The Elms Leaf - March 2013

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Our Lady of the Elms High School • 1375 West Exchange St. Akron, OH 44313 • (330) 867-0880 • • March 2013

Frontline combat positions now open to women soldiers by Michelle Chang ‘16 Women in the military were allowed to serve on most Navy ships, as combat pilots and in support jobs, including those in war zones. However, they have never been placed in direct combat roles, until now. On January 31st, 2013, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta removed the ban on women serving in combat roles. Panetta stated, “Women have become an important asset to the military and have already demonstrated their willingness to fight during the wars.” “It’s clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military’s mission of defending the nation,” Panetta said. Panetta had argued that women, who already make up fifteen percent of the force, are just as capable in combat as men. Morgan Furlan ‘13 agrees with Panetta and said, “I think that it’s good that women get equality on the battlefield because women can be just as brave and strong as men.” Panetta had also stated that not everyone can meet the qualifications to be a combat soldier but that everyone is en-

titled to the opportunity. This change would open thousands of front-line positions and command jobs to women. Some front-line military roles may open to women as soon as this year. However, arguments and debates over this issue have erupted throughout the media. General officers have argued mainly about the cons of women in combat and the major problems that would arise. A study regarding military personnel was taken by University of Connecticut. It showed that 56% of the women in “mixed gender units” ended up pregnant just prior or during their duty in Desert Storm. It also showed that 46% claimed that the pregnancies, “had a negative impact on unit readiness” and 59% said it had a “negative impact on morale.” Women often do not know they are pregnant, which may lead to serious health and safety concerns. Studies have also shown, women are often sexually abused and violated when they are held captive by male enemies. Another concern is that men in combat will react differently to seeing a female in danger because American culture historically teaches men

to protect women. Male soldiers would not trust a female soldier to perform tasks that they expect fellow soldiers to perform. Finally, the officials conclude with the question, “are women physically strong enough?” If women can’t meet the general standards, would it be fair to lower them simply because of their gender? According to a Marine Corps survey, 17% of Marines say they’d quit the military if women were allowed in combat roles. Western Society teacher, Mrs. Rufus said, “We are a more equal country and therefore, we have more of an opportunity for people to fulfill their potentials. This makes us a stronger nation. I feel sorry for other countries that don’t have that opportunity. I also don’t think all women would want to participate in combat, but the ones who desire so shouldn’t be held back.” Panetta’s decision gives the military services until January 2016 to seek special exceptions if they believe any positions must remain closed to women.

Western states take the ‘high’ road

PAnthers, Welcome to the 21st century

by Renee Dollard ‘14 PAW (Panthers Achieve Wireless) is the new wireless system the Elms introduced this autumn. The main objective of PAW is to update the wireless infrastructure in order to create an open environment for wireless technology. This technology can be used to interact with other schools nationally and internationally, give virtual tours of historical places and allow students to work anywhere in the school. Skype can be used to converse with experts in a classroom or assembly no matter where they are. It also allows students to communicate with students from other parts of the globe. Students can now access the Internet from anywhere in the school by use of their own personal devices. This would allow students to access information online without having to go to the library, thus, making it easier for teachers to schedule in-class workdays. Despite the schools attempt to publicize the new wireless program, very few people actually know what PAW is. Although students are unaware of the PAW program, they do know of the school’s recently updated wireless system. General ignorance and confusion of this new program and how to use it has been found consistently throughout the school. Many students who bring their own devices to school don’t know how to access the wireless. “I think it’s nice if you know how to get on it,” Leah Limpach ‘15 said.

While some students embrace this new wireless program, others are deterred, due to the policies of BYOD. BOYD (Bring Your Own Device) is a result of the new wireless in the building. This allows students to bring their laptops, tablets, and smartphones to school to be used for learning purposes. In order for a student to use their devices, they must register them with Mr. Perez by using forms that had been distributed in homeroom. These forms ask for the Wi-Fi address of a student’s device, which angered many members of the student body. This is due to the possibility of the school viewing a student’s activity on their devices with their Wi-Fi address. Although some issues have been raised, many students feel the program is useful for the entire student body. “I think the PAW program will be really beneficial to the Elms School as a whole,” Anna Simko ’16 said. Many students frequently bring their computers to school and are able to use them for school projects. Others appreciate the extra freedom that comes with the new program. Molly Ryan ‘15 said “I think that it’s a good idea so far it has only benefited me. After registering my IP address, I have been able to do homework using my smart phone.” Overall, the new wireless system will continue to benefit the staff and students at the Elms, allowing them to learn in new ways with advanced technological resources.

Your Pop-Culture Joke of the Quarter: What does the Pope eat for breakfast?

The legalization of marijuana in the United States has been in the news over recent years. Marijuana’s presence in American society began in the 1930’s with the advent of the Jazz era. There was a large resurgence of marijuana use in the 1960’s due to the Vietnam War, and the easy accessibility to the drug. It was embraced by the counterculture, and has been integrated into the fabric of American culture since. In January 2013, the recreational use of marijuana became legal (depending on the definition of legal) in Colorado and Washington State. Over a dozen other states have decriminalized possession of the drug in small amounts, and Massachusetts recently became the 18th state to allow marijuana for medical purposes. Even though the federal law still bans both the sale and possession of marijuana, the government has found no need to enforce the federal law in states where marijuana is legalized. “It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it’s legal,” President Obama said. Proponents of legalization argue that marijuana is much safer to use than alcohol, pointing out the fact that it is virtually impossible to overdose on marijuana. Scientists generally agree that fewer than ten percent of marijuana smokers become dependent on the drug, compared with fifteen percent for alcohol, twenty-three percent for heroin and thirty-two percent for tobacco. Marijuana does contain carcinogens, including tar and other toxins similar to those found in tobacco, however, people generally do not smoke marijuana in the same amounts as cigarettes. Still, legalization takes health conscious consumers into murky territory. Even though marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, questions about its health effects remain. Foremost, this is not your parents’ pot. Today’s marijuana is much more potent. The mean concentration of THC, the psychoactive ingredient, in confiscated cannabis has more than doubled between the years of 1993 and 2008. Increased potency may be having unforeseen consequences. The human brain’s cannabinoid receptors are typically activated by naturally occurring chemicals in the body called endocannabinoids, which are similar to THC. There is a high density of cannabinoid receptors in parts of the brain that affect pleasure, memory and concentration. Some research suggests that these areas continue to be affected by marijuana use even after the “high” dissipates. “It’s much more potent marijuana, which may explain why we’ve seen a pretty dramatic increase in admission to emergency rooms and treatment programs for marijuana,” said Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “When we hear, ‘Well, I smoked and nothing happened to me,’ we need to think about the context of when these people started to take it, how frequently they used and how active the marijuana was.” Those in favor of legalizing marijuana say the increase in potency has been exaggerated and that when users have more powerful pot, they adjust their consumption and actually smoke less. Marijuana is now legal in some form in eighteen states. In all probability, it will be legalized in all fifty states by the end of the decade.

Answer: Ex-Benedict!

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The Elm Leaf of Our Lady of the Elms High School is a forum for student expression that acts as a mode of education, information and entertainment. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect opinions of any particular interest but those of the writer. The Vantage editorial exclusively reflects the views of the staff. Letters to the Editor will be accepted in person, on the board addressed to “Elm Leaf” or at 1375 W. Exchange St., Akron, Ohio 44313. The staff welcomes and encourages letters, suggestions, complaints and corrections from all readers. The Elm Leaf reserves the right to edit articles and letters to the Editor in the interest of regulating space, and reserves the right to refuse publication of materials that violate staff standards. If requested a writer’s name may be withheld when the letter is published. The Elm Leaf strives for objective, accurate news and commentary. Editors avoid violations involving libel, copyright, privacy, and obscenity.

Staff List

Editor-in-Chief........Mary Frances McGowan ’13 Managing Editor...............Padraigin O’Flynn ’15 News Editor...........................Maggie Drude ’14 Editorial Editor.......................Gabrielle Seed ’14 Features Editor.....................Hadiyah Ahmed ’15 Sports & Leisure Editor..........Marisa Sorboro ’14 Art Editor.............................Amanda Fallon ’14 Web Editor...............................Jessica Coury ’15 Adviser.............................Nancy J. Brennan ’80

Dating advice from the master

by Maura Farr ’13 With Valentine’s Day behind them and Prom season approaching, many single teenage girls are thinking about their love life. Spring is the season of love, and there is no time like the present to find your dream man. For the majority of Elms girls, this is a task easier said than done. How do we act normal outside of the Elms, where Chemistry jokes and Harry Potter humor is the farthest thing from the ‘status quo’? In swoops Mr. Jacoby, taking pity on his socially inept students by using his dating expertise and worldly knowledge to give us the pearls of wisdom needed to be socially successful. The first great hurdle is getting off of the couch and putting yourself out there. If you are looking to meet boys, Mr. Jacoby suggests grabbing a group of friends and heading to the mall or Chipotle. If you are insistent on snagging a man in a strictly academic climate, he says that you could scout them out at speech and debate tournaments, SAT/ACT classes, or even on college tours. Other good places to meet boys are sporting events, parties, and through other friends. Once you have found someone that strikes your fancy, Mr. J suggests going up to him with a smile, and introducing yourself politely. He also cites having a good wingman as a great strategy for meeting boys - the wingman will talk about how great you are to your romantic interest and persuade him to strike up a conversation with you. If the conversation goes well and leads to the exchange of phone numbers, wait three days before calling or texting (or thanking your wingman). However, the time to ‘Friend’ or ‘Follow’ may either come before or after the three day period, depending on the situation. Mr. Jacoby emphasizes the fact that creepily stalking your new romantic interest will have adverse effects, and will never work out in your favor. If three days have passed and you’re still thinking about “that blonde you debated”, go ahead and call to make plans. What do you have to lose? When asked if it is acceptable for girls to make the first move in a relationship, Mr. Jacoby agrees, saying if women can fight on the frontlines they can certainly take the initiative to ask a boy out. I agree with Mr. Jacoby on this topic. Boys are simple creatures, and will be too mesmerized by your knowledge of superhero movies and Star Trek to possibly turn you down. It’s the 21st century: forget about the customs of the past, and muster up the courage to call your romantic interest. Armed with an arsenal of romantic advice from a minor celebrity, the world is your oyster. Now that you have the knowledge to hook a hottie, put the chocolates down, throw the Nicholas Sparks novel away, grab your wingman and go make a conscious effort to interact with the outside world!


March 2013

Papal resignation spurs controversy by Padraigin O’Flynn ’15 On February 28, Pope Benedict XVI made the surprise decision to resign from the papal office. “My strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the [papal] ministry,” Benedict said. But the question still lingers: is that the pope’s real reason for stepping down? Did the scandal and attempted reform which began to emerge throughout his papacy influence his decision? There are differing answers to these questions. Some say that the scandals permeating the church hierarchy played a role in Benedict’s shocking decision. In 2004, information about the child abuse scandals, which the Roman Catholic Church had been trying to hide since 2001, was released to the public. Benedict became pope right in the midst of Google fair use. the scandal, on April 19, 2005. For those who don’t know about these scandals, I will give you the basics. It came to the knowledge of the pope that, from 1950 until 2002, approximately 11,000 children had been sexually abused by members of the Catholic clergy. These crimes were then concealed by bishops of the dioceses. While the pope apologized to the victims of these felonies, many people still wonder if he knew about these scandals while they were occurring, and if he deliberately covered them up. These scandals have had a huge impact on the church’s hierarchy, as well as on its members. For example, in Ireland, where the scandal was particularly prominent, attendance at Mass has been sliced in half. Thirty years ago, approximately 90% of Ireland’s predominately Catholic population attended Mass weekly. Now, less than 45% of

the country’s Catholic population attends, as well as less than 20% of Dublin’s Catholic population, due to the scandals that have rocked the country since 1950. Another less-known scandal is the Vatileaks scandal. In January 2012, private documents from the Vatican were leaked by Benedict’s butler Paolo Gabriele, showing corruption and power struggles inside the Vatican. The scandal intensified in May 2012 when Gianluigi Nuzzi, an Italian journalist, published His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI, which exposed controversial letters between Benedict and his private secretary. Paolo Gabriele was found guilty of theft, but was pardoned by Benedict in December 2012. The pardoning raised questions about Benedict’s involvement in the scandal. Others believe that the pope’s statement of failing health is true. While the late Pope John Paul II remained in power until his death, Benedict believes that his declining health would only cause more problems within the Vatican. In conjunction with the scandals surrounding his papacy, many believe that Benedict has made the right decision in choosing to step down. Whatever his reason is, Benedict has made a decision that will forever be an integral part of history. He is the first pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII, who was forced to resigned to end the Great Schism. Therefore, Benedict is the first pope to resign by choice since before Gregory. His resignation has rocked the church and changed the way Catholics and other people of faith view the papacy.

Temperamental temperature tantrums by Madeleine Eicher ’14

“I would raise my arms in protest, but I’m too busy maintaining my body heat with them,” said an anonymous eleventh grader. Many students are frustrated with the ever dynamic temperatures of the Elms. The most noted spots of contention would be the commons, noted for chilliness, and “the closet”, noted for dynamic shifts in temperature from day to day. “I feel cold, and then hot, and then cold again,” said an anonymous ninth grader, when asked how she felt about the unpredictable conditions under which we learn. The main problem with maintaining a constant and pleasant temperature in our school

appears to stem from the open floor plan, which leads to uneven heat distribution. Also, this issue could arise from doors and windows which, while being wonderful portals through which to view our idyllic grounds, are past their prime in terms of insulation. Based on extensive research in body temperature control, the following suggestions have been compiled: First, keep your dress uniform sweater in your locker. They are very snug and aid in the crusade to maintain body temperature. Second, wear sweatpants under your skirt. If sweatpants aren’t for you, wear dark colored tights with your knee socks underneath.

This will help secure the perfect balance of fashion and insulation. Third, take full advantage of Thursday as spirit wear day. Do not be afraid to wear the hood on your hoodie as it was intended to be worn and pull the strings so tightly that only your nose is visible. It will be a sign of our solidarity. “Well it’s probably not so much the school,” said an anonymous tenth grader. “We do live in Ohio and that doesn’t just change when you get to school.” Luckily, the temperatures should soon start warming up. According to, the average lows in Ohio for March are 29 degrees and by April 39 degrees.

The conclave has spoken:

top candidates for the position of Supreme Pontiff


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March 2013

Easy, breezy, beautiful... ELMS GIRLS An Elm Leaf Editorial Staff Special It’s just another dress down day at OLE, and the promise of comfort and relaxation in your favorite pair of sweats eases the burden of another stressful school day. The typical Elms girl pays a dollar to be a walking spokeswoman for PINK, a habit that does not settle well with resident fashion aficionados. These fashionistas embrace the unique and reject the mundane, taking on “street style” with enthusiasm. Street style, unlike runway fashion, has emerged from urban settings and is a form of individuality and freedom that is accessible to the everyday woman. Typically, street fashion photographers roam the streets of Manhattan and Los Angeles, taking photographs of people who inspire or stand out in the crowd. The Elm Leaf was inspired by these valiant individuals, sending out their very

own Lauren Guido ’13 to scour the less urban but equally tantalizing corridors of Our Lady of the Elms High School for intriguing fashionistas. Amid the sea of sweatpants, several Elms girls have ventured to discover their fashion identity, their inspirations stemming from a broad spectrum. Maura Farr ’13 believes that her style is constantly evolving. Although she draws inspiration from the late avant-garde designer Alexander McQueen and model Karlie Kloss, she says the central influences on her style are her mood and environmental factors. “I chose to wear my comfortable charcoal and cerulean sweater with my black jeans and token bedazzled Oxfords because it was raining,” Maura said. Grace Myers ’13 combines practicality

with acute fashion sense and her thrift shop finds. She finds inspiration in Derek Zoolander from the 2001 film Zoolander, melding strikingly good looks with her distinctive eye for the outlandish. She enjoys weekly trips to the Village Discount Outlet in Cuyahoga Falls. Sydnie Rosenfeld ’14, who is known throughout the Elms community for her photography and artistic talent, draws on her creative mind when concocting an outfit. She formulates her outfits similar to the way a painter makes a painting, starting each work of art with a blank canvas. Rosenfeld says, “My personal style is usually just layered pieces that I throw together in the hopes of not looking like a mess.” Rosenfeld ’14 values that she is not afraid to wear

what she likes. Mary Frances McGowan ’13 finds inspiration in past and future power-women, most notably Eva Gabor, Catherine Deneuve and Natalie Wood. Mary Frances says that when she chooses clothing, she purchases pieces that will be unwaveringly timeless regardless of the era. “I was really feeling my inner Dynasty-Diva that day, more specifically my inner Joan Collins,” said McGowan ’13. Her favorite places to find her classic looks include H+M, vintage boutiques and her mother’s closet. To the girls who dare to strike a pose, we salute your passion for fashion with abounding respect. Continue to illuminate the halls with your style! Who knows, we could have a future style icon in our midst.


During the day, the hallways are bountiful with the talking and laughter of Elms students and faculty. But, under this happy façade is something supernatural. Unbeknownst to the busy Elms population, there are others present in the school, watching the student’s and teacher’s every move. It is not a habit of these creatures to come out during the busy daytime. As day turns to night and one by one people leave the school, paranormal activity is witnessed by the few left in the building. According to the testimony of some Elms girls, there is photographic evidence of paranormal activity in the theater. Preserved in the background of these pictures are mysteriously glowing orbs of light. Despite the declarations of these girls, some seasoned theater goers have not observed these unnatural occurrences. “Of everyone who is in this building, there is no one who has been in this theater more than I have,” one of the Elms’ truly most seasoned theater prowlers, Mrs. Fippin, claims. “Although,” Fippin adds, “I’ve never felt frightened in there.” But, just because one person hasn’t laid eyes on these metaphysical objects, it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. The origins of these orbs of light are unknown. However, they might be related to a death

that happened on campus years ago: One gray October afternoon, a brisk wind sweeping over the campus made the trees rustle and the surface of the pond ripple. The sun was blocked by the clouds, and a storm was soon approaching. From the shadows near the forest, a group of children emerged, lured to the pond by some unseen force. They walked to the edge of the pond and peered down into the gray water. All of a sudden, they fell into the pond. Unable to swim to safety, they drowned in the pond as the trees around them whispered of the coming storm. The details of this incident are lost to time. No one is really sure what happened to the children who drowned in the pond, but it is possible that they became the ghosts that haunt the theater and the halls. Although there is no proof that connects the events of the children drowning to the ghost in the school or to the orbs of luminescence in the theater, the Elms is a pot filled to the brim with transcendental activities. So the next time an unnatural sound is heard or possessions go missing, remember that it might not be humans that do it but those others who are among them.

The Feminist Fable of feathered Friends by Amanda Fallon ’14

“Gloria, Gloria! Come to me! My love-hwwwoooongk,” Eggbert cried desperately. His shrill squawk pierced the woods, and he waddled with all his virile might towards her. “GLORIA! I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME HWOOOOOOONK,” as he ruffled his feathers dramatically and did the most gander-tastic swish onto metaphorical tip-toes. Just then, the plot thickened. Another goose appeared on the horizon. His dark head broke the tree line, a flash of brown against the greenery. With a flourish of tail feathers, he signaled his descent and landed near Eggbert. “My name,” he honked suavely, “is Egguardo” He strutted widely towards Gloria and presented his neck and bobbed it sensually. The offended Eggbert responded with further ruffling and display. This specimen would not suit a duck, much less his featherly Gloria. Meanwhile, Gloria, the female in question, stopped short on the edge of the lake. The males’ mutters reached her ear holes, and she listened with annoyance.

“Males these days.” Suddenly, the squawking and honking from across the lake increased, and she saw Eggbert face Egguardo in a standoff. “You are a failure of the Avian Race! Look at your feather tips! Look at them! Bent and mangled, just like your intellect!” Eggbert screamed in a goosey way. Egguardo scuttled towards him and snapped at his wing. “Look at you, imposter! Try and tell me your honk is full and luscious!” They snapped at each other’s feet and nipped at each other’s necks until they were a tumult of feathers. T he shrieks of pain, anger, and probably a few other things, reached for miles around. But suddenly, it stopped. It was in the heat of the battle that Eggbert’s honks turned desperate; he had seen his most beautiful Gloria turning to step onto the lake. “NO! NO, GLORIA, I LOVE YOU!” Both ganders fell over their flippers as they hastened towards the goose. Gloria’s hiss reached them both and stunned they fell

forward. From the ground they stretched their necks and saw Gloria’s front foot step onto the ice. Through the riotous noise of heartbreak, Gloria honked her final honk and pushed her frozen raft off the bank. “I don’t need no man, I’m an independent goose.” They watched her float away slowly. This goose will fly another day.

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Sports & Leisure

Speech and Debate’s stupendous success by Ashley Vober ‘16

You Go, Elms Girl! by Micah Spoerndle ’15

There are very few sixteen year olds that possess the same passion, vivacity, and enthusiasm as Molly Ryan ‘15. Her concern and affection for the world around her truly exemplifies the ideal Elms Girl. Molly participates in several clubs at the Elms including Social Action, Speech and Debate, Encores, and F.A.S.T. Recently at the Wooster speech tournament, Ryan earned sixth place for her performance in Prose Poetry. This accomplishment has only occurred once before in Our Lady of the Elms’ history (before with Daria Chalupa ‘12.) When asked about her favorite part of Speech and Debate, Molly Ryan answered “The best part of speech, I would have to say, is taking pieces of literature and becoming the character.” This aspiration is followed out clearly in her performance, whether it’s when Molly sways back and forth sneering in the poem “Beware” or sweetly discusses childhood imagination in “Chicken Feet.” “She’s so full of energy, and she’s such a firecracker that she fits perfectly for the piece. Her facial expressions are the best” said fellow Speechie Brooke Stiles ’16. “She truly brings the literature to life. She takes my advice, and she brings her own ideas to the table as well” said Speech and Debate coach Mrs. Fippin. Molly’s love for show choir can be found two steps from Broadway in Mrs. Hamed’s room. Other interests of Molly are traveling (especially to France), dance, and Drama Club. In the upcoming spring play at the Elms “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” Ryan has received a principle role. Molly has had past experience with theater as Clara in “Little Women” last year, and as Little Red Riding Hood in “Big Bad” from her time in middle school. Molly’s favorite subject in school is science because “it requires most of the other subjects too.” Molly’s diligence and eagerness in all of her classes displays a deep desire for learning. Molly has left her footprint on the world already, and who knows where she will land next? From her sweet, stunning voice in Encores to her intense emotion in Speech and Debate, Molly’s capabilities are boundless. As Kaiti Thomas ’15 said, “She is a bright ray of sunshine!” The immense effort Ryan puts into working for the good of others and her dedication to sticking to her morals is truly commendable. Watch out world! With Molly Ryan’s fanciful fashion, superb singing, divine dancing, and amusing acting, she will undoubtedly take the world by storm. Love, The Elm Leaf

March 2013

This year, the Elms’ Speech and Debate team has shown improvement, coming in sixth in sweepstakes at the district tournament. Eleven of the twenty-six students that participated in speech and debate advanced to the state competitions and two were alternates. Noelle Colant ‘13, co-president of the team, thinks the season was very successful and is proud of the team for having the most state qualifiers at the Elms has had in twenty years. Marina Bostleman ‘15, treasurer, is enthused for her team and she hopes that they continue on their path of success. Brooke Stiles ‘16, a state qualifier, is overjoyed that her friends did so well and is going to miss the competitions, where they had fun talking to the walls. She cannot wait for next season to start. State qualifiers were Colant ‘13 in Original Oratory and Michelle Chang ‘16 and Alix King ‘13 in original interpretation. Molly Ryan ‘15 was the Prose and Poetry Interpretation qualifier with alternate Megan Hamm ‘13. Christina Graziano ‘13 and Chloe Hillard ‘13 advanced in Public Forum Debate. Katie Landoll ‘14 and Gabby Seed ‘14 went forward in Impromptu Speaking, with Amanda Fallon ‘14 as alternate. Partners Kay Caprez ‘13 and Stiles ‘16 moved on in Duo Interpretation. Finally, co-president Torie Luckenbaugh ‘13 advanced in Student Congress. Katie Kuzmishin ‘14, Jillian Anderson ‘16, and Hannah Elias ‘16 were all in run-off rounds for state qualifications. Great job ladies! Speech coach Mrs. Fippin is very happy with this year’s team, which is the largest she has coached. She believes that the whole team is very talented and is impressed that they were dedicated to going and having fun at the competitions. Mrs. Fippin is proud of her seniors, who were excellent role models. She hopes that their legacy will remain although they are leaving. Speechie seniors include Noelle Colant, Alix King,

Meghan Hamm, Christina Graziano, Chloe Hillard, Kay Caprez, Torie Luckenbaugh, Lauren Guido, and Mary Frances McGowan. Mr. Jacoby, the Debate coach, is very happy with the team’s success this year. He feels that the team was prepared for each competition, which contributed to their wins. Mr. Jacoby is also thrilled with the veteran speakers, who stepped it up this year and were role models to the rookies. Looking forward, he hopes for girls who want to compete and have a good time. Great job, Speech and Debate!

The sequester just got real

Beiber, Swift, Sheeran perform in Cleveland by Tessa Webb ‘14

For nearly five years now, Beiber Fever has gripped the nation and the hearts of tweens around the world. Ever since the release of his first album in November of 2009, Justin Bieber’s concerts have attracted thousands of fans, and this summer “Beliebers” will get the chance to see the global pop superstar perform in Cleveland. The teen artist will bring his newest album Believe to the Quicken Loans Arena this summer following his sold out worldwide concert tour. Believe is Beiber’s third album, preceded by the 2009 platinum release My World and 2011’s Christmas collection titled Under the Misteltoe. Beiber’s Cleveland performance on July 13, 2013 is much anticipated by eager Elms fans. “Justin Bieber is my idol! I dream about him every day and night! Seeing him in person has always been a dream of mine. Getting to fulfill this dream will allow my life to be complete,” said

Skylar Beck ’14. In addition to Justin Beiber, the Quicken Loans Arena will host starlet Taylor Swift, who is currently touring for her fourth album Red. According to NPR, Red’s content is evidence of Swift’s evolution as an artist and marks her transition in genre from country to pop. English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, a folk and pop artist who earned recognition in America for his single “The A Team,” opens for Swift on the Red tour. If Top 40 isn’t your style, The Q may still have something for you. Quicken Loans will also host soft rock band Fleetwood Mac on June 15th. With other high profile headliners such as Train, Keith Urban, Victoria Justice, and fun. selling out venues in northeast Ohio, an exciting and memorable 2013 concert season is certainly in store for music fans.

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