2 minute read

Pan, Panacea, Pandemic

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” — an emphatic statement at the beginning of one of the most beloved Christmas songs. This is undeniably the mood in which The Lydians wants to welcome and enfold our concert audience after a long, long 2021 that has been pretty much anything but wonderful. Lydian Steel certainly has its part to play in this embrace and I am happy to report on behalf of the group. We offer in this year’s programme music to uplift and heal — dynamic and engaging solo pieces as well as sensitive and strong accompaniment to the singers.

This season, we have finally been able to properly welcome our newest player Chelsea Hanumanta into the fold. Waiting patiently but excitedly in the wings for quite some time through the various postponements and rearrangements of the year’s activities, Chelsea has hit the ground running in our frontline. She is a very accomplished young musician and has refreshed our group with her wonderful positive attitude and enthusiasm, even when trying to tread through the new music and expectations being thrown at her left and right. Look out for the insightful article she has co-authored with another member of our Lydian Steel youth, Kamaria Charles Richards!


Our other personnel for Christmas include: the usual core solid stalwarts / suspects, Jo (also Lydians’ Assistant General Manager), Tonya, Akil, Tommy and Dennis; our seasonal supports and veteran members, Avis and Kareem; our long-in-coming but always welcome bass player, Sekou; and — our recently elevated to Assistant Production Manager — arranger and oneman percussion ensemble (under Dennis’ watchful eye) Kwesi. It is our pleasure to work with Guest Conductor, Michael Hudlin and we appreciate his eye for precision and style while willing to be accommodating. We also recognize our fellow partner musicians in this production who provide their own unique sound.

I thank each member of Lydian Steel for the decision they have made to participate in these Christmas performances. I imagine that a lot of thought must have been put into the potential risk to themselves and their families given the dire circumstances of our current times. I am proud to say that, throughout our rehearsal and performance process, care has always been taken to observe the highest protocols of safety and wellness. I am encouraged by the dedication and adaptability demonstrated by our players — the willingness to deal with often changing rehearsal conditions and locations, the “all hands on deck” attitude displayed towards the endless unpacking and repacking of our unwieldy instruments and equipment, and the quick work and discipline applied to the learning of the repertoire.

The call this year has been “Arise, Shine!” and the Lydian Steel family has stepped up and answered with a blinding, resounding, brilliant “Yes!”.

Yours in excellence,

Astra Noel, Lydian Steel Captain December 2021