Generations, by The Goshen News

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April 29, 2016 - The Goshen News - Generations

SOUTH SIDE SODA SHOP With a history that is as diverse as its menu, The Southside Soda Shop continues to be a favorite of local and visiting diners alike. The now-iconic eatery has undergone a number of transitions since its origin. In 1943 Morris Cripe and Hubert Anglemeyer purchased the then Corner Store and it remained a grocery until 1943. A full soda foundation and counter was installed. The South Side Soda Shop was born in 1944. Two years later Dick Puschman and Hubert Kirkdorfer took over. Hubert Jr. and his wife Evie bought out Puschman in 1950. Modern ownership began in 1984 when Dave Pottinger, Faye Peterson and Don Walters saw the promise in the Goshen landmark. The South Side Soda Shop reopened in 1986 under Nick and Charity Boyd and their daughters Hannah and Nicole. Today the often-awarded diner – including being named Indiana’s best pie and featured on the nationally televised show “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” specializes in fresh salads, sandwiches and seafood as well as boasting an in-house bakery. Located at 1122 S. Main Street in Goshen, you can find out more by going to www.; Instagram @Sodashop or Facebook SouthSideSodaShop or call 574-534-3790.

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