Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Kim McKibbin - Executive Officer - info@buildnci.com
Jackie Wyatt - Executive Assistant - jackie@buildnci.com
President: Thomas Burnworth ................... Milestone Construction
Vice President: Ben Champoux ................... Classic Builders, Inc.
Secretary: Matt Podlesak ....................... Colorbilt Painting, LLC
Treasurer: Byron Kauffman McGowan Insurance
2024 Past President: Brett Harter ............ Harter Custom Construction
Adam Clemens Rabb Water Systems
David Johnson ...................... Signature Building & Design, LLC
Tyler Miller ............................ Timber Rock Construction, LLC
Wendell Miller ................................Renewal Homes, LLC
Julia Moore .............................. First Federal Savings Bank
Kirtus Murray .................................... Lake City Bank
Nick Prentice ................................... Blue River Digital
Rachael Rhoades ......................... Cottage Watchman Security
Daniel Schlatter Inglenook Designs
Karen White ................................. Caliber Designs, LLC
The Builders Association of North Central Indiana was founded in 1978 as a not-for-profit trade association to serve and protect the welfare of the building industry by providing safe and affordable housing for Indiana residents. The Association educates and promotes members, supports the community, and provides opportunity for youth within the building industry.
The Association continues to be a viable, indispensable and visible community asset with strong political participation on issues that affect affordable housing in our industry.
1979 - Rich Stroller
1980 - Dave Gable
1981 - John Call
1982 - Tom Leiter
1983 - Bob Frantz
1984 - Phil Snyder
1985 - Fred Johnson
1986 - Randy Miller
1987 - Richard Delegrange*
1988 - Larry Coplen*
1989 - David Melching
1990 - Dane Cone
1991 - Brad Jackson
1992 - Jim Dunwell
1993 - John Gradle
1994 - Tom Brovont
1995 - Matt Snodgrass Jan.-Mar. 1995
Jim Dunwell Apr.-Dec. 1995
1996 - Larry Coplen*
1997 - Rich Freeman
1998 - Matt Snodgrass
1999 - Richard Delegrange*
2000 - Richard Delegrange*
2001 - Bruce Jackson*
2002 - Doug Harvey*
2003 - Doug Harvey*
2004 - Bruce Jackson*
2005 - Jeff Hamman*
2006 - Jeff Hamman*
2007 - Wendell Miller*
2008 - Wendell Miller*
2009 - Daniel Schlatter*
2010 - Daniel Schlatter*
2011 - John Kidd*
2012 - John Kidd*
2013 - Brett Harter*
2014 - Brett Harter*
2015 - Brett Harter*
2016 - Brett Harter*
2017 - David Johnson*
2018 - David Johnson*
2019 - Sam Beachy*
2020 - Sam Beachy*
2021 - Doug Harvey*
2022 - Thomas Burnworth*
2023 - Tyler Miller
2024 - Brett Harter*
2025 - Thomas Burnworth*
*Indicates Multiple Years
The following members have achieved their CGB, CGR, CAPS, GMB, CGA, CGP, MCGP designations
Daniel Schlatter; CGB, CGP, CAPS, CPBD
Inglenook, LLC
Doug Harvey; CGB, CGR, CAPS, CGP
Coplen Construction, Inc.
David Johnson; CGB
Signature Building & Design, LLC
Samuel Beachy; CAPS, CGP
Reliance Construction
Frank Rhoades; CGA
Cottage Watchman Security Systems
Brett Harter; CGP
Harter Custom Construction
Wendell Miller; CGB, CGR, CGP
Renewal Homes, LLC
Larry Coplen; GMB
Coplen Construction
Brad Jackson; CGP
T.L. Jackson Construction, Inc.
Brad Plett; CGP
Miller Brothers Builders, Inc.
We as Members of the National Association of Home Builders believe and affirm that: Home Ownership can and should be within the reach of every American family. American homes should be well-designed, well-constructed and well-located in attractive communities with educational, recreational, religious and shipping facilities accessible to all. American homes should be built in the American free enterprise system. To achieve these goals, we pledge allegiances to the following principles and policies:
• Our paramount responsibility is to our customers, our community and our country.
• Honesty is our guiding business policy.
• High standards of health, safety and sanitation shall be built into every home.
• Members shall deal fairly with their respective employees, subcontractors and suppliers.
• As a member of a progressive industry, we encourage research to develop new materials, new building technologies, new building equipment and improve methods of home financing, to the end that every home purchaser may get the greatest value possible for every dollar.
• All sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people we serve shall have our informed vigorous support.
• We hold inviolate the free enterprise system and the American Way of Life. We pledge our support to our associates, our local, state and national associations and related industries concerned with preservation of legitimate rights and freedoms.
• We assume responsibilities freely and solemnly, mindful that they are part of our obligation as members of the National Association of Home Builders.
Question: What do these mean to you? GMB - Graduate Master Builder; CGB - Certified Graduate Builder; CGR - Certified Graduate Remodeler; CAPS - Certified Aging in Place Specialist; CGA - Certified Graduate Associate; CGP - Certified Green Professional; MCGP - Master Certified Green Professional. Answer: These are opportunities to enhance knowledge of the industry. The prerequisite BAR (for builder) and PREP (for remodeler) exams will be given throughout the year. If you are interested in taking these tests locally, call the office and a session will be set up. First establish what you know about the industry, and then take the courses you need to accomplish your goals.
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
1-3 BANCI Office Closed for New Year’s Holiday
6 BANCI Office Open
9 Home Show & Marketing Committee, 8:30-10:00 am - BANCI Office
9 Builders Summit, 5:30-7:30 pm - Steuby’s, Leesburg
14 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm
21 General Membership Meeting, Chili Open House, 4:00-6:00 pm - BANCI Office
International Builders Show - Las Vegas Convention Center
6 Home Show & Marketing Committee, 8:30-10:00 am - BANCI Office
11 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm
21 General Membership Meeting Owl’s Nest, North Webster. Table Top Night, 5:30-7:30 pm *RSVP Required
5 Golf Committee - 2025 Kick-Off Care for Kids, 9:00-10:00 am - BANCI Office
**2025 Warsaw Home & Outdoor Show - Warsaw High School TRAC
6 Vendor Set-Up, 12:00-6:00 pm
7 Home & Outdoor Show OPENS, 12:00-6:00 pm
8 Home & Outdoor Show, 9:00 am-6:00 pm
9 Home & Outdoor Show, 12:00-4:00 pm
Vendor Tear-Down, 4:01-6:00 pm
Vendor Tear-Down, 8:00-11:00 am
IBA State Legislative Meetings - Embassy Suites, Indianapolis
13 **Builders interested in participating in 2025 Homes on Parade, plan on attending, 4:00-5:00 pm - BANCI Office
18 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm RSVP for Lunch
**2025 Plymouth Home & Outdoor Show - Auto Park Sports Complex
Home & Outdoor Show Vendor Set-Up, 12:00-6:00 pm - Auto Park Sports Complex
21 Home & Outdoor Show OPENS, 12:00-6:00 pm
22 Home & Outdoor Show, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
23 Home & Outdoor Show, 12:00-4:00 pm
Vendor Tear-Down, 4:01-6:00 pm
Vendor Tear-Down, 8:00-11:00 am
**Please note that dates and times are subject to change**
Continued on next page
8:30-10:00 am
Brewing Company, Warsaw, 5:30-7:30 pm *RSVP required
“Care for Kids” Annual Golf Outing - Tippecanoe Lake Country Club, Leesburg
of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm
Lake Golf Outing - Pretty Lake Golf Course (10055 Pretty Lake Trail, Plymouth)
am, Registration & Lunch
pm, Shot Gun Start
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
1 BANCI Office Closed for Labor Day Holiday
4 Parade & Marketing Committee, 8:30-10:00 am
9 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm RSVP for Lunch
Parade Builder Signage Pick-Up, BANCI Storage Unit, 9:00-11:00 am
18 Parade Home Inspections
**2025 Homes on Parade
19 Homes on Parade OPENS, 4:00-8:00 pm
20 Homes on Parade, 12:00-8:00 pm
21 Homes on Parade, 12:00-6:00 pm
Parade Builder Signage Return, BANCI Storage Unit, 9:00-11:00 am
25 VIP Gala - Tippecanoe Lake Country Club, 5:30-8:00 pm
2 Homes on Parade Wrap-Up, 8:30-10:00 am
8 Golf Committee Wrap-Up, 9:00-10:00 am
14 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm RSVP for Lunch
21 General Membership Meeting Ledgeview Brewing Company, Warsaw, 5:30-7:30 pm
6 Home Show & Marketing Committee, 8:30-10:00 am
11 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm RSVP for Lunch
IBA Leadership Conference - Indianapolis
18 General Membership Meeting
2026 BANCI Elected Officer Voting - Steuby’s, Leesburg, 5:30-7:30 pm
BANCI Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
4 Home Show & Marketing Committee, 8:30-10:00 am
4 BANCI Christmas Dinner - Seasoned Banquet Center, Plymouth, 5:30-8:00 pm
9 Board of Directors, 12:00-1:30 pm
24 BANCI Office Closed for Christmas Eve Holiday
25 BANCI Office Closed for Christmas Holiday
31 BANCI Office Closed for New Year’s Holiday
**Please note that dates and times are subject to change**
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
101 West Ohio Street, Suite 710
Indianapolis, IN 46204
P: (800) 377-6334
F: (317) 917-0335
Chief Executive Officer: Rick Wajda ........................
Ext. 204 email: rick@buildindiana.org
Government Affairs Director: Carlie Hopper ................. Ext. 206 email: carlie@buildindiana.org
Association Services Director: Mollie Flook
Communications & Events Coordinator: Jenna Blackwell .......
Ext. 205 email: mollie@buildindiana.org
Ext. 207 email: jenna@buildindiana.org
1201 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
P: (800) 368-5242
F: (202) 266-8400
As a member you have access to the award winning NAHB team of seasoned industry experts who will address your specific business questions free of charge as a benefit of membership. To reach these advisory hotlines, call (800) 368-5242 and the extension listed below.
Business Management 8472
Construction Codes & Standards ........... 8565
Housing & Finance Policy ................ 8425
Land Development 8443
Legal Affairs & Research ................. 8491
Water & Wetlands ..................... 8538
Business Tools for Custom Builders 8388
Construction Management ............... 8461
Information Technology 8463
Secretary of State-Diego Morales .... (317) 232-6531
Attorney General-Todd Rokita (317) 232-6201
Home Land Security .............. (317) 232-2222
State Fire Marshal ............... (317) 232-2226
Department of Labor-IOSHA Administration
Labor Commissioner .............. (317) 232-2378
IOSHA Deputy Commissioner (317) 234-4267
INSafe Director .................. (317) 234-4792
To Purchase Code Books: Online: www.builderbooks.com (800) 888-4741 Architectural Center Bookstore ...... (317) 634-3871
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
* denotes being licensed in Michigan
B & B Home Builders, LLC
Brett Garner
68607 CR 33
Goshen, IN 46526
P: (574) 238-4238 bg007bbbuilders@gmail.com www.bb-homebuilders.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General
Blake Harris Construction
Blake & Apryl Harris
37 EMS B10 Ln.
Pierceton, IN 46562
P: (574) 551-0260 aprylharris0409@gmail.com
Single Family General Contracting
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Blue Skies Renovations, LLC
Kristian Eicher
P.O. Box 43
Atwood, IN 46502
P: (574) 333-6297 blueskiesreno@gmail.com
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Builder/Commercial Contracting
Blueprint Construction
Michael Haitt
510 E. 9th St.
Rochester, IN 46975
P: (574) 224-2583 blueprint@rtcol.com www.blueprint-construction.com
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Roofing Contractor
* Bob Buescher Homes, Inc.
Logan Buescher 1206 Ruston Pass
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
P: (260) 490-3355
C: (260) 410-3137
logan@bobbuescherhomes.com www.bobbuescherhomes.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Remodeler
Buhrt Builders, Inc.
Matt Buhrt
1102 S. Huntington St. P.O. Box 205 Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 457-3431
C: (574) 457-9454
matt@buhrtbuilders.com www.buhrtbuilders.com
Single Family General Contracting
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Caliber Designs, LLC
Karen White/Jason Meck 103 N. Main St. P.O. Box 94 North Webster, IN 46555
P: (574) 376-0457 info@caliberdesigns.info www.caliberdesigns.info
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Classic Builders, Inc.
Ben Champoux 13630 N. Eastshore Dr. Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 457-5401
C: (574) 518-1750 ben@classicbuildersinc.com www.classicbuildersinc.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Construction Management & Design, Inc.
Dan Hopkins
1906 N. Oak Dr. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 935-6666
Single Family Custom Multi-Family Residential Developer
Coplen Construction, Inc.
Douglas Harvey
475 Anchorage Rd., Unit 13
P.O. Box 1749 Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 269-1673
C: (574) 551-0517
dharvey@coplenconstruction.com www.coplenconstruction.com
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Single Family General Contracting
D & J Roofing and Construction
John Borkholder 609 2B Rd. Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 773-0494
C: (574) 250-2812
john@dandjroofingandconstruction.com www.dandjroofingandconstruction.com
Roofing Contractors
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Adam Stevens (affiliate)
C: (574) 209-2530 adam@dandjroofingandconstruction.com
D.R. Horton
Charlie Griese
8181 W. Jefferson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46804
P: (260) 490-4131
csgiese@drhorton.com www.drhorton.com
Single Family Speculation/Tract
Single Family Custom Multi-Family Builder
Donna Arnett (affiliate)
C: (574) 551-8442 dmarnette@drhorton.com
* Granite Ridge Builders, Inc.
Luke Hoffman 1020 Woodland Plaza Run
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
P: (260) 490-1417
C: (260) 410-0886 lhoffman@graniteridgebuilders.com www.graniteridgebuilders.com
Single Family General Contracting
Single Family Custom
Harter Custom Construction
Brett Harter 83 EMS B40 Ln. Leesburg, IN 46538
P: (574) 265-6637
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
High Ridge Homes & Renovations, LLC
Lucas Britton
2118 S. Ferguson Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 326-5185
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Ideal Builders
Kim Davis
522 S. 13th St. P.O. Box 549
Decatur, IN 46733
P: (260) 724-9131
sales@ideal-builders.com www.ideal-builders.com
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Ideal Construction Company
Andy Hostetler
2208 N. 500 W. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-4721
ideal@idealofwarsaw.com www.idealofwarsaw.com
Commercial Construction
Single Family General Agricultural
Inglenook LLC
Daniel Schlatter
1551 S. Cherry Creek Ln. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 265-1327
daniel@inglenookdesigns.com www.inglenookdesigns.com
Single Family Custom Architect Design/Drafting Services
JayH Construction, LLC
Aaron Miller
7717 N. 800 W.
Etna Green, IN 46524
P: (574) 453-7938
C: (574) 453-7938
jayh75.am@gmail.com www.jayhconstruction.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Lewis Construction
Bryan Lewis
2915 Country Club Dr. E. Rochester, IN 46975
P: (574) 835-1892
Single Family Custom Remodeling-Residential
Milestone Construction, Inc.
Thomas Burnworth
211 E. Palm Dr. Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 457-0255
C: (574) 529-1941
tburnworth@milestoneconstruction.us www.milestoneconstruction.us
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Remodeler
* Miller Brothers Builders, Inc.
Bradley Plett
1819 Monroe St. Goshen, IN 46528
P: (574) 533-8602
C: (574) 320-6307
brad@millerbb.com www.millerbrothersbuilders.com
Single Family Custom
Land Development
Millwood Roofing & Construction
Marlin Miller 1176 W. 800 N. Milford, IN 46542
P: (574) 269-3099
millwoodroofing@yahoo.com www.millwoodconstruction.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Roofing Contractor
Northfield Enterprises, Inc.
Larry Coplen
475 Anchorage Rd., Unit 13
P.O. Box 1749
Warsaw, IN 46581
C: (574) 269-1673
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Commercial Construction
Land Development
* Reliance Construction, Inc.
Sam Beachy
201 S. Main St. Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 773-4308
C: (574) 354-2050
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Single Family General Contracting
Renewal Homes, LLC
Wendell Miller
501 Argonne Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 527-2233
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Remodeler
Robinson Construction, Inc.
Mark Glova
445 E. 200 N. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 267-8814
F: (574) 267-8419
Commercial Construction
Concrete/Asphalt Contractors
Steel Beams & Posts
Robinson Construction & Design
Brent Robinson
642 N. Albert Eckert Dr. North Webster, IN 46555
P: (574) 551-8237
Single Family Speculation/Tract
Single Family General Remodeling-Residential
Rochester Homes, Inc.
Alex Berlin
1345 N. Lucas St. P.O. Box 587
Rochester, IN 46975
P: (574) 224-7320
alex@rochesterhomesinc.com www.rochesterhomesinc.com
Modular Homes
Single Family Custom
Single Family General
RW Kidd Construction
John Kidd
44 Poplar St. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 529-0520
Single Family Custom Remodeler
Single Family General Contracting
Shrock Construction, Inc.
Gable Shrock
1904 S. Townline Rd. Ligonier, IN 46767
P: (574) 457-6037
gable@shrockconstruction.net www.shrockconstruction.net
Single Family General Contracting
Single Family Custom
Multi Family Builder
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Signature Building & Design, LLC
David Johnson
902 Park Ave.
Winona Lake, IN 46590
P: (574) 268-2400
signaturebuildinganddesign@yahoo.com www.signaturebuildinganddesign.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting Architecture
Skyline Builders
Tim Merchant
309 S. Detroit St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 268-2444 ryan@skylinebuildersinc.com www.skylinebuildersinc.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting
T.L. Jackson Construction
Bruce Jackson
11273 N. Syracuse Webster Rd. Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 457-5417 bruce@tljackson.com www.tljackson.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Timber Rock Construction, LLC
Tyler Miller
151 S. High St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 527-7219 tyler@timberrockconstruction.com www.timberrockconstruction.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Commercial Contracting
Wacky 2 Premier Properties, LLC
Jim Anderson
15475 Edenvale Dr. Westfield, IN 46074
P: (317) 439-9836 jimanderson1221@outlook.com
Land Development
White Oaks Construction, Inc.
Chris Bornman
9480 E. 1100 N. P.O. Box 340 Cromwell, IN 46732
P: (260) 856-4950 whiteoaksconstruction@gmail.com www.whiteoaksconstructioninc.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family General Contracting Remodeler
Windsor Homes
Rob Wacker/Nic Hoeffel
7505 Westfield Dr. Fort Wayne, IN 46825
P: (260) 490-1302 nhoeffel@mywindsorhome.com
Single Family Custom
Single Family Speculation/Tract
Single Family General
Commercial Construction
Ideal Construction Company
P: (574) 267-4721
Northfield Enterprises, Inc.
C: (574) 269-1673
Robinson Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 267-8814
Land Development
Wacky 2 Premier Properties, LLC
P: (317) 439-9836
Modular Homes
Rochester Homes, Inc.
P: (574) 224-7320
Roofing Contractor
D & J Roofing and Construction
P: (574) 773-0494
Single Family Custom
B & B Home Builders, LLC
P: (574) 238-4238
Bob Buescher Homes, Inc.
P: (260) 490-3355
Classic Builders, Inc.
P: (574) 457-5401
Construction Management & Design, Inc.
P: (574) 935-6666
Coplen Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 269-1673
Inglenook LLC
P: (574) 265-1327
JayH Construction, LLC
P: (574) 453-7938
Lewis Construction
P: (574) 835-1892
Milestone Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 457-0255
Miller Brothers Builders, Inc.
P: (574) 533-8602
Millwood Roofing & Construction
P: (574) 269-3099
Reliance Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 773-4308
Renewal Homes, LLC
P: (574) 527-2233
RW Kidd Construction
P: (574) 529-0520
Signature Building & Design, LLC
P: (574) 268-2400
Skyline Builders
P: (574) 268-2444
T.L. Jackson Construction
P: (574) 457-5417
Timber Rock Construction, LLC
P: (574) 527-7219
White Oaks Construction, Inc.
P: (260) 856-4950
Windsor Homes
P: (260) 490-1302
Single Family General Contracting
Blake Harris Construction
P: (574) 551-0260
Blue Skies Renovations, LLC
P: (574) 333-6297
Blueprint Construction
P: (574) 224-2583
Buhrt Builders, Inc.
P: (574) 457-3431
Caliber Designs, LLC
P: (574) 376-0457
Granite Ridge Builders, Inc.
P: (260) 490-1417
Harter Custom Construction
P: (574) 265-6637
High Ridge Homes & Renovations, LLC
P: (574) 326-5185
Ideal Builders
P: (260) 724-9131
Shrock Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 457-6037
Single Family Speculation/Tract
D.R. Horton
P: (260) 490-4131
Robinson Construction & Design
P: (574) 551-8237
1st Source Bank - Warsaw
Cathy Duttlinger
325 S. Lake St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (740) 235-2885
duttlingerc@1stsource.com www.1stsource.com
Mortgage Lending Construction Lending
ABC Supply
Richard Neff 2440 Supreme Ct. Goshen, IN 46528
P: (574) 642-3196 richard.neff@abcsupply.com www.abcsupply.com
Siding Materials & Supplies Roofing/Materials & Supplies Guttering
Abrams Consulting Firm
Kim Abrams
351 W. Shore Dr. Culver, IN 46511
P: (630) 746-5595
kim@abramsconsultingfirm.com www.abramsconsultingfirm.com Architecture Planner Designer 3D Rendering Specialist
Advanced Solar
John Moorman
474 W. Levi Lee Rd. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 227-2801
F: (888) 832-2923 johnm@advancedsolarllc.com www.advancedsolarllc.com Solar Panels Generators
AirTite Insulation, LLC
Reed Martin
10050 W. 750 N. Shipshewana, IN 46565
P: (574) 825-5271
reed@airtite-insulation.com www.airtite-insulation.com Insulation Contractor
ALCO Overhead Doors, LLC
Lavern Diener
9321 N. 850 E. Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 238-8448
lavern.alcodoors@gmail.com Overhead Doors
Artizan Flooring
Amber Hensley
2517 N. Michigan St. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 540-2184
artizanflooring@outlook.com www.artizanflooring.com Floorcovering/Tile Contractor
Ayr Custom Cabinetry
Troy Glaser
1074 US Hwy. 6 Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 773-7973
F: (574) 773-4371
troy@ayrcabinet.com www.ayrcabinet.com Custom Cabinetry/Design Countertops
Closets/Custom & Shelving
Big C Lumber
Rob Springer
576 N. Jefferson St. Cromwell, IN 46732
P: (260) 856-2152
C: (574) 377-3523
F: (260) 856-3329
robsp@bigclumber.com www.bigclumber.com
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Brouwers Carpet & Furniture
Jennifer Brouwer
3333 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 267-8054
jennifer_roig@yahoo.com www.brouwerscarpet.com
Floorcovering/Tile Contractor Furniture & Accessories
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail, Wholesale
Cabinetry/Installation, Design Windows/Materials & Supplies
Bin There Dump That Michiana
Ronald Lee
700 W. Marshall St. Argos, IN 46501
P: (574) 892-5554
C: (574) 999-0014
michiana@bintheredumphthat.com michiana.bintheredumpthatusa.com
Residential Dumpster Rental
Blue River Digital
Nick Prentice 1055 Mariners Dr. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 404-9576
C: (574) 275-3988
nick@blueriverd.com www.blueriverd.com
Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations
Bill Hays (affiliate)
P: (574) 404-9576
C: (574) 268-8061
Brian Peterson Real Estate Group, LLC
Brian Peterson
2008 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 268-1899
BPG@brianpetersongroup.com www.brianpetersonrealestate.com Real Estate
Interior Design
Builders Mart
Tom Ness
2240 N. Detroit St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-8836 tness@morschesbuildersmart.com www.morschesbuildersmart.com
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail Decks, Railings, Fencing Insulation Contractor
Cable Bullet
Chris Manduka
300 Eastlake Dr. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 393-9941 x101 chris@cablebullet.com www.cablebullet.com Decorative Railings
Camden Foundation Technologies
Bernadene Boggs
3972 E. 400 S. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 594-2497
C: (574) 268-4860 johncamden@camdenfoundations.com www.camdenfoundations.com Foundation Repair Piling
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Carey Excavation & Construction, Inc.
Jeff Carey
2407 N. Rainbow Dr. P.O. Box 191
Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 269-2245
Carpet Depot
Bailey Ness
25 Kings Hwy.
P.O. Box 703
Winona Lake, IN 46590
P: (574) 269-3191
C: (574) 551-6518
baileyness@carpet-depot.org www.carpetdepotinteriors.com
Floorcovering/Tile Contractor
Interior Design
Carter Lumber - Plymouth
Matt Lombard
1400 Markley Dr. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 936-9636
C: (260) 402-7478
F: (574) 936-5284
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail Cabinets & Countertops
Roofing Supplies/Trusses
Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group
Patrick Maloblocki
210 N. Buffalo St. Warsaw, IN 46580
C: (260) 241-4920
patrickm@coldwellhomes.com www.coldwellhomes.com Real Estate Services
Deb Paton-Showley (affiliate)
P: (574) 527-6022
dshowley@coldwellhomes.com www.debjustsoldit.com
Sally Bailey (affiliate)
P: (574) 527-1425
C: (574) 377-3336
sbailey@coldwellhomes.com sbailey.coldwellhomes.com
Colliers Commercial Services
Christopher Gaby 2315 Shelby Dr. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 269-3393
chris@trustcolliers.com www.trustcolliers.com
HVAC Contractor Fireplace/Patio Supplies
Colorbilt Painting, LLC
Matt Podlesak
12568 Hillside Dr. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 780-8056
colorbilt@comcast.net www.colorbiltpainting.com
Residential/Commercial Painting
Compass Manufacturing International
Ken Sapp
6702 Enterprise Dr. Louisville, KY 40214
P: (847) 302-3483
ksapp@cmiproduct.com www.cmiproduct.com
Plumbing Supplier
Cornerstone Moulding, Inc.
Darryl Yoder
1586 3rd Rd.
Bremen, IN 46506
P: (574) 546-4249
Interior Wood Trim
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Epic Insurance Midwest
Scot Wolf
609 W. Lincoln Ave. Goshen, IN 46526
P: (574) 533-0573
F: (574) 534-4904
scot.wolf@epicbrokers.com www.epicbrokers.com
Cottage Watchman Div. EF Rhoades & Sons
Rachael Rhoades
883 S. 900 E.
Pierceton, IN 46562
P: (574) 594-2685
C: (574) 594-5728
F: (574) 594-5899
rachael@cottagewatchman.com www.cottagewatchman.com
Security Systems/Residential, Commercial
Pressure Washer, Sales & Service
Frank Rhoades (affiliate)
P: (574) 551-0812
Crossroads Bank
Rob Spencer
895 N. Parker St. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 306-4497
C: (574) 306-2306
rspencer@crossroadsbanking.com www.crossroadsbanking.com
Financial Services
Mortgage Lending Business Banking
Culligan Water Conditioning of Warsaw
Kevin Montel
1548 W. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-7471
culligan.gs@gmail.com www.culliganwater.com
Water Softening Treatments
Bottled Water Sales
Insurance & Risk Management
Workers Compensation
Everwise Credit Union
Ricardo Scarlett 108 E. Winona Ave. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 269-4487
C: (574) 265-8131 rscarlett@everwisecu.com www.everwisecu.com/Rscarlett Mortgage Lending Banking
EXP Realty
Billie Shively
1908 Short Ridge Dr. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 527-1533
Real Estate Services
Fidelity National Title
Shelly Avery 108 W. Main St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 268-0065
C: (574) 457-6776
shelly.avery@fnf.com www.fntic.com
Title Services
Real Estate Services
First Federal Savings Bank - Huntington
Lisa Hockemeyer 402 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 264-3331
lhockemeyer@firstfedindiana.bank www.firstfedindiana.bank
Mortgage Banking
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
First Federal Savings Bank - Plymouth
Melissa Smith & Joel Girten
2113 N. Michigan St. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 936-8953
joelg@firstfederalbanking.com www.smithmelissa.com
Mortgage Banking Construction Lending Banking/Financial Services
First Federal Savings Bank - Rochester
Julia Moore
33 EMS T34 C Ln.
Leesburg, IN 46538
P: (574) 453-1096
C: (574) 453-1096
juliam@firstfederalbanking.com www.julialmoore.com
Mortgage Banking Construction Lending Banking/Financial Services
FlowTech Plumbing and Heating
Michelle Mohler
208 E. Chicago St. Columbia City, IN 46725
P: (260) 248-2021
mlm@flowtechpandh.com www.flowtechpandh.com Plumbing/Heating Contractor
Fouce Landscaping, LLC
Don Fouce
1684 W. 600 S. Claypool, IN 46510
P: (574) 527-4684
C: (574) 527-4684 foucelandscaping@gmail.com www.foucelandscapingllc.com
Landscape/Design, Installation Masonry, Stone Work, Tile Setting
G & R Siding, Roofing & Windows
Gary Richard 1824 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 527-5551
Roofing Contractor
GFL Enviromental
Dawn Serba
3204 Lower Huntington Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46809
P: (260) 755-9224
C: (260) 437-2278
dsterba@gflenv.com www.gflenv.com
Refuse Services
Glen’s Diamond Tile, LLC
Glen Farmwald 2530 E. Market St. Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 354-8903
C: (574) 354-3136
glensdiamondtile@gmail.com www.glensdiamondtilellc.com
Floorcovering/Tile Contractor
Habitat for Humanity of Kosciusko County
Ben Logan 3970 Corridor Dr. P.O. Box 1913 Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 269-4104
ben@kosciuskohabitat.org www.kosciuskohabitat.org
Not-For-Profit Organization
Single Family General Contractor
Building Materials
Heritage Cabinetry
Floyd Eash 11094 W. 550 N. Ligonier, IN 46767
P: (260) 856-2727
Custom Cabinetry/Design
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Karen Johnson
P.O. Box 188
Milford, IN 46542
C: (574) 596-0169
Marketing/Advertising, Public Relations
Commercial Printing
Horizon Landscapes, LLC
Matt Tracy 3424 S. SR 13
Pierceton, IN 46562
P: (574) 551-0962
C: (574) 549-0341
matt@horizonlandscapes.net www.horizonlandscapes.net
Landscape/Design, Installation Property Management
Hundt Concrete LLC
Jason Hundt 11120 11th Rd.
Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 936-9866
C: (574) 952-4874
Concrete Contractor Excavation
Hunsche CPA Group
Mike Hunsche
929 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-7982
mike@hunschecpa.com www.hunschecpa.com
Accounting Services
Integrity Roofing
David Miller
2694 E. 225 S. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 319-0467
Roofing Contractor
Interra Credit Union
Laura Tatich
P.O. Box 727
Goshen, IN 46527
P: (574) 534-2506
C: (574) 971-3280
ltatich@interracu.com www.interracu.com
Construction Lending
Mortgage Lending Banking/Financial Services
Jessica Denton (affiliate)
C: (574) 529-0498
J & N Stone, Inc.
Jack Lengacher Jr. 905 E. Waterford St. P.O. Box 442 Wakarusa, IN 46573
P: (574) 862-4251
F: (574) 862-2944
kraig@jnstone.com www.jnstone.com
Mason/Brick, Stone Brick, Stone/Materials & Supplies
Siding Contractor
J & S Flooring
Joseph Beachy 5028 W. 900 N. Milford, IN 46542
P: (574) 773-2673
C: (574) 354-3607
Floor Laying & Other Floor Work
Floorcovering/Tile Contractor
J Lane Flooring & Design
Jamie Lane Thompson
3668 E. US Hwy. 30 Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 269-6230
jamie@jlaneflooring.com www.jlaneflooring.com
Floorcovering/Tile Contractor
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
J Miller Cabinet Co. Inc.
Justin Norris
5874 N. 350 E.
Columbia City, IN 46725
P: (260) 691-2032
F: (260) 691-2599
Cabinetry Installation/Design Countertops
Jess Concrete
Myron Jess 6655 W. 600 S. Topeka, IN 46571
P: (574) 312-9591
Concrete & Asphalt Contractor
Insulated Concrete Forms
Joy Cleaning & Home Services, LLC
Jessica Marroquin P.O. Box 1612
Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 268-8663 joyservicesllc@gmail.com
Residential/Commercial Cleaning Services
KC Recycling Depot
Thomas Ganser
220 S. Union St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 372-3087 kcrecycling@embarqmail.com www.kcrecycling.com
Solid Waste Management
Kendall Lighting Center
Hannah Taylor
4621 Executive Dr. Fort Wayne, IN 46580
P: (260) 483-8820
hannah.taylor@kendalllightingcenter.com www.kendalllightingcenter.com
Lighting/Lighting Accessories
Furniture/Home Décor
Landscape Lighting
Keough & Sons Electric, LLC
Tom Keough
5048 Bobwhite Dr. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 551-5702
Electrical Contractor
Knepp Sand & Stone
Blake Shortill
70765 CR 23
New Paris, IN 46553
P: (574) 831-4949 blake@knepps.com
Sand, Gravel, Limestone
Masonry Supplies
Natural Stone Products
Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce
Rob Parker
523 S. Buffalo St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-6311 x6
C: (574) 265-5774 rparker@kchamber.com www.kchamber.com
Business Services
Kosciusko Connect, LLC
Curt Barkey
370 S. 250 E. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 267-6331
C: (574) 453-8674 cbarkey@kremc.com www.kremc.com
Broadband Communications
Kosciusko REMC
Tara Haack
370 S. 250 E. Warsaw, IN 46582
P: (574) 269-4237 thaack@kremc.com www.kremc.com
Utility Company
Electrical Power Management
Kozon Plumbing & Heating
Brandy Kozon-Hatfield
205 Industrial Dr. P.O. Box 308
Cromwell, IN 46732
P: (260) 856-2225
C: (574) 457-9456
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Lake City Bank
Kirtus Murray
P.O. Box 1387
Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 371-9298
C: (574) 971-7179
F: (260) 856-2284 brandy@kozonph.com www.kozonplumbingandheating.com
Plumbing Contractor
Electrical Contractor
Heating & A/C Sales & Service
Kuert Concrete, Inc.
John Montgomery 5909 Nimtz Hwy.
South Bend, IN 46628
P: (574) 232-9911
C: (574) 780-6885
john@kuert.com www.kuert.com
Concrete & Asphalt Supplies
Brick/Block Supplier Landscaping
Annette Knoop (affiliate)
2129 W. Widen Ave.
Goshen, IN 46526
P: (574) 312-7557
C: (574) 298-7949
kirtus.murray@lakecitybank.com www.lakecitybank.com
Mortgage Lending
Banking/Financial Services
Lake City Bank - Plymouth (affiliate)
Anna Jimenez
Plymouth, IN
P: (574) 935-4200
C: (574) 930-6128 anna.jimenez@lakecitybank.com
Lake City Rental
Aaron Kosins 2255 N. Detroit St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-5445
lakecityrent@gmail.com www.lakecityrental.net
Equipment Rental
Lanes Roofing
Matt Schlabach
Darrel Bontrager 14919 CR 20
Middlebury, IN 46540
P: (574) 207-4655 customercare@lanesroofing.com
Roofing Contractors
Leatherman Supply
John H. McCarty III 2423 Peddlers Village Rd. Goshen, IN 46528
P: (574) 533-0597
john@leathermansupply.com www.leathermansupply.com
Windows/Materials & Supplies
Cabinetry/Cabinetry Design
Doors/Decorative, Steel Entry, Interior
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Legacy ConCreations, LLC
Mel Bontrager
267 E. Armstrong Rd. Leesburg, IN 46538
P: (574) 606-9267
Concrete/Stamped/Flatwork Foundation
Concrete Demolition
Legacy Wood Creations, LLC
Andrew Miller
106 Innovation Blvd. Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 354-7613
C: (574) 354-7613
F: (574) 773-4400 andrew@legacywoodcreations.build www.legacywoodcabinets.com
Cabinetry Installation/Design
Trim/Finish Carpenter
Custom Cabinetry Design
Live Oak Electric, LLC
Steve Ulery 15718 SR 17 Culver, IN 46511
P: (574) 842-4776
steve@liveoakelectric.com www.liveoakelectric.com
Electrical Contractor Generators
Bryce Gibbons (affiliate)
P: (574) 842-4776
C: (574) 835-6674 bgibbons@liveoakelectric.com
Lowe’s, Inc. - Warsaw
Alfred Samadder 2495 Jalynn St. Warsaw, IN 46583
P: (574) 302-1538
alfred.samadder@lowes.com www.lowes.com
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail
Electrical Materials & Supplies
Plumbing Materials & Supplies
LT Siding Window & Door
Dee Lowe
455 Anchorage Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 527-1738
info@ltsidingwindowdoor.com www.ltsidingwindowdoor.com
Building Materials
Siding Materials
Doors/Decorative, Steel Entry, Interior
M & D Electrical Solutions, LLC
Derrick & Dana Day 6190 E. 1000 S. North Manchester, IN 46962
P: (574) 551-5412
sales@mdelectricalsolutions.com www.mdelectricalsolutions.com
Electrical Contractor Generators
Marshall County REMC
Noami Podlesak 11299 12th Rd. P.O. Box 250
Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 936-3161
C: (574) 242-8562 npodlesak@marshallremc.com www.marshallremc.com
Broadband Communications
Electrical Services
Masterpiece Metal Roofing
Larry Schlabaugh
2510 S 250 W LaGrange, IN 46761
P: (260) 463-2675
F: (260) 463-4005
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Roofing Contractors
McGowan Insurance Group
Byron Kauffman
2506 E. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-6183 byronk@mcgowaninsgrp.com www.mcgowaninsgrp.com
Insurance & Risk Management
Medical Insurance
Grace Suranyi (affiliate)
P: (574) 306-0454
C: (574) 518-0320
gsuranyi@mcgowaninsgrp.com www.mcgowaninsgrp.com
Mid-City Supply
Joyce Watkins
1610 W. Center St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-3693
C: (269) 313-9700 jwatkins@mid-city.com www.mid-city.com
Plumbing Materials, Fixtures & Supplies
Electrical Supplier HVAC-Ventilation
Mike’s Garage Door
Cassie Harren
400 S. Main St. Leesburg, IN 46538
P: (574) 453-4368
Garage Doors/Overhead
Millennium Sounds
John Doxsee
6819 Lima Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46818
P: (260) 436-0003
Audio/Video Equipment/Home Automation
Miller Door & Trim
Dean Howard 2249 Lincolnway E. Goshen, IN 46526
P: (574) 533-8141
C: (574) 349-4154
F: (574) 534-8132
Custom Millwork
Doors/Decorative/Steel Entry
Interior Woodwork/Casework Doors
Miller’s Building Supply
Doug Stuckey 1819 E. Monroe St. Goshen, IN 46528
P: (574) 534-3973
doug@millersbuildingsupply.com www.millersbuildingsupply.com
Building Materials/Lumber Supplies
Drywall Products/Supplies
Momper Insulation, Inc.
Shad Stahlman 2431 W. Main St. Fort Wayne, IN 46808
P: (260) 432-7543
C: (260) 246-2962 shad.stahlmn@installed.net
Waterproofing Mirrors/Shower Doors
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Monteith’s Best One
Angie Hostetler
2503 Cassopolis St. Elkhart, IN 46514
P: (574) 355-3281
ahostetler@best1.tires www.monteithtire.com
Tire Sales & Repair/Auto, Mechanical
More Farm Stores
Shane Logan
3030 Frontage Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 269-3037
shanelogan@morefarmstores.com www.morefarmstores.com
Lawn & Garden Equipment/Tools
NTH Productions, LLC
Noah Hutton
1916 E. Clark St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 551-1952 nthproductions.co www.nthproductions.co
Marketing/Advertising, Public Relations
Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics
Randy Miller
501 W. Railroad Ave
Syracuse, IN 46567
P: (574) 457-2062 sales@nu-wood.com www.jasperplastics.com
Polyurethane Millwork
O’Dell Lumber & Supply Inc.
Ben Murphy
1720 E. SR 14
Rochester, IN 46975
P: (574) 223-2151
ben@odelllumbersupply.com www.odelllumbersupply.com
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail
Old National Bank
Shelley Dobbins
120 N. Buffalo St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 549-6055
shelley.dobbins@oldnational.com www.oldnational.com
Banking Services
Mortgage Lending
O’Neils Glass
Kim Sheehan 3927 New Haven Ave. Fort Wayne, IN 46845
P: (260) 426-0755
C: (260) 433-6847
kim@oneilsglass.com www.oneilsglass.com
Mirrors/Shower Doors
Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.
Paul Winkle
2341 W. Jefferson St. Plymouth, IN 46563
P: (574) 936-2136
paulwinklejr@ozinga.com www.ozinga.com
Concrete & Asphalt Supplies
Pella Windows & Doors of Northern Indiana
Seth Freed 5832 Grape Rd., Unit 110 Mishawaka, IN 46545
P: (574) 243-9014
C: (260) 234-1965
sfreed@pellani.com www.pellasouthbend.com
Windows/Installation, Replacement Doors/Decorative/Steel Entry
Phend & Brown
Dan Brown
P.O. Box 150
Milford, IN 46542
P: (574) 658-4166
Asphalt Supplier
Sand & Gravel Services
Prince Land Surveying, LLC
Ryan Prince
P.O. Box 805
Winona Lake, IN 46590
P: (574) 549-3029
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Quality Window & Door Inc.
Tavis Amundson
27888 CR 32 Elkhart, IN 46517
P: (574) 862-1613
C: (574) 238-5345
tavis@qwdbarn.com www.qwdbarn.com
Windows/Installation, Replacement
Windows/Materials & Supplies
Doors/Decorative, Steel Entry, Interior
Rabb Water Systems
Adam Clemens
princelandsurveying@gmail.com www.princelandsurveying.com
Pro IT Solutions
Alex Carder
111 W. Waterford St.
P.O. Box 711
Wakarusa, IN 46573
P: (574) 862-0021
C: (574) 322-4101
alexcarder@pro-it-solutions.com www.pro-it-solutions.com
Audio/Video Equipment/Home Automation
IT Services
Security Services
Alex Cook (affiliate)
P: (574) 862-0021
Pro Tech Panel & Truss
Shane Varga
323 High Rd.
Bremen, IN 46506
P: (574) 281-9080
svarga@protecmfg.com www.protecmfg.com
Building Materials/Lumber
Truss Manufacturer
303 Argonne Rd. P.O. Box 835 Warsaw, IN 46581
P: (574) 267-3853
C: (574) 527-0185 amclemens@rabbkinetico.com www.rabbwater.com
Water Softening Treatments
Bottled Water Sales
Jon Vida (affiliate)
P: (574) 267-3853
C: (574) 250-0981
Ransbottom Excavating and Trucking Inc.
Deric Ransbottom 6385 S. 100 E. Claypool, IN 46510
P: (574) 566-2403 ransbottomexc@yahoo.com Excavating
Ruoff Mortgage
Sonia Gunderson
310 Enterprise Dr. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 268-9033
C: (260) 330-3361 sonia@ruoff.com www.ruoff.com
Mortgage Lending
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Rural 1st
Rachell Hatfield
1010 W. Connexion Way
Columbia City, IN 46725
P: (260) 248-8786
C: (260) 564-4213
rachell.hatfield@rural1st.com www.rural1st.com
Mortgage Lending Construction Lending Land/Lot Loans
Sean Carpenter (affiliate) P: (574) 286-5794 sean.carpenter@rural1st.com
Safe-Way Garage Doors, LLC
Aaron Metzger
1131 S. Williams Dr. Columbia City, IN 46725
P: (260) 244-3789
office@safewaydi.com www.safewaydoor.com
Building Materials Manufacturing Garage Doors & Openers
Schrock Masonry
Marlon Schrock
6143 W. 1300 N. Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 773-5405
C: (574) 202-7956 mschrock@safecommail.com
Brick/Block Contractor
Landscape Services & Contractor Glass Block
Solar Energy Systems, LLC
Keith Steidley
8015 W. 1350 N. Nappanee, IN 46550
P: (574) 773-0546 keiths@sesindiana.com www.sesindiana.com
Renewable Energy
Stryker Lawn Service
Chris Thompson
25 Kings Hwy. 4242 W. 100 N. Warsaw, IN 46590
P: (209) 787-9537
office@strykerlawnservice.com www.strykerlawnservice.com
Fencing & Decks
Property Management
Superior Garage Door Service, LLC
Kevin Hall
727 E. 550 N. Leesburg, IN 46538
P: (574) 551-7835
kevin@mysuperiorgarage.com www.mysuperiorgarage.com
Garage Doors/Overhead Patio Enclosures/Outdoor Living/Awnings
Surf Internet
Jordan Holzwart
228 Waterfall Dr. Elkhart, IN 46516
P: (574) 532-2714 jholzwart@surfinternet.com surfinternet.com
Broadband Communications Internet Provider
The DeHayes Group
Greg Gerbers 11118 Coldwater Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46825
P: (260) 969-1317 greg@dehayesgroup.com www.dehayes.com Insurance/Group Medical
Sean Weigand (affiliate)
P: (260) 969-1316
C: (260) 494-9650 seanw@dehayes.com
The Gingerich Group
Scott Gingerich
120 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 302
Milford, IN 46542
P: (574) 306-7377
Builders Association of North Central Indiana
Warsaw Masonry
Brian Stichter
1403 N. Detroit St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-2825
scott@thegingerichgroup.com www.thegingerichgroup.com
Real Estate Services
Property Management
The Window Source Michiana
Kyle Strickland
1329 W. North St. Bremen, IN 46506
P: (574) 248-9573
C: (574) 350-0753
katie@twsm@gmail.com www.windowsourcemichiana.com
Windows/Installation, Replacement
Van’s Home Center
Dustin Parker
106 Peckhart Ct. Auburn, IN 46706
P: (260) 927-8267
F: (260) 564-4595
Cabinets & Counters
Warsaw Custom Cabinets
Tim Mundinger
1697 W. 350 S. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 267-5794
office@warsawmasonry.com www.warsawmasonry.com
Building Materials Supply Fireplaces
WRSW 107.3
Baylen Hite
216 W. Market St. Warsaw, IN 46580
P: (574) 372-3064
C: (260) 438-5236 bhite@kensington.media www.1073wrsw.com
Radio Media
Zeeland Lumber Supply
Brian Antonides
5321 Lincoln Way E. Mishawaka, IN 46544
P: (574) 522-6453
brian.antonides@zeelandlumber.com www.zeelandlumber.com
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail, Wholesale Trusses
Window/Materials & Supplies
Calvin Bolt
P: (574) 551-6680
tim.mundinger@warsawcustomcabinets.com www.warsawcustomcabinets.com
Custom Cabinetry/Design Countertops
Interior Design/Kitchen/Bath
Small Business Growth Partners
Rewards builders and remodelers for using any of the 50+ participating manufacturers.
Accounting Services
Hunsche CPA Group
P: (574) 267-7982
Van’s Home Center
P: (260) 927-8267
Abrams Consulting Firm
P: (630) 746-5595
Asphalt Supplier
Phend & Brown
P: (574) 658-4166
Audio/Video Equipment/Home Automation
Millennium Sounds
P: (260) 436-0003
Pro IT Solutions
P: (574) 862-0021
Banking Services
Old National Bank
P: (574) 549-6055
Brick/Block Contractor
Schrock Masonry
P: (574) 773-5405
Broadband Communications
Kosciusko Connect, LLC
P: (574) 267-6331
Marshall County REMC
P: (574) 936-3161
Surf Internet
P: (574) 532-2714
Building Materials
LT Siding Window & Door
P: (574) 527-1738
Building Materials Manufacturing
Safe-Way Garage Doors, LLC
P: (260) 244-3789
Building Materials Supply
Warsaw Masonry
P: (574) 267-2825
Building Materials/Lumber
Pro Tech Panel & Truss
P: (574) 281-9080
Building Materials/Lumber Supplies
Miller’s Building Supply
P: (574) 534-3973
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail
Builders Mart
P: (574) 267-8836
Carter Lumber - Plymouth
P: (574) 936-9636
Lowe’s, Inc. - Warsaw
P: (574) 302-1538
O’Dell Lumber & Supply Inc.
P: (574) 223-2151
Building Materials/Lumber, Retail, Wholesale
Big C Lumber
P: (260) 856-2152
Zeeland Lumber Supply
P: (574) 522-6453
Business Services
Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce
P: (574) 267-6311 x6
Cabinetry Installation/Design
J Miller Cabinet Co. Inc.
P: (260) 691-2032
Legacy Wood Creations, LLC
P: (574) 354-7613
Concrete & Asphalt Contractor
Jess Concrete
P: (574) 312-9591
Concrete & Asphalt Supplies
Kuert Concrete, Inc.
P: (574) 232-9911
Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.
P: (574) 936-2136
Concrete Contractor
Hundt Concrete LLC
P: (574) 936-9866
Legacy ConCreations, LLC
P: (574) 606-9267
Construction Lending
Interra Credit Union
P: (574) 534-2506
Custom Cabinetry/Design
Ayr Custom Cabinetry
P: (574) 773-7973
Heritage Cabinetry
P: (260) 856-2727
Warsaw Custom Cabinets
P: (574) 267-5794
Custom Millwork
Miller Door & Trim
P: (574) 533-8141
Decorative Railing
Cable Bullet
P: (574) 393-9941 x101
Electrical Contractors
Keough & Sons Electric, LLC
P: (574) 551-5702
Live Oak Electric, LLC
P: (574) 842-4776
M & D Electrical Solutions, LLC
P: (574) 551-5412
Equipment Rental
Lake City Rental
P: (574) 267-5445
By Primary Classification
Financial Services
Crossroads Bank
P: (574) 306-4497
Floor Laying & Other Floor Work
J & S Flooring
P: (574) 773-2673
Floorcovering/Tile Contractors
Artizan Flooring
P: (574) 540-2184
Brouwers Carpet & Furniture
P: (574) 267-8054
Carpet Depot
P: (574) 269-3191
Glen’s Diamond Tile, LLC
P: (574) 354-8903
J Lane Flooring & Design
P: (574) 269-6230
Foundation Repair
Camden Foundation Technologies
P: (574) 594-2497
Garage Doors/Overhead
Mike’s Garage Door
P: (574) 453-4368
Superior Garage Door Service, LLC
P: (574) 551-7835
O’Neils Glass
P: (260) 426-0755
HVAC Contractor
Colliers Commercial Services
P: (574) 269-3393
Momper Insulation, Inc.
Carey Excavation & Construction, Inc.
P: (574) 269-2245
Ransbottom Excavating and Trucking Inc.
P: (574) 566-2403
P: (260) 432-7543
Insulation Contractor
AirTite Insulation, LLC
P: (574) 825-5271
By Primary Classification
Insurance & Risk Management
Epic Insurance Midwest
P: (574) 533-0573
McGowan Insurance Group
P: (574) 267-6183
Insurance/Group Medical
The DeHayes Group P: (260) 969-1317
Interior Wood Trim
Cornerstone Moulding, Inc.
P: (574) 546-4249
Landscape/Design, Installation
Fouce Landscaping, LLC
P: (574) 527-4684
Horizon Landscapes, LLC
P: (574) 551-0962
Stryker Lawn Service
P: (209) 787-9537
Lawn & Garden Equipment/Tools
More Farm Stores
P: (574) 269-3037
Lighting/Lighting Accessories
Kendall Lighting Center
P: (260) 483-8820
Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations
Blue River Digital P: (574) 404-9576
WRSW 107.3
P: (574) 372-3064
Mason/Brick, Stone
J & N Stone, Inc.
P: (574) 862-4251
Mortgage Banking
First Federal Savings Bank - Plymouth P: (574) 936-8953
First Federal Savings Bank - Rochester
P: (574) 453-1096
First Federal Savings Bank - Huntington P: (574) 264-3331
Mortgage Lending
1st Source Bank - Warsaw
P: (740) 235-2885
Everwise Credit Union P: (574) 269-4487
Lake City Bank P: (574) 371-9298
Ruoff Mortgage P: (574) 268-9033
Rural 1st P: (260) 248-8786
Not-For-Profit Organization
Habitat for Humanity of Kosciusko County P: (574) 269-4104
Overhead Doors
ALCO Overhead Doors, LLC
P: (574) 238-8448
NTH Productions, LLC
P: (574) 551-1952
Plumbing Contractor
Kozon Plumbing & Heating P: (260) 856-2225
Plumbing Materials, Fixtures & Supplies
Mid-City Supply P: (574) 267-3693
Plumbing Supplier
Compass Manufacturing International P: (847) 302-3483
Plumbing/Heating Contractor
FlowTech Plumbing and Heating P: (260) 248-2021
Polyurethane Millwork
Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics P: (574) 457-2062
C: (574) 596-0169
Real Estate
By Primary Classification
Siding Materials & Supplies
Brian Peterson Real Estate Group, LLC
P: (574) 268-1899
Real Estate Services
Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group
C: (260) 241-4920
EXP Realty
P: (574) 527-1533
The Gingerich Group
P: (574) 306-7377
Refuse Services
GFL Enviromental
P: (260) 755-9224
Renewable Energy
Solar Energy Systems, LLC
P: (574) 773-0546
Residential Dumpster Rental
Bin There Dump That Michiana P: (574) 892-5554
Residential/Commercial Cleaning Services
Joy Cleaning & Home Services, LLC
P: (574) 268-8663
Residential/Commercial Painting
Colorbilt Painting, LLC
P: (574) 780-8056
Roofing Contractors
G & R Siding, Roofing & Windows
P: (574) 527-5551
Integrity Roofing
P: (574) 319-0467
Lanes Roofing
P: (574) 207-4655
Masterpiece Metal Roofing, LLC
P: (260) 463-2675
Sand, Gravel, Limestone
Knepp Sand & Stone
P: (574) 831-4949
Security Systems/Residential, Commercial
Cottage Watchman Div. EF Rhoades & Sons
P: (574) 594-2685
ABC Supply P: (574) 642-3196
Solar Panels
Advanced Solar P: (574) 227-2801
Solid Waste Management
KC Recycling Depot P: (574) 372-3087
Prince Land Surveying, LLC P: (574) 549-3029
Tire Sales & Repair/Auto, Mechanical
Monteith’s Best One P: (574) 355-3281
Title Services
Fidelity National Title P: (574) 268-0065
Utility Company
Kosciusko REMC P: (574) 269-4237
Water Softening Treatments
Culligan Water Conditioning of Warsaw P: (574) 267-7471
Rabb Water Systems P: (574) 267-3853
Windows/Installation, Replacement
Pella Windows & Doors of Northern Indiana P: (574) 243-9014
Quality Window & Door Inc. P: (574) 862-1613
The Window Source Michiana P: (574) 248-9573
Windows/Materials & Supplies
Leatherman Supply P: (574) 533-0597
Calvin Bolt P: (574) 551-6680