The STATellite (February 2011)

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Contents Calendar President’s Message Bylaws Amendments Teachers in Space STAT Legislative Tracker Board Nominations Einstein Fellowship CAST 2011 Preview STAT Around Town: Sightings and Pics Contacts

Bylaws Amendments Cast Your Bylaws Amendment Votes Here: Bylaws Voting Site View the full document of the Bylaws Amendments Here: Bylaws PDF

Your Executive Committee has voted unanimously to restructure our Bylaws to create broader positions and change a few other key items listed below. To make the Bylaw changes official, we need your votes! Please review the summary of proposed changes, and follow the link above to cast your vote. Please remember: you must be logged in as a member to vote for the changes. You may retrieve your password by clicking “Request New Password” and entering your email address, or simply e-mail us at for help. This vote will close on March 17. Article 2: Membership Change types of memberships to have all members as voting members and remove non-voting members from the Bylaws. Membership categories will be individual or business instead of voting or non-voting. Article 3: Affiliate Organizations Lessen the amount of paperwork required for affiliates to remain involved in STAT. Instead of organizational reports of activities, income and expense statements and percentage of STAT members, affiliates will now only submit a membership list and a copy of their previous year’s tax return. Article 4: Meetings Change number of meetings of the Board of Directors to two required meetings instead of four. Change publication of meeting date to the website rather than a quarterly publication. Changes specific months listed in the bylaws to seasons. Article 6: Executive Committee Add three Members At Large to the Executive Committee to increase the number of decision makers. Allow Vice President, Secretary and Members At Large to run for two consecutive terms to permit less turnover. Article 8: Nominations Allow call for nominations for board positions on the STAT website. Make the CAST board meeting the due date for new board nominations and the Executive Committee to approve the slate of officers during the CAST meeting. Allow officer ballots to be voted online for 30 days. Article 10: STAT Committees Change name of Policy/Issues Committee to Policy and Procedures Committee. Remove Regional Conference Committee as these are set up in regions and do not need a STAT appointed committee. Remove Honorary Membership Committee as it is a part of the Awards Committee process to designate honorary members, remove Safety Committee as it is only needed for CAST proposal reviews and will be part of the CAST Manual. Allow CAST Committee details to be written in the CAST Manual to allow for changes from year to year rather than the Bylaws.


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