The Stradbroke Monthly April 2015

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ÂŁ1 where sold

April 2015


Neighbourhood Plan Update We now have the results back from the Housing Needs Survey (HNS) carried out in Nov14. The survey was completed by 34% of households in the village with 97% of respondents in favour of an affordable housing scheme. Thank you to all those people who helped make it happen and delivering the survey to all 624 dwellings in Stradbroke. Community Action Suffolk recommends, based on a third of the overall identified need, a total of 12 dwellings should be considered by the Parish. The Housing Stream of the Neighbourhood Plan Team will carefully consider the report and look at the size, type and tenure of properties that might be suitable for Stradbroke. A copy of the HNS can be found in the library and on Stradbrokeonline under the Neighbourhood Plan section which provides more granular details. (continues on page 10) Oliver Last, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee

Library/Post Office and Courthouse CafĂŠ News The consultation on Library/Post Office opening hours has produced a clear result for Option 2 (see page 14 for details). This now has to go before the Suffolk Libraries Board and Suffolk County Council for approval. I will keep you updated in the Village Magazine regarding any developments. A big thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. Another Community Supper is planned for 8th May and 9th May so book your place now! (see page 14 for details). Maureen John

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 674739 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.


PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk

We welcome you to join us…..Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am April Diary 5th EASTER 12th D. Keeble 19th D. Willson 26th Rev. G. Lee SUNDAY 3rd May, United Village Service, Meet at All Saints Church. 10:30am ALPHA course Cameo Lunch Club We pray together Youth Club ALPHA Course Drop in 4 Coffee

Tuesday Wednesday Monday Friday Tuesday Wednesday

7th 8th 13th 17th 21st 22nd

7:30pm 12:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10am – 11:30am

TOOLS WITH A MISSION Providing a hand up -- Rather than a hand out. Thanks! Following my article in last month’s Stradbroke Monthly a number of people rang kindly offering a variety of tools and equipment - these have now been delivered to TWAM headquarters. There is of course an ongoing need, so if you have any items available please contact; TWAM phone Ipswich 210220 Or call John 388751 who will be happy to collect from your home and deliver to Ipswich. LOVE How do you define love? A group of 4 to 8 year olds were once asked: What does love mean, here are some of their answers. “When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” Rebecca age 8 “When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know your name is safe in their mouth.” Billy age 4 “Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your chips, without making them give you any of theirs.” Chrissy age 6 “Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” Terri age 4 It would be interesting to meet those youngsters again as adults and asking the same question, discover if their experiences has changed their understanding of love. The Apostle Paul writing to the first Christians in Corinth said. “Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not rude or self- seeking, love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. Love delights in the truth and always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. In fact love never fails. 1 Cor;13 V4 At Easter we celebrate the greatest demonstration of love in human history, as we remember our saviour Jesus who loved us beyond measure and willingly gave His life for us. By His death we can be reconciled to our creator God. To quote an early follower of Jesus: Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15v13 For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112

Can We Help?

The Stradbroke

Our telephone number is 07749 445531 Good Neighbours Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Service Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you. If you are new in the village Good Neighbours have a welcome booklet that outlines our services and can provide useful information. If you would like a copy please contact us on 07749445531or collect a copy from the library.

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke Services: 2nd April 3rd April 4th April 5th April 12th April 19th April 26th April

7.30 pm Mendham for Maundy Thursday 2.00 pm for Good Friday prayers and reflections at the Cross 7.00 pm Weybread for Festival of Light on Easter Eve 11.00 am Easter Day Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Family service Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Holy Communion 5.00 pm Homegroup at the Rectory, with tea and cake. 3rd May 11.00 am Family service Followed by Coffee/Tea Holy week and Easter services: If anyone would like a lift to Mendham or Weybread for those services, call Peter, 384069 Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan.

Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee The cake stall on 7th March raised £114.05. Many thanks to all who supported us. Roly still has potatoes for sale, 50p for Village Show. Entries for the Art Exhibition, on from April 29th – May 4th, keep coming in, with 200 at present and about 70 unframed, also cards for sale. Still time to enter. Another cake stall will be on 23rd May. I have 2 offers of Gardens to be open on 13th & 14th June. I still need many more to show the public what Stradbroke can grow. Please give names to me. June 6th is coins on the wall. Start putting a few pennies away weekly, it’s surprising how it adds up. Once again, thanks for your support. Mary Ellis

A Message from Rev Susan Alleluia! Christ is risen! Words that will resound in churches up and down the country this Easter time, words that remind us that even when things look their blackest and we feel that things could get no worse, there is hope. For if God conquered even death, surely there is nothing he cannot do. Our beautiful church building stands in the midst of our village pointing us to God and symbolic of his constant love for humankind. For people of faith and no faith it is a reminder that we are not alone, that there is not only a God who cares for us but a Christian community that seeks to pray for and care for the wider community. We are here for you at the most difficult and exciting times of your lives; to celebrate Baptisms and Weddings alike, and to provide some comfort in times of loss such as a funeral. Our church has a prayer space so that if you come in during the week you will find peace and quiet, to offer up a silent prayer of thanksgiving or of need. If you don’t have the words there are some prayers you can read, or you can just write a request, and we will offer those prayers to God on your behalf. Contrary to many people’s thinking, the church has to pay its running costs and maintenance. This is often left up to a few people who come to church services. The sad truth is that if we cannot pay our housekeeping and parish share that goes towards clergy pay and other administrative costs, there will come a time in the not too distant future when the church will either close or come into dis-repair. If we want to keep our church open, giving comfort and space to celebrate, we all need to do what we can to help. Some of you may consider supporting our parish church financially (a little regularly is very helpful), or maybe you can join the many people who give their time to help clean, arrange flowers or help with the church-yard - whatever you can offer would be great and you may find you enjoy the connection. If you would like someone from the church to visit you and tell you more, if you would like to talk about a pastoral issue, or have questions about the faith or what goes on in the church, please get in touch, I would love to hear from you. May Christ, who out of defeat brings new hope and a new future, fill you with his new life and blessing this Easter time. Amen. Alleluia! Christ has risen! Take care, Susan

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

Next meeting of the Parish Council Monday 13th April 2015 at 7.30pm in The Community Centre

MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 09 March 2015 *****ELECTION ISSUE***** 14 members of the public attended the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM: Confusing documentation concerning the planning application numbered 4006/15 was brought to the Council’s attention. Brett Baber addressed the Council about a proposed ‘Stradisphere 2015’. The minutes of the February meeting and, following amendments, were approved and signed. Accounts for payment were agreed and the cheques signed. PLANNING (further details can be obtained from the Clerk): Applications for consideration: 0346/15 works to interior and exterior Fennings Farm, Pixey Green Unanimous approval recommended for the above application 4006/14 works in order to form two barn conversions Grove Farm, Queens Street All were in favour of saving the barns but it was felt the Council could not comment further as the application had ramifications for the proposal for the development of Grove Farm. The Council’s views would be submitted to MSDC. 0606/15 T1: sycamore – crown reduction Lavender Cottage, 1 Meadow Way Majority voted to recommend approval (JH abstained) Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning permission granted for: 0035/15 erection of front porch 4 Westhall 0155/15 reduce and reshape horse chestnut Meadow House, New Street Other Planning Matters: 0104/15 erection of foodstore with ancillary storage etc. Former garage site, Queens Street The above application had been withdrawn by the applicant OTHER BUSINESS: LIBRARY & COURTHOUSE: the results of the consultation on Post Office opening hours would be published in the near future NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: work had begun in earnest for the Work Streams and the results of the Housing Needs Survey were expected in mid-April. POLICE REPORT: there had been two crimes of criminal damage since the last meeting. STRADISPHERE 2015: four letters of support had been received by the Clerk. Following discussion Members voted unanimously to grant permission for the festival to go ahead provided that the recommendations of MSDC and the Environmental Health Department were closely adhered to in order that disturbance be minimised for residents nearby. It was felt that such an event was beneficial to the village as a whole. TETRA PAKS: banks have been removed as these are now collected through the recyclable rubbish collection. ELECTION 2015: Members of the Parish Council come to the end of their term in May and elections take place on Thursday 07 May. All residents are very welcome to stand for election. If you are a resident of, or work in, Stradbroke, are aged 18 or over, on the electoral roll and have a sponsor and seconder (who also must be on Stradbroke’s electoral roll) you are eligible to stand. Good work continues to be done by your Councillors, they work hard for your village so why not join them? Nomination forms and full information may be obtained from the Clerk; there are forms in the Library and completed ones may be dropped off there by 31st MARCH at the LATEST. The Clerk will supply the required electoral roll details on request (these details are an essential part of the nomination process). Nomination forms must be delivered to MSDC by hand – either by the person standing or the Clerk only. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum, which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library and are now posted on the Notice Board. The April Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 13 April 2015. This will be the last meeting of this Parish Council and the new Council Members take up office on 11 May 2015. Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 07817 441195 New address: Manfield House, 7 Norwich Road, Ditchingham, Suffolk, NR35 2JJ email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Dirty Oven??

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Stradbroke Bakery • • • • • • • •

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Life in the Legion The speaker at the March meeting was Ian Taylor from North Elmham in Norfolk, a Legion “Biker” who spoke about his experiences as a biker of which there are around 6,000 members scattered around the country. He was assisted by Graham Sage and his wife Wendy who talked on the work of the “bikers” in Suffolk of which there are 143. I gave the vote of thanks to them and also presided. The Annual Dinner is on Friday, 27th March. Treasurer Bernard Mills gave his report. The next meeting is on Thursday, April 9th at Laxfield King’s Head, starting at 11.30 am when the speaker will be Mrs Abby Ridley the manager of the Diss Branch of The Norwich & Peterborough Building Society. Members, please attend if you are able. We will decide how to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day on Friday, 8th May. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman

W.I. We were delighted to welcome Mark Mitchels as our special guest speaker for the March Meeting. His subject ‘Elizabeth Garrett Anderson’. Knowing his popularity as a speaker, we invited members of the public to join us for the evening, to have the opportunity to hear this very knowledgeable man, and many did. Mark didn’t disappoint, his talk was superb, his enthusiasm amazing, and we learned so much more about this inspirational trail blazing woman, whose motivation knew no bounds. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson became the first female Physician and Surgeon in Great Britain, and in later years the nation’s first female Mayor. Not surprisingly Elizabeth came from a very comfortable and supportive family and her entrepreneurial father Newson Garrett was responsible for building the Snape Maltings and much of what we see in Aldeburgh today. Mark gave us a truly absorbing, interesting, and enjoyable evening. Prue Rush thanked him on our behalf. Why not join us for our next meeting on Thursday 9th April at 7.30 pm when we welcome Alex Holmes with her talk on ‘The Secret Life of a Blood Scientist’. Visitors always welcome. Gill Bird

Stradbroke Archive and Records Association - SARA A library window on the past. If you have a Suffolk Libraries library card go to on your computer or on the Stradbroke library computer and follow the link called Reference and research and then in the History section select 'Gale News Vault'. Log in with your library card number and in no time you’ll find yourself reading article after article from the Times Newspaper Archive and from the 19th century British Library newspapers. Just enter Stradbroke in the search box on the Gale News Vault and you’ll come across stories of the people and events of Stradbroke in the past such as the following article dated Tuesday 29th December, 1868 transcribed from The Bury and Norwich Post and Suffolk Herald:‘FORBIDDING AND BANNS: A very unusual occurrence took place in the parish church of Stradbroke, on Sunday, the 13th inst. As soon as the Rev. R Washington began to publish the Banns of Marriage for the second time between two persons, a man who sat close to the Reading-desk said “I forbid them.” The rev. gentleman kept on reading, and the man replied, “I forbid them!” still the rev. gentleman kept on to the end, when the man said again “I forbid them!” Mr Washington turned to the Rev. J.C. Ryle, who was sitting at the communion-table, and he at once came up to the rail and said the party who had forbidden the banns must meet him in the vestry after service. The man did so, and proved to be the son of the woman whose banns had been published. It is not known what took place in the vestry, but there is little doubt that the Rev. J. C. Ryle thought the mother old enough to know her own mind, as she is between fifty and sixty years of age.’ When you have read all about Stradbroke folk, why not search for family names, or other surrounding villages? Be aware though, it can become quite an addictive pastime!! The next SARA Sunday at the Court House will be on 26th April when we will be happy to help anyone wishing to look into the village archive, their family history and the library archive websites. There will of course be the usual Sunday morning Court House hospitality with hot drinks and cakes! Drop in and say hello! Stradbroke Records and Archives Association (SARA)

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Fressingfield 1st Scouts Group 1st Fressingfield dominates District Swimming Gala. Southern Norfolk Scouts held its annual swimming gala at the Wymondham Leisure centre on Friday 28th February – eight scout group teams entered including two teams from 1st Fressingfield Scout Group – 16 members represented. Both 1st Fressingfield teams battled in the pool and the ‘A-team’ dominated with winning all but one race in ten events – scoring a near perfect 39 points out of a possible 40. 1st Fressingfield ‘B’ team, a much less experience squad, also did remarkably well securing a place in their raft push heat and finding themselves in the final. In the raft race final Fressingfield A won securing the ‘Scouts Challenge Shield’ presented to the team by District Commissioner Steve Martin along with The Southern Norfolk Scout swimming gala trophy. 1st Fressingfield Scout Group has a number of leadership role opportunities and would welcome anyone interested in joining the Group as a volunteer leader (18+). The Group offers free uniform and training and a promise that the journey will be both satisfying and fun. Safeguarding checks will be completed at application. If you are interested in joining our large and successful Group please contact Andrew on 07908 262623. Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne, Scout Group Leader

Neighbourhood Plan Update (cont from pg1) Using the Qualitative Study as a foundation (completed in Dec14 with the help of David Spenser) where 45 volunteers expressed their hopes and fears for the village, we now have 6 active streams who are working towards developing the plan. Each stream is a team of typically 4-6 people with a leader. Feel free to contact these people directly if you have anything you wish to raise or even get involved. Their contact details are below: Housing (New Developments, Village Character, Trees and Green Spaces) - Jacqueline Holmes Tel. 384986 Heritage & Environment (Conservation Area, Character, Protection) - Keith Lead Tel. 388310 Education (Schools, Pre-School, Further Education, Adult Education) - Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley Tel. 384248 Traffic & Transport (Public Transport, Taxis, Parking, Speeding) - Stuart Crane Tel. 384882 Amenities (Shops, Clubs & Organisations for all ages) - Gerald Jenkins Tel. 384825 Business & Employment and Digital Connectivity (Job Creation, New Businesses, Support for Communities, Broadband, Mobile Communications) - Roger Turkington Tel. 384248 Now things are starting to pick up, I will endeavour to provide a monthly progress report that can be found in the library and also on the website. Oliver Last, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee

Stradbroke Craft Club We are just coming to the end of this 'term's programme and will be starting the next 'term' on Monday 13th April, 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. in the Community Centre. We are at present compiling our programme, if you would like further information please contact Claudine Merritt 384439 or Lily Lofts 388586. Lily Lofts

Friends of All Saints Church All we need to hear now is that we have been successful with our Grant Application to LPOW fund, in the budget, the Chancellor said “The £15 million Church Roof Fund I set aside at the Autumn Statement to support church roof appeals has been heavily oversubscribed – so I am today more than trebling it” so we have our fingers crossed! The Annual Church Path Plant Sale on Saturday, 2nd May, is at 10.30 am onwards. (Don’t forget us when you are dividing plants and pricking out seedlings, a Concert by “Morning Chorus” is to be held in the Church on Sunday, 21st June and a Tea Party on Church House Meadow onSaturday, 22nd August. To celebrate all that's good about Stradbroke, FOASS invite you to contribute to the creation of the next Stradbroke Calendar to be published for 2016. Photos illustrating the best of Stradbroke will be published online each month and, towards the end of this year, there will be an opportunity to vote for your favourites. The top 12 will form the main images for the calendar. If you think you have photographs of something that shows what’s good about Stradbroke, then why not submit them to The calendar will be printed towards the end of 2015, and available for sale from November. All proceeds will be donated to the restoration fund for All Saints Church, Stradbroke. Further details about the competition can be found by going to the FOASS page Stradbroke Calendar - Margaret Streeter, Email:

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eMail to place your advert here!

Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 01379 384 046. at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.


ENVY BEAUTY & HAIR 01379 852 233

Old Market Place Harleston.

eMail to place your advert here! Parent and Toddler Group On Thursday mornings 9.00-10.30am

Parent and Toddler Group At Wilby C of E Primary School Everyone welcome, babies and toddlers up to 5, mums, dads, carers, grandparents ~ bring a friend! Enjoy tea and biscuits while your little-ones play Lots of friends, toys, art & craft, music, activities. Secure outside play area. Donation gratefully accepted. For more information contact the school office on: 01379 384708 Or just come along.

My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.

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Wingfield and District Gardening Club At the end of February, Graham Proctor of Crown Nursery talked on feeding and pruning shrubs. He brought several “hairy” plants on which to demonstrate the removal of last year’s growth and the reshaping of the plants before Spring, if they are Summer flowering and later in the Summer if Spring flowering. If real trimming in size is necessary, a third of the growth should be removed in any one year followed by the rest in future years. He stressed the need for a good general fertilizer in the Spring to give your plants a good start. In April we visit Rod Leeds garden near Lavenham. Please make contact with regard to car sharing on April 11th. For further information, contact Caroline on 01379 384674

Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) FREE scrap metal skips in Stradbroke High School car park. The next very popular “Drive through - scrap metal skips” will be in the High School car park, on Saturday the 25th of April 2015. Gates open from 8am until midday. Anything metal just no fridges / freezers or gas canisters please. All profits will be spent directly on the pupils. The Stradbroke High School CARnival, will this year be on Sunday the 13th of September 2015 10am – 4pm. After the huge success of last year’s event, we intend more classic and performance cars & bikes, 50+ art and craft stalls, live music, aircraft fly-past, bouncy castles, Lazer Blast, fairground rides and of course lots of food, drink and ice-cream. We’ve decided to keep the entry price low and the same as last year at only £3 for all adults and Under 16s free. With a wet weather plan in place using the Schools large sports hall, this event will be a great day out for all the family come rain or shine. All profits will be spent directly on the pupils. Registered Charity Number 1096034. Would you like a car boot sale in the village? The Friends of Stradbroke High School, are considering holding a large car boot sale and breakfast cafe in the High School grounds on a Saturday morning in May / June. Would you interested if so please text YES / NO or leave a brief message on 07771 838957. Many thanks. Nigel Brown (Chairman of the Friends of the School)

Lottery Bonus Winners 36 P. Shelford, 43 B. Nunn, 31 B. Nunn, 45 C. Westrup. £48 to Pudding Party, £24 to Art Exhibition, £24 to Good Neighbours. I have 1 spare number for the weekly draws. Any takers, only £1 per week. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke Over 60s We are now busy arranging our programme for the year. This week we were due to have a talk from Annie Chapman who organises the Harleston Tractor Run in aid of cancer, but she has had to cancel due to illness. On April 2nd we have an Easter get together with a quiz, then on April 16th we will hold our AGM at this meeting our members will be given copies of the years programme. Our April meetings will be held on 2nd and 16th April 2 – 4pm in the Community Centre where all will be made most welcome. Joan Grimes

Radio Stradbroke April signals the end of Radio Stradbroke’s Sunday Sessions, but as one door closes, another opens, in the shape of Monthly Music Nights, or to be accurate “Fortnightly Music Nights”. Catchy!! Details next month. We cannot possibly trump last Easter’s tribute to Pirate Radio, but Easter Sunday sees a special broadcast of “Pick of the Pops”. All the Radio Stradbroke DJs will be presenting the Top Twenty hits from the following years: 10:00 Professor Kimberley Bannon April 1987 11:00 DJ Wally Ward April 1979 12:00 DJ Huggy Hugman April 1972 13:00 Station Manager Marty Norris April 1963 14:00 DJ Dave Mann April 1971 15:00 DJ Richard Pierce April 1990 We are also delighted to announce that Radio Stradbroke will be broadcasting the Stradisphere Music Festival in Michael Hugman July. The music keeps on coming. Log onto

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality

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Gas Safe and Oftec

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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

Forthcoming Events

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Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 16th. April, we are showing “Mr. Turner” at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and icecreams on sale in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. The film explores the last quarter century of the great if eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) Director: Mike Leigh, Writer: Mike Leigh. Stars: Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson and Dorothy Atkinson. “Profoundly affected by the death of his father, loved by a housekeeper who he takes for granted and occasionally exploits, he forms a close relationship with a seaside landlady with whom he eventually lives incognito in Chelsea, where he dies. Throughout this, he travels, paints, stays with the country aristocracy and is a popular if anarchic member of the Royal Academy of Arts, has himself strapped to the mast of a ship so that he can paint a snowstorm, and is both celebrated and reviled by the public and by royalty. Of the several masterpieces Leigh has given us "Mr Turner" may be the finest.” On Friday, 1st. May, we are showing “Paddington”, 6.30 for 7.00 pm. The Bar will be open and ice-creams on sale in the interval. All seats £3. Director: Paul King, Writers Paul King, Hamish McColl (screen story), Stars Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, and Julie Walters. “A young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he begins to realize that city life is not all he had imagined - until he meets the kindly Brown family, who read the label around his neck ('Please look after this bear. Thank you.') and offer him a temporary haven. It looks as though his luck has changed until this rarest of bears catches the eye of a museum taxidermist.” Paul King's irresistibly warm story creates a sense of nostalgia whilst boasting a quintessentially British feel and pitch-perfect humour that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The Community Centre Committee Quiz on Friday, 27th March, 7.30 pm. Tables of 4 at £10.00. To book a table, ring Tony Potts on 384713 or Don Darling on 388098 Margaret Streeter

Library/Post Office/Court House Café News The consultation on Library/Post Office opening hours has produced a clear result for Option 2: Monday – 2 - 5pm Tuesday – 2 - 5pm Wednesday - CLOSED

Thursday – 9 - 1pm and 2 - 5pm Friday – 2 - 5pm Saturday – 9 -1pm


This now has to go before the Suffolk Libraries Board and Suffolk County Council for approval. I will keep you updated in the Village Magazine regarding any developments. A big thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation.

Courthouse Café On Friday 8th/Saturday 9th May ‘Flavours from the Levant’ Middle Eastern Community Supper Tickets £15 available at the Library/Post Office or phone 07507802360 7pm for 7.30pm dining. Bring your own wine. Book early! Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager

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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED

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MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

Based in Laxfield, where I can offer: • Hot stone, sport, remedial and seated Massage • 121 Pilates workshops • Equipment tasters, stability ball, foam rollers and wobble boards • Pamper ‘get together’ Other services •Group Pilates classes in Debenham and Framlingham. •Mobile massage in the local area. •Onsite seated massage for business or friends Please contact me to find out more ….. Nikki Hambling 07899888778, email

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Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email:

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Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206

Forthcoming Events

Page 17

Coffee Morning At 18 Castle Crescent, Wingfield. On Saturday April 11th with raffle and stalls. From 10 till 1pm. All proceeds to Colney Cancer Centre at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Many thanks, Kathy Barber

SYFC Family Quiz Night Join us for an evening of brain picking, knowledge testing fun. Snacks, Bar Open, Raffle. To book a table of 4, call/ email Tracey: 01986 785514. £4 a table. Friday 17th April 7.30pm. Stradbroke Community Centre, Wilby Road. Tracey Kellett

Annual Fun Music Quiz Friday 8th May, Laxfield Village Hall. Time: Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. Max of 4 per team at £20 per team. Please bring your own drink & nibbles as we are trying to maximise the fund-raising! To book your table please call Caroline on 01986 798422. Raffle with great prizes i.a.o. Colostomy Association. We anticipate this will be fully booked so please book in your team by 30th April to avoid disappointment. Caroline Emeny

Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre at Earsham Hall - May 2015 Bungay Area Lions Club is holding another Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre in the grounds of Earsham Hall, Bungay, NR35 2AN on Sunday 3rd May, 2015. Gates will open from 10am until 5pm. Entry to the public will be £3 for adults - under 16s free. IMPROVED PARKING & CATERING THIS YEAR! There will be plenty to see - classic cars, motorcycles, tractors and both commercial and military vehicles. Other attractions on the day will include food and craft stalls, licensed bar, trade stands, auto jumble, children's games, entertainers and workshops. Funds raised from the event will go to local Lions causes. Bungay Lions invite you to a great day out for all the family. If you have a vehicle to show, you can obtain a registration form for free entry from: Michael Gardiner, Tel: 07599 935113 Email: Link to registration form: If you would like a stall at the event, contact: David Lewis, Tel: 07599 935165 Email: Website: Dawn Collis, Bungay Area Lions Club

Stradbroke Sponsored Dog Walk As part of this year’s Stradbroke Festifull we are holding a sponsored dog walk in aid of the Dogs’ Trust, Snettisham. The walk, which will cover about 5 miles will start from the Community Centre at 10.00 am on Sunday 28th June. Entry for this event is free but we are hoping to raise lots of money for this excellent cause. Sponsorship forms are available from the Post Office or from Sam Hackett on 388872 or Sam Hackett

First World War Tribute Everyone’s War, How We Worked, Laughed and Cried Starston is presenting a village tribute to the First World War to be held in St. Margaret’s Church, Starston on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th May. The event will include readings of prose and poetry, music and song, visuals projected onto a screen and family anecdotes from people who live in Starston. An important aspect is the service given by women who kept the country running while the men were away. Many people in Starston have various artefacts from that time: medals, documents, gas mask, trench periscope and so on. These have all been photographed and will be projected onto the screen along with other pictures of the period. There will be two professional actors (one is Brian Hewlett a.k.a Neil Carter from The Archers), together with people from the village. The evening will end with a roll call, led by 2nd Lieutenant Sam Carter of the Harleston Cadet Corps, of those men from Starston who never came home again. The performances will start at 7.30 each evening. Tickets cost £6.00 each or £2.00 for those aged 16 or under and can be bought from Harleston Information Plus (01379 851917), The Pennoyer Centre, Pulham Market Tel: 01379 676660 or from Ann Leitch in Starston (01379 423387). Refreshments will be available in the interval and you might like to bring a cushion to sit on. This community event is a local expression of the national commemoration of the 1st World War. Ann Leitch

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Stradbroke Primary School As I write this article I have just returned from an amazing afternoon and evening at Snape Maltings with 25 of our Year 5 and 6 pupils, who took part in A Celebration of Schools Music event with 250 children from other parts of Suffolk. Entitled 'My Suffolk', each school performed their own piece and then took part in in incredible finale song, which they had learned during the day. 'Suffusion' , being Suffolk and Fusion combined. Our contribution was created to show the history of our school and spanned music inspired by our school's timeline. From Victorian time, through the world wars, the Charleston and Rock and Roll, to a modern day, We will Rock You, and a final ' Thank you for the Music! The combination of a marvellous and artistically famous venue, the enthusiasm, commitment and hard work of the children and the talents of our music staff, Mrs Koralambe, Mrs Ryan and Miss Legood, provided our children with another valuable learning experience, not to be missed. The standing ovation from the audience told it all! Back in school, Class 1 are waiting with great excitement for the eggs in their incubator to hatch, and are looking forward to their learning experience at 'The Museum of East Anglian Life', where they will be finding out about how butter was made in the past. Class 2 are linking their Stone Age Topic with a joint visit with the children from All Saints, Laxfield to the Dinosaur Park in Norwich. We have been thinking about keeping our bodies healthy and welcomed back Carl from Kidzfit to give us a day of science, maths and exercise combined! Fruit smoothies, research on favourite sports and finding averages of body statistics were also part of the day. Hoola hooping and skipping stars were identified and everyone had fun joining in! In April we have our whole school, Evacuation Day, when we will be travelling on the North Norfolk, Poppy Line, experiencing an air raid and finding out about life during World War 2. As the Summer Term approaches, we are also looking forward to our Year 6 residential trip to Derbyshire with other local schools. Linda Walsh

Stradbroke High School Gifted and Talented Evening On Thursday 29th January, Stradbroke held its first Gifted and Talented Performance Evening. Around fourteen pupils took part in what was an excellent evening. There were two musical groups who performed some modern songs, three piano solos, guitar solos, a cornet duet and a choral solo performance. In addition the new Jazz band, the Orange Blues, performed a fantastic rendition of Ronson and Mars ‘Uptown Funk’. All our pupils did us proud and the standard was outstanding. We hope this will be the first of many such evenings. Mrs R Hurren, Head of Gifted & Talented Vision

Page 19


For all your carpentry needs—plus painting, decorating, tiling, plastics, outdoor wooden structures, etc ..

eMail to place your advert here!

Page 20

Forthcoming events

St Elizabeth Hospice Suffolk Sportive cycle event Cyclists, join St Elizabeth Hospice’s Suffolk Sportive and pedal for a purpose this April. The local charity are holding their annual cycle event on Sunday 26th April and it’s suitable for cyclists of all abilities. Starting and finishing in the gorgeous surroundings of Alton Water, riders have a choice of a 40 or 80 mile routes or a shorter family ride, taking participants through the scenic Suffolk countryside; or an off-road circuit around Alton Water. The routes have been planned with the assistance of experienced cyclist Matt Kerr, a Hospice supporter and member of Ipswich Bicycle Club. Matt’s mother Ann was cared for by the Hospice, and died there after a year-long battle with lung cancer. Registration is open now and is £30 for the longer routes or £12 for the family and off-road routes. To sign up now, visit St Elizabeth Hospice improves life for people living with a progressive illness in East Suffolk and South Norfolk. It costs millions of pounds a year to run and relies on fundraising events like the Suffolk Sportive, as well as gifts in Wills and the income generated from its shops to meet the majority of these costs. Samantha Catling

Art Classes at Wingfield Barns Starting Tuesday 7th April 2015 A new structured art class will be held in a studio at Wingfield Barns every Tuesday from 10am - 4pm. Open Day: Tuesday 7th April 10 - 4 come and have a look at the studio facilities and enjoy a Free Taster Session - 'have a go' materials will be provided and admission on 7th will be FREE. The classes will be led by professional artist and lecturer John Parker who has had many years’ experience of teaching art and currently runs an art class in Capel St. Mary, he also lectures in Art History and Art Appreciation. John studied BA (Hons) Fine Art at The Norwich University of Art and gained a post graduate teaching diploma (DTLLS) from City College Norwich. John has been painting professionally since 1990 and has produced paintings in a wide range of styles in both oils and watercolours. John has exhibited his work successfully in London and throughout the UK. The beautiful setting of Wingfield Barns is the perfect venue for a creative pastime, whether you are looking for a new hobby or trying to improve your painting skills, art classes at Wingfield Barns will be able to help you. Unlike conventional art groups you will be able to stay for the whole day or for as long as you can, tea & coffee will be provided, bring a packed lunch or treat yourself at the cafe. You will be able to paint or draw your preferred subject in the style and medium of your choice. You will get lots of one to one tuition from a professional artist along with a slide show and a talk on some great paintings by masters past and present. Spaces are limited so booking is essential, call John Parker on 07442 491734 or email for more details, or come along to the Open Day anytime on Tuesday 7th April between 10 - 4. Painters of all abilities will be catered for beginners are welcome. John Parker

Stradbroke Church Village Show The Annual Flower, Vegetable and Produce Show will be held of Saturday 25th July 2015. Potatoes and Buckets for the “heaviest crop in a bucket” are still on sale at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. Schedules are available in the Bakery shop and the Library. Any enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839

Prize Bingo Come along to Stradbroke Community Centre for Prize Bingo on April 24th at 7.30pm, raising funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments plus a flyer to win a Hamper. Please join us for a fun night out! Julie Ward, Secretary, White Hart Bowls Club

Horham & Athelington Community Council Another Archive Film Night, presented by Donny Moyes and Hav Wilkins, Saturday, 28th. March, 7.30 for 8.00 pm. Bar and raffle. In Horham Community Centre. Saturday 16 May, 2 – 5 pm Horham Village Fête An old-fashioned village fête with stalls and sideshows, games and entertainment on the recreation ground. Teas in the Community Centre. Exhibition of local art and crafts in the Old School.(For further details of exhibition Pip 384370 or Christine 384168) In aid of the Playground Fund. Margaret Streeter

Page 21

Kickboxing Eye “Monday” Diss “Wednesday” & Harleston “Friday” Kung Fu Dickleburgh “Tuesday” Bungay “Wednesday” & Needham “Thursday” For Fitness Confidence & Discipline Adrian: 01379 853894 07949 187169

Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307


Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 We will have our Fruit and Vegetable list in the Butchers, or if you phone us we will send you out a copy. .Seed Potatoes , Onion and Shallots available now. Large selection of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Leeks plants available now. Hanging basket and Bedding Plants available from the end of April. Fruit Trees available. Good Deal on Compost . Don't forget Easter. So why not get in early and order her , a lovely Bouquet, Basket of flowers . Or a planter of some plants . If you ever have any Gardening questions , why not come up and see us and Roger will help you out.


Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club Arctic winds, a total eclipse, leafless trees. It must be the cricket season. Nature can change in three weeks, let us hope! By the time you read this, the grass will be cut short, the nets put up, chicken wire protects the hedge from stray cricket balls, the smell of fresh paint heralds summers arrival. What is missing? Cricketers!! The Club needs players of all ages & abilities, to build on last year’s Herculean efforts to keep our heads above water. Adult players contact me on 07796-465347, juniors, ring Tom Smith on 01379-384403. There is something for everyone. Let’s talk money! Fund raising is vital to keep the Club solvent. Our major social event of the year HORSE RACE EVENING takes place on SATURDAY 11th APRIL at COMMUNITY CENTRE. 1st Race 7:30pm. Entry is £8 per person (including Fish & Chips). It is the 15th years of Race Night, so the prizes for winning owners is £15, reflecting this. Because we have to order Fish & Chips, please book with me on the above number by Tuesday 7th April. For anyone who has not attended before, there are 8 races on DVD. You can own a horse for just £2, betting facilities are available at £1. The bar will be open, & there is a raffle. Keep supporting your local Cricket Club! Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Football Club RESULTS: v Elmswell LOST 6 – 0 v Halesworth WON 3 – 1 The last game is on 4th April v Felixstowe Harpers. Home afterwards for presentation of Awards at The Queen’s Head. The last Bingo raised £49.50. The next one is on 10th April – See you there!! The Annual Football Jumble Sale is on 18th April in Community Centre, 10 – 11.30am. Any saleable items, please contact M. Ellis on 01379 384642 Mary Ellis

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Our Pudding Party and blind auction went very well and was well supported, thank you to all those who came along. We raised £636.00 which will certainly help with maintaining the Green. The Green opens on Saturday, 18th April at 2.00 p.m. and we are hoping for a fine day, also we hope to welcome anyone who wants to try bowls as their next exercise challenge, just flat soled shoes is all that is needed. Our Saxmundham League matches begin on the 27th April against Wenhaston. Waveney Triples League matches begin on the 23rd April against Diss & District Bowls club, and then on the 30th April against Thornham Magna. In case you should be contemplating some spring cleaning, we are having our Jumble Sale on Saturday 16th May, 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. in the Community Centre. If you have anything you would like to donate, please get in touch. Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre Another new challenge for 2015! Stradbrokes Go Tri Summer Aquathlon Series. Are you looking for: A training Goal? For motivation? To try something new? Look no further! These fun, social & achievable events are run in association with Triathlon England’s Go Tri initiative to get more people participating in multi-sport events. Entry for these events is now OPEN For more information speak to a member of the team at Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre, or look on Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centres Events page or call 01379384376 Maria Smith

Page 23

THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

Web Site:

For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306

eMail to place your advert here!

Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * Reflexology* *Hot Stone Therapy* *Facials * Body Scrubs/Wraps* *Indian Head Massage* I am only in Brundish,

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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549

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2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.

Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Mon – 10am to 6pm; Wed – 10am to 6pm; Fri - 10am to 6pm Sat – 10am to 4pm; Sun – by appointment (please ring) Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at

STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings

Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder

Tel - 01379 388653

From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253


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E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade

Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702

(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

News & Views

Page 27

MSDC Community Achievement Award Ceremony On Thursday 12th March 2015 the MSDC Community Achievement Award Ceremony was held at Haughley Park Barn. Stradbroke’s very own Maureen John was a recipient of an award and it was a pleasure to accompany her to this event. Congratulations to Maureen and the other recipients from villages throughout the Mid Suffolk District. See the article on the award ceremony using the following link Lynda Ellison-Rose

The ‘Tree -Tunnel’ Footpath at Battlesea Green Now that Spring is on the way and for the moment the mud has disappeared, it is a good time to walk out to Battlesea Green along paths 2, 3 & 4 and to try out the new and very attractive ‘tree-tunnel’ footpath that you will find there. In the past, when you came out of the longstanding tree-tunnel path (4) by the signpost, the footpath used to go right along the edge of the field. It still does, but now you also have a choice. There is a new footpath which stays inside the tree-tunnel, almost as far as Barnes Farm. The Spring flowers will soon be out, so if you would like a good walk (say 3 miles in total), do go and have a look. Gerald Jenkins (384 825)

Do you remember these three Stradbroke artists? Recently, some interesting photographs have recently come to light from Mike Smith, who is in the process of scanning unseen negatives of pictures taken by his father Geoffrey up to fifty years ago. Having seen them, I should like to write an article for the Magazine and the Official Website about three artists who lived in the village in the recent past. I also hope to do another archive talk in the Community Centre in January next year. 1. Some of the photographs show the artist Rufus de Pinto (1904-1976) and his gypsy caravan at Doggetts. I remember him being there and that he had an art gallery in Queen Street, but am not exactly sure where it was. If you have a memory of him and better still, possess any of his paintings, I would be very pleased to hear from you. 2. We also have copies of several paintings by Frank Ward, (1914-1998) but perhaps you have some too, perhaps some originals? They were very popular in the village. It was Frank who designed and carved the original village sign in oak. By 2005/6 the wood was too decayed to leave in place and had to be replaced by a fibreglass copy. This in turn is shortly to be cleaned and repainted. 3. The third artist is John Brunsdon, (1933-2014) who lived and worked until last year in Church Street in what was once the old fire station. His paintings, drawings and etchings are still being cared for by an old friend and are available to be seen and purchased on-line. If you have any information, stories or pictures about them, then I would be very pleased to hear from you. Are there any other artists that I should include? Please phone Gerald Jenkins on 384 825

Bordahoppa – Need help with outings? Borderhoppa is a local Community Transport charity operating in this area. We can pick you up from your home and take you shopping, to work, to your local job club/ job centre or to visit a friend or relative, for appointments at doctors, dentists, hairdressers, vets etc. and take you home again. Borderhoppa is here to help you make all of your journeys with ease. We also run members outings and we hire our mini buses with a driver to local not for profit community groups. Become a member and enjoy the benefits of our door to door service and join us on our monthly organised outings. Membership £6 for 6 months or £10 for 12 months and journeys are priced on distance travelled. Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept concessionary bus passes. Borderhoppa Outings: April 2015 Mon 13th – The Range, Norwich & lunch at The Village Inn, Little Melton - £15 (lunch extra) Mon 20th – Thetford - £10 Mon 27th – Lunch at the Flixton Buck & shopping in Bungay - £8 (lunch extra) May: 2015 Thurs 7th – Lunch at the Chip Inn, Long Stratton - £5 (chips extra) Mon 11th – Cherry Lane Garden Centre, Fritton & Gorleston for shopping - £16 Thurs 21st – Waveney Stardust, Stalham - £25 (includes boat trip). Spaces limited Thurs 28th – Highway Nurseries - £14 If you would like to make a booking please call 01379 854800 Email: or for more information visit our website: Carole Tilston

Page 28

We had an interesting visit from Suffolk Wildlife Trust about encouraging wildlife into the allotment, woodland and orchard. She made several observations. If we want to encourage bug eaters and pollinators to our site we need to make it habitable for them. We need to provide somewhere for them to hide, live and breed. A messy allotment is a haven for wildlife. Piles of canes, compost, pots all give shelter to a number of creatures. As do bonfire piles. Don't just make a pile of rubbish and then burn it at some later date, make a pile, then just before you burn it, move it and make a separate bonfire pile so you are not burning living things that could be beneficial to you. I asked about hedgehogs and she informed me that hedgehogs can climb a fence such as ours! Apparently they have quite long legs. If we find hedgehogs on the site we would need to provide some sort of water for them as once in they may be reluctant to climb out every time they wanted a drink. No loose netting! They can get tangled up in it. Now that is a hard one as netting frequently becomes loose even when you think you have fastened it securely. No slug pellets that can kill other creatures if they eat the slug. Provide good organic matter to the soil that insects love. With the top pond, she suggested planting some plants around the shallow edge side on the bank to provide shade for amphibians. Nothing too invasive though. Keep big trees to a minimum as they just create too much shade and leaf drop makes the water too rich in nutrients which causes invasive plant growth. The wildflower meadow needs cutting three times a year, but two cuts minimum if not possible. Once in spring before the plants have grown too much and then again in summer after the flowers, with the resulting cuttings taken away not just left as this causes a thatch through which the wildflowers will struggle to grow through, leaving the more vigorous plants to thrive and the more fragile ones to die. One way to provide a good shelter for insects is to build an insect hotel. It needs to be placed in an area close to where the insects can feed. A large homemade one is better than one of the small ones on sale for lots of money. Hopefully with these small but valuable contributions we can all encourage ladybirds, snakes, slow worms and other wonderful creatures to come to our plots or gardens and help eat all our vegetable munchers. Helen Pleasance Instead of our usual Spring plant and cake stall SAGA will be holding a coffee morning at the Courthouse. The cafe will be open from 10am until 12 midday serving fresh coffee, tea and homemade cakes and scones. As usual, plants and cakes will be there to buy, and there may well be a surprise raffle‌.. Please do come along and join us, I am sure it will be an enjoyable morning. Judy Andrews 384207. SAGA AGM will be held in the Courthouse at 8 pm on Tuesday the 21st April. Please note the change of time. This is the chance for all members to have their say about what happens on the allotment site and to elect officers for the following year. If you feel you would like to be on the committee in any capacity, please let Gill Palmer or Helen Pleasance know, or indeed just turn up on the night and have your say. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be available. Judy Andrews

Forthcoming events (cont...) Book Sale Sale of books, CDs and DVDs in Huntingfield Village Hut on Saturday 11th April from 10 am to 12 noon. Free admission. Refreshments available. To donate, ring Sue/Joan on 01986 798000/798363 Proceeds to: Hall for All in Huntingfield Sue Lucas

Page 29

Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP

Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : Some evening appointments available


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BOOTY BUILDERS GENERAL BUILDERS THE BRAMBLES, LAXFIELD Renovations Alterations Repairs Listed Buildings Sectional Buildings Joinery New Houses Extensions

M. Daniels (Sid) For control of rats, wasps, mice, moles, hornets, squirrels, ants, cluster flies and fleas.

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Page 30

BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716

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Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221

SPH BULDING SERVICES Brickwork Specialist, General building work & Property Maintenance. Free Quotations & advice. Mobile 07863 164499 Home 01379 388238 E-mail

Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP

Page 31

Loneliness is something many of us never think about when we are surrounded by our family and friends. However, for a great many older people loneliness is a day to day reality and being lonely can significantly affect our health and well-being. Depression, increased stress levels and decreased memory are just some of the ways that being lonely can impact upon our lives. As a doctor I have often seen patients who are lonely but there is no quick fix medicine that can be prescribed to help cure the problem. That is why I have been a strong supporter of the “Shine a light on loneliness� campaign run jointly by Age UK and the East Anglian Daily Times which tackles the growing social problem of isolation and loneliness. It is very sad that five million elderly people in the UK claim that the television is their main form of company. These are people who will have led full and active lives. Not only do they have a great wealth of experience and wisdom, they often have fascinating stories to tell. When I met my elderly constituents in a care home or at a local coffee morning I thoroughly enjoy having the opportunity to talk to them and listen to their stories and experiences. That is why I was delighted to hear that since the Shine a Light on Loneliness campaign was launched in January of this year more than 100 people have approached Suffolk Age UK about volunteering, befriending and providing day services to people who are lonely. Because this is a problem where every single one of us can make a difference and help prevent someone becoming lonely. We just need to make the effort to take time out of our busy lives to talk to our elderly neighbours or make a phone call to a friend or relative who lives alone. Age UK Suffolk has set an excellent example by setting up groups and coffee mornings. I have seen at first hand that the coffee mornings may provide the only opportunity in the week for lonely people to get out of the house and talk to others. Age UK are also doing some very good work in educating older people in the latest technology so that they can keep in touch with friends and family members who may not be close by. Older people have worked hard all their lives contributing to our community and have done a great deal to make our country a better place and it is only right that we do our best to support them. By taking those extra steps to speak and engage with our elderly friends and neighbours we will be more aware of their needs and what we can do to make sure that they remain as active and healthy members of our society. I believe that we have a moral obligation to support older people to combat loneliness as it will help to keep them socially active and able to enjoy their lives. Loneliness is a serious problem in our modern society which we can all help to do something about. No training is needed to make a big difference and help alleviate loneliness in someone’s life. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email using For more information please visit

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Wingfield Barns Community Arts Exhibition starts. Wed – Sun 11- 4pm till Apr 11th Archive Film night at Horham Community Centre, 7.30 for 8pm Richard Digance in concert at Wingfield Barns from 7.30pm Breakfast at the Library from 10am Radio Stradbroke – DJ Wally – “King of Disco” from 10am – 1pm Cricket Force Day 10am – 1pm Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre, 2pm – 4pm Music for Passiontide in Worlingworth Church at 7pm Radio Stradbroke “Pick of the Pops!” from 10am to 3pm, Open Day for New Art Class at Wingfield Barn starts 10am-4pm and every Tuesday Contact Club meet in the Community Centre at 10am to 1.30pm every Tuesday Baptist Church Cameo Lunch Club at 12.30pm WI Meeting at Community Centre at 7.30pm Cash Bingo in aid of Stradbroke Football Club, Community Centre, 7.30pm Cricket Club Annual Horse Race Night, Community Centre 7.30pm. (see inside) Coffee Morning at 18 Castle Crescent, Wingfield Wingfield & District Gardening Club visit to Rod Leeds near Lavenham Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm at Community Centre Stradbroke Craft Club starts 2pm – 4pm at Community Centre Stradbroke Badminton Club at High School, 7.30pm and every Tuesday Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre, 2pm – 4pm Stradbroke Cinema “Mr Turner”, 7pm for 7.30pm at Community Centre. £5.50 Baptist Church Youth Club (Year 8 and above) at 7.30pm **ARTICLES FOR MAY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** SYFC Family Quiz night Community Centre, 7pm SAGA coffee morning and plant stall at the Courthouse, 10 am until 12 midday. Annual Football Jumble Sale, Community Centre, 10-11.30am SAGA AGM, 8pm (note change of time) at the Court House, all welcome. Baptist Church, Drop in for Coffee at 10am Prize Bingo in aid of White Hart Bowls Club. Community Centre at 7.30pm Drive through Scrap Metal Skips at Stradbroke High School, 8am till midday Stradbroke Archive Sunday at Court House, 10am – 2pm, refreshments available St Elizabeth Hospice Cycle Event, see inside. Stradbroke Community Centre Quiz, 7.30pm £10 for team of 4 Art Exhibition at Stradbroke All Saints church starts today and runs until May 4th Stradbroke Cinema “Paddington”, 6.30pm for 7pm at Community Centre. £3 Friends of All Saints Annual Church Path Plant Sale from 10.30am Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre, Earsham Hall 10am – 5pm Court House Café ‘Flavours from the Levant’, 7.30pm, tickets £15, book early! Fun Music Quiz, Laxfield Village Hall iao Colostomy Ass. 7.30pm Court House Café ‘Flavours from the Levant’, 7.30pm, tickets £15, book early! Good Neighbours AGM, Community Centre Club Room, 11am Horham Village Fete on Recreation Ground, 2 – 5pm Cake Stall in aid of All Saint Church

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