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How to be a successful Science major...page 2 New student orientation schedule...PAGE 4 SUMMER INTERNSHIP AT KOHL’S..PAGE 3

T h u r sday, Sep t e m ber 1, 2 016

w w w.t h er ac qu e t. n e t

4 Pages

Si ngl e Copies Fr ee

An Interview with UWL’s Chancellor By Alexander Johnson News Editor

As Welcome Week begins at UW-La Crosse, incoming and returning students make their way back to campus for another year. With a new school semester just around the corner, Chancellor Joe Gow gave a look into the 2016-2017 academic school year’s upcoming projects, campus goals and sense of community at UWL. Q: What are you most excited for the 2016-2017 school year? A: “I can’t wait to see everyone back on campus. This will be a special year, as our new student enrollment is at a near recordhigh level, and in January we’ll be opening our new Student Center.” Q: What new or innovative building projects or programs are coming up in the 2016-2017 school year? A: “We’re delighted to be starting construction of our new science labs building, and we hope to soon break ground for a new field house. These projects will make our university even stronger than it now is.” Q: What has made you the most proud of UWL? A: “I’m most proud of the fact that even though state legislators have dramatically reduced support for UWL, our students, staff and faculty continue to do great things—

and we don’t put on any airs about our accomplishments.”

Q: For any incoming freshman, a new, independent environment might be intimidating at first. What advice can you give to make the first weeks more comfortable? A: “I would advise them to take advantage of some of the many great programs our university offers. The key is to get out and meet people. It might take a little time to make new friends, but those relationships will come—and they will last a lifetime.” Q: What types of experiences or moments do you hope incoming and returning students have on campus this year? A: “Someone much wiser than me once said, “Take your job seriously, but don’t take yourself seriously.” I think we’ll all do well to follow that advice: work through the challenges, and savor the good times. There will be plenty of surprises, both good and unwanted, this year.” Q: What has been your favorite moment or experience on campus so far as Chancellor? A: “My favorite moments as chancellor come each day when I walk around our campus. Everyone is so kind to me, and I’m very flattered to be asked to appear in selfies. I’m a very lucky person!” Q: If there is one goal or achievement you want the students and campus as a whole to

achieve, what would that goal be? A: “I hope we all continue to try new ways of doing things and pursue lives full of intellectual curiosity.” Q: How do you think UWL will continually improve itself, both through the student body and greater La Crosse community? A: “I know that our people will continue to represent our university so very well. That’s

why we’re so highly regarded in the La Crosse community and throughout our state and nation.” Q: Finish this sentence: As of right now, UW-La Crosse is... A: “…one of the best universities of its kind in the world.”

The best “hidden gem” study spots around campus By Destiny Baitinger Viewpoint Reporter

Sometimes a dorm room doesn’t quite cut it for studying. I would often sit, distracted, at my desk. Roommates, phones, and the fields outside my window would echo and I’d have nothing finished at night. When I would concentrate in my room, it wouldn’t be long before someone was knocking on the door or yelling down the hall. That being said, I went on an adventure to find some of the best places on campus to study. The following places are a few spots in academic buildings and around campus where maybe you too can focus this fall. In Wimberly Hall, on the fourth floor there are numerous offices and conferences buildings. This may make it an intimidating place to go, but because it’s home to professors’ offices, but it is often one of the quietest places to study. There are chairs,

similar to that of every floor sporadically placed for students to wait or makeup exams, but you can independently study there before dropping by to meet with a professor. Another place to stop by if you’re in the neighborhood is the Wimberly courtyard. This would only be a great study place in warmer weather, but hardly anyone is seen there. Beautiful flowers bloom in the spring, and it’s a quiet, nature-filled, studying nook. If you’re headed towards Centennial Hall, there are plenty of study spaces. Numerous rooms were crafted into this Hall for conferences, study groups, and student’s studying needs. There is an abundance of seating, on every floor, throughout every hallway. Towards midterms and finals, you can also reserve these rooms as well. I’ve found that having Starbucks on the first floor makes it a cozy place to go in the winter, and the seats are comfy on every floor. In Cowley Hall, like the other academic

buildings, there are chairs, tables, and couches on every floor. However, one of the best areas to study are the divided desks on each of the floors. These desks provide quiet, undisturbed study areas for students. As a morning person, I like to stop by Cartwright Center and study at the tables on the first floor in The Galley. My favorite place to study though, is in the cozy chairs outside of Einstein’s. The smell of bagels and coffee fills the air, and gives the coffee shop aura. In the warmer weather, the patio outside of Einstein’s Bagels can be a simple and quiet place to enjoy the sunshine while having minimal distraction from friends because it’s on the very edge of campus. While Murphy Library is an excellent spot to spend your time delving into the books, it can be pretty crowded and overwhelming sometimes. I found that there were are only a few spaces that weren’t jam-packed and distracting because of the populated area.

One of these two places would be upstairs where, though it may be busier, off the stairway there is a silent space where divided desks and tables are offered where overwhelmed students have a chance to dedicate quiet time to their studies. The second space is in Murphy’s Mug. In the very corner of this coffee stop in Murphy Library there are tables where I find myself cozied up with coffee and my books or laptop working away. The New Student Center will provide ample study spaces, and numerous spaces to spread your books out as well this Fall. However, I imagine that it will bustle for the first few months of its opening. These few outlets are great options to venture to in case your roommates have friends over, you’re swamped studying, or you just can’t focus at home.

Did you know that The Racquet has an online presence? Check out our website for breaking news, employment opportunities and more! www.theracquet.org 231 & 232 Cartwright Center 1725 State Street La Crosse, WI 54601

Word of the Week prescient

having the knowledge of things or events before they exist or happen The prescient student was able to handle finals week with aplomb.

Please recycle

A Warm Welcome from Paula Knudson By Paula Knudson Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students

Welcome back! I hope you had a revitalizing summer break and are ready for a new academic year. I personally love the excitement as the campus again regains the energy that comes from the return of our students and the welcoming of new students to our community. I have been moving new students into residence halls for many years so I have had ample opportunity to observe the excitement and anxieties of a fresh start. Over the course of the summer, I have observed and reflected on our current global and local environment and tried to anticipate what the next year will hold for our campus community. I am hopeful that UWL will provide an environment that allows for diverse expressions and embraces the need for civil discourse as we navigate this political season amidst the racial tensions that are palpable. In fact, I think higher education in general has a role to play in moving our communities forward in a healthy way. I hope you will take some time to review our protocol and values for UWL as we enter an exciting new year (www.uwlax.edu/free-speech/). For those of you experiencing your first semester at UW-L, I thought I’d share some of my insights about this campus and strategies for success. UW-L has received many positive rankings and recognitions through a variety of sources. We’re proud of these ratings, yet I don’t think they represent the heart and uniqueness of our campus community. Many on our campus call it the UW-L feel, or the La Crosse Experience. This La Crosse Experience stems from incredible student involvement. We have almost 200 recognized student organizations. Our campus has an amazingly engaged residential experience; very active student leadership; over 500 student athletes; 90 percent student involvement in campus recreation; and is home to students from six continents and 30 countries. Our campus truly does value inclusivity, equity, and leadership. So it is with pride that I welcome you to this community. So let me share a few of my lessons that might help you get off to a good start.

friendships and community. It is unfair to yourself to compare what you feel on the inside to what you see on others’ outside. • You have a renewed chance to explore and engage in a meaningful way. Ask yourself what is going to make you happy as well as what will challenge you to grow or expand your horizons. For it is not choosing comfort or growth but rather finding a balance that allows for both. Indeed, our greatest understanding and personal growth often come when we find the balance between challenge and support. • Keep your mind and door open (yet please lock your door at night or when you leave). • Your job at the start of the year is to say “yes” (as long as it’s not illegal or unhealthy). You can’t have broad perspective until you have broad experiences from which to draw. • Offer to help a friend or better yet a stranger. We all feel better about ourselves when we make our small part of the world a little better.

• UW-L is a special place. While you won’t connect with everyone, you will find many who are supportive and respectful. Your true goal is not about independence, but rather interdependence. We each need to take care of ourselves, while utilizing resources and the www.uwlax.edu skills and compassion of others. We all want to fit in and to find a comfort zone where we feel a part of something. Yet I believe that to truly find your comfort zone and niche it is incredibly important to be yourself. The more we try to fit in, the more we try to be what we think others want us to be. By being our genuine self and finding others who will respect and value that true self will lead to richer

RacqueT Editorial Board

Heidi Gempeler | Editor-in-Chief gempeler.heid@uwlax.edu Stephanie Koss | Managing Editor koss.stephanie@uwlax.edu Alexander Johnson | News Editor news@theracquet.net Ellie Brown | Viewpoint Editor viewpoint@theracquet.net Ashley Voxland | Features Editor features@theracquet.net Justin Nichols | Sports/Health Editor sports@theracquet.net Mary Purdy | Copy Editor purdy.mary@uwlax.edu

Staff Reporters

Whitney Storvick, Dustin Skolaski, Alexandra Ronnestrand, Sarah Busse, Miranda Martin, Alex VandenHouten, Megan Poczos, Eagan Norman, Destiny Baitinger

Art and photo staff

Photographers | Madeline Alden, Shelby Hanewold

Business staff

• Smile – it’s a universal language.


Bailey Krueger | Business Director sales@theracquet.net Michaela Burton | Publicity Director burton.mich@uwlax.edu


Blaire Thielen | Advertising Director thielen.blaire@uwlax.edu

• Recognize that you’re not alone. •

Seek help.

Finally, be kind to yourself and others – it is the UW-L way. Fly with the Eagles!

The sciences, specifically biology, are very popular major choices at UW-La Crosse. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your science studies that you possibly can: 1. Choose something you enjoy. It might take a while or even a few courses for you to figure out what field of the sciences you really enjoy, but it can’t be stressed enough how important it is to choose something you’re genuinely interested in. Science is NOT an area of study in which you can somewhat like the subject and still succeed. Like many other things in life, the field of science is about passion. Passion in this field will carry you for miles. 2. You’re going to get questions wrong. The science courses are known to be particularly challenging at UWL, but they don’t have to be looked at in that manner. Before you let that stereotype scare you, just realize that they are made to be challenging because they are meant to prepare you well for your studies to come and for your applications in the real world. When you’re paying thousands of dollars, don’t you want to be prepared as best as you can be? When you get questions wrong, instead of letting

that discourage you, utilize those times as opportunities for growth. Many times in the sciences, questions are centered around common themes that will normally be asked again in later exams. Don’t get questions wrong twice because you failed to learn it the first time. 3. Keep up on science news. It sounds silly, but follow the major science journals (Nature, Science, and Cell) on Facebook and bookmark their webpages. Even just surrounding yourself with the up-to-date happenings of the scientific world will allow you to be more knowledgeable and aware, which will ultimately build up your science repertoire. Being “with the times” in the field of science will always benefit you, even if it’s just taking a quick glance at that most recent evolutionary study. 4. NEVER be afraid to approach your professors. The biggest thing to realize is that a majority of these professors have spent the greater part of their lives learning and researching their particular area of study, and many have their PhD’s. Almost every professor at UWL, especially in science, are more than happy to help you succeed when you’re having a tough time. Never shy away from popping into their office hours or staying after class to ask a quick question. 5. Appreciate and realize that each

This fall, a new and exciting journal is being proposed for humanities studies students here at UW-La Crosse. The Confluence, tentatively set to start accepting admissions in September, aims to showcase the research that Liberal Arts students have explored during their undergraduate years in college. While there are many avenues available for students to publish their studies, there is somewhat of a lack of a publicized journal that focuses strictly on academic research in the humanities departments. Currently available to all undergraduate students is the Journal of Undergraduate Research which can be accessed on https://www.uwlax.edu/ urc/JUR-online/index.html, though it is broad and featured only on the UWL website.

The English Department offers The Steam Ticket, The Catalyst and The Mercury, as well as a few others. These are amazing ways to publish student work, but are limited to submissions of creative fiction, or aim to share art that sparks discussion and tackle current issues, rather than displaying work that students have completed in class settings or as part of research grants. That’s where this brand new journal comes into place. The purpose of The Confluence is meant to complement these already existing publications and its creators hope to provide a new opportunity for students to present their hard work to the world and share it with friends and family. It challenges students to not only defend their areas of study, but to also contest why this defense is necessary. Research submissions must address at least one aspect of the prompt (which will

From June to August, I had the opportunity to intern at Kohl’s Corporate Offices in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. In the Store Operations & Experience department, I was a communications intern for a team who are the liaisons between corporate and every Kohl’s department store in the country. As an intern, I gained professional experiences, such as building connections with associates throughout the company, practicing professionalism first hand and implementing my interpersonal communications skills I learned my freshman year into my professional demeanor. My experience at Kohl’s has not only allowed me to gain an insight in a corporate and retail environment but also what it feels like to have a first job out of college. Currently, I am studying English: Rhetoric and Writing and Spanish at UW-La Crosse, where my strengths lie in writing and editing. Fortunately, my position as a communications intern, allowed me to practice and expand those skills with the duties of my internship by writing articles for the corporate and store websites that Kohl’s uses to communicate with their associates. I also wrote communication for various team members in many different formats such as emails, proposals and documents.

By Bailey Krueger Business Manager

Welcome to UW-La Crosse! In my opinion, during the few months of being on campus, there are some definite ‘must go to’ offices! These offices/events range from academic related to social events! Check out these out to make for an awesome first semester at UWL! 1. It Makes Cents College is expensive but you still want to have fun with friends getting ice cream or going to movies. Visit the staff of It Makes Cents on the second floor of Centennial for budgeting tips and fun event to attend that are free! 2. Involvement Fest Involvement Fest occurs the first

www.uwlax.edu field of science works together. Because many of the sciences work together and have common themes that intertwine, it’s always beneficial to learn as much as you can about all the sciences and to not limit yourself to one particular area. Picking up an extra course about evolution or a physics course about optics will never be a disadvantage of you, especially when these subjects rely so heavily on one another.

6. Know that science is temporary and constantly evolving. Many concepts in science are very provisional, meaning that the understandings we currently have are because we are utilizing the most current research to shape our comprehensions. What is true and widely accepted today might not be tomorrow. Keeping an open mind about what could change is something that will aid you as you study science in the years to come.

New humanities journal comes to UWL By Ellie Brown Viewpoint Editor

By Mary Purdy Copy Editor

be formally released in September) and asks students to engage in the discussions that plague all humanities majors. This includes what the purpose of a humanities degree is in the modern, technologically world, why STEM and Liberal Arts programs have become so different and separate from each other, and other problems facing those of under the umbrella of a Liberal Arts degree. Students are encouraged to present a variety of arguments regarding fine arts, music, history, government, economics, religion, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and any other dialogue concerning the endless unique paths that are classified under Liberal Arts and STEM majors. Research conducted in previous class settings is welcomed, as is new work specifically targeting the prompt. While all submissions will be accepted,

remember that this is a scholarly journal. The Confluence promotes professionality, scholastic knowledge, intellectual research and thought-provoking material. Submissions should reflect this as well as demonstrate inspired work in which authors rise to the challenge of creative thinking, striving for excellence and pushing the boundaries of normal thought. So if you’ve ever gotten tired of explaining to your parents for the hundredth time why you’ve chosen Philosophy as your major, or you want to prove to your roommate that reading books and discussing ideas is just as important as data analysis and science experiments, consider submitting your work to The Confluence. It might be the perfect place for you to show your work, demonstrating where creative and academic thought join together in perfect confluence.

Surrounded by interns in various departments, such as technical design, marketing, technology and facilities, I was the needle in the haystack by being the only communications intern in the company. However, I made connections and new friends from different universities and departments in the company. In addition to myself, other interns felt positively impacted by their experience at Kohl’s. Apparel Design Intern Erin O’Leary from Kent State University in Ohio expressed, “The internship gives you a look into the bigger picture of designing for a corporate company. It’s also definitely a good gauge on what an actual position there would be like instead of random tasks and running errands.” She continued, “the people at Kohl’s are very good at making you feel welcome and part of the team.” Interning at Kohl’s was a rewarding experience that I will never forget. I didn’t expect half the things I experience or witness. In addition to experience, the accommodations that Kohl’s provides their interns is incredible. They pay for summer housing as well as transportation to corporate each day. Another interns expressed similar thoughts. Buying Intern Jordan Peterson from the University of WisconsinMadison stated, “The internship experience was beyond my expectations! Kohl’s went above

and beyond to provide amazing accommodations for all interns to make moving to Milwaukee as easy as possible.” She continued to discuss what she had learned by stating, “I learned so much by working first hand in the buying office and it was crazy that they actually wanted and valued my opinion on important decisions.” This summer I explored the professional world and built strong relationships with my fellow

team members and associates in departments across the company. My internship allowed me to become a stronger professional, improve my skills and challenge my areas of opportunity. I encourage all students to apply for internships to take the opportunity to expand their horizons to discover themselves in a professional setting.

First Year “Must-See” Offices

How to be a successful science major By Stephanie Koss Managing Editor

Racquet Copy Editor completes rewarding summer internship

Subscriptions To reserve your issue of The Racquet, call us at (608) 785-8378. Single issues are free on campus or available by mail for a subscription fee. FALL 2016: 15 issues for $30 FULL YEAR: 30 issues for $50

The Racquet 231 & 232 Cartwright Center 1725 State Street La Crosse, WI 54601 The Racquet is an Award-Winning Newspaper, achieving the Third Award for Best Editorial in 2010 and Second Award for Best Advertisement in 2009 through the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation. The Racquet is a student-produced weekly newspaper distributed for the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. The editorial staff assumes full responsibility for content and policies. The Racquet values accuracy and will publish corrections if necessary; please send them to editor@ theracquet.net. Deadline for article submission is Friday by noon. The staff editorials contain the oppinions of the editorial staff only and do not represent the views of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. To advertise with The Racquet, please contact sales@theracquet.net. For general inquiries, contact editor@theracquet.net. Single copies are free to members of the UW-La Crosse, WTC, and Viterbo campus communities. Multiple copies can be acquired from The Racquet at a price to be determined by the publisher by contacting the Racquet business office. Newspaper theft is a crime and is subject to civil and criminal prosecution and/or university discipline.

week of the semester on the grassy area between Wittch and Centennial. This is a great opportunity to walk around with newfound friends and learn about different organizations on campus! Not to mention, a lot of free food and prizes are given out. Getting involved with organizations on campus will make UWL feel more like home before you know it! Plus, student organizations are a great way to get some leadership experience and build your resume!

3. Professors Office Hours Professors are not scary people! They are just like you and I. They want to learn about you and your experiences. They are also a great source of advice for us as students and soon to be adults in the real world. If good connections are made, they can

Check out Sorority Life! By Blaire Thielen Advertising Director

Alpha Phi isn’t just an organization, it is so much more! Sorority life has taught me so much: responsibility, organization, and how to be a better leader. I have been able to take on leadership positions and really challenge myself. As the current Vice President of Membership Recruitment, I am in charge of the entire rush experience and am so excited to meet all of you! Ladies, make sure to keep an eye out for Alpha Phi! Let me assure you that you will “strike gold” if you choose Alpha Phi! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at thielen.blaire@uwlax.edu!

be a great reference for future jobs and/ or internships. Office hours are also a great time to ask additional questions about the material covered in class and get one-on-one help. Spending twenty minutes in a professors’ office asking questions can go a long way! 4. Academic Advising Center & Career Services So you don’t know what you want to major in? Your resume and cover letter need work? No worries. The Academic Advising Center (AAC) & Career Services (CS) offices are here to help you on the first floor of Centennial! The AAC is a great place to talk with peer advisors, students on campus that are trained to help guide students through major and career decisions, about what majors fit your interests and what classes you

would need to take. The CS office is a fantastic place to spice up your cover letter and resume as well as do mock interviews and find internships. This office is a must see for students at UWL! 5. RA’s Room Your RA is your go-to-person for any and all questions, so don’t be afraid to ask where the laundry is or how to rent supplies from the front desk! They are there to help. They are also a ‘built in friend’ if you will. They were selected to be an RA because of their friendly and outgoing personality, which makes for a great friend! A RA may also put on event in your hall so be willing to try something new and attend their events. My freshman year, we went on a hike as a floor, and it was super fun!

TheRacquet’s Advertising Director visits Florence, Italy By Blaire Thielen Advertising Director

Studying abroad was the best month of my life. I was fortunate enough to study in the beautiful city of Florence Italy. I got to study at an university called Lorenzo de Medici. I studied art history, which gave me the opportunity to learn and see many pieces by many very famous artists. Being in a different country and being full submersed in a new culture is something everyone should experience. The experience in itself taught me so much about myself , also it showed me independent I can be. Being in a new culture really shows a person how to accept different people with different beliefs and ways to do things. I would highly recommend studying anywhere for any amount of time, it really is the experience of a lifetime!

New Student Orientation (NSO) and Welcome Week Schedule New Student Orientation Schedule Friday, September 2 (Move-In Day 1) Events marked **required** on this day are required only for those new students scheduled to move-in on Friday, September 2. 9:00am - 3:45pm - Move-in Begins

12:00pm - Murphy Library Tour

Interested in getting a quick, just-the-facts overview of Murphy Library? Meet in the lobby and no registration needed. The tours last about 20 minutes and cover the basic layout of the library, useful services, library collections, and tips to effectively use the library. Everyone is welcome to participate in these informal tours. Sponsored by: Murphy Library

Wednesday, September 7

4:30-5:30pm - Hall Meetings (Event information displayed in residence hall lobby)**required**

10:00am-3:00pm - Part-time Job Fair, Valhalla, Cartwright Center

TBA - Banachek (Mentalist), Valhalla, Cartwright Center, sponsored by CAB

Looking for a job? Both on and off-campus employers will be attending.

Saturday, September 3 (Move-In Day 2) & NSO begins for students living off-campus Events marked **required** today and for the remainder of NSO are required for all new students regardless of their move-in date. 9:00am-3:00 pm - Move-in Continues 9:00am- 1:00pm - Hall Activities (students who moved in on day 1) (Event information displayed in residence hall lobby) 12:45-1:00pm - Off-Campus First-Year & Transfer Student Check-in, Port O’ Call, Cartwright 1:00-2:30pm - Eagle Group for Off-Campus First-Year Students. Meet at Port O’Call, Cartwright Center **required** 1:00-2:30pm - Eagle Group for residents of Eagle, Laux, Reuter, Hutch, Wentz, Meet outside of residence hall lobby **required** 2:45-4:15pm - Eagle Group for residents of Coate, Sanford, Angell, Drake, and White. Meet outside of residence hall lobby**required** 4:15-5:15pm - University Welcome & Class Photo, Mitchell Hall Gym **required** 5:00-7:00pm - Picnic Dinner outside of Whitney Center 7:00-8:00pm - Hall Meetings & Activities (Refer to schedule in residence hall lobby) **required** 8:00-10:00pm - Chillin’ with the Chancellor, Valhalla, Cartwright Center 10:00pm - DJ Dance Pary, featuring Scratch & Bang, Valhalla, Cartwright Center, sponsored by CAB

Sunday, September 4 9:00am-2:00pm - Refer to Hall Specific Schedule Insert (links to pdfs below) **required** 2:00-4:45pm - Hall Activities (refer to schedule displayed in hall lobby)

Sponsored by: Career Services and Financial Aid Offices 10:30am-2:00pm - Sample the City & Caricatures, Wittich Lawn Rain Site: the event will be cancelled in case of rain Sample the City has everything from phone servers and cable providers, to local coffee shops, restaurants, hair salons and more! You get free food samples and chances to win prizes and gift certificates for local businesses. Sponsored by Campus Activities Board (CAB) 12:00pm - Murphy Library Tour Interested in getting a quick, just-the-facts overview of Murphy Library? Meet in the lobby and no registration needed. The tours last about 20 minutes and cover the basic layout of the library, useful services, library collections, and tips to effectively use the library. Everyone is welcome to participate in these informal tours. Sponsored by: Murphy Library

Thursday, September 8 12:00pm - Murphy Library Tour Interested in getting a quick, just-the-facts overview of Murphy Library? Meet in the lobby and no registration needed. The tours last about 20 minutes and cover the basic layout of the library, useful services, library collections, and tips to effectively use the library. Everyone is welcome to participate in these informal tours. Sponsored by: Murphy Library 5:00-7:30pm - The Price is Right-style Game Night, Valhalla, Cartwright Center Description: A night of carnival and game show games alike! Join us in playing and learning the basics of managing your personal finances. Jump in our money machine and walk away with real CASH and gift certificates. This game night provides FREE pizza, beverages, and financial knowledge to all who enter. Great prizes to be won in the end! Sponsored by: It Make$ Cents! Office 6:00pm - Derek Hughes (Comedian-Magician), The Cellar Cartwright Center Sponsored by: Campus Activities Board

Friday, September 9

4:45-6:00pm - Dinner, Whitney Center

12:00pm - Murphy Library Tour

8:30-10:30pm - Movie @ the Stadium, Veterans Memorial Stadium

Interested in getting a quick, just-the-facts overview of Murphy Library? Meet in the lobby and no registration needed. The tours last about 20 minutes and cover the basic layout of the library, useful services, library collections, and tips to effectively use the library. Everyone is welcome to participate in these informal tours. Sponsored by: Murphy Library

11:00pm - Moonlight Fun Run (1 mile), Hoeschler (Clock) Tower Monday, September 5 10:00am - 12:00pm - Hall Activities (Displayed in Hall Lobby) 10:30am - 12:00pm - Tie-Dye and Terrariums, Drake Field, Rainsite: Gazebo near Hutchinson Hall Want to make a fashion statement? Like plants? Want to meet other new students? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then come to the Residence Hall Association Council (RHAC) Tie Dye and Terrarium program. RHAC will provide free t-shirts and terrarium kits to the first 100 students to show up. Also, feel free to bring your own clothes to tie dye!! 1:00pm - 2:30pm - ATP: Awareness Through Performance | Valhalla, Cartwright Center **required** (Residents of Eagle, Hutchinson, Wentz, Reuter, Off-campus first-year students) 3:00pm - 4:30pm: ATP: Awareness Through Performance | Valhalla, Cartwright Center **required** (Residents of Coate, White, and Drake) 5:00pm - 6:30pm: ATP: Awareness Through Performance | Valhalla, Cartwright Center **required** (Residents of Laux, Angell, and Sanford) 1:00pm - 6:00pm: Hall Activities (Displayed in Hall Lobby) 6:00pm - 8:00pm: REC Fest | Recreational Sports Center Sponsored by: RECsports

Welcome Week Schedule Tuesday, September 6 7:30am-3:00pm - Life Saver Stations, Centennial Hall & Hoeschler Clocktower Do you need help finding your classroom or building? Stop by one of the Life Saver Stations and we will help you find your way! Sponsored by: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Life: First-Year Experience & Wellness Resource Center, Admissions, Residence Life

7:00pm - Chris Jones, Hypnotist & UWL Alumni, Valhalla, Cartwright Center Sponsored by: Campus Activities Board (CAB)

Saturday, September 10 1:05pm - Football vs. Ripon College, Veterans Memorial Stadium **Free Admission with your Eagle ID (UWL Student ID)**

Sunday, September 11 12:00pm (Noon) - Women’s Soccer vs Milwaukee School of Engineering (Wis.), Soccer Field, Veterans Memorial Field Complex **Free Admission with your Eagle ID (UWL Student ID)**

Wednesday, September 14 11:00am-4:00pm - Involvement Fest, Wittich Field – Rain Site: Port O’ Call & Valhalla, Cartwright Center Involvement Fest is a campus classic open to all students. Take the first steps to becoming involved at UWL by connecting with more than 100 campus and community organizations! Sponsored by: Center for Leadership, Involvement, & Graphics (LIG)

Looking for an on-campus job? Apply at The Racquet! www.theracquet.org

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