The Redcliffe Rave Edition 14 November 2020

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Edition No. 14

November 2020

The Redcliffe Rave Shane Newcombe Sponsor | Richard Lancaster Editor | Charles Daoud Sponsor

From the Editors Desk Increasingly western media appears to report what President Trump calls `fake news`. And I never believed for one minute that I would be agreeing with him! But on this matter, I do! Whether it be the electronic or printed editions, media bosses seem increasingly anxious for us to embrace their thinking by reporting the news, slanted in a way that leads to the outcome they desire. I give you an example of a recent major international news story, that in my opinion doesn’t give us the full picture. Recently a French history teacher in Paris showed and discussed with his students, very offensive cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed. Evidently this so enraged a young Moslem man, that he accosted the teacher in a street and beheaded him. Correctly, swift justice was meted out, with the police shooting the man dead. The French President

Macron immediately set in motion an action in memory of the slain teacher, in which he was posthumously presented with France’s highest honour, The Legion of Honour, at a ceremony full of pomp and pageantry. All of this, in the right to free speech. Five years ago, in January 2015, a Paris newspaper Charlie Hebdo, published a series of explicitly crude cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed, some of which were the ones shown subsequently, by the slain teacher. At the time these cartoons so enraged the Moslem world, that riots erupted around the world, The Charlie Hebdo publishers and cartoonists were savagely murdered by Moslems, who were correctly dealt with by the law. Everything settled down again, until the ill-advised act by the teacher. The western world’s media came heavily down on the

This the mildest cartoon image

side of the French government, when President Macron proudly pronounced that every citizen had the right to free speech and rightly so. But no-one in the media, even suggested, that denigrating another’s religion in an extremely offensive way, may not fall into the `free speech` category, rather the `hate` speech` one!



The Final Word

Now that was Silly


This Epitaph on a headstone was found in a London cemetery.





Redcliffe Quiz


Fine Dining


TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Major James Brush. WHO WAS KILLED BY THE ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE OF A PISTOL BY HIS ORDERLY ON April 14th 1831 `Well done good and faithful Servant`.

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Dr. Denny on Massage

First, don’t feel guilty about having a massage. Its one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. Once a month is the perfect frequency. Ensure your therapist is qualified and experienced and is registered and insured. Here are a few. • Aromatherapy. This massage uses essential oils from plants according to their therapeutic properties. The oils are massaged in and absorbed into the skin and inhaled, before making their way into the bloodstream. Certain herbs can relieve asthma, depression and promote sleep. • Stone. This is an ancient massage practice dating back thousands of years and uses heated stones to relax and reinvigorate the mind and body. • Swedish. This basic massage concentrates on either the back and shoulders or the entire body. The therapist works on the muscles to relax the body and relieve stress. • Indian. The therapist concentrates on the head, neck and back and by stroking, friction, kneeding and pressure point techniques, he/she invigorates the head and upper body. This is particularly effective for curing headaches.

• Thai. The therapist stretches and manipulates the body thereby relieving tension. This massage is perfect for improving sensation and movement in the body. It can benefit people recovering from a stroke. • Acupuncture Chair. The client sits in a special chair while the therapist works on the head, neck, shoulders, arms and hands for ½ an hour. • Lymphatic Drainage. This is a delicate form of massage that stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, helping it to eliminate waste and toxic and boosting the body’s immune system.

Brian Lee Watson on Lights Camera Action defines and supports the genre of the film.

Let’s consider lighting your filming scenes.

To make your scene pop, you need good lighting day and night. Use reflectors during daylight filming with LED’s or Fresnels (French ,silent s) and stay away from filming with the sun high in the sky producing nasty shadows. Fresnels are workhorses of the filming world and produce hard crisp shadows with the barndoors, allowing for fine set up. Also the lamps run extremely hot, so be careful handling.

Camera’s need light, plain and simple. The lighting set up guides the eye to a specific actor, prop or part of a scene. Lighting reflects the psychology of the characters. The amount, size, colour and harshness of light surrounding a character can be adjusted to match their emotions. Lighting

LEDS are easy to use ,economical and are variable in the colours produced, Warm or cool lighting is based around a three point system. Meaning A key light ,a fill light and a back light. This set up is how you see interviews are conducted on TV and it works in movie making.

Cinematic lighting goes beyond the standard 3 point set up, so as to add drama, depth and atmosphere to the story. Cinematic lighting utilises lighting tricks like bouncing light. diffusing light and adjusting colour temperatures. Warm lighting creates a warmer and happy feeling. Cool lighting produces a cold, gloomy and lonely spooky atmosphere. White lighting is neutral and doesn’t evoke strong emotions. Too much, can overpower and confront. Coloured lighting is used for different scenes like, Red is romantic or dangerous. Green is sickness or evil. Remember to always use the best lights you can afford, Hire, buy or borrow and happy filming.

This MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD by Ozzie Bob

In case you haven’t noticed, everyone’s living in La-La Land. There’s all this stuff happening, and nobody can work it out. Even the Lollipops on Sunrise are goggleeyed. The grey haired sweetheart ahead of me in the Aldi queue said, “I only came to buy some salted caramel chocolate and I’ve loaded up a whole trolley.” One of my bogan mates told me his missus made him wear a mask. She told him he never looked better and now she wants him to wear it all the time – especially in Page 2

bed. It’s all a bit much. Our borders are still closed, and we’re still being told to keep our distance. Oh Yeah? Try cruising The Valley on Fridee night and you need a crowbar to pry yourself loose. We’re all turning into dickheads. Me too! All I want for Christmas is a ticket to the Funny Farm. When I said that to my know-all mate Dodger, he said, “Calm down Bobby, it’ll all work out in the end. Try talking to the trees, mate.”

I thought, “Gees! Even good old Dodge has lost it.” He just looked at me and said, “Trees are where it’s at, mate. Cut their branches and they grow new ones - so all you gotta do is cut your worries and grow a new attitude.” Strewth! With a mate like that, who the hell needs Mother Goose?

TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

The Story of the local Legend – Jimmy Loyden

Rumour Mill

Cycle of Life by The Wheeled Magician Baz Richards

Let me tell you a story about a man named Jim. A Redcliffian who could only afford barley to keep his family fed. Then one day he saw a bike on the side of the road and he said to his wife “pull over darling”. So he bought the bike and said “look at that lovely bay, the countryside and the scenery”. He did not strike gold, or oil but at 80 years of age, riding every day he is probably happier than Jed Clampit, Granny, Jethro or Elly May. All jokes aside Jimmy Loyden is a legend around here and last year at the age of 79 he won our Bay Bikers club distance record by riding 16,176km in a year! On top of this he is a great guy to ride with as he has a lot of interesting life stories. He grew up in Guyra and like me had a thunder box for a dunnie. He spent a lot of time in Darwin and is just a great guy to chat with. If you ride with Jimmy, you don’t get to go far before you go past someone who shouts out “Gidday Jimmy!” He has also had the task over the last 5 years of taking out the fast 10k runners in the Jetty to Jetty fun run on his bike. Jimmy is not a Millionaire and he said to his kin folk “Let’s not move away from here. Redcliffe’s the place I want to be”. So they unloaded the truck and didn’t go to Beverly after all. Since then, he has ridden his bike every day as Redcliffe is the place he wants to be and the rest is history!

Covid comments • Because of social distancing, most of us are not shaking hands. I’m not doing it because I hear that a lot of people have run out of toilet paper! • Christmas this year will be celebrated in mid- January, as Father Christmas has to quarantine for 2 weeks, when he arrives. • I told my luggage that we won’t be travelling overseas this year. Now I’m dealing with emotional baggage. TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

• Whispers getting louder around a big push to snaffle the Redcliffe Aerodrome for re-development. A major land developer is apparently eyeing off the airport precinct for a future housing development. Presentation to MBRC representatives revolves around the premise that would have little impact resulting from the closure of the aerodrome, due to close proximity of other airfields at Archerfield, Caboolture and Caloundra. The sweetener to Council is not only the massive purchase price being offered, but also the future rates bonanza from the hundreds of new homes to be constructed. • Big ructions in the normally refined surrounds of Newport. Look out for a looming legal battle between two high profile residents, one a retired legal eagle and the other a retired gynaecologist, all over a small dogs toilet habits. Apparently the good doctor’s terrier has taken to relieving itself in the lawyers prize flower garden. Constant complaints eventually erupted into a physical altercation, police involvement and now a court case for alleged assault. Stay tuned.

Now that was a Silly thing to do! *Mum Cheryl Krause’s screaming child refused to eat his dinner unless he could hold her husband’s pistol that was lying on the kitchen table. She handed over the gun without checking it. Seconds later, she was shot in the stomach and spent the next 3 weeks in intensive care. *A teenage girl shoplifter thought she had got away with the perfect crime when she removed security tags from some clothes in the fitting room and walked out of the store wearing the stolen clothing under her tracksuit. She was so confident that she even signed up for a new store credit card. But a security guard had spotted her theft on CCTV and now they had her address too. Police were waiting for her, when she arrived home. *When she was dumped by her boyfriend, a furious 21 year old New York woman decide to kill him. Unfortunately they were flying in a light plane at the time and her now ex- boyfriend was the pilot. She stabbed him in the shoulder before the other passenger managed to grab the knife, while he was still able to make an emergency landing. *A drunken girl student left a Sydney nightclub and stumbled back to her flat, only to find out that her flat mates had locked the door from the inside and her key wouldn’t work. So she nipped round the back and climbed in through an open window and went to bed. Imagine the surprise of the shift worker who, returning home after work, found the girl in his bed. He lived two doors away from her flat!

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This is what happens in Your Supermarket Raving in the Garden by Blair Tickle

How about growing some Jerusalem Artichoke in your garden next year. Don’t know what it is? It’s a member of the sunflower family, but that’s about as far as the relationship goes. It’s a very versatile vegetable and you can cream it, mash it or roast it just like a potato. With a garlic sauce, its heaven! Its big benefit is that it lacks carbohydrate and is low in calories, making it ideal for diabetics and its high in potassium and Vitamin B. It didn’t originate from Jerusalem, rather the west coast of America, where the native Indians cultivated it. The species was introduced to Europe in the early 1600’s, where Italians named it Girasole, which means `turning to the sun`. Unable to pronounce the Italian name, others called it `Jerusalem`. It can grow in poor soils and its extended stems can reach up to 3 metres in height. The edible part of the plant is its tuberous root. To get the most from the plant, bury the tubers 15cms deep and 30cms apart. Keep them well fed and watered. Happy Gardening!


A little old lady went to the supermarket and purchased 3 cans of cat food. The checkout operator said ”I cannot sell you this cat food as many old people are buying cat food for their own consumption and management have clamped down on the practice. However if you bring your cat in, everything will be OK” She brought her cat into the store and they sold her the cat food. RTS ATTER Arts and Entertainment Editor



The next day she tried to buy 2 tins of dog food. With the same result. She brought her dog in and everything was resolved.

The next week she came in with a box with a hole in the lid. The little old lady asked the operator to put her hand in the box.CThe operator declined Janice harlish saying “There may be a snake in the box”. The …….lady Congratulations to our Councillors Peterher assured her there wasn’t.and SoMayor she put Flannery the word on the street is you are doing a good hand in the box, but quickly pulled it out. She job….said “That smells like poo!” The little old lady said quietly “It is. I want to buy some toilet paper!” Support Localmess …Redcliffe Theatre Celebration Showcase 18 Don’t withMusical old people!

& 19 November 2020 | 07:00 PM celebrating a massive 10 years of performing highlights from …Sound of Music , MAMMA MIA ,Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Saturday Night Fever ,Wizard of Oz, contact Redcliffe Entertainment Centre (07) 3283 0407 Centre (07) 3283 0407


Arts and Entertainment Editor

Support our Painters , Potters ,Crafters , Makers

SHOP NOW… Redcliffe Janice Charlish …….Congratulations to our Councillors and Mayor Peter Flannery the word on the street is you are doing a good job….

Support Local …Redcliffe Musical Theatre Celebration Showcase 18 & 19 November 2020 | 07:00 PM celebrating a massive 10 years of performing highlights from …Sound of Music , MAMMA MIA ,Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Saturday Night Fever ,Wizard of Oz, contact Redcliffe Entertainment Centre (07) 3283 0407

Mayor Peter Flannery said top of his wish list is funding from the State Government for a koala hospital in the region.

Art Society shop - Potters Studio- Old Redcliffe Fire Station art complex Red Poppy Art shop Seaside Artist Gallery, Redcliffe Parade

Let’s make this happen…

Centre (07) 3283 0407

BUY LOCAL for XMAS.. Support our Painters , Potters ,Crafters , Makers

Editorials: Send all story ideas and articles to Advertising: For advertising rates, conditions and bookings please contact Steve on Distribution: Everywhere online.

SHOP NOW… Redcliffe

Art Society shop - Potters

Copyright and Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. The Studio- Old purposes Redcliffeonly. FireThe Redcliffe Rave and its editor, publishers, writers and agents assume no liability content in this publication is for entertainment or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained Station art has complex about each individual, event or organisation been agreed to by the individuals, event organisers or organisations without verification by us. The Peter opinions expressed in each article is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Redcliffe Rave or its Mayor Flannery said top publishers. Therefore The RedcliffeRed Rave carriesArt no shop responsibility for the opinions expressed therein. Poppy

of his wish list is funding from

Indemnity: By advertising withArtist The Redcliffe Rave, you agree to indemnify all participating contributors and supporting businesses Seaside Gallery, the State Government for aor submitting such as graphic designers and printers against any claims.

koala hospital in the region. Let’s make this happen…

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Redcliffe Parade TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

You’ll Love this one! A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying an after work cocktail with her girlfriends when Steven, a tall exceptionally handsome, extremely sexy, middle aged man entered. He was so striking that she couldn’t take her eyes off him. The man noticed her attentive stare and walked over to her. Before she could say anything, he leaned over and whispered to her “I’ll do anything. Absolutely anything you want me to do, no matter how kinky for $50….on one condition. You have to tell me what you want me to do in just 3 words!” The woman thought for a moment and then slowly taking a $50 note out of her purse and pressing it into the man’s hand along with her address and then looking meaningfully deep into his eyes, said “Clean my house”


Convinced she had mice in her kitchen, Mrs Rumble purchased some traps and set them around the house. Unfortunately she forgot to tell Mr Rumble- who fixing himself a snack while she was out with friends, painfully discovered one in the pantry.

Stevie Harts Sayings • A grenade thrown into a French kitchen would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

• Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses.

• You feel stuck with your debt, if you can’t budge it.

• Acupuncture is a jab well done.

• A lot of money is tainted. ‘Taint mine and ‘taint yours!

• Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony defeat to fly.

• A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.

• A plateau is a high form of flattery.

• A short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

• In a democracy it’s your vote that counts; In feudalism it’s your count that votes.

• Those who get too big for their britches, will be exposed in the end.

Know your Redcliffe Quiz 1. When was the Clontarf Beach School opened? 2. Who first organised Redcliffe Women’s Hockey in the mid 1930’s? 3. What was the name of the theatre located on the corner of Ernest and Albert Streets Margate? 4. When was the Presbyterian Church building first opened in Redcliffe? 5. What famous American dance band gave their first Australian performance at the Seabrae Hotel in September 1943? TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

6. Who was Redcliffe’s first official grave digger?

9. When was the first Woody Point jetty constructed?

7. When did the ship S. S. Koopa first arrive on the Peninsula?

10. When was the Redcliffe Showgrounds area first approved?

8. Who was buried first at the Redcliffe Cemetery?

Answers on page 6

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I don’t Believe it! • East german swimmer Sylvia Ester set a world 100 metres record in 1967. Officials refused to recognise it because she swam in the nude. • He said ” i was playing my recording of the messiah, when mrs jones said that this was not the time for music. She then made overtures to me”

• Its small wonder that morale is so low. Lowly paid dentists, are pulling out in droves. • When ad -men for Pepsi-Cola had their slogan `come alive with pepsi` translated into mandarin chinese, the translation turned out to be `pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave`.

• Mr Sidney Rawle, aged 39, a former gravedigger, is now the editor of an underground newspaper.

An Al Fresco meal or two by Our Fine Dining Editor Gina Naylor

Over the last few weeks, South East Queensland was hit with some really wild storms. Now that’s a crazy time to be enjoying the great outdoors. However this camper girl and her uncle were determined to enjoy six days of camping on the Sunshine Coast. On the way we stopped at Beefy’s on the Bruce Highway, as we were running out of daylight and would have no time to cook an evening meal. Now I’m not `a pie kind of gal`, but the aroma of pastry convinced us. I had a delicious Steak pie, while my uncle tucked into a superb Steak and Kidney pie. Over pastry crusts and crumbs we discussed the humble pie’s origins and found that the Greeks used a flour-water paste for their pastry and filled it with meat, which they cooked or fried under coals. The Romans used a mixture of flour, oil and water for their pie crust and filled it with a variety of meats. And strangely they threw away the pastry cover. In Europe cooks created pastry using fats like butter and lard to make pies. These medieval pastry dishes were called `coffins`, translated meant a basket or a box. According to Janet Clarkson in `Pie: A Global History` these `coffins` were `a

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savory meat pie with pastry crusts being tall and straight-sided with sealed-on floors and lids`. The night of our arrival, the first of the storms blew in and I awoke next morning to an Olympic sized swimming pool. The day was warm and glorious and all the wet things dried quickly. That afternoon another storm rolled in with lots of thunder and lightning. The following morning I was woken by a busy brush turkey gathering the fallen leaves for his huge nest. As the rain was due again that afternoon, we headed for Sunshine Plaza, but on receiving a message from the camping site, we rushed back to secure our belongings. It poured throughout the night but we were greeted the next morning with the best rainbow I have ever seen. The call of the pie was upon us again and we travelled to Beefy’s at Maroochydore, where I enjoyed another superb Steak pie. Predictably my Uncle chose his favourite Steak and Kidney pie, which he reckons was `the best darn pie, I have ever had`. When a pie is well-made, we humans find them hard to resist. BON APPETIT.

Answers to Redcliffe Quiz. 1. February 1950. 2. The late Mary Nairn. 3. The Renown Theatre. 4. December 18 1937. 5. Artie Shaw’s Dance Band. 6. Thomas Copson was Redcliffe’s first grave-digger. 7. Christmas Day 1911. 8. The 2 ½ year old son of Edward Pollard who was proprietor of the Scarborough Hotel. The burial took place in October 1881. 9. The first Woody Point jetty was erected in 1881. 10. 55 ¾ acres was allocated for a race course and sportsground was approved in 1894. TEMPLATE - The Redcliffe Rave

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