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M THE MANEATER The student voice of MU since 1955


Vol. 86 Issue 3

september 11, 2019



Speakers on campus share controversial messages, displaying MU’s freedom of speech

Medical marijuana brings dispensaries to Columbia

While there are some restrictions on expressive actions, MU provides an open platform to share ideas. ELISE MULLIGAN Reporter

Throughout the first few weeks of classes at MU, it is not uncommon to find crowds of students gathered around controversial speakers in Speakers Circle. While their messages can stir up the crowds to shout back in opposition, it also illustrates the freedom of speech that MU allows. According to the Guiding Principles of Free Expression at Mizzou found on the university’s website, speakers cannot be excluded based on expressing an opinion Speaker Circle often draws in crowds of protesters and advocates with various purposes, illustrating that is offensive to some listeners, even if their rights to express their opinions, even if it is offensive to some listeners. | PHOTO BY it involves vulgar language. PHOTOGRAPHER HANNAH CRONIN "The standards cannot be implemented in a manner that prohibits speech that is disturbing because preaching against the “party animals” of MU and urging of its content, merely annoying, outrageous to some listeners, students to turn to Jesus Christ. “Stop acting like party animals … I am here to slut-shame,” or disruptive in some respect that falls short of impairing Smock said on Aug. 22. the ordinary and normal functions of the university," the Freshman journalism major David Tallant witnessed Smock principles state. speaking and passionately defended his own beliefs back During the week of Aug. 19, “Sister” Cindy Smock appeared in Speakers Circle and drew large crowds of students while fair | Page 4




Parking for students at MU has always been a source of deep frustration. And yet, after years of loud complaints, many students have found that not enough has been done by the university to alleviate the painful, on-campus parking problems. In an attempt to remedy students’ grievances, MU officials have tried to



Medical marijuana, approved by Missouri voters last fall, will be available for sale by spring 2020 and changes are coming to Columbia, such as new dispensaries.


had paid enrollment fees, up 15% from 2018, the first increase of its kind in four years. This increase in enrollment is synonymous with an increase in students bringing cars with them to school. “We have seen an increase in the number of freshmen bringing cars to campus,” Liz McCune, associate director of MU News Bureau said in a statement via email. “Those students who live on campus, and graduate and professional students receive permits before other students. We have accommodated all Residential Life requests.” Parking is big business for MU, and parking citations lead to big revenue for the school. The Missourian reported

According to ABC 17 News, Agape Total Health Care of Missouri, LLC has applied to open five medical marijuana dispensaries in Missouri, one of which is in Columbia. The others are in St. Louis, Kansas City, Liberty and Springfield. Columbia’s Planning and Zoning Commission will review the application. Dan Viets, director of the Missouri chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, has been heavily involved in the implementation of Missouri’s medical marijuana amendment. Viets has been a criminal defense lawyer for 33 years and says that the persecution some users of marijuana

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Parking at MU improves, but still has a long way to go Despite investments of hundreds of thousands of dollars, MU parking still falls short of expectations for many students.

Medical marijuana is now legal in Missouri and patients will be able to purchase medical marijuana in spring 2020.

make changes to the parking process. Most notably streamlining registration so the website does not crash and keep people from registering on time. The permit purchasing dates have also been spread out by seniority, with graduate students having the opportunity to register for spots as early as Aug. 5 and freshmen able to purchase their spots on Aug. 9. Despite these changes, the parking process seems to have remained the same. Students are still complaining about full parking structures, overflowing parking lots with too many vehicles and long distances locations from where students reside and go to class. Amplifying the problem, enrollment at MU has increased each year since 2015. In May 2019, 5,460 students


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INSIDE THIS THE MANEATER The Student Voice of MU since 1955

Vol. 86 Issue 3 G210 Student Center • Columbia, MO 65211 573.882.5500 (phone) • 573.882.5550 (fax) editors@themaneater.com www.themaneater.com

Twitter: @themaneater Instagram: @themaneater Snapchat: @the.maneater facebook.com/themaneaterMU The Maneater is the official student publication of the University of Missouri and operates independently of the university, student government, the School of Journalism and any other campus entity. All text, photos, graphics and other content are property of The Maneater and may not be reproduced without permission. The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the University of Missouri or the MU Student Publications Board.

“Why join a sorority when you can just give all of that money to me.” - Joe

Reporters for The Maneater are required to offer verification of all quotes for each source. If you notice an inaccuracy in one of our stories, please contact us via phone or email.

PAGE 6 Trippie Redd performs at FYG U Music + Tech Festival


Editor-in-Chief Leah Glasser

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Managing Editor Maureen Dunne

Graphics Editor Emily Mann

Production Coordinator Marisa Whitaker

Photo Editor Tanner Brubeck

Copy Chiefs Caroline Fellows Zoia Morrow

Designers Billie Huang Makalah Hardy Jack Rintoul Alex Fulton Delanie Shores Faith Rush

Student Politics Editor Ben Scott University News Editor Laura Evans MOVE Editors Janae McKenzie Joe Cross Opinion Editor Roshae Hemmings

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Online this week: A defense attorney offered advice for students in police encounters, a new method to detect foodborne illness and more at themaneater.com


MU research grant aims to provide health information services to underserved communities in Midwest Twelve librarians receive grant to provide better health information to Midwestern communities. LUCY CAILE

University News Reporter In rural and underserved communities throughout the Midwest, public health information is sparse, as many librarians do not have the adequate training to provide health services to the public. To address the issue, researchers at the MU Health Sciences Library are partnering with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to provide health information services to rural and underserved communities throughout the Midwest. A $500,000 research grant from MU will go towards training 12 Catalysts for Community Health librarians to give back to their own communities through a new health libraries curriculum and a cohort style of learning. The librarians are graduate students who will take classes online through MU and will be recruited from Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming. They will learn ways to provide health information services in places like public libraries, health clinics and Boys & Girls Clubs. The 12 will form a cohort – a network where they can reach out to another person within the project if they ever have issues in their communities. However, the student librarians will remain within their own communities so they know how to best serve the residents. “In a lot of communities they deal with varying levels of health disparities,”



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Students share opinions on virtual IDs Last year, MSA encouraged MU to look into implementing virtual student IDs. We asked students for their thoughts on this.

MSA aims to increase membership through holding town halls, among other plans MSA town halls and committee meetings wil allow more openended conversations and questions with students. ELYSE LUECKE

Student Politics Reporter


Student Politics Reporter Last year, MSA Senate passed Resolution 58-27. According to the resolution, its purpose is to “encourage the deployment of virtual IDs on campus and show that student support is behind the idea,” according to the bill text. The resolution outlines various reasons supporting the implementation of virtual student IDs, including to reduce production costs, as well as costs for students since virtual IDs cannot be lost, to enable students to use their preferred names on cards without having to pay for new ones, and many others. Whether or not the university will decide to execute this suggestion is not known yet. However, it is important to note that, if virtual IDs are implemented in the future, physical IDs will not be unavailable to students. Rather, they will be able to choose between the two options. Here’s what MU students had to say about the possibility of virtual IDs.

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While most Missouri Students Association Senate positions have remained filled since last April, two executive position seats need to be filled. However, the last senate position was officially filled last Tuesday, which was the operations chair. Overall, MSA Senate Speaker Jacob Addington has plans to increase participation within the organization, whether that be through current or potential members. “They need to know our bylaws, constitution [and] rules. I will typically meet with a candidate one-on-one and ask them questions

… and say these are the types of things you’ll need to be ready for,” Addington said. One implementation that has helped the past year is requiring every committee to bring at least one MU administrator to a meeting. Full senate leadership and committee meetings alternate every other week on Tuesdays. The next committee meeting will be Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. in the MU Student Center. “We really want to be having those conversations with administrators that are going to affect the student body and really make sure we are engaging those conversations that our students want us to have,” Addington said. Examples of these conversations would be the Title IX process and Mizzou Libraries’ ability to work well with modern-day technology. In order for students to have their voices heard more clearly and for

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students, which is exactly what [Smock] was doing, she was harassing students, but whenever … they start to harass or persecute the students I feel Continued from page 1 like their rights should be taken from them until they realize [that] wasn't disagreement with her controversial okay,” Farris said. ideas, Tallant believes that speakers In Tallant’s opinion, people have like Smock are not violating any such diverse ideas and backgrounds policies regarding freedom of speech. that it is difficult to distinguish between “Everyone should have a voice, what ideas should and should not be including Sister Cindy,” Tallant said. allowed on campus. “Even though she said things that were “I don't think I deserve to be able to repulsive to me and I hated them … I draw that line, to say this is allowed think she definitely has a place and she this isn't allowed,” Tallant said. deserves to speak.” According to Public Safety Under Missouri Law, “The outdoor Information Specialist of MUPD Sara areas of campuses of public institutions Diedrich, there has not been an incident of higher education in this state shall in the past year of the MUPD having to be deemed traditional public forums,” restrict a speaker on campus. according to Missouri Revisor of Students have some restrictions Statutes 173.1550. However, public on what behavior is appropriate and institutions of higher education can not appropriate when responding to a clarify times and locations where the speaker at an event. expression of ideas is allowed. “Chanting, persistent heckling, For instance, MU does not allow making other sustained or repeated expressive activities at hospitals, noise in a manner that makes it difficult health care facilities, any space where or impossible to hear what the speaker a private meeting is being held, and is saying, or substantially interfering any locations that disrupt university with the speaker’s communication with functions, to name a few. The Business the audience is not acceptable,” the Policy and Procedure Online Manual guiding principles state. includes a full list of these restrictions. Austin Dooley is a former graduate Another point outlined in the guiding of MU and spoke on campus on Aug. 28 principles prohibits using or making a urging students to have faith in Jesus “true threat” of harming or injuring an Christ to “set [them] free from sin.” individual or group of individuals. He appreciates the freedom of speech “Behaviors such as defacing a sign, rights at MU and believes they are assaulting or threatening to assault a reasonable. speaker, or assaulting or threatening “Of all places in America, [a to assault a member of the audience university] is the place where we are never appropriate,” the principles ought to be able to have interactions state. about ideas,” Dooley said. “As long as Kameron Farris, a freshman business there's not violence [and] that kind of marketing student, witnessed Smock’s harm being done, I think this is a place preaching and feels that her approach where we can handle it.” Edited by Laura Evans was not respectful. levans@themaneater.com “Whenever you start harassing


at her. Despite h i s

have faced has kept him motivated to fight for marijuana reform. “A great majority of my clients are very nice people who don’t deserve to be treated like Continued from page 1 criminals,” Viets said. Viets is also the president of New Approach Missouri, which wrote the language for Article 14, the medical marijuana amendment. The organization was able to get the measure on the ballot in November 2018 after gathering thousands of signatures. He explains that the state of Missouri will issue five different types of licenses for dispensaries, testing facilities, manufacturing facilities and testing labs, as well as certificates for transportation. The licenses are limited in number and applicants must pay a nonrefundable application fee, according to St. Louis Public Radio. The fees can reach as much as $10,000 for cultivation facilities. Patient applications have been open since June 2019 and are only available online. Qualifying conditions for obtaining a medical marijuana card include cancer, epilepsy and other chronic medical conditions. Patients must also have a physician certification form, according to the state’s website. There is a $25 fee associated with applying for a patient card and an additional $100 fee for growing one’s own cannabis, which can be done in limited amounts, according to the Springfield News-Leader. “We hope that the state Department of Health and Senior Services will begin to issue cultivation licenses before the end of the year,” Viets said. “We hope they’ll do that by October or November of this year. And if they do, that means there could be cannabis available to sell as early as February or March of next year.” The state has until Dec. 31, 2019 to issue all of the licences and certificates. In the meantime, an independent third-party organization will score the applications in order to decide who will receive a license and who will not. In the future, Viets says that NORML will continue to advocate for the legalization of adult use of nonmedical marijuana. “As 11 states have done, NORML certainly hopes that the state of Missouri will end criminal prohibition of adult use of marijuana as soon as possible,” Viets said. Edited by Ben Scott bscott@themaneater.com

Every space in the designated student parking area is packed to nearly maximum capacity with few available spots, with many students struggling to find a place to park. | PHOTO BY PHOTOGRAPHER LUKE HOFFMAN


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that between 2017 and 2018, the university issued more than 61,000 citations with an average penalty of between $10 and $25. Despite attempts to help make parking

registration simpler, students like freshman Brendan Spicer were still frustrated. “The process is extremely unintuitive and it’s not user-friendly,” Spicer said. “Personally, registering my car was not a great experience. It wasn’t necessarily difficult, but I had no idea what to do in terms of registration.” Spicer echoed other students’ challenges in the registration process, bogged down by numerous “instruction” emails that actually created more questions than they answered. “I had three or four emails sent to me,” he said. “I would follow the steps they provided me, but I would have to keep going back and having to re-register my car because for some reason it wouldn’t save, even though it was supposed to, which was frustrating.” Registration isn’t the only parking issue, as freshman Lucy Dozier found out on her first day on campus. “We went out [late] to Walmart to get groceries, and when we came back there were absolutely no spots, and we spent half an hour trying to find one, eventually having to park in a non-designated spot,” Dozier said. After parking in this spot for the night, she went back to her room hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. “I got a spot late at night, but when I showed up the next day, I saw that my car had a ticket because apparently I had parked in the staff lot,” she said. This is an issue a number of students face and Liz McCune and other school officials are aware of it. “Lot AV14A has been at 95-98% capacity,” McCune said in an email. “We are in the process of moving some students out of AV14 to other locations. If permit holders cannot find a place to park in AC14A, permit holders can park in AV14B.” McCune believes that as the semester rolls on, data collection will be key to help make the parking experience for MU students a pleasant one. “The first few weeks of classes Parking & Transportation staff monitor the number of cars in each lot at any given time and the number of violators who are parking in the wrong lot or do not have a valid permit,” she said. “The number of spaces in a lot does not indicate the number of permits sold because day commuters come and go. It is hard to project how many commuters will be using larger lots, so collecting data is essential.” Edited by Laura Evans levans@themaneater.com


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Continued from page 3

Deb Ward, a collaborator on the project from the MU Health Sciences Library, said. “So a community

something that takes time when you don’t have classes in that skill area.” The ultimate goal of the project is that communities will have more access and opportunity to health information when needed.

in rural Wyoming will deal with

Through expanding networks and building partnerships with libraries

significantly different issues than in the areas of urban St. Louis. So by having

throughout the Midwest, Catalysts for Community Health hopes to give

that embedded person in that community, they are more well equipped or

people at least the opportunity to access information about their health and

more well attuned with what they are dealing with within that community.” well-being, and to see a small part of the community get healthier. The goal for the project is for the librarians to also gain a network of

“We are also addressing wellness,” Jenny Bossaller, principal investigator

people throughout the Midwest who they can reach out to if they have an

of the project, said. “Health and wellness information, we’re looking at the

issue within their community. The partnerships and networking programs

whole person.”

are an integral part of communities moving towards a place of better health.

The grant opens the door for communities to receive information that is

“Another component is that we are trying to create this program for these

accessible and impactful, which will spread a wide net on what it means for

12 individuals so they go out into their communities where they already

everyone to have access to public health information.

are, but they have a higher level of comfort with health information,” Chris

Edited by Laura Evans

Pryor, a collaborator from the MU Health Sciences Library, said. “And that’s



Continued from page 3

Edited by Ben Scott



Continued from page 3

representatives to

marketing to come

be fully engaged

up with some type

with the student

of plan to promote





halls will start on Sept. 19 at Ketcham Auditorium


in Lafferre Hall. The MSA body will focus on

reason why we are

developing MSA priorities for the semester and

pushing it as hard

wants to open up the floor for students who have

as we are is we have

any questions. There will be three different town

not filled our seats

halls. The main idea behind this is to gain MSA

all of the time that I

leadership by encouraging potential candidates to

have been here and

run for senate and allowing them to speak among

I am in my fourth

their peers at the meeting.


In addition, election marketing will be pushed further in order to involve students more in the election and running processes. Addington briefly explained that the fall election is typically looked over. “We are working right now with student affairs


in the


The MSA slates current President Jennifer Sutterer and Vice President Mary O’Brien at The Maneater debate on Feb. 27, 2019. | PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER MADELINE CARTER

Currently, there are 51 senators, even though there are 81 seats that are available to students. MSA Senate has seen most of its representation

gap to recruit more students from other colleges. Communication with deans from various schools is one thing that MSA will do to grasp the attention of potential candidates.

from the College of Arts & Science and the College

Edited by Ben Scott

of Business and is making efforts to bridge the


6 Artist Trippie Redd performs at the FYG U Fest, a free concert for MU students, on September 2, 2019. | PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER MADELINE CARTER


MU hosts FYG U Fest with headliner Trippie Redd The free concert for college students showcased singers Souly Had, Supa Dupa Humble, Luh Kel, DaniLeigh and Trippie Redd in Carnahan Quad. MALLORY BECKER


FYG U Music + Tech Festival, according to media company Big Noise, is “a national festival and digital platform connecting college

students with their favorite music artists, lifestyle passions and brands.” This past Thursday, it was hosted by MU on Carnahan Quad, boasting a live music battle between local artists, as well as performances by Souly Had, Supa Dupa Humble, Luh Kel, DaniLeigh and Trippie Redd. Tickets to the soldout show were free and only available to college students. The event was a hit, with lines forming to enter the venue as early as 4:30 p.m. Students who had Amazon Prime memberships were allowed special privileges, like skipping the long line

to enter the festival. They were also allowed entry into an Amazon Prime section of the crowd that was closer to the stage and less crowded than the general admission section. TikTok, one of the event’s sponsors, made a special appearance to interview students and give their TikTok accounts shoutouts. The show began at 5 p.m. with a live music battle between local musical artists Post Sex Nachos, Lil Chase, Zeke and Abby Kimball. The winners of the contest were determined by a panel of judges. Post Sex Nachos won

the competition and received a $600 Amazon gift card. By the time Trippie Redd took the stage at 9:45 p.m., the venue was bursting at the seams with excited students ready to let loose. They screamed, sang, danced and jumped non-stop. The energy in the crowd was insane — causing a mosh pit to form. The festivities didn’t stop at the stage, however. There were multiple tents and vendors positioned around the back of Carnahan Quad offering food and TikTok swag. “My favorite part had to be the free, build-your-own

snow cones,” freshman Kelly Wink said. Students are hopeful that events like this will continue to be held at MU in the future. It was clear by the size of the students’ smiles and the craziness of their dance moves that the festival was a blast, and that it helped to take their minds off of the stress of the week. “I think events like this definitely improve the Mizzou experience,” freshman Cade Miskimen said. “Especially because it’s free.” Edited by Janae McKenzie jmckenzie@themaneater.com

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BROCKHAMPTON grows without growing pains on ‘GINGER’ The all-American boy band delivers its distinct brand of youthful, emotional hip-hop while continuing to update and refine its sound. SPENCER MENDE Columnist BROCKHAMPTON is one of

the biggest stories in hip-hop right now. Following its debut

album “ALL-AMERICAN TRASH” in 2016, the self-styled boy band

has released six consistently

high-quality albums in half as many years. Composed of over a dozen members that handle

both music and marketing, the collective identity of the group is unprecedented in the modern hip-hop sphere.

In 2018, the group faced

turmoil when the decision was

made to expel prominent vocalist

Ameer Vann on accounts of sexual misconduct. Shortly after, the band released “iridescence,"

an excellent album, but one that

was understandably frantic and disorganized.



BROCKHAMPTON rediscovers the

BROCKHAMPTON’s new album, “GINGER”, was released on Aug. 23, 2019. | COURTESY OF APPLE MUSIC

focus seen on the band’s earlier albums and displays greater maturity on both personal and musical fronts.

“NO HALO” is the album’s opening track, and it is a fitting introduction

for “GINGER." The track’s themes of religion, mental health and a sense of

loss define the album’s lyrical content. The beat on “NO HALO” is one of the

best on the album and uses soft guitars and pianos amid minimalist drums to cement the song’s angst-filled aesthetic.

The following track, “SUGAR," doubles down on the group’s running boy

band motif. The track is as sweet and blissful as the title suggests. “SUGAR” is catchy and certainly well-produced, but it also seems out of place on this

album. The glossy and yearning performances, which culminate with bearface

with classic impressionists / So the lesson is that prerequisites are irrelevant to my standards” is a standout lyric from his verse) and Kevin Abstract’s hook is a welcome melodic element that contrasts the exacting flows the group members use. “DEARLY DEPARTED” and the eponymous “GINGER” are two of the most ambitious tracks on the album and fittingly form its emotional core. “DEARLY DEPARTED” is the most focused artistic response the group has had to its decision to remove Vann. The song's lyrics, especially the verses from Kevin Abstract and McLennon, are some of the most impassioned and most honest in BROCKHAMPTON’s discography. The song “GINGER” is an R&B anthem that plays like the sequel to the

repeatedly crooning “Do you love me, love me, love me?” at the song’s close,

emotional exorcism of “DEARLY DEPARTED." Abstract’s hook is built around

The characteristic high-energy posse cuts that have become staples of the

together / And  you know you got your own space right here forever, baby /

of the album, these tracks feature stripped back instrumentals, altered vocals

the track. The rest of the song follows in suit and almost plays like a Kanye-

best example of this. The core of the production is a slow bassline that is built

For a group that has always cared about emotional integrity, it’s no

stand out against the otherwise moody tone that dominates the album.

the simple, reaffirming mantra of “Know you got your own s***, and all of it

BROCKHAMPTON sound also appear on “GINGER." In keeping with the rest

You  know you got your own, know you got your own” which fittingly opens

and deliberate flows. The lead single “I BEEN BORN AGAIN” is the album’s

style “Runaway” moment.

on as each of the group’s vocalist deliver successive verses.

surprise that “GINGER” is as honest as it is raw. BROCKHAMPTON’s refined

YOU PRAY RIGHT," the group’s vocalists boast about their creative prowess

band’s most cohesive albums to date.

The minimalist production keeps the band’s lyrics front and center. On “IF

over a slow and exacting beat. Dom McLennon’s opening verse on this song

is some of the best rapping on the album (“My attention to detail is in scale

focus and increased vigor pay dividends across the album, forming one of the Edited by Joe Cross jcross@themaneater.com


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One Paw-sitive Year: Papa’s Cat Cafe celebrates one year in business Local coffee shop and cat playroom Papa’s Cat Cafe celebrated its first anniversary being open in July, and only a few days prior, followed through with their hundredth cat adoption. ELIZABETH PRUITT Reporter Located at the corner of Lucky’s Market in Downtown Columbia, a quaint little shop resides. As an up-and-coming trend in the U.S., Papa’s Cat Cafe is central Missouri’s first. A cat cafe is a place where people can come play with cats while drinking a cup of coffee. At Papa’s, customers can pay $5 to stay for 30 minutes in the playroom or $10 for an hour. Papa’s Cat Cafe opened on July 31, 2018 and celebrated its first anniversary this summer. Owner Ryan Kennedy states they have seen many people in the past year. “We were absolutely slammed when we first opened. We were maxing out capacity almost every hour, so we were getting like 150 visitors a day,” Kennedy stated. “It’s not as much as that. We probably get about 25-30 visitors a day now.” Here, you can also adopt the cats in the playroom at any time. They partner with local organization Boone County Animal Care to provide the 20 cats in the playroom customers will see. On July 20, Papa’s Cat Cafe was able to see their 100th adoption. “His name was Polo,” Kennedy said. “It was nice to have him as the 100th adoption because he, for some reason, has three legs and our cats here, they’re mostly from stray and feral backgrounds, so a lot of them have had pretty hard stories. So it was kind of symbolic for us to have him. He doesn’t have all of the legs up that the other cats do to get him adopted out.” Papa’s Cat Cafe is stylistically inspired by the life of famous American author Ernest Hemingway who loved cats. It was also inspired by the cat cafes of South Korea. It is run by Kennedy and his wife MacKenzie EverettKennedy. ”It started with us joking about opening our own cat café,” EverettKennedy said. “But then things started falling into place.” There aren’t many people working at the cafe, but they all have a lot of fun working there, barista Lailani Legardo said. People who like cats or people who are interested in adopting attend the cafe. “Parents bring in their kids to get used to being around cats. We have students come here for therapy, too,” Legardo said. Papa’s Cat Cafe supports many different local businesses to provide

Ryan Kennedy, owner of Papa’s Cat Cafe in downtown Columbia, cradles Pedro the polydactyl lap cat on his shoulder. Other than the three resident cats, all the animals at the Cafe are available for adoption. | PHOTO BY PHOTOGRAPHER NATALIE RADT

from Fretboard Coffee, a local roastery. They serve tea, lemonade, orange juice and specialty drinks. They also serve beer and wine from local brewery Bur Oak Brewing Company. They also serve kombucha from DrinKraft Tasting Cafe. They host many different events, such as Kitten Yoga, Wine and Whiskers and Cat Academy for kids. All events hosted at the cafe can be found on their website at papascatcafe.com. They have spaces at the cafe where people are able to host events like birthdays, weddings, and team-building gatherings. You can also find Papa’s Cat Cafe on Facebook, Twitter, Hulafrog and Instagram at @papascatcafe.

customers with the best products and a sense of comfort. They have the

Edited by Janae McKenzie

typical espresso-based drinks, such as lattes, mochas and coffee which come


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Local soul band Loose Loose performs at Rose Music hall for the Mo Jazz Music Festival on September 7, 2019. | PHOTO BY PHOTOGRAPHER DANIEL DAUGHERTY


Community music festival brings jazz lovers together Mo Jazz Music Fest allows community members to share their passion for jazz music. CATHERINE POLO


Seated in the shade under the trees at Rose Music Hall, attendees at the Sept. 7 Mo Jazz Music Festival gathered to hear a selection of five bands. This was the second time the event was held in Columbia and the festival’s turnout increased almost 50% from last year, as reported by Jeff Bassinson, board president of

Jazz Forward Initiative Inc. Bands came from as far away as Chicago and as close as right here in Columbia. Audience member James Blankenship came to the festival for the first time to hear Loose Loose, whom he had heard before and enjoyed. “It’s like fusion, it’s like a bunch of different styles in one,” Blankenship said. “But it’s still chill and has a nice vibe to it, so I like it.” Also attending the event for the first time, attendee Cheryl Fleming hid from the sun under a rainbow umbrella. She had come out to the show with her husband for a date night and was excited to hear all the

A small crowd gathers at Rose Musical Hall for the Mo Jazz Music Festival on September 7, 2019, listening to the music of local artists such as Columbia band Loose Loose. | PHOTO BY PHOTOGRAPHER DANIEL DAUGHERTY

varying styles of jazz. “I think it’s always great to have people come out for community events,” Fleming said. “It raises awareness of culture. It allows different people to mingle together if that’s what they wanna do. Like, there’s a group of people just hanging out … It’s always great to reconnect with friends as well. It’s nice to have something to do and not just stay in the house all the time.” As he moved along the stage trying to get the perfect photograph, Bassinson snapped pictures of the festival. Bassinson was glad to see the festival grow and get people interested in listening to music.

“Being able to listen to the music and then look around and see the people enjoying it, especially in this venue here at Rose Park, sitting on the trees, either on blankets or in chairs [was great],” Bassinson said. “I call it neck factor if they start bobbing their head to the music then you know you’ve captured them, so that’s one of my favorite things to see.” The free family-friendly festival was an opportunity for attendees to sit back and enjoy different versions of their favorite jazz music. Edited by Janae McKenzie jmckenzie@themaneater.com


Maplewood Barn Theatre ends summer season with farcical comedy ‘Rumors’ was a comedy full of situational humor under the open sky. CHLOE BOCKHORST


Maplewood Barn Theatre wrapped up its 2019 season with “Rumors,” a farce written by Neil Simon. The play started its run on the weekend of Aug. 22, and continued until Sept. 8. In comparison to the other shows of the theater’s 2019 run, “Rumors” used simplistic humor to make the audience laugh at every line. Director Christopher Gould believes the writing does what it’s intended to do. “The point of farce is to have the audience helplessly laughing, like laughing to the point

where they just can’t easily stop. This is a kind of play that really does that,” Gould said. “There’s a lot of funny lines, [a lot] of funny motion, what we call business … and there’s a certain amount of the unexpected in the show as well.” Being a unique play, “Rumors” works well with the Maplewood Barn Theatre’s unique venue. During the summer season, shows are performed outside unless bad weather occurs. Actors learn to roll with the punches that nature may throw, but for “Rumors,” the elements can add another level of hilarity. Actress Sara Lahr, who has performed in several different shows, learned what this could be like in her first performance at an outdoor venue. “Really the biggest thing is … the weather. We’re a little bit dependent on that,” Lahr said. “In the past, I’ve never had to look at the radar to plan my evening.”

Despite what setbacks an outdoor venue may bring, the cast of “Rumors” had been rehearsing since the second week of July to ensure the play was the best it could be, regardless of the weather. This was Parker Ross’ first time stage managing and they attributed the play’s smooth running to the actors. “This cast in particular has been really great. It’s not too big, and everyone really likes each other. They’re very hard working. It’s run along really smoothly, which is great. [It] doesn’t always go like that,” Ross said. When the show finished its run Sept. 8, it signified the end of Maplewood Barn Theatre’s 2019 season. Edited by Janae McKenzie jmckenzie@themaneater.com


T H E M A N E AT E R | M OV E M AG A Z I N E | S E P T E M B E R 1 1, 2 0 1 9


Lana Del Rey is better than ever on ‘Norman F****** Rockwell!’ Her sixth studio album signals a bolder, better new direction for the pop superstar. JACOB LUEBBERT Columnist Since she burst onto the scene with “Video Games,” Lana Del Rey has formed a nearly impenetrable




said ‘I love you’.” Del Rey’s lyrics have always been

accurate. It’s a huge upgrade over her previous

about love, but the writing on “Norman F******

work. Many artists who create ‘70s-inspired tunes

Rockwell!” is greatly improved from the fake deep

become too focused on achieving perfect replicas

feelings she had put on her previous material. Del

of the era, but Del Rey and pop superstar producer

Rey is no longer the brooding, traditionalist writer

Jack Antonoff fit in just enough modern pop

of albums past. This is the album of someone

influences to create a stunningly unique sound.

with a complicated life, someone who took a long

It’s something that’s incredibly hard to pull off

path to get to where she is today. “Don't ask if

and that I’ve only heard one other time this year,

I'm happy, you know that I'm not / But at best, I

on Weyes Blood’s “Titanic Rising.” This is perhaps

can say I'm not sad / 'Cause hope is a dangerous

best heard in the nine-minute long track “Venice B****,” an elegant neo-

and Americana with a distinct



way of carrying herself — remember when she


guitars tracks,



and such is



pairing Del Rey with


only a lone piano. It’s

grain, old cars and a dose


butterfly,” tone down


combined with visuals




Her pessimistic lyrics




rapper Azaelia Banks?



blissful vocal melodies.

f*** you the f*** up” to




tweeted “I won’t not



achingly beautiful.


All this is not to

20th century America a

say “Norman F******

juxtaposition that put

Rockwell!” is a perfect

Del Rey solidly in her

album. The back half

own lane in the greater

suffers from a sense

pop scene.













Record” is a textbook

of records and turned

“old Lana” track that

her into a certified pop

doesn’t really make a


lot of sense on this





felt shallow and onedimensional to me; the

Lana Del Rey released her newest album on Aug. 30, 2019. | COURTESY OF GENUIS.COM

record. “Doin’ Time” is fine, but feels out of

persona of someone who says they are “born in

thing for a woman like me to have,” she croons

place compared to the other better written tracks

the wrong generation,” but listens to trap-pop and

on the album’s finale. With “Norman F******

Lana has on the record.


Rockwell!,” Lana has finally figured out how to

The nice thing is that those issues are easily

That’s what makes her newest album, “Norman

write about herself in a way that doesn’t feel trite.

overlooked because the rest of the album is good

F****** Rockwell!,” such a resounding success—

It’s a massive step forward for an artist whose life

enough to make me ignore that stuff. This album

she has formed her “sadcore” image into something

is ripe for great writing and interesting anecdotes.

is a bold statement from Del Rey, a proclamation

far more layered than on her previous efforts,

Musically, Del Rey has ditched the trap-pop of

of a new, more varied direction. Excuse my

something more confident and far more interesting.

her previous work for a more authentic w70s-era

Lana-inspired language, but “Norman F******

On this new album, Del Rey’s lyrics are upfront.

sound. By attaching her extremely 2019 lyrics to

Rockwell!” is simply, Really F****** Good.

“Goddamn, man-child,” she sings on the album’s

dreamy, vintage baroque pop, Del Rey makes her

Edited by Joe Cross

opening track, “You f***** me so good I almost

writing and visuals feel all the more lived in and



We want to hear your voice.

Submit a letter to the editor by emailing letters@themaneater.com. EDITORIALS REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OPINION OF THE MANEATER EDITORIAL BOARD.



COLUMN: Italian political instability raises need for self-examination Personal lessons can be learned from the recent political instability in Italy BON ADAMSON Opinion Columnist Bon Adamson is a sophomore journalism major at MU. He is an opinion columnist who writes about politics for The Maneater. An interior minister known for inflammatory rhetoric was dangerously close to taking power in Italy. Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, aforementioned interior minister, called for a snap election in Italy after Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resigned on Aug. 20. This was stopped by Conte forming a new coalition between Italy’s populist Five Star Movement, and the center-left Democratic Party. This new coalition excluded Salvini’s League. Now to be clear, Salvini is still dangerous. Elections are bound to happen eventually, and Salvini’s League is polling at numbers around 30%. Salvini is a man who rose to fame on press appearances at camps for the displaced Roma people, which he would threaten to demolish.

He’s also called for a census of Roma, followed by expulsion from Italy of all non-Italian Roma. He called this move an “answer to the Roma question,” a phrase concerningly reminiscent of Nazi rhetoric and their “Final Solution to the Jewish question.” This kind of rhetoric should sound familiar. It is the exact sentiment President Donald Trump expresses frequently towards Mexican immigrants. Trump, much like Salvini, settled in a position of power through harsh anti-Mexican sentiments and threats, such as building a border wall. Similarly, Trump has dehumanized Mexicans from the getgo, literally calling them “rapists” in his campaign announcement speech. Going even further, Trump pushed for adding a census question to root out non-citizens. And of course, who could forget that Trump has detained immigrant children in in facilities described as concentration camps by members of congress, historians, holocaust surviors and the dictionary, and has done nothing to free them. The rise of figures such as Trump and Salvini raises a lot of concerns about who we are at our core. It raises questions about what we think of certain minority groups minus persecution from Trump or Salvini. It raises above all, the need for

a conversation about any underlying prejudices we as a community hold. Even though Salvini has previously failed to take power, and even if Trump fails to secure a second term in 2020, the sentiments both men harnessed to gain power still exist. According to a Pew Research study, 85% of Italians hold an “unfavorable” view of Roma in their country. That is a huge number of people. And the worst part is, with the view being that popular, it’s bound to feel normal. It is for this precise reason, the popularity of such a view, that I must urge you to examine your views and the views of your community. Is there a toxic perception of someone or something in your community you could be looking past? This community could be as large as the state or come all the way down to MU. It could even be your own smaller community, your family or your friends. Is the toxic view so popular it feels normal? Now, if it is, you need only ask yourself two more questions — how long until someone takes advantage of that view and does something horrible because of it? How are you going to stop them? Edited by Bryce Kolk bkolk@themaneater.com


The evangelists in Speakers Circle are preaching from a place where hate shouldn’t be. Preaching hate in Speakers Circle is not going to make people believe. RACHEL SCHNELLE Opinion Columnist

Rachel Schnelle is a sophomore journalism major at MU. She is an opinion columnist who writes about student life for The Maneater. With MU’s campus buzzing after the first few weeks of school, its students have experienced everything that comes with the beginning of a new year. From the beloved “hacky sack guy” to The Antlers heckling, I’ve experienced some pretty strange things on campus as a returning sophomore. Just recently, Speakers Circle has been filled with something unusual — evangelists preaching how Jesus can save you from all destruction.

These preachings are not only problematic but counterproductive. Being that MU is such a big university, it is very likely this is some students’ first encounter and impression of a Christian. The evangelistic preacher eventually caused counter-protesting to occur. While these counterprotesters applauded themselves for shouting creative remarks back at them. It became counterproductive. Shouting hate back at hate only escalates the situation instead of alleviating it. Last semester Daniel Rusk, “Brother Daniel,” and Jeff Mullen, “Saint Jeff” took to Speakers Circle to exclaim that "homo sex is sin," and that it is "evil to be gay." Being that MU is such a diverse and inclusive campus, they were not welcome. MU is home to students from all walks of life, no matter their skin color, race or sexual orientation. Rusk and Mullen’s preachings caused a counterprotest and LGBTQ allies to crowd around them. Both groups of people were not only loud but also very problematic. Neither side was facilitating a good conversation. If they had a calm and collected debate over their differences, then both sides of the event wouldn’t

have been so destructive. As someone with a religious background, I know this is not a way to spread the news of what being a good Christian is like. I believe as a true Christian that in order to make people believe, they have to quietly and calmly lead them in the right direction. According to MU Engage, there are about 50 different religious organizations on campus. All of these organizations are successful because of the way that they bring in believers and members. They set up tables across campus and facilitate a calm and collected environment and actually get to know students as people, instead of judging them for the sins they’ve committed. Being in a religious club on campus has allowed me to meet so many different Christians. Yet, I realized they all have one thing in common — they radiate love and compassion, just as Christ does. If students attended a campus ministry event, they’d realize Christ is not a hateful God, but rather a loving one. The evangelistic protesters were preaching hate in a space where hate doesn’t belong. Edited by Roshae Hemmings rhemmings@themaneater.com


T H E M A N E AT E R | O P I N I O N | S E P T E M B E R 1 1, 2 0 1 9 DOHENY’S DETAILS

Column: Women’s rights celebrated with the 99th anniversary of the 19th amendment, but more change is needed The 99th anniversary of the 19th amendment challenges women to recognize the lack of equality almost a century later, despite celebrating a major milestone in women’s rights. MAGGIE DOHENY

Opinion Columnist

Maggie Doheny is a sophomore journalism major at MU. She is an opinion columnist who writes about women’s rights. 2019 marked the 99th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment. This amendment granted all genders the right to vote in elections, finally allowing women the opportunity to have an opinion in politics legally. Almost one century later, voting for women has become a normalcy. However, we never forget the activists in women’s suffrage like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony who worked hard to ensure equal voting rights for women and men. Despite this recent accomplishment for women’s rights, many women took to social media to express that it has almost been 100 years and there are still prominent disadvantages for women in today’s world. Another century should not pass before we are all given the same rights in the workplace, politically and socially. Unfortunately, there is still a significant difference in salaries between women and men in their careers. In some cases, women are paid around 25% less than men despite having the same job. In many cases, the simple words “male” or “female” on an application can determine which person will get the job. Not only is there a complete lack of equality in most workplaces, but another key workplace is the home.


truest form, and is absolutely unacceptable in 2019. Socially, women have been and are continuously sexualized, whether it is in class, on social media, or on a stage. Schools have dress codes where womens’ skirts cannot be too short and showing shoulders is forbidden. Why? We would not want to distract anyone in class. This thought process sends a terrible message to these young women, yet it does not stop at school. On social media, if a girl posts a picture showing too much skin, that girl could end up with an array of disgusted or over-sexualized comments. If only this problem stopped here. However, it reaches some of the most famous women today. Even someone as acclaimed as Billie Eilish is known

Many women work during the day and do not stop when they come home

for wearing baggy clothes because she is fearful of becoming over-sexualized

to their children and significant other. Being a caretaker is a difficult task in

at the age of 17. In fact, a single picture of Eilish wearing a tank top

and of itself, let alone after working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in a place where

surfaced recently with many people doing exactly as she feared. This cycle

one does not receive the same salary as a male coworker for the same job.

of sexualizing women needs to stop. Just like men, women should wear what

Politically, women still have yet to be taken seriously. Although Hillary

makes themselves confident, whether completely covered head to toe in

Clinton was the Democratic nominee in the 2016 presidential election, there

clothing or not. It is unacceptable to send this message to females that they

has not been a female president in U.S. history. In fact, the current president

need to accommodate others and not prioritize themselves.

seems to have a blatant disregard for treating women and men equally in

This battle for gender equality has continued for almost a century and

both his words and actions. Not to mention, the makeup of Congress in

has yet to come full circle. It is our responsibility to make change and fight

regards to gender does not represent the population overall.

to give equal opportunities to all people regardless of our differences. This

Half of the population are females and only a small portion of the Congress

comes from an understanding of one another and a determination to change

are women. Men have this power over women politically that conflicts with

what needs to be changed. As humans, we deserve to be completely ourselves

simple daily tasks because of a lack of representation in the government. One

and have the same rights as any other human in the workplace, politically

example is through the government’s control over women’s basic healthcare

and socially. Celebrate what we have achieved and fight for what we still

like birth control and abortions. There is no reason for women not to have

need to achieve.

control over their own bodies while men are able to have full control over

Edited by Roshae Hemmings

theirs. The government’s actions towards women highlight patriarchy in its


Online this week: Women's golf and volleyball's home opener.


Missouri picks up first win of season over West Virginia Kelly Bryant threw three touchdown passes in the route.

you think that he’s in position to be tackled, he’s really not. He is a strong, strong runner and he’s got elusive speed. I’m sure glad he’s WILSON MOORE our quarterback.” Assistant Sports Editor Bryant finished 17-for-25 with As quarterback 150 yards and Kelly Bryant dropped three scores in back on second-and-11 a 38-7 Missouri in the second quarter, (1-1, 0-0 SEC) he saw a West Virginia victory over West defender coming after Virginia (1-1, 0-0 him unblocked from Big 12). the left side. With After each the score just 17-0 in team punted on favor of the Tigers, a its first drive, sack could have been a Missouri pieced momentum-swinging, together three point-saving play. Tyler Badie runs But that sack never and two Bryant happened. completions to Bryant stepped move into range forward and to for a 43-yard his left, an almost Tucker McCann effortless glide that field goal and gave him enough time Quarterback Kelly Bryant gestures to the crowd as he emerges from the Missouri locker room prior to Saturday's home opener against West take an early lead. Virginia. Bryant finished the 38-7 win with 150 yards and three touchdowns. | PHOTO BY MADELINE CARTER On the ensuing to connect with tight end drive, West Virginia Albert Okwuegbunam for a 16-yard touchdown strike for the second time in the afternoon. It was redshirt junior quarterback Austin Kendall threw an interception to sophomore the kind of play Missouri had been waiting for since Bryant announced his linebacker Nick Bolton. Four plays later, Bryant found Okwuegbunam in the intentions to transfer last winter, the kind that showed off his athleticism and front corner of the end zone for the duo’s first touchdown connection. “It’s just all about trust. I feel like after my performance today, it just ended in a connection a top red zone target in Okwuegbunam. “[Bryant’s] gonna be able to extend the play," coach Barry Odom said. “He’s kelly | Page 15 gonna break tackles. He’s gonna make moves. He’s gonna make throws. When


Loyola Chicago ends Missouri’s win streak with 2-1 defeat Missouri was unable to hold onto a 1-0 lead, allowing two late goals to give the Ramblers the win. IAN LAIRD


In what has become a common trend recently, Missouri (5-1-0, 0-0-0 SEC) struggled to put away Loyola Chicago (2-3-1, 0-0-0 MVC) despite opening the scoring and creating multiple solid chances in the second half. After its strong 5-0-0 start to the season, coach Bryan Blitz views Missouri’s first loss as a learning moment for himself and the players. “I think we’ve been living on the edge a little bit for the last two games,” Blitz said. “Hopefully we’ll learn a quick lesson as the head coach and also in our program.” Both teams had a quiet first half with few clear cut opportunities for either team, but the Tigers were the ones that roared to life first in the second half. Missouri made its goal in the 52nd minute when junior midfielder Lindsey Whitmore made a driving run from midfield through the heart of the Loyola Chicago defense. After Whitmore glided past multiple Rambler defenders she slipped the ball to senior forward Sarah Luebbert who placed the ball low and to the right of freshman goalkeeper Grace Droessler.

Missouri kept up the pressure with freshmen forwards Janna Singleton and Jadyn Easley each getting the final touch on well-worked plays and forcing two big saves from Droessler to hold the Tigers to one goal. Those saves seemed to be the turning point in the game as Missouri seemed to switch off toward the end of the half, allowing Loyola Chicago to gain the upper hand. For Blitz, the way Missouri has played with a lead recently was a point of emphasis post game as he outlined ways the team could improve. “We want to play a little bit different and keep the ball a little bit more and not get into a counter-attack track meet every time we are ahead,” Blitz said. “[We need to focus on putting] away our chances that we’re creating on that side, but also just game management and [knowing] where we’re at when we’re up.” Both goals for Loyola Chicago came from freshman midfielder Megan Nemec who had come off the bench in the 25th minute. The first goal came as the result of a cross from freshman midfielder Amanda Cassidy which found Nemec unmarked at the back post allowing her to get an easy tap in and draw the Ramblers level with the Tigers in the 76th minute. Nemec’s second goal would come just three minutes later when a

blitz | Page 15



T H E M A N E AT E R | S P O RTS | S E P T E M B E R 1 1, 2 0 1 9

Missouri students wave stadium-issued tiger tails during Saturday’s home opener aganist West Virginia. The tails replaced Missouri’s previous tradition of jangling keys on third down. | PHOTO BY MADELINE CARTER

Notebook: Missouri’s home opener sees changing landscape, traditions at Memorial Stadium Coach Barry Odom was thankful for the crowd during Saturday’s win over West Virginia. EMILY LEIKER Sports Editor While Missouri fans could most certainly spot


song was played following the conclusion of the

today,” Odom said. “I felt them. I felt the energy

prior to the game.

“I’m very thankful for the crowd that was there

in the stadium. I felt them on third down when the defense was out there. I felt them when we

scored, had a tough run by [Larry] Rountree or [Tyler] Badie, finishing a block. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, man.”

Memorial Stadium’s newest addition growing over

the past year, they finally had the chance to see it up close during Saturday’s home-opening win against West Virginia.

The South Endzone — which last season was

just an assortment of cranes — offered fans club and suite-style seating as well as member-only access to the Bunker Club, which the Tigers

emerged from to enter the field Saturday morning.

Fans within the club were able to high-five players as they ran out.

“It was crazy,” sophomore linebacker Nick

Bolton said. “Fans jumping up and down for the first time since I’ve been here. It’s just great to get a win at home for our fans.”

Not only did the South Endzone provide a new

experience for fans, it also changed the on-field experience for players and coaches.

Third down, tails up Although the jangling of keys certainly makes

sense while a defense tries to make a stop on

third down — often referred to as a “key down” — there’s nothing innately unique about the tradition.

Various schools have used it over the years,

including Missouri.

This season, though, Missouri opted for a

change in tradition, handing out plush Tiger tails to fans as they entered. The result was a sea of

spinning tails on third down, not just within the student section, but around the entire stadium.

The new tradition was announced in a press

alcohol sales inside the gates, a change that was

announced on Aug. 9 in accordance with recent Southeastern Conference policy changes.

Beer and wine were sold in 20% of concession

stands around the stadium, although none near the student section. There was also a beer garden and

brewhouse where of-age attendees could enjoy a drink.

Anheuser-Busch products, as well as a handful

of local craft beers, are among the options to

choose from this fall. Fans seated at club level have a few extra brews to choose from.

With the booze sales came inevitable jumbotron

shenanigans, including Memorial Stadium’s first Baker Mayfield-esque beer chug.

Athletic department officials have emphasized

recorded video.

part of that focus and because of SEC policy, booze

by junior running back Larry Rountree III in a pre-

every press release concerning the new policies. As

Fans are encouraged to bring the Tiger tails

sales end with the conclusion of the third quarter.

That sound came from 51,215 fans inside

Another change in tradition was the playing of

against UT Martin had only 44,019 people in

Saturday saw Memorial Stadium’s first go at

the importance of safety over revenue in almost

back each game, with only 75,000 being handed

Memorial Stadium. Last year’s home-opening win

Booze brings shenanigans to jumbotron

release Sept. 4, and demonstrated on the jumbotron

“I feel like the sound bounces off of [the South

Endzone] a little bit,” coach Barry Odom said.

first instead. No mention of this change was made

out throughout the season.

the Missouri Waltz. Normally played by Marching

Mizzou between the third and fourth quarters, the

MUPD has also worked closely with Mizzou

Athletics to ensure a smooth transition into this new gameday tradition.

Edited by Wilson Moore



T H E M A N E AT E R | S P O RTS | S E P T E M B E R 1 1, 2 0 1 9


capped an efficient 12-play, 76-yard drive, and redshirt sophomore Barrett Banister’s first career touchdown, a

Continued from page 13

boosts the trust even more than what it was,” Okwuegbunam said. “Every game where we have positive victories like that, it’s just huge for us.” Missouri forced another takeaway on West Virginia’s next possession. Taking the snap from his own 40, Kendall’s pass was deflected by senior linebacker Cale Garrett before settling into the hands of redshirt senior safety Ronnell Perkins. The Tigers kept the ball on the ground during their next drive, feeding junior running back Larry Rountree III five times for 31 yards, punctuated by a 10-yard touchdown run





Rountree finished with 18 rushes for 99 yards, a return to form after he was benched in favor of Badie during the fourth quarter of Missouri’s week one loss to Wyoming. “Larry was trying to press and do something he’s not,” Odom said.

reception from three yards out just before halftime, pushed MU’s lead

streak. Despite the impressive start,

remained stout. After being torched

goalkeeper Peyton Bauman to make

Lewis pointed out.

for 297 yards on the ground by

a quick decision. Bauman chose to

“We’ve just got to find a way

Wyoming, the Tigers kept West

come off her line to try and head the

to put a full 90 minutes together,”

Virginia in check, allowing only 30

ball clear of the oncoming Nemec,

Lewis said. “It’s a lot of mental

but failed to connect and gave Nemec

toughness and that’s something that

a free run on goal for an easy finish

we’ve focused on a lot this year is

into an empty net.

just learning how to bounce back.”


yards. “I think last week, people were trying to do a little too much, possibly,” Bolton said. “This week, everyone just did their jobs, did one [through] eleven, and ended up with a bunch of tackles for losses and really shut out the run game for the






Missouri will now have to gear

satisfied with the way his goalkeeper

up to play Friday against a Cal State

played and reinforced that the loss

Fullerton team that is currently 4-2-0

was not on Bauman.

on the season. A week later the Tigers





“We always want our goalkeepers

most part.”

will start Southeastern Conference play against Ole Miss on the road.

The Mountaineers weren’t much

to be aggressive off their line,” Blitz

more successful throwing the ball.

said. “She made a few saves in the

“Seems to be a million miles away

Kendall finished 15-for-25 and 137

first half where she had to come off

with SEC play,” Blitz said. “We won’t

her line … she didn’t cost us the

even look ahead … we do one practice

loss. We lose as a team; we win as a

at a time so that’s what we’ll do.”

yards with three interceptions, the final of which was returned for a touchdown by Bolton, his second of the contest. The Mountaineers got on the


being shut out.

Edited by Emily Leiker

team.” The loss is Missouri’s first of the


Missouri will play next against Southeast Missouri State at home on

you’re not.” Missouri’s

clearance by the Ramblers defense

as redshirt senior midfielder Madison


Campbell touchdown catch to avoid

Rountree -- don’t do something that

it also started with a five-game win

backline forcing redshirt sophomore


you’ve been voted captain by your Larry

Continued from page 13

the season hasn’t been without issues

scoreboard on redshirt senior George


start to a season since 2012 when


over 30.

“The greatest thing you can do -because


year, ending what had been its best



Sep. 14 at 6:30 p.m.

coming. Bryant’s elusiveness set up

Edited by Emily Leiker

Okwuegbunam’s second score and







Senior forward Sarah Luebbert fights for the ball during Sunday's 2-1 loss to Loyola Chicago. Luebbert scored Missouri's lone goal in the contest. | PHOTO BY ANDREW MOORE



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