The Jewish Weekly Issue 287 - July 13th

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‘Day of Disruption’ sees mass protests across Israel

Tens of thousands of Israelis voiced their disapproval to the coalition government passing the first reading of a ‘reasonableness’ bill in the Knesset this week.

The proposed legislation is part of controversial judicial reforms that has seen mass demonstrations across the country this year.

The latest protests throughout Tuesday saw demonstrators block major roads in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa whilst over 10,000 protesters rallied at Terminal 3 of Ben-Gurion International Airport.

Demonstrations took place outside President Isaac Herzog’s

residence in Jerusalem, the Ministry of Defence building and the US Embassy’s office in Tel Aviv. Police, who used water canons to clear protestors from some roads, made over 70 arrests.

The first stage of the bill passed 64 votes to 56 on Monday night. In disturbing scenes security officers removed a number of protesters who had tried to glue themselves to the floor.

The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee are set to move the bill forward to the second and third readings before it becomes legislation.

Coalition members want the

Continued on page 2

See page 12

Chief Rabbi receives his Knighthood at Windsor Castle from King Charles

Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis KBE received his knighthood at Windsor Castle on Tuesday.

He told ITV London that it was a “deep privilege” to be included in an “exceptionally moving” ceremony. “The King was absolutely wonderful, he

made everybody feel exceptionally comfortable, and I was able to engage with him in conversation,” the Chief Rabbi said, adding that the King was “exceptionally gracious” and he felt a “sense of awe” in his presence.

PARSHAT MATOT MASEI SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS London 20:58 22:13 Manchester 21:16 22:42 Leeds 21:12 22:48 Birmingham 21:06 22:36 Bournemouth 20:57 22:22 Liverpool 21:16 22:49 Antwerp: 21:45 23:01 Gateshead: 21:19 23:00 Jerusalem 19:11 20:28
Zichron Menachem Summercut 2023
The Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim and Lady Valerie Mirvis with sons (l to r) Eitan, Danny, Noam and Hillel at Windsor Castle, following the investiture by King Charles. PHOTO: COURTESY

bill passed into law before the summer recess at the end of July.

The judicial reform argument has made headline news and divided Israeli society for months.

Reserves in Mossad, Shin Bet, the Air Force, Navy and Military have spoken about cancelling reserve duty. The IDF warned it will act if this occurs due to Israel’s security.

Defence Minister Gallant said it would result in rewarding Israel’s enemies. “Refusal harms the IDF,” he noted. “Refusal harms the defence establishment. Refusal harms Israel’s security.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argues reform will strengthen democracy.

“Under court supervision, which will continue, the government will be required to act honestly, in a measured, fair and equitable fashion,” he said.

Knesset committee chairman Simcha

BBC apology after Jenin operation interview

Rothman wants the bill to pass without changes. “The grounds of reasonability is something the State of Israel got by without for many years,” he observed.

Critics, however, believe the bill will limit the Supreme Court reviewing ministers’ decisions. Protest leaders have vowed to escalate opposition to the government’s plans.

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David has considered calling a general strike. “When I feel that things have gone too far, we will use our strength,” he told union leaders in Tel Aviv this week.

Herzog led compromise talks earlier this year but they failed to find a breakthrough in the deadlock.

The White House has called to respect the “right of peaceful assembly”.

A statement noted that the US and Israeli democracy is built on “strong institutions, checks and balances, and an independent judiciary”.

The BBC has apologised following complaints by Jewish organisations over an interview by Anjana Gadgil on BBC News with former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett about the IDF’s operation in Jenin last week.

Gadgil claimed that Israeli forces were “happy to kill children”. Bennett rejected the comment, noting 17-year-olds were “armed combatants”.

Bennett tweeted that the interview was “one of the most hostile” toward Israel he could remember.

Campaign Against Antisemitism was outraged and wrote to the BBC labelling Gadgil’s comments “despicable”.

A spokesperson said: “The notion draws on the antisemitic blood libel trope, which has haunted Jews for centuries and continues to manifest to this day in accusations like these. We made representations to the BBC, which was right to issue a swift apology for the language that she used. But questions remain for the Jewish community as to why BBC journalists persistently cross the line in their coverage of Israel and, in doing so, perpetuate malign notions about Jews.”

The Board of Deputies was shocked by the ‘killing children’ comment and welcomed the BBC apology for “clearly unacceptable language” used in the Bennett interview.

The Board noted there was “a clear breach of the Corporation’s own guidelines.”

“Having written to the Director General on this matter, I appreciate the Corporation’s speedy response,” said BoD President Marie van der Zyl in a statement.

The Anti-Defamation League welcomed BBC World’s response but said that Gadgil’s comments were “slanderous and hateful”.

The ADL added that there was a “sustained

anti-Israel bias within mainstream media outlets”.

CAA pointed out that according to the IHRA definition of antisemitism: ‘Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism to characterise Israel or Israelis’ is an example of antisemitism.’

Following the furore, the BBC said in a statement: “Across the BBC’s platforms, including the BBC News channel, these events have been covered in an impartial and robust way. The United Nations raised the issue of the impact of the operation in Jenin on children and young people. While this was a legitimate subject to examine in the interview, we apologise that the language used in this line of questioning was not phrased well and was inappropriate.”

The BBC confirmed it had received complaints regarding the Bennett interview relating to specific questions about the deaths of young people in the Jenin refugee camp.

Early in the interview, Gadgil reportedly stated: “Terrorists, but children. The Israeli forces are happy to kill children.” Bennett responded: “It’s quite remarkable that you’d say that, because they’re killing us. Now, if there’s a 17-year-old Palestinian that’s shooting at your family, Anjana, what is he?”

Gadgil has deleted her Twitter account.

The IDF destroyed militant targets during a two-day counterterrorism operation in Jenin, in Judea and Samaria.

Security forces reported 12 terrorists had been killed and scores of arrests of militants during Operation House and Garden. Troops discovered weapons, ammunition, explosive devices and underground shafts as they struck terrorist infrastructure.

Egoz commando Sgt. David Yehuda Yitzhak, 23, from Beit El, was killed during the operation.

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Protests in Israel this week PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA
Continued from page 1
Anjana Gadgil interviewing Naftali Bennett PHOTO: SCREENBRAB

Bibi praises squadron from Jenin operation

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met the UAV attack squadron that took part in the recent operation in Jenin during a visit to Palmachim Air Force Base.

Netanyahu was briefed by the squadron commander, spoke with personnel including the pilot of a helicopter that rescued an infantry force. He also toured the aircraft shelter and met technical crews.

Netanyahu commended the squadron and spoke of a new era in the fight against terrorism in which aerial units provide surgical support for ground forces in built-up areas to thwart terrorism and avoiding injury to non-combatants.

Netanyahu sent condolences to the family of IDF soldier Sgt. First Class David Yehuda Yitzhak who fell as IDF troops withdrew from Jenin after the counterterrorism operation.

Addressing the squadron, he noted: “We’ve just finished a comprehensive action against the terrorist enclave in Jenin. Jenin was to be a safe haven. It no longer is a safe haven. We operated in a very systemic way, with large forces, in one of the most concentrated and dense areas on the planet. And we were able to attack the terrorists while avoiding civilian casualties, whereas

our enemies are committing a double war crime. They target civilians and hide behind them. We denied that possibility while avoiding civilian casualties.

“This is a sign of our next steps. This is just a first step. It’s not, by no means, the last action that we will take. We will do what we can, from the ground, from the air, with superb intelligence, we will do what we can to fight the terrorists. They shall have no safe haven.”

Thousands of mourners joined the family of Yitzhak at his funeral on Mount Herzl last week.

Yitzhak’s commander, Lt. Col. M., eulogised: “Throughout your service, you were a leading part in any mission, and risked your life for the sake of others in Israel.” He added: “You always sought to uphold morality and ethics, your values have been instilled in you since birth. We lost an amazing person and soldier.” Netanyahu saluted security forces that fight terrorism around the clock at his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Regarding Israel’s response to terrorism, he said: “I reiterate our policy. Whoever murders Israelis, whoever perpetrates terrorism, will end up in one of two places, prison or the grave. This is the government’s policy. We settle accounts with the

assailants, we strike those who dispatch terrorists and at terrorist infrastructure. And we initiate and use the element of surprise. We determine the timing of our actions, as we did in Operation Shield and Arrow against Islamic Jihad in Gaza, and as we did in the operation against terrorists in Jenin. We are changing the equation and so we will continue.”

In related news, Israel’s United Nation Ambassador Gilad has criticised comments by UN Secretary-General António Guterres during a press briefing at UN Headquarters in New York that Israel forces deployed “excessive force” during the Jenin operation.

Erdan called on Guterres to retract his comments. Describing them as “shameful, far-fetched and completely detached from reality,” the military action in Jenin, Eddan noted was “focused solely on combating the murderous Palestinian terror targeting innocent Israeli civilians,”.

Erdan has informed UN council members that 52 Israelis were killed by Palestinians attacks carried out from Jenin or the area in the past year.

“The international community and the Security Council must unconditionally condemn the latest Palestinian terror attacks and hold the Palestinian leadership accountable,” he said.

Arsernal fan banned for Hitler jibe NJA rejects BBC’s apology

An Arsenal fan has been banned from attending football matches in the UK for three years.

Daniel Down, 39, who shouted “Hitler should have finished the job”, at a game at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in January 2023, pleaded guilty at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court for using threatening, abusive, distressing words.

The Crown Prosecution Service brought the charges which were racially or religiously aggravated.

Downs was ordered to pay of £471 in fines including a victim surcharge of £110.

Action Against Discrimination welcomed the court judgment against Down but criticised the length of the ban.

Jonathan Metliss, AAD chairman commented: “Zero tolerance is the only answer to this behaviour which sadly has been commonplace for years. Perhaps the existence of the new Jewish Gooners Group will help to prevent a reoccurrence of this behaviour.”

“It is in a step in the right direction because we regret the failure of the CPS to charge and prosecute four West Ham supporters for abusing a chassidic man on a flight to a game in Belgium.

“However, the sentencing is encouraging and should be taken on board by all relevant football authorities, clubs, supporter groups and politicians. This behaviour is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.”

He added: “The behaviour and language by Down confirms our campaign to eradicate the use of the ‘Y’ word by Tottenham supporters including the expressions ‘Being a Yid’, ‘Yid Army’, ‘Yiddo’ and ‘Yid’ is correct and justifiable. These words provoke and encourage antisemitic responses and behaviour from opposing fans who exploit these expressions to express their antisemitism.”

The prosecution noted that the victim, who reported the incident to the police, had immediately told Down he took “great offence” as members of his family had died in the Holocaust. The prosecution noted Down apologised to the victim and had attended a police interview without legal counsel.

Sentencing, the Judge told Down what he did was “egregious in the extreme” and at 29 years of age “ought to have known better”.

Earlier this year, Arsenal launched ‘Jewish Gooners’ to help tackle antisemitism among fans.

The National Jewish Assembly is disappointed in the BBC for biased reporting against Israel during its coverage of the recent IDF security operation in Jenin.

The BBC’s insincere apology, NJA note, “falls short” of addressing the magnitude of its reporting and harm caused by inflammatory remarks.

“It does little to ameliorate the situation nor address the BBC’s systemic bias against Israel,” said an NJA spokesman. “The interview between former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and BBC news presenter Anjana Gadgil was marred by outrageous and baseless claims made by Gadgil, insinuating that “Israeli forces are happy to kill children.

“Such egregious falsehoods not only tarnish the reputation of the BBC as a reputable news organisation but also perpetuate dangerous stereotypes and fuel a climate of anti-Israel bias. Bennett rightly refuted these unfounded allegations, countering the slander with factual information, and noted that all the individuals who lost their lives in Jenin were proven to be militants responsible for perpetrating terror attacks against Israel.”

The NJA noted that it wasn’t until they alongside other communal representative organisations, raised justified accusations of anti-Israel bias that the BBC issued an apology. However, the apology offered by the BBC was woefully inadequate and

failed to acknowledge the gravity of biased reporting.

“While the BBC admits that the language used in the interview was inappropriate, it cynically attempts to justify it by citing concerns raised by the United Nations regarding the impact of the operation on children and young people,” said a spokesman. “This feeble attempt to excuse their biased reporting is deeply disappointing and falls short of the level of accountability expected from a prominent media organisation.

“We underscore the vital importance of media outlets reporting news objectively and without prejudice. The BBC’s blatant partiality has severely undermined its credibility and abdicated its responsibility to provide accurate and impartial coverage of the Jenin security operation. The Jewish community demands and deserves far better. It is imperative that the BBC upholds the fundamental principles of journalistic integrity, impartiality, and fairness in all its reporting, particularly when covering sensitive topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

The NJA is closely monitoring the BBC’s coverage and will hold the organisation accountable for its reporting. The organisation is determined to ensure fair and accurate representation of issues concerning the Jewish community and Israel are upheld in the media landscape.

Prime Minister Netanyahu at Palmachim Air Force Base PHOTO: GPO

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Herzog laments global issues at Herzl memorial

President Herzog addressed the challenges of judicial reform in Israel at the annual state memorial for Theodor Herzl on Sunday.

Herzog claimed agreements are possible but lamented the struggles of getting politicians to talk directly.

He noted: “An agreement is attainable. And yet, still no one is willing to sit down and talk, now, without preconditions. This is a blunder of historic proportions.”

Recalling the founder of the Zionist movement to establish a Jewish homeland and his relevance today, Herzog noted: “Herzl outlined the principles of consensus, partnership and unity, the principles of respect for others, for every faith and way of life, should be a guiding light. We all need it, our people and country need it, and today, more than ever.”

He added: “The numbers, the data, the surveys, and the debates reflect a real and significant public need for dialogue. This shocking and dangerous reality is happening before our eyes and harms the unity in Israeli society.

“I don’t think there is anyone in Israel watching the news, or looking around the street, talking at the Shabbat table, in the workplace, on social networks or in WhatsApp groups that thinks that what is happening here is good for Israeli society. Families are being torn apart. Neighbours and friends are becoming rivals and enemies.”

Judicial reform negotiations at Herzog’s residence were halted in June after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition tried to postpone the election of Judicial Selection Committee representatives.

Herzog’s comments followed disturbing protests at the end of last week against judicial reform outside the homes of a number of government ministers. Protests have taken place for 28 weeks.

A number of arrests were made for disturbing the peace and allegedly assaulting police officers.

Tel Aviv District Police Commander Ami Eshed claimed he had been sacked for “political reasons.”

This followed the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee backing a bill to reduce the Supreme Court’s ability to intervene on grounds of reasonability. This would allow the reappointment of Shas leader Aryeh Deri to the cabinet.

Protesters backed Eshed but condemned Minister Itamar Ben Gvir

Netanyahu’s coalition want legislation to halt demonstrations that block roads, disrupt ports, public transportation and Ben Gurion Airport.

They hope to pass three readings by the end of July when the Knesset goes into summer recess.

The Herzl memorial also saw Herzog speak about attacks against religious minorities.

He noted: “I remind all of us that the Jewish people and our holy places have suffered

over the years, and are still suffering today, from attacks all over the world. Jews are subjected to antisemitic violence, synagogues and cemeteries are defaced, and as we have heard more than once in the past year and to great dismay even now, sacred items in general, and Torah scrolls in particular, are facing desecration and defilement.

“More than once we have, and I personally have, demanded and taken action to ensure that the family of nations would do everything in its power to eradicate this

NJA backs UK government’s IRGC sanctions David’s sling successful

The National Jewish Assembly commends the UK government for its decision to enforce tougher sanctions against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran. However it firmly believes this action alone is not sufficient to address the challenges presented by the IRGC.

The Foreign Office’s decision to expand sanctions criteria is a positive step towards holding supporters and companies accountable for their activities not only in Iran but also within the UK. It sends a strong message that there will be no hiding place for those who seek to harm the UK and its citizens.

The NJA has emphasised that proscribing the IRGC in its entirety is imperative. The IRGC has been known to engage in criminal activities that directly endanger the Jewish community, Israeli citizens, and those who speak out against the Iranian regime.

The NJA’s Chairman Gary Mond said: “Proscribing the IGRC in full means the UK government will be able to use the full force against this vehicle of the Iranian regime, a vehicle it uses to act outside the realms of the law and with impunity. Anything less than proscription is simply an inadequate temporary fix.”

While the NJA understands the Foreign

Office’s concerns regarding proscription and its potential impact on diplomatic channels with Iran, it urges the UK government to prioritise the safety and security of its citizens and take decisive action.

The NJA acknowledges the Iranian regime poses a global threat, including within the UK itself, as highlighted by the Director General of MI5 in November 2022. Ultimately, the organisation recognises that the most significant change can only come through a regime change in Iran. However, the credibility and outcome of such a change remain uncertain. In the meantime, it is imperative to address the immediate threats posed by the Iranian regime.

The NJA has called on the government to reconsider its position and proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist group under the 2000 Terrorism Act.

“This decisive action would demonstrate the UK’s unwavering commitment to combating global terrorism and ensuring the safety of its citizens and communities,” said a spokesman.

The NJA will continue to engage with the government and relevant stakeholders to address the pressing concerns associated with the IRGC and advocate for stronger measures to counter the threat it poses.

David’s Sling air and missile defence system held successful tests two months after its initial operational interception during Operation Shield and Arrow.

The Israeli Air Force, Ministry of Defence and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems concluded exercises in southern Israel. David’s Sling intercepted scenarios simulating advanced threats, enhancing the system’s capabilities and improving Israel’s multi-tiered air and missile defence array. Live-fire tests were designed to counter ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aircrafts and UAVs.

Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems participated. Exercises evaluated the system’s capabilities proving operational capabilities during conflict. It was an important milestone in integration into the Israeli Air Force. Senior leadership from the US Missile Defence Agency attended.

The David’s Sling system, Arrow systems, Iron Dome and C-Dome are an essential layer of Israel’s defence array.

The MoD, through the IMDO, leads development. The primary contractor is Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, Raytheon Missile Systems, Elta and Elbit Systems were also involved.

IMOD Director General Maj. Gen. (Res.)

Eyal Zamir expressed satisfaction at the tests.

IMOD’s Brig. Gen. (Res.) Dr. Daniel Gold,

abominable phenomenon. We are just in this demand, and we will continue to demand it. We cannot allow religion and faith, which can and should be a basis for partnership and deep connections between all G-d’s children, to become a sick and distorted justification to hate and attack others.

“At the same time, we must be consistent in this, and take the exact same position when it comes to other beliefs and religions, in Israel and abroad. I utterly condemn violence, in all its forms, directed by a small and extreme group, towards the holy places of the Christian faith, and against Christian clergy in Israel in general, and in Jerusalem in particular. This includes spitting, and the desecration of graves and churches. A serious phenomenon that has occurred in the last weeks and months especially.”

Herzog added: “The State of Israel is committed to putting an end to this phenomenon. I am also working, and will continue to work with all my might together with law enforcement other agencies, to lead efforts that will bring an end to this disturbing reality, which is perverse evil and an utter disgrace for us as a society and a country.”

Herzog condemned the recent burning of a Koran in Sweden.

“I was horrified.,” he said. “These acts are diametrically opposed to all the values of partnership between faiths for which we as a people and a country yearn.”

“We must all stand against this wherever it should arise”, Herzog added.

stated: “Operation Shield and Arrow showcased the system’s broad operational capabilities, proving the State of Israel’s qualitative advantage and global technological leadership in the field of air and missile defence.”

IAF Chief of Air Staff, Brig. Gen. Eyal Grinboim noted: “We successfully demonstrated our ability to carry out successful interceptions even in the most challenging scenarios. Combat soldiers have proven their outstanding operational capabilities.”

IMDO’s Patel, added: “The tests evaluated the system’s capabilities in complex and extreme scenarios. Leveraging these capabilities, combat soldiers operating the David’s Sling system successfully identified and engaged threats and launched interceptors that accurately destroyed the intended targets.”

Commander of the ‘Magen’ Directorate, Lt. Col. T: “These tests represent a series of successful interceptions. They serve as a testament to the system’s capabilities in effectively countering multi-arena attacks. The execution of training exercises involving live interceptions with an operational weapon system operated by the IAF instils great confidence in the system’s performance. It also aligns with our comprehensive multi-year plan, aimed at enhancing the readiness of our defence systems against threats, specifically from Iran and other potential arenas.”

Theodor Herzl David’s Sling PHOTO: WIKIPEDIA PHOTO: IMOD

ISA backs PA support

Israel’s Security Cabinet has backed support for the Palestinian Authority.

The move ensures the PA does not collapse.

An ISA statement submitted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted: “In the absence of a change in the national assessment, Israel will act to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian Authority, while demanding that it cease its anti-Israel activity in the international legal-diplomatic arena, the incitement in its media and education system, the payments to the families of terrorists and murderers, and the illegal construction in Area C.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned: “This is an illegal and dangerous act that harms the security of the country. The refusal is a reward for our enemies.”

The statement was supported eight votes to one, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich abstained.

Other proposals raised by Netanyahu were unanimously accepted.

Minister of National Security Itamar BenGvir voted against the motion.

“You live in a fantasy world if you believe that the Palestinian Authority hates us less than Hamas,” He said, adding: “If they are strengthened, the guns will be pointed at IDF soldiers. Incidents have already happened.”

The government did not specify measures but they are believed to include economic relief measures, improvements of access and mobility and enhanced security coordination.

Corbyn film… more cancellations

Campaign Against Antisemitism has welcomed further cancellations of a “propaganda film” about the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The latest screenings of the film Oh, Jeremy Corbyn! The Big Lie axed are at a Ludlow pub in Shropshire, a church in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire and Yeovil Labour Club. Screenings are understood to have been made by a third party, not the venue. CAA understand they were not made aware of the nature of the film.

CAA described the Corbyn film as a “rank piece of propaganda” featuring a “who’s who” of controversial figures.

A spokesperson said: “As we write to more and more venues are being cancelled across the country. The film not only denies that antisemitism in the Labour Party was a serious problem but actively paints a picture of a nefarious campaign being orchestrated against someone who allowed antisemitism to run rampant, to the extent that the Party was found to have broken the law, and only serves to alienate Jewish members of the communities where the film is being shown.”

CAA added: “As a result of our correspondence with them, venues are now realising the true nature of the film and are

the Jewish Care way

Police officers antisemitic messages

appalled when it is brought to their attention. If you know of any venues where the film is being screened, please let us know."

The latest cancellations follow the Tolpuddle Village Hall, Basildon Council, a Lewes pub, Glastonbury Festival, pub retailer Greene King, YMCA and Widcombe Social Club shelving screenings.

And trade union Unite has reportedly banned screenings of the film on its premises.

A small crowd watched the film at Glastonbury. CAA described viewers as a “few cranks” and dismissed its impact after footage appeared online without knowledge of festival organisers.

Glastonbury organisers recognised it was inappropriate” to screen the film.

CAA believe the campaign has been successful. It began when they wrote to Glastonbury organisers and its primary sponsor, Vodaphone. A public outcry followed. CAA argued festival-goers should enjoy performances without indoctrination from antisemitism-deniers.

Contributors to the film have been expelled from the Labour Party.

CAA has outstanding complaints against Corbyn and sitting MPs. They have called for an investigation by an independent disciplinary process demanded by the EHRC.

Seven Humberside Police officers have been dismissed due to WhatsApp messages deemed antisemitic and racist earlier this month. Sexist, racist, homophobic, and misogynistic messages were also found.

Two other officers were issued with a written warning. The decision took place following a court hearing at the end of June. The investigation opened in 2019.

Six officers breached police standards at ‘gross misconduct’ level.

Assistant Chief Constable Dave Marshall reportedly said: “The actions of these officers were deplorable and Humberside Police, its leadership and more importantly, our staff will not stand for this behaviour. When this information came to light, we acted swiftly and robustly, and sought to bring appropriate sanctions to those involved. That has meant that seven of those involved have been dismissed and no longer work in policing.

“The delay in reporting this to the public has been as a result of ongoing criminal proceedings in relation to some of the officers and their behaviours. I would like to reassure the community that while the actions of these officers may have tarnished their view of the police service, these aren’t the beliefs held by the overwhelming majority of officers at Humberside Police.”

The Metropolitan Police apologised last year after revealing officers shared jokes about Auschwitz concentration camp. An investigation was held by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

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Archbishop speaks at landmark BoD event

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby spoke of his commitment to fighting antisemitism, the duty of care universities have for Jewish students and a historic relationship between the Church and the Jewish community at a landmark Board of Deputies event in London last week (Wednesday).

Over 300 people heard the Archbishop interviewed by historian and novelist Simon Sebag Montefiore at Bevis Marks Synagogue.

In a wide ranging set of topics, the Archbishop said that Jewish communities are a “gift” to countries in which they live.

“There is no question that a country with a large Jewish community will be a better country,” he noted. “It will flourish in almost any area you care to name.”

Archbishop Welby spoke of a university’s responsibility to ensure Jewish students are not abused on campus. He was in favour of a “carrot and stick” approach.

The Archbishop added that universities should be rewarded when they protect students but “there should be serious consequence, in terms of their recognition, their authority and their funding” if they fail in a duty of care.

He added: “No one is entitled not to be offended, but everyone has the right not to be abused.”

On the Church's history of antisemitism, Archbishop Welby noted: “The Church unquestionably has a disgusting, shameful and horrendous history with the Jewish people in

the early Middle Ages.”

He felt the Church had a need to repent for past wrongdoings, observing: “I've always said that antisemitism is the root of all racism and the absolute foundation of all racism in our societies. If it's permissible to hate Jews, it's permissible to hate all others who are different to ourselves.”

Asked how it is possible to criticise Israel without being antisemitic, he commented: “We should treat Israel exactly the same as we treat every other country which is a legitimate, fully established member of the international community. So, Israel should be treated in the same way as France or Italy or Canada. Where it goes wrong is when Israel is criticised uniquely because it’s Israel.”

The Archbishop commended King Charles III for his commitment to being a monarch for all faiths. He said: “In 1953, there were fewer than 500,000 people of other faiths in the country. There are now several million and therefore if these communities were not included it would not reflect the make-up of the population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”

Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl praised the Archbishop for his unprecedented public support to the Jewish community through the antisemitism crisis. She noted. “Archbishop Welby stood with us at a very dark hour and we will never forget it. We are also most grateful, that at the same time, the Archbishop endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, which is

Herzog announces Medal of Honour recipients

President Herzog has announced the list of Medal of Honour recipients marking Israel’s 75th year of Independence.

All made a unique contribution to the State of Israel, Jewish people and humanity. The decoration will be awarded at a ceremony at Herzog’s Residence in September.

Chava Alberstein (76) has published over 60 albums including eight in Yiddish and one in English.

Her work continues to gain success in Israel and around the world.

Adi Altschuler (36) has founded three organisations. Krembo Wings brings together youth from general education and special education. Zicharon B'Salon is a social enterprise of informal gatherings around Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. Inclo Association is a model for integration of education.

Meir Buzaglo (64) is a professor of philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His work combines original thinking and volunteer work. Buzaglo founded the ‘Tikkun’ movement.

Rabbi Menachem HaCohen (90) was a military rabbi with soldiers who liberated the Western Wall in 1967. He has served as Chief Rabbi to Romania’s Jewish community, as a rabbi of the Moshavim movement and a Knesset MK. In 1976, he founded the Pinchas Sapir Jewish Heritage Center in Jerusalem.

Professor Mona Khoury (48) is Vice President of the Hebrew University for Strategy and Diversity.

She has held senior positions in Israeli academia and society. Khoury's research interests include school violence, youth delinquency and cyberbullying.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Dan Tolkowsky (102) served as commander of the Fifth Air Force. He helped develop the hi-tech industry in Israel, managed investment companies and established Israel's first venture fund for investments in hi-tech.

Carmela Menashe (73) has worked in journalism and media for five decades as military and security commentator for Israel’s Public Broadcasting Corporation. The first female military reporter on public broadcasting, she is a symbol of freedom of the press and

supported by all major Jewish organisations in this country and has always done his utmost to remember the victims of the Shoah, to meet with survivors and to prioritise Holocaust remembrance.”

Ms van der Zyl noted support of the Church of England in a complaint against Stephen Sizer.

She said: “A Church tribunal found that he had “engaged in antisemitic activity” and behaved in a way which was “unbecoming to the office and work of a clerk in Holy Orders”, giving him a 12-year ban from the Ministry. The progress made in strengthening the relationship between the Church of England and the Jewish community is undeniable, particularly in the last couple of years.”

A BoD and Lambeth Palace working group meets quarterly to discuss common areas of interest and concern. The group has delivered

a day of engagement between Christian clergy and Rabbis.

BoD CEO Michael Wegier has provided a Zionism session to interfaith advisors at the Church of England.

Ms van der Zyl concluded: “We do not agree on everything, nor is it necessary that we should. The Archbishop’s own book, The Power of Reconciliation, is extremely informative in that regard. A commitment to hear each other, to listen, and work through challenges has been what has deepened the quality of our working relationship.”

Noting Sebag-Montefiore’s great-grandfather and great-great uncle were past BoD Presidents, Ms van der Zyl described the latter, Sir Moses Montefiore, as “perhaps the most famous leader” of the organisation.

Guests were greeted by Bevis Marks Rabbi Shalom Morris, Ms van der Zyl and CEO Michael Wegier.

Lena Shtern (73), founded the Holistic Aid Center after her husband, former MK, the late Yuri Shtern. The center provides care for oncology patients and is the only center of its kind in the world providing complementary medicine. The center provides over 12,000 treatments to thousands of cancer patients and families regardless of religion, race and nationality.

The Kemach Foundation promotes employment in the ultra-Orthodox Sector.

André Azoulay (82) serves as a senior advisor to the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI. Azoulay nurtures Jewish heritage in Morocco. He founded 'Identity and Dialogue' which promotes communication between Jews and Palestinians. His vision was realised in the Abraham Accords.


Bibras Natcho (35) is captain of the Israel national football team and has represented his country for 20 years.

Dr Assad Araidy (80) is a member of the Druze community. In education he led four post-primary schools including the high school for sciences and leadership in Yarka. An inspector in the Ministry of Education, he is in charge of the education system in Judea and Samaria and Golan Heights. Araidy is Chairman of the Association of Friends of the Children's Village.

Irwin Cotler is a former Minister of Justice of Canada and a renowned human rights advocate. Cotler fights the delegitimisation of Israel and antisemitism globally.

The Presidential Medal of Honour was an initiative of Shimon Peres, in 2012.

Until Herzog, the medal was awarded to 26 people by an advisory committee. Herzog established a committee, chaired by Supreme Court Judge (retired), Professor Yoram Danziger, to recommend candidates. Since taking office, Herzog has awarded the medal to individuals from Israel and abroad, including US President Joe Biden, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and poet Rachel Shapira.

Marie van der Zyl and the Archbishop of Canterbury President Isaac Herzog PHOTO: GPO
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How did we get here?

This week I am writing as President of the Zionist Central Council, a national organisation dedicated to promote and defend the democratic State of Israel. And defending it was certainly needed this week. Against the background of the IDF operation in Jenin, I think that most Jewish Weekly readers will be aware of the recent incident during a BBC interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. That has prompted me to make a formal complaint to the BBC about the ongoing bias exercised by the BBC and this article draws much on that complaint.

The interview was conducted by Anjana Gadgil who in that interview said “The Israeli forces are happy to kill children”. This was not a legitimate journalistic comment. A better question would have been to a Palestinian spokesman about how they have created child soldiers and why.

Further, the reference to Israelis/Jews

killing children is a repetition of the blood libel against Jews going back hundreds of years brought bang up to date. Since the Middle Ages the Jews, particularly at Passover have been accused of killing Christian children for the purpose of making matzah. Now in 2023, the accusation of Jews killing children is alive and well.

Whilst the BBC recognised this appalling conduct and have taken responsibility for the incident, they have wholly failed to consider how Ms Gadgil felt no compunction in making the allegation she did.

Even on the simplest of analysis it is clear that the BBC report far more about Israel than most other countries in the world, and more often than not, in a negative spin. It has been established for some time now that the actions of Israel often results in an increase in antisemitic attacks against Jews in the UK, so much so that every Jewish school is required to have a security guard. No other minority in the UK requires this level of protection. This significant contribution to the anti-Israel bias from a trusted source is

making life for UK Jews more difficult.

It is this entrenched bias that meant Ms Gadgil felt her appalling question was legitimate, despite the fact that I am sure she would never have asked such a question in relation to any other minority group. How though did we get to this position, where a publicly funded body employing over 20,000 people should have developed into our enemy? There are a number of theories, including the view that the BBC staff are mostly left wing and so hostile to Israel. Although that sounds good when said quickly it misses a number of issues. The first is that journalists by and large try and project a neutral position when reporting irrespective of their political views. Secondly the bias is so widespread that politics alone does not provide an answer.

There is in my view a third reason, which is more complicated. The Foreign Office have for decades been traditionally antipathetic towards Israel by their contact with a large number of Arab states and only one Jewish state. The BBC is no different with their reporters being based in many Arab and Muslim

states, many of whom will despise Israel. Add in the passage of time where this position remains unchanged, and the result is the hard wiring in the BBC of dislike of Israel and lack of sympathy towards Jews. This legacy of bias has developed in such a way that very few in the BBC now notice the disproportionate reporting on Israel, particularly given the similar approach taken by the United Nations. If the UN goes on and on about Israel then how is the BBC doing anything wrong? In other words, obsessive over attention to Israel has for so long been the norm in the BBC that any change is not only going to be enormously difficult but will take a long time. We need to play the long game in trying to change the BBC’s unreasonable focus and we need to start playing now.

Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper

Zichron Menachem Summercut 2023 Young Norwood social

Thirty girls raised funds by cutting their hair to help make wigs for children with cancer at the 2023 Zichron Menachem Summercut at Hasmonean Boys’ School.

Zichron Menachem supports Israeli children and their families in Israel. They provide social, educational and rehabilitative activities. These include the Dream Centre in Jerusalem, care for children while they are in hospital, sleepaway camps and a parents’ respite trip, the latter held in London.

A child losing their hair to chemotherapy loses their self-respect and confidence. Providing a custom-made wig, Zichron Menachem help children immensely. In the last year they also helped 18 children and young adults in the UK with custom made wigs.

The 30 girls enjoyed being pampered, there was refreshments and fun activities including bouncy castles for youngsters. Some girls were returning for a second, third and fourth time.

“I continue to be impressed by the children donating their hair, raising funds and not forgetting the commitment of the volunteers who give their time and expertise to ensure a special afternoon is enjoyed by all”, stated Eli Seliger, Chairman of ZMUK.

Three sets of siblings cut their hair. Freya Drage, 8, from Woodside Park, encouraged her 10-year-old brother Raphael to cut off

his locks. Mum and Dad, Laura and Matt, reflected on a wonderful occasion.

Eden Brocha Ahiel, 10, travelled from Manchester. Batya, her hairdresser, was amazed how excited Eden Brocha was, sentiments echoed by her parents Yael and Yosef.

To register for Chanucut 23 on 26 November contact

Over seventy young professionals attended Young Norwood’s recent social at Mr Foggs in Central London.

The fundraiser supports vital work Norwood does for members of the community with learning disabilities and autism and children and their families facing challenges.

The group, founded 30 years, is a key part of Norwood, building a bridge between long-standing and younger generations of Norwood supporters to ensure the charity continues to be an essential lifeline for those depending on services, now and in

the future.

Attendees, as well as socialising with like-minded supporters, discovered how to get involved with at the UK’s oldest Jewish charity. Options include joining a committee, becoming a volunteer, supporting activities in Norwood homes and befriending residents, and taking part in one of Norwood’s many fundraising challenge hikes and cycles across the world.

The event was sponsored by The Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation.

Eden Bracha Ahiel Young Norwood members enjoying the social

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Ashkenazi women benefit from genetic test

Manchester University researchers have improved the accuracy of breast cancer genetic testing for women from Ashkenazi Jewish backgrounds.

The study by researchers in the UK and Israel, funded by Cancer Research UK, is part of a wider project to develop accurate tests for women of different ethnicities.

Tests look for tiny genetic variations humans carry called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms which can increase or decrease the risk of breast cancer. This information produces a Polygenic Risk Score (PRS), which can inform women if they are at low, average or high risk of developing breast cancer in the next 10 years. A PRS is becoming available through commercial companies and research studies on the NHS breast screening programme.

The research team led by Professor Gareth Evans used genetic information from Ashkenazi Jewish women in Manchester and Israel, with data from the Predicting the Risk of Cancer at Screening study conducted in Greater Manchester and the Breast Cancer in Northern Israel study.

Professor Evans said the study was an important step forward.

He noted: “PRS are a major component of accurate breast cancer risk prediction and have great potential to improve personalised screening methods. However, it

is clear from our findings that you cannot simply apply current PRS developed using genetic data from individuals of white European ancestry to those from Ashkenazi Jewish backgrounds. A test result which exaggerates a woman’s risk of the disease could lead to undue stress or concern and unnecessary screening and preventative measures they don’t need. Future PRS for Ashkenazi Jewish women should be based on their genetic data to provide a more accurate risk prediction.”

Vicky Lee, 56, from Manchester, has a family history of female cancers and lost her mother to ovarian cancer aged just 47. As genetic sequencing became available, she tested positive for the BRCA gene and had a preventative hysterectomy and later a bilateral mastectomy.

Vicky has been a patient at Saint Mary’s, Withington and Wythenshawe Hospitals.

She said: “I had to do everything in my power to prevent my own daughters from watching me fight the same disease. The ability to accurately test for gene fragments that might be the cause of family cancers is so important for allowing women to make informed choices about their future health. One size never fits all in medicine and medical advancements that allow women in specific communities to understand their own health picture properly are

massively important.

“Preventative surgeries are significant procedures that no woman would undergo lightly. Accurate testing gives women the confidence to make decisions based on precise insight and, conversely, allows other women to know with confidence their risk score is low giving them freedom to live their lives.”

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Gareth Evans
Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas
Chevron, Jerusalem, was in Manchester this week. At Crumpsall Shul, he spoke to over 1,000 boys.
PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Shaking hands with Rabbi Dovid Cohen as he leaves Crumpsall Shul

The Gift Shop grand

Last week saw the opening of The Gift Shop in Manchester, an up-market charity shop selling gifts and bric-a-brac beautifully wrapped. This was set up by BC Community a new charity established to create a meaningful future and sense of belonging for differently abled young people in the Orthodox community. BC Community will promote independence for its members, through support services, training, advocacy and employability assistance. Products are brand new via donations and also produced by the members and in collaboration with Bnos Chayil Post 16.

The project is the brainchild of Mrs Y Stern and Mrs Z Newman, who both have experience in SEN education and preparing young people for adulthood. BC Community will promote independence for its members based on their needs. Services will range from providing a daily structure and independence through employability, delivering vocational training. running workshops and even therapeutic Intervention. This will be facilitated through a volunteer support scheme and already there is a strong interest in both the services and from volunteers.

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Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips

For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Cherry Tomato & Artichoke Salad

You know when summer has arrived when the fresh artichokes are in the supermarkets; served with chopped tomatoes, fresh basil and pickled onions - this recipe makes a very tasty first course or light lunch. The two parts of an artichoke that are edible are the flesh inside the leaves and the heart - the bits that aren’t are the choke and the stem. Follow these tips and have a good time!

1) Wash the artichoke under cold water. Cut off the stem to make a flat base and remove any tough lower outer leaves.

2) Trim the tips of the leaves with scissors to make eating them less painful!

3) Place the artichokes in one layer in a saucepan or steamer, and sprinkle over some salt and lemon juice. If you are boiling them, pour in enough water to come halfway up the artichokes. Add the juice of 1 lemon and cook for 45 minutes.

4) Drain them upside down in a colander for a few minutes, and eat them while they’re warm or leave them to cool to room temperature.

5) Put away your knife and fork for a bit and dig in with your hands! You only eat the soft end of the leaf, so pull off a leaf, dip the base end into your sauce of choice (melted butter, vinaigrette or mayonnaise are great) and, starting at the tip and moving towards the base, scrape the leaf between your teeth - as soon as you get to the soft edible bits they’ll come off into your mouth. Discard your used leaf and eat another one.

6) When the leaves are eaten, you will be left with the base, or artichoke heart (you’ve seen these bottled in oil at the shops), topped with a fuzzy patch. Scoop away the fuzzy patch and discard with a knife and fork, cut bites from the heart and dip in your sauce.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 45 minutes.

Serves: 4


4 large globe artichokes

Juice 1 lemon

75g cherry tomatoes – cut into quarters


Zest & juice 1 lemon

2 cloves garlic – peeled and finely


1) Cook the artichokes as described above.

2) Make the dressing by combining the juice of and zest of 1 lemon, garlic, sugar, capers,

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Dear Rabbi

This question might sound a little clichéd, but since I am married, about three years now, my wife and I find we have very different attitudes towards money. Unfortunately we often find ourselves arguing over it as well. So, can money buy happiness?

Dear Ross

You know what they say, “whoever says money can’t buy happiness, obviously doesn’t know where to shop.” Of course the easy answer for me would be to tell you that love is more important than money, but, try paying your bills with a hug!

The typical answer you would expect of me, and most people is, no. But the answer isn’t no or yes, rather somewhere in between. You see, when someone is in poverty and they cannot put food on their table or pay their water or electricity bills, then obviously money is going to bring them happiness. So in that sense, there is a baseline (and in every society that baseline will be different). The problem is when you are now self-sufficient and you think, well if that amount of money brought me relative happiness, then if I have even more money, where I can now get the car I want and the clothes that I desire and all the optional extras that I crave, then I will be even happier. That’s when we cross the line and fall into the trap where, in the words of the Talmud, “one who loves money will never be satisfied with money.”

When the Torah tells us that

“G-d blessed Abraham with everything” it means that notwithstanding whatever Abraham endured, and there were ten hard tests he went through, he felt like he had everything. He was satisfied with his lot in life. Cultivating such a feeling enables one to feel truly blessed.

As to getting into arguments about money, that’s never a good idea, ever. Yes, she likes to spend and he wants to save for a rainy day. Well, what if the rain doesn’t come? You can work out a compromise position where she comes to appreciate that he wants to save a little. And he must come to appreciate that she wants to live a little. Somewhere in between you can find your spirit of compromise.

Finally, to that last point, many years ago, a woman came into a private audience with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. She expressed to the Rebbe how she was not talking to her mother over fights about money. The Rebbe looked to her and said, “My mother passed away earlier this year. Do you know how much money I would give to have my mother back here with me even for a few moments? And you let yourself fall out with your mother over money!”

I would urge you both to think about that story, long and hard.


Dear Rabbi

Why do Ashkenazi Jews eat gefilte fish but Sephardic Jews, never, ever, do? I am regularly invited to a Sephardic friend’s house on Friday night and they only ever serve some other spicy

fish concoction instead.


Dear Shahin

When you go deep-sea diving, how do you know which ones are the gefilte fish? They’re the ones with the little carrots on top. In fact, that’s how we know which ones are kosher; they’re the ones wearing a yarmulke. Gefilte fish is ground fish, typically mixed with onions, eggs, breadcrumbs or matzah meal, and seasonings. I think on some level this represents the uniqueness of beauty of the Jew. Just as the fish is ground down, we have all been ground down through the ages, by enemy after enemy. And the random mix of ingredients that goes into the making of gefilte fish reflects the myriad cultures, philosophies and ideologies that have penetrated the sacred walls of the Jewish faith.

All that notwithstanding, the gefilte fish is the first thing to adorn the Shabbat table. To remind us how even now, more than 3300 years later, and despite all the aforementioned challenges, we still keep the Shabbat, preserve the Shabbat and indeed, as they say, more than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish people.

I would add here, that gefilte fish also has a unifying element. If you’re Ashkenazi and you intend on trying a Sephardic fish on Friday night, be sure to have your indigestion pills with you. If the peppers won’t kill you, the jalapenos certainly will. You see, all Jews, Sephardic included, can readily participate in a gefilte fish dish. Not all Jews,

arguably even those with a high constitution and good digestive system can handle a Cazuela

de Pescado con Jalapeños, or Chraime on a Friday night, or any other time for that matter.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

Looking for answers? Send your question to
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Novach’s no-good naming

“And Novach went and occupied (the city of) Kenat and her suburbs and he called her ‘Novach’ after his name (vayikra la Novach bishmo)” (Bamidbar 32:42).

Following the great military victory over the Midianites, Moshe conditionally agrees to the request of Reuven, Gad and half the tribe of Menashe to dwell on the east side of the Jordan. The last verses of this week’s parsha detail the division of this territory between these tribes, concluding with Novach from the tribe of Menashe occupying the city of Kenat and her suburbs and changing its name to “Novach” after his own name, “vayikra la Novach bishmo.”

There is a grammatical anomaly in the phrase “vayikra la Novach bishmo.” Usually the pronoun “la” (lamed heh) is spelt with a mappik (dot for emphasis)

in the “heh,” known as a “mappik heh.” Good leiners will know to pronounce words differently, depending on whether they conclude with an emphasized “mappik heh” or weak “heh rafah.” In our verse, however, we find an exception to the normal grammatical rules, with “la” missing a dot in the “heh.” Rashi explains:

“‘La’ does not have a ‘mappik heh’ and I saw in (the book) Yesodo Shel Moshe haDarshan that this is because this name was not maintained (i.e. “Novach” did not last as the name of the city). Therefore it is a weak ‘heh rafah,’ such that its Midrashic meaning is like ‘lo’ (no)” (Rashi, Bamidbar 32:42).

Rashi quotes R. Moshe haDarshan, explaining that because Novach did not last as the name of the city, the word “la” is read weakly, as if to mean “lo Novach” – not Novach – reflecting Novach’s failed

Matot Masei Sidra Summary

attempt to change the city of Kenat’s name to his own. Indeed, we know that his name did not last from Divrei HaYamim I (2:23) where the city is referred to by its original name, Kenat. Some scholars suggest that this is the modern day region of Al Qanawat in Southern Syria. If this is true, then not only did Novach fail to change the name of Kenat to his own, but the original name has survived until this very day.

What is the significance of Novach’s failed attempt? After all, the Torah is not a history or geography textbook, but a guide as to how we should live our lives. Why do we hint at Novach’s failure in the way we read this verse? Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch suggested:

“Does this perhaps express a slight reprehension of such procedure to found a memorial in bricks and stone to immortalize oneself, an earthly immortalization

which the true Jew should seek and find solely through the great deeds of spiritual and moral faithfulness to duty and through the whole content of noble life?”

Novach wanted to immortalize himself and thought that the best way to do so would be to name a city after his own name. From Novach’s failure, we learn that the true way to eternalize ourselves is “solely through the great deeds of spiritual and moral faithfulness to duty and through the whole content of noble life” – ensuring these great qualities are passed on to generations to come.


Moshe speaks to the heads of the tribes, telling them to relate the laws of vows and oaths to the Children of Israel. Contravening an oath or vow constitutes a Biblical prohibition. The sidra details who may revoke a vow on behalf of others in his care, but only on the day that he first hears about the vow. A husband may also revoke his wife’s vow in similar circumstances. G-d tells Moshe to wage war against the Midianites before his death. Moshe conscripts 1000 men from each tribe. They go into battle and kill all the Midianite males, as well as Bilam. They take captive the women, the young children, their cattle and material possessions.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 31:13-54.

Moshe rebukes the officers for not killing the women, who had been the instigators

of the immorality and idol worship that had led to the national catastrophe (see 25:1-9); he instructs them to now kill many of the women. Moshe tells those who have killed how to purify themselves from their state of tumah (ritual impurity). Upon G-d’s instruction, Moshe and Elazar count up the spoils and divide them in half, between those who fought in the war and the rest of the nation. A small percentage of each of these spoils is given as a tribute, one to Elazar and another to the Levi’im. The military leaders approach Moshe to donate the jewellery that they had plundered, as an offering to G-d.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 32:1-19.

The tribes of Gad and Reuven ask to be given land on the east bank of the Jordan River, instead of crossing into the Land of Cana’an. Moshe rebukes them for their apparent cowardice, which seems to repeat the error of the spies 39 years previously. The two tribes clarify that whilst the women and children would settle on the east bank, the men would fight with the rest of the nation to conquer the Land and would not return to their families until the end of the war.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 32:20-33:49.

Moshe accepts their request and instructs Elazar and the tribal heads to allow them to keep the land they requested if they do

These are the journeys of the Children of Israel, who went forth from Egypt according to their legions, under the hand of Moshe and Aharon (Bemidbar 33:1)

battle as promised. Some of the tribe of Menashe are also apportioned land east of the Jordan.

Point to Consider: why is some of the tribe of Menashe now mentioned, having not been cited in the negotiations with Moshe? (32:33)

Parashat Masei begins by recalling the 42 journeys that the Israelites made from leaving Egypt until the present time, when they are about to cross into the Land of Cana’an.

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 33:50-34:15.

G-d speaks to Moshe in the plains of Moab, telling him to relate to the nation that after entering the Land, they must destroy the idols of the Canaanites and make sure to drive them out the Land. G-d tells Moshe the boundaries of the Land that the tribes will inherit.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 34:16-35:8.

G-d announces the names of the leaders of each tribe, who will take charge of

apportioning land to his tribe’s members. 42 cities are designated specifically for Levi’im to live in, surrounded by a designated amount of open space. These cities are also to provide refuge for a person who has killed accidentally and is fleeing from the relatives of the deceased.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 35:9-36:13.

In addition, six cities are designated as special ‘cities of refuge’, to which the accidental killer can flee. Instructions are given about what constitutes ‘accidental’ and how the community must endeavour to protect the accidental killer from those who are pursuing him. Men from the tribe of Menashe approach Moshe, concerned that the land given to the five daughters of Tzelofchad, a descendant of Menashe (see parashat Pinchas 27:1-8) would be lost from the tribe if they marry men from other tribes. Moshe responds that they should only marry men from the tribe of Menashe; this they do.

This is the closing part of the book of Bemidbar. We stand for the final verse and then recite: “chazak, chazak ve’nitchazek”, a phrase asking for continued strength to study the Torah.


This haftarah, taken from Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) is the second of the three ‘haftarot of affliction’ read in the build up to Tisha B’Av. G-d rebukes Israel for turning away from Him and towards idols, forsaking the opportunity He gave them when He bought them into the fruitful Land.

Rabbi Danny Mirvis is Deputy CEO of World Mizrachi, and Rabbi of Ohel Moshe Synagogue in Herzliya Pituach.

The Torah’s powerful approach to happiness

If you ask the average person what they want in life, they will likely answer with one word: happiness. Many people’s lives are centered around this goal. The big decisions, such as who we marry, where we live, the jobs we take, the people we interact with, as well as the smaller decisions, such as what we eat, how we dress, or how much sleep we get, are often made with the goal of attaining a greater level of joy and happiness. However, we often find people who appear set up for happiness living a life stuck in misery, and people who seem destined for a life of anguish living lives of great happiness.

We all know that person — let’s call him Yoni, who is good-looking, comes from a very wealthy family, and always has the best of everything in life. He is skilled, capable, funny, and extremely popular amongst his peers. Nevertheless, Yoni spends his entire adult life in and out of drug rehab centers, dealing with never-ending cycles of depression and addiction. How did this happen?

Then there is Eli, a boy whose father passed away when he was just three years old. His mother constantly struggled to make ends meet; luxuries were out of the

question. At the age of six, Eli’s doctor discovered a heart defect that left Eli in and out of hospitals his entire childhood. After living a life of extreme poverty with very limited opportunity, Eli was able to create an extraordinary life for himself and is the happiest person you will ever meet. What is the difference between Yoni and Eli? What is the source of happiness, and how can we achieve this elusive state? But more fundamentally, is happiness even a Jewish value? We live in a world that defines success in life as achieving happiness. Is happiness the ultimate Jewish goal? Or is it simply a Western value that has been imposed upon our view of Judaism? What is the Jewish approach to happiness?


The Torah lists the many curses that will befall Klal Yisrael if they do not observe Hashem’s commandments. When describing these terrible curses, Hashem informs us that we will receive these punishments because we did not serve Him with happiness (Devarim 28:47). Additionally, the pasuk in Tehillim states, “Ivdu es Hashem b’simchah — Serve Hashem with happiness” (Tehillim 100:2). It seems, then, that happiness is, in fact, a Jewish value. What then is the deep nature of happiness, and how does a lack of

happiness warrant these terrible curses?


Happiness should not be confused with pleasure. Pleasure is instant gratification, a fleeting sensation that is gone as quickly as it comes. Unhealthy food, meaningless entertainment, and other quick fixes may give us a few moments of fleeting pleasure, but the instant we are finished, the pleasure completely disappears; there is no lasting feeling of pleasure.

Happiness is of a fundamentally different nature. True happiness is what you experience when you are actualizing your potential, working toward becoming the person you are meant to become. When you use your challenges as a means to grow, when you expand as a person and achieve constant internal growth, it creates an inner state of existential happiness. You needn’t be smiling every step of the way, for genuine growth often involves significant pain and hardship. However, as long as you know that you are progressing along the right path and that you are building the person you are meant to become, even the pain is accompanied by a feeling of happiness. External displays of success pale in comparison to the joy of true internal progress and growth. Let us expand our understanding of this topic by developing three keys to happiness.


As we have stated, growth is the underlying root of deep existential happiness. This is because the deepest human desire is to express our unique purpose in this world. We therefore experience incredible happiness when we are growing and maximizing our potential, fulfilling our purpose.

The baalei machshavah explain that all happiness stems from self-expansion. This is because Hashem is the all-encompassing Creator of this world, and each of us, as a tzelem Elokim, has an infinite root as well. As we expand ourselves, we tap into our root oneness, resulting in a feeling of existential happiness. We experience this truth in our everyday lives. When you expand your mind by understanding a new Torah concept, understanding something new about the universe, human psychology, or about yourself, you experience a deep state of joy. The same is true when expanding your inner awareness of self or when pushing past boundaries and becoming a greater version of yourself. The greatest paradigm of self-expansion is when you expand your sense of self to include others. Marriage is the ultimate opportunity for this, and having children allows for both you and your spouse to collectively expand outwards into the world even further. However, all forms of giving to others — whether it be giving time, love, money, or anything else — are self-expansion that allow you to expand your sense of self to include others.

There is an essential aspect of this category of happiness that is crucial to understand. Many people believe that growth

and personal development will one day result in happiness. The mistake they make is thinking that happiness will only come once they reach their destination, i.e., once they achieve total perfection. As a result, they end up miserable, longing for a goal they will never achieve. This is because true perfection is impossible. We will never be perfect; we will never be a finished product; we will never be “done.” These people often give up, or at the very least rush the process for the sake of reaching the end. The key is learning to enjoy the process of growth. There are always extremists — those who refuse to strive for perfection, and those who blindly chase after a state of perfection that can never exist. Once you realize that the goal of self-perfection is only there as a direction, as a means to create the journey of growth and self-development, you can find happiness in the process of becoming. We will never be perfect, but that’s OK; the goal is to become more and more perfect. The vision and goal are important but only inasmuch as it helps create your journey of self-improvement. Happiness is when you live fully in the present moment of growth and becoming, enjoying every step of the process. In truth, you will never be “happy,” fully satisfied and in a state of existential bliss. You should constantly be happier as you embark on the journey of growth and becoming. The goal is not to be; it’s to become.

The essential complementary component of happiness is a deep sense of self-esteem. Genuine self-esteem stems from knowing who you are, what you must become, and the fact that you are on your way to becoming that person. When you know that you are fulfilling your potential and becoming the very best you can be, you will have such a rich sense of self-worth that you will glow with confidence and positivity. In our next article, we will delve deeper into this fascinating topic and try to understand it on an ever more profound level, developing two more layers of happiness.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:



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LSJS Education Page

The Jewish community is in good hands

In the Gemara, the rabbis were asked: Is study greater or is action greater? The conclusion was: Study is greater, but not as an independent value; rather, it is greater as study leads to action.

This week, the LSJS annual graduation ceremony showed the community how important those words are. Our graduates included those who had undertaken teacher training programmes leading to qualified teacher status (QTS), BA (Hons) Jewish Education graduates, MA Jewish Education graduates, Assessment Only QTS graduates and the graduates of the first cohort of the LSJS Rabbi Sacks Learning Fellowship programme. Altogether, we graduated 70 people.

That number is amazing! 70 Jewish adults who have achieved a significant level of learning and education. In the

UK Jewish community of under 300,000 people, that’s a very high number for any one institution.

Our graduates all know that study is great. But they also know that study leads to action. That outcome of their education happens in the schools in which they are employed, and in their communities. Learning about education only really makes sense when the learning is interwoven with teaching and with working as role models with groups of learners in the community. We constantly ask our students to illustrate the theory they are learning with examples from their work. They become reflective practitioners, making the best use of the knowledge and theories they are exposed to at LSJS and maximising their own opportunities

for learning by reflecting on how theory relates to practice. It’s a complex process and all our courses are highly demanding. Our graduates work exceptionally hard throughout their studies with us, and they should be very proud of their achievements.

In Pirkei Avot (4:1), we read: “Ben Zoma says: Who is wise? The person who learns from all people”. At LSJS, our students learn from a wide range of teachers, all of whom are highly experienced experts in their fields. They also, crucially, learn from each other. Because none of our students come to us without life experience, whether that is through their work or through previous studies. This enormously enriches discussion in class and opportunities for debate.

Before the start of their courses, I am sure that none of our graduates could have imagined this day. At LSJS, we are so pleased that we are able to provide degrees, teacher training programmes and professional development fellowships for such a wide range of students. And we are enormously proud of the graduates that they have become. To return to the Gemora quote with which I began, study leads to action. In the new academic year, as LSJS starts programmes of study with completely new cohorts of students, the LSJS Graduation Class of 2023 will be in action. They will be working in Jewish primary and secondary schools, where they will be role models engaging and inspiring your children, and in shuls and communities, where they will be leading exciting and innovative initiatives. They deserve our admiration. Mazal tov and B’hatzlacha.

Dr Helena Miller is Director of Degrees and Teacher Training Programmes, and Senior Research Fellow at LSJS

of the week

Aliza Lipkin

Menorah Primary School

Year Six Class Teacher and Science Coordinator

Where did you train?

The University of Manchester

What is the best part of your job?

The relationships developed between the children and witnessing the growth and success as they become confident in themselves as individuals.

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more information on how you can be featured as the Teacher of the Week please contact
Our graduates all know that study is great. But they also know that
study leads
action. For

5 Star Glacier Skiing in 007’s Sölden

I didn’t expect to be knee-deep in powder in mid April, caught in a blizzard with so much fresh snow falling, that there had been no time to plough the run that morning. Our instructor assured us it did exist, although we could barely see a thing! That was day one in Sölden. Day two opened to clear blue skies, bright sunshine and perfect conditions. Luckily for us, they lasted all week.

Of course, I had expected good snow. As ski resorts go, Sölden is as snowsure as it gets. With 144km of slopes and just an hour's transfer from Innsbruck, it’s a fantastic resort for those in search of brilliant conditions all season long. Situated in the Ötztal valley where altitudes above 3000 metres and two glaciers offer skiing into May, Sölden is a very popular resort. Its reputation as a partygoers mecca is no longer. With huge investment into stateof-the-art lifts, it has become an upmarket, family-orientated, international resort. However, visiting during peak season, just before Pesach, didn't feel crowded at all. The resort spans a huge ski area. Gleaming cable cars whisk you from the two valley stations where in April, it feels like summer, over the tree line and into the clouds and a magical ski arena beyond. With plenty of modern, interconnecting lifts, there’s something to satisfy every type of skier including the thrilling World Cup slope. It’s here too that you can find the longest ski run in Europe - The Schwarze Schneid - a 15km descent from the 3340m platform on the Rettenbach Glacier, covering almost 2000m in altitude, ending down in the valley at the Gaislachkogl gondola. It’s a must-ski; the stunning scenery, taking you along a stupendous glacier road, the likes of which belong in a Bond movie, more of which later!

Our base for the week was the 5 Star, Das Central hotel. The epitome of luxury alpine hospitality, just steps away from the centre of the village. It’s rare for us to stay in a 5* when skiing. The standards in Austria are very high already, given the competition between resorts and hotels, however the level of luxury here is undeniable.

The hotel, an attractive, yet imposing building with horseshoe drive, surrounded by several outdoor seating areas, is set back behind the main road. With breathtaking mountain views of the Ötztal Alps and overlooks the river, it has a unique, extravagant feel and despite its size, still manages to convey a warm, traditional Austrian ambience but with a contemporary twist.

When it comes to sleeping soundly in their supremely comfortable beds, there’s something for all tastes; with lavish, traditional rooms that ooze Tyrolean charm, to much more modern living spaces in the new wing, boasting muted colours and sumptuous furnishings the likes of which you would expect in a hotel of this calibre. Our home for the week, a suite for the adults and an interconnecting bedroom set back from the hallway with a

main front door in common. So, although the kids had their own separate room and bathroom, we could leave both internal front doors open and simply close the principal one. A perfect set-up, although we did need to keep a secret key card to their room, to avoid being locked-out during their self-appointed ipad times! A magnificent almost palatial bedroom, with unusual windows from the ceiling down to just above head height with curtains that open to mountain views worthy of a postcard leading to a sitting room with floor to ceiling windows and spectacular views out to the river and mountain beyond. It’s this combination, along with huge luxury bathrooms and evening turndown service that elevates the hotel to its status. It’s been a long time since I remember a turndown service whilst skiing and I can’t deny it, I love the luxury.

At Das Central, you are well and truly spoiled. Service is impeccable in every way. The staff to customer ratio is high and you are waited on hand and foot. Whether it

be picking up or returning your rental skis for you at the ski shop, which incidentally is only steps away, or the hotel’s ski shuttle that runs all day. Sölden has two lifts in the valley, so naturally the hotel has two shuttle buses. Not once did we find ourselves waiting more than a couple of minutes either to leave or return. This alone is a luxury worth paying for and is what makes the difference on a ski holiday.

It’s definitely not all about skiing here either. The alpine landscape is truly beautiful here in summer with vibrant green pastures and colourful flowers spilling over from window boxes. There’s hiking and biking for every type of enthusiast. Staying closer to home, the hotel’s 1500m SPA offers a dazzling array of ten different saunas for starters, ice and brine grottos and of course all the beauty and massage rituals to soothe the body and mind. There is also a personal trainer in residence to push you to your limit, or not, in the stateof-the-art gym.

Now Sölden is in fact not only known for its skiing but also as the filming location, at 3000m, of the James Bond film, Spectre. I’m not usually one for attractions and I’m not even a James Bond fan (much) but Sölden has created a truly awe-inspiring cinematic installation at the top of the world! 007 Elements towers at the summit of Gaislachkogl and in true secret agent style hides inside the mountain in an extraordinary feat of dramatic, modern architecture. Visitors go on an hour-long journey, from concrete room to room, mostly underground, into the dazzling

world of 007. Huge screens fill the space with sounds and scenes from different films, try out gadgets at the interactive stations, understand the special effects and also take in the unrivalled mountain scenery where many scenes from Spectre were shot. The aforementioned mountain road was the scene of a thrilling car chase! Visitors to 007 Elements cannot leave without a visit to another filming location, the fine-dining restaurant, Ice Q. High altitude dining in this futuristic, glass structure is an experience not to be missed. Luxury abounds. Take off your ski boots or your snow boots (you don’t have to ski to visit) and slip on some luxury slippers. Now relax and enjoy.

Our week flew by in the blink of an eye. Having picked up some fantastic bargains at Glanzer Sport - this is the ski shop that you must go to to rent top of the range equipment; where their professional staff makes equipment hire fast and easy and your skis get delivered to the hotel ski room without you even noticing, we were packing and back off to Innsbruck. Leaving at the very reasonable hour of 9 am, by lunchtime we were back at the airport and speeding home in a shiny black, luxurious Mercedes people carrier. Arranging a pickup with the chauffeur service Blacklane, through their fantastic app, was the luxurious way to end a wonderful week; speeding us back to London in style, far from James Bond, the breathtaking mountains and the opulent lifestyle of Das Central.

Das Central Hotel, Sölden, Austria has double rooms available from €200 per person / per night, based on two people sharing on a half board basis.



High Altitudes call for specialist equipment. For family skiing, with young children who grow from season to season, make sure that you are investing in top quality skiwear that will stand the test of time and can be handed down and even cleverly extended as better brands now offer. There are very few places in the UK who sell and understand what is needed. Little Adventure Shop is the go to expert in this field. They curate an offering of the best performing and best value products from around the world. Brands that you won’t find anywhere else in the UK. It’s a one-stop shop that will save you the hassle of looking elsewhere.


For strong, mountain sunshine and a look worthy of any Bond star, head to LGR. Italian artisan, handmade sunglasses that frame the face of celebrities worldwide. Pricey but worth it, if you wear a pair of LGR’s, you’ll never look back. With styles inspired by Africa and a long-ago era of romanticism and glamour, each timeless creation is an icon in itself and the epitome of luxury eyewear. My Reunion Flaps, apparently inspired by Italian Military Officer’s eyewear, have a distinctive, mirrored, flat lense and side flaps to block out the harmful rays. Not only do they look exceptional but they perform too. Don’t ski glaciers without them!

Familysuite Chalet Ötztal Gaislachkogl cable car Family fun on the slopes PHOTO: ALEXANDER LOHMANN PHOTO: A. NIEDERSTRASSER

Family Fun Matot Masei

This week we once again meet two Parshiyot and quite dramatic ones too! The first Parshah, Matot, opens with the laws regarding promises. The Torah considers a promise to be serious business and therefore if an adult makes a promise and then regrets it, they must ask a Rabbi, or a married lady can ask her husband if it is possible to cancel the promise. The Jewish people then get down to taking revenge against Midian for suggesting that the Moabites cause the Jews to sin. At the end of the war, the people took the spoils - including the pots and pans and it is in this Parshah that we are taught the laws of making utensils obtained from a non-Jew

Kosher. If they used it for hot foods, then one would either make it Kosher by safely pouring on it or immersing it into, boiling hot water, or at times, would need to pass it through a fire.

The tribes of Reuven and Gad noticed that the east side of the Jordan river had particularly good pasture for their ever-growing flock of sheep so they asked Moshe if they could stay on the east side of the Jordan, instead of crossing over it with Yehoshua and the Jewish people. At first, Moshe was not too pleased with the request for two reasons. Firstly, it was reminiscent of the recommendation of the spies (whom we learned about several weeks ago) to not enter the Holy Land

and secondly, it sounded as if they would not take part in the wars that were needed in order to conquer the land! Moshe made firm conditions to have the men of those tribes (as well as half of the tribe of Menashe) take part in the wars and only then, would they be able to settle in the other side of the Jordan river.

Parshat Masei opens with listing the 42 stations the Jewish people met when they travelled from Egypt to the Promised Land. Some of them are listed with a story that happened at the place and there are some interesting allusions in some. For example, stop number 25 was a placed called “Chashmona” which is strikingly

similar to the “Chashmonaim” (the Hasmoneans) whose festival commences on day 25 of the month of Kislev! Hashem then details the borders of Eretz Yisrael to Moshe. Masei continues with the laws of the Arei Miklat – a city of refuge for one who unfortunately and unintentionally killed a fellow Jew. Then we have the tribes of Menashe asking Moshe to ensure that with Tzelaphchad’s daughters taking a portion in the tribes’ land, that the daughters should marry within the tribe to ensure that the land stays within the tribe. This request is accepted.

We all stand up and shout Chazak Chazak Ven’tichazek!

11,425 letters.

The battle with Midian and the journeys in the desert

Matot and Masei are the ninth and tenth Sidrot in the book of Bemidbar.
Together they contain 244 verses, 2,945 words and
Answers 1. Pain in the neck 2. Fade away 3. Step father 4. The bottom line 5. Standing out from the crowd 6. Blood is thicker than water
N C R E K E B Z R M F Y Q A P E J C H G A D R I T C I M U W A Y C E K Z C E V D S V Y Q L T V J V U G D I E E L I H F O W Y Q U R M E N R E R R S H T A O W V E Y K A D E I W F E E F Q N B Z A B M D J V U E Y L T A N O N J I G O Z K T M L R O I O E A K B O U C E W V D P Q U Z S P M M E J Word Search Dingbats 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sidra Facts □ ELAZAR □ GAD □ JEWELLERY □ JORDAN □ MIDIAN □ OATHS □ REFUGE □ REUVEN

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the dancer shape on the right?

Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Last week’s words

Use the area below to write the words you have found.

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!


Q: What do you call a fly without wings?

A: A walk!

Q: How do mountains stay warm in winter?

A: They wear snowcaps!

Q. Why can’t a person’s nose be 12 inches long?

A: Because then it would be a foot!

Q. What do you call the horse that lives next door?

A: Your neighbour!


1. I am not alive but i have 5 fingers. What am I?

2. I look at you, you look at me, I raise my right, you raise your left. What am I?

3. I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. What am I?

gin ion nag nap nil nip pan pin gain gang gong lain ling lino lion loan loin long nail pain pang ping pion plan pong aging align along aping going lapin lingo llano login piano plain gallon gaping loping paging paling galling gaoling polling galloping
1. A glove!! 2. Your
3. A cloud!


Dear Stephen

What are the costs and delivery times like these days please for moving home UK to Israel?

Dear Mel

At long last it looks as though prices are beginning to stabilise. We belong to a sea freight buying consortium called The Movers Trading Club (MTC) and we enter into contracts fixing sea freight shipping costs for up to a year at a time. Of course there are little increases caused by fuel and currency changes, but overall we can quote excellent all-inclusive, door to door rates and hold them for a bit longer than during the pandemic!

And the current bonus is that the journey time between the UK and Israel has been reduced from 21 days to just 14 days which makes the logistics of the move so much easier. Allowing time to pack, load, deliver to the port, clear UK Customs, sea freight to Israel, clear Israeli Customs and deliver to your new residence, less than a month is now achievable for full containers!

Even our groupage times have seriously improved. We are the largest movers of families from the UK to Israel and as such can offer similar fast journey times for small shipments within one of our groupage containers. These leave, on average, every two weeks and, at busy times (like now!) we can often offer immediate shipment.

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