College Tribune, Issue 4, Volume XXV

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Volume XXV 25th October 2011


CHRIS O’ DOWD talks to

Candidates interviews and profiles inside

UCD Students’ Union anger Mental Health charity SOPHIE KELLY


ental Health group First Fortnight has blamed the UCD Students’ Union for badly promoting an awareness event and wasting thousands of euro in the process. Sources close to the charity have told the College Tribune that the organisation had been “really let down” by the SU, who have yet to issue a formal apology. The arts-based mental health awareness group are furious at what they see as a “complete failure” of the Union to promote an awareness concert featuring The Republic of Loose, held in conjunction with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), on Monday 10th of October as part of World Mental Health Day. The UCD Student Bar gig was the finale of a day of events organised by the SU Welfare and Entertainment officers to promote awareness of mental health issues. The concert, priced at €6 but with many free admissions,

failed to attract more than seventy attendees. Volunteers involved in the project are said to be “shocked and angry” at the lack of work done by the union to promote the event, calling it a “€4,000 fiasco” and declaring that the charity “won’t be going back [to UCD]”. Similar events were held in Galway/Mayo IT and Waterford IT, where tickets for the event sold out. First Fortnight believe this reflects the hard work of Waterford’s welfare officer who “got right behind” the project. Volunteers from the charity conducted almost all preparations, including publicising the event in national and student media. UCDSU were responsible for paying the band’s fee, putting up posters and promoting the event on social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter. Welfare Officer Rachel Breslin commented that “… other than lecture addressing, we circulated 2,000 A6 Continued on page 3

Issue 4

Fiona Daly discusses pro-anorexia websites Page 10

USI "willing to take it to the next level" as FEE threaten breakaway DONIE O'SULLIVAN


he Union of Students in Ireland have decided to change the focus of their national campaign after the orgamisation came under fire when they announced provisional plans for a "Freeze the Fees" demonstration. The orgamisation have changed the name of the campaign to "Stop Fees." The Free Education for

Everyone (FEE) campaign has hinted at plans to break away from the USI’s protest march next month. The name change was made after a number of students raised concerns about the protest. Gary Redmond, USI President, told the College Tribune last week that the campaign would focus on freezing the student contribution at its current level, which prompted a number of

students and USI delegates to point out that the USI's stated objective was to prevent fees in any form. As a result, the title of the campaign was changed. The protest march, which will begin at 3pm on Wednesday 16th November, will follow the same route as last year's "Education not Emigration" demonstration from Parnell Square to Government Buildings. Many

students are also expected to camp out on Merrion Square outside government buildings that night. When asked if alcohol use could be cause of concern on the night of the sleep out Pat de Brún, UCDSU President said, "It was heavily addressed [at USI Council] and Continued on page 2



News in Brief CAROLINE KEILLER Trinity ban Griffin address Trinity College’s Philosophical Society, a public speaking and debating society, withdrew their invitation to British National Party leader Nick Griffin to speak at an immigration debate on October 20th. The Philosophical society, commonly known as The Phil, said in a statement that they could not go ahead with the debate “without compromising the safety of staff and students”. The issue of safety came about after a ‘sit-in’ was held in protest along with sabotaging emails sent by the anti-fascist group, Trinity Against Fascism. Griffin responded by appealing directly to Phil honorary patron, Sir Bob Geldof, to intervene, through a letter which was forwarded to twenty further honorary patrons including Bertie Ahern, John Hume, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and John McCain.

11th October 25th October2011 2011

Reps reserved tickets to sell out event Student council members also to receive €5 discount PETER HAMILTON


CD class reps have been reserved discounted tickets for the highly anticipated appearance of LMFAO in the student bar next month. Union Ents officer Stephen Darcy told the Tribune that reps will be guaranteed a ticket for UCD’s fastest ever selling gig at a discount price. Whereas most students paid €15 for entrance to the gig which will take place on November 7th, class reps will receive tickets at a discount

Occupy Dame Street, a non-violent Irish extension of the worldwide ‘Occupy’ people’s movement, was supported by almost two thousand people on Saturday 22nd October during a protest march from The Garden of Remembrance to the Central Bank Plaza. The group have been using the Central Bank, Dublin city centre, as a base for their protest for over 2 weeks now and have set up camp. The group have 4 demands: the EU and IMF to stay out of Ireland’s affairs; an end to the burden of private debt on Irish people; the ownership of oil and gas reserves to be returned to Ireland; and for real participatory democracy. The protesters have no plans to move from the area in front of the Central Bank.

price of €10. Darcy could not comment on income for this gig, however, revenue for this event is estimated to be in the region of €12,000 from ticket sales and the sabbatical officer maintains that Ents will be making a profit from the show. The Ents officer added that he is trying to get rid of any “elitism within Ents” and therefore no one will be getting a free ticket into this gig and there will be no guest list. Darcy maintains that the

gig could not be held outside with a greater capacity because of the high cost involved and due to the unpredictability of the weather. He

is confident that this is the biggest act ever to come to UCD. LMFAO’s chart success peaked over the summer and

will be playing in UCD to coincide with the European MTV music awards which are being held in Belfast.

de Brún said "We are willing to take it to the next level but we will do it in a controlled manner." "As always we condemn behaviour which might endanger individual students who are doing their best to come out and fight against fees. We are going to do all we can,

that this is not their priority and that they did endanger a lot of students." Joseph Loughnane of FEE Galway said, "I think the fact they [USI] changed the title shows that they are aware of the anger amongst students in relation to merely calling for a 'freeze.' It ignores completely the amount of students struggling currently trying to pay the level of fees we have now." Loughnane dismissed USI clams that FEE demonstrations endanger students and added, "Students know that a once-off march is not enough, and are aware of the 100s of protests and occupations taking place around the world. They are adults who know how to look after themselves in a situation where

they are standing up for their most basic right." It was reported last week that not all Students' Unions were supportive of the demonstration however de Brún dismissed this and said that "everyone is fully behind it now.” The cost of the national campaign has not yet been confirmed. The USI have planned a meeting immediately after the budget. The organization has confirmed that they will be prepared to take further actions if the student contribution is increased.

USI willing to "take it to the next level" as FEE threaten breakaway -Thousands of students expected to march on 16th November Continued from front

Occupy Dame Street gathers momentum


it was highlighted by a number of people. We are going to be very strict on searching people for drink, and people will not be allowed in if they have been to the pub. The whole street will be sealed. "The whole thing is being done in conjunction with an event management company to ensure nothing like what happened last year at the Department of Finance would happen again.

"I'd say to him that he is a sellout" – Pat de Brún on Ruairí Quinn “The campaign has become more focused on the Labour Party than on the coalition government. The Labour Party is certainly the focus of this campaign but we are aiming at it at Government more generally," de Brún explained. The Labour Party made a pledge to students in the lead up to last February's general election that if they were in government they would freeze the student contribution at its current level. De Brún did not rule out a

-FEE hint of plans to break away from official protest separate demonstration taking place at the headquarters of the Labour Party and when asked for his thoughts on the Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn he said, "I'd say to him that he is a sell-out. All Labour Party principles are being thrown out the window.” USI have hinted that other more direct forms of protest will occur simultaneously and de Brún told the College Tribune that some details of demonstrations "will be kept confidential until just before it happens." The USI and UCDSU are concerned that some groups of students will break away from the official protest and cause disruption. Last year a breakaway group held a demonstration at the Department of Finance on Merrion Row, where some students were injured when the Garda Riot Squad were called. The Free Education for Everyone (FEE) campaign who were involved in the Merrion Row demonstration have said there is no reason to expect they will do any differently than last year. Suzanne Lee, spokesperson for FEE UCD, remains sceptical of the USI and UCDSU's approach to tackling Fees. "We still don't believe that USI are going to achieve anything,” she said.

"It [the USI] ignores completely the amount of students struggling currently" - Joseph Loughnane, FEE but we are going to ensure that all students involved are safe. FEE proved last year

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Cheesefest nightmare for students PETER HAMILTON


CD Ents have come under fire for their handling of the cancellation of two major headline acts. The recent ‘Cheesefest’, set to feature three 90s pop bands, was thrown into turmoil with only the Vengaboys playing as advertised. S Club and Five failed to appear at the event, with the latter pulling out with just hours to go. Students were informed of the cancellations at ten to eight on the night of the performances, via the SU

and Ents Facebook groups. Both groups appeared at last year’s rescheduled Christmas Ball. Ents officer, Stephan Darcy, conveyed his annoyance to the College Tribune: “I was personally upset that this happened and I am promising to make it up to the students.” S Club were forced to pull out due to a family bereavement. However, one member, Bradley McIntosh, appeared at the event and sang 4 songs because he “felt like he let the students down” ac-

cording to Darcy. Five cancelled at 4 pm on Thursday as one of the band members was having a wisdom tooth removed, rending them unable to perform. The ticket charge for the event was €15, however a €5 refund was given at the door or the option of two free pints. Darcy informed the Tribune that these acts are “contractually bound…therefore we won’t lose money.” It is not yet clear if a refund will be available for those who did not attend as a result of the cancellations.

The cancellations have caused widespread disappointment with one final year arts student telling the Tribune that he "liked a nice dance" and was looking forward to the cheesefest. Darcy has vowed to reschedule these gigs and says “we should expect that Five and S Club will be playing in UCD in the very near future.” As well as the rescheduling of these acts, Darcy has promised other big acts such as Faith SFX, a beatboxer, who currently is Plan B’s warm-up act.


NEWS UCD Students’ Union anger Mental Health charity COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

Continued from front flyers around lecture Theatres on two separate days, the Welfare Crew, Scott Ahearn (USI Welfare Officer) and I also went around Res on Sunday night … and I began a Facebook promotion the week beforehand.” An official First Fortnight statement released to the Tribune revealed to charity to be “disappointed” with the Union which made “what appeared to be, no effort to promote an event which they paid for and which was organised for them on behalf

of UCD students on World Mental Health Day.” The charity also revealed that the SU has formally apologised to the Republic of Loose’s management “for their failure to promote the event”. No such apology has been received by First Fortnight. Breslin conceded the turnout was poor. “Attendance wasn’t huge, but with Ents providing such a range of big acts this semester, and 900 LMFAO tickets being sold the same day for contractual reasons also I feel this was understandable.”

The Republic of Loose photographed in UCD for First Fortnight

LGBT officer resigns amid clique controversy MATTHEW COSTELLO


he UCD Students’ Union has been forced to deny fresh allegations of cliquish behaviour after two non-council members failed to secure nomination for the position of LGBT Representitive Officer. The position, which was awarded to Stage 2 Science class rep Jamie Black without an election, has a non-voting role

Mr Maloy “went to Rachel [Breslin, SU Welfare officer] but she didn’t know that she couldn’t put [me] forward.” While sabbatical officers are not technically prohibited from nominating contenders for roles, it is “never done” according to Campaigns

know” how the council election worked and was therefore at a disadvantage compared to existing members of council. “I sent an email to him [Lacey] and he explained how the position would be contested and that he’d be

Lacey has apologised for the mix up, admitting it was a “mistake on [his] part” and added that he has done his best to resolve the situation. “I was genuinely so excited that one girl [Duggan] wanted to get involved that I forgot I couldn’t nominate

"I don’t know how the system works but it seems like everyone in there [Council] knows" - Laura Duggan, 4th year commerce on the Union Executive. Mr Black has since resigned. 4th year Commerce student, Laura Duggan, and Brendan Maloy, 3rd year Arts, failed to receive a nomination from a member of the SU Council. Both had emailed sabbatical officers in advance of the meeting and received assurances that their names would be put forward.

Brendan to prepare for Pink Training and so on. We’ll hold another election at next council.” Lacey also added that a key part of his strategy to make the Union more inclusive was getting non-council members to run for the elected positions. “I want to make council less ‘incestuous’. Four of the nine positions elected on Thursday were filled by council members [including LGBTRO]” The problem of attaining a

" I want to look at changing the structure because this system limits participation" Brendan Lacey

and Communications officer Brendan Lacey. Ms Duggan, who had received similar promises of nomination from Mr Lacey, explained that she “didn’t

happy to nominate me. He said he’d let me know the details closer to the time. I don’t know how the system works but it seems like everyone in there [Council] knows.”

her. It’s not ideal, but I think we’ve found an interim solution. He [Black] has resigned and we’ve formed a subcommittee consisting of myself, Rachel, Jamie, Laura and

nomination while not knowing the system is something Lacey has vowed to address. “I wish they’d said something at the time but it’s obviously not their fault. I want to look at changing the structure because this system limits participation.” LGBT Rights Officer was up for election at the first SU Council after class rep training, along with Mature Students’ Officer, International

Students’ Officer, Disability Rights Officer and Sports Officer. As well as positions relating to specific constituencies, members were also asked to vote on the Chairperson and Secretary positions and their deputies. On top of being responsible for promoting LGBT rights and running an hour per week ‘consultancy’ session in the Student Centre, the LGBTR Officer ordinarily organises Pink Training for those interested in helping with the work of the officer over the course of the academic year. Student council meets every fortnight and is attended by class reps and members of the Union executive. Any member of the Union can attend but will not be able to vote or comment without being granted speaking rights by a member of council. Next council will be held on Thursday 27th October at 6.15.




25th October 2011

Degrees of unemployment -University access seems to be ineffective employment measure

market. The conference was attended by James Doorley of the National Youth Council of Ireland who believes the State must do more to help young people make the transition from education to the workplace.


“Fás [is] illequipped to deal with this crisis”

TIMOTHY POTENZ -Conference concerned over high rates of youth unemployment

nemployment among Irish youth is nearly double the OECD average, according to an employment conference held in Dublin last week. In the first quarter of 2011, unemployment among 15-24 year olds was at 46%, significantly higher than the average in OECD countries, which is at 27%. The younger demographic has been much harder hit by unemployment than the nation as a whole, with the average national unemployment rate presently at 14.5%. Possible factors of the crisis cited at the conference included sub-minimum wage training periods, secondary school drop-out rates, and recent changes in the labour

Fás, the National Training and Employment Authority, currently uses a regional network of 20 training centres and 66 offices to serve the Irish labour market of over two million people. According to its website, Fás operates training and employment programmes, provides a recruitment service to jobseekers and employers, and acts as an advisory service for industries. However, Doorley of the NYCI informed the conference that “Fás and the Department for Social Protection are ill-equipped to deal

with this crisis.” An OECD representative at the conference referred to the issue of foreign competition. Ireland’s 12 month trial period for jobseekers, is a considerably longer waiting period than the average German wait of 6 months. The freedom of movement of labour within Europe, currently being actively supported by the EURES initiative, has raised fears of increasing emigration. Emigration is undoubtedly on the rise again in Ireland. Yearly emigration rates went up from 27,700 in April 2010 to 40,200 in April 2011. In April alone 883 people between ages 19-30 went overseas, accounting for a fifth of the nation’s emigrants that month. Anne Sonnet of the OECD has warned that the shortterm outlook for employment is gloomy for young people in Ireland. Members of the conference were warned that they cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the 1980s with regard to



youth unemployment. The NYCI have called for a series of reforms to current government employment policies.

“Is it the case that so many of us have degrees that they are simply not worth anything anymore?” These include reversing the 2010 cutbacks in social welfare for young jobseekers, to expanding the Work Placement Programme, and

to set up a Youth Guarantee & Youth Jobs Fund. Such a fund would mimic UK and Dutch schemes whereby unemployed young jobseekers would work for the government for a period in order to gain experience, references and the minimum wage. Interestingly, access to third-level training has not been mentioned by Fás, the NYCI or the OECD as an area contributing to youth unemployment. Ireland already has the highest rate of access to universities in Europe. At 50%, it is nearly double the OECD average, just as our youth unemployment rate is. In the wake of the current

youth unemployment crisis, access to universities has served students in more ways than just offering relevant job training skills. The growing trend of students pursuing Masters or a Ph.D or even just a second Batchelors has allowed many to wait out the storm in the comfort of academia. Is it the case that so many of us have degrees that they are simply not worth anything anymore? If so, would a possible solution be to make college access more competitive and exclusive? American higher education policies seem to think so. Should we follow? The USI have consistently opposed any measures by the government that decrease ease of access to universities. On November 16th there will be another USI march, similar to the one held this March, in protest against speculation that fees may rise to €5,000 in the December budget. If these trends of high access to universities along with a fear of unemployment and emigration continue then it is likely we will all be tightly clutching degrees as we walk into our next job interview. The question is whether or not they will get us very far at all.

Redmond barely makes rankings FRANCES IVENS


ranking of the 50 most influential figures in Irish education, placed the head of the Union of Students in Ireland, Gary Redmond a UCD graduate, at number 47. The rankings, published in The Irish Times, gave the name of each of the individuals listed, along with a short information package. The article stated that the list was compiled by asking key figures to put together their own lists, and the most prominent were featured in the articles. In addition, the list was said to reflect discussions held with “leading figures in education and public policy.” UCD’s own student union is a constituent organisation of Union of Students in Ireland as are a significant number of higher education institutions across the country. The Union, out of its own budget, pays a fee per student to the national union for membership costing around €100,000. Those on the list placed at higher rankings than Gary Redmond include prominent religious figures such

USI President Gary Redmond as Diarmund Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin, and Fr. Michael Drunn from the Catholic schools partnership. Those placed within the top ten included private American corporations, notably Google and Hewlett-Packard; their significance on the list justified in the article by the potential they hold for the employment of Irish graduates. Niall McMonagle, a teacher and poet, given no further explanation than “Ireland’s best known English teacher” was placed ahead of Redmond at number 46. These placements can be seen as raising questions of

how private individuals and corporate bodies were able to gain apparently superior influence in a state education system, to that of democratic education-specific bodies and individuals. However, many of the figures on the list were to be expected; such as number one Ruairí Quinn, Minister for Education and Skills, and number two “The Troika” (the IMF, EU Commission and the European Central Bank) earning their place through their role as cheque signer for the 90,000 people working in the Irish education system. Pat de Brún, President of UCDSU believes that the Union has gained increased media significance and acknowledgement over the last 12 months and is likely to make further gains in light of the growing debate surrounding student fees. The authors of the article made a point of highlighting Gary Redmond as “likely to be a major figure in national politics at some stage.” It would seem that while the USI may not have much influence on Irish education, it will have an influence on Redmond’s career.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011



The race in summary SHANE SCOTT


n the 27th October, Irish citizens will vote on who they want to be their next President for the coming seven years. Most candidates have been involved with some sort controversy at some time in the campaign. David Norris has made headlines throughout the campaign. In late July it transpired he had written a letter, on parliamentaryheaded paper, on the 29th of August 1992 asking for clemency for his former partner Ezra Nawi. Nawi was convicted of statutory rape of a 15 year old boy, and was awaiting sentencing. Norris withdrew from the race on the 2nd of August, as a result of the letter becoming public knowledge. Norris announced his return to the race on the Late Late Show on Friday 16th of September, but nearly failed to obtain a nomination, receiving the support of only 18 of the required 20 Oireachtas members. Norris received the backing of 4 county councils

however, guaranteeing his appearance on the ballot. Michael D. Higgins urged his party colleagues on Dublin City Council to allow Norris on the ticket “in the interest of democracy”. If elected, David Norris would be the world’s first openly gay head of state. Gay Mitchell also sought clemency for a convicted criminal. In this instance it was for Louis Truesdale, who was convicted of the rape and murder of eighteenyear-old Rebecca Ann Eudy in 1980. Gay Mitchell is seen as a Christian conservative, and opposed to gay marriage. Mitchell launched his campaign on the 3rd October with the backing of Fine Gael. On the 10th October, on Prime Time, the seven presidential candidates debated with Miriam O’Callaghan as moderator. Near the end of this debate, Dana Scallon read out a prepared statement, announcing that a malicious and false accusation had been made against her and her family, although she refused to divulge any information as to the nature of the

attack. It later transpired that the attack was against Dana’s brother, John Browne, who allegedly raped his niece. The abused niece states that Dana has known of the abuse for 30 years. Michael D. Higgins was selected as the Labour party candidate in Dublin, 19th June, and received the endorsement of Martin Sheen. Sheen endorsed Higgins as a response to the over five thousand strong Facebook group calling for his candidacy. Higgins promises to be a neutral president, and has largely avoided controversy during the campaign. A recent national university poll coordinated by the College Tribune shows Michael D. Higgins as a frontrunner amongst students with 34%, and David Norris as second with 25%. David Mitchell and Dana Scallon received 4% and 2% respectively. Out of 603 UCD students surveyed in the poll, 2 stated they would vote for Dana. Mary Davis launched her campaign on October 4th. Reports surfaced soon after

alleging that Davis was paid over 190,000 euros by state quangos, after she was appointed to them by Fianna Fail government ministers. As a response to this Davis released her income on her website, and according to the site, Davis earned over 60,000 euros in director fees, along with her salary of over 150,000 euros. Sean Gallagher launched his presidential campaign on 2nd October, and claims

that while he has links to the previous government, he abhorred many of the decisions made by them. Gallagher has decided to use social media as opposed to posters to promote himself, and has the most Facebook followers of all candidates. MartinMcGuinness’ former membership of the IRA has brought controversy to his election bid. On 10th October McGuinness was confronted in Athlone by the

Referenda, what?



tudents voting at the Presidential elections will also be asked to vote on two referenda. Despite the significance of permanently altering the Irish Constitution it seems that students are by and large unaware of these referenda, which have been overshadowed by the controversial presidential election. The first referendum relates to judges’ pay and asks whether it can be reduced in line with the reduction of the pay of other public servants, which the present Constitution does not allow for. The second referendum questions whether or not to give the Oireachtas (the Dail and Seanad) greater powers to conduct inquiries into matters of general public importance, and in doing so, to make findings about any person’s conduct. This amendment arouse out of high court action that stopped an Oireachtas inquiry into the shooting dead of John Carthy at Abbeylara, in April 2000. The Referendum Com-

mission launched its public information campaign on the 11th October, just over two weeks before the date of voting. Upon this launch, Dr Bryan McMahon, Chairperson of the Commission, highlighted that the central message is to “read the guide, inform yourself, and when you go to choose the next president on October 27th, have your say in these proposed constitutional amendments.” Their extensive advertisement campaign covers all media and has included a nationwide distribution of the Commission’s guide to the referendum to 2 million homes. Despite this extensive campaign, many students remain unaware of the debate surrounding referenda, such as second year radiography student, Paul Kavanagh, who told The College Tribune that though he was aware of their existence, he didn’t know what the referenda were about, adding that “there has been virtually no ad-

vertising.” Other students haven’t realised that they will be asked to vote on the referenda at all, such as final year science student, Gareth Bowen, who

admitted , “I didn’t realise there were any referenda.” When questioned what was done in particular to target students, the Referendum Commission told The College

Tribune that though extensive advertisement “didn’t isolate students”, it does target the age 25 profile, the category within which many students fall, and a “huge amount of online advertisement” was used. This online advertisement includes the highly informative website as well as YouTube videos, with the most popular of these having 1,380 views at the time of going to press. Holding the referenda on the same date as the Presidential election should result in a higher voter turnout than the referenda standing alone. However the controversial presidential debate has cast a shadow over the referenda, as national papers publish dramatic headlines concerning the presidential candidates, blocking discussion of the referenda debates. Only presidential candidate Mary Davis has publically stepped forward, expressing concerns that there has been “not enough focus and

son of a member of the Irish Army, killed by the IRA, and McGuinness has been repeatedly questioned on his role in the IRA in various television debates and interviews. In the wake of these many controversies, on the 27th the public must decide which of the candidates will represent the Irish people on the international stage for the next seven years.

debate.” Students already face the challenge of voting on a Thursday. On top of this, students living in college residences will not be included in the nationwide distribution of the Referendum Commission’s guide. With this considerable isolation, the burden perhaps falls on the UCDSU to communicate with the students and empower them through raising debate around the issue. In response to this, Campaigns and Communications Officer Brendan Lacey as told The College Tribune that UCDSU will be “of course encouraging students to vote,” however he added that the SU “won’t be committing serious resources to do a push in such an election” as they will instead be focusing their resources “on the upcoming fight against the threatened large increase in fees.” Voting takes place on October 27th. Visit for more information.



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

Rockin’ in From IRA the Áras? to ÁRAS?

Conor Fox interviews presidential hopeful Michael D. Higgins


he Labour Party’s candidate to contest the presidential election on the 27th October, Michael D. Higgins, describes his vision for the presidency as “one of inclusive citizenship, in a creative society, appropriate for a real republic that represents Ireland to the outside world.” While it’s never entirely clear what exactly defines a real republic, his pride in being Irish resonates through all that he says. Michael D expresses the opinion that “Ireland’s image abroad has been somewhat damaged in recent years by the failures of a narrow individualist version of the economy and society.” In his view, the candidate who is elected President will have to play a vital role in strengthening and restoring Ireland’s reputation abroad. He believes there is potential for Ireland to continue to show leadership in areas such as global hunger eradication, peace building and democracy. Martin Sheen has endorsed Mr Higgins, saying that “a vote for Michael is a vote for real Ireland.” Michael D has expressed his delight over this endorsement, hoping to “live up to some of the vigour and leadership [Sheen] portrays in his role as President Bartlett in the West Wing.” A question which has been asked recently is what relevance the office of the president holds to the youth of Ireland; furthermore, as a

presidential candidate must be over thirty five years of age, is it possible for them to truly understand young people? Higgins strongly believes that the Presidency has relevance to every citizen of Ireland regardless of age.

INFOBOX Favourite musician:


Luke Kelly. Campaign song: People are always telling me we should get the Sawdoctors to do an updated version of 'Michael D rockin’ in the Dail" ! Three famous people alive or dead to dinner: Noel Browne, John O'Donohue and Eric Cantona. Superpower: Bilocation would be quite useful at the moment! “The Presidency is not about one person, but about who we are as a people and what we want to become.” For Michael D, understanding young people is about being open

to new thinking and listening to other. “In that sense, I have always been aware of and interested in the concerns and ideas of young people in Ireland.” He has stated that he will work as president to increase the confidence of Ireland’s youth in their ability to shape the future and also attempt to “encourage greater intergenerational co-operation and respect between the generations.” In addition to this, on a number of occasions Mr Higgins has declared that when choosing his presidential nominees for the Council of State he will “ensure that every age group will be represented”. A former lecturer of NUI Galway, Higgins mentions this along with his work with Hot Press magazine as helping him retain a connection with young people. Attendees at Electric Picnic may also have seen the presidential candidate in the mud and he refers to the “great conversations” he had with young people there. Higgins is also a self-confessed fan of Irish band The Kanyu Tree and Lisa Hannigan’s “wonderful” voice. The office of the President has been criticised in the past for the cost associated with it, particularly in the area of travel and security. Higgins states that if elected, he will seek an audit of the expenses and attempt to cutback any unnecessary and extravagant costs, believing that the President’s office should “reflect and respond to the economic realities that the rest of the nation is experiencing”. A former Senator, TD (representing the Galway West constituency) and Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht, Mr Higgins argues that his life has been devoted to public service and that it is that “experience and commitment” which he will use to “represent Ireland with distinction and imagination.” The Saw Doctors may have sung that Michael D. was “Rocking in the Dáil” but the question is: will he get the votes to rock the Áras?

Sinéad Williams asks Martin McGuinness about his bid for the presidency


artin McGuinness is no stranger to controversy. His presidential campaign has been littered with questions regarding his involvement with the IRA and accusations regarding incidents which occurred during the Troubles. However, he feels that the people of Ireland will look at the contributions he has made throughout his life, from his involvement in the IRA, to his contribution to the peace process, to his role as deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, when making up their minds about him. He commented at a recent debate that there was a lot of anger on the streets at how he has been treated by the media, but says that he is “happy to let the people decide” if he has been treated unfairly. McGuinness feels that the best qualities he can bring to the position of president are leadership, commitment, compassion and patriotism. “I have struggled all of my life and have been involved in some of most important negotiations that Ireland has seen in a century... Like the rest of the people of Ireland, I get angry when I consider the way the economy of the country has been destroyed by people who are far removed from the concepts of patriotism, equality and citizenship which I believe to be central components of any nation.” He emphasises that the next president will have to give leadership to the Irish people through one of the most difficult periods in our history. He says that change is badly needed, as many people are in despair and are losing hope. “They worry about so much power being handed away by the government. Tens of thousands of our young people are leaving.” McGuinness says that while he would be elected by voters in the 26 counties, he would consider himself president of the Irish nation - all 32 counties and the

global Irish community. The issue of extending voting rights to Irish citizens across the island of Ireland and to the diaspora is important to him. “Former captain of the Tyrone football team, Peter Canavan...made the point

INFOBOX Favourite musician:


Christy Moore Frances Black


Campaign song: Just say yes – Snow Patrol Three famous people alive or dead to dinner Nelson Mandela, Constance Markievicz and Jesus. Superpower: It would be a fantastic to have the power to soar and fly like an eagle

that in the 2003 All-Ireland final when Tyrone played Armagh, each of those 30 players were as Irish as anyone else on the island, but not one of them had a vote. I would hope that in seven years that this will have changed.” The deca d e be-

fore us is one filled with important commemorative dates, according to McGuinness, who would use the next ten years from 2012 as a Decade of Reconciliation, if elected. “This would celebrate the diverse nature of our society, the peace we now have, and commemorate all of the events of 100 years ago which defined the direction of Ireland to the present generation. I would be very proud to be a republican in Áras an Uachtaráin for the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising.” McGuinness says that if he is elected president, two of his key priorities would be to see the re-unification of Ireland and to see the promise of the 1916 Proclamation delivered. “I believe in a real Republic where citizens have rights and the phrase cherishing all of the children of the nation equally means something. I believe that the Proclamation sets the standard by which modern Ireland must be judged and I think more and more people are coming to that view because of the difficulties the country is facing. The fact is that re-unification makes political and economic sense.” He believes that political leaders should offer people a better future. “I believe that people want a President who does new beginnings – that’s what our country needs and that’s what I have done and that is what I will do.”

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011



President Can the dragon Mary the III? win the race? Hayley Maher talks to presidential candidate Mary Davis


eople might say that the younger generation is disinterested in politics, but the packed lecture hall for the recent presidential debate in UCD said otherwise. A fact not lost on Mary Davis, who felt the packed attendance in the lecture hall was a sign that younger people are indeed interested in the president. “It’s up to the president to make the role relevant to younger generations. By making a connection between the role [of president] and young people by appointing them to the Council of State there could be more interaction between the president and young people during the seven years of the presidency." Despite the age gap between the president and younger people, ensured by a requirement in the constitution that all candidates be over the age of 35, Davis says that she can understand the young people of Ireland as she has four children under the age of 30 and “I recognise the obstacles that they face, the challenges they have, what they have to overcome and I can appreciate how young people can feel disenfranchised and can feel that the political system has let them down.” Davis says that one of the qualities she would bring to the role of the presidency is a desire to be inclusive. “I would like to be a president who would be inclusive, that is one of the strong values I bring to the role of the presidency, and that i n cludes

above all people, young people, old people, people who are marginalised, people with a disability and people who are unemployed.” Davis adds that serving on the Council of State has made her very familiar with

INFOBOX Favourite musician:


Snow Patrol Campaign song: ‘You’re a lady’ – Peter Skellern Three famous people dead or alive to dinner: Rosa Parks, Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Nelson Mandela Superpower: To be able to get to as many places as possible as fast as possible

the role of the president. She also emphasises the time she has spent working internationally with the Special Olympics and how it is important to have a president who can “repair the reputation of Ireland abroad”. After almost 30 years of working, a s

her website puts it, as a “a social entrepreneur, change leader and passionate advocate”, Davis says that she could continue to influence change as the president. “The president has to be guided and work very closely with the government...but when the president travels around the country and speaks to community groups and other organisations, I think there is a lot that the president can do to influence change, to challenge public perception and to be a voice for people, particularly who are marginalised.” Questions about the presidential oath have arisen during the campaign and Davis says that it is something which should be debated. “I come from a very inclusive background and I think that we should be as inclusive as possible, therefore it does warrant discussion.” Davis received some criticism during the nomination process for accepting 12 council nominations, when she only needed to secure four in order to run. Unlike fellow candidate Seán Gallagher, Davis did not ask councils to withdraw further nominations to leave them free to nominate other candidates. Davis said that ““It’s really not up to the candidate to dictate or to tell or to influence councillors in how the vote...I was really honoured to get so many nominations, it’s an endorsement and an indication of support in that county for me.” Asked why the students of UCD should vote for her, she said: “I stand for bringing pride ant home and respect abroad, I believe that every single person in society has something to offer. “ And of course, her answer to the all important question of how she would feel about being the third female president named Mary - why she would love to complete the trilogy.

Sinéad Williams talks to presidential candidate Seán Gallagher


ccording to independent presidential candidate Seán Gallagher “our future doesn’t happen to us. In life, we’re not passengers, we’re in the driving seat and our future has to be created by us and that’s where everybody has to get involved and participate.” Perhaps best known for his involvement in Dragon’s Den and as the co-founder of Smarthomes, Gallagher feels that his experience as an entrepreneur would help him if elected president. Job creation and enterprise are key to Gallagher’s campaign, as one of the three “themes” he would have as president. “I’m going to have three different themes: one is enterprise and job creation, the other is community development and the third is disability.” “The idea of enterprise is really important because Ireland is a small country, it’s a small domestic market, and we need to export things like food and technology. To do that, we need to open new markets and our president, Mary McAleese, has started to do that recently.” Mr Gallagher feels that the president has a role to play in encouraging employment. “The big issue is about creating jobs...and it’s about attracting foreign direct’s about promoting Irish companies who are ready and able to export into new markets to sustain and grow jobs at home, and it’s also about promoting tourism abroad to attract more tourists who can support our hospitality and tourism sector at home.” Listing youth, energy, passion and drive as the qualities he would bring to the presidency, Gallagher says, “I’m hugely positive on what Ireland can offer. I’ve always lived my life based on my strengths. I think all our individuals, our communities, our country needs now to use the same philosophy - developing the next chapter on our strengths.” Gallagher notes that the office of the president is

made relevant by the person who occupies it. “It’s elected by the people of Ireland, I think it’s the voice and face of Ireland. The role itself isn’t relevant; I think it’s the person in the role that makes it relevant.” He feels that he has the capacity to make it

INFOBOX Favourite musician:


Brian Kennedy Campaign song: ‘eye of the tiger’- Survivor Three famous people dead or alive to dinner: Muhammad Ali, Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy and his wife Superpower: I don’t want any superpowers, just the ones I already have. relevant to a wide range of people. “For me, I understand the issues and I’m as comfortable in a youth club in the west of Ireland or in the inner city as I am speaking to Paul Rellis, MD of Microsoft.” A former member of Fianna Fáil, there is some confusion as to when Mr Gallagher actually left the party,

with some sources claiming that he was a member until January this year. Gallagher says that he “never made any secret of it...but this is not about party politics. This is about the president and I believe that should be above party politics and therefore I’m standing as a independent, I’ve made that very clear.” Gallagher is the only candidate in this presidential race who has opted not to use posters. He says that this was partly environmental reasons and also to save the taxpayer money. “People in every part of the company have been telling me that they’re spending so much time creating Tidy Towns and voluntary organisations that they don’t want it littered with those posters...most importantly, also, we’re not wasting taxpayers’ money, because 50% of every poster is paid by the taxpayer.” Gallagher would like to get young people involved with the office of the president. “I would be open to having a young person on the Council of State, I think that would be a big message to send a message that young people are recognised and can contribute.” “For me it’s very much: young people are the future of the country and I want to build a future that embraces them and gives them opportunities right across all the boards of employment, of community, of those who have a disability. I want to create opportunity that everyone can sing their song, whatever their song may be and I’ll lead by example by singing mine.”



COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

Will Norris Gael's Mitchell a Fine man for get the nod? Presidential candidate David Norris speaks to Conor Fox


ndependent candidate Senator David Norris formally launched his campaign to secure a nomination on March 14th. At the time, according to Norris himself, a bookkeeper stated odds of ten thousand to one that Norris would be on the ballet in October. Norris jokes that he is “sorry I didn’t put a hundred euro on it, I’d be a millionaire now”. In his view, Norris is “the only true Independent” and feels that this is revealed by the process of receiving nominations which he argues is “totally undemocratic.” The senator told the College Tribune that all the political parties “were doing their best to find an agreed candidate and [he] spoiled this little game for them.” By launching early in March, Norris believes that he “forced the election through [his] energetic campaign” which “gave the choice back to the people.” His attempts to secure the support of twenty members of the Oireachtas were well publicised in the national media, as were the scandals which surrounded him. Norris’s withdrawal from the race on August 2nd and subsequent re-entry on the 21st of September were widely discussed. When asked if he would change anything if he was able to return to the official launch of his campaign, the candidate’s answer was a succinct “no.” There are three pillars supporting Norris’s theme for his

potential presidency: culture, enterprise, mental health and well-being. The latter pillar is to the forefront, as he believes that it is the welfare

INFOBOX Favourite musician:


The Rolling Stones and Imelda May Campaign song:


‘All I wanted’ – In Tua Nua Three famous people: Mary Robinson, the Dalai Lama and Jonathan Swift. Superpower: The capacity to make people happy

of the Irish people that matters the most and in his opinion “a good government consists of making the welfare of the people your first priority.” He states that he has worked with a large number of people affected by the issue of suicide and was part of the group whose efforts led to the decriminalisation of suicide

in Ireland. Norris has spent the last year learning more about the topic and in particular the language which surrounds it. According to his official presidential campaign website, if elected, the senator will ‘shine a light on this issue within Irish’ society.’ Norris has stated that he will not take the majority of the President’s salary if nominated but will “use it to make the presidency more accessible” and to promote these issues. For the first twenty six months of the presidency, he aims to visit each of the twenty six counties in succession and “champion” them. The flag of whichever county he is visiting that particular month will fly beside the tri-colour on Áras an Uachtaráin. During these visits, Senator Norris would seek to visit the local authorities, but in particular, voluntary welfare organisations. He will “celebrate their triumphs and show solidarity with them in their difficulties.” Norris expresses the view that while the office of the President does have a relevance to the young people of Ireland, this relevance is created by whoever holds the office. It is the work he has done with youth across Ireland, creating and supporting voluntary organisations, as well as his years spent lecturing in Trinity College that he thinks “would help to make it relevant.” The senator mentions that he has spoken and visited nearly every university and Institute of Technology in Ireland and that “the students know me. They know my record.” Despite the age requirement of thirty five, he believes it’s possible for a President to understand young people, “it’s all to do with imagination.” Senator David Norris believes he can win the election on October 27, “I can win this race with the support of people who understand my track record, what I have done and the reality.”

the Áras? Gay Mitchell speaks to Rebecca Lambe about his presidential bid


e comes from humble beginnings, but today, Gay Mitchell has his sights set on Áras an Uachtaráin. On a recent visit to UCD he told the College Tribune a bit about himself. It has often been a perception of people that they president is distant and unconnected with the people of Ireland, and in particular the youth of Ireland, but Gay Mitchell feels that this is not the case. “The president can make a real connection with the people generally and with young people in particular.. One of the things that I’m concerned about is the rate of suicide in Ireland...this is something we really need to address with all our power. A very large number of those people are young people. The president should help identify the reasons for this and try to turn it around.” The constitution states that the president must be at least 35 years of age and some have wondered if this age gap has caused our presidents to lose touch with the youth today. “I was a youth leader for eleven years and I have children myself. I don’t think you lose contact. At the time the constitution was written people who were 35 probably were about as mature as people who are 21 today, so there may be claims for reducing [the age limit].” According to Mr. Mitchell, at the Young Fine Gael National Conference this year 80% of the vote was in his favour. “That made me very proud and showed that I have a connection with young people.” The two previous presidents will certainly be a hard act to follow for whoever is elected and Mr Mitchell also points to Dr. Hillary as having been an excellent president. “I think Dr. Patrick Hillary is a much underrated man. He restored the presidency at a time when there were doubts about its future. He kept his oath of office and kept the independence of the office by not refusing a dissolution when the then Taoi-

seach sought it. He’s been followed by two excellent presidents.” Gay Mitchell has been perceived by many to be a conservative candidate, something he does not agree with.

INFOBOX Favourite Musician: Imelda May Campaign Song:


Let me try again – Frank Sinatra 3 famous people alive or dead over for dinner: WT Cosgrove, Sean Lamass, Golda Meir. Superpower: The power to convince people that compassion is the most important common denominator.

“It’s easy to paint people as conservative, but actually I’ve been very radical in the things that I’ve worked on. I’ve been very effective in representing some of the poorest people in the country, and still do, and I’m proposing a compassionate approach to life that works so I don’t know where that actually comes from. I think its people who can’t put up with me trying to pull me back.”

Mitchell feels that the qualities of direction, innovation and experience are what would make him a good president. “I have a sense of direction. I think we’re at a really important crossroads and the decisions we make now will be important not just for our generation but for the next generation. We have to stop being starry – eyed. I think I have the quality to persuade people. I have the quality of innovation. When I was Lord Mayor I created the Dublin Literary Award and then I was able to sponsor it. A sense of innovation and a sense of safe hands is my direction. I have to experience to deliver that direction.” Huge amounts of graduates have been forced to leave the country in search of work as unemployment rates remain high and Ireland is no longer as attractive a destination to international companies as it once was. “The president can use the prestige of the office to work with the government both at home and abroad to influence people to have confidence and invest in this country.” “I have a sense of the future which will be innovative, creative and inclusive. It will help us restore confidence to create jobs. I have the experience to do this job and the energy to do it over the next 7 years.”

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011


All kinds of Dana


Stephen West discusses Dana Rosemary Scallon's presidential campaign, life and political beliefs


he race for Áras 2011 has been peppered with the rumours of celebrities allegedly planning to run. Earlier this year Gay Byrne was suggested as a possible candidate, but after a deal of publicity, he respectfully declined. Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh, famed sports commentator, was also noted to be considering entering the race, while actor Martin Sheen emerged as a potential candidate due to a support group on social networking site Facebook. Then there was Dana. Dana is perhaps most famous for her victory in the 1970 Eurovision hosted by the Netherlands. The track, 'All Kinds of Everything', led to a successful music

career and over twenty-eight studio albums. Her music has been noted for its Christian, specifically perhaps Roman Catholic, themes. In 1997, Dana ran in the presidential elec-

tion, securing 13.8% of first preference votes and became MEP for Connacht Ulster in 1999. Her EU political career is notable for her strong stance on abortion, contraception and divorce which commentators have noted as being in line with her devout Catholicism. Dana is known for her Euroscepticism. Dana has repeatedly stated her wish to protect the constitution of Ireland during her campaign. In response to Late Late show host Ryan Tubridy's question as to whether or not she would refuse to sign a bill if it threatened the constitution, Dana replied simply, “you bet your boots I would”. During the show, the presidential candidate also brought out a copy of what was potentially to become the constitution of the EU. In interviews with the media in the race for the Áras, Dana has stated continually that she will attempt to be

a voice for the people and will accept their wishes. With Seanad and abortion referenda in sight, it is as yet unclear whether Dana would campaign against changes to the constitution especially on the topic of abortion which is considered morally wrong by many Christian churches. The candidate has been subject to a series of controversies throughout her campaign. Family feuds have added sparks of interest to Dana's campaign. Issues over royalty payments among relatives have been a cause of concern for her over the past few months. Recently, during a Prime Time debate, Dana read out a statement firmly disputing then-unknown allegations against a member of her family. While the story was making news on IrishAmerican websites, the me-

dia in Ireland were slow to pick up, doubtless for fear of legal action in the event that they broke the story. While child sex abuse allegations have been made against a member of Dana's family and campaign manager,

ambiguity regarding Dana's knowledge of this have been criticised in the press. Gardaí are currently investigating allegations of criminal damage after the campaign car of Dana suffered a

blowout on the motorway. In an interview with The Irish Times, Dana stated that she did not want to push criminal allegations but that in her conversation with members of AA she stated that they had never seen “anything like it in their working lives”. Polls have not gone Dana's way in the months leading up to the election. In the Red C Poll organised by the Sunday Business Post, Dana has overtaken Mary Davis but still stands at a rather modest 3%. However, according to the poll, 10% of the population are still undecided which may lend an opportunity for Dana to increase her support base by Thursday. While Dana has performed poorly in the polls, whether or not she makes it to the Áras is ultimately up to you.




in the upcoming Presidential election and referenda Thursday, 27th November 2011



25th October 2011

Pro-Ana websites: crossing a thin line With the rise of pro-ana websites online, Fiona Daly investigates the sinister nature behind the phenomenon. “Starving is not the pain, it’s the cure.”


his harrowing quote is merely one of thousands gracing the pages of a sub-culture of websites known as “pro-ana.” Short for “pro-anorexia,” the sites are classified as a “community” for those suffering from anorexia or bulimia. They enable the exchange of tips on how to upkeep and hide the disorder, as well as offering encouragement to persevere with the sickness. Disturbingly, creators and members of the websites promote anorexia as a “lifestyle choice”, as opposed to the serious and possibly fatal disorder it really is. Anorexia and bulimia are humanised with the names Ana and Mia, honoured as treasured old friends, and treated with the utmost respect by all. Whilst the creators of such websites claim they are merely offering a sense of unity and companionship to those suffering from an eating disorder, the graphic content and disturbing im-

ages dominating the pages say otherwise. One website, boasting its position as the largest site of its kind, greets those who log on with the message: “Welcome to the board where eating disorders are welcomed with open arms.” Its forum is flooded with girls comparing their daily calorie intake against one other, all competing to be the skinniest. One girl states: “Today I had a little bit of chicken without skin, and it hasn’t been fried in oil. Have eaten ten grapes and

a whole cucumber too. I feel this is too much...what do you guys think?” Shockingly, this is only 163 calories out of the recommended 2000 a day for a girl, dangerously below the required amount. Yet, she is met with praise and approval, encouragingly pushed to keep up the great work. Others offer tips on how to curb your cravings, advising each other to “eat ice” and “pinch all your fat if you want to eat and see how disgusting it is.” The same website, contradicting its title as

a “support system” for sufferers, instructs its members on how to avoid receiving help. “At a certain weight, which is different for everyone, you will lose your period. This is a good thing because it means that you’re losing weight. Still, it would be wise if you’d take calcium supplements, if you don’t already. Don’t let your mother find out about your lost period because she will most likely take you to the doctor. Never under any circumstances tell a doctor that you’ve lost your period.” For the hundreds of vul-

nerable people reading these sites every day, words like these can have a detrimental effect. The false feeling of acceptance combined with the constant subjection to dramatic weight loss pictures can quickly cause problems to circulate dangerously out of control. In March this year, Italian Vogue editor Franca Sozzani launched a petition calling for the instant closure of the sites. "There are thousands of these sites and blogs which don't just support this evil, but push young

people into competition over their physical shape." Yet, in a previous interview, Google spokesman Anthony House told Sky News Online: "Nobody wants to see private companies deciding the limits of free speech." Whilst seeking out and banning the sites may be a monumental task, more awareness of their dangers is urgently needed. Heart, kidney and gastro-intestinal problems, along with osteoporosis and loss of fertility, are all possible consequences of having an eating disorder. However, there is no warning about such health risks on any of the sites. Recovery with pro-ana sites is impossible as you are ironically spurned from their community when you are recovered. Nevertheless, there are many sites which genuinely aim to support its members, acting as the true resources which need to be promoted for those seeking help.

Getting your five Curry Recipe a day in college AOIFE HARRISON Ingredients

Hayley Maher looks at how you can be healthy in college


eing healthy in college can be hard. Students know how difficult trying to eat properly is when you’re running to lecture halls and trying to fit a part time job in with being involved in societies. Getting your five a day is crucial, however, to keeping both your mind and body fit and healthy. Breakfast is one meal where you can easily add fruit and veg to your diet. If you’re having cereal, add some sliced banana or a handful of berries. If you like a hot breakfast, try scrambled eggs and add mushrooms or

tomatoes. If you never have time for food in the morning, pick up a banana to keep you going until lunch or maybe buy a readymade smoothie. Lunch can be a tricky one, especially when you’re tempted by the lovely smell of chips wafting out from the restaurant. But why not try the vegetarian option or maybe a stir-fry loaded with loads of tasty delicious vegetables? Even if you go for a carvery option, fill your plate with vegetables. There’s always the salad bar, where you can load up on tasty veggies and salads.

If you’re getting a pizza from Centra, ask for peppers and mushrooms and onions as toppings and you’re contributing towards your five a day. Soup is available all over campus and is another great lunch choice. If you are looking for snacks, instead of reaching for a bag of crisps get an apple, which seem to be cheapest in the SU shop at 50c. Or the night before college, put together a fruit salad from whatever fruit is lying around and bring it with you. For dinner, try adding fruit and vegetables to your favourite meals. Add chopped carrots to bolognese sauce, sprinkle chopped red peppers on your pasta, or mix some veg into mashed potato. Add tomatoes to your omelette, or mushrooms to your next stir-fry. If you ever make too much food, put it in the fridge and bring it to college the next day for lunch.

3-4 Chicken Fillets 1 Onion 1 tsp Garlic Puree 1 can Coconut Milk (about 400ml) 2-3 tbsp Patak’s Tikka Masala Curry Paste Serve With Rice Naan Bread (optional)


his is a really quick and easy curry designed to serve four people. However, it’s also incredibly simple to cook for a big crowd by doubling the quantities, or just for two (or one with leftovers for tomorrow!) by dividing everything in half. All the ingredients can be bought very cheaply in most supermarkets. Curry Powder can be used instead of the curry paste, but there’s really no comparison in flavour, especially if you like a really good Indian

curry. Chop the onion and fry with the curry paste and garlic puree in some olive oil. When the onions have softened and turned slightly yellow, add the diced chicken to the pan. When the chicken is completely cooked, pour the coconut milk into the pan and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. It’s at this stage that, if the curry looks a little pale or you just like a little heat, you can add a bit more curry paste. Just be sure to only add a little bit at a time, mix thoroughly and taste before adding any more.

In the meantime, boil the rice and heat the Naan for a couple of minutes under a grill. If you don’t have a grill, like some of the campus residences, you can put the Naan in the microwave for a couple of minutes to heat them, or pop them in the toaster if you prefer them to be a little be crispy around the edges as well as warmed through. For the rice, measure about 1/3 to ½ a cup of rice per person. So for four people, depending on how hungry you all, you need about 1 1/3 - 2 cups of rice and roughly the same amount of water. Strain, serve and enjoy.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

College Down Under



Rory Quinn gives an account of college life in Melbourne.


hy study your 3rd year at UCD when you could be doing it pretty much anywhere else in the world? That was the question I asked myself when I first heard about all the exchange opportunities UCD has to offer. I had always wanted to go to Australia, but figured it would have to be after my degree at some stage. So when I found out that the University of Melbourne was an option for me, there was absolutely no way I wasn’t going to apply. It was a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity and so far it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to get a spot to study here at the University of Melbourne to do the 3rd year of my Physics degree. As you’d expect, college work is college work wherever you are in the world, but to be able to study in a place that was recently voted the most liveable city in the world is unbelievable.

You know those days in UCD when by some miracle the sun is out and everyone is just sitting on the grass relaxing enjoying themselves? Well, it’s like that at the University of Melbourne nearly every day. Don’t get me wrong, the weather can be dodgy here too, but in general, it’s great which makes uni that bit more enjoyable. The Melbourne University Student Exchange Society (MUSEX) host loads of different events throughout term for international students. Everyone is there for the same reason – to have as much craic as they can while they’re abroad so it’s really easy to get on with people. One of the first things we did was a surf trip weekend up the coast, which was absolutely amazing. Since then we’ve done a couple of pub crawls, seen an AFL game and had a party cruise on the Yarra river. The people that run the society are students who have done

a year abroad from Oz, so they know exactly what kind of things we want to do. The end of year Gala night is coming up soon and I’ve no doubt that it’s going to be immense. A lot of students (mainly Americans) are only here for the semester, so this will be the last time we’ll see them before a new crowd comes in next semester. The best thing so far about studying in Melbourne hasn’t been anything we’ve done; it’s been the amount of people we’ve met. We’ve gotten to know Americans, Germans, French, Scandinavians, Dutch - the list goes on. It’s like starting college all over again, and for me, meeting new people was the best thing about this experience in the first place. Myself and 4 other UCD lads managed to catch a bit of the rugby world cup over in New Zealand during mid-term. We spent a small fortune over there, but it was worth every cent. We saw the Ireland

vs Russia game and even though it was a walkover, the atmosphere around the place was unbelievable. Having beaten Australia before that, the Kiwis were in love with us and you couldn’t walk down the street in green without someone cheering for Ireland. We did some adrenaline-junkie things too, like bungee jumping off

the Auckland Bridge and white water rafting down the Kaituna River. Now I can’t wait to start our trip up the Gold Coast this summer, starting in Sydney on New Year’s Eve. Everyone I’ve talked to at home about going on exchange has regretted not taking the same opportunity and is so jealous of people

that have. So, if there is one thing I hope you take out of this article it’s this: University Exchange - do it. Don’t just think about it. Don’t hesitate. Just do it! Wherever or whenever it is you want to go, it’ll be the best decision you’ll ever make.

City that never sleeps RYAN CULLEN


ntering JFK airport can be extremely overwhelming and stressful, especially if you were born in the back arse of nowhere. It felt like a new beginning, a new reality. I had dreamt of bourbon-washed pavements, latte-sipping cultural connoisseurs who spoke of ambitions and premonitions over background sounds of George Gershwin, and slow paced improvisational jazz. Maybe I had been watching too many Woody Allen films, but at times, that’s exactly what I got. Depending on where you happen to be standing/walking/loitering, New York is either the most overwhelming and chaotic city on the planet, or the warmest, most romantic mixture of separate contemporary cultural and social focal areas, all smashed into one large metropolis. Located on one of the world's largest natural harbours, New York City consists of five boroughs:

The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Each of the five boroughs gives you something different, but each still contains that same romantic vibe and resilient character. With an estimated population of over 8 million people distributed over a land area of just 305 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major city in the United States. With as many as 800 languages, it’s the most linguistically diverse city in the world. Thankfully, the city’s subway system is sophisticated, vast, easy to figure out and not subject to New York City traffic, which can sometimes come to a complete stand still. For all the bright lights and street corner fights, one can always find a charmingly quiet neighbourhood where the world doesn’t feel like it will swallow you whole. Greenwhich village and Astor place can offer you a relaxing cultural challenge and an insight into New York life. There is something for

everyone. Art appreciation or boutique procreation, New York has it all. Times Square offers the glitz and glam that only a superstar could revel in, but in essence it’s the devil’s waiting room with thousands of promotion sales assistants offering you over-priced tickets to the latest comedy show or beat poetry spectacle. Spend as little

time as possible here. The systematic fanatics are at it again and you can see it all on Wall Street, where business boys turn into business men. The Narrow Streets are where the suits all congregate, but with only a Starbucks and Ground Zero to feast your eyes on, the place can make you feel isolated

and unwelcome. It is evident that money takes precedence here, making it nothing more than a concrete maze of business cards and coffee cups. New York has always resonated with history. The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Wall Street, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Broadway, Lincoln Center, Central Park — all the popular places

that visitors should visit. In addition to the exciting concrete skyline, top-level museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art and many more, make New York City their home base. Manhattan doesn’t need much of an introduction, and is easily the focal point of the city. After a month in New York, I was quite impressed with the amount of greenery in the city. Trees line the streets, alongside lamp-posts that light up the walkways when the sun settles over the skyscrapers. Central Park is a fantastic way to step out of the buzzing horns and the everyday hustle of people, who all seem to have to be somewhere unreachable within a couple of minutes. I found the city to be wonderfully romantic and neurotic, with every street corner giving you something different. Whether you enjoy the glamour of Broadway or gazing at the Manhattan skyline from a Brooklyn park bench, all I can say is that my Irish eyes were smiling.

Gaddafi 1942 - 2011


It’s Satire, STUPID!

“There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet.”

GADDAFI, Muammar (Sirte, Lybia) - October 20, 2011 (brutally) in a storm drain outside Sirte, following a long battle with democracy; beloved leader of the Lybian people since 1969. Husband of Safia Farkash, father of Muhammad, Saif Al-Islam, Saadi, Mutassim, Hannibal, Saif Al-Arab, Khamis, Aisha, and Milad. Sadly missed by his loving family, relatives, tribe and his close friends in the international community. Reposing in Misrata meat store. His steady hand will be missed on the helm of power in his beloved homeland as will his idiosyncratic fashion sense. Funeral to be announced in the coming week. Family flowers only. Donations, if desired to the Gaddafi International Charity & Development Foundation (GICDF) www.webgaza. net/arab/ngo_profiles/Gaddafi-Charity-Foundation.htm. R.I.P

“A woman has the right to run for an election whether she’s male or female!” “Were it not for electricity, we would have to watch television in the dark!” “Protest however you want, just not onto our streets and squares” “I am not such a dictator that I would shut down facebook. I merely imprison anyone who logs into it.”

He will grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary him, nor the years contemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning

Fondly remembered by

We will remember him.

25th-October 2011 25 VOLUMES : The page below featured in Issue 1, Volume 8. CELEBRATING COLLEGE TRIBUNE

On the march again


he USI are on the march yet again. November 16th will doubtless see thousands of students take to the streets to protest in light of new fears that the student contribution will rise to €5,000. Commentators have stated their fears that USI has backed down on their promises to fight fees in all their forms. The new campaign has been criticised as accepting fees rather than fighting for their eradication. Rising fears are that certain student groups are encouraging the rumour of a fee rise to €5,000 in order that a rise to €3,000 would seem as some small victory. In all reality, €5,000 seems an unlikely figure. What students can expect from this year's


budget is a rise of between €500 and €1,000. It would be unsurprising if a graduate tax was introduced also to help tackle the country's economic problems. It is important to remember that any increase in the student contribution does not necessarily mean that there will be an improvement in the quality of education or indeed that any extra money will be allotted towards paying for education. In an interview with the College Tribune, Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn stated that 80% of his budget is spent on paying salaries, an inordinate amount given the ever falling standards of education in this country. An article in The Irish Times dated November 9th 2010,

outlined that UCD had 5 out of 10 of the country's highest paid workers in education each earning over €200,000 on a yearly basis. It is difficult to imagine that any rise in the student contribution will benefit students in any way other than to keep the well paid bureaucracy well paid. Last year's march saw a number of students occupying the Department of Finance and the heavy-handed approach of An Garda Síochána in the forceful removal of these people from the premises. The hijacking of a march by a group of individuals was condemned by USI as well as the media while the actions of the Gardaí towards peaceful protestors led to a broader questioning of our police force and their responsibility


NO. 4

in keeping the peace. At the time of going to print FEE have refused to rule out another attempt at occupying government buildings. It is important to remember that the inappropriate action of any student on November 16th will reflect on the student body as a whole. Minister Quinn's comment regarding the threat of a march by USI should enlighten students to the attitude of the government regarding their senior representative body. “The USI has to do what it feels it has to do” seem the words of a man with bigger worries than a bunch of students clamouring over a rise in fee payments. Irish students feel ignored and upset at a government who's constituent party promised to reduce the student contribution back to €1,500. While some students are in a financial position to stay in college, many aren't. The increase in the student contribution will affect everyone in one way or another, whether it's an extra strain on parents or it forces students out of college. For this generation, the prospects of third-level education have never looked so grim. While


Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.37)






6 6



4 9













Generated by on Sun Oct 23 12:14:09 2011 GMT. Enjoy!

8 9



2 2



3 Decrease (4) 6 Rural – of the land (12) 9 Like (2) 10 The ---- standard (4) 11 Bachelor of Engineering (2) 13 Relating to the economy as a whole (5) 14 Controlling the supply of money as the main method of stabilizing the economy (10) 16 To have the means to buy (7) 17 Relying on one another (14) 19 ____-collar or manual worker (4) 20 Basic needs (11) 21 To derive advantage (7) 23 Control of the trade in a service or good (8) 29 Financial gain (6) 31 Done by machine (10) 32 Opposite of first (4) 33 Drinking vessel (3) 35 Human resources (6) 36 In principle (6) 37 Short for “demonstration” (4) 38 Production (6)

1 Weekly pay (5) 2 Safeguarding domestic industry through policy (12) 4 Using many workers (6,9) 5 London School of Economics (3) 6 To be in favour of (8) 7 Relied on (7) 8 Target (3) 12 Organized association of workers (5,6) 15 With a high level of ability (7) 18 Moving part of an engine (6) 22 Send abroad (6) 24 In practice (7) 25 Dealing with individual commodities or producers (5) 26 The market for something (6) 27 Waterways (6) 28 Post office cheque (4) 29 Post script (2) 30 Trade Union (2) 34 Income (3) 36 Opposite of “from” (2)


3 4




1 9


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Contributors List

Generated by on Sun Oct 23 12:14:04 2011 GMT. Enjoy!

Lisa Gorry, Róisín Carlos, Shane Scott, Frances Ivens, Conor Fox, Peter Hamilton, Sophie Kelly, Aoife Harrison, Hayley Maher, Fiona Daly, Dawn Lonergan, Alissa Karpick, Breadán Mac Ardghail,

Ciarán Carey, Amy Eustace, Seán Grennan, Graham Luby, Daniel Nolan, Daniel Cooney, Keith Lematti, Donal Lucey, Darragh O’Connor, Julie Kirwan, Roisin Sweeney, Ciara L Murphy.

News Editor: Matt Costello Deputy News Editor: Timothy Potenz Features Editor: Sinéad Williams Turbine Editor: James Grannell Eagarthóir Gaeilge Breandán Mac Ardghail Sports Editors: Conall Devlin and Patrick Fleming Chief Writer: Donie O’Sullivan

The Siren Music Editor: Aonghus McGarry


Cartoonists: Dan Daly Olivia Carrington



Editors: Conor McKenna and Ryan Cullen

Crossword Editor: Daisy Onubogu





Arts Editor: Ciara Murphy



Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.59)





Fashion Editor: Cathal O’Gara

5 4



25th October 2011 it is important to be realistic, it is also important to stand by friends, family and other students who may be facing financial difficulty. The decision is yours: march or not, but remember that your absence or presence could determine the outcome. So get informed and get active in the debate. These are dark times. Young people are leaving in ever-increasing numbers in search of better opportunities. The lack of jobs is not all that is driving people abroad; the current mind set of this nation is depressing. The media is consistently full of reports of job losses, emigration, corruption in the banking sector and the failure of politicians to deal with it. There is little for students to look forward to upon finishing education. A little positivity never goes astray however: there are jobs out there for those willing to work. Perhaps what the people of this country needs more than anything is a change in mindset. If we moved past the bitterness of corruption and negligence and focussed on where we can improve, would we not be better off?

Designer: Cheryl Flood

Thanks to:

MCD, Datascope Printing, UCD First Response, Ivan Griffin, Cian McKenna, Niall Mescall, San Marino, Thomas Hamill, UCDSU, Christine Simpson, Michael Phoenix, Eoghan Glynn, Martin McFly, Dr Emmett L. Brown, Peter McGuire,


COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

Tuairim: Deireadh leis an bpeil mar a aithnímid anois í? CORMAC BREATHNACH


s iomaí gearán atá cloiste le deireanas faoi fhoireann Thír Chonaill agus an stíl imeartha thachtach shriantach a chuir siad i bhfeidhm i gCraobhchomórtas na bliana seo. Níl aon dul as ach gurb é Jim McGuinness atá taobh thiar de, ach an ceart dúinn bheith ag gearán faoi? Nó ar cheart dúinn an stíl sin a mholadh? Stíl í a chabhraigh go mór le Dún na nGall Corn Uladh a bhaint amach den chéad uair ó 1992. Ceist níos mó, b’fhéidir: an é seo a bhfuil i ndán don Pheil Ghaelach amach anseo? Tá McGuinness ar dhuine den ghlúin úr de bhainisteoirí óga atá tagtha isteach ar an CLG le déanaí. Is cinnte go bhfuil tréithe agus scileanna nua á dtabhairt isteach ag na bainisteoirí seo. Tá leithéidí Kieran McGeeney agus McGuinness ag baint i bhfad níos mó úsáide as an teicneolaíocht, cuirim i gcás, ná mar a bheadh leitheidí Mick O’Dwyer nó John Brennan. Ina theannta sin tá na bainisteoirí óga seo ag baint úsáide as stíleanna imeartha difriúla ná a bhfuil á n-úsáid ag a gcomhghleacaithe níos sine. Bíonn McGuinness agus McGeeney ag braith go mór ar “laghdú botún”. ‘Sé sin

go mbíonn sé de mheon ag an bhfoireann an méid is lú botún a dhéanamh ar an bpáirc agus is féidir. Stíl imeartha í atá níos coimeádaí ná mar a fheictear de ghnáth, le níos mó pasála láimhe agus le tosaithe nach dtugann faoin scór a thógáil go dtí go bhfuil sé cinntithe acu. Caithfear a admháil nach rud iomlán nua an stíl shriantach seo, ach chonaiceamar an samhradh seo gur thug McGuinness ar aghaidh go dtí an chéad chéim eile é. Go bunúsach, d’imir Dún na nGall i mbliana le cúlbáire agus 13 chosainteoir. Bhíodh uimhreacha móra acu taobh thiar den liathróid i gcónaí agus iad ag iarraidh an soláthar go tosaithe an fhreasúra a ghearradh amach in iomlán. Fiú nuair a d’éiríodh leis an bhfeasúra liathróid éigin a fháil tríd (nó thar) an mballa Connallach seo, dhéanadh cúlaithe Thír Chonaill na lántosaithe a thachtadh agus na deiseanna scórála agus pasála a laghdú go náid. Thug siad chun páirce ag iarraidh stop a chur leis an bhfoireann eile ag imirt in ionad an ghnáth-chuir chuige de níos mó scóranna a fháil ná an fhoireann eile. D’oibrigh sé go pointe ach dúradh gur stíl dhiúltach a bhí ann, agus is deacair é sin a shéanadh.

Cuireadh brú ar an CLG rialacha a chur i bhfeidhm chun cosc a chur leis an stíl seo, agus seo í an mhórcheist. An bhfuil sé de cheart againn insint d'fhoirne agus do bhainisteoirí cén chaoi ar ceart dóibh tabhairt faoin bpeil? Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil. D’aimsigh Jim McGuinness stíl imeartha atá anéifeachtach, cé nach deas an stíl í le féachaint air. Bhain Dún na nGall Corn Uladh amach, agus shroich

siad cluiche leath-ceannais Éireann. Is léir go n-oibríonn an stíl seo. Cheisteodh daoine an rath a bheadh orthu le gnáth-stíl dhearfach shaorionsaitheach ach caithfear cuimhniú nach painéal róchumasach é i gcomparáid le leithéidí Chiarraí nó Chorcaí. Cé mhéid imreoir ó Thír Chonaill a mbeadh áit aige ar fhoireann Chiarraí? Duine amháin, nó beirt ar a mhéid. Agus seo is suntasaí faoi stíl McGuinness.

D’éirigh leis 20 fear a thabhairt le chéile agus meon muiníneach oibritheach a chur ina luí orthu. Caithfidh mé a admháil, áfach nach deas liom an stíl seo. B’fhearr liom i bhfad go mbeadh rath ar na saoithíní agus go mbeidh saoirse ag leithéidí Colm Cooper agus Bernard Brogan a gcuid scileanna a chur i láthair go fial. Is iad scileanna na bhfear seo, agus mórán imreoirí eile nach iad a tharraingíonn

na sluaite gach Domhnach. Bíonn na mílte Colm Cooper agus Bernard Brogan ag imirt peile ag am lóin ar scoil gach Luan, ag baint trialach as na scileanna a chonaiceadar an lá roimhe. Ní fheadar cé mhéid imreóir óg a bhaineann triail as cosaint fhiáin Dhún na nGall ar scoil ar an Luan? Tá de cheart ag Dún na nGall a rogha stile a úsáid, agus go n-éirigh leo, ach tá súil agam féin go mbeidh an bua ag an bpeil íon i gcónaí.

Tá ár Lá Tagtha

Tá measúnú ceart cothrom de dhíth anois ar ról an IRA sna Trioblóidí. BREANDÁN MAC ARDGHAIL


thosach a fheachtais i leith, is iomaí uair a d’áitigh Martin McGuinness nár mharaigh sé éinne i rith a thréimhse leis an IRA agus gur tháinig an tréimhse chéanna chun deiridh sa bhliain 1974. Cé acu an gcreidtear é sin nó ní chreidtear, is éard is suntasaí faoi ná go mbraitheann an t-iarrthóir gur mó a sheans an Uachtaránacht a bhaint amach má dhéantar beag is fiú den ról a bhí aige i bhforéigean na dTrioblóidí. Tá cúis nach beag leis sin.

Creidtear go forleathan gur ghrúpa seicteach marfach é an IRA nach raibh cúis dá laghad aige don fhulaingt arbh é is bun léi. Creidtear nach ach sceimhlitheoirí a bhí iontu agus gurbh iadsan ba chúis leis an gcoimhlint inar maraíodh na mílte duine thar bhreis is 30 bliain. Ach ní miste coimeád i gcuimhne go bhfuil daoine ar an oileán seo a chreideann gur chóir agus gur cheart an ról a bhí ag an IRA le linn na dTrioblóidí. Creideann siad go raibh gá le grúpa míleata le troid i gcoinne na brúidiúlachta córasaí a

chuir fórsaí na Breataine i bhfeidhm sna sé chontae. Tá an tuairim ann nach raibh aon dul as ach foréigean a úsáid chun mionlach na Náisiúnaithe o thuaidh a chosaint ón Arm agus ón RUC agus chun cur ina luí ar rialtas na Breataine nach nglacfaí a thuilleadh leis an gcos ar bholg. Tá síocháin in Éirinn le breis is deich mbliana anois. Cé gur tábhachtach bogadh ar aghaidh agus an gunna a choimeád slán ó chúrsaí polaitíochta, níor cheart dearmad a dhéanamh ar ar tharla ach oiread. Bá chóir go mbei-

dh díospóireacht éirimiúil oscailte i mbéal an phobail mhóir le ról an IRA a phlé agus comhaontú náisiúnta a fháil ar an ábhar. Tá dhá chúis go bhfuil sé seo tábhachtach. Ní cóir go ndamnaítear imeachtaí an IRA mar sceimhlitheoireacht fhuarchroíoch dhúnmharfach gan an comhthéacs stairiúil agus polaitiúil a thuiscint. Ní leor a thuilleadh an argóint “Ach b’shin an Sean-IRA, bhí sé difriúil ansin” mar idirdhealú idir gluaiseacht armtha na bPoblachtánach ar chúis í le hÉirí Amach na Cásca

agus le Cogadh na Saoirse, agus an foréigean polaitiúil a feiceadh ó thuaidh agus sa Bhreatain ag deireadh an fichiú haois. Ní ceart ach oiread nach gcuirtear in aghaidh na tuairime meabhlaí finscéalaí ar an IRA gur shlánaitheoirí iad ar féidir a bheith mórtasach as achan rud a rinne siad. Cosúil le gach cogadh dár troideadh riamh, tharla oilbhearta uafásacha le linn na dTrioblóidí nach féidir iad a chosaint. Faoi mar a iarrann Poblachtánaigh ar rialtas na Breataine, ní mór don IRA a chulpa a thabhairt

i leith na n-ainghníomhartha a raibh lámh aige iontu agus leithscéal a ghabháil astu. Tá na gunnaí ina dtost ach ba dhíchéillí neamhaird a thabhairt do mhacallaí an fhoréigin. Foghlaimíonn muid mar shochaí ó cheachtanna na staire agus, chun a chinntiú nach rachfar i muinín an ghunna riamh arís, ní folair dul i ngleic lenar tharla agus gan dearmad a dhéanamh air riamh.


Racism Now Amy Eustace examines the state of discrimination in football in the wake of the latest racism row.


n the aftermath of last week’s characteristically intense encounter between Liverpool and Manchester United, few people were discussing the football itself. That was partly because the football on offer wasn’t frankly that interesting. A tie between England’s two historically most successful sides is normally a more exciting affair, but a defensive selection from Sir Alex Ferguson cancelled out Kenny Dalglish’s Liverpool, with the end result being 1-1 – a Steven Gerrard free kick for the home side, and a Javier Hernandez header for the visitors. Unfortunately controversy took centre stage on the following day’s back pages. Speaking to French TV channel Canal Plus after the game, United’s Patrice Evra declared that he had been subject to racist abuse from Liverpool’s Uruguayan striker Suarez. “He tried to get me

to crack, we have video, there are cameras everywhere and you can very well see on his lips the word he says to me more than 10 times,” said the Frenchman. The revelation was disturbing in itself, but even more so when you realise that the match was used as a showcase for the antidiscrimination ‘Kick It Out’ campaign, and both teams’ players wore t-shirts promoting the initiative during the warm up. Racism in football has existed for decades, and is still particularly rife among supporters in the likes of Spain and Italy, with Samuel Eto’o, Thierry Henry, Mario Balotelli and Marcelo all notable victims in recent years. But even in the Premier League, where 66 countries are represented by foreign players, racism seems an indestructible scourge. During his playing career, John Barnes was repeatedly pelted with bananas

by fans, while just last year Blackpool’s Jason Euell was racially harassed by a Stoke supporter. The FA have pledged to seriously investigate Evra’s claims, but with no footage to back up his suggestion that Suarez repeated the same racist remark ‘10 times’ having emerged as of yet, it will be difficult to come to a conclusive conclusion. In the circumstances, it appears only the players involved will know what really happened. But this particular case is rather unusual. At a time when football has achieved media saturation, it would seem farfetched that no camera, microphone, or spectator would pick up on any racist behaviour and report it to the nearest official, broadcaster, journalist or even their Twitter timelines. Perhaps Evra made life hard for himself when he stressed that Suarez’s indecency had been continuous, and that the viewing public

25th October 2011

would have seen it occur. We haven’t, and that’s concerning. In any case, he’s been treated with a high degree of scepticism by the media. Why, for example, did the referee only learn of the incidents after the match? An imagined tendancy to ‘play the race card’ has also been cited by the English press due to two previous incidents, one involving Steve Finnan and another regarding a bust-up with a Chelsea groundsman, but on the contrary, this is the first time Evra has brought a claim himself. But it’s all too easy for the press to speculate on what will happen to the accused – it’s the fate of the victim that can fill column inches. This is not the last racism row we’ll see, but in future will the accuser suffer the same doubts and incredulity Evra has? Will victims of racism report their abuse, or keep it to themselves for fear of being disbelieved, or labelled a liar? Being falsely accused of racism surely isn’t as bad as being a victim of racism. At the same time, isn’t maliciously labelling someone a racist undermining the very issue?

Sadly, we’ll probably never learn the answers to these questions. Suarez will probably be acquitted on the basis of a lack of evidence, and lingering suspicions about



either player’s character will remain unanswered. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the most likely result to all of this is that there will be no result at all.

Student Assistance Fund 2011-2012 Applications for the Student Assistance Fund 2011-2012 are now available to access through your SIS account. This scheme is funded by the Department of Education and Science with assistance from the European Social Fund. It is means tested and funding will be targeted at those students who are in most financial need. Students who are currently registered at UCD to a full time course of at least one year are eligible to apply. Please note that students who have completed a degree, and are registered for a second degree at the same level, (e.g. students undertaking a 2nd Bachelor, Masters or PhD degree) are not eligible to apply.

Closing Date

Tuesday 15th November 2011 at 12.00 noon

For further information contact your Student Adviser or SU Welfare Officer You must submit your fully completed application including relevant supporting documentation by 15th November at 12 noon. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted. If you are considering making an application, you are strongly encouraged to request the appropriate financial documentation (e.g. P21, etc) from the relevant source immediately as there are usually delays in obtaining this information.

Application is a three part process as outlined below: Part 1

Read the guidelines for applying to the Student Assistance Fund. The guidelines can be found here:

Part 2

If you believe you may be eligible the application may be accessed through your SIS account under the Student Services tab. Please complete Part 2 of your application on-line and print it out.

Part 3

Of the application process requires applicants to submit the printed application along with hard copy financial documents (copy) and receipts (original) to a Student Adviser. Only fully completed applications will be accepted.

18 18 SPORT

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011

Baseball’s Finale

Patrick Fleming takes a look at this year’s World Series in baseball.


iverpool supporters should be watching this year’s World Series as there’s a very relevant point being played out: it is possible to rebuild after Bill Hicks. Indeed the Texas Rangers, now making their second World Series appearance in a row, were staring bankruptcy in the face just two years ago under Hicks’s ownership. Now, depending upon what has transpired between the time of writing this and when you read it, they could be World Series champions for the first time in their history. If anything though, their financial troubles may have been a blessing in disguise. It forced the team to invest in young prospects that were inevitably cheaper and misfits like star slugger Josh Hamilton, who had suffered from injury and drug addiction during the early part of his career before finding his niche in the arid climate of northern Texas. The result of their en-

forced frugality is one of the most dynamic and talented gatherings of ballplayers in the Majors. They have an offense which boasted three players who hit over 30 home runs during the regular season and had the highest batting average in the league. On pitching, all five of their starters notched up at least thirteen wins over the course of the season. Texas, however, are not the only comeback story in this World Series. The St. Louis Cardinals, who are competing in their third Fall Classic in a decade, were almost completely written off in late August. With the team facing an eleven game deficit going into the final month of the season it was going to take something extraordinary to get them into the postseason. Sure enough, St. Louis hit top gear for the final stretch while the Atlanta Braves, who seemed destined to take the National League Wild Card spot, capitulated. When St. Louis won against the

Houston Astros on the final night of the regular season, it capped what would be the second largest final month comeback in MLB history. Coincidentally, the largest comeback was sealed by the Tampa Bay Rays on the very same night as they caught the Boston Red Sox with a walk-off homerun in extra innings against the Yankees to take the American League Wild Card spot. For many, it will be the collapses of those big teams that didn’t make it that will be most memorable from the 2011 season. Aside from the Braves and Red Sox, the failure of the Yankees to make it past the first playoff round despite their bloated payroll and star studded line-up surprised many. The Philadelphia Phillies, meanwhile, were virtual shoe-ins from the first day of the season due to their redoubtable pitching staff and were the first team to seal their playoff spot. However, they too fell at the first hurdle when they were beaten by

the Cardinals. It would be unfair though to focus solely on the ones that didn’t make it. The two teams that have made it have done so based on merit more so than anything else and the fact that they have outlasted some of the weightier payrolls is a testament to that. The Cardinals’ ability to rally late in the season and

take that momentum all the way to the World Series is proof that there is more to this team than mere luck. But by far the better fairytale story here would be that of the Rangers. After all, we must remember that, aside from Hicks, the most hated American executive there ever was, George W. Bush, was also once the owner of

the club. So Liverpool fans – and any other fans who lament their club’s ownership for that matter – if the Texas Rangers can come through all that they have been forced to endure and still make it to the Promised Land, then any team can.

Any chants of change in the GAA? Neil Glacken calls for a spark of imagination in the terraces of the nation’s GAA grounds “COME-ON-YOU-BOYS-INBLUE”, is the most famous terrace anthem in the GAA at the moment. It’s, impressive isn’t it? It consists of six words, although this is six times more than most county supporters can muster. I, being a Donegal native, am fully aware that our only chant is the obligatory “Donegal…clap, clap, clap”, much like many other counties. There appears to be no place within the GAA for creativity in the stands and if someone dares to try something different, they receive disparaging looks before the men in white coats come to take them away. The irony is that the GAA is the best supported sport in the country, and yet its supporters would appear to be the least inspired. And it’s nothing that’s inherent within the Irish; other lesser-followed sports have no problem coming up with a bit of terrace creativity. The League of Ireland, for example, lags well behind

the GAA in terms of crowd loyalty and support, and even in professional organisation. But the crowds that do show up exhibit a brand of togetherness and communality that’s often lacking in the GAA. These fans display a type of creativity and fervour that simply cannot be attached to your typical group of GAA fans. At League of Ireland games, banners and flares light up the stands as well as witty chants and slogans being used to inspire the team and humble the opposition. Sometimes this goes too far and accusations of racism from the stands are obviously unacceptable. But at least the effort is being made to be original and indeed, to make the match more enjoyable from the paying fan’s perspective. The GAA is at heart a very traditional organisation. The type of ideology that inspired the ban on foreign games is still prevalent in many ways. Players with highlights in their hair, or with

white boots, or who play with their socks pulled up, do not match the description of the old-fashioned, ‘hard’ player. At underage level my coaches reacted to the news that I was having hamstring trouble by saying they never had those problems as a young fella’, so obviously it was something that was wrong with me and my generation. The onus on not showing emotion (or as they would see it, weakness) spreads to the players and the fans. Remember how Dublin players used to be castigated by the press for raising their hands after a goal or for celebrating in front of the Hill? It is in this context that anyone coming up with a chant is looked down upon by the rest of the match-going public. The ability of small bands of LOI fans to sing together is one thing but Irish rugby supporters take it to another level. In Thomond Park or Lansdowne Road when Munster or the national team are playing respectively, their

fans manage to sing, at least once a game, a hauntingly in-tune and together version of The Fields of Athenry. This marks a massive difference from your average GAA game where countless times I’ve heard the same banal tune (e.g. “Galway, clap, clap, clap…”), sung by supporters of the same team, but not at the same time. So it turns out to be a horrible mish-mash of a chant where one side of the ground is singing while the other side is clapping. Maybe the fact that supporters come from wide distances apart in many counties inhibits any sort of communal spirit. Your average GAA spectator is good-natured and will share opinions on the match with strangers in the stand willingly, but perhaps there’s still too much of a distance to create anything more atmospheric. One of the great strengths of GAA followers is their ability to interact with each other, with no segregation in the stands required as of

yet. Certainly the majority of supporters from opposing counties have no problem with a bit of banter or even engaging in insightful analysis during the game. More often than not, the beaten supporters will accept defeat graciously and wish the opposition well on their way. There are a lot of positive things to be said about GAA supporters. Indeed many of them might cite the behaviour of soccer fans and the dreaded ‘soccer elements’ as something to

be kept away from the pure sports of the GAA. The lack of terrace creativity takes away from the GAA spectacle. Maybe after Dublin’s All-Ireland win the added support for the GAA in the capital will lead to some fanatic wordsmiths emerging and leading the way for other counties to follow. In the GAA, new trends are always viewed with great suspicion, but this is one ‘soccer element’ that might just be worth embracing.

COLLEGE TRIBUNE 25th October 2011



You Can’t Rushe Talent SEÁN GRENNAN


CD student, Liam Rushe picked up dual honours at this year’s GAA All Star Awards last Friday as he was named on the All Star Team and also received the Young hurler of the Year award. Rushe won the awards for his influence in both the senior and under-21 Dublin Inter-County hurling campaigns this summer. The St. Patrick’s clubman earned his place in the All Star Hurling Team of the Year alongside his Dublin teammate, goalkeeper Gary Maguire. There have never been two Dublin Hurlers selected on the same year’s All Stars before and with this year’s pair, that makes a total of only five Dublin hurlers selected in the four decade history of the awards. Rushe was also named as Young Hurler of the Year, a highly-prestigious award that has been won previously by greats such as Eoin Kelly of Tipperary and James

“Cha” Fitzpatrick of Kilkenny. Rushe, who captained his U-21 team to the All-Ireland final, is also an ambassador for that very championship. The 21 year-old has already achieved two Leinster U-21 titles and now has two All Star awards to add to his ever-growing collection of achievements. It was in fact his performances on the U-21 scene that gave him the platform to be called up to senior action. One of his highlights this summer surely has to be his part in helping Dublin to win their first National League title in an astonishing 65 years, beating Kilkenny in the final. In the championship, Rushe only missed a mere 2 minutes of senior playing time, coming off as a substitute against an alreadybeaten Offaly in the Leinster Championship. He also managed to chip over two points from midfield in the Senior Championship, both in crucial games against Limerick and Tipperary.

As a student here in UCD, Rushe has achieved sports scholarships and represented UCD in hurling in the Fitzgibbon and Walsh cups. He has also promoted the Fitzgibbon Cup on behalf of UCD and Dublin, alongside footballing great Paul Galvin. Along with all of his sporting commitments, he has also managed to succeed in his college studies and exams. It is no wonder then why Liam Rushe is now among some of the ‘greats’ of hurling to win the Young Hurler of the Year award and why he is tipped to become one of Dublin’s biggest hurling stars in recent years. To be picked in a team with record-breakers Tommy Walsh and Henry Shefflin just goes to show how much progress the young Palmerstown hurler has made. His previous success on and off the field will raise expectations of just what this young man will go on to achieve.

Down the Line Manchester’s ‘noisy neighbours’ have a lot to shout about now CONALL DEVLIN


anchester City? Too many egos. They’ll never find the balance. Manager Roberto Mancini is too autocratic, he’ll never succeed. Carlos Tevez and Mario Balotelli? Too divisive. The doubters have well and truly been silenced. The momentum and balance of power has shifted in Manchester- City, the most expensively assembled cast of all stars in football history, are the real deal. Their emphatic 6-1 away victory to arch rivals Manchester United, the heaviest home defeat for the champions since 1955, marks the biggest statement victory in the history of the Premier League. The shockwaves reverberating around the globe after such a humiliating defeat for the globally commercial entity that is Manchester United must go some way to realising the dreams over owner Sheikh Mansour whose motives for buying City in Sep-

tember 2008 were described by a senior source at the club at the time as wanting “to use City to help develop Abu Dhabi into the sporting capital of the Middle East." After spending approximately £1 billion since his arrival, Mansour’s astronomical investment appears to be paying dividends on the biggest stage of them all, the Theatre of Dreams. It has been and continues to be a project where the main challenge is to forge a group of egotistical individuals into a selfless team and if Sunday’s derby is anything to go by they have finally found the balance to conquer the world’s best. In a great piece of management, Roberto Mancini threw caution to the wind, choosing not to stifle the United threat instead opting to pick a team that went out to dominate a vibrant but vulnerable Red Devils side. The selection of hothead powerhouse Mario Balotelli over the classy Edin Dzeko was fully justified after Dze-

ko’s dismal midweek Champions League performance against Villareal as the young Italian tormented United throughout, supplying a clinical strike for the first goal and the positional sense to wrap up the second after neat build up play. The sending off of reserve United centre back Jonny Evans came about as a result of the sheer persistence and strength of Balotelli, where after City fully capitalised. Not to be outdone, Dzeko treated himself to a brace in his 20 minute cameo. However it was in defence and midfield where the game was won for the blue half of Manchester. Micah Richards had arguably his finest game in a City shirt, outplaying Nani and Ashley Young and making tireless counter attacking runs that United were unable to thwart. Captain Vincent Kompany looked assured and made it a torrid afternoon for Danny Welbeck and Wayne Rooney who was forced to retreat to a deeper attacking midfield role in an attempt to exert more influence on the game. This however ceased to have any effect as the te-

nacity of Gareth Barry, the excellent distribution from James Milner and the physical prowess of Yaya Toure bossed United’s midfield of Darren Fletcher and Anderson. Moreover, City’s trump cards, the Spanish wizard David Silva and Argentine maestro Sergio Aguero, ghosted their way around the final third of the pitch and performed the role of playmakers to perfection. Silva’s

assist for Edin Dzeko’s final goal in injury time is unlikely to be bettered as pass of the season. When one considers the embarrassment of riches at City’s disposal, the likes of unused substitute Samir Nasri who would walk into any other starting line up in the Premier League, it cannot be denied that City are formidable and City are here to stay while Sheikh Man-

sour’s pockets are lined. A Champions League title is not an unfeasible outcome on this form and it would take a brave person to back against them in the Premier League. Fittingly, man of the match Micah Richards said after the game “People call us the noisy neighbours. Well here we are…” Here they are indeed.




25th October 2011

Look at the MLB's World Series with Patrick Fleming page 18

Amy Eustace discusses racism in football, page 17

UCD bounce back after Dublin Championship defeat with statement Ryan Cup victory over DCU CONALL DEVLIN


Photo: Sportsfile

Clubhouse STEPHEN WEST Basketball UCD Marian racked up their second win on the trot in Galway on Saturday evening. With an eleven point deficit hanging over College in the fourth quarter they managed comeback and wrestle the lead from Moycullen. UCD then held out during a tense final few moments which included a vital block from Conor Meaney to win the game 65-67. Dan James finished the game as UCD’s top scorer tallying 21 points while American Donnie Stith continued his good start with College scoring seventeen. The win brings UCD’s record back level at two wins and two losses.


The women’s firsts kept up their strong start to the season as they ran riot against Pembroke on Saturday afternoon in Belfield. Despite good pressure from Pembroke, UCD grabbed early goals from league top scorer Anna O’Flanagan and also Deirdre Duke finished with two goals on the day. From there, UCD were comfortable and completed a tally of six goals as Rachel O’Reilly, Chloe Watkins and Niamh Atcheler all got on the score sheet. Despite their early pressure Pembroke were only able to score once and it was a late consolation goal as Claire Mulcahy scored from a penalty corner. The 6-1 rout now puts UCD top of Leinster Division 1 and keeps their unbeaten season intact. The men’s firsts in contrast lost their fourth game

of Leinster Division 1 and are still in search of their first points in the competition. Shane O’Donoghue was the sole scorer for UCD as they fell 3-1 to Corinthian on Saturday in Rathfarnham. Soccer The two Whelans, Marc and Michael, were the heroes for UCD’s Leinster Senior League side as they beat Greystones F.C. by a score of 2-1. UCD were left a goal down at halftime but rallied back

in the second half as Michael Whelan pulled them level before Marc Whelan scored the winner from a free kick. Meanwhile, the UCD College and Universities Football League team also had to come from behind to earn their 5-1 victory over IT Tallaght. After coughing up an early goal, Robbie Murray, Tyrone McNelis and Sean Buckley each scored for College while Paul Corry knocked in two for the home side.

hat-trick of goals in the open ing quarter proved decisive as St. Vincents claimed their quarter final ticket of the Dublin Senior Football Championship with a comfortable 4-11 to 1-12 victory over UCD. It was always likely to be a tall order for the College to upset the odds against a strong Vincents outfit including Dublin stars Diarmuid Connolly, Mossy Quinn, Eamon Fennell and an injured Ger Brennan. Moreover as the game ran its course it was clear that the experience of having played a full club campaign together stood in good stead for Vincents against a talented but comparatively unsettled Belfield team. A goal each for trio Ciaran Downey, Mossy Quinn and the pacy centre forward Padraig Lee left the students with a mountain to climb inside the first twenty minutes. Despite the best efforts of Laois’ Donie Kingston and Carlow’s Daniel St Ledger Vincents dominated from kickouts and took full advantage of a strong breeze putting UCD’s defenders under constant pressure. UCD did however receive a lifeline before the break when they were awarded a penalty kick which Galway’s Cathal Kenny duly dispatched beyond ‘keeper Michael Savage. UCD manage to slim the Vincents advantage to six points after half time with scores from Roscommon U-21 dual star Niall Kilroy and Meath’s Ciaran Kelly. However a fourth goal from St. Vincents from Diarmuid Connolly after a defensive mix up put the game beyond UCD.

St Vincent’s Scorers: T. Quinn 1-2 (0-2f), D. Connolly 1-2 (0-1f, 0-1 ‘45’), C. Dorney 1-3, P. Lee 1-1, S. Carthy 0-1, P. Lee 0-2. UCD Scorers: C. Kenny 1-3 (1-0 pen, 0-2f) N. Kilroy 0-5 (0-f), C. Kelly 0-2 (2f), D. St. Leger (1f), M. Brazil 0-1 each. St. Vincents: M. Savage; R. Stapleton, E. Brady, W. Lowry; M. Concarr, T. Diamond, N. Billings; E. Fennell, M. Loftus; K. Golden, P. Lee, S. Carthy; C. Dorney, D. Connolly, T. Quinn. Subs: C. Brady for Carthy (ht), A. Baxter for Quinn (47), D. Ó Murchú for Loftus (54), N. Mullins for Golden (57), K. Bonnie for Lowry (59). UCD: M. McGinley; M. Fitzsimons, C. Forde, M. Furlong; J. Hayes, C. Brady, D. Maguire; D. Kingston, M. Brazil; C. McConnell, C. Kenny, D. St Leger; N. Kilroy, M. O’’Hanlon, C. Kelly. Subs: M. McGowan for Hayes (ht), J. Cocoman for Brazil (ht), R. Mallon for St. Leger (37), L. Cawley for O’’Hanlon (40), L. Keaney for Maguire (47). Referee - B. Carroll (Fingal Ravens). The Belfield men managed to pick themselves up in spectacular fashion with a midweek Ryan Cup victory against their bitter rivals DCU with the scoreline 1-10 0-4. A tenacious all round team performance limited DCU to just 0-3 with a strong wind advantage in the first half and in the second dangermen Niall Kilroy and Mayo’s Lewis Cawley terrorised the DCU defence to great effect. The College now have NUI Maynooth to look forward to as they build towards the O’Byrne Cup and coveted Sigerson Cup in the spring once more.

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