The Jewish Weekly Issue 292 - September 7th

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Herzog’s judicial reform negotiations fail

President Isaac Herzog’s efforts to avoid a “constitutional crisis” over judicial reform has failed after government and opposition politicians rejected his latest bid to broker a compromise proposal.

Anti-government protests have been ongoing for 36 weeks.

According to a Channel 12 report, Herzog met with politicians across the political divide and secured consent from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s representatives for his proposal. Herzog will continue to find a resolution.

A statement from Herzog’s

Residence confirmed: “In recent weeks, the president has made particular efforts to prevent a constitutional crisis and to bring about a solution that will preserve democracy and unity among the Israeli people. As part of those efforts, the president has held talks with coalition and opposition leaders with a goal of bringing about dialogue that might lead to broad agreements. It will be stressed that no agreements have been made and the president will continue his efforts.”

Netanyahu on Tuesday night called on National Unity party lead-

to try reach an agreement.

He noted: “(The nation) wants us to reach agreements. But in order to reach agreements, one simple thing must be done, put aside all the prerequisites, all the obstacles, enter the room and talk.”

According to reports Gantz described dialogue as spin. He blamed Netanyahu and his ‘allies’ for dragging Israeli into the “worst crisis in its history”.

Justice Minister Yair Levin dismissed the framework as “impossible” and the Yesh Atid party claimed Netanyahu was stalling. The Religious Zionist Party are

will not capitulate to a ‘radical’ minority.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant called for consensus for the security of the State of Israel, noting, “The citizens of Israel and the IDF need unity. Now is the time to put aside our differences and to find what we have in common, and what unites us.”

Three hearings related to the government’s judicial reform plans come before the High Court of Justice in the coming weeks.

Worryingly, as recent months have shown it is debatable whether a lasting breakthrough will be

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Thousands attend ‘lone’ soldier’s funeral

Thousands of people across Israeli society attended the funeral of ‘lone’ IDF soldier Maxim Mulchanov in Kiryat Shaul on Tuesday following a social media appeal.

Mulchanoy, who immigrated to Israel in his teens from Ukraine, was killed in a terror attack at the Maccabim checkpoint last Thursday.

His parents, Yevgeni and Risa, flew from Ukraine to Israel to attend the funeral at a military cemetery.

Minister of Immigration and Absorption

Ofir Sofer, and Herzliya Mayor Moshe Padlon attended. Volunteers at the ‘Big Brother for Lone Soldiers’ organisation who supported Mulchanov prior to and during his military service were also present to pay respect.

Mulchanov's commander addressed mourners, he said: “Maxim enlisted in a combat unit to fulfil a dream, he was a powerful fighter who protected his people with a tremendous sense of mission.”

Addressing his parents, he noted: “Maxim was an angel in human form, kind-hearted, caring and full of concern for others.” Recalling how he had donated bone marrow to a child in Germany at the end of his basic

training, the commander added: “With a huge smile and a huge heart, you accepted and loved everyone. Know that you have left a mark in this world."

Mulchanov lived in Herzalia. He enlisted in May 2022, after taking a Hebrew language course.

Mulchanov's commander during training, Omri Daniel, recalled that he represented the unit and brigade with respect.

Daniel said that Mulchanov was unhappy when Russian invaded Ukraine. He noted: “The war was very close to his heart, he tried many times to call home, but because his parents lived in the heart of the war, he was usually unable to reach them. We tried to allow him to use his phone even during the hours when the soldiers were not allowed to have their phones and help him as much as possible.”

Five people were injured in the Palestinian terrorist ramming attack.

The 41-year-old terrorist, who lived in the Palestinian village of Deir Amar in Judah and Samaria, was “neutralised” according to the IDF at the Hasmonean checkpoint.

Police spokesman Eli Levy reportedly told reporters that the terrorist was prevented from carrying out further attacks. “We have been warning for months about dozens of

alerts for attacks every day,” he said.

Levy called on the public to report a suspicious person, object or incident of illegal activity.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said: “This is an attack with serious consequences, I give full appreciation to the security forces for their determined action that led to the elimination of the terrorist in a short time.”

Victims were treated at Sheba Tel Hashomer Hospital in Ramat Gan, Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem and Shamir-Assaf Harofeh Hospital in Be'er Ya’akov.

Rebbetzen Miriam Moskowitz, a Chabad emissary in Kharkiv, informed the family.

Maxim's father said his son was proud of his IDF service.

He commented: “He was very proud that he wasn't just in the army but in a combat unit. He was very special, a gentle soul, always open to everyone.”

Papua New Guinea is the fifth country to open an embassy in Jerusalem

The United States, Guatemala, Honduras and Kosovo have taken the lead on the issue.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Marape, arrived in Israel on Monday for an official visit during which he would attend the opening of his country’s embassy in Jerusalem.

Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel welcomed Marape, expressed her appreciation for his country’s support for Israel in the United Nations and his decision to open an embassy in Jerusalem’s technology park.

Marape has stated that opening an embassy in Jerusalem is a natural step and has a deep connection to the ‘Holy Land’. A staunch supporter of Israel, having his country represented in Jerusalem is a “mission and an honour,” he said.

During his meeting with Gamliel, they discussed the first visit of an Israeli official to Papua New Guinea.





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Maxim Mulchanov z"l Prime Minister Netanyahu greeting Prime Minister Marape PHOTO: X (TWITTER) PHOTO: GPO Papua New Guinea embassy in Jerusalem

Board and CAA blast GPhC ruling over ‘Jew-hate’ rantings

The Board of Deputies and Campaign Against Antisemitism have blasted a lenient ruling by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) against pharmacist Nazim Ali over ‘Jew-hate’ antisemitic rantings made when leading a pro-Hezbollah ‘Al Quds Day’ march in London in 2017.

At the London hearing just two comments by Ali made before a crowd holding Hezbollah flags and placards were deemed antisemitic based on how a “reasonable person” would understand them following six years legal action led by CAA.

The GPhC issued a warning even though Ali’s conduct brought his profession into disrepute.

The Board condemned the decision “totally irresponsible” and a “serious failure to protect the public against hate speech”.

Amanda Bowman, Vice President of the Board of Deputies, pointed out errors and a failure to consider the High Court's directive to evaluate the cumulative impact of Ali's words and to disregard Ali's good character.

Bowman also highlighted concerns about the committee's disregard for the public's confidence in the pharmacy profession and called on the Professional Standards Authority to review the decision as it was the second time the FPC had failed to carry out its core function.

Bowman further called on the authority to address the “sheer perversity” of the

FPC's decision and ensure pharmacists are accountable for antisemitic comments.

“The Board of Deputies is steadfast in its work to combat hate speech and antisemitism in all parts of society including in the pharmaceutical profession”, she said. “We believe that this case raises important questions about the standards and values upheld by the GPhC and its Fitness to Practise Committee.”

Bowman added: “Any ‘reasonable person’ who looks at the four items cumulatively, can only reach the conclusion that the FPC itself needs urgent remediation to understand the sheer perversity of this decision and to ensure that nothing like this could happen again. Serious questions need to be answered here, and only the PSA is capable of effectively asking them.”

Stephen Silverman, CAA Director of Investigations and Enforcement at Campaigns, described the ruling an “obvious conclusion”, “slap-on-the-wrist sanction” and “disturbing lack of seriousness” toward racist conduct pertaining to Jews.

He observed: “The road to justice in this case has proved long and winding, but we always said that we would not allow this injustice to stand and we are pleased that this ruling that the comments were antisemitic has at long last vindicated our efforts, even as the sanction shows that enforcement remains unacceptably weak in many cases. British Jews can be assured that we will always be unrelenting in pursuit of justice, and we will be meeting with the GPhC about its approach to antisemitic hate.”

A previous decision by the GPhC to let Ali off with a warning was quashed following

CAA action to the Professional Standards Authority.

CAA brought a private prosecution, launched a judicial review and submitted an initial complaint to the GPhC to secure justice.

CAA noted that inexplicably, two comments were not proved to be antisemitic though the committee ruled what Ali said was ‘serious misconduct’. It was found Ali “did not lead by example”.

A statement by Ali deemed antisemitic was “Any Zionist, any Jew coming into your centre supporting Israel, any Jew coming into your centre who is a Zionist. Any Jew coming into your centre who is a member for the Board of Deputies, is not a Rabbi, he’s an imposter.”

Ali also stated: “They are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell. The Zionist supporters of the Tory Party.” (Ali was speaking days after the Grenfell Tower fire).

The FPC imposed only a warning for his conduct, citing mitigation factors.

The warning statement noted: ‘The Registrant, for all the reasons set out in the Committee’s decision, is hereby given a Warning that his future behaviour and comments that he makes must at all times avoid undermining the reputation of the profession, or the reputation of the regulator and must uphold the required standards of the pharmacy profession. He is reminded in particular that ‘behaving professionally is not limited to the working day, or face to face interactions. The privilege of being a Pharmacist and the importance of maintaining confidence in the profession calls for appropriate behaviour at all time’.

NJA welcomes Israeli Minister’s UK visit

The National Jewish Assembly expresses concern over the protests and calls to boycott Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli’s visit to the UK, as well as the decision of JW3 to cancel hosting a visit by the minister due to “internal pressure”.

While respecting the right to peaceful protests, the NJA believes that this presents an opportunity for positive engagement rather than confrontation.

A spokesman said: “The Defend Israeli Democracy UK group's suggestion to communal leaders to decline meeting Minister Chikli fails to acknowledge that the dynamics within Israel’s political landscape are complex and multifaceted.

The NJA is further concerned by JW3’s decision to cancel a scheduled visit by Minister Chikli, as it denies the British Jewish community a valuable opportunity to strengthen the Israel-Diaspora relationship.”

Gary Mond, NJA chairman, said "The cancellation of Israeli government minister Chikli is wrong at several levels. Most

fundamentally it removes an opportunity for dialogue and demonstrates an attitude of intolerance to alternative viewpoints which, whether leaders of the UK Jewish community like it or not, are held by Israel's government and many ordinary Israelis.

“Israel, like any sovereign nation, undergoes its own domestic debates and discussions. The NJA maintains that the Diaspora must respect this separation. As an organisation, we advocate for strengthening ties between Israel and the Diaspora through constructive dialogue, even when differing opinions exist.”

He added: “Minister Chikli holds a key role in managing relations with Jews abroad and addressing crucial issues such as antisemitism. Engaging with him provides an avenue to build bridges between Israel and the Disapora.”

The NJA calls upon fellow communal organisations to seize this opportunity for meaningful engagement.

Amichai Chikli PHOTO: GOV.IL Nazim Ali PHOTO: LINKEDIN

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Israel, Cyprus and Greece hold trilateral talks

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held trilateral talks with the leaders of Cyprus and Greece this week.

Discussions on a range of subjects including terrorism, business opportunities, artificial intelligence, energy and expanding the Abraham Accords took place.

Netanyahu met Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides before a meeting with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia.

Netanyahu told Christodoulides that Israel was committed to fighting radicalism and terrorism. He also welcomed the growing number of Israeli tourists and hi-tech investors.

Noting terrorism, Netanyahu thanked Cypriot security services for stopping a terrorist plot against Israelis on Cypriot soil.

Israel’s leader enthused about cooperation in science, observing: “We're close to signing a science cooperation agreement. One is an electrical connector that will connect Cyprus to Greece and to the mainland Europe. And from Cyprus to Israel and possibly to countries to our east. We're also very fortunate, both our countries, in discovering reserves of gas. And we're talking about how we could cooperate in this. This is something that we'll continue in the coming months.”

Netanyahu supports building a regional

firefighting and emergency centre in Cyprus to serve the region.

“We'd like to be part of it,” he said. “Increasingly our firefighting efforts in Israel are not only using planes, but using AI systems, which immeasurably increase the ability to put out fires. The climate isn't going to get cooler. With the heating up of our region and the globe, firefighting becomes a really important thing. We can do it better together.”

Netanyahu and Mitsotakis discussed cooperation in security, AI, energy and food.

Netanyahu thanked Greek security services' assistance in thwarting an attempted Iranian terrorist attack against Israelis on its territory and emphasised the importance of cooperation against Iranian aggression. With both leaders Netanyahu raised the potential of expanding the Abraham Accords, which would facilitate an energy and infrastructure link between the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Cyprus, Greece and the rest of Europe.

In a joint briefing with Christodoulides and Mitsotakis, Netanyahu spoke about the numbers of Israelis benefiting the economies of both countries as entrepreneurs, investors, technologists, tourists and

diplomats. He also addressed energy and terrorism.

On terror, Netanyahu noted: “We've had instances now of cooperation between Israel and Cyprus, and Israel and Greece, where our security forces cooperated to stop terror, Iranian-backed terror.”

Netanyahu confirmed Israel would open its dairy products market to Greek and Cypriot imports.

“We can enjoy the benefits of each other's economies in the most direct sense,” he enthused.

Israel’s delegation included Netanyahu’s Chief of Staff, National Security Council and National Economic Council Directors and Israeli Ambassador to Cyprus. The Cypriot side included its Foreign, Energy,

Trade and Industry Ministers, National Security Adviser and Cypriot Ambassador to Israel.

Netanyahu again addressed the expansion of the Abraham Accords with Saudi Arabia.

He said: “All three countries view that as a great possibility, but they also see that this could lead to a connection between India, the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Cyprus, Greece and Europe. There is a natural, geographic connection, but it could be also something that would lead to many rewards for our peoples and for our countries. I think we all see eye-to-eye on that.”

Netanyahu’s comments came amidst news that US diplomats have been assured the Palestinian Authority will not interfere with the White-House backed talks between Israel and the Saudis.

A financial package will reportedly benefit the Palestinian economy as part of any agreement.

Jordanian political analyst Osama Al Sharif reportedly told The Media Line. “The Palestinians have no option but to tag along hoping that they can cut a good deal now that they have been asked to present their conditions. They cannot afford to object because normalisation is going to happen regardless.”

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Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Christodoulides and Prime Minister Mitsotakis PHOTO: GPO

Herzog diplomatic trip to Slovakia

President Isaac Herzog held bilateral talks in Slovakia and Austria this week.

The two-day state visit started in Slovakia where Herzog met President Zuzana Čaputová at the Grassalkovich Palace. He also visited community leaders and the grave of the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Moses Schreiber, one of the most renowned spiritual leaders of European Jewry.

Herzog also held talks with Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor before meetings with the Chief Rabbi of Slovakia, Rabbi Baruch Myers, and Chairman of the Jewish Community of Bratislava, Pavel Miller.

In Austria, Herzog met President Alexander Van der Bellen, Chancellor Karl Nehammer and heads of the Jewish community. At the conclusion of his visit, Herzog particiated in an unveiling ceremony at the home of Theodor Herzl with the Mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, Austria's Federal Minister for the EU, Karoline Edtstadler and World Zionist Organisation leaders.

Recalling how Slovakia had flourishing Jewish communities, Herzog observed that the country openly acknowledges its actions during the Second World War and the Holocaust.

He noted: “I welcome the concerted efforts of Slovakia to eradicate antisemitism and Holocaust denial which threaten the values of morality, justice, and human dignity in Slovakia and across Europe.”

Herzog added: “Israel and Slovakia share a firm friendship, over time we have faced significant challenges based on shared values and mutual trust. There is also cooperation between us on the humanitarian aid under the shadow of the unfolding human tragedy not far from here in Ukraine.”

Herzog called for collaborations on economic, cultural, academic, scientific and other fields.

Noting a period of change across the Middle East, he observed: “The line in the sand between the elements of darkness, hatred, terrorism and the forces of light, progress, peace and friendship are clearer today than ever before. I welcome Slovakia’s support for Israel in these essential issues equation. I call on more countries, from across Europe, to follow in your footsteps.”

Herzog spoke of environmental protection and the climate crisis. He invited Čaputová to the Climate Forum of Israel’s President's Office as an international leader in the field.

Č aputová welcomed Herzog and his delegation in a special year for Israel celebrating its 75th year of independence and Slovakia 30 years.

“The diplomatic relationship between our countries is an active one and has been for three decades,” she noted. “However,

the people-to-people contact is much deeper.”

Č aputová added: “We discussed the present and the future of our bilateral relations. There are multiple areas where these relations could be even deeper in energy, renewable resources, but also gas supplies.”

She also called to strengthen cooperation in science, defence and innovation.

Čaputová welcomed the re-establishing a direct flight connection between Slovakia and Israel.

Regarding Ukraine, she noted: “Israel has

similarly to other countries like Slovakia and more than 114 other countries condemned Russian aggression.”

Herzog, prior to his departure to Austria, lit a memorial candle at the Chatam Sofer’s grave. Chief Rabbi Myers recited prayers and blew a shofar.

The Chatam Sofer’s grave is at a historic cemetery in Bratislava. The cemetery was all but destroyed during construction of a tunnel-road under Bratislava Castle in 1943, however the graves of the rabbis were preserved. In 2002 a modern memorial was

erected above the site.

Herzog met the Austrian Premier in a state ceremony at the Hofburg Palace ahead of a bilateral diplomatic meeting.

Herzog recalled the spirit of Herzl hovering over a historic visit in Vienna.

“He wrote his famous book ‘The Jewish State, in which he conceived the idea of establishing a state for the Jewish people, the State of Israel,” said Israel’s president.

Herzog noted the friendship between Israel and Austria had never been closer whilst a strategic partnership agreement created opportunities for the two countries and humanity as a whole.

Recalling the Holocaust, he noted: “We remember the darkest period in the history of mankind, which also took place in Austria. I ask that we carry the memory of my people who were sent to their deaths, with unparalleled cruelty, simply because they were Jews.”

Herzog referred to Viktor Frankl, an Austrian-Jewish physician and Holocaust survivor who wrote that the last of human freedoms was to “choose one's path”.

“We clearly see that modern Austria has chosen its position and its path, as it deals in an honest, responsible and instructive manner with the most terrible chapter in its history,” he observed. “It is committed to fighting all forms of antisemitism and preserving the memory of the Holocaust. Herzog: “The uncompromising war against antisemitism led by the Austrian government must serve as an example to many nations and countries. We appreciate it very much.”

Regarding changing times in the Middle East, Herzog observed: “Alongside the hope of reaching new alliances of friendship within the framework of the historic Abraham Accords, and other agreements that I hope will come, the existential threat to the State of Israel continues to deepen as Iran is bolstered in its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. We are confident that Austria will continue to stand firmly by our side.”

As for cooperation between the countries, Herzog noted collaborations in trade, culture, science, technology, high-tech and tourism.

Van der Bellen said, “Israel is closer to us than many other countries. We have a shared history, and yes, a painful one too. We cannot and do not want to forget the persecution, deportation and murder of tens of thousands of Jews from Austria. Many, too many, people in my country were among the perpetrators.”

He added, “Austria was late in facing the darkest chapter in our history. Today Austria is committed to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and memory of the victims. Responsibility also means that we resolutely fight antisemitism. There must be zero tolerance for antisemitism.”

As for the Middle East, van der Bellen said: “President Herzog and his delegation shared with us Israel’s concerns about the security situation in the region, especially in relation to Iran and Hezbollah. We share a concern for Israel's security and share the goal of preventing Iran from developing and obtaining nuclear weapons. Austria supports international efforts to reach this goal through negotiations. The International Atomic Energy Agency based here in Vienna does important work as a control mechanism.”

President Herzog and President Van der Bellen President Herzog meeting President Čaputová PHOTO: GPO PHOTO: GPO

43 universities still to adopt IHRA

Campaign Against Antisemitism has revealed 43 British universities in Britain have yet to ‘properly’ adopt or refused to adopt the International Definition of Antisemitism.

As students prepare for the new academic year 134 universities have adopted the definition in full. However, CAA noted that the rate of adoption is slowing. The most recent adoption be March 2022.

A CAA spokesperson said: “We commend the vast majority of British universities that have chosen to show solidarity with Jewish students and do their part in the fight against anti-Jewish racism by adopting the International Definition of Antisemitism.”

They added: “It is appalling that a minority of universities continue to take the opposite course, and it is astonishing that they persist in providing excuses that have already been debunked years ago. These universities are bowing to pressure by those who either fail to appreciate the gravity of contemporary antisemitism or do not have the interests of British Jews at heart. It is cowardly. They must urgently revisit their positions.”

According to CAA the universities of Brighton and Wales Trinity St David have yet to provide rational reasons.

Brighton University told the organisation: “A Race and Faith commission was set

up following discussions at the Academic Board and Board of Governors on the subject of the International Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism. The commission recommended that the university should not adopt the definition.”

CAA note that the commission relied on work by the UCL Academic Board, university and College Union, which is against the definition. UCL has adopted the definition, unlike the UCL leadership.

Some universities including Cardiff, Edinburgh Napier and the South Wales, not to have adopted the definition state that they ‘use’ it. Others state existing policies cover antisemitism. They include Kingston, Robert Gordon and SOAS University of London.

SOAS told CAA: “We stand firmly against antisemitism, as we do against all forms of discrimination. Our SOAS Charter on Racism, Antisemitism and All Forms of Cultural, Ethnic and Religious Chauvinism makes a clear, demonstrable commitment to every member of staff and every student that we will not tolerate any form of racism or religious chauvinism, and that we will maintain an inclusive space for every member of our community.”

CAA note SOAS’s commitment to fighting antisemitism is “appalling”.

Some universities have not adopted the definition as it does not cover all faith groups. These include Ravensbhourne University London, Swansea University and the University for the Creative Arts.

The University of St Andrews told CAA it is ‘polarising’ to adopt only this definition of antisemitism. The University of Greenwich has adopted the definition and Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism.

The Jerusalem Declaration, CAA note, undermines the globally-recognised definition.

“Any university that has adopted it alongside the definition or an amended version of the Definition such as Greenwich University or Goldsmiths, University of London, cannot be said to have adopted the definition,” a spokesman observed.

CAA recently submitted evidence to

an inquiry into antisemitism at Goldsmiths.

A spokesman continued: “The arguments that these universities have deployed to justify their failure to adopt the definition do not hold water. Those that claim that their existing policies render the definition unnecessary misunderstand its purpose. The Definition is not a policy on antisemitism but a definition of antisemitism. Existing policies can detail how antisemitism is treated, they cannot identify it. For that, the definition is needed.”

They added that claims that the definition can have a “chilling effect” on freedom of expression or inhibits criticism of Israel are “baseless canards”.

The definition states clearly that “criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic,” CAA explained.

CAA has demonstrated the definition does not conflict with freedom of expression under law. “Excuses are wearing thin, particularly as antisemitism on campuses is rising,” a spokesman noted.

CST reported in January there has been a 22% increase in university-related reported antisemitic hate incidents over the past two academic years.

IHRA data is updated at

Special programme benefits Bedouin women

Thirty young Bedouin women are going to university thanks to a project led by JNF-UK.

The initiative will strengthen the values of sustainability in Bedouin society.

Participants volunteered to upgrade an educational incubator operating at the local community centre in the Bedouin settlement of Segev Shalom in the Negev.

The incubator is part of a special preparatory year, named “Mustaqbali” (future in Arabic), which encourages participants, who are usually destined to quickly start a family, to acquire higher education and to go to work outside the settlement, despite parental opposition.

As part of volunteering projects, the students engaged in maintenance work and planting trees and grass.

The Mustaqbali program was established by the welfare services of the Segev Shalom local council and is intended for high school graduates from the settlement and the surrounding area.

“Its mission is to give each high school graduate the tools and skills in academia and employment, to decide what she wants to do in life,” says Sana Daribi, an instructor at Mustaqbali.

The 30 women who participate in the program every year, volunteer in schools and kindergartens, learn Hebrew, receive empowerment courses, tour colleges and universities and receive vocational training with an emphasis toward academic studies.

Daribi and Jamila, who run the youth centre at the community center, explained:

“Many of the young women cannot work or leave the confines of Segev Shalom. Many parents do not allow girls to go to school, or only after the wedding, if at all. Therefore, the program is the only place the family allows them to be, because they fear for the girls. The program gives reassurance to parents that they are involved at every stage and know what is happening with their daughters.”

They added: “The program helps to empower the young women and through the program they manage to understand what they want and what options are open to them. This gives them the self-confidence to stand up for what they want to study. In the Bedouin sector, many of the young women are locked in a clear and absolute routine, they go to school and return home. This program allows young women to grow and develop and find what suits them in a way that is compatible with their environment and family, by having the full cooperation of the parents in the process.”

N. a graduate of the program, who will study agronomy at Sapir College next year

said: “The program helped me with the Hebrew language and to convince my parents to let me go into the world of academia. If I hadn’t been in the program, I wouldn’t have thought of going to study further.”

B. (19), who was accepted to study landscape architecture at Sapir College commented: “The program strengthened my self-confidence in realising what I want to study and to convince my parents about it. I got to know myself through the program and the options available to me. If I hadn’t come here, I would have trained to be a nurse, without realizing that it doesn’t suit

me at all.”

Her dream is to open a plant nursery and help people plan their gardens.

M. (18), will start nursing studies at Sapir College next year.

She says that her brother did not want her to study, but to get married first.

“The program convinced him that it was safe and that it was okay for me to go to school, we visited various colleges, I strengthened my knowledge of the Hebrew language and my belief in my capabilities,” M. said.

Another young woman revealed that after attending the program, her parents agreed that she did not need to continue wearing a face covering.

Yonatan Galon, Director of JNF-UK operations in Israel, observed: “Within the Zionist vision of developing the Negev, we see great importance in working with the Bedouin population, especially with young people who want to help themselves and the community. Together with them, we endeavour to upgrade the public space within programs that encourage employment and higher education and integration into Israeli society.”

SOAS University of London PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA working in the greenhouse PHOTO: JNF
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ORON aircraft test flights

Israel’s Ministry of Defence and Israel Aerospace Industries have implemented state of the art ORON aircraft intelligence systems as it moves towards delivery to the Israeli Air Force.

The ORON is the world’s most advanced ‘intelligence’ aircraft of its kind. Test flights have commenced conducted by the IAF and IAI.

The aircraft was developed by the IAI’s ELTA Group with the IAF, Intelligence Corps and Navy.

The ORON provides the IDF with intelligence capabilities across expansive terrain, enabling real-time monitoring of ground movements under diverse weather and visibility conditions.

The aircraft will be operated by the IAF’s ‘Nachshon’ 122nd squadron.

Lt. Col. Yoed, IMOD said: “ORON will provide the IDF with game-changing

Finland criminalises Holocaust denial

Finland’s government is to criminalise Holocaust denial and will commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.

million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators.

capabilities to counter threats. The unique capabilities include the ability to accurately track multiple targets across a wide area of coverage in all weather and visibility conditions, with high precision over great distances and in real time, enabling a decisive and timely response to all threats.”

Lt. Col. ‘A’, Commander IAF's 122nd Squadron noted: “This airborne system has unique capabilities that exemplify the combined strength of all the IDF’s various branches. The joint flights will allow the IDF to train its personnel effectively and shorten the schedule until the aircraft is fully operational.”

Gideon Landa, ELTA Airborne Systems added: “There is no better expression of our strategic strength and commitment than integrating the capabilities of the ORON in full synergy with the SHAVIT and EITAM in the 122nd Squadron. This is a significant moment for us as members of the defence industry and citizens of Israel.”

The coalition called for new legislation to achieve the announcement last Thursday. A statement called for measures to combat discrimination, improving human rights education, equality and gender sensitivity, hate speech and protecting women from violence in patriarchal cultures.

“Acts motivated by hate against Jews, Muslims, Christians and other religious groups will be prevented and Holocaust denial will be criminalized,” a statement noted.

The government is exploring “the possibility of criminalising the use of at least Nazi and Communist symbols to promote ideology.”

“There is no room for racism in Finland. Political decision-makers must set an example in building a safe and equal society, and we need all of society to take part,” commented Prime Minister Petteri Orpo.

World Jewish Congress welcomed the news.

President Ronald S. Lauder said in a statement: “Open discourse is one of the keys to a healthy democratic society, but for too long there have been those who have hidden behind the shield of free speech while desecrating the memory of the six

“I join the Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland in thanking the country’s government for its decision to criminalize Holocaust denial. No one should be able to use our suffering as a talking point. In addition, I support the further efforts to investigate the possibility of also criminalizing the use of Nazi symbols in Finland.

“The government’s decision that HMD will now be recognised as such signifies the central role of the Jewish community in the act of suitably memorialising those that it lost during the Holocaust and aligns with international practices.”

A working group found “discriminatory attitudes and structures in Finnish society” that must be changed. The statement describes several actions the government is planning to take. The government is due to discuss matters this week. If approved, an action plan will be set.

Finland’s newly elected government has had to explain three racist allegations involving the junior right-wing Finns Party. After just 10 days in office Economy minister Vilhelm Junnila resigned after making Nazi jokes and attending a far-right event in 2019.

“I condemn the holocaust, antisemitism and all antisemitic acts completely,” he tweeted in June following the revelations.

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NJA condemns Corbyn mosque comments

The National Jewish Assembly strongly condemns former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s recent comments praising Finsbury Park Mosque as a “place of peace, hope, and solidarity.”

These statements come in the wake of revelations that the mosque has hosted antisemitic Imams and officials, and that tax funds have been allocated to such institutions.

The mosque's history of hosting individuals who spread antisemitic hate and incitement is deeply concerning. From the Egyptian Imam’s call to “liberate” Al-Aqsa mosque from the “filth of the Jews” to the mosque’s general secretary praising Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, such actions contribute to the prolifer ation of hate speech that has no place in our society.

Gary Mond, NJA Chairman, stated, "Hate speech being promoted by places of reli gious worship, whether tax payer-funded or not, is utterly unacceptable in our society and should be prosecuted with the full force of the law. It serves ultimately as a cause of violence, es pecially against Jews in this

country. Hate crimes against Jews constitute about 25% of all such incidents although Jews comprise barely 0.5% of the UK population."

Mond further emphasised, "Those who indulge in hate speech belong in prison, and institutions that facilitate it should be closed. The fact that public funds appear to support mosques which host hate speakers begs questions. It is not just how this happened, but how deep the problem really is, and needs a full investigation."

He added: “Tax-funded institutions should adhere to principles of tolerance and respect for all members of society.

The NJA urges relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate and take appropriate action against any institution promoting hate speech. We believe in fostering unity and understanding in our communities, and this cannot be achieved when places of worship become platforms for incitement.”

The NJA calls on communal leaders and organisations to stand against hate and bigotry, and to work together to create an environment of tolerance and mutual respect.

Archaeologists’ discovery in Jezreel Valley

Archaeologists at Tel Shimron Excavations in the Jezreel Valley, northern Israel, have uncovered a rare vaulted passageway from 3,800 years ago.

The find represents the first use of a ‘corbelled’ mudbrick vault in a passageway in the southern Levant. It provided a missing link in the history of the arch in the region. The vault, an architectural technique where layered bricks are progressively stepped inward to create a narrowing roof, was used at sites in Mesopotamia.

On the southern side of the acropolis, Tel Shimron archaeologists excavated a tower composed of over nine thousand mudbricks standing over five meters high. The centre of the structure contained a narrow corridor leading to the vaulted passageway.

Mario A.S. Martin, Co-Director, Tel Shimron Excavations, said: “Corbelling is used on small tomb cysts at various sites in the Middle Bronze Age, both in Canaan and Egyptian Delta. Yet, a fully preserved mudbrick-built passageway with this type of corbelled vault is without parallel. Such structures, made of unfired mudbrick, almost never survive.”

Daniel M. Master, Co-Director, Tel Shimron Excavations, added: “The passageway fills an important gap in the history of architecture in this region. The vault is an ancestor to the mudbrick radial arch in the gate

at Tel Dan and is an extraordinary example of Mesopotamian mudbrick technology.”

At the passageway entrance, archaeologists found an intact Middle Bronze Age vessel lying among ashy debris. The complete artefact is a seven-cupped offering vessel that gets its name from the site in northern Israel where it was first discovered in a cultic context. This find dates the tower complex to the Middle Bronze Age.

Excavators have uncovered 500 square meters of the acropolis, with stone foundations and mudbrick constructions artificially elevating the precinct by more than four meters.

As the 2023 Tel Shimron summer excavation season ends the passage has been backfilled to preserve the mudbrick from environmental damage.

Archaeologists are planning to clear the passageway from the other side in future excavations.

Dr. Dror Ben Yosef, Israel Nature and Parks Authority Archaeologist said: “Tel Shimron National Park is a time capsule capturing 5,000 years of history in the heart of the Jezreel Valley. The Authority supports the ongoing expedition in archaeological excavations. We remain closely engaged with research findings, which yield surprises year after year. The Authority is interested in preserving Tel Shimron as a site open to the public with its values of heritage, nature and landscapes.”

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New Year
Jeremy Corbyn

Beware of Iran! Iran's agents target us in the UK and worldwide.

We British Jews let ourselves, Britain, our Israeli brethren and the entire world down, when we allowed our British Government to pay Iran £394 million for the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. She was an innocent British national, wrongly convicted and imprisoned in Iran, on trumped-up charges. Her imprisonment enabled the mass-murdering regime in Iran, to use her as a hostage and pawn.

Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss shamefully paid this enormous sum, enabling the mad mullahs of Tehran to fund further their nuclear, ballistic and drone weapons programmes; to strengthen their grip on Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen,

Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria; and to attack Jewish and Western targets worldwide. All previous Prime Ministers, dating back to Margaret Thatcher, wisely refused to give in to blackmail from Iran.

As an immigration lawyer, I've insights into the minds of the Iranian administration, as I've won asylum for many Iranian dissidents, requiring me to research

and explain its thinking to senior British judges.

Johnson's and Truss' mistake has set a dangerous precedent. American Secretary of State, the usually brainy Antony Blinken, stepson of Holocaust survivor Samuel Pisar, has uncharacteristically fallen for the tricks of the USA's and our own enemies. According to US press reports, he has now agreed to allow the payment of $6 billion dollars to Iran, for the release of a handful of innocent US hostages, also convicted and imprisoned on trumped-up charges.

To be fair, in both the British and USA cases, the monies in question would, under normal circumstances, be rightfully paid to the Iranian People, as a result of commercial contracts. But the current regime in Tehran murders its own People and is bent on attacking us too. We must not help our enemies!

Since Britain paid Iran £394 millions for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, Iran has murdered many more of its dissidents, enriched more uranium, built more missiles and drones.

Belatedly, we Brits are beginning to wake up to realities. Our new security Minister, Tom Tugendhat, told our Parliament in 2023 of "15 credible threats since the start of 2022 to kill or kidnap British or UK-based individuals by the Iranian regime," and of similar Iranian plans to kill Americans and Europeans.

Minister Tugendhat also told Parliament "the Iranian regime has publicly called for the capture or killing of those holding it to account." So I may be jeopardizing my own life, in sending you this warning. Don't let it go to waste!

Jews are a prioritized target for Iran, Minister Tugendhat emphasized. Indeed Iran blew up the Jewish Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires in 1994, killing 85, but the principal organizers of the terror attack escaped prosecution, through corruption and the assassination of the Special Prosecutor, Mr Nisman. He died in mysterious circumstances, just before he was due to present his conclusions before

the Argentinian Parliament. Many think he was murdered by Iranian agents. He stated previously that then Iranian President Rafsanjani was involved. Current Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei was also involved in the initial decision-making. Iran will blow up targets in the UK and US, if it can escape detection. Indeed there was an Iranian plot to bomb JFK Airport, codenamed Operation Chicken Farm, for which an Iranian-sponsored Imam was convicted. Even a fellow Muslim, the Saudi Ambassador to Washington, was targeted by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in 2010. Fortunately, that plot was nipped in the bud.

Iran was a model of religious tolerance, over 2 millennia ago, when Cyrus ruled Persia. Indeed the Persians enabled Ezra and Nehemia to return from Babylonian Exile, and the Second Temple to be rebuilt. Iran has a culture of great literature, architecture, music and cuisine. But today Iranians themselves are brutalized daily by a regime intent on retaining power, whatever the cost. Stanley Milgram, the New York Psychology Professor, taught us that most normal people can be easily forced by those in power to do terrible unconscionable harm to others. Iranians are no different. We should not be helping their mass-murdering regime. In Iran alone, it executes more people, each year, than any other in the world (bar one.)

In our sublime liturgy for the High Holidays, the chazan reminds us "On Rosh Hashanah it is written… who shall live and who shall die… who by the sword… and who by the plague."

We Jews are stronger and healthier now than we have ever been in history. So there is no need to be downcast. But we must be ever vigilant to frustrate our foes. Repentance requires recognition of our previous mistakes. Prayer brings us together in unity of purpose. Charity looks after those in need. They will, collectively, help us overcome all our enemies.

Andrew M Rosemarine runs an international law office, has 3 Oxford law degrees, and is a former research fellow of the Harry S. Truman Institute for Peace, advancing peace processes with Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Morocco. He has been publishing and broadcasting about the Middle East since 1981, has helped hundreds of Iranian dissidents, and practises law worldwide.

A warning for vigilance before the New Year.
OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper
Today Iranians themselves are brutalized daily by a regime intent on retaining power, whatever the cost.

The Future of the Board of Deputies: Less Bored. More Deputies

The Board of Deputies is a remarkable institution.

Since 1760, it has been at the heart of confronting our community’s challenges: from Sir Moses Montefiore‘s struggle for Jewish emancipation in the 1800s, to the more recent fight against antisemitism in Corbyn’s Labour Party.

As Marie van der Zyl comes towards the end of a busy and successful presidency, it is time to start thinking about where the Board goes next.

There has been some speculation that I might stand to succeed Marie. Personally, I have made no decision on that. But having had unparalleled experience at the heart of the Board for the last 15 yearsserving under its last four presidents and on all four of its Divisions - I can perhaps offer some insight into the Board’s possible next steps.

As its previous Director of Public Affairs, I was proud of shaping the Board as a campaigning organisation, effective at

making the case for the community to Government, media and wider UK society, a legacy which endures under the excellent staff team. We need to build on this and go further.

Too often, for example, we see communal organisations merely addressing the symptoms of antisemitism. We now need to pursue a policy of ‘Zero Antisemitism’: Using education and training to tackle anti-Jewish racism before it forms, and ensuring the right legal and social penalties to send the bigots packing for good.

In a community of ‘two Jews, and three opinions’, it is inevitable that there will be some discussion about controversial topics, including the policies of respective Israeli governments. But many Deputies complain that at present there is not enough consultation, and they find themselves disengaged - even bored - at the Board.

Going forward, the Board must facilitate increased, quality debate.

However, at the same time, we must also focus more on what unites us, whether that is ensuring the proscription of Iran’s

vicious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; addressing the impact of cost-ofliving crisis on our community and wider society; or defending Jewish practice, whether Kashrus, Milah, or time-off for Shabbos and Jewish festivals.

To succeed, the Board must engage Jewish communities all around the UK, and across the entire denominational spectrum - crucially including Charedi communities.

One of my most important achievements at the Board was establishing its first-ever Regional Manager position. I also recruited the first Charedi Deputy in fifty years, and friends in Stamford Hill and Gateshead have said that more cooperation might be possible if I were president. Regardless of what I personally decide to do, this must be the direction of travel.

Indeed, the Board has to be far less about the person at the helm, than about the incredible 320 Deputies representing shuls and charities across the country.

I would like to see the Board turned into a ‘hub and spoke’ model, where the Deputies act as a force-multiplier for the actions

taken by Board officials with government ministers or the national media. The centre would manage policy debates, but then work through Deputies and communities to pulse out an agreed message to their local MPs, local authorities, local media, local faith leaders, or local community.

For example, the 320 Deputies could each play their part in a new, national ‘Jewish Experience Week’, where they work with their synagogues and charities to invite local communities to visit. An enhanced version of the Board’s Jewish Living Experience Exhibition - supported by the latest digital resources - could be sent to every Board constituency. Thousands of our fellow British citizens would have their misconceptions about our community challenged. This would be a game-changer for tackling prejudice.

In its 263 years, the Board of Deputies has accomplished the most incredible things. But with the right vision, resourcing and leadership, I believe that the Board’s best days lie ahead.

Phil Rosenberg is the Deputy for Brondesbury Park Synagogue. He was the Board of Deputies’ Director of Public Affairs from 2013-2021, an elected local councillor in Camden from 2014-2018 and Director of the Faiths Forum for London from 2011-13. He now works as a consultant in public relations, diplomacy and government affairs.

OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper

Lead ♠King

1 Limit raise showing Heart support and 10-12 points

2 Roman Key Card Blackwood

3 Showing 2 Key cards

North's cue-bid of 2♠ promised a limit-raise or- better in hearts. South checked for key-cards with 4NT and, when North confirmed two of them, South bid the slam. West led the king of spades. Declarer had 12 sure tricks if trumps were three-one or two-two. There was still a chance if they were four-zero with East, and that was to make all the low trumps in hand by ruffing spades. Since entries were short, declarer won the first trick with the ace of spades and ruffed a spade.

Next, declarer cashed the ace of trumps, noting that the suit was indeed four-zero. After cashing his queen of trumps, declarer took his non-trump winners to reduce the chance of their being ruffed if East had only two spades, finishing with a club to the king. When East followed to the next spade, declarer ruffed it and led a trump to dummy's king for his eleventh trick.

Declarer remained with the seven of trumps and a diamond while East had the jack of hearts and a diamond. Declarer led dummy's nine of spades. East was fixed: if he discarded his diamond, declarer would make the seven of trumps for his twelfth trick. In practice, East ruffed the spade and declarer threw his diamond loser, making his remaining card, a trump, for his contract.

Note that, on the above layout, if declarer fails to ruff a spade at trick two, the defenders will eventually make two tricks, a trump and a diamond.

14 GAMES 7 SEPTEMBER 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM Dealer: South Vuln: All 0208 905 3877
W N E S 1s Pass End 2s1 5h3 Pass Pass 1h 4NT2 6h
N S W E 8 6 3 J 10 9 6 7 6 4 9 7 4 K Q J 10 7 –Q J 10 8 J 10 3 2 A 9 5 2 K 8 3 9 5 3 K 8 6 4 A Q 7 5 4 2 A K 2 A Q 5

Pre-Rosh Hashanah Supplement

II SUPPLEMENT 7 SEPTEMBER 2023 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM SPONSORED BY Order online from now until 12th September at or by scanning the QR code. Alternatively come and shop in person at 818 Finchley Road, London NW11 6XL or call 020 8457 5000 Kisharon Registered Charity No. 271519 • Langdon Registered Charity No. 1142742 Celebrate New Year with fantastic gifts from the Kisharon Langdon Gift & Homeware Store Unique personalised honey jars Beautiful bowls and dishes Artisanal confectionery Shop online now Caramelised cashews with honey Rosh Hashanah cookie kits Dark Belgian chocolate coated almonds Table decorations Mix-and-match fruit, sweets and nosh APPLY HERE WWW.JNF.CO.UK/FELLOWS INFO@JNF.CO.UK APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 17 SEPTEMBER 2023 PROGRAMME STARTS OCTOBER 2023 STUDENTS IN YEAR 12 FROM SEPTEMBER 2023 JNF UK FELLOWSHIP2023/24 PROGRAMME! JNF UK is looking for young pioneers with an interest in leadership, self-development and learning more about contemporary Israel. Do you want to LEADERSHIPDEVELOPYOURSKILLS and become part of a community? SCAN ME Do you want to PERSONALLYIMPACTthe lives of people in Israel? EXTRA SPACES NOWAVAILABLE!
7 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUPPLEMENT III THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM SPONSORED BY IMPOSSIBLE Patron Her Majesty The Queen. Registered Charity No. 1059050 DONATE NOW #NorwoodRH23 My dad was the local Rabbi when I was growing up. He’s no longer around, but living in a Norwood home enables me to keep up the traditions he taught me, my brothers and my sister. Like putting on my tallit to say the Shema, which I learned by heart. But most of all, this Rosh Hashanah I’m looking forward to hearing the shofar, sharing a meal and passing round some apple and honey to my friends. I’m Norman. And I am Norwood. I LOVE TRADITION. Registered Charity Number: 225910 this Succot? Join JNF UK’s day trip to the Negev for an authentic experience in a Succah with local residents. Visiting Israel *T&Cs apply The day trip includes: • Visit Merchav Am – a JNF UK supported Negev community. Hear personal stories from a local family as they host you for an intimate lunch in their Succah. • Unique opportunity to go camel riding or visit the Ben Gurion Museum. • All transport pick-up to and from: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Modi’in and Netanya. 4 October 2023 £45 per person Find out more: 020 8732 6100 Book now. Don’t miss out as limited spaces are available. Fulfil the tradition of ushpizin - being welcomed as a guest in a Succah. Nationwide Delivery Tr Family With A Rosh Hashona Gift Package 07950 823 405

Rebbe’s ‘Shofar campaign’ is 70 years old

Rosh Hashanah is around the corner and for me hearing the shofar blown is the highlight of High Holy Day services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

There is something uniquely special about the shofar notes “tekiah, shevarim and teruah”. I’ll be in Shenley for the ageold tradition but my thoughts will wander back to my childhood in Leeds and listening to the sounds of the shofar with my late father, Harold Saffer, and siblings when the Rabbi, Chazan or shofar ‘specialist’ had the honour to take centre stage. You could hear a pin drop but things didn’t always go according to plan. I recall on various occasions at least three senior members buckling under the pressure before the thousand-seater packed shul! But it was still ‘the’ highlight. None of them, mind due, could rival my late grandfather, Rabbi Louis Saffer’s shofar expertise. My children enjoyed the same wonderment of hearing the shofar as they grew up and I know it will be the same for my grandchildren in the years ahead.

Sadly however, not everyone can be in a shul come the holiest days of the Jewish calendar so there are good-hearted individuals who ensure this is addressed including Chabad-Lubavitch who have a comprehensive program to ensure the shofar is accessible to all.

The late Lubavitcher Rebbe’s revolutionary ‘shofar blowing’ campaign in the buildup to the High Holidays began 70 years ago. Back in the day you either heard the shofar in shul or maybe at someone’s home so when the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M Schneerson, instigated a pilot initiative in 1953, it was bold and exciting as Chabad students took to the streets of Brooklyn, New York. What New Yorkers made of the experience is folklore and recollected at this special time of year.

In 1954, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky joined the Rebbe’s staff and has served in various Lubavitch posts, including personal sec retary to the Rebbe. Krinsky participated in the ground-breaking shofar blowing in itiative on the streets of Brooklyn. “This, as well as offering passers-by the opportunity to make a blessing on a lulav and etrog, was clearly an innovation of the Rebbe,” he recalled.

Rabbi Moshe Pesach Goldman was a Lubavitcher yeshivah student at Crown Heights.

“This was something totally new. Shofar in the street? It was un heard of.

Jewish stores were open, we’d walk in and blow shofar for the shopkeepers,” he recalled.

The informal initiative became a permanent fixture after the founding of the Lubavitch Youth Organisation of New York in 1955 alongside a street ‘lulav ‘n’ etrog’ program.

Chassidim travelled to more and more locations annually. Detailed reports would be delivered to the Rebbe. The campaign escalated to kibbutzim in Israel.

In response to a 1958 letter from a Jewish hospital chaplain in Brooklyn regarding blowing the shofar at Rosh Hashanah, the Rebbe explained that an aspect of the shofar was to coronate G-d A-lmighty as king of the universe. All Jews should have the opportunity to hear the call of the shofar. Listening to the shofar being blown is spiritually uplifting and nothing has changed in the ensuing decades.

The swinging ‘60s saw visitors around the world, many from Israel, travel to New York to take in the Jewish holidays and hope to meet the Rebbe. Blowing the Shofar before prayers or in the afternoon became part of Rosh Hashanah in Brooklyn. The media soon took note.

The National Jewish Post & Opinion in October 1960 reported: “Farmers in the Lubavitcher cooperative ‘Kfar Chabad,’ are rich in … zeal. Starting on the Rosh Hashanah holidays, they, along with local Chassidim, trek to all hospitals within walking distance of their synagogue and blow the shofar for bedridden patients.”

Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Hecht, of Chabad Chicago, recruited shofar-blowing volunteers, including his brothers-in-law Roy Pinchot and David Goldberg.

come,” he said. “By the end of the day, my lips would be drooping, but for me, it was enjoyable and rewarding.”

Chabad proved a hit throughout California during the ‘60s. A decade on and emissaries took the shofar campaign to hospitals in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Long Beach and Berkeley.

Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, founding director of Chabad California, told Bnai Brith Messenger in 1971: “We have received hundreds of letters from bed ridden patients and their families thanking us for making available to them the shofar blowing. The shofar, which ushers in the New Year for the Jews, has historically brought hope and inspiration for brighter things to come in the

A message of positivity was growing.

The Rebbe expanded the campaign to include the month of Elul, when by custom the shofar is blown daily except for the eve of Rosh Hashanah. The Rebbe stressed the healing it brought to patients in hospitals. And in 1978, he noted that blowing the shofar for patients “literally

“Strolling along a street in the Park Slope

section of Brooklyn, I saw a young man with a shy, fish-out-of-water look about him,” wrote Ellie Spielberg in The New York Times’s Metropolitan Diary in 1994. “He stopped and asked if I’d heard the shofar being blown that day. I answered no. So, he opened his jacket, whisked out a small ram’s horn and gave me a private concert. With joyful abandon, he played and played, conjuring trills, stops and drones of a tune as old as the Bible. I closed my eyes. Then he stopped, tucked away the shofar, said ‘Shona Tovah’, Happy New Year, and was gone. It was the best Rosh Hashanah I’ve had.”

The Rebbe highlighted the importance of taking the shofar to isolated soldiers in the Israeli military.

And the coming years would see the Rebbe develop the campaign to include Jews in prison and even more hospitals as the Chabad movement grew. A multitude of newspapers carried stories.

In 1991, visitors to New York for the High Holy Days to meet the Rebbe had increased exponentially. Eyewitnesses recall the Rebbe observing huge crowds and stressing an expectation that those gathered participate.

The Rebbe’s campaigns continue to inspire. Nothing arguably reminds a Jew of who they are like the sound of a shofar. Chabad emissaries will be out in force, along with many good-hearted individuals, determined to make sure as many people as possible are able to hear the sounds of the shofar.

PHOTO: REB MENDEL Rabbi Menachem M Schneerson z"l

When everyday life became a struggle for Alex, Jami was there for us.

To ensure we can be there for all those who most need us, please support Jami this Rosh Hashanah.

For Leon, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree

When Leon was diagnosed with dementia, Michael went from being a full-time son to a full-time carer. He moved in with his dad and quickly turned to the Jewish Care Direct helpline.

Michael was referred to our Family Carers Team who provide him with ongoing guidance, whilst Leon attends our dementia day centre, giving his son the respite he needs.

Leon had always been a caring father and now the roles are reversed. As they say, the apple never falls far from the tree.

Jewish Care is supporting Leon, Michael and the hundreds of families in our community who are living with dementia. Please show your support this Rosh Hashanah.

To make a donation, please call 020 8922 2600 , visit , or scan here

Thank you.

More than half of the Jewish community living with mental illness, distress or trauma are under 25.
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05/09/2023 12:29 Charity Reg No 802559.
Leon and his son, Michael, taking part in Rosh Hashanah celebrations at The Sam Beckman Centre for people living with dementia.

Hope for a brighter

Each year around 600 children in Israel are in emergency care due to the harshest forms of neglect, abuse, violence, or other traumatic circumstances. This Rosh Hashanah, JNF UK is raising vital funds to expand the Emergency Centre facilities at Neradim Village in Arad, southern Israel, which are currently old and unfit for purpose. The facilities are essential for the care and wellbeing of the children who, due to their situation, are unable to leave the campus. Every child deserves the warmth of a loving family, the comfort of a safe welcoming environment and devoted care to ensure a bright future. Without adequate facilities, Neradim can’t give the children all they need to thrive.

Registered Charity Number 225910 Visit Call 020 8732 6100 DONATE NOW Whatever you can give makes a difference. TO DONATE SCAN ME Stay connected: jnfuk jnfuk @jnf uk jnf uk WHEN THEY NEED US MOST Otto has Alagille Syndrome, a rare condition primarily affecting his heart and liver. Camp Simcha has been there for his family since shortly after his diagnosis, supporting them when they need us most. Each year Camp Simcha helps more than 1,500 family members throughout the UK just like Otto’s, coping with over 50 serious and chronic childhood medical conditions. Your support this Rosh Hashanah will help ensure we can continue to be there - when families need us most. We are there Donate online at or scan the QR code Camp Simcha, Amélie House, 221 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 9DQ London: 020 8202 9297 Manchester: 0161 341 0589 Charity Registered No. 1180646. A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 11478657 Registered Address: Amélie House, 221 Golders Green Road, London NW11 9DQ @CampSimchaUK “Our Camp Simcha Family Liaison Officer, Daniella, came into our lives and has been a constant ever since… she always knows exactly what we need.” Lee, dad to Otto who has Alagille Syndrome

The mortgage charter The writing’s on the wall

Shimon and Rebecca are a professional couple who bought their four-bedroom semi-detached house in Sale 15 years ago, just before their first child was born. Shimon is a GP and Rebecca is a teacher at small Jewish primary and they have lived comfortably for several years, with a modest disposable income allowing them to enjoy family holidays abroad every year and the kids to attend camp and participate in extra curricular activities.

Three years ago, when their mortgage was up for renewal, Shimon and Rebecca decided to take advantage of the low interest rates and borrowed against the equity they had to add an extension and do some home improvements.

That fixed term mortgage is now coming to an end and everything is suddenly about to change for Shimon and Rebecca. They are unable to find a new mortgage for less than 5% above their previous rate and their disposable income has shrunk to almost nothing and they were terrified of what this meant for them and their family. Until a friend suggested they called Paperweight.

Paperweight, the Jewish Community’s Advice Centre, takes a critical interest in the mortgage market – not because we offer low-cost mortgages, but because mortgage costs and the domino effect of unaffordability, impacts the entire community. Unfortunately, Shimon and Rebecca are far from alone and at Paperweight, we are receiving more and more calls from middle-income families who are finding themselves in increasing amounts of debt and at risk of losing their home - not from being spendthrifts, but just from trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

The Government has recently launched a Mortgage Charter, with participation by over 90% of lenders, providing crucial and welcome support for residential mortgage customers. The key points include:

• Borrowers will be able to extend their mortgage term until retirement age, thereby reducing their on-going monthly repayments. An alternative option is to switch to an interest-only mortgage for six months. Both options can be taken without a new affordability check or affecting their credit score. Borrowers can switch back to their original terms within six months of changing.

• Anyone concerned about their mortgage payments can call their lender for

information and support without any impact on their credit rating

• Borrowers will not be forced to have their homes repossessed within 12 months from their first missed payment

• Borrowers approaching the end of a fixed rate mortgage will be offered the chance to lock in a deal up to six months in advance. They will also be allowed to apply for a better deal right up until their new term begins (if one is available)

• Support for customers who are up to date with payments to switch to a new mortgage deal at the end of their existing fixed rate deal without another affordability check

• Lenders, alongside support for those struggling from highly trained staff and the options above, can offer a range of other routes such as a temporary payment deferral or part-interest-part repayment, the right choice will depend on the customer’s circumstances

The Charter applies to homeowners who are not currently in arrears, so it is crucial for borrowers to act quickly and try and re-negotiate before going into arrears. The Charter does not apply to Buy-To-Let or interest-only mortgages. So how can Paperweight help? Our Money Advice Team, regulated by the

FCA, has all the information on the options available at their fingertips so can have a full and confidential discussion with you to discuss which option, if any, is applicable. Should you wish, Paperweight can also take an in-depth look into all the household finances. They will be able to show you where reductions in outgoings can perhaps be made - they may even find you are entitled to a benefit or rebate.

What of Shimon and Rebecca? Fortunately, they contacted Paperweight just in time. They met with their case worker, Saul at their home and he calmly reassured them, talking through the options available to them and enabling them to speak to their lender with clarity and confidence. They extended their term and additional 10 years, reducing their monthly outgoings by almost £2,000 on

their £500,000 mortgage. (Increasing the total they repay over the term of the loan, but spreading out payments over a longer period).Saul, a caseworker in the Money Advice Team, also reviewed Shimon and Rebecca’s outgoings and was able to help them make savings and negotiated with their utility suppliers for more manageable payments.

At Paperweight, it’s our job to keep up-to-date with all the changes in rules and regulations so we can navigate the ever-changing landscape of life and help support and steer the members of our community into calmer waters.

The Paperweight Trust is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority - FRN 973164 info@paperweight. 0330 174 4300

Paperweight Perspective

As interest rates have risen sharply, you may now be seeing your mortgage payments shoot up and wonder how you will be able to a ord them.

The Government has agreed a Mortgage Charter with most lenders, and this gives you a number of options. These include extending the mortgage term, thereby reducing monthly repayments, or having a period of paying interest- only. Both of these can be done without a ordability checks or a ecting your credit score.

The important thing is to actively address your situation, not let it linger or go into arrears which reduces your options considerably. At Paperweight, our Money Advice Team can take you through your various choices (we are accredited by the Financial Conduct Authority, which means we are authorised to give debt and financial advice).

To access our free services call 0330 174 4300 or visit

your mortgage?
options. Guide. Advocate. Resolve. The Paperweight Trust Registered Charity 1146302 Registered Company 07705745 The Paperweight Trust is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – FRN 973164
In trouble with
You do have
PWT_133 Mortgage Guidance_Jewish Weekly_265x338mm_v1.indd 1 05/09/2023 12:19

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light and began to cry and repeat this idea, over and over again. His children didn’t know what was happening inside his room; they probably thought he was learning. He said, “Hashem, You are in control of everything! You support everything and everyone! I know that You After twenty minutes, Menachem came out of the room. His children ran over to him with much excitement. They couldn’t wait to share the two things that happened while he was in his room. “First, the neighbors from upstairs, the Levines, rang the bell. They said that their married daughter who lives in a different city just gave birth to a baby boy, a few weeks before her due date. the mother and baby are healthy and well. But the Levines have one

To Really, Really, Really Believe

Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, a beloved Rav and author, weaves together stories and insights from across the spectrum of our gedolim to give us a deeper appreciation of Elul and the Yamim Tovim. Each essay is summarized in a practical takeaway that can help readers make the most of this meaningful time of year.

New from Rabbi Spero for Kids! New Short Stories!
Really, Really, Really Believe very Thursday, Menachem put 500 shekels on the kitchen table, and his wife used that money to buy whatever she needed for Shabbos: fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, cook- ing and baking ingredients, and any other item the family needed. But one week, he didn’t have the 500 shekels. In fact, he didn’t even have one shekel to give her. He tried to borrow from a number of people, but couldn’t find anyone to borrow from. The hours passed and it was already 8 p.m., and he still had no money. When his children asked him for money to run errands, he pushed them off and told them he would give them money soon. Menachem remembered learning that Rav Chaim Volozhiner says that there is none besides Hashem, nothing can harm you. He went into his room and locked the door. He shut the
echiel Meir, who grew up in Europe, was marrying a girl from a different town, and he had barely enough money to get to his own wedding; actually, all he had was the money in his pocket. One train ride’s worth. He headed to the train station with great excitement. After all, it was his wedding day. Soon enough, the train arrived. He stepped onto the train and took a seat for the short ride that would bring him to the city where the wedding was to take place. But after a half-hour or so, he began to search for his stop and he noticed that each city the train passed was less and less familiar to him — and then it hit him. He was heading in the wrong direction! Yechiel Meir got off the train in a panic. He didn’t know what to do. Not only was he in danger of arriving late for his own wedding, but he realized he had no way of getting there at all! For as he checked his pockets, he confirmed that he didn’t even have enough money to pay for the train in the opposite direction. What could he do? Yechiel Meir stood there in the corner of the train station and began to cry. Then he davened with great kavanah, but when he realized that he was really stuck with no way out, he increased his kavanah and, as the tears flowed down his cheeks, begged Hashem for help. Soon it would come. Rav Pinchas Menachem Justman, the Piltzer Rebbe, a great tzaddik tapped Yechiel Meir on the shoulder. He told the young man that he had been watching him daven, and it was obvious that this wasn’t an ordinary tefillah, but that something was wrong. The Right/Wrong Way The Right/Wrong Way 17 WHAT A STORY! — CHILDREN
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Rosh Hashanah: The Three Stages of Teshuvah

The second Daniel woke up, he knew something was wrong. He felt perfectly fine, but he had no memory of who he was. After searching his house, the only useful thing he could find was a book that he seemed to have written. It contained a list of instructions, explaining his life’s story and how he suffers from a form of amnesia, sometimes forgetting who he is. He had written this book as a guide for him in these situations.

As he continues reading through the book, he realizes that it also includes a detailed philosophy of life, a deep spiritual perspective of the world, and an emphasis on living with a mission-centered focus. The book instructs him to seek out a specific mentor, and when he does so, the mentor takes Daniel under his wing and agrees to teach him the true path to greatness. Daniel has an incredible desire to grow and improve, and although he finds the learning difficult, he enjoys the challenge.

As Daniel goes through life, he faces a number of challenges: financial difficulties, relationship struggles, and some health battles. However, the principles in the book and his mentor’s guidance help prepare Daniel for these challenges. He faces each one head-on, always battling through and never giving up. Most of all, they help Daniel deal with his arch-nemesis, Aaron. It appeared as though Aaron’s mission in life was to crush Daniel’s dreams and thwart his every goal. For every step forward Daniel takes, Aaron is always there to challenge him, attempting to push him two steps back. But Daniel never gives up, always managing to push past his challenges. Even when Daniel has a minor setback, he always manages to pick himself back up, re-harness his willpower, and keep pushing forward.

After a lifetime of growing, learning, and contributing to the world, Daniel is now a nearly perfect being. One day, just after waking up, the entire world disappears from under him and Daniel finds himself in another dimension, standing face to face with…himself.

“I’m sure you are confused” the other Daniel says, “but I will explain everything. I am the real Daniel, or at the very least, the original Daniel. I was created perfect. Everything in my life was easy, clear, and perfect. But at the end of my life, I felt that something was missing. I suddenly realized that I didn’t want to be perfect, I wanted to become perfect. I therefore devised a plan.

“I created a younger version of myself without any memory of who he was. I then created a perfect arch-nemesis who would challenge him, thereby pushing him to grow. This arch-nemesis would develop along with him, continuing to counter and challenge him as he evolved and grew. But I did not leave Daniel to fend for himself; I created a book of instructions that would guide Daniel back to perfection.

“You, Daniel, are a part of me. Therefore,

through your journey, a part of me gets to experience the process of becoming perfect.

“You have just finished your journey; you have reached a perfect state. Now, you get to enjoy the perfection you’ve built.”


The birth of a new year is a time of reflection and resolution; a time when hope and inspiration fill the air. We dream about what this upcoming year holds in store; how we can make the rest of our life the best of our life. We all have ideas, ambitions, and aspirations that we yearn to bring to fruition, and the new year gives us “permission” to revisit these goals and breathe new life into them. For a brief moment, everything is crystal clear; we see our purpose and our path with vivid clarity. However, there is an underlying frustration that accompanies this time period as well. If we reflect honestly, we often realize that our new year’s resolutions are awfully similar to those of last year, and the year before, and the year before…

We have brief moments of inspiration, but they soon fade into oblivion, only to be resuscitated for a few more days the next year in the hopes that somehow this year might be different. However, there is another option — a way to actually make this year different. By truly understanding this time of year and fully tapping into its powerful themes, we can turn what was previously fleeting inspiration into lasting, eternal change.


Elul and Rosh Hashanah center around the concept of teshuvah, and Parashas Nitzavim is clearly linked to this theme as well. The pesukim in Nitzavim discuss the theme of teshuvah, the importance of choosing life — choosing what is right and connecting ourselves back to Hashem (see the first pesukim of perek 30 in Sefer Devarim). As Parashas Nitzavim is connected to the transition from Elul into Rosh Hashanah, let us delve deeper into the concept of teshuvah.

Teshuvah literally means “return,” but whom, or perhaps what, are we returning to? The Gemara (Kiddushin 39b) explains that Hashem created teshuvah before creating the world itself. What is the meaning of this enigmatic statement, and what lessons and implications does it have for us as we proceed through the teshuvah process?


The Rambam (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Teshuvah 1:1) discusses the three-step process of teshuvah:

• First, one must reflect on their past and acknowledge that a problem exists.

• One must then transition into the present and strongly feel the pain of their mistake, regretting it wholeheartedly.

Finally, one must look toward the future and resolve to never again commit this same mistake.

This three-step guide is the practical process of teshuvah. However, there is

a deeper essence of teshuvah that is the foundation for these three steps, and understanding this deeper essence is the key to truly transforming ourselves through these three steps.


Genuine teshuvah is not just about self-transformation; it’s about self-expression, returning to your true and higher self. As we previously stated, the Gemara (Niddah 30b) explains that while we were in the womb, we were in a perfect and transcendent state of being, and a malach taught us kol haTorah kulah. As the Vilna Gaon explains, this refers to the deepest realms of Torah, a transcendent Torah that lies far beyond this world, beyond the confines of space and time. (Quoted in Maalos HaTorah by Rabbeinu Avraham, brother of the Vilna Gaon. See also Even Sheleimah 8:24.) This Torah is the very root of reality, and you were granted complete understanding of its every detail. Not only were you shown this level of Torah, but you also learned your specific share of Torah; you were shown your unique purpose in the world and how your unique role fits into the larger scheme of the human story as a whole. You were given a taste of your own perfection, of what you could, should, and hopefully will become. And from this transcendent realm, you were birthed into the physical world with the mission to actualize everything you were shown in the womb while in your primordial, perfect state.

In essence, your job in this world is not to create yourself, but rather to recreate yourself — to re-attain your original state of perfection, as you were shown by the malach. This time, however, it must be done through free will — by choosing to become great. Only by overcoming challenge and difficulty and only by asserting your willpower can you fulfill your true potential. In essence, our entire life is a story of teshuvah — returning to our original, higher, and true self.

The shofar is a wake-up blast, meant to shake us from our stupor and return us to our true self. When we hear the shofar’s piercing cry, we yearn to return to our source, to our higher selves. The word “shofar” shares a root with “le’shaper,” to perfect and beautify. Strikingly, it also shares a root with “mei shafir,” the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus while in the womb. When we blow the shofar, we are reminded to improve and perfect ourselves, to return to the fetal state of perfection we once knew, and to return to our true selves.


There are three stages of genuine teshuvah:

• The first is individual teshuvah, where we return to our higher selves, our fetal selves, our true selves.

• The second stage of teshuvah goes beyond the limited self, turning the focus from individual to community.

• The third stage of teshuvah is returning to our absolute root and source, to the Source of all sources, to Hashem Himself.


The Rambam, in discussing the laws of teshuvah, states that someone who removes himself from the Jewish community has no share in Olam Haba (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Teshuvah 3:11). In other words, even if this person keeps all of Torah and mitzvos and is an upstanding Jew, if he disconnects himself from the community, he loses his eternal existence. This requires explanation. After all, this person didn’t commit a heinous or evil act; he merely chose a life of isolation. Why should this warrant such extreme punishment?

The answer is profound. As human beings, we begin our lives as completely self-centered creatures, perceiving ourselves as isolated, separate, and disconnected from everyone else. As we progress through life, we learn to break down those walls and psychological barriers, recognizing that we are part of a bigger self, a collective self, and a higher consciousness. At root, all of Klal Yisrael is one, an interconnected self. Each of our individual neshamos are part of a greater whole, like individual cells that make up a single human body. A central aspect of Olam Haba is experiencing yourself as part of Klal Yisrael, as part of a greater collective reality. If, however, one disconnects themselves from Klal Yisrael, they have uprooted themselves from reality. Just as unplugging a light bulb from its electrical circuit extinguishes its light, a soul simply cannot exist when disconnected from its root. This is not a punishment, but merely a consequence.

This is the second stage of teshuvah: returning to our collective self, to the single soul of Klal Yisrael.


The third stage of teshuvah is returning to our absolute root and source, to the Source of all sources, to Hashem Himself. The Nefesh Hachaim refers to Hashem as the “neshamah shel neshamos” (the Soul of all souls). Hashem is the root of existence, the absolute root of all our souls. Our journey through life is about sourcing our existence back to Hashem; this is the ultimate teshuvah.

We can now explain the Gemara that states that teshuvah preceded creation (Kiddushin 39b.). This is not merely a chronological description; it is a fundamental principle: Teshuvah is the root of this world. All of existence is created with the purpose of returning to its source, to fully reflect its absolute root — Hashem. May we be inspired to fully actualize all three stages of teshuvah this Rosh Hashanah and seal ourselves in the book of life, the book of true existence.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is an international speaker, bestselling author, and the founder of Self-Mastery Academy. He is also a business and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values and principles. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought.


ChocoBee Honey Cake With ‘Honey’ Bees

A honey cake for Yom Tov with a ‘buzz’ to it! I have used Rowse Chocbee honey paste which is made with just honey and cocoa. A delicious way to add sweetness to your Rosh Hashanah celebrations.

Preparation Time: 1 hour

Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes Servces: 8-10 people


For the Chocolate cake

1. Preheat the oven to 170C/ 350F/ Gas mark 4. Line a 22cm round cake tin with baking parchment paper.

2. Whisk the eggs, pinch of salt and sugar together until thick.

3. Add the vanilla and oil and whisk until smooth.

4. Sift flour and cocoa powder and then add to mixture together with the chocobee honey, baking powder and coconut milk. Whisk again until smooth.

5. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin, level the top and bake for 30-40 minutes or until when you insert a skewer in the middle it comes out dry.

temperature for about an hour until it thickens slightly.

10. Pour the ganache over the top of the cake and let it drizzle slightly down the sides.

11. Decorate the top of the cake with the coloured icing bees.

For the bees – make 10 as they may break!

25g ready made yellow icing or add yellow food colouring to regular marzipan

10g ready made black icing 20 flaked almonds

You will need cocktail sticks or BBQ sticks


For the chocolate cake

5 large eggs

Pinch of salt

75g caster sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

30ml vegetable oil

175g plain flour

50g cocoa powder

50g Rowse chocobee honey

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 tin 400g coconut milk

Chocolate and Honey Ganache

200g dark chocolate – roughly chopped

200g whipping cream

50g Rowse Chocobee honey

6. Cool the cake completely at room temperature.

7. For the ganache, chop the chocolate and put in a bowl.

8. Add the Rowse Chocobee honey, cream and melt together over double-boiler until everything is melted and the mixture is smooth.

9. Cool the ganache at room

Make two small barrel shaped balls from the yellow icing - one larger than the other. The small one is for the head and the large is for the body. Roll out the black icing into very thin strips so that each bee has three strips. Attach to the body. Add two almond flakes on either side of the body for its wings. When the cake is nearly set, add them to the top of the cake. Use either cocktail sticks or BBQ sticks to attach to the cake.

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website: Advertisement Israel Bonds Wishes You A Happy & Sweet New Year L’Shana Tova 2023/5784 Subject to conditions. 2-yr term 6.63% GBP Jubilee bond £1,000 min. 5-yr term 6.16% GBP eMazel Tov bond £36 min. eMazel Tov rate valid to 30 Sept. 2023. Jubilee rate as posted valid to 14 Sept. 2023. Development Company for Israel (International) Ltd. This advertisement has been issued by the Development Company for Israel (International) Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and registered in England No. 01415853. This is not an o ering, which could only be made by prospectus. Your capital is at risk, the rules under FSMA for the protection of retail clients do not apply. An investment in any of these bonds will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation scheme, nor by any similar scheme. Israel bonds are intended as a long-term investment as they are not listed or admitted to dealing on any recognised investment or stock exchange nor is there any established secondary market, as a consequence Israel bonds are not readily realisable before their maturity date. DCI (International) Ltd is not the issuer of these bonds, they are issued by the State of Israel. 09-23 Your capital may be at risk. 020 3936 2712 New! Buy Online:

Western Marble Arch and Central Synagogue to host joint choral Selichot service

of the sages of old. The Anshei Knesset Hagdolah put great power into these words and they allow people to connect with Hashem on a deep spiritual level. A proper chazan allows people to hear the kavanah of the words as well as the notes.

Yossi: In modern times, the traditional role of the chazan has changed. How do you both adapt yourselves for the 21st century?

As we approach the Yomim Noroim, Jewish Weekly editor Yossi Saunders caught up with both cantors to hear about how they are preparing for Selichot, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Yossi: Tell me, as a Chazan how choral Selichot inspires your congregation?

Simon: Congregants like to get in the mood for the High Holy Days. A choral Selichot service is the perfect way to get people in the mood and frame of mind for the awesome days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

As they hear the sacred words and uplifting soulful tunes, their neshama intrinsically connects with the deep meaning of the words

Steven: Communal singing is key. If people are encouraged to join in and sing along, they will connect more to the davening. It is important not to come across as the stereotypical ‘old time chazan,’ that puts many people off, rather we are friends of the community; on first name terms and we are there for our members when needed.

Simon: In the olden days, there was nothing else, so people were happy to sit for hours each shabbat and listen to the chazan. Now with Youtube and many other ways to listen to music, it is absolutely imperative that the congregation has a wide range of familiar sings that they recognise and connect too.

See the advert on page 6.



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Chazan Simon Cohen and Chazan Steven Leas are looking forward to this Motzei Shabbat at Western Marble Arch Synagogue, where they will be conducting a joint choral Selichot service with the Central Synagogue shul choir under the conductorship of Jospeh Finlay. The selichot programme is under the joint auspices of both Central and Western Marble Arch Synagogues. Chazan Simon Cohen Chazan Steven Leas

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Simon, Esther, Evelynne, Sandra, and Sophie

Experience Reb

Bestselling author Yisroel Besser offers us a place of honor at Rav Elimelech Bidrerman’s shiurim. Here are his divrei Torah, stories, and, of course, his incomparable chizuk — for every month of the Jewish calendar. Unique descriptions of Reb Meilech, as he energizes and elevates the thousands who come to see and hear him, let us actually feel the excitement and passion that characterizes his every word. Open this book and prepare to be transported to a shul in Yerushalayim, a beis medrash in Bnei Brak, or alongside a blazing bonfire in Meron — surrounded by the wondrous joy of Reb Meilech’s world.


The Living Emunah series has changed tens of thousands of lives – for the better – as they make emunah a central part of their lives.

The newest in the series, Living Emunah 7, discusses topics like reward and pun ishment, tefillah, the importance of shalom, hashgachah pratis and much more – all examined through the prism of emunah. And, of course, there are so many stories to engage and inspire us, as we see Hashem’s Hand, the care and compassion He has for us, and His Presence in every part of our lives.

One of the Greatest Classic Chassidic Commentaries

The classic work by the Chassidic master Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev translated and elucidated

One the greatest classic Chassidic commenatries on Chumash, Kedushas Levi, is finally available in a translated and elucidated edition. Kedushas Levi has been treasured and studied for more than two centuries. Now, this magnificent edition brings Kedushas Levi to English readers in all its grandeur.

Meilech all year long... Feel the Chizuk. Share the Joy. Strengthen Your Emunah.
NEW! 3-volume
slipcase set
New from
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UKFSCH Big Heart Camapign

UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital was established in 2006 by Zena Behrman and Cynthia Roberts after their 1-year-old grandson was successful treated there for cancer. Since that time UK Friends has been committed to supporting the hospital and raising much needed funds to purchase life-saving equipment.

Schneider Children’s Medical Centre in Israel is an extraordinary place of healing that keeps improving its facilities and capabilities year on year. The hospital’s unique ability is to see every child as a whole, providing a full range of specialties from birth to 18 years irrespective of race or religion. The medical teams are dedicated and inspiring, they combine advanced care and research at the highest level.

Since its inception UK Friends of Schneider Children’s has been able to buy much needed essential equipment for the hospital including the departments of Oncology/Hematology, Neonatal Intensive Care, Neurology, Transplant unit, Nephrology, Cardiology, ENT, and the Surgical department.

Zena Behrman, co-chair says: “Every time I go and visit the hospital, I am in awe of the work it is doing to treat and support

children and their families. This unique hospital together with its experienced and dedicated medical teams know how to relate to each child and their medical situation with a sense of calm professionalism that makes each family feel confident that their child is getting the absolute best care possible. I am so proud that we can contribute to that experience in some way.”

UK Friends is now running their “BIG HEART” online campaign to purchase vital equipment for the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) including a defibrillator and an ultrasound machine, both essential to supporting the children in the CICU. This unit, the largest of its kind and one of the most advanced in Israel, provides life-saving and continuous care for the children it treats. About 70% of Israeli children with congenital heart defects are treated in the Unit, which conducts more than 500 cardiothoracic surgeries annually with half their patients under one year of age.

The campaign goes lives on Sunday 10th and Monday 11th September. You can donate to the campaign at All support will be greatly appreciated.


Donations made to Kisharon Langdon this Rosh Hashanah are core to our future together

As one unified organisation, dedicated to offering the best possible opportunities to people within the Jewish learning disability and autism community, we need your support.

To find out more or to make a donation, please visit or scan the QR code.

Kisharon Registered Charity No. 271519 • Langdon Registered Charity No. 1142742

TAG joins up with Beis Yisroel

Chaplaincy seminar

TAG Manchester technicians came to Beis Yisroel Shul to give a presentation on how TAG operate and to install filters on devices. There was a catered breakfast Sunday morning where there were a few short speeches by Mr Y.M. Cope and Mr S. Akerman on different options of filters and how parents can use parental control apps to ensure their home is a safe environment for their children.

The Rov has promoted the idea via the concept that nowadays Yidden are careful with Pas Palter and on a play on words, we ought to be careful with a Filter, spelt the

same in Hebrew. The idea being that the reason why Pas Akum was forbidden by chazal was to stop assimilation with the foreign nations. Nowadays Kosher bread is readily available so the yetzer hora has tried a different tactic to bring Klal Yisroel closer to the non-Jewish foreign ideas and that is via technology. By trying a Filter, one can fulfil the Takonas Chazal on Pas Palter to protect the kedushas and Taharas Klal Yisroel.

Around fifty members participated in the discussions and there was a great chizzuk in this area.

University Jewish Chaplaincy has held its annual training seminar.

Spanning 13 regions in the UK from Scotland to the Brighton, chaplaincy plays a crucial role in providing spiritual guidance and support to Jewish students across the country. The seminar helps enhance the quality of care and guidance offered to students.

Various sessions equipped 16 chaplains with skills to navigate challenges faced by students.

Training sessions were run by Shelley Marsh, UJIA, and Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski, chief strategist and Rabbinic Head at UJC, and included team building activities, addressing stress in young people, navigating difficult conversations, cancel culture and time management.

“At the heart of our mission is a commitment to being a dependable pillar of support for Jewish students across the UK,” said Sophie Dunoff, CEO at UJC. “Our seminar not only equips our chaplains with essential skills but also reinforces the sense of unity and shared purpose that drives our organisation.”

The seminar is a rare opportunity for chaplains to convene in a single physical location, facilitating exchange of ideas, camaraderie and mutual support. The gathering provided a chance to strengthen bonds and collaborate on innovative ways to serve diverse student communities.

UJC extended its gratitude to its chaplains, staff and supporters to fostering an inclusive environment for Jewish students pursuing higher education.

The University Jewish Chaplaincy team TAG explaining the services that they have to offer

Apples and honey with the new Reception Boys at Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School.

KLBD’s Facebook group welcomes its 10,000th member

KLBD, the Kashrut division of the United Synagogue, has welcomed the 10,000th member of its longstanding Facebook group.

Josh Hamerton, Head of Design Technology at Yavneh College in Borehamwood, became the 10,000th member of the group last month and has been presented with a prize from KLBD’s Associate Director, Rabbi Elie Schoemann, to celebrate.


Rosh Hashanah Gift Sale is back!

This year our Chai Rosh Hashanah Gift Sale will be bigger and better than ever with 12 new stalls debuting for the first time in London.

39 stalls promise to fulfil all your retail therapy needs with a beautiful mix of homeware, Judaica, jewellery, clothes, flowers and chic millinery.

To keep you fuelled whilst doing your shopping, you can enjoy Oh Brown Bear’s iced coffee and cookie van. And it doesn’t stop there! Back by popular demand, Ben Tenenblat’s famous ‘Crave’ trailer will be serving up a storm from 11:30am – 5pm, with mouth-watering dairy and parev gourmet street food and refreshments in our beautiful garden.

For £10, Chai supporters can buy 10

chances to win our fabulous prizes such as; £500 cash, Sharp 40” Ultra HD Smart LED TV and Apple Airpods. To enter, visit Chai Society Grand Raffle Draw – Chai Cancer Care Tickets can also be bought on the door.

Debra Zender, Gift Sale Organiser said: “We have spent the last year sourcing fabulous gifts from all over the world and we hope the community will support us once again to help Chai!”

Chai’s Chairman Louise Hager said: “Not only is this an important fundraising event, but it’s also an ideal opportunity for many to visit Chai for the first time and experience the special atmosphere that has such a positive effect on all those who benefit from our specialised services.”

The group, thought to be one of the largest in the community, started sixteen years ago, and has KLBD staff on-hand to answer kashrut questions from people around the country six days a week virtually round the clock.

Josh Hamerton said: “Learning to keep Kosher is important to me and so on joining the KLBD Facebook group I have found many answers to those hard to figure food and products and the work that everyone does at KLBD is invaluable to the Jewish community. Being their 10,000th member is a honour and privilege and I am sure it will support my journey in living an orthodox Jewish life.”

“Rabbi Jeremy Conway, Director of KLBD, said: “Mazal tov Joshua on becoming the 10,000th member of the KLBD Facebook group! We hope you enjoy your unexpected award. B’tayavon! Every week KLBD receives hundreds of kashrut questions from across the Jewish community

and we are delighted to provide this free service to make keeping kosher easier than ever before. I’d like to pay tribute to the KLBD product research team and especially Michal Emanuel for her extraordinary dedication in responding to these questions. I am told that for thousands of people Michal has become as synonymous with Facebook as Mark Zuckerberg!”

StandWithUs UK honours Lord Ian Austin

At a private reception hosted annually for the charity by Her Excellency Tzipi Hotovely, StandWithUs UK were proud to honour Lord Ian Austin with the ‘Beacon of Light’ Award, in recognition of his resilient support for Israel as the one and only Jewish Sate. In his speech, Austin acknowledged that, ‘because of some of the appalling things we see on campuses, the work StandWithUs do has never been more important. Your work with StandWithUs equips you with the arguments and skills you need to tell the truth about the world’s only Jewish state and the Middle East’s only democracy’.

Gathered at the reception were close friends, as well as students of the charity who were recognised for their activism on campuses across the UK.

Ambassador Hotovely shared with the students in attendance that their activism stems from “telling Israel’s story”. She commented that people often debate what it means for Israel to be a Jewish State, but we mustn’t forget that, “being a democracy is what it means to be Jewish and we must be proud of it”.

The evening was part of a full day Emerson Fellowship conference at JW3. The Emerson Fellowship is an annual student

leadership program which empowers and inspires student leaders at universities throughout the United Kingdom. The programme provides tools, develops professional skills and extensive, in-depth, knowledge about Israel and the Jewish people.

20 student representatives from a diverse range of backgrounds, Jewish and non-Jewish, gathered to receive extensive training and mentorship, to deepen their education and develop a unique skillset: critical thinking, public speaking, the practicalities of event-planning, investigative journalism and digital marketing - all with the professional support of qualified staff.

During the conference, students heard from keynote speakers such Michael Dickson, Executive Director from StandWithUs Israel, CST campus representatives Oriel Sandler and Ethan Lierens, as well as UJS Campaigns Officer Guy Dabby-Joory.

16 COMMUNITY 7 SEPTEMBER 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM Chai Lifeline Cancer Care Registered Charity No. 1078956 Generously sponsored by Chai Cancer Care 142-146 Great North Way, London NW4 1EH Not all stall holders accept card payments For more information please contact us on Chai Cancer Care Rosh Hashanah Gift Sale Monday 11th September 2023 All your Rosh Hashanah (and year-round) gifts under one roof! 9am-7pm £5 entry Debuting 12newstalls
Josh Hamerton PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL New Reception Boys at Broughton Jewish with Apples and Honey The StandWithUS presentation ceremony



Eli-G Estates are pleased to have been instructed to sell this four bedroom semi detached chain free property extremely well located in Hendon

On the ground floor, you will find a through dining room/lounge, a morning room and a conservatory with a Succah roof. There are four good size bedrooms, two bathrooms and a guest WC. The property also offers off-street parking for two cars and a private garden.

excess of £950,000 Brent Street, NW4



Dear Rabbi

All this talk about repentance at this time of year seems a little overwhelming. I mean who are we kidding, right? Repent today and sin again tomorrow. Aren’t we just re-booting our guilt complex before we return to “normal” after the High Holidays?


Dear Nadia

Let’s consider the essence of repentance. First, a story: A man came to Rabbi Israel of Ryzhin. ‘Rebbe, I am a sinner, I would like to return to do teshuvah.’ ‘So go ahead and do teshuvah,’ the Rebbe instructed. ‘I don’t know how,’ replied the man. ‘How did you know to sin?’ the Rebbe retorted. ‘I acted, and then I realised that I had sinned,’ came the reply. ‘Well,’ said the Rebbe, ‘the same applies to teshuvah: repent and the rest will fol-low of itself.’

with his apparent simplification of the repentance process? How indeed does repentance work?

of repentance is such that “even the perfectly righteous are surpassed by the one who repents.” Every Jew maintains an ultimate attachment to G-d. Thus, the verse calls the soul of man “a lamp of G-d.” While the righteous Jew may draw steadily nearer toward his source in the Divine, the sinner is pulling further away. But like the stretched cords of an elastic, when consciously determining to return he is propelled forward with greater intensity to surpass even the righteous. Repentance reveals the infinite G-dly spark within our souls and connects us to G-d at a level above even the most sublime levels of divine service. Without repentance, one would despair, crushed by the burden of his or her errors. While Torah and mitzvot sustain the existence of the Jew, repentance ensures our survival. Its power is overawing. There is no sin that cannot be remedied by repentance. The Talmud declares: There is nothing which can stand in the way of repentance.” Moreover, sin is time-consuming. It is an evolutionary process. Repentance, on the other hand, even in the worst of cases, is immediate.

woman on condition that ‘I am a righteous person without sin’, the betrothal is valid and binding even if he was known to be absolutely wicked, because at that very moment of proposal, he may have had repentance in mind.

The Talmud lists repentance as one of the seven things created before the creation of the world.” The significance of this is compelling. Jewish mysticism compares the human body to a wick and the soul as the light above. The light must have oil to keep it burning. This is the Torah and mitzvot. If when one sins, he is effectively cutting the fuel supply to the soul, how indeed do we continue to exist? Thus G-d, in His divine compassion, introduced repentance before creating the world. It transcends time and as such doesn’t merely atone for sins but literally redefines one’s past to eradicate every remnant of the misdeed. The single thought, the momentary meditation of repentance is sufficient to move one from the greatest depths to the greatest heights and restore one’s relationship with their Maker.

The fasting on Yom Kippur is an act of purification and a means through which man expresses remorse, but it in itself does not constitute repentance. Everything in Creation is categorised in terms of matter and form (body and soul). The act of sin, its external

manifestation, is the matter (the body) of sin. The underlying thought, the will or passion that generated the transgression is the form (the soul) of the sin. Fasting and self-mortification attack the body and purify the matter from the sin. However, it does not hit at the very root, the essence, the soul of the sin. Thus, while the exterior associated with the sin is no longer, the essence still remains, allowing the sin to re-emerge. Only the elimination of the thought, intent and desire that caused the sin, which is the essence of repentance, will eliminate the soul of the sin. When you deprive the soul, when you strike at the roots, the sin ceases to exist in its entirety.

The Torah states: “This mitzvah which I command you this day is not beyond your reach, nor is it far off.” Nachmanides interprets this verse to refer specifically to the principle of repentance. As the verse continues: ‘Even if your outcasts be in the outer-most parts of Heaven’ and you are under the power of the nations, you can yet return unto G-d and do ‘according to all that I command you this day.’ For repentance ‘is not beyond reach, nor is it far off,’ but ‘it is exceedingly near to you, in your mouth and in your heart to do it.’

‘Well,’ said the Rebbe. ‘Repent and the rest will follow of itself.’

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Torah from Israel Actually, Torah is in the Heavens

No one has ever been to Heaven and back…except for our greatest leader Moshe Rabeinu. Three times he ascended heaven to draw the word of Hashem down to a human audience. After two of these expeditions, he descended carrying sacred words engraved upon stony luchot. To heaven and back.

As Moshe neared the end of his life, the nation began to doubt whether the word of Hashem could be acquired without a leader who could ascend to heaven. Addressing these fears, Moshe reassured us that, even after his passing, the word of Hashem would still remain accessible. Though the study and practice of the divine will seems intimidating, it can be attained through hard work and persistent study, even by mortals incapable of scaling the heavens. Moshe announced “Torah is not in the Heavens nor does it lie across the oceans” but is available to us “in our hearts and upon our tongues”. The knowledge of Hashem’s word may seem distant or even unreachable, but it can be secured through diligence and commitment.


A midrash aptly captures Moshe’s reassurance: two people walk into a large room and observe a piece of bread dangling from a high vaulted ceiling. The foolish person is overwhelmed, doubting his ability of ever reaching this hanging bread. The wise person, however, deduces that someone else must have discovered a route to hang this bread reasoning that “someone must have hung it there”. Whenever ability exists, methods can be devised.

Religious excellence often feels daunting and frightening. By proclaiming that Torah isn’t in the Heavens, Moshe, informed us that the will of Hashem, though originating in Heaven, was delivered to Earth, and can be mastered by the humans who inhabit this planet.


Centuries later, Moshe’s statement, reformulated in a different context, became a foundational statement about the role of rationalism within Judaism. In the 1st century several tana’im were deeply engaged in an important halachik debate about the laws of tumah. The majority of the rabonim ruled against a minority opinion of Rabbi Eliezer, the Rebbe of Rebbi Akiva. To authenticate his minority position Rabbi Eliezer summoned supernatural miracles. He ordered the trees to levitate and the waters to flow backward, hoping to corroborate his shittah, against

the majority. Unmoved by these signs, his colleagues firmly rejected any notion that supernatural omens could resolve a halachik machloket. Halacha, they affirmed, could only be arbitrated by human logic and rational analysis, not by paranormal input. In rejecting these miracles, the Rabonim invoked Moshe’s original statement that Torah was no longer residing in the Heavens. Once Torah was delivered to the human realm it was not subject to mystic data and heavenly rulings. The interpretation of Hashem’s word, once inserted into the human domain, would be shaped by human analysis and rational inquiry of Hashem’s word and not by heavenly prophecy.

By issuing this iconic phrase, Moshe had originally intended to reassure an anxious nation that Torah was attainable even without superhuman voyages to Heaven. At this later stage, however, this famous expression became a motto about the rationality of Torah logic and of Judaism in general.


The rationality of Torah analysis firmly anchored Jewish religious practice. Since the fundamentals of faith can never be empirically proven religion is a leap of faith. It is precisely the lack of empirical proof which lends religion its passion and its fervor. Our deepest passions in life stem from our irrational dedication to ideas and people. When we suspend our ration and believe in something unprovable and larger than ourselves passion grows. Cynics of religion mock non-rational faith but believers celebrate the depth and resonance it lends our experience.

However, since religion is founded on non-empirical faith it can become superstitious and random. As belief itself can’t be proven, religious experience risks becoming haphazard and occult. Our belief that Torah isn’t in the heavens but subject to human analyses grounded Jewish practice and Jewish culture in reason and logic.

Moreso, as a people who practiced a rational system of halacha we also applied our rational minds to the world around us. We excelled in professions which demanded rational analysis. We spearheaded the development of science, technology, philosophy decoded mysteries and applied newly discovered information to improve the human condition. Our rationalism also helped us wrestle with a hostile world. Facing constant historical setbacks, we didn’t sink into hollow despair but devised practical workaround solutions to our predicaments and disabilities. Our rational bent,

derived from Moshe’s proclamation that Torah isn’t in the Heavens created a sturdy and logical process of Jewish halacha and also generated a hardy rational-based Jewish culture, capable of surviving very difficult historical conditions.


Yet, despite our rational bent we also occupied a second world, beyond human logic and beyond empiricism. We lived firmly grounded on Earth, but we also pondered Heaven. We trusted in a G-d that the human imagination could not possibly describe. Judaism was always a thrust into a different realm, beyond human experience and beyond human ration.

Additionally, as we investigated our terrestrial world, we also acknowledged worlds above us, which lay beyond the ken of scientific tools of inquiry. The study of kabbalah helped us map worlds we could never see, but we knew existed. Even for those who didn’t actively study kabbalah the mere knowledge of upper realms stretched our experience beyond the affairs of this world thereby amplifying our lives. Our world wasn’t the only realm, it was merely the one we inhabited.

We always strode delicately between these two realms. Following Moshe’s assurances, we were confident that Torah was delivered to Earth and could be acquired by humans and analysed by humans. We built a religious system and a national culture heavily based upon the foundations of ration. However, even while we lived on Earth, we never gave up the Heavens.

Throughout our history, some Jewish communities tilted toward greater rationalism while others angled toward greater esotericism. However, we always straddled both worlds. The high and the low, the ration and the mystery. Anchored to our world we also knew how to transcend our world in search for Hashem. Though couldn’t climb mountains our spirit and religious hearts hiked to Heaven.


Unfortunately, we are gradually losing transcendence. Judaism is becoming too grounded on Earth and is quickly losing altitude. In a hyper-empirical world refashioned by the scientific revolution religious rituals seem irrational to many who sadly have walked away from classic ritual behaviour.

However, even Orthodox jews who steadfastly maintain religious traditions and rituals have crafted a highly rational form of religious experience while

de-emphasising the esoteric parts of religion. Too often, we justify faith and religion purely in “earthly” and human terms: religion provides meaning, values, social welfare, familial bliss, shabbat respite, personal discipline, healthy relationships and tikun olam. All this may be true, but all these values are grounded in our world. We have clipped the wings of religion and rarely do we fly to heaven. In the words of Rebecca Goldstein (36 Arguments for the Existence of G-d) we are witnessing the “sad sight of human life untouched by transcendence”. This Rosh Hashanah let us recover some of that transcendence. Let us stop justifying Judaism solely because of the human benefits it provides. Let us stand before Hashem in service and in awe savouring our encounter with Him and his Higher wisdom. Let us transcend this world, even for a few days. Let us reach for the Heavens. Moshe came down, let us rise above.

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

Moshe announced “Torah is not in the Heavens nor does it lie across the oceans” but is available to us “in our hearts and upon our tongues”.


Do Not Separate Yourself from the Community

After the ninety-eight curses that Bnei Yisrael heard at the end of Ki Tavo, they were devastated and questioned whether they could possibly withstand such terrible punishments. Moshe Rabbeinu encouraged them with the opening words of this week’s parasha: “Atem nitzavim hayom, Today you are all standing.” Although you have sinned many times, all of you still stand today before Hashem. Was Moshe trying to minimize the severity of the Divine reproof or imply that it was only a threat that would not be carried out? Furthermore, how could Moshe say that all were alive and well despite their sins, when in fact tens of thousands had perished in the desert?

Moshe’s intention was to assure the Jewish people that the purpose of the curses was not to wreak vengeance on them for their sins, but to ensure their survival as a nation. Therefore, he told them after all the sins and all the

punishments, the tzibbur (community) is eternal. The concept of death does not exist with respect to the community. Those who perished died as individuals, but as a part of Knesset Yisrael, which is eternal, they still survive.

Conversely, one who separates himself from the community and says “I will do as I see fit” will not be forgiven and will be utterly destroyed. Our relationship to Hashem is only through the tzibbur. The Torah was not given to individuals. Our relationship to Hashem is as members of Knesset Yisrael. Rambam (Hilchot Teshuvah 3:24) classifies an apikores (heretic) as one who keeps all the mitzvot but separates himself from the Jewish people. Without a link to Klal Yisrael, there can be no link to Hashem and Torah.

Hillel taught (Pirkei Avot 2:5): “Do not separate yourself from the tzibbur.” He then went on to relate four additional seemingly unrelated teachings. However, a deeper study of the Mishnah reveals that they are in fact the rebuttal of various

Nitzavim Vayeilech Sidra Summary

arguments for cutting oneself off from the community.

“Do not believe in yourself until the day you die.” Do not think that you are strong enough spiritually to function on your own without the supportive community of Torah observers.

“Do not judge your fellow until you have reached his place.” In your criticism of the other members of the community, don’t convince yourself that you would be better off separated from them. Rather judge them favorably and understand the circumstances that generate those actions which offend you. See their good points.

“Do not make a statement that cannot be easily understood on the ground that it will be understood eventually.” People are sometimes frustrated that their views and opinions are not accepted by the tzibbur, but one must realize that the fault may lie in his views and not in the tzibbur. Perhaps his opinions are not fit to be heard and accepted.

And finally: “Do not say, ‘when I have

time I will learn,’ for perhaps you will never have time.” There are those who feel that the community responsibilities infringe too greatly on their time and potential for personal development. They therefore conclude that disassociating themselves from communal involvement will give them more time to learn. Never reckon that spare time can be generated by avoiding a mitzvah. Hashem will not permit one to benefit by neglecting his communal responsibilities.

The concept of tzibbur is most complete in Eretz Yisrael where we are “goy echad ba’aretz, one nation in the Land,” as opposed to chutz laAretz where we are “mefuzar umeforad bein hagoyim, scattered and divided amongst the Nations.”

May we all merit being brought back to Eretz Yisrael to be one totally united Nation with the coming of Mashiach soon in this new year.

Rabbi Zev Leff is the rabbi of Moshav Matityahu, and a renowned author, lecturer and educator. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.


On the last day of his life, Moshe gathers every member of the nation, of all ages. He enters them into a covenant with G-d, which will be binding for future generations too. Moshe warns them against idolatry. Forsaking the covenant will result in the Land being destroyed and the nation being exiled.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 30:1-6

If the nation does indeed stray and finds itself in exile, it will return to G-d wholeheartedly. G-d will have mercy upon the people and bring them in from wherever they have been ‘scattered’.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 30:7-14

After Israel’s ‘return’ to G-d, His wrath will turn upon those enemies which persecuted her. G-d will bless the nation like

He blessed their forefathers. The Torah is not hidden, nor is it so far away that it is inaccessible. Rather it is ‘very close’ to us.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 30:15-31:6

G-d has placed ‘life and good, death and evil’ in front of the nation, who are urged to ‘choose life’. That means loving Him and walking in His ways. Heaven and Earth are called to bear witness to this decision and its consequences.

Parashat Vayelech starts with Moshe reminding the people that he is not going into the Land with them, but that Yehoshua (Joshua) will lead them and that they

will conquer their enemies in the same way that G-d allowed them to defeat the mighty kings Sichon and Og.

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 31:7-13

Standing in front of the nation, Moshe tells Yehoshua not to be afraid. Moshe writes the entire Torah and gives the scroll to the Kohanim and the elders. Moshe instructs the people in a new mitzvah, known as hakhel – just after the end of every seventh year of the agricultural cycle (shemitah), on Succot, all the people are to gather in Jerusalem, young and old, to hear the king read parts of the Torah.

Point to Consider: why was just after the shemitah year the chosen time for hakhel?

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 31:14-1

G-d calls Moshe and Yehoshua to stand by the entrance to the Tent of Meeting (ohel moed), where He tells them that the nation will turn against Him to other G-ds. G-d’s anger will flare against Israel, and he will ‘hide His face’ from them, as if He is unaware of their sufferings (Rashi). He commands Moshe to write the Song of Ha’azinu, next week’s sidrah (Rashi).

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 31:20-30

G-d continues with His message; excessive enjoyment of the Land’s abundance will lead the nation to idol worship. Reading the Song of Ha’azinu will remind them that they were warned of the consequences of rebellion. Moshe finishes writing the Sefer Torah and tells the Levi’im to place it next to the aron (ark).


Taken from the book of Yeshaya, this is the last of the seven ‘haftarot of consolation’ read after Tisha B’Av. The redemption will come, with the nations of the world recognising Israel’s splendour. Though sullied by the blood-stains of the struggles of exile, the nation should always be aware that G-d loves them and is guarding them.

Mount Arbel, Galilee, Israel “The Lord, your G-d, will bring you to the Land that your forefathers possessed and you shall possess it” (Devarim 30:5)


Moshe was keenly aware of the drama and dread that was a key factor in last week’s long Sidra. He therefore opens this Sidra with calming words - “You are all standing here”. He had another reason to reassemble them; this was his last day on earth and he wanted to establish a firm agreement between Hashem and the Jewish People. “You are all here today..the heads of your tribes, your elders, your policemen, children and women, converts, some acting as wood choppers and water drawers.” Why are you here today - to establish this covenant between you and Hashem. Do not think, however, continues Moshe, that this is only for you who are physically standing here. All the Jewish people, forever, are to be bound by it. You, though, saw the land of Egypt and saw the “glamorous” despicable idols and maybe there is someone among you


who has seeds of rebellion and wishes to have an idol themselves! He or she or they may think, “Peace will be with me for I will follow my heart”. No! Hashem’s anger will flare and the person will be subject to all the earlier-mentioned curses. To the extent that when the nonJews see the desolation (as some did during the almost-2000 years we were almost banished from the Holy Land) they will be astounded - “Why is this place in such ruins? What is this anger all about? And they will understand that it was due to the Jewish people forgetting the agreement made between Hashem and their ancestors.

Moshe then continues with a prophecy - You will return to G-d - yes, after a long exile, the Jewish people will do Teshuva and G-d will return with you (for He too is in Galut in some way) and gather in all your people who have been

scattered from Yugoslavia to Yemen, Scotland to Scandinavia, Greece to Greenland, New York to Newcastle, you will come back to Eretz Yisrael and grow to love Hashem once again.

This Mitzvah (either referring to Torah or Teshuva) is not far up in the heavens, nor is it across a great ocean - it is within very easy reach - any Jew can return. Serve Hashem - especially when you’re young, then your children will follow you as you will set a good example and you will thereby have long days on the land that I promised your ancestors, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.

The second Parsha we read is the shortest one of all - 30 pesukim in total and a continuation of Moshe’s talk to the Jewish people. He encourages them to trust in G-d to assist Yehoshua with conquering the Land. The special

Mitzvah of Hakhel is taught, in which the Jewish people are to gther once in seven years to the Beit Hamikdash to hear the Torah being read - yes even those too young to understand are more than welcome!

Hashem tells Moshe that he was going to die soon and that the Jewish people would not always be faithful to the Torah and they will then experience what they imagine G-d to be hiding from them. Chassidic masters taught that we can look at this from another angle - even when so much seems hidden - when we don’t see instant answers to our problems or prayers - remember that it is Hashem Himself who is hiding. In the next Sidra, we are taught a special song - Haazinu, which we are first introduced to this week. In the meantime have a wonderful and meaningful Rosh Hashanah!

Togeth they contain 70 verses, 2,037 words and 7,775 letters.

Promise of our eventual redemption. Command to write a Sefer Torah

Nitzavim Vayeilech are the eighth and ninth Sidrot in the book of Devarim.
Answers 1. Growing old 2. Free for all 3. Paradox 4. Down time 5. Condescending 6. Reduction
1 2 3 4 5 6

Tangram Challenge!

Word Wheel

Last week’s words

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!

did die dig din fie fig


fin gin died dine ding find

Q: Why did the bird go to hospital?

A: For tweet-ment!

Q: How do bees get to school?

A: The school buzz!

Q: Did you hear the joke about the broken pencil?

A: Never mind. There’s no point!

Q: What is a cats favourite colour?

A: Purrr-ple!



1. How can a pocket have something in it if it is empty?

2. I fly around all day but never go anywhere. What am I?

3. What needs an answer but doesn’t ask a question?

N I A M T I O S B Answers 1. It has a hole in it! 2. A flag! 3. A telephone

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the stag shape on the right? fined
dined dinge feign fiend
genii indie dinged dignified
The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.
Use the area below to write the words you have found.



Sefardi Meat Traditions for Rosh Hashanah

As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we honor the diverse traditions that enrich this holiday. For Sephardi Jews, Rosh Hashanah is a time of vibrant customs. In this “Ask the Expert” guide, we’ll explore Sephardi meat traditions and share two delightful recipes for Roaster in 1/8’s and Prime Bola Roast which are on offer at Kosher Deli if you are signed up to our WhatsApp groups!

Sefardi Jews have a rich culinary heritage that blends Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavors. Their Rosh Hashanah celebrations often feature aromatic spices, slow-cooked meats, and savory stews. Meat is a centerpiece of the holiday table, symbolizing abundance and blessings for the coming year.

Recipe 1: Roaster in 1/8’s (Pollo en Pepitoria):


1 whole chicken, cut into 1/8ths

1/2 cup almonds, blanched and ground

2 onions, finely chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 cup white wine

2 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh parsley for garnish


1. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add chopped onions and minced garlic. Sauté until golden brown.

2. Add the chicken pieces and brown them on all sides.

3. Sprinkle ground almonds, cinnamon, and cumin over the chicken. Stir well to coat.

4. Pour in the white wine and season with salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.

5. Garnish with fresh parsley before serving. This dish combines the richness of almonds with aromatic spices, creating a truly special Rosh Hashanah treat.

Recipe 2: Prime Bola Roast:


1.5-2kg of prime bola roast

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons paprika

1 teaspoon ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 onion, sliced

• 1 cup beef broth

1/2 cup red wine


1. Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C).

2. In a small bowl, mix the minced garlic, paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, and olive oil to create a spice rub.

3. Rub the spice mixture evenly over the prime bola roast.

4. In a large oven-proof skillet, sear the meat on all sides until browned.

5. Add sliced onions, beef broth, and red wine to the skillet.

6. Cover the skillet and transfer it to the preheated oven. Roast for about 2.5 to 3 hours, or until the meat is tender and cooked to your desired level of doneness.

7. Let the roast rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving. The result is a succulent and flavorful prime bola roast that will impress your Rosh Hashanah guests.

Embrace the vibrant flavors of Sephardi traditions this Rosh Hashanah with these delicious recipes. These dishes not only pay homage to our cultural heritage but also symbolize the hope for a year filled with prosperity and blessings. Wishing all our customers and the community a Shana Tova!

To join up to our whatsapp groups or to join our loyalty card scheme please visit our website



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The Championship

City lead way after opening fixtures

Defending Premier League champions Manchester City lead the way after the opening four rounds of fixtures.

The campaign so far has matched the pre-season hype in terms of excitement and talking points with City the only team enjoying an unblemished record.

A clutch of clubs are unbeaten with Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool, West Ham and Arsenal enjoying fine starts with three wins and draw.

England skipper Harry Kane, after months of transfer speculation is enjoying life at Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga, but his old side have regrouped under new boss Ange Postecoglu with new signing James Maddison in particular impressing at his new club.

Skipper Son Heung-Min scored a hat trick in a comfortable 5-2 win at Burnley before the international break to keep his team right behind City at the top.

Liverpool have made a strong start even

though there is continued talk of star man Mo Salah joining the mini exodus of world stars to the Saudi Pro League and West Ham fans are delighted how their team is playing following the departure of captain Declan Rice to Arsenal.

As for the Gunners, they look balanced and determined to mount a serious challenge this season. Rice hit the winning strike late on against Manchester United shortly after the Reds had a breakaway goal chalked off by VAR in a sensational game at the Emirates last Sunday. Gabriel Jesus rounded off a 3-1 victory following a swift counter attack deep into injury time to send home fans into raptures.

Arsenal have invested wisely and look strong enough to challenge City for the title.

But it will be some task as City are unstoppable at the moment. Sharpshooter Erling Harland notched his first hat trick of the campaign in a 5-1 triumph over Fulham.

Meantime, Brighton with three victories, the latest a 3-1 win against Newcastle

United, are set for another exciting season.

A number of teams have won a couple of games including Erik van Tag’s Reds and Chelsea. A 1-0 home defeat to Nottingham Forest was not expected by the Blues so boss Mauricio Pochettino, who invested heavily in the transfer window, will be looking for a vast improvement in form after the break.

The biggest surprise so far has to be the poor form of Eddie Howe’s Geordie outfit who have failed to win since the opening day of the season whilst five teams have yet to secure a win including Everton who had England keeper Jordan Pickford to thank for a last ditch stunning save in a 2-2 draw with Sheffield United.

Burnley and Luton Town are the only teams with no points though they have a game in hand to be rearranged.

Of course, it’s early days and plenty of changes will occur in the coming months but managers are under pressure to deliver and if they fail changes will occur such is the high stakes of the division.

The Championship often sits in the shadow of the Premier League but is regarded by many as the best league in England, because literally any team competing in it, has the potential to win promotion to the promised land of the Premier League.

As if to highlight the competitive point, unfancied Preston currently sit top of the league following last weekend’s results, following a 2-0 away win at Stoke City, with Will Keane, a summer signing from Wigan bagging both goals. They have a one-point lead over newly promoted Ipswich Town, who recovered from 2-0 down to beat Cardiff 3-2. Of the teams relegated from the Premier League last season, both Southampton and Leicester fell to surprise defeats, whilst Leeds, who have found life back in the Championship a real struggle, could only manage a goalless draw with lowly Sheffield Wednesday.

Elsewhere, there was a 6 goal thriller at Coventry as they shared the points with Watford. Watford, who had been hoping to bounce back following their defeat at home to Blackburn, did at last manage to score their first league goals since the opening weekend of the season, but still sit just a couple of points off the relegation zone.

Elsewhere, Middlesborough’s goal woes continued as they lost 2-0 at home to QPR. They have really missed the goal threat that Akpom provided since he was sold to Ajax and have only managed to score three goals all season.


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