6 minute read

General Manager’s Message

It is December once more, where did the time go? We are now well into the season of Advent, (from Latin adventus, “coming”). For most Christian believers this is a period of preparation for the coming of the Saviour. It is safe to say with the events of this year, Advent and Christmas for many of us may have a deeper meaning and significance with all that we have endured and adapted to, as we continue to live with this pandemic. One thing that has held us Lydians together through this turmoil is the music that we share.

“We recognise that music is a gift and that the ability to perform it is a grace” – excerpt from The Lydian Singers Mission statement


This music, indeed a gift that we are grateful and privileged to be a part of, is more than just an outlet, it is the foundation of our community, our family. It has been a binding agent and needed support to many of our members in their time of need over the last ten months.

“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” ― Anne Frank

It should come as no surprise that we would want to share our “candle,” this simple but powerful symbol of hope with you, even though not in our traditional way. 2020 has been filled with many challenges that each of us have had to deal with – loss, displacement, fear, loneliness - these events weigh down on us in unique ways. However, we were also able to show and see the beauty and strength of humanity through the acts – love, caring, and giving, performed for our fellow men. Isn’t this what the Christmas spirit is all about? When the effects of the pandemic brought an immediate halt to our activities, we were caught off guard, and then the reality set in that this was not going to be a short “vacation”. So, how do we continue?

The members, through the herculean efforts of Mr Carl-Anthony Hines (our newly appointed Musical Director), were kept engaged and connected virtually utilising the technology available to us. The inability to meet in large numbers was always going to be a major hindrance to any possible presentation that we would do for the rest of the year. In August, we premiered our first virtual choir effort “Requiem” by E. Gilkyson arranged by C. H. Johnson which also included members of The Lydian Steel on the steelpan, a first to our knowledge for voices and steel (see it on our YouTube Channel). As difficult as it is for a community chorus of our size and demographic, the virtual choir model gave us the best chance to allow as many of the members willing to try, the opportunity to be part of the music-making.

We are extremely fortunate to have as part of our organisation The Lydian Steel, an ensemble of talented musicians mirroring the broad demographic of our chorale, primed to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Given the COVID-19 restrictions and the risks associated with singing in large groups, it was logical that we look to the very competent and skilled hands (and voices dare I say… you will see!) of our steel players to lead the charge for Christmas 2020.

“Christmas in Chrome” reunited The Lydian Steel in a way that lifted the hearts of players, singers and supporters alike during the rehearsals and recording sessions. Having the fourteen-member strong ensemble, consisting of returning founding members (such as Kareem and Roland), the regular core, the young and new members (Kamaria and Kadesh) all working together led by Astra with support from Tonya under the guiding baton of Carl, reminded me how impactful and universal music is and the fellowship it creates when performed together. The energy at Queen’s Hall during the recording sessions was no different to previous years when there would be eighty additional bodies ready to add their vocal texture to the Lydian sound, the only thing missing was you, our audience.

I want to thank each member of The Lydian Steel for the commitment, professionalism and dedication shown through this production process. We salute you! I pray that this candle that was lit this year continues to burn brightly, as the dawn of a new chapter in the evolution of “the Steel”.

To our soloists, thank you for your continued support throughout the year and commitment and desire to still make music despite COVID. A special thanks to Eddie, Joanne, Alicia, Kory, Malene, Joseph, Alliyah, and Germaine (in Germany) for helping to make Christmas in Chrome even more special through your gifts. To our amazing accompanists Lindy-Ann, Myrtle, and Andrew, words cannot express enough our gratitude. Thank you for your dedication, time and talent.

To our Musical Director Carl-Anthony, thank you for your vision and your guidance in proposing and creating this wonderful work and steering us artistically through this year. To the Management Team, the wonderful and amazing group of individuals – Joseph, Dennis, Astra, Christine, John, Nickisha, Carl, without whose continued support and efforts my work would be much more difficult and frankly impossible to accomplish, I sincerely thank you. To our recent addition Anton, welcome, and looking forward to your involvement as we go forward. To the silent helpers that supported and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help make this production possible, my sincere appreciation. To the Board of Directors thank you for your continued support. To our corporate partner, First Citizens thank you for believing in our mission and brand, we are grateful for your support.

To all Lydians everywhere, this year brought us together in a very special way, from all across the world we reconnected in a very meaningful way. You are what makes this organisation so special and unique. Thank you for remaining committed, believing in the resiliency of the group, and the importance of our music and our mission. Each one of you adds to its wonderful texture and it is my privilege to serve you, my Lydian family.

The world we live in is one that will continue to challenge and test our resolve and faith in ways we can never anticipate. Aside from the very real concerns of the virus, we live in a time where crime is still very prevalent and unfortunately, it impacts us more intimately than we would like. Our Mission is one that seeks to offer our music as a light - to banish the darkness (where it may be), to enhance the illumination that already exists, with the hope of creating a brighter tomorrow with faith and trust in God.

You, our supporters, you are more than an audience. You complete the ”circle,” and without you what we do would make little sense. This concert we offer to all of you wherever you are in the world. We hope that even though we come to you virtually this year, that this production featuring our Lydian Steel on the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago, will lift your spirits and bring joy to you this Christmas like only The Lydians can deliver. We thank you for your continued support.

From all of us to all of you, Merry Christmas and looking forward to sharing more with you in the new year.

God bless.

Garnet Allen December 2020