February 20, 2025

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The Legendary Catskill Mountains THE FUNNIEST PLACE ON EARTH

Probably no piece of real estate on the planet ever gave forth such a constellation of comedy stars as the Borscht Belt, sometimes called “The Jewish Alps,” but more commonly known as the Catskill Mountains, located in upstate New York.

The Catskill Mountains was a legendary proving ground for upcoming Jewish entertainers, as well as a familiar landmark for the seasoned performer.

Overall, it was a multi-hotel resort haven for Jewish-American families to play, eat, fraternise, and be entertained, from the 1920s onward.

The Borscht Belt, as it was also called, was a matrix for generating first-magnitude Jewish comedians, such as: Jack Benny, Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Billy Crystal, Jerry Lewis, Carl Reiner, Joan Rivers, The Three Stooges, Groucho Marx, Sid Caesar, Danny Kaye, Buddy Hackett, and countless others!

However, the Borscht Belt was not

online: www.TheCommunityPaper.com email: thepaper@cox.net

exclusively a launching pad which propelled many Jewish comedians into the limelight, the Borscht Belt also proved to be the indispensable training grounds which ignited the careers of such extraordinary gentile talents as: Phyllis Diller, Rowan & Martin (of NBC’s smash hit, “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In”), Jonathan Winters, and countless others!

Borscht Belt humor refers to the rapid-fire delivery, and few could match Jewish comedian, Henny Youngman (1906-1998)! He was highly thought of for his hilarious

‘schtick’ (from the Yiddish: shtik). He was the fastest comic of his day, clocked at delivering an astonishing eight or more jokes per minute, sometimes exceeding 50 jokes in a span of only eight minutes!

Rarely did a Henny Youngman joke last more than 24 seconds. He was not only quick, but his jokes were hilariously rich in comedic imagery: “While playing golf today I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake!”

Holding a violin down by his side,


Funniest Place from page 1

it would become more a prop than an instrument. Youngman’s quick nonstop delivery showed no mercy for his audience which often gasped for air between fits of uncontrolled laughter!

He gave them no rest period.

“My older brother-in-law died. He was a karate expert. Then he joined the Army. The first time he saluted, he killed himself.”

His timing was deadly at quick bursts of comedic fire-power, so much so that his monologues would become the talk of the town at such Jewish diggs as Carnegie Deli, Delancey Street, the Friars Club, The Ed Sullivan Show and, of course, the summer resorts at the Borscht Belt.

Henny Youngman’s lifelong friend, the legendary Borscht Belt standup comic, Myron Cohen, was his exact opposite. Cohen spoke in a contrived thick Yiddish accent, and was a masterful storyteller who took his measure in setting up his punch lines. Cohen’s popularity would see him appear on the Ed Sullivan Show 26 times, to Youngman’s 20.

At 6’ 2” Youngman was an unusual species of his day during the early 1930s, miniaturizing many of his fellow Jewish comedians -- who like himself -- were largely un-

Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle

This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!

The IRS returned a tax return to a man in New Jersey after he apparently answered one of the questions incorrectly.

In response to question 23: “Do you have anyone dependent on you?”, the man wrote: “2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crackheads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons, plus 650 idiots in Washington, and the entire group that call themselves politicians”.

On the returned form, someone at

known at the time.

These unknown contemporaries of Henny Youngman often stood in the wings, waiting to go on after Youngman completed his set. More often than not, they were short comics, who struggled for recognition, such as Red Buttons who only stood at 5’ 6” or George Burns at 5’ 7” and Don Rickles 5’ 6.”

Red Buttons, whose hair colour matched his name, was a Borscht favourite-son: “Ninety isn’t old,” he would tell his attentive audiences, “You’re old when your doctor doesn’t X-ray you anymore. He just holds you up to the light!”

And when it was his turn to take the stage, a young George Burns (without Gracie) did not disappoint. Puffing his cigar, Burns took his time, showing uncanny calm and smoothness in his delivery, an admirable style that Borscht Belt comics call “Burning slow.” George Burns’ lines were smooth as molasses and self-deprecating and scored big each time out: “I love to sing, and I love to drink scotch. Most people would rather hear me drink scotch.”

As for Don Rickles (1926-2017), he would quickly learn his craft to become “The Merchant of Venom,” for his reputation of insulting his audience . . . and making them love it!

He was young, inexperienced, and learning his craft as he navigated

the IRS had attached a Post-it Note beside the question with an arrow and the words: “Your response to question 23 is unacceptable.”

The man sent it back to the IRS with his response on the bottom of the Post It Note: “Who did I leave out?”

Why We Miss Rodney Dangerfield

With my old man I got no respect. I asked him, “How can I get my kite in the air?” He told me to run off a cliff.

I went to a massage parlor. It was self-service.

It’s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won’t drink from my glass!

Last night my wife met me at the front door. She was wearing a sexy negligee. The only trouble was, she was coming home.

through various ‘schtick,’ weeding out the lines that did not ‘play.’ He knew his limits in insulting his audience. “If I were to insult people and mean it, that wouldn’t be funny,” he would say.

Rickles quickly found he was a bad joke-teller. But he was able to insult his audience and make them like it! “I just can’t tell jokes,” he once confessed. “It wasn’t that someone gave me a hard time and I insulted him back. It’s just that I tell jokes badly but as a young man I had the personality that allowed me to rib somebody and get away with it. My father was the same way. My mother was a Jewish General Patton.”

Looking over his audience, Rickles would carpet bomb them with insult after insult, “Oh, my God , look at you! Anyone else hurt in the accident?”

He found his winning formula and it has sustained Rickles who continued performing at various Las Vegas casinos until the hand of death stopped him at age 90. One of his late interviews was with fellow Jewish comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, in Seinfeld’s TV episode “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee.”

In those early years, in the 1930s, Henny Youngman could see his fellow Jewish comics in the wings, pacing and waiting to hit their respective marks, hoping for recognition and a bigger salary that comes with it. As for Youngman, he was so good at sustaining a

A girl phoned me and said, ‘Come on over. There’s nobody home.’ I went over.

Nobody was home!

A hooker once told me she had a headache.

I was making love to this girl and she started crying. I said, ‘Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?’ She said, ‘No, I hate myself now.’

My wife is such a bad cook, if we leave dental floss in the kitchen the roaches hang themselves.

I’m so ugly I stuck my head out the window and got arrested for mooning.

The other day I came home early and a guy was jogging, naked. I asked him, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘Because you came home early.’

My wife’s such a bad cook, the dog begs for Alka-Seltzer.

I know I’m not sexy. When I put my underwear on I can hear the Fruit-of-the-Loom guys giggling.

My wife is such a bad cook. In my

steady volley of quick, short jokes, that one night a man sitting in the darkened audience, hat still on his head, quickly scribbled words on a piece of paper, that would forever change Youngman’s career, for the better!

The author of the scribbled note that night was none other than Walter Winchell, America’s most powerful newspaper columnist of his era! Winchell’s conferred title, “The King of the One-Liners,” would become a lifelong Henny Youngman trademark name.

Walter Winchell, who was also Jewish, wielded almost unlimited power and influence that would become so formidable in his heyday that it was said that a few words from his column could make-or-break an entertainer’s career, or even close a newly-opened Broadway play, or other business venture, such as a restaurant. At his height of power, Walter Winchell’s newspaper column would be syndicated in over 2,000 newspapers worldwide, and read by over 50 million people, every day, from the 1920s until the early 1960s.

Winchell’s reach of power crossed into multiple arenas. In 1948, Winchell would have the top-rated radio show when he surpassed the great Fred Allen and also Jack Benny, respectively.

Funniest Place continued on page 3

house we pray after the meal.

My wife likes to talk to me during sex; last night she called me from a hotel.

It’s been a rough day. I got up this morning and put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I’m afraid to go to the bathroom.

I was such an ugly kid! When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.

I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and radio.

I was such an ugly baby that my mother never breast fed me. She told me that she only liked me as a friend.

I’m so ugly my father carried around a picture of the kid that came with his wallet.

When I was born, the doctor came

continued on page 12


Funniest Place from page 2

Appearing in Winchell’s windowto-the-world newspaper column, Henny Youngman’s life, suddenly, became common knowledge to a vast readership around the world! His humble and nomadic beginnings was inspiring to all: originally born Henry Yungman, in 1906 London, England, at a Jewish Hospital (when his parents lived with in-laws in England), the Youngmans returned to live in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, where Henny found a close school chum, a chubby boy by the name of John Herbert Gleason. His younger friend’s name would soon be shortened to Jackie Gleason, who would someday find immortality in the hit television show, “The Honeymooners,” one of history’s immortal, landmark comedy series.

Youngman’s life quickly became a classic study for other comedians who followed after him. His one-liners were text-book-perfect, universal, and fast on the uptake: “I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up – they have no holidays,” and “I told my doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those two places!”

But Youngman also knew how to ‘load’his quick-delivery with punch lines more flavoured to his Jewish audience; humour that played to the stereotypical image of Jewish people being penny-pinchers and tight with their money, so Youngman had his audience in laughing fits with such anecdotes as the following: “A Jewish boy asks his father for twenty dollars. His father replied, ‘Ten dollars?! Why in the world do you need five dollars?! I’d be happy to give you a dollar, so here -- here’s a quarter!’”

Money was always a high priority to Henny Youngman, throughout his lifetime. In countless interviews he went on record emphasizing his advice to other upcoming entertainers, “Nem de Gelt” (Yiddish for “Take the money”).

Even after gaining world-fame, Youngman would ferret out any opportunity for added income. TV producer, Mark Evanier, recalls how Youngman would, literally, take his violin and go to some hotel that had banquet rooms, then read the lobby directory to find the party or banquet (often a Bar Mitzvah reception). Henny Youngman would then find the room and ask to meet whomever was in charge of paying for the event! Evanier said Youngman would introduce himself, negotiate a price right there on the spot, then close the deal.

In these cases, Youngman per-

formed for prices that would range from $200 to $500 (and he always preferred cash, if possible). Though it must be conceded that Henny Youngman enjoyed performing, it must also be said, by his own admission, that he was very much driven by the money factor.

Youngman audaciously used selfpromotion to the extent that he would spend well over $10,000 per year on long-distance telephone calls booking himself at various venues. He was not happy unless he negotiated at least 10 bookings a month.

Another colourful incident, similar in nature, occurred when Henny Youngman was in the company of acclaimed movie-critic, Roger Ebert. A young Roger Ebert observed Henny Youngman taping an NBC television show and then, when they both occupied the same elevator, the elevator stopped on the second floor at a private wedding reception. Youngman quickly departed the elevator, asked to meet the father of the bride and said, “I’m Henny Youngman. I’ll do 10 minutes for $100.”

To his credit, Henny Youngman worked almost every day of his life; a working life which spanned over 70 years! The only exceptions, when he did not seek employment, were a week after his wife’s death, and the month he was hospitalized -- where he died of pneumonia at age 91.

The delivery-speed of his monologues would become legendary, a legacy. In 1974, when the New York Telephone Company started a “Dial-a-Joke” line, they chose Henny Youngman as its first comedian. Remarkably, in the service’s first month of operation, Diala-Joke received over 3-million calls (3,331,638 to be exact) from people who wanted to hear 30-seconds of his jokes! The New Yorker Magazine writer, Tony Hiss, called him “The world’s hardest-working comedian.” An assessment few would challenge, even today. In truth, Henny Youngman never retired. He worked diligently, until death claimed him.

Youngman’s rapid delivery style would be emulated by others, most notably, Rodney Dangerfield (born Jacob Rodney Cohen), twentyone-years his junior and, subsequently, known as “The Prince of the One-Liners.” In his own right, Dangerfield (1921-2004) would become universal in his popularity, even eclipsing Youngman.

Of the two, Dangerfield struggled longer before hitting his stride. Performing at many hotels in the

Place continued on page 5


Looking for things to do? Places to go?

Check out Oodles every week for listing of civic and service club meetings, and more! Have an event you need publicized?

Email it to: Lisa.ThePaper@gmail.com

The Paper goes to print on Tuesday morning.

You ar E mor E L ik ELY T o g ET P ub L is HE d if Y ou:

• Submit your press release by the previous Friday.

• Keep It Simple: who, what, where, when, why.

• Send us something we can copy/paste. Please no brochures or flyers. Send a press release.

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Euro Car sunday

February 23rd • 8am

February 23rd will be “Euro Car Sunday” at Escondido Cars & Coffee. Presented in conjunction with our good friends the San Diego BMW Car club. So bring your German, British, Italian, French, Swedish or other Euro car. Everyone else is welcome as usual. There will be tacos, coffee and baked goods. Escondido Cars and Coffee is every Sunday morning at 8am, Kit Carson Park, 3333 Bear Valley Pkwy in Escondido.

All cars, trucks and bikes are welcome. Family and pet friendly. Restrooms, coffee and baked goods are available. No vendors.


Chess at Park avenue Community Center Home of Escondido Senior Center 210 Park Avenue, Escondido 760-839-4688

Chess players of all skill levels are welcome every Wednesday in the shuffleboard building from Noon –3 p.m. Friendly games with large boards and pieces provided. Follow the signs or ask at the front desk for directions.


music men Chorus Looking for guys Who Love To sing a Cappella

Do you like “a cappella” singing? (No Accompaniment). Want to sing in a chorus that sings 4-Part, Close-Harmony Songs with beautiful ringing chords?

If you answer “Yes!”, come visit the Music Men at a Tuesday evening rehearsal and try Barbershop Style singing. We always welcome visitors to sing with us.

We sing a variety of song styles - romantic ballads, patriotic songs, pop tunes, songs from movies and musicals, gospel/inspirational songs, and Holiday music - at public events and private venues in North County.

The Music Men rehearse most Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:30 p.m. at San Marcos Lutheran

Church, 3419 Grand Avenue, San Marcos 92078, in Luther Hall.

Contact Joe Pascucci at (760) 8453593 or joevalp@cox.net. Or check our website, musicmenchorus.org.


Westwind Brass Performance February 23rd • 2pm

Westwind Brass (sextet from San Diego State University) will be performing in Escondido on Sunday, Feb. 23 at 2 pm.

Classical music lovers will enjoy the kaleidoscopic set of many styles and from many composers. Rich Barogue sonorities of Handel and Bach to music of other cultures. The ensemble (trumpet, trumpet, trumpet, French horn, trombone, and tuba) will also play serious art music of jazz artists Dizzy Gilespie and Thelonious Monk.

Go to http://www.hiddenvalleyCCAescondido.info for the complete program. Concert location is the First Congregational Church, 1800 North Broadway, Escondido.

Tickets are available at 1:15 pm, doors open at 1:30 pm. Children 12 and under are free, students $10.00, Seniors, Veterans, Military $20.00, Adults $30.00 (Cash or check only).

Presented by the Hidden Valley Community Concert Association in Escondido since 1945.


Chess Players Welcome Carlsbad Senior Center

Chess Players Welcome at the City of Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave, every Tuesday 1-4pm. Play is casual and there are no fees or reservations. Participants must be at least 50 years of age. Call 1-442339-2650 for additional info.


arrest in attempted Child abduction Near Elementary school

On February 11th, 2025 at 7:19 am, Escondido Police responded to a call of an attempted kidnapping at Pioneer Elementary School 980 N. Ash St. Escondido.

A student reported that, as they were walking to school on Ash Street, a vehicle pulled up next to them and attempted to pull the child into the vehicle. The child was able to get away and ran to the school to report the incident. The child was not injured in the incident. The suspect vehicle was described as a dark green 4-door sedan. Detectives with the Escondido Police Department Family Protection Unit responded to the scene and began an immediate investigation.

Detectives worked relentlessly throughout the entire day and night developing leads in the case. On the morning of February 12th, 2025, at 8:55 am detectives located the suspect vehicle driving on Auto Parkway near Andreasen Dr. in Escondido. A high-risk vehicle stop was conducted and the suspect, 27-yearold Jose Cruz-Ruiz, a resident of Escondido, was arrested. Cruz-

Ruiz will be later booked at the Vista Jail for 207 PC Kidnapping.

Detectives do not believe there are any additional outstanding suspects at this time. Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call the Escondido Police Department at (760) 839-4722 or Detective Jesse Santaniello at (760) 839-4768, reference case 25001339.

Letters to the Editor

You’re amazing, Mr. Morrow! Some of my college friends were sad when they heard you were no longer going to do your column! Sounds dramatic, but it happens to be fact! You’re greatly loved, Mr. Morrow, by many anonymous people.

My German and Austrian friends say: “Ein hochst begabter Geschnichtenerzahler.” Loosely translated: “You are a most gifted storyteller.”

Luv & Hugs, Friedrich H. Gomez A true fan of yours!

Regular readers of this column know I place a very high value on service . . whether in a restaurant, a bank, or any retail establishment. If I get good/great service I let my readers know about it. If I get shabby treatment and service . . I also let you know:

A few observations:


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The DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) is not the DMV of old. Used to be you had a series of older, grumpy, civil service agents who manned windows and took their own sweet time in providing service.

Nope. Not today.

Bright eyed, bubbly, and eager to help. That’s the new DMV.

Last week I went to the DMV to renew my driver’s license, which had expired.

I was met by a cheerful, very attractive lady by name of Debbie and she could not have been more helpful. She’s the the type of gal you’d love to visit with . . but can’t, because she’s way too busy. But while she helped me I had 100% of her attention and help. Next window I dealt with Susan. Another most helpful type.

I LOVE your column Mr. Morrow! And I’m so “over the moon” that you are able to continue your column in The Paper! You are one of my all-time favourite writers and I truly missed out on all that history (sometimes local, sometimes national) when you stopped. It was like catnip for me, LOL.

Oh, Mr. Morrow, thank you for continuing your column! I sometimes read them twice -- true! They’re such fun excursions into the past and I just love imagining it all in my head!

Please keep sending me “advance” columns so I can read them TWICE! Once in my email box, and again in The Paper. Mr. Morrow, I wish I had teachers in school that were like you -- you bring history “alive” whereas they often were boring and just “talked at us” rather than “with us.” Your columns “talk with us” and you “draw us” into the storylines and I’m always in suspense and feel I’m actually there!

She took my fingerprint, gave me an eye test and directed me to my next booth (a photo studio). Next step was to take the written exam but, whoopeee! Debbie advised me since I was over 70 the written test was waived. I now had a new (temporary) driver’s license! My permanent one would be mailed to me within the next two weeks.

I used to dread going to the DMV. Long waits.

Not now. It’s actually a very pleasant and very well organized experience.

Fast Food Drive Throughs . . . they aren’t fast. They are often, a joke. It’s not the fault of the servers at the windows . . . it’s the policies laid down by the owners, or corporate. Prime examples are: The McDonalds in Escondido on E. Valley Parkway, near Ash.

To submit a letter to the editor, please email thepaper@cox.net. Please be respectful, limit your letter to a maximum of 300 words and include your full name, e-mail address, town, and a valid phone number where you can be reached. Letters will not be published anonymously. Letters are subject to editing. Please no hand written letters.

They have a policy that makes absolutely no sense. You drive up to the speaker, place your order, pull up to the window, pay your bill then you are directed to move forward to the next window where you will get your drinks; you then pull forward to the next window to pick up your food.

And you wait. And you wait. And you wait. You may be asked to pull off to the side and someone will bring your food to you. After another wait.

McDonalds needs to change their policy. You get to the speaker, place your order, go to the next window, pay your bill, go to the next window and get both your drink and food, and then you’re on your way! Just like the good old days.

Funniest Place from page 3

Borscht Belt circuit as late as the early 1960s, Dangerfield had still only achieved minimal success, during which time Dangerfield said he fell deeply into debt at the tune of $20,000, and admitted he still could not get booked. Reflecting back on those lean years at the Catskills, Dangerfield would later joke, “I played one club that was so far out that my act was reviewed in Field & Stream Magazine!”

Like other Jews of his era, Rodney Dangerfield’s childhood years were of great torment and emotional trauma, brought on by his overtly anti-Semitic teachers, as well as from the more affluent non-Jewish students who bullied him, mercilessly. Growing up Jewish would prove to be painful for many. Some became coarse, even belligerent, as a result of their upbringing. In later years, radio shock jock, Howard Stern, initially denied being Jewish on both sides of his parentage over the airwaves; instead he falsely claimed to be half Italian. “It’s very hard to be Jewish in this country,” Stern would later confess. “My Jewish side has been beaten with chains.” Stern’s He-

Man About Town from page 4

I don’t go to McDonald’s much any more. I just head on east a few blocks to Burger King, just east of Rose on E. Valley Parkway; there, you pull up to the speaker, place your order, pull up to the window, pay your bill . . receive your food and drink and you’re on your way! No muss, no fuss. You just get your food in a timely fashion.

Last week, Friedrich and I stopped at Carl’s Jr. in the shoppinng center at the Sycamore off ramp and University Drive. We ordered two orders of the Wraps @ $6 per order . . $12 and change. We paid

brew name is Tzi.

The advent of the Borscht Belt was, certainly, a ‘reply’ of sorts over discrimination against people of Jewish descent. The word “borscht” has its root meaning from a beet-based soup that was popular among Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants. The dish is traditional fare of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. Despite its popularity among sectors of the Jewish culture, it is not Jewish in origin. Borscht Belt hotels sprung up in the Catskill Mountains and quickly became a vacation and recreation get-a-away for Jewish-American families who were, otherwise, often made to feel unwelcomed at non-Jewish establishments. Jews were not permitted to join non-Jewish country clubs. Famed comedian, Groucho Marx, recalls how one such club agreed to set aside its “No-Jew” rule in order to allow Groucho to join its membership ranks, on the condition that Groucho not use the club’s swimming pool. Groucho Marx replied in sarcasm: “My daughter is only half-Jewish, can she wade into the swimming pool up to her knees?”

As a refuge, the Borscht Belt was created where Jewish-American families were not only welcomed

our bill . . . and we were told to pull up (to where?) and someone would bring us our food. And so we waited. And waited. Finally, Friedrich got out of the car and went into the restaurant to inquire what was taking so long . . . just as he got to the door someone came out with a bag . . with our order. The food was delicious, but no one should have to wait that long to receive their food!

In contrast, we visited The Indian Store, in the same shopping center (Sycamore and University Drive); we had staff greet us with a great big smile, helped us find what we were looking for, answered our questions and treated us like royalty.

but, catered to, by elaborate and complex resort hotels featuring live entertainment, and recreational fun such as boating, swimming, parks, shopping, and more. The Catskill Mountains quickly became nationally-known as great resort living. The mostly-Jewish vaudeville greats all trafficked through the Borscht Belt.

However, its decline seemed inevitable. Air travel made other destinations seem closer than before.

Its swan song was evident in 1978, when gentile comedian, Bob Hope was paid to make his sole appearance at the Borscht Belt. After which, only memories lingered on as the vast sentinels of resort hotels began to disappear.

Today, in 2025, the Catskills, which were once called the “Borscht Belt” and the “Jewish Alps” of yesteryear, and which catered to predominantly Jewish-Americans, is now experiencing a comeback with a completely new look and more cosmopolitan clientele. Its rebirth into a more modern Gentile mode is evident in its various advertising which touts such trends as micro-brewed beers, and pubs, as well as various events such as

Later, we stopped at Charlie’s in Escondido . . . where we always get top drawer service from one of the several beautiful servers on duty. On this day we had Cecilia and she always brightens up the day with her pretty smile and her prompt service. I love ‘em all at Charlies . . , Tina, Tracy, Chandra . . .Suzie . . . my home away from home and my office (I have a special booth at the back of the restaurant, where it is quiet and we can conduct business, do interview, or tell tale tales . . .and know that we’ll always have a full cup of coffee or full cup of raspberry iced tea. The servers at Charlie’s know how to take care of their patrons!)

the popular Belleayre Music Festival, winter skiing, and trendy health-conscious eating establishments, a far cry from the old Jewish deli foods.

Many who now patronize the Catskills are unfamiliar and somewhat disinterested with its distant past of vaudeville greats and Jewish beginnings. “Millennials don’t know much about the history of the Catskills,” says Randy Lewis, a founder of the popular Catskill Brewery, which recently opened.

“This new generation is interested in renewing the healthy lifestyle, eating good local foods, and getting out of the city,” Lewis explains. “It’s a natural fit for them. In fact, I see tons of millennials at the brewery on weekends, coming up from their apartments in Brooklyn.”

The resurgence of popularity at the Catskills has also proven a vacation spot for Europeans, as well.

The new Catskills was even featured in The New York Times’ list

Funniest Place continued on page 12

It seems to me, more and more, that we are getting away from the way we used to be treated as customers . . . more and more businesses, particularly chains, are moving to a policy of ‘move the customer along, get ‘em in, get their money, and get them out the door.”

Those businesses I shy away from. I’d rather support the locally owned and operated business . . whether it’s a restaurant like Charlie’s ... or Mikki’s ... or J&M ... or China Fun, or a locally owned and operated bank. (Are there any of those left? If not, let’s get some investors together and start one! There’s a ready market for such a financial institution!).

For the past four years, our border has been wide open, allowing millions of people to enter the country without proper vetting, including hundreds of thousands here in San Diego. I’ve seen it firsthand—human traffickers dropping people off and walking through into the country without being stopped. Last year, for the first time since the 1980s,

5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond an update from the border

San Diego had the highest number of border crossings in the nation.

There were days last year when over 1,000 people per day were dropped off on our streets—completely unvetted—free to go anywhere they wanted. This was not only unsustainable but a direct threat to the safety and security of our communities.

This past weekend, I went to the Southern Border once again, where I’ve been many times over the past few years. The difference was stark. Where chaos once reigned, I saw additional razor wire in place—but what stood out most was that nobody was in sight. The flood of illegal crossings has drastically slowed,

High school students Learn About Sheriff Career

Everyone knows to call 9-1-1 in emergency situations and the dispatcher who answers the phone is often a lifeline to the person in distress.

“It’s a challenging job and ultimately, a very rewarding job,” said Jeff Hebert, a San Diego Sheriff’s Office Communications Coordinator. He is one of three managers who are responsible for the operations of the Sheriff’s Office communications center, but he started out as a dispatcher some 30 years ago and has stayed on because he loves what he does.

Last year, the Sheriff’s Office developed a Responder Ready Public Safety Communications Academy geared toward high school students to expose them to this civilian career in law enforcement. The 12-week academy was held on Saturdays for four hours and on February 1st, 19 students graduated from the first academy. A new academy is planned for April.

Honors graduate Sage Sekerke, 16, of San Marcos said it was an amazing experience.

“I’m applying as soon as I turn 18 and graduate high school,” Sekerke

with less than 100 people crossing a day in San Diego. This is a dramatic change from just months ago when we had thousands entering every single day.

Despite order returning to the border, our fight is not over. The County of San Diego is still allocating $5 million per year for illegal immigrants facing deportation—regardless of any crimes they have committed. And just recently, Governor Newsom approved another $25 million in state funds to provide legal defense for illegal immigrants facing deportation.

This is not common sense, and it’s certainly not fair to hardworking, law-abiding taxpayers who

are struggling with rising costs of living, housing, and public safety concerns. Our tax dollars should be spent securing our communities, not defending those who broke our laws.

I will continue to stand up against these reckless policies and fight for border security, fiscal responsibility, and the safety of our communities.

Thank you for your continued support, and as always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond, 1600 Pacific Highway, #335, San Diego, CA 92101, United States http://www. supervisorjimdesmond.com/

future Leaders Wanted Join the assembly intern Program

said. When she first went to the academy, she didn’t think she would want to be a dispatcher, but after getting to learn about job and observe real dispatchers at work, she feels drawn to the role.

Hebert said the coursework included everything from professionalism and ethics to looking for jobs, gaining job interview skills, using critical thinking, decision making skills and phone procedures for taking calls and using the radio to dispatch help.

To learn how to use the computer aided dispatch system, the students worked on a simulator to learn how to gather information and document it, often with a dispatcher sitting with them to help guide them. They also got to sit and observe a dispatcher at work.

To be a dispatcher, you have to be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Hebert added that one of the graduates in the academy turned in her application the next day and several told him they are interested in applying when they turn 18.

To learn more about Sheriff emergency dispatchers visit the Sheriff’s Office page at https://www.joinsdsheriff.net/civilian-careers/dispatcher

I’ve spent my career exposing government corruption, fighting for taxpayers, and taking on the politicians who are failing our state. Now, I want to train the next generation of leaders to do the same.

If you’re a high school or college student or if you know one who’s ready to take action this is your chance to get involved.

more Than Just interning

This internship is about developing the leadership skills that will empower you to influence change and make a lasting impact in your community and beyond. As an intern, you’ll work side-by-side with my team to gain valuable insights into how government works and how you can shape public policy and public opinion.

This 12-week, year-round internship is designed to give you the tools, knowledge, and experience you need to become a strong and effective leader in your community.

As an Assembly Intern you will:

• Work with my team in our Capitol or District office

• Assist in organizing events and engaging with community members

• Conduct policy research and support communications efforts

• Learn the ins and outs of govern-

ment and how to drive change

• Gain leadership training to become a stronger advocate and decision-maker

What You’ll gain

• Real Leadership Experience –Learn to communicate, organize, and lead with confidence.

• Hands-On Political Experience –Get involved in the actual work of policy-making, public service, and government operations.

• Professional Development – Receive a Certificate of Completion and a Letter of Recommendation to support your future career.

• Exclusive Alumni Network –Stay connected for job opportunities and career advancement in public service.

Who should apply

This internship is open to motivated, passionate, and hardworking students who want to make a real difference in the world. Whether you’re interested in politics, government, public service, or advocacy, this program will provide you with the skills you need to succeed.

We’re not just looking for interns— we’re looking for future leaders who are ready to drive change and help shape the future of California.

Visit https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca. gov/PublicLCMS/SurveysDirect_ v2.php?district=AD75&survey=506

Carl DeMaio, California State Assemblyman, District 75. District Office: 9820 Willow Creek Road San Diego, CA 92131, Suite 240, 858566-7538. Capitol Office: 1021 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814, Room 4630, 916-319-2075.

Landscape makeover Contest open for 2025 Entries

The popular WaterSmart Landscape Makeover annual competition is now open for 2025 entries. The contest highlights residential landscaping with grass areas that have been transformed into flourishing and colorful water-smart landscapes.

Contest judges look for winners who represent the best in landscaping makeover projects from 12 participating San Diego County water agencies.

Winning entrants feature unique approaches to their landscape projects. They demonstrate the wide range of options for creating lush, beautiful landscapes that rely more on native plants and less on large areas of thirty grass.

Entries are judged on overall attractiveness, efficient irrigation methods, design, and appropriate plant selection and maintenance. The creative results and personal stories help inform and inspire other homeowners to consider their own new yard designs.

“The cooler winter months are the ideal time to make changes to your landscaping,” said Water Authority Senior Water Resources Specialist Debby Dunn. “Take advantage of our ongoing educational programs and rebates to create your own water-wise wonderland.

“To help choose the plants that best fit your style and climate, check out the Water Authority’s Nifty 50 and

by the San Diego County Water Authority

Water in California, while always a hot topic, entered the national spotlight at the start of 2025. Where the San Diego region’s water comes from, how it’s provided and who’s in charge of what are big questions that water professionals address every day.

What are the biggest sources of water for San Diego County?

In 2024, about 60% of the region’s water supplies were from the Colorado River, about one-third were from local sources and the rest was from Northern California through the State Water Project. The State Water Project is operated by the State of California and is separate from the Central Valley Project operated by the federal government.

Regardless of the source, all the water delivered to homes and businesses across the region meets strict state and federal quality standards.

How has our region’s water supply changed over the years?

Happy 100 plant lists. These lists can help everyone create beautiful, lush, colorful, thriving landscapes filled with birds, bees, and butterflies.”

Participating agencies in 2025 include the cities of Escondido, and Oceanside, Helix Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Otay Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Rincon Del Diablo Water District, San Dieguito Water District, Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and Vista Irrigation District.

Each agency winner receives a $250 gift certificate and public recognition for their efforts. Ho-

meowners may also be eligible for turf removal rebates and additional incentives, which can help defray project costs. Applications must be

Where san diego’s Water Comes from

The Colorado River Basin provides essential water supplies to approximately 40 million people and 30 Tribal Nations, nearly 5.5 million acres of agricultural lands, and habitat for ecological resources across parts of several Western states (including Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) and Mexico.

In 1991, San Diego County got 95% of its water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) in Los Angeles, leaving the region’s water supply outside of San Diego’s control. A lack of local resources left the region susceptible to supply cutbacks from its major single major source. In 1991, MWD imposed a supply reduction of 31%, prompting the San Diego region’s civic and business leaders to demand greater investments and increased control over the county’s water future. In the following three

decades, the Water Authority invested roughly $3 billion in regional water reliability projects. That included cementing the largest water conservation-and-transfer deal in U.S. history to secure conserved water from the Imperial Valley, partnering with a private company to build the nation’s largest seawater desalination plant and super-sizing San Vicente Reservoir by raising the height of the World War II-era dam. Now San Diego has a locally controlled and diversified water supply to make sure

complete and approved prior to beginning your landscape work.

This year’s contest deadline for all participating agencies is Friday, May 9th. Homeowners may submit their entry online or through their participating agency. This is where you pay your water bill. You must be a resident within agency boundaries to participate.

Outdoor water use accounts for 62% of San Diego County’s water consumption, mainly for landscape irrigation. Yards with a lot of grass can greatly increase overall water consumption.

Conservation education efforts, including the WaterSmart Landscape Contest, provide ways to create landscapes customized for your favorite activities, incorporating the needs of children, pets, accessible areas, pollinators, and specialty gardens.

The Water Authority offers free options to help homeowners plan their makeovers. Homeowners can get started by viewing step-by-step videos on the Water Authority website. Additional online resources includes free video workshops.

Each winner will receive a $250 gift certificate and recognition in the appropriate agency’s newsletter, on their website, and other promotional materials.

Visit https://www.waternewsnetwork.com for more information.

the taps always turn on. Why doesn’t San Diego County use much groundwater?

Before 1947, the San Diego region relied heavily on local surface water runoff in normal and wet years, and on groundwater pumped from local aquifers during dry years when stream flows shriveled. As the economy and population grew exponentially, local resources became insufficient to meet the region’s water supply needs, and the region increasingly turned to imported water supplies. Today, groundwater is a small but important resource, especially in places like the South Bay where the aquifers are relatively large. Overall, it accounts for about 5 percent of the region’s water supply portfolio.

What is being done to create additional water supply here in the region?

Coordinating with 22 member

The Palmer family’s winning entry in the 2024 City of Escondido Landscape Makeover Contest. Photo: City of Escondido
Rain barrels help supplement the irrigation system in this year’s Vista Irrigation District Landscape Makeover Contest winner. Photo: Vista Irrigation District
How do you avoid the world’s

most dangerous travel scam? don’t fall for something “free”

Say the word “free,” and it’s enough to make even the most experienced travelers lose their marbles.

For example, if I offer you 100,000 free bonus miles for signing up for my precious-metal credit card, you might be tempted -- even if it’s a toxic financial instrument with a ridiculously high annual percentage rate that will take a wrecking ball to your finances if you don’t pay it off every month.

It’s true. Travelers can’t seem to control themselves when they hear the word “free.”

“There’s a thrill we get from feeling like we’re getting more than what we paid for,” says Ehab Youssef, a clinical psychologist and a mental health researcher. “I’ve had clients share stories of how excited they feel about snagging a complimentary breakfast or scoring a free upgrade at a hotel. It’s not just about the financial savings; it’s the emotional satisfaction that comes with it.”

But make no mistake: “Free” can be one of the world’s most dangerous travel scams.

Travelers are more addicted to free stuff than ever, but there’s almost always a catch. They have a hard time distinguishing from something that’s actually free, as opposed to a clever marketing lie, and they don’t have a clue about making a smarter purchasing decision.

In other words, when you see the word “free,” you tend to overestimate its value and underestimate the potential downsides. You’re less likely to consider whether you really need the item or whether it’s worth the effort to obtain it. You just want it because it’s free.

And that can lead you to make irrational decisions, like signing up for a credit card you don’t need just to get bonus miles or staying at a hotel that’s farther away from your destination just because it offers free breakfast, or because you get bonus points.

Research on this topic goes back decades, but Dan Ariely’s 2008 book “Predictably Irrational” brought it into clear focus for travel marketers. Ariely ran several experiments, which showed that when faced with multiple choices, people usually chose the free option.

Our addiction to “free” stuff has never been worse.

The recent holiday shopping season was a frenzy for people pursuing free stuff. Spending on gift cards, a preferred tool for people who are trying to game the system and get more freebies, was predicted to rise by almost 10 percent from last year. The apparent demise of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau last week, an agency that had promised to protect consumers from false promises made by credit card companies, didn’t exactly help.

Americans owe a record $1.17 trillion in credit card debt. Credit card companies lure us with points or miles when we pay with plastic. The promise of “free” miles is piling on that heavy burden. Never mind that we have to pay off that debt at some point, which will all but certainly negate the value of those “free” miles.

“Getting something for free ties us to a brand,” says Andrew Jernigan, CEO of Insured Nomads. “Whether rationally -- or irrationally.”

Why do we want free things?

There’s a mountain of research that explains why we can’t help ourselves. Jeff Galak, an associate professor of marketing at Carnegie Mellon University, says the phenomenon is called the “zero price effect.”

“When people see ‘free,’ they process the value of whatever the thing is differently than when they see any price associated with the same item,” he says.

And loyalty marketers saw dollar signs. Just like social media companies fine-tune their algorithm to maximize your engagement, so, too, have airlines, hotels and credit card companies -- especially credit card companies -- honed their advertising message to exploit your human weakness for a bargain.

What kinds of “free” are there?

There are actually three different types of free, according to Chip Bell, a customer loyalty consultant based in Greensboro, Ga. That can add to the confusion.

Free with purchase. You have to buy something to get this “free” thing. Offers where your kids stay free or eat free are conditioned on you paying for your hotel room or your meal. Technically, there’s nothing free about this type of offer, but It’s meant to build affinity with a customer,” Bell says — but with only a paying customer.

Free with strings. That’s when you have to do something besides spend money to get. For example, you have to sign up for a credit card to get bonus miles. Or you have to become a frequent flier to get a “free” checked bag. “It’s clearly a game,” he says, because strings are attached. “To me, that’s a type of ‘free’ that’s unethical.”

Actually free. It’s something you get with absolutely no preconditions. The blueberry muffin samples at the airport Starbucks are actually free, because you can walk into the store, take the baked good,

Illustration by Aren Elliott

ready to unlock Your Home’s True Value?

Are you 62 or older? A reverse mortgage can turn your home’s equity into a powerful income stream for retirement. Here’s how it can boost your golden years:

monthly Payments

Opt for regular monthly payments to supplement your retirement income, helping to cover living expenses and maintain your lifestyle.

Lump sum

Receive a lump sum of cash to pay off debts, make home improvements, or cover unexpected expenses, freeing up your monthly budget.

Line of Credit

Establish a line of credit that you can draw upon as needed, providing financial flexibility and peace of mind.

reduce mortgage Expenses

With a reverse mortgage, you’re not required to make monthly mortgage payments, potentially reducing your monthly expenses.

Laura Strickler Reverse

The Pastor says . . . Why antisemitism?

Recently, someone asked me to write an article about antisemitism.

I am not writing this article because I am an expert on the subject. I am writing it because I care about and am concerned about it. I subscribe to the Jerusalem Post, a Jewish weekly, which features articles about the extent of this prejudice worldwide. Some nations are more intense, while others are seemingly indifferent to it. Those who have asked for this article want an answer as to why there is this widespread prejudice, while even the articles in the Post struggle to make sense of this world prejudice. I have asked myself the question about this hatred against the Jews. At this point, I want to clarify as to what is really going on in the antisemitic movement.

Antisemitism is not exclusively Jewish. Semitism refers to a class of people, including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic, that use a similar language. Those who belong to these groups are not persecuted; in fact, they can become the persecutors. The Germans, though, are notoriously remembered for the holocaust and are by no means the creators of prejudice against the Jews. Prejudice has been a part of Jewish history since Biblical times, i.e., The Book of Esther. The more significant issue is not antisemitism but anti-Jewish. So we ask the question, Why? Many answers have been given.

To be fair, we must address some things that appear true. Financially, the Jews seem to be very adept at accumulating wealth. It is also true that they have excelled in the arts. For many, they seem clannish. They have a religion that prohibits pork, lobsters, shrimp, and mingling intensely with the Gentiles. The more orthodox have strong beliefs about Sabbath observance and circumcision. These are just a few of the things that people bring up. It is almost as if there is a blind side to the fact that any group of people also have their idiosyncrasies.

It does not seem, then, that there are merely differences between the Jewish people and the rest of humanity. Should this produce the prejudice we see worldwide? It has to be more than lobotomy, beards, and black religious attire. And even a world opinion.

Pastor Says continued on page 14

Pet Parade


Paramore is the pet of the week at Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 3-year-old, 48-pound, female, Husky mix.

Paramore was a stray before being taken to a crowded shelter. When nobody claimed her, she was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS). She’s energetic, outgoing, and chatty.

Her $145 adoption fee includes medical exam, spay, vaccinations, microchip, and a one-year license if her home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society.

Visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society in Encinitas or log on to www. SDpets.org. Open 11 to 4 every day but Tuesday.

San Diego Humane Society is supporting families and their pets who need a little extra help.

Through the Community Pet Pantry, anyone can visit our campuses to pick up a bag of dog or cat food, and other supplies, as available.

No appointment is needed for this service. Hours are Tuesday-Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

El Cajon 373 N. Marshall Ave.

Escondido 3500 Burnet Drive

oceanside 572 Airport Road

san diego 5480 Gaines Street

Pet of the Week


Meet Marshmallow, a sweet and energetic boy who’s eager to win your heart! Marshmallow loves to spend time with people and is a favorite pal for all of the volunteers and his caregivers! This active pup is ready to be your partner in adventure, from hiking to camping and everything in between. Marshmallow will thrive with an active family who can meet his need for both mental and physical enrichment. Keeping him engaged and happy during downtime is key, as boredom can lead to some mischief (like chewing). He has a high prey drive and will need to go to a home with no cats or small animals. He can also guard high-value items from other dogs, so he’ll need to be the only canine in a home. Bring the entire family to the shelter to meet this this handsome husky if he sounds like the right match for you! If you’re ready to welcome this spirited adventurer into your life, visit San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Dr. to adopt Marshmallow (899819)! If you have questions about the adoption process, you can visit sdhumane.org/ adopt or call 619-299-7012.

Online profile: https://www.sdhumane.org/adopt/available-pets/animal-single.html?petId=899819

Pastor Huls

Computer factory

845 W. san marcos blvd. 760-744-4315 thecomputerfactory.net

Previously we posited that the AI (Artificial Intelligence) enhanced IW (intelligent web) was creating a “New Generations Gap”. The “Gap” between the DIs (digital immigrants) born before 1980 and the DNs (digital natives) born after 1995 is most pronounced. The group born between 1980 and 1995,“tweeners”, are between 30 to 45 years of age and a jumbled assortment of DNs and DIs depending on their level of exposure to the IW during their formative years. For the purpose of this discussion we’ll ignore them.

The 45 year old and older DIs grew to adulthood without access to the IW. They used traditional methods to gain and store knowledge. Their data storage and cognitive processes were internal. Without instant access to the IW’s external sources for answers and solutions, DIs often take conclusive action without direct and specific knowledge They use internal cognitive processes to evaluate related inter-

“I love him so much, but my dog ignores me. He doesn’t even care. I don’t think he’s ever going to love, or even like me!”

The woman had her dog for about a year. Instead of being her best friend, he was a rude roommate who ignored her, left a mess, tore up the yard, and jumped the fence to run away from her.

nally stored knowledge. We call it “thinking on your feet”

By contrast, most of the 30 and under DNs have had lifelong access to the resources of the IW. They have answers and solutions from an external source without the need for internal memory storage or cognitive processing. Access to the AI and data resources of the IW give DNs a way to get answers and solve problems without expending energy on internal cognitive processes. It’s the miracle of the IW and largely responsible for the “New Generations Gap”.

The “Gap” historically has been an expression of the youthful “coming of age” process. As the young matured they absorbed contemporary knowledge, technology and customs from their elders and eventually joined the adult community. In recent generations rapidly advancing technology began to reverse our traditional understanding of the “Generations Gap”.

Twentieth century communications and transport technology dramatically accelerated the uptake of new technologies. Major innovations like electrification, automobiles, and air travel grew from inception to common use within a generation. The DNs have grown up with, and are quick to adopt, the latest and greatest in technologies and products. We of the older DI generations are slow to switch away from older technologies and products. It’s a natural human instinct to “go with what you know”. The end result has been a modern day reversal of the “Generations Gap”. The technologies used in normal every-day modern living come

naturally to the younger generations because they aren’t required to abandon “old ways” in order to adopt “new ways”. Older adults reluctance to learn “new ways” are based on the questionable value of learning “new ways” when the “old ways” meet their needs.

Will future DNs armed with the AI enabled IW render obsolete the skilled occupations like teachers, engineers and medical doctors. After all anyone or any thing with a connection device has access to the sum of human knowledge. Does that mean that all the years of education and internal data storage pursued by professionals is simply redundant? Welcome to the “New Generations Gap”

For over a century the time honored means of measuring human intelligence has been the IQ test. For the entire 20th century the average gain in IQ test scores (the Flynn effect) has been about 3 points per decade. Then, between 2006 and

2018, IQ scores actually declined (the reverse Flynn effect)! Is it just a coincidence that that the decline in IQ test scores occurred in lockstep with our steadily increasing reliance on the IW as a substitute for internal cognition?

Is it also a coincidence that the group suffering the largest IQ declines were the 18-22 year old DNs who comprise the group with the most long term exposure to the IW?

We DIs will be long gone by the end of the 21st century and the DNs will be the left to determine the fate of mankind. It’s almost certain by then that human technology will be capable of accommodating all our survival and physical requirements. Life will be a breeze, so how will that effect us? Will we find new ways to challenge and improve our minds and bodies or will we become flabby, complacent slaves to our own technology? It’s entirely up to you DNs and we DIs be watching from upstairs.

1,000 Square Feet of “Another

Man’s Treasure”

Sleeping bags, back packs, seat cushions, luggage, suit bags, spray paint kits, books, periodicals stuffed animals, hard cover and paperback books, chinaware sets, glassware, National Geographics, speakers, printer ink refills, commemorative plates, wine kits, kitchenware, cameras, wifi/ cordless phones, umbrellas, onyx carvings, music and game CDs/DVDs, insulated sipper cups, flower vases, LED lanterns, desk top files, art glass, camp chairs with tote bags

And much, much more


Would he ever love her? COULD he ever love her?

All Day.com says that dogs do (or at least can) love us.

One report said dogs may even love us more than they love other dogs. Scientists took 12 dogs and exposed them to the smells of other dogs and the smells of their owners. The dogs picked the smells of their owners.

Dogs adjust to our moods. In this study, the dogs listened to the voices, grunts, and sighs made by their owners. They picked up on the mood changes in their humans’ voices. That’s why dogs wag when we’re happy and snuggle when we’re feeling down.

and puppies see their owners the same way that human babies see their parents. Like a frightened


dog will run to its owner.

cats and many other animals run away.

Last weekend I was lying in bed, watching a movie. I looked down and my dog was lying next to me, staring into my eyes. She did it for at least five minutes. Dogs only lock looks with humans, not with any other animals. Also…. Wolves don’t make eye contact.

Dogs love us and we love them, too. A hospital study measured brain activity of people looking at pictures of dogs and kids. Their brains showed emotion, reward, and social interaction when looking at the dogs.

Dogs understand our emotions. They put 18 dogs in a room with distressed people. Some of the dogs went to comfort the people they knew. Others went to strangers who seemed upset.

One morning the lady who didn’t think her dog would ever love her watched him jump on the bed and lie next to her. From that moment on, everything changed. I wonder if she quit trying so hard and he knew it was up to him to make it work.


Funniest Place from page 5

of must-see-destinations. Casino gambling has added to the list of new features which has caused a direct boast of a 1-2% increase of regional room occupancy, according to the Sullivan Tourism Association.

The changing times often come with a caveat: It’s not always for the better.

Keeping up with these times can be fodder for the cannons of comedians to take aim at: “It’s hard for me to get used to these changing times. I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty,” Jewish immortal, George Burns (18961996), once quipped. And traditions once thought to be unbreakable at the Borscht Belt, soon proved fragile at best. For instance, many staunch Jewish celebrities married Gentile (non-Jewish) women, such as George Burns, George Jessell, Phil Silvers, Bert Lahr, and all the Marx Brothers, to name but a few. All of which caused Jewish comedian Alan King to quip, “The rate of Jewish intermarriage is a serious problem. Scientists estimate that unless something can be done to stop intermarriage, in 100 years, the Jewish people will be reduced to a race of gorgeous blondes.”

Alan King (1927–2004) was easily a top-drawer comic and social commentator, a double-threat performer. He often made amusing observations: “A short summary of every Jewish holiday – ‘They tried to kill us; we won; let’s eat!’”

Times were, indeed, changing and with it came the demise of Vaudeville and the Borscht Belt as the once-revered proving-grounds for the fledgling Jewish entertainer. It was no more.

Though the Borscht Belt, physically, remains, it ceases to resemble its former self. Wistful memories and ghosts of another era seem to

be the lot of past vaudevillians and their precious Borscht Belt circuit.

In essence, it has vanished with the times.

It is estimated that 80% of American professional comics, today, are Jewish or of some Jewish heritage. It is a rich and varied legacy, like a magnificent golden thread which winds its way back, in serpentine fashion, to such luminaries in the ‘art of laughter’ as George Burns, Eddie Cantor, Jack Carter, Joey Bishop, Phil Silvers, Mel Brooks, Jackie Mason, and many others, long forgotten by many, today.

In several random polls conducted on the street, most of today’s younger generation, age 18 to 35 have never heard of Sid Caesar, Milton Berle, Jack Benny, Danny Kaye, Buddy Hackett, Red Buttons, or even Henny Youngman – all visionaries and the greatest of pioneers in our indispensable culture that is Americana. Today’s younger audiences are more-quick to chat-up details on Will Ferrell, Jack Black, Ricky Gervais, Dave Chappell, Bill Burr, Gabrial Iglesias, et al.

These current comedy stars merely stand aloft the shoulder blades of their predecessors, the giants of show-business who first blazed the way before them, and who set the standards by which everyone else is measured, today. Yet, these harbingers of yesteryear are now, sadly, requiem-quiet in most contemporary discussions of great comedians. Many are now unknown names, totally unrecognized by most of our current generation.

Such is life.

Not all change is for the better.

Anti-Semitism is still prevalent today.

The Borscht Belt still survives, but

The Paper

Owned & Operated by a Veteran lyle e davis

US Army, Entertainment Director 1957-1959 Brooke Army Hospital Fort Sam Houston, Texas War Correspondent South Vietnam 1967-68

Assimilated Grade/Rank Lt. Colonel, MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam)

“The state of Texas was never invaded while I was on duty at Fort Sam. You could look it up!”

under a different moon and ambience. It has been said that if one slowly strolls through the nouveau Borscht Belt today, under soft moonlight, on a quiet evening, sometimes a summer breeze will gently caress your face, as if whispering a reminder of another time, another world, and a bygone era. To some, it is suddenly 1950 again, and memories slowly escort you to a distant glow of a hotel ballroom, which is the source of occasional mirth and laughter. A Jewish comedian is holding court onstage and his delivered lines make you smile in your imagination: “You know you’re Jewish because your dog responds to Yiddish! And, you’re as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven! Yes, you’re Jewish! Because you have at least six male relatives named David, and also because you thought that yelling was normal!”

The memories can be bittersweet. You laugh, and perhaps wipe away a tear, or two. Where does the time go, you hear yourself ask out loud?

Memories have the good intention and tendency to serve up the best in life. And that is a good thing. When we are in our twilight years, memories are often all we truly have when we slowly begin to pack our bags in preparation for our final journey. In life, laughter remains our last refuge against the onslaught of an often cruel world. Whether one is Jewish or not, humour is a wonderful release, for it holds true that it is impossible for us to laugh and be angry at the

Chuckles from page 2

into the waiting room and said to my father, “I’m sorry. We did everything we could, but he pulled through anyway.”

I’m so ugly my mother had morning sickness AFTER I was born.

I remember the time that I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof.

Once when I was lost I saw a policeman, & asked him to help me find my parents. I said to him, “Do you think we’ll ever find them?” He said, “I don’t know kid. There’s so many places they can hide.”

My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.

I’m so ugly, I once worked in a pet shop, and people kept asking how big I’d get.

I went to see my doctor. “Doctor, every morning when I get up and I

same time.

Powerful antidote, laughter.

I can only imagine the legendary Borscht Belt. It was long before my time. But books and videos afford me passage to discover that rich, cultural history, waiting for me at this magical place.

In my imagination, I can now hear the legendary comics from the distant past, performing their ‘schtick’ at the legendary Borscht Belt.

They were unique.

A breed unto themselves.

According to present-day Jewish comedian, Billy Crystal, the original Jewish comedians were: “The kind of people who spoke mostly Yiddish, which is a combination of German and phlegm. This is a language of coughing and spitting; until I was eleven, I wore a raincoat.”

look in the mirror I feel like throwing up. What’s wrong with me?” He said: “Nothing, your eyesight is perfect.”

I went to the doctor because I’d swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. My doctor told me to have a few drinks and get some rest.

One year they wanted to make me a poster boy -- for birth control.

My uncle’s dying wish was to have me sitting in his lap; he was in the electric chair

A DC ‘airport ticket agent’ offers some examples of why the US is in so much trouble!

1. I had a New Hampshire Congresswoman ask for an aisle seat so that her hair wouldn’t get messed up by being near the window. (On an airplane!)

Friedrich Gomez

Sewer & Drains Cleaning

Scam from page 8

and leave without buying anything. But this is very rare.

Bottom line: There should only be one type of free -- the actual dictionary definition of free, which is that it costs you nothing.

How To Separate A Scam from a


Most of the “free” stuff you’re offered as a traveler is of marginal value, if not a scam. So how can you tell if a free travel perk is a good deal or just a marketing gimmick? Here are a few tips:

Review the fine print carefully.

Look for any restrictions or limitations on the offer. For example, a free night at a hotel might only be valid during certain times of the year or require a minimum stay.

The free miles you get with your card may be contingent on a big purchase -- which may land you in a lot of debt or compel you to spend money on flights you don’t need.

Consider the total cost of the trip. Don’t just focus on the freebie. Factor in all the other costs, such as airfare, accommodation, and activities. A “free” breakfast might not be such a good deal if the hotel room rate is inflated to cover the cost. (Note that in many countries, hotels include breakfast in the price of their room, and they usually don’t insult your intelligence by calling it “free.”)

Remember: If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Be careful of any offer that seems too good to pass up. Often, these

Business & Services

fraudulent offers are combined with pressure to act now. These “free” deals may be more than shady offers that will leave you with debt -- they might be true scams.

The worst thing about these “free” offers is that they distract you from what really matters. Research from Travelport, a global technology company behind travel bookings, suggests that while breakfast-included and courtesy shuttles to the airport are important, they are not the most important thing.

After price, the most important things are a generous luggage allowance, a reasonable ticket change policy and the ability to select a seat -- all things that customer-friendly airlines do without forcing you to join their loyalty programs or signing up for a credit card.

The “free” trap is a cleverly crafted illusion, designed to make you believe you’re getting something for nothing. But the truth is, you’ll pay for it in other ways – whether it’s through inflated prices, hidden fees, or the opportunity cost of choosing a subpar option. By seeing through the illusion, you can make rational decisions -- and avoid getting taken for a ride.

Christopher Elliott is an author, consumer advocate, and journalist. He founded Elliott Advocacy, a nonprofit organization that helps solve consumer problems. He publishes Elliott Confidential, a travel newsletter, and the Elliott Report, a news site about customer service. If you need help with a consumer problem, you can email him at chris@elliott.org.

Pastor Says from page 10

Biblical history will reveal some of this enigma. Centuries ago, Abraham had an encounter with the God of creation, and he was to be the spokesman for this God who claimed to be the only God with both the law and a promise for man’s destiny. Not only did Abraham have this, but all his descendants would be the chosen people out of all humanity to have this distinction. These people would be the challenge against the evil that plagued humanity. We can argue against this, but the Bible clearly tells us who these people are. That issue is being worked out with this issue today. Much of the hatred and anger is centered on what people believe. That includes the Palestinian issue.

Is it God’s issue? And yet, it is so much more than we human beings are trying to understand the reasons for this resentment and even hatred against the Jews. As I said, I am no expert in this area or on this subject. If God, in fact, is solving this world’s ills by choosing the Jews to represent Him in the conflict with the evil force of Satan, so be it. How do the Jewish people solve this? God says he is to be righteous and keep the ultimate commandment to love God with one’s whole being and one’s neighbor as oneself.

Pastor Huls


Water from page 7

agencies to develop long-term, local water reliability is a key component of the Water Authority’s mission. In fact, a growing number of local water sources across the San Diego region are managed by local retail agencies — and they are critical to ensuring long-term supply reliability. Local projects reduce demand on imported supplies and provide local agencies with more control.

In San Diego County, agencies are investing in seawater desalination, water recycling and water purification to create the water reliability our region needs to thrive.

What does the future of water look like for San Diego County?

Even in very dry years, regional investments mean there’s sufficient water to sustain our economy and quality of life. In fact, the region has done such a good job securing water, that it’s talking with other agencies across the Southwest about selling some of locally controlled water to combat rate increases in the county and support the larger regional economy.

For more information about San Diego’s water sources, visit https://www.sdcwa.org/your-water/.

Chuckles from page 12

2. I got a call from a Kansas Congressman’s staffer who wanted to go to Cape Town . I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information, and then he interrupted me with, “I’m not trying to make you look stupid, but Cape Town is in Massachusetts.’’

Without trying to make him look stupid, I calmly explained, “Cape Cod is in Massachusetts, Cape Town is in South Africa ..’’

His response -- click.

3. A senior Vermont Congressman called, furious about a Florida package we did. I asked what was wrong with the vacation in Orlando. He said he was expecting an ocean-view room. I tried to explain that’s not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the state.

He replied, ‘Don’t lie to me!, I looked on the map, and Florida is a very THIN state!!’’ (OMG)

4. I got a call from a lawmaker’s wife who asked, “Is it possible to see England from Canada ?’’

I said, “No.’’ She said, “But they look so close on the map’’ (OMG, again!)

5. An aide for a cabinet member once called and asked if he could rent a car in Dallas. I pulled up the reservation and noticed he had only a 1-hour layover in Dallas. When I asked him why he wanted to rent a car, he said, “I heard Dallas was a big airport, and we will need a car to drive between gates to save time.’’ (Aghhhh)

6. An Illinois Congresswoman called last week. She needed to know how it was possible that her flight from Detroit left at 8:30 a.m., and got to Chicago at 8:33 a.m.

I explained that Michigan was an hour ahead of Illinois, but she couldn’t understand the concept of time zones. Finally, I told her the plane went fast, and she bought that.

7. A New York lawmaker called and asked, “Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know whose luggage belongs to whom?’’ I said, “No, why do you ask?”

He replied, “Well, when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my luggage that said (FAT), and I’m overweight. I think that’s very rude!’’

Offers Residents A Myriad Of Programs & Opportunities

Join the Sheriff’s Volunteer Program

Looking for a way to give back and make Vista an even better place to live? The Vista Sheriff’s Volunteer Program may be just what you’re looking for.

Who Can Join?

They are looking for volunteers aged 50 and older who want to make a positive impact in Vista. As a Sheriff Volunteer, you’ll help fill your spare time with meaningful service while working alongside others in a supportive, Vista-based program.

What Do Volunteers Do?

Sheriff Volunteers assist deputies with a variety of important duties, including:

• Patrolling neighborhoods and parks.

• Providing traffic control.

• Monitoring for suspicious activities near schools.

• Enforcing handicap parking violations.

• Watching for illegal fires from local hilltops.

free Vacation Checks

A unique service offered by Vista Volunteers is the Free Vacation Check Program. When residents are away, volunteers perform daily checks on their homes, ensuring they’re safe, secure, and damagefree.

You are Not alone (YaNa) Program

Another critical service is the You Are Not Alone (YANA) Program, which supports homebound elderly and disabled residents. Volunteers check in with YANA participants daily, conduct routine visits, and build lasting, meaningful relationships with those they serve.

Requirements to Join

• Be at least 50 years old.

• Hold a valid California driver’s license and insurance.

• Pass a routine background check.

• Be physically and emotionally able to perform the duties.

• Complete a two-week volunteer academy.

• Commit to at least one six-hour patrol shift per week.

What You’ll Gain

As a volunteer, you’ll receive training in police radio and patrol car operations, neighborhood observation, graffiti reporting, and more. You’ll patrol in pairs, developing friendships with fellow volunteers and creating strong connections within the community—all while providing invaluable service to Vista.

How to Volunteer

Are you ready to step up and make a difference in Vista? For more information about the Free Vacation Checks, YANA Program, or becoming a Vista Sheriff Volunteer, contact the Vista Volunteers’ Office at 760.940.4434.

Healthy meals & support services for Vista’s seniors

Congregate Lunch Service

Nutritious weekday lunches are available for adults 60+ for a $4 suggested contribution. Guests under 60 pay $8.

First-time attendees must complete a San Diego County intake form. Reservations: Call 760-643-5288

or visit the lunch desk. Reserve by 1 pm one business day in advance for daily lunches or one week in advance for special events.

Lunch Details

Meals are served at 12 pm, with beverages available at 11 am. Kitchen closes at 12:45 pm. Leftovers may be taken home in personal containers (no disposables provided).

To-Go Meals: Offered to on-site diners when available.

Transportation for Lunch

Transportation is available for eligible Vista residents 60+ who cannot drive.

Must register and be ambulatory. Operates Monday–Friday (closed holidays). Suggested contribution: $1 per trip.

Home Meal Delivery

Home-delivered meals are available for qualifying Vista residents 60+ who are homebound and unable to perform two or more daily activities independently.

sTaTEmENT of abaNdoNmENT of usE of fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE: 2025-9000157

All Aces Bail Bonds, located at 380 S. Melrose Dr., Suite 311, Vista, CA 92081. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 11/23/2022 and assigned file no. 2022-9025738.



Ace Bail Bonds, Inc., 380 S. Melrose Dr., Suite 11, Vista, CA 92081. This business is conducted by a Corporation. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000).

/s/Josh Mubaak, President

This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 1/3/2025.

1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000158

The name of the business: All Aces Bail Bonds, 531 Encinitas Blvd., #201, Encinitas, CA 92024. Registrant, EZ Bail Ventures, Inc., 531 Encinitas Blvd., #201, Encinitas, CA 92024. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 1/3/2025

/s/ Payuren Zaet, Owner/President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/3/2025

1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000801

The name of the business: Liquid Foundation, located at 4254 Fanuel Street, Pacific Beach, CA 92109. Registrant, Todd Lewis Bartlett, 4254 Fanuel Street, Pacific Beach, CA 92109. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 12/17/2024

/s/ Todd Lewis Bartlett with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/14/2025

1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001047

The name of the business: Fidelity Bonding & Insurance Agency, located at 736 N. Tremont St., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Melvin William Raynes, 603 Stargaze Dr., #606, Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/15/1949

/s/ Melvin William Raynes with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/16/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001047

The name of the business: Fidelity Bonding & Insrance Agency, located at 736 N. Tremont St., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Melvin William Raynes, 603 Stargaze Dr., #606, Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/15/1949

/s/ Melvin William Raynes with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/16/2025

1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss


sTaTEmENT 2025-9000573

The name of the business: San Mar-

cos Kumon Math & Reading Center, located at 1001 W. San Marcos Blvd., Ste 140, San Marcos, CA 92078-7000. Registrant, Purnendu Chakraborty, 1001 W. San Marcos Blvd., Ste 140, San Marcos, CA 92078-7000. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Purnendu Chakraborty with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/9/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss


sTaTEmENT 2025-9000615

The name of the business: Pinezanita RV Park & Campgrounds, Camp Julian, Pinezanita RV Community, Pinezanita RV Park, Julian RV Park, located at 4448 Highway 79, Julian, CA 92038. Registrant, Apple Ridge RV And Camp LLC, 2991 Sacramento St., #215, Berkeley, CA 94702. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Dustin Kircher, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/10/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000867

The name of the business: Nourish Beauty Bar, Nourish Beauty Bar & Wellness, located at 3077 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant, Katherine Ann Bobeck, 3550 Summit Trail Ct., Carlsbad, CA 92010. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/14/2025 /s/ Katherine Bobeck with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/14/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000888

The name of the business: OHM Sanker Restaurant LLC DBA Jesse’s Kitchen “La Cucina” Indian & Italian Restaurant, located at 1415 S. Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028. Registrant, OHM Sanker Restaurant LLC, 308 Sunbird Court, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 1/12/2023 /s/ Jaspal S. Garg, Manager with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/15/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000468

The name of the business: Freebird Beauty Lounge, located at 2216 S. El Camino Real #202, Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Carina Maria Cisneros, 1629 Havenwood Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Carina Maria Cisneros with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/8/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000839

The name of the business: JDI Hood Cleanings and Services, located at 564 Woods Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Jared Dean Inns, 564 Woods Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Jared Dean Inns with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/14/2025 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000576

The name of the business: Daniel Bonillas Mercado, Daniel B Mercado, Daniel Mercado, Dean Mercado (as of November 5, 2020) located at c/o 502 East San Ysidro Boulevard Suite C, San Ysidro California 92173. Registrant, Daniel Bonillas Mercado Trustee, c/o 502 East San Ysidro Boulevard Suite C, San Ysidro, California 92173. This business is operated by a Trust. First day of business: September 26, 1983 /s/ Daniel Mercado with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/9/2025 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000650

The name of the business: B Supply, located at 14174 Sun Rocks Dr., Valley Center, CA 92082. Registrant, Serg Bidoyan, 14174 Sun Rocks Dr., Valley Center, CA 92082. This business is operated by


an Individual. First day of business: 1/10/2025 /s/ Serg Bidoyan with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/10/2025 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001142

The name of the business: SW Suspended Ceilings, located at 300 Carlsbad Village Dr., #108A, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Registrant, Spencer Daryl Wenzek, 300 Carlsbad Village Dr., #108A, Carlsbad, CA 92008. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 2/4/2020 /s/ Spencer Wenzek with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/17/2025

1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001617

The name of the business: Subway #45973, located at 6994 El Camino Real Suite 1090, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Registrant, Dana Pani Corporation, 6994 El Camino Real Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: N/A /s/ Sukhwinder Saini, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/23/2025

1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9024823

The name of the business: Groovelash By Alexis, located at 334 Main St., Ste B, Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Alexis Marie Mcardle, 1733 Via Allena, Oceanside, CA 92058. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Alexis Marie Mcardle with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/18/2024 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001585

The name of the business: The J & M Co, Thejandmco, The J And M Co., The J&M Co, Jam4rt, located at 3241 Rancho Arroba, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Registrant, Marlo Shizuko Yoshimoto, 3241 Rancho Arroba, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Marlo Shizuko Yoshimoto with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/23/2025 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001580

The name of the business: BMW Motorcycles of Escondido, 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd Suite 102, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Powersports Unlimited Inc., 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd. Suite 102, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 3/8/2010 /s/ Michael G. Findlay, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/23/2025 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001581

The name of the business: Moto San Diego, 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 102, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Powersports Unlimited Inc., 1040 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 102, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 7/15/2024 /s/ Michael G. Findlay, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/23/2025 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001812

The name of the business: CK Safety, located at 647 Shenandoah Ave., San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant,

Christopher John Kotkiewicz, 647 Shenandoah Ave., San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Christopher John Kotkiewicz with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/27/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001877

The name of the business: Lilac Vista Ranch, located at 8921 Nelson Way, Escondido, CA 92026. Registrant, Michael Edward Reichenberger, 8921 Nelson Way, Escondido, CA 92026, Susan Domling Reichenberger, 8921 Nelson Way, Escondido, CA 92026. This business is operated by a General Partnership. First day of business: 12/4/2016

/s/ Christopher Susan Domling Reichenberger with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/28/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001540

The name of the business: Spectra 8, located at 1276-D Auto Park Way, #437, Escondido, CA 92029. Registrant, Spectra Research Supplies, LLC, 1276-D Auto Park Way, #437, Escondido, CA 92029. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A

/s/ Chusing Tsuel, Managing Member with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/23/2025 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001047

The name of the business: Fidelity Bonding & Insurance Agency, located at 736 N. Tremont St., Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Melvin William Raynes, 603 Seagaze Dr., #606, Ocanside, CA 92084. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/15/1949 /s/ Melvin William Raynes with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/16/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000014

The name of the business: Costa Fresh Cleaning, located at 250 Espanas Glen, Escondido, CA 92026. Registrant, Dazzling Diamond Cleaning, 1507 E. Valley Pkwy, Ste 3 #393, Escondido, CA 92027. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 12/30/2024 /s/ Ana Delia Juarez, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/2/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9000843

The name of the business: Los Cabos Fish Market, located at 403 North Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92084. Registrant, Alfonso Segura, 403 North Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92084, Yolanda Segura, 403 North Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92084. This business is operated by a Married Couple. First day of business: N/A /s/ Yolanda Segura with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/14/2025 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001334

The name of the business: Wild Tide, located at 2930 Norman Strasse Rd., Ste 109, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Wild Tide Beverages, LLC, 2930 Norman Strasse Rd., Ste 109, San Marcos, CA, 92069. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: N/A /s/ Kelsey Chersterfield, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/21/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002202

The name of the business: Johnny’s Barber Shop, located at 3549 Mission Ave., Suite D, Oceanside, CA 92058. Registrant, Carmen Rocha, 3549 Mission Ave., Suite D, Oceanside, CA 92058. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 12/1/2020 /s/ Carmen Rocha with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002201

The name of the business: Esquire Barber Shop, located at 412 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054. Registrant, Carmen Rocha, 412 Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 7/1/2021

/s/ Carmen Rocha with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002271

The name of the business: Te Auto Service, located at 380 Engle Street, Escondido, CA 92029. Registrant, Te Motorsports LLC, 231 Lincoln Parkway, Escondido, CA 92026. This business is operated by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business: 6/1/2018 /s/ Marisol Ortiz, Manager with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/2025

2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9001750

The name of the business: Flow Control Plumbing, located at 5452 Andrew Jackson Street, Oceanside, CA 92057. Registrant, Flow Control Plumbing Inc., PO Box 2713, Oceanside, CA 92061, . This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 12/30/2024 /s/ Ignacio O. Cuban with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/27/2025 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2024-9023883

The name of the business: Mabuti, Mabuti Health, Mabuti Fitness, located at 1740 La Costa Meadows Dr., #250, San Marcos, CA 92078. Registrant, Jayden Evan Tumiwa, 8700 Gilman Dr., PMB 119, La Jolla, CA 92093. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Jayden Evan Tumiwa with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 12/4/2024 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002762

The name of the business: Gardener’s Aide and Home Gardener’s Aid, located at 218 Inez Way, Oceanside, CA 92057. Registrant, Robert Lee Warner, 218 Inez Way, Oceanside, CA 92057. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: N/A /s/ Robert Lee Warner with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/7/2025 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30/2024

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002944

The name of the business: Grace Home Goods, Grace home Goods Co., located at 532 Camino De Amor, Ramona, CA 92065. Registrant, Jason Landon Pike, POB 27232, San Diego, CA 92198. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 2/10/2025 /s/ Jason Landon, Pike, General Partner with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/11/2025 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002408

The name of the business: Blessed Feet Studios, Inc., Blessed Feet Studios, located at 970 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 202, San Marcos, CA 92069. Registrant, Blessed Feet Studios, Inc., 970 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 202, San Marcos, CA 92069. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 12/1/2024 /s/ Cassandra Bair, CEO with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/4/2025 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

sTaTEmENT of abaNdoNmENT of usE of fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE: 2025-9002407

Blessed Feet Studios, located at 292 E. Barham Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 10/17/2022 and assigned file no. 2022-9022988.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Manna World Ministries, Inc., 292 E. Barham Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078. This business is conducted by a Corporation. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/Darin Vey, CFO This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 2/4/2025. 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

sTaTEmENT of abaNdoNmENT of usE of fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE: 2025-9002859

Cura Consulting, located at 2922 Panorama Crest, Escondido, CA 92029. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 8/14/2020 and assigned file no. 2020-9013599. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Brenda Ornellas DBA Cura Consulting, 2922 Panorama Crest, Escondido, CA 92029. This business is conducted by an Individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/Brenda Ornellas This statement was filed with the San Diego Recorder/County clerk on 2/10)/2025. 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002860

The name of the business: Cura Consulting, Inc., located at 2922 Panorama Crest, Escondido, CA 92029. Registrant, Cura Consulting, Inc., 2922 Panorama Crest, Escondido, CA 92029. This business is operated by a Corporation. First day of business: 2/7/2025

/s/ Brenda Ornellas, President with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/10/2025

2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

fiCTiTious busiNEss NamE

sTaTEmENT 2025-9002138

The name of the business: Head Trip, located at 6968 Saint Andrews Rd., Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067. Registrant, Pam Theodosakis, PO Box 2804, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067. This business is operated by an Individual. First day of business: 1/30/2025

/s/ Pam Theodosakis with Jordan Z. Marks, SD County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/30/2025

2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13/2025

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