Horse report january 2015

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IN THIS ISSUE * PCANSW State Show Riding * Pony Club Open Day * Unique equestrian journey in France * Mounted Police

MONTHLY ONLINE EXTRA Have you missed a copy of the Horse Report Monthly E-magazine view back issues online at


IN THIS ISSUE * Dalby ASH Show and Sale * Miniature Extravaganza * Stud and Breeding Feature * Equitana * Crackin Cancer Fundraiser * Power of Pink * Unbridled Festival

Fairbanks Elle and Mattea Davidson photo by Oz Shotz

MONTHLY MONTHLY ONLINE EXTRA Have you missed a copy of the Horse Report Monthly E-magazine view back issues online at

www.thehorser epor www.thehorserepor

DAVIDSON EQUESTRIAN Open Day and Youngstock Showcase Saturday 18th October * see page 5 for details


Australian Outback Spectacular New Show HIGH COUNTRY MYTHS & LEGENDS. Now showing

The Horse Report

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TIME TO RIDE. TIME TO ENJOY. Page 2 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Members of the Light Horse Association help to preserve the spirit and history of the famous unit.

The Light Horse to ride high in 2015 This year, being the 100th commemoration of the the landing by ANZACs at Gallipoli, there will never be a greater focus on one of Australia’s most famous military units, the Australian Light Horse and its predecessors. The Australian Light Horse serves in the Second Boer War as well as various campaigns during World War 1 including Gallipoli (as a dismounted unit). The Australian Light Horse Association was formed in 1986 by a group of Army Officers who had served in the 2nd 14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) and other interested parties who shared similar objectives to preserve the history and tradition of the Light Horse, and to promote these objectives through the establishment of Light Horse Historical Re-enactment Troops and Light Horse museums. The Light Horse Association Ltd is a registered company limited by guarantee and since commencement, the membership has grown steadily and there are currently more that 30 reenactment troops in Australia. This year will see them called upon frequently as the nation celebrates the spirit of the ANZACs. The mission of the association is to sponsor memorial and Light Horse re-enactment troops formed by members of the association and to ensure they enjoy Corporate protection and insurance cover. Troops throughout Australia are most prominently visible on

ANZAC day each year , however they perform a large number of other tasks during the year which include escorts, displays, re- enactment rides ,and sporting activities. Uniforms worn are either those of the 1914 -18 or the 1930 - 40 era. Some Troops concentrate on ceremonial parades by presenting both rider and horse as historically correct for the period they represent. Whereas other groups concentrate on Light Horse skills which include, tent pegging, skill at arms, and other riding events. The association objectives are: To obtain and preserve uniforms, weapons, and equipment used by men of the Light Horse To research, record and preserve the History, tradition and customs of Light Horse Regiments and their predecessors. To collect and preserve literature written about the Light Horse. To support existing Light Horse Museums. m To make available information on the Light Horse to the public. To support mounted Light Horse re-enactment Troops formed for the purpose of portraying the Light Horse units of the past. To provide comradeship for its members who find the espirit de corps of the Light Horse stimulating and rewarding. To find out more about the association or to join, visit the website at

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The Horse Report

Unique equestrian journey in France By PAULETTE EVANS For a few years now, I have organised a unique annual trip to the south of France for a small group, to learn from two outstanding horse people, FrÊdÊric Pignon and Magali Delgado. It’s an experience that awakens the senses, a journey of discovery where we realise the extraordinary things you can achieve with horses when you approach them a different way. As co-creators of the global horse show Cavalia, FrÊdÊric and Magali performed with their horses to very large audiences, and the way they could communicate with them and give them freedom would leave the audience amazed. When I read FrÊdÊric and Magali’s book Gallop to Freedom, I realised that they were working to intrinsically motivate their horses, and this embodies our philosophy of horse attunement at Ribbleton. For us, attunement means working in harmony and inspiring responsiveness within our horses by motivating them from within. Most training approaches work on extrinsic motivation, both positive and negative. Positive examples might be using praise or treats. Negative examples are using pressure and then release when you get what you want or punishment. We’ve found that intrinsically motivated horses are waiting, eager to be trained. These horses find pleasure in the learning challenge that you present. When you watch

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FrÊdÊric approach the stables of his stallions, you can see them wanting to be with him. These horses are excited to learn and when they are in training they are proud in their bodies. When in France, I am amongst some of the most highly trained horses in the world – and yet there is a simplicity to everything that makes you realise that this type of relationship really is possible. This year, we were lucky to be able to immerse ourselves in the world of FrÊdÊric and Magali’s new show EQI Cheval Libre (EQI Free Horse).

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For me, this trip took my appreciation of the importance of the energy that you emit both to your horses and the people around you to another level. The show is extraordinary. The quality of the dressage is first class, which is not surprising given Magali has ridden and won Grand Prix tests in Europe. The performances are not over-rehearsed. The horses are fresh and their acts are dynamic. The musicians are ready to amend the energy levels of the music so that they are working with the horses. It’s incredible; it really is art being created in front of us! ‰ Continued page 7

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The Horse Report

Following the direction of the horse from page 5 On one of the evenings we were part of the back stage of EQI. As you can imagine, there was great excitement back stage, as performers both two and four legged get ready for their acts. What was surprising was how happy and calm everyone was. People were laughing, joking and smiling. The horses were excited, some piaffing on the spot with no one correcting them or telling them to “stand up”. They didn’t seem stressed at all. At one point, when Magali rode off the stage in a formal collected trot, she was to do a circle out the back and then ride back onto the stage to finish her act. She saw us off to the side and as she came past us she gave us a huge “woo hoo”, throwing her arms in the air. Her horse did a couple of big leaps of joy and she laughed out loud, a huge grin on her face. She then quietly collected her horse and re-entered the stage. Their energy is grounded, light and joyous. It is compelling; you want to live your life embracing this energy. Magali talks about “following the direction of the horse”. This is her way of being with horses - not fighting with them, not forcing horses to comply with our wishes. Whether you are working on the ground or riding on their backs, this approach lets you keep this lightness, even if training high school dressage or complicated liberty acts with multiple horses. In August this year, we will travel to France again – and you could join us. Watch, learn and experience in-hand, liberty and riding lessons with Frédéric and Magali. “Frédéric, Magali and Paulette are unique teachers who share a common philosophy,” said Jennifer Turecek, who joined us in 2014. “They are as gentle and nurturing towards the people that come here to learn with them as they are with their horses. And they are just as genuine and generous with their time.

On this trip they share their wisdom, their table, their horses and their world. The learning is effortless and exhilarating all that is required of you is a readiness to open your eyes and your mind, to contemplate, absorb and enjoy, and feel the realisations and understandings sweep through you.” As you travel through life, you come across just a handful of people who have a really positive impact on your life. Frédéric and Magali are two of these people. The sense of peace and yet excitement you feel to be with and learn for these remarkable horse people will stay with you for your lifetime. Combine this with a gastronomy indulgence – many meals are shared with Frédéric and Magali at the Delgado breeding farm, and we stay in a beautiful hotel in the heart square of Avignon, across from a 12th century Cathédrale. You’ll even have time to explore the countryside and shop! This is a way of being with horses that will bring you fulfilment every day you are with your horse. And we can only take six people on this trip. Be part of a spectacular experience, and discover the joy of EQI Cheval Libre over seven days/six nights in August 2015. If you would like to learn more, please email Paulette Evans from Ribbleton at

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The Horse Report

Club feet a very common problem By DAVID LOVELL BVSc Redlands Veterinary Clinic

ably smaller, the hoof angle is 58 degrees higher than the opposite foot, and the heels do not touch the ground if trimmed to the normal length GRADE 3: The dorsal hoof wall is dished, the angle is greater than 60 degrees and the growth rings at the heel are noticeably greater than at the toe GRADE 4: The dorsal wall angle is greater than 80 degrees, the wall is heavily dished, and the coronary band at the heels is as


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high as at the toe. All grading systems are necessarily somewhat subjective and opinions will differ but they are certainly useful in helping to understand what a club foot means and attempting to attach some assessment as to their significance. Grade1 feet are by far the most common and many owners try to ignore the fact that there is any abnormality. Many horses have absolutely no problem with the foot and perform a perfectly normal and effective function for the owner. More often they are termed a contracted foot or the owner will state that the foot is "a bit clubby". I regard this "contracted´ foot as very undesirable in horses when performing a pre purchase examination as invariably over the years, we have found that if a performance horse develops a lameness, it is almost always in the clubby foot and so we advise people to be wary about acquiring the horse. The hoof capsule on this foot is often 0.5 - 1cm longer than the other foot and one wonders how the horse copes with one leg being longer than the other. Presumably there is some compensation in the shoulder girdle attachment but I have to think that the longer leg tends to place a little more load on the affected limb. Grade 2 feet are usually going to cause some problems although if shod and managed correctly, many horses will perform. If left unshod, there is usually more pressure and subsequent wear on the white line at the toe with a predisposition to abscesses and white line disease. These are the feet that many owners and

Full Service Equine Clinic It’s all about your horse

Club feet are a very common conformational fault in horses but there is often much confusion as to what exactly a club foot is. The most common presentation is the case where the two front feet of an individual are different size and shape. The club foot is usually smaller and more upright while the other foot can be either be relatively normal or often times have an exaggeratedly long toe and low heel. In such cases, this supposedly normal foot is actually the one which is more likely to be a problem for the horse. The confusion as to what a club foot means relates primarily to the fact that the term is generic and there is a very wide range of foot shapes and sizes that actually fit into the category. Club feet are technically graded into four types. GRADE 1: The hoof is noticeably smaller and the hoof angle is 3-5 degrees greater than the opposite foot GRADE 2: The hoof is notice-

farriers attempt to correct with vigorous trimming and incorrect shoeing and often end up converting into a grade 3 foot Grade 3 feet will only be suitable for very light work and grade 4 feet render the horse virtually useless The typical club foot seems to develop as the horse grows. Most foals are born with relatively upright feet which assume normal angles as the heels wear and the horse becomes more mobile. There is no doubt that there is a genetic component to club feet and the majority of horses have inherited the defect from their parents. Horses with this problem should not be considered as breeding stock. In most cases the clubbiness becomes apparent and obvious as the horse reaches weaning age. This is probably associated with more rapid phases of growth as the long bones of the leg lengthen and the deep flexor tendon doesn't correspondingly increase in size resulting in pull on the bottom of the pedal bone and rotation of the entire hoof. Certainly it is the pull of the deep flexor tendon that causes the development of the club foot but exactly what the casual mechanism is still remains a mystery. Differential rates of growth and excessive neurological stimulation of the deep flexor muscles causing over contraction have to be the biomechanical factors and certainly "favouring" the leg because of pain or lameness resulting in inadequate loading of the heels and no stretching of the tendon will account for cases of acquired clubs. continued page 11

The Horse Report

Treating and managing club feet ‰ from page 10 Treatment of club foot obviously depends on the degree of club and the needs of the horse. Most grade 1 feet will stay the same for the life of the horse and the majority of horses will perform satisfactorily, particularly at lower levels of demand. Some grade 2 will be okay and satisfy the owners requirements if the foot is shod and the toe and white line protected but most people will attempt to do something. Invariably the first step people do is commence to lower the heels. Very often, this is absolutely the worst thing to do. Excessive lowering of the heels usually results in the heel not being able to contact the ground after trimming, often only subtle, but that is all it needs. The deep flexor tendon is now placed under tension and the body reaction is to contract the tendon more resulting in a worsening of the condition and gradually progressing to a grade 3. The tendon pulls more, the sole

at the toe is forced into the ground more and bruising and pedal osteitis result, a dish gradually develops in the toe and the whole process becomes worse. Grade 2 feet should be managed more conservatively without lowering of the heel, (beyond what would be a normal trim!). Surgery is still often the best and most definitive option. Grades 3 & 4 feet almost certainly need surgical intervention. Certainly grade 3 feet offer a usually excellent prognosis for improvement, grade 4's often do well as long as there are not other factors operating. The surgery is to cut the inferior check ligament in the mid cannon region just below the knee. The check ligament acts as a brace or support for the flexor tendon, absorbing most of the load at impact and stance and transferring the load into the skeleton. Cutting the ligament releases the tendon and lets the foot de-rotate. The ligament is cut, the tendon released, and then the ligament re-heals with scar tissue and function returns

to normal with no detriment to the horse. The younger the horse is when the surgery is performed, the better the outcome as the young foot is still growing and developing and will mould into a normal shape. Mature feet have fully calcified and will never change their shape and so the cosmetic result is not as good. Surgery usually results in

a large scar on the cannon. If the horse is young, the scar reduces in size proportionately as the horse grows and again the cosmetic result is a lot better. This has been a rather simplistic review of the condition. It is quite common, and as always, owners should seek professional and sound advice about how to best deal with the situation. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 11

The Horse Report



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Amazing for any breathing problems and the only bit in the world to stop displacement of the soft palate.


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The Horse Report




ustralian jockey, Adrian Morgante ĂŶĚ ŶŽǁ Ă ŵƵůƟ ĂǁĂƌĚ ǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ ŝŶǀĞŶƚŽƌ ;ǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ ϭϬ ƉƌĞƐƟ ŐŝŽƵƐ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟ ŽŶĂů ĂǁĂƌĚƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ŝŶǀĞŶƟ ŽŶ Į ǀĞ LJĞĂƌƐ ƌƵŶŶŝŶŐͿ ŚĂƐ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ǁŝŶŶĞƌ͘ Champion and Olympic riders, trainers and ĐŽĂĐŚĞƐ ĂƌĞ ƌĂǀŝŶŐ ĂďŽƵƚ ŚŝƐ ůĂƚĞƐƚ ŝŶǀĞŶƟ ŽŶ the WTP (Winning Tongue Plate) bit the only ďŝƚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚ ƚŽ ǁŝŶ Ă ƉƌĞƐƟ ŐŝŽƵƐ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ĂŶĚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟ ŽŶĂů ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ĂǁĂƌĚ͘ There are twŽ ƵŶŝƋƵĞ ƉĂƚĞŶƚĞĚ ƌĞǀŽůƵƟ ŽŶĂƌLJ designs the normal plate and extended plate both reducing bit pressure by about 85% with no pinching, and the Extended Plate is the only bit in the world proven to stop displacement ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƐŽŌ ƉĂůĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ ďƌĞĂƚŚŝŶŐ ŝƐƐƵĞƐ͕ Ăůů ŵĂŬŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ Ěŝī ĞƌĞŶĐĞ ďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ůŽƐŝŶŐ ĂŶ ĞǀĞŶƚ͘ ƵĞ ƚŽ ƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ ĂŶĚ development, the new and improved 2013 designs has produced outstanding results in the equestrian and racing industry and ŚĂƐ ƚŚĞ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĞƐ ƚĂůŬŝŶŐ͘ ,Ăůů ŽĨ &ĂŵĞ Jockey Mike Smith, says it’s “The Bit of the &ƵƚƵƌĞ͘͟ KůLJŵƉŝĐ ƌŝĚĞƌ DĞŐĂŶ :ŽŶĞƐ ͞ ŝƚ ŝƐ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ͘͟ hƐĞĚ ďLJ ĐŚĂŵƉŝŽŶ ĂŶĚ KůLJŵƉŝĐ ƌŝĚĞƌƐ͕ ŵĂŶĚĂ ZŽƐƐ͕ EĂƚĂůŝĞ ůƵŶĚĞůů͕ ůĂŝƌ ZŝĐŚĂƌĚƐŽŶ͕ WĞƚĞƌ DĐDĂŚŽŶ͕ <ĂƚũĂ tĞŝŵĂŶŶ͕ WĂƵůĂ ,ĂŵŽŽĚ͕ ŝĂŶŶĞ :ĞŶŬLJŶ ƌĞƐƐĂŐĞ͘ dŚĞ WTP bits transform horses that have poor bit


ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ďŝƚ͕ ƌĞƐƵůƟ ŶŐ ŝŶ ŚĞĂĚ ƐŚĂŬŝŶŐ͕ ƉƵůůŝŶŐ͕ rearing, bucking, mouth opening and poor ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͘ džƉŽƐĞĚ ũŽŝŶƚĞĚ ƐŶĂŋ Ğ ďŝƚƐ create up to 300kg of pressure, pinching the ƚŽŶŐƵĞ ĚŽǁŶ ƚŽ ĐĞŶƟ ŵĞƚĞƌƐ͕ ĐĂƵƐŝŶŐ ŚŽƌƐĞƐ to evade the pain by withdrawing the tongue Žƌ ƉůĂĐŝŶŐ ŝƚ ŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ďŝƚ͘ dŽŶŐƵĞ Ɵ ĞƐ ĐĂŶ ĂůƐŽ ĐĂƵƐĞ ŚŽƌƐĞƐ ƚŽ Į ŐŚƚ ƚŚĞŵ ĂŶĚ ďƵůŐĞ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƚŽŶŐƵĞ ďĂĐŬ ƚŽ ĞƐĐĂƉĞ ƚŚĞ ƉĂŝŶ͕ ƌĞƐƵůƟ ŶŐ ŝŶ ĚŝƐƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƐŽŌ ƉĂůĂƚĞ͘ Whereas the patĞŶƚĞĚ tdW ĞŶĐĂƐĞĚ ũŽŝŶƚ design prevents the arms folding down, ƉƌĞǀĞŶƟ ŶŐ ƉĂŝŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƌŽŽĨ͕ ƚŽŶŐƵĞ ĂŶĚ ďĂƌƐ͘ dŚĞ ϲ͘ϱ ƐƋƵĂƌĞ Đŵ ůŽǁ ƉƌŽĮ ůĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌ ƉůĂƚĞ ĐƌĞĂƚĞƐ Ă ƐŽŌ Ğƌ ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ ĂƌĞĂ ƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ďŝƚ ƉƌĞƐƐƵƌĞ ďLJ ĂďŽƵƚ ϴϱй͘ dŚĞ tdW ĐĞŶƚĞƌ Ň Ăƚ ƉůĂƚĞ ŝƐ ƵƉ ƚŽ ϭϰŵŵ ůŽǁĞƌ ƚŚĂŶ ŽƚŚĞƌ ďŝƚ ũŽŝŶƚƐ͕ allowing more room between the tongue and ƚŚĞ ƌŽŽĨ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƵƚŚ͕ ƉƌĞǀĞŶƟ ŶŐ ƌŽŽĨ ƌƵďďŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ŵŽƵƚŚŝŶŐ ŝƐƐƵĞƐ͘ &ƵƌƚŚĞƌ͕ ƚŚĞ tdW ďŝƚ arms have limited travel to reduce outer ring pressure to the cheeks and lips when working Ă ŚŽƌƐĞ ŝŶ Ă ƐƚƌĂŝŐŚƚ ůŝŶĞ͘ dŚĞ ŽŶůLJ Ɵ ŵĞ ĐŚĞĞŬ pressure is required is when turning your ŚŽƌƐĞ͘ dŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ƚĞƐƚ ƚŽ ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞ ŚŽǁ ŝƚ ƐƚŽƉƐ ĚŝƐƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚ ŝƐ ďLJ ůĂLJŝŶŐ ƚǁŽ Į ŶŐĞƌƐ Ň Ăƚ ŽŶ LJŽƵƌ ƚŽŶŐƵĞ͘ dŚĞ ƌĞƐƵůƚ͕ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ͛ƚ ďƵůŐĞ LJŽƵƌ ƚŽŶŐƵĞ ďĂĐŬ͘ EĞŝƚŚĞƌ ĐĂŶ ƚŚĞ ŚŽƌƐĞ͕ therefore, keeping the tongue in the correct ĨŽƌǁĂƌĚ ƉŽƐŝƟ ŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƐƚŽƉƉŝŶŐ ĚŝƐƉůĂĐĞŵĞŶƚ͘ dŚĞ ƌĞǀŽůƵƟ ŽŶĂƌLJ ƉůĂƚĞ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ƉƌĞǀĞŶƚƐ ƚŚĞ


PICTURES 1 & 2 SHOW A SNAFFLE BIT ROOF RUBBING AND BIT PINCHING. contact and were leaning on the rein, pulling the reins through your hands, not using their ƐŚŽƵůĚĞƌƐ Žƌ ŚŝŶĚƋƵĂƌƚĞƌƐ͕ Į ŐŚƟ ŶŐ ƚŚĞ ďŝƚ͕ ŚĞĂĚ ĐŚƵĐŬŝŶŐ͕ ƌĞĂƌŝŶŐ͕ ďƵĐŬŝŶŐ͕ ƉƵůůŝŶŐ͘ ůů ŽĨ ƚŚĞ tdW ďĞŶĞĮ ƚƐ ĂƌĞ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĞĚ ďLJ ŚƵŶĚƌĞĚƐ ŽĨ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ ƚĞƐƟ ŵŽŶŝĂůƐ ǁŚŝĐŚ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ƐƵƉƉůŝĞĚ ŽŶ ƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ͘ It is wĞůů ĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚĞĚ ũŽŝŶƚĞĚ ƐŶĂŋ Ğ ďŝƚƐ cause roof rubbing and bit pinching, causing pain signals to spread to any other branch ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ĨĂĐŝĂů ŶĞƌǀĞ͕ ƌĞƐƵůƟ ŶŐ ŝŶ ƉĂŝŶ ŝŶ areas of the face that have no direct contact


ŽŶ Ă ŚŽƌƐĞ͘͟ >ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ĐŽůƚ ďƌĞĂŬĞƌ :ƵůŝĞŶ tĞůƐŚ͕ ǁŚŽ ďƌĞĂŬƐ ŝŶ ϱϬϬ ŚŽƌƐĞƐ Ă LJĞĂƌ ĨŽƌ ĂƌůĞLJ ĂŶĚ other leading trainers purchased 25 WTP bits ƌĂƟ ŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŶŽƌŵĂů ƉůĂƚĞ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ďŝƚ on the market and like having power steering, ŬŝŶĚ ĂŶĚ ƐŽŌ ŽŶ ŚŽƌƐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƚƌĂŶƐĨŽƌŵŝŶŐ Ěŝĸ ĐƵůƚ ŚŽƌƐĞƐ͘ ĂǀĞ DĐ ǀŽLJ ĐŽůƚ ďƌĞĂŬĞƌ ĂŶĚ ĐĂŵƉĚƌĂŌ Ğƌ͕ ͞ƚŽƚĂůůLJ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ͊͟



ŚŽƌƐĞ ƉƵƐŚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ƉůĂƚĞ ƵƉǁĂƌĚƐ Žƌ ƐŝĚĞǁĂLJƐ͘ ,ere’s what is being said by other leading ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ĞdžƉĞƌƚƐ͘ ^ŚŽǁ ũƵŵƉŝŶŐ ƌŝĚĞƌƐ :ĂŶĞůůĞ tĂƚĞƌƐ͕ ďƐŽůƵƚĞůLJ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ / ŚĂǀĞ ƌĞƉůĂĐĞĚ Ăůů ŵLJ ďŝƚƐ͟ <Ğůŝ ZŽǁĞ ͞zŽƵƌ ďŝƚ ŚĂƐ ƐƚŽƉƉĞĚ ŚĞƌ ďƵĐŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ƌĞĂƌŝŶŐ͟ ZĂĐŚĞů :ŽŶĞƐ ͞,Ğ ǁĞŶƚ from rearing and out of control to an angel ǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ ϱ ƌŝďďŽŶƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ĚĂLJ͟ dĂƌĂ ƌŽƵŐŚ ͞,Ğ ƐƚŽƉƉĞĚ Į ŐŚƟ ŶŐ ƚŚĞ ďŝƚ ĂŶĚ ŝƐ ŶŽǁ ƐŽŌ ĂŶĚ ƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŽƚĂůůLJ ĂŵĂnjŝŶŐ͟ /ĐŽŶŝĐ ƚƌĂŝŶĞƌ ,ĞŶƌLJ DŽƌĞŶŽ͕ ͞ Ō Ğƌ ϲϯ LJĞĂƌƐ͕ / ŚĂǀĞ ĐŚĂŶŐĞĚ ƚŽ these bits; they are the best bits I’ve ever put

The wait is over to prevent and fix mouthing and breathing issues! Contact your local saddlery for your WTP bits or for further information and documented testimonials phone +61 413 898 128 or visit www. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 13

The Horse Report

Australian Horsemanship Trainers feature

P.O. Box 99, Esk Qld. 4312 Phone: 0427 732 394

Instructor Ken Faulkner

Ken Faulkner – Clinic Calendar -

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Training DVDs Horse Mastery DVD Set (4 DVDs) incl. Rein Positions, Four Rein Lengths Volume 1 & 2, and Strengthening Exercises , Liberty, Foal Handling, The Way of the Horse 2012

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proudly sponsored by ATHRA Australian Trail Horse Riders Assoc , Peter Brophy Saddlery, Barrack Saddlery, JSS Quarter Horses, Shahwan Park Arabians Page 14 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Trainers feature

The Horse Report

NSW Mounted Police offers tours The NSW Mounted Police is the oldest continuous mounted police in the world being formed in 1825 and is celebrating its 190th anniversary this year. The NSW Mounted Police are a fully operational unit and operate 24 hours a day. Tours of the stables, located at 7 Baptist Street, Redfern in Sydney are conducted twice weekly and are very popular and are usually booked out weeks or evens months in advance. Tours are free of charge though there is a donation box if a group wishes to donate money. Any monies collected goes towards to the upkeep of the museum. The tours are run every Tuesday and Thursday between 10am – 1pm for one hour duration. All parties wishing to attend are advised to book in advance, and if attending in a large group, it is a requirement that everyone’s details to be supplied prior to arrival, for security purposes. What to Expect One of the Mounted Police officers or Volunteers in Policing will provide a tour of the historical museum, where visitors will watch a small video clip of riders. Visitors will receive a walking tour of the barracks which includes both stable blocks,

observe the horses being exercised by officers, meet the police horses, view the state of the art farrier’s room, vetting room and electronic walker, see transportation vehicles and all of the saddlery. Dependent upon the day and season and operational commitments, visitors may also get to see various displays in the ménage. They may range from Public Order Management training; troop drill; lessons in flatwork, jumping or bareback work. The historical museum has a history dating back to the 1800s. Visitors are asked to be mindful of the history, age and value of the historical memorabilia contained within the museum and ask that visitors please be careful and avoid touching or damaging the items as they are irreplaceable. A lot of family members donate their family’s historical photographs to the museum. If you formally knew of a friend or family member who served at the Mounted Police, there are locked secured photographs available from various historical eras that can be arranged to view. Not all historical documents are on display and displays can change on a regular basis. Unfortunately the museum is not in a position to assist with any historical or heritage tracing of police within the Mounted Police. The NSWMP also offers educational tour groups for PCYC groups, school students, pony clubs, TAFE and university students to learn the roles of the NSWMP staff and

horses. Here attendees are educated on the history of the unit, shown video clips, are observe the daily runnings of the unit. The students get to see the horses being exercised by staff and if available observe an arrest procedure on horseback. At the conclusion of the educational tour students are given information booklets on joining the NSWPF and the NSWMP. To book these tours, contact the stables on (02) 9319 2154 with a preferred date/ time. Work Experience Weekly work experience is run MondayFriday, 52 weeks a year. This is open to school, TAFE and university students. The NSW Mounted Police offers students an opportunity to conduct a week (5 days) work experience with staff. Here they will be involved in the daily caring for horses working closely with grooms/ stable hands. The students will learn to to handle, wash, groom, feed, rug, walk horses and well as the hard work involved in keeping there stables clean and orderly. At the conclusion of there week's work experience students will receive a brochure of the NSWMP, how to join the Police Force and a certificate of attendance for their hard work. To find out more about work experience email Want to see more, visit the Facebook page at

GC EQUESTRIAN Available for clinics and lessons Full time training of horses Top level showing for clients horses Selection of quality young horses available for purchase 0499 444 880 Phil 0488 111 401 Adam - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 15

Trainers feature

The Horse Report

Getting soft feel, self carriage and collection in the forward horse. By TANJA KRAUS As we begin to explore soft feel, or self carriage with our horses, we may find we run into a bit of trouble with our forward movers. The main reason we will run into difficulty is if we have been relying on our reins to slow our horses down, or to keep them in the gait / or at the speed that we are looking for. We can also run into trouble if we use our reins to balance our own body in the saddle. To correct this will take a few changes to our riding style. Firstly we need to teach our horses to listen to our body when it comes to the speed / gait that we are looking for. It is not up to me to hold him in a gait so he cannot go any faster I should be able to drop the reins and put both hands in the air and my horse will still not change the gait he is in or the speed he is going. Secondly we need to understand that our soft feel / self carriage comes from the horses hindquarter engaging, and our horse bending through the body laterally. It has nothing to do with pulling the reins tighter, or pulling the horses head towards his body. As we ride the horse in engagement, the self carriage of the head will occur organically. Finally we need to understand that self carriage / soft feel is a give - not a take. We must give through the rein so the horse feels a comfort and a softness that he can stretch forward into,

if our hands are braced, rigid, blocked or unforgiving then our horses will simply hide from the rein, and the pressure on the face, causing a false head set. In closing - a note on our forward moving horses. We must establish if our horse is simply forward moving naturally, or if he is forward because he lacks balance and is falling or cartwheeling. Often all our forward moving horses need is to lift their weight off the shoulder and work from the hind, causing a balance in their body - this will 'slow' the gait and the horse will travel balanced and smoothly.



DECEMBER 5 - 8 Ken Faulkner Clinic - Glenreagh 12 & 13 - Young Horse 2 Clinic Clinic - Baby Horses or those needing a

quiet weekend out - this course is for you! JANUARY 3,4,5 7 29

“Bookings Essential”

Kids Clinic - 3 day horsemanship Camp Young Horse Intake 5 DAY HORSEMANSHIP 5 Day IMMERSION Clinic IMMERSION CLINIC

Will include training in all aspects of FEBRUARY horsemanship online, liberty, freestyle 7 & 8 Confidence Clinic - Inverell riding and collected riding, plus evening lectures.

Young Horses started under saddle free monthly newsletter - sign up at our website!

Advertise in our Trainer’s Feature BUSINESS CARD ADVERTS less than $34 per month receive a BONUS editorial plus promotion in our online e-magazine via world wide web eblasts, Facebook and our website. Page 16


New E Book - Lessons from Horses Now available on For Enquiries and bookings 0412 592 033 - - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report


SNICKERS - MUMS DREAM PONY Give your child the start they deserve on a safe loving pony Lots of wins and placings at shows, pc and sporting 10yo, 11hh brown/black Shetlandgelding He is a very experienced pony club mount and competed at many ag shows . Goes out mustering all day with little kids, been on the beach. Taught many kids how to ride. Very sad sale as he gave his current child huge confidence in a short time and he has moved on to next pony of homes only Perfect to float fully clip, catch etc and always handled by little children! $5800 Julie Ph 0754640595

Heartbreaking sale of our much loved boy. Doulton is registered Riding Pony, Part Welsh, Saddle Pony, EFA and SHC $6,500 neg Kylie Ph 0417215787

Kinful Bandit


Arabian Warmblood gelding Showing three elasticised paces and the looks of a serious show horse combined with the kindest disposition. Recently competed at his first show bringing home more than one win, performing like a seasoned horse. Alfie is a genuine non-fuss horse schooled by a professional trainer. A sad sale by owner/breeder who has a young family and not the time to do this true treasure justice. Priced at $18,000. Please contact Paul Hedges on 0416 490 769.

Registered; AHSA, RPSB, WPCS, APSB, ASPA, SHC. This beautiful pony is a 12.3hh, 6yo liver chestnut, highly decorated show horse mare. A Sydney Royal Champion, Winner and place getter, current National Champion, multi supreme led and saddle pony, Sophie is sadly offered for sale to the best of approved homes Sophie Ph 0413664759 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 17



UP TO 40% LESS HAY WASTAGE JANUARY 17-18 Cooma Rodeo 24-25 Blackall Showgrounds FEBRUARY 8 Cooma showgrounds 14-15 Barcaldine Showgrounds.


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CAMPDRAFTING/CUTTING /TEAM PENNING JANUARY 10 Powranna 03 62 489 231 15-18 Walcha Golden Gate Campdraft 23 - 25 Armidale 0417 451 124 24 - 25 Mt Barker 0419 436 625 FEBRUARY 14 Moonan Flat Campdraft


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Kiah Park Horse Riding 7 days Camps during December and January Ph: (07)5486 6166 JANUARY 10-11 Barrell Racing CLinic Barcaldine 17 EA QLD Show Horse Judges Clinic 17 Billy Raymont Jumping Clinic @ Toowoomba 0418 700 816 17-18 Sam Lyle Eventing Clinic @ Toowoomba 0439 735 504 22 Rebel Morrow Cross Country Clinic FEBRUARY 7-8 Horse and Home Show 2015 @QSEC 14 Matt Ryan Clinic at Maryborough

DRESSAGE. EFA Ph 07 3891 6611 n JANUARY 17 Toowoomba Dressage 25 Redlands dressage 31 Fig Tree Pocket Twighlight Dressage 31 Summerland Twighlight dresage FEBRUARY 1 Macedon Ranges Dressage 14 Summerland Twighlight dresage 19 -22 Orange Dressage CDI3*+CD!Y+CDIU25 21-22 NADEC @ Mudgeeraba Showgrounds 21 NCAR G @ Nambour SHowgrounds 21 Qld Dressage @ QSEC 22 Redlands

23 Summerland Twighlight dresage 28 Toowoomba Prelim-GP + - Young Horse 28 Summerland Twighlight dresage MARCH 7 QLD Dressage @ QSEC 7 IEQ Qualifier at QSEC 8 Maryborough Active Riders 8 PRARG Official Two Star ** 8 Caboolture

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PONYCLUB&INTERSCHOOL JANUARY 4-9 PCANSW State Camp 18 Murwillumbah Pony Club Open Day 23-25 Murwillumbah Pony Club annual January Camp APRIL 11-12 PCANSW Sporting & Campdraft Championships, Zone 4, Coonamble 18-19 PCANSW Dressage Championships

RODEO APRA 07 4661 8183 - NRA 07 5495 8668 JANUARY 3 Picton Rodeo 3 Wingham Rodeo 10 Walcha BC Rodeo 20 ABCRA Junior National Finals@ Tamworth 22 ABCRA National Finals 25 Taralga Rodeo FEBRUARY 7 Cooma Rodeo 14-15 Bendemeer Campdraft & Rodeo 14 Goulburn Rodeo 27 Armidale Show Bull Ride

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13-14 Murgon 13-14 Inglewood 14 Oakey 18-21 Toowoomba Royal 20-21 Goomeri 26-29 SHC Grand Nationals 27-29 Warwick

E.F.A. 07 3891 6611 JANUARY 18 West Moreton Open Showjumping 22 - 25 Boneo Park World Cup Show jumping 23-25 Australia Day Showjumping Weekend @ Toowoomba FEBRUARY 7-8 Tamborine ODE 8 NADEC Showjumping 14 Toowoomba Hunter Trial MARCH 7 Warwick Horse Trails – One Day Event


EST. 2000

TRAIL RIDING & CTR JANUARY 3-4 Bowral 10-11 Albion Park 10 SA Open Affiliated Hack Show 10 Pambula 18 Candelo 18 Valley Equestrian Club Kempsey T Shirt Hack & Showjumping Day 23-24 Kiama 24 Gatton QH& P Assoc T SHirt Hack Show 0498 997 108 25 Bungendore 31 TLEC Summer Hack Show / Fun Day / Dressage day Ph 07 5590 9721 30-1 Bundarra 30-31 Stanthorpe FEBRUARY 6-8 "Pacific Coast Hack Championships 6-7 Tenterfield 6-8 Glenn Innes 6-7 Nowra 6-7 Allora 7 RASDEG Hack SHow 12-14 Inverell 13-15 Clifton 14-15 Cabargo 14-15 Barastoc Horse of the Year 2015 15 Grafton Riding CLub Tshirt Hack show 20-21 Killarney 20-22 Bega 20-21 Gundagai 20-21 Guyra 20-22 Maitland 21 Cooyar 27-1 Canberra Royal 28 Millmeran 28 Bell MARCH 6-7 Proston 6-7 Pittsworth 7 Tara

Cooloola Trail riders Ph 07 5482 8436 CTHC-Caboolture ph 07 5498 6068 Toowoomba's Cumburrie 0746 966259 Athra - 0409 704 554 Alligator Creek 0427 619 725 Beaudesert Shire 07 5546 9225 Beechmont & District 07 5533 1113 Bouldercombe 0418 715 837 Breakaway 0417 195 989 Brisbane Valley 0428 750 145 Cobb & Co. Country Trail Riders, 07 4623 3344 to 0428 100 144. Curtis & District 0438 111 091 Dayboro Trail Riders 0418 833 110 Four Rivers Trail Riders 0413 746 033 Gold Coast & Albert District 0409 704 554. Ipswich & District 07 3395 0758 Logan River Redlands 0413 239 668 Mudgeeraba & Hinterland 0498 682 018 Rathdowney Trail Riding 07 5544 1177 Saturday Horse Activities 07 4934 2345 SCATER Ph: 07 5478 8676 or 0417 612 061 Seven Mile Lagoon 07 5462 7339 Tableland Trail Riders 07 4091 2070 Toowoomba Trail Riders 0438 933 032 Wide Bay Trail Riders 07 4126 3456

WESTERN JANUARY 3-4 Western District QH Ass.0439 899 552 10 Plenty Valley QH Assoc 0402 691 691 15-18 AA show SIEC - 0407 079 702 15 Orange RAC - Western Breeds Spectacular 0407 079 702 16-17-18 Youth Camp Rockhampton 07 4935 4468 18 West Gippsland QHAss. 0449 920 204 17-19 STATE SHOW Penfield SA 0408 835 248 23-24-25 AA Show Mallala 0421 758 249 25-26 AA show Gatton 0498 997 108 31 A show Burpengary 0433 521 646

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Page 21

The Horse Report

Pony Club NSW State Showriding Champs More than 200 riders and their horses from around NSW travelled to Scone to compete in the Pony Club NSW State Showriding Championships. They were hosted by Zone 7 and held at White Park on December 6 and 7. Riders competed in a range of classes judged on both horse and rider or handler to accumulate points to determine the Age Champion winners and Champion Zone. The Under 9 years Champion was awarded to Molly Callinan from Mount Sugarloaf Pony Club, and Reserve Champion went to Charlie Welsh from Mangrove Mountain Pony Club. Elouise Clare from Glenorie Pony Club won the 9 and under 11 years Age Champion, with Ella Bourke from Matcham Valley taking out the Reserve Champion. The 11 and under 13 age Champion was awarded to Mackenzie Peterkin from Congarinni Pony Club, and Tyara Smith from Stoney Range Pony Club was declared Reserve Champion. Chelsea Johnson from Stoney Range Pony Club took out the Age Champion 13 and under 15 years, with Lindsey Blanch from Grafton as Reserve Champion. In the 15 and under 17 years age group, Katrina Osborne was awarded Age Champion from Nundle Pony Club, and Tess O’Connor from Forest Hills Pony Club took out the Reserve Champion.

Reserve Champion 13 and under 15 years, with Lindsey Blanch from Grafton

Brodie Howe from Stoney Range Pony Club won her age division for the fifth year in a row, this year winning the 17 to 25 years Age Champion, with Kate Quirk from Quirindi Pony Club awarded Reserve Champion.



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The Champion Zone was awarded to Zone 22 with riders Brodie Howe, Tyara Smith, Chelsea Johnson and Teleah Lindsay gaining the most points for their Zone. ‰ continued page 23

Diet Analysis valued at $60

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More competitive each year .....

9 and under 11 Years Bareback rider from Zone 5 Photo by Xpoze Photography. from page 22 17 to 25 years Age Champion, Brodie Howe said the highlight of her weekend was “competing with all the other brilliant riders from all around NSW. The quality of horse and rider combinations has become more and

17 to 25 years Age Champion, Brodie Howe from Stoney Range Pony Club more competitive each year.” Being Brodie’s fifth State Showriding Champion win, she enjoys “seeing the familiar faces each year at State Showriding as well as all the new competitors giving it their first try.” Attending the State Showriding

Pair of riders from Zone 23: Lucy Bittendorfer and Alexandra Langthorne at the NSW State Showriding Championships. Photo Courtesy of Xpoze Photography Championships is an event that many Pony Club members strive to achieve for, and Brodie Howe explains the importance of attending Pony Club to build a successful riding career; “Pony Club has been a great start for me from the beginning right up

until now. At the start it was great to build confidence and meet new friends, and now it is a great place to take my young horses to get them used to being out and about”. To find a Pony Club near you visit - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 23

The Horse Report

Wedding bells for Sue P The Cabana Lounge at Sharks football club saw the who’s who of showing all come to celebrate the wedding of one of Queensland’s show faces Susan Paine and the love of her life Paul Chapman. As all that know Susan the wedding had to have lots of Pink. There were pink ribbons, pink bows, pink cup cakes, pink bridesmaids, pink flower petal on the floor and pink straws to drink the pink champagne. Long time friends came from all over Australia to be with Susan to celebrate her special day. Among those was former local, now Melbourne based Greg Gerry who was honored to walk Susan down the aisle to give her away. Best friend Kristen Bates Taunton, close friend Gillian Beale along with Chelsea and Holly Taunton along with Susan’s sister and nieces were in the bridle party. Guest’s included showing identities Kate Dolan, Nicki Jamison, Carmel Perkins, Elanor Gerry, Kerry Dunstan, Darren Telford, Chris Leach, Tova Bates, Charlee Anthony, Sally George and friends and family both local and abroad. The wedding was originally planned to be out in the garden but when rain forced it inside Susan received loads of messages telling her not to worry rain on your wedding day was good luck. With one beautiful message making us all shed a tear. “ that rain is tears from heaven” .... and Susan thought to her self “how beautiful that will be my dad watching from above... he would have been so happy for us all sharing such a beautiful day”. Greg Gerry was very honored to walk Susan down the aisle

Congratulations Mr & Mrs Chapman photography by Zoe Topcov Photography

Introducing *** RATHOWEN SONG AND DANCE *** our new stallion

Kristen Bates-Taunton Mob: 0417 425 881

Page 24

Breedingg Quality, Movement and Temperament

Stud Fee - $1,000 * Vet fees not included - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Rider Profile of the month

Tegan Chester by Indiana Turner - Flash It Photography First Riding Experience

I started learning to ride when I was a toddler, one of my first memories would have to be riding my pony Tristan at Sale Jump Club in the cross rails. Instructor – My parents both help me equally as much with my riding, and my brother Kane is also a big help- and it is both a blessing and a curse. To have such knowledgable people in your home 24-7 who are willing to help as much as possible is great! However being family with your teachers is always sure to have it's problems! Mostly we cope pretty well, apart from the odd brother-sister stand off!!

Have You They Ever Thought Of Giving Up Or Leaving The Sport ? I have had quite a few troublesome horses in my career so far so yes definitely the thought has crossed my mind. Our circumstances have never allowed us to buy what we may think of as the most competitive mounts, so we have always made our own horses or taken on project horses owned by clients, but ultimately this is what I love doing and could never give it up.

What Do You Look For In A Horse

I don't have any particular type of horse that I prefer over another, if it can jump then I will ride it but I love to see a spark in a horse. Something that makes it special, some personality. I have always believed that the best horses can never be too simple. To be elite they need a bit of fire! This is how I always seem to have a difficult horse or two on the truck, they are talented but definitely not easy and it makes any success you have so much sweeter! Obviously they don't all turn out to be superstars but it's all about learning and being able to decide for yourself which horses are worth the trouble and which are not. Do You Have Any Horses That You Believe Are Coming Through The Ranks And Will Potentially Be A Future Superstar

I have a Mare who's 6 by Warlord 2 who is extremely talented and has enormous potential however she is not the easiest to handle, but I am hoping that she will come up to be something special! Fingers crossed! Hobbies Or Things You Like To Do If You Ever Get Spare Time

I love taking my dogs for walks and going to the beach! Also shopping is a big hobby of mine, anyone who knows me well will agree!! Your Highest Achievements

How Many Horses Are You Competing and Training

At the moment I am competing 3 horses at the shows, which is an unusually low number for me! In the last 2-3 years I have been riding anywhere up to 8 horses and struggled to put my feet on the ground for longer than 5 minutes during the day at shows, so having just a few in the last couple of months has been quite relaxed and nice!

- Silver Jubilee Champion Rider 2009 - Champion State Team Aus Titles 2010 - 1st Junior Sydney Royal 2011 - Wellington Shire Junior Sports Award 2011 - Trans-tasman challenge Vic Team 2011 - 1st Young Rider Champs Bega Cup 2011 - 3rd Mini Prix Victorian Title 2012 - Finishing 9th in the Bega Cup 2013 - 2013 Vic Young Rider State Champion - 1st Tekna Series Rd 1 2013 - 1st Young Rider Sale World Cup 2013

Best Moments In Your Riding Career

Winning my first ever Junior is still a big highlight for me, I had only had my horse for two days before the show started and had never been in a proper junior before, so to win the Championship on the last day was very special! In 2010 I went to my first Australian Titles and it was the first Victorian Team I was selected for, we won the teams event which was so exciting for us and is still a favourite moment of mine! In 2011 my family and I packed up and went on a Queensland show run for 11 weeks, at Gympie Show I won the Junior Six Bar on Romany Ego Z our stallion that we had at the time, the last jump was 1.80m and after he cleared it he had a buck and nearly threw me off, luckily I stayed on board and Rom got the blue ribbon! Another favourite would have to be winning the Victorian Young Rider State Title in 2013, it poured with rain and we wanted to go home but decided to stay- lucky for me!! Hobbies Or Things You Like To Do If You Ever Get Spare Time

I love taking my dogs for walks and going to the beach! Also shopping is a big hobby of mine, anyone who knows me well will agree!! Sponsors

Mum and Dad are my biggest sponsors at the moment, without them none of this would be possible - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 25

The Horse Report

Rider Profile of the month Brianna Frost by Indiana Turner - Flash It Photography First Riding Experience

When I was a year old, I was the star of the ‘saddle mate’ commercial. It was a saddle extension that allowed the parent to have their child sitting with them on a horse comfortably. I guess my love of horses started there… Have You Ever Thought Of Giving Up Or Leaving The Sport – What Made You Stay I have never thought of giving up permanently? It’s been hard lately, completing my HSC and trying to juggle it all with school, work and riding. I have worked around it though and cut back, but that just makes it more exciting to be finished and have a beautiful hobby to enjoy as a reward.

Every Rider Looks Up to Someone, Even The Athlete - Who Is Your Inspiration?

I look up to my mum. She has been the lady who introduced me to horses, My mum has taught me everything I know and has pushed me to be the best I can possibly be.

How Many Horses Are You Competing and Training

Due to my HSC, I have only had one horse in work, my stock horse mare. We have a couple of young horses due to be coming through though which should keep me busy! Hobbies Or Things You Like To Do If You Ever Get Spare Time

I love getting out and about taking photos. A photo captures a memory, one that even if it may fade in our minds, it will never fade in a photograph. I also like to get out and about played sports like touch football

Is There Someone That Has Supported You With Your Venture In the Equine World

Both my parents have supported me immensely with my journey in the equine world. Without their constant flow of funds, my passion would not have been kept alive, and I honestly owe them the world. Brianna Frost

What Do You Look For In A Horse

I look for many traits in a horse. My top point being that the horse is quiet. Its not fun when a horse is constantly going nuts over the monsters in the shadows, it makes training hard. A horse with good conformation is always very desirable.

Best Moments In Your Riding Career

For me my best moments aren’t winning. It’s the hard work that’s gotten me to where I am today. Persistence, Patience And Practice Is Key

Do You Have Any Horses That You Believe Are Coming Through The Ranks And Will Potentially Be A Future Superstar

I think we may have a very special little horse coming through. She is not yet broken, but has the bloodlines and that ‘WoW’ factor about her. Fingers crossed!

Your Highest Achievements

From a young age of 5 I have been competing at shows and winning countless ribbons. When I was 6, I was awarded Champion First Ridden at the State Riding Pony Show. This was the start of my successful riding career. I owned the gorgeous Janlyn Chocolate Drop who educated me right through till the age of 11. On this gorgeous pony we competed both at shows and pony club. I then eventuated to a bigger pony, Brandy Hill Park Royal Quest, who carried me to my first Sydney Royal. Squads: - 2013 and 2014 Queensland State Young Riders squad - 2014 Australian National Youth Development Squad

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Page 27

The Horse Report

Manage horse health through nutrition By ANTOINETTE FOSTER Equine Dip. Nut. Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist ©2013 About Antoinette Antoinette foster is an equine nutritional therapist and medical herbalist of some 25 years experience. She is highly respected member of the equestrian community in Australia and has also been a successful speaker overseas in countries such as Denmark, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Antoinette offers a unique style of presentation looking at the simplicity of feeding your horse. She has a wealth of training and experience in areas which include human nutrition, mineral salt therapy, trace element therapy, amino acid therapy, nutrition and disease and herbal medicine and more recently became a trained nutrigenomics practitioner. Antoinette has been a presenter Equitana since it began in 1999. She has participated on many panels with other practitioners on the subject of equine nutrition. She also has a human health practice where she conducts Nutrigenomics DNA testing. More recently her work with genetic scientist Dr Margie Smith has led to the development of equine genomics testing, which is now available. Antoinette founded Hi Form Australia in 1990, however formulated her first product in 1987 which was the HerbaNerve. Antoinette has formulated a unique range of natural therapy products for horses, dogs and cats. Each formula works in a synergistic way, there are not high levels of ingredients used as they are not necessary, and all ingredients are oral grade for human use. All ingredients used fit into the category of natural therapy which include mineral salts, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and organic herbal extracts. All ingredients used are listed with the TGA and have clinical studies and data behind them. In 2010 Antoinette began working with JT Johnson and Sons of Kapunda in South Australia after a culmination of 11 years work developing a range of natural horse feeds. Like the Hi Form products, these feeds are a world first - they are unique, they are clean feeds, highly nutritious and highly palatable, and there are no additives, colours, flavours or by-products used. All cereal hays, Alfalfa, grains are grade one export quality. JT Johnson and Sons celebrate their 90th year this year. They are a fourth generation family company who are the largest exporter of hays in Australia. The horse feed industry is a new industry for Johnsons and one they are truly excited to be involved in. “It is an honour to work with Johnson’s Page 28

Antoinette Foster will be sharing her knowledge of equine nutrition through a series of seminars starting this month.

together creating the best nutrition options available for all horses,” she said. This year, it is Antoinette’s intention to continue educating and offering advice to horse owners and to also continue developing new products for humans and animals. Education is the most important aspect of Antoinette’s business. It is a way of giving back to the equestrian community. The love of the horse has always driven Antoinette. Her aim is to help as many people as she can, not just with their horses, dogs and cats but with themselves as well. After all, health is essential for every living being. This month, she begins a run of equine nutrition seminars in South Australia, and also to NSW, the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia and has been invited as a speaker in Denmark later this year

Tips to Help The wet weather up north has caused a number of problems with horses, paddocks will stay wet for some time after heavy rains even when there has been a slow down in the rain and sunny days. Many soils will retain high levels of water and this can present a serious risk for the horse’s health. Even if horses are shod they need to be protected from diseases and problems related to standing in mud. There are a number of conditions that can result from consistent wet weather these include seedy toe, Greasy heel and mud fever. Horses standing in water for a number of days will increase the risk of these conditions. It is very important to try to prevent these conditions from occurring. It is highly recommended to bring you horse out of the paddock daily and clean the hooves and then apply a good quality dressing on the bottom of the feet and the hoof itself. Antoinette finds that Effax is a very good hoof product, but if you are already using something similar that is fine, providing it offers some form of protection from the dampness, in other words a product that can repel the water. Make sure you clean the hoof properly so that there is no dirt left and wipe clean with a towel. In the wet weather it is essential that you clean right down to the sole of the hoof that way you can see if there is any damage. A small scrubbing brush would be useful also, just remember if you don’t clean the hoof every day your horse will possibly end up with seedy toe If you locate white line, this can mean the start of an infection, but if you take about 2mm off and protect with a good water proof hoof dressing you should reduce the risk of seedy toe. Seedy toe is the separation of the hoof tissue from the sole of the hoof which is called the white line or laminar. continued page 29 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Seasonal wet weather can bring problems  continued from page 28 If an infection did take hold this can reach to the coronet band and that will not be a great outcome, your horse could also become sore. Horses that have white feet tend to be a little more susceptible to greasy heal, however any horse can develop greasy heal in wet weather. The other problem can be swelling in the legs due to lack of exercise. When there is lack of movement and muscle contraction, it can affect the venous and lymphtic system leading to a build-up of fluid in the venous system and a decrease in lymphatic drainage resulting in excess fluid in the subcutaneous tissues of the leg. These swellings are generally quite mild and do not appear to cause pain. Keeping horses moving is the ideal situation, this means taking you horse out for regular walks or exercise under saddle. Light work should be sufficient to reduce the swelling, however there are some excellent natural products that can assist the venous and lymphatic system and reduce swelling. The final and almost certainly the most important, is nutrition and avoiding diges-

A lack of exercise due to wet weather can produce swelling of the legs.

Keep an eye on horses’ legs which can be prone to infection in prolonged wet spells.

Good quality roughage is essential, especially in wet weather.

tive disorders. Feeding a diet that contains plenty of roughage is ideal, no soaking of hays or hard feeds, horses have teeth for a reason and plenty of roughage is healthy for the digestive system. However when horses are located in wet areas with poor pasture there are a number of problems associated with this. Horses grazing some tropical grasses for extended periods can suffer `Big Head' disease or Osteodystrophia fibrosa. These grasses are buffel grass, green panic, setaria, kikuyu, guinea grass, para grass, pangola grass and signal grass. The cause of the problem is a high level of oxalates. Calcium oxalate is insoluble and unavailable to the horse. There needs to be more calcium than oxalate in the pasture for the calcium to be available. This is where supplementing becomes vital to the horse, but this means the correct formula, which is balanced and assists the uptake of minerals vital to the horses health including calcium and magnesium. Some horses can also lose weight in wet weather due to the poor nutritional value of grasses, feeding a good balanced ration is essential to maintain a good body condition Prevention is far better than waiting for things to go wrong. Feeding good quality lucerne hay can be of great benefit due to its excellent level of cal-

cium and overall nutritional analysis. Keeping an area fenced off is also ideal so you have somewhere to bring your horse to when all the other areas are muddy and water logged. A good quality high roughage hard feed is essential and during very wet weather it is also worth considering using a really good pro and pre-biotic such as BioEquus, a product such as this will reduce the risk of digestive disorders such as diarrhoea etc. Horses in water logged area tend to ingest a higher level of water and this can be unhealthy. Make sure when you feed you horse in water logged areas that you have you feeders on the ground, this is the normal way for horses to eat. Invest in a thick piece of rubber matting to reduce the ingestion of excess water including stagnant water and mud. Rubber matting can be easily hosed off each day if necessary. Rubber matting can also be used under hay nets or you can place the hay straight down on the matt. If you are using hay nets don’t have them too high. Make sure if possible that you horse has shelter so he or she can be out of the rain and have somewhere dry even if only for short relief. If you require any further advice or information on feeding please contact Antoinette via email at or call 03 9775 6422 03 9775 6422 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 29

The Horse Report

The healing powers of Flower Remedies The Horse Herbalist’s founder, Angela Davison, pioneered a unique hair assessment system which she integrated into her practice in 1992. This is a non-chemical method of discovery which aims to uncover the core issues in the individual horse’s performance problems/ illness/discomfort/imbalance. Once those core issues have been revealed and understood, a focussed treatment plan is proposed with a tailor made Medical Herbal and Flower Remedy Mixture which will facilitate a positive and permanent healing change within the body/mind continuum, rather than putting a band-aid on the problem. All cases are individual (and each process does take time) so please allow two weeks AFTER receipt of the hair sample. Once the Hair Assessment has been completed we will call you with a verbal report discussing the results and proposed treatment plan. This will be a 15-30 minute consultation. The initial fee also includes a written Nutritional Rating Guide specifically for the individual horse being tested, showing which feeds & supplements do and don’t suit this particular individual’s system. This has proven to be invaluable information for the owner/trainer. Generally a combination of Herbal Extracts and Flower Remedies are given over a 6 week period. Positive changes are expected

to be seen from the mid to latter end of initial treatment. This will be the first half of your horse’s 12 week treatment plan. Re-assessment with another hair sample at the end of Week 4 of the initial 6 week treatment This re-assessment is absolutely essential as many changes will have taken place in the body and a different formula will result to complete the second half of the horse’s 12 week Herb/Flower Remedy treatment plan. Rarely do we find that we need to treat in this manner for longer than 12 weeks, though nutritional changes may have been advised and other therapies suggested in conjunction with this therapy i.e. Veterinary, Acupuncture, Bowen, Chiropractor, Dentist, Farrier, etc., Angela has recently published her new book Flower Remedies for horses, pets and people and the Queensland lauch of the book will be at the QSEC Home Show at Caboolture on February 7 and 8 Discover the ancient art of healing body, mind and soul with Flower Remedies. This book is for riders and trainers, health practitioners and farmers, dog and cat lovers, parents and all people looking for lasting, inexpensive, remedies for those they love – whether two legged or four! Angela Davison was one of Australia’s first professional female jockeys before hanging

up her boots and studying to become a herbalist. It is her great love of horses and all creatures which has driven her to give something back to animals and their owners. She has dedicated over 40 years to research, pioneering new methods of diagnosis and healing, over 8000 case studies and expert collaboration with vets, trainers and owners. She says ‘Flower Remedies are the little known change agents that everyone can afford and administer. If the picture fits, give the remedy!’

The Horse Herbalist - site #64



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The Horse Report

What’s Happening WANT TO JOIN PONY CLUB? Pony Club NSW, established in 1946, is the largest recognised state body for pony clubs in Australia and one of the largest associations of riders in the world. Pony Club NSW is a not-for-profit organisation invested into the development of horse riding in NSW through targeting grassroots, and elite development programs, competitions and education programs. Pony Club NSW exists to encourage horsemanship amongst its members, to provide appropriate coaching and competition, and to raise awareness of sportsmanship and citizenship of its members. Pony Club aims to encourage horsemanship and horsemastership amongst its members. To provide appropriate coaching and competition, to raise awareness of sportsmanship and citizenship of its members, in order to assist its members to become proficient in their chosen sport. Our main objectives are too; * encourage young people to ride and learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding *provide instruction on riding and horsemanship and to instill in members proper animal care *promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength of character and self discipline So if your Looking at Joing Pony Club in 2015 come along and find out what its all about at Murwillumbah Pony Clubs Open Day to be held at Murwillumbah Showgrounds on Sunday 18th January starting at 10am Meet our members and committee and watch instructional displays of riding in each discipline of Jumping, sporting, dressage, flat riding and mounted games. If you are wanting to join our club, membership forms will be available on the day. Murwillumbah Pony Club has a lot to offer including great facilities, stables, camping, canteen facilities, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members of all ages. During the year we run rally days on sundays, camps, gymkhanas and clinics as well as social events and fundraisers. For further information contact President Glenda Bowkett 0412 491 839 or senior instructor Paula Anthony 0413 733 294

Australia Day Long Weekend 2015 Gatton Show Grounds

Saturday - T Shirt Hack Show Sun & Mon - "AA" AQHA Show Contact Trish 0498 997 108 Programs:

Murwillumbah Pony Club Looking at Joining Pony Club in 2015

come along and find out what its all about. Murwillumbah Pony Club has a lot to offer great facilities, stables, camping, canteen facilities, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members of all ages.

*** OPEN DAY *** Sunday 18th January 10:00am *** ANNUAL 3 DAY CAMP *** Fri - Sun 23 24 25 January. Rally days, clinics or gymkhanas most sundays throughout the year. Social functions, end of year presentation and Pointscore trophies.

Murwillumbah Showgrounds Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah contact President - Glenda Bowkett 0412 491 839 Senior Instructor - Paula Anthony 0413 733 294


RISING STAR & YOUTH SHOW Saturday 13th June 2015 Park Ridge Pony Club

QUEENSLAND COUNTRY HACK CHAMPS 17th - 19th July 2015 Maryborough Show Grounds

HORSE OF THE YEAR 2nd - 5th October 2015 QSEC Caboolture

Check out our website Enquiries

Mrs Kristen Bates-Taunton - 0417 425 881 Mr Sean Aylett - 0438 118 267 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 31

The Horse Report

QSEC Home Show 2015 QSEC's Horse Home Show will be held at the Queensland State Equestrian Centre, Caboolture on Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 February. The line-up for the day will feature an integrated, multidiscipline program focusing on the RIDER, the HORSE, TRAINING & PERFORMANCE. Kick start the season with training tips, new products and the very best advice from some of the country’s leading equestrian professionals including ,Ian Francis, Steve Brady, Carmen Smith,Tanja Mtton, Tor Van Den Berge, Leanne Coban and Brett Parbery Ian Francis is recognised nationally and internationally as a Master Horseman. With a career spanning more than 40 years Ian has won National Championships in the Western Arena in Halter, Western Riding, Reined Cowhorse, Reining and Cutting. He has won Championships in Stockhorse Events and has won the Cloncurry Stockmans Challenge twice. Steve Brady will present educational demonstrations showing his system of on ground and ridden training plus perform liberty work and tricks. When training Steve believes safety should be your number 1 priority and teaches how to have a great relationship with your horse by having you learn a formula of exercises on the ground and under saddle that will give you safe effective and humane control of your horse. Carmen Smith is a Licensed Parelli Professional based in Australia and travels throughout QLD full time sharing the Parelli Program, to help people understand how horses think, act and play, to help adults and kids have fun with horses, stay safe and build co-operation with their equine friends. . Tanja Mitton is the Mindset Coach for the Australian High Performance Dressage and Para Squads as well as coaching with the NSW State Vaulting Squad. Tanja is also the Author of the Book “Seven Steps to the Mindset of an Equestrian Champion” Tor Van Den Berge is one of Australia’s leading dressage competitors and trainers. Tor spends a lot of his time teaching, and has a number of very successful students who are competitive across all Olympic disciplines and is really looking forward to being part of the QSEC Horse Home Show. Leanne Caban held the Australian Barrel Racing record for 6 years and is focused on training young barrel racing horses and making herself available to take outside horses and hold barrel racing clinics. Brett Parbery is one of Australia’s most respected and well-liked dressage riders, although his equestrian career includes diversity such as showing, polocrosse, camp drafting and rodeo riding. A feature of the Homeshow will be the STand Stands with exhibitors from all areas of the equestrian, transport and farming industries that will come together, all under the impressive roof of the QSEC Main Arena, with special show offers and fabulous products and services There will be more amazing shopping than you can poke a whip at! From farriers to farm supplies, feed to floats - special show offers on everything you need for you and your horse. The weekend will also include night entertainment at the conclusion of Saturday's program with live entertainment and spit roast. For further information visit or email

Saturday 7, Sunday 8 February 2015

Queensland State Equestrian Centre Cnr Tuckeroo Drive & Beerburrum Road, Caboolture T. (07) 5433 3222 - E. Page 32

TRADES & SERVICES LINE LISTINGS Horse Report Line Listings Ph. 0755909721 ($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months)

Animal Itch & Skin Remedies - . . Ph 0447 654 518 The Horse Report .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5590 9721 Neds Bed . . Horse & Dog O’Tel . . . .Clybucca . . . . . Ph 02 65650085

Hay & Chaff delivered monthly to your door in your area

Clint Wilson Ph 0427 819 071


Master Farrier

Iain Batten 0418 180 602 Hot and Cold Shoeing

Horse report


($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) or receive a free listing with display adverts booked for 12 months Animal Itch & Skin Remedies - Country Scene Saddlery - Country Park Animal DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch EFA Queensland... Embroidered saddlecloths - Eq Land Developments Equine on the web ... Equilibrium Mineral Mix... Equestrian On line ... Feed XL... Gallagher Electric fencing ... Gold Coast Horse.... Greystone Manure Vacuums ... Hasdun Horse Supplies … Have Horse … Will Travel Healing for Horses Horseland..... Hygain Feeds..... Hypro Aust ( equine feeds) Ken Faulkner... Kentucky Equine Kulavale Equestrian... Lisa McCann Herbs ....... Mitavite ... Magic Breed Foaling Nathan Trailers at Nerang... National Equestrian Wholesalers .... Natural Hoof care ..... Natural equipment Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel..... New England Girls School . Norco..... Omega Feeds Pharmachem ... Redlands Vet Clinic ... Replay Classifieds... Stance Equine Feeds.......... StockGuard Electric Southwood Saddlery... The Horse Report ... Trojan Equine Wild Horse - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:


PRODUCE/STOCKFEED 8am-5pm Mon-Fri 8am-12noon Sat



Town & Country Supplies




One Step Ahead Farm & Animal Supplies FREE Local Feed Deliveries Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

GREAT GIFTS Montana Jewellery & Statues Aussie books from

Hay/Chaff, Grain & Produce, Petfood, Fertilizer, Saddlery, General Fencing & Electric Fencing, Irrigation (Davey Master Dealer), Rover & Cub Cadet Mowers, Stihl Outdoor Power Equipment, Honda Outdoor Power Equipment, Generators, Push Mowers

178 Tweed Valley Way, Murwillumbah 2484 Ph: (02) 6672 1313 Fax: (02) 6672 6808

Cnr Bridge & Hume Sts Toowoomba Q 4350


Blue Dog - Brigalow - Akubra Outback - Pocket Knives - Ariat Ph/Fax 07 46 3 789 33




Hay & Chaff

Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759

delivered monthly to your door in your area

Clint Wilson Ph 0427 819 071 STUD



Tel: 0413 371 802

Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email:

Stockist for The Rug Rack, Riverden Browbands, Carrington Saddlery, Tuffrock, Proud Aid, Blue Ribbon Feeds, and much more! find us on E: Bec Allen Ph: 0410485039




valued at $60 Conducted by a university qualified nutritionist Free with any purchase of Equine Vit&Min Visit to claim WEBSITE


Horse Clipping Heather Crack

Ph 5546 3276 - 0408 193 131

Diet Analysis

For all the info you need if you own a horse on the Gold Coast all on one easy to use website WWW.GOLDCOASTHORSE.COM.AU



Paula Anthony Photography I will be attending Casino , Lismore , Alstonville, Murwillumbah and Mullumbimby shows The photos I take take will be uploaded to the Horse Deals Gallery as well as appear in The Horse Report magazine. Photos are available for purchase Email copies $10 Contact Contact Paula 0413 733 294 ADVERTISING


$250 for 12 months

Ph 07 55909721 TRAIL RIDING

MUDGEERABA HORSE TRAIL CLUB Bring your horse on a ride for only $20, or become a member. phone 0498 682 018 of find us on Facebook.



Qualified Carpenter - Northern Rivers - Gold Coast areas

* Stables * Sheds * Renovations * Maintenance

Ph Tim 0432 381 771

Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 33

BUSINESS CARD LISTINGS Guanaba Equestrian Centre Riding g Lessons and Ag gistment Jane Cassel 0421 632 660 Private or shared Paddocks - 8 stables Full or part care - Tack Room - Feed Storage Full Size Sand Dressage Arena - Concrete Wash Bay Lesson Available by Appointment, Your Horse or Ours Catering for beginners to Advanced Riders

Collaroy Road, Guanaba Qld 4210

Master Farrier Iain Batten Halter, Western, Cutting, Reining, Campdrafting and English!

35 years experience All aspects Hot and Cold Shoeing Prompt and reliable

The Australian Quarter Horse The Horse of Choice

Ph 0418 180 602

Lot 13 Jack Smyth Drive, Tamworth Nsw 2340 Ph 02 6762 6444 Fax 02 6762 6422 E For all your electric fencing requirements 8am-5pm Mon-Fri 8am-12noon Sat



Town & Country Supplies

One Step Ahead * Machine Washable * A true looking Windsor knot * Perfect Length every time * School and Club logos are our specialty

Farm & Animal Supplies FREE Local Feed Deliveries Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

Hay/Chaff, Grain & Produce, Petfood, Fertilizer, Saddlery, General Fencing & Electric Fencing, Irrigation (Davey Master Dealer), Rover & Cub Cadet Mowers, Stihl Outdoor Power Equipment, Honda Outdoor Power Equipment, Generators, Push Mowers

178 Tweed Valley Way, Murwillumbah 2484 Ph: (02) 6672 1313 Fax: (02) 6672 6808

Telephone: 0410 021 915 Email:

Page 34 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:


Kev’s Quality Hay & Chaff Weekly Deliveries from Gatton - Pottsville

Ph Andrew 0428 457 471

Mel Waller Ph 0417 711 445 Email

Free Delivery - conditions apply LISA McCANN HERBS


ITCH BLEND 1kg - $45.00 plus get...250ml Itch Solution FREE (limit 1 per customer)


Everyday things at great prices - Ph: 07 5447 7644 - (07) 3209 7506

MKS Browbands Qualified Animal Naturopath Your one-stop shop for all things natural for animals Tel:07 5449 1453 - Email:

Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock/animals leaving tick-infested coastal Queensland MUST UNDERGO inspection and treatment at the Qld tick line or NSW border east of Killarney Contact: * NSW DPI at Kirra Ph 07 55364714 fax 07 55361290 * Queensland DPI call centre 07 3404 6999 * Qld DPI at Aratula 07 5463 8368 or 0427 133 388 or * Heildon 132 523 Cattle Cattle ticks ticks ar e a notifia notifia b le disease in NSW


(when booked for 12 months) one off advert $100 per issue Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers ***

Visit Mks Browbands Michelle Simmonds on Facebook Email:





M: 0427 139 154 E: P: PO BOX 355 MURWILLUMBAH 2484



Specalist in quality products for show riders and show horses

Andrew & Vicki Matheson Ph 07 5426 3345 Mob 0401 309 244 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 35


The Horse Report

607 Summerland Way Grafton contact Leanne 02 6643 1972 0427 431 973

Dont forget your Float maintenance

LITE HAUL TRAILERS New Horse Floats Designed by Horseman Australian Made

Things to check Tyres- should be rotated and balanced every 10000 km, tyres really have shelf life of around five years before they start to break down check tyre pressure also

McNeill Trailers Pty Ltd Now selling Lawn Mowers, Ride On’s On’s and supplying CM Trailers Trailers

Specialising in manufacturing custom made floats and trailers FLOATS FLOATS IN STOCK STOCK - STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, ANGLE & GOOSENECK 43 Old Pacific Hwy Yatala. Qld ~ Ph 07 3807 8191 - Ph 0410 584 907 - Email: LOCAL > COUNTRY > INTERSTATE



Safe, Reliable Weekly Service Across Australia...

Horse Deals Artwork

Floating and Transport

The Horse Report



0419 503 363

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Office 1300 4 My Horse or (02) 4684 3383 Fax: (02) 4684 3320 E: W:


Rims can an do crack so check them regular Loosen the wheel nuts one by one and re-tension them when checking things before, or alternately check therm with a torque wrench that is adjusted to the correct setting Wheel Bearingd need to be adjusted and greased regularly When disconnecting the float, its worth spraying some lanotec or wiping a light oil on all the surfaces that rub together , old chain shackles cover with lanotec to make them last and not cease Plus spray around wiring etc, check level of fluid in battery and check if battery is charged as they need to be if u have a float greater than 2000kg Spray also all jockey wheel fittings , bearings should be greased every 6 months, brakes checked after new every 6 months , Handy to write a list out - "WHAT TO DO LIST" FOR HORSEFLOAT, as problems can be fixed before they become bigger

* * *


* * *


Inside float - point to make- don't use excessive water on floor as it can loosen seal around holding flow down, a simple broom , or sweep up is better, wash down once a month Cleaning of float- makes float last

longer, keeps u happy as well as the horse, spray all moving parts inside with lanotec including springs If your float has spring suspension, check bushes and pins after 12 months as excessive use can cause where, if need to be greased , grease them regularly as this will increase the life of bushes and pins Rubber suspension, check to see if any cracks are occurring or rubber coming out, which is highly unlikely in first three years , our warranty on floats is 5 years, they usually last upto ten years, when they need repairing usually 1 week to two week delay when repairing Lights also need to be checked before every drive, all braking systems need to be checked on every journey for safety, coupling is securely fitted to ball, check your towball regularly Spray coupling also , as it moves all the time, for a better ride and towing , it is a good idea to get suspension upgraded- ie air bags etc call cvss suspension specialists they come to u to advise

Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne

Page 36 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

The Horse Report

Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 218

Chippenham Citation Price: $ 15,000. Height: 14.1 ½ hh Registered/Breeds: EFA and SHC Registered - Riding Pony Chestnut Gelding 28/11/2004 Sire: Royal Command of Beckworth Dam: Chippenham Gazelle Flash is an eye-catching Galloway with great show ring presence. He has correct, straight movement which would see him at home in the pony dressage arena. He has been ridden by my 13 year old niece for the past 2 years with great success. They are rarely beaten in Smartest on Parade or rider classes.

SUPERSTAR GALLOWAY QUALIFIED GRAND NATIONALS 2015 Price: $ 25,000. ono Height: 14.1 hh Registered/: SHC | Riding Pony Bay Gelding 2008 Sire: Rothwell Toy Town Dam: Giorgio of Pinecrest This young Galloway was bred in the Purple. Full brother to Westlake Gold Label and Westlake Grand Affair Both Multi National, State HOY and Royal Champion Ponies. His future is just beginning and will definitely follow in their footsteps. An outstanding Galloway who with limited amount of showing has had enormous success. Edward is a gentlemen and ready to help his new family to the top.

Flash is easy to prepare for shows and nothing fazes him when he is out. He is a pleasure to take anywhere on his own or with company. He is offered for sale due to his rider outgrowing him and needing a bigger horse. This is a very hard sale so no time wasters. Home is of the upmost importance as he is very special to us. Vet check welcome.

- 2013 Country Hack Champs R/up Small Galloway - 2014 Pacific Coast R/Up Small Galloway. - Canberra Royal Show 2014 - 1st Novice Heavyweight Galloway 14hh-14.2hh - 2nd Open Heavyweight Galloway 14hh-14.2hh - 2014 NSW HOY Final 10.

Contact: Shelley Ph: 0414 928 043 Email:

Contact: Gary Alcorn Ph: 0408 798 693 Email:

GRAND NATIONAL QUALIFIED 2015 Bayview Naughty But Nice Price: $ 17,500. Height: 13.3 7/8 hh Riding Pony, Arabian RP, Part Welsh, Aust Saddle Pony, SHC, EA 2009 Brown Gelding Sire: Rothwell Toy Town Dam: Bayview Baby Doll (SOD: Royalwood Boy Soprano) Stunning large pony with amazing show ring presence, beautiful flowing paces and a kind temperament. Professionally trained and just beginning a very promising show career with a huge future ahead. He is easy to handle and prepare and is a top quality pony with outstanding breeding. Performances include: Champion Large Pony - Northern Qld Hack Chps 2014 (GN qualifier) 3rd Open Large Pony (27 entries) - Lismore Hack Championships 2014 Runner Up Large Pony - SHCQ Rising Star 2013 Runner Up Newcomer Large Pony - Qld Riding Pony State Show 2013 Champion Led Gelding, QLD Riding Pony State Show 3013 Also recently competed at Brisbane Royal 2014 with both an adult and child rider for high placing’s in all events he entered. He is sadly offered for sale due to rider's study commitments. Video link available upon request.

Rothwell Royal Glitter R Priced to sell! Height: 15.2 hh Registered/Breeds: SHCQ, EFA, RP, ANSA Chestnut Gelding 2007 Sire: Jackets Bluebird Dam: Bright Tempo Hamish is an elegant small hack with paces that never go unnoticed. He has a heart of gold and absolutely craves attention. Hamish has successfully qualified for 2015 Grand Nationals Childs Hack and has had great success in the dressage ring, qualifying for Queensland state young horse dressage championships as a 4yo. Hamish has a very bright future and will take the right rider to the highest level in the show ring or in dressage. This has been a heartbreaking decision and will only be sold to the very best of homes. Full vet check welcome. Please no time wasters. Contact: Kaitlin Davey Ph: 0431 672 384 Email:

Contact: Kylie Senter Ph: 0403 160 709 Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email:

Page 37


The only POUR-ON y repellent for horses available SAME PROVEN FORMULA LASTS 7 TIMES LONGER THAN SPRAYS

Quick & Easy to apply Cheaper per application than spray & wipes 250mL treats 1875 kilos of body weight (approx 6 horses) 1 Litre treats 7500 kilos of body weight (approx 24 horses)


250mL and 1 Litre packs

6/70 Fison Ave West, Eagle Farm QLD 4009

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