The Next 10: A Community Visioning Plan for Greater Springfield

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Table of Contents The Next 10 Overview.................................................................................................4 The Next 10 Supporters............................................................................................... 6 The Next 10 Vision.......................................................................................................8 The Next 10 Projects At A Glance................................................................................10 #1 A Revitalized And Resilient Downtown..............................................................12 #2 Illinois’ Recreational Playground........................................................................14 #3 Urban-Rural Connection.....................................................................................16 #4 A Culturally Rich Community.............................................................................18 #5 Community-Led Reinvestment In The East Side.................................................20 #6 A Strong Foundation For Our Youth..................................................................22 #7 Support For Our Most Vulnerable.....................................................................24 #8 Investments In Higher Education And Innovation..............................................26 #9 An Environmentally Sustainable Springfield......................................................28 #10 Collective Action On Catalytic Projects............................................................30 The Next 10 Implementation Plan................................................................................32 How We Got Here........................................................................................................34 Your Part......................................................................................................................35 Imagine Your Role In The Next 10................................................................................36

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


THANK YOU, GREATER SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY “Develop a plan to create a wildlife/wild lands/wetlands corridor on both sides of the Sangamon River throughout Sangamon and Menard counties.”

“A city planner could keep track of reuse projects vs. greenfield projects. Making informed decisions is critical to enacting good policy. We need planning policy that protects the inner core.” “Make Springfield solar powered! Whether through solar farms or solar panels on buildings, making Springfield environmentally friendly is a way to save money, burn less carbon, and be an example of innovation.” “The campus of former Benedictine University would make an excellent location as a residential charter high school for students interested in the arts and humanities.”

“Consider that there are homeless scattered all over town without transportation. Effective homeless services should be scattered around town.”

“It would be great to have the Fairgrounds serve yearround...reimagine the future of agriculture, urban ag, new technologies, etc. and create a year-round center focused on learning and opportunity.”

“The Pillsbury site needs a redevelopment plan...five areas of community benefit will be realized: public safety, health, justice, economy, and environment.” “An art walk would be creative and inviting to enhance the new and improved environment of central Springfield.”

“Build a multi-generational cohousing community... consist[ing] of individual apartments/condos with shared kitchens, living space, patios, transportation, tools, child care, etc.” “Lake Springfield must reopen the beach. It was an asset of this town for 40+ years and is the only way for boatless Springfield citizens and visitors to get in the lake.”

“I would love to see a well-designed “Welcome to Springfield” sign displayed along I-55, right before driving over the Lake Springfield bridge.”

“Springfield needs to actively pursue bringing blue-collar jobs back. Manufacturing jobs, trade schools, apprenticeships, etc.”


This is The Next 10 This plan is a result of a collaborative community engagement effort for the Greater Springfield Area to define how we take bold steps together for the region’s future. The Next 10 (TN10) is a framework for investment in the Greater Springfield Area designed by you. Every priority was shaped by the community. Hundreds of unique ideas are represented here—ideas big and small touching every corner of our community. Collectively, your voices are laying the groundwork for the future—for the next 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years, and the next 10 steps we will all take together. Now, we must come together to unite our respective resources, strengths, talents and time to bring The Next 10 to life. As we achieve successes, we will celebrate—and then look immediately to the next big challenges that must be tackled.

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


Seizing the moment.

Getting there.

Envisioned prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to spark a fresh conversation about the Greater Springfield Area’s potential—and lay out steps to elevate the community’s livability, economy, creativity, and spirit— The Next 10 has taken on ever greater meaning as we emerge from some of our nation’s most challenging times. Today, we find ourselves on the precipice of extraordinary opportunity. Our quality of life, cost of living, strong employment base, and cultural attractions have positioned Springfield to emerge resiliently. The Next 10 provides us a roadmap to achieve that together.

The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln envisioned The Next 10 in an effort to identify new opportunities for the Greater Springfield Area’s future. Since the inception of this effort, it has taken on ever greater importance for the region, and has been bolstered by strong community partnerships—alliances that must continue as we look to the future.

In July 2020, Business Insider recognized Springfield as the top Midwestern city to live in post-pandemic due to employment opportunity and affordability.

As the entire State of Illinois emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, I am heartened to see the Capital City region has already begun to plan for the post-pandemic world with The Next 10. As the seat of State Government, it’s important that Illinois State Government and local residents work together to make the Springfield area among the great State Capitals in the United States.”

I have always said Springfield’s greatest asset is our people, and it is our residents who have shaped our city to make it an incredible place to live and work. The Next 10 is an example of how one person’s idea to make a change in our community for the better can alter the trajectory and vision for Springfield’s future.”

JB PRITZKER Governor, State of Illinois

JIM LANGFELDER Mayor, City of Springfield


The Next 10 Supporters Funding Partners

Steering Committee

We are pleased to recognize the funding partners for The Next 10 who have generously supported this community visioning process:

The following individuals represent a diverse cross section of our community and helped vet, prioritize and build upon the ideas that emerged from the Greater Springfield community:


Kindling Fund

G. Virginia Conlee

M.G. Nelson Family Foundation

Williams & Dunne Family

Morse/Morgan Family Fund

Eck Family Fund

Karen Pletsch

Jane Ford

Sommer Family Fund

Germeraad Family Fund

Harvey B. & Judy Stephens

H. D. Smith Foundation

U.S. Bank

Capestrain-Tracy Family Fund

Shelia Boozer

Jeff Large

Dennis Bringuet

Raychel McBride

Ryan Cadagin

Erin Svendsen

Sheryl Daugherty

Dominic Watson

Ranjan Karri

Jess Weitzel

Director Of Teaching And Learning Senior Structural Engineer Springfield Public Schools District 186 Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. Retired–Former President Ace Sign Co. Circuit Judge Sangamon County President Arizona Tile Co.

Professor University Of Illinois, Springfield

CEO Corporate KIN Diversity Consulting Education Director Springfield Art Association President Springfield Black Chamber of Commerce Lending Program Officer Local Initiatives Support Corporation

On behalf of the board of directors of the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln, we are proud to serve as a convener of stakeholders from all corners of our community. We have long strived to be an ‘honest broker’ to bring people together for a common and simple purpose—a better community. We hope the ideas pursued via The Next 10 help to further that purpose and set the stage for exciting and achievable projects now and well into the future.” JOHN STREMSTERFER President And CEO, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

ROE STONE Chairperson, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln Board Of Directors



The Next 10 Vision The hundreds of ideas submitted for The Next 10 define a vision for the Greater Springfield Area, with four themes that underpin all of The Next 10 initiatives:

A Distinctive Community U N IQ UE, DI VERSE AND E NGAGIN G Rich with history, Springfield is an urban community with rural roots. As the capital city, Springfield is the tie that binds—a unique epicenter that unites the region and the state. Our community is anchored by a Downtown that tells not just our story, but America’s story; a tightly woven fabric of beloved neighborhoods, villages and small towns surround it, creating the spaces where community gathers and where our culture is celebrated. The Next 10 celebrates those distinctive elements that make us, recognizing that if we celebrate and invest in them they become more than simply the foundation for who we are today. They become the reason our community thrives tomorrow.

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

An Equitable Community S O CIAL LY AN D E CON OM ICAL LY IN CL USIV E An equitable community is one where all residents— regardless of their race, gender, or zip code—are fully able to participate in the community’s economic vitality, contribute to its readiness for the future, and connect to its assets and resources. Springfield has long been a community that has supported its citizens and those of the region. Our residents and leaders have been willing to challenge the status quo to create a better future for all, ensuring that everyone benefits from the investments we make today and tomorrow. An equitable city is a prosperous city; The Next 10 supports equity in all we do, providing pathways to prosperity and resiliency for all, and helping today’s challenges become tomorrow’s opportunities.


A Prosperous Community DIVERSIFIED JOBS, GROWTH AND INVESTMENTS Anchored in government and healthcare, Springfield and the region have tended to be neither as disrupted by downturns in the national economy as other places, nor as stimulated when the larger economy moves forward. To be a prosperous community is to be a flourishing one—always evolving, reimagining and preparing people and businesses to thrive in our ever-changing world. The Next 10 will catalyze economic growth and prosperity for our community, with a focus on creating an environment that enables entrepreneurship and creative work as the lifeblood of a vital economy while accelerating the growth of higher-skilled, well-paying jobs for all.

A Green Community S US TAIN AB L E , R E SIL IE N T AN D STR ON G From environmental resiliency to respecting the natural beauty of Springfield and the region, the commitment to the health and wellbeing of our physical environment is paramount. With locally owned utilities, we have a foundation to be innovative in how we source energy, water and more. With unique outdoor parks and recreation spaces, we are situated to be the most beautiful capital city in America. The Next 10 will elevate our commitment to ensuring our built environments are respectful of our landscape, and our natural environments are nurtured, leaving a legacy of caring for the land for generations to come.


The Next 10 Projects At A Glance The TN10 Steering Committee helped prioritize projects submitted for The Next 10 by ensuring they met the following criteria:

» Implementable in the near term » Clear strategies and sources for funding » Champions who can lead the projects into action

These are The Next 10:


A Revitalized And Resilient Downtown • Downtown Master Plan • Illinois State Capitol Complex Renovations • Permanent Outdoor Dining Improvements


Illinois’ Recreational Playground • Reactivate Lake Springfield Beach House Area • Expand Programming And Activity On The Sangamon River

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


Urban-Rural Connection • Renovate And Activate The Illinois State Fairgrounds • Establish The Springfield Region As The Farm-To-Table Capital Of The World


A Culturally Rich Community • Celebrate And Honor Springfield’s Diverse Storylines • Support For Artists To Beautify And Enliven Our Community




Community-Led Reinvestment In The East Side

Investments In Higher Education And Innovation

• Investment In The Economic, Physical And Social Infrastructure • Protect, Preserve And Designate Historic Properties

• Make The UIS Innovation Hub And District A Reality • Bring A Law School To Springfield



A Strong Foundation For Our Youth

An Environmentally Sustainable Springfield

• Bolster Early Childhood Education • Develop A Community-Based Work Program For Youth

• Create The City of Springfield’s City, Water, Light And Power (CWLP) Energy Plant Of The Future • Sustainability Improvements For Non-Profits



Support For Our Most Vulnerable

Collective Action On Catalytic Projects

• Develop A Comprehensive Strategy To Address Homelessness • Support Local Causes Through Further Engagement Of Government Employees And Political Parties

• Pillsbury Site Redevelopment • Benedictine Campus Reimagined • Establish And Implement A Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

Promising Ideas Of the hundreds of ideas submitted for The Next 10, there were many with merit that we believe—with further development—can become implementable projects. These are recognized as Promising Ideas throughout the report. As The Next 10 evolves, opportunities to realize them will also be considered. 11


A Revitalized And Resilient Downtown Downtown Springfield is the heart of the community and region, the seat of state and local government, our cultural center, and the stage for our living history. Its success is our success. Downtown uses have shifted over the decades, slowly making way for an opportunity to rethink what Downtown can be for future generations. To act thoughtfully, we must plan and reimagine.

Downtown Master Plan A strategy to guide the renaissance of Downtown and strategically connect it to surrounding activity centers. The plan should address: • A strengthened connection between Downtown and the Mid-Illinois Medical District • Development and integration of uses: housing, employment, retail, entertainment, and cultural activity • Economic development, including support to retain and recruit retail and restaurants, employers and other sources of economic activity • Access and connections: one-way vs two-way streets, bicycle lanes, bus and shuttle services • Integration of critical projects and amenities: Third Street Rail Trail, activation of the North Mansion Block, Transportation Hub • Investment in public amenities and spaces: playgrounds and spaces, seating, public restrooms • Physical placemaking to connect assets and make the visitor experience unique • Establishment of a cultural district • Strategies to fund needed improvements, including feasibility for a Special Service Area (SSA)

Promising Ideas » Continuation and expansion of the alleyway beautification program » Development of more parklets © 2021 THE NEXT 10


Illinois State Capitol Complex Renovations Advancing use of the capital dollars allocated to infrastructure projects by the State of Illinois to create new centers of activity in Downtown Springfield. • The design and activation planning process should include input from the citizens of Springfield • The facilities and planned improvements should be incorporated into the larger vision and master plan for Downtown, especially the Illinois State Armory

Permanent Outdoor Dining Improvements Make temporary COVID-based regulations around outdoor dining and liquor service permanent to allow greater opportunity for restaurants to succeed, and to support more Downtown activity.

Downtown Springfield is the heartbeat of Springfield and all of Central Illinois. It’s where we work, gather, create new laws, celebrate, and come together. The past year tested our resilience, and we are confident it has made us stronger. The future is very bright for Downtown Springfield and we can’t wait to take the next 10 steps with the community to reimagine that future together.”

DID YOU KNOW? Downtown Springfield is home to a 12-acre historic district that encompasses the Old State Capitol and Springfield’s oldest commercial district.

In addition to serving as the seat of government for the City of Springfield, Sangamon County and the State of Illinois, Downtown is also home to the Illinois General Assembly, the Illinois Supreme Court and the Office of the Governor of Illinois.

The Mid-Illinois Medical District is a onesquare mile area just to the north of Downtown established in 2003 by an act of the Illinois General Assembly to support patient care, biomedical research, new medical technologies and advanced medical related activities. It is anchored by Memorial Medical Center, HSHS St. John’s Hospital, the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, and Springfield Clinic.

LISA CLEMMONS STOTT Executive Director, Downtown Springfield, Inc.



Illinois’ Recreational Playground Springfield is home to extraordinary natural resources and outdoor activities, often overlooked by visitors who come for the community’s historical and cultural amenities. Becoming a destination for recreation means looking at the rich resources we have and building on them.

Reactivate Lake Springfield Beach House Area The Lake Springfield Beach House area has been under-utilized since 2009. Numerous suggestions to reopen lake area treasures poured in through The Next 10, with a multitude of suggestions about how to reactivate them, including: • Increased recreational activities and amenities at the lake, beach and Beach House

Expand Programming And Activity On The Sangamon River The Sangamon River is a precious and unique resource for the community. Education, conservation and recreational activities are supported by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, among others, in an effort to ensure the waters remain healthy and usable. The Next 10 revealed residents’ love and respect for the river, and a desire to see it more broadly activated with more access points, canoeing, kayaking and other recreational activities.

• Provision of recreational rentals for use on the lake and beach

Promising Ideas

• Repurposing of the Beach House to a full-service restaurant/event venue

» Improvements to/addition of sidewalks and bicycle lanes

• Development of additional amenities adjacent to the beach house • Improved trail access and connections to all amenities in the area, including the Henson Robinson Zoo and Lincoln Memorial Garden and Nature Center

» Connection of bike trails » Establishing the Greater Springfield Area as a hub of ADA accessible recreation » Creation of indoor and outdoor sports facilities with flexible amenities to position Springfield as a sports tourism destination

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


Recreation activities in Central Illinois are abundant. Boasting beautiful parks and trails, serene water features, top notch youth sports opportunities, hunting and fishing destinations and so much more, there is truly something for everyone. We look forward to growing these activities and showcasing them to the world.” DEREK HARMS Executive Director, Springfield Park District

DID YOU KNOW? Lake Springfield is a 4,200-acre man-made reservoir owned by City of Springfield’s City Water, Light and Power (CWLP), the largest municipally owned utility in Illinois. The lake is used primarily as a source for drinking water for the City of Springfield. It attracts some 600,000 visitors annually and its 57 miles of shoreline is home to over 700 lakeside residences and eight public parks. The Sangamon River is 246 miles long, and the principle tributary of the Illinois River which connects Springfield to Peoria. The river is associated with the early career of Lincoln (who once lived on the banks) and played an important role in the early European settlement of Illinois. The Springfield Park District, formed in 1900, was the second park district created in the state of Illinois. The District cares for 2,500 acres of parkland, 322 acres of Nature Preserve, 35 parks, 23 miles of bike trails, and four golf courses, and serves over 140,000 people. 15


Agriculture drives our Illinois economy. The food we eat nourishes our bodies, and sharing good meals with neighbors feeds our souls. Intentionally focusing on our urban-rural connections—a centerpiece of The Next 10—will bring us closer together.” LIZ MORAN STELK Executive Director, Illinois Stewardship Alliance

Urban-Rural Connection

Urban-rural partnerships can provide municipalities resources in areas that would otherwise not receive commercial investment, and can build prosperity and cohesion from the bottom-up through reciprocal actions by rural communities. There are many potential partnerships to be had between Springfield and communities in the region. A reimagining of our most important agricultural and community assets, and support for increased collaborations to build localized economies around food to address food resiliency, economic prosperity, health and wellness, are part of The Next 10. © 2021 THE NEXT 10

The Illinois State Fair has been celebrated almost every year since 1853. The Fair is held annually at the Illinois State Fairgrounds over an 11-day period in mid-August. The Fairgrounds, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990, encompasses 366 acres of land. Notable venues include a 13,000-capacity grandstand and the Illinois State Fairgrounds Racetrack.


Establish The Springfield Region As The Farm-To-Table Capital Of The World The farm-to-table movement broadly refers to food made from locally-sourced ingredients, often natural or organic. As a growing movement, its focus is largely on creating local and regional partnerships between growers and end users (from markets to restaurants to individual buyers).

Renovate And Activate The Illinois State Fairgrounds There’s nothing like going to the Illinois State Fair in the summer. But what happens at the Fairgrounds in between our most famous annual event? As a significant site of history and tourism, and a place where we celebrate our agricultural roots, you shared through The Next 10 that the Fairgrounds can become something even more—a place that becomes a year-round center of social and economic activity for the city and region. Reimagining the Illinois State Fairgrounds requires a partnership with the State of Illinois to establish a strategy to invest in improvements, developments and programming. This strategy can address: • A vision for what the Fairgrounds can become • Infrastructure needs • How new development can support the vision (e.g. facilities, hotels, amenities)

Establishing regional connections is a complex process that involves understanding current supply chains and costs, and then creating systems and policies to overcome the challenges and leverage the opportunities. The outcomes can be significant, creating new economic opportunities, building community resilience, diversifying local crop production, and creating positive environmental impacts—all while serving the freshest of foods to our families. You expressed a commitment to building bridges between our urban and rural communities, and in the process becoming a global model for agricultural research, education and even tourism, and The Next 10 can bring together community and regional partners to realize that.

Agriculture is the number one industry in Illinois in terms of economic impact, contributing nearly $9 billion to the state’s economy annually. About 1.5 million workers are employed in the food industry system, ranking Illinois as one of the top agricultural states in dependency on agriculture. The state’s 72,500 farms utilize 75% of Illinois land, including some of the most fertile soil in the world. The state is the largest producer of horseradishes and pumpkins, but the abundance and variety of agricultural products grown in Illinois make it one of the leading states in terms of crop diversity, and helps to make the state a place that international buyers seek out when selecting new suppliers.

• Increased year-round programming and activation • Opportunities to support agricultural innovations and learning

Promising Ideas » Create more opportunities to connect people and businesses to local food sources » Increase broadband access throughout Central Illinois » Bring Nourish Springfield, a kitchen incubator and shared commercial kitchen space, to completion 17


A Culturally Rich Community Culture brings life and energy to our communities, and creates connections. From our historical storytelling, to our celebration of artists, musicians, actors, writers, and creatives, our commitment to culture is what brings us together, and sets us apart. Through The Next 10, we’ll take steps to catalyze our cultural aspirations.

Celebrate And Honor Springfield’s Diverse Storylines With its rich political history and important contributions to our country’s democracy, Springfield has many stories to tell. The people and events of this community have shaped the American landscape, and the impacts of our work stretch far beyond Abraham Lincoln. Specific projects emerging from your contributions to The Next 10, include: • Development of a monument to recognize the significance of the 1908 Race Riots • Broader efforts to connect and tell the story of Springfield’s political history, including Lincoln, Obama and beyond • Celebrating and honoring our community’s political significance by hosting regular presidential debates and conversations • Development of more diverse storytelling, programming, sculpture and art to honor history and events • A continuation of the Citizens’ Club-led conversations on race and equity

Promising Ideas » Installation of gateway and neighborhood signage throughout the Greater Springfield Area » Development of an annual event to celebrate Springfield’s stories and successes » Completion of the World’s Biggest Penny sculpture » Further develop our Route 66 heritage

A community distinguishes itself by its culture, and The Next 10 provides us an opportunity to amplify ours. Sangamon County is home to extraordinary artists, performers, authors, historians, and creatives, all of whom must be supported and celebrated in our commitment to ensuring a distinctive region.” ANDY VAN METER Chairperson, Sangamon County Board © 2021 THE NEXT 10



Support For Artists To Beautify And Enliven Our Community Artists lend extraordinary texture to our community—telling stories, activating spaces and welcoming people in. You expressed a bold commitment to the creative community through The Next 10, with a desire to support: • Development of a citywide mural and public art program • Support (in the form of grants) to bring back live entertainment at our community’s restaurant, pubs and venues • Places to help artists collectively hone their craft, including conducting studies to establish artist work/live space and shared community arts spaces • Continuation of the Levitt AMP music series and other entertainment programming • Advocacy with the State of Illinois to establish Cultural District Legislation, which would provide resources to cultural efforts in communities such as Springfield

The most famous historic resident of Springfield is Abraham Lincoln, who lived here between 1837 and 1861. A multitude of cultural sites are connected to him, including his presidential museum, his home, his tomb at Oak Ridge Cemetery, the Old State Capitol and the historical town of New Salem, within a short drive from the city.

On February 10, 2007, then Senator Barack Obama announced his presidential candidacy on the grounds of the Old State Capitol in Downtown Springfield.

The Hoogland Center for the Arts in Downtown Springfield is a centerpiece for performing arts, and houses (among other organizations): the Springfield Theatre Centre, the Springfield Ballet Company, the Illinois Symphony Orchestra and the Springfield Municipal Opera (also known as The Muni) which stages community theatre productions of Broadway musicals outdoors each summer. New Salem’s Theatre in the Park—a 500-seat outdoor venue—also presents summer productions within Lincoln’s New Salem Historic Site. 19


Community-Led Reinvestment In The East Side Investment In The Economic, Physical And Social Infrastructure This vibrant community has roots reaching back to the town’s founding. Poverty and food insecurity are significant, business opportunities are challenged, and the physical infrastructure is in need of a refresh. Your commitment to supporting the East Side shone through The Next 10, with specific actions that include: • Compiling and creating funding tools and incentives for investment in the East Side, including activation of the Opportunity Zone and creation of a Community Development Corporation (CDC)

Springfield’s East Side has been historically perceived as the heart of Springfield’s AfricanAmerican community. Like most communities in America, policies and planning practices in Springfield favored segregation well into the latter half of the 20th Century, not only limiting where Black residents could live, but limiting their opportunity to thrive as well. Supporting and uplifting the East Side community, and meeting its unique needs, is a focus of The Next 10.

Intentional and significant investment in East Springfield is a hallmark of The Next 10. Engaging citizens to forge their own paths forward for their neighborhoods and communities is central to our democracy. Bringing additional resources to historically marginalized communities is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do for the benefit of our entire region. I am excited to see a resurgence of positive activity in East Springfield.” DORIS TURNER Illinois State Senator

• Targeted investment to support the revitalization of the South Town business district • Establishment of an East Side Business Accelerator and Personal Financial Support Center, with programs and advisory services to help low-income families get on track to succeed financially • Programming and conversations to bring awareness to challenges and opportunities, and to help the community understand how they can support the East Side

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

Promising Ideas » Develop CAP 1908 Project » Reinvigorate the Neighborhood of Hope » Enhance youth recreation, sports and extracurricular opportunities



Protect, Preserve And Designate Historic Properties In 2019, the City of Springfield commissioned an architectural survey of the East Side to inventory and research historic properties and to identify potential candidates for local landmark status and National Register of Historic Places designations. Through The Next 10, these designations will be realized, and resources and partnerships will be developed to restore, activate and preserve these properties. Some of the notable properties include: • Firehouse No. 5 • The Lincoln Colored Home

During Reconstruction, the arrival of many new Black individuals and families included former slaves who were drawn to Springfield because of its association with Abraham Lincoln. As they arrived, Blacks, Whites and people of all ethnicities were largely integrated in Springfield communities. However, the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the emergence of Jim Crow laws which crept into Springfield from the south, changed that. The Springfield Race Riot of 1908 was the pinnacle of racial tensions. It would also be the catalyst for the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Segregationist planning and policies which emerged throughout the early 20th century largely pushed the Black community to the East Side. By the mid-1900s, urban renewal demolished blocks of Black-owned homes and their primary business district.

• The Judge Taylor Home The Springfield and Central Illinois African American History Museum—a museum of African American history and culture—was founded in 2012 by local advocates and moved to a permanent location adjacent to Springfield’s Oak Ridge cemetery in March 2016.

Image courtesy of Landmarks Illinois



A Strong Foundation For Our Youth Supporting the future of our community starts now and includes providing the tools, education and community resources to stabilize families, ensure the safety and well-being of children and promote self-sufficiency. The Next 10 will unite resources and partners to support our youth from birth through college, ensuring opportunity for future generations.

Our children are the most precious asset we have—our investment in them is an investment in our community’s future. I celebrate The Next 10 for its commitment to ensuring our community is a better place for this generation and those to come.” TIFFANY MATHIS Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Illinois

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


Bolster Early Childhood Education The 2015 Sangamon Success report commissioned by the Continuum of Learning identified the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) as the #1 recommendation for our community to adopt as the principle, local means to help low-income, first-time mothers get their children off to a good start. NFP is a nationally recognized, evidence-based, community health program that serves low-income women pregnant with their first child. Each new mom is partnered with a registered nurse early in her pregnancy and receives ongoing nurse home visits. NFP began operating locally through SIU School of Medicine in spring 2017 through start-up funding provided by the Community Foundation, Memorial Health System and HSHS St. John’s Hospital. Now, SIU School of Medicine is poised to expand the program while also improving the effectiveness of service coordination with other existing home visiting programs administered by Sangamon County Department of Public Health, Springfield Public School District #186, Springfield Urban League, and others. Strengthening these partnerships and programs will provide the most potential for changing lives at the earliest possible stages.


Develop A Community-Based Work Program For Youth

Illinois’ child poverty rate has been stagnant since 1990, at about 17%. More than twice the percentage of Black and Latinx children live in poverty in Illinois compared with White children.

Youth employment programs offer opportunities to help young people, especially disadvantaged youth, gain the financial knowledge, skills and access to resources necessary to effectively manage finances through adulthood. These programs address a broad range of vocational skills and help youth gain the abilities and training necessary to be successful in transitioning to adulthood and careers. The Next 10 will support the coordination of a community-based work program for our youth—including creating urban/rural connections with neighboring communities—and help connect them to opportunities. This will include establishing partnerships with employers and integrating financial education into youth employment programs, as well as providing mentorship programs and support for high school students to identify college and/or workforce training pathways.

More millennials left Illinois than any other age demographic from 2011 to 2014, making the state the 2nd-biggest loser of young individuals nationally. The state’s youth outmigration problem threatens the state’s—and Springfield’s—long-term financial stability and economic vitality.

Launched in 2007, the Continuum of Learning is a multi-sector initiative aimed at improving Sangamon County’s economic future through increased educational attainment of its citizens. The project focuses on education across the lifespan, from cradle to career.

Promising Ideas » Continue public school facility improvements throughout Sangamon County » Coordinate and share best practices among youth mentoring programs » Reinvention of Kidzeum as an essential component of the education infrastructure 23


Support For Our Most Vulnerable Our community expressed a commitment through The Next 10 to ensuring that no one is left behind. As such, special attention must be paid to our vulnerable communities, to those who are most at risk from changes to our economy and environment. We must care for our most vulnerable people not only because it’s the morally right thing to do, but because the cost of not doing so is far greater for both our society and economy. Actions to support the most vulnerable residents of our community are a focus of The Next 10.

Supporting our most vulnerable populations makes our communities better places to live for all residents. As a capital city, Springfield can unite leaders who want to strengthen the social contract locally and for all Illinoisans. I applaud The Next 10’s efforts to address these complex issues.” JOHN KELKER President, United Way of Central Illinois

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

Develop A Comprehensive Strategy To Address Homelessness Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted challenge. No single solution can address all the needs of the individuals experiencing homelessness within our community. The Heartland Continuum of Care, City of Springfield and the Community Foundation partnered in 2020 to establish a full-time homeless coordinator position to focus on comprehensively addressing the complex aspects of homelessness in Springfield, and to bring in more funding to address the identified needs. The Next 10 will support community partners in developing a comprehensive strategy, that will include (but not be limited to) investments in: • Creation of supportive housing with wrap-around services, a comprehensive housing-first model that helps individuals to become housed while also providing onsite services such as mental health and substance abuse support, counseling, job training, and more • Ensuring existing homeless shelters are most effectively supporting the needs of the community; shelters should ideally operate 24/7, be equipped with beds and storage lockers, and provide other related services • Targeted approaches to address mental health, including the deployment of more social workers to work in and with the homeless community and to get people to appropriate care; many cities have recently created programs which deploy behavioral health professionals alongside police • Providing employment opportunities and skills training; communities across the country are having success providing day works programs in which homeless individuals are given day jobs doing cleaning and maintenance for a community, while also getting job counseling and support to find permanent employment


Support Local Causes Through Further Engagement Of Government Employees And Political Parties


As the seat of government for the State of Illinois, Springfield is home to thousands of governmental employees and hosts significant government functions. The Next 10 provides us an opportunity to share the priorities of the community, and ask for support from political organizations and government officials to do more than just use Springfield as a base for government business—we can ask them to give back to the community that helps the region and the state run. Three such opportunities emerged through The Next 10:

The 2020 Point-in-Time Count revealed 271 individuals experiencing homelessness in Springfield. Veterans make up about 11% of homeless adults, with nearly 40% of the homeless population having a disability. Many of the chronically homeless—those homeless for more than a year, making up about 15% of the total homeless population— struggle with alcohol, drug use or behavioral health issues.

• Obtain financial support from the State of Illinois through a common tool known as Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT), utilized in communities that are home to a significant amount of non-tax paying government facilities; the PILOT from the State to local units of government would offset the loss of property taxes we see as a community from being the seat of government and would help support new projects and programs • Establish an annual joint local political party fundraiser in which the parties unite to fundraise for a community project or need • Create a program to provide government employees paid time off to support community organizations, to encourage their involvement as board members and volunteers in local community organizations

Nearly 19% of residents of Springfield live in poverty. (

Some 20% of adults living in Springfield experience a disability. Southwind Park, Springfield’s most inclusive attraction, sets a new national standard not just for accessibility, but also for environmental excellence. Every area and feature of the 80-acre park exceeds ADA accessibility requirements. Erin’s Pavilion—within the park—is a Platinum LEED certified building. Other eco-friendly features include wetlands, a wind turbine, solar panels and a geothermal system.

Promising Ideas » Develop and support programs to reduce social isolation among senior citizens » Increase affordable housing options » Prioritize parks and public facility design to ensure they are ADA accessible and engaging for individuals of all abilities



Investments In Higher Education And Innovation Recent economic analyses of Springfield and Sangamon County have noted that our occupational structure has not favored the kind of science and engineering professions that drive innovation in a knowledge-based economy. The Community Foundation, along with the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, have been committed to expanding efforts to create real economic opportunity for our community. Prioritizing an innovationbased economy is a priority of The Next 10.

Make The UIS Innovation Hub And District A Reality Plans have recently been developed to utilize Innovate Springfield as the cornerstone in constructing the UIS Innovation Hub in Downtown Springfield. The Hub is expected to include: • Business incubation • Technology/research commercialization • Business acceleration • Social innovation • Application of data science to public policy needs • Professional and post-secondary education to meet local employer needs The Hub will be the catalyst for establishing an Innovation District to fill the gap between Downtown Springfield and the Mid-Illinois Medical District with new businesses, creative arts endeavors, performance venues, restaurants and shops, and urban residential living options. Work to finalize resources and a site to the Hub are underway, but this project must be looked at as a bigger strategy to spark our economy, retain our youth and activate Downtown in new ways. As planning occurs, high priority will be given to assuring that this vision leaves no one out and, in particular, creates opportunity for Springfield’s Black community, which has not shared proportionately in the gains the economy has produced over time. © 2021 THE NEXT 10

Central Illinois is blessed with excellent institutions of higher education. Growing local postsecondary offerings and harnessing the intellectual capital inherent at colleges and universities is paramount for our communities’ economic and social growth.” TIM BUTLER Illinois State Representative



Bring A Law School To Springfield As the state capital and seat of local government, Springfield provides the perfect setting to establish a law school. Significant government and legal internship opportunities could be a catalyst for student enrollment and support efforts in policymaking. The vibrant student community that would result from a law school would bring new economic opportunity for the community as well. The Next 10 supports efforts to realize the addition of a law school to the community.

Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) is an economic engine for the local community, providing vital workforce training and transfer degree programs to nearly 13,000 individuals annually. LLCC offers students of all ages accessible, affordable education on its Springfield campus in online and hybrid formats, and at Outreach Centers in Jacksonville, Beardstown, Taylorville, Litchfield, Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport and HSHS St. John’s Hospital. St. John’s College of Nursing has been cited as the oldest Catholic hospital-based school of nursing in the United States. The Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine was founded in 1970 to relieve a chronic shortage of physicians in downstate Illinois. It was the only medical school in Illinois with its main campus outside of the Chicago area until 2018.

UIS was named the No. 1 public regional university in Illinois, and No. 4 in the Midwest in both 2020 and 2021 by U.S. News & World Report. The university brings in more than $7M in research funding annually.

Promising Ideas » Establish Sangamon CEO Fellowship program » Stronger emphasis on STEM education and career and employment connections for young people » Better prepare our young people for post-secondary education and the workforce

Innovate Springfield, a business incubator in the heart of Downtown, was launched by the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln in 2014. In 2018, it joined UIS under an agreement aimed at expanding economic growth, entrepreneurship opportunities and social progress in the capital city. Innovate Springfield is the first hub of the Illinois Innovation Network (IIN), which is focused on accelerating statewide job creation and economic development through groundbreaking research and innovation. 27


An Environmentally Sustainable Springfield A community’s carbon footprint is the result of our combined actions, from driving vehicles to powering homes and businesses. Communities across the country are working to become carbon neutral and your input through The Next 10 makes it clear this must be a priority for our region, too. Conducting energy audits of homes and businesses and funding efficiency upgrades will reduce energy demand; installing rooftop solar and encouraging utilities to use clean energy and energy storage will reduce carbon pollution and improve air quality; supporting the use of electric vehicles for our personal, business, government and school uses significantly improves our health and wellness; and planting more trees, flowers and pollinators, and restoring wetlands will produce purer air and water, more biodiversity and a better environment. Supporting an environmentally sustainable Springfield and region is a focus of The Next 10.

The Next 10 can be the catalyst for making Springfield and the Land of Lincoln a leader on clean energy. We can follow old familiar paths and be dragged into a new world or we can lead by taking big steps toward a brighter future, fueled by clean energy, innovative technology and green infrastructure. Our shared goal is to create a cleaner, healthier, more livable community for future generations.” ALLEN GROSBOLL Vice-Chair, Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln Board of Directors

© 2021 THE NEXT 10


Create The City Of Springfield’s City Water, Light And Power (CWLP) Energy Plant Of The Future The energy future in Springfield presents CWLP with both challenge and opportunity. In 2018, the City began a process for an Integrated Resource Plan to identify the best resource options for reliable and reasonably priced electrical power to meet the community’s future needs. The Energy Authority (TEA) developed a guide for future resource decisions as the utility provides its customers value and savings from a diversified and reliable energy mix. Other community leaders have also offered ideas for how CWLP can diversify its energy portfolio; and in 2018, the City launched its first solar farm located in the Harrison Park subdivision. During The Next 10, CWLP can focus on: • Clean Energy: By boosting investments in energy efficiency and incentivizing LEED certified building design, CWLP can reduce energy demand and utility bills; and energy efficiency and renewable energy can reduce our carbon footprint. To achieve this, CWLP can tap into State of Illinois funds to build community solar projects, and also transform contaminated sites into “brightfields” by building solar farms. • Carbon Capture: CWLP has the potential to become the world’s largest research and development pilot for a new carbon capture system, with funding that has recently been awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The initiative aims to utilize CWLP as a testing ground for establishing capability for a power plant to capture carbon dioxide. If feasible, there could be future projects and research to determine what to do with the captured carbon. The University of Illinois’ Prairie Research Institute, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center and DOE plan to complete this research in 2025.

Sustainability Improvements For Non-Profits Non-profit organizations occupy a significant amount of building square footage in Springfield. Often, though, their budgets are too limited to make investments to improve their sustainability—which in turn would save them money and improve the environment. The Next 10 is committed to financially supporting Springfield and regional non-profit organizations to fund sustainability audits and related improvements.

DID YOU KNOW? City of Springfield’s City Water, Light and Power (CWLP) was established as a tiny water works company in the mid-1800s, and today is the largest municipal utility in Illinois. The utility provides high-quality drinking water and low-cost electric power produced at the utility’s combined lakeside filtration plant (also known as Lake Springfield) and generating stations.

Springfield is home to two of the state’s leading conservation and environmental organizations. In 2008, the Illinois Audubon Society moved its state headquarters to the Margery Adams Wildlife Sanctuary in Springfield. It restored the 19th Century Adams Home and added offices and conference space. Illinois Audubon owns and manages 23 conservation sites in Illinois. Three years ago, the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) bought a building five blocks from the State Capitol. A year later, IEC installed solar panels on its roof and cut its energy use (and energy bill) in half. The IEC represents more than 100 conservation and environmental groups from around the state.

The Sustain Springfield Green Map, created by the Urban Action Network and hosted by Lincoln Land Community College’s Green Center, is a user-friendly, GIS-based, online resource that guides residents, visitors, organizations and businesses to sustainable or environmentallyfriendly services, sites and amenities. Visit

Promising Ideas » Green infrastructure policy, including energy audits, roof-top solar and LEED certification for both public and private sector investments » Planting of trees, shrubbery, flowers, pollinator gardens and fruit-bearing vegetation » Clean-up and beautification through trash removal, community space maintenance and block/neighborhood-based efforts » Citywide residential recycling and composting » Access state and federal funds to increase electric vehicle charging stations 29


Collective Action on Catalytic Projects Every community has projects that seem so complex, expensive and challenging that the pathway to tackle them is more overwhelming than one individual or organization can address. We are no stranger to these projects here in the Greater Springfield Area, and through The Next 10 the community elevated them as critical and important to our community’s future. These projects will take collective, coordinated action, multiple partners, many sources of funding, and most importantly, the community’s support.

Pillsbury Site Redevelopment

Image courtesy of The State-Journal Register

Springfield was awarded the Pillsbury Mill project in 1929 after competing with other cities in Illinois and the Midwest. The 18-acre site was open ground at the time, and had excellent rail connections. The facility was originally intended to employ 100-150 individuals, but by the 1950s was employing 1,800. A reduction in jobs would come thereafter as automation was introduced. In 1989, Pillsbury was purchased and two years later the mill was sold to Cargill. Only about 45 employees remained and they too lost their jobs when the plant was closed and sold in 2001. The site has changed hands three times in the 20 years since.

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

For two decades, the community has pushed for answers and action on the former Pillsbury Mill site in the East Side. Now, that is closer to becoming a reality. Nearly four years ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency removed asbestos out of every building, leaving it a shell. The plant sits on 18 acres and is considered a blight in the community. A new group called Moving Pillsbury Forward—established by local community members—is now working to have the area revitalized. The site cleanup is anticipated to cost millions of dollars, but that investment could pave the way for significant new development. The Next 10 will support the community’s efforts to move this project forward.


Benedictine Campus Reimagined Benedictine University closed its 25-acre, 11-building college campus in 2018 as they restructured and sought more modern space to meet their needs. Since that time, the buildings on the site have remained vacant and for sale. They have also recently seen an increase in vandalism. The site poses redevelopment opportunities and challenges for private sector development, because it houses historic buildings, a chapel, a music hall, and other educational and training facilities. Through The Next 10, the community expressed a strong desire to see the campus revitalized as a hub of community and educational activity, with some noting a unique opportunity to create an arts-based campus given existing facilities. Realizing a community-led vision means retaining ownership and control of the site locally. This will be the focus of The Next 10—to ensure that this beautiful campus can remain and be reimagined by and for the community.

Establish And Implement A Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) A Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a plan for regional economic development, designed to build capacity and guide the economic prosperity and resiliency of an area or region. Most every community and region of Sangamon County’s size across the country has a CEDS, which not only guides economic development strategy, but helps local governments obtain critical economic development funding from the federal government. Recognizing the critical need for and importance of the CEDS in helping our community to obtain financial support for other projects in The Next 10, the Community Foundation and the Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance have jointly funded its development. The CEDS will help guide the Greater Springfield Area’s economic development strategies in the future.

Tackling big projects takes time, resources and coordination. The Next 10 has exhibited how much people have an appetite to take on big challenges and forge a new path for the future of the Greater Springfield Area.” RYAN McCRADY President, Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance

The Ursuline order of Catholic nuns played an important role in educating Springfield’s youth from the mid-1800s through most of the 20th century, founding Ursuline Academy on 6.5 acres of North Fifth Street in 1857. In 1929, the Ursuline sisters established the community’s first two-year junior college, Springfield Junior College, in the George Brinkerhoff mansion. It flourished and quickly expanded into new buildings, and would eventually become Springfield College in Illinois (SCI) in the late 1960s. SCI merged with Benedictine in 2009, establishing Benedictine University at Springfield as a four-year institution with a full range of academic programs. In 2014, it was announced that the campus was abandoning undergraduate programs. Shortly thereafter it would move its remaining programs elsewhere in Springfield and closed the 90-year old campus.

Promising Ideas » Repurpose the Third Street Rail Corridor after rail lines are relocated » Activate the Mid-Illinois Medical District » Recruit a professional sports team to Springfield


The Next 10 Implementation Plan THE NEXT 10 PROJECTS


A Revitalized And Resilient Downtown #2

Illinois’ Recreational Playground #3

Urban-Rural Connection #4

A Culturally Rich Community #5

Community-Led Reinvestment In The East Side © 2021 THE NEXT 10




Downtown Springfield, Inc.

City Of Springfield, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, Mid-Illinois Medical District, Sangamon County, Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance


Illinois State Capital Complex Renovations

State Of Illinois

State Of Illinois


Permanent Outdoor Dining Improvements

City Of Springfield

Private Sector


Reactivate Lake Springfield Beach House Area

City Of Springfield’s CWLP

City Of Springfield’s CWLP, Private Sector 2022


Downtown Master Plan

Expand Programming And Illinois Department of Foundation Grants, Private Sector, State Of Illinois Activity On The Sangamon River Natural Resources

2021 And Beyond

Renovate And Activate The Illinois State Fairgrounds

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, Illinois Fairgrounds Foundation, State Of Illinois

2021 And Beyond

Establish The Springfield Region As The Farm-To-Table Capital Of Sangamon County The World

Foundation Grants, State Of Illinois, United States Department Of Agriculture

Starting In 2022

Celebrate And Honor Springfield's Diverse Storylines

City Of Springfield’s Convention & Visitors Bureau, NAACP

Federal Grants, Foundation Grants, State Of Illinois

2021 And Beyond

Support For Artists To Beautify And Enliven Our Community

Springfield Art Association, Springfield Area Arts Council

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln


Investment In The Economic, Physical, Social Infrastructure

City Of Springfield

City Of Springfield, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, And Private Sector, Springfield Black Chamber 2021 Beyond of Commerce, Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance

Protect, Preserve And Designate Historic Properties

City Of Springfield

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, State Of Illinois

Illinois Department of Agriculture





A Strong Foundation For Our Youth #7

Support For Our Most Vulnerable #8

Investments In Higher Education And Innovation #9

An Environmentally Sustainable Springfield #10





Bolster Early Childhood Education

SIU School Of Medicine

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, Sangamon County, SIU, United Way


Develop A Community-Based Work Program For Youth

The Springfield Project, Springfield Black Chamber Of Commerce

City Of Springfield, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, 2021 And Memorial Health System, Private Sector, Sangamon County, Springfield Sangamon Beyond Growth Alliance

Develop A Comprehensive Strategy To Address Homelessness

Heartland Continuum Of Care

City Of Springfield, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, Memorial Hospital, St. John’s Hospital, Sangamon County, Springfield Housing Authority, SIU School Of Medicine, United Way


Support Local Causes Through Further Engagement Of Government Employees And Political Parties

Political Parties and Various Units of Government



Make The UIS Innovation Hub And District A Reality

University Of Illinois Springfield

State Of Illinois

2021 And Beyond

Bring A Law School To Springfield

Springfield Sangamon Private Higher Education Institutions, Growth Alliance State Of Illinois

2021 And Beyond

Create The City Of Springfield’s City, Water, Light And Power (CWLP) Energy Plant Of The Future

City Of Springfield’s CWLP

Federal and State Department of Energy Funds

2021 And Beyond

Sustainability Improvements For Community Foundation For The Non-Profits Land Of Lincoln

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, Foundation Grants


Pillsbury Site Redevelopment

Moving Pillsbury Forward

Benedictine Campus Reimagined City Of Springfield

Collective Action On Catalytic Projects

Establish And Implement A Community Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

City Of Springfield, Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln, And Environmental Protection Agency, Private 2021 Beyond Sector, Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance


Foundation For The Land Of Springfield Sangamon Community Lincoln, Springfield Sangamon Growth Growth Alliance Alliance

2021 And Beyond




How We Got Here

SP R IN G 2021 • Release of The Next 10

The process of establishing The Next 10. The Next 10 was designed by the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln ( as a collaborative community engagement effort to define how we take bold steps together for Springfield’s future. Envisioned prior to the COVID-19 pandemic as an initiative to put the wheels in motion on bold and visionary projects for the community, The Next 10 has taken on ever greater meaning in this midst of these challenging times.


Create enthusiasm among local citizens to share their ideas for bettering the community


Put bold, positive ideas into action and get things accomplished in relatively short time periods of 1-3 years (or less)


Serve as a rallying cry to increase and focus financial resources toward positive projects for the community over the long-term


Serve as a way to position the Greater Springfield Area to be well prepared to address new and emerging needs, and give us a competitive advantage for resources in a post-COVID-19 world

W IN TE R & SP R IN G 2021 • Vetting the ideas with the support of the steering committee, subgroup meetings, January 2021 workshop • Conversations with the City of Springfield, Sangamon County, State of Illinois and our local, state and federal elected officials as well as community organizations to identify partners • Exploration of local, state and federal funding sources to support The Next 10 projects • Launched the EXTRA Speaker Series on priority issues that emerged through The Next 10

FAL L & W IN TE R 2020 • Community engagement and conversations to collect ideas, big and small, for the future of Springfield • TN10.ORG, Virtual Idea Wall & Mapping Tools, Social Media, Pop-Up Events & Projections

SUM M E R & FAL L 2020 • Conversations with the City of Springfield, Sangamon County, State of Illinois and our local, state and federal elected officials to set the stage for The Next 10


• Steering committee formed to help guide the process


Your Part Everyone has a role. The success of The Next 10 is dependent on all of us championing big and small ideas for the future of our community, and stepping up to do our part. For us to succeed in making any one of these ideas a reality will require a comprehensive, consistent and coordinated effort. Working together, we can take steps toward our vision for Greater Springfield.

City Of Springfield The City of Springfield must champion the community-led vision created through The Next 10, and commit to ensuring that the priorities, policies and projects set forth in this plan are acknowledged and supported as investment decisions are made.

Sangamon County Responsible for connecting the Springfield region and supporting the economic and social health of each and every community within it, Sangamon County will play an important role in ensuring the breadth and scope of each project in The Next 10 is broadly impactful.

State Of Illinois As the seat of state government, Springfield’s success can shine as a beacon of hope and opportunity for all of Illinois. The state—as a major real estate and employment partner—can be a champion in supporting The Next 10 as a vision for a new-era capital city.

Community Partners The community organizations and nonprofits that call the Greater Springfield Area home have unique and important roles in partnering with civic leaders and residents to identify opportunities to support The Next 10 initiatives that are connected to their mission.

Employers And Business Owners

Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln The Community Foundation will serve as the caretaker of The Next 10, now and into the future, ensuring that appropriate partners are engaged, resources are identified and the process to implement each initiative is thoughtful and transparent.

As primary investors in Greater Springfield and catalysts of the economy, the success of those invested here (and wishing to invest) is paramount. The engagement of our employers and business owners in shaping policy, programs, projects and our future will help us to be a more resilient community.

Residents The Greater Springfield Area is your home, and The Next 10 represents your vision for your community. Now, it’s time for action. Your leadership, time, energy and resources are needed—now, and well into the future. 35

Imagine Your Role In The Next 10 About The Community Foundation For The Land Of Lincoln There are many ways to make a gift to the Community Foundation. We encourage you to talk with your legal and financial advisors whenever considering a significant lifetime or estate gift. The staff of the Community Foundation stands ready to work with you and your advisors to help create a strategy that is the most beneficial for your own financial planning purposes and for giving to the causes you care about most.

Board Of Directors Roseanne M. Stone, Chair Tricia Nelson Becker Jane N. Denes Jen DeJong Wendi Wills El-Amin Allen Grosboll Cynthia Lamar Kent Massie Robert F. Mulch, Jr. Kenyatta Revelle Mark E. Staley Bruce E. Thompson

© 2021 THE NEXT 10

Imagine permanent funding sources for the local causes you care about the most. Whether your passions lie with the arts, education, the environment or another area, imagine the ways in which the community could be improved by having permanent funding sources for those issues. The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln can help you turn your dream into a reality. Think of us as your local giving experts. We are a dynamic collection of individuals, families and organizations who have a deep understanding of issues shaping our region and want to see the Greater Springfield Area thrive and grow for generations to come. Your involvement with the Community Foundation means you are joining a community that is dedicated to advancing regional solutions and nurturing generosity to do more good. There are many ways to get involved, and donors often take advantage of multiple strategies to leverage their resources for greater good. You can establish a charitable fund now, plan for a future fund, invest in established fund, or talk with us about other ways to get involved.

Imagine what your legacy will be.


Field Of Interest Funds Establishing Unrestricted or Field of Interest Funds brings you right to the heart of an issue that moves you. You identify your personal interest when making the gift, and the Community Foundation awards grants to community organizations that are making a difference in that issue area that you select. By establishing or contributing to a Field of Interest Fund, you can focus your giving on a specific area of concern and put the income from your Fund toward that endeavor—forever.

Contact us to support The Next 10 and the causes you care about. P HO NE


















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