The Daily Shuffle: December 2020

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contents 5, willow raye 7, anna shoemaker 9, hunter sansone 11, zolee griggs 21, sandy sidhu 23, ruby jay





Vanessa Salles

Karla Silva

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December Playlist SLOW DOWN why don’t we ARIZONA upsahl TALK ME OUT OF IT olivia holt FIND ME HERE hayley williams HALLWAY WEATHER niki SILVER COWBOY BOOTS anna shoemaker, invisible will CELADON & GOLD maggie rogers

letter from the editor Hey readers, We’ve made it to the end of 2020! Though it’s been a tough year for us all, my favorite part about it was releasing these monthly issues for you! I hope you’ve all been staying safe and sane and am wishing you all the best for the new year! If you have any interesting goals or resolutions, I’d love to hear them - DM us on Instagram so we can chat! This month, our cover star is the incredible Zolee Griggs! It was such a treat to chat with her about her latest role, career goals, and more! Check out her cover story to read all about it! In this issue, you’ll also find our top picks for this month’s must-watch movies/shows and must-hear albums. Let us know what you’re excited about! As always, feel free to let us know who you’d love to see featured next! XOXO

Vanessa Salles Editor-in-Chief

willow raye

With a sound and style that’s uniquely her own, Willow Raye is about to become your new favorite. We talked to the singer about her latest single, lessons learned in 2020, and so much more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by NATASHA RIBEIRO-AUSTRICH

Tell us about your newest song ‘Manic’ – what’s the story behind the track? I suffer from mental health issues and the slide between being depressed and manic has been a constant theme/battle in my life. I went through a breakup that was really confusing and sad for me to make sense of. I honestly didn’t know if I was just being crazy or normal. It was frustrating, so instead of beating myself up about it, I wrote this song to kind of explain what goes on in my head. I think a lot of people suffering from the same issues can relate. Any memorable moments while writing/ recording that you can share with us? When I got back into the mix, I was so happy. Honestly, hands down my favorite song I’ve ever made. What has the reaction been from fans so far? I think fans are starting to understand my vision of what I want to be as an artist, and feeling relatable to this. It’s really cool to get feedback and to hear you helped someone feel understood. What should fans be expecting music-wise in the new year? My first album! also I’m releasing a version of

Manic in January with dying in designer! When it comes to stage presence, which artist(s) are you inspired by? Lana Del Rey, Sabrina Claudio...I love the femme vibes they give off; really beautiful and soft sexy, with a pinch of mystery. Gotta love it. When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? I’d love to make some dope albums and help people through my music. It really comes down to me wanting to help myself and others feel less crazy and alone. What’s the biggest lesson you learned this year? Never regret anything, good or bad...and if it’s bad, you can make it into something beautiful. Oh, and he ain’t worth! With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention? DM me! I love responding to fans. I love connecting and helping others feel less lost in the world. Any special message for fans? Life is worth living! Be kind to yourself.



anna shoemaker

If Anna Shoemaker isn’t already on your radar, it’s time to change that. We caught up with the rising songstress to talk about her latest single, creative process, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by SOPHIE HUR

Tell us about your newest song ‘Silver Cowboy Boots’ – what’s the story behind the track? ‘Silver Cowboy Boots’ is about learning to take care of yourself after a break up, in my case that meant buying shoes! Any memorable moments while writing/recording that you can share with us? Anytime I’m in the studio with Will (the producer and feature artist on this track) we just have so much fun making music and doing whatever. I think because I’m so comfortable with him, I’m able to be super vulnerable; I don’t know if I would’ve felt cool saying “let’s write a song about shoes” to anyone else! What inspired the concept for the music video? I’d been wanting to work with the director, Eva Evans, for a couple of months. When I called her and told her about ‘Silver Cowboy Boots’, we immediately connected over this idea of just letting reality fade away- just me and my boots in a motel, forgetting about the world around us. Because it is a breakup song, I think there was a lot of potential for it to be focused on the loss of a relationship but we wanted it to be more liberating and focused on the importance of loving yourself. How would you describe your creative process? My creative process is all over the place. I mostly really try to work from a place of stream of consciousness-- whatever is on my mind, I just write down and try to set a scene. I’m also

really inspired by melody, so I’ll start to sing gibberish words over a guitar part or a beat and see if anything comes of it. What should fans be expecting music-wise in the new year? A LOT of new music! Also, some collaborations with friends! When it comes to stage presence, which artist(s) are you inspired by? Halsey and Lorde! When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? Touring, touring, TOURING! What’s the biggest lesson you learned this year? Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend or your sister. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention? I always try to respond on Instagram DM! Come say hi! Any special message for fans? I really love my fans. The people who have reached out on Instagram saying my music has meant something to them know that they’re my family now. A lot of times, they’ll tell me, “this helped me through something,” and that’s insane to me because writing music is what helps me. It’s just a reminder that none of us are alone.



hunter sansone


Through the dynamic and versatile characters he’s brought to life on screen, Hunter Sansone is quickly making a name for himself. We talked to the actor about his latest project, behind the scenes moments, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by LEIGH KEILY

Tell us about your new film, Safety! What is it about the movie that drew you in and made you want to be involved? Safety is a film for everyone. At its core, it’s a story about family. Yes, it has exciting action-packed football scenes, but it’s so much more than that. An inspiring true story that will be sure to tug at your heart strings. The first thing that drew me in is the obvious, the story. I read the entire script in one sitting and by the end, I was crying like a little boy. How could I not want to be a part of something that had such an emotional affect on me? Fair warning, have tissues prepped and ready! What can you tell us about your role as Daniel and what viewers should be expecting from him? Daniel is the ultimate ride or die. He is Ray’s roommate, teammate and best friend. Also, the first person that Ray confides in about his situation with his little brother. Daniel is by Ray’s side every step of the way while they secretly raise a boy on campus.

screen brotherhood definitely carried over to behind the scenes. What do you hope viewers take away from this film? Hope. It’s been a tough year for everyone. I hope people walk away feeling motivated and excited for their potential in 2021. I know I sure as heck did. Let’s talk Stargirl! What’s that experience/ fan reaction been like for you? Stargirl is going to always have a very very special place in my heart. It was that big “first” for me. It was the job that ultimately changed it all for me. I have so much fun on set. How can you not when there is giant flying robot around? The fan reaction has been incredible. We have the best fans. I am grateful to every single one of them for their support, and I can not wait for them to see what we are cooking up for Season 2!

Any behind-the-scenes moments from filming that you can share with us? Yes, the football game scenes that you see in the film were shot live during halftime of a real Clemson game in front of 80,000 screaming fans! No green screen. No second takes. One chance. A handful of plays. Seven minutes. The ultimate adrenaline rush.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2020? The importance of not taking the little things for granted. We all have sacrificed a lot this year. Time with our families, our normal dayto-day activities. I’ve really come to realize the gravity of a hug. A handshake. I cannot wait to be able to give a hug to someone again. These things have all taken on such a bigger meaning to me.

How would you describe the vibe on set? Family. The real Ray was on set with us and we all became very close. We all worked out together throughout the week. That on-

Any special message for fans/viewers? Thank you all for your incredible support. It doesn’t go unnoticed. Grateful for every single one of you. - H



zolee griggs words by VANESSA SALLES photos by THE RIKER BROTHERS

Best described as a force to be reckoned with, Zolee Griggs has quickly become one to watch. Through the powerful, diverse, and dynamic characters that she’s brought to life on screen, the talented starlet is a scenestealer in every project she takes on. We talked to the rising actress about her latest film, Archenemy, the upcoming season of Hulu’s Wu-Tang: An American Saga, and more! x Tell us about Archenemy! What is it about the film that drew you in and made you want to be involved? I was really interested in the movie because of how realistic and natural it seemed. I could really relate to Indigo because of the city that she grew up in. She’s a product of her environment and that’s relatable to a lot of people out in situations they personally wouldn’t choose to be in. I love her relationship with her brother because she wants to be a provider even when they


don’t get along. I also liked how much of a free thinker she was, from her outfits to apartment design, food choices... she was also open minded and willing to do whatever she needed to make ends meet while staying true to herself. What can you tell us about your role as Indigo and what viewers can expect from her? Indigo is a free spirit. She’s eclectic, she likes the color blue, bright colors, and being expressive. I would think she lives two different lives, like in the outside world where she had to put on a front and be hard so people don’t mess with her, and then the real her where she can be soft and a bigger sister to Hamster and more maternal. she’s definitely got an innocence to her because she has the spirit of a child but she goes through very serious situations that makes her mature. Any behind-the-scenes moments from filming that you can share with us? I don’t want to give away any spoilers but the harness scene that we did was a lot of fun. I had never been in a harness before, and I had never been that high up before. I was asking the stunt coordinator if I could

do backflips to which they said no, but if they would’ve allowed me, I would’ve done it! How would you describe the vibe on set? The vibe was cool because Adam, our director, is really cool. He is very upbeat and great at giving direction. He’s fun and free spirited as well so he really brings that energy to set and into each character. Most of my scenes would be with Skylan and Joe and they were extremely professional and just a lot of fun to be around and we would just have a lot of fun in general, even during serious scenes. Afterwards, we would break away, laugh, grab a snack and keep it going. Tell us about your time on “Wu-Tang: An American Saga” – what was that experience like for you? It’s a lot of fun because we are telling someone else’s life story. It takes a lot of research and time to play those characters authentically and to pay homage and show respect. It’s fun because we’re kind of a part of history by sharing WU TANG‘s life story publicly. This is their first time really telling people with visuals, rather



than just the art of storytelling through music so it’s an honor. What would you say was the most important lesson you learned on that set? I really learned from working with a bunch of different directors. I believe we had seven different directors on the first season, so I learned how to take notes, take different directions from different people from their point of view, but also stayed true to who the character is in this scene, their surroundings, and the relationships that you have with them. Somebody might give direction one way that they think would be better this way but that might not be true to how you’ve been playing the character and what the previous episodes have in mind, so just knowing who your character is is something important that I’ve learned. When you think of your ultimate dream role, what comes to mind? I really want to play Erykah Badu in a biopic, so that is the goal. With the crazy year we’ve all had, what would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? The biggest lesson I learned this year is


that you can’t plan for life. Ever. Therefore, you should always be authentic with the things that you do and with the people you love, as well as the intentions you set and how you treat others. Of course, I knew these things already but it’s easy to get swept up in other worries of the world like your career and bills. This year allowed me to go deeper within myself to see what fulfills me and makes me feel like I have a purpose in life. What are you loving on TV lately? I loved the new season of Big Mouth because I love cartoons, especially adult cartoons. What do you want to see more of? More original stories! We’ve seen a lot of remakes and reboots and there’s so many cool stories that should be told, just waiting for production companies to give them the green light! Working in such a chaotic field, what are some ways you practice self-care and prioritize your mental health? I journal, I meditate, I make candles, and make time for myself when needed. Also, going outside when I can helps a lot. Getting a breath of fresh air with my dog is the best.



What kind of advice would you give to someone looking to pursue the same career? To not be afraid to take classes! I was afraid because it seemed intimidating and I wasn’t ready to feel uncomfortable with myself yet. It was the best decision I ever made because not only did I learn a lot, but I made new friends and connections. What’s something on your bucket list for 2021? I learned in 2020 that you can’t really plan for life, so I have an overall bucket list. I really just want to travel and experience the world. I think it expands your wisdom and makes you a better person. Tokyo, Lagos, Bali and Lake Como are on the top of my list currently. Outside of acting, what are some of the passions that fuel you? Giving back. I really want to take my mentorship program GRL2WMN on the road to public schools and reform the way young women and children interact with each other. I want to introduce them to new perspectives, ideas, and luxuries at a young age so they know they’re worthy of those things from a young age. Any special message for fans? Wu-Tang season 2 is coming soon! :)



sandy sidhu


Having quickly become a fan-favorite on NBC’s Nurses, Sandy Sidhu shines as Nazneen. We talked to the actress about behind the scenes moments, lessons learned in 2020 and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo courtesy of Sandy Sidhu

Tell us about Nurses! What is It about the show that drew you in and made you want to be involved? It’s a coming of age series following five rookie nurses, fresh out of school, working the frontlines of a busy downtown Toronto hospital, dedicating their lives to helping others, while also struggling to help themselves. One of the things that makes Nurses special is this bond that forms between our five nurses, as they try to find a work/life balance. It’s not so much that I was drawn to Naz, as it was one of those few roles that comes around where I just instantly understood her. I could clearly see her mind and heart, how I wanted to play her, and where I wanted to take her. I owe that to my mother. My mother immigrated from India, moved to Canada, and became a nurse. Nazneen immigrated from India, moved to Canada, and became a nurse. While they’re completely different in personality and background, they are both pioneers who left what they knew behind, taking a chance on a new life. That requires a great deal of courage. How would you describe Nazneen? What’s your favorite part about portraying her? Nazneen is whip smart, comes from a very wealthy family in India, and begins her first job ever as a nurse at Saint Mary’s hospital, in Toronto. The big question is why did this wealthy daughter leave behind her incredible life in India, to become a nurse in Canada? This slowly unravels as the series progresses. It was a blast playing the opposites in Naz. Just the dichotomy of her being a nurse, which is one of the most selfless jobs you could do, all the while coming from a really sheltered environment as her family placed

zero responsibilities on her. Her naivety, her struggles, and her confusion in her growth into womanhood was one of my favorite parts of playing her. How would you describe the vibe on set? What should viewers expect from the season? As a cast, we all genuinely care about being there and to do our best in showcasing the heart of all nurses. It’s an exciting common goal you can feel. We also have the most amazing crew, and they really helped to create a welcoming and considerate set. We’re really spoiled when it comes to our crew and background performers. Audiences can expect high stakes stories from our patients, more romance and we’ll see the bonds grow between our main cast, as the stress of the job pulls them closer together. What do you want to see more of? I’d love to see more Indian women being the hero in a story. Because I know so many in my own life. It’s so important for children to see themselves reflected on screen. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2020? Everyone has different needs through stress. 2020 taught me the importance of valuing my mental and physical health. For me, this was accomplished by reflecting on what my needs are and setting boundaries to ensure they’re being met. It could mean eating healthier/whole foods and moving my body. It could mean calling loved ones or setting time aside to just have fun for no reason. But I’ve learned it’s very important to understand yourself better and what you need. THE DAILY SHUFFLE 22


ruby jay

Best described as multi-talented, Ruby Jay shines both on and off screen. We talked to the actress/singer about her latest single, Netflix’s The Unicorn, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES

Tell us about your new Christmas single, ‘My Favorite Christmas’! Any memorable moments from writing/recording that you can share with us? “My Favorite Christmas” might just be my favorite song I’ve recorded simply because it’s about Christmas, and Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The holidays are such a special time for my family and being able to sing and record a song that embodies my love for this holiday was such an incredible experience. What has the reaction been like from fans so far? I think the reaction has been pretty good! I can confidently say that my family and friends enjoy it, and I hope my listeners do also! What should fans expect from you, musicwise, in the new year? I have a couple new songs lined up for the new year! So, expect some more chill music with the same vibes and sound as “Sike.” Let’s talk The Unicorn! What is it about the show that initially drew you in and made you want to be involved? The show takes such a devastating concept and puts a heart-warming, positive spin on it, which I thought was incredible. The relationships between all the characters and the comedic storylines that intertwine are amazing. I’m so happy I get to be a part of this cast! Any behind-the-scenes set moments that you can share with us from season 2? Filming season two during this pandemic has a much different environment on set

compared to season one, but it allows for new memories to be made! We are all getting a chance to work together while staying safe and keep our jobs. It’s oddly bonding when you put your health and safety into the hands of others, but I’m so happy I get to share it with them. How would you describe your role as Grace? What’s your favorite part about portraying her? Grace is a smart girl who fancies herself an adult. She is very grounded, sweet, and to the viewer’s surprise, is totally on board with her dad starting to date again. My favorite part about portraying her is how supportive she is with everyone. She is a positive light who has her moody teenage moments, but overall is a kind teenage girl, which we don’t typically get to see on screen a lot. When you think of your ultimate dream role, what comes to mind? My dream role is to be in a fantasy medieval show/movie, whether I would play a super cool warrior chick or a humble peasant. Even a princess is all good with me! I would absolutely love to be involved in that type of production. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? I always love reading comments and looking at fun edits that I’m tagged in! Any special message for fans/viewers? Be kind, stay positive, and look forward to your bright future!



What to watch

Godmothered, Disney+, 12/4

The Stand In, 12/11

excuse me, i love you, Netflix, 12/21

What to listen to

Bastille - Goosebumps 12/4


Shawn Mendes - Wonder 12/4

Alessia Cara - Holiday Stuff 12/5





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