Digesting current events at the dinner table WRITTEN BY ANOUSCHKA B.
New SEC Building School-wide Environmental Citizenship opportunities WRITTEN BY EMMA Z.
Connected by walkways running along the hillside and overlooking the bay, the newly constructed Science and Environmental Center (SEC) on the Hillsborough campus is a holistic and interdisciplinary space for students to collaborate, explore, and experiment. The SEC’s sliding glass doors serve as a gateway between the campus’ beautiful outdoors and the building’s state-of-the-art interior, designed to enhance the curriculum of the Environmental Citizenship program. The program—launched only two years ago—guides students in practicing sustainability, conducting environmental
FEATURES and social studies, and debating solutions to environmental challenges. Hybrid lower and middle school students have already begun to work and learn in the new building, but because of the separate campuses, upper school integration seems unlikely—for now. The good news is that the SEC building was designed and furnished with all Nueva students in mind. The possibilities of its programming, Assistant Director of Environmental Citizenship Aron Walker believes, will overflow with upper school engagement.
“Cross-division interaction works really well, especially when everybody is excited about it,” Walker said. “We really want to support that, and both the building and environment in general can be a meeting ground for different people of different ages and interests in study.” READ MORE ON PAGE 14
Senior seeks to redefine health and wellness on social media Vienna G. provides recipes, tips, inspiring messages on Instagram WRITTEN BY AMANDA W.
What started as a curiosity in the marketing and statistical side of Instagram accounts has evolved into a vibrant grid of fruit-topped oats and motivating workout tips, often coupled with an inspiring message. Through her health and wellness Instagram page, @flourishwithvivi, Vienna G. ’21 has discovered a supportive community that aids her in her goal of redefining societal norms of “being healthy.” Typically, Vienna, who started her account in the early shelter-in-place, aims for her account to not only be a more supportive and encouraging platform, but also as a way to track her own progPROMOTING WELLNESS • Vienna G. ’21 performs a middle split in a video post on Instagram, ress and wellness in physical and mental advising followers to set mini goals. SCREENSHOT PROVIDED BY VIENNA G. / @FLOURISHWITHVIVI health. These goals helped to develop her unique username, @flourishwithvivi. this aspect of social media to be hard to always been easy to maintain. Like other “I think the idea of aiming to flourish navigate. social media users, she has experienced and just be better for yourself in general, “[Health and wellness] content can the far too common judgement that alongside me and not under or above, quickly sidestream into very evil kinds of arises on these platforms. just with me, alongside wherever people influence, especially on a lot of girls on “People can think that what you post might be in their journey through any social media,” Vienna said. “I’m always might be annoying, or it could be controlike daily life,” Vienna explained. cautious of that. There are certain acversial… or feel like it is fake or insertShe classifies her account to fit in counts that you sift through and realize your-own-adjective-here,” Vienna said. the health and wellness community of will not be beneficial to your mental “But I think I’m remaining true to my Instagram. Though she enjoys being health.” goal, which is to grow with my account.” able to track her progress and share tips However, Vienna’s peaceful yet READ MORE ON PAGE 10 she’s learned along the way, Vienna finds spunky demeanor on her platform hasn’t
Fostering kindness, year after year Kindness Week strengthens community, honors alumna WRITTEN BY GRACE H.
Kindness Week was never meant to be a tradition. And yet, every February since its inception, there has been a week where kindness reigns supreme. In previous years, the walls of the second floor stairwell were covered in yellow-gold envelopes, each bearing the words “you are loved” in bright red sharpie below the name and portrait of a student, teacher, or staff member. Sometimes, stickers graced the envelopes as well, glittery pirates and rabbits frolicking across the makeshift mailboxes. Always, a confetti of white, red, and pink paper strips was strewn on the carpet, spilling from boxes and stacks. Students and teachers steadied the strips against walls, desks, or friends’ backs as they scribbled appreciations for their closest friends and mentors, for peers they barely knew and teachers whose classes they’d never taken. By the end of the week, the envelopes were stuffed with ink-and-paper reminders of the bonds the community shares. Last year, a large envelope was added halfway through the week to collect notes and origami hearts for medical workers in China, already battling the coronavirus. This year, the strips were replaced by a Google Form, the envelopes—red, this time, though “you are loved” was still written across them in Alegria Barclay’s bold calligraphy—filled with spreadsheet printouts and mailed from teachers’ homes. Nevertheless, the spirit of the week persisted. More than 4,400 appreciations were sent this year, with messages ranging from the insightful and sincere to the humorous but no less meaningful for it. The appreciation notes are the heart and soul of Kindness Week. The week itself, an initiative of the Kindness Club, was first implemented four years ago; the aim was to increase the connectedness of the Nueva community. Even now, Kindness Week holds true to that goal. This year, however, the event adopted a dual purpose, as Anna Sandell ’18, the founder of Kindness Club, was in a snowmobile accident on Jan. 10. She is currently in recovery at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Massachusetts. READ MORE ON PAGE 11