elve m d read bette il r brea y you’re go inutes in th ing for at k know e com ing to pa ne n We kn differ to man tha ed a break ny ow t ent w orld, t n escaping and a boo hat withou he wo k to re into a t rld of ad. Yo us you sim fiction ply w u foun ou . d it ha rd eno ld not be a ble to ugh to choos dress e mornin yourself th is g. This is why

read ep Doctor Sle g Stephen Kin

The Goldfinch Donna Tartt

ining? No? Well Remember The Sh pson’s episode Sim e remember Th died The Shining? where they paro ctor Sleep is The Do ! Sure you do o. Shining Part Tw is back again and e nc rra To Danny le-aged, going idd m this time he’s er his horrific by simply Dan. Aft the film to catch h atc (w e experienc Hotel as a child, k oo up) at the Overl g on and is workin Dan has moved ts a twelve ee m he ere wh as a hospice m he must save fro year old girl who urderers. m al rm no ra pa a tribe of d ne, has the gift an The girl, Abra Sto ar ye ble rri ho s n of hi this reminds Da ect Abra? ot pr n Da n Ca . in that hotel ercome his own He will have to ov helps to fight hers. he e for be demons

The Goldfinch centres around orphan Theo Decker, who is taken in by the rich parents of his friend after an accident which changes his life. Whilst living with the family he suffers with terrible mourning pains for his mother and so holds on to his final link to her, a painting. Things become dangerous when Theo is dragged into a seedy underworld and everything he has ever known is in jeopardy. Billed as a “sweeping story of loss and obsession, of survival and self-invention, of the deepest mysteries of love, identity and fate”, this is sure to be one of the biggest books of the coming year.

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book Dear Life Alice Munro

So you’re a thirteen year old girl. You’re the child of rich and ignorant parents. You know everything about sex, positions and taboos, before you’ve even reached puberty. You’re name is Madison and you’re dead. Doomed is the second in this trilogy, which sees Madison work her way through hell after a marijuana overdose. There’s some ambiguity here as to whether Madison is actually dead or simply hallucinating, but I like to think she is dead. The last book saw her pleasure a giant demon woman by climbing up her legs and holding onto her pubic hair, whilst rubbing her. I mean, we seriously can’t wait for this book.

82 and still writing. You’ve got to love Alice Munro... no, seriously, you’ve GOT to love her. Known for her short stories, this lady manages to pack a whole lot of plot into few words as she explores themes of life, death and bizarrities. I like to think of Alice Munro as the Woody Allen of story-writing. Everything from the scenes to the plots to the stilted dialogues scream Allen. Her latest collection entitled “Dear Life” comprises of thirteen stories. Alice Munro recently won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Enough said. Buy it. Read it. Now.

Doomed Chuck Palahniuk

Bridget Jones: Mad About The Bo y Helen Fielding The actual queen of chick-lit, Helen Fielding, is back once again and if you can take anot her dose of Mrs Jones then it migh t just be worth giving this one a read. Many thought th e second in this series, Bridget Jo nes: The Edge of Reason, wrapped up the story nice ly, and it did, but ob viously it didn’t quite satisfy Helen ’s bank account, so here we are ag ain. Bridget is ba ck. Bridget is in her 50’s. Bridget has two children. Br idget is back on the market because, as we all know, Da rcy is dead. Can Br idget still keep up her old insecure antics and roman tic blunders now th at she’s reached a ripe old age? Prob ably.

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Bad Santas As we all know Santa is a lovely, generous man who gives gifts to good children in the festive season, right? WRONG. Sometimes Santa is bad... sometimes he is very very bad...

Santa robs a bank to ‘pay his elves’ In 2009, Tennessee, a man dressed as Santa held up his local bank. Why? To pay his elves, of course. No, this isn’t a terrible joke, but actual real life. On 22nd December 2009, just three days before he was supposed to be delivering all his presents to good little boys and girls, Santa walked right into SunTrust Bank, Tennessee, where he pulled out a gun and proceeded to hold up the bank. Witnesses say that the man was quite jovial, as you might imagine Santa to be, as he took off with the money. Whilst he was asking a cashier to fill his red sack with dollar, the man smiled and explained to many a onlooker that he needed he money to “pay his elves”. With his sack full of presents for himself (and his elves, obviously) Santa fled the building and made off in a grey car. Presumably his reindeer were busy doing something else that day.

Date Rape Santa If Santa gave you a free drink, I’m betting that you’d probably drink it wouldn’t you? Well, if you happened to be in Berlin Christmas 2011 that would have been a big mistake. A man dressed as Santa (or possibly the real Santa, who knows?) was seen at Berlin’s Christmas markets giving out free drinks to passer-bys. The drinks contained a potent date rape drug and people who drank it began to vomit with some losing consciousness. Oh Santa, why you gotta be so naughty, huh?

Santa the Flasher I’m guessing you probably don’t want to see Santa’s sack and, for that, I don’t blame you. However, if you happened to be in Salem in 2005 you may not have had a choice. A 52 year old man dressed in full costume (or his work uniform?? - I’m so on to you Santa...) walked into a shopping centre in Rockingham Park, Salem, only to drop his trousers and flash to a whole host of shoppers. The naughty naughty man was escorted out of the shopping centre and charged with disorderly conduct. Tut tut... He will be getting a lump of coal this year.

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Creative Look: Hand Of I think it’s fair to say there’s not a massive creative scene emanating from Crookes at the moment, however that could all be changing with the help of innovative group Hand Of. We catch up with Louise Snape, the brain behind Hand Of to tell us more... Tell us a bit about Hand Of. I wanted to put on a night of electronic music and performance art which was more accessible than the usual chin-strokers sat behind laptops. I also had an idea to make a film night where short films were projected onto the ceiling and guests would watch, lying down on a huge mattress with cushions and blankets. I decided I needed to make a kind of umbrella organisation with which we could put on all kinds of events, for all sorts of people! What events have you put on so far? We’ve done quite a lot over the last few years now. The film night I mentioned, Ceiling Club. Some electronic music gigs at Portland Works, some acoustic gigs too. Comedy nights and Garden Institute of course. I’m particularly proud of a production of a ballet for electronics, The Illustrious One, which was performed at S1 Artspace. I came to Garden Institute and loved it, will there be another one? I’m very glad you did! I’ve received glowing reports which has been really lovely! I think people in Sheffield are used to having lots of gigs and club nights to go to in and around the city centre, but there is rarely anything grass roots and lo-fi, yet good quality going on in the suburbs. There will most certainly be more! What have you got coming up? As well as Garden Institutes, we’re going to be doing our biggest project to date in 2014. This time it’ll be an exhibition and performance involving a Brass Band, electronic music and film. And we’ll be lucky enough to work with some more composers, as well as a film maker and a photographer. Keep and eye out, it’s going to be grand! page #51

There is no sexier time of year than Christmas. Yes, December is the month where everyone can just cast their differences aside and get busy. Nothing solves a problem like an orgy and this message is reinforced throughout the Christmas period. Enjoy.

The Tree Fairy

Father Christmas

Putting a pretend fairy or angel on top of your Christmas tree is damn boring. I don’t know why anyone would do this when there is a perfectly acceptable sexy alternative to doing so. For this you have to be a lady (sorry guys) and don’t even need a partner.

One of the best things about Christmas is dressing up. I remember when I was a small girl I saw mummy doing a whole lot more to Santa than kissing underneath the mistletoe one night. This gave me an idea (in my adult life, mind) of a good way to spice up my own sex life. For this you will need some mistletoe, a lover (who loves you) and a Santa outfit.

Step 1: Dress up in a glittery costume and fairy wings. You can get these items from most fancy dress stores. Step 2: Be sure you don’t wear knickers... they will hinder the process.

Step 1: Get naked and wait under the mistletoe toe with a candy cane in your mouth . Step 2: Practise your sucking on the festive stick.

Step 3: Climb on top of your Christmas tree and position yourself so that your glittery skirt flows beautifully over it.

Step 3: Have your lover dress as Santa and come down the chimney.

Step 4: As with a pretend fairy stick the top of the tree in your hole to stay in position.

Step 4: If you have a larger lover he may get stuck, but this will all add to the fun and games of this activity.

This should be very satisfying. Spiky good.

Step 5: If you’re in luck your lover will get caught with only his waist down being visible in the fireplace. Step 6: Take off Santa’s trousers (but, obviously, leave on his shoes, bells and all) and have a good old feel of his sack. Then take hold of his candy cane and use

The Christmas Pudding

Remember that old traditional game people used to play with a Christmas pudding? Where they’d put a coin in the baked goodness and whoever found it would have good luck for the rest of the year? Well this tip is much like that game, only instead of slices of pudding you will need lots of ladies. Step 1: Get a neutral person who won’t be involved in the game to insert a chocolate coin into one of the ladies. (As always the more ladies the better.) Step 2: Then mix the ladies up so that even the neutral person doesn’t know where the coin is. A good way to mix up the ladies is to ask them to solve a maths equation. Step 3: Next you, whoever you are, have to attempt to find the chocolate coin with your coin. page #52 #67

It also saddens me in the fact that men and women alike, are objectifying themselves to each other. Fitness and vanity are two completely different viewpoints. Fitness is to ensure you keep healthy and maintain your body, as best you can and the vanity, is attracting as much attention as humanly possible. I have no issue with looking after oneself, to feel as best as you can about your self-esteem, but working out to fit the same body ideal as everyone else, is a bit of a cop out. We’re not all the same, we come in different shapes and sizes and we shouldn’t pigeon hole ourselves, into yet even more sub-stereotypes. Instead of spending half your work out time posing for ‘selfies’, why not try doing some exercise, it’s a gym not a photo-shoot. Such activity is sometimes intimidating for fellow gym users and this hinders their experience. A group of muscle clad men/ women flashing the flesh for like’s and retweets, is sometimes a bit too intrusive.

The Rise of Gym Vanity Craig Lomas These days the usually simple task of working out, has become something of a muscle show. A whole plethora of men and women posing in their ‘ripped’ vests, has become the norm and they’re ruining the experience, for everyone else. Groups swarm to fawn over their ripped torsos and bulging biceps, at places such as Virgin Active, unaware they’re making themselves look like utter tools. I guess I’m lucky, in the fact the gym I go to, is full of old folk, losing their breathe pulling just a cup out of the water dispenser. At least I don’t have to have my physique unknowingly critiqued, by all those ‘ripped’ folk. Ludicrous footwear and the lowest cut of vests, appears to be the preferred uniform of choice. For the record if people wanted to see a strip show, they would most likely go to one, stop trying to boost your ego, begging for attention.

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Aquarius January 20th – February 18th

Pisces February 19th – March 20th

Aquarius the red nose Aquarian, had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows. That was my way of telling you that everyone’s talking about how shiny your face is looking these days... Someone had to tell you and I am sorry that it had to be The Student Magazine. Sort your face out and get some slap on.

Have you been a very good girl and / or boy this year? Have you done everything right? Have you gone to beddy byes before 9pm every single night? Of course you have because, my dear dear friend, you are a goody two shoes! Luckily for you Santa rewards good girls and / or boys and so this year you will be getting some special gifts!

Gemini May 21st – June 20th

Cancer June 21st – July 22nd

What rhymes with Gemini? That’s right nothing. But that doesn’t really matter because this month is going to be the best month of your life. Get yourself a onesie and get twerking because this month you’re the Miley Cyrus of Sheffield. You’re on top of the world, the Christmas tree and as many lovers as you could ever hope for!

Do you enjoy sitting on Santa’s lap? Do you enjoy the gifts from inside his sack? Do you enjoy being his little ho ho ho? Do you enjoy his white, white snow? I’m not accusing you of anything, but between you and me, everyone knows what’s going on with you and Father Christmas and, quite frankly, it is filthy.

Libra September 23rd – October 22nd

Scorpio October 23rd – November 21st

“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in my ex-boyfriend’s sleigh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride on his shaft today, hey!” This is the tune that’s going through your head as you get it on with your ex. Cut it out.... it’s nasty and you are a dirty dirty girl.

You’re a donkey, you’re a donkey, on a dusty road. Behind your back everyone is calling you a donkey. First it was your dad, but now the nickname has spread and all of your friends are using it too. Did you not wonder why people make “ey or” noises when you enter the room? It’s because you ARE a donkey.


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c s

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Aries March 21st – April 19th

Taurus April 20th – May 20th

It was a dark and gloomy night when you first appeared on this here earth. Since then I have felt unsettled by your presence. I am not too keen on you small one and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but the fates are not keen on you either. This month will bring you devastation and depression. It will bring you sorrow and magpies. It will bring great misfortune.

Ding dong! Merrily you’re high! You’ve taken lots of druggies. Ding dong! You’re up in the sky! You’re taking some more druggies. Fa la la la la! Fa la la la la! Fa la la la la GLORIA is the name you want us to call you. Drugs are dangerous and bad and you need to stop taking them. Talk to Frank FFS.

Leo July 23rd – August 22nd

Virgo August 23rd – September 22nd

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree... blah blah blah blah blah blaaaah blah! And so on. Basically I think you resemble a Christmas tree in many ways. You have a spiky exterior, you leave a right mess when you’re gone and you’ve had a variety of balls, in different shapes and colours, put on you at one time or another. I hate Christmas trees. Take the hint.

Once upon a time there was a very naughty little Virgo. This little scamp was so bad, in fact, that he and / or she got put on Santa’s naughty list. That little scamp was you, my friend. This year you will be getting a lump of coal for Christmas and you can like it or lump (pun intended) it.

Sagittarius November 22nd – December 21st

Capricorn December 22nd – January 19th

Santa knows everything. He knows that you’ve been bad, not good. He knows what you did last summer in your house-mate’s room with Mark from your Spanish class. He’s seen the video. Everyone has. He knows all about it and now he is pissed. In short Santa’s coming to get you. You better watch out. You better not cry, because there will be no one around to hear your screams.

This festive season you will go to many parties, you will see many friends and family. You will be made to feel rubbish about your weight, lack of achievements and crappy part time job. You will see people that you haven’t seen for eleven or so months and they will be doing better than you. They will rub this in your face and you will have to smile and take it like the loser that you are.

A l





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Friday 13th December DQ: 2013 STICKY FEET promises another of unrivaled bass parties in Sheffield. Join us every Friday at DQ 10.30pm Fez Club: Hedon:sound presents the xmas cracker w/ Matt Tolfrey, Jordan Peak, Sem Marini & more, 11pm – 6am, £8-£10 The Harley: QUALITY CONTROL VS THIRSTY EAR – DJ Shepdog // Andy H // Quality Control DJ’s // Thirst Ear DJ’s, FREE before midnight, £3 afterwards Leadmill: Gaga UV Rave. Indie hits, Motown and Pop. UV sticks and glow paint provided. 11Pm, £5 Embrace: The Game Live.... That rapper will be “performing” at Embrace, 12am-6am, £24 Plug: The Retrospectives, Shermer, Douglas Francis, Jato, The Fontaines, 7pm, £5 +£1 BF Saturday 14th December Fez Club: meat sweats.01 / space dimension controller / sir vinyl instinct / lukant, 10pm, £8-£10.50 The Harley: OXIDE AND NUETRINO – GETT OFF – // Oxide and Nuetrino // DMK // Becky Hayes // Rev. Austin, 11pm, £3-£5 Plug: Mi Casa, Time for round 2 of our new house project with not 1, not 2, but 3 headline acts! Flashmob, Mike Mago, Scott Diaz, Coxy and Paul Wiltshire, 10.30pm – 5am, £8 + £1 BF Replica: Student Saturdays. EatMyDisco, Sheffield’s biggest student events company are proud to present the weekend clubbing phenomenon that is… STUDENT SATURDAYS @ REPLICA!! Sunday 15th December The Harley: Sunday Salvation. Have you been very very bad this week? Come down and get yourself saved. 9pm, FREE Monday 16th December The Shakespeare: Sam Brookes with Hot Feet gig. £5.50 West Street Live: Byzantian gig. Loud music, live band and cheap drink offers... why not? Tuesday 17th December Fez Club: The After Hours. After Party. Every week we get hundreds of people who aren’t ready to finish their night at 3am… And now we have have a solution for it! 2.30am-6am, £3 Wednesday 18th December Viper Rooms: Most Eclectic Sounds And Generous Drinks Offers With A Brand New Deep House Room For… It’s The Messiest Party In Town! £2 before midnight. Leadmill: Silent Night Disco. Headphone silent disco. Xmas Special. Indie, Motown, Pop. 10.30pm, £5 Thursday 19th December Plug: Dance, club beats, pop, indie and cheese. You know what to do on the dancefloor here. 11pm, £3.50 Fez Club: Favela – Underground Sounds. – Deep – Tech – House… FREE on guest list before 12am

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Friday 20th December Secret Location: WIRED EVENTS presents SHHH “The 3rd Birthday” Back to the Old Skool “Artful Dodger” Live DJ Set hosted by Alistair, 11pm – 5am, £11 Std, £15 VIP DQ: 2013 STICKY FEET promises another of unrivaled bass parties in Sheffield. Join us every Friday at DQ (both floors)! 10.30pm Plug: Hot Soles: sweet and low down with fantastic, classic, quintessential, Christmas vibes! 7Pm, £3 Saturday 21st December Replica: Student Saturdays. EatMyDisco, Sheffield’s biggest student events company are proud to present the weekend clubbing phenomenon that is… STUDENT SATURDAYS @ REPLICA!! Penelopes: The Guttersluts. Carlsberg don’t do Punk cover bands but if they did... The Guttersluts reckon they would be it! 9pm, £4 Forward: Blending Sexy RnB With Soulful House & Dance Grooves All Night Long... 11.45pm - 6am DQ: Donuts. Every Saturday night at DQ! Your favourite weekly mash-up party! 10.30pm Sunday 22nd December The Harley: Sunday Salvation. Have you been very very bad this week? Come down and get yourself saved. 9pm, FREE Monday 23rd December Leadmill: Merry SHAGmas. The biggest student night in Sheffield get’s festive. 11Pm, £5 The Harley: GET OFF..... If you’re on it, this is your one and only chance to get well and truly off it before Christmas, 11pm, FREE The Cremorne: shut up and dance & the mdfc sound system live music & dj’s august edition, 8pm – 2am, FREE DQ: With music from DJ Stoxx, DJ DMK, and Cameron Smith. Sheffield’s biggest Monday night. 11Pm, Facebook for Guest List. Tuesday 24th December Fez Club: The After Hours. After Party. Every week we get hundreds of people who aren’t ready to finish their night at 3am… And now we have have a solution for it! 2.30am-6am, £3 Wednesday 25th December It’s Christmas... go see your family FFS. Thursday 26th December Viper Rooms: Boxing Day Headkandi. The best post-Christmas party in Sheffield. DQ Upstairs: Cool Cats is the brand new Thursday Night every Thursday at The Bear Pit (Upstairs DQ). Fez Club: Favela – Underground Sounds. – Deep – Tech – House… FREE on guest list before 12am

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listed Friday 27th December DQ: 2013 STICKY FEET promises another of unrivaled bass parties in Sheffield. Join us every Friday at DQ (both floors)! 10.30pm The Harley: MAKE IT REAL – Disco, Boogie & house with residents, FREE before 12pm, £2 afterwards Leadmill: Gaga Christmas Hangover Cure. Indie. Motown, Pop. 11pm, £5 Saturday 28th December DQ: Donuts. Every Saturday night at DQ! Your favourite weekly mash-up party! 10.30pm Replica: Student Saturdays. EatMyDisco, Sheffield’s biggest student events company are proud to present the weekend clubbing phenomenon that is… STUDENT SATURDAYS @ REPLICA!! Forward: Blending Sexy RnB With Soulful House & Dance Grooves All Night Long... 11.45pm – 6am Leadmill: SONIC. Gold Card Giveaway! Dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness... Giving away Gold cards. 11Pm, £5 Sunday 29th December The Harley: Sunday Salvation. Have you been very very bad this week? Come down and get yourself saved. 9pm, FREE Monday 30th December Leadmill: SHAG. New Year’s Warm Up. Floorfillers, Anthems, Pop, Indie and Motown Classics. 11Pm, £5 Tuesday 31st December Fez Club: Kollective presents MasqueRave NYE at Fez club this new years eve. Bringing you all the best DJs from Sheffield and beyond. 11pm – 9am Cargo vs Ryad: Cutting edge sound, light, visuals and a world class line-up, join us, as we continue in Sheffield’s forward journey. DQ: Donuts x Cheese on Bread // two of the biggest Sheffield parties who have brought some of the most spectacular events to Sheffield in 2013, 11pm – 5pm, £6 earlybird! The Harley: COOL BEANS NYE – Andy H // Jimmy The Gent // Arnivore // Rev.Austin, 10pm, £3-£5 Leadmill: NYE @ Leadmill. Massive Leadmill carnival party with freebies. 10pm, £5 O2: Detonate presents Detour New Years Eve 2013 DISCLOSURE (DJ) DJ EZ (MIDNIGHT SET) VERY SPECIAL GUEST (COUNTDOWN SET) HUXLEY HANNAH WANTS PASQUALE JAKE TWELL, 9pm-5am, earlybird £25 Wednesday 1st January Viper Rooms: Candy Pants Vs Risque. Marbella Reunion. Hosted by the stunning Candygirls & RisqueGirls, fuelled with music from our resident DJ’s then throw the infamous fancy dress box in the mix and you have a recipe for carnage.

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listed Thursday 2nd January Fez Club: Favela – Underground Sounds. – Deep – Tech – House… FREE on guest list before 12am DQ Upstairs: Cool Cats is the brand new Thursday Night every Thursday at The Bear Pit (Upstairs DQ). Riverside: Alt. Com. Cab. Arty bohemian urban culturally sensitive rural self aware post-modern absurdist kaleidoscope of human wonderment, 7pm, £4 Friday 3rd January DQ: 2013 STICKY FEET promises another of unrivaled bass parties in Sheffield. Join us every Friday at DQ (both floors)! 10.30pm Leadmill: Gaga. Indie, Pop, Motown Classics, Floorfillers, Anthems and a whole lot more. 10.30pm, £5 Saturday 4th January Replica: Student Saturdays. EatMyDisco, Sheffield’s biggest student events company are proud to present the weekend clubbing phenomenon that is… STUDENT SATURDAYS @ REPLICA!! Forward: Blending Sexy RnB With Soulful House & Dance Grooves All Night Long... 11.45pm - 6am DQ: Donuts. Every Saturday night at DQ! Your favourite weekly mash-up party! 10.30pm Sunday 5th January The Harley: Sunday Salvation. Have you been very very bad this week? Come down and get yourself saved. 9pm, FREE Monday 6th January DQ: With music from DJ Stoxx, DJ DMK, and Cameron Smith. Sheffield’s biggest Monday night. 11Pm, Facebook for Guest List. Leadmill: SHAG. Floorfillers, Anthems, Pop, Indie and Motown Classics. 11pm, £5 Tuesday 7th January Fez Club: The After Hours. After Party. Every week we get hundreds of people who aren’t ready to finish their night at 3am… And now we have have a solution for it! 2.30am-6am, £3 Wednesday 8th January Viper Rooms: Most Eclectic Sounds And Generous Drinks Offers With A Brand New Deep House Room For… It’s The Messiest Party In Town! £2 before midnight. Thursday 9th January Fez Club: Favela – Underground Sounds. – Deep – Tech – House… FREE on guest list before 12am DQ Upstairs: Cool Cats is the brand new Thursday Night every Thursday at The Bear Pit (Upstairs DQ).

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Eliza Doolittle 訪談錄

我第一次聽說有個Eliza Doolittle(或者更准確的說是Eliza Sophie Caird)是在 幾年前她發表了那首膾炙人口的“pack up”。隨後我可能就像大部份人一樣 忽略了她。那首歌幾乎是街知巷聞然後突然間。。噗。。就消失了,看 起來不過是僥倖成名。後來Doolittle小姐發佈的幾首歌都反響平平,幾乎 即將成為歷史。。。 幸運的是 ,Doolittle小姐並沒有停止音樂創造的步伐并帶著一首“Big When I Was Little”華麗回歸。“Big When I Was Little”是她的新專輯“In Your Hands”第一首 歌。The Student Magazine(紙上談英)有幸採訪了Eliza,共個同探討了關於 從事音樂事業、創造音樂當然還有表演音樂的故事。 Hi Eliza,感謝接受我們的採訪。 噢別客氣,感謝你們採訪我! 你已經在出現在公共視線里一段時間了。你是否感覺自己已經成為音樂 產業所塑造的形象?還是從一開始你就準備好透過音樂表達最真實的自 己? 我塑造性很低。本質上我太固執所以很難按照他人的意願行事。我甚至 有些強迫癥。但是我承認有些時候必須做出讓步,就看你怎麼看一件 事。任何事情你都必須考慮到不同的選擇,然後做出跟預想中有些許差 別的決定。事情不會總按照你計劃的那樣發展 是的,如今你有很多粉絲,年輕的女性粉絲崇拜你,而你並不屬於半裸 的流行明星,你是一名歌手。這是你一開始就做出的選擇么? 說實話你知道么?我從來沒有想過這個問題。我是一個無拘無束的人。 我也不介意看到別人裸體。其實我自己一個人在家的時候大部份時間都 是裸著的(大笑)。只能說有些事情我不一定願意做而有些事情我不介 意去做。我覺得只要時刻保持真我才是最重要的,不管是一絲不掛還是 衣裝革履。 說得好。你對未來有什麽音樂計劃么?是準備進行巡演還是打算休息一 陣子? 當然我希望有機會進行巡演。目前我主要集中精力宣傳我的唱片希望得 到最多的關注,當然也在創作新曲目。我並不希望中斷音樂進程。 可以說你是一個多產的歌手么?還是你只是有心情的時候才寫寫歌? 我覺得可能更多的是後者,因為如果沒有靈感的話寫了也沒有意義。不


過我也有堅持每週都寫一首儘管那可能不是最好的歌,只是爲了保持這 種習慣。 你最喜歡新專輯“In Your Hands”里的哪首歌? 說實話我不知道,因為我大概為這張專輯寫了超過100首歌,所以能被收 錄進去的我都很喜歡。每一首歌對我都有很大意義,當然在我寫每首歌 的時候,創作過程對我的意義更為重大。我想“In Your Hands”本身是一首很 強大的歌曲所以我選擇用它來命名整張專輯。在創作這首歌的時候我正 處在人生的從未感受過的脆弱期,我想記住人生低谷的那種感覺要比記 住人生輝煌一刻的感覺更重要。另外“No Man Can”描寫了我理想中的生活狀 態,非要選的話我想我最喜歡“No Man Can”。 你在回答過程中改變了注意! 事實上是整張唱片的創作讓我喜歡裏面的每一首單曲。例如我也喜 歡“Wasting Time”和“Walking on Water”這兩首情歌,它們是我從心裡迸發出來的 創作在某種程度上還帶點小傷感。還有。。。你看結果我會把每首歌都 說一遍。這張專輯還承載了我的消極意識和積極意識的自我戰爭。像那 首“Team Player”就是告訴你要給自己一次愛的機會而另一首“Don’t Call it Love” 又是在講“去你的,誰認真誰就輸了”。每 首歌都一個情節,缺少任何一 首都不是一個完整的故事。 對於想進入音樂產業的年輕人們你有什麽建議? 主要是讓音樂帶著你走,別無可選,做音樂、音樂人。如果你堅持創作 堅持用音樂表達自己,總有一天你會得到關注,而如果你表達得更出 色、得到的關注自然更多。 Eliza Doolittle最新專輯“Eliza Doolittle”現已發佈


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Annie Mac週二夜總會 11月12日 9pm – 4am

Foundry and Fusion

快來看看Uni擁有最High音樂的最新的Club!全國巡迴舞蹈演出,就在你的大 學里!Annie Mac已經在Bestival 和Creamfields演出過了,現在輪到Foundry and Fusion 了.


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Café Revolution

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Union Box Office


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Student’s Union Shop

運動吧 每週三

Bar Phoenix

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