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Moments & Music

by Carl-Anthony Hines

This year through song, dance and spoken word, we weave a tapestry of hope in the face of despair and joy in the time of loss and sorrow.


Memoriam to meandering…

We open with the word, and a song of comfort, the sweet acknowledgement that even in dark times we are never truly alone – those “Angels watchin’ over me, mah Lawd.”

We then move to Jewish Liturgic call to worship. Over a bare soundscape, voices cry in supplication. From there we are taken, via Paranjoti, to India, with “an expression of uninhibited festivity” that is his Dravidian Dithyramb. We continue to make our way Westward, where Britain’s Mvula by way of Caribbean musician Walters bids us “Sing to the Moon and the stars will shine over you, lead you to the other side.”

Lo, He Comes

We reflect on a world in change, as Sister shares with us her adapting to the new normal, and how they find her. She sends us to the Altar, and thus bid, we mark the advent hope, annunciation, and birth. Rejoicing in the gift of salvation, we run with Torches to Bethlehem! Crooning Chrome

We can all relate to feeling untethered in these times – definitely more so than usual. From a walk with a fellow wandering soul, we listen to the many moods of a pan yard in preparation. Stage side classical into joyful calypso, Lydian Steel, conducted by Maestro Hudlin make those pans sing and the music shine.

And I think to Myself…

In the bang boom and whistle that accompanies the most wonderful time of the year, we pause and reflect on the annual reminder – Love! In a season of light and lights, may our hearts be renewed

“People all over the world, …they’re coming around and they’re saying I love you!”

…What a Wonderful world.