1 minute read


Written By: Gloria from Amani Upendo Wellness

Sustainability has become increasingly important in the world of food and agriculture. With concerns about climate change, environmental degradation, and the uncertain future of our food supply, many people are looking for ways to make their diets more sustainable by choosing foods that are farmed responsibly using lower-impact growing methods.

Start with grains. Whether you buy them in-store or commit to growing them yourself, soil health adds to the overall health of the plant and continues cultivation. It’s simple to start growing and easy to add to your diet when you ’ re ready.

Non-meat proteins are also a great way to jam-pack your stomach and life with conscious living. With concerns about climate change and the environmental impact of meat production, many people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Meat production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, and raising livestock takes up many land and water resources In contrast, plant-based proteins require significantly fewer resources to produce, making them a more sustainable option Learning to prepare food this way may be an adjustment for you as it was for me, but once you get started, you’ll find the options are abundant, and you’ll feel better about it Stay Pretty!