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Lydians in Cyberspace

A run-down of the Lydians in Choral #PandemicPivot from a proud facilitator

“Is my mic on?”


“I can’t see everyone”

“Wait, is that Auntie Marlene?” *waves*

* overlapping voices, laughter*

* A television blares the signal for the end of the news hour in the middle of vocalises – someone hadn’t been singing or muting their mic*

With the acceptance of the reality of the pandemic, after some time, the urge to be together and check-in with each other meant a need to pivot. Zoom was the platform of choice. For many of the choristers, steel, and myself it was assumed that this platform and undertaking would be a one off, as we didn’t properly get to say our ‘see you in a while’ s to our friends – in fact, this struck in the middle of the Music Festival. After that first week of sectional check-in, it was apparent from the questions of if there would be others and how soon or frequent, that this would definitely be ‘a thing.’ Sectionals gave way to full ensemble check-ins. We were joined by Lydians abroad on occasion. Teachers, students, and others whose professions already had them in meetings via video conference willingly added this activity to their screen time roster. It was also very heartwarming to witness/hear stories of the techsavvy helping those who were not so inclined, to take part. Stories of new smartphone purchases, lovingly exasperated young helpers, and especially excited children

“you all makin’ mommy use video chat now, so we getting to see her. Thank you so much!”

Big shout out to Marlene and Adele of the altos, and Pat Whittle and Aunty Jo of the Sopranos. Naturally, after 2 sessions, came the dreaded question:

“Carl, I’ve been seeing some groups on YouTube, and one even you were in, that was doing virtual choirs. When do we try that?”

*resists urge to rub at temples at murmurs of agreement and videos of nodding assent*

After outlining just how difficult the process is, and how likely that they would not all want to take part because as much as the end result is communal, it is a very individualistic process – we began to make a virtual choir. And like the guardian who moved from being convinced by their ward that ‘this was what I really want,’ to then inveigling that same ward to actually do the thing they committed to, there I was, asking if we were still doing this.

From that effort was born the first virtual choir performed featuring Voices, Steelpan and Piano.

High from that undertaking, all the difficulty is forgotten, and ‘when is the next one’ began making its way into the meetings.

Internal Events: #VirtualVignettes and the 40th Anniversary Choir Service

Vignettes, our annual Young Artists Workshop and Internal Concert marked its 5th anniversary in 2020. It was decided this would be a part retrospect, part virtual submissions of solo work and distanced opportunities to record works under development from the composers among our young Artists. The premiere - and encore was met with much enthusiasm. Tears were shed. Laughs were had. Lengthy new inside jokes were made. Previously hesitant singers committed to next year’s Vignettes, whether virtual or otherwise.

The 40th Anniversary Choir Service came as well, and with it the herculean task of condensing 40 years of music, gratitude, love and service into a “short, comprehensive, and excellent online presentation.” So, we sacrificed the “short” bit. Also receiving encores, this experience had Lydians who tuned in asking ‘When next do we get to see things like these? When next do we get to take part in them?’

So here comes Christmas, and you know we Virtual Choir-ing again.

The process was rife with laughs, hijinks, and some whispers of fears of the task. Thankfully, those who fought through that fear to deliver came happily back to say that it ended up being far less scary than they had thought it would have been. I am still proud of everyone for wanting to and for following up on the online rehearsals and process.

Vivat Lydii! - Long live the Lydians

Bless, Carl-Anthony Hines