The Stradbroke Monthly - Sept 2022

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On 2nd October I will be running the London Marathon in memory of my husband Rusty Smith. Many of you will have known Rusty through the Fire Service, Rusty served with Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service at Stradbroke for 31 years. Working his way up through the ranks to achieve his dream of becoming Watch Commander in Jan 2019. Rusty died very suddenly in May 2019 aged just 53 years. Rusty lived in Stradbroke all his life, working at various farms and at Skinners Dog Foods. You may have seen me out running, putting the training hours in whilst I also work at Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre and the local Primary School. To read my story further and if you would like to add a donation to The Fire Fighters Charity please go to the link below!

There are also collection pots out in Stradbroke Spar, Stradbroke Bakery, Rolfes Butchers, The White Hart and the Swim & Fitness Centre! The support I have received so far has been fantastic!

Thank you, Maria Smith September 2022 No.485

Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk

“The cost of energy and food is so high now. With the kids home from school for the summer, I’m having to pay more for lunches and snacks. I’m worried about how I’ll put food on the table. I’m on a prepayment meter and I’m really scared we’re going to be left without any gas or electric if I can’t top up. What can I do?”

First of all, I’m really sorry to hear how tough things have been for you. You’re doing the right thing in reaching out for support and there are things you can get help with. As a prepayment meter customer, your energy supplier will be able to give you temporary credit if you can’t afford to top up your meter. They might add this to your meter automatically, but if they don’t, you can call them and ask them to do this.

If you run out of temporary credit, speak to your supplier to explain your situation. They may give you extra temporary credit if you’re struggling with living costs. There are other reasons why they might give you extra credit too, including if you’re disabled, have a long-term health condition, or you have children under the age of 5. You’ll have to pay back anything extra you get, but you can agree how to do this in a way you can afford with your supplier.

As you say, the cost of living is really high but there is help available. If you pay council tax and you’re in bands A-D, you should get a payment of £150 automatically. It could take until the end of September, but if you've not had it already you might need to make a claim.

You might also be able to get help from the Household Support Fund, which helps those experiencing financial hardship. They can offer support with energy bills, with food or other essentials. For more information on the £150 payment or the Household Support Fund, email Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council on or call 0300 123 4000. There’s more government support coming from October in the form of a £400 payment to help you with your energy bills. If you have a prepayment meter, you’ll be given vouchers in the first week of each month from October, via text, email or post. Make sure your energy company has your up-to-date details.

To help manage other costs, it’s also worth checking you’re getting all the benefits you’re entitled to. There are benefits calculators you can use online or Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk can complete a benefit check for you. If you can’t afford to buy food, Citizens Advice also can help you get a referral for a food bank.

We know this is an extremely worrying time and everyone’s situation is different. Don’t struggle alone. Citizens Advice Mid Suffolk can provide advice on this or any other issue, including debt, employment, benefits and family law. You can contact them on 01449 676060 or use the contact form at For more information and our opening hours go to

Jaz Last, Community Officer

Local Churches

Stradbroke Baptist Church

Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, 01379 388 744

You are most welcome to join us this September: Worship Services Sundays: 10:15 Worship Service Thursdays: 13:30 Share & Prayer Time Friendship Lunch – in the Chapel Hall Wednesday, 14th September commencing at 12:30pm Reservations please to Bruce before the Tuesday 13th. 01379 388-744

Monday Mardle – in the Chapel Hall – something for everyone to enjoy!

from 09:00 ‘Parents & Toddlers’ - play and relax time All pre-schoolers are welcome! We have a lovely, well equipped play area.

From 10:30 Cuppa, cake & a mardle 12:30-1:30 Light Lunch £2:50 donation 2:00 - 4:00 Rummikub/Scrabble/Chess or other board games/puzzles

SOMETHING TO PONDER… A prayer for the end of summer… Another summer will soon be gone, seemingly before it even got started. Where did it go? As short as summer’s lease is, the change of seasons gives us the opportunity to mark & measure ourselves. O Lord, my God, how can another summer have passed so quickly? How can holidays be ending, and children be heading off to school, and the shop displays already leaping into the next season? How can so many good intentions I had at the beginning of this summer have been mowed down like so much grass? What happened? It is a disappointment, Lord. It is a grief. I feel a sense of frustration and loss that so many of my plans are unfulfilled. So one by one, I will name them pleasures I planned to enjoy, chores I intended to accomplish, places I wanted to see, so much I had hoped to do and leave each and every one of them with you. I give you my hopes and my disappointments. Please cleanse me from regret, heal my discouragement & turn me toward the next season free from the burden of all my didn’t-get-dones. Amen. (Adapted from Seasonal Prayers by Bob Hostetler)

Please let me know if I/we can pray for you or your loved ones. For further information on any of the above please contact me. Grace, mercy and peace to all, Bruce 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or

Stradbroke Good Neighbours

Stradbroke Good Neighbours are continuing to take people to hospitals and Drs etc. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed. Good Neighbours. 07749445531


Borderhoppa, a registered not for profit charity, provides a range of community services in south Norfolk and north Suffolk. Our service allows people of all ages without access to other forms of transport to carry out everyday tasks such as shopping, attend GP appointments, visit friends and relatives or to attend a local club/community group. The door to door dial-a-ride service has been providing a successful and reliable service since 2002. We also run regular outings for members throughout the year including trips to the coast, gardens, shopping trips, boat trips and pub lunches.

If you are a member of a local not for profit community group, you can hire the minibuses for outings. Go to destinations of your choice, visit your favourite places and enjoy shopping trips. We are also looking for more volunteer drivers and trustees to support our vital community transport service. Tom Clarke, Borderhoppa manager, said “Our services really do provide a lifeline for some of the most vulnerable people in our community so anyone who can help us would be making a massive contribution to local life. If you have some spare time and would be interested in helping us we would love to hear from you”.

For a copy of the 2022 outings leaflet and for any other information regarding the services we provide please call the office: 01379 854800, email: or visit our website: Borderhoppa

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

All Saints Church Stradbroke. Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493.Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069

If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan Services:

4th Sept 10.30 am Café church, coffee and biscuits before we start. 18th Sept 10.30 am Harvest Thanksgiving, coffee and biscuits afterwards For other services across the Benefice, see church noticeboard. 2nd Oct 10.30 am Café church, coffee and biscuits before we start.

Also find us on our website: for all the activities across the benefice. We have a traditional Harvest Thanksgiving service on 18th Sept when the church will be decorated, and your gifts of tinned and packeted food will be collected for Waveney Food Bank rather than fresh produce. Thanksgiving will also be celebrated for all that Friends of All Saints achieved over the years.

All Saints Church Fundraising Committee

The village show made £640.16 Thanks to Roly Copping. The cake stall raised £155.40 thanks to all who donated and to Spar for their hospitality. The August Bingo raised £79.60 on the hottest day of the year. The next event is the Jumble Sale in the church on Sept 24th. Do come and get a bargain and a cuppa! 10-12pm

We are now getting a Hamper ready for Christmas - if you have any item please let me know. Once again thanks to the committee. Do keep cool and drink plenty!

The Cycle Ride organised by Historic Churches Trust is on Sat September 10th. Do come and join in. You can cycle, walk or ride. Forms will be in church at the end of August. Half of your donations end up in your own church, so please help us to raise a nice sum of money.

M Ellis

From the Rectory Message from our Bishops

A lot can happen when you gather 660 bishops for the Lambeth Conference as members of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The theme was “God’s Church for God’s World” We probably found our greatest common ground and concern around the climate crisis and the catastrophic impact of climate change – and the need to motivate governments around the world to respond with utter seriousness. While we spent just an hour in our groups looking at the matter of sexuality, anxiety and tension around this topic was evident until, introducing the theme, the Archbishop of Canterbury changed the whole framework of the debate by spelling out the obvious reality that there are (at least) two viewpoints, both deeply rooted in Scripture, both held by sincerely faithful people. We are no longer talking about who is right and who is wrong, but how the “traditional” view of marriage, and the view that same sex relationships and marriage can also be part of the Christian understanding of marriage, are held together. The Archbishop underlined this by declaring “I neither have, nor do I seek, the authority to discipline or exclude a church of the Anglican Communion. I will not do so.” We both continue strongly to affirm and celebrate the gift of LGBTI+ people in and for the church, and just as strongly condemn all forms of homophobia in whatever guise that appears. We have come away renewed in our hope for the whole Anglican Communion and renewed in our hope for the proclamation and living of the Gospel in our corner of Suffolk.

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Bishop Martin + Bishop Mike
Page 5 Gas Safe plumbing and heating installer. Amanda Stoner Chiropodist/Podiatrist Surgery at Stradbroke, by appointment only. Call 01379 384126/ Mob 07985 377891 Diploma of Podiatric Medicine 25+ Years experience HCPC registered - No CH18193

Parish Pump

Next full Parish Council meetings are scheduled for: 12th September 2022 MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 11th July 2022 No meeting took place in August.

Planning Applications reviewed:

DC/22/02971 – Erection of extension to existing facility to provide additional packing & storage space. Roger Skinner Ltd, Queen Street IP21 5HL. Object and recommend refusal as the application is not in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan.

DC/22/03191 – Full planning application: severance of garden and erection of 2no. three storey semidetached houses with home offices and shared single storey double car port.

Foxgrove, Queen Street IP21 5HH. Support with comments on parking spaces and the need to ensure these remain 3 bedrooms only.

DC/22/03302 – S.73 application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission DC/21/04538 – to vary condition 2, insertion of 2 additional windows. Land North of the Beeches, Meadow Way. No comments, the plans available did not seem to be in date.

Parish Council updates:

• Health Centre: The lease was approved and signed by the Chair and Vice Chair. Requote for works being prepared for open meeting (see below).

• Playing field: Complaints regarding anti-social behaviour were noted. These matters will be reviewed when the playing field security project if brought forward.

• Community Centre: information on possible funding options for the Community Centre extension were shared with Trustees of the new CIO. Trustees confirmed the project is on hold pending recruitment of additional Trustees to the CIO. Trustees advised that a bid for CIL was unlikely before May 2023.

• Highways: the works on Queens Street are likely to take more than a week so scheduling them over October half term would be of no benefit. An update on the progress for the highways safety improvements was received and Councillors noted that most of the suggestions had been carried out and that the project is ready to move to the design and implementation phase.

• CIL projects: Councillors undertook an exercise to prioritise the remaining CIL projects. Already noted as priorities are: highways safety improvements, new nursery building and work to the chapel at the cemetery. The health centre works have also previously been identified as a priority but limited access to the building has prevented the work – new quote being sought.

• Playparks: Suffolk County Council has replaced the damaged fence at the Community Centre play park. Councillors agreed to install allergy awareness signs at the play parks.

• Development: Councillors agreed a proposed variation to a s.106 agreement on a development in the Neighbourhood Plan.


An open evening will be held at the Court House on Monday, 19th September from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.

This is to allow residents to discuss with Parish Council representatives the proposed works at the Health Centre and the possibility of a Public Works Loan being taken to fund these. Once all the information is finalised it will be available on a dedicated page on the Parish Council website.

Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147


Website: PC Facebook:

Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA

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From the Chair…

We didn’t hold a Parish Council meeting in August – our next meeting is at the Court House on Monday 12th September at 7.30pm

In July we said a huge thank you to Velda Lummis who has now resigned as a councillor after serving Stradbroke for more than 12 years in total. Velda has been a hardworking and dedicated member of the Council and we will miss her wisdom and good humour in meetings.

Councillors have been discussing how best to refurbish the Doctor’s surgery in Stradbroke and we are holding an Open Meeting on Monday 19th September from 7.30pm to 9pm to share plans and discuss the possibility of the Council taking out a loan from the Government to pay for this work. We wouldn’t need to increase Council Tax to do this as the repayments would be made from the rent money that the Health Service pay. You would be very welcome to attend the event, but we will also ensure the information and an opportunity to comment is on the Council’s website at

Our clerk Odile and Councillor Toni Wisbey have both attended two conferences over the Summer, one about rural transport and another on highway safety hosted by the Suffolk Police, Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable. This topic is very pertinent to Stradbroke, and we look forward to hearing about these conferences at the next meeting. Thank you both for attending on behalf of the council for the benefit of Stradbroke

Suffolk Constabulary

Police warning – fuel thefts

Fuel theft – Not something we would normally be discussing in the summer, but with the increasing cost of all types of fuel, thefts have been occurring this year even in the summer. If possible, try not to leave large quantities of heating oil in tanks unused. If you’re filling a tank early to avoid impending price increases, make sure the filler cover is secured with a good quality padlock. If you have CCTV, consider directing the camera towards the tank. Suffolk Police First Principle, Heating Oil Security We’re seeing diesel being stolen from agricultural vehicles. Tractors use red diesel, a term given to fuel which has a lower rate of tax added to it and which is illegal to use in cars. However, it is identical (except in colour) to regular pump diesel and is therefore attractive to thieves. Many agricultural vehicles are not fitted with antisiphon filler necks as cars have been for many years. However, there are devices available very cheaply which can be retro-fitted to the filler neck and prevent siphoning. See

Simon Green, PC 187, Community Engagement Officer

Solar Together Suffolk

Solar Together Suffolk, a group-buying scheme which has helped over 1,500 homes in Suffolk to install solar panels and batteries, opens for new registrations on 22 August 2022. The scheme helps homeowners feel confident that they are paying the right price for a high-quality installation from pre-approved installers, whilst increasing their independence from the grid and reducing their carbon emissions.

Solar Together Suffolk is supported by Suffolk County Council and all local borough and district councils, including Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils.

From 22 August 2022, Suffolk residents can register for free with the group-buying scheme, with no obligation to go ahead with an installation.

It is open to anyone interested in installing new solar panels (with the option for battery storage and EV charge points) or adding battery storage to an existing solar panel array

For further information go to MSDC

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How long can I have my advert in the Monthly? Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows: Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa

Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted.

What if I put my advert in mid year?

Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible! Please send your advert to


Page 8 Posi ve Health & WellBeing - the natural way Rachel Lead KFRP
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Massage, Reflexology
via Zoom 01379 388031 07733 105752
my advert!
Page 9 Jon Wilson Carpentry And General Household Maintenance Call for a friendly reliable service Telephone: 01379 384120 Mobile: 07867 533745 Home Improvements Kitchens Bedrooms Fencing Gates decking General maintenance & repairs Just ask. Friendly&HelpfulService FromAdie 01728 628687 9 Broad St. Harleston IP20 9AZ


Stradbroke Court House and Library News

The Library is looking brilliant after its refurbishment. Lots of positive comments from everyone. about our new look. We have a new selection of greetings cards with lots of new designs on our new card stand, so come and see them. Lots of children have signed up for ‘The Gadgeteers’ Summer Reading Challenge and are reading their 6 books over the summer holidays. WELL DONE EVERYONE!!

The Gadgeteers Reading Challenge Presentation Party Of Certificates Is On Thursday 15th September

At The Court House

At 3.45pm

There Will Be Refreshments For Everyone

The next Friday Friends Café is on Friday 2nd September from 10 to 12pm. Our Craft & Natter Group meets every Tuesday at 2pm Our Monthly Book Group meets on the last Thursday in the month at 2.30pm Call in for more information at the library If anyone is interested in joining our volunteers who run the Court House Café please pop in and see us. We need cakemakers/café staff to help keep our popular Community café going, We open Thursday and Saturday mornings. Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager

Radio Stradbroke

Bruce Springsteen's assertion that 'Glory Days pass you by in the wink of a young girls eye', were never more true. After what turned out to be three years in the planning, 'Stradbroke Music Day' is now almost two months ago. The weather was fine, the acts were outstanding, especially 'Planet Abba', and most importantly, you, the good people of Stradbroke turned out in your hundreds, and there was no hint of trouble. There are too many people to thank personally, but Radio Stradbroke is grateful to anyone and everyone who helped in any way. A decision as to whether we hold it again next year will be made shortly. You have given us many reasons why we should. Watch this space! Amid all the chaos, we continued to broadcast 'live' every day, now approaching two and a half years. Thank you for supporting your local radio station Michael Hugman WI

At our July meeting Gwyneth greeted members and one guest, our speaker, before birthday posies were given out. Toni highlighted various items in the SEFWI News. As the outing to Bishop and Miller was cancelled, it was agreed to rearrange it for September/October and transport would be provided in members cars. Our speaker for the evening was a lovely lady called Anne Reeder, who had great knowledge on the history of millinery and brought a wonderful collection of hats which she had made by hand over many years. She invited us to try these on, before an expression of thanks was given by Nicky, one of our new members.

Our August meeting was held on a very hot and sticky night, so the Pimms and soft drinks were very welcome. Gwyneth gave the welcome and thanks to all the members present for providing a dish for our ‘Pot Luck Supper’. A wonderful display of savoury and sweet dishes was enjoyed by all, after the business of the night was concluded, which included a board being circulated for the High Suffolk group meeting on 28th September, when the speaker would be Nicky Reynolds with her ‘Soil Cinderellas’ presentation celebrating the achievements of the Women’s Land Army work during WW2. After the desserts, we had a great ‘surprise activity’ in necklace making from Gwyneth. Everyone fiddled with the lovely shells and pearls, but got there in the end!! A wonderful evening was had by all. The speaker, at our next meeting on 8th September, will be Barbara Mcelroy and her subject is ‘Apples’. All women of the village are always welcome to attend any of our meetings. Lorraine Dunn

Lottery Bonus Winners

41 M Jenkins £25, 6 D Davidson £25, 1A Mager £25, 46 F Lloyd £25, 23 L Rowe £25, 26 D Bickers £25, 12 Paddy Wright £25, 20 M Jenkins £25, 57 No Winner Donations to Radio Stradbroke, Over 60s, Contact Club, I now have a number going spare anyone interested only £1 a week. M Ellis

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Experienced in working with people living with Dementia, understanding of Parkinsons, depression, loneliness isolation in old age. I strive to ensure you are treated with respect and dignity at all times, especially whilst you are receiving your care and treatment. I have the experience and knowledge to devise the right care and support plan best to suit you and your needs.

Lee 07528127227
KENT SKIPS A Family run business established over 40 years ago. Offering the highest quality services. Servicing & repairs of agricultural, plant and garden machinery Fabrication Hydraulic hoses Grit blasting LOLER testing
Current DBS References available on request. Contact Leslie 07522275916 to arrange a convenient time to discuss your needs. Friendly Trustworthy Professional Carer

Stradbroke Village Archive


Thank you to the generous Donor who left a bundle of original documents at Stradbroke Library for SARA collection. We are currently trying to transcribe their contents and understand their history.

Recently we viewed a newspaper report of a speech given by Revd. J C Ryle in which he made reference to the education of Stradbroke children prior to the 1864 opening of the village school. He referred to the old classroom being in an upstairs room of a building in Church Street which was previously a workhouse. ( Interesting! So, the delight of seeing one of the recently deposited original hand-written documents with the heading ‘ Workhouse’ and dated 1830 was intriguing and we just had to transcribe that first. That transcription has now been added to the digital archive. at

The land registry is now where borders and ownership of land are now legally recorded, as stated on their website: ‘. . .Deeds have now been replaced with a Title Register and Title Plan that are kept by the Land Registry on their computers, with copies available for purchase whenever you choose. The House Deeds continue to provide a useful function as there is far more detail in them than in the Title Register, . . . ‘

SARA asks: Please don’t discard deeds believing they are of no interest anymore. A village with 69 building listings and a mention in the doomsday book has so many stories to tell.

Source: British Newspaper Archives, Stradbroke Village Archive, The Land Registry.

Contact Club


The contact club takes place every Tuesday in Stradbroke Community Centre. We are open from 10.00 am for coffee and a chat, we play cards, bingo etc. There will be a small charge of £1.00 to help our funds. If you would like to stay to lunch which is served at 12.00, it’s an extra £2.00. The Contact Club has been running 20 years to help the older community contact one and other, but is more important now than ever after the isolation we all faced through the Covid Pandemic. If you would like to join us on a Tuesday please contact myself. We would be happy to welcome you. or 01379 384704

Stella Goddard

Over 60s

Come along to Stradbroke Over 60s club. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at Stradbroke Community Centre from 2pm – 4pm. Primarily aimed at those who are retired but all are welcome. Join us for tea and biscuits and a chat. During the year we arrange a few day trips out along with a Christmas dinner and cream teas and coffee mornings. The September dates are the 1st and 15th. We do have some coach outings planned through the year.

On Saturday 10th September we are holding our coffee morning at the Community Centre from 10am – 12. Please come along and help to support our club and enjoy a drink and a slice of cake. There will be games stalls, a raffle and items for sale. All proceeds go towards running the club and we always make a donation to the East Anglian Childrens Hospice.

On Wednesday 28th September we have a coach going to Bury St Edmunds leaving the Community Centre at 10am. Please contact us to pre book if you would like to go. If you would like more information on any of the above contact Neale on 07899 714136 or Carole by email on Neale

Festive Fun – organisers wanted!

Hi! I am organising The Free Festive Fun event for Sunday 11th December, taking place in All Saints Church Stradbroke from 15.30 – 18.00. Would anyone like to help me organise this event? Please message me: Sue Childs 07518 288378

Organisations Page 12
Sue Childs
NICK RUSH GARDEN SERVICES Garden Maintenance Regular Garden Garden Clearances slots available Pressure Washing Shed and Fence repairs Call Nick today Grass Cu ng 01379 388304 Strimming 07931 653197 Hedges trimmed Small Trees pruning An que Restora on Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers Ian Brown LCGI Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987 01379 677 770

Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema

Welcome to the Autumn Season of films at Stradbroke Cinema

On September 15th we will be showing Downton Abbey: A New Era. All our favourite cast members are reunited to go on a grand journey to the South of France to uncover the mystery of the Dowager Countess’s newly inherited villa. Cinematic escapism at its best. To add to the fun, a film crew invades Downtown which causes much kerfuffle both up and down stairs. Enter the opportunity to include the “inferior” French way of doing things and “ghastly” American accents. The ultimate comfort watch. Our forthcoming films are – October Operation Mincemeat, November The Outfit and December Top Gun: Maverick

Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. There will be an interval half way through the film, ice-creams will be on sale and the Bar will be open. Tickets will be on sale from September 1st via the online booking system£5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under. If you are unable to use our booking system, tickets will be available using card/cash payments on the door and also at the Bar. Full details of all our forthcoming films can be found on the Village website at

The Stradbroke Strollers

We are a community-led informal Walking Group who meet every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 45 minute -1 hour walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Courthouse at 10.30am. We enjoy a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Court House Café afterwards. Most Mondays, meeting at the Baptist Chapel at 10am, we challenge ourselves to a longer walk of around 6 miles, enjoying light refreshments in the Chapel afterwards. Please contact Dennis or Sam for details. Unless it is really raining or blowing a gale, we will be walking! Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or abilityall you need are sensible shoes and clothing – and we look forward to seeing you on either day. Please be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but we know they will be really enjoyable walks, whatever the distance! For more information contact Dennis Merritt Tel: 01379 388 382. Email: Sam Hackett Tel: 01379 388 872. Email:

Circle Dancing

Circle Dancing group - this is suitable for most age groups and no partners are required. We meet from 2pm4pm on alternate Tuesdays. Upcoming meetings on Tuesday September 13th and Tuesday 27th September Come and watch or join in at Stradbroke Community Centre.

For more information please contact Thelma 870720 or Vivienne 384118

Rummikub Club, Scrabble or Chess anyone?

The Rummikub Club (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall) The club is up and running again. All are welcome to come along between 2-4pm each Monday afternoon. Patient teachers are available to help anyone who wishes to give the game a try. Come along and have some fun, a cuppa and a chat.

Anyone for Scrabble or Chess? (Mondays 2-4pm in the Chapel Hall) A number of folk have expressed an interest to play scrabble and chess on Mondays. You are welcome to come along and join in.

For further information please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744

Wingfield Barns

BOF! Saturday 24th September 16:30pm - 22:00pm Tickets £5 - £15

BOF! is an established East Anglian band with considerable experience in playing traditional French and Breton dance music. Bof!’s performance at Wingfield Barns will begin with a dance workshop to teach some of the simpler French and Breton dances. After a break, they will play for an evening “bal”. The songs and instrumentals they play is equally suitable for dancing and listening to, so in addition to a dance space, there will be a seated area for nondancers.

Bouncers – presented by Magic Floor Productions

Tickets £12.50

Friday 30th September 7.30pm

The original men in black tell the tale of one night in a Northern disco in the 80’s in this outrageous parody of Saturday Night Fever! One of The National Theatre’s ‘Plays of the Century’! Magic floor productions are excited to take you back to the 80's with nostalgia, comedy and the morning after the night before. Come join us.

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of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing.
of drives and patios.
The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 20th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.
Specialist in all types
Pressure washing
Family run business with over
years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
Page 16 FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel : 01379 388174 Mobile : 07759956627 GUTTERS CLEANED OR RENEWED. WOOD WINDOWS REPAIRED OR RENEWED BROKEN GLASS REPLACED. Bargeboards,Cappings,and facias repaired or renewed. NO JOB TOO SMALL B.C.GODDARD INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTER & DECORATOR FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT DOROTHY SINFIELD UPHOLSTERY Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206 eMail to place your advert here! eMail to place your advert here! 10% Discount for Mid Suffolk based groups and businesses!

Forthcoming Events

Common Ground Theatre presents The Raven

An excursion into the weird and wonderful mind of Edgar Allan Poe, adapted by Pat Whymark. “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Carl Jung. If any writer of the last two hundred years can lay claim to “making the darkness conscious” it is surely Edgar Allen Poe. An excursion into the weird and wonderful mind of Edgar Allan Poe through his short stories; the gothic intensity of “Ligeia”, the palpable malevolence of “The Cask of Amontillado”, the sumptuous imagery of “Mask of the Red Death”, and Poe’s most famous poem of loss and madness, “The Raven”. Glimpses of the man and his life are revealed in his own words, and in those of his critics, contemporaries and friends. Presented in cabaret style, with filmed elements and original live music played by our company of actor-musicians, Common Ground celebrates the work of this remarkable and innovative artist. Suitable for adults and young people aged 12 and over. The show will be performed at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall on Wednesday 12th October at 7.30pm Julian Harries, Common Ground Theatre Company

Produce Market and Crafts

This venture by the Allotments Group will continue on Saturday 10th Sept, 10 – 12 noon Coffee/Tea and cakes also available. It is really pleasing that the church building and outside area in the sunshine is used beyond church services. It truly is a community space for everyone, and we welcome other users.

Anglia Leisure Courses

Autumn 2022 Programme at Stradbroke Community Centre

Friday 30th September - History of Wingfield Castle and Monks Hall by Baroness Elaine Murphy

Friday 28th October - Supernatural Suffolk by Stephen Poulter

Friday 18th November - Barnardo's Foster Children in Suffolk from 1890 to 1960 by Peter Davidson

Wednesday 7th December - Our Jolly Wassail. A Christmas entertainment by Chanter's Jigge Course: 9th October for 5 weeks - An Historic tour of Suffolk Course by local historian Stephen Poulter For further details and booking information see:

Alan Jeffery, Programme Coordinator, Anglia Leisure Courses

Fressingfield Scouts Quiz Night

1st Fressingfield Scouts Quiz Night

Come along to support our explorers’ trip to Kenya in 2023 and enjoy a fun quiz night. Join us at the Scout HQ, Fressingfield, Priory Road, IP21 5PH Saturday 24th September at 7pm. It will be a £20 entry for a team of up to 5 people. James Last

The Queen’s Green Canopy

The Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre and The Parish Council are planning to plant 420 saplings, in November 2022, as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy, on 2 areas of land kindly donated by Adrian Lawson and Robert Cooper for the purpose of forming 2 Community Woodlands. We need the help of volunteers to achieve this project and create a space for everyone to enjoy. All you need is a spade! Please contact Helen or Jane and we will be in touch with you nearer the time with further details.

Helen Ball – 01379 388 891 & Jane Merritt – 01379 388 382

Wingfield and District Gardening Club

Toward the end of July Matt Tanton Brown came to tell us about cuttings and the best way to take them. He began with soft ones using this years growth and interestingly removing all but the top wo leaves and cutting these in half, this was to stop them requiring too michwater while producing roots. He then went on to more mature ones taken mostly from shrubs using a small amount of much harder stems. Finally he covered plants like roses taking these in autumn and the early part of the year. He also touched those plants with runners pegged down and when rooted removed from the parent plant. As usual his talk was full of information and inspiration. On 29th September we will be having a talk by Andrew Brogan on Henstead Exotic Gardens at Brundish Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

Rain is the cricketer's enemy, so we should be pleased that we have barely had any since my last report, but comparisons with the Summer of '76 suggest that all is not well. Brown, arid outfield with square to match, and a conscious effort not to use too much water, have made it difficult. Thankfully, most of our games in this period have been away. Wins, like rain, have been hard to find, only a polished performance at Nacton (Drew Cotton 5 for 15, Steve Perrin 56*, Michael Hugman 41) have yielded maximum points. There were good signs at Ipswich & East Suffolk (Perrin 49*, Ian Sillis 40), St Margarets (Perrin 52, Gary Ponting 41), and Melton St Audrys (Matt Wise 62), but the less said about defeats at leaders Boxted, Stowupland, & Felixstowe, the better, particularly the last one, where Stradbroke hit rock bottom, bowled out for 24. On a positive note, 30 Boys & Girls aged 4 to 15, attended our 'Cricket Day' in July in blistering heat. Hopefully their love of cricket will continue in future years. Our last fixtures, all at home, are Woodbridge (27th), Boxted (Sept 3rd), Laxfield (11th) and President Match on the 18th, with presentations after at our sponsors, the Ivy House. Keep supporting your village club, we need it! Michael Hugman

White Hart Bowls News

Waveney League results

Mid Suffolk results

Connaught, away, won Shotford, home, won Diss and District, home, lost Hoxne, away, lost Dickleburgh, away, won Laxfield, home, lost Thornham Magna, home, lost Dennington, home, lost Wortham, away, lost Laxfield, away, lost Pulham Market, home, won Fressingfield, away, lost. Stradbroke and District, away, won Long Stratton, home, won Gissing, home, won Connaught, home, lost. Waveney League cup, Diss and District, away, lost Waveney League plate, Hoxne, home, lost.

Yarmouth, Tournament on July 14th, we finished in 4th place.

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club

A cash bingo on Sept 9th in Community Centre 7.30pm, The more people who come the larger the cash prize M Ellis

News & Views

Heveningham Hall Country Fair – thank you

A personal thank you from Lois Hunt A huge thank you to everyone for helping to make the Country Fair such a success. Obviously the weather was brilliant which helps a lot but your kindness and generosity with your time is what actually makes it work so well and brings the whole thing to life. We don’t have final figures yet, which would take into account all the expenses but we are certain that we have taken well over £200,000 over the weekend. Once again, thank you for all your help. Where the money raised goes. Many of you know that the Country Fair, Fireworks and Christmas Fair net proceeds go to The Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust, a registered charity (number 1095403). Since its launch, the Trust has raised over £800,000 for the local community such as village and school projects, church repairs and individual cases of need. Some of those that have benefitted are, East Anglian Air Ambulance, The Pear Tree Fund and Halesworth Dementia Carers Fund.

Volunteers are always needed and the more we have the less work for everyone. Julie Collett is our Volunteer Co-ordinator and also wishes to pass her thanks on, so to become involved or to find out more, please contact her

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Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming

BasedinBrundish,Suffolk Fully

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in Level 2 and 3 City & Guilds
Phone number: 07709662427 Email: Facebook page: Dazzle and Bark Dog Grooming

Stradbroke Allotments

We hope you have all been coping in this hot dry weather, but have managed to enjoy most of the summer. We have a family of Hedgehogs now on the allotment and just recently one was found caught up in netting. We advise that you make sure that your netting is securely tied down, and that if you do have it , that you check it on a regular basis. We do need these little beasties on our vegetable patches in our gardens, to keep down the slugs etc. We will be hibernating some Hedgehogs over winter, to release them early next spring onto the allotment. Can you also make sure that any slug pellets that you use in your gardens are animal friendly and DO NOT CONTAIN METALDEHYDE. It can kill mammals and birds. Please do check before you put any slug pellets down that it does not contain this poison. It was mentioned on Countryfile that we put some water down for the wild animals, as they are so desperate for water and a lot of animals are getting badly dehydrated. Moles and Voles have been seen on roads and on the surface of the soil. If we all put a shallow water dish down it would help the smaller wildlife. They all help support the food chain that nature badly needs at the moment. We hope that you have been able to harvest some vegetables in this very hot weather. It has been recommended that it is not a good idea to put any new plants in while the ground is so dry, unless you can water twice a day in this dry weather. It is best to wait until the rains come, before planting any over wintering crops. Events The allotment produce market is held every second Saturday of the month with the next one being held on Saturday the 10th September from 10 until 12 noon. This is held at All Saints Church Stradbroke. There will be more stalls in September as the holiday season will be coming to an end.. Lots of interesting stalls and produce. We will be holding some other events before the winter arrives , so will look forward to meeting you at one of them. Willow weaving basket and Jewellery making courses at the black barn on the allotment and other events will be advertised at a later date. STAY CALM AND KEEP WATERING.

Royal British Legion

The Branch is rapidly approaching a serious decision time. At the September Meeting (Thursday 8th September) there will be on the Agenda a Motion to recommend to the AGM (10th November) that the Branch ceases to exist in its current form. Our Membership has fallen dramatically and we face the difficulty of not being able to elect Offices to carry on. We now have only three Members who live in Stradbroke. We shall have either to close the Branch completely, lay up the Standard or become a County Supported Branch whereby we keep the Standard but we would no longer meet on a regular basis. One nominated Member will be the contact with the County. Any decision that is made will in no way effect the Poppy Appeal. Poppies will still be sold in October/November and Poppy Wreaths will still be placed at the Stradbroke War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday. We currently meet at the Royal Oak in Laxfield on the second Thursday of the month at 11 30 am. We meet in Laxfield because many years ago our meeting place in Stradbroke priced us “out of the market” and our Laxfield Publican Member offered us a “free house”. We have stayed in Laxfield, but have moved Pubs, but still on the “free house” basis.

There is a popular mis-conception that you have had to have been in the Military Services in order to be a Member. Not so. Anyone over 18 can be a Member (we do not like Criminal Record however) and the cost is currently £18 per annum. The aims are – To raise money for our Beneficiaries , to be Companions to one and other, and to Remember those who have given their lives for their Country.

There is a Military qualification for a Beneficiary – you must have served at least seven days in order to receive help from the Legion.

Stradbroke Branch has been in existence since May 1921, having been formed right at the start of the Legion, and to me it would be a great shame if the Branch were now to close.

One criticism made to us “that you meet in the daytime, I work so cannot attend”. Although we have a Royal Charter which largely tells us “why and what”, where a Branch Meets, how often and at what time is down to the Members. Our current Membership (29) is ninety percent retired, hence the preference for a daytime meeting.

If you, like me, would like to see the Branch continue, give me a ‘bell and I will be delighted to hear from you. By the way , the Legion is very modern, it lives by the Computer!

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& Views
Etheridge Nurseries Page 21 Passmore Weeks & Richardson Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 In stock now Spring Bulbs and Autumn Bedding plants Hedging orders can now be taken Large selection of local fruit and vegetables. eMail to place your advert here!
Page 22
Rd, Stradbroke
Mobile: 07788 850762 Free survey & quote. eMail to place your advert here!
Magnolia House, Wilby
Tel: 01379 384097 Mobile: 07944 894757
Page 23 Norfolk, IP20 9EA eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke
Page 24

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services

Specialising in Conifer reduction.

All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded

All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. Matthew Hammond Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643 01379 871459 or 07545989081 Very Responsible Local Metal Detectorist N.C.M.D.Insurance provided. All land considered. Please ring Brian on 01379388174 or 07759956627 This is a free service.


Page 26
Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
& domestic drains cleared & cleaned. Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221 to place your advert here! to place your advert here!

Conservative MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich

When visiting local schools and speaking with pupils, I am often asked what the best part of my working week is as an MP. Without a doubt, it is the return journey home from Parliament to Suffolk on a Thursday evening and spending Fridays and weekends amongst the many communities that I represent. One of the many great things about Suffolk is the community spirit, and we saw that in abundance at this year’s Suffolk Show. After two years absence due to the pandemic, this year’s event provided the perfect platform to showcase Suffolk’s fantastic farming sector and our outstanding local food and drink producers. Our countryside is part of what makes Suffolk so special, and it was fantastic to see everyone back out and celebrating our great county. It was also a delight to see so many towns and parishes across the county come together in celebration of Suffolk and the once in a lifetime Platinum Jubilee. The Queen’s record of public service is second to none. Our Queen is one of the last of my grandparents’ generation – a generation who sacrificed so much during the six long years of the second world war to ensure that we can enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted today. The Queen is the very best example of ‘service above self’, which is a quality that we were able to celebrate during the Jubilee as Suffolk’s community heroes were thanked and recognised. For me, the festivities began on the 22nd of May when I joined the Festival of Suffolk Jubilee torch as it arrived in in Coddenham. From there, I was delighted to join a myriad of events across Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, where I very much I enjoyed visiting the many parish fetes, lighting a Jubilee beacon, tree planting ceremonies, joining in with traditional games and speaking with so many residents. I am always inspired by the strength of community spirit shown by the people of Suffolk, especially at remarkable times of celebration such as these. It was lovely to see so many residents, from across generations out for the Platinum Jubilee and paying tribute to our Queen and her record of tireless public service. I want to give special thanks to the hardworking parish councils, village hall committees and event committees. Events such as these take months to organise, with many people working tirelessly behind the scenes to make them a success. The festivities came together seamlessly, and we should all be very proud of the spectacular events that were put together for all to enjoy. Thank you to everyone who took part – it really was the very best of Suffolk, leading into another bumper Suffolk Day on 21st June. We truly are lucky to live in such a special county!

Please send all articles to

The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine.

The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received.

The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission?

Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computerin the library and the Library manager will happily help you to submit your article.


Page 27


1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am at, and every day

1st Court House Café open – and every Thursday (see page 10)

1st Over 60s meet in Community Centre (see page 12)

1st Stradbroke Strollers meet outside Court House – and every Thursday (see page 14)

2nd Friday Friends Café at Court House (see page 10)

3rd Court House Café open – and every Saturday (see page 10)

3rd Stradbroke Cricket Club home game (see page 18)

5th Rummikub Club and Scrabble at Baptist Church, and every Monday (see page 14)

5th ‘Monday Mardle’ at Stradbroke Baptist Church – and every Monday (see page 3)

6th Contact Club meet in Community centre, and every Tuesday (see page 12)

6th Craft & Natter at the library from 2-4pm and every Tuesday (see page 10)

7th Table tennis in Community Centre, 18:30-20:30 and most Wednesdays

8th WI meet in Community Centre, new members welcome (see page 10)

9th Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Cash Bingo (see page 18)

10th Produce market in All Saints Church (see page 17)

10th Baptist Chapel ‘Pop-Up Coffee/Tea stop’

10th Over 60s coffee morning at Community Centre (see page 12)

10th Historic Churches Trust Cycle Ride (see page 4)

11th Stradbroke Cricket Club home game (see page 18)

12th Parish Council meeting (see page 6)

13th Circle Dancing Group meet in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)

14th Stradbroke Baptist Church Friendship Lunch – all welcome (see page 3)

15th Gadgeteers Reading Challenge certificate presentations in Library (see page 10)

15th Over 60s meet in Community Centre (see page 12)

15th Stradbroke Cinema showing ‘Downton Abbey: A New Era’ (see page 14)

18th Stradbroke Cricket Club President’s Match (see page 18)

19th Open meeting for Health Centre refurbishment – all welcome (see page 6/7)

24th ***Submission deadline for the October edition strictly by this date***

24th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Jumble Sale, 10-12pm (see page 4)

24th BOF! At Wingfield Barns (see page 14)

24th Fressingfield Scouts Quiz Night at 7pm (see page 17)

27th Circle Dancing Group meet in Community Centre, 2-4pm (see page 14)

28th Over 60s coach to Bury St Edmunds (see page 12)

29th Thursday Afternoon Book Group in the Library (see page 10)

29th Wingfield & District Gardenig Club meet (see page 17)

30th Anglia Leisure Courses talk in Community Centre (see page 17)

30th Bouncers at Wingfield Barns (see page 14)


12th Common Ground Theatre presents the Raven at Syleham (see page 17)

Village Diary

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