July 27th Issue

Page 1

“Reflections On Our Better Future”

Oil painting by Simone F. Greenberg

Our lives today are merely a muted reflection of the full vibrancy and clarity we will experience when the Bais Hamikdash returns to Yerushalayim

pg7 pg8 pg12 Summer@ETTA: 27 Years of Fun, Friendship and Personal Growth
Extreme Beats the Heat!
Shamayim –Living Kiddush Hashem pg17 pg22 pg16
2 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

Every Journey, Every Destination, YOUR PERFECT BOOK AWAITS

Navigating 21st-century parenting in our changing world is not easy. Our children’s emotional health is crucial, yet we often feel underprepared. This book helps us reconnect with our innate wisdom, encouraging intentional parenting rather than merely reacting to behaviors.

This book tells the story of Rabbi J.J. Hecht, a pioneer of Jewish outreach and leader of American Jewry who devoted his life to preserving Torah-true Judaism and helping the Jewish people, and whose influence and inspiration continue to be felt today.

Written by a renowned therapist, this book introduces Cable Therapy, a unique 12-step method promoting healing and positive communication in relationships. Blending various therapeutic models, it will enlighten couples and marriage therapists alike.

Replete with powerful stories and illuminating, practical wisdom of the tzaddikim, Baderech is a vital companion for spiritual “travelers” at every stage who yearn to uncover their own path toward teshuvah.

Living Beautifully / Gila Ross

In our complex lives, figuring out relationships, ourselves, and the elusive work-life balance can be overwhelming. Discover tools and principles for understanding true values, recognizing challenges, and charting a balanced and joyful life based on the enduring wisdom of Pirkei Avos.

Rav Asher Weiss on Elul

Rav Weiss’s captivating drashos will greatly enrich the reader’s experience of the Yamim Tom with depth, knowledge, and understanding.

The Soul of Parenting / Slovie Jungreis-Wolff

How can we connect deeply with our children and foster a peaceful, spiritually vibrant home? Drawing from a wealth of experience and wisdom, Slovie Jungreis-Wolff’s book guides us in raising resilient children and finding renewed significance in Jewish traditions.

3 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
Mosaica Press books are available for purchase at MosaicaPress.com and your local Jewish bookshop. VISIT US ONLINE AT MOSAICAPRESS.COM FOLLOW US FOR DAILY UPDATES

Dear Readers,

I’m just blown away! Last week I received my children’s report cards. Is it because of their stellar grades? Nah! The teachers’ comments blow my mind. They make each of my children sound like the most rare and special gems that ever existed. Each comment is better than the next. It’s not only that I’m shepping nachas (which of course I am), but it’s that the report cards gave me an overwhelming sense of gratitude to Hashem for being given the gift of being their mother.

But it’s not my children who are the stars, it’s the teachers! I can guarantee that words like these were written for every student in their class. Can you imagine that the Morah wrote these words for 23 of her first graders? Or that the English teacher wrote this for all her junior high students? It’s because the teachers love our kids. While some experiences you had as a child may make you disagree with me, let’s hope that no one goes into education without loving children. I can tell you they’re not in it for the money!

The root of the word Ahava (love) is Hav (to give). The fact that they give of themselves to our children every single day and spend most waking hours with them, this develops into love. In this issue, Rabbi Cavalier’s Dvar Torah mentions the Torah’s commandment to love your children is actually to be defined to love your students. I am so appreciative of the love the teachers have for my children (understandably so, as they don’t need to do bedtime with them!)

In this week’s parsha, Moshe tells Bnei Yisroel to keep the Torah’s mitzvos strictly while living in Eretz Yisroel. He reminds them of Hashem’s tremendous love for them, and that Hashem carefully and specifically chose them to be His nation. I was very moved by the article in this issue on “The Miracle of Jewish Survival,” by Rabbi Daniel Glastsein. Hashem has chosen us over

and over again, has redeemed us, and saved us through every generation. And that reason is because of you. And you. And you. Your ancestors were saved so you could be here today. You have a role in this world that only you can fulfill.

And because of you, we are the generation who will bring Moshiach. According to Rabbi Glastein, Hashem has already invested 3300 years in us, more than the pious generations who came before us. It’s because of the love that a teacher has for their student, and the desire to pass the Torah onto the next generation. It’s because of those who invest in the Jewish people’s future. It’s because of You.

Wishing you a comforting Shabbos,


Shabbos Zemanim

Friday, July 28

Parshas Va’etchanan

Candlelighting: 7:39 pm

Havdallah: 8:42 pm

Rabbeinu Tam: 9:09 pm

Friday, August 4

Parshas Eikev

Candlelighting: 7:33 pm

Havdallah: 8:36 pm

Rabbeinu Tam: 9:03 pm

Yoel Halpern



Sara Halpern



Ariela Kauffman



Avi Heyman



Blimie Weiss



Bethaney Ang


8950 W Olympic Blvd #147

Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Tel: 213-583-7770


The LA Jewish Home is an independent biweekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. All submissions become the property of The LA Jewish Home and may be edited for publication. Pictures may be modified at our discretion to conform to standards of modesty in dress. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any advertised product or business advertised within.

4 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
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5 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

Camp Yavneh Teams Up with Chai Lifeline

ball game they played against another camp.

LINK Kollel Celebrates Chag HaSemicha of Their Avreichim

Camp Yavneh teamed up with Chai Lifeline to raise money for their organization over the course of the summer. Chai Lifeline is an organization that helps and supports families and children that are suffering with a terminal illness. The Yavneh campers over the summer raised money by hosting lemonade stands in their front lawns and by selling snacks at a basket-

To culminate our fundraising goals, Camp Yavneh spent the day at the park having a color run where the campers and counselors ran a small track and got paint power all over them. They also designed bookmarks and cards for the children of Chai Lifeline. It was a very special and meaningful day of camp and fun was had by all who participated.

Eight Avreichim of the LINK Kollel formally received their Semicha in Issur V’Heter on Wednesday night, July 12, at a special dinner tendered in their honor at Natalie Trattoria restaurant. The eight – Rabbis Aharon Becker, Yitzchak Berdugo, Rafi Fisgus, Avi Gruen, Yehuda Kraft, Avishai Neydavoud, Menashe Rashti and Ephraim Rauch – thoroughly learned through all of the intricate simanim in the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah.

They began their limud, under the expert tutelage and guidance of the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar, in the fall of 2020 (during the height of COVID). They learned diligently until they concluded, and then they reviewed the voluminous material for several weeks until they each took an exhaustive written, closed book bechina. They were praised for the thoroughness of their knowledge.

In the presence of the other members of the LINK staff and all of the N’shei HaKollel, each Avreich was presented with his Semicha by Rabbi Lebhar in recognition of their prodigious accomplishments. Rabbi Lebhar offered words of chizuk, focusing on the great-

ness of their achievement. In addition, the Avreichim paid tribute to Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim Rauch, who are leaving LINK for the Dallas Kollel after Tisha B’av. Besides Rabbi Lebhar’s praise, Rabbi Fisgus spoke fondly and humorously about the wonderful attributes of Rabbi Rauch. In turn, Rabbi Rauch spoke in glowing terms about his four years as a member of the LINK Kollel and how much he has grown in his learning and in his teaching. He singled out the special chevraschaft (camaraderie) that exists amongst the Avreichim, despite – or maybe, because of – their coming from varied backgrounds and Yeshivos and how he was inspired by their diligence in learning while still having time for their teaching at night and for raising their growing families. He also spoke of the unique partnership between Rabbi Brander and Rabbi Lebhar, showing how their seemingly differing goals for the Kollel actually blend harmoniously together. Everyone walked away deeply inspired. LINK would like to thank Stephan Sultan, the proprietor of the restaurant, for sponsoring the entire evening in honor of the Talmidei Chachamim.

6 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

Summer@ETTA: 27 Years of Fun, Friendship and Personal Growth

Central to Summer@ETTA’s success are its youth volunteer counselors. “This unique program gives teens a chance to go beyond themselves and step outside of their comfort zones,” said Leah Schachter, ETTA’s Director of Volunteers and Special Programs who spearheads Summer@ETTA. “It’s truly remarkable seeing these wonderful teenage volunteers develop into even more inclusive, responsible and caring people over the course of five short weeks.”

ETTA’s transformative summer program, Summer@ ETTA, recently completed its 27th year on July 28, leaving its 70 participants with unforgettable memories and a deep sense of personal growth. This five-week program unites adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and enthusiastic teenage volunteers, creating incredible experiences filled with fun, learning, and personal growth, while celebrating diversity and fostering an inclusive community.

At the heart of Summer@ETTA’s activities are themed days that infuse each experience with delight and learning, nurturing creativity, curiosity, and personal development. From day trips to amusement parks to engaging arts and crafts workshops, from invigorating sports activities to inspiring music and dance sessions, participants can explore their interests, discover hidden talents, and enhance their skills in a supportive and encouraging environment.

However, participants aren’t the only recipients of the joy, excitement, love and limitless ruach that permeates the program. Summer@ETTA bridges the gap between adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and teenage volunteers, cultivating empathy and compassion, and enabling participants and teens to collaborate, learn from one another, and forge lasting friendships that transcend barriers.

Something for everyone.

“It’s really amazing how Summer@ETTA has become such a beloved program for our participants year after year,” commented Schachter. “But what’s even more heartwarming is seeing former youth volunteers, who are now grown adults with families of their own, still cherishing those memories from their time with Summer@ ETTA and staying in touch with the participants they met back in the day. This program truly affects everyone involved for the rest of their lives.”

7 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
212-613-8369 / yachadsummer@ou.org IVDU SUMMER J.U.F OUR WAY REACH This is Yachad. Yachad_Universe Baltimore Chicago Cleveland Israel Los Angeles New England New Jersey New York South Florida Toronto
With Yachad, everyone can experience the most amazing summer.
Be part of a Yachad program within a mainstream camp. (Choice of 25 camps) INTEGRATION Work in a mainstream camp with a job coach as a supportive counselor VOCATIONAL Life-changing tour of Israel together with mainstream teens YAD B’YAD Enjoy an adult vacation to upstate New York or Israel GETAWAY/BIRTHRIGHT
With a
range of programs for children, teens, and adults, Yachad summer is where individuals are unconditionally accepted, respectfully supported, and made to feel more similar than different.

Yavneh Extreme Beats the Heat!

CA has been hit with a “heat wave” but that did not stop our campers from taking advantage of what LA has to offer! Within a short driving distance, there are several waterfalls, streams and of course our amazing ocean. Campers enjoyed scenic walks, crossing streams and even swimming in water-

falls. It is such a treat for “LA City Kids” to ditch the city heat and enjoy fresh open mountain air, running water and cool waterfalls. The Beach is always a camp favorite as they jump into the waves, build sandcastles and bury each other in the sand. What a great way to cool off in the summer!

Camp Hillel Lamplighters Brighten Morning Carpools

Welcome to Camp Hillel!

This summer we are lamplighters, bigger than ever, hosting over 800 kids from 60 different schools across Los Angeles. At Camp Hillel, we aim to inspire our campers through unique and interactive experiences that bring Judaism to life!

On the 17th of Tamuz, Camp Hillel brought the Beit Hamikdash to life through an incredible inflatable Beit Hamikdash moon bounce - the very first of its kind! Camp Hillel also enrolled their campers into Tzivos Hashem - the world’s strongest army - where campers learn to bring light wherever they go.

At Camp Hillel, our carpool is filled with song, dance, and weekly themed events! Some carpool themed events we did were: “Hillel HeBREW Drive through” where we emphasized the importance of our Hebrew names, which recently went viral on social media nearing 50k views, as well as “Torah Story” where we used the characters of Toy Story to bring Torah and Mitzvot to life!

Drive by Camp Hillel any morning and join the party!

8 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

Camp Ashira’s Fabulous Hike to Eaton Canyon Falls

Camp Ashira’s campers and staff members showed perseverance and challenged themselves in the way in which they hiked to Eaton canyon falls. Due to the rainy winter season, the falls leading up to the huge waterfall were all filled with refreshing cold water. As much as this helped keep us cool while we hiked, it required tremendous teamwork and unity to help each other climb over and through the wet rocks and streams. The best reward was the feeling we received knowing that we were able to hike to the waterfall as a team. What a blast we had swimming in the waterfall area. And of course, the refreshing ice cream treat we had afterwards at Valley Swirl really topped it all off.

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At Coach’s Sports Camp (CSC) you are almost guaranteed to get your 15,000 daily step goal!

Established in 2009 by Coach Omer Markush, CSC is for boys in 5th - 10th grade and is based out of Valley Torah Boys Campus.

Each morning, camp begins with a rotation of davening, learning, and sports. Once completed, they leave daily by 11 am for fun trips and activities, such as Dave & Busters, batting cages, color wars, baseball games, Knott’s, kayaking, gel blasters, and much more...

Coach’s Sports Camp

One of the highlights of CSC is its famous Maccabiah Games, where campers compete in Olympic style events for Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals. In addition to its reputation as a religious sports camp, CSC is proud to say that over the last several summers, they helped raise over $50,000 for Chai-Lifeline through color runs, HR Derbies, swimming competitions, and more. For more information on CSC or to contact Coach Markush, please visit www.kadoorsal.com


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10 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
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Special Camping Overnight at Camp Shaarei Simcha

Camp Shaarei Simcha was founded by Rabbi Avraham Weiner 18 years ago together with his sons. The purpose of the camp was to address children who are adventurous, curious, and eager to learn new things. For boys who are not necessarily sporty, the program has many diverse activities to satisfy the inquisitive minds of our campers.

The camp provides full davening and learning sessions that are structured and serious as the campers do not lose the skills they acquired during the school year. Small groups allow the campers to receive individual instruction and attention. Woodworking, art, and baking are among some of our special activities.

Rabbi Weiner’s son, Dovid, who has been with the camp since its inception, runs the day-to-day itinerary. His keen understanding of children and love for them makes him an excellent leader and mentor for the campers. The camp is geared for children between six and twelve years old. This corresponds to grades 1 through 5.

The camp offers several overnight activities where campers learn to pitch their tents, sleep overnight in their tents, under the stars, where they have the opportunity to appreciate Hashem, and the beautiful nature He created. Many fathers enthusiastically join this event. A delicious barbecue, followed by an inspiring Kumzitz, stories, and marshmallows, roasted over the campfire. The boys rise early, to an uplifting view against the morning sunrise, of their fathers, and staff, in their taleisim, learning, and preparing for the morning minyan.

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On Monday, July 3rd Camp Ashira, Camp Ruach, & Camp A Time for Dance joined together for a fabulous ice skating trip to LA Kings. The girls enjoyed seeing their friends from other camps and skating with all girls to the sound of blasting Jewish music. The best part was that it was so exciting dancing on the ice to all of our camp songs. Of course, the delicious hot cocoa that each camp provided for their campers was a heavenly treat.

Achdus & Unity Amongst LA Girls’ Camps

13 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

The Miracle of Jewish Survival

The Navi Yeshayah calls out, “Your heart will muse in dread, ‘Where is the one who counts? Where is the one who weighs? Where is one who counts [all these] towers?’” (Yeshayah 33:18). Where can one locate the scribe, where can one locate the analyst? Who can possibly describe the full extent of the pain, the overwhelming burdens of suffering, the bottomless grief, that has been brought upon our people? Are there words? Are there expressions that can capture the tragic saga of our history? The answer is no. There are no words. To borrow the phrase from the Vidui on Yom Kippur, “What can we say… what can we tell?”

Burned at the Stake

June 30, 1680, marked the celebration of the marriage of King Charles II of Spain and his French bride, Marie Louise d’Orléans. This most historic marriage merited fabulous festivities. A

magnificent auto-da-fé was held in Madrid, with victims gathered from Inquisition tribunals all across Spain. A seventeen-year-old girl, Francisca Negueyra, was one of the eighteen Marranos condemned to die at this event.

As was the custom, the mournful procession of terrified victims and “holy” clergymen snaked its way through the city streets past great multitudes of joyous onlookers. The procession entered the main city square, where pyres had been prepared for the executions. The king and queen were joined by hundreds of dignitaries, who were seated all around the public square.

Suddenly, the voice of the young girl rang out, loud and clear, breaking the eerie silence. “Have mercy, Madame Queen! How can I renounce the faith that I drank in with my mother’s milk?”

The young girl’s cries could have pierced a heart of stone. But there was no response at all from the Catholic majesties. They sat on their thrones impassively. The ceremony proceeded.

King Charles II took the oath to annihilate the enemies of the church and to always provide any needed aid to the Inquisition. A lit torch was then placed in his hand, and he ignited the pyre with his own hand.

The king and queen remained seated as the flames rose up, engulfing the entire wood structure, their hearts cold as stone. They sat, eager spectators, as Francisca and the other seventeen Marranos, including a sixty-year-old widow, her two daughters, and her son-in-law, were entirely consumed by the flames and their bodies reduced to ash.

This is our history. This is the story of our travails.

We sit on the floor and mourn, but we are at a loss for words. We have trouble expressing ourselves. We feel like Yirmiyah HaNavi, who lamented, “If only my head would be water and my eyes a spring of tears so that I could cry all day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!” (Yirmiyah 8:23).

The Warsaw Ghetto in the Words of My Grandfather

I read an article written by a Holocaust survivor in the book, Theological and Halakhic Reflections on the Holocaust. This article gives a vivid firsthand account of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. It was written by a great Rav and tzaddik, my grandfather, HaRav Mordechai Leib Glatstein.

In this article, he writes: I am the man who has seen the afflictions of my people. I am a victim, and I am the witness. I saw the Warsaw Ghetto with thousands of skeletons extending their bony arms as if begging for mercy and life. I saw the Warsaw Ghetto, littered with corpses, their faces distorted and swollen, their eyes wide open, skulls crushed. There was blood everywhere, the blood of our children, of our brothers and sisters, of our fathers and mothers.

14 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

No imagination, no matter how daring, could conceive of anything we have seen and lived through. No language has been created that can describe the enormity of the Holocaust and the slaughter of European Jewry.

We Know Not Why

Can we dare ask why? Why did this happen? Why was one-third of European Jewry murdered by the German people, while the entire civilized world stood by mutely? I am not prepared to give reasons, to offer explanations as to why this happened. But if you are searching for meaning, looking for something that we can take out of the Holocaust, then I have something important to tell you.

Searching for Meaning

I would share a very personal thought that I have been feeling since I read this article, a feeling that intensified in the weeks leading up to Tishah B’Av. But first I would like to share one more story — a chilling incident that my grandfather recorded.

My grandfather writes:

From Radom we were transported to Dachau, the emek habachah, the

valley of weeping, of the German malach hamaves. Killings every day, total humiliation in the eyes of the Germans, who derived the greatest pleasure and joy from the spectacle.

My dear brother Henoch and I were kicked and chased to the entrance to the gas chambers. At the doorstep of the beis hasereifah, the house of burning, where tens of thousands were choking and feeIing the most shocking convulsions, my brother told me that he wanted to ask for some water. I responded that it is better without water, so that death will relieve us of our pains sooner. We were mere inches and moments away from the next world. But then a Heavenly miracle occurred. Standing there, as we were, at the threshold of death, an SS officer appeared. He grabbed us and remarked in a commanding voice, “You are capable of work!” He dragged us away. This Godly wonder will remain seared in our memories forever.

Hashem Saved Each One of Us!

Where was the Ribbono Shel Olam during the Holocaust? Where was G-d?

I will tell you where: He was at the threshold, at the doorway of the gas chamber, and He miraculously pulled my grandfather out.

But then a very simple thought occurred to me. It wasn’t only my grand-

father whom Hashem pulled out of that gas chamber. Had the Ribbono Shel Olam not saved him, I would not be here today. I would simply not exist. Hashem rescued my grandfather from the gas chamber, and in doing so He also rescued my father, myself, and my children. Hashem saved us all.

The Ribbono Shel Olam wanted us. He must have wanted us. And, if you are reading this, then Hashem rescued you, too! Hashem has been looking out for you for a very long time.

People say that if they would only witness a miracle, then that would really boost their belief, which would really fortify their emunah. “If I could only have seen the splitting of the Red Sea!”

You want to see a miracle? Look around your shul, around your community — look at the faces of the Jews around you. A living Jew in 2023 is the greatest miracle you’ll ever see. If you only knew how the Ribbono Shel Olam has been looking out for you!

Over thirty-three hundred years ago, our grandparents were in Mitzrayim, where eighty percent of our nation perished. Yet, Hashem preserved our ancestors so that we could be here today.

At the time of the destruction of the first Beis HaMikdash, the death toll was enormous. But the Ribbono Shel Olam wanted you, He wanted me, He wanted us to be here today. Hashem made sure that we made it through Churban Bayis Rishon.

The number of people who died at Churban Bayis Sheini was similarly staggering. Josephus writes that the number of people who perished or who died by the sword was one million, one hundred thousand. Then, the Romans hunted down every single Jew they could find.

But the Ribbono Shel Olam wanted you — so He saved your ancestors.

Thousands of Jews were massacred during the Crusades, but Hashem wanted you. In 1391, two hundred thousand Jews were forcibly converted in Spain, but Hashem invested in you. Three hundred thousand Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, and tens of thousands were killed.

Hashem saved you from the Chmielnicki pogroms so that you can be here today.

He has been looking out for you for 3300 years. Your immediate ancestor was rescued from the horrors of the Holocaust.

For a Jew to be here today, it is not statistically unlikely. It is not highly improbable. It is downright impossible. It is an open miracle of the highest proportion.

In the introduction to his Siddur Bais Yaakov, Rav Yaakov Emden (who was referred to as a Navi by the Chasam Sofer) writes, “How can the heretic in G-d’s Providence not be ashamed? Simply analyze our situation in this

15 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
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world. We are the exiled people, the scattered sheep. Despite all that has happened to us over thousands of years, we are still here. I swear that when I marvel at this wonder, it is much greater to me than all the miracles that Hashem performed for our ancestors in Egypt, in the desert, and In Eretz Yisrael.”

If Rav Yaakov Emden was astonished by the wonder of a Jew in the eighteenth century, can we even begin to imagine what he would say about the miraculous nature of a Jew in 2023!

He may say it is a neis she’ein kol malach u’berya yecholim l’sha’er — a miracle that no angel or being could comprehend.

The Greatest Miracle Ever

Think about it. The greatest miracle in the history of the world: Hashem performed it for you. Because the Ribbono Shel Olam wants you. He wants your tefillos. He wants your Torah. He wants your mitzvos. He has so much invested in you.

Throughout the history of the universe, there is nothing that Hashem has invested Himself in more than in the existence of each and every Jew. The Ribbono Shel Olam saved you from Egypt, from the Churban Bayis Rishon, from the Churban Bayis Sheini, from the Crusades, from the Inquisition, from

pogroms, from the gas chambers — performing miracle after miracle just so you can be here.

Perhaps this can explain why Tishah B’Av is referred to as a Yom Tov. Yirmiyah HaNavi writes, “He [Hashem] proclaimed a moed against me” (Eichah 1:15); Tishah B’Av is a Moed. This actually has halachic ramifications as the Shulchan Aruch codifies that we do not recite Tachanun at Minchah on Erev Tishah B’Av as it is considered a Moed. How can Tishah B’Av be considered in any fashion a Yom Tov?

According to the comments of R’ Yaakov Emden, we are privileged to understand a great treasure. Just as Pesach commemorates the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt and Sukkos commemorates the miracle of the Ananei HaKavod, Tishah B’Av commemorates the greatest miracle of all: the miracle of Jewish survival and eternity!

We Can Bring Mashiach

More so than any previous generation, we can honestly cry out to the Ribbono Shel Olam, “Ahavah rabbah ahavtanu, Hashem Elokeinu, With a great love You have loved us, Hashem, our G-d! Chemlah gedolah v’yeseirah chamalta aleinu, With exceedingly abundant compassion, You have had mercy

on us.”

And perhaps we can be so daring and bold to suggest the following idea.

The Chofetz Chaim raises a question that we often ponder: How in the world can our generation hope to bring Mashiach if the prior generations, who were on such lofty spiritual levels, were unable to do so? The generation of Moshe Rabbeinu could not bring the Geulah. The generation of David HaMelech couldn’t do it. The Neviim, the Tannaim, the Amoraim, and the Geonim couldn’t. Neither could Rashi, the Rambam, or the Vilna Gaon. Yet somehow, we, who are paupers, spiritually impoverished — yasmei d’yasmei — orphaned from Torah knowledge, are expected to bring Mashiach!? If they couldn’t do it, can we be the ones to do it?

Can we be so daring to say, Yes! We do have the koach, we do have the power! Because never has a Jew had more value in the eyes of the Ribbono Shel Olam than a Jew living today.

Do you know how much Hashem has invested in us? Do you know how many miracles Hashem had to perform so that we can be here today? Why us? We don’t know why. But for the last 3,300 years, the Ribbono Shel Olam has been looking out for us.

He wants YOU! He wants YOUR Torah! He wants YOUR mitzvos! He wants YOUR tefillin! He wants YOU to cry out to Him to bring Mashiach!

For the last 3,300 years, Hashem has been investing in YOU!

While we sit on the floor and mourn, as we cry out as we recall the tragedies of our histories, our hearts are ennobled, our hearts are aflame, because our generation has been entrusted with the most important job in history: to bring the Geulah Sheleimah.

May this Tishah B’Av bring the end to all Jewish suffering, b’vias goel tzedek, bimheirah veyameinu, with the coming of Mashiach, speedily in our days, Amen.

This article has been excerpted from Rabbi Glatstein’s sefer, From Darkness to Dawn, published by ArtScroll/ Mesorah. The original article has been abbreviated for print in the LA Jewish Home.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is the Mara D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, NY, and author of numerous seforim in Lashon Hakodesh and in English for ArtScroll. He is an international lecturer and maggid shiur. His thousands of recorded shiurim are available on Torahanytime.com, podcast, his website rabbidg.com, and other venues. Rabbi Glatstein is currently running a campaign to build a new international learning center in Cedarhurst called Machon Maggid Harakiah. Go to Charidy.com/mmh for more formation.

16 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
@ n e x t d o o r l a w w w n e x t d o o r l a c o m i n f o @ n e x t d o o r l a c o m ( 3 1 0 ) 9 3 3 - 3 0 2 1
17 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home

Science or Fiction The Making of a Baseball Bat

Turning the splits into billet

• A mill worker places each split onto an automatic lathe that shaves the rough edges o as it turns the wood. The billets, as they are now called, are inspected again for straightness of grain. The billets are stacked and strapped together into six-sided bundles. Workers paint the ends with a protective preservative to keep the wood from fraying or rotting. The bundled billets are then trucked to the lumberyard of the bat manufacturer.


They are scientists who collect and summarize the relevant data from baseball’s in-game activity to answer specific questions. The term is derived from the acronym SABR, which stands for the Society for American Baseball Research, founded in 1971.

Some of the other important scientific aspects of baseball are:

Psychics: used by both batters and hitters, it’s used to make throwing and hitting the ball easier and more planned out. According to Major League Baseball, the pitcher's mound is purposely distanced a 60 feet, 6 inches away from home plate.

Aerodynamics: Involved in the structure of the bat, design of the baseball, and the collision between bat and balls.

Baseball Time

Seasoning the billets

• The billets that arrive at the lumberyard are considered "green" wood because they still contain sap and gum. In order to strengthen the wood, the sap and gum must be removed by an air-drying process called "seasoning." To achieve the proper seasoning, the billets are simply stacked in the yard for a period of six months to two years.

Shaping and sanding the billets

• When the billets have dried completely, they are weighed and inspected for quality. A worker places each billet on an automatic lathe and shapes it into a rough baseball bat shape with a narrowed neck. The bat forms are sanded, inspected once more, and then sorted according to weight.

Matching the bat to the model

• The bat manufacturer keeps a model of each bat made, typically identified by the baseball player who initially ordered it. When a player or team places an order, the order may look like this: six Johnny Bench models, ten Hank Aarons, four Mickey Mantles.

• The plant workers who create the final product are called bat turners. They are highly skilled artisans who have been specially trained for the intricate work. When an order is placed, the bat turner selects a billet from the storage bin that fits the called-for weight and length. The billet is placed on a lathe. The model bat is placed on a rack above and behind the lathe.

• The bat turner revolves the billet slowly on the lathe, sanding and shaving it to an exact replica of the model. Using calipers, the bat turner measures the billet every 1-2 inches (2.54-5 cm) and weighs it repeatedly until it is perfect.

Branding, staining, and varnishing the bats

• The bat is branded with the company trademark and the signature of the player associated with the model. The trademark is placed one-quarter of a turn from the sweet spot (the ideal spot where the ball should strike the bat). If the order calls for staining, the bat is dipped into a staining vat. All of the bats are then varnished, packed into cartons, and shipped to the player or team.

Read more: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/Baseball-Bat.html#ixzz87w9wDL4p


1. Simple seating for the fans.

3. Ball that is hit to the outfield.

5. This hit gets the batter to first base.

8. Player who is ready to swing.

9. Pu ed corn snack.

12. Roasted, salty snack.

13. His position is between second and third base.

15. Where the team sits when not playing.

16. There are nine of these in a game.

17. Four base hit.

19. Baseball player headwear.

20. Group of players.

21. Part of the field between the bases.


1. Batter's very short hit.

2. Position behind home plate.

3. Hit that is out of bounds.

4. Frankfurter in a bun.

6. Seating in a large stadium.

7. Pitcher's place to warm up.

8. Baseball runner's destination.

10. Large structure where baseball is played.

11. There of these and you are out.

12. He throws the ball.

13. Where the game tally is shown.

14. Area of the field outside of the diamond.

18. Catcher's protective glove.

19. Large group of people.

18 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
No! It’s not related to the saber-toothed tiger.

How to Improve Your Pitch

GAIN BODY WEIGHT: Players with greater weight have faster pitches. You can gain weight by following a calorie surplus and following a strength training regimen.

IMPROVE POSTURE: Working on your balance and eliminating the "balance point" are the two ways you can improve your pitching velocity. The more balanced you are, the easier it is to transfer the energy from your body to the ball.

FIND THE PERFECT GRIP: Positioning your fingers in the appropriate manner helps you release the ball faster meaning that speed of your delivery is bound to improve. A too tight grip lessens the control the pitcher has.

USE YOUR ENTIRE BODY: Your arm alone won't generate the speed you wish to pitch at. In order to improve the velocity of your pitches your body needs to work in a synchronized manner.

WRIST SNAP: Your wrist accounts for 10% of the force applied during the delivery. Ensuring that you flick your wrist forward during release point can help generate additional speed.

USE LINEAR AND NOT ROTATIONAL MOVEMENTS: Move dominantly in the linear direction towards your target. It’s less work for your arm than to rotate and change the path.

MAXIMIZE THE LOAD ON THE THROWING ARM: This initiates maximum force production before the elbow accelerates. The forearm can then control the pitch better.

STABILIZE YOUR HEAD IN YOUR PITCHING DELIVERY: Your head is where your computer is which is controlled in your body.

RELAX TO REDUCE ANXIETY: Listen to calming music before a game or practice good breathing technique to help you control your anxiety during the game.

PICK UP THE TARGET EARLIER: Do not wait until you have started your delivery to pick up the target. Zone in early to find your pin point location.

AVOID LOSING FOCUS WHEN FIXATED ON TARGET: Avoid getting tunnel vision. This is when you become mesmerized with the target and you actually lose focus. The target becomes blurry or less in focus.

SHARPEN YOUR INNER EAR: Stop listening to loud music. It is hurting your game. Practice picking up hard to hear sounds in the distance.









Rebbe’s Stories

Shmuel the Tailor and the Terrible Plague of Sura

Rav was a very great Talmid Chacham that lived in the city of Sura. He had many special talents and was recognized by all for his many accomplishments.

One time there was a terrible plague (a very contagious disease) that swept through the city of Sura. Many people lost their lives due to this horrible sickness. The doctors did not know what to do to stop it! But suddenly, without explanation, it just stopped!

Everyone assumed that the plague stopped because it was about to enter the neighborhood of the great Tzadik Rav. But the people were told in a dream that the plague stopped because of Shmuel the Tailor who also lived in the neighborhood of Rav. What did Shmuel the Tailor do that was so great that this terrible plague stopped because of him?

The ground in Sura was hard and rocky, and so it was very difficult and time consuming for the Chevrah Kadisha (the ones who were in charge of the burials) to dig a grave. Often the burial needed to be delayed because the Chevrah Kadisha had not yet completed their digging. Shmuel felt that it was very disrespectful to the Niftar (the person who passed away) if his burial was delayed.

sented them to the Chevrah Kadisha. From that day forward, the Chevrah Kadisha were able to dig the graves much quicker allowing the Niftarim to be buried on time. It was because of this Chessed that the plague came to an end when it reached the neighborhood of Shmuel the Tailor, who happened to live in the same neighborhood as Rav.

This story is found in Taanis 21b

Questions for Discussion

1. Why do you think that people thought that the plague stopped because of Rav?

2. What do you think was the first thought that the people had when they were told that the plague stopped because of Shmuel the Tailor?

3. What was the first thing that Shmuel the Tailor did that showed the greatness of his act? What was second? What was the third?

4. What can we learn from this story?

We want to say

Thank You and Goodbye

to Mushky Yiftach, our creative On A Roll Crafts designer. Thank you for being one of our first columnists and providing us with endless amounts of craft activity. We wish you and your family success in your new hometown!

Shmuel thought, “There has to be a better way for the Chevrah Kadisha to dig the grave faster.”

Shmuel investigated and dis covered that there were digging tools that were capable of digging through hard and rocky ground quickly. Although Shmuel was just a poor tailor and the tools were very expensive, he put aside a little money each day in order that one day he could buy these tools for the Chevrah Kadisha. Eventually, Shmuel had the mon ey. He bought the tools and pre

Rabbi Mordechai Dubin is a Rebbe at Gindi Maimonides Academy. He is the author of three illustrated children’s books, I’ll Never Forget Yerushalayim, I Believe, and I Know 6; and has produced four Musical CD’s for children, I Made This World For you, Let My People Go, Al Shelosha Devarim, and Hashem is Always With Me.

19 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
If you want to share a story, recipe, D’var Torah, or something creative with us, we would absolutely love it! Please send them in to editor@thelajewishhome.com and write “Kids Section” in the subject line Dubin I Believe! Yes, believe in all these things, So every day, these words I’ll sing— I believe b’emunah sheleimah. I’ll place these words into my heart, And with these words each day I’ll start— Ani ma’amin b’emunah sheleimah… The Thirteen Principles of our faith. It’s the bedrock of our emunah what all Jewish parents want to transmit to their children. Now, with this groundbreaking book and song, kids can actually learn and know all the Thirteen Principles…by heart! And what’s more, they’ll love learning and singing about them, too! Rabbi Mordechai Dubin, a veteran rebbi songwriter, and musician, knows how to reach children. Through music, song, and genuine heart, Rabbi Dubin instills in kids many fundamental concepts in a way that is enjoyable, fun, and everlasting.
Rabbi Mordechai Dubin

Torah Thought

Parashat Va’etchanan: Shabbat Nachamu

In the Shema we read the following: “םבּ תרבדו ךינבל םתננשו– And you shall teach your children and speak these words…”

Rashi quotes the Sifri that the “םינבּ - children” in this verse is not speaking about one’s own children but rather about one’s talmidim (students). Students are also called “children.” Rashi quotes different verses that use the words “םינבּ” in this way. We do have other verses that refer to the obligation of teaching Torah to one’s own children; “םכינבּ תא םתוא םתדמלו …Teach them to your children…” However, the verse in Shema is a specific mitzvah to teach Torah to one’s students.

I would like to share a beautiful Rambam that I believe should be emblazoned in every school and Yeshiva, and should be known by every Rebbe, Morah, and anyone involved in teaching Torah.

The Rambam writes (Hilchot Talmud Torah 5:12):

“Just as the students must honor their Rebbe, so too must the Rebbe honor his talmidim and bring them close. Thus say our Sages: May the honor of your student be as dear to you as your friend (other texts have “your own” instead of “your friend”). One should be very careful with one’s students (in the way they are treated), and he should love them. For they are his children that bring joy in this world and in the next…”

If talmidim are called “children,” then, certainly one must love them and honor them like one’s own children.

The transmission of Torah from generation to generation has been through love. Father to son, mother to daughter, teacher to student. This love is part of the mitzvah of Talmud Torah.

As a Rebbe myself, I know that this can be very challenging. It’s not always easy to love and honor each and every student. However, all Torah teaching ceases if there isn’t that love.

Consider the following two stories:

Some fifteen years ago our family had the zechut to be living in Yerushalayim. My eldest son was attending a cheder in the Geula area and was being taught by Rav Yitzchak Hacker zt”l, an elderly veteran Rebbe who taught generations of students (many of them who later became great Roshei Yeshiva). He taught the Alef-Beis with such joy and passion and was beloved by all the talmidim. That year, I had to travel alone for a few weeks out of Israel and I told Rav Hacker of my departure so that he could keep an eye out and show some extra attention to my son. Well, he called on Erev Shabbat to speak to my son and called several times after that. “I called to speak to Avi!” he would say. He would then make a conversation with a little 4-year-old boy. And all this while he was suffering immensely from the disease that would take his life the next year.

During the Gulf War in 1991, while talmidim of the Mirrer Yeshiva were hiding in sealed rooms wearing gas masks after hearing sirens, there was a knock at the door. “It’s Nosson Tzvi,” came a voice. The boys thought it was some sort of joke until they opened the door and found their great Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt’l. He explained that he rushed to their dorm when he heard the first siren. “I just had to be with my talmidim!” he said.

To these great teachers of Torah, their talmidim were far more than students; they were their own children. Shabbat Shalom.

20 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
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Rabbi Daniel Cavalier is a Rebbe in Yeshivat Yavneh and serves as the Rav of Pico Mesivta Shul.

Psycho-Spiritual Insights: Exploring Parasha & Psychology Parashat Eikev: The Power of Little Things

In Parshat Eikev, we are taught a profound lesson on the importance of doing the little things. This is seen through the transformative impact that seemingly small actions can have on our lives and the lives of others. The opening passuk of Eikev states, “And it shall be, because you will heed these ordinances and keep and perform them, that Hashem, your God, will keep for you the covenant and the kindness that He swore to your forefathers” (Deuteronomy 7:12). In this passuk, Moshe emphasizes the significance of paying attention to the commandments and fulfilling them diligently. Rashi points out that the word Eikev corresponds to the word heel in Hebrew, indicating we should be cautious with the lighter commands that a person might tread on with their heels, so that we can gain the blessings the passuk ends with.

Psychologically, this explanation from Rashi aligns with the concept of the ‘compound effect’ and ‘behavioral shaping.’ Compound effect refers to the process of making small behavioral changes to compound into life-changing results over time. Behavioral shaping is defined as increasing a specific behavior gradu ally, leading to increased growth in the

long run. Just as small actions performed consistently over time can lead to significant results in various aspects of life, so too can our commitment to fulfilling even the seemingly minor commandments bring about tremendous spiritual growth and divine blessings. This holds true in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, self-improvement, and spiritual development.

The Torah emphasizes the importance of valuing and not belittling the little things. Our Sages teach that there are no insignificant mitzvot. Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Father (2:1), states “be careful with a light commandment as with a grave one, for you did know not the reward for the fulfillment of the commandments.” The Maharal elaborates that when the Mishna says, “you did know not the reward” it means that the reward varies with the eagerness, effort expended, and consistency of performance. Each mitzvah carries its own value and purpose, regardless of its size or apparent impact. By fulfilling these commandments with intention and devotion, we cultivate a mindset of responsibility and accountability, leading us toward a path of righteousness.

Our habits, behaviors, and decisions,

no matter how seemingly insignificant, contribute to shaping our character, values, and overall sense of self. By consistently engaging in positive or negative behaviors, we develop patterns that ultimately define us as individuals. By focusing on the little things, we develop a sense of mindfulness and intentionality in our actions. We learn to appreciate the present moment and find meaning in the seemingly mundane. As Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction emphasizes, “The little things, the little moments, they aren’t little.”

Many people are familiar with the concept of the compound effect from financial investments. Placing a small investment now can grow into a much larger fortune in the future. The same should be said about our daily actions relating to Hashem and our loved ones. Dedicating a set time daily to learn, play with your children, or express gratitude for your spouse, have the highest rate of return known to humanity. In doing so, we shape our behavior by cultivating the qualities of connection, patience, and consistency that enable us to navigate life’s downturns with resilience and grace, leading to consistently steady rates of return.

Parshat Eikev teaches us that our spiritual and personal growth is not solely dependent on major achievements or extraordinary events. It reminds us that our actions, no matter how small, can shape our character, strengthen our connection to Hashem, and impact the world around us. By valuing and dedicating ourselves to fulfilling even the small mitzvot, we harness the transformative power of consistency to create a meaningful and purposeful life. As we reflect on this message, let us remember that our daily choices matter. Each small act of kindness, each word of encouragement, and each moment of gratitude contributes to our growth and the betterment of the world around us. May we always remember that it is in the small details that true greatness lies.

Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T. is a Consulting Psychotherapist focused on behavioral health redesign, a Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University, & a lecturer related to Mindfulness, Evidence Based Practices, and Suicide Prevention. Elan is the author of Psycho-Spiritual Insights: Exploring Parasha & Psychology, a weekly blog. He lives in the Los Angeles Pico Robertson community with his wife and two children and can be reached at Elan.Javanfard@gmail.com.

21 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
You are not alone. Angela (Avigayil) Shadrooz Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #98299 Trained in EMDR 310.435.9148 1314 Westwood Blvd, Suite 206 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Why struggle with anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, postpartum, relationship, or anger issues? Virtual sessions available for your convenience A koman Baby Gifts Bas Mitvah Birthday GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS
Elan Javenfard

Parshat ןנחתאו: Is Stealing Allowed?

Ahusband bought his wife an expensive ring but she lost it only a short while later on the eve of Shabbat. Her husband hurled at her: “You don’t appreciate my gifts. You don’t appreciate how hard I work for them. You don’t appreciate money. You don’t appreciate me.”

“Had you been smart, you would have measured my finger, and this ring would not have fallen off,” the wife rebuffed.

Their 18-year-old son who witnessed the exchange found the ring’s receipt, borrowed the money from a friend, bought an identical ring, and placed it in that drawer. Shortly after, the father “found it” and peace was restored.

Now this son asked Rabbi Zilberstein1: “Am I allowed to steal that money from my dad to

repay the loan?”

“Though it says do not steal in ןנחתאו, it is permitted,” answered the Rabbi “since it was for the father’s benefit to avoid a strife on the eve of Shabbat.” The question was brought up to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, his brother-in-law, who ruled that had the question come in front of him, he would have concurred. It is incredible to what extent we guard Shalom Bayit.

22 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
Shalom Bayit Through the Parsha Contact us at 844-200-1870 to get started. www.snfpayroll.com 818.200.0340
Rabbi Nir and his wife Atrian give regular classes on Shalom Bayit. His popular 3-minute podcast is funny and draws Shalom Bayit ideas from the Torah portion of the week. To register: ShalomInComics@gmail.com

Crispy Chicken Drumettes with Peach and Ginger Marmalade Peach & Ginger Marmalade Dipping Sauce


• 3 cups all-purpose flour

• 2 tbsp garlic powder

• 1 1/2 tsp ground black pepper

• 1 tbsp paprika

• 1/2 tsp white pepper

• 2 tbsp onion powder

• 1 1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup mayonnaise

2 egg yolks, beaten

12 oz bottle/can of beer (can be replaced with water)

• Vegetable oil for frying

• 2 1/2 - 3 lbs of chicken drumettes (46 - 60 pieces)


• In a large mixing bowl, combine 3 cups of flour, garlic powder, 1 tbsp black pepper, paprika, white pepper, and onion powder.

• In a separate bowl, stir together 1 ½ cups flour, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp black pepper, egg yolks, mayonnaise, and beer. If the batter is too thick, you may need to thin it with additional beer or water. Dip the drumettes in the dry mix first, then dip them in the wet batter, and place them in the fridge, covered, for at least 30-45 minutes. Now you are ready to fry. Use a heavy saucepan with a thick bottom (an iron skillet or a deep-fryer). Fill it at least 1/3 of the way with oil and heat it to 350 degrees F using a thermometer. Remove the drumettes from the fridge.

• For an extra crunch, you can take the drumettes from the wet batter and re-dip them in the dry batter before placing them carefully in the hot oil. Depending on the size of the drumettes, they should take 6-8 minutes to cook thoroughly. Do not put more than 5 or 6 drumettes at a time, depending on the size of the pan. Remove them from the oil and place them on a paper towel or a rack on top of a sheet pan to keep the extra crispiness.


1 tbsp canola oil

• 1 large shallot, diced

• 1 cup peach preserves

• 2 tbsp honey

• 2 tsp seasoned rice vinegar

• 1 tbsp ground fresh ginger

• 1 tbsp soy sauce

• 2 tbsp cold water


• Heat the saucepan with oil, add the diced shallot, and sauté until it becomes golden.

• Add the rest of the ingredients to the saucepan and heat up while constantly mixing. Bring it to a gentle boil and immediately remove it from the saucepan to a bowl. Avoid overcooking the sauce in the pan.

• Now you are ready to dip…

Chef Nir’s Note: When fresh peaches are in season, you can add some chopped fresh peaches to the recipe. Just cut them up and add them to the saucepan while mixing the recipe. Cook on lower heat until the peaches get soft. Also, this dish is best enjoyed with good friends because you must double dip... Sorry, guys.

Chef Nir’s Note: If you do not have a deep fryer and are using a pan, thicker pans retain heat better, which helps the oil stay at the correct temperature for a better crunch. Avoid putting too many cold drumettes in the oil at once, as it may cause the oil temperature to drop, preventing the batter from properly coating the drumettes and cooking them. To maintain the oil’s heat, fry in smaller batches. Additionally, take the drumettes out of the fridge and let them sit for another 15-20 minutes on the counter while the oil heats up. This helps them cook faster and more evenly.

Chef Nir Weinblut was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and at a young age, he moved with his family to the east coast of the United States, where they opened a pizza shop. Nir grew up helping his parents in their restaurant, and he developed a love for cooking and hospitality from an early age. In the mid-80s, Nir moved to Los Angeles to study business and psychology. While supporting himself, he found his way back into the catering world and discovered his passion for high-end catering. Slowly but surely, he began to explore the culinary world and experienced the higher-end side of the industry.

As he gained more experience in the catering industry, Nir decided to slowly transition back into the culinary world, this time with a focus on the higher-end side of the industry. During this time, he learned from many talented individuals, including French maîtres d’ and back-of-house staff, all of whom taught him something new and valuable.

After gaining extensive experience and training, Nir established La Gondola Restaurant and Catering, which quickly became a front-runner in the kosher world in Los Angeles. Three decades later, the establishment is still going strong and continues to be a leader in the industry. In addition to his success with La Gondola Restaurant and Catering, Chef Nir has also taken his culinary skills to international audiences. He has catered for royals in Dubai and has been a judge on Kosher.com’s Skill’it. As well as being a co-author for a cookbook called “Kosher Soul Food,” which showcases his unique blend of Jewish and African American cuisine.

23 JULY 27, 2023 | The LA Jewish Home
Chef Nir Weinblut
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