The Source Magazine Issue 269 October 2023

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Issue 269 | October 2023

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Fam ly EDITOR IN CHIEF Mohammed Al Neyadi MANAGING DIRECTOR Wendy Peach


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The Source FAMILY

Breast Cancer Screening What is breast cancer? Cancer is a disease in which cells become abnormal and form more cells in an uncontrolled way. With breast cancer, the cancer begins in cells that make up the breasts — usually in the tubes that carry milk to the nipple or the glands that make milk. The cancerous cells form a mass of tissue called a tumor. Sometimes, the cancer spreads to other parts of the body What is breast cancer screening? The risk of developing cancer increases, as one gets older. Although some risks have been identified, the causes of breast cancer are not fully understood. The best action is to detect it early by performing regular breast screening, which enables

early treatment. Complete breast cancer screening includes a mammogram, clinical breast exam by a doctor and breast self-exam. Remember, early detection saves lives. What is a mammogram? A mammogram is the best screening tool used today to detect breast cancer. It is an Xray of the breast, and can detect cancer before you notice any problems in your breast. A mammogram can detect the cancer when it is small and easy to treat, often without losing a breast. Health Authority Abu Dhabi recommends that all women undertake a mammogram screening every two years starting from the age of 40 (earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer).

Is it sufficient to only perform regular mammogram screening? Mammograms are very accurate, but they are not perfect. They can find a lump much smaller than you or your doctor can feel, but sometimes they can miss cancer too. That is why it is important to also have a clinical breast exam every 3 years starting at the age of 20 and every 2 years after the age of 40. It is also important to be aware of any changes in the look or feel of your breasts between screenings. What happens on the day of appointment? Bringing your previous mammograms makes it easy for

the radiologists to compare mammograms from year to year to see if there have been any changes. Don’t use deodorant, talcum powder or lotion on your underarms or breasts as these may affect the image quality. You will be called by a female technician. You will be asked few questions- about personal or family history of breast cancer, current breast problems or surgery and the date(s) of your past mammogram(s). In the dedicated mammography room, the female technician will ask you to change to hospital gown which is easy to undress till the waist during procedure. The female technician will show you how to stand close to the machine. In order to visualize the breast tissue and obtain high quality images, your breast will be held between special plates for a few seconds. This will not harm your breast tissue. Some women experience slight discomfort but it should not hurt. Be sure to tell the technician if the pressure becomes painful. How do I get my results? Two radiologists will look at mammogram for signs of breast cancer or other changes and arrive at final conclusion. In a vast majority of women, the mammogram will be normal and results will be ready in 48hours. A small group of women will need further evaluation including a clinical breast exam, further

evaluation including a clinical breast exam, further mammographic views, breast ultrasound or needle biopsy. After evaluation is complete, most of these women will also be found to have nothing wrong. Once the reporting is complete, which usually happens within 48 hours from the procedure, your referring physician will call you for discussion of the results. Our Equipment Our Breast Imaging clinic is equipped with Hologic Genius 3D Mammography. Hologic is the worldwide leader in mammography and breast imaging technology. The new Hologic 3Dimensions system features breakthrough improvements designed to transform the patient experience without compromising on speed, dose or accuracy. Hologic 3Dimensions Mammography system is clinically proven to be more comfortable. What is the best time for a mammogram? A mammogram may be uncomfortable if you have sensitive breasts. If you are still menstruating, plan to have your mammogram within first two weeks after your period, when your breasts are least tender. If you are not menstruating, (postmenopausal) you can have a mammogram anytime. Can mammograms hurt or cause breast cancer?

Modern mammography uses the lowest possible dose of X-rays. Scientific data have shown that doses of 100 to 1000 times greater than those used for mammography are required to show any statistical increase in breast cancer frequency. There is no significant risk of radiation damage to breast tissue from mammography, and the potential risks are greatly outweighed by the benefit of early detection. What if I have breast implants? If you have breast implants, be sure to tell the radiology department during your appointment. Existing implants from breast implants can hide some tissue, making it difficult for a radiologist to see the problem when looking at a mammogram. To see as much of the breast tissue as possible, the radiologist will gently lift the breast tissue away from the implant and take additional pictures of the breast. Book your free mammogram at Kanad Hospital during the month of October!

Dubai Harbour Marinas introduce first ever floating waste collector drone in the UAE Welcoming a new wave of green innovation at its extraordinary seafront district, Dubai Harbour has announced the introduction of the UAE’s first ever PixieDrone. Fitted with a video camera and remote sensing LIDAR technology, the PixieDrone can access small areas and spaces, as it helps sort waste including organic waste, plastics, glass, metal, paper, cloth, rubber and more. It has a 160-litre collection capacity, with up to six hours of operation in autonomous mode. It is also fully compatible with salt water and fresh water. A mark of technological innovation and efficiency, the floating waste collector operates as a remote-controlled autonomous drone that identifies debris on the water’s surface, intercepts them and stores them in an expansive collection tank to be discarded by other means. Its integration into Dubai Harbour becomes a supporting asset for clearing clutter and unattended waste across the UAE’s waters and shores. Introduced by The Searial Cleaners, a French company pioneering efficient solutions for marinas, resorts, docks, and public places, the PixieDrone is approximately 1.62 metres long by 1.15 metres wide and is relatively compact when compared to other clean-up robots. The Source FAMILY


Caring for the Caregiver: 7 Self-Care Strategies for Pink October

It’s that time of year where we shine a big pink spotlight on breast cancer. Pink October is not just about those battling with cancer, it’s a month where we acknowledge and appreciate the tireless efforts of our unsung heroes, caregivers. Caregivers form an integral and indispensable part of the healthcare system. As carers, your contribution goes well beyond practical tasks and logistical support; you step up as advocates, you represent a source of strength, a confidant in moments of fear, and a constant companion through the journey of breast cancer patients. We know that for some, being a caregiver isn’t always a choice. Sometimes life presents us with this role without warning or options, and many courageously step into position out of love, others out of duty, or necessity. Regardless of how you came into this role, your contribution is invaluable.

‘Self care means I’m deserting my loved one.’ It’s common for caregivers to grapple with feelings of guilt when contemplating taking time out for themselves. The weight of responsibility and the deep emotional connection to your loved one can make you feel


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selfish for wanting a moment of respite. I’ve heard people share thoughts of, “I should be doing more,” or that taking time for yourself means “I’m deserting my loved one”. In conversation I often feel the tension between personal needs and caregiving duties, which often results in carers putting self-care on the backburner. We need to challenge this outdated misconception that selfcare is a selfish indulgence or a luxury. Rather self-care serves as a crucial mechanism for rejuvenating and replenishing yourself as an individual. Taking time for self-care is an act of love, both for yourself and the person you care for. It prevents burnout and equips you to provide the best possible care and emotional support. It’s about finding a balance between your own health and well-being without neglecting your responsibilities to those you care for. Self-care is important for sustaining your caregiving role, and here are 7 practical tips for nurturing your mental and emotional well-being:

Prioritize Your Health Do not ignore signs of physical or mental illness or that you’re struggling. It’s easy to neglect your own health needs and set it aside for later consideration.

But if you’re unwell or not physically or mentally at your best it impacts your ability to give the person, you’re caring for 100 per cent. Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider and try to follow through on recommendations. Also, remember these fundamental health pillars: adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

Build and Utilise Your Support Network Who do you have in your network? Do you have someone that can help you run errands when stuck? Having people that can provide practical, or informational support to help you in your role is important. Do not be afraid to delegate tasks and accept help. Sharing caregiving responsibilities can prevent burnout and ensure better care for your loved one. Are you part of a caregiver’s support group? Support groups can provide a valuable platform to share experiences and find reassurance. Do you have anyone you can lean on for emotional support? Cultivate relationships with people you can confide in and share your experiences and feelings with. Do not neglect your friendships,

Dr Bisi Laniyan, Clinical Psychologist, Adult Specialist

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spend time with friend and family doing non-caregiving activities.

Set Boundaries It’s okay to say no and recognize when your cup is full. Setting boundaries allows you to preserve your own well-being. Establish reasonable expectations, you realistically cannot meet every need of your loved one, and you may need to accept that. To reduce stress and burden establish a routine that works for you, ensure to designate certain hours each day for activities, including self-care.

Expressive and Creative Outlets These are hobbies and activities that bring you joy and provide an opportunity to unwind. This can include visual art, such as drawing, painting, or music, or movement such as dance or sport. You might be into crafts like knitting or maybe you enjoy cooking or writing. Whatever the activity, these outlets offer a sense of accomplishment and a break from caregiving duties. These activities serve as a means of self-expression and reflection, contributing to the rejuvenation of your body, mind, and emotions.

Little Daily Breaks Practice mindful breathing exercises throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Deep, intentional breaths can ease stress and bring about a feeling of calm. Mealtimes can be turned into a self-care ritual. Instead of rushing, savour your food, mindfully paying attention to flavours, 14

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textures, and the experience of eating. This small thing can represent a moment of tranquillity in your day. What about audiobooks or podcasts? They can be a form of mental escape and relaxation. There are many audios that share inspirational stories which can be an encouragement or give you a boost. Fictional stories are great at transporting listeners to different worlds, giving you respite from your daily routine.

Big Breaks This will vary from person to person and is based on your personal circumstances. For some, realistically, a big break might mean taking an afternoon off. For others it could include a weekend away or longer break. The key is recognising when you need extended time for yourself and actively plan for it. During your big break you could partake in retreats or workshops designed specifically for caregivers, go on a walk, take yourself out for a coffee or meal. These longer rest breaks are essential for recharging and preventing burnout.

Celebrate Your Wins and Mark Milestones Recognizing and celebrating the milestones and achievements, both big and small, in your caregiving journey allows you to validate the incredible work you do. It’s an opportunity to appreciate your efforts and accomplishments in a demanding and often emotionally challenging role. Acknowledging these moments,

reminds you that you are making a positive difference in someone’s life, which can help you gain a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. As carers it’s easy to tirelessly attend to the needs of your loved ones and overlook your own well-being. It’s important to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you offer to your loved ones. Your dedication and compassion make a profound difference in the lives of those you care for, and you deserve every bit of support and self-care you can give yourself, not only during Pink October but throughout the year. In nurturing yourself, you equip yourself to provide the best care and emotional sustenance, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for both you those you care for. You can find out more about Dr Bisi Laniyan in the meet the team section of the website. For more information about the services, we offer or to book an appointment please contact us on +971 4 575 5684, at or through the chat function in the bottom right corner of the website.

Are you ready for a wave of excitement? Make a splash at the action-packed Hudayriyat Dragon Boat Race Weekend on Hudayriyat Island, Abu Dhabi’s premier sports and leisure hub developed by Modon Properties. Join the ultimate clash of paddles, set against the stunning backdrop of Marsana’s shores. The 200-meter water races will span six categories: Open, Mixed, Women, Corporate, Community, and Schools/Universities. Within each category, teams will compete in heats, semi-finals, and ultimately the finals. Spectators are welcome.

The Hudayriyat Dragon Boat Race Series is one of the signature events of Hudayriyat Sports that reinforces the emirate’s reputation as an international sporting hub and adds yet another unique experience to Hudayriyat Island’s sports calendar. Dragon boat racing, an ancient tradition hailing from China, exemplifies the beauty of embracing diverse cultures, fosters team spirit, and promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. The sport has a well-established presence in the region with a dedicated community of enthusiasts from diverse nationalities, who have cultivated strong connections through numerous national and international events over the years.

If you are 14 years or older and want to be part of this adrenaline-fueled race, use code HDBRS231 to get a 25% discount when you register through this link:

Registration closes on 10th October 2023 Location: Marsana, Hudayriyat Island Event Dates: October 14 – 15 Timings: 8am – 6pm Entry fee: Individual – 250 AED Team: 2500 AED - 5000 AED

Dragon Boat Boat Dragon Race Series Series makes makes its its debut debut at at Race

Hudayriyat Island Island Hudayriyat

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Simple and Nutritious Lunchbox Ideas for School


The Source FAMILY

As the school year kicks off, it’s vital to ensure children have the best possible start. This doesn’t just mean sharpened pencils and new uniforms, but also nutritious meals to help fuel their brains and bodies throughout the academic day. The relationship between nutrition and cognitive development in children is undeniable. Studies show that proper nutrition not only enhances focus and memory but also facilitates better problem-solving skills. Conversely, a lack of balanced nutrition can lead to concentration difficulties and even behavioural issues, underlining the importance of a well-rounded diet in these formative years. “Offering a well-balanced meal to our children is essential for their energy levels and concentration during school hours,” highlights Dr. Mona Mobarak, a certified nutritionist working closely with Abu Dhabi 360.”A nourishing lunch can optimise a child’s focus, memory, and overall learning capability, helping them grasp new concepts with ease.” In collaboration with Dr. Mona Mobarak, Abu Dhabi 360 has prepared a series of simple, delicious, and nutritious lunchbox recipes to help give families the right fuel for a successful school year:

Turkey & Avocado Wrap: The combination of turkey and avocado provides a rich source of proteins and healthy fats, whilst the whole grain tortilla offers fibre, promoting a steady release of energy.

Add a dash of honey mustard for sweet tang and reap the rewards of antioxidants, beneficial for overall health.

Quinoa Salad: Quinoa, a grain rich in protein, pairs brilliantly with the hydration and vitamins from cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. Elevate the salad with a sprinkle of feta cheese for extra calcium, and lightly drizzle with olive oil and lemon zest which add flavour and additional nutrients.

Incorporating brain-boosting foods into children’s diet is just as important as fostering healthy eating habits from a young age. The benefits extend beyond physical health, directly contributing to a child’s academic performance. Whether families are looking for breakfast ideas or delicious dinner spreads, the Abu Dhabi 360 app is a onestop source for wholesome recipes suitable for any occasion.

Hummus Veggie Sandwich: Hummus, made from chickpeas is packed with protein and fibre, essential for brain function, and veggies act as a great source of added hydration and vitamins. Finish with a whole grain bread for long-lasting energy throughout the day,

Chicken Pesto Pasta: Chicken offers lean protein essential for tissue repair, while whole grain pasta ensures sustained energy release, perfect for a long-school day, The pesto sauce adds a delightful flavour and also contains basil, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Fruit & Yogurt Parfait: Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and probiotics, which are praised for gut health. Combined with granola and berries, this simple and delicious parfait dish becomes a symphony of antioxidants, dietary fibre, and essential nutrients that can boost cognitive function. The Source FAMILY



The Source FAMILY

Heart-Healthy Eating: 7 Nourishing Foods for a Stronger Heart Maintaining a robust heart is not just about regular exercise, but also about what we consume daily. Our diet plays an essential role in ensuring the optimal health of our heart and the overall circulatory system. Research highlights those certain foods, rich in specific nutrients, have the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve cardiovascular health. “Incorporating heart-healthy foods into our daily routine can make a significant difference in preventing heart diseases and boosting overall health,” emphasises Dr. Mona Mobarak, a Certified Nutritionist working with Abu Dhabi 360. In collaboration with Dr. Mona Mobarak, Abu Dhabi 360 presents a curated list of heart-nourishing foods, ensuring both taste and health: Salmon & Leafy Greens: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is known for its heart-protective properties. Pair it with spinach or kale to benefit from the added magnesium and fibre. Oatmeal & Berries: Oats contain soluble fibre which helps lower cholesterol levels. Topping them

with berries adds a dose of antioxidants and natural sweetness. Nuts & Seeds: Walnuts, almonds, and chia seeds are fantastic for heart health, thanks to their omega-3 fatty acids and fibre content. Remember, portion control is key! Avocado Toast: This superfood is rich in monounsaturated fats and potassium, both essential for heart health. Serve on whole grain toast for added fibre.

gies, this dish becomes a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Maintaining a balanced diet, focusing on portion control, and reducing sodium intake are the cornerstones of heart health. While it’s essential to indulge occasionally, making nutrient-rich ingredients a regular part of our diet can significantly enhance our heart’s longevity and efficiency. For more detailed tips and hearthealthy recipes, the Abu Dhabi 360 app is a one-stop source for all wellness enthusiasts.

Lentil Soup: Lentils are a good source of protein, fibre, and several essential minerals that are beneficial for the heart. Tofu Stir-fry: Tofu is rich in polyunsaturated fats, making it an excellent choice for heart health. Incorporate colourful veggies for added nutrients. Roasted Vegetables & Quinoa: Quinoa is gluten-free and high in protein. When combined with veg-

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Understanding the Different

Heart Health Specialists You May Need to See

Cardiologists are doctors who work with the heart and blood vessels. They diagnose, treat, and work to prevent diseases of the heart, such as coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, congenital heart disease, and more. They also act as consultants to other physicians. In recognition of World Heart Day, St. George’s University (SGU) Grenada, in the Caribbean, provides an overview of what a cardiologist is and the different specialties within cardiology. Given how widespread heart disease is today, cardiologists are needed more than ever. The World Heart Federation reveals that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the Middle East and North Africa region and is responsible for more than one-third of all deaths, approximately 1.4 million people, every year. Most patients see a cardiologist when they are referred by their general practitioner. They may be experiencing shortness of breath, heart murmurs, electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, or chest pain. A cardiologist can then examine these symptoms to diagnose a condition and create an effective treatment or management plan. Cardiologists are also involved in more serious cases. Their

expertise is needed for surgeries performed on the organs in the chest. Cardiologists work in both outpatient settings and hospitals. When they see a patient, they typically perform a physical exam. They may also order some tests, such as ECGs, X-rays, or blood work. Different types of cardiologists

Cardiology is a subspecialty of internal medicine and in 2023, SGU placed over 350 graduates into US internal medicine residencies*. But cardiology itself also has a number of subspecialties of its own. The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) offers certification in these areas: Advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology:

Doctors who practice this cardiovascular subspecialty manage advanced heart failure cases and transplant patients. These cardiologists perform surgical procedures and act as consultants for other physicians managing patients with significant heart failure. Adult congenital heart disease:

Doctors who focus on adult congenital heart disease work with patients who have one or more defects in their heart or blood vessel structures. They often need to coordinate with numerous other providers to provide long-term care.

Clinical cardiac electrophysiology:

Physicians who subspecialize in clinical cardiac electrophysiology focus on managing complex heart rhythm disorders. These specialists perform both noninvasive and invasive diagnostic procedures. They prescribe medication, implant electrical devices, and leverage other international techniques. Interventional cardiology:

Interventional cardiology involves specialized imaging and diagnostic techniques to evaluate different areas of the cardiovascular system. Many of these procedures are performed using a catheter. Advanced cardiovascular imaging:

Cardiologists who specialize in advanced imaging have extensive training in Advanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Cardiovascular Computed Tomographic (CCT). It’s clear that this essential role involves everything from disease prevention to managing complex conditions. If heart disease does run in your family, make sure to discuss it with your general practitioner. They may end up referring you to a cardiologist if cardiovascular problems become an issue. * As the medical school graduating the largest number of students per year, SGU places the largest number of graduates into residency programs each year, based on internal SGU graduate/expected graduate and residency placement data as of June 2023.

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Antarctica in Abu Dhabi:

an icy adventure awaits with penguins at SeaWorld® Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, the region’s first Marine Life Theme Park, welcomes guests to the coldest of its eight realms: Antarctica! Here, penguins are the main attraction with six different species – King, Gentoo, Rockhopper, Chinstrap, Macaroni and Adelie penguins – ready to charm guests of all ages. From the regal stature of King penguins to the distinctive charm of the Macaroni penguins, guests will have the chance to observe and learn more about these amazing animals up close while also feeling the realm’s frosty climate simulating the planet’s coldest region – the land where the penguins reign. SeaWorld Abu Dhabi General Curator, Rob Yordi, said: “Guests venturing into the Antarctica realm at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will be transported to the icy realms of our South Pole, where they will be met by our six different species of penguins and witness their playful antics and engaging behaviors up close with educators ready to answer any questions guests may have about our penguins. Simultaneously, guests can also enjoy a fun time at Penguin Play – an elevated play area with slides, net climbing and soft play elements. As for


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the penguins themselves, our state-of-the-art, dynamic penguin habitat ensures optimal conditions for our penguins all year round. We’ve made it our mission to provide an authentic and enriching environment for these fascinating animals, whilst offering our visitors an immersive Antarctic experience.” The well-being of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi’s Antarctic ambassadors is top priority, with a dedicated expert zoological team ensuring that the habitat’s air temperature is maintained at a cool 1°C and the water at a crisp 7°C, providing an ideal climate for the penguins. Furthermore, the Advanced Animal Lighting System (AALS) has been installed to replicate the seasonal changes of Antarctica. This sophisticated approach guarantees optimal welfare conditions for the penguins throughout the year, whether it’s during the molting season, nesting season, or any other day. To purchase tickets or learn more about SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, please visit To learn more about penguins at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, please visit

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The Source FAMILY

Dubai’s Own Dr. Barbara Sobczak Brings Her Dental Magic to TLC in a Heartwarming New Show Dubai-based dentist Dr. Barbara Sobczak is set to shine in her very own TLC show, Dr. Implant Master, showcasing her exceptional skills and unwavering compassion in helping patients with unique teeth conditions regain their confidence and smile without shame. In this heartwarming series, Dr. Sobczak becomes a beacon of hope for those who have long concealed their smiles behind closed lips or resorted to dentures. The show introduces viewers to The Sobczak Concept®, a groundbreaking, fully digital implant treatment protocol developed by Dr. Sobczak herself, tai-

lored specifically for patients with residual or without teeth. “I am truly excited to share m y journey and the transformative power of The Sobczak Concept® with viewers on this TLC show. It’s not just about restoring teeth; it’s about restoring lives and giving people the confidence to smile again. I believe that every smile has the potential to change lives, and I’m honored to be a part of these incredible transformations.” Dr. Barbara Sobczak. Each episode of this captivating show follows a new patient’s personal journey as they entrust Dr. Sobczak with their den-

tal transformation. With her expertise and care, Dr. Sobczak restores their smiles and empowers them to embrace life free of embarrassment and insecurity. Join us as we witness the incredible physical and emotional transformations that take place under the skilled hands of Dr. Barbara Sobczak. Discover how a smile can change lives in this remarkable new TLC series. Dr. Implant Master will air every Saturday as of 7 October at 21:25h on TLC. It can also be streamed on the discovery+ library of STARZPLAY and stc/Jawwy TV.

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TOUGH MUDDER INFINITY TO LAND IN THE MIDDLE EAST, MAKING HISTORY AT ALULA Inaugural 8-hour Tough Mudder Infinity competition set to take center stage in AlUla on 24th February 2024 A record-breaking prize pot is up for grabs, as well as tickets that include food, accommodation and a fully immersive AlUla experience


The Source FAMILY

ough Mudder, the global leader in obstacle course races has announced the debut of Tough Mudder Infinity in the Middle East. The ultra-endurance obstacle course race (OCR) event will take place on Saturday 24 February 2024 at one of the world’s top destinations, AlUla, offering participants an unparalleled experience of a physical and mental challenge. Tough Mudder Infinity is an 8-hour competition, challenging participants to complete as many laps of a Tough Mudder course as they can. The event will offer one of the largest prize pots in the history of OCR. Participants can enter Tough Mudder Infinity as individuals or as part of a team. This unique format allows participants to bond with friends, colleagues or family members and conquer the course together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement. Nic Cartwright, Tough Mudder Middle East license holder, said: “We are thrilled to bring this ground-breaking Tough Mudder Infinity event to AlUla, showcasing the region’s commitment to pushing boundaries and promoting an active lifestyle. The scenic

and challenging landscape of AlUla will serve as the perfect backdrop for this exhilarating event.” Taking place in AlUla, an ancient oasis city located in the northwest of Saudi Arabia, the event will welcome participants from the Tough Mudder community, promising an immersive experience amidst the captivating desert and oasis landscape and boasting an array of renowned and challenging obstacles. AlUla boasts a remarkable human history spanning over 200,000 years, with continuous human civilisations thriving for over 7,000 years. The remnants of these civilisations have left behind a rich tapestry of traces, historical artifacts, and evidence of their ways of life. Furthermore, the region is characterised by its remarkable flora and fauna, creating a unique atmosphere worth exploring. Rami AlMoallim, Vice President of Destination Management and Marketing at the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) said: “AlUla is one of the most captivating tourist destinations in the region, and we are pleased to part-

ner with Tough Mudder to host this unique sporting event for the first time in the Middle East. AlUla continues to delight visitors with its annual calendar of AlUla Moments shows and events, and we look forward to hosting fans of this very special sport in AlUla.” Alongside Tough Mudder Infinity, there will also be 5km and 10km Tough Mudder races on the same day for new and returning Mudders, providing a range of challenges suitable for participants of different fitness levels. Tickets for the AlUla Tough Mudder event will be available for purchase from November. Register your interest at https:// events/alula/ As part of the ticket purchase, participants will receive a comprehensive package that includes race entry, two nights’ accommodation in a comfortable tented camp (complete with tents and mattresses), airport transfers, food, and access to an array of entertainment. For more information, visit:

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Sting To Headline Atlantis The Palm’s Spectacular New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Atlantis, The Palm today announces that the iconic artist Sting will grace the stage at the entertainment destination’s unforgettable New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner. Featuring a set list of chart-topping hits and fan favourites, revellers can look forward to a rollicking performance to truly enter the new year in style. Atlantis, The Palm continues to lead Dubai’s entertainment scene with worldclass performances, spectacles, and events, and the 2023 New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner promises guests another extraordinary experience. Sting, whose illustrious career has spanned decades and continues to captivate audiences worldwide, is set to deliver an incredible performance of his much-loved hits during the highly anticipated evening. Renowned for his distinctive voice, poetic lyrics, and electrifying stage presence, Sting will showcase his greatest songs including “Every Breath You Take”, “Englishman in New York,” “Desert Rose,” and many more. His unique blend of rock, pop, jazz, and reggae influences is sure to leave a lasting impression. Only those attending the Gala Dinner can attend Sting’s spectacular live show followed by one of Dubai’s largest and most stunning fireworks and pyrotechnic displays, spanning from Atlantis, The Palm to the world’s most ultra-luxury experiential resort, Atlantis The Royal. Timothy Kelly, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Atlantis Dubai, said, “With an iconic presence worldwide and known as a true superstar, we are incredibly excited to welcome Sting as our headline act this year.

Our New Year’s Eve Gala Dinners have earned a notable reputation in the region, and with Sting joining the ranks of Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogue, we anticipate another extraordinary milestone in 2023. We look forward to giving our guests one of the most memorable evenings of their lives as we ring in the new year.” With this year’s masquerade ball theme, the New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner at Atlantis, The Palm, is undoubtedly Dubai’s most glamorous celebration in the city. Set on a custom-built deck under the starlit sky, overlooking Palm Island and the sparkling skyline, the legendary event will begin at 7:30pm with a selection of canapés and welcome drinks. As guests move into the beautiful outdoor space, they will be greeted by a 30-piece live band along with free-flowing Champagne and unlimited premium alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, sure to keep the celebratory spirits high. Throughout the evening, guests will be able to savour a delicious buffet with something for everyone, ranging from lobster to caviar, complemented by live cooking stations and a magnificent selection of handcrafted desserts, cakes and petit fours. Little ones attending the celebration will be invited to a party of their own in the Asateer Tent. The celebration will feature an enormous slide, bouncy castle, an outdoor cinema, games stalls, arts, and crafts and much more. Gala Dinner Package AED 6,500 for ages 14 and above AED 4,500 for ages 4 to 13

Free for children under 3 Rouge Circle Package Guests can upgrade to the ‘Rouge Circle’ which offers private prime seating. AED 7,500 for ages 14 and above AED 4,500 for ages 4 to 13 Free for children under 3 Golden Circle Package Guest can upgrade to the ‘Golden Circle’ which offers private prime seating in front of the stage, unlimited Premium Champagne, caviar box with personalised truffle service, and upgraded premium wines and spirits. AED 9,500 ages 14 and above AED 6,500 ages 13 and below To book, visit or call 971 4 426 2626. Join Atlantis, The Palm, for a charming evening of music, glamour, and celebration as Sting headlines the New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner on December 31, 2023. Stay tuned for additional New Year’s Eve celebration options in Atlantis Dubai to be shared soon. The World Tennis League (WTL) has today revealed English iconic band, UB40 featuring Ali Campbell, The Original Wailers featuring Al Anderson, and Trojan Sound System as its first artists for this year’s sporting and entertainment event in Abu Dhabi, with the stars to perform in a special ‘Reggae Night’ concert on Saturday 23rd December.

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Saba Plant-Based Introduces New Range of Kefir Alternatives to Enhance Gut Wellness

Home-grown organic healthy food brand Saba Plant-Based introduces the latest addition to their probiotic product range – Plant-Based Kefir. Made with gut loving ingredients such as organic coconut milk, live vegan kefir cultures, fresh fruit and agave syrup, the drink comes in three flavours - Natural, Vanilla, or Mango-Pineapple. Kefir can be consumed as a drink by itself or as a plant-based alternative for smoothies, over cereal, or as salad dressings. Launching this October, Saba Plant-Based Kefir will be available to purchase from www. for AED14 per bottle and available across all major UAE supermarkets. After four successful years in operations, Saba Plant-Based has become a well-known household food brand across the UAE and has significantly influenced the plant-based food sector. Beginning with locally brewed kombucha and later diversifying into a variety of plant-based yogurts and drinking yogurts, the brand is committed to integrating premium organic ingredients with handcrafted recipes.


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Continuously expanding and evolving the product range of Saba Plant-Based is essential to meet the increasing demand of a growing sector. Kefir is a staple across Middle Eastern diets and households, and now Saba Plant-Based offers a dairy-free alternative. Saba Kefir is made with 100% vegan, natural, and preservative free ingredients. The fermentation process combines organic coconut milk with kefir and is kept at 24 degrees Celsius for 12-48 hours. The result is a delicious, probiotic-rich coconut milk kefir, offering significant benefits for the digestive system. Apart from its digestive benefits, the versatile drink is also good for strengthening the immune system, stabilizing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and aiding weight loss. “We are excited to launch our first Plant-Based Kefir. At Saba Plant-Based, we’re proud of our local roots. Which is why we pasteurize and slowly ferment

all our 100% organic, natural, probiotic-rich products, right here in the U.A.E. Using handcrafted, artisanal recipes, we ferment every batch of kombucha, vegan yoghurt, drinking yoghurts and kefir in small quantities to ensure the perfect balance of naturally occurring live, active cultures.” Says Sabrina Hamdoune, co-founder of Saba Plant-Based. Saba Plant-Based which was founded in 2019 and was the first brand to locally brew organic certified Kombucha in the UAE. Within four years, the sustainable brand’s offerings rapidly expanded to include an assortment of Plant-Based products such as coconut milk yoghurt (cocogurt), oat milk yoghurt (oatgurt), and now Plant-Based Kefir. Each product is made locally, organic certified, contains natural probiotics, and contains no refined sugar. The full gut-healthy product range is available to buy directly on or via partner supermarkets.

Come on Barbie, let’s watch on STARZPLAY!

The wait is over! STARZPLAY, one of the leading video-on-demand subscription (SVOD) services in the region, is bringing the summer blockbuster which crossed the billion-dollar mark- “Barbie” to its platform, straight from the theatres. Fans eagerly waiting for the movie to hit streaming, tune into STARZPLAY and watch Greta Gerwig’s blockbuster starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling and get ready to immerse in the perfect-pink world of the Barbie Land. “Barbie”, which offers a live-action interpretation of the Barbie universe is a delightful cinematic journey that brings the iconic characters Barbie and Ken to life set in Barbie Land, where Barbies are leaders, pioneers, and rulers. Their lives take an exhilarating turn when they seize the chance to ven-

ture into the real world, where they experience the joys and challenges of living among humans. The star-studded blockbuster stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as Barbie and Ken, alongside Simu Liu, Issa Rae, Kate McKinnon, Dua Lipa, Hari Nef, Alexandra Shipp, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Sharon Rooney, and more as fellow Barbies and Kens. In the Real World, there’s America Ferrera and Ariana Greenblatt as the human heroes, and Will Ferrell, Jamie Demetriou, Connor Swindells, and others as the big bad Mattel folks. Greta Gerwig has previously directed many compelling movies including “Lady Bird” and “Little Women”. MENA viewers who haven’t watched the movie yet and those who wish to immerse in the pink wonderland again, tune into STARZPLAY and watch the cine-

matic marvel anytime, anywhere and from any device. Upon sign-up, new and returning subscribers to STARZPLAY can enjoy complimentary access to the movie until October 8th. While existing subscribers have the option to either rent the movie for AED 73.99 or buy it for AED 94.99 through TVOD, STARZPLAY’s subscription-free service which allows users access to box office movies immediately after theatrical runs. With thousands of hours of premium content including the best western content, Arabic shows, Turkish favourites, anime, and live sports, STARZPLAY is fast solidifying its position as a leading multi-faceted entertainment hub. The service is available in 19 countries across the MENA for fans to enjoy quality content anytime, anywhere, and from any device. The Source FAMILY 31

The Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center Welcomes the Public and Launches Inspiring Science Talks Series The Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, the first and only integrated research, rescue, rehabilitation, return Center in the region, is delighted to announce that it is officially open to the public. In addition to opening its doors, the Center is excited to introduce a series of engaging and informative science talks, offering a unique opportunity for the community to delve into the fascinating world of marine sciences and natural history. Starting from September 21st, the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center invites the public to attend a series of enriching science talks organized in collaboration with Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), Emirates Natural History Group (ENHG), Nautica Environmental Associates (NEA) and the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi. Dr. Elise Marquis, Director of the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center, said: “This Center was developed as a place for discovery, education and conservation. As we open our doors to the public and launch this collaborative science talks series, we aim to ignite a passion for natural sciences and natural history of the Arabian region as well as encourage active participation in environmental conservation efforts in Abu Dhabi and beyond. For the Center, this is a


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significant step in our mission to foster a deeper understanding of our underwater world and its importance to us and the planet. It is essential that these talks are organized in partnership with key stakeholders in Abu Dhabi, harnessing the wealth of scientific knowledge and networks available, making it an exciting collaboration given the abundance of great minds and natural wonders in the UAE.” Centered on the topic of corals, the highly attended inaugural science talk included presentations by esteemed experts including Dr. Gerrit Nanninga, marine biologist at the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center, who introduced participants to corals and coral reef ecosystems. He was joined by Hamad Al Jailani, assistant scientist in marine habitats at EAD, who provided insights on the corals of Abu Dhabi. This session was followed by Dr. Trent Haydon, microbiologist and coral biologist at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYU Abu Dhabi), who explored corals and their microbial counterparts. The event, designed to encourage an open discussion on the future of coral research and conservation, set the stage for a series of science talks that will be held at the facility once a month. The series of monthly science talks featuring insights from local and international experts is scheduled to continue

and will cover a wide variety of topics from shark ecology to cuttlefish breeding to geology and climate change. The events are free to attend, but pre-booking is mandatory. Interested participants can reserve their spot by filling out a form on the Center’s website and presenting a confirmation email upon arrival. Drawing on SeaWorld’s extensive legacy in marine life conservation, the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center brings SeaWorld’s 60 years of experience in marine wildlife rescue operations, marine science research, education and preservation to the UAE and the wider region. In partnership with SeaWorld® Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, the Center conducts educational workshops and lectures to raise awareness about marine sciences and marine wildlife conservation. Open to the public from September 18th, the facility will host three tours per week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. The tours will be guided by members of the education team and will include in-depth explanations of the facilities and capabilities of the center. To join tours at the Center, pre-booking is essential, with a fee of AED 30 per person. To find out more about the science talk at the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center, please visit To book a guided tour of the Yas SeaWorld® Research & Rescue Center, please visit research-and-rescue/guided-tour.

ASICS REACHES NEW LEVELS OF COMFORT FOR A STABILITY SHOE WITH LANDMARK GEL-KAYANO™ 30 combination of lightweight FF BLAST™ PLUS ECO cushioning, and an increased 4mm in stack height. The result of all these advancements is a shoe so comfortable it barely feels like a stability shoe at all. In test conducted by ASICS Institute of Sport Science in Kobe the GEL-KAYANO™ 30 delivers significant improvements in comfort to its predecessor. Testers also experienced that the shoe was even more comfortable after long runs than when they first put them on. ASICS has launched the new GEL-KAYANO™ 30 running shoe, featuring brand new adaptive technology to provide runners with exceptional stability and unprecedented comfort for the full duration of a run – from first stride, until last. The landmark 30th iteration of the iconic GEL-KAYANO™ series is the result of ASICS Design Philosophy. This unique approach embodies ASICS’ long-standing commitment to rigorous user testing, biomechanical science, sustainability and decades of continuous innovation to create products that feel best for both body and mind. It is this approach that has enabled the creation of the GEL-KAYANO™ 30. The shoe reimagines the level of comfort that can be achieved in a stability shoe through the inclusion of new 4D GUIDANCE SYSTEM™ technology that supports runners by adapting to pronation changes over the course of a run caused by fatigue. Instead of bracing the feet to restrict movement, the 4D GUIDANCE SYSTEMTM features an integrated design that works with movement of the body to continue providing optimum stability and enhanced comfort when a runner needs it most. GEL-KAYANO™ 30 has also been specially developed to deliver softer landings thanks to its new PureGEL™ technology, providing increased shock absorption and smoother transitions for the runner. In addition, the shoe features improved comfort and speed through a

Chad Mullavey, Global Product Line Manager for stability products, said: “Powered by our unrelenting belief and commitment to ASICS’ unique Design Philosophy, we have been working for years to find a way to create a shoe that delivers the reliable stability that runners have come to expect from the GEL-KAYANO™ series, while reaching new levels of comfort. We are delighted in what we have achieved with GEL-KAYANO™ 30, andare excited to see the impact it can have for runners in delivering enhanced stability and comfort for the full duration of a run.” Alexander (AJ) Andrassy, Global Director of Performance Running Footwear said: “There’s a reason why the GEL-KAYANO™ shoe is an ASICS legend. For years it has been a fan favorite for runners looking to take on everything from 5km races to full marathons. That’s why we are so excited to make such a landmark development for GEL-KAYANO™ 30. The new shoe offers advanced stability, comfort and cushioning – all while weighing less - to deliver a fit and ride that’s better than ever. We can’t wait to see the impact it will have for runners everywhere.” The new GEL-KAYANO™ 30 is now available at all official ASICS retailer stores including Sun & Sand Sports, GoSport, Intersport and online with an RSP of AED 795 + VAT. Runners when considering the product will benefit for the first time from ASICS labelling the shoe with its total amount of CO2e emissions emitted across its lifecycle, enabling consumers to make an informed purchase decision when it comes to the shoe’s environmental impact. The Source FAMILY 33

Blueprints in Real Size: Lifesize Plans Launches Middle East Franchise in UAE

Australian-based, Lifesize Plans opened its latest franchise location in Dubai bringing its first-ofits-kind concept to the UAE and the wider Middle East. Owning the world’s first patented, real-scale walkthrough technology, Lifesize Plans facilitates the visualization of construction projects in real time rather than imagining it from a blueprint. As off-plan commercial and residential projects continue to launch expeditiously across the UAE and the wider region, Lifesize Plans offers a market solution that aims to mitigate risk for buyers and facilitates a core client-centered service for developers and sellers. With its state-of-the-art integrated projection technology, Lifesize Plans enlarges floorplans for residential, commercial, and industrial properties at a real-life 1:1 scale and projects onto the floor at their spacious collaborative space in the Al Quoz, Dubai’s leading creative neighborhood. Prospective homeowners, design professionals, architects, property developers, and other key stakeholders can then see their complete project including upper and lower floors, landscaped areas, common areas, and more before investing in construction. Whether it is moving from one room to another or passing through a hallway, clients can get a clear idea of their dream space and make real time changes from


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their laptop. Additionally, there is a large white screen on the wall for further visualization.

the layout and engage with the space in order to perfect their dream vision and design.

The Dubai franchise was secured and developed by three partners, CEO Georges Calas who will oversee operations, alongside key investors Emirati National, Omar AlShamsi and Saudi National Sultan Al Hejailan to provide key market insight across core geographies. With an imminent focus on the UAE, Lifesize Plans aims to expand across KSA and the wider region as real estate demand accelerates.

Lifesize Plans aims to build clients’ confidence and trust during the early stages of construction by helping them visualize their project in a real and life-size scale before financially investing in any construction costs. According to statistics, Dubai’s real estate market witnessed a 38% growth in off-plan transactions during the first half of 2023, making Lifesize Plans a beneficial industry tool for those looking to purchase and transform off-plan properties in the region.

Georges Calas, CEO of Lifesize Plans Dubai comments, ‘Opening the Dubai franchise is a strategic operational milestone for Lifesize as we aspire to become an integral component of the global real-estate sector’s design and pre-construction phases. The Middle East and the UAE, in particular, continue to offer attractive real-estate investment options considered across the globe, many currently being offplan aligned with the region’s forward growth trajectory. Our aim is to provide a collaborative and safe space to connect our customers to their projects facilitating efficient planning and security in real-estate investments.’ Alongside the projections, Lifesize Plans provides faux movable furniture, props, measuring tapes as well as partition walls to help clients get a true feel of

Although digital technology has quickly advanced over the years, neither the best CGI render nor the most immersive VR experience can replicate the feel of being in an enhanced physical space.

With Lifesize Plans, walking through a floorplan at a one-to-one scale brings the client one step closer to their dream project.

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#AbuDhabiGP brings world-class hospitality line-up to F1 season finale


The Source FAMILY

As Formula 1 prepares to return for the second half of the 2023 season, and with a limited number of experience packages remaining, the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 is set to feature an award-winning line-up of international cuisine and incredible dining experiences for fans to enjoy while the 10 teams race around the Yas Marina Circuit track in November. With a number of new additions for 2023’s event, the 15th edition of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 weekend sees 15 exciting hospitality experiences placed across the iconic track, including the allnew Deck at Two, a VIP-viewing platform at Turn 2, with exclusive menus from Nobu Dubai, estiatorio Milos and Hakkasan Dubai of Atlantis Dubai. Renowned for its premium sushi and grilled Japanese offerings, Roka also makes a debut this year at Club 58. Bringing its world-renowned Japanese cuisine with a Peruvian twist, F1 fans will be wowed by the event’s exclusive menu curated by Head Chef Damien Duviau of Nobu Dubai for #AbuDhabiGP weekend. Simultaneously, guests can also choose to indulge in the one Michelin-starred Hakkasan Dubai, featuring a tailored blend of Cantonese recipes as part of an “Only At” collection, designed exclusively for the F1 weekend on Yas Island by Chef Andy Toh. With one of the finest Greek Mediterranean restaurants in the world, estiatorio Milos, the Deck at Two is being touted as the place to be for this year’s Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023. Motorsport fans looking to enjoy the thrilling high speeds in a luxurious setting can enjoy the party

atmosphere at this year’s event from the new Hillside Terrace. With a uniquely curated menu from The MAINE Oyster Bar & Grill, Dubai’s first homegrown New England Seaside Brasserie, fans can enjoy this year’s F1 weekend from day to night atop the Abu Dhabi Hill overlooking the iconic North Hairpin. The historic turn also serves as a backdrop to the new The Garage @Sunset for those looking to bring their whole team to the race weekend, with intimate private boxes and free-flowing F&B options for all. At the end of the fastest section on the Yas Marina Circuit track, fans can witness the action from the all-new Club 58, an eye in the sky with views of the circuit’s longest straight and the start-finish line at the F1 season finale in a modern, relaxed setting. Alongside the new additions, fan favourites will return for this year’s event, with Turns at West, North Straight Hospitality, Deck At Nine with Opa, Luna Lounge featuring Ce La Vi, Turn 1 with Il Borro, Alici and Maya Bay and Shams Suites with Gohan and Ninive all back by popular demand for 2023. Bringing a unique fusion of Greek flair and specialty dishes, the views overlooking Yas Marina from Deck at Nine have returned due to unprecedented demand from fans, alongside the rooftop Luna Lounge which proved to be a hit with its Instagrammable swing.

spired Gohan and the atmospheric Ninive bringing a new way to enjoy the F1 action. Organisers have confirmed these experiences will remain on sale for a limited time, with the demand for this year’s F1 season finale tickets continuing to see unparalleled interest from fans across the globe. Fans looking to not miss out on a weekend filled with entertainment on and off the track can find more details at: Alongside the ultimate F1 weekend experience, all Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023 ticket holders can also enjoy a range of unrivalled perks, with access to one of Yas Island’s incredible theme parks, Qasr Al Watan and the Louvre Abu Dhabi through the ‘Yas All In’ ticket, valid between Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th November. Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2023, which will conclude the longest season in F1 history, is set to break records both on and off the track following 2022’s biggest-ever attendance, with new Grandstand and Hospitality packages being unveiled to ensure fans can experience the #AbuDhabiGP in a variety of ways during 23rd to 26th November on Yas Island. With more exciting announcements still to come, fans can still secure their experience package at the region’s biggest sports and entertainment event at:

Fans looking for a true experience in culinary and sporting excellence can alternatively enjoy the dining experience from Shams Suite, with Japanese-inThe Source FAMILY 37

Tickets for biggest ever Emirates Dubai 7s now on sale for December 2023

The highly anticipated return of the Emirates Dubai 7s is here with tickets now on sale for the region’s biggest sports and entertainment festival, set to return from 1 to 3 December 2023 during the UAE National Day weekend. Fans can choose from a variety of experiences to enjoy at the year-ending


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spectacle at Dubai’s Sevens Stadium in the ultimate event weekend for all. In an international celebration of sport, music and entertainment, the 2023 edition of Emirates Dubai 7s will feature its biggest line-up to date with world-class international

athletes, global artists and stateof-the-art hospitality experiences heading to Dubai this December for the premier weekend festival, with,

tickets starting from only AED 425.

Alongside the main sevens tournament, fans can witness exciting sporting action from amateur rugby, netball, cricket, and fitness teams across the weekend. Last year’s edition saw global attendance from elite and amateur athletes alike, hosting over 5600 participants and 420 teams of all levels and ages from 32 countries competing at The Sevens Stadium in 2022. Organisers have confirmed further plans to expand the competitions to meet demand in 2023, promising an activity for everyone, from sporting fans to festival goers, families, fitness enthusiasts, and more. Away from the pitch, this year’s event will see a talented mix of award-winning international and local artists and entertainers perform across the four iconic stages – Rugby Rocks, Heineken Tavern, Beats on 2 and Frequency on 8 – as the sun-soaked days transition to evenings of fun-filled entertainment. In a weekend fit for all, the entertainment is set to include artists of all genres, with organisers confirming the first artists to feature at the Emirates Dubai 7s in 2023, with iconic British duo, DJ Luck & Mc Neat, and UK Garage stars, Artful Dodger, both bringing their 25-year chart topping legacy of dance hits to The Sevens in December. Fans can look forward to the official headline artist announcements over the coming weeks. For families, 2023 is set to see the infamous colourful atmosphere of the Emirates Dubai 7s weekend return, with entertainment and activation stands across The Sevens for young fans

to enjoy. Alongside a selection of F&B outlets and viewing locations, families can look forward to a sun-soaked weekend of fun with free entry for children under 10. Meanwhile, fans looking to enjoy a state-of-the-art hospitality experience can take in all the action from The Hanger, with two days of VIP treatment, free-flowing F&B options and a premium view of Pitch 1 from the North Grandstand starting from just AED 1,950. Emirates Dubai 7s Festival Director Mathew Tait said: “It’s an exciting moment as we announce tickets are on sale today for the new look HSBC SVNS DXB, with our Emirates Dubai 7s set to kick off the new series in style this December. Along with our history of being the Middle East’s biggest sport and entertainment weekend, we look forward to seeing how the new format shapes up and welcome our fans back to The Sevens Stadium this December.” Sports fans and festival lovers alike can look forward to seeing the first edition of the newly introduced World Rugby HSBC SVNS series, which introduces a brand-new approach to the classic series with the events around the world providing a unique festival atmosphere across three days of incredible sport and entertainment. The revamped series will kick off its new era with the iconic event in Dubai later this year. World Rugby Sevens General Manager Sam Pinder said: “With over 50 years of tradi-

tion, the Emirates Dubai 7s has built a strong reputation for spectacular entertainment, on and off the pitch, hosting the world’s best players and teams and creating a fantastic party atmosphere around the venue.” “We are excited for HSBC SVNS, the supercharged new identity for rugby sevens, to kick off in Dubai bringing together a truly immersive festival of rugby, music, food and experiences to broaden the reach and appeal of the sport beyond its traditional audiences and create the ultimate weekend-long get together.” With tickets now on sale, fans can secure their access to the region’s biggest sports and entertainment weekend, with pre-registration now available for Friday’s free ticket option. Emirates Skywards, the award-winning loyalty programme of Emirates and flydubai, is also offering members a chance to grab tickets early and enjoy up to 15% off on hospitality tickets and 20% off general admission tickets for a limited time. Simply login or register on, and catch three-days of action-packed sports, worldclass entertainment, and family fun.* For more information on tickets for this year’s event, visit:

*Emirates Skywards offer is valid until 17 September 2023

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Mayo Clinic ‘mini-brain’ study reveals possible key link to autism spectrum disorder Alexej Abyzov, Ph.D

Genomic researcher in the Department of Quantitative Health Sciences at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine


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Using human “mini-brain” models known as organoids, Mayo Clinic and Yale University scientists have discovered that the roots of autism spectrum disorder may be associated with an imbalance of specific neurons that play a critical role in how the brain communicates and functions. The specific cells are known as excitatory cortical neurons.

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological condition that affects the way people perceive and interact with others, leading to challenges in social communication and behavior. The term “spectrum” emphasizes the broad range of symptoms and severity, and includes autism, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and an unspecified form of pervasive developmental disorder.

The new study is published in Nature Neuroscience.

The World Health Organization estimates that about 1 in 100 children worldwide has autism.


More about “mini-brains”

The team found an abnormal imbalance of excitatory neurons in the forebrain of people with the disorder, depending on their head size.

For the study, the scientists first created miniature three-dimensional brain-like models, called organoids. The pea-sized clusters of cells began as skin cells from people with autism spectrum disorder. The skin cells were placed in a culture dish and “reprogrammed” back into a stem-cell-like state, called induced pluripotent stem cells. These so-called master cells can be coaxed to develop into any cell in the body, including brain cells.

“This organoid technology allowed us to recreate the brain development alteration that happened in the patients when they were in the uterus, which is believed to be the time when autism spectrum disorder originates,” says Alexej Abyzov, Ph.D., a genomic researcher in the Department of Quantitative Health Sciences at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine. Dr. Abyzov is a senior author of the study.

What is autism spectrum disorder

Next, the scientists used a special technology called single-cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequencing to study the gene expression patterns of individual brain cells.

as “transcription factors,” which play a crucial role in directing the development of cells during the initial stages of brain formation.

Building evidence This study builds on 13 years of published studies on autism spectrum disorder by Dr. Abyzov and his collaborators, including Flora Vaccarino, M.D., a neuroscientist at Yale University. In one pioneering study, they showed molecular differences in organoids between people with autism and those without and implicated the deregulation of a specific transcription factor called FOXG1 as an underlying cause of the disorder. “Autism is mostly a genetic disease. Our goal is to be able to determine the risk of autism spectrum disorder and possibly prevent it in an unborn child using prenatal genetic testing. However, this would require detailed knowledge of how brain regulation gets derailed during development. There are many aspects in which organoids could help in this direction,” says Dr. Abyzov.

In all, they examined 664,272 brain cells at three different stages of brain development. The scientists also discovered that the neuron imbalance stemmed from changes in the activity of certain genes known The Source FAMILY 41



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Sleep is something that everyone needs, and most people need a similar amount, depending on their age. That amount also changes with age. However, some people need more sleep to feel well-rested, some need less, while others suffer from sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation refers to the condition of not getting enough sleep, either in quantity or quality, to meet the body’s needs for restful and restorative sleep. It can be caused by various factors, including lifestyle choices, medical conditions, work schedules, or sleep disorders. Jumeirah Group’s J Club General Manager Jamie Moore highlighted this topic during his latest wellness talk series “Moore Sleep, Moore Life”, a series of wellness talks focusing on sleep, brain, and body, provided by J Club, Dubai’s ultimate lifestyle destination. According to Jamie Moore, General Manager at J Club and Sleep Specialist: “Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body to optimize daily performance.” He added: “Sleep is the foundation of good health, supporting our immune system, cognitive function, and emotional resilience. He has recently launched a brand new and exclusive social page which will provide educational lifestyle tips and seminar clips focusing on ‘how to live better, for longer’ @ moorelifegroup.

So, what are the effects of sleep deprivation? Sleep deprivation can have significant effects on both physical and mental health. Some common effects of sleep deprivation include:

The Brains Cognitive Function: Lack of sleep shuts down the ‘CEO’ of the brain, the pre-frontal cortex. This part of the brain controls our emotions, decision making, thought processes, creative learning, and memory. Emotional Disturbances:

So, what are the best things that can be done to help treat and prevent sleep deprivation? Here are some general tips and tricks that can help improve your sleep: Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule:

As mentioned above, sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, irritability, increased stress levels, and a higher risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Set a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock.

Physical Health and the Body:

Your core body temperature needs to drop by at least 1C before falling asleep. The recommended temperature is between 18-22C.

Sleep deprivation is associated with an increased risk of developing several health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, and a higher susceptibility to infections. The science and data shows that the less sleep you get, the shorter your life can potentially be.

Keep the room cold:

Have a night-time Routine: Engage in relaxing activities before bed, such as reading, taking a warm bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, or meditation. These activities can help calm the mind and prepare your body for sleep.

Decreased Performance and Safety:

Dim the lights in the evenings:

Sleep-deprived individuals often experience decreased alertness, and slower reaction times, as well as decreased productivity. Jamie says –

Your body needs to produce melatonin before falling asleep, a great way to activate this is by creating a dark environment (not too dark though). Switch off a few of the lights and create a relaxing atmosphere.

“Sleep is the greatest legal performance enhancing drug out there!”

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and managing stress levels can contribute to better sleep. Life is all about balance. The Source FAMILY 43

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity. to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.

Soil Degradation - A Global Issue

Soil52%Degradation - soil A has Global Issue of the world’s agricultural already degraded 52% of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded

0 - 20 (very low)

0 - -20 20 40(very (low)low) 40 20 -- 70 40(medium) (low) 70 40 -- 90 70 (high) (medium) > 90- 90 (very high) 70 (high)

> 90 (very high)

Map S.5 GLOBAL SOIL ORGANIC CARBON, 2019 (tonnes/ha) Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.

Map S.5 GLOBAL SOIL ORGANIC CARBON, 2019 (tonnes/ha) Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021.

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