Live In Love eng.

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Live in LOVE

LOVE brings you from where you are to who You are the new “ONE” way to Your True Self By Jan B Frederiksen - A book from “The star to peace – movement”


Life Offers Viable Energy

“We are always searching for love outside ourselves. In truth Love already exist in us – ready to be found.”

Listen to your soul Why? You are here for a reason. We all are – and all our experiences are part of the soul plan. You have asked to come here for that exact reason – which overall is to evolve your soul. You might not remember, you might not understand, nothing is a co-incidence - all is still the truth, you don’t need to understand with your mind to accept the truth in your heart. I know you are reading this because you want to remember it from your souls deepest desire bringing it forward into your conscious being creator. Your soul is your divine connection to the entire universe, through your body, connecting with Mother Earth. Your soul is knocking on your door to remember, for you to open up - so listen in many different ways, i.e. through nature, through signs from your body/ mind, and through other messengers – coming via people, places and things (repeating numbers, billboard signs, synchronicities) or even opening a book on a certain page that relates to your day. Start to listen with your whole being – not just your ears – be alert, aware, sense, see and just allow yourself to be conscious in your listening. Actually it is all about energy and the level of our vibrations related to the outside /inside forces, the balance or imbalance we experience is in the energies inside/ outside our being – there is only one person to relate to – that is YOU. You are responsible for all the influx of energies you need and share with others, so you have to learn balancing your vibrations to the level needed, that’s part of why you need to learn to listen to be able to adapt the right energies for the right purposes – to create better results for yourself and others.

What? Listening is the key to opening your whole remembering, as listening makes it possible for you to go deeper and deeper in to your conscious/ subconscious being. Actually deep focused listening brings you to your source that is needed for you to remember your souls yearn. The whole purpose is to make your listening as worthwhile as possible – to become the radio-tower that is able to receive the signals, signs and symbols from everywhere - this is the gateway/portal to your divinity. We all know that listening is not our strongest skill, especially listening to our intuition – choosing to trust our inner guidance has to be learned and developed.


Life Offers Viable Energy

When listening we have a lot of things that are disturbing the listening, from outside sources to inside chatter. To really listen we have to be aware by removing the noise as much as possible. Noises comes from everywhere – our mind (past, future, our self in thoughts, ego etc.), our body (pains, un-ease, psychosomatic blockings etc.), our heart (emotions, suffering etc.), outside based disturbance of our inside processes (television, news, other unneeded sources) – which all actually makes it difficult to listen to self. Our soul really wants us to hear the call, sending its messages through many channels, from whispering in the leaves on the trees, to actual pains in our body – to make us listen. It’s actually a very complex communication system it uses – to wake us up to our call into creation from LOVE. If we are not aware or don’t want to see it for what it is – what actually happens is that it brings more and more un-ease in form of imbalance that can turn into illness, from anxiety to stress – over depression – to heart attacks. Depending of our immune system, we are more or less at risk of being brought to our knees by our own souls need to be heard. So our imbalance in our whole system might be caused by our lack of interest in listening to our Self – our souls deepest yearn. In some eastern philosophies it is said that we don’t have sickness in the world, just imbalance. So if you choose not to listen in the beginning to the signs and symbols around you – really start listening when your emotions and or your bodies reaction, when they start behaving in ways you have not experienced before – especially if the same pattern continues – as what we resists persists - “it’s your wake-up call”. The symptoms are your guidance and stop-signs - to start paying attention. Don’t expect any sickness to be only physical – it is always a result of imbalance in mind, body or soul. So listening to your signs/ symptoms are your pathway to find the causes – which your soul is guiding you to. Bringing balance in our energies through vibrations is essential for us to be able to listen, and open to our souls. One of the most effective ways is to connect your vibration to the Universal tone – connecting your heart to the overall universe and Mother Earth.

How? LOVE is a stepwise process from where you are to who you are – actually what we have to do is to both unlearn and learn as we move on. Being conscious about ourselves choosing what we do starts with a simple thing as our breathing. Our breath tells us a lot about whether we are calm, excited or stressed etc. Our bodies are ready to help us on our journey towards balance, by leaving the control from our unconscious to our conscious. Our body has so many functions for us to use when we want to change or heal, conscious breathing is one of them. So let us unlearn that our breathing is only unconscious. It can be made conscious like anything else, by using our will to breathe differently to build up energies inside in a profound way. Look at high performers in singing, sports and water sports – it’s an easy way to have more energy overall.


Life Offers Viable Energy

We have to use our breathing to bring calmness to our body by inhaling deeply through the nose leading it consciously to our lower stomach, keeping it there in a second or two before we exhale slowly through our mouth letting it take twice as long to exhale. If you do that 3-5 times per hour in 2 weeks – your whole body is responding with a total calmness moving into awareness – continuing that brings it back to your unconscious again, then you can use it when you need in front of bigger tasks or demanding situations – as well as in your meditations, balancing your overall energy. It becomes your conscious safety belt, therefore a stress releaser forever. Next comes the vibration part, so when you feel your breath is really going to your lower stomach, from which it energize your whole body, then we build the universal sound of “OM” to follow the breathing. So you inhale as above, but in the exhale you open your mouth with sound like an OOOOOOO, and closing with the MMMMMMM really letting the vibration from the OOOO, followed by the MMMM fill you up from throat to your deepest stomach. Do this “OMing” exercise when you wake up, during the day when you feel exhausted, and before sleep. Feel your body getting totally energized through the expanding vibration – which connects you to your deeper self – opening your listening/sensing channels in your body – waking you up to your souls call – actually it’s the start of really opening your heart to LOVE – Your True SELF.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Open your heart to receive Why? What is the whole purpose of opening our heart for LOVE? It’s our life’s yearn. Love has many forms; God just wants’ us to share as many forms as possible with Him, together, with all - without judgment. In this sense and for this purpose - what we are doing is actually bringing in the Self-love, first connecting the vibration from Mother Earth to the Universe through us and back – to really be able to share unconditional love in the most profound ways – from the inside out. Everything created from LOVE expands love, which is the purpose of our lives. We are here to live in His LOVE, sharing that with others through compassion, choosing kindness. We are here for the purpose of the most exciting conscious evolution of humanity on Mother Earth. Each one of us has our role – expressed through our soul’s desires - no one is obsolete, no one is better, we are all needed for the creation of the experience of LOVE in our earthly bodies. We are all the parts that make the whole ONE.

What? Our Heart is where all believe that we create our love – even though we know that many other parts inside/outside of us are involved in the whole process of sensing, feeling, expressing and sharing of LOVE. Opening the heart for LOVE brings in senses on both a conscious and unconscious level. Many of these senses are combined in ways so profound that we are not able to express or share it using only words. We are taking many levels in, many forms and ways unique to everyone’s soul expression. To expand this even further, accepting the connection of energies, vibrations etc. in LOVE – we bring in sources outside our physical like The Universe, Mother Earth, God and Source – all for one purpose – to expand our experience of being LOVE. I choose to call it that we are LOVE on different levels from DIVINE to Emotional to Physical; each level has its specific ways to get into the whole equation of LOVE. We connect to the DIVINE sources of energy and vibration, through opening our Heart to the energies from Mother Earth – this is called the Earth STAR chakra – just situated below our feet (our grounding). Then to the Universe through our Soul STAR chakra, just above our head. Our Heart STAR is supposed to be the vibration hub in which energies flow through us, allowing us to tap in to the energies for any purpose, providing direction from our soul in LOVE (Our True SELF) for life on the Emotional and Practical level.


Life Offers Viable Energy

However, we are not always able to create/receive and preserve these energies, as our pipes on mind level (ego, emotional) body level (meridians, blood channels, nerve system, immune system etc.) that allow the energies to flow freely in us are blocked by many forms of toxins and other undesirable substances. So we need to start a purification from the inside out – which basically is about accepting ourselves, all our emotions, our bodies’ reactions as signals in our life. In that process we have to be very aware of using all our best listening skills we have learned, to be able to function as energy containers in our life – as creators of new, preservers of what is needed, destroyers of what is not needed, inside and outside ourselves - without harming others.

How? From our listening practice in the first chapter - that helps our body to expand the vibration allowing the initiation of the opening of our heart thru the OMing - we now go deeper into the heart as the channel for all energies connecting in- and outside ourselves. We expand our OMing (breathing / vibration) exercise by imagining that we inhale/exhale LOVE focused directly into our heart as the flow of the air, filling us up - creating SELF-love, using the residual flowing out to others - sharing unconditional LOVE. For sharing the LOVE vibration with others you can hold your left hand on your heart during the OMing, putting your right hand on your imaginary others (or real person) heart during the OMing. The cleaner the surroundings the better you create the purity of mind and body. Using nature’s resources in that sense is very powerful – so use nature’s vibrations / energies to bring you into yourself. The power of exercising with others – brings you even further into yourself. Opening of the pure heart, brings in due time our whole being on a journey towards creation in LOVE. All we have to do is diligently prepare ourselves on the Emotional / Practical level. Then God opens us to the Divine LOVE, when we are ready to fulfill our soul’s desire. Other tools to use in the purification is gratitude prayer, as well as meditation on your I AM presence (focus or awareness meditation), which makes you even more open to connect to your True SELF by widening the gap of silence in your mind to make better use of the energy. For purification and burning of all unneeded from our mind/body – we use the Violet flame exercise prayer that gives us an easy way to get rid of old stuff, toxic thoughts or physical blockages from the cell level to outer physical level. The violet flame is invoked through "decreeing" - a unique form of spoken prayer utilizing visualization and meditation. One of the simplest decrees to the violet flame is: "I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!" Take a few slow deep breaths, centering in your heart. Start out slowly, giving the decree with love, devotion and feeling. Repeat the decree three to nine times to begin with; you can gradually increase. Repeating the decree strengthens its power, drawing in more light.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Once you are familiar with the decree, you can close your eyes while giving it, concentrate on visualizing the violet flame burning all undesirable – conscious and unconscious. Your focus on what brings LOVE to Your Self and all others are needed to bring you to LOVE fully. Actually our body, mind and soul really want to be aligned towards the soul’s desire, so when you start using these tools you will see positive changes in all areas. Use it diligently, for your consciousness to grow in the spiral of evolution until you reach the point of grace, fulfillment in God’s LOVE – remembering YOUR TRUE SELF – start creating your Heart’s desire – allowing You to shine in the world.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Value your True SELF Why? Our journey so far, has taken us to the next level of consciousness. As we continue to Listen and Open, we reach for further experiences, steps and stages in the spiral of conscious evolution. We continue until we reach the highest human stage of remembering – where we are able to connect fully to a completely pure Heart STAR (Your True SELF). You then can get the full complete message of what you really are here for – allowing the path to unfold in trust, gratitude and grace in God’s love. All toxic thoughts and actions gone - our mind, body and soul are consciously resistant to any influences that might take us in the wrong direction of who we are – as we are continuous balancing our energy and vibrations to the situations at hand. We are meeting other souls on our way, assisting each other to grow in the process. Synchronicity and miracles are now a full part of the daily order. We are home – from there we can start our special creation in this life for ourselves and others. The Heart STAR is our compass, our guide, our clarification and the creation of who we are – our soul’s highest ideal of our life here on Earth.

What? The Heart STAR consist of Path (what direction are you on), Purpose (what’s your purpose in that direction), Planet (how will you contribute to all), People (whom do you need to be with to fulfill your purpose), Practice (what are you creating to fulfill your path) - all in total balance, respecting the natural- and universal laws – in us and around us.


Life Offers Viable Energy

The WAY to get to that balance is by achieving the insights through Listening, make introspection with an Open heart, connecting you with Source through breathing by using the OM. Cleaning up any negative influences or blockages with the Violet flame – setting the new amended direction with the Heart STAR. Integration and creation is needed to impact from a more "pure" core of love, through compassion choosing peace. The powers in play are your soul, spirit, heart, mind and body – totally interconnected and externally connected to the outside forces from our universe and all other influences. It’s a process - like cause and effect - Practice is the effect of your causes Path, Purpose, Planet, People – which means that first you have to use all the powers to get balance between the P’s, to get a different effect – giving different results. Understand your inner powers counterclockwise from Soul (that send you messages – from the Divine level), Body (that receive the message in many different forms, sense, pain etc. – on the Practical level), Mind (that use your logic to understand the body responses and clarifying the causes – on Practical level), Heart (using your emotions to clarify what kind of message it relates to, which people are involved apart from yourself – on Emotional level), Spirit (clarifying if its needed to raise to that level to understand the hidden message – finding the real cause from the Soul on the Divine level). Start by really listening to your Body (message from Divine to Practical level) understanding that ease, unease as well as pain or sufferings are all your road signs. Then you learn and progress by using your Mind to clarify potential causes. Let the Heart deeply feel the emotions creating the causes, relating to your deepest spirit, by forgiving yourself and others. When analyzing emotions through the Heart, remember we all have 3 main emotions to deal with and understand in all we do; SURVIVAL, CONTROL, RECOGNITION - all our doing and thinking has to do with one or more of these, so when we need to liberate ourselves, we have to understand why we do, say, think, feel and see what we do, based on who we are - to create coherence from inside -out. In that process we also have to be aware of many feelings along with the surroundings based on our vibration and consciousness level at the time – willing to forgive all in the name of LOVE. So be aware of our circumstances in Body, Mind, Soul, Divine and the life process itself.

There is direct correlation between pain, suffering and resistance. No resistance, means no pain and suffering. Instead of resisting, start wondering of the amazing things happening to you out of your comfort zone. Just remember, that whatever happens might have a scientific explanation – but always has a spiritual one. Only through this we can learn to control our Ego-mind to become more servant than master, only through this we can really meet ourselves, in purity, clarity and to serve God's purpose as well as our Souls.


Life Offers Viable Energy

That’s the alignment we need, for us to fully expand in God’s love, connection to Our True SELF. So when we get into any situation we have to find the middle-way, so that we don't tilt (both our wings in action, controlled by the mind) - we have to find the absolute point between happiness and pain, which makes all ok, just different - but still keep us flying.

How? As described it’s a process getting to the fulfillment of your TRUE SELF – the inner Heart STAR is always guiding you. The outer Heart STAR gives your own practical translation of what you need to clarify, experience, learn in order to progress. On your present stage of consciousness, the outer Heart STAR supports your direction by keeping the focus. Carry your Heart STAR in you daily (like on a gyro) – clarifying frequently if you are progressing in the right direction; make the needed changes for every new stage towards Your True SELF. What you will experience is that you find yourself getting closer and closer to the real manifestation as you are able to listen by opening further and further – thru connecting and choosing to remember. The outer Heart STAR process goes like this;

Your Soul leads you to the Path > Your Soul and Spirit leads you to your Purpose > Your Heart, Spirit and Soul leads you to the Planet > Your Mind, Heart, Spirit and Soul leads you to People > and Your Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit and Soul leads you to the Practice. So to take part in the evolution of LOVE - use it all. Below are some supporting questions for the Heart STAR process, followed by Heart STAR description examples? Path (cause): Why AM I here? We all have a role to play in the world – sometimes we are not aware, finding it hard to express. Elaborate in peace, silencing the mind in order to find the 3 describing words for your PATH – as a starting point for your Heart STAR description. Purpose (cause): What purpose AM I trying to fulfill? We all have a Purpose on our Path, what we need to play out while on Earth, but again we are not always aware, so try to ask yourself in deepest possible reflection, in silence 21 times – WHAT AM I HERE FOR? Write all 21 answers down (take your time to get the answers from the Soul/inner Self) – elaborate on the pattern of the answers, by using the last 5 answers to frame the text of your Purpose – you could even let it be input to your Path text also!


Life Offers Viable Energy

Planet (cause): How will I contribute? Looking at how we contribute to the world, our morals/ ethics are often challenged by the way we serve – which are very different from person to person. Giving without condition is a very powerful way for our own wellbeing. Knowing your Path and Purpose – now try to elaborate on how you would like to contribute to the world, communities, family, yourself. Using your knowledge of your best talents – how to put them in play – plan how to contribute to who and with what. Contributing in ethic/ moral ways for the ones that really need your services - often gives a lot of inner happiness on every levels of consciousness. People (cause): Which PEOPLE do I want to attract in my life – with whom AM I going to have sustainable relationships, contributing, thus creating the results based on my Path, Purpose, and Planet. A very important part of our life is about relationships with others in different form like spouses, friends, kids, colleagues etc., it’s mostly through these we learn a lot about ourselves. Again being aware of the power in relationships, the love and the happiness it creates is not something we think about all the time. Define what role you want to play in your life – seeing it from your purpose – define what complementary roles and the People you might need to fulfill your purpose in the highest regard considering all. Be aware of your own behavior in relationships; be honest to yourself, to others becoming the best to solve issues of any kind. Measure yourself in open honest discussions on how good You are at attracting the right people for you, with whom you can have deep relationships, where any issues can be talked about in trust, honesty with integrity. Practice (effect): Your focus on what brings LOVE to Your Self, and being with others are needed to bring you to LOVE fully. Actually our body, mind and soul really want to be aligned towards the soul’s desire, so when you start using these tools you will see positive changes in all areas. Start preparing what you would consider good practice in all parts of your life (Happiness, health, development, success, money, family, relationships, work, and community).

Often we don’t get the results we expect or dream of in life, as we move through life circumstances in the spiral. So be aware of your practice and how you look at it - is important for your balance in life. Remember that true happiness equals experiences minus expectations. The easiest way to impact is by changing your conscious and unconscious expectations to yourself and others.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Define how you will measure your new practice, what you create and how you progress. Be sure to define your priorities – being aware of the balance between your intentions and your behavior. What is your learning in life? They are not necessarily what are visible.

Life is life, some we can change, some not, but we can start to change how we look at it. Be alert to your beliefs-systems and perceptions as they change in life based on your new circumstances. We all have ups and downs – the way we look at it makes the whole difference! Use this practical tool diligently as your consciousness grows in the spiral of evolution, you will see that your intentions are often already a given from your soul as you move through the journey – so now what is left is the fulfillment in God’s honor –by remembering YOUR TRUE SELF – providing the service in unconditional LOVE, that you are absolutely best suited for in the world.

Make Your Self shine in the world.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Expand the Now in LOVE Why? I believe now is the time for the world, to connect east, west, north and south, with the new spirituality of Love, Compassion and Peace. Balancing male / female energies with the help of all our Love, Wisdom and Power – as above so below, helping ourselves along with humanity to find that Heart Star to peace beyond all without words, where we all are One in One world. Expand the love in you NOW, so you create more love in the world. We are all supposed to shine from LOVE, make others shine by just being who we really are. LIVE in LOVE as Life Offer Viable Energy that brings Peace inside, so you remember the LOVE from God in You. You create your souls yearn for LOVE and compassion outside, and finally cocreate that LOVE, PEACE and HAPPINESS with others - that we are all here to experience in our lives. You create your own powerful contribution to that by LIVING a CONSCIOUS LIFE – ultimately bring PEACE to the Earth – simply by building coherence in LOVE.

True Happiness - is when who you are, what you see, feel, think and do - are coherent.

What? So what does living, expanding the NOW actually mean? It means being conscious about who you are, what you see, think, feel and how you act – whether that’s according to LOVE – or the LOVE that you remember in You – that you continue to follow Your True SELF (Heart STAR) – standing up for YOU – loving always.

Living from LOVE in Happiness, embracing the NOW is the result of true being - perfectly lived upon all planes of consciousness – does not come from having much – but from being much. To get there the 12 principles of perpetual happiness from Chris Larson – is a direction of life – telling us to: i.e. Live the simple life, live the serene life, be in love with the world, be useful, think and speak the beautiful only, forgive and forget everything that seems wrong, be perfectly contented with the present, seek the Ideal, develop the whole man/woman, open the mind to beautiful thoughts only, be in touch with the harmony of life, consecrate every moment to the higher life. As part of this there are some vital virtues, that are needed to really keep us going no matter what; those are courage, perseverance, patience, endurance, connecting – all aligned towards the full empowerment of your self – all are equally important and needed – but the one answer that maybe is the most important for your journey towards YOU is; Give time. Give time for the powers around you to align towards your Heart STAR.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Give time for all others to accept your change. Give time for your needed network to evolve to ease your journey by having people that connect to who you are – accepting you through the different stages of development. Give time for your self – to integrate all changes – learn to love the process – build your new home in your Heart STAR center, decorate it as you wish, as it is your sanctuary of peace, love and safety. Be the change you want to see, remember that all challenges we meet is for our growth for us to come into our TRUE SELF in Love. Embrace it all in the NOW. That’s all there is.

How? Gratitude and rhythm is everything – so now some very practical advice along with supporting tools – helping you to stay in the NOW, remembering why you are on this journey of LOVE, coping with all that occurs during your journey towards your True SELF. Keep a diary; write all your experiences, good and bad – learning from it – showing how to integrate. Writing for ourselves keeps our mind off the hook, when there is too much chatter is in the mind. Make a weekly promise to yourself on what you are going to change in You. Ask yourself the following questions; 1) Why AM I doing what I am doing? 2) Is that really who I AM? 3) What will I change in me? Make a weekly/daily rhythm, where you include your daily - Gratitude Prayer, Breathing/OMing, your meditation allowing your own private inner room for change – weekly/biweekly visit to your sacred place outside, connecting frequently to your sacred place inside your Heart STAR center. Give to others from a Loving kind heart – to all, but especially to them that are more needing than you – be grateful you are allowed to serve. Keep a joyful mind – happiness brings us closer to God. Bring Mother Earth’s nature vibrations closer to you by visiting it frequently, grounding yourself there, bring flowers and stones home, use incense, flowers (lotus, roses etc.) and crystals to support your journey. Choose to be healthy for yourself and Mother Earth - eliminating all toxins. Stop toxic thoughts based on judgment, cynicism and fear - stay pure on every level, as best you can, continuing to choose Self love.


Life Offers Viable Energy

Here are some keys to Self Love. Whenever there is resistance look deeper, there is always a gift in it. Whenever there is struggle, stop, turn your body physically around, take a breath, and ask for help from spirit for a solution. When things appear hard, stop, and ask: "What am I resisting, can I choose to look at this in peace", asking for a peaceful solution. Change your perceptions and ask for guidance, by staying in the moment always. Have the courage to face all - avoid nothing – be persistence when you flow in it – have patience to let it show its purpose – keep the will to share - stand up for SELF with the tools here. Never give up - Show up. Be the change you want to see. GOD is LOVE in YOU.


Life Offers Viable Energy

This book is dedicated to my loving and always supporting family and friends from everywhere. I am in deep gratitude for God’s blessings and for letting me serve. I AM LOVE – Jan B. Frederiksen.


Life Offers Viable Energy

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