The Dever March 2023

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The Dever

The Journal of the Dever Valley

80p March 2023

First-Sunday-in-the-Month walk - 5th March 2023.

Explore this largely-unchanged corner of Hampshire that gave rise to Gilbert White ’s renowned book first published in 1788, “T The Natural History & Ant iquities of Selborne” .

For those who have not been able to book our event we highly recommend a visit. Check website for the many special events in the House, Garden, and Museums.

Car Park behind The Selborne Arms . We have a choice of 3 circular walks: 1 mile easy walking through the churchyard and beyond through the Short Lythe.

2.5 miles extending a bit further to the site onwhich stood the old Priory.

3.5 miles including steep climb up onto Selborne Common, around the beech woods, with fine views down into Selborne village and Gilbert White ’s Garden. Gilbert Whites Heritage Brewery in the grounds of The Wakes, High Street, Selborne (The Brew House is so small we will see inside in groups of 6 at a time.) Cross the busy road to The Tap Room in the newly refurbished ground floor of The Queens. Gilbert White Heritage Ales are available, together with a wide range of other beverages, and snacks. (Check opening times)

Contents First Sunday in the Month Fund Raising Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dever Valley Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 How Good Are You At Mending Things? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 News from Woodmancote & Popham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Snow Queen 8 Turkish/Syria Humanitarian Disaster 9 Unsung Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 RoWVers Return for 2023! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Wonston Community Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Parish Council News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Gardening Tips from Hardys Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Recipe from Micheldever Lunch 14 Church Services for The Dever Benefice 16 Dever Valley Church Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Recipe of the Month from Micheldever Village Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Lent Lunches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Jackie’s County Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WANTED 21 Circlesong 22 City Councillors’ News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 From Our MP Steve Brine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mnemonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Forthcoming Events 2023 29 March Diary 30 Hall Booking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Micheldever Shop - Opening Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Regular Dates and Times – Weekly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 The Dever - March 2023 3 The Dever The Journal of the Dever Valley


Holy Trinity Wonston

Church Wardens

Sarah Hobhouse 01962 760003

St Margaret's South Wonston

Melinda Samms 01962 761036



Peter O’Keefe

07515 339279

1 Canada Cottages, Overton Road, Micheldever Station, SO21 3AN.


Printing: James Dixon and team


Andy Adams

Ann Hawkins


The Dever

Annual Subscription January to December for 12 issues: £8.00; £15.00 by post.

Articles for April issue to be received by the editor before 15th March please.

Articles printed in The Dever are accepted ‘as is’ and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Team. Treasurer:




Dever Advertiser

Roger Forsey

Clergy Rev'd Dr Robert Rees 07590 909811 Benefice Co-ordinator Clare Fancourt
Dever Valley Contacts
Mary the Virgin Micheldever Juliet Pattinson 01962 774399
Roger Keys 01962 881718
All Saints’ East Stratton Chris Hilling 01962 795134 Ed Beckwith 01962 774918 St James’ Hunton In vacancySt James’ Woodmancote Linda Albin 01256 397616 Mary Wallis 01256 397271
& St Michael
Guy 01962 760259
St Mary the Virgin
Tony Patston 01962 795028
Subscriptions Enquiries
Anby Dixon
Micheldever Station
East of railway line 01962
of railway
East Stratton Olly Bramley 01962 774516 Woodmancote Liz Hawkesworth 07850 491889 External/Postal Hazel Nugent 07940 485882
line 01962
Forsey email:
01962 774115 mob. 07500 334393 4 The Dever - March 2023

How Good Are You At Mending Things?

Repairing things is not my natural gift and I still remember trying to repair my mother’s bicycle as a teenager. The envelope of leftover parts stayed in the repair box, neatly labelled, for several years!

More recently, generous neighbours have repaired my strimmer, giving me a grease gun and instruction about future maintenance and have salvaged my motor mower.

In our lives there will be times when we will need physical mending and hopefully modern medicine and treatment can be effective. Emotional mending may occur through counselling and therapy.

As a Christian, I believe that we also need to remember that we have a spiritual dimension to our lives and that spiritually we need maintenance and at times mending and restoration.

In the well-known story about the prodigal son who had to do his own thing, demanding his inheritance which he wasted away, the son eventually, when at rock bottom, realised he had to mend his ways.

Returning home, he sought to restore his relationship with his father, admitting he was in the wrong and accepting that he might end up as a hired servant in his father’s household.

He was astounded at the welcome he received. In fact, the father was looking out for him and ran towards him with open arms.

The Bible is full of examples of God’s love and desire to restore us to a relationship with him and in the end, he sent his Son Jesus to show us how this can be done.

As we may need help to mend machinery or our bodies, we may need help to mend our spiritual lives and be given guidance on how to do this.

Why not read Mark’s Gospel in a modern translation or talk to someone who has a living faith in God? You might be surprised to learn how much God longs for people to believe in his Son.

Jesus’ life and death was all about restoring a right relationship between God and us. Jesus gave his life to remove all the blocks which prevent us from being close to God.

As John wrote in his gospel: For this is how God loved the world. He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

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News from Woodmancote & Popham

We had the traditional bitterly cold weather for our Plough Service on 5th February, but fortunately with a glimpse of blue sky with no rain. There was a warm welcome for all who came along to St James, representing all parts of the Upper Dever benefice. This service marks the start of the new growing season and is a much loved part of the worship in our rural church. Revd Rob led our service which, as always, included a trip outside to bless the tractor and plough. This year these were provided by Libby Crosswell, who had won a prize last autumn for her ploughing with them, and we were all impressed by how immaculately maintained they looked. After the service we enjoyed tea and home-made cakes in the (relative) warmth of the church, and a good catch up with friends and neighbours. We also had an evensong Service at the end of January on another very cold evening. This was taken by the very lovely

Christine Smith who sometimes takes our Services at Woodmancote. Christine was reflecting on how King Charles has begun his new reign and how by contrast when Jesus began his, there was no proclamation, but only a call by Jesus to “repent”. Repentance helps us to see things as God sees them and to know that the light of Christ is shining in our hearts, something we can all do with in this sometimes very depressing and gloomy world.

Mothering Sunday Service will be held on Sunday 19th March at 4pm. (To allow enough time for a relaxed Mother’s Day lunch first). There will be tea and scones etc after the service for us all (not just Mums!) to enjoy. We would love to see you there.

A date for your diary is Easter Sunday on April 9th when there will be an Easter Day Service at St. James’ at 10am followed by the traditional Easter Egg Hunt around the Churchyard afterwards. Jane.

6 The Dever - March 2023

Wednesday 1st March 12.30pm at Northbrook Hall

Two course lunch for £5.00

If you need a lift or have not been before, please give me a call Tricia Patston on 795028

Micheldever Parish Council Notice of Meeting

Wednesday 1st March

East Stratton Hall 7.30pm

This will be an in person meeting of the Parish Council and residents will be welcome to attend . There will be an opportunity for questions from the public at around 8 .00pm

Parish Council Matters–Planning Applications, Meetings–Agendas, Dates & Minutes, Newsletters, Parish Assembly and more

The Dever - March 2023 7

The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen (Brittany Brown) (boo/hiss) arrived at the Northbrook Hall Micheldever determined to make us all live permanently in Winter with the help of her Chief Scientist (Chris Tee) and the frozen heart of Olaf (Willow Wren). She had to be stopped. How could Micheldever be plunged into permanent Winter! Luckily the intrepid Madame Beetroot (Charles Church), Greta (Lucy Walker) Tomas (Sian Rodd) and the Old Wise Woman (Sea Furlong) were prepared to risk all and travel to the Snow Queen’s Kingdom to save us from an icicle filled future.

With plenty of adventure along the way (it’s behind you) (Oh no you can’t) and a little help from the Snow Queen’s traitorous Lord Chancellor (Kate McMorrow) and Ice Captain (Niamh Joyce) as well as a delightful Snow Princess (Emellia Black) who, thankfully, could see the advantage of having Greta as a BFF (Best Friend Forever) over permanent Winter, the snarling Snow Queen’s plan was foiled, the Ice Troll King (Pat Berry) was able to provide the directions home and, as is apparent for all to see, Spring has indeed been allowed to return to Micheldever for another year. Phew.

We were newbies to the Micheldever Variety Group Pantomime but were encouraged to buy tickets primarily to watch one of the younger performers on his stage debut. It was a joy to see so many younger members of the community performing on stage. They really were the stars of the

show particularly in their rendition of Naughty from Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical as the opening to the second half. I think we counted 14 children on stage which is a wonderful attribute to each one of them and to the supportive Micheldever Variety Group as a whole.

From the very beginning this was a joyful production which carried the audience with it from beginning to end. Full of traditional pantomime favourites, a Dame, a Villain, a well timed comedy duo Ying (Emily Jordan) and Yang (Belinda Hughes) as well as plenty of audience participation, mostly in the correct places, made this a community production without a weak link.

Wonderful direction from Vicki Rodd, great costumes, great music and great cast. Can’t wait to see what they do next but most of all thank you Micheldever Variety Group for all your hard work and for bringing joy to the Northbrook Hall over an otherwise dreary January weekend.

8 The Dever - March 2023

Turkish/Syria Humanitarian Disaster

I am sure that many of us have already made a financial commitment to provide aid for relief in the disaster. However, there is an ever increasing need for more funding now to build back infrastructure for the thousands of homeless survivors, particularly in the light of the second major earthquake shortly afterwards. I would like to do so much more, as I suspect many of you would.

There is a group of Turkish chefs in Salisbury who are working fervently to generate more funds. They cook Turkish delicacies, covering the cost of materials themselves, for a table top sale. They need opportunities to sell their delicacies and have indicated that they would love to have an opportunity to do so for the Dever communities.

The Half Moon and Spread Eagle, Micheldever, will generously host such an opportunity. From 10 o’clock on Saturday 1 April there will be a marquee, kindly provided by Pole to Pole Marquees, in the pub garden with tables laden with Turkish delicacies for you to buy. The pub will be

Unsung Heroes

Early one Sunday morning I met a lady out and about with her litter picker and bag. She was doing a three mile circuit picking up the detritus of modern life - empty beer cans, discarded coffee mugs and more. If I hadn’t bumped into her I would never have known.

It is really rather special to know that there are those who go about keeping the village looking as spic and span as possible. I am

open for coffees and drinks. The beer garden will be available to sit and enjoy the Turkish fare, with a coffee, a drink, a pub lunch or just to pop in and support the fundraiser with a purchase or two.

Please spread the word in your communities to ensure as many as possible being aware of the opportunity. Additionally, it would be wonderful if you were able to bake a cake, or similar, to add to the delicacies on sale. If you can, either drop it off at Highways Meadow, London Road, Micheldever (07748906434) the day before or drop it off at the stalls on the day. Mark the date–Saturday 1 April from 10 o’clock at the Half Moon and Spread Eagle.

sure that she is not alone in her endeavours but all of whom are broadly invisible. I can only express a huge thank you.

Having exchanged a few pleasantries we went our different ways and her parting shot was a thought that it would be wonderful if everyone adopted a little part of the village and kept it clear of rubbish. There’s food for thought…..

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RoWVers Return for 2023!

It’s a been a while since the troops were called for some path clearing in the Parish but eight eager souls arrived on Saturday

11th February armed with loppers, rakes and rubbish bags to sort out the little known footpath to the North of the Station. On the map below you can see that the path is

the fenceline of HSC eventually emerging onto the A30 London Rd. Its not clear why this path existed as it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. However before the A303 was built it may have carried on further North toward Overton. These days, Walkers would need to turn East and over the railway and back South towards the Station along a tree line near Overton Rd.

accessed by walking up through the Brunel Estate from The Dove Inn and eventually emerges into an open field where folk trace their steps along the edge, with the railway line just a few yards off to one side. What isn’t as well known is that this path carries on up through a small woodland and along

The green line plots the route and the small brown arrow is the site of a new Finger Post that the RoWVers erected on Saturday. Hopefully people will now use this route a bit more and keep the weeds from growing!

It was a full on morning and the brambles and Buddleia had unfortunately taken over again from the last time we cleared the path over two years ago. Lynsey Sweeney once again led the effort and we welcomed a new recruit, James who

10 The Dever - March 2023

lives in Micheldever Station and enjoys walking his dog around the Parish.

The RoWVers are a keen and friendly bunch so if you fancy joining us for a couple of hours to help keep our beautiful countryside footpaths

in use, you are very welcome!

Contacts: Nigel Pratt:

Lynsey Sweeney:

Wonston Community Café

Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney

Third Wednesday of the month

9.30am - 12 noon

5th March - BOAZ

Cash only café

All donations welcome

The café is staffed entirely by volunteers

Cakes are all homemade We serve real coffee

Plenty of free parking!

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Wonston Community Café

At the January café we were very lucky to be joined by 4 volunteers from our nominated charity SERV Wessex – the Blood Runners. Rob, John, Pip and Steve came to the café with their collection boxes, as well as their sponsored motorbike and car! After a slow start we had a very busy morning, with many visitors enjoying their coffee and cake in the warmth of the Victoria Hall.

£71.50 was collected by the SERV Wessex team, with a further £380 from sales of coffee and cake, and other donations, making a grand total of £451.50 from the café this morning.

The next Wonston Community Café will be at the Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney, 9.30am - 12 noon on Wednesday 15th March. This month the café will be supporting local charity BOAZ, a therapeutic work environment. Our adults with learning difficulties can learn new skills

such as working on the land, looking after the animals, baking, making craft goods, and wood working in the workshop in our barn on Hill Farm, just outside of Winchester. As well as the usual coffee and cakes offered by the cafe, Barbara, our local volunteer, will also be selling eggs, jams, and other goods made at BOAZ.

Please do come along to support the Wonston Community Café, which is staffed entirely by volunteers. All the cakes are homemade, we have real coffee and plenty of free parking! The café is cash only and we welcome all donations to the nominated charity.

12 The Dever - March 2023

Parish Council News

LRPF Pavilion Spring Clean

Over two weekends in February, a group of brave residents, ably led by Councillor Olly Bramley, have carried out a thorough clean of the pavilion. We can only admire their courage and determination (particularly to those who tackled the toilets!) and offer the sincere thanks of the Parish Council to Maurelle, Anne, Simon, Ali, Susie, Lynn, Helen, Jan, Wendy and Roger who worked a total of 32 hours to make the pavilion a useful space for the community once more.

The old fridge in the pavilion had rusted away and has had to be disposed of. A fridge will be needed for the fete and any donation of a suitable replacement would be gratefully received.

Village(s) Spring Clean

Litter picking events have been held previously in Micheldever and the opportunity is available again this Spring to borrow equipment and arrange a community litter picking event. This does not have to be just in Micheldever but could also be in Micheldever Station, East Stratton or across the whole parish if sufficient volunteers are available. There is also the opportunity to set up a regular litter picking team who could be provided with suitable safety equipment and covered by Parish Council insurance to pick as often as they wish or are able throughout the year. If you would be interested in either or both of these then please contact Jocelyn (as below). The litter picking team would be particularly effective if we could appoint a volunteer leader who would check that each volunteer has appropriate safety equipment and fully understands the risk assessment.

Dog Waste

Linked to the above is the eternal scourge of dog waste. This has become of particular concern in Micheldever Station where a volunteer litter picker filled a sack with bags of dog waste which had not been placed in the bin on Warren Field or taken home for disposal. Why? Why bag your dog’s waste and not then dispose of it appropriately? Please have some thought for your neighbours and neighbourhood and act responsibly.

Ted Mitchner

Ted was a key figure in the football in Micheldever and a memorial bench was installed on the LRPF after his death. This is now in very poor condition and the Parish Council are seeking to replace it but would like to liaise with Ted’s family first if anyone could help by passing on contact details.

Parish Assembly 2023

This year’s Parish Assembly is to be held on 19th April 2023 at Northbrook Hall in Micheldever. Please note the date, your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

Jocelyn, the Clerk, can be contacted via or on 01794 368951 (office hours if possible please).

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Gardening Tips from Hardys Plants

Hello. For all you gardeners out there here are just a couple of jobs to think about with life slowly peeking out from between the fallen leaves. Plus, one that no matter how tempting, should not be done.

Now is the time to lift and split some mature clumps of herbaceous perennials. If you took pictures of your garden last year, review them and see if any areas were not quite working. You can safely move most herbaceous perennials now to create a more harmonious planting scheme.

Please do not cut back any perennials that can be damaged by frost such as Salvias and Penstemons etc. These plants originated in the southern hemisphere and you should wait until conditions are kinder, later in the Spring.

Deciduous, ornamental grasses can be cut back and evergreen forms can have the old, dead growth removed by running your gloved fingers through like a comb. Do wear gloves or your skin will be very sore.

If you would like to join the Hardy Gardeners Loyalty club for exclusive deals, priority access to events and a monthly newsletter, just drop us a line at and ask to be added to the club. Hardys Cottage Garden Plants are open if you want to pop here for advice although it would be a good idea to check our website at first for our opening times.

Recipe from Micheldever Lunch

Boodles Orange Fool

Serves 6


4-6 Trifle Sponges

Grated Rind & juice of 2 oranges

Grated Rind & juice of 1 lemon

25-50g sugar

300ml fresh double cream

Orange slices or segments to decorate


1. Line the bottom and halfway up the sides of a deep serving dish or bowl.

2. Mix orange & lemon rinds and juice with sugar and stir till sugar has completely dissolved.

3. In another bowl whip cream till it just starts to thicken then slowly add the sweetened fruit juice mix, whipping the cream as you do so. Whip until the cream is light and all the juice is absorbed.

4. Pour the mixture over the sponge and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, longer if possible, so that the juice can soak into the sponge and the cream thicken. (make day before if poss)

5. Serve decorated with segments of fresh orange.

14 The Dever - March 2023

Picnic in the Park

to Celebrate the Coronation

11.30 a.m. Monday 8th May, Warren Field

Games for all ages

There will be cake!

Come and help to arrange this event.

We are meeting up in the Warren Hall at 7.00 p.m. Tuesday March 14th.

You will be very welcome! .

Micheldever Station

Church Services for The Dever Benefice

March 5th Second Sunday of Lent

9.15 am Holy Communion (said) St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever

10.00 am Café Church

Rev’d Rob Rees

10.00 am Morning Prayer St Margaret’s - South Wonston

Mary Cleal

10.00 am Morning Prayer St Mary & St Michael - Stoke Charity

Roland Guy & Neil McSparron

11.00 am Morning Prayer Holy Trinity - Wonston

Claire Bentham

March 12th Third Sunday of Lent

10.00 am Holy Communion St Margaret's - South Wonston

Rev’d Jen Holder

10.00 am Holy Communion All Saints - East Stratton

Rev’d Rob Rees

10.00 am Informal Service St James - Hunton

Iian Henderson

11.00 am Holy Communion Holy Trinity - Wonston

Rev’d Neil Britton

6.00 pm Evensong St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever

Rev’d Rob Rees

March 19th Mothering Sunday, Fourth Sunday of Lent

10.00 am Mothering Sunday in partnership with Micheldever School

Rev’d Rob Rees, Tom Johnston and Claire Bentham St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever

10.00 am Mothering Sunday – Café Church St Margaret’s - South Wonston

Janet Ryan

10.00 am Mothering Sunday with activities for children St Mary & St Michael - Stoke Charity

Ruth Guy

11.00 am Mothering Sunday with Holy Communion Holy Trinity - Wonston

Rev’d Peter Brown

4.00 pm Mothering Sunday Service followed by Afternoon Tea St James - Woodmancote

Rev’d Rob Rees

March 26th

Fifth Sunday of Lent

10.00 am Morning Praise St Margaret’s - South Wonston

James Gray

11.00 am Holy Communion Holy Trinity - Wonston

Rev’d Dave Fenton

16 The Dever - March 2023

April 2nd

Palm Sunday

9.15 am Holy Communion (said) St Mary the Virgin - Micheldever

10.00 am Café Church

Rev’d Rob Rees

10.00 am Morning Prayer St Margaret’s - South Wonston tbc

10.00 am Holy Communion St Mary & St Michael - Stoke Charity

Rev’d Neil Britton

11.00 am Morning Prayer Holy Trinity - Wonston

Rev’d Rob Rees

For further information, please contact the Parish Coordinator, email: coordinator upperdever@hotmail com

Dever Valley Church Locations

All Saints East Stratton SO21 3XA ruffling.upstarts.disposing

Holy Trinity Wonston SO21 3LS grub.dove.unpacked

St James Hunton SO21 3PX lingering.dwistract.improve

St James Woodmancote SO21 3BL scatters.helper.rating

St Margaret's South Wonston SO21 3EW diver.guises.tarred

St Mary the Virgin Micheldever SO21 3DA sprays.serenade.gripes

St Mary and St Michael Stoke Charity SO21 3PG evaded.avoid.lyricist

The Dever - March 2023 17

Recipe of the Month from Micheldever Village Shop

Mango Chia Pudding. Ingredients

(quantities per person)

1 tablespoon Chia seed

3 tablespoon Mango pulp

1 tablespoon Yoghurt

200ml Milk sugar to taste

Lent Lunches

Everyone is invited to join in the Lent lunches that are being hosted this year. We look forward to welcoming you for the chance to sit down together again and catch up over a delicious bowl of homemade soup.


Simply mix all the ingredients together in a suitable container, place in the fridge and let it soak overnight. Enjoy the next day. All ingredients including Vegans alternatives are available from Micheldever Village Shop (unless we sell out!). Quantities shown are for guidance and can be adjusted to your preference.

The hosts, dates, venues and charities are listed below

Please do contact the host to let them know you are coming, it will be lovely to see you!

Date and Time Host and Contact Number Venue Charity

Monday 27th

February 12 30pm

Tuesday 7th

March 12 .30pm

Thursday 30th March 12 30pm

Henrietta Wood 01962760327

Wonston Lodge, Wonston DEC Earthquake appeal

Miranda Paterson 07720288060

and Cath Landale 01962 761766

Sarah Hobhouse 01962 760003 and Melinda Samms

07843 441879

Cranbourne House, Stockbridge Road East

Nasio Trust and Holy Trinity Church

Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney The Church Pantry

18 The Dever - March 2023
Meeting All Welcome 21st March 6.30-8pm The Warren Centre Micheldever Station Phase Two of Greening Micheldever Parish has started. The Three Pillars are - Nature, Energy, Health. Come to the meeting to find out more. Together the people of Micheldever Parish can make a difference! Questions? please contact: Peter O’Keefe 07515 339279

Jackie’s County Corner

It was a delight to wish the Kauras well after over 20 years at Kings Worthy Post Office.

Like everyone in our Post offices across the division, they have given sterling service, started early every morning, working seven days a week–so they deserve a break! Our thanks must go to Liz Kavanagh (and all of you) who raised funds through crowdfunder towards their post-retirement holiday! Thank you to all their newspaper deliverers too.

I hear from residents who have concerns about paying for services that aren’t up to scratch. This ranges from a Warmer Homes scheme to a Newspaper Delivery service. HCC’s Trading Standards have a contract with Citizens Advice to enable residents to register consumer queries and complaints. Below is the website link, but you can search ‘ Citizens Advice ‘and choose the ‘consumer’ tab. You can phone too: 0808 223 1133 https://www.citizensadvice. report-to-trading-standards/ Lent came quickly after Dry January this year!

HCC’s Public Health Director, Simon Bryant, recently briefed County Councillors on the County’s renewed Drug and Alcohol strategy. Over ¼ million people in Hampshire are drinking more than 14 units a week. Most of us don’t know exactly what this means for our own drinking habits.

If you’d like to know more about the units and calories in alcohol with information, advice and a ‘help’ button please use this link to the website, or I can post information through your door on request.

socialcareandhealth/publichealth/ alcoholawareness

HCC’s Revenue Budget was finalised in February so that you receive your Council Tax demand in time for the new financial year 23/24. HCC is budgeting turnover of around £2.6 billion. There is an expected £58m budget to fund, even after using some reserves to plug the spending gap. HCC proposed 4.99% increase (ie: £1460.25 for Band D, an increase of £1.34 a week or £69.68 a year). Capital Funding over the next three years is expected to be £645.3m- much of this is generated by funds from developers for schools etc.

Waste sites take many forms, but the County‘s Minerals and Waste plan has to cover them all. This includes mineral extraction, and incineration as well as the disposal of domestic and commercial waste. I made a full response to the County’s Minerals and Waste draft plan including :-

• objection to the principle of extraction of oil and gas.

• objection to the principle of waste sites remaining forever as waste sites: a policy which would render the county littered with waste sites.

• objection to the principle of waste

20 The Dever - March 2023

sites in rural areas using smaller roads. I proposed that sites should only be serviced by main trunk roads. • safeguarding for inland rail depots: sites must link direct to trunk roads: uses should not include waste treatment or processing. I hope that these measures could protect residents‘ environment in the division (litter, noise, smell, light etc) whilst ensuring we have well run minerals and waste sites to accommodate the range of recyclable materials as opportunities increase.

Cart and Horses junction: our campaign hasn’t stopped: but we are still awaiting the (very slow) Accident Investigation report. I will update you, hopefully very soon.

Meanwhile the National Highways M3 junction 9 application is now with the Planning Inspectorate. For the timeline and more information, please see information on

Contact Jackie:, tel: 01962 791054 (ansaphone) 07973696085, (text)


The pavilion at the LRPF needs a fridge to help when catering for events. If you have one in good condition that you would like to donate it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Please contact Olly 01962 774516


Micheldever Community Bookcase Northbrook Hall
Opening times 2 - 3.30pm Tuesday afternoon only
The Dever - March 2023 21


Saturday 25th March 2023 7.30pm

New College Hall, College Walk, Winchester SO23 9NF

THE DEVER SINGERS are joining forces this Spring for a multi-choir performance of Circlesong which promises to be a heart-warming and immersive experience. Together with the Hampshire County Youth Choir, the Southampton Choral Society and Barton Peveril Sixth Form College Choir, we will be singing accompanied by the Hampshire Music Services County Wind Ensembles and Percussionists and our own director of the Dever Singers, Ben Cooper, on piano.

Bob Chilcott, the composer, grew up from a child chorister at King’s College Cambridge to a Tenor in the King’s Singers and is now a full-time composer. Although written in the 21st century by an English composer, the work is drawn from age-old poetry and songs from the First Nations of North America: Native American Indian tribes and the Inuit of Canada. Translated into lyrical, yet simple English, the work explores the various ages of man from birth, through childhood and adulthood to extreme old age and death – the circle of life. Indigenous peoples can teach us a lot about caring for our World and respecting Nature – the Land, Plants, Trees and Animals as well as an interdependence on each other.

Chilcott’s introduction and explanation of the work identifies the importance of

the CIRCLE as a recurrent theme in the poetry and its resonances in all our lives: it is the shape of our World, our Sun and our Moon. It symbolises Day and Night and the cyclical pattern of the Seasons. In music, the written symbols of the circular noteheads come to life in SOUND. Chilcott describes choral singing as a great leveller, with people of different ages, races, backgrounds and social status and beliefs coming together, blending their voices and expressing their unity through music.

So do join us for an uplifting musical evening. Tickets are available via the QR code on the accompanying poster, or directly at hampshire-music-service and even on the door although, with 150 or so on the stage each bringing relatives and friends, there may not be many left by the night itself!

The Dever Singers are a community choir drawn from all around the Dever Valley. We warmly welcome new members without audition. Some come with a love of singing, some just wanting to give it a try or to make new friends, but all are welcome. Rehearsals are held at 8pm on Thursday evenings at either St. Margaret’s church, South Wonston (Winter months) or St. Mary’s church, Micheldever (Spring and Autumn) and Ruth Ironton can be contacted for further information: 01962 774817, 07784967464,

22 The Dever - March 2023


Hampshire County Youth Choir, Southampton Choral Society, The Dever Singers, Barton Peveril College Choir


Circlesong by Bob Chilcott

New Hall, Winchester College, Winchester Saturday 25th March 2023


Tickets £8, Concessions £5 available online via Hants Web Shop or on the door

With specials guests from the Hampshire County Wind Ensemble percussionists, Hampshire Flute Choir and Hampshire Double Reed Ensemble

City Councillors’ News

The City Council will have confirmed its budget for the next year by the time you read this. The draft proposals from the administration are based on their financial strategy announced in November that includes a Council Tax increase of around 3%, a 7% increase in council home rents and larger increases in parking, garden waste and other charges. The unexpected additional £2m of funding received from Government announced at Christmas is to be put in reserves to await future spending plans.

Parish councils and community groups are invited to bid for funding for community infrastructure projects. The City Council is holding developer contributions that are there to reduce the impact of development. Bids for £10,000 to £200,000 can be submitted to wholly or partly fund projects that improve infrastructure for areas, such as walking, cycling, active travel, education,

sport and leisure facilities, health and cultural facilities and other amenities. Initial bids must be submitted by 31st March 2023. Contact one of us for more information.

This March, the City Council is again supporting the Great British Spring Clean, national clean-up campaign. Members of the public will join forces with councils and local groups to get rubbish off the ground, safely collected and recycled. The Parish Councils are coordinating local activity, so check their websites or contact the clerk or one of us for details.

Work on the new council homes in Southbrook Cottages, Micheldever, has now started. These are the first council homes in Winchester that will be built using the Passivhaus system that delivers net zero carbon buildings that are very cheap to run. We hope that this trial will be successful for the council, residents and neighbours.

You can contact your City Councillors at any time or you can catch us at any of the Parish Council meetings. Their next meetings are on:

Micheldever PC Wednesday 1st March

Wonston PC Wednesday 8th March

South Wonston PC Monday 13th March


Cllr Stephen Godfrey

119 Downs Road

South Wonston

SO21 3EH

Tel: 01962 884477

East Stratton Village Hall.

Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney.

South Wonston Pavilion.

All meetings start at 7.30pm.


Cllr Caroline Horrill


Woodman Lane


SO21 3SH

Tel: 01962 776844


Cllr Patrick Cunningham

The Corner House

North Drive


SO22 6QA

Tel: 07866 367897

24 The Dever - March 2023
Scan here to register to vote No ID? You can apply for free voter ID Find out more at or call 01962 848 125

From Our MP Steve Brine

We hear so much talk right now about the NHS – and strikes –and “under-funding”.

Truth is, the NHS in England has never had higher funding than it does right now yet still we see north of seven million people on the waiting list (many of them courtesy of the Covid backlog), cancer outcomes lagging behind our competitors and GP surgeries not to mention hospitals literally creaking under the strain. I will also support our local NHS – and deplore attempts to talk down the RHCH for partisan gain – but we’re serving no-one if we don’t face the pressures on the system and take the long view of their origins and solution.

The challenges are, of course, complex and long-standing but I have welcomed recovery plans for clearing waiting list, urgent and emergency care and primary care. They deserve serious scrutiny and that’s my job but they won’t be enough on their own.

What’s plain to see from the hard facts before us is that demand is outstripping supply in the NHS by a significant margin. We can go on increasing the budget –pushing up taxes to ensure NHS spending keeps rising faster than GDP – and filling those many vacancies across the service but that’s not sustainable by simple logic.

I don’t pretend the Health & Social Select Committee (which I chair) has the answers but I do hope we’re onto something with our major new inquiry looking comprehensively

at the prevention of ill-health as a path towards a healthier nation and a sustainable NHS that’s there for another 75 years.

For the first stage of this inquiry, we want to hear from researchers, organisations and individuals interested in or working in preventative healthcare. This is your opportunity to get involved and suggest what specific issues we should be exploring. We’ve had so many suggestions around ‘upstream prevention’ (including genomic sequencing), obesity and physical activity, smoking and alcohol use but also a pitch to look at the increasing evidence around how poor air quality can drive heart disease, respiratory illness and even cancer.

I am also keen that we look at the untapped potential that still exists around vaccination – and there’s so much coming online in that regard – and wider non NHS issues such as how poor quality housing is a driver of illness. It’s going to be a major workstream and I hope we can really move the dial with our work. You can get involved by going to

There’s so much more on my work, across

26 The Dever - March 2023
Steve discussing the upcoming Budget with Chancellor Jeremy Hunt

Westminster and the constituency on a wide range of issues, on my website but also on my socials which are a great way


to stay in touch

Thirty days has September, April, June and November. Unless a leap year is its fate, February has twenty-eight. All the rest have three days more, excepting January, which has six thousand, one hundred and eighty-four.

Sudoku (Medium)

January Solution

Daily Sudoku: Tue 15-Mar-2022 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. 8 5 6 1 5 2 5 1 4 6 2 7 6 8 7 9 3 1 4 5 9 9 5 1 4 3 hard Daily Sudoku: Tue 15-Mar-2022 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. 7 3 8 5 1 9 2 4 6 4 9 6 7 8 2 1 3 5 2 5 1 4 3 6 8 9 7 8 1 4 6 2 5 9 7 3 3 6 9 1 4 7 5 8 2 5 7 2 8 9 3 6 1 4 6 8 3 2 7 1 4 5 9 9 4 5 3 6 8 7 2 1 1 2 7 9 5 4 3 6 8 Daily Sudoku: Thu 16-Feb-2023 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2023. All rights reserved. 9 1 6 5 9 8 4 2 5 9 4 7 1 6 3 9 7 2 8 8 7 6 4 3 9 1 4 6 Daily Sudoku: Thu 29-Dec-2022 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. 5 6 7 8 2 6 3 4 9 1 2 6 2 4 1 8 7 8 1 9 7 7 5 9 8 1 6 5 2 2 6 9 easy Daily Sudoku: Thu 29-Dec-2022 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2022. All rights reserved. 5 2 3 6 9 1 7 8 4 9 8 1 7 2 4 6 3 5 6 7 4 5 8 3 9 1 2 3 6 7 2 4 5 1 9 8 1 9 5 8 6 7 2 4 3 2 4 8 3 1 9 5 7 6 7 5 9 4 3 2 8 6 1 4 1 6 9 5 8 3 2 7 8 3 2 1 7 6 4 5 9
The Dever - March 2023 27


to be held at the Lord Rank Playing Field, Micheldever

on Sunday 7th May, from mid-day

More details to follow


Forthcoming Events 2023


1st 10 .00am Table Top Sale of Turkish Delicacies - Half Moon & Spread Eagle

3rd-7th Play In A Week, Joseph - Northbrook Hall

5th 7 30pm Micheldever Parish Council - Northbrook Hall

12th 12 .30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall (NOTE: Change of Date)

19th 7 .30pm Parish Assembly - Northbrook Hall


3rd 12 .30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

3rd 7 .30pm Micheldever Parish Council - The Warren Centre

4th Local Elections

6th King’s Coronation

7th The Big Lunch + entertainment - The Lord Rank Playing Field

8th Community Project (Details to follow)

14th-20th Christian Aid Week

19th 8 .00pm Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall


1st Plant Sale - Micheldever village

3rd 1 .00pm East Stratton Village Feté & Dog Show - The Green

7th 12 .30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

7th 7 30pm Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Hall

22nd-24th7 .30pm Agatha Christie play tbc, MVG - Northbrook Hall

25th Open Gardens - Micheldever village


5th 12 .30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

5th 7 .30pm Micheldever Parish Council - Northbrook Hall

8th 8 00pm Micheldever Wine Circle, Summer Party - venue tbc

15th Micheldever Feté - Lord Rank Playing Field


6th 12 30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

6th 7 .30pm Micheldever Parish Council - The Warren Centre

15th Harvest Supper - Northbrook Hall

22nd 8 00pm Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall


4th 12 .30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

4th 7 30pm Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Hall

7th Safari Supper - Micheldever - at your home

27th 8 .00pm Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall

The Dever - March 2023 29

March Diary

1st 12 30pm Micheldever Village Lunch - Northbrook Hall

1st 7.30pm Micheldever Parish Council - East Stratton Hall

4th 7.00pm The Quiz Evening - Northbrook Hall

5th 2 00pm Auditions for Agatha Christie play tbc, MVG - Northbrook Hall

14th 7.00pm Planning Picnic in the Park - The Warren Centre

21st 6 30pm Public Meeting Greening Micheldever - The Warren Centre

24th 8 .00pm Micheldever Wine Circle - Northbrook Hall

25th 7.30pm Dever Singers in Circlesong Concert - New Hall, Winchester College

Hall Booking

East Stratton Hall 01962 774517, Northbrook Hall 07802 755132, booknorthbrookhall@gmail com The Warren Centre visit www .thewarrencentre .co .uk/hire

Micheldever Shop - Opening Times

Monday - Saturday 8 .30am - 6 .30pm, Sunday 10 .00am - 3 .00pm

Mobile Post Office

Wednesday morning 9.30 – 10.30 Lord Rank Car Park (please note: times may vary slightly)

Regular Dates and Times – Weekly

SUNDAYS Church Services Details on centre pages

TUESDAYS 8.00–9.00 pm Circuit Training by Toppe from T Fit Training, Micheldever School Hall. contact Jane 07919 018877

2.00–3.30 pm

Community Library, Northbrook Hall

WEDNESDAYS 9.30–10.30 am Mobile Post Office, Lord Rank Car Park, Micheldever 9.00–10.00 am Body Control Pilates–Micheldever Village Hall. contact Fredricka Brooks, 07979 254895

THURSDAYS 8.00–10.00 pm Dever Singers Rehearsal–Micheldever or South Wonston churches . contact,

30 The Dever - March 2023

Joseph & the Coat of Many Colours Play-In-A-Week for children aged 8-12

Monday 3rd April to Friday 7th April 10am to 4pm Showtime Friday 7th April 7pm

Northbrook Hall, Micheldever, SO21 3DF


Variety Group & Debi Rush present
£95 (£25 deposit secures a place) To book a place or find out more contact Peter on 07515 339279 or
the quiz evening on Saturday 4 th March at 7.00 pM in the northbrook hall ticketS £12.50 including two courSe Meal available froM: Maurelle d’agoStino 774395 wendy purSey 774298 & olly braMley 774516
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