Mizzou in Review 2021-2022

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The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 6 | May 4, 2022

Looking back at this year’s biggest issues CONTENT WARNING:

This story contains content that mentions sexual violence, alcohol abuse and hazing.

The News section covered everything from protests over sexual assault on campus to the platforms of next year’s Missouri Students Association slates. Our coverage revealed a number of shared issues on campus: student safety, communication with administration, controversies surrounding Greek Life and access to student resources. BY NAMRATHA PRASAD AND EMMET JAMIESON


News Editors

ne takeaway from the 2021-2022 school year is many students on campus agree about the biggest issues they face. This unity on issues was most apparent in the platforms of the two slates that ran for Missouri Students Association president and vice president: Josiah Mendoza and Molly Miller of “Show Me Mizzou,” who won the election and will assume the roles of president and vice president next year, and Samantha Hole and Daniel Daugherty of “Maximize Mizzou.” Resolving concerns surrounding campus safety, stemming controversies within Greek Life, improving access to student resources and restoring communication between students and administration formed the cornerstone of both slates’ platforms. Students confronted safety, as well as communication between administrators and students, in their reactions to shootings and sexual assaults on and around campus. As reported by Piper Molins, the MSA Senate held a town hall meeting Dec. 1 to address student safety concerns. Through a campus-wide survey, MSA members relayed student concerns about shootings in the downtown area of Columbia. MU used the MU Emergency Alert System


to send out alerts about “threats to campus,” but alerts of shootings downtown were sometimes delayed or nonexistent because of jurisdictional issues between the Columbia and MU police departments. Mendoza and Miller said their administration would be interested in developing an app to send out alerts in a way that is faster and more accessible. Students also reported a number of sexual assaults and druggings this year and protested several times against MU and Greek life. Many students believed MU was not doing enough to support victims of sexual assault, rape and drugging. Lucy Valeski and Katie Taranto covered these protests for The Maneater. On Sept. 17, MUPD sent a campus-wide email warning students about reports of people drugging students’ drinks, including at fraternity social events and bars, and an email later that month alerted students about a sexual assault that occurred on Sept. 24. Protestors at Speakers Circle on Sept. 30 criticized the administration for victim blaming and using language like “unacceptable behavior” to mask the severity of sexual assault. Reports of druggings at fraternity social events were just one controversy surrounding Greek Life this school year; students also came out to protest against an Oct. 20 hazing incident at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, also known as Fiji, which resulted in freshman Daniel Santulli, who had rushed the fraternity, falling into a coma. Maneater reporters Savvy Sleevar and Tadeo Ruiz covered the protest. MU briefly halted all fraternity events and withdrew Fiji’s recognition, barring the organization from campus, as reported by Emma Flannery and Katie Taranto. Some students who protested against the hazing incident believed the punishment was not enough; one student said Fiji should never be allowed to come back to campus, and others were unhappy with former

PHOTO BY GRACE MILLER The Show Me Mizzou slate, comrpised of Molly Miller, left, and Josiah Mendoza, right, is pictured during the MSA debate on Sunday, March 6, 2022 at Stotler Lounge in Columbia, Mo. Fiji members for not publicly denouncing the hazing. President-elect Mendoza, who belongs to the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity, said preventing future hazing incidents, as well as sexual assaults and druggings, required making students aware of the Student Conduct Committee, which he said exists to consider student input on holding Greek chapters accountable. Another issue was access to student resources. Students who turned out to protest against sexual assault on campus said they were unhappy with MU’s Office of Institutional Equity mandatory reporting requirement, which they said leaves students with few places to turn after being sexually assaulted because professors, counselors and Residential Life employees are required to report sexual assaults. Vice president-elect Miller said her administration plans to highlight the Relationship and Sexual Violence Preven-

tion Center as a resource for students because it is not subject to the mandatory reporting requirement and “genuinely helps students.” Mendoza said the new MSA administration plans to focus more on promoting existing resources to students rather than expanding or creating new ones. This year’s MSA administration, led by President Landon Brickey and Vice President Emily Smith, debuted MU’s first ever Mental Health Week to support student mental health — the event will recur each year, as reported by Eden Harris. The new MSA administration’s platform addressed these exact issues, reflecting the importance of MSA as a vehicle for student opinion and change on campus. Noting the importance of amplifying the student voice, The Maneater increased its coverage of MSA this year. Previously, The Maneater only ran stories about the MSA debate and the results of the election. This

year, Mizzou Student Media assembled a task force to provide complete and comprehensive coverage of the election. The Maneater news section had three reporters work for this team. As soon as the candidates announced their running, the news section got to work. Reporter Eden Harris wrote a pre-coverage piece about previous MSA members and their accomplishments after their terms. Writers Emma Flannery and Savvy Sleevar to write a story about the potential-elects and their platforms. They each chose a platform to report on for the remainder of the election coverage. Flannery and Sleevar each wrote four stories about the platforms and their ideas. Flannery and Sleevar collaborated on a debate piece. Reporter Stephanie Meninger also wrote a story about a referendum about ASUM. Finally, the news section’s coverage ended with Harris writing about the new-elects.

Overall, the coverage of the MSA election this year was more comprehensive as we tried to have our reporters cover all topics that pertained to MSA and the election in general. This year, however, we wish we had covered other organizations on campus as comprehensively as we did for MSA. For instance, we lacked coverage of the Legion of Black Collegians and the Residence Halls Association as well as other governmental organizations on campus. We plan to make a change next year and include these groups as well. We have the utmost faith in expanding and growing as a section next year and this will continue with new editors. We hope we can serve the students as a watchdog (or rather, watchtiger) and look out for their well-being as the student newspaper of MU. Edited by Jacob Richey, jrichey@themaneater.com

A student holds a sign during a protest outside the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021 at the MU campus in Columbia, Mo. Roughly 200 students gathered outside the house during the protest, many with homemade signs.


Students hold signs and chant during the protest outside the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021 at the MU campus in Columbia, Mo. The protest was sparked by an announcement earlier Wednesday that a freshman at the fraternity had been hospitalized due to suspected alcohol.



For their first staff bonding of the fall semester, the MOVE Section painted a mountain landscape while watching a Bob Ross video.

Mizzou in Review: the MOVEs we made MOVE editors reflect on the more than 130 articles their staff produced during the 2021-22 school year.



MOVE Editors

ur reach on campus and in the world of Arts & Culture stretched beyond the boundaries of The Maneater newsroom this year. The year began with MOVE editors Elise Mulligan and Shannon Worley as they selected the team of reporters who would make up the MOVE 2021-22 staff. With every reporter hired, the MOVE section came to life. The size of the MOVE staff doubled from the previous year. With the increase in writers, we also increased the amount of content produced and released 80 articles in the first semester. These stories covered topics ranging from the release of Taylor Swift’s ten-minute short film “All Too Well” to Homecoming Royalty to the grand opening of Raising Canes. In case you missed them, here are a few of our favorites: “Ten books you can purchase with nonprofit The Peace Nook’s book club” The book club gives customers at The Peace Nook the opportunity to buy 10 books from their selection and receive their 11th pick for free. Check out these top 10 titles on The Peace Nook’s shelves. Sept. 9, 2021 | By Lucy Valeski and Lillian Metzmeier & Photo by Anastasia Busby “A campus filled with

On Dec. 5, 2021, MOVE Editors Elise Mulligan, Cami Fowler, Lucy Valeski and Shannon Worley take a selfie after their last pitch meeting of the fall semester. The section held their meetings outside of the Maneater newsroom. headphones: What is everyone listening to?” Discover what students were listening to in their headphones while on campus on Sept. 24. Oct. 9, 2021 | By Camila Fowler & Visuals by Camila Fowler “Breaking Barriers: How a new club at MU hopes to move Spanish beyond the classroom” The Spanish Theatre Club prepared to produce their first play written almost entirely in Spanish in Studio 4 in McKee Gym. Oct. 31, 2021 | By Gehazi Whitehurst & Graphic by Jack Copeland “Sexual violence at MU:

the stories of Tabitha and Chloe” As campus directed its attention to MU’s sexual violence issues, two survivors shared their stories. Nov. 3, 2021 | By Carrington Peavy and Joy Mazur & Photos by Lily Dozier and Hannah Arzen “The newest season of ‘Sex Education’ continues to explore the importance of one’s identity” “Sex Education” season three came out on Netflix, and just like the first two seasons, it prioritized representation with returning characters and a few new students.

Nov. 18, 2021 | By Kara Ellis & Graphic by Gabrielle Lacey As fall turned to winter, reporters shifted their attention toward wrapping up their articles for the semester, and editors began to prepare for the second semester. Over winter break, the MOVE staff saw some faces leave, including Mulligan. In their absence, Camila Fowler and Lucy Valeski stepped into editorial roles and new reporters joined the team. With the spring semester came the release of 59 articles and counting. From in-depth True/False Film Fest coverage to local food recommendations galore, the

staff produced a wide variety of content. Check out these articles: “Local band drona brings musical complexity and youthfulness to True/False Film Fest” A featured musical act at the 2022 True/False Film Fest, the three siblings who make up drona reached genre-bending heights despite their young age. March 2, 2022 | By Chamberlain Bauman & Visuals by Grace Burwell “Top five movies to put on your list for the True/False Film Festival” With numerous features and short films to choose from, MOVE helped people choose which to see first. March 3, 2022 | By Carrington Peavy & Photo by Shannon Worley “Hedda is the pinnacle of vintage and sustainable fashion” When investing in your future fits, look no further than Columbia’s greatest treasure, Hedda. March 20, 2022 | By Grace Miller & Photos from Grace Miller “Women’s History Month: Five women making a difference at MU” Learn more about five notable women at MU making a difference in their fields. April 6, 2022 | By Grace Burwell “The Academy’s attempts to define foreignness highlight the Oscars’ growing identity crisis” The Academy must redefine itself in its effort to supple-


ment representation in the film industry. April 12, 2022 | By Egan Ward & Illustrated by Bailey Rizzo Looking back at this semester, we as editors could not be more grateful. Our staff was talented, creative, hardworking and dedicated to telling stories that needed to be heard. Each article brought a unique perspective — just like the reporter writing it. We could not be more proud of our staff, but their work speaks for itself. We saw this at the Missouri College Media Association awards, where four of our reporters were recognized for their stories. Chamberlain Bauman received first place in entertainment reviews, Carrington Peavy and Joy Mazur finished in third place in feature writing. Trey Williams and Grace Miller earned honorable mentions in entertainment reviews. Needless to say, there is a lot for us to be proud of this year, and we loved every second of it. To our staff, thank you, and keep on MOVEin.’ Edited by Emily Rutledge, erutledge@themaneater.com



Mizzou in Review: the opinions section The Maneater’s 2021-2022 Opinions Section highlighted significant issues on and off campus.


This story contains content that mentions sexual violence, alcohol abuse and hazing.



Opinions Editors

hroughout the 2021-22 school year, our columnists spoke up about several institutional issues, shared their own perspectives and commented on world issues that make the Columbia community strive to do better. Our section has thrived in person, making collaborative efforts and connections between columnists easier so we can build an allyship between students who love to speak their mind. Here are the highlights of this year’s columns that deserve recognition for how they have informed campus on significant issues both in and out of the community. Let’s Improve MU The beginning of the semester was a trying time for many of our columnists. For those who had initially stepped foot on campus, they immediately were faced with MU’s continued ties to historic racism and failure to address toxic Greek Life culture. For columnist Abigail Ramirez, the outcry of sexual assault, hazing and drugging across fraternities was the first thing she wanted to shed light on. Ramirez’s column concerning the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Fiji assault on Aug. 24 called on the entire Greek system to change how it holds fraternities accountable. This effort


continued, when Ramirez called out MU’s Fiji chapter on blaming victim Daniel Santulli, who suffered from alcohol poisoning and fell into a coma due to intense hazing. Our section was committed to reporting on the faults of the administration to protect students first rather than its image. For other students who have experienced MU before and after the restructuring of the social justice centers, columnists weighed in on this devastating effect. Columnist Sarah Parisien spoke on MU’s erasure of the historic Welcome Black BBQ, hosted by the Legion of Black Collegians, as it was rebranded as the Welcome Back BBQ without their permission. As students who care for MU and its history, we must continue to advocate on behalf of traditions that recognize marginalized people on this campus and refuse to have it stricken from our campus history. An accessible campus for everyone When walking to class every day, it is impossible for our columnists not to take note of little things that make this campus not accessible for everyone. During MU’s Disability Culture Month, columnist Jenna Burk spoke with students who rely on the campus’ single disability shuttle to meet their needs. Through Burk’s reporting, she discovered “many students report tardiness, waiting in difficult weather, losing participation points in class and general dissatisfaction with the shuttle service.” Columnist Mara Dumitru’s observations took her to MU football games, where she spoke out on tailgating culture’s harm on our campus environment, advocating for students and alumni to extend their support for the Tigers by picking up after themselves. Guest columnist Eden Harris spoke out about how American evangelist Sister Cindy’s campus visit invalidated her Jewish faith and shamed students across campus for their sexuality. Columnist Ezra Bitterman’s article on gun violence in 2020 not only touched on how little coverage certain events got during the beginning of the pandemic, but also brought


up questions surrounding gun violence in Columbia and how many students were impacted by shootings downtown. Advocate for your passions Through our columnists’ unique interests, we learned about important topics we otherwise may not have known about. We are fortunate columnists used this section to advocate on behalf of their passions and further educate us on how to do better. Specifically in the entertainment we consume every day, columnist Abby Lee coined the phrase “Fem-Bot Soldier” to talk about how impossible and unrealistic standards female protagonists are held to in modern movies.

When diving into opinions surrounding journalism, Columnist Cydnee Dotson wrote about how sports media must better treat Black female sports journalists and pointed out the obstacles Black women face in a white-male-dominated industry. Lastly, Columnist Grace Miller’s article on purity culture also encouraged readers to challenge our society by questioning why virginity still seems to hold so much value, especially when women are shamed for their sexual history. These columnists stood for what they believed in by taking matters important to them and creating compelling arguments. Editorials

We began and ended the year with editorials. The first, written in May 2021, condemned Senator Josh Hawley’s action of voting “No” on a bill that would work to prevent hate crimes against Asian Americans. As an editorial board we decided Hawley’s acts, which exemplify harmful rhetoric surrounding racism in America, should be called out due to the fact that he represents Missouri. Our second editorial, which was written in March 2022, covered the Missouri Students Association election. After attending the debate between the two slates and discussing matters with the editorial board, we decided to settle for endorsing Samantha Hole

and Daniel Daugherty of the “Maximize Mizzou” slate. Although they did not win the election, the editorial board received a response from the slate addressing our concerns, which was an excellent way for voters to learn more about the campaigns. Overall, this year was excellent in terms of opinion coverage. Being able to have columnists address a number of issues and current events made this year exceptional. We hope this section continues to be used as the student voice and advocate on behalf of every student on campus.

Edited by Emily Rutledge, erutledge@themaneater.com



After two days of wrestling, Missouri was crowned the Big 12 champions and head coach Brian Smith was named Coach of the Year.

Recapping Missouri’s top sports moments this year

The Tigers continued their dominance in wrestling, softball and gymnastics and MU sport programs made history in the 2021-22 season. BY RILEY GEARHART AND BRANDON HAYNES


Sports Editors

he 2021-22 academic year of Missouri sports brought several highs and lows, but the Tigers found ways to make history, overcome adversity and show why Missouri can continue as a perennial athletics university in 2022-23. Before jumping ahead to next year, here is a look at the top 10 moments from Missouri sports this past year. Missouri wrestling wins Big 12 Championship The Missouri wrestling team won its 11th straight conference championship on March 5 and 6. This was the Tigers’ first season competing in the Big 12 since 2012. Missouri freshman Keegan O’Toole, 165 pounds, won his weight class after defeating West Virginia sophomore Peyton Hall. O’Toole finished the regular season with a perfect record and was later named Big 12 Wrestler of the Year. In addition to a team victory, head coach Brian Smith was awarded Big 12 Coach of the Year. This was Smith’s seventh conference coach of the year award. Missouri gymnastics vaults into the national championship conversation Missouri gymnastics entered the season at No. 16 in the national poll after adding five newcomers in the nation’s fourth-ranked recruiting class and 11 returning Tigers, including All-American Helen Hu. The Tigers made the most of their preseason expectations, compiling an 11-4 record and finishing fourth in the Southeastern Conference Championship with a record-setting 196.825 conference championship score. Using this momentum, Missouri posted its second-highest regional score in program history (197.150)

to earn a spot in the Regional Final against No. 3 Michigan, No. 14 UCLA and Iowa. The Tigers finished top-two in the Regional Final with a 197.425 score — their highest ever at the NCAA Regional Championships advancing to the NCAA Championships. Missouri placed fifth at the NCAA Championship Semifinal after finishing with 197.200 points, tallying its highest finish in program history despite coming into the semifinal ranked as the lowest team. The shot heard throughout women’s basketball: Missouri defeats No. 1 South Carolina Junior guard Lauren Hansen drove to the basket and delivered a game-winning layup with 0.1 seconds remaining to shock eventual NCAA champions South Carolina Gamecocks 70-69 on Dec. 30. Despite only having eight players available due to COVID-19 protocols, Hansen and junior forward Hayley Frank each tallied 21 points, while redshirt senior forward LaDazhia Williams posted a 12-point, 12-rebound double-double to aid in the shocking upset. The victory marked Missouri’s first win over a No. 1-ranked team in program history and handed the Gamecocks their first loss to an unranked opponent since Feb. 19, 2017, also against the Tigers. Head coach Robin Pingeton earned her 201st career victory with the win after picking up No. 200 against Illinois on Dec. 22, becoming the second Tigers coach to achieve the feat. Senior running back Tyler Badie sets Missouri’s new single-season rushing record Senior running back Tyler Badie ran 219 yards and got a touchdown on a career-high 41 carries on Nov. 26 against Arkansas in a 34-17 Battle Line Rivalry loss. The rushing spectacle pushed

Badie to a new single-season school record of 1,604 rushing yards and moved him into seventh place on Missouri’s career rush yards list at 2,740. Badie’s performance on and off the field earned him a few notable accolades on the season, including earning a place on the AP Coaches’ All-SEC First Team, getting named the SEC Football Scholar-Athlete of the Year and selected as a CBS Sports second-team All-American. Badie declared for the NFL Draft on Dec. 21 and the Baltimore Ravens selected him with the No. 196 pick of the sixth round on April 30. He will have the opportunity to compete in a backfield with J.K. Dobbins and Gus Edwards while playing alongside quarterback Lamar Jackson. Softball caps dominant non-conference stretch with perfect game Missouri softball entered the 2022 season in USA softball’s No. 12 spot after hosting a Super Regional last season for the first time since 2013. The Tigers jumped to a 16-4 record with three Top-25 victories against non-conference opponents to begin their season. During that stretch, Missouri combined for an 8-1 record during the Mary Nutter Collegiate Classic and Mizzou Tournament, which displayed their full potential. The Mary Nutter Collegiate Classic pitted the Tigers against three of USA softball’s top-11 programs. Missouri finished 4-1 in the classic, defeating then-No. 5 Washington and then-No. 11 Oregon, while suffering a two-run loss to then-No. 6 UCLA in the finale. The Tigers followed up that performance with a record-setting 4-0 weekend in the Mizzou Tournament. Missouri had a no-hitter against St. Thomas in Game One, hammered a program-record seven home runs against St. Thomas in Game Three of the tournament and capped the week-

end off with a perfect game by sophomore pitcher Laurin Krings against Bradley. Baseball rallies in remembrance of Brian DeLunas On the evening of Jan. 16, Missouri pitching coach Brian DeLunas passed away following an extended battle with kidney disease. He was in his second stint with the Tigers after serving as a volunteer assistant and pitching coach from 2007-09. Missouri remembers DeLunas with a “BD” patch on players’ jerseys and caps, while his No. 40 jersey hangs in the dugout. His death was felt throughout the organization, the Tigers continue to play with him in their hearts and minds. At 22-17, Missouri has already eclipsed its win totals from each of the past two seasons with 13 regular season games remaining. The Tigers have held their heads strong and continue earning victories, which is what DeLunas would have wanted, his nephew and Missouri pitcher Austin Cheeley said in an interview with the St. Louis Post Dispatch. “I know that he wouldn’t want us to lose any time in baseball,” Cheeley said. Men’s basketball retools with Dennis Gates hiring After finishing 12-21 (5-13 SEC), Missouri men’s basketball announced former head coach Cuonzo Martin will not return for the 2022-23 season. An 11-day hunt for the next leader of Missouri men’s basketball ensued and ended with the hiring of Dennis Gates, a former Cleveland State head coach. Gates earned a 39-19 record over his past two seasons with the Vikings and led them to their first NCAA tournament appearance since 2009. Gates has kept busy since his announcement as head coach on March 22, bringing in three experienced assistant coaches, seven transfers and

four-star recruit Aidan Shaw. Nine players from Missouri’s 2021-22 roster entered the transfer portal following Martin’s departure, but Gates has worked to replace them with a plethora of talented playmakers, and his work is not finished. Outside hitter Anna Dixon follows up strong junior season with USA team selection After ending her junior season with 380 kills and 173 digs, outside hitter Anna Dixon attended the U.S. Women’s National Team Open Tryouts alongside four of her teammates. Her skills proved among the best, as she was chosen to compete for the U.S. Women’s Collegiate National Team this summer. Dixon is among 38 collegiate athletes who will train in Anaheim, California and be observed by the Women’s National Team staff. Missouri head coach Joshua Taylor hopes the skills Dixon learns this summer will help the entire team have a successful season next fall. Football clinches bowl berth in victory over Florida Missouri football entered its Nov. 20 game against Florida with a 5-5 record and needed a victory over their final two SEC matches to qualify for a bowl game. After trading the lead back and forth throughout the first three quarters, the teams ended the fourth quarter tied, 16-16, forcing them into overtime. Florida scored the first points in overtime, with redshirt junior Emory Jones catching a touchdown pass to put the Gators ahead 23-16. Shortly after, however, the Tigers came back. Badie ran the ball in for a Missouri touchdown, and senior Daniel Parker Jr. caught a game-winning pass for the 2-point conversion to defeat the Gators 24-23. This victory sent the Tigers to their second consecutive bowl game, where they played Army in the Armed


Forces Bowl. Missouri makes its presence known at the club sports level From a renewed homeand-home rivalry series between Missouri and Kansas club hockey programs to several other club national tournament appearances, Missouri’s club teams had quite the year. The men’s and women’s disc golf teams captured national championships on April 10, edging out Iowa State and Ferris State, respectively. Club racquetball also captured national titles at the Intercollegiate Racquetball National Championship in Tucson, Arizona, from March 23-26. Men’s club soccer placed second at the NIRSA National Soccer Tournament in the men’s open, while the women’s team finished as a semifinalist in the women’s open. Missouri’s club quidditch team placed second in the consolation bracket of the U.S. Quidditch Cup, while the club swim and club triathlon teams qualified for national championships. After winning the regional tournament, the women’s club volleyball A team placed ninth in the NCVF Volleyball Championships. The men’s side added its own ninth place finish, giving Missouri another two top-10 teams. Edited by Jacob Richey and Julia Williams; jrichey@themaneater.com, jwilliams@themaneater.com Data edited by Christian Dutcher, cdutcher@themaneater.com


MMM The ManeaTer

The ManeaTer

The ManeaTer

The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 1 | September 8, 2021

The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 3 | November 3, 2021



Protesters demand accountability outside Fiji

Student organizations promote free COVID-19 vaccination clinic

MU’s Department of Student Health and Well-Being collaborated with student organizations on campus, including Welcome Week leaders and the Campus Activities Programming Board, to encourage students to attend MU’s vaccination clinic Aug. 24 and 25. BY EMMA STEFANUTTI Reporter

MU held a free COVID-19 vaccination clinic in the Student Center on Aug. 24 and 25. The Department of Student Health and Well-Being organized the clinic and partnered with student involvement organizations, including the Office of Student Engagement and Campus Activities Programming Board, to promote the vaccine to students. Volunteers wore costumes and drove golf carts around campus, offering free rides to the clinic. Members of CAPB handed out cookies and ice cream to students in waiting areas. Involvement Ambassadors talked to students as they got vaccinated about ways to get involved on campus. Bryan Goers, the senior coordinator for the Office of Student Engagement, said these initiatives were part of a larger effort by many organizations on campus to encourage students to get the vaccine. “The more students that have the vaccine, the safer that our events and programs will be,” Goers said. “We’ll do whatever we can to support SHWB and their efforts, and really the campus’ efforts, to get people vaccinated.” Goers’ office oversees Welcome Week leaders, who have been involved in efforts to promote the clinic. In addition to publicizing the event throughout Welcome Week, some leaders drove around campus, informing students of the clinic and offering to drive them there. Some even dressed in extravagant costumes like dinosaur suits. Goers said beyond the excitement of dinosaur suits and the convenience of free

golf cart rides, Welcome Week leaders and other student groups are responsible for caring for students’ well-being, and aim to add a sense of comfort among students who may have been skeptical about the vaccine. “The Welcome Week leaders are a group of students who are trained, and they volunteer their time to try to promote [students] thriving on Mizzou’s campus,” Goers said. “One of the ways that we can thrive on Mizzou’s campus is for everybody to have the vaccine and be able to fully participate in activities throughout the year.” Aside from Welcome Week leaders, CAPB also played a key role in the clinic by setting up a “chill zone,” where students could wait the recommended 15 minutes after their vaccine in case of adverse effects. The chill zone featured free snacks, a claw machine, music and movies. Senior Anthony Ashe, marketing assistant for CAPB, said that peer influence is a factor that makes student organizations instrumental in MU’s mission to increase vaccination rates. “[CAPB’s involvement in the clinic] shows you that even if you may not be the most comfortable and you have your own personal reasons for why you didn’t get a vaccine, there’s a group of people who are interested in making you feel comfortable and doing what they can to help facilitate that so we can all get back to normal,” Ashe said. The executive director of SHWB, Jamie Shutter, said that by the end of the first day, the clinic received a much higher turnout than anticipated. “We’ve been very pleased with the turnout. When we first planned this clinic, we weren’t sure what to expect. But we had 79 [students get vaccinated]


A group of MU students wait in line to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021, at the Student Center in Columbia, Mo. The MU Department of Student Health and Well-Being hosted the event alongside other student organizations to encourage vaccination on campus. yesterday, and we are already much busier today,” Shutter said on Aug. 25. “The clinic officially opened at 11 [a.m.], and we had people starting at 10:30 [a.m.] wanting to get vaccinated. So we’re really thrilled.” Given the turnout of the clinic, both SHWB and the student organizations it partnered with said they remain optimistic that campus-wide reception toward the COVID-19 vaccine will continue to improve. With some

aspects of regular campus life moving back to normalcy, Ashe hopes that students’ desires for an in-person college experience will motivate them to stay safe and get vaccinated. “I think with how last year went, and students not really being on campus and not really seeing the same level of activities, people who were here last year [missed out on a lot of experiences],” Ashe said. “Even though everything’s not fully

back to normal, there’s still stuff going on and they can still get involved.” SHWB will host another clinic on Sept. 14 and 15 to provide a second dose to students who were vaccinated on Aug. 24 and 25, but the clinic will remain open to anyone who has not yet received the vaccine.

Students protested the fraternity after an alleged hazing incident left a freshman in critical condition on Oct. 20.






n MU freshman was hospitalized for alcohol poisoning on Oct. 20 after attending a social event at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, also known as Fiji. MU withdrew recognition of Fiji Oct. 22, which means the fraternity is no longer an official organization on campus. The announcement came in a mass email from Bill Stackman, vice chancellor of Student Affairs after MU found the chapter responsible for multiple violations of MU’s Standard of Conduct. This comes after Stackman announced on the day of the hospitalization that Fiji would be temporarily suspended. MU also temporarily halted all fraternity activities. The suspension ended on Friday, Oct. 29, two days after the Interfraternity Council — one of the four councils within the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life — released a statement condemning hazing and sexual assault. The IFC said until Nov. 19, any fraternity chapter that wants to hold a social event must set up a meeting with the IFC president, advisor or vice president of risk management to discuss risk management policies. The statement also mentioned that should fraternity chapters fail to fol-

Hotdoggers Ally “At The Grill” Friend and Brandon “Bun Man Bran” Mazzaferro stand in front of the Wienermobile outside Memorial Student Union on Feb. 15. Friend and Mazzaferro are both recent college graduates pursuing PR degrees.

Students hold signs and chant during the protest outside the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at the MU campus in Columbia. The protest sparked from an announcement earlier Wednesday that a freshman who attended a social event at the fraternity had been hospitalized due to suspected alcohol poisoning. low these new policies, they’ll be held accountable through IFC judicial proceedings. Prior to these developments, on the evening of Oct. 20, student protesters stood outside the Fiji house as their chants of “you are the problem” echoed in Greektown. Prior to MU’s withdrawal of recognition, students at the protest demanded harsher punishments for Fiji than the suspension, including Students One


Edited by Namratha Prasad, nprasad@themaneater.com

Three of MU’s political organizations shared their takes on five political issues in America.


welcoming students — whether those students know where they stand regarding politics, or are brand new to it. For more left-leaning students, the Mizzou College Democrats or the Mizzou Young Democratic Socialists of America may be organizations of interest. “[U.S. Sen. Elizabeth] Warren Democrats are

probably as far right as [YDSA goes], and then all the way [left] to ideologies that don’t even have parties,” sophomore YDSA President Quinn Coffman said. While the Mizzou College Democrats, headed by senior President Jeffrey Bittle, is not an exclusively socialist organization like YDSA, its members

encompass a variety of political ideologies, from center left to far left. “On an official basis, our platform mostly aligns with the general [Democratic] party platform, but being on a college campus, we tend to align more on the progressive side of things,” Bittle said. If the right side of politics is more appealing, Mizzou

College Republicans is an option. Sophomore President Josiah Mendoza said that the organization’s goals include “limited governments, lower taxes and deregulation.” Health care An issue that has almost always been at the forefront of political campaigns is health care. According to the most recent data

from the National Health Interview Survey, in 2020 13.9% of adults ages 18-64 were living uninsured. The leaders of YDSA and Mizzou College Democrats aligned on the issue, both proposing a single-payer health care system as a way to get more Americans insured. According to Harvard

See Politics on 4

The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 2 | October 6, 2021

The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 5 | March 3, 2022


Politics for Dummies by Dummies: Get to know some of MU’s political organizations BY TADEO RUIZ AND OLIVIA MIZELLE

The ManeaTer

This story contains content that mentions sexual violence, alcohol abuse and hazing.


Saying that politics is complicated is an understatement. In today’s atmosphere, every issue has more than one side to it, and and each side has more than one answer. MU has numerous political organizations currently


The student holds a sign during a protest outside the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at the MU campus in Columbia. Roughly 200 students gathered outside the house during the protest, many with homemade signs.

and Two, who are both members of Greek Life. “Fiji should be made an example of,” Student One said. “They should be kicked out indefinitely and not allowed to come back.” Student Two thought the suspension failed to address a larger issue. “It feels like they’re putting a BandAid on a problem as big as a bullet wound,” Student Two said. University of Missouri Police were present at the protest with the Columbia Police Department assisting, MU spokesperson Christian Basi confirmed. Police escorted Student One away from the house after they tried to put up protest signs that read “these hands don’t haze” on Fiji’s front entryway, which was within private property lines. Stackman’s Oct. 22 email also cited a need to give MU “an opportunity to review [Greek Life’s] current culture … this review will inform new strategies for alcohol safety, hazing awareness and healthy relationships for all students on campus.” Following the hospitalization, Basi said MU launched two investigations: a policy investigation by the Office of Student Accountability and Support and a police investigation by MUPD. The Columbia Missourian reported that the freshman was in critical condition at University Hospital on Oct. 21. It also reported that the freshman was a pledge — a student seeking fraternity membership — and the incident stemmed from alleged hazing at the fraternity house. No updates on the condition of the freshman have been publicly released since. At the protest, Sophomore EJ Haas

said that the situation did not feel new. Haas said fraternities foster a culture of toxic masculinity. “[There seems to be] a mentality that hurting people is a way to bond with them,” Haas said. The IFC declined to comment on the incident and the pledge’s hospitalization. MU’s “review of the Greek system” has been a “joint effort” that includes members of Student Affairs and IFC, Basi said. “[Student Affairs and the IFC are] going to be looking at anything that covers the safety and security of events to make sure that students are safe when engaging with events that fraternities host or are involved with,” Basi said. “They will be reviewing those rules and regulations that enforce safety, and make sure that they are being complied with.” This is not the first time Fiji or MU’s Greek Life system has been scrutinized. In 2019, FSL published a 24-page report focusing on hazing prevention and topics like diversity and inclusion. The report made several recommendations to improve Greek Life, including strategies to decrease hazing incidents, such as capping the new member period of rushing to six to eight weeks and encouraging houses to self-report hazing. MU acknowledged the report in a press release, but has yet to implement some of these recommendations, such as placing restrictions on freshmen living in Greek Life houses. Since Jan. 18, 2017, MU’s Fiji chapter has been recorded for violating university policies on six occasions, according

to FSL. Five of these incidents were related to alcohol distribution; the most recent alcohol violation took place Aug. 24. The other hazing-related incident took place in April. Similar to MU, the University of Kentucky recently announced a suspension of all fraternity events following the death of a freshman FarmHouse fraternity member due to “presumed alcohol toxicity,” according to ABC News. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Fiji chapter is facing university sanctions similar to the ones at MU. On Oct. 12, UNL suspended its Fiji chapter through 2026 after a sexual assault was reported at its house in August, spurring multiple protests on and off campus. Another MU Greek Life member at the Oct. 20 protest, Student Three, who is also a member of Greek Life, said that they were concerned Fiji’s history of sexual assaults nationwide is also a problem in the MU chapter. “You could probably walk across campus and run into more than 20 girls that have stories,” Student Three said. “Change needs to happen.” On Oct. 25, Haas said in an email that Fiji should have lost recognition long before the pledge was hospitalized. “Most of my anger comes from the fact that [the hospitalization] was preventable,” Haas said. “The university ought to have taken previous allegations more seriously [and kicked] them off then.” Edited by Emmet Jamieson and Namratha Prasad, ejamieeson@themaneater.com and nprasad@themaneater.com

Oscar Mayer “Wienermobile” at MU BY LAUREN SPAKOWSKI Photographer

The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile made a surprise visit to the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Mo., on Feb. 15, 2022, promoting the company and looking for potential candidates to join the Hotdogger team. RIGHT: A case of Wiener whistles sit on display. The beloved Oscar Mayer items used to be available with hot dog purchases. Now Hotdoggers give them out when traveling on the mobile. BELOW: The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile sits outside on Feb. 15. The Wienermobile has been in operation since 1936.

A chair in the Wienermobile glistens on the sunny day of Feb. 15, outside Memorial Student Union. Students and residents of Columbia said they were surprised but enthused to see the mobile on campus on arguably the nicest day of the month.


Designed to last: The Maneater Production The Maneater’s 20212022 production team consisted of six designers and two editors, who completed 116 pages in total. BY CAMPBELL BIEMILLER


Production Editor

he Maneater has published newspapers for over six decades. In that time, there have been magazines, special sections and an array of different redesigns to our beloved paper. It is a daunting task to carry on that legacy, especially when we are in a world where — yes, I know we are all tired of hearing


it — print is dying. It’s hard to admit, since printing has existed for hundreds of years as the best form of relaying news until the rise of the technology era. So the first task of mine was to answer the question: How should I embrace my role as production editor? Production’s goal is to design. Design something tangible for people to use, to entertain and to access news. Whether one prints 10,000 papers or 20, that will still be the goal. We can’t let technology stop production because design is just as important online as it is on paper. With that said, I took this role and fell in love with it — cheesy, but true. I spent months designing our paper’s content in a way I knew would help our readers and give them something to get excited about.

While it is a dying art, the internet (i.e. issuu.com) continues to keep print art alive. Printed copies will always provide a certain feeling that an online reader cannot. If you don’t know the feeling, pick up a paper and find out for yourself — you won’t regret it. My highlight of the print issues this year would have to be the February issue and the special cover designed for it. It brought out a different side of design that, as a student newspaper, we were able to pull off and people seemed to enjoy. We are a small but mighty bunch of designers. Although this is not a “thank you” note, my love goes out to Erica Little, Billie Huang, Sydney Labuary, Owen Newland, Isabella Markel and Sara Melanson for making

The student voice of MU since 1955 | https://themaneater.com | Vol. 88 Issue 6 | May 4, 2022

Volume 88’s issues possible. To my assistant production editor, Primula Stonebraker, you have been a rock star! Prim went above and beyond to do all of the same work I was doing and was the right-hand of everyone on our little team. Prim had a knack for creativity and always pushed the boundaries in the best possible way to make our papers stick out among thousands of others. The Maneater took home No. 1 college paper in the state at the Missouri College Media Association awards ceremony. We additionally won dozens of other awards, some of which were for front page design. I am extremely proud to represent a paper that puts so much time and effort into being the best it can be, even under pressure from our personal lives. The section had its challenges,

especially when I became managing editor on top of production editor. The long production nights were overwhelming, to say the least. Looking back, those are some of the best memories from this year: getting so into a groove that time doesn’t exist. The stained clothes from black ink, more than 200 documents on my laptop (organized chaos) and walking into the newsroom Wednesday mornings to see the paper for the first time made it all worth it. For the future of production, I hope it evolves but never dies. Best of luck to the next editorial board and newest production editor, Abby Woloss, of The Maneater. I have faith you all will do it justice. Edited by Jacob Richey, jrichey@themaneater.com



Diving into Data: visualizations, videos, variable The Maneater’s 2021-2022 data team had a plethora of feats their first year. BY OLIVIA GYAPONG


Data Editor

Overview etween five reporters and an editor, the data section accomplished a ton in its first year. The section created eye-popping data visualizations using Tableau software to accompany writing sections’ stories, conducted data-driven research on behalf of reporters and factchecked data through myriad data reads. Asked and Answered Data teamed up with the multimedia section to create “Asked and Answered” videos, answering questions about current events. We explained why no one can predict what will happen if student debt is canceled, gave an update on the Ukraine situation and explained why gas prices are so high. Data reporters and the data editor conducted background research to find relevant statistics regarding the topics of the questions students asked, then went on camera to deliver those numbers and their context. Significant Statistics Data also created Significant Statistics, a recurring column providing The Maneater readers with numbers related to global, national and campus-wide events including context explaining the numbers’ significance. Here are some things we uncovered:

1,972 - The number of full-time faculty members at MU. 35 - The percentage by which Ukraine’s economy could shrink, according to the International Monetary Fund, as a result of the Russia-Ukraine ​​war. 8.5 - The percentage U.S. inflation has risen to as a result of rising food and fuel costs. The cost of living in the U.S. has risen more rapidly this year than in the last 40 years. The number was previously reported as 7.9%. With the help of reporter Alex Cox, data editor Olivia Gyapong launched a partnership between the section and the Division of Student Affairs Strategic Initiatives and Assessment to publish data the latter collects on aspects of MU related to the student experience in Significant Statistics. The first installment of data the section published includes data from and about the National Survey for Student Engagement MU administers every three years. Training To launch more data-driven initiatives and educate the rest of the Maneater staff on how best to incorporate data into reporting, Cox and fellow reporter Clara Unger produced a series of training videos ready for next fall. The Future After leadership at the Maneater changed hands this month, the data section became the Data and Investigative section, led by chiefs and rising sophomores Gyapong, Cox and Christian Dutcher. Assistant chiefs include rising sophomores Unger and Aisling Kerr. The team is excited to expand the influence of the section and continue to emphasize the importance of data-driven journalism.


Edited by Jacob Richey, jrichey@themaneater.com

Happy first birthday to Fun and Games It’s time to reflect on all the amazing things F&G has accomplished, just one year since its inception. BY ABBY STETINA, BRI DAVIS AND EVER COLE



Fun and Games Editors

ue the music! Bring out the balloons! Fun and Games turns one this year, can you believe it? Looking back on a year of F&G content is a bit like looking through a kaleidoscope: so many bright spots, you can’t keep track. From trivia games to crossword puzzles to cartoons to advice columns — F&G tried it all. When I sat down to brainstorm my master plan for this section in April 2021, my ultimate goal was to provide a little bit of kaleidoscopic light to your day. Everything in the newspaper doesn’t have to be droll and sad, especially not a student newspaper. I also wanted to give opportunities to students who may not necessarily be a part of the journalism school: the artists, the astrologers, the game makers, the poets. Let’s be real here: J-school students (myself included) live in a sort of bubble in The Maneater newsroom. We put our hearts and souls into this paper, and, as it turns out, we’re really the only ones who know about it, but F&G is making that change. One bright spot in particular I’d love to talk about (more like brag about) was during distribution day in the fall. Distribution day is a big deal to me. It’s a time to put physical copies of The Maneater into students’ hands and hype up my wonderful staff’s contributions. As I was walking around the Quad passing out papers, students immediately turned to the F&G section, hunting for Ever Cole’s horoscope. Later that day in the

Fun and Games creators Abby Stetina, Ever Cole, Shelby Edgar, Taylor Driver and Karlee Resler-Seek made fall decorations for the newsroom on Oct. 27, 2021. Student Center, I saw two students zeroed-in on Evy Lewis’s crossword puzzle, totally abandoning their homework. While munching on Mort’s, a fellow French student (ça va?) came up to me to say that J.B’s cartoon turned their gloomy day right around. It’s these interactions that bolstered my confidence and made me realize just how engaging our student newspaper could be. While the revolution of online news content is real and ever-increasing, nothing beats flipping open a paper and playing the crossword. I can promise from here on out that F&G will always play the kaleidoscopic role on the MU campus. Our goal is to make your day just a little bit brighter, so pop open the (non-alcoholic) Welch’s Champagne; it’s time to party! All the best, Abby Stetina Outgoing Editor of Fun and Games Dear Reader, While reporting the news is undoubtedly The Maneater’s

primary responsibility, there is another duty that Fun and Games has fulfilled during its first year as an official section. This year, our section covered topics relevant to the student body with creative content. From crosswords related to Women’s History Month to horoscopes calling out Geminis who skip class to comics about the beloved Mizzou squirrels, F&G reached students in a way not typically seen in student newspapers. Our section has given platforms and content for the artists of MU, the advice-givers of MU, the comics of MU, the puzzle-solvers of MU and so many more. Students can turn the page to the F&G section for some unwinding while feeling connected to campus happenings. Creating content that would put a smile on someone’s face made it such an exciting and fun year. The happiness that bloomed for us when people would comment on the F&G section was such a delightful feeling. We are so excited to see what the future has in store

for Fun and Games at The Maneater. Ever Cole and Bri Davis 2021-22 Assistant Editors of Fun and Games This section is a bit of a diversion from other “Mizzou in Reviews,” but F&G simply wouldn’t be what it is today without the brilliant minds of our staff. Some of these people contributed to only online content, some to only print. They all deserve a special shoutout, regardless of whether you have seen their name before. In no specific order: Abby Stetina: Thank you for teaching me everything there is to know about being an editor! I also want to thank you for having nothing but constant support for me in everything that I do. You don’t know how much you have helped me and made things easier for me! I appreciate you and wish you the best moving forward! — Bri Davis Bri Davis: Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing a certain level of kindness and caring to the F&G assistant editor position. Your first concern is always for the well-being of our staff writers, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I look forward to reading many more of your advice columns to come, as there is no one else doing it quite like you! — Abby Stetina Ever Cole: Thank you for the amazingly creative work you have put in, not only as a writer but as an assistant editor. Your horoscopes are the buzz of the campus when the first of the month rolls around, and your Instagram trivia games have revolutionized The Maneater’s social media content. F&G is in good hands with you as its fearless leader! —

Abby Stetina Abby Henshaw: It’s been so great working with you since you started working on the advice columns! You always do so well with them, and I love the ideas that you bring to the table. It’s always fun with you inside the newsroom and outside! — Bri Davis Elisabeth Ivens: Your humor and spirit are truly inspiring. There are so many ideas floating around in your brilliant mind, and I’m thankful you have gotten to share that through Fun and Games. — Ever Cole Evy Lewis: Your crosswords give me life, Evy! I’m so glad I was able to work with you on your puzzles. The themes were new and inventive and always on point. My absolute favorite clue, and this was a struggle to narrow down, simply has to be the clue “To exist.” So simple, yet so true! (Play the April Pride crossword to solve the clue.) — Abby Stetina J.B.: Your squirrel cartoons always manage to make me chuckle. Each time I sit down to look at your drafts, I never know what to expect, which is half the fun. Watching your confidence grow as a cartoonist has been inspiring, and I can’t wait to see your future work for The Maneater and beyond. Mort Walker? Never heard of ‘em! — Abby Stetina Lexi Stacy: While your time with F&G was brief, your ideas were bountiful! Your guide to crystals was indepth and insightful. Coming up with new and exciting ideas in a newspaper is hard to do, but you brought them in boatloads. Thank you for your contributions. Good vibes only! — Abby Stetina


Naomi Klein: While I simply adore your cartoon series depicting the everyday lives of Betty and Tipp, your serial “The Aviary” blew me away. Serials weren’t on my radar when I was planning the F&G section, and I’m grateful for your contributions. Serials will most definitely become a mainstay all because of you. — Abby Stetina Shelby Edgar: The effort you put into your work is unmatched. You have so many ideas floating around in your head, and seeing them put to paper (or screen) has been so fulfilling. — Ever Cole Anna Maria Mikolajczak: Your Mizzou-themed satire is so unique to our section — truly a breath of fresh air! It’s safe to say that all students love a good chuckle, and you surely provided them with one. I’m excited to see your jokes appear on SNL in a few years! Best of luck. — Abby Stetina P.S. Our beloved copy editors do so much of the work behind the scenes, and they hardly ever get the credit they deserve. From the entire Fun and Games section — we say thank you! Special shoutout to Jacob Richey, Faith Schilmoeller and Emily Rutledge for editing this story. Edited by Jacob Richey, jrichey@themaneater.com

A year through the lens BY MANEATER PHOTO STAFF

Coverage from all angles: the multimedia section’s first year The multimedia section’s first year proved The Maneater is more than a newspaper. BY ELLIE LIN AND ANNA COLLETTO Multimedia Editors

hough we’re proud of all that the multimedia section produced this year, we feel the greatest impact our section had was shifting the thinking of our outlet. The Maneater has been print-first since its creation in 1955. The introduction of the multimedia section has encouraged our newsroom to think about how the stories we tell can be adapted and reframed for different platforms and audiences. We’re enormously proud of news


reporters like Piper Molins, who picked up an impromptu audio pitch while covering an MSA meeting. Sports reporters like Griffin Been, who helped break down his March Madness predictive model for video. MOVE reporters like Carrington Peavy, who adapted her review of the True/ False film “Mija” to be told in a video format. Opinion columnists like Jenna Burk, who opened up her thought process behind a column on the weekly podcast, The Maneater Digest. Our section could not have found the success it did without the tireless work of our reporters, who helped create a robust number of videos, podcasts and interactive pieces. As the section editors, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed the countless hours in the newsroom laughing, learning and working (in that order) with our reporters. We couldn’t be more proud of the incoming multimedia section editors, Grace Burwell and Olivia Mizelle, and cannot wait to see the super-duper direction they’ll take the section. Edited by Elizabeth Derner, ederner@themaneater.com


In collaboration with our data section, we produced three episodes of Asked and Answered, a new series addressing questions MU students have about the news.


The multimedia section covered several protests and demonstrations on campus this year, including Sister Cindy’s trip to Speakers Circle, the Coalition of Graduate Workers protest and the Stronger Together Against Relationship and Sexual Violence protest.



The multimedia section produced 24 episodes of The Maneater Digest, our publication’s first podcast.


During the Missouri Students Association elections this year, The Maneater newsroom worked with KCOU and MUTV to produce coverage. Two of our section reporters, Olivia Mizelle and Grace Burwell, documented the election process in an MSA mini-documentary.


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