March 5 issue

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March 5, 2015

Est. 1948

Volume 67 | Issue 7

the pace press

Student spends fall interning for White House MELISSA VARGAS Arts Editor In the fall of 2014, senior Communications studies student Opal Vadhan embarked on a journey that would change her life. She had been selected to take part in the White House Internship Program. As Vadhan explains, “she had to pack up her life, and move to D.C. in one week.” The Pace Press sat down with Vadhan to get the details of how she was able to participate in one of the most competitive internship programs in the country.

Opal Vadhan at the White House in Washington, DC Instagram

The Pace Press: You were a Communications Superstar, then you left to DC to go the White House. How did that happen? Opal Vadhan: It was never a part of my plan, which I think is super important to let people know. I never thought I was qualified for politics. I didn’t think I had the tough skin, I didn’t think I was smart enough or knew enough. And it kind of just wasn’t a part of my plan. As someone who plans everything, this was a huge risk that I just went for. I used to intern at MSNBC and one of the producers who worked there was former White House Intern. And she was like “you know what, you should apply. I loved it you should apply.” I looked online and saw articles that said that everyone was from Yale, Cornell, Harvard from all these IVY league schools, or they

had someone who donated to a campaign and that’s how they got it. I didn’t think I was smart enough, and my family definitely did not have the money to donate to a campaign, but she had put the idea in my head. So I reached out to someone I had met when I was 17, while I was working as a sales associate at Lacoste. Her name is Val. She came to shop one day and she was working in the finance department for a Senator. I dressed her for an event and she was like “thank you for your help, here’s my card, stay in touch.” We emailed back and forth a few times, and I connected with her on Linkedin. Fast-forward to few years later, I was on her LinkedIn said saw she was a former White House intern. So years later, I reached back out to her through LinkedIn, I was like “Hey Val, I hope you are doing well. I want to know if you have any advice because I’m thinking of applying to The White House Internship Program. So she replied and was like “oh my gosh, you have to apply. You would be wonderful. It was one the best things I’ve done.” So I felt like it was two different people telling me to do this so I thought, ‘let me just try.’ Even it wasn’t for Val’s push, I don’t think I would’ve even applied. And it just shows the power of networking, and also social networks that 4 years later, I was able to connect with her. So I did the application, it took me forever. Definitely, the toughest application I’ve ever

WHITE HOUSE continued on PAGE 5

Review: Page 5

INSIDE @thepacepress




Famed childrens author reveals new book

Pantone reveals color of the year

Successful author confesses to plagiarism

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March 5, 2015

THE PACE PRESS EDITORIAL BOARD Erick Mancebo Editor-In-Chief Christian Gomez Executive Editor Marc Saggese Advertising Manager Maximilliano Onofre News Editor Melissa Vargas Arts Editor


Courtney Michelle Johnson Features Editor

Airbnb rises in success

Brianda Agramonte Distribution Manager Dr. Stephanie Hsu Faculty Consultant

The Pace Press is the student newspaper of Pace University’s New York City Campus. It is managed and operated entirely by members of the student body as it appears above. The Pace Press welcomes guest editorials and letters from students, faculty, administration and staff. The Pace Press reserves the right to not publish any submitted material, both solicited and unsolicited. All submissions must include the author’s full name and contact information. The Pace Press 41 Park Row, Rm. 902 New York, NY 10038 Copyright 2015

ARIZE LEE Contributor

Airbnb has made a huge impact on the ‘sharing economy’, revolutionizing the hospitality industry. Anyone can sign up as hosts, post pictures of their home space and charge guests to live there per night. Users have rented out their spare bedrooms, apartments or castles to interested travelers from around the world. Airbnb’s concept appears farfetched to many but it now has 20 million users and 800,000+ listings, more listings than any other existing hotel chain. The business began in 2007 when roommates, Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky, then both 27 and financially struggling, rented out airbeds in their living room to three attendees of a design conference in San Francisco. The two realized the potential of the business model and created a website,, charging $85 a night. After further successes, they contacted Nathan Blecharczyk, 29, a computer science graduate and Gebbia’s former flatmate, to develop the website. In 2009, Airbnb received $20,000 of funding from angel investor, Paul Graham, then $600,000 from venture capitalists. They started to incur profits by charging the host three per cent for bookings and the traveler, six to 12 percent. In late 2010, they raised $7.2 million from venture capitalists. In May 2011, Airbnb acquired substantial funding and media support from actor Ashton Kutcher, now a strategic advisor on their board. The business grew exponentially into the $13 billion dollar valued giant it is today. Yet the safety and legality of Airbnb has been under question for years. Hosts do not pay the 14% tax that hotels do and all residences are not subject to safety regulations (eg. sprinklers and signs to exits). Airbnb puts the responsibility on hosts to comply with their state and national laws but some officials do not think that is enough. Burt Helmin in the article, Airbnb Is Inc.’s 2014 Company of the Year, mentioned recent New York State legal issues with

the company. “In October, New York State attorney general Eric Schneiderman issued a report finding that 72 percent of Airbnb’s 25,500 New York listings violate hotel and housing laws, and that the hosts likely owe the state $33 million in unpaid taxes. The city recently sued two…mega hosts for running illegal hotels in empty apartment buildings they own, adding fuel to housing advocates’ cries that Airbnb is driving up rental prices by reducing the city’s inventory of housing,” Burt wrote. Airbnb representatives are working on abiding by the laws of different localities and now collect taxes for listings in San Francisco, Portland and Oregon. Freshman Zakiya Sims disagrees with such actions. “I don’t think there’s any problem with it. I don’t feel that there’s an issue. People should be able to rent their rooms out to people who are gonna buy it. And why keep an abandoned house unoccupied? Let people live in it who need it,” she explained. Airbnb is not perfect and they have received complaints about guests damaging homes. The company presently offers each host a $1 million guarantee, backed by Llyod’s of London, and advertises 24/7 customer service. Serious issues are rare however, evidenced by 1,700 reports for property damage being made in 2013, out of 550,000 listings with six million guest stays. Safety and comfort concerns are mitigated by the rating system on the site. Hosts rate their guests and vice versa to inform Airbnb users of the level of satisfaction both parties had, during their experience. Yet sophomore Michael Brown strongly objects to anyone using Airbnb. “I can just take pictures of an area in my house and then strangers will come up and say “Oh. I wanna sleep there!”…But you don’t know them. They could just mug you or kill you,” Brown stated, “People go through various ways in order to hurt people and rob them and I think it would just create more victims for those kinda crimes.”

Correction: We have been advised of a misstatement in our article dated Feb. 20, 2015. It was reported that the loss at the Westchester locations slightly increased in fiscal year 2014. However, the losses were less than initially reported, instead marking a second consecutive year of improvements at the Westchester locations. Specifically, the operating result at Pleasantville improved by approximately $1.5 million in FY14, putting the year’s losses at about $8 million.

March 5, 2015


Presidential women on the rise SARAH HARTZELL Arts Intern

With every passing day, it becomes more likely that the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016 will be a woman. Hillary Clinton is the obvious frontrunner, but other women have been gaining prominence and speculation as to possible presidential runs. Democrats and Republicans alike are placing higher value on female politicians as of late and the possibility of a woman in the White House come 2016 is not unlikely. The most prominent woman in politics is, of course, Hillary Clinton, as she has had a long and high-profile career in politics. After her two terms as First Lady, she served for eight years as Senator from New York and then four years as President Obama’s Secretary of State. Her presidential campaign in 2008 was the most competitive for Obama and she is seen by many as the heir apparent to the Democratic Party. Clinton’s status has recently been challenged, though, by Elizabeth Warren. The subject of a recent online campaign, #RunWarrenRun, Warren has a huge following of supporters urging her to run in 2016. The junior Senator from Massachusetts is a favorite of young Democrats for her liberal economic policies and her fight for student loan reform. She has made headlines for her honest criticism of campaign finance, as well as her potential opponent Hillary Clinton. Warren has previously said that she will not be running in the upcoming campaign, but she would not be the first candidate to break this promise— Obama said the same thing in 2006. Kristen Gillibrand is the third in this

trinity of powerful Democratic women. She is a Senator from New York and won her reelection in 2012 with 72% of the vote. She worked on Clinton’s senatorial campaign in 2000, and she cites Clinton as the reason she got into politics. In Congress, she played an important role in repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and has worked to get more women to run for Congress. On the other side of the aisle, Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress and could potentially be the GOP’s candidate in 2016. She has served as a representative from Washington since 2004 and is the Vice Chairman of the House Republican Conference. She works with some of the most conservative members of the House, but has also called for more modern policies for the party, so she has the potential to appeal to a broad range of Republicans. Another big name in the GOP is Pam Bondi, the Attorney General of Florida. Bondi was the leader of the movement to overturn the Affordable Care Act and gained notoriety for her speech at the Republican National Convention in 2012. From Wall Street comes Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and the fastest-rising star of the GOP. While she does not have any political credits to her name, she has gained publicity recently for her harsh criticism of Hillary Clinton and her speaking engagements at a number of conservative functions. There is still quite a bit of time before campaigns begin in earnest, but there is a good chance that any or all of these women will be on the ballot in 2016. Whether or not America is ready for a female president, these women certainly are and they are prepared to shatter the glass ceiling of the White House.

Famed children’s author Dr. Seuss reveals new book EMMA TAUBENFELD Contributor For fans of cats in hats and green eggs, a new book is scheduled for release this summer entitled “What Pet Should I Get?” written by the ever-famous Dr. Seuss. His familiar rhymes, clever wording, and stellar illustrations have been passed down through the generations providing children with the joy of reading. While preparing to remodel her home in La Jolla, San Diego, Seuss’s widow, Audrey Geisel, discovered a box filled with sketches and text from her husband, Theodor Seuss Geisel who passed away at the age of 87 in 1991. “What Pet Should I Get?” is a previously unissued manuscript that was completed decades ago, but never made to publishing. Random House publishing company will be putting out the new children’s book along with at least two more books based off the findings uncovered in Geisel’s home. The book features the same characters as one of Dr. Seuss’ better-known books, “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish”. The young boy and girl rhyme the names of pets in order to choose the best one. The plans for this

book were assumed to be written between the years of 1958 and 1962 considering this was around the time “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” came about. The newly discovered materials of Dr Seuss will be kept in the University of California in La Jolla, San Diego library, which was renamed the Geisel Library in 1995. Dr. Seuss’ work is legendary as he changed the world of books forever. Rhyming became fun and reading became enjoyable. Dr. Seuss made children want to learn to read. His imaginary world’s and alternate worlds encouraged imagination as reality was skewed in a way that made children excited to read. “Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities,”, Seuss stated. People of all ages are celebrating the renewal of Dr. Seuss. In addition to his new published work, it is also almost the 25 year anniversary of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Dr. Seuss encouraged learning and emphasized its importance by making learning something valuable and exhilarating. He heartened individuality as one of his most famous quotes states, “A person is a person no matter how small”. This new publication is not only a Dr. Seuss comeback, but also a tribute to the legacy he has left behind to this day.


USA Today

March 5, 2015



Cast of “Jane the Virgin” welcome Rita Moreno

TRACI ANN THOMAS Arts Intern One of the most surprising new hits of the 2014-15 season came from the CW. It wasn’t another supernatural thriller or live-action superhero production (although “The Flash” has picked up on ratings in the last month). It’s an American telenovela about a young virgin woman who gets accidentally pregnant artificially and the crazy life that follows her afterwards. “Jane the Virgin” has been a constant favorite for Monday night viewers since its premiere back in October. It even holds a “certified fresh” 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, thanks to its charming and engaging characters and an ever-growing story. A rarely untouched theory is that the People’s Choice Winner for best new program may be this decade’s “Ugly Betty”, another hit American show that’s based off a popular telenovela. At the time of its early run, “Betty” was a ratings magnet for ABC with its own group of dynamic and eclectic characters, it was another show where you were rooting for the eponymous title character. Gina Rodriguez plays Jane Gloriana Villanueva, a 23-year old virgin who is hardworking, caring, religious, and very familyoriented. Rodriguez’s portrayal of Jane has already earned her praise from critics and fans. She even won her first Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy within the show’s first couple months. Her win brought a huge smile to the Hispanic community, as it has been quite a while since a Latina actress has been recognized in the film and television world in such a manner. “This award is so much more than myself,” she tearfully states during her speech. “It represents a culture that wants to see themselves as heroes.” Such words have rung so prominently that when

Rodriguez posted a “family photo” with her tv parents (Andrea Navedo and Jaime Camil) and Film/TV legend Rita Moreno on Instagram, her fan base went crazy. Rita Moreno, 83 has been gracing the big and small screen since 1950’s; her talents have placed her in the prestigious group of entertainers who have won a Tony, Grammy, an Emmy and an Oscar. Her Oscar win comes from one her most recognized roles: Anita in 1961 film version of West Side Story. Moreno’s win was significant, as she was the second Puerto Rican to receive an Oscar. Coincidentally, she was the only main Puerto Rican character from the movie who was actually of Hispanic descent; Natalie Wood (Maria) came from Russian

“This award is so much more than myself. It represents a culture that wants to see themselves as heroes.” -Gina Rodriguez descent and George Chakiris (Bernardo) came from Greek roots. Moreno went on to do many different projects and continues to act today; her most recent high-profile project was a voice-over appearance in 2014’s “Rio 2”. The possibility of an appearance by Rita Moreno on a future episode of Jane the Virgin is high but still unclear when this will happen. Since Rodriguez’s Instagram post a few weeks ago, Moreno has not appeared in any of the following episodes nor have there been any promotional announcements from the CW for a guest appearance. We’ll see if the photo is a dream come true or just a dream. Jane the Virgin airs on the CW on Mondays at 8pm.


NBC celebrates 40 years of “Saturday Night Live” TRACI ANN THOMAS Arts Intern It was “Live from New York!” on Sunday, Jan. 15th as show creator Lorne Michaels and all of NBC celebrated 40 years of “Saturday Night Live.” Studio 8H was packed with SNL alumni, celebrities, athletes and musicians, when the three and a half hour broadcast started off with a bang as fan-favorites Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake gave a nostalgic cold opening. The monologue was then put into the hands of hosting legends like Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, to recent favorites like Melissa MacCarthy and Chris Rock. “SNL 40” was a night to remember and honor what made the show a pioneer in late nigte comedy. Classic sketches were revisited, such as Celebrity Jeopardy, led by Will Ferrell as Alex Trebek, with a slew of new

and old celebrity impressionists. “SNL 40” was an event not just for the bringing back our favorite cast member, it was a history lesson on what made the show a hit. Original cast members were highlighted for their ongoing influences to the traditional SNL regime; like Chevy Chase, 71, who the first anchor of the ‘Weekend Update’ segment and the show’s first breakout star, while alumni members like Jane Curtin and Dan Akroyd were placed into their original characters in revamped sketches. Curtin, who was the first female anchor on ‘Weekend Update,’ joined Amy Poehler and Tina Fey in an ‘Update’ segment that honored late members Gilda Radnor and Chris Farley as celebrities Emma Stone and Melissa MacCarthy reenacted their favorite characters. Edward Norton later tried to do his best Stefon impression, while Bill Hader (as Stefon), returned to assist and give Norton some pointers. One of the most anticipated moments of the

night turned out to be one of the biggest let-downs. Within the weeks leading up to the ceremony, SNL’s social media pages promoted the show by announcing who would be showing up to the event. One of the biggest surprises for longtime SNL fans was the announcement that Eddie Murphy would be joining the festivities. Murphy, 53, got his start with the SNL crew back in 1980 when he was only 19. At the time, the show was still struggling with ratings, even after five years on the air. But at the time, the show was in need of a fresh start to bring in the laughs. “Eddie Murphy saved the show!” says Chris Rock, whose monologue to introduce Murphy reminded us of his standup performance that bought unused time when a live broadcast almost went dead. He went on to say, “Everything [Murphy] did was a hit… [t]here is no next Eddie Murphy.” Rock’s roaring words prepared us for what was a disappointment; as Eddie Murphy only spent 60 seconds on stage showing his gratitude and thanking everyone for their appreciation. The show also included musical performances from Paul McCartney, Miley Cyrus, Kanye West and Paul Simon. West’s performance in particular was the most trending; the rapper performed in a small, claustrophobic stage. The eccentric performance was a medley which included “Jesus Walks,” “Only One” and “Wolves,” his new unreleased single. Kanye also ended up a hot button subject for Mike Myers and Dana Carvey’s return to ‘Wayne’s World,’ as the two made reference to West’s Grammy moment from the previous week. Kanye, luckily, took the jokes in good spirit. NBC had a successful Sunday night pull, as up to 26 million viewers tuned in to watch the event. It was a night to celebrate Lorne Michael’s efforts and leadership in keeping a show that, at the time, was considered a taboo and reckless to put on television. Now, it’s a part of many individuals’ weekly scheudule. “Saturday Night Live may be an international sensation, but I think of it most as a New York tradition,” says Robert De Niro, whose words reminded viewers that in the 40 years that it has been on air, Saturday Night Live is an original New York City gem.



March 5, 2015

Rapper Drake drops surprise mixtape, ties Beatles record ALVARAO GAMBOA Contributor If you’re reading this, it’s too late to not have an opinion on Drake as a person, rapper and artist. Late Thursday night on Feb. 12 when Drake dropped his mixtape “If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late,” then releasing it as an album instead, he had hopes of capitalizing on the general public’s opinion of him with a surprise album. Following the latest trend stemming from Beyoncé and J. Cole, this album was dropped with no promotion and garnered 500,000+ sales in four days and 25 million Spotify streams in one week—strictly off of word of mouth through social media For months social media was buzzing with rumors of Drake in the studio working on what many thought to be his third LP, “Views From The 6.” That full LP is still rumored to be expected in the coming months, but Drake’s mixtapeturned-album drop serves multiple purposes—many of them stemming with his mentor’s on-going feud with their label’s management. Months before the release, Drake’s mentor, Lil Wayne, displayed a public meltdown of the relationship between him, his parent label Cash Money and his mentor/former father figure Birdman. Drake made a point to lyrically express his views on the matter, “Walk up in the label like ‘Where’s the check, though?’ Yea, I said it, though.” Drake himself was under contract from Young Money/Cash Money Records for four album releases—“Thank Me Later,” “Take Care,” “Nothing Was The Same” and now “If Youre Reading This It’s Too Late,” which would be his last contractual album under Cash Money Records and thus lead him to be a free man after its release. To Birdman and his label, if they were reading the album title, it was too late for them to do anything about it. Drake is anything but ignorant to what the industry has to say about him. He has been called out by several of his peers in the past year, including his former label mate Tyga, who went out of his way in a Vibe Magazine interview to slander Drake while he was with Young Money. For months, it seemed that we would not get a reply. Fast forward to the last track on “If You’re Reading This…” and we have Drake’s response in his four-minute long rant that is “6 Pm In New York.” Full of bravado and ego that has become a custom in Drake vents, he blasts Tyga while firing several shots to other artists, society, his naysayers and everyone listening by forcing the listener to just love what they are listening to. As expected, the Internet went ablaze. Memes, discussions and a “war” between Amber Rose and the Kardashian Klan followed in the weeks after the release. Timing is everything for Drake and he uses it to full advantage. The time of the album’s release was the calm before the storm that was NBA All-Star Weekend in New York City. P. Diddy had teamed up with Snoop Dogg to perform what could be seen as arguably the best concert of the year, and it was only February at The Tip Off concert, hosted by New York Radio Station Hot 97. Diddy allegedly attacked Drake months ago for stealing the “0 to 100” instrumental from him. To which Drake had no response. Until Thursday Night, when Drake ever so subtly took Puff Daddy’s thunder and dropped the surprise album in the middle of his concert, thus proving to those watching that Drake could care less about what P. Diddy. It was a bold move for anyone, including Drake. The album, although full of throwaway tracks that did not actually make the “real” new Drake album, does have some hidden gems. The first song to receive music video privileges, “Jungle,” has a lovely sample to classic Drake singing his feelings over a smooth, minimalistic instrumental. In what is a charming gift, we

Larry Marano/Getty Images are treated with another ode to a Hip Hop Mom in “You & The 6.” In one of the album’s key tracks, Drake opens up and lets his vulnerability show through a monologue he has with his mother about the hardships that he faced throughout his life. This album is what it is, a mixtape turned album that fulfilled Drake’s duty to his label while handling all the flack he has been getting as of late. Many of his fans are content with it and some are even happier that Drake has provided them with months’ worth of Instagram captions.

White House welcomes University student as intern continued from front page done. I submitted it a minute before the deadline. It just felt like weight off my shoulders. I didn’t hear anything for a while there was a lot of waiting game, and then I got an email for an interview (which I was shocked that I even got a response), I took a test and then still didn’t hear anything. I did the security forms, but I still did not hear back. In July I had found out I got wait listed which was fine. I was glad I was even getting interviewed and made it this far. In my head wait-listed meant you didn’t get it but it was no big deal. I had already secured an internship with NBC’s Nightly News in the fall, I was going to be an RA again, and my classes were lined up for the fall. On September 5th, I remember waking up and I check my email every morning while I am in bed and it said that it said, “you’ve

been accepted!” I read the White House Internship Program and the tears just started flowing, I was like ‘Oh my god this isn’t real!’ And I also thought what am I going to do? Instead of being so happy and proud of myself, I just didn’t know what to do. And I had to give them a decision by the 8th, so it was only two days. So I thought how do I just pick up and leave. My life was settled, I was moved into my dorm and met my residents, I had started classes, I was going to start my internship this week, and all my other commitments were in line. But I packed my things up, and headed to Washington D.C. on September 14th. And on September 15th, was the first day I walked into the White House and started my journey there. TPP: What exactly did you do at

the White House? OV: I was an intern in the Office of Communications. I just started watching The West Wing, and if anyone watches The West Wing, it’s a little bit like that without all the television drama. Its very fast paced, very driven. Anything that is released by the White House comes from the communications office So any statements that come from the President come from our office. If we have an event at the White House, our office handles the media aspect. We hosted a ConnectEd , Early Education Summit, College Opportunity summit, or the Its On Us Campaign, are few of the events that our office worked on. Any speeches, its all under the Communications Office. President Obama just did a video with BuzzFeed, that is something our office does. We also how we handle media inquires, and answer questions from reporters and media outlets So we also put things out there, but we also answer to people out there. The Communications

office aims to try and reach people where they are, not where they want them to be. So anything from the office, and anything people want to know from us. An example is the Free Community College policy that is something that the Communications office helps with messaging, and they released it through Facebook. And that video has over 8 million views, which is successful in my eyes. And #FreeCommunityCollege was trending on twitter. So news has progressed and changed over time, time has progressed and messaging has progressed. This is a President and administration that wants to reach people and they use communications very effectively to do that. TPP: So how were your shifts? OP: I would get there around 7am most days, and I would leave around 8, 9pm or later. Some days I would leave at 7:30pm, which was a treat. There were also days where I would leave at 10, or 11pm. I was there everyday, but the thing was I loved it.

continued on PAGE 6



March 5, 2015

Marsala spotted eveywhere from the runways to the streets 2015 color of the year ASHLEY SPENCER Staff Writer Last spring when teenage reality star Kylie Jenner stepped out in Miami sporting a pinky-brown shade of lipstick the beauty world went into a frenzy. The shade quickly became iconic with trend seekers everywhere running to Sephora and MAC begging for this “kylie-esque” shade. Its no wonder that a similar color, Marsala was chosen by Pantone as the Color of the Year. Making it easier than every to achieve the perfect Kylie lip. Pantone has been the standard in color design and innovation for years providing stunning colors in all areas of the arts from. Their colors can be found in marketing displays, on walls in homes and offices, graphic arts, and even architecture. However, its influence is most notable in the fashion design and beauty industries. Since 2012 when Pantone first lent their expertise to beauty giant Sephora with the 2012 Color of the Year Tangerine Tango, every year since the pair have partnered to release an exclusive collection of foundational makeup items in the years shade. The collections are limited edition and feature eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks, and even beauty tools. Last year makeup junkie favorite tool, the Beauty Blender even released an exclusive “Radiant Orchid” version of their Holy Grail product. Sephora + Pantone has expanded to lend its color expertise to color matching, so you never get the wrong foundation shade again. This fall fashion threw it back to the 90’s with grunge-glam, destroyed denim and plaid. Makeup also took queues from this trend featuring brown/nude lips, matte shadows and lipsticks, and beauty looks from grunge to the iconic 90’s supermodel. With Spring-Summer fashion week already under way we have seen the re-emergence of 70’s trends from fringe, to suede, and even the flared silhouette of the culottes pant. Makeup natural has followed suit, with runways showcasing a more natural beauty look. Enter Pantone’s Marsala, a color that Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute Leatrice Eiseman says, “enriches our mind, body and soul, exuding confidence and stability. Marsala is a subtly seductive shade, one that draws us in to its embracing warmth”. The shade is subtle enough to be considered a neutral yet bold enough to give your look a pop of color. As described by Pantone “the Pantone Color of the Year is a reflection of what people are looking for, what they feel they need that color can help to answer. Not necessarily the hot fashion color of the moment, but a color crossing all areas of design which is an expression of a mood, an attitude, on the part of the consumers.” The most notable in the fashion and beauty industry, the color of the year applies to all areas of design. The shade is universal and works well for men and women. Students looking to incorporate the shade into their lives need not make drastic changes to their wardrobe. You could start by buying a lipstick, or painting your nails a shade of Marsala. Play with textures and finishes of makeup trying something gloss or metallic. Benefits of the shade include flattering to a variety of skin tones, and interesting and rich while still maintaining a level of sophistication. Even little things like a tie for guys, a t-shirt, or even a beanie are simple ways to get some Marsala in your life. And for those not looking to change their look, you can spruce up your living space second semester by adding a Marsala towel or bedding.

White House welcomes University student as intern continued from PAGE 5

I’ve never felt so tired, but so professionally alive. My internship gave me a new purpose and meaning in my life. There is so much I have learned, I feel so much more knowledgeable. And I felt like my duties of monitoring local and national news I could tell you what was going on in Rhode Island, or somewhere in Texas. I felt like I knew so much. I felt everything I did mattered, and yeah I was just an intern but people counted on me to get this information. And the things we would do would go to hundreds of people in the White House. All the senior staff would get all these clips I’d pull or round ups I’d do everyday. Yeah it was tough, and I was on deadlines, and sometimes I didn’t know if I could do it but people were counting on me. And at the end of the day America needs these people working at The White house. I finally felt like I was making a difference, getting to help with these things in my small way. TPP: Was this a paid internship?

OV: The White House Internship Program is unpaid, they don’t provide housing. But you do get a travel stipend, a smartcard, which is equivalent to a Metro card here in NYC. I always say you get as much as you give and putting these hours and not getting money, like yeah its tough I’m not going to lie specially for someone who pays for their schooling but I feel like I have gained so much. I’ve gained invaluable experience that I cant put a price on it. I have worked with some of the most brilliant, passionate, and hardworking people that I’ve ever met. And I was able to learn from them skills that I don’t think I’ll learn anywhere else. There were things I was able to do which I never even dreamed of. I was able to bring my family to The White House, and they saw the First Family depart to Hawaii from the South Lawn. Both my parents were immigrants, and they sacrificed their life in India to give me opportunities in America. So it was incredible feeling being able to do this for them. A lot of people are surprised to look at my resume and see that I’ve interned at the White House. And I definitely think that this is the best investment, I’ve made for not only my career but personally.



March 5, 2015

Blogger credited for quote in famed novel John Green misuses quote, is accused of plagiarism

SABEEN AZIZ Contributor John Green is famously known as the author of the successful book The Fault in Our Stars. The recent movie adaptation of this novel has served to draw more attention to Green and his other works, including Paper Towns. His company, called Don’t Forget To Be Awesome, sells posters and other merchandise related to his books online. The phrase in question—“I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met,” is quoted on a poster sold on DFTBA’s website, and for a long time, this quote had been commonly accredited to Green and his novel “Paper Towns.” It was only recently that Green acknowledged that those words were not his own and do not appear anywhere within his novel. In 2009, the then 13-year-old Melody Truong, a Tumblr user, posted the well-known quote on her Tumblr page. Many people attributed this sentence to Green and reblogged it, causing it to go viral. It wasn’t until Green began selling posters of this quote that Truong spoke out against the marketing of her words. As a result, she was bullied online by zealous Green fans for trying to claim ownership of the popular phrase. Her attempts to reach out to Green were unsuccessful. When a friend of Truong posted about the incident earlier this month on Reddit, Green finally replied, writing “I

am a bit embarrassed to learn that I did not write this, but not entirely surprised, since whenever I’ve seen the quote attributed to me, I’ve always thought, ‘Where is that quote in Paper Towns anyway? I don’t remember writing it.’ But then again, the book is seven years old, and there’s a lot in it that I don’t remember writing.” Green posted a video on his YouTube channel, Vlogbrothers, in which he admits to taking credit for

“Mistakes happen. I think he handled it well by not only apologizing, but by giving credit where credit is due.” -Amber Nicole Elie-Pierre University junior

Truong’s words. Green further explains that he “just assumed” that the quote was from Paper Towns as people kept sourcing it as such. After checking over his own novel and searching through it, he realized that he did not, in fact, write that sentence. Green ends his video by using this incident as an example of the problems of crediting and sourcing people’s work online, “I

Author John Green holding his newest novel: The Fault in Our Stars

think a wrongly attributed author...failing to notice the misattribution in question speaks to how screwed up credit and sourcing and copyright are on the internet.” Truong is now rightfully credited as the author of the quote on DFTBA’s website and Green disclosed that the royalties made from the poster will be split between Truong and the poster’s artist, Risa Rodil. Green publicly addressing his position in this event is significant and has been recognized by people, including University junior Amber Nicole Elie-Pierre, who stated, “Mistakes happen. I think he handled it well by not only apologizing, but by giving credit where credit is due.” It is interesting to note, however, the way in which the media covered this story when it first broke out, offering insight through headlines such as The Huffington Post’s “John Green Mistakenly Took Credit For A Fan’s Quote. Now He’s Making It Up To Her,” and Buzzfeed’s “John Green Accidentally Stole A 13-Year-Old Girl’s Quote.” These headlines do not outright accuse Green of plagiarism, but instead, render his actions, as a mistake unknowingly made that has been resolved. University senior Tania Ali, reflects on the complexity of this situation, “He knows he made a huge mistake, he apologized, and he even went a step further as to giving the original writer compensation for her work, but he most definitely should have fact checked it before hand.”


March 5, 2015


Popular fast-food venues home to food controversy

NATALIE CONDRILLO Features Intern McDonalds’ savory burgers and crispy chicken nuggets keep us coming back for more, but the famed fast food is chain also known for serving the infamous, limited-time only McRib. A sandwich composed of pickles, onions, and a barbeque flavored ‘pork’ patty, though it was actually made of salt, water, and restructured meat product. A lawsuit was filed against the producer of McRib meat, Smithfield Foods, for cruel and unusual treatment of animals. The McRib was eventually taken off the menu and has been added on an off ever since.

McDonalds’ Infamous McRib

According to, the grilled chicken sandwich at KFC had tested positive for substantial amounts of carcinogenic chemicals, which are cancer-causing items.

KFC’s Grilled Chicken Combo Meal

Taco Bell’s menu items are said to be processed and full of preservatives and chemicals. MSG and GMO’s are Taco Bells top used ingredients in their food. According to, It was stated that the beef used is actually only 35 percent beef, and the rest are flavorings, fillers, and texture-enhancing ingredients such as soy lecithin, modified corn starch, and sodium phosphates.

The Guardian reported that The United Kingdom and Spain withdrew all beef products in their restaurants after finding 10% horse DNA in Taco Bell’s meat.

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