The Lakes College Reflections 2023

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FRONT & BACK COVER ARTWORK: YEAR 1 COLLABORATION | AUTUMN LINE LEAVES Students explored line as an element of art. They experimented with creating as many different types of lines as possible and acknowledged how lines can be used to create shapes, pattern and texture in an artwork. Using leaves as inspiration, students created an outline of a leaf shape and then filled the inside with a variety of lines using metallic markers. Each leaf has been displayed collectively to create a collaborative composition.








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Principal Report Board Report Deputy Principal Reports Head of Secondary Report Head of Primary Report College Captain Reports Primary Captain Reports


Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

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P R I N C I PA L R E P O R T NI COLE GR EGORY If we were all a little more present to each other, we could collectively grow a community where Everybody, Always felt they were seen, heard and ultimately had worth. 2023 has been a year of encouraging our community to adopt a mindset of unconditional positive regard for others, with the theme of Everybody, Always, compelling us to engage individually and professionally in remembering that “we’re all rough drafts of the people we’re becoming.” (Goff 2018) Adopting an inclusive mindset is a human struggle and being in a chaotic world an even greater challenge, but I witness this firsthand each day as our young people lead the way in showing society how to care. It continues to be a great privilege to lead a diverse community supported by the transcendent values and ethos of the Uniting Church. A focus on loving each other as God himself loves us and commands us to do, is a priority that sees our College strive to be a Light in the Heart of North Lakes.


Our Fa i th This year under the leadership of Tim McMenamin (Director of Mission) and Mrs Anna Doré (Deputy Principal - People & Culture), our College has embarked on a number of missional and service initiatives. Our Mission and Service Leaders across the College have supported and led sub-school Chapels, with our new Chapel Band now playing at each Secondary service. Understanding who we are requires us to seek the spiritual self. Our Lakes Learners have been encouraged to explore their beliefs through our Faith and Values Education program, worship opportunities, spiritual leadership and a commitment to Mission and Service. In September we completed our first Cultural Immersion Tour (middle years) to Cherbourg, K’gari and Australia Zoo. We have continued our long-standing


relationship with the Redcliffe Breakfast Club and are about to engage with Harvest Cambodia in a reconnaissance trip to The Stepping Stones School in the village of Kok Thnort, just outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia. The four staff attending this tour in December will assist in teacher training at the school while preparing the way for our inaugural Senior Secondary student tour to Stepping Stones in 2025. Mission and Service are vital components in understanding the human endeavour and developing an inclusive culture, this approach enriches learning, teaches civic responsibility and strengthens communities. We look forward to the growth of our Lakes Learners as we release our approach to Service Learning in early 2024.

Our L ea rners and Teachers Each and every day our students show us the importance of faith, knowledge, connection, curiosity and character. Inside and outside of the classroom, our Learners strive to embody these attributes as evidenced by the amazing personal bests achieved throughout this year. Self-directed, self-aware young people putting in their best effort can be seen in the pages of this magazine, through the windows of our classrooms, in the Library, in the playground and whilst engaging in our Beyond extra-curricular program. Our Educational Leadership Team under the guidance of Mathew Stein (Deputy Principal – Curriculum, Professional Practice & Transformation), has taken these Lakes Learner attributes one step further this year releasing Our TLC (Teaching and Learning Culture). This body of work has been developed to reveal nine Pedagogical Intentions that drive Teaching and Learning, keeping us accountable to our craft. I offer my sincere thanks to this team for their consultation, development and delivery of an authentically ‘TLC’ approach to learning and my deepest thanks go to our committed, professional, kind and caring staff who step up each day to assist young people in their becoming.

Our Comm uni ty I would like to take this opportunity to thank our TLCCA for their ongoing commitment to supporting the needs of our community. Executive members for 2023, Corrinne Britz (President), Renée Cairns-O’Neill (VP), Julie-Anne Rowland (VP), Kylie Jenkins (Treasurer) and Hayley Stever (Secretary), it has been a pleasure working with you and the small group of wonderful parents and carers who continuously offer their time and support to host community functions, turn sausages at events and give generously to the community for the good of the students.

Our F u tu re As a community we have been enjoying the use of our exceptional Multi-Purpose Hall enabling us to come together and celebrate the successes and milestones of our students and College. The Aquatic Precinct provides opportunity for all students to engage in swimming as part of their HPE program and has become home to our growing Swim Club. Stage 2 of the Aquatic Precinct will include a Grandstand, access from Car Park 1, Lighting and a Learn to Swim facility that will be delivered in 2024. The College Board and Executive have been working with McLellan Bush Architects to prepare a new Master Plan that supports the growth of our College and development of learners who are future ready. Thank you to all parents, carers, staff and students who have engaged in the consultation process, your contributions will assist in developing a learning and living environment that seeks to enhance curiosity, connection and community while improving problem-solving skills, engagement with technology, wellbeing and student agency.

deeply that as a leader of leaders and learners, I must remain curious to what each new horizon brings into view. Thank you for the privilege of another year at The Lakes College. I wish you and your family a blessed and Holy Christmas. “My faith demands - and this is not optional - my faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.” Former US President Jimmy Carter

If you were a Facebook follower during COVID, you may have seen a page called, ‘View from my Window’. This page became an outlet for people in lockdown to share pictures of their view, enabling the world to see through the windows and eyes of thousands of people from around the globe. View from my window became a place of hope, sparking curiosity and enabling connection. As we celebrate 2023 and look towards 2024, I am reminded of the importance of looking out the window, not just mine but the windows of others, knowing

To Renée and the team at the Second Hand Uniform Shop, thank you for your tireless volunteerism and service. We are also blessed to have a wonderful group of CPRs supported by Kristina Petho in Secondary and Donna Conroy in Primary. Your generosity and genuine care does not go unnoticed.

Our 2024 Student Leaders: Alyssa, Katelyn, Isaac, Jake



BOARD REPORT JES SI CA LIPSET T - BOARD CHAI R Our mission at The Lakes College is to be a school of choice that provides exceptional studentcentered education, developing young people of character, who embody Uniting Church values in the community. Guided by the College’s Strategic Horizon, the College Board are charged with the governance and strategic direction of the College and the maintenance, protection and development of its property. The College’s Board is a diverse group, with a variety of personal and professional backgrounds. What we have in common is a deep belief in the mission and vision of the College and a heart to serve the College community. For myself personally, and I know for each member of the Board, we count the opportunity to

volunteer our time and skills to this community as a pleasure and an honour – thank you for this privilege. 2023 has seen the College go from strength to strength, truly emerging from its adolescence into a fullyfledged adult - a mature school, clear in its identity and purpose. In celebrating the many achievements of the students and staff in 2023, I am most proud of the way in which the College pushes forward whilst always remaining grounded in its Uniting Church heritage, seeking in all things to be an authentic ministry of the Church. The Uniting Church’s story and identity fundamentally affirm and celebrate that the grace, love and hope of God in Christ is offered to all people, and these beliefs underpin all that we do and aim towards at TLC. Our Strategic Horizon has served as a light to our path, guiding the priorities and actions of the Board for the past three years. As we look to the future and continue to consider the needs of the College, the Board will be re-examining our Strategic Horizon in 2024 and seeking to discern the new horizons that the College should strive towards in the next three years and beyond. We look forward to consulting with the community about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for the College into the future, and all that can be achieved together.

2023 Foundation Day Awardees



A key commitment was made in the Strategic Horizon to provide stateof-the-art education settings that stimulate curiosity and creativity. To this end, the Board is excited about the development of the College’s Master Plan by McLellan Bush Architects, which will be delivered in early 2024. In recent years, capital projects such as the Aquatic Precinct and Multi-Purpose Hall have shown us the great potential of the College’s site and provided opportunities for students and the broader community to gather together and reach new milestones. The Master Plan will provide guidance and inspiration for the next stages of the College’s capital developments, in line with the feedback obtained through consultation with students, families and staff. As ever, I’m thankful to the passionate, committed and talented group of staff who show up and carry forward the mission and vision of the College every day. My interactions with TLC staff always leave me inspired and grateful, for both their dedication to the craft of teaching and their fierce commitment to the wellbeing of their students. On behalf of the Board, thank you to Mrs Gregory for her fearless leadership, and to each and every staff member who have served the College community in 2023. Wishing you and your family every blessing for the Christmas season.

TLC's 2023 10 & 15 Years of Service Staff



D E P U T Y P R I N C I PA L REPORT ANNA DORÉ In 2013, TLC introduced an approach to behaviour support that is still very much central to the daily lives of our students from Prep to Year 12. Based on William Glasser’s Choice Theory, the TLC approach was built on the premise that every person only has the power to control themselves and has limited ability to control others. In 2020 another layer of understanding was implemented to this approach in the form of ‘Find Your North’ which is steeped in the understanding of Positive Education and Emotional Intelligence. Positive Education is an approach that weaves the research from Positive Psychology and wellbeing science into schools. This approach teaches young people the skills they need to support and manage their mental health and wellbeing, assisting them to make a successful transition into (and to maintain) a healthy adult lifestyle. Emotional Intelligence education works alongside this approach by teaching the students how to recognise, understand and manage their emotions and social interactions. Emotional intelligence is important for students' academic success, personal development and wellbeing.

safe to express their true character and are empowered to have a voice. It is a place where diversity is celebrated and each person’s uniqueness is appreciated. This journey of growth and improvement has continued throughout 2023 with the implementation of Restorative Practices as a basis for the newly implemented Relational Management approach that The Lakes College are embarking upon. This Relational Management Policy is available for parents and carers to review in Parent Lounge.

In 2021, The Lakes College’s Strategic Horizon was launched, outlining the most essential of our fundamental needs as Belonging, Believing and Becoming. Human beings are by nature very social beings, with an innate need for relationships, connections with others and to feel part of a group. Each of us belongs to numerous groups, with most rating our family as the priority group in our lives. The family group is then followed by a variety of other social connections and groups, The Lakes College being one of them. Belonging to the TLC community is a privilege. In this place of belonging, students, parents, carers and staff feel



Restorative Practice is a whole school teaching and learning approach that encourages behaviour that is supportive and respectful. It puts the onus on individuals to be truly accountable for their behaviour and to repair any harm caused to others as a result of their actions. A restorative approach focuses on building, maintaining and restoring positive relationships, particularly when incidents that involve interpersonal conflict or wrongdoing occur. Throughout my first year at The Lakes College, I have experienced firsthand the pure magic of being a part of such a rich and diverse community. This year has been a year of building stronger connections between the Primary and Secondary sub-schools, building a strong House Culture and working towards further enhancement of the TLC Teaching and Learning Culture. Many occasions have been provided to further connect with families as well as experiencing rich opportunities to embrace our diverse cultural groups. The Lakes College is a flourishing, strong and supportive place of belonging and we should all be enormously proud to be a part of such a wonderful community.

Voices of our Covenant Exhibition



D E P U T Y P R I N C I PA L REPORT M AT H E W S T E I N To your faith, add knowledge… In this Reflections report for 2023, my first as Deputy Principal responsible for Curriculum, Professional Practice and Transformation, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the students, staff and families of The Lakes College community who have played a crucial role in helping understand and crystallise Our Teaching and Learning Culture. Through a series of consultation opportunities in 2022 and 2023 with our families, students, staff and leadership teams, along with a watchful and interested gaze of the broader educational landscape, we have developed a clear image of who our Lakes Learners are, what capabilities and capacities they possess and what we aspire for them to be. Along the length of our Prep to Year 12 curriculum and across the breadth of the subjects, disciplines and educational opportunities afforded to our students, what follows is an expression of a TLC education created from the voices of our community. An echoing back of the things that matter to this community, allowing us to follow through on our vision to provide inspirational and innovative learning. Our school motto reminds us, “To Your Faith add Knowledge”, now we also emphasise the significance of Connection, Curiosity and Character.

Knowledge We know that a Lakes Learner is a critical and creative thinker who diligently connects new information with what they already know. Through the acquisition of knowledge and skills, they aspire to be responsible global citizens equipped with an ethical frame of reference and intercultural awareness. Digital literacy and real-world learning experiences empower a Lakes Learner to be a well-rounded thinker


poised to embrace lifelong learning with enthusiasm and passion. Helene (Year 8) told us, “I build my knowledge in the classroom but also outside of that by learning how to have a conversation. In Find Your North, we learned the techniques to engage in conversation, and this has allowed me to connect, explore and grow”. Jade (Year 10) told us, “My teachers helped me find my passion in English. They helped open my eyes and let me be my best self”. The comments remind us that education is “not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire” (William Butler Yeats).


Ch a ra cter We know that a Lakes Learner embodies resilience, leadership and strong character in times of change. They prioritise relationships and community to make a positive impact on the world through passion and respect. They understand that taking risks is a path towards growth, fulfilment and innovation, and they understand that failure can be an opportunity for lifelong learning. A Lakes Learner is a self-directed and self-aware individual who values emotional intelligence and knows that great courage can be shown through vulnerability. Through evidence-based wellbeing and outdoor education programs, Lakes Learners develop and maintain good emotional and mental

health strategies and learn to cultivate the skills needed to support their own wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around them. Annie (Year 4) told us, “Our teachers help me develop my character because they are welcoming and understanding”. Sarah (Year 10) told us, “From Year 3 to 10, every camp has challenged me in some kind of way. They helped us become leaders in our own lives and this has let all of us build our strength and character”.

Curiosity We know that a Lakes Learner holds a curious and innovative mind that sparks with wonder as they extend their learning. With a natural inclination towards divergent thinking, they use the power of inquiry to solve problems, test hypotheses and work collaboratively. As a future-focused thinker with an internal drive to create, the Lakes Learner is constantly ideating and crafting innovative solutions. Newman (Year 9) told us, “My teacher helped to ignite my curiosity to find the resources and information I needed to propel my learning”. Charlie (Year 4) told us, “I’m always curious about what I’m doing at TLC and I’m curious about what I don’t know and what we will be doing in later classes”. As we know, global megatrends like technological change, resource scarcity and demographic change are reshaping the world and the labour market in which young people will participate. Whether they see the future of work as a threat or an opportunity depends on their sense of curiosity and their attitude towards change. We hope to encourage our students to count on change, to be energised by it and to see its rejuvenating capacity – that they will be well-placed to see global megatrends as marvels, not monsters.

Connecti o n We know that Lakes Learners value inclusivity, acceptance and a sense of belonging. They embody these values by showing compassion and empathy towards others. Through these personal and social capabilities, a Lakes Learner builds authentic, just and genuine connections within the school community and beyond. They aim to create meaningful connections with

First Nations Peoples, seeking to learn more about ‘truth-telling’ and extend their understanding of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In addition to their connections with people, they are also mindful of their relationship with the environment and the world around them. A Lakes Learner is a responsible steward of local, regional and global environments and cultures. Thomas (Year 8) told us, “I like the diversity in our school. I like that my friends have different backgrounds to me and that we get to celebrate that each day and also through big events like Multicultural Expo – it’s a wonderful day to connect”. Harry (Year 4) told us, “Through NISSA and through sport, I’ve met a lot of other friends”.

To the staff I am blessed to work alongside each day, my sincere thanks for your hard work, professionalism and unfailing dedication. To our families, thank you for your investment in our community to care for and educate your children. And finally, to our students, thank you for your humour, hard work and determination to be your best self. I cannot wait to do it all again in 2024. I close this report with the words of one of our Year 8 students, who captured the essence of Our Teaching and Learning Culture with an eloquence that I could not hope to follow. Ngan (Year 8) told us, “The part where I feel the most connected is inside the classroom. When you learn at The Lakes College, it isn’t like learning as students; it’s learning as peers and friends. Everyone collaborates beautifully, it’s a special thing”.




The concept of culture in education implies a dynamic, lively environment with inherent energy. Sustaining this culture ensures its strength and vitality. At The Lakes College, our dedicated educators foster a culture of Belonging, Believing and Becoming. However, this culture relies on the foundational support provided by students' families, friends and the TLC learning community. For learning to be effective, it must be tangible, visible and connected to real-life experiences. The elevation and valuation of a culture of learning within an educational community, such as The Lakes College, signify a belief in the potential of every student for successful learning outcomes. It acts as a beacon, illuminating a path of connection, community, curiosity and character within the learning community. Over the past twelve months, the Secondary staff has actively contributed to the Teaching, Learning and Culture framework. This collaborative process involves contextualising industryset professional standards for the community of educators. The focus on standards such as knowing students and creating supportive environments forms the basis for building connections and a sense of belonging among Lakes Learners. In the Secondary environment, a culture of student engagement has been gaining strength, fostering a high-trust environment. This has resulted in increased confidence among Lakes Learners, encouraging them to believe in their capabilities and develop agency to 'become.' The


2023 edition of Reflections will again showcase this philosophy through highlighting spiritual, wellbeing, learning and cultural events, programs and successes. The promotion of a learning culture extends to staff through professional development initiatives like the Restorative Facilitation Practices with Margaret Thorsborne. This approach fosters positive and caring relationships based on high mutual trust, encouraging authentic and transparent conversations. Restorative practices create a positive learning environment, ensuring The Lakes College remains a place of true belonging. Addressing the growing mental health challenges among students, The Lakes College has partnered with ConnectedLE for the second year. This program equips staff with knowledge and awareness of mental health, promoting a supportive learning environment. Other partnerships, including Swinburne University, Eyes Open Social Media, Red Frogs and Character Builders, contribute to student and staff wellbeing. A culture of enhancing student engagement is nurtured through a philosophy of continual school improvement. Systematic collection and analysis of student data inform decision-making and individual education plans. Focus groups and committees facilitate informed discussions, ensuring that learning outcomes, engagement and wellbeing are at the forefront of decision-making processes. As the Head of Secondary in 2023, the focus on growing and empowering students and teachers has been a


calling. Prioritising staff wellbeing ensures a sustainable and strong team capable of leading and nurturing Lakes Learners. High trust, collaboration and respect characterise the culture cultivated at The Lakes College. This inclusive environment appreciates diverse faiths, cultural values and practices, contributing to a vibrant community. Authentic engagement in the learning and wellbeing journeys of both students and teachers sustains a robust learning community. The profound understanding of Belonging, Believing and Becoming shapes The Lakes College as a place where future leaders are nurtured, making it a privilege to be part of this transformative journey. As Head of Secondary, I am humbled by the outstanding educational leaders, our team, and George. I am grateful for their dedication, passion, professionalism and unconditional support of our Lakes Learners. Thanks also to our diverse, playful, energetic, curious, respectful and connected adolescents. We appreciate the individuality that you contribute to strengthening our TLC community. And finally, to our families, the partnership we have formed will together provide a strong foundation that builds young people of character and who will venture into the world to contribute in meaningful ways. To those in the community who are leaving us and have a new path, our 2023 Seniors, students, staff and families, we wish you well with your new adventure. Your contributions to our community are valued and we thank you.




It is with great pride that I look back on the achievements and success of the Primary School throughout 2023. It has been a year of great learning, opportunities, initiatives and consolidation. Our students have shown great character, determination, resilience and courage to give things a go and be the best they can be.

This year’s theme, Everybody Always, has certainly resonated with us in the Primary School. It has been a great catalyst and constant reminder to celebrate the uniqueness of everyone within our wonderful TLC community. It is something that has asked all of us to embrace our individuality, but to also celebrate our collective.


This year, we launched a new initiative called The Resilience Project which all our students from Prep through to Year 6 have engaged with. This program is based on what we refer to as GEM, that being Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, with Emotional Literacy being a foundational skill to practice these strategies. The research is clear; the more positive emotion you experience, the more resilient you will be and hence the GEM model has been developed. We are very proud to have partnered with The Resilience Project as we believe this supports the mental health of our wider College community. It has been amazing to see the work students have been doing in class, with one of the highlights being the “Dis Wall”, but it has been equally as pleasing to hear students, staff, parents and carers using a common language. There were a number of exciting events that took place throughout the year which the students thoroughly enjoyed. Under 8s Day, the Book Week Character Parade, our Multicultural Expo, our Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day breakfasts and classroom visits, and of course our Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day. Our Year 3-6 students also had an amazing time at their camps which is something they will always treasure. We really pride


ourselves on being a community school and involvement from everyone at all our events is testament to that. We highly value your support to make these events as successful as they are. The support of our community has been tremendous, and I would like to thank all parents and carers who assisted in some capacity throughout the year, whether that be helping out on excursions, covering books or running our Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls just to name a few. The work you do for our community is very much appreciated. Our focus on Literacy and Numeracy remains at the core of everything we do as we have continued to see the progress of our students in these essential learning domains. We have a strong phonics-based approach, which research shows is crucial to language development. We are pleased with our consistent approach to spelling across the Primary School, using the Sound Waves model. Our Year 4-6 students participated in a Writing Competition, with some outstanding pieces of writing being created. It was a great opportunity for our students to showcase their talents. Our Walker Learning approach in Prep to Year 2 continues to provide a wonderful start for our early learners. The focus on the Developmental Domains really sets our youngest students up for continual success. Our young people love the investigations as this really sparks their curiosity and creativity.

This year, we also introduced two new extension programs for our Upper Primary students. Firstly, we had more than 40 Year 5 and 6 students who showed a strong aptitude towards Mathematics, participating in the nationally recognised Maths Olympiad Program. This involved students working on some challenging mathematical problems and strategies once a week. These strategies were then put to the test where students had to complete a series of Olympiad tests throughout the year. We were really proud of all our students who participated in this competition, with some of them being ranked in the highest percentile in Australia. We were also pleased to offer some of our

students the opportunity to participate in a competition called Tournament of Minds. This was a chance for a group of our Year 5 and 6 students to work together as a team on a unique challenge. They then had the chance to present their challenge they had been working on to a judging panel. There was also the added complexity whereby students had to navigate a spontaneous challenge on the day, which really made them think on their feet. This initiative showcased students’ teamwork, creativity, thinking skills and presentations. Congratulations to the students who were involved in this activity.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all our wonderful TLC staff for providing such an amazing learning environment for our community. Our staff go above and beyond in everything they do to support your young people and I know as a community this is appreciated. Thank you for all your support throughout the year. We are on a wonderful journey; a journey that embraces Everybody, Always. A journey that has seen another chapter added to it. I pray that God’s grace is with you over the festive season as we already look forward to the wonders that 2024 will bring.



C O L L E G E C A P TA I N REPORTS OLI VE R & C ARYS Throughout our TLC journey, at the end of every year, we have looked forward to reading ‘Reflections’, busily finding photos of ourselves and our friends remembering the good times. This year will be the last time that the Seniors of 2023 will be a part of this special tradition. It is, however, particularly exciting for both of us that we have the privilege to write this article, making our last reflection a memorable one! This year the Year 12 cohort have delved into a variety of initiatives. At the beginning of the year, our cohort decided to focus on a motto ‘If not now, then when?’ which would apply to everything we would do as Seniors of the College. To us, this meant taking every opportunity that would come our way and applying ourselves completely. As the year rolled on, each new idea came with more passion and more energy, where we strived to give 110% in everything we did. Our first initiative as a cohort was to raise awareness and support for domestic violence survivors on Valentine’s Day. With hard work and dedication, we successfully sold 600 lollipops and 632 candy bracelets (raising $834.55!), which we personally gift wrapped and organised for delivery throughout the school. This special day also involved our Seniors painting faces, organising games and encouraging students across all year levels to wear red accessories. Another special endeavour for our cohort was to create fun experiences for our Secondary students where they could celebrate school events with music. With the addition of our senior resident DJ Ian (aka Packlo), we were able to bring energy and fun for our hard-working students. One memorable experience included the finale of Foundation Day where we hyped up the crowd with an epic setlist. It was an experience like no other where House spirit ran deep and due to its major success, we followed this


tradition in Term 4 and hosted a ‘Party on the Green’ during PC time. As the Seniors of 2023, we will most likely be remembered for leading and organising the - unbiasedly - best House Showcase ever! We had the opportunity to utilise the new MPH to truly bring our musical ambitions and showmanship to fruition. The Showcase this year solidified its importance within The Lakes College as a key House event and one, quite frankly, for the history books! The allocation of lockers changing from year levels to PC groups was managed with the help of the Year 12’s. Although initially daunting, surrounded by somewhat unfamiliar faces, the Year 12 cohort used this as an opportunity for mentorship and new friendships. This experience helped us live out the College values of ‘Love’ and ‘Community’. For each student that didn’t quite know how to unlock their lockers, the Year 12’s stepped up to the role of locksmith. This seemingly small change to the College demonstrated exactly the type of community the Year 12’s were able to foster this year. For the countless events, both big and small, throughout the year, our Seniors have been there every step of the way. ‘We’ as a cohort have worn many


different hats this year and we have loved being a part of the celebrations and milestones for our students at the College. We have worked tirelessly to create a fun, friendly and inclusive environment at the College. More specifically, in the role of College Captains, we enjoyed being able to address and represent our community. As College Captains, we have performed as MC for numerous events, addressed our peers and community, and brought forward our ideas and goals to TLC staff. Our ability to connect with others and to offer our services for whenever the need arises has been our priority this year. We both strongly believe in helping others whether that be behind the scenes or leading the way to be inclusive and accepting. We have made many friends this year, both big and small and we will miss being your Captains. We would like to thank the senior pastoral team including Mrs McNally, Miss Aleckson, Mr Ridout and Mrs Lowe who have been our guiding lights throughout the year. It has been our pleasure to be the College Captains for 2023 and we are so very grateful for all the memories that we will forever hold in our hearts. What an incredible year it has been!

GA B I - P R IMARY SCH OOL CAPTAI N I can’t believe it has been 12 months since I received the Primary School leadership role. It has been an outstanding year full of challenges. It all started with my application and then I had my interview. I thought it went very well and was so excited to be shortlisted that I started writing my speech that night! When I got up on the lectern and was about

to speak, I had butterflies in my stomach, but it got easier as I started to speak. When my peers voted for me, I was nervous and excited at the same time. The time came for the leaders to be announced and I was terrified, but then they said that I was President of Student Council! I couldn’t stop smiling. But then everything changed again! After an

Assembly, Miss Johns asked me if I would like to step into the role of Primary School Captain! Without hesitation I said ‘yes!’ and we had a lot of fun and we all became closer. I would just like to thank Miss Johns, Charlotte, Abel, Mihisara, my teachers, peers and parents for helping me this year.

A B EL - PR IMARY SCH OOL CAPTAI N Months have passed since one of my happiest memories, the day that I became Primary School Captain. On the night of the 2022 Awards Ceremony, there were butterflies in my stomach when Mr Garland was going to announce the new Primary School

Captains and Presidents of Student Council for 2023. I was praying that I would get one of the roles… then Mr Garland called out my name for the role of 2023 Primary School Captain and I was very happy. So far it has been a privilege and an honour to work alongside

my friends; Mihisara, Gabi and Charlotte and my fellow teachers Mr Garland and Miss Johns. What I want to say to the future Year 6 leaders is: “you don’t need a badge to be a leader” and “try, try, try again until you succeed.”

CHARLOTTE - PRIMARY STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT From Student Council meetings to running assemblies and organising class awards, I have cherished every moment, but it went by quicker than you would think! At the start of the year I remember getting my Music Leader badge. I set off on a ride but it ended up going

on some different tracks. After Gabi stepped up from President of Student Council to Primary School Captain I got bumped up to Student Council President to take her place! I got my badge that day on the Assembly alongside Gabi. Working alongside Abel, Mihisara and Gabi has

been a highlight of my year. It’s scary for me to speak in front of people but presenting on Assemblies has helped me overcome that fear. Before I go, I want to leave you with a quote: “Don’t wish for it, work for it”. Thank you for a wonderful year.

MIHISARA - PRIMARY STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT When Mr Garland was announcing the role of President of Student Council, I knew I was waiting for this moment. After Gabi’s name was called my hands were sweating. I knew it had to be the other candidates or me. Just then my name got called and I stood up with joy and happiness and stood on stage with my badge. Having the opportunity to be President of Student Councill was a

wonderful position that I have accepted. As almost all the captains have said you don’t have to have a badge to be a leader. If you help someone or spread kindness throughout the school even, you can be a leader just with actions. Organising assemblies and even standing up on stage was a big step up for myself. Having to learn the confidence to

stand up on stage has been a hard thing for me but with a little practice anything can happen. Miss Johns has helped me so much that I cannot even explain how much effort she has put in for all of us. The captains alongside me have helped tremendously. Just a little quote: Try anything that comes your way.



PREP Do you remember your first year of school? The nervous excitement, holding hands walking towards the gate. That first goodbye, the first hello at the end of the day? As our journey together has commenced it has been a year of excitement, wonder and memories made for our youngest Lakes Learners. In Prep, students have been immersed within a rich learning environment created to support, nurture and engage learners to deepen their knowledge across all areas of the curriculum. TLC fosters a Walker Learning approach to pedagogy; whereby students investigate stations providing provocations for learning through a safe positive space. The Walker Learning Approach is not an inquiry model or program that is separated from other curriculum areas. Instead, is a holistic teaching and learning approach that provides a unique balance between the children being active participants in their learning and explicit instruction.


It has been an amazing year for our Prep Lakes Learners. We are extremely proud of the effort, growth, maturity and development demonstrated by our students. As much as it is sad to see them off to Year 1, we are extremely excited and proud of each student and

Th e b est pa r t o f Pr ep is … Kyle …helping my friends. Eli … listening and learning. Siyona …loving my teachers. Mariana … doing Investigation. Lainey and Grace … Making new friends. Mackenzie and Jasmine … learning to be brave and resilient … that means you bounce back! Tori and Lucia-Bella … learning to write and read really tricky words. Akiles … Investigating and running fast. Roha and Alisha … Our very funny teacher who makes us smile. Ethan … laughing and having fun all the time. cannot wait to see what their future unfolds for them. We are so proud of every one of our remarkable young people.


Felicia Marhofer, Hayley McFee, Shelley Wallace - Prep Teachers Vicki Aujla, Tracy Cronje, Tersia Joubert - Prep LIFT Assistants



YEAR 1 Well, it is that time of year again, where we stop and realise the amazing progress and growth our students have made over the year. It does not feel like a whole year has passed since they first nervously walked up to the big Year 1 classrooms for their first day. Now, they do this walk with ease, having built the confidence and knowledge another year has provided. We were fortunate enough to say hello to new faces this year, and sadly we also said goodbye to some as well. This year has been one of excitement, challenges and learning for our Year 1’s, starting with our first big excursion to Bunyaville in Term 2. Students bravely walked around the bush, finding amazing natural sights, such as birds and ants’ nests, as well as a surprise snakeskin. Our students built their trust with each other, allowing their classmates to lead them around a sensory walk while blindfolded, feeling the sensation of cold water and sand under their feet.


Term 3 marked our next big excursion to the Sir Thomas Planetarium and Botanical Garden. The students loved experiencing space in such a large way thanks to the sky dome. Their ultimate wish was granted when they were able to experience a black hole found in our galaxy. The rest of the year has been filled with amazing opportunities, such as the Multicultural Expo, shoelace tying classes, Book Week and Science Week experiments. Not to mention


the fabulous collaborative sessions Mr Pearce has provided, allowing our students to further their knowledge of First Nations perspectives and build their creativity in new ways. Looking back on this year, we are so proud of all our students and what they have achieved. We have had an amazing time together and wish you all a happy and safe 2024. Lauren Germanotta, Bree Ingram, Kristy Marks – Year 1 Teachers



YEAR 2 It has been a wonderful adventure in Year 2 this year with many highlights spread throughout. With students full of enthusiasm, curiosity and energy for learning this cohort of Year 2s are something special. Supplementing our detailed curriculum programs has been the wonderful Resilience Project which has enhanced the environment and relationships of our students who have loved learning about gratitude, mindfulness and empathy. Some of their reflections of the year have been shared here. What was something funny that happened this year? Oliver P - The funniest thing that happened this year was when I asked Ms Brittney what time it was, and she said half past a friend! Henry S - The funniest thing that happened this year was when my yoghurt fell out of my yoghurt pouch. What did you like about our Excursion and why? Nate N - I loved the modern train simulator because the train was realistic and there were a lot machines. Avitaj B - I liked the railway excursion when we went into the projector room, and I went up and showed everyone what it was like to iron clothes back in time. Zoe B - I liked the excursion because we got to go into some old trains. Orlando B - I loved watching the little train model that went in the city, into the farm and tunnels.

Liam B - My favourite place is the soccer field where I get to play soccer with my friends. Irena Y - My favourite place is in our big classroom with my teacher. Conrad C - My favourite place is the soccer field because it so big and all my friends play it. What was your favourite subject this year? What did you learn? Liliana F - My favourite subject is Art. I learnt how to make a loom bag. Maddison H - My favourite subject is Science. I learnt how to make ice cream by hand. Aayat S - My favourite subject was art this year because I learnt how to do weaving.

Where is your favourite place at TLC?

Michelle C - I like writing and learning to write narratives and making up our own stories!

Dhakshitha A - My favourite place in TLC is the library because it makes me feel mindful.

Yumi A - Science is my favourite subject because I liked the water cycle bags, we made.

Harper E - My favourite place is the Café because their food and candy is so good and yummy.

Kavnoor K - My favourite subjects are Maths, Hass, and Art. I learnt what boats people used in the past.

Evelyn N - My favourite place at TLC is the art room because it is peaceful and calm.

Dashiell W - I loved doing ICT and learning how to make a PowerPoint.

Yina B - I love the Chinese Garden for its pretty flowers, bamboo, and lots of trees.


Gurshaan K - My favourite place is the Primary Office because I can meet my brother there and draw and talk with Ms Johns.

James M - I love maths and writing. I learnt how multiplication works. Stepan D - My favourite subject is reading. I learnt how to read much harder books.


Which Special Day was your favourite and why? Maddie V - My favourite special day was Pyjama Day because I was nice and warm all day in my Pj’s. Summer Z - My Special Day was Under 8’s Day because there were lots of things to participate in. Henry B - May the 4th is my special day because I love Star Wars. Uday S - My favourite Special Day was the sports carnival because Kumbarchu won! Rimal M - Multicultural day was my favourite as I liked seeing all the other culture’s clothing. What was your absolute favourite memory from this year? Victoria L - My absolute favourite memory is meditating after lunch because it makes me calm and peaceful. Isabel L - My absolute favourite memory is May the 4th because I love Star Wars. Anushri K - My absolute favourite memory was when Miss Vucetic let us sit wherever we wanted. Alethea W - My favourite memory was when I got an award at assembly. Olivia V - The first day was my most favourite as I got to meet my new teacher. Samuel T - My favourite memory was when we all started playing together. Gill Cook, Anne Marie Fitzsimons, Brooke Vucetic – Year 2 Teachers



YEAR 3 We asked our Year 3 students to tell us some things about what they liked best about: OUR TEACHERS...



Mrs Foster is kind, smart and intelligent. She is consistent and makes everything in maths fun. Archie, Connor, Liam, Harrison, Martin

Our favourite part of camp was that we all slept in the same dormitory and we had the best time ever taking part in all the activities. Thiveyn, Alan, Idol, Juwon

We enjoyed learning a musical instrument because we got to learn something that we thought looked hard and now we understand how to play it. Isabelle M, Olivia, Averie, Han

Our favourite part of camp was playing on the beach and making animal sandcastles. Carlotta, Annabelle, Mehar

We learnt new things for our brains, so we got smarter and our arms got stronger. Julien, Agam, Evan

The best thing about Mrs Foster is she is a kind and caring teacher. She is such a generous teacher! She is the best teacher ever! Spriha, Jaasvi, Prashigya Mrs Kirkwood is super kind and helpful, she does so many things for us and teaches us amazing things. Chester Mrs Kirkwood is very kind and helpful and tells us funny stories. Brian, Sartaj, Kyle The best thing about Miss Fabila is that when we come into the classroom with smiles on our faces, she starts to make us laugh and laughing is contagious, which makes our classroom full of joy. Scarlett, Lennox, Avindee, Mayukha The best thing about Miss Fabila is she is organised, creative and very funny. She is the most kind, amazing teacher we’ve ever met! Ramiz, Liam, Nathan, Zayne OUR SUBJECTS... Our favourite subject is Digital Technologies and Maths because we get to do PowerPoint presentations as well as HaSS, Science and Maths because we get to do times table challenges. Parker, Nicolas, Yulin, Patrick Our favourite subject is Maths because we did speedy maths every day and played lots of fun games to help us learn more. Neehar, Anvi, Olivia St, Ashmika We really like Maths because we like working with numbers and can use maths in real life, also English because we get to do fun and interesting literacy groups. Manavvir, Sophia, Henry, F, Gemma, Travis


All the beach games were the best and there was lots of fun and laughing. Kyra, Olivia Sa, Saskia The best part of camp was everything but especially the zipline. Artha, Ayden, Elliot Our favourite part of camp was overcoming our fears, making new friends and having our first sleepover. Manavvir, Sophia, Henry, F, Fiona, Kevin, Vivian YEAR 3... The best thing about Year 3 was meeting a new teacher and making new friends. Aarvi, Isabel P Mrs Kirkwood and all the games we played were spectacular! Felix, James, Shuheng The best thing about Year 3 was getting a big surprise when we met our new teacher. We were excited and happy to go through the door. Franki, Scarlett, Lennox, Avindee, Mayukha SPECIALIST LESSONS... Our favourite specialist lesson is Art because we get to paint, make clay pots and use our imaginations. Anuvinda, Charlotte, Adam, Mainè Art is our favourite because we could create amazing artworks and explore with paints and clay. Abi, Aria, Aten, Lewis Our favourite specialist lesson was PE because we got to learn new sports, for example AFL and basketball. Aarav, Andrey, Aaditya, Viaan


We loved instrumental because it was something new and we have been waiting to do it since Prep. It is an amazing subject that we all love. Franki, Amelia, Olivia W, Jaime CLASS LEADERS... We enjoyed being Class Captains because you get to be a good role model, help people and attend meetings. Jaasvi, Juwon, Adam, Edie I liked being Class Captain because I liked having special jobs to do. Elliot We liked being Class Captains because we got to do fun jobs like taking the library trolley, going to meetings and helping with readers. Franki, Jaime, Lennox, Matthew ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORS... We loved being Environmental Monitors because we’ve seen people dropping rubbish everywhere and we have to keep our land clean for a better future. Averie, Mishka, Mianè, Olivia We liked being Environmental Monitors because we could help others and care for the environment. Aria, Annabelle, Anvi, Aria, Lewis Being Environmental Monitors was special to us because it was a rare opportunity to get extra responsibilities and help other people. Olivia W, Mayukha, Scarlett, Avindee

TECHNOLOGY MONITORS... We enjoyed being Technology Monitors because we got to put the computers on charge and help our peers in need. We support our friends and solve technology problems. Parker, Thiveyn, Aarvi, Nicolas Our favourite thing about being Technology Monitors was being responsible for the laptops and helping our friends with computer issues. We became brave when we stood up and did a speech in front of everyone. Liam, Jack, Viaan, Arya Kayla Fabila, Nicole Foster, Karen Kirkwood – Year 3 Teachers



YEAR 4 By Charlie K, Annie X, Seungiae S, Ryan L: Have you ever wondered what Year 4 is like? Well, it was a completely new experience from Year 3. There was a three day camp, new teachers, new areas to visit like the Café, your own laptop to take home, excursions, new friends, learning new instruments and a whole new uniform. Year 4 has been astonishing, amazing and adventurous. We loved swimming at the beach when we were on camp, having our own dorms which were airconditioned and the fun activities with our friends. Also, the food was amazing especially the waffles at breakfast.


We really enjoyed having our own laptops to take home. We felt very grown up and responsible when we first walked out of the school gate with our laptops. During the year, it was lots of fun completing our learning especially typing up our documents and editing our writing, researching, scorcher in Hotmath, word art and the ABC games we played for homework. We loved emailing our documents to our teachers and emailing our friends! We will definitely remember all of the brilliant activities we completed this year, but we think the teachers were the best. We appreciated how understanding they


were, their generosity and how they were always there to help us. Thank you Miss Sen, Ms Lamb, Mrs Volf-Fidalgo and Mrs Masson. Finally, school would be very lonely without our friends. It was great spending time with our friends who we met in Year 4. We all loved playing on the bottom oval, the new playground was good fun and visiting the Café to buy an ice block on a steamy hot day was the best. Even though Year 4 was a great experience, and we wish we could do it all again, we are excited to end the year…but we are even more excited to start Year 5! Jan Lamb, Kim Masson, Zozia Sen Year 4 Teachers



YEAR 5 2023 has been another action-packed year filled with Sporting Carnivals, Gala Days, Science and Book Weeks, Multicultural Expo and to end the year off, Year 5 Camp at Luther Heights. Below are some reflections from some of our Year 5 students. Reptile Incursion "Sssssssssss". I was waiting 'till the snake came to me! Today Urban Reptiles are coming! They brought in reptiles that live in Australia such as lizards, snakes and a turtle. The instructor's name was Sandy and she brought in massive boxes of reptiles. All of the reptiles had lots of features such as webbed feet, hard body coverings and lots of cool defences. We also watched a PowerPoint called Habitats & Habits, it was about the reptiles and based on our science studies. A fun fact that I learnt about reptiles was that all reptile skins are watertight which means, they do not get soggy and water does not penetrate their scales." Ava A

Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival “Bang!” went the gun for the start of the race. “Go Kumbarchu!!!!” “Go Tabbil!!!!” “Go Kittabilla!!!!” “Go Nyani!!!!”, screamed the students as they cheered on their House team. The Athletics Carnival features the shot put, javelin, high jump, long jump, 100m,


200m and the optional 800m events. The day was packed, with the 800m up first, then the war cries after and then we were split up into our age groups. At the end of the day, there was one House winner and that was Kittabilla. In second place was Nyani, in third was Tabbil, and in fourth was Kumbarchu. I was sad that Kumbarchu didn’t win but I was still happy for the other Houses. I’m really excited for the next Athletics Carnival, but this time Kumbarchu will win! Ena D

Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day Everyone loves their grandparents and special friends, so what better than to celebrate them than at school? My grandparents live interstate, so I invited my Great Uncle. Being with your grandparents and special friends brings a smile to your face and so do the morning tea and classroom visits. The scones with jam and cream were amazing, as well as the playing, dancing, book donations and more. In the classrooms, kids did lots of cool activities. My favourite activity was the Scavenger Hunt with riddles! I’m sure


everyone had fun that day, (I know I sure did) and can’t wait for next year’s Grandparents' and Special Friends’ Day. Talei B

Multicultural Expo The Multicultural Expo was the best! So many foods from across the world to try. We can’t believe we ate all of it in one day. The performances were fantastic, especially the Chinese Dragon. The people who took part in the performances were fabulous. The jewellery from Thailand was stunning, we even got to wear some. The Henna designs were so beautiful that we didn’t want it to rub off. Flower making in Colombia was so fun, even if ours looked like a cabbage. The lolly hat activity in China was so much fun to do, even when you’re not doing it properly. Getting our picture taken at the Korean stall was really fun too. Multicultural Expo was a blast, we can’t wait for next year’s. Evie H and Tawana M Sunell Jones, Storm Randall, Brendon Waite - Year 5 Teachers



YEAR 6 Our Year 6s have come to the end of their Primary School days. Along the way to becoming the wise leaders they are today, they have collected some pearls of wisdom they would like to share with you. Each student was asked to share a quote that resonated with them and reflected their thoughts about life and learning. Aarnav: I don't choose the student who studied 100 subjects, but rather the student who studied one subject 100 times. Aaron: Life goes on whether you choose to move on and chance the unknown, or stay locked in the past, thinking of what could’ve been. Abel: No matter how many times you fail, try, try, try again until you succeed. Abigail: Creativity takes courage in life. Allen: The more you read, the more you know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go. Alvynna: Practice makes perfect!! Amelia: Every time you fail, it's one step closer to success. Anika: Live life till your fullest. Life is too short for sadness. Anshika: Be yourself, everyone else is already taken. Ashton: Learn continually - there's always one more thing you need to learn. Ava: No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Braxton: No one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side!

Jordan: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Eesha: When something turns against you, don't back down.

Joshua: Always keep on trying, never give up.

Elijah: It's always easier to see the beginnings from the end than the end to the beginning.

Justin: Life is like a test you don't know if you passed.

Elle: You only live your life once!

Kaylah: You are you and that is truer than true. There is no one you-er than you.

Ethan: Whatever you believe you can achieve.

Kenshin: I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.

Felicity: You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one.

Lachlan: Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later.

Fristian: To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream. Not only plan, but also believe.

Lakshay: You are what you believe you can be.

Gaatri: Don't cry because it's finished. Be content because it happened. Gabi: You don't need a badge to be a leader you just need to believe it. George: Life is life.

Dale: Year 6 has been bumpy, but it is the best year of my life

Lukas: Never ever give up in life.

Hamish: It isn't where you came from, it's where you're going that counts.

Michael: Do what you have to do and don't hesitate to do it.

Isaac: Never look down, always look up.

Mihisara: Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% determination.

Jackson R: You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

Cooper: Always be yourself unless you can be flying then always be flying.

Liam W: When something doesn't go as planned, keep on trying. Max: Don't feel down about mistakes, they’re a part of life.

Cameron: When you think of backing down, don’t!

Charlotte M: Don't wish for it, work for it!

Liam J: Open your mind before your mouth.

Grace: Your effort is what carries you.

Jack: Never give up on work, push through it, be the best you can be.

Charlotte A: Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it.

Katelyn: Reach for the stars.

Emily: I just knew if it could be done, it had to be done, and I did it.

Caleb: There is no friend as loyal as a book.

Charlie: There will be obstacles, there will be doubters, there will be mistakes, but with hard work there is no limit.


Deva: Have a good time. Year 6 is too short to get discouraged and grieve.

Jasper: The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. Jaxsen W: It always seems impossible, until it’s done. Jaxson F: Hurting someone’s feelings is like throwing a rock into the ocean; you never know how deep it goes. Joanna: Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving. Johan: Education is a passport to the future.


Mitchell: Life is a highway. And I'm going to ride it all night long. Molly: Don’t count the days, make the days count. Monique Sehaj: Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. Monty: The grass is always greener where you water it. Nandhana: Friends will come and go. The most important thing is that you stay happy and try your best in life! Noor: Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen. Olivia R: A school day can seem like forever. But, looking back over the years, it’s like they’ve flown by. Cherish every moment!

Olivia F: Life is a journey, make it an adventure. Parisa: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Quinn W: No matter what obstacle arises, remember: Life happens. Quinn O: Try your best and see where life takes you.

Shahana: If you always think positive, you will always have a positive outcome. Sophie: Do what is right, not what is easy. Spencer: Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.

Reet: Always take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey.

Stella: Yesterday was the past, today is the present, tomorrow is the future.

Rivani: The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Summer: Life is like a book: if you never turn the page, you'll never know what the next chapter holds.

Sarvin: Enjoy your primary days as they lay the foundation for your future success. Sean: Two things are infinite: the universe .... and my life.

Subim: Do what is right, not what is wrong.

Thaevv: Year 6 is really fun-especially camp. I'm happy I went to this school. Thinuk: Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

Tim: Life is like an apple: if you bite too hard, you will lose a tooth. Waverly: Make sure your enemy doesn't live between your own two ears. Will: School is like riding a bike: once you get the hang of it, you get better. Wish: Education prevailed. Xavier: It's not always the loudest that gets the best grades. Vansh: God has made a plan. Trust it, live it, enjoy it and be thankful for this plan. Zara: No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of those who aren't trying. Natalie Davey, Joanne Lovell, Mel Smith - Year 6 Teachers



YEAR 7 As the 2023 academic year continues to progress, I cannot help but reflect upon one of my favourite quotes from world renowned American author, professor and sociologist, Brené Brown. For the past two decades Dr Brown has studied the concepts of courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy, making it her life’s work to break down social barriers and build a sense of connection and belonging. In her book titled “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” Brown states:

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”


Year 7 is a period of great vulnerability. It challenges our students in ways that they are yet to experience. Socially, emotionally and academically our students have extended themselves beyond their comfort zone which has allowed them to grow both personally and as a cohort. Whether it be Year 7 Camp, Spiritual Retreat, the 7-10 Buddy Program or House Carnivals, students have allowed themselves to be vulnerable and engaged. Through their efforts, our cohort has developed a sense of belonging, allowed them to believe in themselves and has provided them the opportunity to become.


To the Year 7 cohort and their families, thank you for such a rewarding year. Your willingness to be vulnerable and walk alongside me in this journey has created an environment that has allowed students to be their authentic selves. The growth and maturity built throughout the 2023 academic year has been astonishing. I feel honoured to have been a part of their journey thus far and am excited to see what the future holds for them all. Harry Ahrens – Year 7 Coordinator



YEAR 8 The Year 8 cohort has had an incredibly productive year, thriving and fully immersed in the challenges of Junior Secondary. Beginning the year with a welcome energy, the Year 8 students have embraced every opportunity provided to them in developing their capacity as young leaders in the College. The Year 8 cohort has had an incredibly productive year, thriving and fully immersed in the challenges of Junior Secondary. Beginning the year with a welcome energy, the Year 8 students have embraced every opportunity provided to them in developing their capacity as young leaders in the College. A highlight of 2023 was Year 8 at Under 8’s Day in early Term 2. The students facilitated and led a wide variety of activities, including face painting, parachute games, braceletmaking and colouring in. It was wonderful to see our Year 8 students step up and care for our littlest Lakes Learners. Their willingness to nurture our youngest students is a testament to their character.


Term 2 also presented the Year 8 cohort with another opportunity to embrace College life. Students engaged in the very first TLC urban camp experience The Rollercoaster of Life. Situated at BIG4 on the Gold Coast, the students worked with the team from Character Builders in what was an incredible, fun-filled week of unforgettable experiences. This camp also included a very memorable visit to Movie World. Striving to become more united, this unique camp experience allowed the Year 8 cohort to build their connections, fostering belonging. In Semester 2, the Year 8 students continued to thrive. The Year 8 Spiritual Retreat presented students with an opportunity to reflect on


resilience and character building, exploring the characteristics of solid lifelong friendships. As the year progressed, students continued to embrace College Life through the Foundation Day celebrations and dressing up in fabulous costumes for Book Week. While there have also been challenges for our Year 8 students, they have embraced every opportunity to grow in character, utilising their unique strengths and talents. I have thoroughly enjoyed being the Year 8 Coordinator and I eagerly anticipate what the future holds for these amazing young people. Emily Malone – Year 8 Coordinator



YEAR 9 Year 9 is a pivotal year in a young person’s educational journey and is often described as the bridge between the Junior Secondary years through to the Senior Secondary years. The Year 9 journey at TLC has been a whirlwind of growth, learning and unforgettable experiences. As the Year Level Coordinator, I've had the privilege of getting to know each student individually and watching them grow and mature into young adults. Their journey has been marked by bravery, resilience and a willingness to step outside their comfort zones, while appreciating each other's individualities. This is the spirit I encourage them to carry with them as they progress through the next three years of their schooling. The Year 9 cohort has already demonstrated remarkable potential and resilience, taking ownership of their education and personal lives, they are learning to balance their extra freedom with responsibility. With the lessons they've learned, the connections they've forged and the achievements they've celebrated, they are well-equipped to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the Senior Secondary journey and I can't wait to see how they continue to grow and excel in the years to come.

leave a lasting and meaningful imprint on both my peers and I throughout Senior school. – Tayla F

Here are a few notable moments from some of our Year 9 students:

Year 9 will be a year I will never forget. This year was filled with new connections being formed, school and out of school events, Multicultural Expo, Careers Expo, Spiritual Retreat Day, myself in Strike Theatre and Empower, alongside being awarded by KSP Theatre an adjudicators award. School excursions such as the geography excursion to South Bank, Performing Arts excursions and lastly, something that will be in my memories forever is our phenomenal Year 9 Camp

2023 has been an exciting and memorable experience for all students in Year 9. From the Mt Tamborine Camp to Spiritual Retreats and school excursions to sporting events, the cohort has become closer than ever and will be bringing these long lasting memories into Year 10. Every memory and friendship created in Year 9 will


The best highlight of Year 9 this year was the Mt Tamborine Camp in Term 1. This camp pushed us beyond our comfort zones and helped us extend our social circles as we had to work and communicate with people that we may have never talked to before. Participating in the hike, team-building activities and the Tree Tops course, encouraged us to collaborate with everyone in the cohort. One of the highlights of this camp was watching my peers enjoy themselves in the Gaga Ball pit, which was definitely something everyone enjoyed. Throughout the course of the week, I made friendships and connections that are still standing in Term 4. Over my 10 years at TLC and the 7 camps I have been involved in, this camp has got to be one of the best experiences I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of. – Chloe B


at Mount Tamborine. This place brought our cohort together as one community. Some highlights from our camp were karaoke singing late at night, my friends on the zipline ride and one of everyone's favourite activity throughout this camp was the Gaga Ball. These moments and experiences will never fade and will always be remembered. Overall, Year 9 has allowed me to sense my future path. Significantly, this cohort's support, guidance and memories made this year a special one. – Anika S Year 9 has certainly been a year to remember: Camp, the Spiritual Retreat, interhouse competitions, the Careers Expo, all while tackling our assessments. We have been given so many opportunities this year that embracing them has been a must. Interhouse sporting competitions have been a real highlight of this year – coming together in our House groups (go Nyani!) has been something none of us will ever forget. Showing off our House colours and cheering for each other has really shown everyone the spirit of TLC. This year, we have had to tackle everything that came our way head-on, and as a cohort. Heading into Senior school may be daunting for many of us, but the year we’ve had has certainly prepared us for what is to come in the year ahead. – William B Rebekah Robinson – Year 9 Coordinator



Y E A R 10 Curiosity, courage, and commitment. Our Year 10 cohort’s experiences of 2023 have seen them embrace these strengths. Stepping into new and unique situations, our students have continued to stretch their individual boundaries both within the College and outside its gates. Year round, they have risen to meet the ever-increasing academic challenges of Senior schooling. In a Lakes College first, many have even commenced Year 11 and 12 work thanks to the new Horizons English and Mathematics programs. This is truly testament to the commitment and curiosity with which the Year 10s approach their learning. Carrying their curiosity into the wider community, our students previewed potential pathways at experiences like their USC University Day in Term 2, TAFE Trade Tasters and Work Experience in Term 3. This valuable experience and knowledge culminated in their engagement in SET Planning. We are excited to see our Year 10's strive towards their many interests and aspirations into 2024 and the near future.


I want to commend the cohort for their courage in rising to meet the Mt Binga Outdoor Education camp challenge. Over their 14-day experience, Groups 1 and 2 hiked their own personal mountains; stretched outside of their comfort zones, developing new skills and relationships, ultimately strengthening their sense of selfworth. It is safe to say that cherished memories (and furry and feathery friends besides Steve) were made here and that these will continue to be shared by our Year 10's. In addition to their individual extracurricular commitments like the Kokoda Challenge, the Year 10 team have modelled servant-hearted leadership through their generous efforts to support the Redcliffe Breakfast Club this year. They were then able to


reunite and reconnect with each other at their Term 4 Spiritual Retreat before they topped off all their hard work with a celebration of all they achieved at the Year 10 Dance. Here, curious dance moves were pulled off with courage and commitment too! Overall, 2023 has been another successful year for our Year 10's and I have been proud of their growth over the past two years I have worked with them. Thank you to the Year 10 cohort and TLC community for allowing me the privilege to support these future leaders. We cannot wait to see where their curiosity, courage and commitment will take them. David Sgualdino – Year 10 Coordinator



Y E A R 11 What do Usain Bolt, Steven Bradbury and Lightning McQueen all have in common? Well, their sentiments of belief, persistence and speed, have assisted the Year 11 Cohort to successfully manoeuvre their way through to the end of the year. And what a year it has been! The Year 11’s have embraced every opportunity that has come their way and excelled! Involvement in Flourish Day and the Year 11 Spiritual Retreat allowed the students to connect as an entire cohort. Our young people have used these opportunities to recognise and embrace the diversity of strengths within their year level. They learnt how to combine all of their skills, and at the end of the day, they were able to move forward as a more united group. Throughout the year the cohort have accepted opportunities to be involved in many College events and service opportunities. Their contribution was welcomed at the Primary Athletics carnivals, the ANZAC Day Remembrance Service, NISSA Cross Country and refereeing, the Father’s Day Breakfast, Redcliffe Breakfast Club,


Just Dancing with the Preppies and our annual community service fundraiser The Push Up Challenge. Their choice of community initiative enabled our Year 11’s to simultaneously increase their muscle mass and awareness for mental health! At the completion of the challenge, those involved completed a total of 115,387 push ups and raised $2757.20 for Lifeline Australia. Such an amazing effort by all involved! One of the most memorable moments from the year was our Leadership Camp at Emu Gully at the end of Term 3. Our cohort was presented with challenging activities that focused on the values of courage, mateship, sacrifice and perseverance. While the


camp saw the students harness and develop their leadership skills, it also presented another opportunity to become more united as a cohort. Our Year 11’s came back believing that they were stronger as one. The entire experience was something that they will always remember and continue to grow from. Reflecting back on the year I am amazed at the amount of growth that I have seen throughout the cohort. I have seen firsthand what this group of amazing adolescents can achieve together. I am so excited to see what they can achieve next year in their final year of secondary schooling. Watch out TLC, our 2024 Senior’s are ready to achieve great things! Kristy McNally – Year 11 Coordinator



Y E A R 12 While I assumed the role of Year 12 Coordinator during the latter part of the year, I have been privileged to witness the six-year journey of our 2023 Seniors as it has unfolded. I take immense pride in observing these students evolve into exceptional young adults of character who are well-prepared to embrace the challenges of the world. This year’s senior cohort lived and breathed their motto, If not now, then when? Their tenacity and determination to succeed and be their best was witnessed by all they connected with throughout the year. Term 1 kicked off with IA2 preparations alongside organising their Formal. They commemorated Valentine's Day by raising awareness and funds for domestic violence survivors and experienced their final TLC Camp. Term 2 was a whirlwind of activities, including Picnic on the Green days, Breakfast Club visits, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals and of course Preppie visits. Our Seniors marked their last 100 Days of School with a joyous lunch celebration that was organised by their families. They returned a day early in Term 3 for their Year 12 Spiritual Retreat.


This was my first day back as Year 12 Coordinator and I was blown away by their genuine enthusiasm and good humour as they immersed themselves in the day’s activities. The retreat fostered unity amongst the cohort and set the scene for their remaining time together. They gathered an overwhelming amount of donations for the Redcliffe Breakfast Club as part of their Christmas in July initiative, dressed as superheroes for Book Week and were the driving force behind many spirited House competitions. Mock Block tested their knowledge and, after a short holiday, they returned in Term 4 for two short weeks of classes, before embarking on external exams. During our seniors' preparations for their external exams, the senior staff dedicated themselves to organising a memorable culmination week.


With exams now behind them, our seniors embraced a week filled with activities such as group painting, a cinema outing and a day at Coolum beach. These experiences added to the unforgettable memories of the Valedictory Service and the Year 12 Graduation that marked the conclusion of their academic journey and provided an opportunity for our Prep to Year 11 students to bid farewell to their graduating peers. My final message to the 2023 Seniors is thank you for your incredible dedication, hard work and contributions to our TLC community. I am so grateful to each of you and I am better for knowing you. Watching your journey has been a highlight of my career. Don’t stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top! Susannah Lowe – Year 12 Coordinator




Here at The Lakes College we are a place of Belonging – knowing that all people need to feel connected to and safe in community. As partners in a child’s educational journey, here at TLC, relationships matter every day! Community is about celebrating the authenticity of self and others, a place of true belonging, where uniqueness and diversity are accepted and embraced.

TLC COMMUNITY A SS OCI ATION Corrinne Britz TLCCA President It is always important to reflect on the year that was to understand the impact we made, the impressions we left and the legacy that will continue. 2023 has been an outstanding year for the TLCCA as we were able to support the school in over 20 initiatives without any COVID interruptions! The Lakes College Community has always been at the centre of everything that we do as an association. Bringing families, carers and friends together cultivates a sense of camaraderie and friendship. Friends were made, connections were established and networks initiated as the common goal of supporting our children was always at the forefront of our decisions.


Coupled with our strive for community engagement, our focus of fundraising and giving back to the College was also a priority. Our greatest fundraising initiative is always our Second Hand Uniform Shop. Under the watchful guidance and management of Reneé Cairns-O’Neill and her wonderful team of volunteers, the shop contributes over 90% of our funds raised. We are extremely grateful for all the hours donated by our volunteers as the shop is 100% volunteer run. This year, we supported the shop with a new slatwall and a new counter to accommodate the growing number of uniforms and the growing number of families frequenting the shop. The first term is always about welcoming new families and reconnecting with our current families. Exciting events like Open Days and TLCCA's Picnic in the Park create fantastic opportunities for us to achieve this, complete with sausage sizzles and jumping castles for everyone to enjoy.


Term 2 is all about our mums and special people with our Mother’s Day Stall being a highlight for Primary, as they take much care and delight in choosing the perfect gift. We raised over $2600 and this would not have been possible without Narelle Wright and her group of supportive volunteers. We are very thankful for all the work they did to ensure each child was excited and proud of their purchase. The Secondary Mum’s Evening took on a different focus this year, with Kristina Petho organising an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea evening, to raise funds for Cancer Council. We were supported by Chef Joel who coached us on making resin keyrings and we were able to donate $1000 to a very worthy cause. We sponsored a stall at the Under 8’s Day again and a very big thank you to Faye Hubbard for organising this on our behalf. The children were delighted with the popcorn and temporary tattoos.

Term 3 brought our Father’s Day Stall which was a huge hit with our Primary School. Thank you again to Faye Hubbard for bringing it all together and helping us raise over $1700. The new method of purchasing a gift through the Spriggy online portal proved to be both successful for the children and much less stressful for the parents and carers. We also supported Multicultural Expo for the first time this year, handing out over 300 sausages to our youngest learners in our community. Our annual sponsorship of the House Spirit Award started off Term 4 and I congratulate the winners for 2023; Kittabilla – William McNally (Yr 10), Tabbil – Evan Allen (Yr 11), Nyani – Oliver Hatfield (Yr 12), Kumbarchu – Lucy Antonelli (Yr 11). Term 4 is also about supporting the many end of year events - no less than nine in total! World Teachers’ Day is a highlight of our year as we get to spoil and appreciate all our teachers, learning assistants, support staff and administration staff, with a thank you lunch organised by Kristina Petho and her team of volunteers. Thank you to our group of volunteers who helped us with the sausage sizzle events at the Prep – Year 3 Christmas Celebration, the three Swimming Carnivals and the Awards Evening. We were also present at the Twilight Open Day as well as Celebration of Sport evening. These

require an enormous amount of time to organise and we are thankful to all who contributed. Perhaps the most exciting part of our role is the donations that we can make to the school. We are proud to have sponsored a new washing machine and sewing cutting mat to the Technologies Faculty, new drum kits for the Arts Faculty as well as a new projector for the Hall. We were also able to provide beautiful new library shelving for the Library. My time as the President has come to an end after two exciting years and I am so thankful for the support I received from the executive as this committee runs as a team. A huge thank you to Kylie Jenkins, Hayley Stever and JulieAnne Rowland who will be stepping down this year, making way for a brand new team. Thank you for all the hours, the commitment and the support! All the very best to the new Executive, under the guidance of Kristina Petho and I wish you plenty of volunteers, accurate sausage sizzle numbers and a quorum at every meeting! 2023 Committee: President – Corrinne Britz Vice-President – Renée Cairns-O’Neill, Julie-Anne Rowland Treasurer – Kylie Jenkins Secretary – Hayley Stever

House Spirit Awards



Believing “Everybody Always”

Over the course of the year:

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 7, Jesus receives an invitation to a dinner party and his attendance sparks considerable controversy. What sets this narrative apart is Jesus' unconventional choice of guests. He extends invitations to some of the most unconventional individuals, including a woman with a tarnished reputation. Her unexpected entry into this inner circle, leaves the homeowner visibly uncomfortable. The story is an absolute page-turner!

• Under the guidance of Mr Stanley, our Senior school volunteers are providing great support to the homeless and less fortunate at the Redcliffe Breakfast Club. • Secondary School have participated in the Retreat Day process with some great facilitators leading us. • Our Chapel services have provided a basis for the spiritual nurture and vitality of students and staff. • Our Chapel Band is a vital part of the team bringing the community together in worship and song. • Our Year 12 students spearheaded the Christmas in July campaign, igniting inspiration within our community to open their hearts and give generously to those in need. • Shrove Tuesday was an outstanding success. We were fortunate to have North Lakes Uniting Church join us on the day. • We're currently in the second phase of our Reconciliation Action Plan. Our dedication to reconciliation holds great significance at TLC and we eagerly anticipate continuing

On the first day of our Staff Week in Term 1, during our devotion time, I shared this passage from Luke 7 with the staff. It was an opportunity to align our discussion with the College theme for the year, which Mrs Gregory had introduced as "Everybody, Always." I was eager to connect our staff with this theme and its significance. I must admit that I went into full throttle mode during the discussion and I'm not quite sure how the staff received it! What I do know is that over the past year, our TLC community has wholeheartedly embraced the theme. "Everybody, Always" has become more than just a slogan; it has become a guiding principle in our inclusive community. At TLC, we strive to create a place where people belong, believe and continuously grow, every day of the week. As a ministry of the Uniting Church, this commitment to inclusivity and community is deeply important to all of us. Throughout the year, I've had the immense pleasure of being wholeheartedly embraced as a member of TLC. I've had the privilege of witnessing our students engaging in acts of service, even in challenging circumstances, with a deep sense of honour and commitment. Our dedicated staff consistently go above and beyond, not merely meeting requirements but ensuring that the outcomes benefit all our students and their families. In every sense, TLC embodies the spirit of a Luke 7 community, offering a warm embrace to everybody in diverse and meaningful ways.



our journey alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The concrete steps and initiatives outlined in this plan will start taking shape in 2024. • Our EnviroWarriors have new plans commissioned by the Board to work toward. • Service learning has now established a framework and a firm commitment here at TLC. • Many fundraising campaigns have been supported by the College this year. We have supported issues such as homelessness, mental health, domestic and family violence, cancer research, stationary assistance and clothing needs in the pacific islands with the great work of our TLCCA. Tim McMenamin – Director of Mission


The Lakes College is a place for Becoming – offering dynamic and rich programs from Prep to Year 12, that enliven curiosity, build resilience and empower our learners, as they engage in a global world now and into the future.

PRI MA RY SCH OOL LEA RNERS As we reach the end of our academic year it is always satisfying to reflect on the incredible range of opportunities our young people have had to consolidate and apply their learning in so many ways. It also stimulates the planning for next year and ways we can do things differently, enhance experiences and engage new opportunities for our students to thrive in their pursuit of academic excellence and the acquisition of skills towards lifelong learning. Central to my educational philosophy is my belief that learning is an adventure, to be experienced and deeply enjoyed. I know that every student and member of the school community has the right to learn and work in an environment where they can grow in character and academic rigour. Working closely with our community in the pursuit of this has been a privilege. Following collaboration across the sub-schools, our pedagogical approach Our Teaching and Learning Culture, has invigorated our Teaching Team. Underpinned by the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, this approach focuses on the knowledge and awareness, skills and transformative competencies and the values, attitudes and dispositions of learners, building a more structured framework for the learning culture we are striving to nurture every day. You may be becoming more familiar with the Lakes Learner capabilities of knowledge, character, curiosity and connection which are central to the vision we have for young people who will stand steady in the flurries that our busy modern world sweeps them in to. Our Academic Care Coordinators in each year level have worked hard this year to support student pastoral and academic care across their year level. Each Academic Care Coordinator has worked closely with their year level teams, Head of Primary, Deputy Head of Primary – Learning Transformation,

Deputy Head of Primary – Students and Wellbeing and our LIFT Coordinator to create learning environments and curriculum that is stimulating and challenging. Tracking progress and ensuring high quality differentiation and learning adjustments cater to the diverse profile of our students and support their progress and attainment of outcomes. This year we have commenced familiarisation with the new Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum is 3-dimensional; it includes learning areas, general capabilities and crosscurriculum priorities. Together, the three dimensions set out essential knowledge, understanding and skills all young people need so they will be able to learn, contribute and shape their world now and in the future. Teams have begun reviewing the priorities of each term and the opportunities for the integration of different subject curriculums in a model of inquiry that creates opportunities for academic rigour, connection to authentic realworld experiences and collaboration through problem solving. Year level teams have sought new incursion and excursion opportunities for our students specifically focussed on creating stimulating provocations for learning and the chance to apply their skills in settings beyond the classroom. Our students have participated in a range of extra-curricular activities that have showcased creativity, academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge. Teams from Year 5 and Year 6 took part in Tournament of Minds alongside schools from across Queensland. We celebrated several students who represented the College in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee, with Anvi Vijay from Year 3 making it to the state round of the competition, a wonderful achievement for our inaugural entry into this event. Students from Years 2 to Year 6 participated in the International Competitions and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) with achievements reflecting personal growth and a

satisfying range of achievements across participants. The Australian Mathematics Competition was enjoyed by many of our Year 3 to Year 6 students who challenged themselves in their application of strategies and skills in the complex problem solving and mental computations. In Year 6, students delved into the world of politics with visits from local politicians. Our Year 4-6 students showcased their creativity and storytelling skills in the annual TLC Writing Competition, themed 'discovery.' Summer Twining from Year 6 emerged as the Overall Winner, and Isabella Li from Year 4 received the Encouragement Award - no surprise given our students' incredible talent. Our Year 5 and 6 students truly excelled in the Junior Public Speaking Competition, generously sponsored by the North Lakes Lion's Club. This year saw the largest number of entrants, making the judging process quite challenging. The quality of the presentations was outstanding, and



determining the winners was no easy feat. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated teachers who have nurtured and guided our young talents, equipping them with the confidence and skills needed to excel in this valuable opportunity. 'Science Week' was another highlight, providing our Primary School students with engaging, hands-on learning experiences. Street Science's Signature Science Show, featuring fire, smoke rings and liquid nitrogen, captivated our students. Even our youngest learners in Prep had an exciting time exploring weather science with a 'Rainbow Riot Day’, complete with special guests Chef Joel and Mrs Ball, who wowed the students with a mesmerising liquid nitrogen cloud! Throughout the year, our packed schedule of year level activities has been enhanced by a series of College wide events that celebrate the richness of learning in all its forms. Our Under 8s Day was a vibrant display of curiosity and discovery, led by our youngest learners in the Early Years. Additionally, our annual Multicultural Expo was a testament to the vibrant tapestry of our community. This event highlighted the connections and diversity within our school, providing our students with the chance to engage in various activities and explore Multicultural Experience stalls generously organised by our families, staff and students. Also, across the year, we have recognised and participated in Reconciliation Week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our students were involved in a range of experiences across the week including Indigenous Art activities, storytelling, guest visitors and presentations of culture. The progress and success of our learners has been supported by our LIFT (Learning Intervention for Transformation) Team. Engaging a range of strategies and resources to support and extend learners, this team of professionals has worked closely with our classroom teachers to cater for individual differences and build confidence in our learners.

by our teaching team who have used this to enhance practice as well as supporting fellow colleagues in their own professional growth. Our focus on early intervention in literacy has involved a considerable investment in decodable reading texts and phonic resources, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our families who have so willingly volunteered their time to cover these books ready for use by our students. The hard work and commitment to learning that is demonstrated daily by our students is to be celebrated. Thank you to our families who contribute so much to the success of our young people. And my heartfelt thanks for the countless hours, the emotional energy, the care and support demonstrated every day by our team of educators who work tirelessly to nurture the academic and emotional growth of each individual. Thank you. Mark Pearce – Deputy Head of Primary – Curriculum Transformation

YEAR 7-9 LEARNE RS Lemon Batteries, Racing Cars and Spelling Bees – the Junior Secondary Curriculum Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, Andreas Schleicher, eloquently emphasised the unpredictability of the future and stressed the vital importance of students not only acquiring knowledge and skills but also cultivating attitudes and values that can guide them toward ethical and responsible actions (OECD, 2019). It is in this context that we recognise the importance of offering today's youth opportunities that foster their creative ingenuity and contribute to propelling humanity toward a brighter future (OECD, 2019). With the introduction of “Our Teaching and Learning Culture" document in 2023, this year marks a significant turning point for Junior Secondary students at The Lakes College, opening a wealth of opportunities for their

We continue to focus on best practice in the teaching of core subjects, while offering a rigorous specialist education program creating holistic learning experiences for our young people. Several professional learning opportunities have been undertaken



growth and development. This year we have mapped and integrated the College theme of Belonging, Believing and Becoming with our Lakes Learner capabilities that encompass Knowledge, Curiosity, Character and Connection. Belonging: Fostering a Sense of Community and Embracing Character Our Junior Secondary curriculum recognises that a sense of belonging is the foundation upon which successful learning is built. Across the year, students have been encouraged to connect with their peers, teachers and the broader TLC community. This sense of belonging is integral to the Lakes Learner capabilities, particularly in character development. Through the Year 7 electives rotation program, students have together, experienced 12 elective ‘taster’ subjects over the course of the year. Subjects including Year 7 Textiles have provided students with learning spaces that nurture creativity, whilst developing skills in tie dying, fabric painting, applique stitching and comradery. The Year 7 excursion for Buddha’s Birth Day Festival, similarly, provided students with a rich experience in learning. This excursion helped our students learn more about Buddha and the Chinese culture, helping to make connections to the Chinese Language curriculum. Our Junior Secondary PE students fostered a sense of community through their exploration of traditional First Nations games, during National Reconciliation Week. These games helped students develop a greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture and how sport plays a role in developing a socially cohesive environment. The Lakes College places a strong emphasis on character education, nurturing students' empathy, integrity and responsibility. Believing: Extending Knowledge and Nurturing Curiosity In fostering the Lakes Learner capability of curiosity, the Junior Secondary curriculum encourages students to ask questions, explore and discover. The curriculum promotes a growth mindset, empowering students to believe in their abilities and potential. An example of this has been the Year 8 Media Arts classes participating in the Noosa Film Academy incursion, where they developed original videos under the guidance of a professional cinematographer. Our Science Fair and Immersion Days also provided

platforms for knowledge and curiosity to be explored, offering students hands-on experiences of inquiry in Years 7-9. Families were in awe over the ingenious science projects that students created; spanning from an inquiry into whether fresh chicken breast or defrosted chicken breast grew more bacteria, to using lemons as batteries, using heart rate and skin conductivity to detect lies and the psychology linked to gambling – which caused a huge buzz in the room! Our Year 9 STEM learners were visited by the UQ Racing Team, who shared their experience of designing racing cars and studying engineering at university, enabling our learners to unveil new perspectives on engineering, and inspiring students with the confidence to prototype and innovate their own designs. Becoming: Preparing for the Future; Connecting As students progress through the year, they are always encouraged to look to the future and embrace opportunities, so that they can thrive in our ever-changing world and connect with the right people and programs. The Horizons programs in English and Music, have offered rich opportunities for our more abled learners, to excel in their respective fields. These pilot programs have demonstrated that the sky is the limit when it comes to opportunity and potential and they have generated great connections among our students. In terms of looking beyond our school, our Year 9 Geography excursions have offered students outdoor learning opportunities to think laterally and make connections with the world around them. These experiences not only enhance academic learning but also foster a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of our local, national and international environments. Our Mathematics Faculty also focused on building connections, through their involvement in several Mathematics competitions across the year, providing students with opportunities to prepare for the future and connect with like-minded learners in other schools through a competition format. Experiences such as these offered an opportunity for our budding mathematicians to hear from QUT student ambassadors and professors on the exciting places that Mathematics can take them. In the theme of connection, our annual TLC Spelling Bee competition, organised by our very own Academic Portfolio, tested our keen spellers as

they navigated the technical complexity of the English language. Our brave Junior Secondary students rose to the occasion and it was truly remarkable to see a Year 8 student competing at such a high level, making it to the Final, alongside Year 12 students. The flourishing Junior Secondary curriculum at The Lakes College is a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing Lakes Learner capabilities and its alignment with the new Australian Curriculum. Through a holistic approach that emphasises belonging, believing and becoming, our curriculum is shaping students who are not only academically proficient but also curious, connected and of strong character. As these young individuals prepare to step into the wider world and the unknown future, they carry with them the skills, knowledge and values that with hope, will ‘propel humanity towards a brighter future’ (OECD, 2019). Katerina Tilley – Dean of Studies (7-9)

YEAR 10-12 LEARNE RS At the heart of this year’s success is the implementation of our Teaching and Learning Culture (Our TLC) that formalises the core pedagogical intentions that already permeate the educational experience at The Lakes College. Embedded within this framework is the Lakes Learner Capabilities that were established in 2022: Knowledge, Curiosity, Character, and Connection. Students in Years 10 to 12 have continued to demonstrate these capabilities, evidenced by a significant growth in knowledge, a profound spark of curiosity, the nurturing of character, and the deepening of connections among peers, parents, and the wider community. Of note in 2023 was the inception of the "Horizons Program" that was introduced in the disciplines of English, Maths, and Music. This program not only broadened student knowledge, but also ignited an unquenchable curiosity within them. In English, they delved deep into literary classics, expanding their horizons to encompass diverse genres and authors. In Maths, they grappled with challenging concepts, pushing the boundaries of their mathematical understanding. Meanwhile, in Music, they explored new genres and instruments, pushing their creative boundaries.

Complementing the Year 10 journey was the Subject and Pathways Information evening. This played a crucial role in preparing Year 10 students for their journey into Year 11. This event provided students with valuable insights into subject choices, helping them make informed decisions about their future academic paths. It was a night that paved a smoother way into the thinking that underlies SET Planning, and life beyond school. As an extension of this evening, later in the year, the experience University Life at USC excursion consolidated student preparedness. Year 10 students explored USC campus and engaged in workshops that included psychology, business, digital media, environmental science, law, Occupational Therapy, and many more. Complementarily, the school year featured the monumental success of the first whole school Careers Expo. At least ten service providers from universities, the Australian Defence Force, academies, and Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) participated in this event, attracting tremendous interest from the TLC community. The Careers Expo proved to be a valuable resource for students and their families in asking questions and exploring various career options that served to further strengthen the connections between students and potential educational and career pathways. For Year 10, this event foregrounded the unique Work Experience opportunities students undertook, with some placements occurring in unique places such as Norfolk Island, others in legal firms across Brisbane, whilst others still within TLC’s campus. And with other incredible outings to Aussie World for Physics, the hands-on excitement



of Science Week, trips to the Gallery of Modern Art in Visual Art, ANZAC Square and Memorial Gardens in History, our Year 10 students were certainly equipped with knowledge that connected curriculum with the real world. Such priorities showcase the school's commitment to nurturing character development and future success. At the same time, the centralised exams during ACE time and the Mock Exam Block brought an extra layer of academic preparedness to Year 11 and 12 students. Exams were administered in such a way to familiarise students with formal processes and in turn give time back to subjects to focus on core learning and skill development. They had the added benefit of fostering student resilience and time management. Further, the ACEING ATAR seminars hosted by our Principal Mrs Gregory and a team of experienced QCAA External Markers provided valuable guidance, equipping students with the tools needed to succeed academically in the External Examinations. Within this ACE time our Year 11 and 12 students also had the incredible opportunity to be inspired by Olympic Gold Medallist Stephen Bradbury! His words truly hit home as he shared his insights on aiming for excellence and speeding towards our goals. In line with our commitment to character development and global awareness, this year our school established a meaningful connection with the charity Harvest Cambodia and the Cambodian school, “Stepping Stones”. This partnership has been initiated to further refine the character and connection of our community by reaching out to those in need. At the end of this year, a core group of staff are travelling to Cambodia to engage in various initiatives to support the training of Cambodian teachers in “Stepping Stones” school. Harvest Cambodia's mission resonates deeply with TLC values, and ultimately will seek to authentically connect our students' with the young people of Cambodia as well. In connection with such initiatives, The Lakes College candidacy for the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (Bronze) officially commenced this year laying more avenues for students to serve society. Our involvement in these efforts reinforces the importance of giving back to the global community and will help to shape Service Learning at TLC into the future.


Students' dedication and hard work has certainly paid off this year, resulting in exceptional results across multiple subjects. Their commitment to the "Horizons Program," diligent preparation during the mock exam block, and active participation in ACEING ATAR seminars all contributed to their outstanding academic achievements. The school year not only expanded their knowledge but also nurtured their character and deepened their connections with teachers, peers, and will continue to do so in our partnership with Harvest Cambodia. It was a year of growth in knowledge, curiosity, character development, and meaningful connections, leaving students with a readiness for the future that goes beyond academics. Daniel Ridout – Dean of Studies (10-12)

PATH WAYS "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Throughout 2023 students have engaged in a variety of activities, experiences, programs and qualifications to ensure they leave TLC ready for the world that awaits them. This year students started apprenticeships, engaged in certificates, were empowered by the Careers Expo, visited USC, were inspired by industry professionals and were immersed in the world of work during work experience placements. The Pathways program at The Lakes College has continued to grow and develop over the course of 2023, with new and exciting opportunities emerging both on and off campus. Throughout the year students have exceeded our expectation and have gained a total of 39 certificate qualifications, studying both internally and through external organisations. Throughout 2023 students received the following certificates:


• • • • • • • • •

Certificate IV in Justice Certificate III Business Certificate IV Business Certificate III Fitness Certificate II Furniture Making Pathways Certificate III in Make-Up Certificate II in Electrotechnology Certificate II in Health Support Services Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

In addition to students gaining qualifications, some additional highlights of the year include: • 67 students engaged in work experience across a variety of fields including, but not limited to, sports management, business, aviation, engineering, defence force, law and education. • 65 students experienced a day in the life of a university student at the University of the Sunshine Coast. • 3 cohorts were educated by Red Frogs on important aspects of future planning and staying safe. • A group of senior students attended La Boite Theatre and watched Yes Yes Yes, a part documentary theatre production, part open discussion on Healthy Relationships and consent. • The Curriculum, Careers and Pathways Expo contained 14 stalls to help Year 7-12 students understand their external pathways’ options. • 5 students engaged in short courses and trade tasters at TAFE QLD to further their knowledge and skillset. All students have been respectful ambassadors for The Lakes College in 2023. Thank you to the course coordinators, RTO establishments, TAFE, Red Frogs, Universities and organisations that helped our programs and students thrive this year. We look forward to working in partnership with these and more organisations in 2024 as the program continues to grow. Clara Aleckson – Head of Pathways

L I BRA RY Libraries continue to evolve and The Lakes College Library is ensuring it does the same. Central to the library space are books and a place to sit and read plus somewhere to collaborate and work with friends. Thanks to the generosity of our TLCCA we have purchased new shelves and this in turn has given a fresh look to our collection. Engagement with research and access to our 24/7 library catalogue has increased this year with classes and subject faculties booking spaces and collaboratively teaching research skills with our Teacher Librarians.

for our Library. Alongside our popular TLC Book Fair, this fundraising effort contributed significantly to the Library. Our Library Leaders undertook numerous behind-the-scenes responsibilities, such as re-shelving books and aiding younger students during our bustling lunchtimes. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to this team for their dedication as they served as exceptional ambassadors for the Library. Overall, the Library continues to be a lively and vibrant place to learn and connect within the academic and social life of the College. Therese Stafford – Head of Library & Research

The ever-popular Book Week Parade Read, Grow, Inspire! Our Primary students began their day with a Character Parade, marching around the Primary Green. Secondary had their Character Parade in the MPH. The collaboration between our Library, Wunya Café and faculties ensures that books and reading are celebrating throughout the whole of Book Week. Our active readers have participated in author presentations with Tim Harris, plus accessed Writing Competitions. We had teams from Year 5, 6 and 7 registered in the Readers Cup Challenge. For weeks they worked hard not only reading five books for the competition, but memorising details, taking notes and understanding the content so they could answer detailed questions to gain points as they faced off against 42 other teams. Our Seniors contributed to the celebration of Queensland School Library Week by hosting a lunchtime Friendship Bracelet Making Workshop that created a wonderful collaborative experience for both our Primary and Secondary school students. In collaboration with Uniting Church Queensland Synod, we had the privilege of hosting the Voices of our Covenant Exhibition where students explored stories of faith, spirituality and language right in our Library. In May, we joined forces with over 2 million other readers to participate in National Simultaneous Storytime, featuring this year's chosen book, "The Speedy Sloth". On St Patrick's Day, some of our inquisitive readers took a chance with the Library's Lucky Dip Book Choice. During Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of donated books THE LAKES COLLEGE REFLECTIONS • 2023


Beyond SPORT

Mr Allan Legge – Director of Sport & Activities

Over the past year, TLC Sport has achieved several significant milestones. These include the incorporation of NISSA Secondary sporting fixtures, the formation of a dedicated TLC cricket team, participation in the Triathlon Australia School Aquathlon and the introduction of two girls' volleyball teams, among others. Bella W (Sport Prefect) and the team of House Captains provided excellent and inspiring leadership in 2023 in the variety of House sports which included Dodgeball, eSports, Netball, Volleyball and of course the three main House carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. Students in the Primary years have been having fun in HPE, learning new skills and games that can be easily transferred into any sport. Our youngest athletes have also had the opportunity to enjoy our interhouse carnivals that focus on participation and enjoyment. The aim is to allow students to engage in many of the athletics events in a safe and fun environment. Our Year 3 students participate in a sports afternoon every week designed to prepare them for NISSA sport next year. They have enjoyed basketball, T Ball, AFL and Soccer. INTERHOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL The 2023 results from our Swimming Carnival are taken from the Swimming Carnival held in November 2022. This ensures our Seniors are able to participate and also allows the event to be used as a selection process for students who will represent TLC at Districts which is in February the following year. These Carnivals marked a significant milestone as the first to take place in our new Aquatic Precinct, which was not only thrilling from a logistical perspective but also provided an opportunity to witness our state-ofthe-art facilities in action.


Swimming Carnival Results

Champions of the Pool (Fastest 50m Winners)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Fastest 50m Fastest 50m

Kumbarchu Kittabilla Tabbil Nyani

Samuel B Anna W

Age Champions - Swimming 9yrs 10yrs 11yrs 12yrs & O 12yrs 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17

Joshua P Daham W Max W Zane J Thomas A Logan K Samuel B Joshua W Isaac C Caid B

Jonina O Merida C Aaliyah B Thinomee L Ciara C Summer A Tayla F Maia P Alex C Kate L

Records broken are published in the following years Carnival Program. INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL The House spirit was on display across all three of our Interhouse Cross Country Carnivals. With the introduction of our Run Club’s Tuesday morning training sessions in Term 1, our students were well prepared for Cross Country Carnival Results 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Kittabilla Tabbil Kumbarchu Nyani

the Cross Country Carnival. Our Year 6 Buddies helped our youngest athletes cross the finish line at our Prep - Year 2 Cross Country. Kittabilla House dominated at the Year 7-12 Cross Country, taking out the Secondary House Shield and were also the overall winning House for Cross Country. The sportsmanship and enthusiasm was amazing at our Year 3-6 Cross Country with everyone doing their best and having fun with their friends!

Age Champions - Cross Country 8yrs & U 9yrs 10yrs 11yrs 12yrs & O 12yrs & U 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs & O


Patrick L Amal W Alfie P Daham W Braxton R Lachie J Mitchell M Isaiah B William M Kora R Lauchlan H

Olivia D Harriet M Matilda J Eva H Stella K Lucinda R Helena D Summer A Cynthia S Lucy A Samantha B

Yr 7-12 Cross Country Age Champions

Cross Country House Winners: Kittabilla

District Athletics

BOSL Touch Football

Volleyball Open Girls

Yr 3 –6 Cross Country Age Champions

TLC Intermediate Cricket Team

Interhouse Swimming Carnival

BOSL Basketball

NISSA Beach Volleyball

INTERHOUSE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL There were an incredible 30 records set at our Athletics Carnivals in 2023 with a number of the records only being held for a short time as they were broken moments later. The Year 7-12 Athletics Carnival witnessed a historic moment as it saw the highest number of events being entered in the history of TLC. Our young athletes absolutely tore up the field at our Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival

with a record number of parents and carers attending and cheering from the sidelines. Our Prep – Year 2 athletes were encouraged at every opportunity by our Year 6 and Year 11 helpers who facilitated each activity that included running races, sack races, pizza box relays, hurdles, tunnel ball, long jump, high jump and even some chicken throwing!

Athletics Carnival Results

Champions of the Track (Fastest 100m Winners)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Fastest 50m Fastest 50m

Kittabilla Tabbil Kumbarchu Nyani

Lachlan E Aaliyah B

Age Champions - Athletics 8yrs & U 9yrs 10yrs 11yrs 12yrs & O 12yrs & U 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs & O

Harrison C Julius C Joshua P Daham W Stella K Sashwinth K Mitchell M Isaiah B William M Kora R Lachlan E

Mehar K Aaliyah S Elizabeth P Olivia M Braxton R Aaliyah B Helena D Ella P Catrin L Rozelle D Samantha B

Records broken are published in the following years Carnival Program.



DISTRICTS 81 TLC students competed at the District Athletics Carnival over three days of competition. Once again our students represented TLC and themselves very well with many students securing PB’s, qualifiers and age champion placings: Aaliyah Bourke 12 Years Girls Age Champion, Joshua Pereira 10 Years Boys Age Champion Runner Up. The Lakes College had 53 runners competing at the District Cross Country Carnival with all of our athletes contributing to a fantastic day of results and sportsmanship that included four 1st placings and TLC finishing in the Top 10 as well as 11 qualifiers for the Regional Cross Country.

In Term 4 we introduced our NITRO Athletics extracurricular program for our students in Prep through to Year 3. This program offers a comprehensive experience designed to help our younger athletes refine their athletic abilities through age-appropriate athletic events.

each of the four sports, so up to 16 teams competed on a Wednesday afternoon from Week 5 in Term 1 through to Week 5 in Term 2. Our Year 9’s and 10’s entered twelve teams. The Season B sports of Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Football and Oz Tag were equally popular and successful.


The Lakes College received 13 Top 3 Placings in NISSA Sport for 2023! These are highlighted below:

Our Year 4-6 students have again been involved in the NISSA Interschool sporting competition which involves four schools; The Lakes College, Prince of Peace, Grace Lutheran Primary School and Genesis Christian College. Every Friday students practiced their skills in their chosen sport. In Semester 1 students took part in either T Ball, Basketball or Touch Football. Semester 2 involved students participating in AFL, Netball and Soccer. The competition allows students to build their skills in each of the sports with a focus on participation and good sportsmanship. Selected students were also invited to compete in the NISSA Swimming, NISSA Cross Country and NISSA Athletics Carnivals throughout the year. NISSA SECONDARY The inaugural NISSA Secondary competition delivered beyond expectations. It is quite remarkable that EVERY student in Year 7-10 had the opportunity to represent their school and play competitive fixtures against other schools. In Semester 1 students competed in the Season A sports of Futsal, Netball, Touch and Volleyball. The Year 7’s and 8’s combined to form Boys A & B and Girls A & B teams in

District Swimming was a resounding success for TLC, with a total of 54 swimmers proudly representing The Lakes College at the Pine Rivers District Swimming Trials. 15 of these swimmers went on to represent the district in the Regional Swimming. EXTRA-CURRICULAR SPORT The Lakes College facilitates for families a large variety of sports that are conducted on site by external providers. Suzi Baker provides outstanding service in the organisation and administration of the extracurricular sports. The program is currently undertaken by approximately 200 students per term and continues to grow year on year.



5 in Season A Juniors (4): • Girls Futsal – 3rd • Boys Futsal – 2nd • Girls Volleyball – 3rd • Boys Volleyball – 2nd Intermediates (1): • Boys Touch – 3rd 8 in Season B Juniors (6): • Girls Basketball Jnrs – 2nd • Boys Basketball Jnrs – 3rd • Boys Beach Volleyball Jnr – 2nd • Boys Football Jn – 2nd • Girls Oz Tag Jnrs – 2nd • Boys Oz Tag Jnr – 2nd Seniors (2): • Boys Beach Volleyball – Premiers • Boys Oz Tag – 2nd A special feature of the NISSA program was the opportunity for current students from Year 7-12 to become involved as assistants and referees. Thank you to the following students who gave of their time in 2023 to assist the program: Evan A, Lucy A, Mia A, Caleb B, Aaliyah B, Isaiah B, Ben B,

NISSA Football

Yr 3 – 6 Athletics Carnival Age Champions

Netball BOSL


AFA Futsal

Volleyball Intermediate Girls

Lucia B, Cooper B, Hayden B, Oliver H, Matt J, Riley M, Haripreeth N, Ruhika N, Toluwani O, Archie P, Chloe R, Jake S, Sarah S, Joel S, Emma T, Alan W and Justine W. CO-CURRICULAR SPORT The co-curricular sports program is for students who would like to represent their school in competitions that run outside of the normal school hours. This is often in the Brisbane Outer Schools League more commonly known as BOSL. • Term 1 BOSL: Futsal and Touch • Term 2 BOSL: Basketball and Football • Term 3 BOSL: Netball and Volleyball

Futsal Final

Interhouse Volleyball

Beach Volleyball Trophy

of early specialisation, elite pathways and talent identification programs. Encouraging students to engage in both school and club sports allows them to enjoy additional connections and form friendships that prove highly beneficial for their personal development and overall wellbeing. BOSL Futsal - Like the Brisbane teams (Broncos and Lions) our BOSL teams made the finals but finished runners up. The lessons learned will see these players develop. Competitions included NISSA, BOSL, Summit Cup and an AFA tournament at NISSAN Arena. BOSL Touch Football - Two passionate and dedicated TLC staff drive the

Interhouse Netball

Touch Football program. Three teams competed in the BOSL competitions performing very well. I look forward to seeing this program grow and develop. BOSL Basketball - Basketball is emerging as a formidable contender at TLC, challenging volleyball as the most popular sport. Three teams competed in the BOSL competition. It's inspiring to see students within the basketball program grow in confidence, not just on the court but also in various facets of their lives. Specific examples include new students to the College who, through their active participation, have seamlessly integrated into College life, establishing connections faster and more profoundly than they might

In 2023, TLC's unwavering commitment to the NISSA Secondary competition and the active involvement of numerous TLC students in club sports prompted us to explore how we could further engage with and contribute to the Brisbane Outer Schools League (BOSL). It has become evident that these three organisations can work in collaboration, offering wonderful opportunities for TLC students and their families. We strongly encourage all students to participate in school sports, whether it be through NISSA, BOSL, CBSQ, All Schools, or other avenues, while also maintaining their commitments to club sports. We believe that students should have the opportunity to explore multiple sports and not feel compelled to choose between school and club sports. Research and articles have highlighted the potential drawbacks THE LAKES COLLEGE REFLECTIONS • 2023


have otherwise. Additionally, through their newfound passion for the sport, many have taken the initiative to join a club team, in addition to representing the College. This enthusiasm and dedication to basketball is testimony to the program's success in building not only athletes but well-rounded individuals who embrace the spirit of teamwork, competition and personal growth both on and off the court. BOSL Football – A sport with a strong following nationally, drew the interest of several TLC students who participated in tryouts and trials. However, despite the enthusiastic response, 2023 did not witness the formation of any TLC teams entering the BOSL competition. Looking ahead to 2024, the growing enthusiasm for football among our students suggests that we may very well see TLC teams taking to the field in various competitions. The groundwork laid in 2023 and the anticipated surge in participation indicate that the sport is on an upward trajectory at our school and we eagerly anticipate its expansion and success in the near future.


was characterised by impressive skill development, outstanding teamwork and inspiring leadership from both teams. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these budding netball stars for their remarkable achievements. Their hard work and commitment are truly commendable and we look forward to their continued success in the seasons to come. BOSL Volleyball – Volleyball has emerged as the flagship sport at TLC, experiencing a remarkable surge in popularity. In 2021 and before, we had no volleyball teams, then in 2022, we introduced a single boys' team. Fast forward to 2023, and we are excited to have three thriving volleyball teams: Open Boys, Open Girls and Intermediate Girls. The sheer enjoyment that every member of every team displays is a joy to witness. Competitions included NISSA, BOSL and Schools Cup with plans for a team in the Australian Schools Cup Volleyball

BOSL Netball – In 2023, although only two TLC teams were formed to compete in the BOSL competition, we have high expectations for the growth and flourishing of the program at TLC. Under the coordination of Louise Parker and with the recruitment of quality coaches, Meg Compton and Raquel Kenning, the future looks bright for our two exceptional teams: the Primary and Junior squads. These young netballers demonstrated exceptional dedication and determination, resulting in remarkable accomplishments. The Primary team secured a fantastic 3rd place overall, while the Juniors shone by claiming 3rd place in their division. The season THE LAKES COLLEGE REFLECTIONS • 2023

Competition at the end of Term 4 on the Gold Coast. Cricket – Guided by David Peake, 2023 saw a committed group of Year 7-9 boys united to establish our TLC Intermediate Boys Cricket team. They enthusiastically participated in an 8-a-side competition held at Tingalpa. While Thomas Breddin's hattrick was certainly a memorable moment, it wasn't the sole highlight of the day. In a gripping match to secure the third position, the boys showcased remarkable composure and determination, winning the final game by the slimmest of margins. INDIVIDUALS ACHIEVING IN SPORT Throughout the year, our students have showcased remarkable excellence in a wide array of competitions and events, spanning from athletics, swimming, and cricket to tennis, oz tag, cross country, triathlons, netball, football, taekwondo,

chess, eSports, go kart racing, surf life saving, ice hockey, marathons, karate, artistic swimming, futsal, martial arts, baseball, calisthenics and rugby (to name just a few). Their outstanding accomplishments have not gone unnoticed and are consistently recognised and celebrated through our social channels and publications. Please continue to keep us updated on your young athletes so that we can share their remarkable journey and celebrate their successes with our supportive community. SPORTING FACILITIES The Lakes College has maintained its dedication to enhancing its sporting facilities throughout 2023. This year marked the resurfacing of our outdoor courts and the installation of new basketball and netball towers, which have significantly improved and diversified the playing environment for our students. A notable development this year was the opening of the Strength and Conditioning/Cardio Gym in Term 4. This state-of-the-art facility provides our athletes with a modern and wellequipped space to train and maintain their peak physical condition. Looking ahead, we are currently progressing with Stage 2 of the Aquatic Precinct. This exciting phase not only supports our Learn to Swim program but also involves the installation of a shaded grandstand. This addition is set to enhance our aquatic facilities by providing a comfortable viewing area for events and competitions. Moreover, it will be an invaluable resource, enabling our Prep to Year 2 students to utilise the facility for their Term 4 Swimming Program, eliminating the need to go off-site.

The ongoing development of our facilities underscores our commitment to creating an environment that is conducive to both learning and athletic excellence. Our continuous efforts to improve our sporting facilities highlight our unwavering commitment to fostering an environment where both learning and sporting achievements thrive. MANY THANKS Thank you to the following staff who were instrumental in providing a great experience for our athletes: David Sgualdino, Aaron Clohesy, Louise Parker, David Guerrini, Kieran Villis, Mitchell Cooper, Rebecca Lowbridge, Harry Ahrens, Kathy Rae, Megan Mackay, Kirsten Astles, Taylor Ferguson, Eimear Greaney, Rebekah Robinson, Jack Shortus, Mackenzie Speechley and Sophie Gedda. Much gratitude to Kristy Cacciola and Mitchell Cooper for their dedication in preparing and managing our representative teams. Special thanks to Rebekah Robinson, Amy Brackenbury, Aaron Clohesy and Mathew Stein for their valuable assistance. Throughout 2023, we have enlisted the expertise of coaches and casual sports assistants who have diligently

served across various sports. It's worth noting that a considerable number of these dedicated individuals are parents and carers as well as past students, further reinforcing our sense of community and shared commitment to nurturing the sporting endeavours of our students. Thank you to Amy Brackenbury, Eden Taylor, Raquel de la Fuente, Isaac Schultz, William Waite, Jemma Rogers, Molly McHugh, Phoebe Harrison, Miguel Gallardo, Maurece Jackson, Jamie Patterson and Pardeep Ralmilla. Many thanks to the TLC staff who supported external coaches by coordinating or coaching our cocurricular sports and teams: • Futsal – Allan Legge (Coordinator) • Touch Football – Kristy Cacciola (Coordinator) and Ed Ryan (Coach) • Basketball – Allan Legge (Coordinator), Aaron Clohesy, David Guerrini, Scott Francis (Coaches) • Netball – Louise Parker (Coordinator) • Volleyball - Jack Shortus (Coordinator), Greg Doyle (Coach) A special thank you is reserved for our Sport Administrator, Suzi Baker, whose steadfast support and contributions have been exceptional throughout the year.



VI SUA L ART This year in Secondary Visual Art, our students have demonstrated boundless curiosity, vivid imagination, and exceptional creativity. They've embarked on a journey to explore diverse forms of communication and expression, challenging their perspectives on the world around them. Students from Years 7, 9, 10 and 11 were exposed to immersive learning experiences through both incursions and excursions, enabling them to expand their artistic knowledge. They reflected on their own works and works of others to unlock their full potential as artists. Throughout the year, they ventured beyond their comfort zones, crafting artworks that pushed the boundaries of their thinking and perception. These budding artists delved into a myriad of thought-provoking concepts, from personal journeys and political art to pop art, the influences of the 20th century, flora and fauna, identity, and the codes within art. The experimental process allowed students to think beyond the canvas, exploring different approaches to art making. It allowed students an opportunity to connect and engage in dialogue between artist and audience. As artists, the goal is to connect to an audience and to allow others to interpret and understand works in their own time, in their own way.

It’s hard to believe that another year has already passed. Once again, it’s been such a busy year in the primary art space. We were thrilled to have our new kiln up and running at the start of the year thanks to the generosity of TLCCA. We’ve made good use of it throughout the year with our full ceramics program. Clay is always a favourite medium with our Primary School students. In addition to clay, all Prep to Year 6 classes have experimented with a range of media and art forms including drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, fibre arts and sculpture. Other favourite projects from this year include Year 6 students creating fibre animal sculptures inspired by the Aboriginal Tjanpi desert weavers and Year 4 Pop Art dog portraits inspired by Andy Warhol. Some final projects to see out the year have included shibori tie dyeing with Year 3 students and sewing soft sculptures with Year 5 students. Our Prep students have finished off the year making clay turtles inspired by the book ‘Turtle’s Song’ by Kim Toft. Our culminating Art Exhibition, ‘Imagination’, is always a wonderful opportunity to share our learning with families. Rachel Ashworth – Primary Art Teacher

The pinnacle of their artistic exploration was our annual Art Exhibition, which served as a platform for students to showcase their hard work and unwavering dedication throughout 2023. Congratulations to all the remarkable artists of 2023 for their outstanding achievements. Tonia Thomas – Head of Faculty (Arts)






Wendy Johnston – Director of Performing Arts

TLC Performing Arts has become a vibrant hub for artistic expression, offering a multitude of opportunities for students to explore Dance, Drama and Music. Returning to the Director role has breathed new life into the program, as it remains in perpetual preparation for upcoming performances.

M US I C Music, as a fundamental pillar of the TLC Performing Arts program, has seen remarkable growth and transformation over the years. The heart of this growth lies in the unwavering commitment and dedication of fourteen exceptional Music Tutors who passionately engage with over 280 Music Studio students. These tutors also provide invaluable leadership and direction across fourteen ensembles, each of which contributes to the vibrant tapestry of musical excellence at the school. Throughout the year, over 300 students are involved in choirs, guitar ensembles, string ensembles, concert bands and rock bands. This diverse


array of musical groups allows students to explore different genres, develop their skills and collaborate with their peers to create harmonious melodies and awe-inspiring performances. The dedication of the Music Tutors in preparing students for the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) exams and the State Honours Ensemble Programs (SHEP) showcases a commitment to excellence that is truly commendable.

the whole school community can revel in the talents of these gifted young musicians.

Performances aren't limited to grand spectacles; they happen in assemblies, ensemble concerts, Chapel services, Twilight Music Recitals and even during lunchtime performances, ensuring that

The Music department has witnessed changes, bidding farewell to some educators and welcoming new staff: Miss Mika Atkinson specialises in clarinet and saxophone; Mrs Bronwyn


Beyond the school's borders, TLC students have made their presence felt in events such as the Queensland Youth Music Awards (QYMA), MusicFest and the Concert Band Spectacular, bringing accolades and recognition to the school while delighting audiences with their musical prowess.

Powter has taken on the roles of flute tutor, Year 4 Bands Program Coordinator and Concert Bands Director, ensuring the continued growth of the program. Miss Sala Fletcher joined the Strings tutoring team and took up the directing role of three String Ensembles, whilst Mrs Jenny Vandenberg conducted Vivaldi Strings. Mrs Hannaka Zackachard and Mr Lachlan Crook lead our Primary choirs, ably accompanied by Mrs Natalie Miller and Ms Jamine Atkinson. The influence of our resident rocker, Mr Ben Shannon, has seen the formation of a second rock band: Britz & Pieces. Under the guidance of Mr Alex Prendeckij, Guitar Orchestra has grown in number whilst Mr Simon Chamberlain continued leading our Secondary Choir. Along with Miss Rebekah Hall, Mr Christoph Blicking, Dr Suzanna Hlinka, Ms Juneen Kashurina and Mr Vili Toalo, all have contributed their talents and energy to the everexpanding musical landscape at TLC. In every chord struck and note sung, TLC Music stands as a testament to the transformative power of arts education, inspiring creativity in students. With a dedicated team and a talented student body, the program is always ready for the next outstanding performance.

A snapshot of TLC’s Music Performances in 2023 • Primary Music Ensembles Concert • Secondary Music Ensembles Concert • Two Piano Twilight Music Recitals • Two Strings Twilight Music Recitals • Vocal Twilight Music Recital • Guitar Twilight Music Recital • Woodwind & Brass Twilight Music Recital • Percussion Twilight Musical Recital • Twilight Music Recital Finale – Winner Zaid Seker • Open Mornings – Soloist Busking • ANZAC Remembrance Service – Symphonic Winds, Secondary Choir, Primary Choir, Junior Singers • Queensland Youth Music Awards – Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, Junior Singers, Primary Choir • Foundation Day – Chamber Strings, Secondary Choir, Primary Choir, Junior Singers • St Columban’s Concert Band Spectacular – Guitar Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Symphonic Winds, Chamber Strings • MusicFest – Concert Band, Symphonic Winds • Father's Day Breakfast – The Unknowns, Britz & Pieces

• Redcliffe KiteFest – The Unknowns • 2024 Leader’s Commissioning Service – Chamber Strings • Lunchtime Rock Band Sessions • Chapel Band – Secondary Chapel Services • Arts Week pop-up performances – Singing Club, Junior Singers, Primary Choir, Junior Strings, Intermediate Strings, Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, Secondary Rock Bands • Year 3&4 Instrumental Music Performance – Year 3 Strings and Year 4 Bands • Year 12 Valedictory Service – Secondary Choir • Prep-Year 3 Christmas Celebration – Singing Club, Junior Singers • Year 4-6 Awards Night – Vivaldi Strings and Concert Band, Primary Choir • Year 7-11 Awards Night – Celebration Orchestra, Secondary Choir: Guitar Orchestra & Guitar Quartet • Tech Crew – countless assemblies, chapel services, special events, sport carnivals • State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) participation • A multitude of AMEB and Rock School Examinations

Winner of the Twilight Recital Finale: Zaid Seker



DA NCE The year 2023 marks the second year of dance being showcased under the Performing Arts banner. The culmination of their hard work was evident at our annual Dance Concert, aptly titled "For the Love of Dance." Within our Dance programs, we proudly host seven troupes. The three Kiah troupes have represented the College with immense pride, dedication and unwavering enthusiasm at three Eisteddfods throughout the year. The camaraderie and mutual support displayed among these dancers exemplify their strong sense of belonging and self-belief in their abilities, as they continually evolve into a troupe of confident and passionate dancers. Our Aspire troupes continue to flourish in numbers and skill development. Our Prep students joined us in Semester 2, welcoming 20 junior dancers into the fold in the Primary dance space. The Aspire Dance program allows students to hone their skills in preparation for Kiah. A notable addition in 2023 was the formation of the Boys Hip Hop, our first-ever boys-only dance troupe.


The effervescence of TLC’s Dance was showcased through unique and unexpected performances including Flash Mobs, which added a delightful element of surprise to our TLC Arts Festival Week. During our Prep-Year 3 Christmas Celebration, Aspire Jnr, Kiah Jnr and Boys Hip Hop groups brought their energy and enthusiasm to the stage, infusing the event with youthful exuberance and holiday spirit. At the end of year Awards Evenings, the spotlight shone on the Kiah Jnr, Kiah Primary and Kiah Secondary Dance Troupes. Their combined performance was a testament to the growth and dedication of the students who poured their hearts and souls into their craft, resulting in captivating and memorable displays of artistry. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Dance Tutors, Miss Rebecca Willis and Miss Sonya Wyer and our Performing Arts Administrator, Miss Lee, along with the continued support from Mrs Victoria Andrews. Your unwavering passion and commitment to the students during rehearsals have played a crucial role in fostering their profound "love" for dance. Your


connection and rapport with the students contribute significantly to their growth and development as dancers. Results: Sunshine Coast Dance Eisteddfod (SCDE) • Kiah Junior Jazz 2nd, Lyrical 3rd • Kiah Primary Lyrical VHC, Contemporary 4th, Jazz HC • Kiah Secondary Contemporary 3rd, Lyrical 5th, cabaret 3rd, Jazz VHC BPAC • Kiah Junior Hip Hop HC • Kiah Primary Hip Hop VHC, Contemporary HC, Lyrical 1st Musical Theatre 3rd, Jazz 1st • Kiah Secondary Contemporary HC, Lyrical HC, Cabaret HC, Jazz VHC Quota Beenleigh • Kiah Junior Hip Hop 2nd, Jazz 3rd • Kiah Primary Musical Theatre 1st, Jazz 2nd, hip Hop 3rd, Lyrical HC • Kiah Secondary Lyrica 2d, Musical Theatre 3rd, Contemporary HC, Jazz HC


61 61

STRIKE TLC THEATRE Don’t bore them with facts, enthral them with story. 6 Festivals, 4 Productions and 31 Awards! Strike TLC Theatre excelled in 2023, competing on the South East QLD Drama Festival circuit at 6 festivals, with 4 productions; Lord of the Flies [Abridged] (Adapted by Nigel Williams), Anonymous (C. Aleckson, O. Francis, and T. McCoy), VIP (C. Aleckson and O. Francis) and Hoods (Angela Betzien).


Throughout 2023 the Strike team empowered, entertained and captivated audiences with diverse production styles and techniques. Every student should be extremely proud of the way they challenged themselves, formed new connections and pushed their creativity to new limits. It has been an enjoyable and exciting year in Strike at The Lakes College. In 2023, alongside Strike Theatre, we introduced the Ignite Drama Club for our Upper Primary students. This club, under the direction of Taryn Hirst, offers our young performers the chance to build a strong foundation in dramatic performance, serving as a stepping

stone to their involvement in Strike Theatre once they transition to the Secondary School. • Best Youth Play (Hoods) – Ipswich Festival • Best Youth Play (Hoods) – Nanango Festival • Best Youth Play (Hoods) – Beenleigh Festival • Best Short Play (Anonymous) – Nanango Festival • Best Short Play (Anonymous) – Dalby Festival • Second Best Play (Hoods) – Dalby Festival • Best Lighting and Sound Design (Hoods) – Nanango Festival • Best Lighting and Sound Design (Hoods) – Dalby Festival • Magic Moment of the Festival (Lord of the Flies) – KSP Festival • Best Set Design (Hoods) – Nanango Festival • Best Director of the Festival (Aleckson) – Beenleigh Festival • Best Director (Aleckson) – Ipswich Festival • Best Director (Aleckson) – Dalby Festival • Best Female Actor (Tasha D) – Dalby Festival • Best Female Actor (Grace G) – Ipswich Festival


• Best Male Actor (Zaid S) – KSP Festival • Best Female Actor (Tasha D) – Nanango Festival • Best Female Actor (Grace G) – KSP Festival • Best 10 Minute Female Actor (Tasha D) – KSP Festival • Best Female Actor (Tamika M & Sophy Y) – Beenleigh Festival • Best Actor in a Male Role (Grace G) – Beenleigh Festival • Best Supporting Youth Actor (Tamika M) – Ipswich Festival • Best Supporting Youth Actor (Tasha D) – Sunshine Coast Festival • Best Supporting Female Actor (Tamika M) – KSP Festival • Best 10 Minute Supporting Female Actor (Sophy Y) – KSP Festival • Best Supporting Female Actor (Tamika M) – Nanango Festival • Junior Incentive Award (Tamika M) – Dalby Festival • Best Australian Play (Hoods) – Beenleigh Festival • Best Costumes “Wardrobe Mistress” (Lord of the Flies) – KSP Festival • Distinction Award for Acting (Anika S) – KSP Festival • Adjudicators Award for contribution (Strike TLC) – Dalby Festival Clara Aleckson – Strike Coordinator



MUSI CAL Charlie and the Chocolate Factory If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it! The Lakes College Secondary musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory based on the novel by Roald Dahl was an extremely enjoyable experience, culminating in a phenomenal and engaging production in May 2023. Over 50 Secondary students worked tirelessly on and off the stage to take audiences into a world that needs to ‘be believed to be seen’. Immersed in the World of Wonka, the Culinary Club prepared a candy extravaganza stall, whilst the design team transformed the Hall with colour, and transforming


sets to create the world of ‘Pure Imagination’. The orchestra filled the space with beautiful music and catchy sounds, whilst the cast seamlessly entertained audiences with singing, dancing and acting to bring to life the quirks and characteristics of unique individuals that exist inside and outside of the Factory. The cast, crew, design team and a 24-piece orchestra all did a fantastic job to bring this performance and world to life. Our student team deserves a massive congratulations for everything that they achieved during the tiring and enjoyable, very quick 14-week process. The cast and orchestra surpassed our expectations and made it an experience like nothing else. Every


student gained memories, new skills and new connections. A show of this magnitude takes time and effort and would not have been achieved without the help of so many people. Thank you to everyone who attended, assisted and supported our students. A special thank you to Mrs Johnston, Miss Bek, Mr Whiting, Mrs Thomas, Miss Brown, Chef Joel, Opal Francis, Emma Howitt, Mrs Maller, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Rae. It was an honour to work with all of the students who were a part of this production and see the diverse talents of our Secondary students shine through during both the process and performance. Clara Aleckson – Musical Director



TLC CULINARY CLUB (TLCCC) “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill There’s nothing more rewarding than the sharing of your efforts with people you love and people who truly appreciate you. In 2023 the Culinary Club aimed to put themselves truly out there in the service to their community, both within the College and outside our TLC community. Most College events rarely pass by without a small army of slate coloured aprons marching around with platters of food, greeting and welcoming hungry attendees. And this year’s Bake Sale was most certainly one of the biggest we have seen. Early morning events like the Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts meant their welcoming smiles might not have had the usual amount of sleep behind them, but it didn’t hinder their commitment to their duty, serving over 300 breakfast packs at each event. We took great joy in extending our catering services beyond the comfort zone of our College to participate in community events, including those hosted by our local politicians. Among the most rewarding experiences was our involvement in the opening of the photographic art exhibition, "Voices of

Our Covenant," held at Wesley House for the Uniting Church of Queensland Synod. We then used some of our holiday time to dominate the Redcliffe Show Cake Decorating competition, again taking out first and second place in the School Divisions for both age groups. Before we knew it we were preparing for our annual Degustation Dinners. This year we stripped away the frivolous nature we have previously used to wow our audience and went technical. We delved into the intricacies and potential pitfalls of crafting fresh pasta by hand. Over the course of two evenings, we served more than 480 plates of the most challenging pasta varieties, leaving no room for our culinary skills to hide. This experience affirmed the professional and committed nature of our team as they rolled, cut, cooked served and cleared their way to one of the most successful degustation evenings in our history.

Even now as the school year winds down, the members of the Culinary Club are balancing their academic studies while honing their barista skills, taking turns operating the café’s coffee machine on a rotating schedule. They’re also brushing up on their shortcrust techniques as they all plan and practice a unique and individual quiche to compete against each other in the annual Titanium Chef competition. All of this is happening while they remain mindful of the responsibility to ensure that the yearend celebrations are accompanied by delicious treats. This unwavering commitment, bolstered by the enthusiastic support of proud parents and carers, combined with the "of course we can" attitude and the dedicated assistance of Assistant Chef Marjorie Tocknell, as well as Liam Curtis and Lisa Curtis who stepped in when Liam took leave, propelled the Culinary Club into the national spotlight. It was through these collective efforts that we received a nomination and subsequently achieved a National Award of Excellence for CoCurricular Programs at the Australian Education Awards of 2023. I know that every year in this Reflections piece, I mention a complete professional and soul-full pride for what the Culinary Club members, and the program itself, achieve and conquer. Yet, every year they step up and show me that there is so much more they can achieve and the program will continue to grow and evolve with the College, the students and the greater communities need. Thank you all for a fantastic 2023, thank you for supporting the College’s events and thank you for giving Culinary Club so many opportunities to show our TLC community what they are capable of. Joel McCulla – TLCCC Coordinator



TLC KOKODA C H ALLENGE 2023 saw another group of excited students take to the tracks and trails in preparation for the annual Brisbane 48km Kokoda Challenge. There was an even spread of experienced hikers and those new to the Kokoda journey with everyone giving it their all. Luckily for us, 2023 was not hampered by the constant rain of the previous year which made it easier to train consistently. Training started in earnest in late February with the hikers making multiple trips up to the Sunshine Coast to experience true trail hiking. During these sessions students learned how to fuel and hydrate their bodies correctly, use walking poles to their optimum and become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Challenge Day dawned and we were ready to go. The teams were sent off to the strains of John Williamson’s “True Blue” as they marched through a rousing drumline. Excitement was evident as the teams left the bitumen and started their climb up the first of the many hills they would encounter during the day. 14km into the course, teams saw our Support Crew for the first time. But as we were treating that checkpoint (CP) as a walk-through CP, we just waved to them and set off up Camp Mountain. 10km later we were back at the same CP and the Support Crew swung into action. Water, hot food, warm face washers, first aid treatment, new gear, hugs and kisses and the teams were off again in under 15 minutes. But now the teams were on their own, heading into the most difficult part of the course and would not see these friendly faces again until the finish line - 24km away! We had a Super Team form early on Challenge Day with three teams combining to hike the 48km together. This Super Team were the true Champions of TLCKT as they spent 18 hours and 5 minutes out on the track with the majority of them completing the course. True Kokoda Spirit!! This year we also had our first ever teams enter in the Gold Coast 96km Kokoda Challenge. Six students and three Team Leaders were brave enough to sign up for this massive undertaking. To make sure the teams were fully prepared to tackle the 96kms of massive hills, they also entered the Sunshine Coast 30km and the Brisbane 48km Challenges as well. This is known as the Pinnacle Challenge and TLC was the only school to enter teams in 2024. 31 hours of continual hiking saw three students and two Team Leaders complete the 96km. But none of this would have been achieved without the dedicated band of parents and carers who act as our Support Crew. From those who spent all day and well into the night to greet the last teams home in Brisbane, to those parents, carers and partners who drove all around the Gold Coast Hinterland to make sure the Pinnacle teams could achieve their dreams, we cannot thank you enough. COURAGE, ENDURANCE, MATESHIP, SACRIFICE – These are the four key pillars of the Kokoda Challenge and forever a part of TLCKT! Our heartfelt thanks to the below sponsors whose generosity meant that the dreams of the hikers could be fulfilled: • • • • • • •


Karen Ball – Kokoda Challenge Coordinator THE LAKES COLLEGE REFLECTIONS • 2023


CULTURAL & ENVI RONMENTAL I M M ERSION TOUR “To Immerse deeply with the People and the environment is to learn holistically and personally”. At the beginning of the September school holidays, a group of 28 students from Year 6, 7 and 8, accompanied by four of our staff, embarked on a Cultural & Environmental Immersion Tour. Over the course of three days, students delved into a profound understanding of our Aboriginal heritage, trauma and future aspirations. They explored the rich foundational narrative of K'gari, with all its natural wonders, mysteries and marvels, before being inspired by the conservation message of Australia Zoo. It was truly a remarkable experience. Nurtured by the warm hospitality of the Alex Park Camp, the journey proved to be lifeaffirming and transformative. One of the most impactful days was spent in Cherbourg, engaging in a three-hour conversation with Aboriginal leaders who are survivors of the Stolen Generation. Cherbourg holds a myriad of stories, from the first Aboriginal service members who served in various wars, some without pay or recognition, to the painful chapters of the Stolen Generation and the collective suffering they endured. However, it also celebrates the remarkable achievements of Aboriginal people in sports, politics and community life. The students were met with profound grace and welcomed by these resilient leaders and they left the experience with a profound sense of meaning and newfound wisdom.


the island's ecosystem, the significance of conservation and how to enjoy this place responsibly while leaving minimal environmental impact. Day three was all about fun and more fun. Crocodiles took the spotlight at Australia Zoo, ruling the environment with their prehistoric presence. The African big cats, busy Meerkats and a multitude of other animals in their natural habitat added to the excitement. Bob Irwin's presence in the Crocoseum was a highlight, as he shared valuable insights about habitat, conservation and apex predator behaviour. The day concluded with students not only entertained but deeply engaged in understanding the

The second day was an early start, with the cohort heading to K'gari. After a hearty breakfast at the Noosa Marina, we boarded 4WD buses, met the barge and embarked on the sandy highway of K'gari, witnessing the world's most epic sand island. The day was filled with exciting animal sightings, including brumbies, whales, dolphins, sea snakes and of course dingoes, observed safely from the bus. Our guides unveiled the creation myth of K'gari while we marvelled at the ecological wonders of Lake Mackenzie, the local forest with its salt-resistant timber and the inland rivers with some of the purest water on Earth. It's challenging not to be in awe of this sacred place. We experienced a mix of weather, from rain to sun, cloudy skies and wind, which only added to the adventure. Our guides did a remarkable job of educating us about THE LAKES COLLEGE REFLECTIONS • 2023

importance of preserving the world's natural resources and habitats. The staff at Australia Zoo went above and beyond to ensure our day was seamless and welcoming. The bus ride back to TLC and our waiting families was filled with laughter as new friendships were forged across year levels and stories were shared. The 2023 Immersion Tour has been a resounding success in terms of fun, deep connections and immersive learning outcomes. Our travellers deserve commendation for their exemplary behaviour and wholehearted engagement in the entire process. Well done, team!



EVENTS TOP LEFT: 2023 YEAR 6 LEADERS & YEAR 12 COMMISSIONING SERVICE – Our first event of the year saw the commissioning of our new 2023 Leaders; our freshly elected Primary School Captains, Primary Student Council Presidents, House Captains, Chapel Leaders, Music Leaders and Library Leaders, alongside our 2023 Year 12 cohort. They were asked in the presence of our TLC community to affirm their intention to carry out the duties assigned to them with diligence and fairness and to act as exemplary role models, before being blessed by our Director of Mission, Tim McMenamin and the school community. TOP RIGHT: SCHOLARS ASSEMBLY & 2022 PRIZE WINNERS – It was exciting to have our 2022 graduates return to TLC so we could finally celebrate their hard work and dedication to their studies at our Scholars & Prize Winners Assembly. Before the awards were announced, 2013 alumni, Emma Howitt, addressed our 2022 graduates and Secondary School, sharing her post-school journey and the trials and tribulations that led to her becoming a successful and celebrated audio engineer. Mr Stein then hosted a panel with five 2022 graduates who achieved outstanding ATAR results that placed them in the top 6% of students in Queensland, to reflect on the different paths they took and share advice with our current Secondary School students. Our TLC students continue to prove their discipline, determination and drive with stellar academic results with 3% of our eligible students achieving an ATAR of 99 and above, placing them in the top 1% of the state, 15% achieving an ATAR of 95 or above, placing them in the top 5% of the state, and 48% of our students scoring an ATAR of 90 and above, placing them in the top 10% of the state. We also announced our 2022 VET Student of the Year, awarded to Noah Hubbard, our 2022 ATAR Dux and our 2022 College Dux, which were both awarded to Nathan Hopkins.

TOP LEFT: PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME EVENT – In Week 2, Principal Nicole Gregory hosted both our new and returning parents and carers as we looked forward to the year ahead, toasting for what was to come. Our TLC Culinary Club served delectable canapes and sweets under the fairy lights of the Terrace, whilst we were serenaded by the sounds of student Kaelan Bartlett and his guitar. A big thank you to our TLCCA who worked hard behind the bar as staff and families enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each other. TOP RIGHT: NISSA COMMENCEMENT SERVICE – At the beginning of the year, students and representatives from the NISSA co-founding schools dedicated sporting items as symbols of their commitment and respect to their sport at the inaugural NISSA Commencement Service. It was a thoughtful celebration of sportsmanship and positive teamwork, with a focus on leading by example and being positive role models.

TOP LEFT: OPEN MORNINGS – In March, we opened our campus to hundreds of visitors interested in joining TLC, sharing with them what makes this school such a special place. Our students led tours with grace and great knowledge, sharing the buildings, people and stories with prospective families. With classroom activities and resources on display, musical performances, barista coffee and sweets served by our TLCCC, interactive science experiments, artworks and drama opportunities, coupled with the wealth of knowledge from our dedicated staff, our Open Morning demonstrated everything we are proud of here at TLC. TOP RIGHT: TLCCA PICNIC IN THE PARK – Right off the back of our Open Morning, our TLCCA brought both our current and prospective TLC families together to enjoy a day outdoors. The afternoon was spent spreading joy amongst our community with slip ‘n’ slides and jumping castles, sport and games, sausage sizzles and slushies, all thanks to our TLCCA and Engagement Team who worked hard to host another successful event.


ABOVE: PREP FAMILY PICNIC – Our fresh-faced Prep students were bouncing with excitement at our Prep Family Picnic. As our Prep families enjoyed a sausage sizzle expertly cooked by Mr Pearce and Mr Garland, a jumping castle that was buzzing with energy, family games and to everyone’s delight the much anticipated Primary Green flying fox, they had an opportunity to connect and make friends ready for a big year ahead.


TOP LEFT: ANZAC REMEMBRANCE SERVICE – Our College came together to remember with honour the courage, the compassion and the comradery displayed by Indigenous and non-indigenous Australian men and women during times of war. This year, we were fortunate to be joined by Captain John Parkinson, Royal Australian Artillery and TLC parent, who gave the Commemorative Address. He spoke of the ANZAC Spirit, its purpose and importance, and how we can continue to honour it and carry it forward every day. As Flag Party Commander Addison Jeffress, Cadet and Year 11 student, instructed the service with great reverence, classes and guests laid wreaths, the voices of our choir sang out ‘The ANZAC Spirit Lives’, and Year 8 student, Nate McCoy, played The Last Post bugle call, we honoured the memory of all the Australian, New Zealander and allied soldiers who laid down their lives to defend our country, keeping alive the memory of all soldiers lost and injured due to war. TOP RIGHT: STAR WARS DAY – May the Fourth be with you – we had baby Yoda’s, Jedis, Sith Lords and Princess Leias all turn up to TLC, transforming it into a galaxy from far, far away to celebrate all things Star Wars. Chef Joel once again filled the Café with burgers from the Dark Side and students and staff dressed as their favourite Star Wars characters, as we felt the force on May the Fourth!

TOP LEFT: TLCCA MOTHER’S DAY STALL – The doors of TLCCA’s Mother’s Day Stall flew open with anticipation as our Primary students endeavoured to pick out the perfect gift for their loved ones ready for Mother’s Day. Thank you again to all our hardworking TLCCA volunteers who make these special moments happen. TOP RIGHT: TLCCA SECONDARY MOTHERS’ DAY EVENING – There was a sense of excitement and the scent of lemons in the air at the TLCCA’s Secondary Mother’s Day Evening that was hosted to not only shower our Secondary mothers and carers with love, but as a Cancer Council fundraiser. Chef Joel hosted a resin keyring workshop, canapes were served, the wine flowed and each guest went home with champagne and a personalised note from their special person, giving the evening that extra special touch thanks to our TLCCA.

TOP LEFT: PREP – YEAR 6 MOTHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST – The Primary Green was covered in picnic blankets, smiling faces and special moments shared between our students and their mothers and special friends as the Primary School celebrated Mother’s Day. Acai bowls were served by our Culinary Club, the flower photo wall was put to good use, with families taking home not just memories, but polaroids of their families to remember this special day before our classrooms were opened up for the special women in our students’ lives. This year, from ticket sales, we raised and donated $240 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation thanks to the support of our Primary families. TOP RIGHT: UNDER 8’S DAY – The Primary Green and Bottom Oval became a sea of colours, crafts and curiosity as our littlest Lakes Learners, including our incoming Prep 2024 students and their siblings celebrated what was a memorable Under 8’s Day. The theme was ‘Play - you, me and our community’ which was fitting as our students explored the inside of an ambulance and fire truck, got up close and personal with local reptiles, had their faces painted by Year 8 students, took part in experiments with our Secondary School, planted flowers thanks to our CPRs, and together painted the bench now sitting proudly outside the Primary Office with their handprints. We are so lucky to have such a generous community who continue to support these fantastic events for our students. RIGHT: RECONCILIATION WEEK – We were honoured to start the week with just some of our TLC First Nations families at our Yarn & Coffee morning tea. Their perspectives and stories were humbling and we are thankful for the great insights they provided us. Monday also saw a sea of yellow throughout the College as students and staff came together to wear a ‘touch of yellow’ to raise funds for Children's Ground. Reconciliation and our First Nations people were also at the forefront of our teaching lessons across Secondary and Primary, from reading and watching First Nations stories, to learning and playing games like buroinjin, hearing mini lectures from our Year 11 Modern History students and decorating the Primary School with Sorry Hands, we continued to celebrate and pay respect to Indigenous stories and history. Of course, Chef Joel and Chef Marjorie had Wunya Café serving up lots of meals that celebrated native Australian produce and ingredients including barramundi burgers, lemon myrtle cheesecakes and eucalyptus and finger lime tarts – which were a crowd favourite.



EVENTS TOP LEFT: SPIRIT WEEK – As we headed to the end of the first semester, Spirit Week couldn’t have arrived at a better time. Across four days, our Primary and Secondary students focussed on wellbeing as they partook in physical, creative, relaxation and social activities that benefited their mental and physical health. From getting comfy on Pyjama Day, to Just Dance competitions, musical performances on the College Green, College wide photography competitions and buddy lunches, it was a great way to end a busy term. TOP RIGHT: GRANDPARENTS’ & SPECIAL FRIENDS’ DAY – Our Primary students had some very special guests visit TLC on Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day, with our students taking their loved ones into their classrooms to proudly showcase where they learn, what they learn and how they learn each day here at TLC. To top off a morning that was filled with activities, crafts, stories and lots of laughs, our special guests stayed for morning tea where they were treated to a cup of tea and homemade scones, finishing the day off on a sweet note.

TOP LEFT: COLOUR RUN – We ended Term 2 with a splash of colour with students from Prep to Year 12 participating in our annual Colour Run. The Main Oval, students and staff were covered in all the colours of the rainbow as we celebrated the end of another semester. TOP RIGHT: SEMESTER 1 ACADEMIC AWARDS – The hard work and diligence our students put into their studies in Semester 1 was rewarded at our Semester 1 Academic Awards Assemblies. At the Year 4-6 Assembly our College Captains inspired our Primary students, speaking of the importance of the word ‘yet’ and that though you may not be where you want to be with your studies, yet, there is always time to learn and grow. At the Year 7-12 Assembly, Ms Budd opened with a poignant address about resilience and how learning is not just about grades but becoming the best version of yourself. As the high achieving academic results were honoured throughout the assembly, members of the Academic Portfolio, Molly Tulip and Zachary Morgan, reflected and shared their learning journeys with the Secondary School. These events were another occasion to celebrate the curiosity, character, connection and knowledge of our Lakes Learners.

TOP LEFT: FOUNDATION DAY – As The Lakes College turned 19, we celebrated the people and the stories that have made TLC what it is today, reflecting on our journey that began with just 88 students in 2005, to the growing opportunities and environment that nearly 1,100 Lakes Learners know today. The festivities began in the morning at our Foundation Day Assembly, where we not only thanked our staff members that in 2023 have spent 10 or 15 years serving this community, but we announced our Foundation Awardees, two students from Primary and two students from Secondary, who exemplify the values and ethos of The Lakes College. Congratulations to our 2023 Foundation Awardees Gabriela Pereira, Mitchell Cunningham, Tamika McCoy and Diego Vernal whose names will hang on the wall of TLC for perpetuity. Our Secondary School then dazzled us with their Secondary School Showcase filled with singing, dancing, costumes and enthusiasm, with Tabbil House taking first place. Nominated Prep to Year 12 students then took to the Lakes Lap relay race, as the entire College cheered them on, with Kumbarchu coming first place in a very tight race. We finished off the day with cupcakes for all, because what is a birthday without cake?

TOP LEFT: ALUMNI V TLC FOOTBALL GAME & ALUMNI REUNION – Fourteen brave staff members competed in a thrilling game of football against just some of our wonderful alumni on Foundation Day. The excitement was palpable from start to finish, with an impressive victory from our alumni and a final score of 2:1. To celebrate the final score, reconnect, reminisce and reunite, our alumni went from the pitch to The Fugitive Ferret Bar & Bistro to continue the reunion with delicious food and a few drinks. A big thank you to Tracey Aitken, our Alumni Parent Coordinator, and Callum Aitken (Alumni 2016) who helped coordinate this event and who continue to foster the relationship TLC has with their alumni.


TOP RIGHT: TLCCA FATHERS’ DAY STALL – The Father’s Day Stall was back in business thanks to TLCCA’s dedicated volunteers. Our Primary students were dazzled with an array of awesome items to shop from to gift to their loved ones. We are so blessed to have so many dedicated and caring parents and carers who help give our students these amazing experiences.


TOP LEFT : PREP – YEAR 6 FATHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST –Our TLC fathers and special friends joined us for a morning of inflatable football, cricket, martial arts, basketball, tug-o-war, breakfast burgers and rock tunes at our annual Primary Father’s Day Breakfast. We love seeing all our guests head back to school for the morning as they enjoy some very memorable moments with their students both inside the classroom and out. Thank you to our Culinary Club for cooking up a storm, our TLC rock bands The Unknowns and Britz & Pieces for the beats, our Year 11 students for the support and activities, and also to Matt Fiddes Martial Arts and AFL Queensland for joining us on the day. From tickets purchased, we were able to raise and donate $274 to Beyond Blue. TOP RIGHT: CAREERS EXPO – Thanks to some very devoted staff members, our Secondary students headed off to our TLC Careers Expo at the end of Term 3, where there were not only a variety of stalls, institutions, and tertiary educators, but also our Heads of Faculty and Academic Staff who were there to guide our students on making important, but informed, decisions. Visitors were set up for future success after exploring the expo, discussing diverse pathways with TLC staff, and engaging in a variety of lectures, which allowed our Secondary students and their families to walk away confident with the opportunities that lay ahead of them after they graduate from The Lakes College.

TOP LEFT: TLCCC DEGUSTATION DINNER – Diners walked out with one word in mind after our TLC Culinary Club’s Degustation Dinner that saw students test their pasta making skills across two nights – bellissimo! The evening saw our young chefs explore the revolution of pasta as each night they served over 40 guests, seven courses of pasta each, that travelled through the roots and the expansion of pasta's use through modern cuisine. The meals and the night were perfecto! TOP RIGHT: MULTICULTURAL EXPO – We finished Term 3 with the vibrant and engaging Multicultural Expo that saw our TLC community come together to celebrate our diversity through music, dance, food, games, crafts and a myriad of fun activities and lively performances. We were blessed to receive such tremendous support of this event from our TLC families, staff and also our Junior Secondary student volunteers who took our Primary students around the world in just a few hours.

ABOVE: 2024 LEADERS’ COMMISSIONING SERVICE – Our first event of Term 4 saw our newly elected College Captains, Vice Captains, Captains of Portfolio, and House Captains commissioned and blessed in front of the school and their loved ones. As the reigns of the College were symbolically passed on to our new leaders, the excitement for 2024 began to grow as our students stared down their final few weeks of learning for 2023.

TOP LEFT: HOUSE CUP ASSEMBLY – Our newly elected 2024 Student Leaders took to the microphone officially for the first time at our House Cup Assembly that saw Year 4-12 students come together for the announcement of the much anticipated winner of the House Cup. For the fourth year in a row, Kittabilla took the House Cup for 2023! The following students received the TLCCA sponsored “House Spirit Award” that was voted on by their House, for displaying spirit, leadership and support consistently throughout the year: William McNally (Yr 10), Evan Allen (Yr 11), Oliver Hatfield (Yr 12), Lucy Antonelli (Yr 11). TOP RIGHT: IMAGINATION ART EXHIBITION – From acrylic to water colours, collages to clay, guitars to photos and everything in between, our Visual Arts students across Prep to Year 12 captivated the imaginations of everyone who stepped into our annual Art Exhibition at the end of Term 4. Each student had their work on display for both our TLC community and the general public, giving everyone who visited the chance to immerse themselves into a world of creativity and wonder.





Harry Ahrens

Clara Aleckson

Suzy Baker

Karen Ball

Kerry Browne

Kristy Cacciola

Lyn Coates

Victoria Andrews

Rachel Ashworth

Kirsten Astles

Vicki Aujla

Renay Betts

Ally Brown

Courtney Brown

Diane Carlson

Nadia Catalano

Janice Clement

Aaron Clohesy

Suzanne Coffey

Nick Collins

Gillian Cook

Mitchell Cooper

Patricia Corbin

Hellen Crane

Tracy Cronje

Lachlan Crooke

Liam Curtis

Lisa Curtis

Teagan Dare

Natalie Davey

Anna Dore


Mandy Dovey

Greg Doyle

Matthew Dyble

Geoff Elliott

Kayla Fabila

Tyla Farley-Cook

Tyler Ferguson

Anne Marie Fitzsimons Robert Flynn

Laura Fong

Ashlyn Forsaith

Nicole Foster

Scott Francis

Bill Garland


Sophie Gedda

Tanya Georgaros

Lauren Germanotta

Nattalia Godbold

Kathryn Grainger

Eimear Greaney

Nicole Gregory

David Guerrini

Kate Hands

William Hickson

Taryn Hirst

Katrina Holmes

Susan Hope

Tracy Huang

Bree Ingram

Kristel Johns

Rachel Johns

Wendy Johnston

Sunell Jones

Tersia Joubert

Karen Kirkwood

Julie Kleinschmidt

Amelia Kruger

Senzo Kurien

Janet Lamb

Allan Legge

Virginie Levier

Jo Lovell

Susannah Lowe

Megan Mackay

Lanie Malherbe

Lee Maller

Emily Malone

Felicia Marhofer

Kristy Marks

Ella Martin

Kim Masson

Joel McCulla

Hayley McFee

Tim McMenamin

Kristy McNally

Natalie Miller

Rachael Miller

Jaylene Moore

Josiah Navarro

Kerri Nelson

Tegan O'Gorman

Vicki Paolo

Bill Park




Louise Parker

Simon Patmore

David Peake

Mark Pearce

Helen Polistina

Madonna Potter

Kathy Rae

Storm Randall

Ayanthi Richards

Daniel Ridout

Rebekah Robinson

Edward Ryan

Corlea Saayman

Karen Scotland

Zozia Sen

David Sgualdino

Jack Shortus

Rachel Siegfried

Melissa Smith

Stacey Smith

Mackenzie Speechley

Therese Stafford

Luke Stanley

Mathew Stein

Tonia Thomas

Katerina Tilley

Marjorie Tocknell

Tessa Trudgen

Elise Victor

Jacqueline Villafrade

Brooke Vucetic

Brendon Waite

Shelley Wallace

Anna Warakaulle

Sharron Whittaker

Garry Williams

Tracey Williamson

Lisa Woodward




































































































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