The Daily Shuffle: August 2020

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contents 5, karen hardy 7, isabella crovetti 9, kaya stewart 11, carly and martina 25, savannah lee may 27, seint monet 29, kandle 33, emma jaye





Vanessa Salles

Karla Silva

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August Playlist FEELS IN MY BODY icona pop RAGER TEENAGER! troye sivan JAGUAR victoria monét MARRIED IN VEGAS the vamps LIE sasha sloan DO YOU ryan destiny SLOW MOTION charlotte lawrence HEARTBREAK HOTEL abigail barlow

letter from the editor Hey readers, Can you believe we’ve made it to August already?! Crazy. We hope you’re continuing to stay safe and sane out there! I’m so excited to share our latest issue with you and so thrilled that Carly and Martina are gracing this month’s cover. It was such a treat to talk to the twins about their music, inspirations, social media platforms and more! Be sure to check out their cover story for all the details! In this issue, you’ll find our top picks for this month’s must-watch movies/shows and must-hear albums. Let us know what you’re excited about! As always, feel free to let us know who you’d love to see featured next! XOXO

Vanessa Salles Editor-in-Chief

karen hardy

Let us introduce you to your new fave: Karen Hardy. The pop/R&B songstress talked to us about her latest single, life in quarantine and so much more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by JOSH KRANICH

Tell us about your single, “Really Wanna” – what’s the story behind the track? ‘Really Wanna’ is about my long distance relationship and navigating how to communicate with someone who lives 12 hours away from you. With different schedules, we only had about 15 minutes to FaceTime everyday, and I started holding things back because I didn’t want to take up those 15 minutes fighting. I just wished I could see him, fight it out, and not have to worry about what would happen when we hung up the phone. Any memorable moments while writing/recording it that you can share with us? We actually rewrote the chorus about 8 months after we initially wrote the song. I loved the concept of the song and I really loved a lot of what we had, but something about it didn’t totally work. Once we got the new chorus, I started envisioning a music video for it and I just knew I wanted to record it! How would you describe your creative process? I usually like to go into a session with some type of concept. I journal a lot, and so I try to pull from what I’m genuinely thinking about at the time. Then, once we have the vibe and chords figured out, I typically like to start with melody and then fit the lyrics around a melody we love! Which artist(s) are on your dream collab list?

Oh wow… such a tough question! I think it would be so cool to have a song with Chance the Rapper. When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? I just want my music and message to reach as many people as possible! What would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? I’ve learned a lot this year but one thing it’s taught me is how to be more okay with not having any control. There are so many things about this year that bring on a ton of anxiety for everyone. I’m becoming more okay with doing what I can do to change the situation, and letting go of what I can’t change! What has quarantine life consisted for you? Music, of course! Also, a lot of eating, binging new TV shows, and using my time to work on my mental health! Which artist(s) are you currently obsessed with? Brandy! I haven’t been inspired by an album like this in a long time. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? I’ll answer anyone who messages me! Well, I’m really bad at answering anyone in a timely manner but I will answer, haha!



isabella crovetti

Looking for a feel-good movie to watch with your family? Disney+’s Magic Camp has something for everyone! We talked to Isabella Crovetti about her latest role, behind-the-scenes moments and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by SARA PINE

Tell us about Magic Camp! What drew you in and made you want to be involved? I had just wrapped shooting my show, Colony, on the USA network and I was excited to do something totally different: a family comedy movie. Also, I loved the idea of being involved in a movie that revolves around real magic. The character I played is like no other character that I had done before! How would you describe your role in the film? The character I play in the movie is Ruth. Ruth is an eccentric character that knows what she wants. Right when you meet her, you know what her main goal is and how she is bent on getting it. I loved that I got to learn real magic from some of the best magicians in the industry. Even before we started filming, the actors had to go to magic school and we got to learn how some of the most difficult magic tricks are done. I also worked with a lot of the animals on set which made filming incredibly fun and interesting! Are there any memorable behind-the-scenes moments from filming that you can share? There are so many to choose from! We all got to bond and get to know each other during magic school. We used to hang out on set and sing songs from Hamilton. One of our PAs taught us all to knit and he gave us yarn and knitting needles. Instead of being on our phones, we would hang out in our director chairs to knit

and talk. When we wrapped our last shot, everyone got silly string and ran around the set spraying each other! What do you hope people take away from this film? I just hope people can forget their troubles for a little bit and laugh. It is a family movie that everyone can enjoy. It’s rare that I can watch a movie with my little siblings and parents with everyone liking the movie. Magic Camp is that kind of movie. The magic is so cool and the characters are so funny. One cool thing to know is that we all did our own Magic! There were no special effects during our performances. The magic we did was in front of a real audience and stage. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? I learned how to slow down and enjoy nature. Since a lot of things were closed down, I found lots of things to do and enjoy outside. I found a lot more time to play my guitar, sing and learn a language. I also quickly realized the importance of family and I really learned how to lean on them for support. Any special message for fans? It’s always nice to hear from my fans. I get the sweetest letters from them and I always write back! I would just say that I am so appreciative of all the kind words and it really is a blessing to affect people’s lives in a positive way.



kaya stewart

If Kaya Stewart isn’t already on your radar, it’s time to change that. We talked to the songstress about her latest coming-of-age anthem and more! words by VANESSA SALLES

Tell us about your new single “California”! What’s the story behind the track? ‘California,’ literally, is about trying to fix a crumbling relationship… by just moving to California. Without even realizing it, I wrote the song about avoiding the real problems. I wrote ‘California,’ in Nashville, in a really strange time in my life. Everything was moving and changing and California felt like the answer to all my problems. Any memorable moments from writing/recording that you can share with us? One of my favorite moments was figuring out that the vocals sounded best if I sang them in the hallway between the studio and the bathroom… so that’s where most of the vocals were recorded! What has the reaction been like from your fans so far? It’s been amazing!! It’s so nice to see that even after all the time I spent not releasing anything, the fans are still there for me. How would you describe your creative process? Spontaneous. I’ve never been able to sit down and say “I’m going to write a song today.” It has always been a spur of the moment type of thing! When it comes to stage presence, which artist(s) are you inspired by? I’ve always been inspired by Debbie Harry

and Gwen Stefani. Although they are both so different in the ways they perform, you literally can’t take your eyes off of them. Which artist(s) are on your dream collab list? SO MANY. Right now, it would honestly have to be Anderson Paak or Billie Eilish. When you think of ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? If I could, I would tour and play live forever. So a sold out world tour would be the ultimate goal for me… Though 2020’s been rough, what would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? Don’t take anything for granted. Ever. Which artist(s) are you currently obsessed with? I’m constantly listening to new artists! Right now, my current obsession is Jack Harlow. I think I’ve listened to that whole record 1,000 times. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? DM me!! I’m always answering them!! Any special message for fans? Get excited :)



carly& martina words by VANESSA SALLES photos by CARLY AND MARTINA

Best described as authentic, Carly and Martina stay true to themselves in all that they do. Hailing from Chicago, the twin sisters and singer-songwriters have officially claimed their space on the music scene. Having written, produced, mixed, and arranged all of the tracks off their debut album, Are You Listening?, Carly and Martina hope to motivate and inspire their generation, proving that music can create a pathway to unity. We talked to the rising artists about their creative process, career goals, and so much more. x Take us back to the beginning; when did you know music was something you wanted to pursue together? We started writing songs together in middle school but never thought it was a career opportunity until a producer at a label happened to hear us performing a song we wrote for our friends and family at summer camp and wanted to sign us. It was then that we realized that there could potentially be a future in this industry! Throughout your musical journey, how would you describe the evolution of your sound? It’s really funny that you ask that - this album is the first time we truly found our sound. We used to be very affected by what people in the industry had to say; we went from pop to bubblegum pop to acoustic folk, but


we were never really satisfied with any of it. We thought we’d never be able to make music we loved and almost gave up a month before we started producing ourselves. Finally, when we decided to try making our music completely on our own in quarantine - writing, producing, and mixing ourselves – that’s when we found our sound, which is lush basement pop, rooted in R&B. Tell us about your single, ‘Honeymoon’ – what’s the story behind the song? What has the reaction been like from fans? This was the second song we ever completely wrote and produced ourselves. There isn’t a specific person who inspired the song, but more of a feeling we’ve gotten from multiple people that we wanted to bring to life. We’re so enchanted by the honeymoon phase of relationships, and how it can take ordinary events or moments and make them feel like you’re in a movie, so we wanted to dedicate an entire song to that. The flow of the song is very “stream of consciousness.” Our fans seem to love it and we’re really happy about that! Tell us about your album! How long has it been in the works and what does it mean to you to finally be releasing it? We started creating our album in quarantine, so it actually hasn’t been in the works for very long! It happened really fast since we were in complete isolation when making it

[because of quarantine], and there were no distractions. It’s a concept album, following the journey of someone who goes through love, loss and, eventual acceptance, and it was really fulfilling to be able to write that story and see it through. For us, songs are about storytelling and it’s hard to write a complete story with multiple chapters in just 3 minutes. This album gave us a chance to really make songs that were different from each other but still belonged together. There are songs you can bump to and songs you can cry to, but they all fit together. We’re really proud of it so to finally be releasing this album is a really cool moment for us! Are there any memorable behind-thescenes moments from recording/writing the album that you can share with us? We wrote the lead single, “Your Song,” in our kitchen at 2am while late-night snacking on guac and chips. We were just eating and talking, and then Martina started playing some chords just for fun. Immediately, I started humming the chorus melody and saying some lyrics, and then it was just us banging on the table to make the drum beat and yelling, “I keep hearing your song…” until we wrote the song! It was honestly one of the best nights of quarantine and the first moment we actually felt like we had created something really good.








Is there a track off the album that means the most you? What’s the story behind it? We kind of think of our songs like our kids, so we hate playing favorites! We have to love them equally, haha! One moment that really makes us feel like even more of twins than we are is that Carly wrote “Dangerous Things” in a dream and I had already started working on a vibe for a track that fit perfectly to her song without knowing she wrote it! That was kind of freaky, but in a cool way. How would you describe your creative process? It’s super loose and never happens the same way twice! We get inspired by everything - things our friends say, sounds of traffic… there’s no formula! In “For Life,” the beginning has the sound of children playing that we were inspired by. We try to let ourselves get inspired by anything and start working in whatever way feels natural. We never want to squash an idea because it wasn’t the way we did it last time. When it comes to stage presence, which artist(s) are you inspired by?


Rihanna, Rihanna, and Rihanna. She makes it look so effortless. Which artists are on your dream collab list? We love Pink Sweat$, Miley Cyrus, and Harry Styles! When it comes to your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? We’d love to be writing for plays and movies, as well as touring! Ultimately, though, we’d like to end up behind the scenes helping other artists grow! Maybe one day we can start an artist-friendly (and writer-friendly) record label! As sisters, what are the pros and cons of working so closely together in both your personal and business lives? The pros are that we can be completely honest with each other and the cons are that we’re completely honest with each other, haha! It takes a lot of communication and empathy to make it work, but we really care about each other and our goals so we make it happen. What’s something about each of you that fans might be surprised to learn?



Carly: I’m the actual worst cook in the world. Maybe everybody knows that already but I’m hoping to change that one day, haha! Martina: I paint all of my friends’ jackets and shoes! I love designing clothes and helping my friends stand out! How would you describe your personal style? Which celeb closets would you love to raid? We have similar personal style. It’s classic but with a twist! We love paying homage to different decades of style and mixing them together to create our own kind of thing. We’d love to raid the closets of Kacey Musgraves, Halsey, and Gwen Stefani. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? We always answer our comments and DMs! Just by being active, fans will get our attention! We love talking to them online so we’re always looking to meet new fans! Though this year has been a tough one for all, what’s the biggest lesson you’d say you’ve learned? The biggest lesson we’ve learned is to trust ourselves and our own abilities. Any special message for fans? We love you and thank you for listening to our music!!!


savannah lee may

Set to star in the heartfelt Netflix series, Julie and The Phantoms, Savannah Lee May shines both on and off screen. We talked to the rising actress to learn all about her latest role! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by AMANDA ELKINS

Tell us about Julie and The Phantoms! What was it about the show that drew you in and made you want to be involved? The fact that the show is a musical series was one of the biggest draws to this project. Growing up as a die-hard musical theater kid, I always wanted to be in this type of project in the TV/Film industry. Also, Carrie is completely different than any role I’ve ever played before and I really wanted to take on that challenge! How would you describe your role as Carrie? What should viewers be expecting from her? Carrie is one of Julie’s classmates who will stop at nothing to make sure she is always on top. She is very determined, hard-working and wants to be the absolute best performer in the room. As far as what to expect, I think the viewers are going to see a few different things from Carrie. On the surface, she is very confident and lets everyone know exactly what she is thinking but I think, deep down, there’s a lot more to her than meets the eye. Plus, there may be a fun number or two… Any memorable behind-the-scenes moments from filming that you can share with us? A lot of my favorite moments that happened while filming would be a spoiler if I shared! But, one thing that I can talk about is the Halloween Party we had. The Saturday before Halloween, we were shooting all day at the school and the minute we wrapped, we all put on costumes and had a party on set. They really went all out for this! There was music, tons of food and SO much dancing! It was a favorite moment for sure. How would you describe the vibe on set? When you’re working on a show like this where everyone is so excited to work on it and having a blast while making it, it’s definitely a very positive vibe the minute you step onto set. Even during super long filming days, that positive energy was always there. We all genuinely loved every second of it and I think that’s something you will be able to

see while watching the show. What do you hope viewers take away from this show when they tune in? The show covers quite a few different topics that people can definitely learn from, but the biggest message is to never let go of your dreams. One of the most memorable lines in the show is “Step Into Your Greatness” and I think that really captures what “Julie and The Phantoms” is all about. So, for me, I hope the viewers really take that in and continue to go after their dreams. When you’re not busy acting, what are you usually up to? Typically, I’m taking dance class, hanging out with friends, spending time with family or bingewatching the latest hit series. Majority of my time is spent working and I really love it. I’ve always been the kind of person who likes to stay really busy but I’m typically doing those things when I have some time off. What would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? Never take any moment for granted. I think everyone will be able to agree with that statement. It’s weird to think going to hang out with friends in a public setting or simply giving someone a hug was apart of an everyday routine. Now, doing those things seems so far from what we consider to be our new normal. It made me really appreciate those simple things and to truly live in the moment because we don’t know what tomorrow will hold. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? I love seeing all of their comments, tweets, and messages. Seeing them excited about what project I’m doing next makes me so happy and even though I may not be able to respond to every single one that comes on my page, I see them, and I truly appreciate all the support!


seint monet

With a debut EP on the way, Seint Monet is about to become your new fave. The songstress, who just released her first track, talked to us about inspirations, her creative process, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by DANIEL CHANEY

Tell us about your new single, “Bloom” what’s the story behind the track? “Bloom” discusses the uncertainty that comes with starting a relationship, and is a sort of testament to the start of Seint Monet’s career. It was written by Camden Mueller, Johnluke Lewis (who also produced it), Mia Shelton, and Miette Hope, back in February at a writing retreat we hosted at the Jersey Shore. Any memorable moments while writing/recording it that you can share with us? I think the overall process of recording “Bloom” was memorable because of the fact that I knew it was the first song I would be putting out into the world. What has the reaction been from fans so far? The reaction has been unreal. I didn’t expect this many people and publications to talk about “Bloom” so soon. It makes me that more excited for the upcoming releases. What kind of vibe should fans expect from your upcoming debut EP? The upcoming EP is very much a mix of genres. Each song has its own unique sound, while all still being very cohesive. My goal with this EP was to abandon the idea of falling under one genre. I listen to all types of music, so why shouldn’t I experiment with all types of music? Is there a song that you resonate with the most? This is a difficult question for me because there are so many songs that I resonate with! I would say, at this very moment, the track that’s been

on repeat for me is “Gasoline” by HAIM. I’m a huge fan of HAIM; their sound is super original and their lyricism is unreal. How would you describe your creative process? My creative process varies. I’ve been working on my production skills so, lately, I’ll build a track and then write to it. Inspiration is everywhere and creativity comes in many different forms. I try to adapt my creative process to how I’m feeling that day, and what direction I want to take. When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? I want my life and career to be full of constant creation. Obviously I have milestones that I want to reach, awards I want to win, and venues I want to headline, but the most important thing is to never lose my fire! What would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is to take it one day at a time. It’s so easy to get caught up and overwhelmed by whatever’s happening to and around you. Once in a while, it’s nice to take a step back and give yourself time to relax. Any special message for fans? Thank you so much for listening to “Bloom”. It was nerve-wracking putting out my first single, and the love I’ve been getting means so much. This is just the beginning and there is more coming!




Best described as a force to be reckoned with, Kandle’s new EP deserves a top spot on all your favorite playlists. We talked to the songstress about her creative process, the biggest lesson she’s learned this year, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES photo by TESS ANANDA

Tell us about your new EP, ‘Stick Around and Find Out’. How long have these songs been in the works and what does it mean to you to be releasing them now? The EP was written as recently as a few months ago up to 2 years ago. Each track was recorded in a different city with a different producer except for ‘How Can You Hurt Me’ and ‘Little Bad Things’, both of which were produced by Dave Genn. Releasing this EP marks the beginning of a new era for me as an independent artist. Now, I finally feel ready to be a strong business woman and be in charge of my own destiny! I’m confident that I have learned enough from being on labels all these years to do this on my own. Is there a track that resonates with you the most? What’s the story behind it? Little Bad Things. I wrote it at a time when I felt I had lost everything and I was anxious everyday waiting to see if I would be granted my freedom and allowed to continue being an artist. I’d been in such a bad place mentally that one day it occurred to me that the biggest thing holding me back from being happy and finding strength again was myself. And although I’d been through some terrible things, it was up to me to move past it and find the courage to move forward with my life. That song wrote itself pretty quickly – in about 15 minutes – as an apology to those closest to me and a promise to pull up my socks and keep my chin up.

How would you describe your creative process? I’d say I don’t have much control over my creative process. Ideas, whether they’re lyrics or a melody or a subject, just appear at inconvenient times like at dinner or when running errands with my mom, haha! I always record the idea on my phone and hope it makes sense later! Songwriting, for me, is very therapeutic; so much of my creative process entails facing things in my life that are very difficult and that I’m unable to talk about. But I can always seem to write and sing about them and, through that, I find some release. Which artist(s) are you currently obsessed with? Of course, Michael Kiwanuka and Sharon Van Etten. Marlon Williams is another huge favourite. He’s got the greatest voice since Frank Sinatra. And Angel Olsen. Her raw, emotional songwriting and beautiful arrangements. Louise Burns, a collaborator and forever mentor, who consistently makes self-produced records with incredible songwriting. When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? I strive to reach a point where I’m able to have my music heard across the globe by those I know would connect with it. And from that point, being able to continue to make records, writing about real things, good and bad, connecting with people and doing this forever.


What would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? I guess the biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is the importance of taking care of your own mental health since we’ve all lost so much that we’ve come to rely on in our day-to-day lives. Keeping yourself healthy and finding the small joys that bring you calmness and strength in every moment and making sure the people you love know that you’re there for them is key. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? I love reading fans’ comments when I share a new song or performance. It’s fun to be able to instantly engage with your audience, especially since I’m not able to play live at this time and meet them in person. I start to feel as though I know some of them personally and I hope they feel the same about me. Any special message for fans? Independent artists rely entirely on our fans. Listening, saving and sharing music ends up being just as effective for us as labels marketing our music. I appreciate every person who posts in their Instastory or tags me in their post. Please know that this goes a long way and that I’m incredibly grateful for your support! xx



emma jaye


With a sound and style that’s uniquely her own, Emma Jaye will pull you in from the very first note. We talked to the rising pop star about her latest single, dream collab list, and more! words by VANESSA SALLES

Tell us about your single, “Love You X3” – what’s the story behind the track? It’s about finding the kind of love that makes you feel more whole. The love that you hear about in fairytales. Ultimately, it’s the kind of the love I was starting to think did not exist but always looked for. This song is all about reaping the rewards of dealing with a lot of toxic people - after rain comes rainbows. How would you describe your creative process? It depends, but mostly I’d say it starts with me writing lyrics and ideas. Then, I work with a producer and see if one of the ideas I wrote would work. I also establish a list of tracks that are similar to the sound I’m going for so we can take inspiration, production-wise. That usually provides some sort of baseline and then I add on from there! When it comes to stage presence, which artist(s) are you inspired by? I am inspired by Miley Cyrus. I think she is such a badass! Which artist(s) are on your dream collab list? Oh my goodness! So many! I absolutely want to work with Finneas, Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. I think we would make some BANGERS. When you think of your ultimate career goals, what comes to mind? Honestly, just to do this all my life. I’d love to

headline a few world stadium tours and possibly win some awards! Something else that’s very important to me is seeing an end put to the child trafficking that is taking place in America right now. What would you say has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? So much of life is what you make of it and music honestly continues to save me. I do not know what I would be doing in quarantine without it! I’ve also learned that so much of life is mental; keeping your head up is important. Taking the time to do the things that bring about feelings of peace and happiness is key. Of course, that looks different for every person. For me, its singing, yoga, connecting with others, writing music, going to the beach, hanging with friends, cooking etc. With a growing social following, what’s the best way for fans to get your attention online? Honestly, anything! Posting pics, tagging me, commenting. I always want to hear from them! I guess one of the best ways would be to tag me in a video of them just listening to my music or vibing to one of my songs; I always love reposting that. Any special message for fans? I love you guys, stay safe out there and keep your head up. We’re a lot stronger together. P.S. GO STREAM LOVE YOUX3.



What to watch

Teenage Bounty Hunters, Netflix, 8/14

Project Power, Netflix, 8/14

The Sleepover, Netflix, 8/21

What to listen to

Jaguar - Victoria Monét 8/10


Club Future Nostalgia: The Remix Album - DUA LIPA 8/21

Smile - Katy Perry 8/28



JULY 2020


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