Link Magazine February-March 2024

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Artful Art Prize promotes inclusivity through art


n 2023 Achieve Australia partnered with Accessible Arts to introduce the Artful Art Prize, a national art competition open to all Australian residents, regardless of ability, age, or skill level. More than just an art contest, this initiative champions inclusivity and proves that talent knows no limits. The Artful Art Prize received an impressive 640 submissions, with 60 winners selected across six categories: painting, drawing, 3-D, photography, mixed media, and textiles. The competition’s success lies not only in the diversity of submissions but in the belief that every artist, regardless of ability, can contribute to a more colourful and united society.

The exhibition of the Artful Art Prize serves as a testament to the power of inclusion. It paints a vivid picture of what happens when everyone in a community is invited to share their voices. Achieve Australia strategically chose to showcase the winning works at their inaugural event, Igniting Inclusion, held on 4 December in celebration of the International Day of People with Disability. The event featured creativity, music, humour, and a meaningful panel discussion by The Achieve Foundation on efforts to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. One notable winner from the 2023 Artful Art Prize is Alisha Sawatske,

a 14-year-old emerging artist from the Central Coast. Her coloured pencil masterpiece, ‘Minning’, pays homage to avian beauty and linguistic heritage. The name, derived from the Guringai language, holds profound significance, encapsulating the essence of nighttime. Alisha’s meticulous attention to detail brings to life a redtailed black cockatoo where Alisha was able to capture the intricate textures of its feathers and the vibrant interplay of colours within its plumage. Alisha, who was also the runner-up for the Drawing Category and winner of the People’s Choice Award at Igniting Inclusion, expressed her joy and gratitude for being a part of the event. She emphasised the incredible sense of community and support she felt while receiving her award, a memory she will cherish forever.

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Asked about her message for young art enthusiasts, Alisha encourages them to never give up, and that practice equals progress. She highlights that talent is a learned skill, urging fellow young artists to pursue their passion regardless of medium or style and not to let anyone or anything get in the way of their creative journey. In the spirit of inclusivity, Alisha’s story resonates as an inspiring testament to the limitless possibilities that arise when art becomes a universal language spoken by all.

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February/March 2024

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Georgina Evans, from Sydney’s Inner West snagged two awards in the Textiles and Mixed Media Categories. Her Highly Commended award-winning work ‘Colour and Sticks’ beautifully reflects her love for textile arts and the natural environment. Georgina sees art as a therapeutic outlet, helping her cope with physical and mental health challenges. ‘Colour and Sticks’ features hand-woven textiles in layers of colours, interwoven with sticks, offering a beautiful interpretation of the Australian landscape.

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