Kapshon003/August 2020

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August 2020





Transition... Change is inevitable, with the recent advancement in the technological era, natural calamites and overwhelming needs of the society. This calls for diversiďŹ ed approaches most especially in the young generation with limitless and ambiguity of moral issues hence the need to introduce dire measures and approaches in solving of such, transition it is from the various standards that the society agrees to and the need to innovate. An analogy to this is an instance where you are holding on to two bottles and both of them slip from your hands; what matters is how they break . One of them crambles into a pile of glass while the other one shutters into a jugged weapon, the environment that the two were exposed to is the same and its upon us to make use of the resulted outcome, either to create a weapon out of it , an amazing center piece of art or trash it all‌.this is dependent upon how creative one is and how to make use of the available resources, despite their limited nature. COVID -19 has taught us so and given the metamorphosis period of transiton from lock down to careful interaction, we can always learn to explore our innate ability and make use of what what we have gained from this period. “All humans change, development is our lfe. Transition in labour is the most painful time, without change, there is no growth.â€?

Written by: Winnie Sind (Content Director at The Kapshon Magazine)


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“I was brought up by my grandmother who by then was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer and it happened that at that speciďŹ c time, I was doing my rotation in the oral surgery department at coast general hospital- Mombasa, a position in which I did experience trauma from the frequent demise of my patients that proved too much for me and deeply I had a feeling that my grandmother would suffer the same fate. I actually went into depression because I could not take it anymore and I didn’t know how to deal with it at that time so I decided to take a year off in the ďŹ eld. It is through this period that I begun my journey into the fashion industry because many are times I would attend weddings and parties and many people got interested in the choice of my outďŹ t, most of them would be like where did you get this one?...this kept on and I realized it became my passion so I had to make money out of it and since then I have never gone back to the hospital. I deďŹ nitely feel like I did the right thing because it was my passion and it did make me happy, so I have no regrets‌Yes, at ďŹ rst people looked at me weirdly, like are you crazy?. Being a doctor; especially from the coastal community, a profession that is viewed with a lot of prestige and having transitioned from this to do “what?â€?, actually they looked down on me, and were very skeptical with my interaction with them and even their kids who were my friends. I was viewed like someone who left a promising profession to do “biashara ya kuuza mabegiâ€? but all in all I felt the need for resilience and decided to ďŹ ght and since then it has been a deďŹ ning moment for me, because now I am able to look back and still can’t believe that I was able to conquer all that.

Of course!, cultural background played a vital role in this, embracing a modern woman in the present generation has really paused a challenge in entrepreneurial advancements, most especially for the ladies. Expounding on this, with regards to my community, there still exist members of the community who are still rooted in the cultural practices in that their women are expected to get married by the age of 16 with no regards to their educaton levels or viability. Despite this, and recently, this mindset is changing; its not like how it used to be previously though there are certain struggles in its eradication which has so far been witnessed in my mentorship sessions through social media platforms where some girls would use private media accounts just to share what they are going through since they lack courage to stand up for their voices back at home due to gender based violence which is currently normalized in the coastal counties. It is through this that I opted to rebrand my page and address the challenges that are there in the community."

“Everything is in the mind.�

When asked what was her mission in entrepreneurship which was in contrast with her earlier professional locale, Miss Baus acclaims on the urge to prove her worth in the society brought about by the undercut from the community. It is through this that she shares the journey of her business in which she started from her own bedroom with a sum of Ksh. 15,000 despite her current vastness in her business which has seen tens of thousands followers in social media platforms. “Everything is in the mind” she adds, “ if you have a mindset of a winner and you feel like you are going to do this and to see yourself rise to the end, nothing is impossible, the challenge steps in when we start focusing on short term goals. You should always have a plan, keep going , never expect to get profit in your immediate publicity of your business, you have to keep going. Yes, you will have to spend a lot of money in the infant stages but then later on all will be reaped. You have to put in the hard work and need to work smart, have resilience; everytime you fall, you need to get back up, have that bounce back mentality no matter how hard the fall is. Always be consistent in your start ups even in the social media platforms as an enabler in advertising of your business. Fair enough, I knew nothing about business at first, but then I had to research, watch business motivating videos, did some mentorship sessions and take an initiative to get to where I did foresee my business to be.

What are the audience of the fashion and clothing industry really looking for?

Miss Baus argues that the clientele are looking for unique designs and quality. The good thing is that our collection is open to all our customers, with regards to pricing, origin and even taste, depending on the customers preferences.


Is there a unique pattern of becoming successful?

You can become successful, she adds, you just have to plan for it; work hard for it and never give up. Ofcourse , one needs to have a strategy, as for me I do re-strategize my ideas and see what best fits the customers needs and one that would increase the profit margin of my business, this is with the inclusion of a good team to support you through out its implementation. By and large, Dr.Tayba leverages on social media in reaching the youth so as to natter with them and share opportunities available for them through amplifying their voices, reach outs for their individual businesses so as to see them succeed. In achieving this, partnerships with community based organizations has been her key role which has also led to successful mentorship sessions on entrepreneurship and sponsorship on empowerment projects and can attest that this has majorly contributed to her success,alluding to the belief in the power of giving back to the community, for this aided in actualizing her road map as an award winning dentist and a social entrepreneur, founder and executive director of Miss baus Collection; an online and fashion store in East Africa.

Written by:

Winnie Sind

05 Q: What are human rights? A: Human rights are rights, entitlements, and freedoms that every human being is entitled to by being human. These rights apply regardless of one’s race, age, religious background, political or social standing. As long as one is a human being, these rights apply to them.

Q: What are some of the human rights? A: Numerous rights are falling under this category. However, the emphasis has been put on the following rights. Right to life, right to education, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, right to privacy, human dignity among others.

Q: Who is in charge of protecting human rights? A: Often, it is assumed that it is the role of the state, solely, to protect human rights. This assumption is rather misguided. Each citizen has to ensure human rights are protected as well as the state. Both parties play a major role in the protection of such rights.

Q: How can a citizen promote human rights? A: Citizens can do so by ensuring they are not violators of these rights in the first place. Secondly, Citizens can take time to learn their rights and educate others on the same. This will create a well-informed society that will be aware of what to expect from others and the state. Also, the citizens can form human rights advocacy organizations to deal with the issues as they arise. , “Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.” -Frederick Douglass

Q: Where can one go to when their rights have been violated? A: One can visit the Kenya National Human Rights Commission (KNHRC) offices near them. This a government organization and one will get help at no cost or a reasonable minimal cost. The offices are located all over Kenya and citizens should make an effort to locate these offices beforehand. Other non-governmental organizations such as HAKI AFRIKA and MUHURI deal with human rights and could go a long way in helping those who are denied of their basic rights. “Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept, there can be no end save victory.” ― Franklin Delano Roosevelt Written by:

Raffa K. Mazrui


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to maintaining healthy relationships in the Covid-19 season With the onset of COVID-19, lives have been destabilized from our known normal. From daily routines that included maneuvers on jam-packed roads and streets into buzzing business stalls, ofďŹ ce blocks, or markets to families suffering jobless and strained pockets and stressed couples wondering where to start from. Domestic violence and divorce rate has been reported to be on the rise, this can be attributed to high-stress levels and being trapped with abusive partners during the lockdown. Recently a neighbor was overheard arguing over their daughter cough which they suspected could be corona. The wife blamed the husband’s visits to the estate barber who hardly wears a mask and the fact that once back home he never disinfects his hands. On the other hand, the husband accused the wife of going to crowded markets for groceries increasing her chances of contracting and spreading corona to their daughter. The pandemic has affected how we co-exist, it has also transformed our culture for instance attending funerals and weddings with less than 20 people has become the new normal. Here are some tips on how you embrace the new normal in your relationships.


01. Adapt

The only constant in life changes, always remember COVID 19 too shall pass. Hon. MutahiKagwe said if we continue to behave normally this disease will treat us abnormally. You need to acknowledge your feelings and emotions and adapt to the new normal mentally, socially, physically, and ďŹ nancially. Adapting will help you make necessary adjustments like living on a tighter budget, eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining a healthy mental and emotional life. It will also help reduce anxiety or stress caused by fear of the unknown, job loss, ďŹ nancial constraints, or fear of contracting corona. When you embrace changes in life you are better placed to help others cope in these difďŹ cult times.

02. Plan

As a family, you can plan together daily routines to cover all chores, cook, and eat healthy balanced diets, exercise, and practice self-discipline. You can wake up to daily family devotions, meditation, and work out. Schedule time to do things as a family such as playing board games together, singing, dancing, or watching a movie to bring a sense of togetherness. You should ensure you get enough rest and sleep, avoid binge drinking, and manage time spent on electronic gadgets. Use the extra time to learn new stuff. If you are a homeschooling plan on a timetable with your kids and stick to it. If your children are schooling online, teach them how to protect themselves against online internet bullies and pornography



Have authentic 03. open Communication Schedule mealtimes or minutes before sleep for a family bonding session. Use this time to discuss how to share daily chores, express any stresses you may be going through. Listen and talk respectfully to each other as you discuss issues. This is a great time to relieve stress, resolve conflicts, and come up with solutions as a family.

Show respect 04. & allow personal space Respecting every family member including kids is paramount. You can have designated seats and rooms for family members, respecting each other’s boundaries and limits. If working from home let the rest of the family know which hours you need to work privately. Parents avoid storming into your kid’s bedroom and practice knocking before you enter. Avoid ďŹ ghting over the remote by allowing each other a share of TV/ electronic gadget time. Create a personal space for peace by having my time. Allow each family member's personal space and time to do their things. As parents avoid interrupting and micromanaging your children.

05.Be thankful

Schedule mealtimes or minutes before sleep for a family bonding session. Use this time to discuss how to share daily chores, express any stresses you may be going through. Listen and talk respectfully to each other as you discuss issues. This is a great time to relieve stress, resolve conflicts, and come up with solutions as a family.

06. Show Love to family & community You show love by taking care of others, embracing forgiveness, and empathy. You may share resources with those in rural areas through M-Pesa, or share a bag of flour with the less fortunate in the community. No man is an island; keep in touch with relatives, friends, and colleagues through phone calls or video calls. Being part of a community provide you a sense of well-being and peace of mind. It’s okay not to know but never okay not to try, be patient with yourself as you leap to adopt the tips above. Invite your partner and the rest of the family to join you and watch the beneďŹ ts progress post-COVID.


Written by:

Joyce Mutua

REMIND ME WHEN I FORGET My school was one that the government seemed to remember it existed during national day celebrations and those other Christian ones when they would request to use our field. One could witness how lonely and forlorn it appeared. Classes made of pure bricks, broken wooden windows, roofs that belonged to the eighties, and a compound full of dust and remains of mud bricks. However small, it did accommodate a large number of pupils. My class, grade four, was far worse. This road to grade five had an inconvenience of potholes full of dust and in them, a bunch of jiggers. Desks that leaned on one side, holes in the walls such that we always were informed of the learning in the adjacent classes. The blackboard was tainted and only one side was available for use, even so, the writing wasn’t clear because of how rough it was let alone the fact that our teachers did not know of the existence of dustless chalk. After reaching school-that is if I was not late as was my routine-I sat on my side of the desk and started celebrating over life. I would empty my consciousness into a world of possibilities and fantasies. I would cogitate on how to be like my father-the the chief administrator of the location. I would think of an alternative to schooling, why we had to learn, why we had to wake up early in the morning. I would also think of my elder brother. He wondered why he wasn’t created a rooster so he could skip school. I smiled at the fact that even if he were a cockerel, he would still have to be an early bird to crow and be slaughtered. I would think of my future, the woman I would marry, will she be a Jackeline? Salma or even a Fatima? At this stage, I had all hopes of marrying a white woman but I think I changed my mind. From my spot in grade four, I could discern visually what was betiding at the gate. Itself nothing more than a mark of two tree stumps facing each other, unwavering like the queen's guards. The teacher on duty would sort out pupils into three groups for those who were late. The prefects were left to pass and go fetch cudgels. The second group was of those who came late but carried water in jerricans and some firewood. These were given some leniency of five strokes each. The other lot was the useless one, late with nothing in hand but the tools of their education, one which rarely produced exceptional individuals. They would be made to lie down and be scourged severely, after which they would pick leaves and paper all over the compound, and lastly, they would be allowed to come to class.


12 The smell in the class was staunch most of the mornings because unlike pupils in town-based schools, we seldom took a shower. We only washed our faces and maybe our hands. Breakfast was not a routine in my village and only the likes of me and my brother would occasionally take tea since our father worked for the government, so he had some pennies to spare. It was said brushing your teeth without anything in the stomach will make you nauseous, so most of the pupils wouldn’t brush their teeth. Ironing of clothes, wearing shoes, and combing of hair was vocabulary in this part of the country. In my school, even girls shaved and I swear, we saw them as beautiful still. Breaks were time only allocated on paper and we had them hardly ever. Most of the teachers would stay in class till the bell for the next lesson had gone. Increasingly, they would make that subsequent teacher wait for some time too. And when we had a break, we would breathe fresh air, free from unbrushed teeth, bodies unwashed for weeks, and feet infested with jiggers. In my school, you had to ďŹ t in to survive. Everyone would deride you if you dared adorn shoes. They would call you names and boo you. Most of the new pupils gave up their wearing of shoes either by the third or fourth day. The pressure was just too much. The bell seemed to play both sides, it was just as friendly as it was our foe. Itself, a rim of a large truck tire that when hit, resonated far and wide. It acted not only to apprise us of the next step but aided the neighbors in knowing the time. EfďŹ cient as it was, it was during lunch hours when it controlled no one. At this particular time, students rang before the bell. Some would run for miles to their homes to fetch something to eat before coming back for the afternoon session. My school had no feeding program except for grade eight. Therefore, the nursery to grade three had only the morning session. The rest had two sessions a day, whether full or hungry.

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Ashuscakes and Pastries Ashuscakes and Pastries

For grade 8, their parents would be compelled to pay four kilos of beans and five kilos of maize every term as lunch. Seemingly an out of the textbook strategy to avoid wastage of time. Time those guys never utilized anyway. To make life more comfortable the mixture of maize and beans would be smoothed using avocado. It felt nice. In my school, the junior grade teachers doubled up as both educators and cooks. This was out of both greed and necessity. Whenever food would be served in the staff room, it was always a race upon who gets what, and at times fights broke out. Our teachers would send students for kilometers to buy them snacks and they wouldn’t have a taste of any. We wouldn’t lament since we knew not that we should ask for pay. We lived a life of obedience, total obedience without question. Every Friday we had a dictation and then the top three of each class would be summoned on assembly and be rewarded-with a single pen each. Yes, just a single pen and sometimes nothing. I do not mean to brag but I scooped almost every present for every exam I ever did in that school. As it turned out I had a cousin with an unvarying name as mine who joined my school that term. When it came to position one matters, no one knew who was who. One female teacher had a beef with my mum-I think my mum confronted her over her treatment of pupils. She was unprofessional, abusive, and would punish a girl severely for growing tits. She shouted all over in support of my cousin so I let go up until the handwriting was compared. That’s when our bald headteacher took back the present and it was never presented to its rightful owner-that would be me. On assembly, whether you were a Muslim or pagan it mattered not. We had to sing and praise the Lord the Christian way. Additionally, we would recite the Lord’s prayer in its entirety. All the more, Muslim teachers would teach Muslim students the Lord’s prayer and coerce them into leading others in Christian prayers sighting universality as the excuse. I thought those were just cock-and-bull stories. It was dumb but as I said and I reiterate it, we were taught to obey. We certainly would attend church during functions and sing in choirs to delight the guests and consequently be ‘blessed’ by figures disguised in large white robes. It was terrific. I expected to learn and have the support of my father as always but the future was unknown and undoubtedly that never happened. He died even before I knew I will ever conclude primary education. I would sit and wonder, why on earth would he be in a hurry to leave. Since then everything changed, I became like the rest, no breakfast, sporadic brushing of teeth. Even worse, there was no lunch. When it happened to be present, we would eat cassava leaves with avocado and porridge and run back to school. One important thing was the pat on my shoulder by my mother. She would smile bravely and cry while alone. It took her ten years to stop crying over my future, a long time it was that the marks of tears on her face remain to date. For these reasons, remind me dear earth when I become too proud to step in open shoes that I schooled by stepping on the dew and the stones barefoot. Remind me when I fritter away food that I barely had enough to mitigate my hunger years ago. And you will be sure to remind me when I want to cry, that I cried enough and it’s over, and that the future is always bright. Written by:

Yusuf Weyula


We Will Rise Two months ago, we didn't bat an eyelid for you. We didn't care for your name or origin, for you hadn't reached us. But a lot has changed since then. I really must salute you. Like a wildďŹ re of some sort you spread. You've instilled paranoia and fear and grief to the lot of us. You've caused us a disruption, immensely, shaken us to the core. It's just from China. China is so far away. Was the message back then. It then metamorphosed to we are Africans, tiny flu can't scare us. But here you are, knocking on our doors. The big bad wolf, hufďŹ ng and pufďŹ ng away. Like a gladiator you are baying for blood, demanding your pound of flesh. You've brought great nations to their knees. From the East to the West, you didn't discriminate. Yellow, black, white, brown, you went through all of us with frightening consistency. In one felling swoop, we all dropped down. You made a mockery of our science and technology. But let me tell you something Mr. Pandemic, you messed with the wrong people. You may have stripped us to our bare-bones but mark my words, we will ďŹ ght back. We hold the greatest weapon ever in the universe, and no, I'm not talking of a sonic quantum whatever. What we have, is hope. Hope that once this is over, a new generation will rise above whatever you've thrown at us. Hope that we will not just defeat you but rather eradicate you and conďŹ ne you to the deep abyss of nothingness. Hope that the world will learn its lesson, and never take for granted the little things that made us human. Like a Phoenix, we will rise above the ashes of the broken world you will undoubtedly leave us in, and soar above to unimaginable heights.


Written by:

Salma Hamza

TECHKWNOLOGY?? Technology is broad; we have people who intend to be programmers, cyber-security specialists, data analysts, graphic designers, software designers, and many more. Around 70% of people who want to dive into technology get stranded not knowing what way to follow. However, Mr. Mukhtar Salim, founder and executive director of coast Tech empowerment; a community-based organization in Mombasa that focuses on Discovering and Developing upcoming innovative technology ideas through networking, technical training, boot camps, support, professional mentoring and coaching afďŹ rms that several youths who dive into technology lack information and resources. As a technology expert, Mr. Salim revolutionizes the mindset of young people through mentorship during his segments of training to induce the right mindset concerning technological advancements. “I am motivated with the urge to loving community development. As one way of doing it, we do offer I.T training to change the mindset of people for socio-economic development. I believe that due to my optimism that the youth will have a brighter future through technology in the years to come. Regardless of the pandemic, we have decided to adopt several strategies through online training for the youth through teleconferencing platforms like Zoom App, Google Meet, WhatsApp Video calls, and several others as a way of ensuring they are not left behind in technological advancement. These indicate that there are several opportunities in technology that enable things to run like before. He further expounds on the opportunities that are there in embracing technology during the COVID-19 pandemic from which the youth can gain new skills online through YouTube tutorials, build up a system that will create awareness for the community in these dire times.

16 Does technology pose a challenge to the youth? Mr. Mukhtar Salim says that consistency and persistence is the main challenge amongst young people. Most of them are adamant with technology despite its daily advances. "For instance, mobile companies produce new phones almost every three months," he said. Therefore, this shows how people need to be consistent in learning new technological advancements. To achieve this, Mr. Mukhtar Salim advises the youths to have stable internet and a laptop for research and get technology updates as they come. However, he believes that technology affects everyone! Whether positive or negative, how it manifests itself into problems for youth will be studied and debated for years. Balancing technology throughout the education process and keeping with current trends and uses of technology will still affect everyone. Technology has transformed our youth, he adds; in both their daily and social lives. Positively, one can learn new skills online like JavaScript, Python, and several others. All these depend on the mindset of the user of technology. It is one's choice to utilize it positively or to the negative side.

What are some of the benefits youth get from Mr. Mukhtar's training? CoastTech partnered with Daarusalam, located at the Jahaz Coffee House. They have a library that one can do further research. The trainees get mentorship, career placements, internships, a recommendation to other partner organizations. Mr. Mukhtar Salim urges youths not to fear technology and instead, they should keep on trying even after failure; urging them not to hesitate to ask for help when stuck, for it is quite okay not knowing things as a human being, but it is very right to try them.

What future does technology have to the youth? Unlike in the past, where only men were known for technological skills, Mr. Mukhtar says that the narrative has changed. More women have woken up and took the lead in most fields. Therefore, this is a clear insight that in the coming generations, everyone will be a technologist. Other indications are that everything goes into the digital model, be it business transactions, learning activities, and several others. The future belongs to technology thus the need for the youth to embrace it in each field one finds him/herself in!

Written by:

Muhammad Kea

Our moments! Oh, corona will I continue to live as I dream and desire? Or will it remain gloomy with nothing to look forward to but the fear of getting you? Will that moment of peace come again, the bustling noise of kids playing, the usual early morning Rush to the market, the normal handshakes that meant more than just mere greetings? Our guest corona, unfortunately, you are unwelcome. You have overstayed your visit, you have stolen our little beautiful moments, our early morning chai with co-workers, our late-night visits to the fried potato stand Our early morning Rush to cross ferry and bridge But I won’t let you rain on my parade, I won’t let you break my heart or shackle me up. I will rise like the sun because you are like the moon with so many phases, soon you will pass.

Written by:

Myra Vihenda


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