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Musical Director’s Message

Man a plan, God a wipe” – Jamaican Proverb “

As someone who generally tries to have as many of my ducks in a row in advance as I can help, this year has at every turn redirected me to this proverb. I now find myself laughing at my calendar and planner. Dates circled in red have passed with no fanfare, to do list items remain un-crossed. 2020 has been the year of the hurry up and wait.


We are now most of us truly out of that stasis, as we mark the 13th month of COVID in the world, and the 10th of it attaining global pandemic status.

After allowing March to fully disabuse us of the belief that this stint of distance and physical isolation was to be some brief flash, ever ready to foster connectivity, the Lydians went online. Our virtual check-ins were a bright spot in the days of many of our members. We got tours of homes, makeup tutorials and advice and a running commentary on shopping protocols – and that was just one Alto saying good evening as she entered the sectional check-in! The valve released a little pressure, and members were happy to reconnect. We had virtual events and rehearsals, and even made the first Virtual Choir to feature steelpan, voices, and piano! We sang for each other, we laughed and shared recipes, we comforted each other in grief, and commiserated with each other in our fears.

A Chromatic Silver Ringing – 25 years of Lydian Steel delayed.

The rehearsals with steel had been possibly the highlight of the past few weeks. Nothing beat the end of day being “Zoomed out,” like totting off to the Sound Forge to engage in the business of music making. It has certainly been a balm to the soul (Eddie solo plug ). It did a lot make the reality of the fizzle of the 2020 mid-year projected 25th anniversary Steel concert that much less of a heartbreak. Inspired, we defer for a hopefully soon coming and safe date.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose “ that prevails.” – Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

We Need to do Better – but in the meantime, gratitude

One thing this time has shown is that Art is not to be dismissed as one of life’s frills. How many persons are continually thankful for art in some form helping to maintain their sanity, bring solace, or just to help cope with this time of massive upheaval? Yet for something so vital, it remains a peripheral thought and unstable.

Amateur/community-based arts organisations and artistic concepts in the Caribbean lead a very precarious life. This can be exacerbated when the main source of not only our outreach, but of our sustainability is linked to presenting concerts at a time when pandemic halts such in-person activities. One blessing in this regard has been the sponsorship of First Citizens. Affording us the ability to worry less about the business-as-usual recurring costs such as storage, or some of the other needs of a group of our accompanying infrastructure.

We have a hope…

It is a hard time to navigate, the crunch is on.

Here we find ourselves excitedly rallying to present a dose of hope, humour, and comfort to you, and to ourselves. May we imbue you with all.


Carl-Anthony Hines