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St. Jane of Frances - 2nd Place 2- St. Cecilia - 3rd Place




Joice Erika Dainelle Masayda

JEDi Master

During the Christmas season, numerous decorations such as Christmas trees, lights, reindeers, and snowmen can be seen everywhere. But one notable character, Santa Claus, known by many names, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, and Pelznickel, is always present during the holiday season. However, throughout generations, people have questioned the existence of this significant figure. as t anta Claus he cheerful man S is p in rimarily red who recognized distributes gifts to good children on Christmas Eve. Others say that Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas, who is recognized as the defender of children due to his reputation for generosity and good deeds. However, in our generation, the real Santa Clauses consistently show generosity and compassion to those around them. Moreover, the Catholic Businessmen Association of the Philippines, a group of over 3,000 business owners, decided on November 8 to set a maximum price for items so as not to take advantage of the Christmas season

' s increased demand. This helps Filipinos minimize their budget, especially when the country is experiencing a high inflation rate.

In a world filled with negativity, these Santas bring light and positivity to their surroundings. Some demonstrate generosity through donations, gifts to the needy, and assistance to the elderly. These people may not dress as Santa Claus, but their actions reflect his.

ordan Howard, who lives in Kentucky, continues a 42-year tradition of dressing up as Mountain Santa and delivering gifts to the poor children of Kentucky ' s Cumberland Mountains communities. The tradition started with his father, Mike, and Jordan is following in his dad' s footsteps. Every year, Mike Howard would collect Christmas presents and bring them to families who might not get any gifts.


Furthermore, the e-commerce platform

' s Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, Shopee Bayanihan, aids local communities by collaborating with 21 groups that assist underprivileged children to fulfill their diverse needs across the country this holiday season. Their mission is to help eliminate child poverty, assist in ensuring equal access to education, campaign for the protection of children

' s health, and help in defending children

' s rights.

Thus, we may not be able to determine the real Santa Claus, but those who demonstrate goodwill and kindness can be called such. We reflect on his actions through simple deeds such as showing hope, positivity, and service to others. By doing so, we aim to accomplish Santa Claus

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