The Source Family Magazine Issue 257 September 2022

Page 1 Issue 257 | 30 September 2022 YAS BAY WATERFRONT Brings together six firstto-the-UAE dining concepts ABU DHABI CALENDAR Launches 180 days of Excitement Instagram introduces new safety feature PARENTING NO MORE MASKS The psychological impact and how to handle it

Fam ly

EDITOR IN CHIEF Mohammed Al Neyadi



Lakmee Senadheera

Alison Soltani



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The Source FAMILY6
12.The Psychological Impact of No-More-Masks 14. Kanad Hospital sponsors Pinnacle Sports 20. AAESS 6th Form cook off 22. New Menu launches in Palm Greens Restaurant at Al Ain Equestrian & Shooting Club 26. Creating school time memories that will last a life time 48. Abu Dhabi Calander launches new season 56. Yas Bay Waterfront brings together six first-to-the-UAE dining concepts FEATURES 48 The Source FAMILY 7
SEPTEMBER 32. Instagram launches new Parental Supervision features 38. ADHD & Dyslexia awareness 40. A Blood Test can detect over 70 Types of Cancer 70. ‘PLAY’ is key in helping children learn new things CONTENTS ENTERTAINMENT SPORT & COMMUNITY REGULARS 18. What’s new at Zayed Central Library? 34. 3 financial plans you need 62. Al Ain Zoo adopts world-class conservation efforts 12 28 24 42 HEALTH & WELLBEING 62 20 40 42. Disney on ice 44. Sneak peak at Sea World coming in 2023 60. 50 days to go until annual Yasalam after-race concerts 65. AZIMUTH AlUla a sellout success 78. Abu Dhabi Classics 2023 lineup EDUCATION 24. Get out and About with the Emirates Natural History Group Al Ain 28. Al Ain Amblers Opening Day Déjà Vu 32 22 74. Emirates Literature Foundation opens student competitions 76. 5 Tips to Make Your University Personal Statement Stand Out GENERAL 66. The SUV for the electric age The Polestar 3 69. You Cam Nails With Family Centre, Teens can ask you to supervise their Instagram accounts or you can send them an invitation to do the same. 48 The Source FAMILY8




Brighton College Al Ain is part of one of the most academically successful school groups in the UAE, together with its sister schools in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

The DNA of Brighton College UK, recognised as England's Independent School of the Decade, is deeply rooted in our school. We know that young people flourish when they are treated with kindness and respect. We encourage pupils to be true to themselves and place the essential qualities of curiosity, confidence and kindness at the heart of everything that we do.

Brighton College Al Ain offers pupils a vibrant and challenging learning environment with a distinctive British independent school ethos. With a wide selection of GCSE subjects and over 100 co-curricular activities to choose from, we encourage creativity and independence.

We are the only school in Al Ain rated ‘Outstanding’ by ADEK

Our academic excellence and exceptional teaching enables our pupils to progress to leading universities including Ivy League and The Russell Group.

We invite you to come and meet our family-orientated, vibrant community and take a tour of our wonderful school campus located in Zakher. Find out more about our British independent school ethos and see how we combine academic excellence with a culture of kindness.


The Psychological Impact of No-More-Masks


he recent announcement of UAE no longer requiring masks to be worn in most indoor places is being met with mixed feelings. No doubt there are many who have wanted to have masks removed and so they are welcoming this an nouncement and finally being able to see and show faces, and there are those who have had their anx iety surface as it does when any big life change arises, and there is also a third group who are both anxious and excited as they adjust to a new way of being. Regardless of what group you belong to, know that it is completely normal for the whole range of feelings to surface as part of any adjustment and transition period.

During times of change and un certainty, our minds and bodies respond both physiologically and

emotionally. On one end of the spec trum, some people, especially those who may not be ready to have their masks removed yet, may feel powerless to circumstances out of their control. These people will most likely experi ence bouts of elevated anxiety with symptoms such as rapid heart rate or pressure in the chest, restlessness, feel ing agitated and irritable, excess worry, tense muscles, being unable to sleep and/or symptoms of panic attacks.

Most others may find themselves feel ing more agitated, stressed, and irrita ble during such times, not realizing that change of any sort can make a person feel destabilized for a few weeks. As with any change, there is a transition from one way of doing things to the other, and one can expect difficult feel ings as they adjust to the new. During transition periods, which typically last 6 weeks, one can expect many feelings and symptoms of stress and anxiety.

The point at which no-mask-anx iety or any form of anxiety for that matter becomes concern ing is when it consistently and persistently starts to get in the way of social, occupational or academic functioning.

This could be a person unable to go out to the grocery store or to work because they feel full of fear, or a person who is no longer socializing with peo ple because they cannot stop thinking about the possibility of COVID-19 being amidst them. It could also be children who start to engage in school refusal be cause they cannot remember going to school without a mask. People with pre-existing anxie ty or social anxiety might also struggle with clinical levels of anxiety during times of change.

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The best way to manage big changes is by approaching them intentionally. The winds of change will blow, and in the world we live in the winds will blow more fre quently and more often, it’s only those who know how to harness the power of the wind that will get to the place where they want to get to. It’s better to learn how to make the most of each and every stage, rather than to get into an ar gument with reality.

If you are struggling with no-mask-anxiety here are some ways to cope and manage difficult feelings.


Remember you have a choice: Feeling powerless only exacer bates our anxiety. Whether you are a child or an adult, remember and remind yourself that you still have a choice and you can con tinue to wear the mask and most people will continue to respect your choice. You can also keep extra masks in your carry bag as a visual reminder and have a script ready for those who ask why you continue to wear a mask.


Take care of your physical body in times of change. When the mind is feeling like it’s spinning in circles, go in through the body. Spas use a bottom-up approach to calming the mind. They use aromatherapy, teas, soothing music, lighting, a decluttered environment and es sential oils to send signals to the mind that everything is ok.

The essence of the mind-body connection is the Vagus Nerve, a cranial nerve that connects the brain to all the major organs in the body including your heart, stom ach, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is a two-way highway, however, it has 8 lanes going up from the body to the mind and 2 lanes coming down from the mind to the body, mean ing, the state of your body will have a huge impact on the state of your mind.


Get moving. Research consistently shows that exercise is great for re leasing negative and anxious emo tions and increasing positive emo tions. Some research suggests that exercise is as effective in eliminating anxiety and depression as medica tion. Just 30 minutes a day of exer cise at 75% of your maximum heart rate will help you feel more in con trol and also release happy chemi cals in your brain.


Sleep also plays a huge role in com batting anxiety. The two biggest cul prits of disrupted sleep are caffeine and blue light. It is important to have a structured nighttime routine that involves not drinking caffeine after 10am and consider wearing blue light-blocking glasses or having blue light shields for your screens. Drinking Chamomile tea every night can help to wind the mind down and taking MagVita supplements can also help to reduce stress and tension in the body. Note, that any thing less than 7 hours is considered sleep deprivation and you are 60% less able to regulate difficult and in tense emotions when you are sleep deprived.


Eat right: 90% of our happy chemi cal serotonin is produced in the gut and up to 80% of your immunity is in the lining of your gut, thus as the saying goes, you are what you eat! If you eat junk, your mind will feel just as hollow and if you eat foods that are deep fried, you will certainly feel that way in your mind too.


Unfollow or switch off the news. There are many things in the world that are resulting in people feeling emotionally vulnerable and power less. Switching off the news can be of real benefit to those suffering with anxiety. Consuming difficult content can play on our fight-orflight response as we give so much attention to fast-paced, graphic news stories. Limiting your con

sumption to once a day for one hour only can certainly help but if you are feeling particularly out of control, you should turn it off com pletely.


Stick to a routine. You can avoid crowded places or ask to work from home while you adjust or keep your N95 handy for when you feel anxious. Whatever you decide, stick to a routine and a consistent way of doing things for the first few weeks. Routine and rhythm, are the antidote to uncertainty and powerlessness. Setting realis tic schedules and following them whether you feel like it or not will help to ensure you are more in control and empowered when you do this.


Highlight the positive. When there is so much bad news around, it is easy to get caught up in a nega tive mindset. While allowing for the difficult feelings to surface, feeling them and releasing them, you need to also highlight the pos itive aspects of your life. If you are struggling to figure out what to be grateful for, start with the biggest or smallest thing- it could be your favourite food to your favourite person. Feeling the feelings that come along with gratitude and ap preciation counteract the feelings of fear and anxiety.

No one could have imagined how much all of us will go through and continue to go through as a result of the pandemic. Our lives- the way we work, the way we com municate, the way we socialize all have been impacted and every few months brings about a ‘new nor mal’ that we adjust and adapt to. With every change, it is normal to experience difficult feelings, but it is equally important to highlight how far you have come, how much capacity you have to cope, and how much you have courageously and resiliently endured.

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As we begin a new term for football at Pinnacle Sports Al Ain, we would like to thank Kanad Hos pital for sponsoring our players with a new kit. We appreciate this new partnership as we look forward to a successful and exciting 2022 foot ball program which will have recreational and player pathways with some possible camps, tours locally and inter nationally.

Representatives of Kanad Hospital Dr. Ralph Leo ( Kanad Hospital Board Chairman), Dr.Greg Neal - Kanad Hospital CEO and Dr. John Birky - family phy sician met Pinnacle Sports representatives Gilmore Saaiman and Rob Botes to hand over the kits.

Managing Director Gil more Saaiman says the aim of the project is to contribute to the develop ment of football in Al Ain whereby we will be deliv

ering the social, health and community bene fits that are well-recog nized from community participation in support for sporting teams and competitions. We would like to unite lo cal communities around the common interest and provide role models for young people to par ticipate in exercise and organized team sports. Lastly to play the vital stage in the player path way for talented jun

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ior footballers on their way to international representation and provide the opportuni ty for development and promotion of women and youth.

Some of the benefits for sportsmen and women are:

Better Emotional Health

common goal. Working as part of a group and spending time with their peers will help them with making so cial connections that stay with them through out their lives. Whether they play with the same group of teammates throughout the program they’ll be learning how to contribute to a com mon goal, manage their time, take direction and commands from a team leader, and more.

It should go without saying that these are very desirable traits for players to bring with them in their lives, aid ing and assisting them not only throughout their time as soccer players (boys & girls), but also in school, work, and their rela tionships.

The nature of sports teachers’ children val uable lessons about struggling and triumph in the face of adversity.

Improved Physical Health, Confidence and Self-Esteem

Through working hard, winning, and coming to know their own abil ities and capabilities, confidence and self-es teem in your child will soar.

Forges Social Bonds and Teachers


Football is a team sport and it teaches chil dren how to work with their peers towards a

An international foot ball program can help children to form friend ships and bonds that they may have other wise never experienced.

Builds Leadership Skills

Not only does participa tion in a youth sports ac tivity teach the best way to follow commands and take direction, it also provides players with the opportunity to demonstrate leadership themselves.

Football produces play ers who are much more well-rounded and ad aptable, able to think quickly on their feet and to develop a plan of ac tion.

Kanad Hospital

Al Ain, United Arab Emirates Opposite Etisalat PO Box 1016 Whatsapp: +971 55 991 1139 EMAIL CALL CENTER +971 3 713 1111 Saturday – Thursday: 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM The Source FAMILY 15

What’s new at Zayed Central Library?

After wrapping up a successful reading challenge and a host of events over the summer months, there is exciting news about a new program for children at the Zayed Central Library!

This fall, ZCL has introduced the “my child is talented” program to the Al Ain Community. So far, children as young as 9 years old have registered their interest to offer storytelling, coding and drawing sessions through the library to others in the community. With the help of ZCL, these talented youngsters have learned valuable skills on how to organise workshops and manage their time to deliver interesting content to workshop participants. Through this initiative, ZCL aims to offer a sustainable string of activities through the library to the community of Al Ain.

Parent, if you have children with talents in creative arts, technology and anything in between and likes to share their skills and knowledge with others in the community, please contact the library to register your child’s interest to join “my child is talented” program. Staff at ZCL are looking forward to meeting your children to hear about their talents and they are ready to provide a safe and supportive setup to grow!

Zayed Central Library Hours:

Mon to Thur: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

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Following the successful appoint ments to the senior prefect team, The Head Boy, Elliot Graham-Som merville, and Head Girl, Marni Moussa, challenged the Executive Principal, Andrew Thomas, to a cook-off in the brand new, state of the art kitchen facilities that they have at the school.

Sous chefs, made up of the Deputy Head Boy, James Thomas, and Dep uty Head Girl, Sebastienne Abass, were joined by Thomas’ sous Chef, Chris Ebbinkhuysen, Senior Vice Principal.

Cooking a chilli con carne with a homemade guacamole and chunky salsa, with a fresh corn on the cob, laced with a lime, shallot and smoked paprika dressing, Thomas & Ebbinkhuysen were certain that they were in for the inaugural win, where the dish had to be cooked in one hour and which had to be healthy.

However, Elliot & James had oth er ideas with their homemade Thai green curry, with sticky rice, with

Marni And Sebastienne present ing a mussel linguine and salad.

Helping judge the contest was Mohammed Soussan, General Manager and co-founder of the Ayla Hotels, and after much de liberation, Marni and Sebasti enne got the judge’s nod, having worked up their taste buds!

Thomas said, “This has been a great way to start the year and to celebrate the use of this fantastic kitchen. I was impressed by the presentation of the dishes from the senior prefects today and the calibre of their skills. We have already started our Food Prep & Nutrition curriculum within the school, with the expert help of Ben Lorimer, and I know there are more plans for future com petitions to go alongside our extensive after school activities club, where we have such a high volume of students here already since opening”.

As a result of their win, Marni and Sebastienne will now cook a three course dinner for the runners-up.

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New Menu launches in Palm Greens Restaurant at Al Ain Equestrian & Shooting Club

Palm Greens Restaurant

unveils its eagerly anticipated brand-new menu. This latest endeavour from the restaurant showcases an array of inventive dishes that are sure to tantalize taste buds. The new menu features premium ingredients and updates to fan favourites. Guests can enjoy dishes such as burgers, pizzas, pies, and salads, all with a fresh new twist.

The announcement comes after Executive Chef Nick's six-month stint of listening to comments from members, guests, and regulars. “Thanks to this feedback, I have been able to create a menu that I hope caters to everyone's tastes using quality

ingredients and cooking them with passion and care, which is my cooking philosophy” says Executive Chef Nick. Some of the highlights on the new menu include smoked chicken and chorizo croquettes, avocado toasties, Welsh rarebit, steak and Guinness casserole, and the Eaton mess.

Chef Nick has carefully crafted each dish with meticulous attention to detail and a passion for great flavours. He tries to source locally where possible, using seasonal ingredients but notes that due to the location of Palm Greens Restaurant in the UAE, everything is pretty much available. Regardless of location or seasonality though, one thing is for sure –these dishes will leave diners wanting more.

The new menu includes vegan and vegetarian dishes as well as traditional favourites, all of which are designed to look good and taste even better. So, whether you're looking for something familiar or something new, Palm Greens Restaurant has you covered.

With a focus on flavour, aesthetics, and nutrition, this eclectic mix of old classics and modern twists is sure to have something for everyone who visits Palm Greens Restaurant.

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Get out and About with the Emirates Natural History Group (ENHG) Al Ain


fter two and a half years of keeping Emirates Natural History Group (ENHG) Al Ain ticking over under COVID restrictions, a core of ENHG enthusiasts are now working to re-establish a regular programme of trips and talks. They feel ENHG is a great way to find out more about Al Ain and its natural history, and want to share with more of you!

So what is ENHG? It is one of the oldest interest groups for the public in the UAE. It was founded in 1976 in Abu Dhabi, and over time further chapters have been set up. The Al Ain chapter was established in 1981, so it is now over 40 years old. The ENHG as a whole

is under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al Nahyan. The focus of ENHG is the natural history of the UAE and Oman, and more specifically to observe, to enjoy, to report and to publish observations of the natural environment.

The core values of the group underpin all our activities. They include the following: Enjoying and respecting the environment

Recording the flora and fauna of UAE and Northern Oman

Informing on topical issues

Sponsoring related research

Inclusion of all members in as many events as possible, regardless of age, disability, expertise or experience

Regular activities include monthly talks on a range of topics, and field trips in the UAE and sometimes across the border into Oman. Since March 2020 talks have been on-line via Zoom, but

we are looking for a venue for in-person talks. In the last few months we have enjoyed talks on The Mammals of the UAE, and Does Biodiversity Matter?

Upcoming talks include one on photographing the natural world, and another on old Dubai. ENHG members have a very wide range of interests, so during the year we try to cover as many of those interests as possible through these talks. The volunteers who organize events and activities on behalf of members have a broad range of interests and skills, including photography, plants, cultural history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, mammals, arthropods, cartography, reptiles and birds.

ENHG field trips are sometimes to local sites, sometimes further

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afield. While trip leaders make an effort to provide background information regarding each site, we encourage members to use other resources to discover further details. Commercially available off-road books are particularly helpful as they include maps and useful tips, for example on safety in the desert.

On a typical weekend field trip, members meet at a specific location where they will find the trip leader and sign a convoy list. We do of course try to share cars on trips. The trip leader will remind everyone about the importance of following safety guidelines. After arriving at a site – for example a wadi, a fort, an oasis, a village - the trip leader will introduce the site, outlining things to look out for. Depending on the destination, members are then either free to tour the site on their own or are guided by the trip leader, observing the obvious courtesies, especially for field trips in villages. Before leaving a site, we sometimes

gather to compare notes and discuss highlights. If possible, a brief summary of the trip, illustrated by a few photographs, is shared on the ENHG website and social media platforms, or maybe written up as a newsletter article.

In addition to the regular talks and field trips, there are three annual events on the ENHG calendar. The biggest is the InterEmirates Weekend (IEW), held each spring and hosted by one of the four chapters - Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Ras Al Khaimah. A programme of field trips and workshops fills the weekend, and there is a gala dinner where ENHG annual natural history prizes are announced. The IEW is a great social occasion, and it’s a good way to learn more about the natural history of the UAE from the members of the group which is hosting.

The other two annual events are local to the Al Ain chapter: our Annual Photography Exhibition,


where members share their best photographs with others; and an Annual General Meeting held each November. The various officers of the group are elected during the AGM. This meeting is typically quite brief, so one of the regular talks is often scheduled the same evening.

ENHG is looking forward to welcoming many new members this year! We have an email group to keep members informed of all meetings and trips, a Facebook page, and a website where you can find full details of other aspects of ENHG work such as publications. Annual membership fees are just Dhs100 for individuals and Dhs150 for families and couples.

Facebook at: https://www. Website: To sign up, please send an email to: and we will add you and let you know when this has been done.

New members are always welcome!
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Creating school time memories that will last a life time

I feel fairly confident that when you think of your school days you will remember certain feelings as sociated with people and places and, if you’re like me, things that happened outside of the classroom. Etched in my mind are memories of what we at Brighton College Al Ain call co-curricular activities (CCAs). For example, I recall as a 7 year old boy, the absolute pride and elation of watching my school’s football team play in the English schools national final at Wembley Stadi um and, despite being defeated, I remember thinking that anything at all was possible. I also remem ber a few years later driving back

to school in the front seat of the Head Master’s car after scoring a hat trick in the final football game of the Bassetlaw schools league, to be greeted by my fellow pupils with a hero’s welcome. I also can’t forget the outdoor adventure trip I went on to Wales and my friend falling in a river fully clothed and my sister performing in Macbeth as one of the weird sisters and my endless jokes to anyone who would listen about the fact that she didn’t need any rehearsals or make-up for the role. Many of these events were over 30 years ago, and yet they are as vivid in my mind as ever.

So why the nostalgic whimsy? Well, at Brighton College Al Ain, we are committed to providing our pupils with the opportunity of fun and joyful experiences which will not only help to build their characters, but will provide them with memo ries that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through our CCA programme, we want our pupils to be involved in activities that can shape and transform their lives; ones that will be remembered far into the future. It is through CCAs that our young people will truly find out about themselves, their talents, strengths and their weak nesses. Without the experiences


gifted by involvement in CCAs, a young person may never uncover an exceptional skill or enduring passion and they may not form the bonds between teachers and friends that will go on to shape their personality.

Co-Curricular Activities at Brighton College Al Ain

We provide Brighton College pu pils with more than 70 CCA op portunities throughout the week and we offer activities to our very youngest, to our very oldest, ca tering to all abilities and interests. Our teachers harness their own passions by leading one CCA per week and just some of our cur rent CCAs include Brighton Sing ers, Model United Nations, Crick et Club, Swimming Club, Book Club, Eco-Club, Art Club, Fun with Science, Drama Club, LAMDA.

This year, we have partnered with a range of local businesses to launch the Super Saturday pro gramme to give our pupils and families access to the very best experiences in Al Ain. Every Satur day morning pupils now have the chance to learn activities such as horse riding, golf and target prac tice with the College’s exclusive partnership with Al Ain Equestri an, Shooting and Golf Club. Pupils from FS to Y13 can now take part in ballet classes, instrumental

and yoga lessons with arts learn ing center, La Dolce Vita and the coaches from Pinnacle Sports teach Brighton pupils football, boxing and karate. Apex Sports is leading the College’s triathlon provision too which will potentially see hundreds of the clubs members training at the College’s facilities alongside our own staff and pupils.

Looking ahead

As we continually strive to offer our families the very best educational experience for their children, we will continue to develop the Col lege’s CCA programme with excit ing and enjoyable opportunities. We are keen to forge closer ties with the Al Ain community that will give our young people the chance to serve them. The College is also keenly aware of the environmental issues that we face and will ensure that through our CCA provision our pupils are at the forefront of eco-lit eracy, making significant contribu tions to our shared, sustainable fu ture. As we see more families and young people from a broad and ec lectic range of backgrounds joining the College we hope to welcome them with experiences that are as rich and diverse as they are. In 30 years time, I also hope that Old Brightonians will look back and re call with vivid nostalgia all that they experienced at Brighton College Al Ain fondly, just as I do.

To book your visit please contact our admissions team: Call: +971 3 713 3999 Email: Visit: The Source FAMILY 27

Al Ain Amblers Opening Day Déjà Vu

That Opening Day déjà vu feel ing descended again; this time in the Jebel Ali afternoon – ex actly a year ago in our season opener against Saracens at the Al Ghazal Golf Club, we were just two points short of victory. Yesterday, we were two points short of drawing against a very beefy Barrelhouse pack; 12-14 to the hosts.

Debutant, Cillian Fitzgerald, fielded the kickoff and set a plat form for our Al Ain Amblers to burrow through but the men in pink rushed forward and had a territorial edge in this early ex change. Our defence held and at one stage Chris Brooke made three consecutive tackles. His loose trio partners: Wihan Grob ler and Stephen Huemer were also fiery in this very physical encounter and they managed to stem the tide.

In the ninth minute, Chris soared high and won a five-men lineout just inside our 50-metre mark, Wihan crashed through in mid-field and gained valua ble yardage before Clint Sacks let loose his outside backs. Ger hard Botha twinkle-toed past a cluster of defenders, fended off a desperate tackler and flipped a perfect inside pass to Brandon Cullinan who crashed over the white line, 5-0.

Barrelhouse tried to vary their attack and after a series of pods in their twenty-two, kicked downfield. Tom Hanks gathered and launched a counter attack; after that initial run through mid-field he spiral-kicked to the corner and gained a lot of yard

age. The Amblers then camped inside the Barrelhouse twen ty-two for a long spell. On the thirty-minute mark, from another lineout win by Chris, the forwards crashed through and from another pick and go, Wihan powered his way over, 12-0.

The Amblers hit a ‘purple patch’ in the second quar ter in terms of possession and territory but could not convert these valuable gains into points. There was some outstanding play from Alaa Samman, Johan Schulze and Cillian. The tight-five held, de spite the weight disadvantage in the scrums and the loosies galloped about hunting for the loose ball. The tackle stats ticked over. At flyhalf, FC Holdt kept the Amblers in fine fettle and breathing space by plac ing those raking kicks into the Barrelhouse twenty-two. He judged the crosswind well.

In the second half, Barrelhouse played to their strength. Their heavyweight pack charged into the Ambles’ defence time and again. Their go-forward men Gatford and Burger set the tar gets for their burly frontrowers to ‘pick and go’. Van De Merwe at halfback varied their attack with passes to either Mav rodaris at flyhalf or recycled it to their forwards.

In the backline, the Amblers missed Gerhard’s attacking prowess; he tweaked his ham string in the first half and was replaced by Liam Chalkley. Ovidiu Dumbrava kept the Bar

relhouse attack at bay with his strong midfield defence. The Barrelhouse forwards moved up a notch when their backline could not break the Amblers’ steely defence in midfield or through FC Holdt’s channel. Out wide, Brandon and Bh room Albaloushi manned the flanks well and Tom Hanks was very sound under the high ball. Barrelhouse scored their two tries via a concerted series of ‘pick and goes’.

Their first was through the middle of a ruck and the sec ond was an arm wrestle of a try. Down 12-14, the Amblers still believed and a nifty run by debutant prop, Michael Lynch and his backhand flip of a pass almost paid dividends. Reserve prop, Zaakir Vermeulen, was a fiery competitor and made his presence felt. Sixth former, Et tiene Van Dyk picked a yellow card on his debut; it will be a learning curve for this green horn.

The Amblers will no doubt re group and bounce back, it’s a club trait and rugby pedigree. They will lift themselves after a blip and will be there in the Cup playoffs.

Their experienced men are still around and in their frontrow ers: Michael Jordan, Llewellyn James and Johan Schulze, they still have a solid founda tion. Michael Lynch and Zaakir Vermeulen are valuable addi tions to this stable. New find at locks, Cillian Fitzgerald, is a tough customer and with Alaa

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Samman or Schafer to partner with in the tight-five, the Amblers will be compatible. Evergreen Robert Botes and Sean Emmitt are transferrable from the Community XV and there are youngsters like Victor and Vian Vreugdenburg who will take their chances.

The triumvirate in the backrow: Wihan, Stephen and Chris hold their own in Division One. At halfback, Clint is a snappy juggernaut and will set alight his backline or snipe past defenders. The young sters outside FC and Ovidiu: Liam, Brandon and Bhroom are strong runners and will be raring to give it a go from open play - youth and speed are winning qualities.

It was so good to see Bhroom Albaloushi back into the fold after a spell with the Shaheen. The Amblers’ medical support staff of: Tara, Tarryn and Gabe were again ever attentive – a volunteer ser vice so important in any rugby circle.

See you this Saturday, 8th October, at the Al Ain Amblers home game versus the Jebel Ali Dragons.

The Community XV kicks off at 3pm followed by Wihan Grob lers’ men at 5pm. The premier ship match between Jebel Ali Dragons and Abu Dhabi Harle quins kicks off at 7pm.

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Instagram launches new Parental Supervision features for teens in the MENA region

Instagram today announced new tools and resources designed to support parents, guardians and teens on the platform. The tools and resources are now available across the Middle East and North African (MENA) region.

The new suite of supervision tools will allow parents and guardians to:

• Send their teen an invitation to supervise their account, or accept an invitation from their teen

• See how long their teen is spending on Instagram each day, and set daily limits

• Schedule breaks for specific times during the day

• See who their teen follows and who follows them

• Be notified when their teen chooses to share they have reported an account or post, including who was reported and the type of content

Support Teens’ Time on Instagram

Teens will now see a notification that encourages them to switch to a different topic if they are repeatedly looking at the same type of content on Explore. This nudge is designed to encourage teens to discover something new and excludes certain topics that may be associated with appearance comparison.

Instagram designed the new feature because research suggests that nudges can be effective for helping people — especially teens — be more mindful of how they are

using social media in the moment. In a study on the effects of nudges on social media use, 58.2% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that nudges made their social media experience better by helping them become more mindful of their time on-platform. Instagram’s own research shows they are working too: during a one-week testing period, one in five teens who saw the platform’s new nudges switched to a different topic. While it is currently a test, the feature will be rolled out fully soon.

Additionally, the Take a Break feature reminds people to take time off Instagram. Instagram initially sent teens a notification to turn on the feature when they would be scrolling in Explore; now, the platform will also send teens reminders to «Take a Break» when they have been scrolling in Reels.

Expert-backed Resources

Parents in the MENA region and around the world will be able to visit Meta’s Family Centre, which contains expert-backed resources to help teens and their parents navigate the digital world. Instagram expanded the content available in the Family Center education hub to include additional resources from more youth experts on topics related to digital wellness, safety and privacy, relationships and communication, and media literacy. These articles also give parents helpful tips on how to talk to teens about different online topics such as connecting safely with others and how to be

more self-aware online. Instagram will continue working with experts and organizations to make even more resources for parents and guardians available.

Building Safe Experiences and Products for Teens

Instagram recently published more details on the framework the company uses as it develops features for young people. This process was created to help Instagram apply the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in its product development. The framework guides all Meta’s teams on how to apply this standard throughout the development of digital experiences for under 18s. Instagram has designed all of its new features with the input of teens, parents, experts, and policymakers, and will continue to work collaboratively to meet the needs of young people on the app.

All the above features are included in the MENA Parents Guide, which was designed to help parents support their teens on Instagram and navigate difficult conversations about time spent online. It also provides an overview of the tools parents and teens can access to ensure a safer experience on Instagram. You can access the full guide here.

For more details, please visit the official Instagram blog post.

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Family Centre

Helping families build positive online habits, together

With Family Centre,

Teens can ask you to supervise their Instagram accounts or you can send them an invitation to do the same.

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You might have heard the term ‘financial planning’ before and associate it with stock market predictions or pension fore casts. However, to see any real changes in your financial situation, a personal financial plan is a necessity. To super charge your progress and your peace, make the following 3 financial plans a must-have in your financial toolbox.

What is a financial plan?

Whenever you make arrangements for how you will use money in the fu ture, you are mak ing a financial plan. There are different types of plans. Most people are aware of short-term, me dium-term, and long-term planning. Short-term financial planning might be preparing a budget for next month, me dium-term would per haps be saving for a new car and long-term could encom pass purchasing a property or retirement planning. However, financial planning is never so simplistic. Spend ing money is fundamental to living and dictates almost every aspect of our lives –where we live, work and how

The 3 financial plans you need to weather any boom or bust

we spend our time. Circum stances change quickly – we switch jobs, have children, go through recessions and global pandemics to name a few. All these situations –whether they’re within our control or not – alter our fi nancial outlook in the pres ent and the future. One of

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the reasons that people wor ry about external factors such as high levels of inflation or going through a recession is a lack awareness and confi dence in their own financial circumstances.

To muddy the waters further, everyone has a unique re lationship with money and feelings of shame, fear or overconfidence can influence the planning process. As a result, many people either don’t plan, or live in a bubble of hopeful optimism or con stant insidious dread. None of these states are good for your health or your financial fu ture. Your sense of wellbeing and happiness in the present is somewhat determined by your confidence in the future.

The secret to smart financial planning is to make 3 different plans, designed to weather booms and busts, good times and bad times, lottery wins and health scares.

1. The ‘plain sailing’ plan

This plan is usually the easiest to start with as it assumes your circumstances stay the same or as you expect through the various stages of your life. You essentially plot out significant events in which you anticipate needing a large sum of money, such as your children’s univer sity years. Perhaps you want to buy your ‘forever home’ or have some other commitment which requires a sizeable pot of cash. Will you save for these situations or cash flow the ex pense using your income?

Whatever you decide, factor

the estimated numbers into your plans. Accounting for these life events, roughly plot your journey to retirement. Decide when you would like to retire and determine your ap proximate yearly expenses. Of course, no one can predict the future – hence why this plan is named the ‘plain sailing’ plan. It assumes that life will play out more or less as predicted.

You may not be sure about the major milestones you expect to pass through; for example, you may be uncertain as to whether you will have chil dren – a decision which has a monumental effect on your fi nances. Or perhaps you aren’t comfortable plotting out your life on a timeline in such a reg imented manner – maybe you like to ‘go with the flow’. You can still make a ‘plain sailing’ plan. Simply use your current income and expenses to make an approximate judgement.

To calculate the sum you need for retirement using the ‘plain sailing’ plan, take your annu al expenses and multiply by 25 to arrive at your financial independence number. This is the pot of money you need to have invested to sustain your lifestyle without actively working. The formula assumes that you will withdraw 3-4% of your savings to live off each year, a principle attributed to renowned economist Bill Ben gen. Let’s look at an example of a person who has predicted that they will need $40,000 a year to live comfortably. The formula is calculated as fol lows:

$40,000 x 25 = $1,000,000 or inversely $1,000,000 x 0.04 = $40,000

The money is not expected to run out unless this person in creases their withdrawals. Ac cording to historical data since the inception of the stock mar ket, if you invest sensibly in globally diversified funds, you can expect an average return of 8%. That gives the portfolio time to recover from your withdrawal and accounts for 2-3% inflation each year:

8% return per year on $1,000,000 – 4% withdrawal + 3% inflation = 7% annual reduc tion of the total value. This port folio still has a 1% buffer in case returns are lower in a particular year or withdrawals are slightly higher before the capital is even touched.

This formula is considered a ‘safe withdrawal rate’ and there fore a fairly accurate yardstick for financial planning. So, now this person has calculated that they need $1,000,000 in their portfolio, how do they go about amassing that money? For that calculation, you can use a com pound interest calculator, of which many can be found online. Play around with the numbers –how much you wish to contrib ute monthly and the timeframe – to test out how long it will take for you to reach your goal in dif ferent scenarios. This can form a base for your ‘plain sailing’ plan.

In the example above, let’s say the person already has $50,000 savings and they wish to con tribute $1000 a month to their investment portfolio. Using the compound interest calculator found on, I can cal culate that it will take approx imately 23 years for them to reach their goal, assuming an average return of 8%.


2. The ‘smooth sailing’ plan

The ‘plain sailing’ plan is a good benchmark to begin your financial planning pro cess. However, it doesn’t ac count for unexpected chang es in circumstances, which is where the other two plans are useful. The ‘smooth sail ing’ plan is generally the most enjoyable to establish, as it accounts for unexpected income, such as inheritance, pay raises, or windfalls. To create this plan, decide what you will do if you unexpect edly acquire more money. That way, you don’t waste money that comes to you unpredictably.

A useful way to prepare this plan is to decide percentag es. What percentage of your windfall will you allocate to investments versus lifestyle inflation (increasing your spending to cultivate a high er quality of life)? If you want to invest some of the money, decide which assets you will invest in so that you aren’t swayed by the latest craze. Alternatively, you may think of something you desire but isn’t necessary, such as a hot tub or luxury holiday. Then, if you obtain extra funds, give yourself permission to pur chase your desired item. This planning encourages spend ing with intention.

3. The ‘batten down the hatches’ plan

Now you’ve done the real istic and fun planning, it’s time to do the less enjoya

ble projections. This planning, although not pleasant to do, helps to prevent financial anx iety. With this plan, you decide what you will do in the event of an unexpected financial chal lenge, such as a health issue, job loss, recession, care of el derly parents etc.

Potential actions could in clude:

• Building and sustaining a robust emergency fund. An emergency fund is an inte gral part of your financial armour and, although it may be tempting to spend or invest that pot of money, it can come to the rescue in hard times. Emergency funds tend to equate to 3-6 months of expenses but could be more or less de pending on your financial situation, income sources and dependents.

• Developing skills that you could fall back on if one or more of your income sourc es fail. For example, you could start tutoring, proof reading or copywriting as a side hustle. Not only does this bring in additional in come now but gives you more streams of income to utilise if you were to lose your job.

• Future budget reductions. Go through your expens es and be ready to cut if times get hard. You may find expenses that you’re happy with in prosperous times, but during a chal lenging economic time, you would be willing to cut. These would be non-essen

tial items, such as travel, meals out, holidays etc. If you prepare now, you won’t be as shocked or worried when external events happen which could affect you.

• Ensuring you have ade quate insurance and a Will. Most people would benefit from term life insurance with critical illness coverage. This type of insurance pro tects your family and/or assets in the worst-case scenario. You may also need to organise a Will to advise beneficiaries how you want your estate to be distributed after your death. Having these plans in place can contribute to your peace of mind.

• Taking the time to cre ate and document these plans can generate clar ity, focus and peace, en abling you to enjoy the present. Of course, every one’s situation is unique, and it may benefit you to visit a financial coach or planner for more person alised support. Also, we can never 100% rely on a plan and we certainly cannot predict everything that will happen in the future. However, creat ing three plans that are ready to implement ena bles you to move through this uncertain world with increased confidence as you’re prepared to weather the storms and bask in the sun.

The Source FAMILY36 Issue 1| 26 September 2022 ABU DHABI CRICKET & SPORTS HUB’S TOLERANCE OVAL Awarded Day/Night ICC Accreditation NBA DISTRICT FAN EVENT October 5-9 - ABU DHABI SPORT FITNESS OVER 40 Is it too late? CLICK TO READ NOW


The start of the new school year is always nerve-wrack ing; everyone is adjusting to school timings and getting back on their feet. While this can be exciting, it can also throw problems up as children start new class es or new stages. It may be that parents and teachers might begin to notice diffi culties with academic skills or attention and focus. If

these difficulties are signifi cant and persistent and appear to be impacting the children’s’ ability to keep up with their classmates and keep up their grades, it may be a sign of a learning disability or ADHD. As ADHD and Dyslexia awareness days are approaching (1st and 7th October, respectively), par ents and teachers should con sider following through with an assessment to get a more

thorough understanding of the difficulties that the student is facing.

Sonia Singhal, a psycho educational assessment expert at Thrive, says “The upcoming ADHD and Dys lexia Awareness days in October are crucial be cause they highlight the progress that has been made in how these dif

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ficulties are perceived and understood. Although bias es may still exist, there is a much greater appreciation, recognition and understand ing of the experiences that individuals with these diffi culties face. Raising aware ness also improves the like lihood that individuals with these difficulties may feel more encouraged to get a diagnosis and treatment and that support and interven tions may be more available and accessible to them.

I would also like to highlight the importance of obtaining a formal assessment from a qualified professional to get a diagnosis and not relying upon self-diagnosis, media trends or easily accessible online diagnostic options”

Attention-Deficit/Hyperac tivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disor der characterized by symp toms that are split into two categories: inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. On the other hand, dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills in volved in accurate and fluent reading and spelling.

What is a psychoeducational assessment?

A psychoeducational assess ment involves a standard ized set of tests that evalu ate a child’s intellectual and academic abilities. It meas ures overall aptitude and ac ademic achievement around core skills, such as reading, writing and math.

It involves a number of tech niques, including pencil and paper activities, question and answer items, verbal re sponses, and the evaluation of motor skills and visual-spa tial skills (e.g., completing tasks using blocks, identi fying missing pieces in a pattern or puzzle). It also includes clinical interviews (with parents, teachers, and other relevant profession als), observations, historical records and questionnaires, to help understand a child’s learning style and how they process information.

The purpose of the assess ment is to identify a child’s profile of strengths and diffi culties, to determine if there are any underlying cognitive or learning difficulties, or if the child has advanced abil ities, and to provide strate gies to support them.

What is an assessment for ADHD?

An assessment for ADHD in cludes the same components as a psychoeducational as sessment and has additional components, which provide a broader and in-depth anal ysis into how a child thinks and behaves as it relates to attention and focus. In ad dition to intellectual and academic testing, it also in cludes an evaluation of the child’s learning & memory, executive functions, atten tion, planning and mental flexibility.

An important component of an ADHD assessment is

the collaborative informa tion gathered from parents and teachers to determine whether the symptoms of ADHD are present across more than one environment.

Effects of ADHD and Dyslexia on families

If left untreated, ADHD and Dyslexia can negatively im pact families. For example, parents of children with ADHD often start doubt ing their parenting abilities and can become incredibly frustrated. Also, siblings of children with ADHD face particular challenges like learning to adapt to their sib ling’s disorder thus may face a loss of attention they may receive from their parents as they grapple with supporting their child with ADHD.

In families that are experi encing ADHD, there can be additional incidents of be havioral difficulties and par enting a child with ADHD can be difficult. As well as this, parents whose children have dyslexia, can be at a loss when their child is not succeeding in school, family members can be frustrated due to various reasons—a lack of understanding about what’s happening, not un derstanding the disability, not knowing where to begin to find help. For more information, please visit

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Trucheck now available across the UAE Blood Test can detect over 70 Types of Cancer

Lifegen, the UAE-based company focusing on providing world-leading cancer detection and management solutions, partners with Datar Cancer Genetics to enable access to Trucheck, a highly accurate blood-based multi-can cer screening test across the UAE region.

LifeGen’s partnership with Datar Genet ics spans across multiple markets and addresses the serious problem of late cancer diagnosis through the use of the Trucheck blood test, which can detect over 70 cancers. The progressive CEmarked test provides early cancer diag nosis and is able to test over 70 different types of cancer with 96% accuracy and 99% specificity. Trucheck can be com bined with existing annual health checkup programs across healthcare groups, corporates and insurances.

Private hospitals across Abu Dhabi and Dubai will be the first to offer the test to patients and potential ly be the solution to the massive problem of late diagnosis of can cer in the region. The Gulf States and the Eastern Mediterranean Region countries are witnessing an alarming rise in the number of cancer patients. According to the World Health Organization, long-term projections show that by 2030 there would be a 1.8-fold increase in cancer incidences. The partnership between LifeGen and Datar Cancer Genetics represents a pivotal step towards early can cer detection beyond the current screening age invitation allowing individuals the reassurance with one single sample of blood.

Generally, the traditional methods for cancer screening are intrusive, incon venient and can be painful, with po tential exposure to radiation followed by a nerve-wracking wait until results are collected. Trucheck’s revolutionary test screens for 70+ different types of cancers in an individual using a sin gle blood sample, collecting 15-20ml of blood to detect the presence of CTC (Circulating Tumor Cells) in revo lutionizing the early-stage diagnosis and providing results to patients as quick as 10-12 days. Individuals have the option to take the multi-cancer test or a cancer-specific test which includes single options such as Pros tate, Breast, Bowel or even a group of cancers found more actively in di abetic patients. Datar’s tests for early detection of Breast and Prostate can cer have been granted ‘Breakthrough

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Designation’ by the US FDA.

In one proof of concept study titled, “Accurate Screening for Early-Stage Breast Cancer by Detection and Pro filing of Circulating Tumour Cells”, published in the journal ‘Cancers’, the findings show the high accuracy and reliability of the test’s early-stage breast cancer detection, even in very early-stage breast cancers (Stage 0,1). The study covered 9632 healthy women and 660 breast cancer cases. The overall accuracy of the test was 99.57%. Trucheck’s accuracy, sensitiv ity and specificity are confirmed by testing over 50,000 individuals who synchronously screened for cancer, using conventional screening modali ties, such as X-ray, CT scan or colonos copy.

LifeGen is founded by Dr. Ramin Ajami, an Oncology specialist with a back

ground at Harley Street, and Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital in London, he is working with his local team to redefine the region’s most sig nificant health threat, as cancer is found to be a leading cause of death worldwide. According to the European Journal of Cancer, over 4 million new cancer cases and 1.9 million cancer-related deaths were estimated in Europe for 2020. Cancer accounted for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or near ly one in six deaths, according to the World Health Organization. Dr. Ramin Ajami comments, “We have launched LifeGen in the region with the aim of providing the oppor tunity to spot early-stage tumors and tackle any issues at the earliest stage possible in order to bypass sig nificant problems that may occur in someone’s future. We believe that

early detection makes a difference, and LifeGen makes it possible. With the use of the world-leading science behind Trucheck blood tests, we are able to detect tumors at very early stage where there are significantly more effective solutions and re duced stresses for the individuals.”

As a partner of LifeGen, Farshad Dabeshkhoy further comments, “We are proud to be providing Tru check blood tests in the region. We are certain that with access to this thorough test, individuals will be able to detect any signs of abnor malities before they become detri mental to one’s life. Our goal is to partner with hospitals across the region as well as provide at-home testing in order to make the test as accessible as possible.”

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The countdown is on for the all new edition of Disney On Ice presents Mickey and Friends, lighting up the rink in Abu Dhabi this October


ith a matter of weeks to go, magic and excitement is in the air ahead of Disney On Ice presents Mickey and Friends returning to Etihad Arena, Yas Island Abu Dhabi, with all new characters, nev er seen before performances, majestic routines, spellbinding soundtracks and more.

From 12th to 16th October this nev er seen before edition of the show will surprise and delight fans with all of its updates, as well as everyone’s favorite characters returning to the stage. With modern Disney additions including playful performances from Toy Story stars, underwater magic from Finding Nemo, magnificent emotional displays from the stars of Inside Out, inspirational num bers from Princess Power and many more.

These recent additions to the fantastical show will be per forming alongside all the classic stars, including Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Donald, to make for an extraordinary never seen before show!

With just a matter of weeks remain ing till the launch of this all new expression of Disney’s most loved characters and stories, both old and new, get your now to secure your seat at this electrifying show be fore they sell out.

Whilst fans can go on these magical musical journeys with their favorite characters from Disney On Ice, Feld Entertainment is continuing Guest Wellness Enhancements to help keep families safe at its live events. Feld Entertainment is working close ly with venue partners to establish and follow COVID-19 health and safety standards in accordance with all local guidelines. Please monitor the venue website for health and safety policies, including face cover ing and entry requirements, which are subject to change. Full details on Feld Entertainment Guest Wellness Enhancements can be found here.


Wed, 12th 7:30 PM

Thur, 13th 7:30 PM

Fri, 14th 3:30 & 7:30 PM

Sat, 15th 11:30AM, 3:30 & 7:30 PM

Sun,16th 11:30AM,3:30 & 7:30 PM


Etihad Arena Yas Island, Abu Dhabi


*Ticket pricing is subject to change based on market demand.

For more info about Disney On Ice, follow Disney On Ice social media channels: Facebook, Twitter & Ins tagram. Subscribe to the Disney On Ice YouTube Channel at

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For more info about Disney On Ice, follow Disney On Ice social media channels: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Subscribe to the Disney On Ice YouTube Channel at

Miral Announces the Opening of SeaWorld® Abu Dhabi in 2023 The Source FAMILY44

Miral, Abu Dhabi’s leading creator of immersive desti nations and experiences, in partnership with SeaWor ld Parks & Entertainment, announced it has reached 90% construction comple tion of the next-generation marine-life theme park, Sea World Abu Dhabi, Yas Island’s latest mega-development. The development, which is due to open in 2023 as the latest addition to Yas Island’s tourism offering, includes the UAE’s first dedicated ma rine research, rescue, reha bilitation and return center.

To be located next to the ma rine-life theme park, the re search and rescue center will open this year. It will support regional and global conser vation efforts, providing an advanced knowledge hub with a focus on indigenous Arabian Gulf and marine life ecosystems. The center will be led by world-class ma rine scientists, veterinarians, animal care professionals, rescue experts and educa tors, who will collaborate with peers, environmental organizations, regulators and academic institutions to impact long-term conser vation efforts in the region. The rescue team will also be available to support the au thorities 24/7.

Built on five indoor levels with a total area of approxi mately 183,000sqm, the ma rine-life theme park is in the final stages of construction completion of the interior themed guest environments, habitats, rides, and immer sive experiences. Utilizing

SeaWorld’s vast experience operating world-class ma rine-life theme parks for over 55 years, the purpose-built habitats and ecosystems for the animals that will call Sea World Abu Dhabi home have been designed and built using the latest technologies, aim ing to provide the residents a dynamic environment that replicates their natural habi tat.

The marine-life theme park, set to be home to the region’s largest and most expansive multi-species marine-life aquarium, will feature a myr iad of immersive experienc es and interactive exhibits, inviting guests from around the world to broaden their knowledge and appreciation of marine-life, while educat ing and inspiring. The cen tral “One Ocean” realm of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi links six distinct marine environ ments throughout the park, all of which tell a unified story based on the interconnectiv ity of all life on earth and in our ocean. Within the central hub, guests will encounter fascinating ocean stories pre sented in an expansive 360º fully immersive media experi ence, transporting them from one fascinating place to an other, while they encounter much of the ocean’s diverse marine-life, learning how the One Ocean current impacts us all.

Commenting on this mile stone, HE Mohamed Khalifa

Al Mubarak, Chairman of Mi ral said: “Abu Dhabi and the UAE has delivered longstand

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ing marine conservation, and SeaWorld Abu Dhabi signifies the start of a new chapter in regional and glob al marine life knowledge, conservation, and sustaina bility. Our partnership with SeaWorld Parks & Entertain ment to bring this next-gen eration marine-life theme park to the capital will help further position Abu Dhabi as a global tourism hub and contribute to its economic growth and diversification vision.”

Scott Ross, Chairman, Sea World Parks & Entertain ment, “On behalf of the Board of Directors of Sea World, I’d like to thank Mi ral for their partnership as

we work together to bring SeaWorld to Yas Island. We are honored for the unique opportunity to be a part of Abu Dhabi’s innovative vi sion for economic diversifi cation and growth as well as the Emirate’s commitment to marine-life conservation. SeaWorld brings a legacy of inspiring love and conserva tion for the ocean and marine animals, and we cannot be more excited to extend our global conservation network and mission to protect marine animals and their habitats in the sea and gulfs surrounding the UAE. We look forward to celebrating the UAE’s history and deep-rooted connection to the ocean through the

many incredible and immer sive experiences at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi.”

Mohammed Abdalla Al Zaa bi, Chief Executive Officer, Miral added, “We are proud to mark this significant mile stone in the development of SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, in partnership with SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, lev eraging its legacy of marine animal rescue and rehabilita tion. This is an important and transformational addition to Yas Island’s immersive expe riences, which is yet another testament to achieving our vision for the island, position ing it as a top global destina tion.”

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Marc Swanson, CEO of Sea World Parks & Entertain ment, said: “It is a privilege to partner with Abu Dhabi’s leading creator of experienc es Miral as we bring to life another extraordinary Sea World experience for guests with our first marine-life theme park in over 30 years and our first outside the USA.

SeaWorld’s nearly six dec ades of caring for such a vast array of marine animals is what makes this possi ble and what enables us to introduce another first for the UAE region – a marine animal research and rescue center for the UAE. We are excited to witness the im

pact that these endeavours will have on inspiring the next generation of marine animal conservationists across the UAE and advancing the caus es of research, rescue, and conservation worldwide.”

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi is antic ipated to contain more than 58 million litres of water and be home to more than 150 species of marine animals including sharks, schools of fish, manta rays, sea turtles, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates in addition to hundreds of birds including penguins, puffins, murres, flamingos and more.

The park’s animals will be

cared for by an expert and ex perienced team of dedicated zoologists, veterinarians, nu tritionists, and animal special ists who share a passion and commitment to maintaining the health and wellbeing of the animals in their care.

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will fur ther support Miral’s vision to position Yas Island as a top global destination and a great addition to the island’s unique portfolio of attrac tions and experiences.

The next-generation ma rine-life park is scheduled for completion in late 2022 and is set to become Yas Island’s next mega attraction.

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The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) has an nounced its line-up of events for the 2022/2023 winter season, which are set to cre ate excitement and elevate the destination experience of the UAE capital.

Revealed during a TV talk show-style launch event, the up-to-date Abu Dhabi Cal endar spans 180 days and features extraordinary con certs by regional and inter national artists, exhilarating sporting and e-sports action, immersive cultural festivals, live interactive family shows, crowd-pleasing concerts, and unmissable theatre, op era and dance performanc es.

Highly anticipated events in the Abu Dhabi Calendar include the live con certs by Sting, Andrea Bocelli and A. R. Rah man, the first NBA Abu Dhabi Games, the return of Abu Dhabi Show down Week, headlined by UFC 280: OLIVEI RA vs MAKHACHEV, Disney’s The Lion King, and IIFA Awards Abu Dhabi 2023. For rap and global urban music fans, the Wireless Festival makes its Abu Dhabi debut in March 2023.

H.E. Saleh Mohamed Al Geziry, Director General for Tourism at DCT Abu Dhabi, said, “Abu Dhabi Calendar has an incredible line up of events to thrill and excite our resi dents and visitors this season.

We’re looking forward to sharing Abu Dhabi with the world by playing host to spectacular musical acts and action-packed global sport spectacles that will attract fans and families from across the globe. It’s a jam packed and incredibly diverse agenda of events which promises to connect friends, excite youth and unite families for unfor gettable moments they can enjoy at their own pace.”

Mohamed Abdalla Al Zaabi, CEO of Miral, said, “Through our collaboration with DCT Abu Dhabi and the support of our trusted partners, Abu Dha bi will host an action-packed line-up of world-class events on Yas Island and across the emirate this season, from ex hilarating concerts to cultural festivals, aimed at elevating experiences for residents and tourists of all ages to enjoy across the UAE capital.

“This reiterates our commit ment to achieve our vision of positioning the island as a top global destination for en tertainment and leisure, as well as a preferred location for world-class events. We

continuously aim to attract guests from around the globe by bringing international A-list artists and globally renowned events to Abu Dhabi, provid ing captivating and immer sive experiences that create unforgettable memories and raise Abu Dhabi’s position as a global tourism hub.”

On bringing Blippi The Musi cal to Abu Dhabi for the first time, John Lickrish, CEO of Flash Entertainment, said: “As an entertainment industry leader, we pay great attention to what audiences want to see and experience. Flash En tertainment has a long track record of bringing the best global performers and events to audiences in the UAE and the region. We have paid close attention to the growth of Blippi’s following so it is a special moment to bring this exciting show to young fans in Abu Dhabi as we continue to diversify our offering and de velop the regional entertain ment landscape.”

On the Abu Dhabi debut of Wireless Festival next year, James Craven, President of Live Nation MENA, said: “With more than 200 na tionalities living in the UAE, it is important we constantly track changing music tastes that are reflective of such a diverse population. Hip Hop remains one of the most pop ular genres throughout the

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region and the launch of Wire less Festival in Abu Dhabi next March will be a huge draw to urban music fans throughout the region. The festival will showcase some of the biggest international hip hop stars but will also provide a platform for local artists too.”

With the complete Abu Dhabi Calendar featured on the Visit Abu Dhabi website, residents and visitors can now start plan ning their ‘must-see’ schedule for the following events:

A melodic musical line up and electric nightlife events

• Wireless Festival: The pop ular rap and urban music festival from London is heading to Abu Dhabi on 4 March 2023.

• Sting: The 17-time Grammy Award winner will arrive at Etihad Arena as his critical ly acclaimed My Songs tour on 27 January 2023. Tickets go on sale on 23 Septem ber.

• Andrea Bocelli: The Italian tenor will return to Abu Dhabi for a night of en chanting classical music at Etihad Park on 24 Novem ber.

• A. R. Rahman: The twotime Academy Award win ner will perform for the first time in Abu Dhabi at Etihad Arena on 29 Octo ber.

• Amplified Music Festival: The three-day musical ex travaganza will take place from 11 to 13 November at Yas Links Abu Dhabi.

• Louvre Abu Dhabi Con certs: The iconic museum will present a series of unique concerts to cele brate its 5th anniversary, presenting Majid Al Mo

handis on 11 November and Omar Khairat on 13 November.

• IIFA Awards Abu Dhabi 2023: The Bollywood film fraternity will return to Abu Dhabi on 11 and 12 Febru ary 2023 for a star-studded weekend at Etihad Arena.

• Middle East Film & Comic Con 2023: The world-fa mous festival will unite movie, TV and comic lov ers of the UAE with the re gion’s largest pop-culture festival in March 2023.

• Westlife: The iconic Irish pop group will play at Eti had Arena on 29 Septem ber 2022.

• Club Social Festival: Prom ising a weekend of music, food and drinks from 28 to 30 October, this event will feature Liam Gallagher, Kai ser Chiefs, and Clean Ban dit.

• National Day Concerts: A series of concerts will mark this year’s National Day celebrations at various lo cations from 1 to 3 Decem ber.

• Arabic Concerts: Top DJs and singing sensations of the Arab world will perform in Abu Dhabi in a series of concerts from 14 October till 21 December. The ar tistes include Nancy Ajram, George Wassouf, Melhem Zein, Mouhamad Khairy, Wael Kfoury, Ahmed Saad, DJ Aseel, BiGSaM, Aziz Maraka, and Siilawy.

Championship-chasing, crowd-cheering sporting action

• NBA Abu Dhabi Games 2022: The Atlanta Hawks and the 2020-21 NBA championship-win ning Milwaukee Bucks

will play two pre-season games at Etihad Arena on 6 and 8 October, marking the first ever NBA games in the Arabian Gulf.

• NBA District: Showcasing music, media and art as sociated with NBA culture, this immersive, interactive fan event will be held in conjunction with the NBA Abu Dhabi Games 2022 at Manarat Al Saadiyat from 5 to 9 October. Fans will be able to engage with NBA personalities from around the world, watch authentic NBA game entertainment, enjoy hands-on basketball activities, and purchase limited-edition NBA mer chandise.

• Abu Dhabi Showdown Week (ADSW) 2022: Excit ing concerts, workshops, pool parties and city-wide activations, featuring some of the biggest UFC stars, will run from 17 to 23 Oc tober, headlined by the highly anticipated UFC 280: OLIVEIRA vs MAKHACHEV on 22 October at Etihad Arena.

• Matchroom Boxing: BIVOL vs RAMIREZ: WBA Light-Heavyweight belt holder Dmitry Bivol will de fend his world title against Gilberto ‘Zurdo’ Ramirez on 5 November.

• MENA Games For Change

Summit: Bringing togeth er global gaming experts, the first Games for Change summit in the Middle East and North Africa is coming on 11 and 12 October.

• UAE Warriors: Featuring lo cal and international fight ers, the spectacle will re turn on 20 and 21 October and again in December.

• Abu Dhabi T10 League: The sixth edition of the pop

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ular cricketing league will take place from 23 November to 4 Decem ber at the Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium.

• BLAST: Eight of the world’s best e-sports or ganisations will tussle for the prestigious World Fi nal trophy, a slice of a $1 million prize pool, and a chance to claim bragging rights as the 2022 cham pions of Counter-Strike on 17 and 18 December.

• Liwa Festival: The motor ing event will take place from 22 November to 4 December, along with Khaleeji concerts, culture and heritage activations, food stalls, an outdoor cinema and a night mar ket.

Fun leisure and family days out

• Disney’s The Lion King: Etihad Arena will host a month-long run of the landmark Broadway mu sical from 16 November to 10 December this year.

• Disney on Ice: The city will welcome back this ever-popular family show between 12 and 16 October to Etihad Arena.

• Mother of the Nation (MOTN) Festival: Offering family-friendly fun and cultural awareness, the event will return from 9 to 18 December with a jampacked schedule, featur ing exciting zones and live entertainment, including Miami Band.

• World Cup Fanzone: Building on the football fever, Yas Links Abu Dhabi will host Abu Dhabi’s flag ship World Cup Fanzone from 20 November to 18 December, to offer fans a high-energy viewing ex perience, an array of din ing options, an e-gaming zone and other football activations.

• Abu Dhabi Culinary Sea son: The emirate’s annual celebration of food will take place from October to December this year across Abu Dhabi’s cafés and restaurants, featuring a diverse schedule of cu linary experiences, range of cuisines, styles and price points.

• Blippi The Musical: The popular children’s enter tainer and educator is bringing an energetic, live musical show for young children and families 18

and 19 February at Etihad Arena.

• Middle East and North Africa’s 50 Best Restau rants 2023: This culi nary-themed event will feature guest dinners and discussions, alongside the reveal of the organi sation’s rundown of the top 50 restaurants in the region.

Inspiring culture events

• Abu Dhabi Art 2022: The annual art fair is returning from 16 to 20 November, bringing together local and international galler ies, alongside exhibitions, artist commissions and in stallations.

• The Traditional Handi crafts Festival 2022: The annual festival held at Al Qattara Heritage District of Al Ain will return from 1 to 20 November, invit ing visitors to experience traditional crafts by UAE artisans.

For more information on the Abu Dhabi Calendar, please visit

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Yas Bay Waterfront brings together six first-to-the-UAE dining concepts Let your tastebuds travel the world The Source FAMILY56

Brimming with unique experiences, Abu Dhabi continues to establish its reputation as a leading destination for exclusive leisure and dining con cepts. The capital’s vibrant day-tonight destination on Yas Island, con nects both travellers and residents to an eclectic mix of dining and nightlife concepts, six of which are exclusive to the UAE.

Overlooking the sparkling blue wa ters of Yas Bay Waterfront, Café del Mar, a world-renowned urban-style beach club, boasts exceptional views of Abu Dhabi’s skyline. Born in Ibiza in 1991, Café del Mar was instrumen tal in bringing a more relaxed genre of entertainment into vogue. Criti cal to the beach club’s success was DJ Jose Padilla, known for his easy listening genre of music and sunset sessions. Café del Mar’s Abu Dha bi venue builds on the beach club’s legacy and brand, featuring three swimming pools, private and public jacuzzies and impeccable Mediterra nean cuisine. Café del Mar is set to introduce weekly themes over the summer months including the high ly anticipated night party, promising revellers good music, live entertain ment and chilled pools. The beach club also recently introduced ladies’ days, running every Monday and Tuesday, giving ladies the chance to sit back and unwind in complete pri vacy.

Located on Yas Bay Waterfront’s Pier, Zeera by Buddha Bar is the gateway to modern India’s rich culinary tapes try. Capturing flavours from various regions across India, Zeera, in its first months of opening, has already been recognised by some of the most prestigious awarding bodies. The res taurant offers a variety of best-loved Indian dishes prepared in built-in tandoor ovens. The culinary hotspot serves up delicious plates that use the finest ingredients, textures and cooking techniques. Meals are de signed to be shared with family and friends for the perfect communal eating experience.

Yas Bay Waterfront is also home to Bushra, a modern Middle Eastern eatery and another exceptional con


cept by Buddha Bar. The restaurant, whose name means ‘good omen’ in Arabic, of fers traditional Levantine cuisine with an innovative fusion of flavours by world-re nowned Michelin star chef Greg Maalouf. The restaurant builds on its Middle Eastern roots with music and art that revives tra ditions that are well known in the region. The unique concept also offers grilled se lections that are prepared to perfection on charcoal in a live open kitchen, in full view of guests.

What guests may not know is that Zeera and Bushra are also part of the first-ever ‘Trilogy’ concept by Buddha Bar where pa trons can choose between three unique experiences, including Siddharta Lounge by Buddha Bar. Following an exquisite meal, guests can experience a lively funfilled atmosphere on the dazzling rooftop playground featuring a dance show in a stunning setting of panoramic sea views.

On the Yas Bay Waterfront Pier lies fine dining hotspot Paradiso. With roots in Cannes, France, Paradiso evokes the spirit of the French Riviera and its love affair with the cinematic arts. Fusing good music and food, Paradiso came to life as a result of a friendship between two iconic culinary fig ures, Nicole Rubi and Pierre Gagnaire. The two founded Paradiso as a relaxed restau rant for families and friends to indulge in quality food, music and ambience inspired by the south of France. Paradiso’s menu features dishes inspired by specialties from Nice, Italy and the wider Mediterra nean region. Among the fresh and impec cably prepared dishes, guests can indulge in signature creations crafted by the two renowned chefs, which are already earn ing Paradiso an equally stellar reputation.

Opening a concept in Abu Dhabi had al ways been one of Samer Hamadeh’s goals, owner of Emmy Squared Pizza, and Yas Bay Waterfront was the perfect locale for the restaurant’s first branch outside of the United States. During his trip to New York, Hamadeh experienced the phenomenon that is Emmy Squared Pizza and decided to introduce UAE’s pizza lovers to the fa mous Detroit-style pizza. The popular eat ery is currently offering their classic Emmy Squared Pizza menu that features all the original bestsellers and signatures. Their pizzas are marked by a square shape, crispy

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bottom, fluffy dough, cheesy “frico” crust, and signature sauce stripes.

With handcrafted graffiti walls and endless insta-worthy backdrops, Cen tral, the street-meets-neon joint is home to the best burgers, shakes and beverages. Central serves up an epic side of gaming fun in collaboration with its next-door neighbour, Lock, Stock & Barrel. The bowling alley flips at midnight to link the two venues for some unmatched fun and com petition. The menu includes some hangout favourites such as pizzas, tacos, quesadillas and a drool-worthy burger line-up with monster shakes to match. Merging the worlds of food and entertainment, Central is one to add to the list when at Yas Bay Wa terfront.

Paul Evans, director and co-found er of Solutions Leisure Group, said, “Upon seeing the outstand ing vision for Yas Bay Waterfront, there was only one decision to make for Solutions Leisure Group - Can we bring our epic creativity and renowned service to deliver our best venues to date?”

“The answer was absolutely, and that’s exactly what we have done. The potential of Yas Bay Water front is limitless, and we are hum bled to be a part of it. Promising to be the most exciting develop ment in the capital, this destina tion brings together a curated mix of the most incredible leisure, en tertainment and dining concepts to date,” continued Evans.

Yas Bay Waterfront’s restaurants have made quite the name for themselves in the capital since opening and are worth put ting on your checklist. Boasting world-class dining and nightlife concepts, the day-to-night desti nation is also home to Asia Asia, Akiba Dori, Lock Stock & Barrel, La Carnita, Drop Coffee and Hunt er & Barrel among others.

The dining and leisure scene at Yas Bay Waterfront is growing day by day and guests can look forward to a number of new ad ditions, including the highly an ticipated outlets EL&N, Artmar ket and more.



Swedish House Mafia and Kendrick Lamar confirmed for Friday and Saturday night post-race shows; Thursday and Sunday headliners to be announced soon


ith just 50 days to go, Flash Entertainment, the Mid dle East’s leading live entertain ment company, is gearing up for the annual Yasalam After-Race Concerts, a four-day series of adrenaline-fueled AAA perfor mances held around the FOR MULA 1 ETIHAD AIRWAYS ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX.

Held between November 1720, the concerts at Etihad Park are exclusively for Abu Dha bi Grand Prix ticketholders. Grammy award winning artists Swedish House Mafia and Ken drick Lamar are already con firmed for the Friday and Sat urday evening concerts, with announcements regarding the Thursday and Sunday night per formers coming soon.

With the exciting weekend looming on the horizon, here is what to expect:


The Golden Circle upgrade is the must-have upgrade to your Abu Dhabi GP weekend. Race ticketholders attending the concerts can opt for an en hanced experience by upgrad ing to Golden Circle, with closer proximity to the stage, access to dedicated beverage points, and fast-track entry into the venue.

The process of upgrading to Golden Circle is simple and ticketholders are encouraged to upgrade early to avoid dis appointment. Abu Dhabi GP ticketholders can head to yas to seamless ly level up their race-weekend experience.

Golden Circle upgrades can be purchased for individual nights at a variety of prices, depend ing on the evening. An up grade for Thursday night can be bought for AED 195, Friday night for Dh295, Saturday night for Dh395, and Sunday night for Dh495. A package for all four nights is available for AED 945


The Yasalam After-Race Con certs guarantee world-class performers, with Flash Enter tainment bringing everybody from The Rolling Stones to Prince, Paul McCartney to Em

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inem, Beyonce to Florence & The Machine, and many more, in previous years. Confirmed so far this year are Grammy Award-winning Swedish House Mafia, the house music su pergroup consisting of Axwell, Steve Angello, and Sebastian Ingrosso. Best known for their global hit “Don’t You Worry Child”, they will play on Friday, 18 November.

Saturday night’s performer is Kendrick Lamar, the American rapper, songwriter, and record producer who has sold more than 70 million records world wide. A 14-time Grammy Award winner, each of his five albums have been certified platinum, and in 2018 he became the first rap artist in history to win the Pulitzer Prize for Music.

Two more big names are set to be confirmed in the com ing weeks with slots open for Thursday and Sunday night.

“The Yasalam After-Race Con certs have become synony mous with Abu Dhabi GP week end year-on-year because of our commitment to bringing AAA superstar performers who appeal to the audience profile,” said John Lickrish, CEO, Flash Entertainment. “The artists we have announced are wellloved by the market and the Golden Circle upgrade option gives the audience a chance to get even closer to their favour ite performers and make their race-weekend experience truly unforgettable.”


Flash Entertainment’s ongoing efforts to support regional tal ent will be further evidenced with warm-up acts each night, coming from the Regional Art ist Spotlight (RAS) platform. The platform aims to provide

opportunities for musical tal ent in the GCC, helping rising stars from the region gain ex posure to a broader audience and offering them a stage on which to showcase their mu sic to a wide, international audience. On each of the four nights, one regional art ist will be paired with an in ternational heavyweight to make each of the concerts an evening to remember.

For further details, in addi tion to Flash Entertainment’s upcoming event schedule, please visit https://www. or go to:

Instagram: @FlashEntertainment Facebook: @FlashEntertainment Twitter: @ThinkFlash YouTube: FlashEntertainment ENTERTAINMENT The Source FAMILY 61

AL AIN ZOO adopts world-class technologies in wildlife conservation

As part of its commitment to applying the high est standards and best practices in wildlife pres ervation and animal care, Al Ain Zoo has announced that on its 54-year journey, the ages of some of the oldest animals in its care have exceeded their nor mal life expectancy in the wild, including a 47-yearold lappet-faced vulture, a chimpanzee aged about 36 years old and a 34-yearold mugger crocodile. The longevity of these species has exceeded their life ex pectancy in their natural habitat by tens of years as they have been protected

from over-hunting and in evitable urban sprawl they would face.

The Zoo has been able to nurture the rich variety of animals to which it is home, now numbering 4,000, by implementing state-of-theart, fully tested and highly successful programs and strategies that adopt mod ern technologies in the processes of registration, monitoring, genetic studies, veterinary care and be havioural rehabilitation of abused animals.

It also used ZIMS zoo aquar ium animal management

software, which is consid ered one of the best glob al reliable sources of in formation on animals and their environments for zoos, aquaria and relevant organizations to serve animal management and accomplish conservation goals.

In addition, the Zoo uti lizes advanced genetic conserving programs to maintain genetic integrity and ensure the preservation and sustainability of species, with the possi bility of releasing some healthy offspring into the wild to help repopulation.

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Highlighting the impor tance of adopting the latest technologies in the protection of wildlife, H.E. Ghanim Mubarak Al Hajeri, Director-General of the Zoo and Aquarium Public Institution in Al Ain, said: “We are living in the age of technology, and we must utilize it to the max imum in our work. The technologies we adopt have saved a tremendous amount of both effort and time and over the years have provided highly ac curate results in monitor ing and tracking animals, studying their behaviour al patterns and keeping an eye on their health, while keeping up with many other technologies which in turn have supported our mission in protecting endangered species.

“Our technology-based strategies extend to all areas of wildlife in our care. From animal facial rec ognition to DNA analysis, physical and behavioural rehabilitation, and the collection of data to share with specialized global agencies to join forces in our quest for wildlife preservation, down to the most basic animal calm ing techniques that, with the use of modern tech nology, become more ef ficient and safer. It all con tributes to improving the quality of life of animals and adds to our ability to preserve wildlife”, H.E. added.


AZIMUTH AlUla a sellout success

More than 2000 music fans flocked to the ancient desert city of AlUla’s this weekend to attend the boutique music and arts event, AZIMUTH. The sold out event, delivered by MDL BEAST, the Saudi-based music enter tainment company, returned in its second edition showcasing the best of EDM with DJs and acts flown in from around the world to delight au diences in the Saudi Arabian heritage heartland.

The two day event featured interna tional acts including the crowd-rous ing DJ Snake; Kelis who performed her 2003 smash hit Milkshake; and the prolific tastemaker of house and modern techno Damian Lazarus on day one. Day two turned up the vol ume even more with an epic perfor mance from the seven piece band of Austrian artist Parov Stelar, and American R&B superstar Jason Deru lo who opened with his chart-topping hit Whatcha Say and had the excitable crowd dancing and asking for more.

Local acts from the flourishing Saudi music scene included a lineup of ris ing female stars DJ Kayan, Birdperson and Cosmicat plus perennially popu lar Dish Dash and Majid Jordan. DIS CO MISR delighted and surprised with their unique 80s and 90s infused Ar abic pop. The unique sunset to sun rise event had artists clamouring to be involved with early morning sets by Vinyl Mode, Nomad, Anmarz. Lo cal hero, DJ Baloo pulled off a standout performance in the final hours,

as did BKR with his set timed to co incide with the final sunrise moment to an audience eager for more. The AlUla moment capped off an event set in an ancient land with a nod to the past but with eyes firmly fixed on the future. AZIMUTH is an event that is sure to be on the radar for festival goers around the world.

The stage was set within the stunning natural landscape of AlUla with the intimate arena surrounded by the rock formations that have stood for millions of years. A light show using the ancient rocks as the canvas and impressive stage production provided further entertainment to the crowd.

Taking place on the Saudi National Day weekend from sunset on 22nd September to sunrise on 24th Sep tember in the same canyon that hosted Desert X AlUla, those lucky enough to secure one of only 1000 tickets per day also had the privilege of seeing some of the remaining art works that were showcased as part of the event set up.

AZIMUTH was the first of a long list of exciting events and festivals un der the AlUla Moments calendar, ce menting the Arabian Peninsula city as the arts and culture capital it once was as the crossroads of civilisations dating back 7000 years.

Follow @alulamoments on social media platforms to get the latest up dates on schedule or visit

Jason Derulo, Kelis, Parov Stelar, DJ Snake and Damian Lazarus performed to a sold out crowd at AZIMUTH AlUla including local acts Dish Dash, DJ Kayan, Cosmicat, Biirdperson and more
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The SUV for the electric age The Polestar 3

MOTORING premieres on 12 October The Source FAMILY66

Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) will premiere its first SUV, Polestar 3, at a launch event on 12 Oc tober 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Polestar 3 is a powerful, de sign-led electric performance SUV that appeals to the senses with a distinct shape and excel lent driving dynamics.

Built on a new all-electric tech nology base developed by and shared with Volvo Cars, it fea tures the latest in high-tech components – like centralised core computing from NVID IA and a long list of advanced safety systems from Volvo Cars and leading industry suppliers including Zenseact, Luminar and Smart Eye.

“We had to ask ourselves: ‘what should a modern SUV look like?’ Polestar 3 defines the SUV for the electric age and in designing it, we addressed some of the fundamentals of

the archetype: proportions, stance and aerodynamics,” says Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO.

Performance is key for Pole star, going deeper than just straight-line acceleration. At launch, all versions fea ture a rear-biased dual mo tor powertrain with electric torque vectoring via a dual clutch system on the rear electric motor.

This is met by adaptive dual-chamber air suspen sion and active dampers as standard, which allows Polestar 3 to switch be tween comfort and firm suspension dynamics, and adjust the dampers to suit road conditions once every two milliseconds (500 Hz).

Thomas Ingenlath contin ues: “It’s this instant ability to transform from a com fortable cruiser to a sharp,

agile performance car in less than the blink of an eye that makes Polestar 3 special as an electric performance SUV. It also benefits from a low centre of gravity and wide track for ul timate stability, and an exciting feeling behind the wheel.”

The optional Performance Pack enables maximum output of 380 kW and 910 Nm, along with Polestar Engineered chas sis tuning for the active damp ers and air suspension. Pole star’s signature Swedish gold details are also added, includ ing valve caps, seat belts and a laser-etched interior light strip.

Featuring Polestar CEO, Thom as Ingenlath, and Polestar’s Head of Design, Maximilian Missoni, the launch event will commence at 19:00 CEST on 12 October. A live broadcast will be available at or click below...

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Homegrown beauty tech retailer leverages AI to provide personalized beauty routines to GCC shoppers

THEKÜR is a technology-led beauty retailer that combines expert knowledge backed by data and technology, to pro vide a personalized shopping experience for their custom ers. Powered by SkinMatch™, a beauty software solution that analyzes over 50,000 product ingredients, THEKÜR offers curated personal beau ty care product recommenda tions and insights for people with melanin-rich skin and textured hair in the Middle East.

With their skin and hair Prod uct Recommendation Engine, THEKÜR uses AI technology to

find the perfect products within their inventory, according to the concerns, lifestyle, and environ mental factors of each custom er. Shoppers can take the hair and skin quizzes on THEKÜR’s website to discover a tailored regimen with recommended products, the benefits of each product and details on how to use them in tandem. This cus tom algorithm also drives the Product Match feature on in dividual product pages. After taking the quiz, shoppers will unlock a Product Match rating on each product page, scoring the product’s relevance against their quiz answers.

Not only does THEKÜR pride it

self in providing quality products, but they are also committed to trust and transparency. Each prod uct page on their website features an INCI Ingredient Explainer pro viding shoppers with details about the product’s ingredients. Using the INCI system offers full ingredi ent transparency, to help custom ers make informed decisions about the source, use cases, and potential side effects of any product formula.

THEKÜR is not just another retail platform offering beauty products. They are an innovative, homegrown company pushing the limits of what beauty technology looks like in the region. For more information and to shop please visit

Perfect Corp., the leading artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) beauty and fashion tech solutions provider, launches an exciting new version of the YouCam Nails iOS app. Powered by the advanced AgileHandTM technology, the revamped app is reimagining manicures through live interactive virtual try-ons for nail color and nail art. The virtual nail try-ons empower users to design their own creative nail art ideas by applying different colors, adjusting nail shapes, and adding stickers and digital designs, all done with a live preview on their own hands. Users can also choose from thousands of readily available trendy nail looks prepared by the YouCam Nail app creators.

Advanced Real-Time Nail Art Try-Ons with Highly-Refined AR Experience

The advanced nail art try-

ons integrate Perfect Corp.’s AgileHandTM technology, which uses advanced hand mapping and jitter control features, to provide an instant live preview of unique nail art designs directly on a user’s hands. This experience seamlessly replicates unique nail looks and nail colors digitally on the users› nails in real time, keeping the nail designs in place even as a user naturally moves their hand within the frame, thereby delivering a hyper-realistic nail art effect.

“We are excited to deliver a next level virtual nail art experience to all, facilitating experimentation and providing tools to manicure lovers to design their own stylish nail looks with the latest AI and AR technology,” said Alice Chang, Perfect Corp. Founder and CEO.

“This one-of-a-kind virtual nail art experience invites beauty fans to explore thousands of trending nail looks and intricate nail art designs with the tap

of a smartphone, creating a truly accessible and immersive creative manicure toolkit.”

Personalized Manicure Design

Experience with Thousands of Looks to Choose From

The extensive nail color palette features hundreds of shade options across four finishes, including cream, matte, jelly, and sheer, to give users the most realistic virtual manicure experience imaginable.

Users can experiment and play around with endless styles using hundreds of different patterns, stencil decals, and jewelsfurther enhancing their manicure designs. The excellent AI and AR algorithms deliver smooth experience for users across all skin tones, making YouCam Nails app a truly inclusive solution.

Download the free YouCam Nails app via the App Store by visiting:


Striving to inspire and devel op the builders of tomorrow through play, LEGO® Middle East held an exclusive event in Dubai to unveil, key global and region al findings from their 2022 Play Well Study. The event gathered key regional thought leaders, in fluencers and the Sharjah Child Friendly Office (SCFO), a subsid iary of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs (SCFA); to initiate impactful conversations around the power of play and the atti tudes and behaviours related to it.

The one-of-a-kind LEGO® Play Well 2022 study, a global study on play by the LEGO Group, building on the 2018 and 2020 LEGO Play Well research find ings, which presents parent and child perceptions on the bene fits of family play, children’s play preferences, future-oriented skills and learning through play.

All findings from the report, unless otherwise referenced, were gath ered from a total of 32,781 parents, and 24,593 children aged 5 -12 through a 20 minute online quanti tative survey conducted across 35 markets in early 2022. It brings out the essence of what play means to children and parents across the globe. In its third edition, the study delves into how play has evolved, the benefits it brings to individuals and families, the barriers that get in the way and how we can protect it.

The study contained ground-break ing data and findings from parents and children of the UAE, with a large percentage of the nation’s parents agreeing that play must be prioritized and protected as it is an integral tool in a child’s develop ment.

In support of shedding light on the various sections of the report,

the event hosted a panel of ex perts including; Jeroen Beijer, the General Manager of LEGO Middle East and South Africa; Aalia Thobani, Communica tion and Connection Specialist; and Dr Hessa Al Suwaidi, Exec utive Director at UAE Sharjah Child Friendly Office. Each ex pert contributed their valuable views around the findings of the unique study Commissioned by the LEGO Group which contains valuable insights setting a prec edent to inspire the generation of tomorrow and laying creative foundations for families to bond and build together.

The study reveals that 92% of parents in the UAE believe play is key in enabling children to learn new things. LEGO products help with children’s development and recognize how experimenting and making mistakes help with a

92% of parents in the UAE say that ‘PLAY’ is key in helping children learn new things
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child’s development. 96% of par ents in the UAE say that playing together makes their family hap pier.

Dr Hessa Al Suwaidi, Executive Director at UAE Sharjah Child Friendly Office said: “In line with Sharjah’s vision of developing comprehensive, child-centric eco systems, SCFO has been prioritis ing the unique needs of children through the lens of a child-rightsbased framework.

Under the directives of His High ness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mu hammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, and Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Moham med Al Qasimi, wife of His High ness Ruler of Sharjah, Chairper son of Supreme Council for Family Affairs, our targeted strategies are grounded in the best interests and rights of children and youth in Sharjah.” She added: “Play has the power to support physical and psychological wellbeing and forge strong connections with others. It imbues children with essential life skills including self-confidence and resilience, independence and the ability to cope with challeng ing situations.

At SCFO, we recognise and re spect the right of children to play, and are committed to upholding their rights in accordance with the highest international stand ards and guidelines.”

The nation’s generation of tomor row, the children of the UAE, also confirmed their affinity towards LEGO® play, as it offers them a fun way to hone ways of thinking, cre ating and testing new ideas.

96% of children expressed that playing with LEGO bricks is a fun activity to do with their parents, and that play makes them feel creative.

Jeroen Beijer, General Manager of LEGO Middle East and South

Africa said: “Play has always been the cornerstone of humanity, in that it contributes to all facets of life. We see play as a process that entails discovery, exploration, learning from mistakes and much more. It means play opportunities for every child’s passion. It means creating lifelong learning values. Most importantly to the UAE, it means bringing families together and shaping the builders of the future.”

With exceptional insights backed by the Play Well study, parents, educators and even key deci sion-makers in the UAE can be gin to encourage conversations around this topic and inspire

the movement towards play in everyday life. The Play Well study also conveys impactful insights on themes that revolve around parents and children’s perceptions of the benefits of family play, as well as digital child safety, sustainability and diversity equity and inclusion (DEI).

The valuable local insights from the LEGO Play Well Study provide key pillars of interest across various sectors that will help support youth by igniting the flame of the power of play and equipping families with the tools, time and space needed to prioritize and protect play.

The Source FAMILY 71 save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity. of the world’s agricultural soil has already degraded Source: FAO, 2019, modified to comply with UN, 2021. GLOBAL SOIL ORGANIC CARBON, 2019 (tonnes/ha) 0 - 20 (very low) 20 - 40 (low) 40 - 70 (medium) 70 - 90 (high) > 90 (very high) SaveSoil.orgLearn & Support Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.


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Emirates Literature Foundation has announced that their compe titions for schools are now open for 2023, celebrating champion readers, storytellers, poetry per formers and the craft of fine hand writing. Students with a talent for poetry performance can showcase their interpretation of a favourite poem in the Emirates NBD spon sored ‘Poetry For All’, while young writers can show off their writ ing skills in the Oxford University Press Story Writing Competition and their beautiful penmanship in the Royal Grammar School (RGS) Guildford Dubai Children’s Letter Writing Competition. And schools can compete against each other in the Chevron Readers’ Cup to show who comes top with their knowl edge and understanding of the se lected books.

Poetry For All

The Poetry For All competition, sponsored for the seventh con secutive year by Emirates NBD, is open to students across two age group categories, 8-13 and 14-18. This year, there is a new category that will be open to people of de termination ages 8-18.

Performers compete in several preliminary rounds, with the grand finals held during the Emirates Air line Festival of Literature in Feb ruary 2023. Registration for the competition is open online until 17 October 2022 at https://www.elf petition

Readers’ Cup

friend’ telling them about a book that you will always cherish. The competition is divided into four categories: Ages 8-10, 11-13, 1418, and people of determination ages 8-18. Entries must be sub mitted before 5 December 2022. More information about the com petition is available here https:// ing-competition

“Our competitions are a highlight on the school calendar” said Iso bel Abulhoul, CEO of the Emirates Literature Foundation. “They are hugely popular with students, parents, and teachers. They allow young people the chance to ex pand their love of reading, create their own inspirational stories and wow the judges with their public speaking skills. Plus giving them the special opportunity to engage with a like-minded community that love and appreciate books and literature.”

Participants can register online via the Emirates Literature Foun dation’s website. The finals and award ceremonies for the com petitions will be held during the Emirates Airline Festival of Litera ture in February 2023

This is the eleventh year of the inter-school Readers’ Cup compe tition, which is sponsored by Chev ron. The competition is divided into two age categories – Primary Schools (up to age 11) and Second ary Schools (ages 12-16). Teams are provided with books written by a variety of celebrated authors on which the quiz questions are based. After a virtual elimination round, the top 20 teams from each age category will advance to the fi nal, battling for first place in a live ‘read-off’ held at the Festival. Teams can register for the compe tition online at https://www.elfdu Registra tions close on 5 October 2022.

The Children’s Letter Writing Competition

The RGS Guildford Dubai Chil dren’s Letter Writing Competition gives young people the chance to show off their letter writing skills, celebrating both the aesthetic of fine handwriting and the art of composing a well-crafted mes sage.

Letters should be written to an ‘old

Clare Turnbull, Principal at The Royal Grammar School Guildford Dubai said: “We are thrilled to be sponsoring the RGS Guildford Du bai Children’s Letter Writing Com petition for the second year in a row. We love that the competition gives young people the opportuni ty to delve into and explore their creative side through the wonder ful world of words and as judges of the competition too, we cannot wait to see what compelling writ ing and interesting storytelling the entrants dream up this year.”

The Story Writing Competition

Young storytellers have the chance to make their mark by entering the Story Writing Competition and draft their masterpieces inspired from the theme ‘Old Friends.’ En tries are invited from full-time students in schools, colleges and universities in the UAE with the competition divided into age-spe cific categories: 11 and under, 1214, 15-17 and 18-25. The winners will be honoured in a special cere mony held during the Festival and will have their entries published in an anthology.

The deadline for submission is 24 October 2022. For the guide on requirements and submission de tails, see https://www.elfdubai. org/en/story-writing-competition More information about the Emir ates Literature Foundation can be found online and year-round news of #ELFDubai on LinkedIn, Face book, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube.

“All competitions are open to full-time students and are held in Arabic and English”
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5 Tips to Make Your University Personal Statement Stand Out

Starting your journey in higher education and going to university can be very exciting, but there are critical elements of your application process that could back up your excitement with an acceptance letter, and on the road to your future career.

Drafting a personal statement is a particularly vital element that should convey what motivates you to choose this career pathway, while showing you can clearly communicate in writing. Despite its importance, many students can find it challenging to deliver a well thought through statement.

Therefore, St. George’s University School of Medicine, Grenada, in the Caribbean, has highlighted five key tips to develop a strong personal statement: do your research, identify what you want to write about, know how to write it, make it personal, and get feedback.

Do your research

Before you start putting anything in writing, think about what career you would like, and investigate universities that are well-equipped to help get you there. Invest time in researching about the program and if it offers opportunities that will help you meet your career goals. Your personal statement should reflect that you have done your research and know how the outcomes of the program match your professional aspirations.

Find out what attributes they are looking for in their students, as these qualities need to be reflected in your personal statement. For example, the SGU School of Medicine requires aspiring medical students who are compassionate, have strong academic achievement potential, able to learn from their mistakes, are critical thinkers, team players, responsible, and dedicated to life-long learning.

Some universities will list their desired traits on their website and your statement should reflect these qualities.

Identify what you want to write about

Now that you know the qualities that your school of choice is looking for in their students, it’s time to show through your writing that you own these characteristics. It is not always easy for people to talk about themselves, so we have created a list of questions that will help you write the answers that your school may be looking for.

• Why do you want to study your chosen course?

• Why is this subject of interest to you?

• How do your current or previous studies relate to your chosen course?

• What are your interests outside of school such as hobbies, extra-curricular

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activities and additional responsibilities? What skills or qualities do these experiences give you?

• How would studying this program support your future plans?

Know how to write your statement

Writing your statement eloquently is as important as the first two steps, if not more. Imagine having all the content you need but not expressing yourself effectively. It is important that the piece has a solid structure and flow of ideas. It should reflect your thought process, transitioning from one idea to the other smoothly.

Ideally, your statement should start with an introduction to the topic you intend to address. Following that, comes your main points, which would be the answers to the questions listed in step two. Lastly, you need to have a conclusion to wrap up the piece and tie it back to your

introduction. Once you finish writing your statement, make sure you proofread it once and twice for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.

Make it personal

This is your opportunity to flex your strengths that are in line with your career of choice. So don’t be shy to express your enthusiasm and what you are good at. It gives a personal essence to your statement that might just get you a place in your program of choice.

Not everyone’s journey to becoming a doctor is the same. You need to identify where you’d like to practice when you graduate and what specialty is of interest to you. You also need to have a clear understanding of what drives you, which will also help you determine how to frame your statement. Showing aspiration and a long-term plan can give the university an idea of your level of motivation. It should feel natural and easy to write about, since

you’d be expressing something that you are passionate about.

Get feedback from people you trust

Before you go ahead with submission, it’s always worth asking people you trust for their feedback, for example your tutors, counselors, or experienced professionals. A concept may be clear in your mind, but poorly expressed in writing. They will give you an outsider’s perspective if something does not sound right or is unclear. Therefore, expect to produce several drafts of your personal statement before being totally happy with it.

To summarize

Your personal statement should give the university obvious reasons as to why you are a perfect match for their program. From the passion for the subject you are aiming to study, to your personality traits, interests, writing style, and career goals they all need to encourage the school to have you on board.


Abu Dhabi Classics Unveils World-Class Line-Up of Events Into 2023


nder the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and Interna tional Cooperation, the Depart ment of Culture and Tourism –Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) has confirmed the line-up of perfor mances set to take place into the new year as part of its popular annual Abu Dhabi Classics music programme.

In addition to events ranging from symphony concerts and ballet to a multicultural piano recital, on offer will be a comple mentary programme of work shops and lectures by renowned

contemporary musicians to encourage creativity and cross-cultural exchange.

HE Saood Al Hosani, Under secretary at DCT Abu Dhabi, said: “In line with Abu Dhabi’s status as a UNESCO-desig nated ‘City of Music’, our ev er-popular Abu Dhabi Classics programme invites the emir ate’s residents and visitors to enjoy some of the most tal ented and innovative artists from the world of internation al classical and contemporary music and dance. We are cre ating a thriving music and arts scene in our emirate, inspir ing all those in the Abu Dhabi

community to discover new forms of creative expression.”

The line-up of upcoming Abu Dhabi Classics events includes: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra with Daniel Harding

Date: 9 November Time: 8pm Venue: Emirates Palace Auditorium, Abu Dhabi

For decades, Amsterdam’s Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra has been ranked among the best orchestras in the world. Some of the greatest ever conductors – from Willem Mengel berg to Bernard Haitink and Riccar do Chailly – have worked with the


orchestra and written new chap ters of music history. For the first time in 10 years, the prestigious Concertgebouw Orchestra is returning to the Gulf region to offer music-lovers some of the world’s most beautiful classical music. For its first night in Abu Dhabi, the orchestra will per form music from Gustav Mahler, the composer it is probably most closely linked with.

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra with Daniel Harding and Leoni das Kavakos

Date: 10 November Time: 6pm Venue: Emirates Palace Auditorium, Abu Dhabi

For its second concert in Abu Dhabi, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra will be playing an ear ly performance designed as both an experience for classical music lovers and an introduction for those less familiar with the gen re.

The programme features Bee thoven’s popular 6th Sympho ny, the Pastorale, which reflects the feelings that nature’s beau ty can arouse in the observer. The programme will offer music at its highest level while giving a beautiful overview of what classical music is all about. For the Brahms violin concerto, the orchestra will be joined by one of today’s best violinists -Greek star Leonidas Kavakos, who will be playing in Abu Dhabi for the first time.

National Ballet of Cuba: Carmen

Date: 25 November Time: 8pm Venue: Cultural Foundation Au ditorium, Abu Dhabi

The Ballet Nacional de Cuba is one of the world’s most prestigious international dance companies. The artist ry and technical excellence of its dancers and the inventive ness and variety of its chore ographers’ aesthetic vision have placed the company as one of the top performers on the international scene. Based on Bizet’s celebrated opera, Carmen tells a tale of an enchanting seductress who radiates defiance and freedom, a tale with an end ing far more complex than a doomed love affair. The staging by Ballet Nacional de Cuba focusses on revealing the essential contradictions between Carmen’s rebellious personality and the forces of her time.

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Gala Concert (sponsored by G42)

Date: 20 December Time: 8pm Venue: Emirates Palace Audi torium, Abu Dhabi

The Israel Philharmonic Or chestra was founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman. Hu berman assembled a profes sional symphony orchestra of high calibre, consisting

of Europe’s most talented Jewish symphonic players.

Today, the orchestra has become one of the leading classical music ensembles worldwide, has toured the globe and played with some of the world’s greatest performers. Since 2020 the orchestra has been playing under the artistic direction of star conductor Lahav Shani, who rose to fame as Chief Conductor of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Or chestra.

Rebeca Omordia: ‘African Pianism’ Piano Recital

Date: 20 January 2023

Time: 8pm

Venue: Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi

The ‘African Pianism’ piano recital consists of works by classical com posers from West Africa (Nigeria and Ghana), South Africa and North Africa (Morocco), as well as other works using African percussion. Celebrated Nigerian-Romanian pia nist Rebeca Omordia will use local percussionists to play a Moroccan piece, ‘En attente du printemps’ for piano and darbuka.

For more information about Abu Dhabi Classics events, and to purchase tickets, please visit the link here.

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IFHC Celebrates 40 Years of Houbara Preservation Over 549,816 houbara bustards across 17 countries resulted from conservation efforts

The International Fund for Hou bara Conservation (IFHC), the glob al leader in pre-emptive species conservation, this year, marks the 40th anniversary of the first hatch of captive-bred houbara chick in the UAE. The fund celebrates the occasion during its 11th year of participation in the Abu Dhabi In ternational Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX), running from September 26 to October 2.

The conservation programme ful fils the vision of the UAE’s founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in ensuring the sustained population of two types of houbara bustards – North Afri can and Asian houbara, in the wild that are emblematic of the Arab culture. The houbara bustards are considered vulnerable on the In ternational Union for the Conser vation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red list

of threatened species.

Mohammed Al Baidani, Director General, International Fund for Houbara Conservation, said: “Our pioneering work at IFHC has paid off as we forge ahead in push ing the boundaries of conserva tion through continuous work in genetics and captive breeding. From heeding the call of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahy an to recognising the need to save the houbara, our collective work

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has improved the species’ status from endangered to vulnerable on the IUCN red list. We have also reached significant milestones in raising awareness on houbara.”

As part of the celebration, IFHC has announced the release of 549,816 houbara bustards to 17 countries since 1998. According to studies conducted by the fund, it has now been proven that the captive-bred houbara follow the same migration route as the wild houbara. The data, captured based on the latest scientific satellite tracking, confirmed that the cap tive-bred houbara which was released in Kazakhstan

during the months of July to September arrived in the Arabian Peninsula during the month of Novem ber. The research findings support the fund in its evaluation to strategically consider the location and genetics of each bird when releasing houbara into the wild.

Globally, a total of 706,284 houbara bustards have been bred in captivity since 1996 with UAE as the top contributor producing 340,527. From the hatched houbara across the world, 549,816 were released. IFHC is a world leader in preventing houbara bustard extinction. It has a global network of conservation efforts that aim to bring the number of houbara bus tards back up to a sustainable level worldwide.

The UAE has seen the largest release of the Asian houbara bustard, totalling 98,182 from 2004 to 2022. For the North African houbara, Morocco saw the largest release, with 189,109 from 1998 to 2021. Out of the 549,816 houbara released as of Septem ber 2022, 55% of Asian houbara were released to 12 countries, while the remaining 45% that are North African houbara were released to 5 countries. These countries were chosen as they were deemed to pro vide the best chance of survival for the birds. Besides habitat types, food availability, and predation risks are the primary considerations in choosing sites for release.

Hamad Alrayssi, Ecology Fieldwork Coordinator at IFHC, said: “A big factor in the 40-year success of our programme is the ecological research into the habitat and behaviour of the houbara. This knowl edge is a big advantage for us when conducting our ground-breaking captive breeding and release con servation programmes. In fact, we continue to moni tor the birds even after their release with thousands of satellite tracking devices fitted on them to learn more about their survival and behaviour.”

The IFHC has invested efforts to study both the be havioural traits of the houbara bustard and the re quirements of a healthy environment in which it can thrive. The nutritional needs of the houbara bustard are now better understood, thanks to research on the local flora and wildlife. Numerous facets of the houbara’s life have been exposed by satellite tracking research, including breeding habits, survival strate gies, migration paths, and preferred staging and win tering grounds. The IFHC research team has created field-based conservation measures that include new scientific knowledge and a range of methodologies.

During ADIHEX, the IFHC will showcase its ecological research at an exhibition booth located in Hall 8, A02 of ADNEC, where attendees will have the opportu nity to observe live houbara bustards. For more up dates on IFHC’s participation at ADIHEX, please visit the official website and follow @houbarafund on social media platforms.

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