The Stradbroke Monthly - May 2022

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May 2022


ROYAL RUNNING ORDER 11am -1pm Radio Stradbroke Roadshow starts on the Playing Field

All welcome! Bring your chairs, blankets and own lavish picnics or if you prefer there will be BBQ and take away Pizza available to buy onsite! Stradbroke Community Centre will be providing a bar from 11am

1pm -2pm Radio Stradbroke Music Quiz

Hosted by DJ Huggy and DJ Marty - the legendary Stradbroke quizmasters are back, bringing you a right Royal Music Quiz. Play along from your picnic blanket!

2pm Children's Activities hosted by Stradbroke Community Centre

Events celebrating the Queens Jubilee in Stradbroke!

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Festival of Suffolk Torch Relay The Festival of Suffolk Torch Relay will be passing through the centre of Stradbroke on 26th May at 9:50am, with Maria Smith representing the village for this leg of the relay.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at the Court House

On Friday 3rd June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we are planning a photographic exhibition in the library (the library and Post Office will be closed as it is a bank holiday) from 10am to 2pm. Come and see some old photos of familiar scenes of Stradbroke from the past. We are so lucky to have these photographs and they document village life during the 19th and 20th century. The Café will be open for refreshments.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee at Stradbroke Baptist Church Thursday & Friday June 2nd & 3rd – 2-5pm – ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Her Majesty… Friday June 3rd – 7-8 pm – A royal sing-a-long in the Chapel

Over 60s Jubilee Buffet Lunch

The Over 60s Club are having a buffet lunch at the Community Centre all welcome, cost £12.50 per head, book by 1st June.

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, 01379 388 744 You are most welcome to join us this May: Worship Services Sundays: 10:15 Worship Service. Services last between 50 & 60 minutes, followed by a cuppa Thursdays: 13:30 Share & Prayer Time It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Easter services. Friendship Lunch Wednesday, 11 May (A two course meal) 12:30pm with a quiz &/or an item of interest. The meals are open to all, however we are having to limit numbers to 36. For catering purposes please make a reservation with Bruce on 388-744 before Tuesday 10 May. th


Meet-Up Mondays – in the Chapel Hall Every Monday - Come along with your little ones for some playtime, drop in for a cuppa, enjoy a light lunch with your friends, take part and have some fun with Rummikub, scrabble or other board games. You are welcome to pop in at any time throughout the day and stay for as long as you like… the heating is on us! from 09:15 Mothers and Toddlers No charge (a time to play and socialize) from 10:30 Cuppa & a Chat A small donation for a cuppa & cake (coffee morning style) 12:30-1:30 Lunchtime Meal Deal £2:50 A freshly made sandwich, homemade cake, a cuppa & some company from 2pm Rummikub/scrabble A small donation for a cuppa & cake other board games or puzzles The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Thursday & Friday June 2 & 3 – 2-5pm – ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Her Majesty… Friday June 3 – 7-8 pm – A royal sing-a-long in the Chapel nd



Do you have any royal memorabilia or items of interest relating to the Queen’s 70 year reign we can display in the Chapel Hall for folk to peruse/enjoy during the ‘Afternoon Tea’ time? Something To Ponder… Matthew 11:28-30… The Lord Jesus Christ invites us all to… “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Please let me know if I/we can pray for you or your loved ones. For further information on any of the above items please contact me on the numbers below. Grace, mercy and peace to all, Bruce 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Coffee Morning on May 9th at 11 am at The Old Byre, New Street, at Peter and Jennifer Chetwynd’s home, We look forward to seeing all our drivers and welcome anyone interested in learning more about what we do. Stradbroke Good Neighbours are now offering lifts to hospitals and Drs etc. We can only take one passenger sitting diagonally opposite the driver and masks and hand gel will be provided. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed. Good Neighbours 07749445531 Jane Gemmill and the G N Committee

Contact Club

The contact club takes place every Tuesday in Stradbroke Community Centre. We are open from 10.00 am for coffee and a chat, we play cards, bingo etc. There will be a small charge of £1.00 to help our funds. If you would like to stay to lunch which is served at 12.00, it’s an extra £2.00. The Contact Club has been running 20 years to help the older community contact one and other, but is more important now than ever after the isolation we all faced through the Covid Pandemic. If you would like to join us on a Tuesday please contact myself. We would be happy to welcome you. or 01379 384704 Stella Goddard

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke All Saints Church Stradbroke. Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493.Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan Services: 1st May 10.30 am Café church, coffee and biscuits before we start. 15th May 8.30 am BCP Holy Communion, spoken service For other services across the Benefice, see church noticeboard. 5th June 10.30 am Café church, coffee and biscuits before we start. Also find us on our website: for all the activities across the benefice. The event on Good Friday was great fun. The children were very creative in making miniature gardens, enthusiastic in acting out the Easter story and then successfully completed the Easter egg hunt. Thank you to all who helped with things for the gardens and on the day to make everything happen – with hot chocolate and all the trimmings to drink. Thanks also to the children and mums who joined in with everything.

All Saints Church Fundraising Committee

The members were very sorry to hear of the passing of Brian Goffee who helped with many events, our condolences go to Vivienne, one of our members. The next event is the Art Exhibition with over 100 paintings on show from 27th April to 4th May, 10-5 in church, with the preview on 27th April £7 with wine and nibbles. After this on the 28th May we are holding a Car Boot Sale on the Playing field 10-3 - £5 a pitch booked with M Ellis 01379 384642 before the day. Hope to see you there! The last cake stall raised £125.40. The Puzzles and Book £344.50 and the bingo in March raised £82.60 Raffle Prizes are always welcome. Mary Ellis

From the Rectory

Dear Friends and neighbours, Hello to everyone; I’m Maria and the Sancroft benefice of churches is my home benefice. I might not always see many of you around and about because I don’t actually live in the Sancroft benefice – it’s been my choice to be part of it and I thank all those who welcomed me all those years ago. You will see me most months at the Café church service here in Stradbroke. With many people’s support, in January, I was licensed as a Licensed Lay Minister (LLM), sometimes called a Reader at our beautiful cathedral. My training, over two and half years, and licensing, means I am authorised to preach, teach and lead worship within the parishes in our benefice; that’s the role of an LLM. Who would have thought! Certainly not me! But God did and I certainly had my arguments with him about this. So many peculiar things happened and only with hindsight can I see God’s hand in it all, from coming to Suffolk, to him saving my son’s life, to the different roles I’ve had in different careers – all come together to make me be the Maria that God wants me to be. And when I have doubts – which I do – I turn to Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message) ‘Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.’ I believe we all have a role, a calling, a vocation; God loves every single one of us as a unique member of his family. Over the years, the people I have met within this benefice, and lately more specifically in Stradbroke, have shown themselves to be part of God’s family; they have shown love for different people, they give of their time and energy, they are hospitable, they are listeners, they pray for people, they use their own individual skills in ways that are of benefit to other people. Not everyone calls themselves a Christian but within our local communities, those with the same beliefs, different beliefs, no beliefs, have come together to look after other members of their communities and I feel very privileged to be part of the communities within this benefice. God bless, Maria

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Chiropodist/Podiatrist Surgery at Stradbroke, by appointment only. Call 01379 384126/ Mob 07985 377891 Diploma of Podiatric Medicine 25+ Years experience HCPC registered - No CH18193

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Parish Pump

Next full Parish Council meeting is scheduled for: 9th May 2022 Stradbroke Parish Council information: There is a vacancy on the Parish Council which Councillors are hoping to fill via co-option. If you are interested in the role, please contact the Clerk (details below) or any Councillor. MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 11th April 2022 Planning Applications reviewed: DC/22/01567 – tree works in a conservation area: fell 1 cherry overhanging the neighbouring premises. Passmore Weeks & Richardson, Church Street IP21 5HS Councillors voted to OBJECT to this application and recommend pruning of the tree rather than felling as there was no valid reason given for this action. DC/21/04083 – APPEAL relating to outcome of Section 73 application (DC/21/02839) for removal of condition 3 (pedestrian access). Land adjacent to West Winds, Doctors Lane. Councillors agreed that there was no evidence submitted to change the original decision to oppose the removal of condition 3, this comment will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate Planning Applications decided by MSDC: DC/21/06895 – Land off Laxfield Road IP21 5JS GRANTED DC/22/01061 – 10 Eastlands, Stradbroke IP21 5JA GRANTED Parish Council updates: · The internal audit report was reviewed and it was noted that there were recommendations raised. · The Year End accounts for 2021/22 were approved together with an explanation of variances. · In addition, Councillors noted the asset register had not changed, the final reserve figures were approved and a CIL return for Mid Suffolk was agreed. · Following agreement at the March meeting, Councillors noted the email sent to the Community Centre which requested a “yes” or “no” answer with respect to the question of transferring ownership of the land obtained by the Council from Suffolk County Council in 1972. · Quotes are being obtained for works at the health centre. · Councillors have approved a draft lease for the Health Centre, and noted that the District Valuer is of the opinion the lease represents value for money to the NHS. · A grant application from the Baptist Church for help with a mother and toddler group was reviewed, and the Clerk was asked to raise a payment for approval at the May meeting. · The council is seeking an urgent update regarding the proposed temporary lorry ban in residential areas of Eye. · Stradbroke Community Land Trust has agreed to work with the Council on a project led by Eastern New Electrics. A report was received concerning a meeting between Councillors and the Community Centre on the proposed expansion plans for the centre. The Council reviewed the outcome of the meeting and agreed to explore the idea of a pavilion at the next meeting when a full review of the Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan and Implementation Plan is scheduled to take place. This will include a review of proposed use of NP CIL and the possibility of applying for the larger portion of CIL, which is retained by Mid Suffolk. At the next meeting, Councillors will be discussing the Community Governance Review which Mid Suffolk is currently undertaking. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 Email: Website: PC Facebook: Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA Annual Parish Meeting The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday, 28th April 2022 starting at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held at the Community Centre. The Annual Parish Meeting is not a meeting of the Council but an opportunity for village groups to present an update of their activities in the past year and any future plans. If any group is unable to attend but would like to present a report, please send this via email to: and it will be read out on your behalf. Odile Wladon, Clerk

Chairman’s Annual Report

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This year we began to emerge out of the restrictions due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We are now meeting face to face every month but this has only happened regularly since February 2022. Our first face to face meetings were held in the Church – which provides a lot of space and ventilation – a big thank you to Rev Susan for facilitating this. We have now returned to meeting at the Court House. We said goodbye this year to Jeremy Fox and Debbie Cotton-Soares. We welcomed Helen Ball and Helen Long as new councillors. We have a vacancy for a new councillor. We are expecting the first of the four neighbourhood plan sites to begin to be built this year on New Street. This will provide much needed housing for younger families and we have already started to receive the first payments from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for this site. As we have a Neighbourhood Plan we receive a full 25% of CIL money directly to the Parish Council. This still means that Mid Suffolk District Council retains 75% of the money and we are looking where possible to work with them to ensure as much of this money as possible is spent on projects in Stradbroke. The Parish Council has already agreed to fund new cricket practice nets and improvements to the Bowl’s Club pavilion at Wilby Road from CIL. We are also working on CIL projects for highway safety improvements and redevelopment of the Chapel at the Cemetery. With Suffolk County Council, All Saints Schools Trust (who run Stradbroke Primary School) and Mid Suffolk District Council we are working on a project for a brand new nursery behind the Primary School. We are also working with the Community Centre and sports clubs on a proposal for a new sports pavilion and upgrades to the Community Centre. This year we have undertaken the following work on the Health Centre: · Annual fire risk assessment and legionella and air con service · Repairs and maintenance to electrics, drains and back door · The fascias were updated alongside painting of the window and door frames. · A new phone interface was unit was required for the alarm. · New lease is almost complete and ready to be signed – rent review completed. Next year our priorities for the Health Centre are: · Energy efficiency · Interior redecoration · Dealing with flooding issue in the car park During the year there was a proposal to turn the Ivy House into a a dwelling house. The Council reacted to this by registering the pub as an “Asset of Community Value” and strongly opposing the planning application. We were pleased that the pub was in the end sold as a going concern and has now re-opened. The Parish Council has engaged with the new Mid Suffolk District Council Joint Local Plan that is used to determine planning applications. Unfortunately this process has taken a number of years but thankfully Stradbroke has its own Neighbourhood Plan that is the most up to date document used to determine planning applications in the village. We have submitted evidence to Suffolk County Council regarding the review of lorry routes in the County. We are also closely monitoring the recent temporary lorry ban in Eye to ensure this does not make things worse in Stradbroke. We have asked to be included in the rota for the new community ANPR (number plate recognition) speed cameras being operated by Suffolk County Council. Tree works in the cemetery have taken place throughout the year. Work on registering the Parish Council owned land with Land Registry continues. The Community Centre has confirmed they do not wish to take on the land obtained by the PC in a swap with the County Council, therefore the Parish Council will continue to own and maintain the area as they have done since 1972. The Parish Council Climate Change working group will be working on an energy project in the village. Members of the Council have been working with Radio Stradbroke and the Community Centre to arrange a Jubilee “Big Lunch” with the Radio Stradbroke Road Show and Music Quiz. This is a free event on Sunday 5th June from 11am at the Playing Fields in Stradbroke. We have also been working with the Community Centre to plant new trees as part of the Jubilee Queen’s Green Canopy. A big thank you to our Clerk, Odile, for her continued hard work to support the Council and the Village. In particular she has attended a significant number of planning hearings at Mid Suffolk District Council to ensure that decisions continue to be made in line with the policies the Village approved as part of the Neighbourhood Plan. I’d also like to thank all members of the Council for their work. Parish Councillors are not paid and all give their time freely to try and make Stradbroke a better place to live. Thanks to everyone for their work for Stradbroke and we look forward to the coming year! James Hargrave, Chairman, Stradbroke Parish Council, April 2022

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Here’s my advert!

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Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down...

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How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?


Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows: Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!

Please send your advert to


Rachel Lead

KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed

Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology One-One and Group sessions available via Zoom 01379 388031 07733 105752

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Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie

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Stradbroke Court House and Library News

Our Stradbroke Tapestry is nearly finished and will be hung up in the Café from May 1st. Do come along and see it, it is awesome and a big thank you to Suffolk Libraries, Suffolk Artlink and everyone who came along to the workshops to work with Felicity, Shelly and Charlie to create our brilliant work of art. A special mention to Stradbroke Primary School for making some wonderful leaves to hang in our bunting. We all had fun and it looks fantastic! Queen’s Platinum Jubilee On Friday 3rd June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we are planning a photographic exhibition in the library (the library and Post Office will be closed as it is a bank holiday) from 10am to 2pm. Come and see some old photos of familiar scenes of Stradbroke from the past. We are so lucky to have these photographs and they document village life during the 19th and 20th century. The Café will be open for refreshments. Friday Friends We will not be holding a ‘Friday Friends’ session in June because of the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday but everyone is welcome to come along to the Café on Friday 3rd June and see the old photographs of Stradbroke. Our next ‘Friday Friends’ Café will be Friday 6th May Important Information: The Library/ Post Office will be closed from Thursday 16th June until Monday 27th June, when we will reopen at 2pm as usual. Apologies for the inconvenience but we are refurbishing the library and moving the children’s area. It will look great and I will give a further update in next month’s magazine. By popular request Bacon Bap Saturday is back on Saturday 7th May Come and support us by having a go on our amazing hamper draw. £1 per square. All proceeds go to supporting the Court House. We now have a printer recycling box in the library. If you have any old, used printer cartridges, please bring them in to recycle. Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager

Radio Stradbroke

As the Queen's Platinum Jubilee gets ever closer, it will be great to get outdoors for the 'Big Jubilee Lunch' on Sunday 5th June (see front page!) for many reasons. It will hopefully bring the village closer together, it signals the start of Summer, and on a Radio Stradbroke note, after diligently broadcasting daily for two years through the pandemic, as soon as restrictions are lifted, three of our DJ's have caught Covid! But we soldier on, the 'Home Service' shows no signs of slowing down. On to 'Stradbroke Music Day' on Saturday 9th July. Thanks to those who, in response to last month's plea, have come forward offering their services as volunteers at the event. We appreciate it, and would like more. It promises to be a memorable event, particularly after two years of not going out. Remember, it is FREE to come to. Guaranteed value for money! Keep supporting your local Radio Station. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Brownies

The Brownies and Leaders are looking forward to warmer weather, light evenings and getting outside this term! We've planned a footpath walk, our annual Yummy Scrummy Fayre date is set and we're aiming to complete several badges before breaking for the summer holidays! It was fantastic to meet lots of new faces at our 'Bring a Friend' meeting and we're super pleased to welcome 2 new Brownies to our unit! We've still a few spaces and would love to continue to grow our unit; please get in contact for more details or to organise a taster session! Candice, Unit Leader

Contact Club

The contact club takes place every Tuesday in Stradbroke Community Centre. We are open from 10.00 am for coffee and a chat, we play cards, bingo etc. There will be a small charge of £1.00 to help our funds. If you would like to stay to lunch which is served at 12.00, it’s an extra £2.00. The Contact Club has been running 20 years to help the older community contact one and other, but is more important now than ever after the isolation we all faced through the Covid Pandemic. If you would like to join us on a Tuesday please contact myself. We would be happy to welcome you. or 01379 384704 Stella Goddard

Lottery Bonus Winners

7 E Rook, 35 R Ward, 20 J Chetwynd, 17 R Copping, 44 D Bickers £120 donated to village organisations.

M Ellis

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Friendly Professional Carer Offers quality care in your own home Personal care & associated tasks N.V.Q trained Trained in dementia Manual handling References available Contact Andrea 07872530567

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Stradbroke Village Archive

Stradbroke Salvation Army and Doggett’s. The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 by William and Caroline Booth to care for the “down and outs” of London’s East End, with what they said were the three ‘S’s’ – Soup, Soap and Salvation. The given ‘Army’ title was introduced in 1878 and the word spread quickly to other parts of the country and in time, internationally. The Evening Star reports in August of 1886 that here in Stradbroke, there had been for the previous four Sundays, scenes of great disquiet, caused by the introduction of a very small, but terribly noisy, section of The Salvation Army. The report continues, “It is to be regretted that so many find money to encourage these Salvationists, who so greatly upset one of the quietest and most orderly villages in Suffolk and annoy many who up to the present have looked upon the quiet of the English Sunday afternoon as one of the greatest blessings. The New Street, Stradbroke, on the day of rest has now the appearance of (a) highway to a fair, the meeting being held in Doggett’s Meadow.” Doggett’s is frequently mentioned throughout the village archive and shown on the 1840 tithe map as the property of Ann Cockrell. She didn’t live there although the farmer, Maurice Cockerell and his family did, along with two other families, being those of George Boast and William Talbot. By 1891, the Boast family were still in residence along with William and Ellen Aldous. After WW2, Doggett’s became the Suffolk home of artist Rufus DePinto and his wife Olive. Together they ran an Art summer school and lived quietly without electricity, relying on candles and paraffin, until Rufus died in 1976 and Olive 1991. Source: Stradbroke Village Archive ( The Queens Jubilee To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee we are working with local photographer Jon Wilson to create an historical snapshot of the groups, teams and businesses in Stradbroke at this moment in time. We invite all Stradbroke based groups/teams/businesses to apply for a short photo shoot of your group/team/staff at your usual place of meeting/playing/working! This is free, and each photo will be added to the Stradbroke Village Archive at www.Stradbroke - we will also give you a digital copy of the photograph chosen for the archive for free. We aim to be flexible and work with you as to what arrangement is best for you, so please email to book a date and time for your photo. We are aiming to capture the vibrant social, sporting and business life of Stradbroke in 2022, and we hope you will join in! SARA, Ann Readman


In our President’s absence, Roz ably took the meeting and welcomed 2 prospective members. The attendance was considerably down due to the date being so close to Easter. Thanks were given to our hostesses for the raffle prizes and flowers and birthday posies. The main business was conducted with boards circulating for the outing to Bishop and Miller Auctioneers in June, and requests for cakes to be offered for the Jubilee Celebrations. Correspondence was read and thanks were also given to those who had taken part in the litter pick in the village. Our speaker, Tony Diamond gave a fascinating and amusing talk on John Betjeman’s journey through life, culminating in him being Knighted and becoming Poet Laureate. Amazingly he dreamt the date of his death 50 years before 19th May 1984! After refreshments served by our hostesses, the raffle was drawn and the meeting closed. The next meeting will be on Thursday 14th May at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Lisa Kippen, a physiotherapist talking about mobility and managing joint pain. New members are always welcome to come along. Yvonne Wilkins

Wingfield and District Gardening Club

Matt Tanton Brown came to talk to the Gardening Club about trees and large shrubs suitable for the small garden. He mentioned many Acers, Mallus, Magnolias, Prunus and the Indian Bean Tree. He also gave several varieties of Pinus both medium and dwarf, and told us that present climate helped us to grow Olive trees which can be pruned to keep them under control. Holly, most varieties of which need both male and female trees to produce berries, Laburnham trees are so delightful in a small garden and only the seeds are poisonous and the Judas Tree (Cersis) pretty when in flower importantly he mentioned that trees, both from nurseries and if you are proposing to plant some for the “Queens Green Canopy”, need a nursery plant sanitory certificate. We hope to have a garden meeting on Saturday 23rd July 022. Details to follow. C Trevleyen

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Forthcoming Events

Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall (IP21 4LT)

Did you know - our Coffee, Craft, Chat on the last Thursday of the month 1.30 - 3, also now includes half an hour of chair based exercise - come promptly at 1.30 to join the exercise, then we'll put the kettle on! All welcome. Did you also know - volunteer transport is available for this afternoon get together - please contact Julie in the first instance if you would like a car driver to collect you. or text 07929794636 The pedestrian gate to J's Meadow - down the footpath opposite Syleham and Wingfield village hall - is always open, enjoy the views over the Waveney Valley. Park in the village hall car park/ or walk to J's Meadow and take advantage of our beautiful area where seating, frisbees, standing net are provided. Looking ahead we have some exciting and varied events in the coming months we would like to let you know about : Friday 29th April - Bingo raising funds for one of locally nominated charities or good causes. Thursday 19th May Eastern Angles - touring professional theatre - "Booming Voices" based on the lives and experiences of those who have lived on the Broads. Please book via the Eastern Angles website. Come and join us on a Tuesday or Friday when the social club open the bar - SWSSC annual membership still only 3.50 (3.00 concs) Open mic on first Friday, Karaoke on second Friday, often Quiz on third Friday, Bingo on last Friday. There's always pool, darts and board games available! Julie Thompson


• Door to door dial-a-ride service • Weekly members outings throughout the year • Group hires for not-for-profit organisations Borderhoppa Outings for May 2022 Monday 9th – Bressingham Garden Centre – Fare £7.00 Monday 16th – Lunch at The Half Moon, Rushall – Fare £7.00 Monday 23rd – Bungay & lunch at The Buck Inn, Flixton – Fare £10.00 Monday 30th – Southwold – Fare £15.00 To book or for more information please call 01379 854800 or visit our website Borderhoppa

Stradbroke Cinema

On May 19th we will be showing West Side Story. This is a visually staggering revival by Steven Spielberg - that master of technique. The poignant American fairytale of doomed love is even more thrilling in this fabulous, vivid ecstasy. Wonderful songs, incredible choreography and stunning sets combined with outstanding performances all round. You won’t be able to resist it on the big screen with surround sound. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. It is no longer mandatory for you wear a face covering during the performance but please do so if it makes you feel more comfortable. There will be an interval half way through the film, with ice-creams on sale and the Bar will also be open. Tickets will be on sale from May 1st via the online booking system - £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under. If you are unable to use our booking system, tickets will be available using card/cash payments on the door and also at the Bar. Full details of all our forthcoming films can be found on the Village website that is at Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt

The Stradbroke Strollers

We are a community-led informal Walking Group who meet every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 45 minute -1 hour walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Courthouse at 10.30am. Longer walks can be arranged too, as long as we have enough Walk Leaders. Unless it is really raining or blowing a gale, we will be walking! Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or ability - all you need are sensible shoes and clothing – and we look forward to seeing you and enjoying a chat with a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Court House Café afterwards. Please be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but I know it will be a really enjoyable stroll. For more information contact Dennis Merritt Tel: 01379 388 382. Email:

Stradbroke Church Village Show

Plant Sale at 21 Woodfields on Saturday 21st May 9a, - 5pm. Bedding plants & vegetable plants. Proceeds for above funds. Schedules for the village show to be held on July 23rd are at the library and bakery. All enquiries to Roly 01379384839

Border Craft Collective Craft Fair

Border Craft Collective Craft Fair will take place in Stradbroke Community Centre on Saturday 21st May from 10am to 3pm. Admission is free. Come and meet local crafters. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. Alison

Page 15 The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 20th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.


Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

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OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday 07:00-20:00 Saturday 08:00-19:00 Sunday 08:30-17:00 Phone number 01379 388547

Discount for Mid Suffolk based groups and businesses!

Forthcoming Events

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Produce Market

Produce Market on Saturday May 14th at All Saints Church from 10 until 12 Stradbroke Allotments and All Saints Church are getting together to run a produce market, every second Saturday of the month. The first one will be on May the 14th from 10 until 12. Tea, coffee and cakes will be on sale in the Church. We are currently looking for anyone who would like to have a table. It is best if you bring your own, but boards across the pews will be available. We are hoping to have tables outside too. You do not have to commit to a spot every month. If you are interested in having a table, they are £5, you can email for more information. We are looking for people with homemade produce, homegrown vegetables and handmade crafts. Mary Thompson

Circle Dancing

Circle Dancing group - this is suitable for most age groups and no partners are required. We meet from 2pm - 4pm on alternate Tuesdays. Upcoming meetings on May 10th and 24th. Come and watch or join in at Stradbroke Community Centre. For more information please contact Thelma 870720 or Vivienne 384118

The Old Lion Courtyard Teas and Rustic Barn Gift Shop

The Old Lion, Queen Street , Stradbroke, is opening their courtyard for Cream Teas on fine weather days during the Spring and Summer months. We are delighted to say that we have a five star rating and will be opening on Thursday mornings from 10 until 2 and Fridays and Saturdays from 2 until 4.30 . Come and enjoy a cream tea or slice of homemade cake or browse in the Rustic Barn Gift Shop. Look out for the A Board to see when we are open. Mary Thompson

What's On at Wingfield Barns

Jacob & Drinkwater - Saturday 7th May 2022, 7.30pm UK alt-folk duo Jacob & Drinkwater have been called “stand out new folk” by BBC6 Music and “inventive and thrilling” by R2 Magazine. Featured numerous times on BBC Radio 2, BBC6 Music and lauded by their musical peers as one of the most accomplished acts touring the circuit today. Tickets £12 Martin Simpson and Andy Cutting - Saturday 21st May 2022, 7.30pm 40 years after he recorded his first album, Golden Vanity, in 1976, Martin is known as a guitarist of formidable talent. Equally at home playing English traditional folk, American folk and blues and his own compositions, he is consistently named as one of the very finest fingerstyle guitar players in the world. Andy Cutting is a musician's musician (BBC Radio 2 Folk Award Winner Best Musician 2008, 2011 & 2016): a soulful and technically outstanding melodeon practitioner with an ear for a fine tunes. Tickets £20 More info and online sales via Anna Fielding-O'Farrell, Operations Manager Email: Anna Fielding-O’Farrell

Stradbroke Good Neighbours coffee morning

Coffee Morning on May 9th at 11am at The Old Byre, New Street, at Peter and Jennifer Chetwynd’s home. We look forward to seeing all our drivers and welcome anyone interested in learning more about what we do. Jane Gemmill

Over 60s

Come along to Stradbroke Over 60s club. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at Stradbroke Community Centre from 2pm – 4pm. Primarily aimed at those who are retired but all are welcome. Join us for tea and biscuits and a chat. During we year we arrange a few day trips out along with a Christmas dinner and cream teas and coffee mornings. The May meeting dates are the 5th and the 19th. Also on the 16th June we are holding a buffet Lunch at the Community Centre to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. All are Welcome. The cost is £12.50 per head. Payment must be made by the 1st June so the caterers have the correct numbers. If you would like more information, contact Neale on 07899714136 or Carole by email on Neale

Plant Sale and Open Garden

On Sunday 22nd May, from 2pm to 6pm there will be a sale of plants at Stradbroke Farm Barn, Laxfield Road, IP21 5NL, visitors are also welcome to walk around the garden. This is a ‘garden in the making’, although a large number of unusual and interesting young trees and shrubs have already been planted. At the same time the garden at Frythe Barn, Wilby Road IP21 5JP will be open and refreshments will be served. The day’s proceeds will be shared between DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, and the Bury Drop In Charity which helps to house, feed and educate the homeless in Bury St Edmunds. We look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new at our gardens. For further information email or Jude Law and Carol Darling

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

If a week is a long time in politics, much can happen to a cricket club in four. Blessed with dry, even warm weather, the caterpillar that is the cricket ground, suddenly resembles the butterfly that signifies the start of the season. With the mowers adjusted, the field is no longer a meadow, the square, shorn and stripey, the sightscreens, glistening. Stradbroke CC has a new sponsor. We thank Jason from 'Roscoe's at the Ivy House' for supporting the Club, and look forward to wearing our new shirts on the field, and sampling his beer off it. We did not secure an overseas player/coach, mainly due to the reticence about travelling to the UK with Covid still rife over here. We have, however, with the help of a Community Coach from the SCB, been able to get into the High School to offer a series of lunchtime cricket sessions. Our thanks to the enthusiasm of the PE Department, making it happen. Junior coaching, for all ages, starts on Sunday 8th May, at the Playing Field. Last month I gave the wrong dates for our fixtures. Let me correct that. We have home league fixtures on Saturday 30th April, 7th, & 21st May. We just need one or two (or more) new players, of any age and ability. With the new nets soon to be installed, we have everything you could want, except players! It is like holding a birthday party with no guests. What was I saying about politics? Michael Hugman

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club

Hello everyone, with the start of the new season of bowls may we extend a warm welcome and invite you to join us on the Community Centre green. During the season which extends to the end of September there will be a number of home games to watch with members on hand if you have any questions to ask on the rudiments of the sport. Specifically we run roll ups on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons between 2.00 and 4.00 pm. This is where club members play against each other in friendly completion and you are more than welcome to join in. We have the necessary bowls for you to use , all we ask if you would wear flat soled shoes or trainers. Please come along and enjoy the company of friendly bowls members. If you have any questions please call one of the following. Jennifer Chetwyn. 01379 384069 David Catermole. 01379 384779 Bingo For Bowls This fund raising event will be on Friday 13th May at 7.30 pm in the community centre and is open to all. Many thanks for your time in reading this report and hope to welcome you to the green which opened on Saturday 23rd April , and has it’s open days on Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1st May. Regards, Roy Lee 01379 384729

White Hart Bowls News

First of all thank you to everyone who has supported our bingo, we raised £434.52 at our last game. We are really sorry that we had to cancel Friday 22nd due to unforseen circumstances, but look forward to seeing you when we start again in September. Don't Forget to come along to our open day on Saturday April 30th between 11am and 2pm, all you need are some flat shoes, come and see if you fancy having a go, someone will be on hand to help you, or just come and have a chat. Lynn Ruth

News & Views Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk

Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk are looking for volunteers to provide vital support in the community – can you help? The charity supports people all over Mid Suffolk from their office in Stowmarket, providing free, confidential, independent and impartial advice. Demand for the charity’s services has continued to increase, and the wonderful team of volunteers are paramount to the help Citizens Advice provide. The team are seeking volunteers from all kinds of backgrounds to support local people with their problems. No experience is necessary as full training will be provided. Citizens Advice volunteers come from all walks of life and choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. Volunteers are often looking for ways to make use of their skills or to gain valuable experience and make use of the fantastic training. They also enjoy the opportunity to meet different people and be part of a friendly, welcoming team of existing volunteers. They find it rewarding to support local people and make a difference to their lives. Interested in volunteering? Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk would love to hear from you! Go to or call 01449 676060 for an informal chat. Jaz Last, Community Officer

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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email:

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News & Views

BSEVC Buses Covering Ipswich and Mid Suffolk

New! Now 5 days a week BSEVC Buses for Stradbroke Door to door for work, hospitals and medical appointments, social clubs and activities, visiting relatives and friends, shopping, school college. Even more helpful now there is restricted fuel. Covid-protected, ventilated bus for up to four people (masked). Fares: 1 to4 miles £2.50 Under 16 years: £1 per journey 5 to 7 miles £4.00 Registered Carers remain free when supporting a passenger 8 to 10 miles £5.50 A range of places including Diss and Harleston. Ask about others when you 11 to 13 miles £7.00 book. To book: 01449 614271 Lines open 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri 14 to 16 miles £8.50 Book ahead! The more we use the service, the more 17 to 20 miles £1000 chance of keeping it running. A Wisbey

Trussell Trust Food Bank 5k Run 2022

As a nation we know it isn’t right that anyone should be left hungry or living in extreme poverty. Trussell Trust Food Banks have 1,200 food banks in their network. The Trust relies on voluntary contributions of food and money to continue their work to provide for the needy. This is why I felt I needed to do something to help, hence the 5k runs that happens twice a year. I raise the money from running to help the cause. This is me on 1st April 2022 just finished my run. I love the challenge and managed to reach my target of £100. All I ask is to give generously. My Just Giving page is SharonBird-6. Thank you for support for such a worthy cause. Sharon Bird

Stradbroke Parish Council Climate Change Group

Swifts Are Returning To Stradbroke! It is lovely to see that spring is here. Look out for Stradbroke-born swifts, RETURNING FROM AFRICA, reeling around over Stradbroke in their screaming parties! They are looking for nests and will stay on the wing except to rear their young. To attract swifts, you need a ridge-tiled roof without netting at the edge. Or, erect a SWIFT BOX 15 ft high on your house (best east, west, north facing wall, but also in permanent shade on the south, if painted white) with a MIC playing swift calls to attract them. They are on the lookout for NESTING SITES from May to August. Go to Save our Suffolk Swifts on the internet ( for tips, links and information. We are hoping to get a speaker about swifts this summer in Stradbroke—look for posters around the village later in the year. Sow Sunflowers And Lavender Say RSPB The Royal Society for Protection of Birds has launched a “nature on your doorstep” campaign (type Nature on your Doorstep on your web browser bar). The Society wants Brits to reverse the serious decline of previously common garden species, including starlings, hedgehogs, bumblebees and flying insects, all reduced by over half to 2/3 since 1950s. Let’s sow as many sunflowers, lavenders, poppies, foxgloves, marigolds this year as possible. Try this: keep some NETTLES for butterflies for May, June and July, when peacock, red admiral, small tortoiseshell and comma and lay eggs and the caterpillars chomp the leaves. Toni Wisbey, Stradbroke PC Climate Change Group

Letters to the Editors

I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and support during this difficult time. Cards and letters for myself and family were very much appreciated. Thanks again, Vivienne Goffee Hi. We live in one of the bungalows behind the tennis courts and community centre. Nearly every evening, around 6.30pm - 7.00pm motorbikes turn up, maybe 2 or 3 and screech and rev continuously round the car parks and swimming pool. We will not approach them as these days it is too unsafe to take matters into your own hands, however, the frequency of this intrusion, plus the stress is making me quite unwell. The noise irritates my dogs, who bark at it. All this and we are inside our home. It’s deafening. Last summer was a nightmare, trying to sit in the garden and relax, whilst silly little boys have nothing better to do than race up and down, round and round the car park. Quite frankly, I’m astonished that nobody seems to say anything and tolerates this noise pollution. It really is making my life a misery as i have started clock watching knowing any minute i am going to hear that dreadful scream of stupid boys with their stupid toys. I'd be interested to know if this bothers anyone else, or am i being intolerant of them. Regards, Sandra Miller

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226

For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306

Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804

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Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

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Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

E J BROWN Builder

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Dr Dan Poulter

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Conservative MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich Just before the covid pandemic struck, a young woman who introduced herself as a vegan angrily demanded of me why the Government was not taking action to ban meat and dairy products. Veganism has now penetrated the mainstream and it’s easy to forget that barely a decade ago, it was a fringe movement. I welcome the fact that this has changed, but let’s get one thing straight. It’s entirely natural for humans to eat meat. As a species, we evolved eating meat. We have eaten meat for millions of years. When I questioned the young woman about her reasons for wanting to put so many farmers out of business, she explained that meat and dairy farming was a major cause of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and for environmental reasons it should be banned. However, this argument ignores the fact that the carbon footprint (food miles) of transporting vegan staples like rice and quinoa to the UK, are far from unproblematic in climate terms. In fact, the climate footprint of rice is comparable to that of international aviation. Locally sourced food, be it meat or vegetables, has the benefit of almost no food miles. Locally sourced meat has a lower carbon footprint than rice imported from overseas. Suffolk’s meat and dairy herds turn something we cannot eat – grass, into something we can – meat and dairy. They help to recycle fertility and make use of land that cannot easily grow crops. The label often given to red meat as being an unhealthy food has become a dietary dogma, but research reveals a more complex picture. The association between red meat and negative health outcomes has been more commonly observed in studies where people are eating a highly processed diet, while studies of healthy omnivores eating a diet rich in plant foods have failed to find consistent evidence that red meat is unhealthy. The contribution of red meat to our diet is further complicated by the fact that not all meat is produced equally. Different farming systems, which provide animals with very different lives produce meat and dairy of varying quality. In that respect, we should be happy to eat and consume meat and dairy produced by our Suffolk farmers as part of a healthy and balanced diet which contains vegetables. As an NHS doctor, I have reservations about imposing strict vegan diets, particularly upon infants due to risks of malnutrition. Vitamin B12 is most often obtained from animal foods and higher rates of deficiency have been found in vegans compared with other vegetarians and meat eaters. Maintaining adequate intake of B12 which helps make red blood cells and keep the nervous system healthy is a common challenge for vegans as it is not found in plant based foods. Many other essential vitamins and minerals including vitamins B2, niacin, vitamin D, iodine, zinc, potassium and selenium are also typically lower for vegans. I will always support people making an informed choice about what they choose to put into their own bodies. Veganism is fine by me. But those who want to ban meat and dairy and put hundreds of farmers and food businesses in Suffolk out of business should think again.

Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the Library manager will happily help you to submit your article.


April 2022 28th Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm – all welcome (see page 6) 29th Syleham & Wingfield village hall bingo (see page 14) 30th White Hart Bowls open day (see page 18) 30th Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Bowls Weekend – all welcome (see page 18) 30th Stradbroke Cricket Club home game (see page 18) 27th April - 4th May Annual Art Exhibition at the Church (see page 4) May 2022 1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am at, and every day 1st Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Bowls Weekend – all welcome (see page 18) 3rd Contact Club meet in Community centre, and every Tuesday (see page 10) 3rd Craft & Natter at the library from 2-4pm and every Tuesday (see page 10) 4th Table tennis in Community Centre, 18:30-20:30 and most Wednesdays 5th Over 60s meet in Community Centre (see page 17) 5th Court House Café open – and every Thursday (see page 10) 5th Stradbroke Strollers meet outside Court House – and every Thursday (see page 14) 5th Thursday Afternoon Book Group in the Library 6th Friday Friends Cafe (see page 10) 7th Court House Café open – and every Saturday (see page 10) 7th Jacob & Drinkwater at Wingfield Barns (see page 17) 7th Stradbroke Cricket Club home game (see page 18) 8th Stradbroke Cricket Club junior coaching starts at playing field (see page 18) 9th Borderhoppa outing to Bressingham Garden Centre (see page 14) 9th ‘Meet-Up Mondays’ at Stradbroke Baptist Church – and every Monday (see page 3) 9th Stradbroke Good Neighbours coffee morning at 11am (see page 17) 9th Parish Council meeting (see page 6) 10th Circle Dancing Group meet in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 17) 11th Stradbroke Baptist Church Friendship Lunch – all welcome (see page 3) 13th Stradbroke and District Bowls Club bingo at 7.30pm (see page 18) 14th Produce market in All Saints Church (see page 17) 14th WI meet in Community Centre at 7.30pm – new members welcome (see page 12) 16thBorderhoppa outing for Lunch at The Half Moon, Rushall (see page 14) 19th Over 60s meet in Community Centre (see page 17) 19th Stradbroke Cinema showing ‘West Side Story’ in Community Centre (see page 14) 19th Eastern Angles theatre production at Syleham village hall (see page 14) 20th ****Submission deadline for the June edition strictly by this date**** 21st Border Craft Collective craft fair in Community Centre (see page 14) 21st Martin Simpson and Andy Cutting at Wingfield Barns (see page 17) 21st Stradbroke Cricket Club home game (see page 18) 22nd Plant sale iao Stradbroke Church Village Show (see page 14) 22nd Plant sale and Open Garden (see page 17) 23rd Borderhoppa outing to Bungay & lunch at The Buck Inn, Flixton (see page14) 24th Circle Dancing Group meet in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 17) 26th Festival of Suffolk Torch Relay through the village (see page 2) 28th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Car Boot Sale (See page 4) 30th Borderhoppa outing to Southwold (see page 14) June 2022 2nd Baptist Church ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Her Majesty (see page 3) 3rd Baptist Church ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Her Majesty (see page 3) 3rd Queen’s Platinum Jubilee photographic exhibition in the library (see page 10) 5th 'Big Jubilee Lunch' (see front page) 16th Over 60s buffet lunch to celebrate Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, all welcome (see page 17)

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