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Chairman’s Message

Our 2020 traditional Christmas concert has been replaced by a virtual musical offering – Christmas in Chrome – given the abnormal times that have befallen us. While this year for the most part has been surreal, we can use the yuletide period not only to celebrate, but also as a time of reflection. After the year this has been, we can all agree that reflection is required for the restoration of hope.


As we reflect, we will see the importance in taking the time to deepen the connection you share with family, friends and peers; to experience gratitude for our many blessings; to remember the lessons we have learned in the past year so we can create a more meaningful and rewarding 2021.

If we were to only dwell on the difficulties Professor Sterling Frost Chairman faced this year or if we scamper about just to ensure that we have a fun holiday and we fail to use this time of reflection, we could be less grateful, less resilient and less joyful for the New Year. A well-spent Christmas begins with a reflective disposition and with this comes a renewed sense of hope.

As we attempt to find our renewed hope during this season amidst what may be perceived as darkness, we should remember that light shines brightest in darkness. We must remember that God entered our lives in darkness on the night of his birth, showing us the way to light, guiding us on the path to overcoming darkness. Christmas should remind us that even when things seem dark, we can trust the everlasting light which is embodied in renewed hope.

May Christmas in Chrome be the catalyst for our reflection as we bask in the sheer beauty of the music that our talented team has produced for your enjoyment and inspiration. Let us love one another and most importantly, let us give thanks for the renewed hope that Christmas brings.

Professor Sterling Frost CHAIRMAN