therockette issue 11

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My Own Chaos The band share their - Childhood music idol’s, the future, Touring and the first time they fell in love!

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cities and saints,

of t Review with brand , up" Ep tracks new

share all about the new video "over it" how long it took to film, where we can see it, and more.....

A Few Da 10 Qu estio ys Re n EP m Inter ain v iew

Six Storeys high "Ghosts" Single Launch

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This is wher f what share opinions o n the sounds are Hot o street!

(Issue 11)

Editors letter Hello Rocketters, What a past month I’ve had, it’s been mad but I’ve loved every minute of it. Been to 2 gigs that where amazing,....“Bowling For Soup” in Glasgow O2 Abc on October 25th. At bowling for soup I had amazing time, met some bands who you will see coming up in “The Rockette” very soon. I also seen “Six Storeys High” at studio 24 in Edinburgh. It was strange to be back there, I used to go clubbing there every Saturday when I was younger. Its alot smaller than I remembered! To be there reviewing a band, getting free CD’s ect was just strange. But all together an amazing night, I wish “Six Storeys High” all the best with the new single.

Editor in Chief

Danielle Bangham

Contact Me

Then I’m off to see “Stuntman Mike” again on the 18th, I can’t wait. They are such a nice bunch, this will be my 3rd time seeing the lads. I’m taking my mum & my friend to meet them this time, as dad has met them twice before. The December issue of “the Rockette” is looking very exciting indeed, have been writing lot of new interviews too. I can’t believe it’s only a month till Christmas.

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Contents Green my eyes: Video Interview ...........Page 4 Reachback: EP Review ...........Page 6 Kick to kill: Interview ...........Page 7 The Upbeat Beatdown: EP Review ...........Page 9 Stations: Video Interview ...........Page 10 Sound of the Suburbs: ...........Page 12 News Flash: ...........Page 14 A Few Days Remain: 10 Question EP Interview ...........Page 15 Cities and saints: Video Interview ...........Page 16 The Apple Beggars: Story ...........Page 18 Zero Amigo: Interview ...........Page 19 The Deadlights: ...........Page 23 My Own Chaos: Cover story ...........Page 25 Sule Heitner (solo artist): Interview ...........Page 42 Mummy Short Arms: Video Interview ...........Page 44 Sonny Marvello: Interview ...........Page 46 Six Storey’s High: Single Launch Review ...........Page 48 Cities and Skylines: Interview ...........Page 53 Bowling for soup: Story ...........Page 56 Becky Gowans: Interview ...........Page 57 Ad page: ...........Page 59

Video Interview

What’s the video called? Green My Eyes

Was this your first video? Yes, we’re still a new band so it’s been great to do our first video!

Who directed the video? Our friend Duncan Howsley from LAB records

What was the story behind the video? The song is inspired by the short story ‘Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes’ by J.D Salinger and the video focuses on a girl, played by our glamour model friend Cat Trentham.

Did you have a choice of how you wanted the video to be done? (i.e. of band, special effects included or animated, ect) Yes, we worked closely with our director Duncan Howsley. We came out with a basic idea and took it from there.

Was that your first choice of Any more news to share? like us on facebook, follow us how to make it?

on Yeah we wanted to keep things twitter and come see us at a show!! simple and concentrate on making a proffesional looking video.

How many “take’s” was it before you got it right? First time, everytime ;)

How long did it take to film? We did it in a day.

How many people where involved in the production? Just the band, our director Duncan and Cat.

Are you excited about making the next video? Yeah, we are planning it right now. We’re happy with how Green My Eyes came out so will be working with Duncan again.

Where can people see your video? Youtube! Hopefully it will be on tv this space!

What album/EP is this track on? It’s available as a single on itunes, amazon etc now!!! The EP will be out early 2012.

to view the video

“wake up” – EP Review Reachback are a four piece rock band from London Essex in UK. Led by vocalist “Ruby Williams” and her band, Joe Williams on Bass, Tom McHenry playing Guitar and Craig Chin on Drums. They have just released their new “wake up” EP (October 31st). The EP contains five tracks, including re-mastered versions of previously released ‘Butterflies’, ‘No One Else’ and ‘Without You’ now also encompassing two new unforgettable tracks; ‘Waiting’ and ‘Believe’. I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak before it was out. Now thanks to MTV and Hype the long awaited release is now also available digitally. What’s more, I can finally review it!


The track had a real “Pop-punk” feel to it. It reminded me of an earlier Avril Lavigne type track (when she was good - before she became too commercialised). With a simple beat and great drumming and guitars from the band. Ruby’s vocals are strong; however they were not to over powering. “Butterflies” is a very catchy track and by the second chorus I was singing along. A great start to the new EP.

more “upbeat” tracks. I think with the current crop of teenage vampires on TV this track could make a great soundtrack. From start to finish this track was full of passion and deep lyrics and at times heavy guitars. This was the most played track on my copy of Reachback’s EP while writing this review, defiantly my favourite track on the EP.


With a much faster beat than the first track “No One Else” burst into life from the start. With a little bit of a rock feel and echo’s of grunge every now and then, the faster drumming and vocal effects, give this track a deeper sound. I’m sure this track would be amazing live, a real crowd pleaser.

A very energetic track, the kind of track that will have you bouncing around the room. Very Avril-y sounding again with really catchy lyrics. The track keeps buzzing from beginning to end. Every time I listened to this track it made me think ‘American Pie party scene’, this is the kind of track playing in the background when the whole room is jumping!!! OMG, now I’ve gotta go watch that movie!!!




A slow intro builds up into this song. It was a nice change of pace following the first two


A very similar undercurrent, beat and tempo to the previous track. However, the vocals are much smoother and more powerful, much more rock

than pop, giving a completely different feel. It starts like a “Blink182” track but quickly develops more of a “Sum 41” feel. Ruby’s vocals are particularly powerful when she sings the catchword for the track “believe”. In this track the guitars are also more prominent, ably supported by drums, whereas the previous track was more drums supported by guitars.


A stunning concoction of energetic bouncy tracks, powerful vocals, slamming drumming and effervescent guitar playing, all expertly combined to produce a simply superb EP. Reachback are a rockpop band in a similar vein to American punk-pop bands like Sum 41, Green Day, Blink182, only Reachback are from the UK, female led and doing it just that little bit better.

Kick To Kill How did you choose the name of your band Have you changed the band’s name before? Dave: Finding a name is too hard so changing name is a massive no no if it can be helped. HARRIS: The name came from an idea for a local band Julia thirteen’s debut album. They were going to call it fight for fun kick to kill. We liked it... and kind of stole it! What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences? Dave: I think we would slot into the whole post punk genre quiter well. A big influence to me when we started was Joy Division and The Cure but I wouldn’t say we sound much like either of them. HARRIS: not sure how we would fit into a genre now. We started as a post punk band but the sound has changed a lot. Possibly post Goth?

Its confusing. Major influences for me are mogwai, joy division I loved the Barfly. BRING and sonic youth. IT BACK!! Single launch Sat 19th Nov @ Pivo When did you form your is Pivo. band? HARRIS: we have Dave: I think it was in performed all 2005 but the band line across Scotland and up has changed quite a occasionally elsewhere. lot since then. out shows would HARRIS: many years stand supporting the ago. i joined shortly be damned in Newcastle after they started. and the gigs we played the fall. Great What inspired you to with crowd. make music together? Dave: They were the How has your music only good players I evolved since you first could find. I didn’t really began playing music know them. It was at together? college. Quite a bit. HARRIS: sex drugs and Dave: We have got better at alcohol in that order everything I think. We like playing dark Where have you still though. performed? What are rock HARRIS: evolved your favourite and least a lot. We it’s have had a favourite venues? Do few member changes you have any upcoming throughout our time shows? together and i think Dave: We have played everyone has brought all the Glasgow venues something different to and a few other outside.

our sound. Our newest member Ewen has been with us for over a year now and playing with him has brought a great new dimension to our sound. we’ve probably got darker but we feel our new material is very strong. Are you seeking fame and fortune? Dave: When I started I hoped it would but the industry had beaten me down into being a realist. I’m happy with that though. HARRIS: more like sexual gratification What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands? Dave: Do it. Make yourself happy anyway you can. You have to or you will just regret it and regret is a hard thing to cope with.

HARRIS: advice. just do it!!! There’s nothing better than the feeling of playing a blinding show or writing new material. Whether you just play pubs and clubs or end up on MTV the excitement and enjoyment is always there. How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Dave: Not sure. A thing called Friend Face or MY Book. It’s on the interweb. (Stephen:

experience? Dave: Too many to say which is top. HARRIS: dogging What’s your dream holiday? Dave: It would be cool to go to the alps and do some snow sports. HARRIS: skipping all questions to dream tour

If you could play on your dream tour, what bands would be on it supporting you? Dave: I would love to play with Led Zepplin. I would never let them OR support me even in a dream situation. Do you guys have any HARRIS: dream tour other hobbies besides, would be fuckbuttons obviously, making us and either nine inch music? nails or the cure Dave: I ride a motorbike so I do that whenever the weather is on my side. What’s your most e m b a r r a s s i n g

Quick Questions…

-best gig you played & why: Playing with the Damned in Newcastle was awesome. Mostly because we got pissed in the van and I didn’t have to drive. I usually have to drive. -Your funniest onstage moment: Not got one -would you date a fan: in a heartbeat, if they were nice.

The Upbeat Beatdown EP review The Upbeat Beatdown are a Rock/Funk/Pop five piece group from Glasgow. The band are really excited to announce that their brand new EP, imaginatively titled the ‘upbeatbeatdown ep’, is now available to download for the very reasonable price of just £3, from their Bandcamp page. The EP has 5 tracks including “Play with Fire” and “109.”. I got a first listen to the new EP thanks to the band, here’s what I think!


With no real intro, this track bursts into life. Sharp, catchy vocals, with a slightly rap feel, accompanied by a just as catchy, melodic beat. With none of the aggressive overtones of a rap track, but similar lyrics, this track is a much more rhythmic alternative. Very addictive, a real funky feel, a great track to add to your iPod. The backing vocals gave the track some real depth. I found it hard to compare this song to another artist/band. This track has a very unique sound and should appeal to most genres.

I Choose This (With You

A cool beat intros this track. Vocals then add their weight to the track, creating a pleasing sound. Again, a slight rap feel to the vocals, and again, as with the first track, it is very easy to listen to. The track flows well and the vocals are never overpowering. There is a nice instrumental section in the track where the drum beat is joined sporadically by electric guitar to add yet another dimension to the track.

Play with Fire

This track starts off slower than the first two tracks. It does not stay that way though. The lyrics kick in and the track begins to pick up. It then adopts a much more pop feel and picks up the tempo once more. The track continues switching nicely between fast and slow tempos; this is particularly emphasized each time the drums reach a crescendo.


With a blippy little intro “Funky-T”, returns us to the previous feel of melodic rap from earlier tracks. This track benefits from the addition of a brass section. This track also flows nicely from the start; it meanders its way with some good twists and turns, adding new instruments and sounds.

The Way

“The Way” has a completely different feel and style to all the previous tracks. With harder, sharper and more forceful lyrics. This is the ‘hardest’ of all their tracks. Even the guitars chipped in with some sections that could almost be termed as ‘rock’. There is though, still that undercurrent, bouncing along allowing the track to appeal to most genres.


‘Upbeatbeatdown, ep’ is a cool, funky, fun EP, which is should appeal to most people who appreciate good music. Although there are overtones of rap, there are also pop undertones. The bouncy tempos contained within their tracks are very catchy. The whole concept is quite unique, pleasing and easy listening too. Well that’s what I think, now go get your own copy and see what you think!

Stations -v

Did you have a choice of how The track for the video is called ‘Lost & you wanted the video to be done? (i.e. of band, special Found’ and is our debut single. effects included or animated, ect) Was this your first video? What’s the video called?

This was the first music video we have During the process of deciding what to do for the music video we worked closely with recorded and it was a great experience Joshua Porter and he had a lot of good ideas we could use. Who directed the video? It was directed and filmed by a good friend Was that your first choice of of ours Joshua Porter.

how to make it?

We always had the location for the video in mind but some of the ideas we’re different. We wanted the video to have a minimalistic I feel we picked the best option though and feel and be low key for most of the track the one that fit most with the mood and feel until the last chorus where we felt the track of the song. really picks up. I think josh achieved this very well whilst filming this and in the time How many “take’s” was it before you got it right? frame we had. We did various takes with each band member and also shots with both band members. The video in total took 1 day to film and 10

What was the story behind the video?

video interview was all filmed in the same location, The Birchcliffe Centre in Hebden Bridge where we are from.

Are you happy with the end result? Anything you would change?

We are extremly happy with how the video turned out, we’re now itching to do the next one and already have plenty of ideas!

How many people where involved in the production?

There was the 2 members in the band and Josh, we felt it was all that was needed.

Are you excited about making the next video?

Definately! This will probably be for a song of the next release.

Where can people see your video?

its available to see on youtube, our facebook page and also on our website at ( )

What album/EP is this track on?

This track was the single of our 2nd EP ‘Part I’ which was released through Ignite Records UK on the 3rd October. The single itself was released a week before on the 26th September

Any more news to share?

We are currently busing writing, recording and playing shows and are planning on another release early next year and to play more shows around the country

T his is t h e s o u n d o

This is where you can find out fans opinio who ha s the worst song & which

Na m e : R i c h a rd “ D a r k L ord Co o k i e ” C u r t i s Ld A ge : 2 0 Kind of music yo u l i ke : Any t h i ng w i t h a be at I ca n rave / he a d b a n g to o M u s i c H ate : Ba d l y m a d e sc re a m o m u s i c Favo u r i te Ba n d : To o h a rd to ch o o s e , c h o o s e fro m Pen d u l u m , Ave n ge d S eve nfo l d , Syste m o f A Dow n , S l i p k n o t etc La st b a n d I s aw live : O n t h at d ay wa s B u l l et a n d L i n k i n Pa r k Wo rst S on g : Ha s L i n k i n Pa r k made a bad song?! Best S o n g : Fa i nt La st s o n g I go t st u c k i n my h e a d : L a st Tra i n to A we s o m e Tow n - PA r r y Gripp


Name: Budgie McGubligan Age: 21 Kind of music you like: Happy Hardcore Music hate: Punk Rock Favourite band: Crimpshrine Worst song: All songs unless they are wrote by Jeff Ott. Best song: Crimpshrine Freewill Last album you bought: Sweet Baby – Self Titled

Name: Dave Main Age: 23 Kind of music: Punk-pop Music Hate: Top 40 over compressed, over processed, auto-tuned garbage and also My Chemical Romance Favourite Band: Jimmy Eat World Last Band seen live: Taking Back Sunday Worst Song: I’m not Okay by My Chemical Romance

Name: Ror y Alsop Age: 40 Kind of music: all, but generally blues/ rock/metal or classical symphonic music hate: most Simon Cowell nonsense Favourite bands: Metaltech, Chickenfoot and Muse Last Band seen: Angelspit Worst song: one of those Libertines things

Best Song: For Me This Is Heaven - Jimmy Eat World

Best song: Leave, by Metaltech

Last album bought: Chapters by We Still

Last album bought: Chickenfoot: preordered their new album:-)


Nam e : Bu d g i e Mc G u b l i ga n A ge : 2 1 Kind o f m u s i c you l i ke : H a p py Ha rd co re Mu s i c h ate : Pu n k Ro c k Favou r i te b a n d : Crim ps h r i n e Worst s o n g : A l l son g s u n l e s s they a re w ro te by J ef f O tt . Be st s o n g : Crim ps h r i n e F re ew i l l Last a l b u m yo u boug ht : Swe et Baby – S e l f Titled

o f the su b u r b s

ons of what sounds are Hot on the street, Genre has the biggest following!

Want to appear in Th e ... t e e o ck

Name: Jamie Herriot A ge : 2 0 Ki n d o f m u s i c yo u l i ke : Fo o F i g hte rs M u s i c h ate : Ki n g ’s o f L e o n Favo u r i te b a n d : Fo o F i g hte rs La st b a n d yo u s aw l ive : T V on the Radio (Re co m m e n d ) Wo rst s o n g : S ex o n F i re Be st s o n g : Eve r l o n g – Fo o F i g hte rs La st a l b u m yo u bo u g ht : C h e r i Bo m b - S p a r k

Name: Ross Age: 20

Name: Stephen Age: 20

Kind of music you like: Rock/ Indie

Kind of music you like: Any!!!

Music hate: X Factor

Music hate: German Techno

Favourite band: Biff y Clyro

Favourite band: Foo Fighters

Last band you saw live: Bombay Vice Club

Last band you saw live: We were promised Jet Packs

Worst song: Hallelujah – Alexandra Burke

Worst song: Maria and Diamonds (Holly wood)

Best song: That Golden Rule Last album you bought: Manchester Orchestra

Best song: Walk – Foo Fighters Last album you bought: We were promised Jet Packs



to feature on our sound of the suburbs page just answer these simple questions ...

Name: Age: Kind of music you like: Music hate: Favourite band: Last band you saw live: Worst song: Best song: Last album you bought: Last song you had stuck in your head: ... attach a pic (as crazy as you like) and e-mail to

N e w s Flash Living Dead Lights

Living dead lights song “To All The Youth” was awarded - Best Original Song at this year’s “Shriek Festival”. The 11th Annual Los Angeles International Horror/Sci-Fi Film Festival! So a big congratulations go out to the band for their latest achievements!

The Upbeat Beatdown With release of their new EP “the Upbeat Beatdown”, the band has just confirmed they will be supporting “Electric 6” in November this year. Hurry and purchase your tickets now while they last.

Dixon Did It! Get yourself on over to the “Dixon Did It” facebook fan page and check out the bands new recordings! Or their soundcloud for new track “the brink” it’s amazing, you won’t want to miss it

MakethisRelate Tickets for the bands headline show at “Nice N Sleazy” on 22nd of November are available online from TicketWeb. You can also get them in person from Tickets Scotland on Argyle St. If you or your band have any news you would like to share with the world through the Rockette, Please send it to: and type subject as “News”

A Few Days Remain 10 Question EP Interview

We wrote the lyrics before we decided to write the music we felt if we wrote the lyrics we could sort the structure of the songs out quicker and be able to write the music quicker. Non-Negotiable

The lyrics are made up of different inspirations such as break ups, losses and many other things.

The whole band wrote the lyrics to the e.p though our guitarist Joe Francis wrote most of the music though some parts were group efforts and everyone added there own little bits.

Our new e.p Crime Is Easy, Love Is Hard is about how easy things can be and how you can get away with so much and yet love always seems to be so much harder. No

This time round we started with the music and our vocalist sat down with us whilst writing the music and wrote the lyrics.

The reaction to Non-Negotiable has been good we have had lots of good feedback and everyone has enjoyed the e.p and our looking forward to our next one.

it is up for free download.

Our facebaook page


We had a gig on 21st may playing our e.p for the first time and it went amazing crowd was good and we enjoyed it so much :)

Our next e.p is planning to be something we are very proud of and really cant wait to record it and get it out to everyone for a listen :)


Cities and Saints Video interview

What’s the video called? “Over It” Was this your first video? Over it is our second music video. Who directed the video? Matthew R Miller What was the story behind the video? Over It” has an interesting story. While the song isn’t “about” a particular person, like the rest of our songs, the song itself was formed over time. Better you check out this link for the full story :)

What message was it trying to send to the public/fans? Cities and Saints lead singer Marty Lamain shares, “Sometimes life seems


unbearable. It seems like the walls keep getting closer and closer, and there’s nothing you can do but scream. We want people to know they are not alone. There is someone who hears your scream and cares about you.” Did you have a choice of how you wanted the video to be done? (i.e. of band, special effects included or animated, ect) We teamed up with a film company called Shadow|Shine Pictures. They pitched different ideas to us that all sounded great. We are pretty happy where things ended up. Was that your first choice of how to make it? O r i g i n a l l y, there was talk of putting the actress underwater and flooding the set. We ended up changing

ideas and put more focus on the band and our performance and energy. How many “take’s” was it before you got it right? We spent one day filming the actress (Tara Harley) and one full day filming the band. As you can see from the video, there are a LOT of different shots. Over 200 clips are actually used in the video. Are you happy with the end result? Anything you would change? Absolutely. Shadow|Shine did a fantastic job. I don’t think we would change anything. We are pretty pleased with how it turned out.

How long did it take to film? See earlier answer :). How many people where involved in the production? There were 15 over crew members on set each day we filmed. It was pretty hectic, but cool to know that many people are there to make sure the video is a success. Are you excited about making the next video? Definitely. You always want to one-up yourself...keep making music and videos that inspire people and capture their interest.

What album/EP is this track on? “Over It” is the 3rd track from our Send the Morning EP Any more news to share? Well, the video has only been out for a few days and we are already getting a great response

Where can people see your video?

from fans and industry professionals. We are working on getting the video on TV. Beyond that, we are excited to get back to the practice studio and finish up 2 new songs. October was a very busy month for us and we haven’t had much time to write.

s r a g g e B e l p p y A r o t e S Th ee recording

A w

The first album we did was entitled The Last song in Abbey Road. Recording in the Beatles Studio in Abbey Road studio 2. Was the best studio we have worked in and an occasion we will remember all our lives. The actual ambience and natural acoustics in this studio are by far the very best we had heard an just to have recorded in the place the Fab Four had done it all was a unique and unforgettable experience. Walking in and seeing they still had all the original tape machines and Mrs Mills old upright piano that recorded ‘Lady Madonna’, we sat down at the Steinway Grand and played ‘Long and Winding Road‘ David Paton who plays bass and produces me had worked at Abbey Road many times before in the 70’s and had Alan Parsons as his engineer, in fact he recorded a No.1 song ‘January’ which he also wrote. He then went on to play with Macca on Mull of Kintyre, then Elton John for 8 years.

On one of the tracks on the Last song in Abbey Road track, ‘I don’t know why’ I hired a quartet of string players from The LSO who came in an palyed the song perfectly first time. On this album we tried not to copy the Beatles (which is impossible) but to keep the feel of all the great melodies from they once created there. The biggest musical love of my life has always been ‘The Beatles’ that is why I decided to write and sing, not to copy the Fab four, but to celebrate the overall sound and good feeling they gave in their music. In all my songs I try to make them sound as if they have the ambience and good melodies of the great songs written in the back then. You will understand this being a writer as we all strive to get the best results, the music being the real reward.

band members….. Name: Dan O’Kelly Age: 26 Status: Married What you do in band: Guitar/Vocals Favorite band: Oasis or U2, can’t make my mind up Name: Chris Worth Age: 24 Status: married What you do in band: Bass/vocals Favorite band: Red Hot Chili Peppers Name: Alex Berrigan Age: 18 Status: single What you do in band: Drums/percussion Favorite band: Dream Theater Name: Richard Day Age: 26 Status: Single What you do in band: Guitar/lead guitar Favorite band: Possibly The Smiths (don’t have a definite favourite)

How did you come up with the name for your band? Was it your First choice? Alex: Through a band name generator Chris: It was Dan’s idea I think Did you have any other band names in mind? Alex: Had loads of ideas but none of them seemed right Chris: Never got involved tbh Richard: I wasn’t in the band when they found the name What does each of you bring to the band? Dan: I write most of our songs, music and lyrics but we all have input in how things work and sound. Chris: Everybody puts something in in some way or another Richard: We all have a say in what we do and how we write, Dan writes most stuff, Chris and I have had some music ideas which Dan has written lyrics for. How long have you all known each other and how did you meet? Dan: Chris is my bro in law and i went to school with Rich. Alex joined about 2 yrs ago. Chris: Alex was part of the original line up with Rich and Dan who went to school together, Dan’s married to my sister. Richard: Went to school with Dan, Chris and Dan are related and have played in a band together before. Met Alex when we first started as a Stereophonics tribute band. Which 3 words would you use to describe your music? Dan: Cacophonous musical riot Chris: Good honest music Richard: Interesting, fresh, guitary

How would you describe the ‘look’ of your band? Dan: Casual Chris: Looks like we just walked off a building site. Richard: Pretty average guys What have been your experiences of “celebrity life”. What are the perks/negative sides of fame? Dan: not famous (yet) Chris: Not applicable Richard: Other than mates saying they enjoyed seeing us live, none Who or what are your major influences? Dan: Too many to list really but would include The Edge, and Liam Gallagher Chris: Flea, RHCP generally Richard: I take influences from all kinds of music, rock, funk, soul, you name it’ll be in there somewhere Which songs do you perform most frequently? Dan: Knowledge equals power, Saviour, Miss me, Had enough Chris: You probably wouldn’t know them even if I told you Richard: We play our own stuff but have been known to throw an odd cover in here and there

What are your rehearsals generally like? Dan: We take the piss out of each other but we work hard Chris: Hot and sweaty mostly Richard: Loud Do you have a set time each week in which you practice or are rehearsals more spontaneous? Dan: Depends on work Chris: All depends on shift patterns Richard: Dan Chris and Alex work weird times so its based around that What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Dan: Finding the right line up. We’ve changed a bit since we first started but i think it all works now. Chris: Getting heard over the sound of our drummer Richard: Don’t think we’ve had any major challenges yet What’s the one thing you HAVE to have on tour? Dan: Never toured Chris: Haven’t been on tour but if we did i’d have to have a supply of cigars Richard: A bucket of M&M’s with all the blue ones removed (wasn’t that Van Halen?) What’s your favorite gig story? Dan: Alex’s dad’s story about the singer with the huge dong Chris: Not necessarily my favourite story but I get the piss taken about a gay Irish bloke who tried to chat me up after a gig once Richard: Haven’t got one What’s the weirdest thing you have ever signed? Dan: Don’t know Chris: Marriage License Richard: Somebody’s arse cheek in a bar in Florida. Nothing to do with the band but it was weird!! What’s your ringtone? Dan:Old phone bell sound Chris: Its some really girly tune that was already on my phone Richard: Standard bell tone (boring) Last album you bought? Dan: Beady Eye Chris: RHCP Richard: I usually ponce them off other people Who is your top 5 celeb crushes? Dan: Haven’t really got any Chris: Scarlet Johannsen, Cheryl Cole, Megan Fox, Kate Beckinsale, Kim Kardashian Richard: Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Watson, Kelly Clarkson, Katie Perry, Kirsten Dust What’s your favourite item of clothing you own? Dan: Black Jack and Jones jacket Chris: Don’t think i’ve got any favourites. Richard: Hats, can’t have too many hats

Do you have tattoos or piercings? If yes, how many and where are they? Dan: Tats of my kids names on both forearms (english on left, japanese on right) no piercings Chris: None Richard: No holes or ink Do you have posters up on your room walls? If yes, what are they? Dan: no Chris: no Richard: Got some paintings, do they count? If your life was a song, what would the title be? Dan: Who knows..... (see what i did there? haha) Chris: The Joker Richard: Mr Strange

The Deadlights Members:

Kyle Findlay- Guitar voclas Adam Findlay -Bass backing vocals Andrew Gibb – Drums Home town: Glasgow Genre: post rock Label: unsigned

The crazy member is: we all are ! The hottest member is Andy :)

The lazy member is: we all have our

lazy days ;)

Who do you think your music would appeal to? Generaly everone who has an open mind to music and likes to be energetic :0

than Atlantis , Sunny day Real Estate ,Constellations , The LaFontaines ,Coldplay ,Band of Horses ,The Smiths ,The Streets ,We Are The Ocean ,Emarosa

Who are your major influences in the industry at the moment? These are alot of our main influences however there is many more and we do not try to sound like anyone :) Twin Atlatic ,Biffy, Enter Shikari , Deaf Havana ,Bring Me The Horrizon , Architects , Your Demise , The Blackout , Lower

Why did you decide to start a band? If you play football you form a football team. If you play an instrument you form a band :) Was it a subject you enjoyed at school?musics not bad to be honist but none relly !

How did you all meet? A friend knew we were trying to start a band , he told andy and we practiced later that week and things just felll together from there really! What’s your ultimate direction for your band, is it fame and fortune? We would just love to grow our fan base , as we enjoy playing our music and hope people enjoy listening to it. But of cource both would be good ;)

When you write music, which member comes up with the lyrics? kyle mostly How can my readers gain access to your music? Is it free? We have a band page on facebook with out 6 track demo whitch is free !


Your Favourite song ever, has this ever changed? Kyle - The Smiths -This Charming Man / Yes “its my favorite song right now “ Adam - Your Demise - Miles Away / Yes “im not sure if its my fav of all time but for now it certanly is !” Andy-Biffy Clyro - Less The Product /No “another brilliant classic from the b boys !” Funniest on stage moment you have had? Kyle snaped a string half way through a song being as bold as he is he continued to play the rest of the set without telling us ! :P What was the last song you got stuck in your head? Bring Me The Horizon It Never Ends Finally when & where will you be playing next? Classic Grand 28th October

The Quickie Round: Twilight or harry potter: oh

defos harry

Pringles or Doritos: Pringles Ice cream or ice poles: ice


Xbox or PS3: XBOX

Metal ears Genre: her: 3 Y t e g o t een you’ve b uver, Canada g n o l How anco From: V

My Own Chaos (Cover story) Band Bio: MY OWN CHAOS is a Vancouver based metal band that mixes traditional metal with thrash and straight ahead rock. This band formed in 2008 out of the remains of the fallen band Splatter (Connie Chaos, Oleg Za) with the addition of bass player Eric Wolf from Infernal Majesty and guitarist Alex Dubreuil. Together they built a solid and immediate connection that laid the foundation for MY OWN CHAOS with the assistance of Matt Modder who provided drums for the recording. MY OWN CHAOS` brand of heavy rock and metal takes the listener through melodic, hardcore and outright angst with its many mood swings. The album takes you on a journey of selfrevelations as it moves through a period of self-destructive behavior. Uniting a wide variety of influences from such bands as Pantera, Ministry, Strapping Young Lad, Jane’s Addiction, Faith No More and Static X the band carves a unique sound for themselves. The end result is sugar-coated strychnine. After already accomplishing a few successful tours across Western Canada, MY OWN CHAOS will soon be extending their fan base to the East as they prepare for an upcoming tour across Canada in an effort to promote their independently released full length album. The self titled album is a sonic journey illustrating how a breakdown can actually be a breakthrough . There is hope... Maybe

Connie Chaos: Singer

The messiest member is: Me The Prankster is: Oleg Most attractive is: I think we are all kinda hawt! We’re a good looking band dammit

Personal Bio Connie Chaos has been singing in many various styles of bands. She definitely has versatility in the many styles she is able to portray, but particularly enjoys the energy that metal feeds her. She took vocal lessons through various personal vocal coaches in order to keep her pipes in shape, and naturally always had a way with words. A self-described “anti-diva”, Connie Chaos is able to hold an audience captive with her actions and her distinct vocal lines, with moods ranging from sweet and melodic to aggressive/assaultive. “I have learned to write about things I know, things I’ve experienced or witnessed personally. Occasionally I will poke fun, but lyrics and singing to me is basically a form of cheap therapy.”

What are you up to at the moment? Writing this Interview How did you get into the music industry? I got up and sang at a local karaoke show and knew this is what I wanted to do so I began auditioning for bands the next day! Who were your favourite bands growing up? I always admired female fronted bands like Pat Benetar and Blondie, Holy Moses, Crisis, Manhole, etc. I am also really into Ozzy, Queensryche (Operation Mindcrime is the most brilliant thing ever written) Ian Gillan/Deep Purple, Faith No More, Alice in Chains and many others. Who where your Childhood music idol’s? Pat Benetar, Blondie, Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Doro Pesch (Warlock), Lee Aaron What song is your earliest musical memory? Singing along to Sesame Street What can you tell me about your instruments and do you only play one and what made you choose the instruments you have now? I only play vocals and I swear by Shure SM58 microphones

What age did you each decide music was going to be your career? The minute I had a mic in my hand Can you describe your early experiences of gigging and working on your first EP? Oleg and I had worked previously in other bands so I have always been pretty comfortable onstage with him and working with him. I had also known Eric for a long time so getting used to his stage persona was pretty easy. We pretty much hit the gate with a stage show that I am majorly proud of. Writing also came together pretty quickly as Oleg and I are at the point where songwriting wise, we practically finish each other’s sentences and know how each other thinks. How would you describe your music? Chaotic, Melodic and at times Moody and Insane Metal. Who would you say are your greatest influences and who do you particularly admire right now in the industry? Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad) is brilliant. He is from Vancouver and he has that melodic angst going on that I love. There is a female vocalist who played in Tourettes (Australia)

and Meldrum who is incredible onstage and has a very versatile vocal style that I really admire. Also Geoff Tate (Queensryche) is my all time favorite vocalist.. not necessarily because of his range, but because of his annunciation of words. Geoff Tate is a major influence on me. I am also really enjoying At This Moment. Touring – love it or hate it? Love it and Live it! What are your worst and favourite parts of being on tour together? Touring weeds out the weak. It is the easiest way to determine whether you have the right members in place in the band. Anyone with difficult egos, its going to get amplified in their behavior on tour. That’s what I love about My Own Chaos, everyone is brilliant at what they do, the stage show is high energy and amazing and I know I can tour with these guys and have a good time. This is my most favorite band ever….my passion. What was the best gig you’ve ever played, and what was the worst? Best=It was an outdoor show with a sea of faces in the audience, attendance 5000 hanging off of every word, and of course the Rickshaw was fun for the My Own Chaos CD

Release as well where we shot an amazing live video. Worst was in Kitchener, Ontario… the stage had secret holes through it and I kept having to watch my step. Then I proceeded to step onto a table in the place and do the rockstar thing…I slipped and fell down. Guess that wasn’t rockstar after all. Note to self: Don’t climb tables with high heels . Could you briefly describe the musicmaking process? And how you come up with your lyrics? I have to write about what I feel inside me. The My Own Chaos debut is in a sense a concept album written about my divorce. The album was complete therapy for me and once it was completed and released I was able to move onwards and upwards from that devastating situation. Sometimes a breakdown can be a breakthrough. If you could do a cover of any song, what song would you choose and why? We already did. We covered No Doubt’s Hella Good as we knew the beat would translate over well to metal. I am proud of the job we did with it.


What song do you get requests for the most? Hella Good, Instinct to Exist and Blame. What would be your ideal date? A guy who is nice to me, nice to everyone around me, listens to what I have to say and treats me well. What song reminds you of the first time you fell in love? (It’s up to you if you want this to be sweet or naughty) Wicked Game by Chris Isaak. Such a sexy song. In most cases first love always ends in heartbreak. Do you have posters up on your room walls? I have a vision board on my bedroom wall to inspire me and remind me of all the goals I want to achieve. I live in the band house with Steve-O our drummer (we have a brother/ sister thing going on so yes ladies he is available and we have cool posters of our various bands and of course My Own Chaos on the walls of our house. Describe your bedroom (colour/bed cover/posters ect)? Its pretty cluttered at the moment. As I said I have my vision board in my room to keep me focused on my goals. I have stage costumes all over the place.

What is the weirdest gift you have received from a fan? A teddy bear. Thought I was too metal for that. But it was a sweet gesture. What’s been the highlight for you so far, and do you have any regrets? The highlight so far has been finishing and releasing My Own Chaos’ album. I know there are many many more highlights to come. My biggest regret is my musical career was letting 2 amazing incredible musicians in my previous band go. These guys wanted to be there and wanted to make the band work and did everything to try to make it work and I was stupid enough to get involved with the drama of the inner relationship I had in the band. This is why it is a policy of mine not to get romantically involved with my band members so I can keep a clear head about things. I really learned from that situation. But then again had I not gone through and learned what I learned, I would not be where I am today. What can we expect in the future from you? Next week we are on tour and are heading out for a week. I want to tour Europe, Australia, Japan…the

world actually. This is my focus.

grounded and keeps things real for me.

What would be the best piece of advice you have been given that you would like to share with our readers? Dream it, then do it. Wake up every morning and ask yourself…ok what am I going to do today to achieve my goal.

If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? I would be a manger/ booking agent of some form. Still involved in music though. I don’t work to live, I live to work

What artist would you love to collaborate with? Devin Townsend of Strapping Young Lad The best gig you have been to? Queensryche and Type O Negative at the Gorge in Washington State, USA. Amazing venue located in a canyon. The natural acoustics alone are incredible. What do you do to relax when you’re not working? Call my MOM! She helps keep me

Who is your celeb crushes? James Dean, a young Jimmy Page, Matt Dillon, Trent Reznor and Vin Diesel (that voice…). I have a thing for the bad boys. Jimmy Page and Trent Reznor are sexy because they are super brilliant. If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? My Own Chaos getting signed to Century Media My Own Chaos Playing Wacken Open Air My Own Chaos touring the world.

Would you like to star in a movie, if so what kind of movie? The remake of Glitter… hehehe…..Im not an actress and never will be. Do you have any pets? If yes what is their name? I have a cat named Buck. She is a total hunter. Very strong nature. What super power do you wish you had? And why? The ability to read peoples minds so that I would always know what they are really thinking



or Batman : Batman… I gotta thin as I said g for the b ad boys Coke or Pe psi: Coke Ps3 or Xbo x: Xbox Simpsons or Family g uy: Family Vampire or Guy Werewolf: Vampire… again the bad bo y t h in g Facebook or MySpac e: Faceboo Friends or k Scrubs: Sc rubs..The le sser of 2 evils Ready salt ed or chee se and onio n: Ready Salt ed

Describe your bedroom? It hasn’t changed since I last told you… still cluttered. I guess that’s a sign I need to clean my room. What inspires you most when writing lyrics? My personal emotional situations. I write about how I feel. Lyric writing is therapy for me. Any last words? You are only as good as your worst day!

Oleg: Guitars r is: Me e b m e m t s ie s The mes r is: Me The Pranksteive is: Me Most attract

Personal Bio

26, Guitars/Peacemaker! Music has always been a huge part of Oleg`s life as far back as he can remember dating back to his days in Ukraine. Now that Oleg is in Canada he has made music a part of him completely by dedicating his life to making and perfecting music. Oleg came to Canada from Russia at an early age and began to play music in his teens, he started performing on stage when he turned 18. He was quickly hooked on playing in front of a crowd. 10 years later Oleg has played with some of the best players around on and off stage and has truly become a force to be reckoned, with thick tight sounds and creative adlibs he’s grown into a true metal artist. As co-creator of MY OWN CHAOS with Connie Chaos he truly believes that MOC is and will be the perfect vehicle to carry out all of his musical ideas combining the entire wide range of all of his many influences into one concentrated piece of CHAOS! Oleg... “I’m in my most favorite band in the world and is having a blast writing and performing with MY OWN CHAOS... HORNS UP!!”


What are you up to at the moment? Plotting world domination with my band. How did you get into the music industry? Got in a band with Connie. Who were your favourite bands growing up? Judas Priest, M e g a d e t h , Motorhead, Slayer, Ministry. Who where your Childhood music idol’s? Al Jourgensen, Dimebag Darrell. What song is your earliest musical memory? Being like 4 or 5 and listening to my dad`s record player blasting Deep Purple and being totally moved by the awesomeness of that music. What can you tell me about your instruments and do you only play one and what made you choose the instruments you have now? Been a guitar-addict since I first picked it up, no idea why... just struck a chord with me i guess ;)

What age did you each decide music was going to be your career? 15 when I got my first guitar Can you describe your early experiences of gigging and working on your first EP? Hard work was essential from the start, that and being a team player and just generally goal oriented and determined to win. How would you describe your music? Best in the world Who would you say are your greatest influences and who do you particularly admire right now in the industry? Al Jourgensen Touring – love it or hate it? Love to hate it What are your worst and favourite parts of being on tour together? Worst was catching a cold virus while on the way back from tour Best was partying with my band and unleashing our stellar material on the audience What was the best gig you’ve ever played, and what was

the worst? Best was the Rickshaw in downtown Vancouver Worst was at the Princeton pub when people kept stepping on my chords and my amp was feeding back cuz of that Could you briefly describe the musicmaking process? And how you come up with your lyrics? Most of the time I will bring in some riffs and ideas to the jam, show them to everyone and start jamming them ideas out from there and see where it leads. If you could do a cover of any song, what song would you choose and why? On our debut album we covered No Doubt`s Hella Good because we were all fans of the song and we thought we gave the song the edge it was lacking What song do you get requests for the most? Blame What would be your ideal date? The one where she`s not allowed to say NO What song reminds you of the first time you fell in love?

Judas Priest - Before the dawn Do you have posters up on your room walls? Yup, theres nothing BUT posters all over my room, nothing better for inspiration than my favourite artists Describe your bedroom (colour/bed cover/posters ect)? Bed, Couch, Computer desk, Computer, Guitar amp, Guitars all over the place, keyboards and everything is covered in posters What is the weirdest gift you have received from a fan? A book called “Guitar for Dummies” :| What’s been the highlight for you so far, and do you have any regrets? Biggest highlight is whats happening right now: we are number 9 on local metal charts and climbing up! No regrets EVER What can we expect in the future from you? Nothing but the best music and best performances

What would be the best piece of advice you have been given that you would like to share with our readers? Join Tom Hess` MUSIC CAREERS M E N T O R I N G PROGRAM, its the best tool you could ever get to help you achieve your musical dreams! What artist would you love to collaborate with? Al Jourgensen The best gig you have been to? Ministry 2008 - C u La Tour


What do you do to relax when you’re not working? Enjoy everything life has to offer!

Would you like to star in a movie, if so what kind of movie? A documentary on my life

If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? Couldnt even begin to imagine......

Do you have any pets? If yes what is their name? Have a cat named Murrzik, which is a standard russian name for a cat

Who is your celeb crushes? Elizabeth Hurley, Avril Lavigne, Sarah Palin

What super power do you wish you had? And why? Adamantium claws, to slash those who disobey

If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? 1 a million wishes 2 world peace 3 success

Describe your bedroom? Pretty neat for a metalhead`s bedroom i gotta say


or Batman : batman Coke or Pe psi: pepsi Ps3 or Xbo x: Ps3 Simpsons or Family g uy: family guy Vampire or Werewolf: werewolf Facebook or MySpac e: faceboo Friends or k Scrubs: frie Ready salt nds ed or chee se and onio n: cheese an d onion

What inspires you most when writing lyrics? news Any last words? Shake and bake!

Eric Wolf: Bass Player All of us : is r e b m e m The messiest r is: All of us The Pranksteive is: Connie and Alex! Most attract

personal Bio Eric Wolf / Bass Player “Old enough to know better young enough to do it again�

What are you up to at the moment? Filling in this questionnaire!! How did you get into the music industry? It’s funny... Matt Modder, the Drummer on the album that brought me into the scene, years ago!! Hung out at a jam space called “The Rubber Room”, which is now called “Charts Music” and I still jam there and hang out there!! Who were your favourite bands growing up? I got brought up with the classics. Kiss, Beatles, Eric Clapton, Zeppelin, Hendrix. I love ALL music, from “Dead can Dance” to “Decide”!! If it’s good, its good no matter who plays it!! Who where your Childhood music idol’s? Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vie, Les Claypool, Stevie Ray Vaughn, And a crap loud more!! What song is your earliest musical memory? Pink Floyd “Money” What can you tell me about your instruments and do you only play one and what made you choose the instruments you have now? I started on Guitar, An Ibenez jazz was my first guitar. Wrecked it inside 6 weeks due

jamming with my crew and coming up with stuff!! If you could do a cover of any song, what song would you choose and why? I’d like to play any Primus. If only I could play any Primus!! lol

to trying to rock out to much!! After that I went threw a few random amount of guitars that i really didn’t care about. Then I got offered a chance to play bass with a band called “Infernal Majesty” So I got a B.C Rich Warlock and stayed with them for ten years. Now I play a Schreck Scorpion neck threw, sweet bass. What age did you each decide music was going to be your career? I always knew i was going to be a musician, but I truly made the decision to get involved with music when i was 16. Can you describe your early experiences of gigging and working on your first EP? Amazing, Frustrating, and AWESOME!!! How would you describe your music? Chaotic!! Who would you say are your greatest influences and who do you particularly admire right now in the

industry? My God Father (Barry Faires) for helping me getting started and being so supportive!! I love everybody....till you give me a reason not to!! Touring – love it or hate it? Love it and Hate it!! lol What are your worst and favourite parts of being on tour together? Having fun playing live!! Being stuck in a cramped space with anyone long enough and you’re bound to get edgy with each other some times!! What was the best gig you’ve ever played, and what was the worst? My best gig was playing the Commodore Ballroom with Arch Enemy. Even the worst gigs are the best things I do so I don’t have a worst!! Could you briefly describe the musicmaking process? And how you come up with your lyrics? I don’t write lyrics. Writing music to me is

What song do you get requests for the most? “Instinct to Exist” What would be your ideal date? Anything with my Angel (Raina Beeksma) is an amazing date!! What song reminds you of the first time you fell in love? (It’s up to you if you want this to be sweet or naughty) The First album by “The Tea Party” Wicked sex beat and I had a pretty crazy sexual GF when it came out so of course I thought I was in love.... lol but ya that’s the one that stands out for me. Do you have posters up on your room walls? Ya I have posters on my wall but all Marvel comic posters or Movie posters! Describe your bedroom (colour/bed cover/posters ect)? Clean with collectables all over!! What is the weirdest gift you have received from a fan? Crabs.....? LOL J/K I’ve never received anything yet!!

What’s been the highlight for you so far, and do you have any regrets? No regrets at all!! I love what i do I do it cause I love it. What can we expect in the future from you? More music, some internet commercials, what ever i can get involved with. All experience to me!! What would be the best piece of advice you have been given that you would like to share with our readers? “You do the Crime, You do the time” What artist would you love to collaborate with? Wolf- Les Claypool, Ive done stuff in the Studio with George “Corpse grinder” Fisher, From Cannibal Corpse And Val From Zimmers Hole! The best gig you have been to? “Zimmers Hole”. Coolest band EVER!! What do you do to relax when you’re not working? Hang out with my kids, play video games, get high, and play music. If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? I would work as a Truck driver!! Oh wait that is what i do for work!! lol

Who is your crushes? Salma Hayek!


If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? First wish would be eternal life completely healthy, Second would be money, Third would be recognition, Not Fame but just recognition! Would you like to star in a movie, if so what kind of movie? Slasher mystery Do you have any pets? If yes what is their name? Two black Cats. Names are “Asterix and Obelix”



or Batman : Batman Coke or Pe psi: Coke Ps3 or Xbo x: PS3 Simpsons or Family g uy: Family Gu y Vampire or Werewolf: Vampire Facebook or MySpac e: Facebook Friends or Scrubs: Sc rubs Ready salt ed or chee se and onion: Che ese and un ion

What super power do you wish you had? And why? Lobo “The Main Man’s” Powers cause he RULES!! Describe your bedroom? Clean and I have a lot of collectables all over!! What inspires you most when writing lyrics? Thinking Chaotic Any last words? Music is in us all......So Please shut the hell up and Listen!!! :)


Alex Dubreuil: Guitar The messiest member is: Me The Prankster is: Oleg Most attractive is: Me

Personal Bio Alex Dubreuil and I’m 21, hails from Malartic, Quebec and was hand picked by Eric Wolf to join My Own Chaos on second guitar. He has been playing ever since he was 15 years old and established himself in his music scene as a force to reckoned with. He quickly relocated from Quebec to Vancouver to join forces with My Own Chaos.

What are you up to at the moment? I am in school right to become a movie director.

I just go by what is going to be a good life experience and music is a good life experience.

How did you get into the music industry? I got in this industry by Eric Wolf

Can you describe your early experiences of gigging and working on your first EP? I came into My Own Chaos just when they were in the midst of recording their album. They flung me into the studio then flung me up onstage and the rest is history.

Who were your favourite bands growing up? My favorite bands was augury and deicide at the time Who where your Childhood music idol’s? My idol always been bob marley lol. What song is your earliest musical memory? My song would be of fire and the void by behemoth. What can you tell me about your instruments and do you only play one and what made you choose the instruments you have now? I play guitar bacause its an old and beautiful instrument and yes i play other instrument such as clarinet and saxophone, What age did you each decide music was going to be your career?

How would you describe your music? i would describe our music as dark with a lot of emotion put in to it! Who would you say are your greatest influences and who do you particularly admire right now in the industry? My greatest influence is for sure Opeth and Augury. 2 excellent bands! Touring – love it or hate it? The upcoming tour next week will actually be my first one ever so I cant say right now. What are your worst and favourite parts of being on tour together? I can let you know in a few weeks

What was the best gig you’ve ever played, and what was the worst? The Rickshaw was the best. Amazing stage and sound. The worst was an all ages show where we played on the floor but that is only by comparison to the Rickshaw. Could you briefly describe the musicmaking process? And how you come up with your lyrics? The music for the first album was all from Oleg and Eric and the lyrics from Connie since I just joined the band earlier this year. In writing new material it looks as though I will be taking on more of a role in vocals and there will be a lot of split leads. If you could do a cover of any song, what song would you choose and why? I would choose i shot the sheriff by bob marley just to see the result it would give. What song do you get requests for the most? Losing My Mind What would be your ideal date? The ideal date would be after the show on

tour!! What song reminds you of the first time you fell in love? (It’s up to you if you want this to be sweet or naughty) Hahahaha Scream Bloody Gore!!! by Death Do you have posters up on your room walls? No Describe your bedroom (colour/bed cover/posters ect)? My bed room is green with a guitar and a bed in it with clothes on the floor. What is the weirdest gift you have received from a fan? None What’s been the highlight for you so far, and do you have any regrets? Being on the stage and not doing it sooner What can we expect in the future from you? A good freaking movie!!! What would be the best piece of advice you have been given that you would like to share with our readers? When you fall on the ground get back up!

What artist would you love to collaborate with? Devin Townsend (Strapping Young Lad) The best gig you have been to? Any show at THE RICKSHAW What do you do to relax when you’re not working? Sit down!! If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? I would be still in school like i am now Who is your celeb crushes? Jessica Alba If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? To be a multimillionaire, to be able to fly, and to have control of my brain at a 100% Would you like to star in a movie, if so what kind of movie? Horror Do you have any pets? If yes what is their name? Gisli, Charlie, Ping, Belle, Yoda, Muffler and Shiniata



or Batman :Batman Coke or Pe psi:Pepsi Ps3 or Xbo x:Xbox Simpsons or Family guy:Family Guy Vampire or Werewolf: Werewolf Facebook or MySpace:F acebook Friends or Scrubs:Frie nds Ready salt ed or chee se and onion:Che ese and On ion

What super power do you wish you had? And why? To change peoples mind!! I think you can understand why Describe your bedroom? Im not describing my bedroom again! Its too messy What inspires you most when writing lyrics? Asking “What if?” Any last words? E m m m m m m m METAL!!! Keep it real!!!

Steve-O: Drums The messiest member is: Me The Prankster is: Me Most attractive is: Me

personal bio Age 33, Drummer Steve-O was handpicked by My Own Chaos from his hometown of Calgary, AB. He relocated to My Own Chaos’ hometown of Vancouver, BC and immediately began working on the songs. Steve came from the band Better Off Dead and Steve has shared the stage such acts as legends DOA, SNFU, The Verukers and has charted in the top 25 on various college/ university radio stations across the country.



superman or batman ? Good one.. ...batman Coke or Pe psi? coke ps3 or xbo x? ps3 simpsons or family g uy? Simpson’s vampire or werewolf? Vampire facebook o r myspace ? facebook friends or scrubs? Fr iends ready salte d or chees e and onion? Sa lted

What are you up to at the moment? Writing this interview How did you get into the music industry? I took a leap of faith, bought my drums and just went for it! Who were your fav bands growing up? Zeppelin, Beatles, Nirvana, Korn,Tool, Beastie Boys, kmfdm, Prodigy....the list goes on! Childhood idols? My dad, Kurt Cobain, Zeppelin :earliest musical memory? Listening to Zeppelin on my parents record player What can you tell me about your instruments and do you only play one and what made you choose the instrument? My drums are 1977 pearl Export, I also have an electric kit. I only play drums. I decided drums because my dad is a just came natural I guess. What age did you decide music was going to be your career? The first time I played a show (with DOA) Can you describe your early experiences of gigging and working on your first ep? My very first gig in Calgary we were called the Emptys at an open

mic night with no bass player. Then when we got a bass player we changed the name to Better Off Dead and our first gig was in a community hall in Okotokes with the legendary DOA! It was on Canada day and I’m sure we went through 8- 24 packs of beer in 24 hours that we had the MCC Studio booked for! How would you describe your music? Stress release Who would you say are your greatest influences and who do you particularly admire right now? I like anything fast, hard and full of Energy! I admire band like Janes Addiction and Foster the People right at the moment Touring- love it or hate it? My longest tour yet has only been from Calgary to Edmonton and 3 days straight of shows and so far that’s what I really want to do is tour. I am looking forward to going out with My Own Chaos next week. What are your worst and fav parts of being on tour together? The tour next week with My Own Chaos will be my first tour with them so should be fun! What was the best/ worst gig? Best: Every gig to me is a blast Worst: If any....the gigs when you play for staff

Could you describe the music making process? With drums I usually just listen to the guitars and try to fit in the best style I can come up with. Cover song? I’ve done a few... Black Magic by Slayer, Scoff by Nirvana,Living in the City by Fear, Hella Good by No Doubt, but always wanted to cover Free Bird by Skynard. What song do you get request for the most? Blame Ideal date? Dinner, drinks, maybe a show... What song reminds you of the first time you fell in love? My first love got me into Stone Temple Pilots

any regrets? Highlights: being able to practice every day and playing shows. Regrets: none Future? The world!! What’s the best peice of advice givin to me I’d like to share? Go for it 100% practice, practice, practice! What artist would you like to collaborate with? Dave Grol, Dallas Green so many others to list.... the best gig you’ve been to? Primus, Rancid, Tool, Day-Glo Abortions, Jane’s addiction so many good shows!! What do you do to relax when your not working? Beer on the patio!!

Do you have posters on room walls? Have posters on walls in living room and Bedroom door (jam room as well)

if I didnt be in a band what would I be doing? I’m a professional Drywaller full time I only started playing drums 5 years ago

Describe bedroom: My room is the size of a jail cell with tacky Wood paneling, single bed on the floor.

celeb crush? Megan Fox!!

Weirdest gift from a fan? A girl once wanted my autograph on my Broken stick I threw into the crowd. Whats been the highlights for you so far, and do you have

if a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be? 1: World tour 2: Make sure my family is wealthy 3: The devils drum kit! would you like to star in a movie, if so what kind? Don’t know,, guess if the opportunity came

up I’d prob think about it. any pets? Yes a little dog named Annie what super power do you wish you had, and why? Invisibility because I like to slip through life un-noticed describe your bedroom? Small, but living in the band house is the best! what inspires most? The future


any last words? Follow your dreams and don’t give up when times Are tough..... because they will get tough!

Links www,



h t i S u w l e w Hei e i v tn r e

When did you realize you wanted to be a singer/songwriter? I was very young, perhaps four or five at the time. I was sent to a nursery school in my home town, housed in an old mansion that served as a community center. The youth orchestra used the space for rehearsal and they would let us in the room at off times to play on the percussion instruments. (The ones little kids can’t easily break.) I fell in love and knew that music is what I wanted to do. Do you have a band? I do have a band, so far it’s strictly been for presenting my music for live audiences and not for recording. I really want to change that and collaborate on writing and recording with the group one of these days, but up until now the albums are written and recorded by me alone.

What inspires you when you write your songs? I have a lot of political messages in my work. I’m mostly inspired by what I see going on around me socially. We’re living very interesting times and the human condition, the state of the human spirit in our current environment interests me a lot. I create characters who live under systems not designed, and never intended for their well beings. I write about what they think and feel, and how they struggle. Ultimately, these characters are me, or they’re people I know. I try to keep it personal, to cut to the bone if you will. The Most powerful lyrics are? The hard, honest truth. No matter how uncomfortable it may be to bare oneself, or perhaps because of how uncomfortable it is, I believe it’s what listeners relate to best.

Which artist would you like to collaborate with? There are so many. Prince comes to mind, as well as Ani DiFranco and Ben Harper. But if I were to sit and think about that for a while I could come up with so many cool collaborations. How do you relax when you’re not singing? Relax?? What’s that??? hehe, I dedicate so much time to this craft that it seems like I don’t get time to myself, but in reality I make time. I love the outdoors so I like to ski and canoe camp. Besides that, I play with my dog, read, cook, (I’m pretty good in the kitchen) and watch movies.

Quick Questions…

Favorite song ever: “So Lonely” The Police Last song you had stuck in your head: Dead Dog Rover (An old campfire song, don’t ask my why or how it came to be stuck in my head.) Highlight so far: Being a soloist and guitarist for a gospel choir that opened up for the likes of Ray Charles and Celine Dion to name a few. Guilty pleasure: Reading ego-stroking fan mail. Favorite food: Pasta, or anything grilled. Favorite TV programs: Family Guy, Simpsons If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? Animation. Well, I’d be working in film for sure, but I really love animation. I have that kind of cracked imagination where all things have feelings and can talk. I think it’s funny to think up things like bread setting up a picket line around the toaster.

the music. I have a band for live performances and I’ve been really lucky to have dedicated, hard working musicians to work with.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals/ Lucky items? Not really. I shave and dress for the stage, aside from that.... oh, there’s that whole “pour a sip on the concrete for the deceased” thing I do, but it’s not so much a ritual. It’s more of an invitation to the show to my friends who’ve passed. I guess I’ll find out later if any of them came.

What band are you a big fan of? I’ve been getting into the Black Keys and Kings of Leon lately. It’s a fresh sound I find inspiring.

Which instrument do you wish you could play? There are three instruments I’ve always wanted to play. The violin, the trumpet and the slide steel guitar. I could move to Nashville and play country music, Yee-haw! Do you play your own music or do you have a band? On the albums I play vast majority of

When is your next tour? As soon as it’s booked. I’m looking to play some of the festivals next year, but so far there are no confirmations. Fingers crossed.

Do you get compared to any other artists? Yeah, I get compared to Lenny Kravitz a lot. It can be a bit exasperating. I guess it’s normal though, we have a similar style and look so it’s a natural comparison. I had to consider the fact that every new artist gets compared with some established artist in their genre, and he’s good….I mean I could do a lot worse then Lenny right? But ultimately, you hope people realize that any similarities are purely superficial, and they appreciate you for what you do.

Final words? I just need to express my deep appreciation to all those people who are invested in discovering new music, supporting indie music, and looking elsewhere than the mainstream music industry. I’m not here to say that it’s all crap, what’s coming out of the mainstream, some of it is, but there is so much greatness that’s being ignored it’s crying shame. So, thanks to all of you and to The Rockette for being imaginative and forward thinking.

What do you do to relax? Outdoor sports, mostly skiing, camping and canoeing. Any pets, if yes what you got? A very playful Boston Terrier and a completely lovable mutt.


What’s the video called? The video is called “Change”. Was this your first video? Although it might look like this was our first video, we’ve actually made a few of them. The first one was for our song “Dirty Eyes”, there was another for one of our songs called “Ghetto Lizard” and James, who created the video and sings in the band, also released a short film called “The Tango Shift”, which was about a barman being hunted by some balloons. All of this is on youtube somewhere. Who directed the video? The director is the whole band through the medium of a solitary figure, James TY Allan. What was the story behind the video? Good question. I think calling parrots playing poker a storyline would be a bit of a stretch, but I guess the idea was to make it look amateur, haphazard and generally thrown together at the last minute. It probably has achieved this a little too well. What message was it trying to send to the public/fans? There isn’t any particular message if we’re honest, it was really just some vaguely amusing imagery to go along with our song. As Vincent Gallo would say, we have attempted to fire reality like an elastic band straight up into the air and back down on to our own heads. Did you have a choice of how you wanted the video to be done? (i.e. of band, special effects included or animated, ect) We would have certainly liked to do something a bit more ambitious, but due to constraints in resources we had to settle for soft toys, talking vegetables, blurry camera-phone footage and special effects used sparingly throughout every scene. Hopefully next time we’ll have some sort of budget to work with. Was that your first choice of how to make it? The first choice was to have the whole band dress up like penguins and cycle around Millport. We had an idea to play baccarat on the rock that looks like a dragon then finish the video with a mass brawl. That didn’t really materialise for a number of reasons: we didn’t have any penguin costumes; it would probably have been really difficult to ride a bike in a penguin costume if we did find some; and none of us really know what baccarat actually is.

Mummy Sh

Video In

How many “take’s” was it before you got it right? The beauty of not having a script was that we could nail everything first time! Although with that stated there were some scenes that were too ropey to make it into the final video. There was a worrying amount of posing in sunglasses, people looking overly serious and a particularly galling scene where one of us tried to flip a pancake on to the ceiling. Are you happy with the end result? Anything you would change? I guess as the song is called Change we have to say yes, but overall I think it is about right for what we were going for. The aim was to make a video that is profound, pointless and pretentious and I think we certainly nailed at least one of those. How long did it take to film? Some parts were years old – so from that perspective 6 years. However the most recent footage was around 8 minutes so let’s say 6 years, 8 minutes.

hort Arms


How many people were involved in the production? I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a one man operation from the start, but the rest of the band do feature in the video in some capacity or other. The only coherent suggestion they made about the style of the video was that it should be “a kind of cool sepia toned video” like they had seen in a depeche mode themed bar in Latvia. Obviously I ignored this suggestion. Are you excited about making the next video? I really can’t wait. The next video will have a significantly larger budget and maybe even some proper acting. You can still expect to see some penguins, though. Where can people see your video? The best place to see it is probably on our facebook page. We’re at mummyshortarms. What album/EP is this track on? The track is a single that we’re releasing on Flowers in the Dustbin Records on the 12th of November.

photos taken from the video

Any more news to share? We’re having a single release gig/party on the 12th of November at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow. Free pizza for all.


Sonny Marvello


When did you realize you wanted to be a singer/ songwriter? I was 16 years old and it hit me like lightning, it was as if no-one had ever had such an idea. Do you have a band? I am the lead singer in Sonny Marvello, fine bunch of boys...mostly. What inspires you when you write your songs? It’s an elusive feeling hanging on the edge of my brain like those wee lights you get on those evil looking deep sea pilot fish. It’s un-knowable and I don’t want to know. The Most powerful lyrics are? Honest ones written by real people who have experience and feelings...or can fake all of the above. Which artist would you like to collaborate with? I personally am not into collaborations for the sake of it, it’s usually a risk sharing operation by record companies...I hate songs that have a pointless rap in the middle because a record company demands it. How do you relax when you’re not singing? I never relax, any tips?... If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? I have 3 jobs as it is, if I wasn’t involved in music I might have had 4.

Do you have any pre-gig rituals/Lucky items? No, that kind of thing is for unstable people, people in bands are extremely stable individuals who are at peace with themselves. It’s a rule that if the band ever catch me with a warm towel around my neck or doing squat thrusts before a gig, they must pour me a whiskey, punch me in the gut and force me to recite lines from Die Hard. Which instrument do you wish you could play? I could get a sound out of anything given enough time... wishing aint got nothing to do with it. Do you play your own music or do you have a band? I’m part of a band, I provide tunes and they come out

sounding better than if I did it on my own...then I pretend it’s what I wanted it to sound like all along. When is your next tour? We are currently available for bookings! What band are you a big fan of? I’ll start at ‘A’ and say Abba... then I guess I’ll leave it at that. I don’t trust people who don’t like Abba. it’s a great word, say it; ‘AAAAAABBA!’ Do you get compared to any other artists? All the time because that’s what the people do, I don’t find it helpful.

Quick Questions…

-Favourite song ever: Martha by Tom Waits. -Last song you had stuck in your head: Paradise by Coldplay (sickeningly catchy) -Highlight so far: Playing packed gigs in New York -Guilty pleasure: No-one should feel guilty about pleasure unless it causes others pain...Justin Beiber must be the guiltiest thing on the planet. -Favourite food: Seriously? Tai Green Curry. -Favourite TV programs: Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, Battlestar Galactica (modern one), Curb your enthusiasm, Game of Thrones

What do you do to relax? Do I need to repeat myself? I DO NOT RELAX! Any pets, if yes what you got? Who are you people? I have a wee cat, I love her more than most people. Do you have a video, if so what’s it called? Tiny Little Sparks. Was this your first video? We’ve done little compilation videos but this was our first production Who directed the video? We collaborated with Josh Porter. What was the story behind the video? Being stuck in a nightmare loop and feeling alone, then finding out that there is hope.

What message was it trying to send to the public/fans? That even though you sometimes feel powerless, that is a con, we are all bright lights in the darkness and that makes us mighty. Did you have a choice of how you wanted the video to be done? (i.e. of band, special effects included or animated, ect) Yup, it came right out of my wee brain place.

more time. How long did it take to film? Two quick days. How many people where involved in the production? About fifteen of us in the end, give or take. Are you excited about making the next video? Quivering. Where can people see your video?

or look for Sonny Marvello Tiny little sparks on any good search engine folks! What album/EP is this track on? Tiny Little Sparks EP.

Was that your first choice of how to make it? We pretty much achieved, what we set out to do, there were some cosmetic changes but it was about the emotion of it and we got there. How many “take’s” was it before you got it right? It was point and go, no need for multiple takes, I know what I’m doing damnit! Are you happy with the end result? Anything you would change? Madness lies in dwelling on what could have been... there was to be a scene with sparklers at the end, the whole video was built around it, the sparklers didn’t work...I took a wee minute to think about it and realised that it really didn’t matter, the whole thing was changed on the spot because we were in danger of being drowned if we took

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Six Storey’s High Single Launch 28th September 2011 Studio 24, Calton Road, Edinburgh

First up, opening the show was “The Industry” a 5 piece band from Edinburgh. They consist of 2 female and 3 male members. Grace Sutherland – Vocals, Charlie Sutherland Guitar / Backing Vocals, Euan O’Donnell – Guitar, Rosa Good - Bass / Backing Vocals and Sean Munro – Drums. They opened their set with Avalanche’!!! They may be fronted by the fairer sex, but their music is anything but fair, it rocks!!! They continued in a similar form for their second track “Gears”. It was rocking and very loud. They slowed things down a bit with their third track. They said it was a newish track. I particularly liked the haunting vocals. Grace can really carry a note and the vocals were very strong. They picked up the pace once more with their next track, which was even newer. There was a terrific beat provided throughout by the drums and the bass guitar and again the vocals were very strong. Next up was “Chasing the Storm”. This track began with a good rhythmic intro by guitar. It started out slower and more melodic. As the track progressed it reached a crescendo and blasted almost to the end, it faded gently as the storm passed. They then played another fast paced track, which they hadn’t played for a while, before they finished their set with their new track “Someday”, a very vibrant face paced track. “The Industry” was a good opening act and are worth seeing again!

Next up were “The Detours” a 5 piece from Glasgow. With Matt on Vocals, Michael and Chris on Guitar, Ally on bass and Ross on the drums. I got a chance to speak with a couple of the guys before the evening began, they were really nice, and I hope to see them in the Rockette soon. They continued to ‘Rock the house’ and followed on very nicely from “The Industry”. Their opening track was stonkingly loud with good vocals. The guitars and drums rocked it! Their second track “Ignite” was just good old fashioned hard hitting, guitar thumping, drums thumping, vocals thumping, ROCK! Next up was their first ever live playing of their brand new track “Coming Home”. It was slightly slower than the previous tracks, but still quick. They appeared to be enjoying themselves on stage by now and had settled into their set. Next they played “I want you to want me”, originally by “Cheap Trick”, but I remembered it from 10 things I hate about you. Only this time, it was ‘Kick-Ass’!!! They even blended in a little bit of “Country Road” by John Denver and initiated a hand clap. “Free” was up next, a hard hitting track in which the guitar roolz!!! Vocals and drums are only there for support in this amazing track. The next track, “You Jump, I Jump” began with a stonking intro. The lyrics built slowly until they reached full throttle. This track had a lot more melody to it to. Last up was “One last chance”. This is the single they are currently promoting. It has a very quick tempo, was rhythmic and very, very loud.

The third act of the night was “Underclass”, a 5 piece band from Edinburgh. With John Keenan on vocals, Mikey Robertson on guitar, Sean Kelso on bass, Kevin O’Rourke on keyboard and Callum MacGillivay on drums. Their first track brought a very different feel to the event, a real alternative cool style. Their next track began with a thumping intro, and then chilled things way down. A smooth and silky style. The third track began real slowly, but gradually, the tempo picked up, but never got too hurried. With some long, slow and smouldering lyrics in this track and more support came from the keyboard. Their new song “Mind Control” was up next. This track has a real psychedelic intro. The tempo builds up nicely and with the added effects from the smoke machine, all I could think to describe this is “Purple Haze”!!! The fifth track was much quicker and a lot less quirky. There was more guitar and great vocals once again. There was a lot of rhythmic support from the drums with a lot less influence from the keys, which had blended well into the background. “Sheep” was up next, from their double ‘A’ side. This track is controlled by very strong lyrics. There is a nice flow to this track and a nice instrumental section, tinkering on the keyboard, to break it up near the end. Their final track began with strong, yet slow and powerful lyrics. These were very powerful at time. This band are easy to listen to and should appeal to most genres. A real twist of something different!

Finally, the headline act for the night, Six Storeys High, a 4 piece band from Edinburgh. With Stephen Gray, vocals and guitar, Scott Lackie, bass, Ross Paterson, guitar and Jamie Lindsay on drums. First track was “Coming home”. This track began with a light rock feel, before huge bursts of heavy guitars. There were good vocals although special mention must go to Jamie; he kept those drums banging at a frantic pace all the way through the track. Their next track had received its first outing here at Studio 24, 9 months ago. It has an even faster tempo than the first track, although there are some mellow sections, with mellow sounding vocals, but it soon returns to banging parts with banging vocals. Their next track was “Untitled new song” it began with a good intro and an undercurrent with a nice little drum beat, with maybe a little of a Latin feel to it. The lyrics and guitars complemented this drum beat very well. I thought there was a little bit of a Lostprophets feel to this track. Loud, Loud, Loud is the only way to describe the next track. It’s the heaviest track they’ve played so far; there is a nice inter-mix of vocals and guitars on this track. “Behind Closed Doors” starts with a pulsating intro, just when you thought it couldn’t get any louder, it did!!! This track was banging along and the vocals blended in well. It then slowed right down and rippled along smoothly, before the drums kick back in and the whole

track was racked up another notch and continued in this way to the end. “It’s Not Easy” starts out slowly, almost ballad like. The lyrics are clear and sharp and there is good support from the instruments. The track does pick up a bit, but never too much. Next was a more melodic and rhythmic track, which was far less banging although it did have its moments. Smooth lyrics with a pleasant melodic intro to their next track, which I thought was their best so far. The cool beat continued all the way through, even when it got quicker towards the end. Their final track was “Ghosts”; it was being released at midnight that very night, quite appropriately, just days before Halloween. It was really banging and got the crowd really pumping. As the track progressed the volume seemed to ramp up again, and again, and again! Following the event, I got the chance to have a quick chat with the guys and get some pics taken. I even managed to buy a copy of their new single “Ghosts”.

Cities and Skylines

Name: Bryan McGuire Guitar Age: 23 My favourite thing in the whole world is - Spooning my girl. I really hate - The gherkins in double cheeseburgers. They’re a small stain on a beautiful set of buns. I have a pet - cat x 2 But I would like a pet - Emptying one litter tray is enough animal poo to clean for now thanks. My favourite colour is - Red

Name: Dougie Millar

Name: David Gosling

Name: David Napier




Age: 20


Age: 22

My favourite thing in the whole world is - Tunnocks teacakes

Fav thing in the whole world: Gettin’ a laugh.

My favourite thing in the whole world is.: My Girl and My Band.

My favourite thing in the whole world is: My Family

I really hate - No getting gherkins in double cheeseburgers

Fav colour - Claret and Amber pal.

I really hate: Ignorance.

I really hate: Mornings

I have a pet.: I have 2 Cats

I have a pet: Ferret

I really hate - Sheep.

I have a pet - cat x 2 But I would like a pet - Catonkey My favourite colour is - Diamond Burst I love eating - White magnums

I love eating Pancakes in bacon smothered with maple syrup.

Quick Qu

yan McG: estions…Br

a sold hy: King Tuts or w & ed ay pl u demy Music -best gig yo the Scottish Aca r fo nd ra G ic ss ows for out Cla of the biggest sh e m so en be ve Awards. They’ eres. amazing atmosph us so far and had o bad mate we -life on tour is: N ny of the bands A t: or pp su to love nced us. -band you would d that have influe an to g in en st li years and grew up for nearly three ve ha I n: fa a te -would you da anks. it’s going well th

But I would like a pet: Nothing. My cats are top. I’d maybe take a puppy though. My favourite colour is: Blue, Cause I’m not what Bryan McG is.

Name: Bryan A. Thompson Guitar Age: 24

But I would like a pet: Shark My favourite colour is: Magnolia (White, but it’s not white) I love eating: Steak Pie with the trimmings

I love eating: Yes. Yes, I do.

Quick T:



-best gig you pl ayed & why: W izardfest 2011. You had to be th ere. -Your funniest on stage moment: Turning round to call on my gu itar tech RE: br oken string and he was standing right behind me waiting on it happening. -life on tour is: No bad mate. -band you would love to support: Foo Fighters -would you date a fan: I’m marri ed

How did you choose the name of your band? All: Napier came up with it himself in a moment of inspiration when we first started this band and we couldn’t think of anything better. Worked out not bad in the end. Bryan T: It was already set in stone when I joined. I have no idea how it came about! Napier: I used to sit in a country park sometimes and look over our home town and it was quite nice and it inspired the name Cities and Skylines. Have you changed the band’s name before? All: We actually came close to it once but then we began to get a name for ourselves and for some reason people seemed to like Cities and Skylines. Napier: It’s not the greatest name but a band makes its name, a name doesn’t make a band. So I’m cool with it.

What genre of music do you consider your work to be? All: alternative pop rock. Who are your major influences? All: We all like loads of different music but a few names to drop are Glassjaw, Taking Back Sunday, Deftones, Circa Survive as well as a casual dislike for each other. Bryan T: I’m a fine mix of John Frusciante (RHCP), Tom Delonge (Blink 182) and Eric Clapton. Napier: Personally, my music taste is pretty eclectic. My biggest inspiration is Freddy Mercury. As well as bands like Taking Back Sunday, Glassjaw, I also like Jimmy Eat World, Manchester Orchestra and the like. I think that gives a general Jist. When did you form your band? Bryan McG: Back when the world was in black and white (2006), myself and

Napier decided that we would stick to making music together after the collapse of a previous band. After various other line up changes we picked up the other guys and now we we’re one big happy family. This line up has been together since May 2010 What inspired you to make music together? Napier: I think we all bummed about in other bands playing everything from pop punk to death metal. But, in the end, the groove won. We all needed a bit of groove. We love the groove. So, in a word, “groove” inspired us to make music together. Bryan T: The truth. I was drunk, on the internet, and I seen an advert looking for a guitarist. Now that we are formed I think the inspiration comes purely from just love of making music. I’m not aware of any secret. Bryan McG: We just need something to do

between the gaps of making fun of each other really. Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows? All: We’ve performed in loads of different venues across Glasgow and our favourite has definitely been King Tuts Wah Wah Hut for our EP release show. It’s been a venue we’ve all really wanted to play and we’re pleased to say that we will be playing it again very soon although we can’t announce when just yet.... As far as the worst gig we’ve ever played it would definitely be our first gig. Not going to say who the promoter was but it was awful in every way imaginable but you’ve got to start somewhere. Napier: My favourite place to play is maybe Inverness. We’ve played there twice and the people there are incredible

and seem to have a genuine desire to discover and support new music. How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together? Bryan McG: When we first started playing together as this line up myself, Napier, Gozzy and Dougie had already been playing for a good while so we had already got an idea of the type of music we wanted to play but it wasn’t until BT joined that we really started to produce our own sound. Since then we feel we’re constantly bettering ourselves and improving in song writing and thinking about how our new EP will sound already. Bryan T: It has became more ‘radio friendly’. I don’t know if that’s a direct result of me joining but there is a difference to the previous material. Are you seeking fame and fortune? All: Not in the slightest. To be able to make a living to do what we love and gain recognition for the music we are proud of is what we aim for. Bryan T: I would still like to go to ASDA without being bothered.

What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands? Napier: Do it. Its great. Over the past year we’ve had some amazing experiences. If nothing ever happens with the band I always have that. Something I never would have otherwise. Bryan McG: Listen to as many different types of music as possible and only make the music that you want to play. If you focus on making something that you like then chances are other people will like it too. Bryan T: Enjoy yourself whilst you can and invest in good quality gear. How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? All: Check out our Facebook our website. as well as you can just take the plunge and get our new EP “Hurdles” on iTunes for a couple of quid. Also on ignite records website! Do you guys have any other hobbies besides, obviously, making music? Bryan McG: We like to spend our free time in loads of different ways. Napier loves scouring charity shops for Christmas themed jumpers, BT likes long walks with his two ferrets,

Dougie is regularly seen smoking pensioners in his souped up Honda Civic at Alloa’s various traffic lights and myself and Gozzy enjoy making delicious deserts out of slightly stale cakes! Napier: I like to read and Game. Im a bit of a geek really. I like football, too. Bryan T: I’m a keen cyclist. What’s your most embarrassing experience? Bryan McG: Any of Gozzy’s late night, steaming chat. Bryan T: I break strings more than any guitarist should. It usually happens during the first song. Napier: Im pretty tall and I was taking a wazz in a public toilet one time and a kind gent said to me “you’re some size” . I, being the idiot I am, took this as a sexual advance and berated the poor chap for inappropriate behaviour, only to realise he meant I’m quite tall.

a good number of years. I started playing round about the time I stopped playing the trumpet. I made the switch in high school as it seemed like the cool thing to do. I take pride in the fact that I learned the guitar through taking lessons. I find that most people automatically jump on the ‘I’m self taught’ bandwagon. I have played in various bands playing different styles. When I’m not in the Cities and Skylines setting I usually find myself jamming blues and funk music with friends. Bryan McG: At the tender age of 14 I discovered death metal and from

there it has grown to experimental music of different genres, prog rock, post hardcore, stoner metal, electronic, alt rock, black metal and whatever else I can find. What are your songs about? All: Religion, nazis, girls, having a laugh. Bryan T: From the guitar point of view - I tend to think about happy and mysterious things for verses. That usually works out just fine. That’s my trade secret right there. If you could play on your dream tour, what bands would be on it supporting you? Bryan T: I would love to do a tour with

our friends Stations from Leeds. A dream tour would have to involve support coming from an all girl band. Maybe the Saturdays. Maybe. Napier: I’d Like to go on tour with bands that seem a good laugh. So, aye, eagles of death metal and that kinda vibe. I’d like to support Taking back sunday though for how much they influenced me when I was young. Bryan McG: Probably whatever band I think would be a good laugh to be back stage with so maybe Eagles of Death Metal, Frank Zappa, MSTRKRFT, Any last words? Bryan T: - Chariot!!!

What’s your dream holiday? Bryan McG: Amsterdam. Best cakes ever and they’re not even stale! What is your music background? Bryan T: I’ve been playing guitar for


Bowling for Soup live at the O2 ABC Glasgow

I was excited to see “Bowling For Soup” at the O2 ABC in Glasgow on their latest UK tour. The band have just released their new album “FISHIN FOR WOOS”. The album includes new single “Turbulence”. Ably supported by “Orange” and “Suburban Legend” it was one rocking event. Orange are a four piece pop/punk band from Los Angeles. Members are Joe Dexter: vocals, Perry Ladish: Guitar, Alec Gomez: bass, and Zak Glosserman on drums. The band had a look about them which reminded me a bit of Adam and the Ants. With lots of catchy tracks, I have defiantly become a bit of an orange fan. They split the crowd half way through the show, left side (my side) was “shark attack” and right was “human centipede”. We had to compete to see who the loudest was, but the band decided that we both won! They owned the stage performing tracks such as “revolution” and “Each Other” they are a very exciting first act. They really know how to get the crowd warmed up. I really hope to see the band again soon. Hopefully they are going to be in an upcoming issue of “the Rockette” really soon (I can’t wait). Following their performance was a slightly different style of band, the “Suburban Legends”. I will say they were very different. They where all the way from Orange County, CA. They are like a Ska/pop band with an awesome brass section (confused?). They have done very well and have even played in Disneyland. This probably explains why they played some Disney songs during their set. Some of the covers they performed included “I just can’t wait to be king” from Disney’s lion king. The band performed some of their own Ska based tracks too, it was a good set. I was lucky enough to meet Aaron who plays the trumpet. He was very nice. He even took a photo with me for his Facebook. Finally on stage was “Bowling For Soup” the band I was eager to see. As the crowd chanted BFS, BFS, BFS the band began playing their set. Still the Bowling for soup I remember, they haven’t changed at all over the years. They played tracks from the new CD, as well as a few old favourites. After some new tracks including “Here’s Your Freakin’ Song” and also “Friends Chicks Guitars”, the group played “Stacy’s mom” a track originally by “Fountains of Wayne”, however bowling for soup’s rendition was amazing. Then up next were two of my favourite tracks “S-SS-Saturday” taken off their new CD and the awesome “punk rock 101” from an older album. After their set, they came back for an encore and sang “Girl all the Bad Guys Want” and “1985”. Overall, it was a great night. Very entertaining. The 3 bands styles all complemented one and other. Following the end of the event, I managed to get hold of “Bowling for Soup’s” new CD “Fishin for Woos”.

Becky Gowans

The Most powerful lyrics are? I think the most honest and simple lyrics are usually the most powerful. I have a Do you have a band? song called ‘Shirts I often work with and Ties’ which I other musicians and think is the best one occasionally have I’ve written from that a band backing me point of view. I love up to give a bigger Ed Sheeran’s lyrics. sound at gigs, but I’m just on my own most Which artist would you like to collaboof the time! rate with? What inspires you If I got to sing with when you write your Marcus Mumford my songs? life would be comPeople mostly. Usuplete! ally one line pops How do you relax into my head and when you’re not gets stuck there all singing? day then i build up I spend loads of time from that. with my friends, usuWhen did you realize you wanted to be a singer/songwriter? About twelve or thirteen I think!

ally just going out and talking bollocks!

Do you play your own music or do you have a band? I write and play all my own music usually throw in a few covers as well though.

If you hadn’t become a band/singer etc., what job do you think you’d be doing right now? I’d love to be a doctor but I’m far too When is your next clumsy.. tour? Do you have any pre- I’m just doing rangig rituals/Lucky dom gigs at the moment, a tour would be items? amazing though! I ALWAYS have a Subway before gigs. What band are you I have no idea why.. a big fan of? Which instrument Sooo many bands do you wish you and artists. I’m adcould play? dicted to Ed SheerI’d love to be able to an’s album at the play piano. I think it moment. sounds amazing.

Do you get compared to any other artists? Sometimes. A few people compared me to Adele which is a ridiculous compliment, I think she’s absolutely amazing.

Any pets, if yes what you got? I have a rabbit. He’s called Captain Zanzibar..

Final words? Thank you! And please have a wee look at my YouTube What do you do to channel if you have relax? Lounge about in my jammies.

Quick Questions… -Favourite song ever: Far too many, but, ‘Sit Down’ by James is an all time favourite. -Last song you had stuck in your head: Where Do My Bluebirds Fly’ by The Tallest Man On Earth -Highlight so far: Spending a month in the studio recording an album. I didn’t sleep for weeks but it was amazing fun. -Guilty pleasure: Glee. -Favourite food: Indian. -Favourite TV programs: Misfits! oh, and Gavin and Stacey.

Cities and Skylines Hurdles

Sonny Marvello

Tiny Little Sparks EP

Stations Part 1

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