The College Tribune, Issue 6, Vol 24

Page 1

November 23rd 2010

| The difference is we’re independent

Vol. 24. No 6

The College Tribune Semester One ››

Politics ››

The Siren ››

News Review of Semester One

Economy & Political Review

Dick Valentine of Electric Six

page 7

page 8-9

pages 6-7

You’re Token the Piss! Mysterious student reveals purchase of over 200 duplicate drinks tokens Potential loss of €1,000 worth of drink sales to UCD Student Bars Donie O’ Sullivan A UCD student has claimed they have been receiving “eight drinks for a euro” in both of the student bars on the Belfield campus for the past year. The student, who contacted The College Tribune anonymously, claims to have found a business in the vicinity of the campus where they can buy tokens identical to those exchanged for free drinks in UCD’s student bars, at a cost of €1 for eight tokens. These generic metal coin tokens, normally purchased at a cost of €3 each from the bar

by UCD Students’ Union, are regularly distributed to class reps, clubs and societies for various parties held throughout the year. The student in question claims they have brought at least two hundred tokens into the bar over the past year – meaning that the bar may have lost a potential value of €1,000 in sales due to these duplicate tokens. The student says they decided to source the tokens themselves due to their annoyance at the “current corrupt system of token distribution”. The student also claims that in most instances, class reps only distribute tokens

to their personal friends, and do not share them evenly amongst their respective classes. The student in question is comparable to a Robin Hoodtype figure, and calls themselves a “Concerned Citizen in UCD”, who allegedly turns up to class parties and “give tokens to people who actually deserve them, rather than just the class rep’s friends and buddies.” The student however stressed that they never sold on the duplicate tokens to make a profit. When asked whether students were generally


College Tr


Continued on page 2 »

= Redmond Encourages Students to Not Vote Fianna Fáil in General Election Green Party’s call for General election welcomed by Students’ Unions Massive student campaign “the likes of which this country has never seen” to be launched in run up to general election Donie O’ Sullivan The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and UCD Students’ Union have welcomed calls from the Green Party to hold a General Election in the second half of January next year. Speaking to The College Tribune on Monday, Gary

Redmond, President of USI, announced that in conjunction with students’ unions across the country they would be launching “a massive campaign the likes of which this country has never seen” in the lead up to the general election.

According to Redmond, USI plans to focus on student voter registration. “I think there is a genuine will and a genuine want among students to go out and vote this time. You will see a huge number of people under the

age of 25 getting out to vote.” USI will also be campaigning for ensure the election to be called for a Saturday to ensure as many students and young people as possible will be able to cast their vote. If the election is held mid-week, both USI and UCDSU have confirmed they would petition universities to close on polling day to allow students to go home to vote. USI will be benchmarking political parties and candidates

on education policy, however Redmond said USI will certainly not be encouraging students to vote for Fianna Fail “after the threat of tuition fees, the cuts in the grants over the last number of years and the fact they have had to call in the IMF to bail the country out.”

When asked would he be voting Fianna Fáil he replied, “absolutely not.”

Paul Lynam, President of the UCDSU, also welcomed the Green Party’s call for a general election. “This election cannot come quickly enough as far as students are concerned,” and continued, “with each passing day this Government remains in charge without a mandate the situation gets gradually worse for students.”




You’re Token the Piss! Continued from front page

Donie O’ Sullivan

Duplicate tokens obtained by The College Tribune, identical to those used in the Student Bar.

appreciative when they received a drink token, they said, “Of course they were, who doesn’t love a free drink?” However, while most students who received tokens were not aware of how the tokens came into the anonymous student’s possession, those “who [were aware] were very impressed and said ‘fair play’.” Made aware of the claims of the anonymous student by The College Tribune last Wednesday, UCD Students’ Union moved quickly and changed the tokens used in the bar as a precautionary measure. Despite this move however, the SU have cast doubt over the claims made by the anonymous student. A spokesperson for the SU said: “Each token is only valid for the night it is given out and tokens are checked at the end of every night with a limit to the amount of tokens given out on a given night.” “So far this year, we have yet to experience a situation where the bar has had more tokens in circulation at the end of the night than had been allocated.”

The Students’ Union also told The College Tribune: “The staff of the Student Bar are employed in a similar manner to those in the SU shops, under the authority of the SU Financial Administrator and SU President.” “All profits from the Student Bar are either redistributed back into the refurbishment of the bar, or into the student capital fund. Clubs and societies can then apply for grants and funding from the capital fund” meaning the potential €1,000 of alcohol receipts, that may have been mistakenly distributed due to the alleged duplicate tokens, would have a negative effect on the Student Capital Fund. In response to the anonymous student’s claim that, in most instances, class reps only give tokens to their friends, the SU said: “Each class rep is instructed to carefully distribute tokens in a fair manner, and we have had no complaints from students.” Following UCDSU’s quick reaction to prevent further duplicate tokens from being

Students of UCD were asked what did they think of token-gate? Who they thought was responsible? Did they think it was more legendary than criminal? And what the Students' Union and the bar should do about it? I think everyone will presume it is a guy who is responsible, but it could be a girl too. I think that in one way it is good what they are doing, why should class reps get to pick who to give the tokens to. You don't know them at the start of the year when you are voting for them so you don't know what they are like. However I think that what they, this token person, is doing is wrong, you wouldn't walk into a nightclub and steal drink from behind the bar, so you shouldn't do it in college. Eimear Máirtín, 1st year Social Science.

If I was him I wouldn't be telling anyone in case I got caught, cause he has definitely stolen a lot of drink. I think if they do find out who it is, the Students' Union shouldn't do anything to them because it is their own mess in the first place – its their fault. Whoever it is, they are legends, the first time they went up with one of those tokens they must have been so nervous – thinking is this going to work. If I knew about it I would have been doing it too. Tom Lyons Jr, 3rd year Social Science.

Fair play to them, they have a bit of initiative. I don't think that its completely true that class-reps only give tokens to their friends, not all class-reps know all of their class personally so it isn't their fault. I haven't got many tokens from my rep, so I think I might try to find out where this lad is getting the tokens and get a few for myself. Conor Finn, 2nd year Social Science.

I think he is a con-man. He could get one token for free off his class rep, but he is getting eight tokens for a euro. That isn't fair on everyone else. But I have gone to a class party where I didn't get any tokens cause they were all gone. You do have to have connections to get tokens. I think they should catch him, and maybe ban him from the bar. Marie Tonra, 1st year Social Science.

used by replacing the metal coin tokens with paper ones, the “Concerned Citizen” said: “If they change the tokens, I’m sure someone else will be wise enough to find a way to get around it until they actually change the system and ensure that class reps distribute tokens fairly, instead of it being as a system that allows reps just to give free drinks to their friends.” The anonymous student was very critical of the Students’ Union in their correspondences with The College Tribune stating, “The Students’ Union is a clique, they say they represent all of the students, when realistically they only represent a select few. Everyone knows this, that’s why turn-out at SU elections are so low. Some people get elected with literally a handful of votes.” However, when challenged by The College Tribune to offer suggestions on how to improve the Students’ Union, “Concerned Citizen” said: “I don’t really have any, I’m just going to stick with the drinks.”

Government Consider Reducing Minimum Wage It's awful. They are getting free drinks, everyone else is paying for their drinks. I think if they catch whoever it is they should ban them from the bar, but I think it would be really hard to find out who it is. I think the Students' Union should make more original tokens so this can't happen again. Niamh Byrne, 1st year Psychology.

Brian Lenihan, Minister for Finance confirmed last Sunday that the government would be re-examining the minimum wage as it has increased beyond the rate of inflation in recent years. The current minimum wage per hour is €8.65 and was introduced in July 2007. It is thought to be on the chopping board as it is the second highest in the eurozone. Jack O’Connor, general president of SIPTU, said; “Cutting the minimum wage will make no meaningful contribution whatsoever to resolving our problems. What we need is a strategy for growth that is credible and believable.” The move is likely to affect many students who are in parttime employment and receive the minimum wage. One UCD student commented, “With the maintenance grant, and my part time job I am still only barely getting by day to day. If they cut the minimum wage and the grant and increase the reg fee all in one year, I don’t know what I will do.”

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

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Fight Against Fees Continue in Run Up to Budget 10,000 students expected to protest on the streets of Cork next week Students angry at timing of Donegal South West by-election Donie O’ Sullivan The Union of Students’ in Ireland (USI) and students’ unions across the country will continue their campaign against an increase in the registration fee and cuts to the maintenance grant in the run up to the budget. Their efforts come at a time when representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are in Dublin negotiating a bailout for the ailing Irish economy. This bailout is likely to force the Government to surrender a substantial amount of its economic sovereignty – moving much decision making out of Dublin, and into the hands of external organisations such as the IMF and the European Central Bank. USI Council, which was held in NUI Galway last weekend, focused mainly on the economic crisis and what it means for students. Gary Redmond, President of

USI, said “We will have to take it as it comes”, and said that the organisation will continue to focus their efforts lobbying the government. Last week over 1,500 students marched peacefully through the streets of Galway city, in the first of a series of pre-budget regional protests organised by the USI as part of their “Education not Emigration” campaign. The march consisted mostly of students from NUI Galway, and Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), who chanted slogans such as “no ifs, no buts, no education cuts.” The protestors were addressed by Peter Mannion, NUI Galway SU President; Colin Canny, GMIT SU President; and Gary Redmond. Mannion said: “The government needs to understand that increasing fees and cutting supports will end

up costing the taxpayer far more in social welfare payments to students who drop out. Students want to help solve the country’s economic problems, and that can only be done by building a knowledge economy.” A group from the Free Education for Everyone (FEE) Galway movement had asked to speak at the protest, but its request was turned down. FEE were one of the organisations involved in the protest outside the Department of Finance on Merrion Row that descended into violence on November 3rd. USI see the Donegal SouthWest by-election, which will be held on Thursday of this week, as an important aspect of their “Education not Emigration” campaign. They have expressed their cynicism over the government choosing a Thursday as the day for the by-election to be held, accusing it of deliberately denying students

the opportunity to vote. “We were very annoyed that the election is being held on a Thursday, at the very least we expect elections to be held on a Friday, but preferably on a Saturday as is the norm right across continental Europe. A Thursday makes it almost impossible for students from Donegal to get home to vote because they have assignments and exams,” said Redmond. One UCD student from the Donegal South-West constituency expressed her disappointment on not being able to vote. “I go home every weekend after my last class on a Friday afternoon. I wanted to vote in the election but it would be impossible for me to travel to Donegal and back on Thursday without missing classes. I think it was a cheap attempt by the government to stop students from voting, as they know not many students would be voting Fianna Fáil.” For the past number of days USI campaigners have been distributing leaflets to homes in the Donegal South-West constituency that

Protesters representing FEE. The organisation were not allowed to address the crowd at the USI March in Galway.

emphasise the importance of putting a cap on the registration fee and preventing any further cuts to student funding. The USI have also asked the six candidates in the by-election to be clear on their position on matters relating to students. “We have asked the six candidates for their position on a number of issues, like the registration fee, third level funding, student support and student grants and graduate unemployment.” Paul Lynam, UCDSU President, has urged UCD students to continue putting pressure on their elected representatives in the Dáil by visiting

the Tell- Your-TD website. The website has so far generated 50,000 letters that are being sent to TDs all across the country reminding them of the main points of the “Education not Emigration” campaign. 10,000 students from the south of Ireland are expected to take to the streets of Cork on Wednesday, 1st of December, in a final USI-organised student protest march before the budget. USI will be holding an emergency national council on 11th December, the weekend after the budget is announced.

Nine One One Christmas 259mm x 170mm Final CO.pdf 19/11/2010 16:07:20










Students Given the Opportunity to Question UCDSU Sabbatical Team Ciara Murphy Students’ Union President to give midterm assessment at meeting Lynam “doesn’t expect a massive attendance” manifesto is online. We gave our priorities in September. I want to be transparent and open with the students [and tell them] here is what we’re going to do next semester, and here is why things didn’t work out

of the library, res [and] the loyalty card,” amongst other things at the meeting.The response of students to the meeting has been largely positive. “I think it’s a great idea. It will give the students of UCD

the way they should have.” Lynam

an opportunity to give feedback

continued: “I think it’s important

to the Union that it has elected,”

that the Students’ Union reaches

said 3rd year Science student Marie

An open meeting between UCD

out to normal students, and to say

Fitzpatrick. Moreover when asked

Students’ Union’s sabbatical team

this is the work that we have been

if she would attend the meeting,

and the students of UCD will

doing.”The aim of the meeting is to

Ms. Fitzpatrick stated, “I will be in

be held in the Student Centre on

allow the student body to question

attendance, I have a few questions

Wednesday, December 1st at 12pm.

the Students’ Union about choices


This meeting is open to all students

and progress that has been made, or

December’s budget on the horizon,

of UCD who wish to ask questions

will be made, during the current

I would like to know where I stand

about various aspects of student life.

academic year.

in relation to UCD after Christmas.”

Paul Lynam, UCD Students’ Union President, spoke to The College Tribune about the event. Asked why he felt it was important for students to have face time with the sabbatical team, he stated: “Our emails up to now have been very good, our budget is online, our

The Students’

Union is encouraging students to attend this meeting in order “to ask questions on the march, on fees, on [the] budget, whatever they like.” Lynam informed The College Tribune that he would be “giving [his] midterm assessment about the state of the union, the progress



answered. With

Lynam stressed, “I am not letting my sabbatical team or myself or my union use the economy as an excuse for not at least trying to do something,” and also told The College Tribune, “I don’t expect a massive attendance, I just want to open the floor to questions.”

Belgrove Christmas Fair Organised for Residents UCD Residents will be treated to

programme has organised recently.

on campus will provide this much

a Christmas Fair in week twelve

An outdoor cinema screening was

entertainment for students.”

of the semester on December 1st.

held in Merville on Halloween

According to Ms. Graham, the

Admittance to the fair is free and

night, 31st October, where two


Fearga Graham, a member of the

horror films were shown. A crowd

provide complimentary food for all

organisation committee for the

of around 100 students gathered,

residents, carol singers, two market

event, told the College Tribune,

with free popcorn and the facility

sellers selling ideal Christmas gifts, mulled

“We will have a fifteen foot ‘giving

to buy crepes provided. Student

wine, hog roast and fun fair games.

tree’ residents will be donating their

feedback from the event was

unwanted clothes, shoes, bags and

positive with one student, Lorraine

books to charity. [People] need to

Foy (19), commenting, “It was really

collect their charity bag from their

good. It was fun sitting out with

local residence office.”

your friends, watching a film and

The event is one of a number

having some popcorn and crepes.

of events that the Campus Life

I hope the new proposed cinema




The event is set to take place between 3pm - 7pm outside the front of the Belgrove accommodation complex.

compiled by Olivia Reidy & Donie O’Sullivan


News in Brief


Ombudsman Dismisses Half Of Student Protest Complaints

been withdrawn.

admitting to plagiarism

Dermot Ahern, Minister

for an assignment that

for Justice, Equility and

formed part of their final

Almost half of the complaints

Law Reform, said that


received by the Garda

an investigation into the

In most instances students

Ombudsman regarding

remaining 20 complaints is

are made repeat part of

incidents that occurred


the exam or even the full

during a protest outside the

Organisers of the Merrion

year if they have engaged

Department of Finance on

Row demonstration

in plagiarism. However the

Merrion Row on November

condemned what they

GMIT students in question

3rd have been thrown out.

described as “Garda brutality”

were not given any marks

The Ombudsman received

at the protest. A “March

for the section, but were

36 complaints, following

Against Garda Brutality”

allowed to proceed with

clashes between Gardaí and

was organised a week after

the remainder of their

a small number of protestors

the confrontation between

final exams. The GMIT

who broke away from the

protestors and the Gardaí

disciplinary committee

main demonstration that

outside the Department of

believed a zero mark for

was organised by USI and

Finance.Videos posted on the

the assignment was a

attended by a reported

internet showing protestors

“proportionate response.”

40,000 students. The break-

being batoned by Gardai have

It had been reported that

away demonstration was

been viewed by thousands.

some staff boycotted the

attended by members of a

However it was confirmed

conferring ceremony in

number of groups including

that injuries were sustained

protest over the three

the Socialist Workers

by member of the Gardaí

students being allowed

Party, Workers’ Solidarity

also, one Garda requiring

graduate, however GMIT

Movement and 32CSM.

treatment for a broken nose,

insisted that it had not

The USI and UCDSU, along

while another had been hit in

received any notification

with other Students’ Unions,

the face with a bottle.

of this. But the institute

condemned the actions of

added, “GMIT is aware that one staff member

Ombudsman commission

Cheating GMIT Students Allowed To Graduate

confirmed last Thursday that

Three students from Galway/

decision of the disciplinary

fifteen of the complaints

Mayo Institute of Technology

committee in respect of the

had been deemed to be

(GMIT) were allowed to

allegation of plagiarism,” in

inadmissible and another had

graduate this month, despite

their statement.

the minority protest. The

was unhappy with the


GIVING TREE (Donate Unwanted Clothes to a Special Charity)





November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

Students Sleep Rough for Good Cause

| 5

RAG Week Set to Kick Off Semester Two

Timothy Potenz Homeless Week organised by UCDSVP €4,500 raised for those in need As part of a fundraising campaign

of working with those affected.

organised by the St.Vincent de Paul

Although the banner was ostensibly

Society last week, students slept

that of Homeless Week, the series of

UCD Ents, in conjunction with

outside the James Joyce Library as

events also provided opportunities

Trinity Ents, will be organising the

part of the annual Homeless Week.

to raise funds for UCDSVP’s year-

official Dublin Rag Week from 17th

A series of events ran across the

long activities.

- 21st January, the first week of the

five day period, chief among them

soup runs four nights a week. They

the sleep-out on the concourse.

also have three youth hostels, two

Other activities included a soccer

homework clubs, and contribute

tournament, daily busking, male


leg-waxing, and a Battle of the


Last year UCDSVP raised €4,500

members take part in visits to the

hopefully grow in membership.

the first day of term (popularly

“This week has been highly successful in terms of fundraising and clothes collecting. UCD students have been incredibly generous,” said Tonry.

through campus fundraising events

elderly in the local area, as well as

One student who took part in the


alone. This year they have a record

volunteering in a local nursing

sleep-out commented: “We’re here

Monday’), “bigger and better

number of students involved, with

home, and working with young

sleeping out, but it’s not that bad.

than ever.”

250 of their members described as

children in underprivileged areas.

The real rough sleepers don’t know

Cosgrove hopes to “raise a lot of

‘regularly active.’ “We are very well

It is estimated that 105 people sleep

if they’ll make it through the night.”

money for some well deserving

supported by our members. Our

rough on the streets of Dublin every

Tonry described the week as a

activity is not limited to simply

night. In the long term, UCDSVP

success, expressed thanks to all

charities” during RAG week, which

raising money & donating,” added

aims to raise awareness in order to

those who took part in the week


keep fundraising high, maintain

of events, and encouraged people to

On top of their weekly soup runs,

a steady flow of volunteers, and

join UCDSVP.

Buskers in the Student Bar. “A big aim of Homeless Week is to raise awareness about the situation of the homeless in Dublin and Ireland,” Conor Tonry, auditor of UCDSVP, told The College Tribune. As part of events, a talk was given on the condition of homeless people in Ireland. The speaker, Father Peter


Donie O’ Sullivan

UCDSVP holds


second semester. Jonny Cosgrove, UCDSU Ents

PHOTO: Dáire Brennan

Officer, hopes to make this year’s

Come True’

MacVerry, spoke about his experience

RAG week, which will incorporate

De Brún Launches Proposal to Increase Irish Language on Campus Res.



as ‘Black

is traditionally a lot more low key in Dublin, in comparison to colleges in Cork, Limerick and Galway.

“The word I am putting out to everybody is get your friends & cousins up from the country to Dublin. We always travel to their RAG weeks, so it’s about time they come and experience ours; we want to

UCDSU Campaigns and Communications Officer in talks to create more Irish-speaking accommodation spaces on campus

make it a really great week in UCD,

Olivia Reidy Pat de Brún, UCD Students’ Union Campaigns and Communications Officer, has proposed that the number of Irish-speaking residences on campus be increased. There is currently one designated Irishspeaking house located in Merville. De Brún believes that more designated Irish-speaking houses should be part of UCD Residences on campus. “My proposal is basically to create the provision for non-subsidised houses in the campus residences,” said de Brún. “I am working on the proposal alongside the Oifigeach na Gaeilge [Irish language officer] for the SU, Sarah Ní Mhuirí.” “The idea originally originated from Sarah and it has grown from there. Constitutionally, promotion of Irish is one of the fundamental objectives of the SU, and I am delighted with this initiative. We are continuing to work on it and hopefully we can get a result.” The proposal would differ from the current scholarship scheme that Bord na Gaeilge currently offer.

and in Dublin.” At present 24 students, including de Brún, receive scholarships from Bord na Gaeilge in UCD to live in the “Scéim Cónaithe” (Housing Scheme, pictured) on campus. Students who received the scholarship must have an ability to converse in Irish and have a strong desire to contribute to the promotion of the language on campus, working on various projects over the year. On completion, 40% of the total residence cost is reimbursed to each student. In coordination with Ní Mhuirí, de Brún proposes that the option of living in an Irish-speaking environment on campus could be incorporated into the online booking procedure. “When students are booking their online accommodation they would have an option of choosing a preference to live in one of these houses and they would then be allocated a place in an apartment alongside other people who wish to live in an Irish speaking environment. [P]laces [in the Scéim

Cónaithe] are limited and many people are not lucky enough to get a place. On top of this, there are hundreds of students from Gaelscoileanna, students from the Gaeltacht, and other students who would be interested in living in an Irish-speaking environment around the college. The idea behind

this proposal is to allocate a small amount of accommodation in each residency that would be Irishspeaking,” said de Brún. After meeting with the head of UCD Residences, Richard Brierley, and the Irish Language Officer of the university, de Brún is confident that the proposal will become a reality.

“I believe it is a good idea as it is cost-neutral, it will give students the opportunity to live in an environment that they are happiest in, and it will contribute to the promotion of Irish on campus,” commented de Brún. “The idea is very simple in theory but the details are yet to be ironed out.”

UCD Ents also announced details of the Christmas Ball, which will be held in the Student Bar next Wednesday night.

Pop groups S

Club and Five will be headlining the event. “We also have lots of great stuff happening on the last day of term next Friday, and of course, our Santa Sessions will return this year for the end of exam parties. I am currently working with all the class reps to see who finishes their exams when, but whatever night students finish, there will be something on for them,” Cosgrove told The College Tribune. The Ents officer also revealed that he will be announcing more details about the UCD Fashion Show, which makes its return after the Christmas break, when auditions for models will be starting. When asked about how plans are coming along for the annual UCD Ball, which is held on the last day of term in semester two, Cosgrove

PHOTO: Dáire Brennan

responded, “Well we are getting there, but it’s looking good.”




News in Focus: “It’s the Economy Stupid” Matthew Costello With a worsening economic situation and a devastating budget only days away, Matthew Costello asks shouldn’t students take a hit as well? “It’s the economy, stupid”. Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan could well have been used in answer to the question “What’s in the news today?” for the last couple of months. Sifting through the various opinions, analysis columns and incomprehensible jargon is a formidable task that many have simply given up on; after all, how do the intricacies of minor changes in the international bond markets or share prices in AIB really affect us? It is now crunch time. On December 7th, Brian Lenihan will announce what an Irish Times editorial recently called the “most important budget since this State came into existence” in which devastating cuts

will be made to almost every area of public spending in a desperate attempt to keep the country afloat. An EU and IMF bailout seems all but inevitable. No one, it seems, is safe from taking a financial hit for their country, and students are no exception. The mooted doubling of the registration fee, combined with cuts to the student grant, has been met with stiff resistance from the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). A well publicised media campaign, a bombardment of mails to TDs, and demonstrations in Dublin and Galway in recent weeks have been the spearhead of months of work to fight increased fees. But is it fair? Why should students be exempt, while hospital wards are closed and unemployment rockets?

Should we not take a hit too? “Students have already taken a hit,” USI Education Officer Colm Murphy told The College Tribune. “Since its introduction in 1996, the Student Services Charge [registration fee] has increased by 689%.” This is at a rate far greater than inflation, and Murphy is quick to point out that the fee was increased almost every year, even before the collapse of the ‘Celtic Tiger’ boom, a time at which government spending in other areas increased significantly. A registration fee increase is not the only thing being threatened, as the government looks to cut the maintenance grant for the poorest students by up to 10%. “During the boom, if the grant was not enough to live on, students could easily find

part time work, so it was less of a problem. Now, of course, that’s no longer viable,” says Murphy. The USI website describes the grant system as “hopelessly outdated” and points out that during the boom, the grant level actually fell in real terms. Even before the potential cuts, students look to be bearing a hefty burden as a result of the recession. “We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of students seeking financial support across the country,” confirms Murphy. With the economy in turmoil, unemployment rising, and wages for those in work being frozen, it was inevitable that the number of students who could support themselves through college would drop. Combined with the number of part-time jobs falling sharply, it is inevitable that the call on welfare funds, such as the one administered at UCD by UCDSU Welfare Officer, Scott Ahern, will rise – which is why USI is campaigning for more government funding for these support systems.

According to USI’s pre-budget submission, “[t]he average annual cost of going to college is €10,035 for a student living away from home, yet the highest rate of support available is €6,355.” This leaves a shortfall that has to be made up, either from the student’s own funds (or those of their parents) or by welfare funds, both of which are coming under increasing pressure as the economy fails to recover. In times of financial strife, however, sacrifices have to be made. Whatever the input of the IMF and EU, it is likely that students will suffer some sort of cut, but the USI and others are fighting hard to prevent the damage being overly strong. “We’ve seen in other countries bailed out by the IMF, such as Argentina, how the governments continued to invest in education, because it was crucial to their future economic recovery and to a sustainable period of long term recovery and prosperity.” This is Murphy’s counter-argument to those who would place third

level education with every other aspect of government spending, but there is also a moral aspect to the argument. Should someone’s decision to go to university to improve their chances of future employment and prosperity hinge on financial circumstance, rather than academic merit? Perhaps the state of the nation’s balance books will put on hold the utopian ideals of a pure meritocracy, but this is not a view shared by the USI. Colm Murphy is keen to stress that the overall position of the USI hasn’t changed – they will fight fees and grant reductions, as well as lobby for a graduate internship programme to try and reduce graduate emigration, regardless of the recent developments concerning Ireland’s finances. The USI feels that welleducated students are crucial to the long term recovery of the State, and will not let short term concerns deter its campaigns. The government and Brian Lenihan will declare whether they are in agreement on December 7th.

Turn to page 8 and 9 for analysis of the latest in economics and politics.

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

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Saints, Scholars & The Students’ Union Semester One - A Review

With the threat of doubling the registration fee leading to clashes on the streets of Dublin, the visit of a former President of the United States to Belfield, UCD’s ranking in the international university ratings going down whilst UCD staff’s bonuses went up - there was plenty to keep the university’s students and staff talking over the past three months. News Editor Donie O’Sullivan takes a look at some of the bigger stories of Semester One. Semester One started as all Semester Ones tend to do. Eager first years arrived in the university, many of them moving away from home for the first time. Those unfortunate enough to be living on campus experienced the annual UCD Residences check-in fiasco. The process was a particular failure this year, with a group of students who had travelled from Malaysia being left homeless on their first night – with the Malaysian embassy having to put them up in a hotel. But all was forgotten by the time the first official day of term came along. Students packed the Student Bar for what was the first time this year formally referred to by UCD Ents as the “First Day of Term”, UCD authorities no longer allowing it to be known as “Black Monday” clearly due to the trauma the title had caused to students in previous years. The usual confrontations between drunken students and the marginally sober UCD security ensued, along with the mandatory damage to accommodation across the campus. Freshers’ Week proved to be a great success, with Law Soc gaining the title of biggest society on campus – although it still remains to be seen if they will bring Daniel Craig, Zac Efron and Martin Sheen to the university as promised. The Iron Stomach competition and the bungee jump next to the Freshers’ tent put some students’

intestines to the test, while the Freshers Ball saw Tinie Tempah entertaining a sell-out crowd. Members of the L&H waltzed the night away at the sophisticated Strauss Ball in early November. Whilst this year’s Comm Ball had a nature theme, the intoxicated members of the UCDSU hierarchy displayed human life in its most primitive form. Cardinal John Henry Newman, one of the founders of the university, was beatified, but for Dr. Hugh Brady, UCD’s current president, beatification looks doubtful. A week after it was announced that UCD had lost its position in the top 100 QS World University rankings, falling from 89th to 114th place, it emerged that UCD staff had been granted €1.6 million in unsanctioned allowances. The fact was made all the more ironic, as Dr. Brady had earlier attributed UCD’s fall in rankings to Irish universities being “cash-starved”. The university, which depending on what day it is, is €15 million in debt, is so cash-starved that in September it resorted to clamping an ambulance. An exclusive photo that featured on the front page of The College Tribune showed an ambulance car parked on campus, clamped by UCD’s notorious clampers. The image caused uproar across the university, with the Students’ Union describing it as “a serious case of someone displaying an alarming lack of common sense.” Bill Clinton came and had dinner in the O’Reilly Hall. Secret Service agents mingled with Pulse Security and half the campus went on lock down. Uncharacteristically the university did not name any further buildings on the campus after the former president, however they did give him a medal. The UCD Students’ Union provided us with plenty to talk about.With no major

disaster yet, the €116,000-a-year sabbatical team have had a successful first semester. Paul Lynam, UCDSU President, had a memorable encounter with Senator and future Irish presidential candidate David Norris on his surprise visit to the Students’ Union Council. The SU have made commendable progress on the possible reintroduction of a seven day library in Semester Two. The ‘legendary’ class rep training weekend also seemed a success, costing half the price of previous weekends – the hotel which hosted the young legislators reported no serious forms of destruction, in fact quite the contrary. However, in a form of secrecy not known even to the Bilderberg Group, class reps were forbidden from posting any photos of the weekend on Facebook. The biggest news story of the semester, of course, was the national student protest on November 3rd, organised by the USI. 40,000 students from all over the country marched from Parnell Square to Merrion Square against an increase in the registration fee and further cuts to the maintenance grant, chanting slogans like, “No cutbacks, no fees, no Fianna Fáil TDs,” and carrying some memorable protest signs. However the success of the USIorganised protest was overshadowed by events caused by a breakaway group, who decided to launch a sitdown protest in the Department of Finance on Merrion Row. With eggs, protest placards and bottles thrown, the situation quickly got out of hand and the Garda Riot Squad were called to the scene. Having witnessed the entire showdown, in my opinion, the now highly publicized videos on YouTube depicting the “Garda brutality” only show one side of the story. It is true that some members of the force acted heavy handedly, using unjustifiable force in many instances – these members of An Garda Síochána, one should hope, will be dealt with by the Garda Ombudsman. However it is inaccurate to say that the protest before the arrival of the riot squad was an entirely peaceful affair. Missiles were directed

at Gardaí by a minority, one piece of wood hitting a Garda in the face drawing blood, and the situation which had developed on Merrion Row was a dangerous one. The almost immediate condemnation of the breakaway protest by the USI, UCDSU and other unions left some students disillusioned as to whom the unions were actually representing. These sentiments were expressed at the “March against Garda Brutality” which was organised predominately by the left-wing groups who had instigated the Department of Finance protest. Formerly a USI officer and UCDSU Campaigns and Communications Officer, Dan O’Neill, spoke from the steps of Pearse Street Garda Station, the destination of the march. “I am ashamed as a student that there is no student union representatives here,” he stated, “We pay their wages.” By the time we return to UCD in mid-January after our Christmas break, a budget will have been announced that looks likely to affect every student in this university in a profound way. Decisions that will affect each and every one of us may be made by organisations outside of the state. These harsh, but necessary decisions will have far-reaching implications, both economically and socially – the likes of which our generation has never seen. 2011 will be a year, all clichés aside, where students will genuinely need strong representation from their own Students’ Union and other organisations that represent the student body. How these organisations deal with the hardships that will inevitably be experienced by a greater number of students will be a test of their real strength, and will act as a justification for their existence. All that said, bail-outs and the IMF aside, we’ll all be in the Student Bar for pints on Black Monday of Semester Two, when we’ll do the whole thing all over again!

PHOTO: Dáire Brennan





You’d want to be a Saint to want to be a Scholar... If you were wondering just why so many students took to the streets in the last fortnight to protest, you may not be aware of the possible effects of the upcoming Budget on universities. Chris Bond examines what may lie ahead. “As we begin to emerge from the unrelenting economic gloom of the last eighteen months, we need to rediscover our optimism and our self-belief. Now more than ever, we need that confidence on which business thrives, our plan is working, we have turned the corner. I commend this Budget to the House.” That was the budget speech of the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, just less than 12 months ago. If his prophecy had turned out to be correct, then Ireland would now be emerging out of the recession, and the spectre of the most severe cutbacks and/or tax increases the state has implemented in years would not be hanging over us. We would not be derided by the EU Commission over our low tax regime, nor would we be faced with the stark choice between massive austerity measures and IMF intervention. The financial markets would not be driving up the cost of borrowing to 7.8%. These revelations

are shocking enough in themselves, but they are compounded by the fact that we are still in recession – the ESRI predicts that our GNP will shrink by 3% for the year 2010, and the cost of the bank bailout could exceed €50 billion. We are pleading with the European Commission and the international bond markets for money to finance the mere day-today running costs of this country. This has culminated in a covenant to reduce the budget deficit by €15 billion. The first and largest instalment of that reduction will take place in the forthcoming budget. Minister Lenihan has announced that the cuts and tax increases for 2011 will be €6 billion. Is this the sign of a country that has turned the corner, or a sign that it will have to get even worse before it will get better? One section of society that is really suffering from the effects of the recession is that of college students. The registration fee, which stands at €1500 at present, is more expensive than college fees in other

European countries. Austria charges tuition fees of just €726 per year, Luxembourg charges €200 per year, Portugal €500 per year and Belgium charges €800 per year. Germany is the next most expensive country charging €1000 per year. The only country that charges higher fees for higher education is the UK. This registration fee was introduced in 1996, at a level of €150 per student, in the wake of the abolition of tuition fees. Its purpose was to fund student services, such as sports clubs, societies and medical and counselling services. Since then it has already increased by over 1000% suggesting that funding for student services has increased tenfold – however, that is clearly not the case. Accounts from UCD and Trinity College have revealed that the majority of funds from the registration fee go towards funding the day-to-day running costs of the university. With medical centres and college societies bearing the brunt of many of the cutbacks, students

are effectively paying increasingly higher charges for increasingly poorer services. Reports that the registration fee will increase the supply of funding to university are illfounded, as previous increases in the registration fee have corresponded with a reduction in the same amount of funding allocated per student to colleges by the Higher Education Authority. There are serious threats that this fee will be doubled for the next academic year. To make matters worse, the registration fee is an upfront fee, and lacks the flexibility in payment offered by our European counterparts. In the UK, there is a student loans company which allows students to defer payment of their fees until their earnings reach a certain level after graduation. In Ireland, if you do not have the money up front, you are denied access to academic facilities. This is compounded by the lack of part time jobs available and the problems in accessing bank loans in

this economic climate. The grant, which is barely enough to survive on, has already been cut, and faces the prospect of being slashed again. The Student Assistance Fund, which is targeted at students with the most pressing financial difficulties, is in danger of being fully withdrawn. The fund for disabled students was cut by 40% in the previous budget, and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) understands that it faces even more cuts. The effects of cutbacks are already visible on campus. At present, the James Joyce Library no longer opens on a Sunday, some programme offices have restricted opening hours, and the waiting times in the administration building have become intolerable for students. Given that staff wages and numbers have already taken a hit, the government have indicated that savings in the education sector will have to come from cuts in student services and fee increases. Even if one manages to struggle

through college in the midst all of the cuts and fee increases, graduate employment prospects are indeed grim. According to USI, one in five unemployed people are degree holders and over 1,000 graduates are leaving the country per week in order to find employment. It is with good reason then that Budget 2011 is one of the most anticipated budgets in the history of the state. Not only will it decide the fate of the current Irish government, but it will also decide the fate of those who depend on public services and state benefits. Not even those within the four walls of this university will be insulated from its effects. The medium term economic outlook will hinge on the success or failure of the December budget. Will Brian Lenihan be remembered as the person with the foresight to steer us out of this recession, or as the minister whose ill conceived economic measures proved catastrophic for this nation?

The Bailout Explained So it has finally happened. David McManus discusses the arrival of the IMF and the possibilities for Ireland under a new financial regime After two weeks of endless speculation and rumours, Ireland has formally applied for funding from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB). This bailout is necessary not because the Irish government faced an immediate funding crisis - we have a savings pot of €20 billion on hand - but instead because our banks faced a crisis that threatened the stability of the Euro currency. Thanks to an ill-conceived decision made by the Irish government to guarantee the banks’ liabilities in September 2008, which has been maintained even after the guarantee expired two months ago, the problem of an over-borrowed, insolvent banking system has become a problem for the Irish taxpayer. Unfortunately for Ireland, the Irish government refused to consider the warnings offered by economists, both home and abroad, about a small economy’s attempt to bail out its entire banking system, much less one already suffering a recession. The inherent contradiction of an economy reducing its financial liabilities by cutting social welfare to save €5 billion, yet continuing to support insolvent and zombie banks with €50 billion to bail out

reckless investors, never seems to have occurred to Brian Cowen or Brian Lenihan. To understand how we got to this position, we must look at the events of the last few months. Interest on Irish government borrowing began to rise over the summer due to the fears of the overall cost of the bank bailout. This continued largely unabated after Black Thursday, when the government estimated the final cost to be in the region of €50 billion. Earlier last month, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, stated that investors who lent money to EU states must be prepared to lose money should a state fall into financial difficulty. This warning pushed up interest rates even higher for countries such as Portugal, Greece Ireland and Spain. The Chancellor’s comments were reasonable, as it was the German taxpayer who had contributed the most to the Greek bailout, and the heads of EU states had already rejected Merkel’s suggestion of states losing their voting power within the Union if they failed to control their budget deficits. Nervousness among international investors increased further with expectations of large losses for Irish

banks from mortgage defaults, and the likelihood of a general election as the government barely survives

with a slim majority of just two Independent TDs. Even with a government guarantee, Irish banks continued to have difficulty in raising funds on international markets, which left them in need of emergency liquidity from the ECB. Since September, all Irish banks have faced a slow but continuous withdrawal of deposits, largely from corporate customers. The extra cash required from the ECB has meant that the Irish banking system is the most dependent of all its European peers. The ECB, afraid of contagion spreading to other EU banks, decided to act by opening talks with the Irish government on a possible bailout. The bailout soon to be agreed is

only a bailout in the sense that the Irish state will have access to funds at a lower cost then what would be available from international money markets. Every cent of the money lent will be expected to be repaid. What is the cost of this bailout? There are interest repayments costs, loss of sovereignty, and the reputational damage at hand. Regarding interest costs, there is speculation that Ireland will be charged in the range of 5% to access funds from the EU-IMF. If we are to borrow in the region of €80 billion over the next three years to fund the everyday expenses of the state (such as public sector salaries), and to fully over-capitalise our banking system to ensure international confidence, we can look at repayments of €4 billion a year in interest alone. There has been a view expressed in the national media that Ireland should have opted for external help from the IMF/ECB sooner, as this may have led to easier decisions for the government. The four-year plan to get the budget deficit under control will be an adjustment of €15 billion. That adjustment will still be made now with IMF/EU assistance. Whether it is the Irish government or the IMF that makes the difficult decisions in cutting the budget

deficit, the level of the adjustment will be exactly the same. However, IMF/ECB involvement comes with the cost of losing certain aspects of economic sovereignty. Financial markets in reality don’t particularly care how a country cuts its deficit as long as it is achieved within a suitable time period. However, borrowing from the IMF comes with conditions on the funding which they demand in order to be sure of being repaid. These conditions often demand structural reforms in order to boost growth. To see what this may involve, we can only look to Greece’s bailout which was agreed six months ago. As a part of their deal, Greece, along with implementing the necessary budget adjustment of tax increases and expenditure cuts, has agreed to remove barriers to competition in some “closed professions” such as lawyers and accountants. This is just one example, but in Ireland’s case, while less reform is needed, a shortlist of reforms and actions need to be performed. These may include privatisation of semi-state assets, reducing the minimum wage, increasing college fees, further implementation of An Bord Snip’s report, and cancelling the Croke

Park Agreement between the government and trade unions on pay and productivity. The most hotly contested issue has been whether the EU may push Ireland to abandon its coveted low corporation tax regime, thought to be one of the key ingredients in Ireland’s Celtic Tiger success. Recent indications are that this will not happen, as there is strong opposition to this, both from the present government and any future government coalition of Fine Gael and the Labour Party. For the EU to do so would also risk triggering an anti-EU sentiment among Irish people, who are traditionally proEU in their outlook. In the same way that policy makers around the world studied the Celtic Tiger economy to examine how a small backward nation can transform itself into one of the leading economies of the world, Ireland will now join a small number of countries that serve as an example to others of how not to solve a banking crisis. Two years after our banking crisis started, it is the financial markets who have now called this government’s bluff of consistently underestimating the scale of our banking problems.

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

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Bye-Election for Fianna Fáil? Chris Bond reveals that the upcoming Donegal by-election could be the beginning of the end for Fianna Fáil One of the biggest tests of the Irish government’s resilience comes at the end of this month with the impending by-election in Donegal South West. Although just one seat is up for grabs, the result will have serious implications for the stability of the Fianna Fáil and Green Party coalition. The election is to fill the seat previously held by the outgoing Fianna Fáil TD, Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher, but the party who currently have the most representatives in the Dáil face an uphill battle to succeed in Thursday’s election. Amidst the country’s economic woes, Fianna Fáil have been trailing both Fine Gael and Labour in recent national opinion polls. Government parties traditionally do not fare well in by-elections according to history, as the opposition have won all 26 previous by-elections in the history of the state, and this current government is unlikely to contradict that record, given its low approval ratings. Donegal voters look set to use this by-election as an opportunity to have a pot shot at the government over their handling of the economic crisis. A poll commissioned by Red C and

Paddy Power has indicated that the Fianna Fáil candidate, Senator Brian O’Domhnaill, is trailing his Seanad colleague, Pearse Doherty of Sinn Féin, by over twenty percentage points. The increasing anti-Fianna Fáil sentiment throughout the country will mean that O’Domhnaill will have a more difficult time than Doherty in attracting second preference votes from other candidates – most of whom will be running on an antigovernment platform. As it stands, the government have the support of 82 deputies in Dáil Éireann, in comparison to the opposition’s 79. This doesn’t take into account the Ceann Comhairle, Fianna Fáil TD Seamus Kirk (who is only able to exercise his vote in the event of a tie) and the three remaining vacant Dáil seats, which, in the context of the unpopular government, are likely to be filled by the opposition when the respective by-elections are held. Many commentators have suggested that the delay in holding the other by-elections is down to the fact that the government’s majority would be virtually wiped out, resulting in the end of this government. Dáil

Éireann operates a Westminster parliamentary system, meaning that the executive branch of government (Taoiseach and Ministers) is decided on by the members of the Dáil. When the government no longer has the support of a majority of TDs, it must cease to continue, and a new government must be elected, either by seeking a dissolution of Dáil Éireann from the President of Ireland calling a general election, or by electing a new government from the current members of Leinster House. The latter situation has only occurred once, in 1994. With the opposition not currently having enough seats to form a government, added with the reluctance of any opposition party to broker a deal with Fianna Fáil, the most likely outcome of a collapse in Government is a general election. The Donegal South West by-election is significant because its outcome is likely to lead to a further reduction in the government’s already slim majority. Should the government lose this by-election, their majority would be reduced to two. This means that passing further legislation will hinge on the support of the Independents, who are likely

to make significant demands in return for voting for the upcoming Budget. Michael Lowry, one such Independent TD, is demanding the go-ahead to construct a casino in his home constituency, whilst another Independent, Jackie Healy Rae, is seeking funds to refurbish

a hospital in Kenmare. The outcome of the remaining three by-elections is likely to wipe out the government’s majority entirely, leaving their position untenable. The Fianna Fáil/Green government is currently hanging on by a thread, and if opinion polls are accurate, that

thread is about to wear away over the next few months. It all depends on making enough concessions to sell their programme to the backbenchers, and on a favourable result in the upcoming by-elections, the latter situation being the one less likely to occur.

Government Numbers before Donegal South West Election Labour 20 seats Sinn Féin 4 seats Fine Gael 51 seats Fianna Fáil 70 seats Vacant Seats 4 seats Independents 10 seats Ceann Comhairle 1 seat Green Party 6 seats

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Making Your Mark on The World is Hard Conor McKenna takes a critical approach to Barack Obama’s foreign policy and talks to Julien Mercille, UCD lecturer in Political Geography, about the failings of the latest US administration. It has been a year since Obama was unveiled as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. The question on everyone’s mind at the time was “What has he done to deserve it?” Obama had been in office for barely nine months when the prize was awarded to him. A year later, it’s time to reassess what the 44th President of the United States has done to bring peace to the world. “We have seized this opportunity to make the American people and the world more secure,” US President Barack Obama announced on 14th April 2010. The comment came following the signing of a new plan on the security of nuclear technology and materials. Representatives from 46 countries joined the Obama administration in Washington for a Nuclear Security Summit. Although we can merit Obama on the policies, there was one major flaw in its design: neither Iran nor North Korea were invited. Julien Mercille, UCD lecturer in Political Geography, remarks simply: “It’s a failure.” The US policy on Iran has been one of exclusion, despite the fact

the Obama regime has continued a similar line with new missile and bomb delivery vehicles. Combined with this, Mercille echoes: “Israel has nuclear weapons and the US is blocking international attempts to get Israel to join the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty.” “There are peace groups in Afghanistan, but they’re not supported at all. They’re completely ignored, not just by the US, but by all countries.” Here Mercille makes an interesting point; the lack of support for grassroots democratic organisations is a serious failing of the US. In Iraq, where the US promoted democratic institutions without promoting democracy on a small scale level, this has led to disasters such as the assassination of political candidates. “US media don’t cover what’s important; sometimes they do, but that’s not what drives the agenda. They mostly reflect establishment viewpoints.” The US was eager and thorough in championing the cause of Haiti; even former presidents Bush and Clinton set aside their differences

that there has been no reliable evidence to suggest that Iran is developing, or has developed, nuclear arms. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is responsible for gathering data on nuclear technology use among other tasks, has concluded that Iran’s nuclear programme is peaceful and that discrepancies have been relatively minor. The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), conducted by US government agencies and released in 2007, stated there was no evidence that Iran had, or was developing, nuclear weapons. Mercille briefly talks about Iran as defined as a ‘rogue state’ postrevolution in 1979 The policy of containment is a reminder that clear comparisons can be made between today’s ‘rogue states’ and the communist states of the Cold War. The US, as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has made commitments to downscale, and eventually eradicate, its nuclear weapons. According to Mercille: “Obama is modernising and refurbishing the arsenals as Bush was doing.” Supporters of Obama are often surprised to hear

to start up an appeal. Though this is certainly a worthwhile cause, a far worse disaster struck Pakistan only months later. Over one fifth of the country was underwater, and six million people were in need of immediate aid. A logical decision could have been for Obama to send aid, for media to cover the event, and for Bush and Clinton to start another appeal. But as Mercille puts it: “As regards the floods, the US doesn’t care about that. If they did, they wouldn’t spend a trillion dollars on military spending, they’d spend it on healthcare.” There was a clear opportunity to improve relations with Pakistan which was not capitalised upon by Obama. “Compared to Bush, it’s not that different,” says Mercille, in relation to Obama’s foreign policy. “In genera,l it’s very militaristic, it’s not based on human rights or anything like that.” The reality is that although many people voted for Obama on dreams of a more passive foreign policy, in reality there has been no decrease in military spending between the Bush and Obama regimes. Mercille argues that “a lot of people elected him because they thought he would reduce war; so he had a chance to do it.” Given that media focus has been on domestic affairs, it is easy to understand how people could be naive in thinking that his foreign

that there have been little changes in the way of nuclear policy between Bush and Obama. While the Bush regime brought in the Reliable Replacement Warhead,

policy has been purely positive. In practice, however, Obama has increased the number of troops in Afghanistan, and even justified this in the speech given upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. There have been positive aspects to Obama’s foreign policy though. Mercille mentions that, “In Iraq he has withdrawn troops so that’s positive, but there are still quite a few thousand there.” The media response to this has been overwhelmingly upbeat. It seems as though the war in Iraq is over. The remaining 22,000 troops stationed in Iraq will complete the training of the Iraqi forces before coming home. With regards to Afghanistan, Mercille is less positive. “You can always point to things: The US spends 5-10% of its budget in Afghanistan on reconstruction; so you will have projects that will pop up, like schools are built or healthcare, but it’s very small compared to everything else.” Defenders of Obama have argued that his position was set prior to

his election - after all, Iraq and Afghanistan aren’t his wars. “In Afghanistan he had a very good opportunity to reduce the US presence there and not involve itself more. Now it’s his war too.” What conclusion should we take from this? Obama had an opportunity to change the way US foreign policy was pursued. There have been positive aspects to his

foreign policy, such as the support for aid in Haiti and the removal of troops from Iraq, but they have been overshadowed by militaristic policies. Obama was a beacon of hope for the masses, not least in the US but elsewhere. His presidency has been defined by his domestic policy, but it’s his foreign policy we should really scrutinize. Obama is not dissimilar from Bush, though

perhaps we like to overlook that because of party difference. Should we place Obama on the same shelf as some of the great American presidents? The jury is still out; although if his foreign policy is anything to go by, he could be hung out to dry rather than hailed in the next presidential election.

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

| 11

Here Comes the Hype Matthew Costello It has taken an almighty effort, but finally the economy was swept from the British front pages last week, albeit very briefly. A 148-character tweet from the official account of the Prince of Wales confirmed what gossip columns have been speculating about for months: Prince William’s getting hitched. The news spread like wildfire, from Twitter, through Facebook, onto the blogs and eventually into the print media, where it has set up camp that presumably will not be struck until well after the event itself. For an institution as traditional and conservative as the British Royal Family, announcing the betrothal of the first-but-one in line to the throne through the ‘new’ media can be seen either as a desperate attempt to remain relevant in the modern age or as a genuine sign of progress. The chosen viewpoint depends on your point of view, but it can’t be denied that the statement was delivered to the intended audience directly.

Despite having just two days to make the rankings, the wedding was only beaten to top spot in Twitter’s weekly trends by the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, while the sheer volume of blogs, articles, comment, countercomment and social media posts on the subject has been overwhelming. It shouldn’t be surprising. This is the wedding of a man whose first press conference was at the age of two,, the son of one of the most popular princesses in English history, and a member of a family which has come to be regarded as the most extravagant soap opera in the western world. ‘Wills and Kate’ are international celebrities about to take centre stage in the biggest royal jamboree of the 21st century so far - but is that all it is? Is this just another, slightly bigger celebrity wedding? Celebrity gossip columns and magazines will certainly be the primary outlets for developments in the coming months, but the unique position of the royal family, and of William as a probable future head

of state, means there will be wider interest, especially for those who could see an opportunity to reopen a debate on whether the monarchy, whose powers and roles have remained stable for centuries, has any place at all in modern society. Republican feeling in Britain has never been overwhelmingly strong but there are periodic bursts of resentment that the aristocracy, many of whom inherit vast wealth in the first place, are preserved at the top of the social scale by public funding. Indeed, the strain placed on the taxpayer by an extravagant wedding (the security bill alone is estimated to run to £80 million) will undoubtedly be a key question asked by unsympathetic observers in the coming months. There will be considerable pressure on William’s father to foot at least some of the bill from his vast wealth generated by the Duchy of Cornwall, but any public outlay at a time of brutal cuts and austerity will be seized on by critics. However Britain is expected to benefit

financially from the event. Tourism and demand for garish souvenirs could add anything from £50 million to £1 billion to the economy, according to the wild post-announcement speculation, but to put that into context: even the most optimistic figures would only be one tenth of Britain’s potential contribution to the Irish bail-out fund. The view from abroad, where the question of paying for it doesn’t arise, is perhaps more charitable. US media has dedicated even more airtime and column inches to the wedding than in the UK, and the Irish Times editorial, on the day the IMF arrived in town, was divided equally between lamenting the destruction of the heroes of 1916’s legacy and the latest development in the monarchy of the nation they fought so hard against. Obviously the question of succession doesn’t arise, but would there be nearly as much interest a Presidential marriage in Ireland? It is an odd juxtaposition; worldwide,

many could name every member of the immediate royal family but not the head of the Irish state, despite the latter having far more constitutional power. Admittedly the President is not a US-style party and policy leader, but her remit is far greater than that of the Queen’s or, when his time comes, that of King William. Above all, the President is elected: the best candidate according to the electoral population or, in other words, achieving her position on some scale of merit. In a modern world, where politicians use phrases like ‘social mobility’, ‘equality of opportunity’ and ‘fairer futures for all’ to put positive spin on policies, should we not celebrate that more than the marital status of someone, who is famous simply for being born into one of the most fabulously privileged families on earth? If and when he becomes King, William will have ceremonial duties as Head of State and of the Anglican Church, the latter of which has

caused problems for his father an entire re-appraisal of church doctrine was needed to allow him to re-marry. William would perhaps be seen as more suitable by Anglicans to take over from his grandmother, although as one evidently devout Scottish correspondent to the Daily Telegraph pointed out, “It [appeared] the happy couple were openly living together, and indeed holidaying together when the prince asked for her hand in marriage… If this is standard practice for the head of the established church, then heaven help us”. For now, the focus will be on the details of what promises to be the international bash of 2011. You can be sure, however, that the coming months of media coverage will provide an open platform for those who question whether an unelected, aristocratic succession is what 21st century Britain needs, and whether the incumbents and their heirs are suitable for the jobs to which they were born.

Road Test: SAAB 9-5 Jeremy O’ Hanlon Not too long ago, Saab automobile’s future was looking grim at best. The brand had been plunged into liquidation due to the failings of its owner GM who, due to financial woes brought about by the R-word, were also seeing the end of Pontiac, Saturn and of course every drug lord’s favourite manufacturer, Hummer. While the 9-5 had already been developed in the GM era, it was looking like it would pass into oblivion before it was ever put into production. That was until of course Dutch Automotive heroes Spyker NV finalized a deal with General Motors this February to take control of the brand. Spyker’s first conquest as owners of Saab was to launch their new executive saloon, the 9-5. The replacement of the 9-5 was well over due as the thirteen year old outgoing model was becoming as stale as last months slice-pan. Ready to take on the highly competitive, German dominated executive car market, this new offering come with a range of engines, and true to Saab’s turbo charging heritage, there isn’t a naturally aspirated engine in sight. The petrol engines comprise of 220Bhp 2.0-litre turbo and a range topping 2.8-litre V6 turbo pushing

out a massive 300Bhp. A 1.6 turbo petrol with 180Bhp is on its way for next year. The V6 also come with Saab’s all wheel drive system – Cross wheel drive (XWD). The diesels comprise of an entry 2.0-litre TiD coming in at 160Bhp as well as a 2.0-litre twin turbo TTiD with an output of 190Bhp and 400nm torque. Courtesy of Faichney-Ringwood Saab, I test-drove the engine that will be the most common in Ireland due to its ability to squeeze into the B category motor tax-band with C02 emissions of 139g/km, the 2.0-litre TiD. The great driver orientated set-up was immediately noticeable; it can literally feel like a cockpit due to the aircraft like green-lit instruments, including a turbo-guage, and the inclusion of an altimeter style digital speedometer on the instrument panel screen. To add to this there is also a ‘pilot head-up display’ which essentially projects speed and rpm along with other info onto the windscreen. If I had this car I would probably show it off to everyone who ever sits in, and not just because its simply put – awesome, but because it costs, wait for it, €830! On the road, the 9-5 is very pleasant to drive and very comfortable and quite on the motorway. While the 2.0-litre TiD is rated at 160Bhp

due to the size of the 9-5, you’re never really thrown back in your seat. However there’s certainly adequate power considering it is the least powerful engine of the range and it does return 5.3l/100km combined. Saab offers a remedy for those looking for a bit of extra poke, a Hirsch performance remap, which will boost the power output up 20-30Bhp (available at the dealer for €1500). So what does it cost? The New 9-5’s main selling point is that it undercuts the rivals coming in at €36,500 at Linear spec, but you’d be silly not to go up to Vector spec, which both of my test cars were. This showed massive improvements and turned it into a proper exec car by adding goodies such as electricallyadjustable heated full leather seats as well as Bluetooth prep and front and rear parking sensors. The Vector model comes in at €39,500 so it still undercuts rivals, especially once the added spec is taken into account. The main question is how will the Swedes fair in the highly competitive segment with their latest attack? It still needs a V6 diesel in the range (once they don’t source it from Isuzu again) to take on the likes of a 530d, and there is talk of a 2.9 TiD coming at some stage, hopefully it will materialize. I think the 9-5 will do well, it’s at very least

good value up against it’s rivals but much more importantly you get that beautiful Swedish styling that makes the car a pleasure to be in and admire from the outside (thanks to various arrangements of LEDs) and even though residuals may not turn out to be class leading, with parts of the executive car market favoring conservatism and the safe options at the moment its nice to drive something daring that makes you feel like you’re in the cockpit of a Jet and not just hopelessly stuck in rush-hour traffic on the N11!




Opinion It’s Christmas so let’s start Michael Phoenix Last week was a busy one at UCD. For many, study schedules were in full swing. Others were catching up on their German in anticipation of the imminent financial invasion. But other events, too, were afoot. UCD’s branch of Saint Vincent de Paul ran their annual ‘Homeless Week’. As of 2008 there were over 2,300 homeless adults in Dublin. With the inevitable increase that accompanies a recession, the numbers are now indefensible. In order to emphasise the plight of those afflicted, students slept out through the wind and rain on cracked cardboard beds in front of the Library, while buskers flogged their voices in an attempt to raise awareness and, primarily, to raise money. Law Soc heeded the call to charity too. In the name of Focus Ireland, who “aims to advance the right of people-out-of-home to live in a place they call home,” ‘Roebuck Week’ took off. It hit the ground

running with a table quiz on Monday, a rugby tournament on Tuesday and a free lunch and night out on Wednesday. Never one to be left out, Art Soc were in on the act too.They decided to fundraise in aid of St. John’s Ward at Crumlin Children’s Hospital. Selling their particular brand of charity through four days packed with events, including sessions of live music, and a Thursday morning offering of tea with toast, one would hope that they too had every success. However, this combination of efforts may prove problematic. So say it’s your best friend’s birthday, and your other half ’s birthday, and the Pope’s birthday all on the same night – but you have no money with which to glide down to your local brewery to celebrate all these important occasions. Not an insurmountable obstacle really, you could just ask a friend to lend you some money, to be repaid immediately upon

the stabilisation of your personal financial crisis. Everything is going to be alright. Until you realise that two of your other friends are also looking for a loan, and as a result, not one person can be lent enough for even one brew downtown. This leaves you all sitting alone in your individual houses, cursing each other for invented failings, and crying in front of The X-Factor. Why is it that these admirable charitable appeals are found competing with each other? The successes of past charitable campaigns in UCD prove that despite their often empty pockets, students are willing to give. But it is too much to ask them to respond to three calls at once. It seems that the homeless and Crumlin Children’s Hospital would have reaped far greater benefits if there had been a more tactful spread of these events across the college calendar. But as this was not the case, a new

issue arises concerning the actual integration of charity into charities. In the run up to the Christmas period, everyone is looking for help, but what is the best way to give it? Some people would tell you that the only way you can really make a difference is through a hands-on approach – by becoming involved personally. So rather than give money to the buskers of Saint Vincent de Paul, you should volunteer in one of their weekly soup kitchen runs.You should travel with UCD Volunteers Overseas and help children in countries such as India and Haiti, as opposed to giving your money to Focus Ireland. In that case, you’re giving your time rather than money, and though it’s true that cold hard cash is needed to solve society’s problems, it seems obvious it can’t be done through this alone. Some people would not entirely agree with this. For some, charity is giving what you can, and often

time will not fall into this category. Yes, some of the money given will go to the running of the charity or the pay of its members; some of it could be lost in bureaucracy, but the substantial percentage of money given will still be used productively. I used to collect on the main streets of Dublin, working for an animal welfare charity. We were given 30% of what we raised to keep. A lot of people knew that was the case, but they gave money regardless. They could have given it directly to an animal shelter, but they appreciated that although we may have taken a cut from what we raised, without our presence on the streets, there would most likely have been no money to take a cut from. You can easily transfer that example onto a bigger scale. Often people want to help society directly, but they do not know how. Without the street presence of charities such as Focus Ireland or Saint Vincent

de Paul, these people would, in all probability, do nothing to help. We all need to help someone this Christmas. We’re being targeted through fees to bail out the banks; we all have horrid exams on the horizon that might make us despair; it’s cold, windy and dark. But if we look at the bigger picture, we’re all in this together, and students really are in a better position than most. What happened in UCD this week points out the path we should take. Maybe this was not a success in an organisational sense, but student enthusiasm has been made very evident. Perhaps how we give to charity is not as important as what we bring to it. Our enthusiasm ran away with us at college this week. But that is what needs to happen; it just has to be channelled more productively. We have to let our enthusiasm take us away; we need to give what we can, and a little bit more.

Seasonal Safety With Christmas fast approaching and the weather deteriorating the conditions on Irish roads, Colman Hanley talks about the importance of travelling safely during the holiday period A time of relaxation and enjoyment with family and friends for many, but a time of tragedy for others. Every Christmas, we are always informed by our televisions or radios of a fatality from a road accident, and according to 2009 statistics from the Road Safety Authority (RSA), there is a 40% chance of someone under the age of 25 being involved. It was only twelve months ago, that in poor road conditions, news broke of a road accident in Carrownurlaur, Co. Galway, in which the lives of four young female students from NUIG Galway were tragically cut short. In the height of the warmth of the summer, eight men were killed in a road crash in Glasmullen, Co. Donegal. These accidents should act as a reminder to drivers to travel safely. Mr. Noel Brett, Chief Executive Officer of the RSA, was keen to pass on some practical advice for motorists when going out for a drink over the holidays. “Leave the keys at home; get a taxi, minibus,

public transport or take turns to designate a driver. And don’t forget that time is the only way to get alcohol out of your system, so don’t assume you are safe to drive the morning after a night out”. 2009 saw a number of 239 road deaths, the lowest level on record, and a decrease of 40 from 2008. In an effort to further increase the message of ‘Arrive Alive’, An Garda Síochána has launched a network of privatised mobile speed-enforcement cameras. The new system will provide 6,000 enforcement hours and 1,475 survey hours per month across the country. Commenting on the launch of the new system, Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, said he hoped there would be no revenue generated from fines. “That will mean people are actually obeying the speed limits. We’re not out there to catch anybody. We are out there just to remind them how dangerous speed is. If they break the rules, if they are

caught on camera then they’ll get what they deserve.” “Watch out for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists,” commented Mr. Brett of the RSA. With possibly the coldest winter approaching, the message of road safety is possibly even more important this year for every motorist and pedestrian to take heed of. Everyone has flicked through a road safety advert on their television at some point in their life, but sadly, statistics show that this lackadaisical attitude to ignore this message is prevalent amongst students and in the under 25 age bracket transfers to the roads. The defining message for every driver and road passenger this Christmas was wisely made by Brett. “Expect the unexpected. You simply do not know what is waiting around the next corner.” Make sure you take the corner safely this Christmas. For more information, visit

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

| 13

Gaeilge Fiche Bliain don Ghaeilge, an IMF agus Stephen Fry Eoghan Ó Murchadha

scoil, go foclóirí, is stádas na teanga

a theastaíonn uathu déanamh, ní na

sa Bhunreacht chomh maith le

cinn a mbíonn orthu déanamh’

Agus an tír ag titim as a chéile is

spreagadh agus tacaíocht a thabhairt

Mana rialta ag Fine Gael é seo agus

an ECB is an IMF ag teacht chun

dóibh siúd a chuireann fúthu sa

dealraíonn sé gur Enda Kenny agus

fóirithinte orainn an tseachtain seo

Ghaeltacht is san iar-Ghaeltacht.

Brian Hayes ó Family of Gaels

caite, bhí ceist thábhachtach idir

Bhí Alan Shatter agus Enda Kenny

atá taobh thiar de don chuid is

chamáin sa Dáil, Straitéis 20 Bliain

den tuairim nár chóir caint ar an

mó. Maíonn siad nach mbeadh

don Ghaeilge. Plean é seo a chuir

nGaeilge de bharr na díospóireachta

drochéifeacht aige seo ar an nGaeilge

comhchoiste Oireachtais le chéile le

geilleagraí agus cuireadh Shatter

agus an líon a dhéanann staidéar

sprioc de 250,000 cainteoir Gaeilge

den Dáil.

ar an nGaeilge ach tá an fhianaise

100,000 cainteoir ann faoi láthair.

Gaeilge amháin Roghnach(ach Béarla fós Éigeantach), FG is Páirtí an Lucht Oibre

idirnáisiúnta chomh maith leis an

Chomh maith, leis an sprioc ard sin

D’fháiltigh Frank Feighan, urlabhraí

de Ghaeilgeoirí na tíre atá tar éis

is gá don phlean seo dul i ngleic

Gaeltachta (nach bhfuil Gaeilge

leis an lomtátal a bhí ag an Staidéar

aige) Family of Gaels (Fine Gael) roimh an straitéis ach mhol sé go

laethúil a ghiniúint faoi cheann 20 bliain. Tá an sprioc seo thar a beith uaillmhianach go háirithe i bhfianaise nach bhfuil ach thart faoi

Teangeolaíoch ar úsáid na Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht a thugann le fios nach

ndéanfaí athbhreithniú ar stádas

gciall chomónta glan ina gcoinne.

Na Meáin agus an Ghaeilge: RTÉ Raidió 1 & TV3 Tá RTÉ Raidió 1 tar éis a admháil nach mbeidh aon chlár Gaeilge á chur le chéile acu as seo amach ach go ndéanfaidh siad athchraoladh ar chláir ó Raidió na Gaeltachta. Tá an cur chuige seo scannalach ón bpríomhchraoltóir náisiúnta agus rud é nach féidir a chosaint.

na hÉireann. Anois, áfach is ar na

léiritheoir na sraithe, beidh radharc

Gaeilgeoirí a bheidh an leithcheal

ardspraoi leis ann ina mbeidh

dírithe, rud atá ceart dar leo sin,

roinnt de mhórcharachtair Ros na

ní foláir.

Rún. Ní fheadar an mbeidh sé ag

Stephen Fry le bheith ar Ros na Rún Táim





chaint éadóchasach faoin nGaeilge, faoi naimhde na teanga i nDáil Éireann, agus



dúshlán an ráitis seo a thabhairt.

Níl sé cóir ar phobal na hÉireann nach mbeidh cláir úra Gaeilge ar Raidió 1.

Mhol Brian O’Shea(Páirtí an lucht

Tá TV3 le craobh uile-Éireann na

thaifead don chlár ar an Spidéal

Oibre) go ndéanfaí na briathra níos

mionúr a chur i láthair agus cé go

ag tús Mhí na Nollag. Mar chuid

rialta, rud a léirigh a easpa tuisceana

mbíodh seo as Gaeilge cheana tá an

de shraith an BBC ar theangacha neamhfhorleathana Planet Word,

go bhfuil seasamh idé-eolaíoch frithGhaeilge acu agus is beag duine


leordhóthain den bhuairt is den

ach ná bí buartha fágfaidh mé

Tá ráite ag Conradh na Gaeilge

giolcaireacht leis ar Twitter i dTigh

sibh le deá-scéal! Tá an t-aisteoir béalscaoilte




caimeo a ghlacadh sa sobalchlár Gaeilge Ros na Rún. Tosófar ar

mbeidh an Ghaeilge mar theanga

éigeantach na Gaeilge tar éis an

ar chúrsaí teangeolaíocha, sé sin

chosúlacht ar an scéal anois nach

an phobail sa Ghaeltacht in imeacht

Teastais Shóisearaigh (TS). Bhí

nach briathra ach gnéithe casta eile

amhlaidh a bheidh ar TV3. Tá ráite

glacfaidh an móraisteoir ról cainte

glúine amháin eile. Tá mórán moltaí

Fergus O’Dowd den tuairim gur

den teanga a chuireann isteach ar a

ag roinnt tráchtairí gur maith an rud

sa sobalchlár clúiteach Gaeilge a

éagsúla sa straitéis, ó níos mó béime

chóir fáil réidh léi tar éis an TS.


é seo toisc go raibh polasaí RTÉ ag

bhfuil breis is 1000 clár craolta

ar an teanga taobh amuigh den

‘Bíonn grá ag daltaí do na hábhair

déanamh leithcheala ar Bhéarlóirí

acu go dtí seo. Dar le Hugh Farley,

Akuku, an Céiniach a Mheall na Mná Eoin Ó Cróinín

dabht. Bhunaigh sé a ghnólacht

Ba bhuachaill dathúil mé i gcónaí,

cuma ar bith ar na mná úd, nó fiú

céile. Agus ní chreidfeá cén fáth ar

leis an gcineál iompair a bhíodh á

iompair mionbhusanna féin. De

bhí a fhios agam cén chaoi mé féin

éirim ar bith acu chun géilleadh dó.

scar sé leo. Bhí sé in amhras faoina

chleachtadh acu. Is é mo shaolsa féin

Dá mbeadh bonn ór ann don

réir a chéile, rinne sé dul chun

a ghléasadh agus cén chaoi labhairt

An é go raibh ball seirce aige?

ndílseacht dó! Shíl sé go raibh

a bhí á chur i mbaol acu”, a dúirt

pholagamas (nuair a bhíonn níos

cinn san earnáil go dtí go raibh a

leis na mná”, a dúirt sé in agallamh

Is cosúil gur fíor go nglaoití

siadsan mór le fir eile. Deirtear gur

sé gan gáire a dhéanamh. “Agus baol

mó ná bean chéile amháin ag fear),

impireacht féin cruthaithe aige.

amháin. Is cosúil gurb é sin an cineál

“Contúirt” air. Agus tá an chuma

tomhas maith ar d’ionracas féin is ea

an ghalair SEIF (AIDS) i ngach áit

bheadh sé buaite ag Akaku gan stró.

Agus impireacht bheag a bhí ina

bladair lenar mheall sé na mná sa

ar an scéal go raibh sé dainséarach.

an méid muiníne atá tú sásta a chur i

ar na saolta seo, ní mór dom a bheith

Shíothlaigh sé ar an 3ú Deireadh

bhaile dúchais, gan agó, óir is ann

chéad áit. Ceist eile is ea má bhí

Fuair sé colscaradh ó 85 dá mhná

ndaoine eile.“Ní fhéadfainn cur suas

an-dian ar iompar chuile dhuine”.

Fómhair caite, 94 bliana d’aois,

a lonnaigh cuid mhaith dá shliocht,

i ndiaidh dó cuing an phósta a

áit a bhfuil gnólachtaí beaga oscailte

cheangal 130 uair agus tuairim is

acu. Chuaigh duine amháin dá mhic

300 páiste a ghiniúint. Cúis iontais

leis an leigheas, agus rinneadh póilín

eile ab ea an aois aisteach a shlánaigh

de dhuine eile acu. Ba dheacair an

sé – ceithre scór is ceithre bliana

rud é cuntas a choinneáil orthu ar

déag agus é ina chónaí i gCéinia, tír

fad, gan dabht, ach mhaígh Akuku

ina bhfuil ionchas saoil de 54 bliana

go bhféadfadh sé gach duine dá

ann. Cuireadh 30 dá iarmhná céile

shliocht a ainmniú agus máthair an

agus 54 dá chlann san uaigh roimhe.

linbh freisin.

Ní bheidh a shochraid ar siúl go dtí

Go lá a bháis, b’fhear mór le rá a

4ú Nollaig chun deis a thabhairt

bhí i Akuku ina bhaile dúchais.

dá chlann taisteal abhaile as ceithre

Mhealladh sé suim na meán–

hairde an domhain.

bhíodh na hiriseoirí i gcónaí ar

Phós Akuku don chéad uair in

thóir fhocail an ghaiscígh seo. Bhí

1939. Is dócha nách raibh sé sásta

sé lánsásta labhairt leo, ró-shásta

gurbh í an bhean sin a anamchara,

dar le daoine áirithe. Bhí bua na

áfach. Pósadh é don dara huair, ansin

cainte aige agus ba bhreá leis plé

don tríú huair é, agus don cheathrú

a dhéanamh ar éachtaí a bheatha.

huair… Lean sé leis ag pósadh agus

Maíonn dhá iriseoir gur éiligh sé

ag giniúint na bpáistí go dtí 1997.

airgead do na hagallaimh a thugadh

An bhean dheireanach lenar dhein

sé, cé nach bhfuil sé seo cinntithe.

sé an beart ní raibh sí ach ocht

Tá rud amháin cinnte, áfach: bhí

mbliana déag d’aois.

Aikuku ag iarraidh nach ndéanfaí

De réir mar a tháinig borradh

dearmaid ar a ghaile agus ar a

agus biseach ar a shliocht, d’éirigh


leis an bhfear seo gnó a stiúradh

“Glaonn siad “Contúirt” orm toisc

d’ainneoin go raibh sé nach mór

go gcuirim eagla ar fhir. Ní thig le

neamhliteartha. Fear seiftiúil gan

bean ar bith fanacht amach uaim.

Pat de Brún

Scott Ahearn

Paul Lynam

Jonny Cosgrove

James Williamson

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19/11/2010 11:34

19/11/2010 13:00

Editorial Contributors List:

Olivia Reidy, Matthew Costello, Chris Bond, Greg Acton, Jeremy O’Hanlon, Ciarán Leinster, Timothy Potenz, Conall Devlin, Graham Luby, Conor McKenna, Róisín Sweeney, Laura McNally, Kellie Nwaokorie, Kate Brady, Daniel Nolan, David Murphy, Ciara Murphy, Simon Mulcahy, Tracey O’Connor, Ashling O’Loughlin, David McManus, Dan Binchy, Declan Hegarty, Michael Phoenix, Aonghus McGarry, Eoin Ó Cróinín, Aisling O’Grady.

Míle Buíochas: Datascope Printing (Kevin Mitchell, David Walsh, Trina Kirwan and everyone else), Emmet Farrell, Niamh Hanley (Mo Laoch), Donie O’Sullivan, Amy Walsh, Philip Connolly, James Grannell, Sam ‘Yiddo’ Eager, Jim Scully, Lorraine Foy, Dáire Brennan, Danny Lambert, Dan Daly, Aoifa Smith, Mark Hobbs, Ryan Cullen, Amanda Barton, Ciara Murphy, Conor McKenna, Ryan Cullen, Eoin Ó Murchú, Dáire Brennan, MCD (Rory Murphy and Colm Hanley).

Time for Students to Stand Up & Be Counted The action of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and Green Party leader, John Gormley, to call for an early General Election has left the country in political limbo. For this to occur with the nation in such a dire and economic situation is far from ideal, however it has now given the people of this country to vote on who should lead this country and do what is right for the nation. The time of casting your vote for the politician who will ‘fill in a pot hole’ or the person who is a friend of a friend is long gone. Now is the time to vote for the right candidate and party that will best serve, manage our great nation and get it out of this financial mess. People’s opinions will always differ on what is the best for the country, but as long as people vote on these grounds, the outcome can only be beneficial to our great nation. The responsibility and power to change this country will be back in the people’s hands when the date for the upcoming general election in early 2011 is finalised. With that in mind, it is vital for everyone with a vote to exercise their right to vote and take part in the democratic process. Sadly, students are one sector in our society that statistically is shown to be poor in exercising the use of their vote. Now more than ever, is a time to alter that particular tag of students and make a difference.

Drink Token Fiasco Highlights Weakness in SU & Class Rep System This week’s front page that a UCD student was able to get a hold of drink tokens in an off campus location and use them with ease in order to get free drink highlights many problems within the UCD Students’ Union. The first and most alarming was how the individual in question was able to trick to his way into getting a free supply of drink from on campus bars. The simplicity with which this occurred is a cause for concern, and begs the question have other students taken advantage and ‘cheated the system.’ Secondly, and most worryingly, it highlights the fact that there no record was taken of, what was essentially, surplus free drink being served. With many ‘class parties’ and after SU Council/Executive meetings ending in the student bar, it raises the question is free drink to certain groups being handed out too easily in the bar? With students footing the majority of the bill for the Students’ Union owned bar, they deserve the right to know that their money, which is even harder to earn in the current economic climate, is being used properly and is not literally just being drank away.

Apology The College Tribune would like to apologise to Ms. Bláthnaid Hughes for the use of a photo without her permission in issue five, volume 24, on the 9th of November 2010. The College Tribune would also like to clarify that the photo in question depicted the President of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), Gary Redmond, before the USI march on November 3rd 2010.

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to Lorcan Gray’s letter, or ‘manifesto’ to be more accurate, published on October 12th in which baseless and quite bizarre accusations were made against my character. Branding my argument criticising the Anti-War Movement as mere bigoted rhetoric is an obvious tactic used to delegitimise and consequently evade addressing its content. However, Mr Gray’s accusation that I am ‘Islamophobic’ simply proves his blatant ignorance of my views. Not only am I currently living with a Sudanese Muslim, one of a number of my Muslim friends, but I am also studying Arabic as part of my degree. While in Israel, I spent copious amounts of time travelling around the West Bank where I resided exclusively with Palestinian Muslims and have only fond memories of their warm hospitality and friendship. Benazir Bhutto, one of my most admired idols was, up until her untimely death, also a practicing Muslim. I’m sure that you will agree that this is all quite unusual activity for an apparent ‘Muslim hater’. I would argue that true Islamophobia is Mr Gray’s own inability to differentiate between the terrorists I described in my article, i.e. those who blew themselves up and murdered thousands of civilians throughout the decades, as opposed to the overriding majority of Muslims who do not condone such atrocities. It was with great amusement that I read of Mr Gray belief that by supporting the ‘valiant Palestinian resistance’, they would achieve a ‘free, multi-cultural state, free from religious and racial prejudice’. He also scoffed at my statement that their so-called ‘resistance movement’ was intent on creating an Islamic State. I will therefore refer to Hamas’ official charter which calls for the annihilation of the State of Israel, to be replaced by a Palestinian Islamic state in which it “strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” and establish the Quran as its constitution.The Arab press has also recognised this troubling phenomenon, Al-Arabiya reporters disclosing that they have grave concerns regarding human rights abuses following the implementation of Shariah law in Gaza. These new edicts include punishments such as execution by firing squad and hanging, as well as the amputation of limbs for petty crimes. I simply wonder why, if this is not a matter of anti-Semitism and specific targeting of the Jewish people, Mr Gray, as well as his socialist supporters and indeed the Anti-War Movement do not choose to ‘mobilise’ themselves and express similar outrage against the real problems plaguing the Middle East. It is difficult to single out one issue in the cesspit of wanton violence evident in Islamic countries, from the complete subjugation of women to the barbaric and inhumane ‘punishments’ meted out to their citizens.To pluck one example from this myriad of human rights abuses, Islamic states have been ethnically cleansing Christians for decades, denying them the right to openly practice their faith, executing converts to Christianity and oppressing them under the second class citizen status of dhimmitude. Since the Palestinian Authority took control of the West Bank, Christians have been fleeing persecution enmasse. In contrast, the apparently ‘racist’ and ‘apartheid’ state of Israel has been experiencing a huge influx in its Christian population, with a increase of 25% from 1995 to 2007, which has for over a decade outpaced the growth rate for Jews in Israel. This is without even mentioning the vast freedoms of Israeli women in comparison to their Middle Eastern counterparts, as well as Israel’s thriving gay community which contrasts starkly with neighbouring countries where those even suspected of homosexuality are ostracised and murdered by their own governments. Yet I understand that such criticism of other Middle Eastern countries is nowhere near as fashionable as Mr Gray’s current anti-Israel fetish, and, as far as I am aware, these issues do not come complete with a trendy keffiyeh. I find it quite interesting that while all parties involved have responded to my article, not one has managed to rebut my assertion that the Irish Anti War Movement is an inherently anti-Semitic organisation which supports terrorist activity. I am thoroughly unapologetic for each and every remark made in my original article, and it is with great pleasure that I will continue to be a ‘thorn’ in Mr Gray’s side. Cliona Campbell

Editor: Colman Hanley

Designer: Emmet Farrell

News Editor: Donie O'Sullivan

Deputy News Editor: Amy Walsh Sports Editor: Mark Hobbs

Music Editor: David Tracey Deputy Music Editor: Conor McKenna Fashion Editor: Aoifa Smyth

Photography Editor: Dáire Brennan Turbine Editor: Ryan Cullen Eagarthóir Gaeilge: Eoin Ó Murchú Copy Editor: Niamh Hanley Cartoonist: Dan Daly

Please Note The letter section and any letter sent to the College Tribune is solely the thoughts of the writer in question and is not necessarily the views of the paper. If you wish to send a letter to the editor, write to: The College Tribune, Students’ Centre, PO Box 74, UCD, Dublin 4.


It’s Satire Stupid!

Remembrance Day causes hysteria amongst Alzheimer’s patients Fire in Derry off-licence kills fourteen thousand Offaly minor wins right to fellate father ‘My cock only goes in One Direction’ claims Louis Walsh Sarah Jessica Parker promotes new ‘Hay and Apples’ diet Peter Andre invaded by Americans due to ‘Oily head’ For just £2 a month, African children can build a well to hide from Madonna Hitler votes for Wagner

Expenses Scandal Following last week’s report on Paul Lynam’s crack expenses, our resident reporter Sukie Bapswent delved more into the expenses scandal, the rise in fee registration and the gross mis-spending of the Students Union and university. As we all know, almost 40,000 students took to the streets to voice their opinions on the rise in registration fees across the country, with vast outbreaks of violence and the redecorating of the Department of Finance. Although in the depths of a crippling recession, many students have found that the rises in fees could be avoided by proper use of funds by the university. In my own opinion, the €50,000 given to the Observer should be wiped to force them to run independently, like the Fucking College Tribune. Paul Lynam has also again been the source of gross mis-spending after resurrecting a monument of himself in the shape of the water tower. Belgrove residences have expressed their opinion at the suspiciously named ‘Soap Bar Launderette’.

A student who may be quite homophobic, claimed “I wanted to clean my clothes....instead I got fucked.” The Students Union shop has started a scheme to generate extra revenue by giving each student a loyalty card, a card which can tell if you enter any shop other than a SU establishment, thus giving large voltage shocks causing impotence and general screaming, creating record queues under the library. On a recent survey, it was found that 77% of adults find free education a necessity after Fianna Fáil introduced their university dropout penalty. Many students question the severity of the punishment, finding getting beaten by Lenihan’s belt (while he still wore it) one step too far. Following Cowen’s infamous ‘Stand closer together to shorten dole queues’ rant, the Fuhrer has lost the confidence of 80% of students in UCD (the other 20% being Jonny Cosgrove). If Cowen plans any more cuts, may I suggest his throat and wrists.

Royal Family Prince William is to marry longterm girlfriend Kate Middleton next year. William, second in line to the throne, will marry in London next spring or summer and live in north Wales, where he is serving with the RAF (Royal Air Farce). “We are very, very, very, very, very happy,” the Prince said. He had proposed on holiday after laughing at the locals in Kenya in October, after having the previous finger surgically removed, he gave his fiancee his mother’s engagement ring. Kate Middleton has said she is devastated she never got to meet Diana. Not too long now. The news caused mixed reactions across Great Britain with many complaints about Kate Middleton’s Poshability rating, although according to Prince Philip, “There is always light at the end of the tunnel.” The news however was greeted mostly with a positive nature, with many people thanking the royal family for at last ‘spreading the gene pool’. Miss Middleton said joining the Royal Family was a “daunting prospect”, due to the

fact that she will be one of the few inbred members. When we caught up to Prince Harry after his ‘Nazi dogging party’, he said, “To be honest I am just glad she isn’t a slitty-eyed Jap.” Most of the media attention however was focused on the Queen and her reaction. After a press conference at the Clarence house, the Queen gave the following message. “Today is a great day for the royal family. The second in line from the throne has found love in the most unlikely place. Although William is to wed a Muggle, I have even organised a honeymoon trip to Paris. I have even supplied a chauffeur. LOL.” Many reporters and media fanatics have described Kate as the rebirth of Princess Diana, claiming that she also suffers from dandruff, although we haven’t found her head and shoulders in a glove compartment.

Sport uperleague

College Tribune

The College Tribune November 23rd 2010

Spurred on to Succeed With the Premiership delivering another weekend of shocks, Mark Hobbs wonders whether a 100/1 chance can spring a surprise.

highlight the worrying lack of

caused the shock of the round by

fitness found in most Superleague

winning via the dreaded shoot-out.


squads. Man of the match in this

The other penalty shoot-out came

while many will laugh at such optimism, the truth is

few weeks in UCD’s infamous

one definitely goes to Phillie ‘The

in the tie between September’s 11

runners-up Manchester United lost as often as sixth

that with the traditional top four at a relatively low ebb,

Superleague. The


Ram’ Daly who scored one and ran

and the Back Door Bouncers. The

place rivals Manchester City, and fourth placed Spurs

there may never be a better time for this Spurs team to

campaign got underway and the

the Rovers’ defence ragged all game.

Bouncers held the lead for long

lost more than a quarter of their games, yet three of

reach the next level.

first round produced some classic

The result means that not only did

periods, but despite a near-heroic

the teams below them lost fewer. The draw, it seems,

Redknapp told BBC Radio 5 Live’s Sportsweek

cup-ties with the always exciting

Hilltown move ahead of Rovers

performance from Robert Macken,

is going out of fashion. While earlier in the previous

programme: “I think it’s open, I’m not saying we will

penalty shoot-out even necessary in

in the table, they climbed all the

managed to concede and then

decade, championships were decided by long unbeaten

win it. We’re probably a 100-1 shot still, but it’s more

some cases. First though to this past

way up to fifth place. Other teams

eventually lose out on spot kicks.

runs - such as the “invincible” Arsenal team of 2003/04

open than it’s been for years because Manchester United

week’s league fixtures.

may have games in hand, but The

At the time of writing, Cypress

and the Chelsea team of the following season that

and Chelsea are not on a completely different level to the


Hilltown Boys are looking strong.

Hull, Toke City, The Old Sleaze,

only met defeat once - the champions of the past four

chasing pack. They’re dropping points, and if someone

Absolute Gents (who as you might

The League cup, the first of the

Sporting Students, Football Friends

seasons have found a team too good on at least four

can take advantage of that and have a good run, there’s

expect, are anything but) beat

two Superleague cups kicked off

and Red Star Belfield all have zero

occasions. This can only be a good trend for fans of

no reason somebody else can’t do it this year.”

Dyslexia United in a poor game

this past fortnight. The cups offer

points in their respective leagues.

open, competitive football.

The passion and belief that his players showed when

that was more notable for the Gents’

teams a different route to glory,

One or both of Red Star Belfield

This season, it seems, is continuing the pattern. Chelsea,

2-0 down, away from home to their fiercest rivals,

brand new purple jerseys than

who have been frequently described as “unstoppable”

highlights that Redknapp’s assessment is not just idle

and teams that are struggling in

and the Old Sleaze will no longer

by the usual talking heads on Sky Sports, suffered their

talk; his players have the character and ability to at

any of the football. Credit where

their leagues still have the chance

have to carry this burden though as

fourth defeat of the season in Birmingham last season.

least challenge for honours. If they can do what the

credit is due though, the Gent’s

for redemption by putting together

the two are set to face off. What

There is definite evidence that the Premier League is

traditional super-powers have so far failed to do, and

totally dominated the contest and

a good cup run.

In most cases

odds on a 0-0 draw in this one? Any

subject to a levelling effect at the moment, and this

put together a string of victories, the sky is the limit for

thoroughly deserved their 2-0 win.

though, the in-form league teams

team who remains without points

is excellent news for a league that, in many ways, was

‘Arry’s Lilywhite army. It is high time that a new threat

The Gents now move to within a

sailed through to the next round.

will from now on be referred to as

beginning to lose its drama and romance. Before their

demonstrates that the big guns are there to be shot at.

point of the league leaders Bean

However this was not the case in

‘pointless team’ in match reports.

FC and have a game in hand. All

the game between H-Bam and The

The fight not to be the last team left

eyes are now on Bean’s upcoming

Usual Yusspects. H-Bam have been

without a point is well and truly on!

Monday night fixture against Los

flying high at the top of Premier

Playeros on Astro 1.

Saturday whilst The Usual Yusspects

Staying with Division 1, The

have had a disappointing campaign

Hilltown Boys came from a goal

in division 1 thus far with just

down to comfortably beat Callary

seven points from six games. The

Rovers 5-1 on the GAA astro,

two teams played out a brilliant

the width of which never fails to

3-3 draw before The Yusspects

Greg Acton

One thing has become clear from the past few seasons;

game away to Arsenal this week, Harry Redknapp

it’s okay to lose. That is, of course, as long as a winning

(pictured) told his players that they can win the title, and


sequence compensates soon afterwards. Last year’s







Saturday, The

Clubhouse Mark Hobbs

Sports Scholarship Recipients Announced At a reception on campus last Friday, UCD President Hugh Brady announced the names of the 28 first year scholarship students for the year 2010/2011. Among those to recieve the honour this year were three of Kilkenny’s minor All-Ireland winning team, James Gannon, James Hoyne and Cathal Kenny. The Young

Hurler of the Year for 2009, Noel McGrath (pictured) was also named, and was part of Tipperary’s succesful senior panel this term. Other recipients include Irish U-20 rugby player Alex Kelly, international swimmer Niamh O’Sullivan, and Irish hockey’s Jessica McMickian. Some of Ireland’s best known sports figures are former UCD sports scholars including current international rugby players Brian O’Driscoll, Paddy Wallace, Robert Kearney and Fergus McFadden, athletes Derval O’Rourke and Joanne Cuddihy, gaelic footballers Alan Brogan, Paul Griffin and Rena Buckley and international golfers Peter Lawrie and Shane Lowry.

UCD Sailing Squad Finish Fourth in Cork The Irish Team Racing Championship in Schull Co. Cork saw UCD’s six strong team finish fourth, the highest rank of any Irish based university . Hosted by Irish Team Racing Association (ITRA) and the Fastnet Marine Outdoor Education Centre, many teams were eager to gain some experience at the location; whiuch is due to host the 2011 Team Racing World Championship. The British team “Spinnaker” won the event overall, the “George Knights” took the Irish title. A thirdfourth place play-off was raced between UCD and the “Super Troopers” ; the same team UCD faced in the final of the ITRA Eastern event the previous weekend. Close racing brought the ‘best of three’ play off to the third and final race, and while UCD were in control for the most part, the “Super Troopers” converted to a win before the finish line and with that, UCD’s hopes of returning home with Bronze ISA medals from the event were dashed. The team gained invaluable experience racing at the Irish Nationals against the best teams in Ireland and Britain, and their their training will now be directed towards the Irish University Intervarsity event in March of next year. UCD team: Simon Doran and Sharon Quigley, Barry McCartin and Anne Collins, Nick Harger and Katie Curtin.




Irish Pride No Match for Kiwi Skill In the aftermath of Ireland’s loss to World Cup favourites New Zealand, Patrick Fleming draws some conclusions from a game that provided as many questions as it did answers As the final whistle blew and the haze of battle lifted from the esteemed Ballsbridge grounds of the Aviva Stadium, fans and pundits alike quickly found themselves engulfed in a different haze: a haze of ambiguity. Ireland had been beaten – and quite comfortably so – by the All Blacks, but as definitive as the 38-18 score line would seem, there was no narrative anybody could find to fit the spectacle which had played out before them. To begin with, by no means was this a poor performance by the Irish. It was high tempo, hard hitting and skilful rugby. It was the kind of rugby where high risk play was rewarded and the two dimensional, forward bombardments which epitomized the performance against Samoa were left out of the playbook altogether. It was something resembling the “total rugby” everybody had hoped for. Ireland’s first try typified this transformation. Recognizing this, many would have come to the snap conclusion that it was a relative success for Irish rugby. The words “proud” and “brave” in particular were two which could have been thrown around just a little too liberally in the immediate

aftermath. It took the ever sober and pragmatic Declan Kidney, however, to put the post match optimism back into the context of a sporting competition, “But we still lost.” Not even the ‘half glass full’ Tracey Piggott could get him to think otherwise. Possibly without knowing it, Kidney’s words revived an old question in Irish rugby, a question which has lain dormant for a while, at least since Ireland’s Grand Slam performance almost two years ago. That question is, is it acceptable for Ireland to be merely the loveable underdog? Once upon a time, the underdog status was Ireland’s bread and butter. We thrived off of giant killings and taking the arrogant Englands and Frances of the world down a notch. But with 2009’s achievements and all of the successes which Ireland had accomplished at both club and national level over the last half decade, we had moved passed those petty goals and aimed for bigger things. Chiefly among these new aims was to be able to take on, and even beat the likes of New Zealand. Why so, then, should we accept (let alone praise) a twenty point defeat

to them? After all, even despite Ireland’s drastic overhaul for the better, the gulf between the two sides was enormous. While Ireland had something resembling “total rugby,” the All Blacks had the real thing. Their attacking play was flawless and clinical. Probably one of the most remarkable aspects of their play was how indistinguishable backs and forwards were in open play, with each and every player graced with pace, power and the ability to make the most delicate offloads in tight situations. One moment in particular during the game which most exemplified this gulf was when Eoin Reddan made a break off of a beautifully played, pre rehearsed loop move. With 30 metres to go, one All Blacks defender to beat and his winger outside him he tried an ill advised chip which was blocked down easily. The poise necessary to complete that move was just not within Reddan’s capacity. Meanwhile, the All Black’s took their chances with a clinical prowess that makes it impossible to doubt their status as the greatest rugby nation on Earth, even against a defence as organised and tenacious

as Ireland’s was. When New Zealand barged over for their first try, few could have denied that it had been inevitable. Worse still in Irish minds was the timing; it once again proved the old truth that just before half time is the worst time to concede. Sure enough, the proverbial floodgates opened once the second half started and the rest was a master class. Not much more needs to be said really as Ireland got shown unequivocally what top class

to get back in the fight. But even at that, it was less the flow and continuity which led to their first try that was dictating their play this time around. Rather, their ability to hold on to the ball longer was the product of a more conservative, forward centred style; something that was a little closer to the Samoa and South Africa performances. Even O’Driscoll’s try was the product of the captain’s ability to pick up the pieces of a seemingly

rugby should look like. Sure Ireland regained composure

broken down play. There was certainly a lot to be

positive about, but at this stage it’s almost a cliché to say that about an Irish performance, especially when it accompanies an Irish defeat. Until we begin looking for more than just “spirited performances,” and instead start looking for results on the scoreboard, Ireland cannot hope to reach its potential. Declan Kidney made it clear post match that the results need to improve, as did Brian O’Driscoll. It’s about time we start backing them up and stop giving them excuses.

Poor-tune for Marian Following a disappointing 92-78 defeat to Cork’s Neptune, UCD Marian Captain Conor Meany spoke to Mark Hobbs After suffering a heavy defeat in a game that they had a realistic chance of winning, UCD Marian’s captain and stalwart Conor Meany was understandably frustrated at his team’s performance, “We were very slow to start again going down by eleven points in the first quarter. In many ways it was similar to our last away game to DCU. We left ourselves too much of a gap so that when we made a run in the second half we only got it back to four before they closed out the game. We can’t afford to give any team in the league that sort of lead before we start playing.” “Unfortunately there was not much to draw on. It was hugely disappointing and hopefully we can learn from the whole experience and move forward from it into next weeks game

and into the next couple of weeks, which will have a large say on whether we make the playoffs or not.” While the students have played well at points and taken some notable scalps, they have also met with unlikely defeats such as at home to Belfast Star two weeks ago. Inconsistency has been their hallmark this season. “I wouldn’t say I’m satisfied at all (with the season).We’ve been hugely inconsistent.” “Admittedly we’ve had a lot of injuries in the first month, but from game to game we haven’t been able to give a consistent effort we are either very good or quite sloppy. James Crowder has been good so far giving us a consistent scoring threat and having Barry Glover back is a big help. Hopefully as he gets more used to us and we get

used to him we’ll be able to get much better during the year.” The team’s immediate aim is to qualify for the play-offs, but if they are to find their form and go all the way, who is the team to beat? “Without doubt Killester are the team to beat. They have an amazing squad with strength and dept all over. They have probably the best Irish player in Paddy Kelly and the best American in Jermaine Turner. That being said we’ve played them well over the last couple of years so I honestly believe that we can beat them if we play well.” UCD Marian will attempt to atone for their defeat this Saturday, they host an eagerly anticipated meeting with north city rivals DCU Saints in the Sports Centre.

November 23rd 2010

The College Tribune

| 19

Freshers’ Hurler Fall to UCC UCD 0-14 UCC 1-17 Conall Devlin The UCD Freshers’ Hurling Firsts bowed out of the Freshers’ All Ireland League last Monday night after a six-point defeat to favourites UCC on campus. It was a game that the Munster men never had to chase, as the home side were unable to outmanoeuvre an imperious Cork half-back line and clinical forward line. The Rebels came out of the blocks that bit faster on what was a freezing winter’s evening. An outstanding score from Tipperary All Ireland U21 winner Barry Kelly proved an ominous sign for the Students in the opening minute, while Waterford minor Paudie O’Mahony was instrumental at centre forward, despite the best efforts of Jack Kelly, Joe Lyng and UCD captain Matt O’Hanlon. A 0-8 to 0-3 UCC lead after 20 minutes was slowly but surely chipped away, as UCD saw their

most sustained period of pressure in the game either side of half time. Scores from Bernard Furlong, Cathal Kenny, and a fine effort over the left shoulder of John Bergin gave the Belfield men some inspiration going into the break. Moreover, after the restart, a further point from Bergin, an unbelievable effort from centre back O’Hanlon from the sideline on the ‘65’, and some fine free taking from Kenny saw proceedings all square at 0-11 apiece. Unfortunately for the UCD men though, that was as close as they came. The contest became a dead ball affair, with persistent fouling from both teams putting pressure on respective free takers to keep the scoreboard ticking over. O’Mahony was again the catalyst for UCC, coolly slotting over 0-5 from all angles in the final quarter. The killer blow, however, came after

50 minutes when UCC’s corner forward latched on to a sideline ball from wing half back Kelly, turned the Students’ corner back Jack Kelly on the ‘21’, before unleashing a low strike under the reach of keeper Phillip Murphy into the net. Despite late pressure, UCD failed to reduce the deficit in the closing stages. Frees from Kenny were cancelled out by the on-form O’Mahony. Lyng, O’Hanlon, Kenny and Brendan Furlong were notable performances in the defeat, and speaking after the game, captain O’Hanlon reflected: “UCC had the cutting edge up front. Whoever got the goal was going to win the game – that was the type of match it was.” UCD go to back to the drawing board now, with the target being success in the Championship in the New Year. UCD: Phillip Murphy, Jack Kelly, James Hyne, Joe Lyng, Cillian Moffat, Matt O’Hanlon,James Gannon, Cathal Kenny, Brendan Barron, Sean Lyster, Ross Kelly, J.J. Ryan, John Bergin, Bernard Furlong, James McMahon.

Surf Club Makes Waves in UCD With the surf season well and truly upon us, Laura Hogan talks to the Surf Club’s Declan McCourt to find out a little more about the fast growing group. Now in its eleventh year of

put on making sure each individual

club has travelled to Portugal, going

the coastline and with freezing cold

The page is regularly updated with

operation, the Surf Club boasts

understands how the competition is

north one year and south the other.

temperatures, surfers “need to be

information regarding upcoming

over 360 members with numbers

run and where they can score their

These trips give members the

sure” of what they are doing.

events and what’s going on

constantly on the rise. It is one


opportunity to experiencing surfing

New members are always welcome

in general.

of the more popular clubs and

This competition is always “great

on foreign soil and are always

to join the Surf Club and McCourt

In addition to following the surf

welcomes both beginners and those

craic”, where beginners and those

thoroughly enjoyable.

urged anyone who wants to get

club on facebook, you can also join

with experience. When McCourt

with more experience alike can

Last week’s storm created some

involved to check them out on

the clubs mailing list by emailing

joined the club he had surfed

compete in their own categories.

fantastic waves, which were quickly

facebook at:

them at:

previously but without the proper

Usually the club manages to “bring

nicknamed ‘Prowlers’, off the west

surf gear, he felt that the club and

home a prize or two” and last

coast. McCourt talks of how it is

its members helped him to “really

year one of the beginners “won a

very important to always put safety

get started.”

surfboard” when he came second in

first when surfing and “know your

When asked about the training

his competition.

own ability.” He talks of how there

regime, he talks of how it is, “very

The club tries to organise a number

are many safety precautions to take

difficult” to schedule training due

of trips each year to places such

when surfing in conditions similar

to the location on the east coast.

as Lahinch and Bundoran. So far

to those that were seen last week.

Swimming is one activity he insists

this semester there have been three

Surfers will work in teams of four

helps with fitness and all members

trips and McCourt hopes to plan

in conditions like these. The way

are encouraged to swim as often as

the same amount, “if not more”, for

this works allows one to surf at a

possible to keep fit. Members are

next semester. These trips are vital

time with the others looking on in

also given the opportunity to take

in order for members to get in some

case the person should need their

a National Beach Lifeguard course

real surfing practice as locations


which has been newly organised by

along the west coast of Ireland are

McCourt stressed how surfing in the

the club.

ideal for surfing. While these trips

winter months is very different to

Training is of course especially

are obviously very important, the

surfing during the summer months.



club leader says it is also necessary

He was keen to emphasise that

McCourt talks of

to keep things “affordable” for

things can be extremely dangerous

the preparations that must go in to


if “hazardous conditions” are not

getting ready for the Intervarsity

In addition to trips organised


Championships which will be held

within Ireland, the club also tries to

is calm with “very little surf ” to

in February. Not only are members

organise “at least” one trip abroad

speak of. In comparison, during

urged to keep fit, there is also a focus

each year. The past two years the

the winter months, storms batter



Usually the summer

Soccer ››

Basketball ››

page 17

Interview on page 18

UCD Marian’s Conor Meaney

Can Spurs challenge for honours?

College Tribune

The College Tribune November 23rd 2010


UCD Reign Supreme in Leinster Cup

UCD 24 St. Mary’s College


Declan Hegarty

play, poor handling and continuous infringements at

the adverse weather conditions making life difficult

up, Grannell picked the ball from the back of the ruck to

the breakdown by both sides, leading to a high penalty

for both sets of backs. Nonetheless, UCD out-half

drive his way over the line, sparking scenes of jubilation

count. UCD out-half James Thornton opened the

Thornton proved successful with another penalty

amongst the UCD support, and left St. Mary’s ruing

scoring after nine minutes, having missed a previous

attempt as he tied the game. However, on 53 minutes,

what might have been.

opportunity. After UCD drew first blood, Mary’s began

St. Mary’s winger Paul Gillespie scored an excellent

Notable performances for UCD on the day was

Those brave enough to bear the bleak November

to exert their early dominance on the game, with centre

individual try, picking the ball up from just outside

blindside flanker Danny Kenny, fly-half James Thornton,

weather were in for a treat, as UCD denied St. Mary’s in

Mark Sexton proving dangerous.

the Belfield men’s 22 before touching down. The

and outside centre and captain Andy Cummiskey.

what turned out to be a thrilling finish in Donnybrook.

During the first half UCD’s defence excelled and it was

conversion was slotted over by the consistent Dunne.

The students came into the game on the back of a close

24 minutes into the half before the men from Rathmines

UCD clawed three points back from the boot of

UCD scorers: James Thornton (4 pens, 1 con) ,Tom

fought encounter with Blackrock - likewise St. Mary’s

got their name on the scoreboard, courtesy of a penalty

Thornton, but Mary’s struck again in the 65th minute,

Fletcher (1 try), Shane Grannell, (1 try).

had to dig deep against Belvedere to win a place in the

by fly-half Gavin Dunne. St. Mary’s created the best try

with substitute Mark Donnellan evading the UCD


scoring chance of the half, when impressive back play

defence to touch down under the posts. The resulting

UCD: Michael Twomey, John Conroy,Andy Cummsikey,

In a game where both teams on the whole were evenly

created an overlap; however the final pass failed to go

conversion left the game at 20-9, and it looked ominous

Dave Mc Sharry, Tom Fletcher; James Thornton, Shane

matched, it was UCD’s refusal to accept what seemed

to hand ,with winger Ronan Doherty looking certain

for the Students.

O’ Meara; John Lee, David Doyle, Brian Hall; Brian

like a probable loss that proved decisive. A last gasp try

to score. After 32 minutes the students were dealt a

On 70 minutes, UCD got five points back. After patient

Cawley, Shane Grannell; Danny Kenny, Richie Bent,

from second row Shane Grannell and a conversion from

blow when second row Brian Cawley was sin-binned,

build-up play, the students created an overlap on the left

Kevin Croke.

fly half Shane Thornton broke St. Mary’s hearts as the

penalised for the use of hands in the ruck. The resulting

wing, which allowed Tom Fletcher to expertly finish.

final whistle blew and ensured the Leinster Cup was on

penalty was again converted by Dunne, giving Mary’s a

Mary’s extended their lead once more with a penalty,

Subs used: Kieron Moloney, Keelan Mckenna, Rob

its way to Belfield.

half time lead 6-3.

but the momentum had turned heavily in the Students’

Shanley and Michael Cawley.

The opening minutes were overshadowed by scrappy

The second half began in the same vein as the first, with

favour. After some near misses and with time running

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