Knowledge Enterprise Portfolio - The Design School

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Knowledge Enterprise Portfolio The Design School

Areas of practice and research

Design for sustainability and justice

Designers play a core role in the configuration of the built environment including cities, spaces, products and services.

Design strategy and innovation

Design methods, practices and activities are a powerful approach for complex problems, business strategy and social innovation.

The Design School has a tradition of collaboration with other disciplines in developing transdisciplinary work. Our faculty connects design disciplines (architecture, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture, visual communication design, experience design, service design) to many areas of application.

Design for well-being and health

Design practice and research provides insight and solutions to support human health, well-being, comfort and mindfulness.

Interactions between humans and the built environment

We study how design variables such as materials, light, smart technologies and temperature influence human satisfaction and performance in design spaces.

Design of human experiences with new technologies

New technologies continuously change design possibilities and creative design proposals can reveal new uses of emergent technologies.

A working 3D printed model created by The Design School for a professional design project collaboration.

Professional design projects

Design projects developed by The Design School at ASU composed of our faculty with industry experience and graduate students.

Comprehensive design projects

Duration: 2 – 6 months. Expected deliverables: Professional design deliverables like models, prototypes, plans and presentations to be implemented in the market.

Design sprint (research, ideation, prototyping and testing)

Duration: 1 week full-time, with client participation. Expected deliverables: Professional design deliverables like models, prototypes, plans and presentations.

Design session (brainstorming, critique, consultancy)

Duration: 2 – 4 hours.

Design research projects

Design research projects include scholarly work and industry work about a specific subject of interest for the sponsor.

Comprehensive research project

Duration: 3 months – 2 years. Expected deliverables: Research deliverables like research reports, white papers, articles, papers, products or processes, among others.

Graduate student thesis

Duration: 1 – 4 semesters. Expected deliverables: Research deliverables like research reports, white papers, articles, papers, products or processes, among others.

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InnovationSpace studio projects

InnovationSpace® is a program of interdisciplinary design studios open to all university senior students and graduate students (e.g., business, engineering, industrial design, graphic design, sustainability, education, health, sociology, earth and space, etc.).

Duration: 1 – 2 semesters. Deadline for client expression of interest: May 31 for fall studios, October 31 for spring studios

Expected deliverables: Concepts, renders, prototypes and/or mockups produced by student teams, mentored by faculty and partners during the semester.


Design studio projects

Design studio projects are courses with design students and taught with design faculty in design disciplines and focus areas.

Duration: 1 semester or part of a semester. Deadline for client expression of interest:

The Design School


DESmart Lab’s experimental set-up to test human-light interactions at noon. InnovationSpace

Faculty profiles

Ana Herruzo

Computational media; new media; immersive experience design, data visualization.

Charlotte McCurdy

Design for a green industrial revolution; design strategy for sustainable growth. Service design innovation for transparency.


Design for sustainability and justice

Design strategy and innovation

Design for well-being and health

Interactions between humans and the built environment

Design of human experiences with new technologies

Urban water sustainability; community, urban and landscape resilience; nature based solutions for green infrastructure; climate and environmental justice. Landscape Performance (before and after); community asset mapping; GIS/mapping spatial analysis.


Sustainable building design. Thermal comfort in physical spaces.

Human-building interaction; building performance; human productivity in physical spaces.


Life-centered design; humanization of technology. New product innovation.

Design for virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Permeability between architecture, climate and community; architecture with social and environmental constraints.

Architecture for human learning and education.

Preservation and reuse of historic interiors; interior design history; multicultural design.

Design of fashion interiors and branding.

Danielle Foushée

Visual-rhetorical expressions in public spaces; design and culture; subversive design; activating public spaces with creative interventions. Design for civic engagement. Projection mapping.

Design for diverse populations; design for social change.

Community engaged design; design strategy development. Hybrid religious environments; design for social well-being; design of third spaces; human-centered evaluation of the built environment (in relation to social and mental well-being factors).

Shin (Jason) Yeom Hydro-GI Lab Cheng Subversive Creativity Lab Chunyao Liu Felipe Mesa Hassnaa Mohammed


Circular economy and circular design; design for repair; repair as design; design for environmental and social justice.

Speculative design and design futures; design for social innovation; grassroots innovation; co-design and facilitation.

Design for rituals and culture.

Johanna Taylor

Cultural equity; art and equitable urbanism.

Community engagement in public space; art and design in cross sector collaboration; organizations and systems change; cultural and urban policy.

Art anddesign for public space and community well-being.

John Takamura

Design for indigenous inclusion; social sustainability; humanitarian design.

Branding and product development; venture creation and entrepreneurship; facilitation of design workshops and sprints.

Universal design; design for community well-being.


Interior design for health.


Future of desert urbanism. Encouraging sociable environments.

Post occupancy evaluation of public outdoor spaces.

Spaces to foster innovation; innovation and design thinking; design as an innovation tool.


Branding and corporate visual identity; design thinking process.


Design for sustainability; behaviors and systems change.

Strategic and service design; co-design and participatory design; design for change; design futures.

Design for health; behaviors and systems change

Michelle Fehler

Life-centered design; biomimicry; regenerative design.

Designing with and for nature.

Nastaran Shishegar

Light for well-being in physical spaces; human-centric buildings; design for aging. Smart buildings; biological lighting; human-light interactions; human-building interactions; post occupancy evaluations with focus on user experience.

Resilience to extreme heat; climate justice; urban ecological design; smart city.

Phil Horton

Urban resilience; energy and carbon transformation in the built environment.

Building innovation.

Design thinking process, action research.

Collaboration, belonging and well-being in learning spaces.

Design of extended reality.

Indigenous placekeeping; biophilia and indigenous worldview.

Indigenous design; community-driven design; indigenous methodologies; indigenous aesthetics; indigenous futurity.

Indigenous placekeeping; biophilia and indigenous worldview.

Indigenous Design Collaborative

Immersive environment design; generative design and artificial intelligence; data visualization.

Building simulation; robotic fabrication; virtual reality in architecture.

Paola Sanguinetti Samantha Perkins del Mar Navarro Kelley Paul Coseo Bernardi DESmart Lab Weidi Zhang Wanda Dalla Costa Luis Angarita Transformation Lab Mejía Gumus Ciftci

Design research labs

Indigenous Design Collaborative

The Indigenous Design Collaborative (IDC) is a community-driven, design and construction program, which brings together members of the tribal community, industry and a multidisciplinary team of ASU students and faculty to co-design and co-develop solutions for tribal communities in Arizona.

Director: Wanda Dalla Costa

DESmart Lab

DESmart lab conducts research in smart building technology, human-building and human-light interactions, artificial intelligence, healthy and biological lighting, healthy building design and sustainability.


Nastaran Shishegar

Hydro-GI Lab

The Hydro-GI lab aims to advance understanding of green infrastructure design processes, structures and function in desert based cities.

Director: Chingwen Cheng

Subversive Creativity Lab

Subversive Creativity Lab is a design, arts and literary workshop dedicated to the study and creation of alternative, non-conformist and counter-hegemonic visual and material interventions in the public sphere.

Director: Danielle Foushée

Transformation Lab

The Transformation Lab is a research group that studies strategic design for intentional change towards healthy, just and sustainable futures. Its design approach is based on collaboration, strategic thinking and future methods.

Director: Mauricio Mejía

Biomimicry Center

The Center of Building Innovation brings together faculty and students from all disciplinary units related to the built environment at ASU. The guiding north star of CoBI is the inter-related issues of social and climate justice in the built environment.

Directors: Marc Neveu and Philip Horton


The Building Intelligence Technology lab is a research team in the Design School at ASU, focusing on human-building interaction, indoor environment quality and sustainable building design.


Dongwoo (Jason) Yeom

The Biomimicry Center facilitates biomimicry education and research endeavors locally and globally. Biomimicry is a discipline that seeks to emulate nature’s strategies and principles to create sustainable solutions to human challenges.

Biomimicry Center

810 S Forest Ave. Tempe, AZ 85287

Subversive Creativity Lab DESmart Lab Hydro-GI Lab Transformation Lab Indigenous Design Collaborative CoBI

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